#Marian Symbolism
seekingtheosis · 2 months
Mother Mary as Aaron's Rod: Unveiling the Theological Symbolism and Patristic Teachings
Explore the profound symbolism of Mother Mary as Aaron's Rod in our latest blog post! 🌸✨ Delve into the rich theological and spiritual insights of the Oriental Orthodox tradition, where the Virgin Mary is celebrated as the life-bearing vessel who brought
In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus We have been walking along the 15 days Lent also known as the Fast of the Dormition of the Mother of God or the Assumption Fast, which is a period of fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection observed by Oriental Orthodox Christians in preparation for the Feast…
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random-brushstrokes · 2 years
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Marian Wawrzeniecki - Death Appeases Everyone (1898)
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the-evil-clergyman · 7 months
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A Fairytale about the Princess and the Dragon by Marian Wawrzeniecki (1904-08)
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Appreciation for the continuity of the scar on Guy's face from Marian's wedding ring
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fideidefenswhore · 1 month
An old man representing 'Time' emerged from a cave [...] followed by his daughter 'Truth'—an unsubtle reference to Queen Mary's motto, 'Truth the Daughter of Time'. In Truth's hands was an English translation of the Bible that had been banned during Mary's reign. When Truth presented this to the new queen, Elizabeth kissed it reverently and thanked the city for its gift. The symbolism could not have been more obvious: the reformed faith, championed by Anne and adopted by her daughter, had triumphed.
Borman, Tracy. 2023. Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I : The Mother and Daughter Who Forever Changed British History.
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persephoneggsy · 2 years
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post da2, marian hawke gets a tattoo 
white gardenias represent purity, sweetness, and peace; pink gardenias represent beauty and a fresh start. coincidentally, she associates many of these things with a certain chantry-brother-turned-prince.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
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Marian Wawrzeniecki’s swastika signatures
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stjohncapistrano67 · 2 years
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A Traditional Catholic image of the Marian symbol and the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
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astrogre · 9 months
Venus Conjunct Mars in each Sign
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I noticed that Cancer Venus conjunct Mars are LOVED and protected by so many, like the people in their life see them as someone who must be protected at all costs because they’re so “precious”. The people around them may behave as if they’re bodyguards to this native, if any harm were to occur around them they’d rush to protect them like a little sister/brother. Usually these people have a good reputation of being sweet in their personal circles and individually are deemed acceptable by society. Honestly this placement gives princess treatment from the people in your life, especially those under the themes of the house it’s in.
E.g Zendaya, Keanu Reeves
I think in general Venus conj Mars can bring an influx of opposing blessings of the themes of the sign its in, it can show where you have a high concentration of passionate appreciate/admiration. Like I said with cancer, it makes native highly protected (Marian trait of cancer), and cared for (Venusian trait of cancer). This was originally supposed to be an Astro observation but I wanted to talk about this more.
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Aries Mars conjunct Venus makes those around them feel inspired and intimidated of the native, also noticed that they’re dominators of their fields and that’s usually where that sense of intimidation/fear others have for them come from. Despite this those around them know that they can’t outdo the native. You guys are like a monopoly company, you already have all the shares. People may get up in the morning in your name so that they can one day be on the same battlefield as you. It’s not that people want to outdo you but it’s more is that people know you’re so accomplished that they want to compete at the same level.
E.g Christiano Ronaldo, Queen Victoria (yes the one responsible for British empires colonialism), Napoleon III, Lupita Nyong’o.
Taurus Venus conj Mars makes those around the native feel good about themselves like the Taurus native is a trophy wife in a way, they can be seen as the ideal person to be with like the diamond of the season in Bridgerton terms. To be around them not only feels good but is also a status symbol, a bragging right. You feel spoiled to be around them. They treat those around them good, they’re the kind to pay for the entire tables food and say “it’s on me tonight, it is my pleasure”. These people are also very much well looked after by those around them because of this placement, others feel like they just deserve it
E.g Kanye West, Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Jessica Alba
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Gemini Venus conj Mars causes those around the native to feel giddy, excited, like they have a high school crush on the native and are wiling to escape anywhere with them on command, people feel like they are being energised around you but also a sense of conflict around you too, it’s as if the people around the native views the native as overwhelming at times. People may view you as fun and always full of good ideas but also after a while it just gets too much for them since there is a lot of energy here. You’re able to attract anyone with this placement but just don’t be surprised for people to turn their backs on you after that high is over for them. Honestly I have seen this placement manifest as an influx of stardom and connections all for those same connections to just say “meh” when asked about their opinion of the native overtime. Despite all this they ALWAYS remain popular.
