#Maine coon Price
izgnanik-a · 8 months
I’m gnawing on the bars of my enclosure again with @bluegiragi ‘s shifter AU; I present — Maine Coon!Price and red fox!Gaz.
TW: mentions of previous animal abuse and hinted PTSD
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Obviously that is not a Maine Coon but whatever..
Maine Coon!Price was a big motherfucker. He’s an old cat who knows plenty of tricks, but he’s not as spry as he once was. He’s an outdoor cat now, going from one handler to another until he decided to stay out longer than usual. He’s all scarred and dirty from brawls with other cats.
He met Red Fox!Gaz in the suburbs actually. He was skiddish and flinched to the slightest movements, known to keep a distance even when the cat rolled on his back and soaked up the dust in the road. The fox knows better than to get close to another living thing that didn’t look like itself. He came too close to death at the hands of humans.
There have been times when the fox has snapped at Price standing too close, and Price gave him his distance. But he was always close, always lingering, because the cat was always curious.
Being a natural predator, Maine Coon!Price always swatted at birds and bugs. Once there was something he could set his eyes on, he’d climb trees to snatch at the teasing things. His age was no longer a burden. He’d carry his prize down in his teeth and find that fox curled up and set it down in front of him. Tail flicking in interest, his eyes never left the sight of the fox snatching the bird and dragging it a few feet further from the cat to enjoy, licking his maw when it was done.
Red Fox!Gaz was a good hunter when it came to tracking rabbits and moles. He was less successful with catching moles, but he was an expert rabbit snatcher because he was fast. If he was generous, he’d drag it towards the Maine Coon and leave it for him to finish.
When Red Fox!Gaz got a little more comfortable around Price, he got into the habit of giving him a sniff and huffing. Despite his disliked tone, his tail will still be wagging when he sees the cat come out from under the porch.
When Red Fox!Gaz gets the zoomies, he’ll flop on his back and nip at the Maine Coon’s arms and legs. Price doesn’t like to be handled so roughly, so he’ll bite back. But Gaz can’t help it! He’s just so happy to be around the big cat!
If Gaz is sleeping or resting, the Maine Coon will come up along his side, rubbing all along his body and groom his face. The same as Gaz, Price gets little spurts of aggression and he’ll cute-aggressively bite his ears and they’ll play fight it out.
Gaz would either be a Golden Retriever or a Fox to me, he’s just a baby with those beautiful puppy eyes
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coolguyontheblock · 16 days
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Have been meanjng to draw Rupert with his cats, um this is only one of them
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purebredmiacoon · 23 days
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How Long Do Maine Coon Cats Live? – arianamaincoonkittens
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If you’re a lover of furry, endearing felidae friends, then seeing “Maine coon kittens for sale” is guaranteed to make your heart flutter. These magnificent creatures, with their bushy tails and tufted ears, are known for their rugged good looks. But what’s even more important for potential cat adopters, just like you, is understanding their lifespan. So, how long do Maine Coon cats really live?
Before we delve into the core of this subject, let’s take a moment to appreciate this breed’s history. The Maine Coon, with its unique and distinctive appearance, is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically native to the state of Maine, where it has remained a beloved symbol of the region. Intriguingly, their actual origins continue to house mystery, with various tales involving seafarers, royal pets, and even crossbreeding with wild animals. Though their past is steeped in lore and speculation, one thing is sure – they’ve been winning hearts over for centuries!
Now, let’s approach the main question: how long do Maine Coon cats live? These felines typically enjoy a lifespan ranging between 10-13 years. Nevertheless, it’s not uncommon to find Maine Coons that have comfortably sauntered past this range, reaching up to 16, even 20 years of age! In fact, the Guinness World Records includes a Maine Coon that lived a staggering 26 years!
Several factors affect this spectrum of lifespan. Nutrition and diet, healthcare, indoor vs. outdoor environment, genetics, and even the love and affection they receive, all play crucial roles. 
Proper nutrition, with a balanced cat diet, is key to ensuring their longevity. Avoid cheap grocery store cat food, choosing instead specifically formulated cat food recommended by your vet or cat breeder. A well-nourished Maine Coon is undeniably a healthier, happier one.
Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are equally important. A yearly examination will keep track of their health and can help detect and treat any emerging health issues sooner, potentially increasing their lifespan.
While these cats can enjoy roaming the great outdoors, it’s still safer for them to be primarily indoor pets. Outdoor elements can pose a risk to their health and well-being, from injury and disease to increased exposure to harmful parasites. 
Genetics also play a considerable role in their lifespan. Investing in Maine Coon kittens from reputable breeders can make huge differences. They perform necessary genetic tests to ensure they are breeding healthy cats, thus significantly reducing the likelihood of inheritable diseases.
Last but not least, love and affection! These cats return tenfold every bit of love they receive. An emotionally nourished cat is a healthy cat!