Eg. Wendy Williams, Charli D’Amelio, Naomi Campbell, Mike Tyson, Dwayne Johnson, Boris Johnson
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Leo Venus conj Mars is celebrated and uplifted, people around the native encourage and celebrate them, they’re glorified for the bare minimum, everything they do just seems like it is crafted to perfection by the gods and they’re treated like celebrities, royalty, like they’re better than everyone else,like the teachers favourite class pet, they can also make those around them feel like they want to be the top dog and take their position, that’s why because of this they can have many impersonators since people want to take their fame and glory, they want to be praised and put on a pedestal like these natives. You guys are seen as the prodigies, main characters or whatever you want to call it. People around you just think you have it good and want a slice.
E.g Amy Winehouse, Playboi Carti, Riley Reid, Monica Bellucci, Daniel Radcliffe, Donald Glover, Emily Ratajkowski
Virgo Venus conj Mars are likely to receive support too but a different kind, more like mentors, teachers. I think these people get tough love, if they put in the bare minimum they won’t get away without being hounded for it. People around these natives always want to help them and give constructive criticism so they can become better, people see them to be competent, they may also be perceived as a modest, the people around them may treat them with respect with politeness, honestly the way a butler would behave to its child client is how these natives are treated. Alfred Batmans Butler comes to mind when I think of how they’re treated and how they’re seen by others.
E.g. Austin Butler, Blake Lively, Bruno Mars, Amber Rose, Joe Jonas, Wiz Khalifa
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Libra Venus conj Mars are romanticised but not in a dreamy way but in a “trendy” manner, think of Libra being a ruler over Venus and the detriment to Mars already makes the native treated by others in a way that perhaps they’re not taken seriously, they may be undermined just down to their looks or physical appeal but they’re given compliments, treated like a delicacy like chocolate. You’re the treat. They have an undeniable appeal to them but it’s so soft no matter how big, how tall, how unattractive, how masculine they are, they always have this softness to them that makes them liked by their peers. People might even treat these natives like they’re dating them or something. They are highly sought after in terms of relationships due to their romantic aura. For some reason those around the native may feel that their energy screams girlfriend/boyfriend material.
E.g Freddie Mercury, Kobe Bryant, Adam Driver, Future
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Scorpio Venus conj Mars have this intense intimidating but sultry air to them. They’re treated like the way a dog treats its owner with treats. People may submit to them and do what they want in order to get something out of them and also because they know if they don’t there may be consequences. They can make people feel uncomfortable because of their intensity, almost as if they’re being seen through. People can also feel uncomfortable with the energy these natives surround themselves with .Natives can have strange company around them or they themselves ARE the strange company, usually their love interests are villains or are seen as victims of the natives. Venus is in detriment here so these people aren’t treated very soft, they don’t need to say anything in a room but it just feels intense because of them. There may be more darker levels of adoration for these people like lust and envy, even a lack of compassion. They’ve probably been stalked or harassed once in their life.
E.g. Leonardo Di Caprio, Finn Wolfhard, Joe Biden, Greta Thunberg, Sydney sweeny, Bruce Lee, Joaquin Phoenix, Jimin
Sagi Venus conj Mars are treated like a compass on the ocean, you guys are the good luck, people think you have such interesting philosophy and may also treat you like you are the wise one. Like the way a child asks a question to a magician expecting them to pull an answer out of their ass, you guys have an expectancy to bewilder others. Treated with openness, like anything you do is a whatever thing, people don’t expect conformity from you. You guys are admired for the straightforwardness you have in your life. People allow you to be you. These natives are the risk takers they’ll just be like “fuck it!@“ and do something like jump in a pool. People treat you with honesty, they just tell you what they think of you and your behaviour sometimes giving unwarranted advice to you. In general others may think you’re a little silly as well as if you don’t take life seriously for what it is.
Eg Bella Thorne, Kendall Jenner, Hayao Miyazaki
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Capricorn Venus conj Mars are treated like the owners of the place. Think of the eldest sibling, the first grandchild, the first one who graduated in the entire lineage. They are treated like THE standard, the blueprint, used as an example of what “to be”, the one in charge, the one you have to convince. People look up to them not in admiration or desire, but in respect and authority. Others treat this native with practicality and formal courtesy, they won’t use slang around this person but may even address them with honorifics that explain their status. They’re most likely to have the blue tick on social media, they are the establishment. Those around them may also be conservative because of their nature. People don’t want to say anything stupid around you because they know it can affect their status and your response would make them feel foolish too. The people around you may treat you like they’re a contestant on dragons den and you are the investor judge. People might even stammer because of you, they really don’t want to embarrass themselves
E.g. Walt Disney, Brad Pitt, Jim Carrey, The weeknd, bjork, Neymar, Mads Mikkelsen, Prince Andrew, Avan Jogia
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Aquarius Venus conj Mars people around them act like fans, followers. People always want to know your next ideas they could read, listen or watch whatever it is you’re doing because it’s so unique to them. Others are fascinated by your ideas and intellect. Honestly I’d even say that’s how you can get someone in bed that’s your magic charm. People also just feel like they have been friends with you for a while even if they just met because your humanitarian spirit comes through. MANY have a friend crush on you (really want to be your friend). People with this placement also are very independent thinkers, they don’t base their ideas on standard but rather on their own unique perspective. You can make others see things they hadn’t noticed there before. You bring what is under the ground to the table. Imagine a prehistoric man bringing home the tribe cow milk after playing with its udders and showing how them how it can be a source of calcium. You guys have strange solutions and you do it for the sake of others.
E.g Hozier, Harry Styles, Zoella- Zoe Sugg
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Pisces Venus conj Mars you guys are the dreamy ones people idealise you so much like oh “______?? They could never do no wrong” people are very sensitive and compassionate towards you and those around you love your creativity, how you’re able to just bring something poetic and meaningful to this world. You’re the person a stranger would start crying and pouring out to on a bench next to a park at 7am due to the nurturing presence you have. Those around you may always feel safe around you and they can trust you, natives with this placement gain mass trust by those who are vulnerable and they too can be vulnerable themselves. There is strength in their weakness, their ability to appear so tender can allow them to be non-judgmental and have power over others because they are not being opened up to. They show people the strength in playing small. You make people wooed by your kindness and care for others, no matter how disingenuous it may be.
E.g. Heath Ledger, Vincent Van Gogh, Jeffrey Epstein 💀, J.Cole, Machine Gun Kelly, Lewis Hamilton, Mac DeMarco
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seekingtheosis · 2 months
Mother Mary: The Veil of Solomon's Temple
🌟 Discover the Mystical Role of Mother Mary: The Veil of Solomon's Temple 🌟 Join us on a profound journey into the heart of Christian theology as we explore the rich symbolism of Mother Mary as the "veil of Solomon's Temple."
In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus This post is part of an ongoing series reflecting on Mary and her role in Christian theology. As we walk along the 15 days lent towards the Feast of the Dormition of the blessed Theotokos, we have been trying to understand and learn more about the blessed…
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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(VI) The Lovers The Lovers Card in Tarot The Lovers card is numbered 6 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This is a card of unity, abundance, the marriage of opposites, and two forces coming together as one.
Now this card is not just one that refers to romantic love, as it can also refer to any two forces being alchemized into one. It is the ultimate card of cooperation in reaching a shared goal! Often it can be interpreted as the coming together in partnerships within other non-romantic areas of life, such as the union between partners in work, in creative endeavors, or in a deep bonding of friendship! I personally find this card of the Lovers to be almost as much about learning how to balance forces as the Temperance card. In this case, that balance is not about tempering or moderating, as with Temperance, but instead a balance of two opposite but equal aspects within life. It can even be interpreted as two opposite but equal forces within a single person, the querent. This works with the balance of masculine and feminine energy, which all of us have within, much like the yin-yang symbol!