In conclusion, if what you’re looking for is a long-term furry companion, a healthy and well-cared-for Maine Coon cat can share well over a decade of its life with you, filled with moments of absolute joy and unwavering companionship. So when you see that “Maine coon kittens for sale” sign, remember that it’s not about just owning a cat. It’s about sharing your life and your love with one. The affection and care you provide is its own reward, reflected in a long, happy, and healthy life for your Maine Coon.
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white-persian-cat · 8 months
Top 11 Types of Maine Coon Cat Price in India: Craving a gentle giant with a luxurious coat? Maine Coons, the gentle giants of the cat world, beckon with their majestic size and mesmerizing fur. But be prepared for a royal price tag in India. These fluffy felines come in a dazzling array of colors, from regal white to fiery red, each with an estimated price tag of ₹50,000 to ₹2,00,000 depending on factors like color rarity, breeder reputation, and kitten pedigree. Consider adoption for a more budget-friendly option, knowing you’ll still gain a loyal, playful companion with a heart of gold (or white, or tabby…). Just remember, with a Maine Coon, love always comes in a large package.
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griddlegold · 2 years
fascinated by the people who spend ridiculous amounts on purebred kittens. like you know those things are just around right. you can scoop one up from under a bush and take it home and it's just yours now
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cod-dump · 8 months
In the Disney movie, Aristocats, there's a scene where Duchess introduces her kids/kittens to Thomas.
Thomas: Nik
Duchess: Price
Marie: Gaz
Toulouse: Soap
Berlioz: Ghost
(Graves can be Edgar idk)
Graves is an alley cat. Shepherd is Edgar (he would be the one to be overthrown by a bunch of cats).
Price being a beautiful, fluffy cat, brown fur with the tiniest kittens hiding underneath. Soap and Gaz are tabbies (both grey but different shades and visibly different markings and different fur lengths) while Ghost is a fluffy orange tuxedo.
Nik is a maine coon, massive and fluffy. He’s smitten after meeting Price and instantly adopts the boys as his own (immediately becoming their favorite dad which annoys/amuses Price).
Graves is a tom cat that comes in later to fuck up Shepherd and decides to stick around.
Laswell and her wife very happily accept their new friends into their home. Price is Laswell’s lapcat and can’t bear to tear him away from his new friends.
“Kate… your cat is gay.”
“Your cat is gay, Kate. He’s taking mirroring to a whole other level.”
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Imagine yandere sebastian with a witch darling whos physical appearence is desired by all, she’s kind, very funny but closed off. and she has 3 cats that love her very much. I feel like he would fold lowkey.
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Yandere Sebastian Michaelis x Witch Reader with Cats
You’re right he would 
Ciel comes to your residence upon reference
Looking for your expertise in objects bordering the supernatural
Only for the ‘one-eyed’ young master to sneeze himself out of your shop
“Sorry, darling my cats practically rule this property. It’s probably best you don’t come lest your allergies lead to premature death.”
“Fear not, for I will happily represent my master in his investigation. Now, is this fellow on your shoulder a Maine Coone?”
“Oh, he is! Would you like to hold him?” 
“I’d be honored!” 
You two click right away 
As avid cat lovers, Sebastian always joins you when you coo about your kittens
But aside from your love for cats, he’s bewitched 
Your beauty both inside and out unknowingly stokes the fire of his love
And when he loves he loves hard
He makes sure you know it
He refuses to pull back on his flirting 
“This is a resilient type of mineral that would fetch a high price on the black market…It also is a dazzling complement to (Y/n)’s eyes.”
“Oh uh, thanks?” “Sebastian.”
“Would you like this on a ring?”
“Apologies young master, let's continue.”
While he doesn’t hesitate to sing his praises and desires for you
He also doesn’t keep his more demonic tendencies silent either
Much to everyone’s detriment 
“Your bluntness is appalling for a noble of your stature. And I’d advise you to refrain from such vulgarity in the future…that is if you value your life.” 
Forget about anyone trying to destroy you because he’s pursuing you (Grell)
He knows who they are and as the Phantomhive butler its in his nature to be proactive about possible threats
“Now now die quietly; I can’t have my beloved witch be afraid to reciprocate my love because of you.”
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lazybakerart · 3 months
“Say cheese.” Chimney says behind his phone, taking a photo of Buck and the treat-happy Maine Coon named Roger Buck’s managed to wrestle into being rescued. Roger nearly takes Buck’s ear and does swipe a clean three cuts across his cheek—but he got old Roger, even if the price was his own face. Buck does not say cheese.  Roger does meow.
Summary: “This,” Chimney says, holding out a large, particularly boring-looking plain envelope, “Is your birthday present.”