The energy of the Lovers card can be associated with Beltane in the Wheel of the Year. Beltane is a time of sexuality, abundance, new or renewed romance, the blessing of the land with fertility (often through the sexual unions of humans in an act of sacred sexuality), and a common time for hand-fasting. I strongly feel that this association with Beltane fits very well with the Lovers card, which in many decks, especially those that are more Celtic-based, we see depictions of lovers in gorgeous spring fields or woodlands with hand-fasting cords twined around their wrists! Two great examples of this style of Lovers card are in The Arthurian Tarot by John and Caitlin Matthews, where it is called the White Hart card, and The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan and John Matthews, in which it is called the Forest Lovers and features the image of Robin and Maid Marian in a hand-fasting around a tree!
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onefleshonepod · 3 months
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ID: A digital collage of "The High Priestess” tarot card as the Body from the Locked Tomb series. The card depicts the Body as a ghostly figure with both arms raised, dressed in a diaphanous blue-white robe, standing on a large crescent. In her left hand is a sword. In her right hand is a scroll. She is crowned with the headdress of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, a red sun disc with cow horns. At the top is another representation of the Body reaching out of a river, from Mermaids by Arthur Rackham. In the background is the Bird and Pomegranate pattern by William Morris. Behind that, providing the abstract landscape, is Avignon by Ralph Hotere, an influential Māori artist. The image of the Body is from Allegory with a Woman by Luděk Marold. The left side of the card shows the upright meaning of The High Priestess and reads, “Inner Voice | Unconscious | Intuition | Mystery | Spiritual Insight in all caps. The right side of the card shows the reversed reading and reads “Repressed Feelings | Secrets | Hidden Motives | Cognitive Dissonance” in all caps. The base of the card reads "The High Priestess | The Body” in a retro 1970s-style font.
My goal with these tarot cards was to choose characters who embody the meanings of the cards when you think of them, to make the cards intuitive to grasp for Locked Tomb fans who might not be very familiar with tarot. Discussion below:
The Body haunting Harrow is quite literally an inner voice and a representation of Harrow’s subconscious. She’s the perfect figure for the High Priestess card. It’s hard to represent spiritual insight better than with. well. um. a spirit who is a religious figure who also provides insights. The nature of the Body is also one of the central mysteries of Harrow the Ninth.
Regarding the reversed meanings, the Body is also emblematic of Harrow’s secret which is hidden even from herself. My personal interpretation (along with many others') is that Harrow sublimated her forgotten and repressed feelings for Gideon onto the Body throughout Harrow the Ninth.
With my visual interpretation of this card, I tried to preserve or nod to some elements of the Rider-Waite-Smith High Priestess card. As a disclaimer, the hodge-podge orientalist imagery of the RWS deck is a shameful product of its time, but the illustrations are iconic and well known, so I wanted to acknowledge them. I also wanted to use images which evoked the dark wet ghost imagery of pre-Nona art and fanon of the Body.
The RWS High Priestess, and mine, presides over two pillars, representing the balance between them. The RWS pillars can be seen as multiple different dualities (such as good and evil), but are often called are the Pillar of Establishment and the Pillar of Strength. I interpreted the left side (with the scroll) as Harrow’s path of completing the process of Lyctorhood and becoming a fully functional tool of the empire. The right side, where the Body is holding a sword, represents Wake, Gideon, and the path of heresy. Just as the High Priestess’ role is to mediate between the two extremes, the Body’s role seems to be to help Harrow on her own chosen path.
The crescent moon at the Body’s feet, in the same place as in the RWS card, is seen also in many depictions of the Virgin Mary. This is meaningful because (as has been more thoroughly discussed elsewhere) the Ninth House’s worship of the Body and the way this is viewed as heretical and idolatrous by the other Houses can be seen as a parallel to Catholics’ veneration of Mary. I tried to continue the Marian imagery from the RWS card with a subtle blue tint to the figure’s robes.
The pomegranates in the background, also a detail preserved from the RWS card, are a symbol of — well, what aren’t they a symbol of. Many things that resonate in the Locked Tomb series. Death, eternal life, Hell, being torn between two realities… I used the William Morris pomegranates because I love his prints.