Mr. July | AO3 | W: 11.8k | CH: 2/3 | R: E
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xaeyrnofnbe · 8 months
hi guys ummm, i may or may not have been thinking more about that riptide cat au
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first off, gillion has been added to the lineup! i think he came from a warrior cat-style society. a feral colony, that lives on a little island just off-shore. y'know? but got banished for reasons similar to in canon riptide.
and for those who haven't seen the post with just chip and jay, chip was a ship cat, but became more of a stray under cat price. jay comes from a very fancy family of show cats who have taken it upon themselves to dictate the lives of all the strays and feral cats in the area, but she ran away from it all to hang out with chip.
gillion would have washed ashore at some point, and promptly joined their little band of misfits.
their story loosely follows that of riptide but the severity of events has been toned down a ton. after all, this is a trio of cats going on adventures in and around a little seaside fishing town, not a crew of pirates travelling the world. big events like not ferin well can still occur, they'd just have to be altered significantly.
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above you'll find a rough little map i did in inkarnate, (i'm picturing the pacific northwest coast, vaguely,) and a general size ref for the three. more on them later
i think that some riptide characters are included and some are omitted. much of their crew exists as characters around the area, but a lot of people they run into are either barely involved or not there at all, as it conflicts with the setting.
so i'm thinking ollie might be another cat, whereas a character like gryffon might be a dog. queen could be a magpie. see where i'm going with this? idk. i sure don't
others could be various wild animals. for example aslana and her sisters could be a band of otters or seals.
below are the size ref images separated. just so you know the shape of em. gill is very fluffy and it's important everyone knows that. oh and for those interested, in terms of breeds jay is based on a somali, gillion a norwegian forest cat and maine coon, and chip isn't really based on anything in particular.
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soaps-mohawk · 1 month
so we got what animal would 141 men be, now it’s time for 141 boys + omega with pets- cuz why not?
Omega : A rabbit. It sorta represents omega in the way that their only defense mechanism against predators (and enemies) is running. But omega and bunny are sensitive too. Mega would buy it a cute lil harness with leash and spend 98% of her time with it, if she’s not with the boys. (Cue everyone in the barracks dying of cuteness overload)
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Johnny : a parrot 💀👍. Man would probably teach it to draw like those peeps on tiktok. BRUV would also not watch his mouth around it so now everyone is jumping out the fucking nest cuz someone (or something) decided to have a sailors mouth at 2 am.. (HC that Simon wants to throttle the bird)
Gaz: a cat. He strikes as a clean and decent guy so a cat would be nice. It cleans up after itself so Gaz doesn’t have to worry too much about it. Man would probably dress it up with bows ‘n shit..I think that the breed would be British short-hair, since Gaz won’t have the time to clean up if the breed was a longhair (eg: Maine coon). HC that cat is overprotective of the bunny-😫
Price: Old-school, gets a goldfish. Man does not have the time to spare to take care of it, just dumps the damn fish in the classic round bowl before working. But he does manage to take decent care of it, cleaning the tank regularly and feeding. Adds guppies and snails to give it company. (Doesn’t acknowledge it but bro actually gets fond of the damn thing)
Simon: this man, dog. No other animal for him than dog. I like to think that the pack gave it to him as a birthday present and…It’s a German Shepherd!! Omega found a bunch of cute bows to put on it, (Simon hates but keeps it for her sake-). They prob call it “Riley 2.0”. That dog goes everywhere where Simon goes. Bathroom, training area, outside. God forbid that you mention a walk. But like how it’s similar to Simon, that means it’s a guard dog. Follows omega and bunny everywhere, if ain’t with Simon. (HC that omega ‘n bunny get shit scared bc of the scary guard dogs hovering over them-💀👍). (Pic credit: svenny_boy on tt)
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(fun fact: the rabbit pic is acc mine, it was my old rabbit who passed after 5 months due to a heat stroke in my country.)
I agree with all of these 100%
'mega having a bunny (she's so bunny coded) yes ✔️
Johnny having a parrot that curses like a sailor? Yes ✔️
Price having a fish that he's secretly fond of? Yes ✔️
Simon having a guard dog? Yes ✔️
I love all of these so much, thank you for this!!! 💚
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followthebluebell · 1 year
I hope this isn't rude, (it definitely might be ignorant) but why is there a need for a purebred specific shelter?
Not saying they shouldn't exist but as an outsider, why did someone one day go "we should do this, but for pure breds"?
This is purely a curiosity thing, I'm sure a lot of pure breds have very specific needs like pure bred dogs end up with
tbh the most precise answer is probably 'because there's a demand for it'.
A lot of people want purebred cats. Sometimes it's out of childhood fondness ("I grew up with X breed and always wanted another..."), sometimes it's lifestyle preferences ("I'm not a very active person due to my disability, but I'd love a cat. After a lot of research, I've decided that X breed is the right choice for me"), that sort of thing. Not a lot of people want to pay breeder prices for one or they have personal morals against going to a breeder.