Finally, the RWS High Priestess wears the headdress of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, which I kept specifically because the cow horns are perfect: the Body being the Earth and wearing the symbol of John’s first transgression against the Earth while also trying to save it. Hathor’s domain was to help souls transition to the afterlife, and she was often depicted as a cow.
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jurakan · 6 months
Fun Fact! Crosses!
I am not around, this is a queued Fun Fact! Don't send me requests! I won't see them!
Easter is coming up, so let’s talk about different kinds of crosses! You’ve probably seen most of these before, especially if you’re Catholic, but maybe you didn’t know the names!
Of course, most Christians are familiar with the Latin Cross:
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That’s the classic one, of course.
The Greek Cross, with equal lengths on each bar:
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Also a classic!
The Patriarchal Cross, which you see a lot in Orthodox churches:
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The extra bar towards the top represents the ‘INRI’ sign Pilate posted on the Cross.
The Papal Cross:
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I’m not actually sure what the deal with that one is.
The Chi Rho:
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This takes the two Greek letters, ‘Chi’ and ‘Rho’ (first two letters of ‘Christos’ in Greek), and combines them.
The Jerusalem Cross, used in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Crusades:
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I *believe* it represents how Jerusalem was believed to be the center of the world, and the crosses in the corners represent the four corners of the world? I think, anyhow.
The Tau Cross:
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Also called Saint Anthony’s Cross, as it’s associated with Saint Anthony of Egypt. It’s also got Franciscan associations!
Cross of Saint James:
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Big in Spain, obviously, where Saint James the Greater is quite popular. It’s the symbol of the Order of Santiago (Saint James).
Celtic Cross, which you see a lot in Irish stores as knick-knacks, though they’re also from Scotland and Wales:
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Obviously modeled after those stone crosses you’ll see carved in the British Isles.
The Ankh, which Coptic Christians sort of grabbed from Egypt:
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This was originally an Egyptian symbol for ‘life’, unrelated to the Cross as we know it in the original context.
The Maltese!
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The symbol of the Knights of Saint John and the Order of Hospitallers! And obviously, the island of Malta.
And the Marian Crosses:
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It combines the Latin Cross with the letter ‘M’, to emphasize how Mary was at the Crucifixion.
Hope this was something that you didn’t know!
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apilgrimpassingby · 2 months
Mary and the Cross
As you know, I'm Orthodox, so I practice Marian veneration and have for a while. But today was the day it really made sense to me - when it went from "I understand why we do this" to "Of course we do this."
I was doing some volunteer work, and the thought came to me:
Mary was the beginning of Christ's redemptive work, and the cross the climax of it. Since we extensively use the cross as a symbol, speak of it reverently, reference it prolifically in our hymns and liturgies and talk about it as "the power of God", of course we should fill our churches with pictures of Mary, talk about her reverently, reference her prolifically in our hymns and liturgies and talk about her as "the power of God."
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thethirdromana · 1 month
Hello! Do you happen to know if the light blue (Mina's ribbon from around her neck tying up her "present"/Jonathan's journal) had any significance as a color?
Oh. So initially I thought this might be a reference to the Virgin Mary, who is traditionally depicted wearing blue. I have a dim recollection that we've discussed Marian symbolism in relation to Mina on Tumblr before, but I can't for the life of me remember who or when. And I couldn't quite see how that would fit with the journal.
But then I googled a bit further, and got here:
In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant was covered in blue (or “violet”) fabric for traveling (Numbers 4:5-6). God’s Presence would “rest” on the Ark as a king sits on his throne (Exodus 25:22). When Mary agreed to be the Mother of Jesus (i.e. God), she became is living “resting place.” In art, Mary’s blue mantle signals she is the new Ark of the Covenant.
Now, I'm too Biblically illiterate to know about this connection offhand, but Bram Stoker certainly wasn't, and I'm inclined to think it would have been a deliberate choice.
A cloth of blue - or a light blue ribbon - is what you put around the most sacred thing that you have, whether that's the Ark of the Covenant, the Mother of God, or the symbol of the love between Jonathan and Mina Harker.
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