So people look to rescues to fill that. That's where we step in.
There aren't enough purebred cats of each breed surrendered each year to justify the existence of like, an Abysinnian specific rescue, for example. But when you take all the purebred cats as a GROUP, there's enough.
And, yeah, some breeds are fussy. Ragdolls are a bit of a genetic disaster that require a LOT of time to de-stress once they've been upset. Persians require a lot of patience for grooming and socializing to the brush/clippers. Bengals and other hybrid breeds just don't do well in shelter environments, so shelters want to shift them out QUICKLY before they begin to deteriorate and cat kennels just aren't big enough for the average maine coon.
We don't just take in purebreds, of course; we take what cats we can, often focusing on cats at immediate risk for euthanasia. But we have to be careful not to take in too many because if we go over a certain percentage, we lose some sort of funding from the government. I don't know the details. That's just what I've been told.
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Maine Coon Kittens For Sale - Ariana Main Coon Kittens
We welcome you!!!. We are situated in the US and our cattery specializes in producing Hybrid felines from our own multi-generational bloodlines. Maine Coon Kittens for sale now!
We have Maine Coon Kittens for sale from exceptional and champion bloodlines. Ariana Maine coon Kitten was established, arranged and began breeding in 2014.
Since Ariana Maine coon Kittens opened, our attributes have stayed fervent. Our cattery is going on with our objective of keeping up awe- inspiring assistance of our clients while providing genuine pets. We sell Maine coon cats at their top performance and quality.
Our Vision
Ariana Maine coon Kittens has a vision. This vision is to choose the most stunning looking Maine Coon kittens with ideal wellbeing and ably sound personality.
Since our establishment, we have kept up with this particular vision. By so doing, our cattery has managed to breed Maine coon kittens of considerable quality.
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white-persian-cat · 9 months
Maine Coon Cat Price in India: Maine Coon cat are super famous and loved all around the world. People really like them because they look different, are friendly, and have a gentle nature. They make great pets for families or anyone who loves cats. Let’s explore more about Maine Coon cats, including their history, what they look like, how they act, how much they cost, and what they need to stay healthy.
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boolger · 3 months
Okay but what kind of cat breed is Gaz?? I have Price as a British shorthair, Soap is a Scottish Fold (hehe), Ghost is a Maine coon mix but Gaz?? Idk I’m stuck between Cornish Rex or Burmilla 👀
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gonnamurdersomeone · 10 months
CoD people as cats? I think so here we go!
Someone better appreciate this I literally took 3 pages from my fucking notebook to write all this shit down
Captain John “Bravo-6” Price
I think John would definitely be an Oriental cat if not that then probably a Burmese. Smart, quick on his feet and pretty loyal seems about right.
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
I think Simon would be a Norwegian forest cat or a British Short hair.. for obvious reasons dude is a fuckin Brit through and through. I chose NFC becuase they are bigger types of cats and used to harsh climates
Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
For Gaz I chose an Abyssinian cat, they are pretty, usually have pretty eyes (like him) and are pretty smart and playful. Very Gaz coded
Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny boy would be a Scottish Fold or a Siamese cat. They are very vocal, love people and are just a joy to be around honestly. Plus they suffer from pretty boy syndrome so… yeah
Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson
Gary my baby boy, I chose an OciCat cause of his name it’s so random? I thought him being a more exotic and weird cat would fit his aesthetic. Very pretty cats too!
General Hershel Shepherd
Fucking hell I hate this dude and for that I gave him a Sphynx cat, they are mean, bald and bossy as fuck. Sound about right for mister Shepherd no?
I want to kill him
Kate “Watcher-1” Laswell
Kate one of my favorites! She would definitely be an American Curl. Very pretty cats with a unique personality and it just fits her. That or a Bombay cat I couldn’t choose
Nikolai “Gaz fell out of the helicopter again”
Nik our lovable transportation buddy, of course he would get a Russian blue there is no need to elaborate here he would be a Russian blue. Very cool cats ngl
Farah “Kilo Actual” Karim
She is so pretty and such a girl boss istg. But I’m giving the Bengal cat or an Ural Rex very curly hair and just very funny kitties, I think it fits her
Alex “Echo 3-1” Keller (Jr Price fr)
Pretty boy gets a pretty cat!!! He gets to be a Manx cat cause of the no tail (and his one leg) nahh jokes aside very pretty kitties for a very pretty boy
Phillip “Shadow-1” Graves
I hate this dude with all my atoms but he’s tolerable compared to Shepherd.. But I gave Graved an American shorthair. One becuase he’s American and two his hairline makes me wanna cry
Vladimir Makarov
I hate you so so much for what you did in MW3… but you are a character so I’m still giving you a cat. If you were a cat my guy I think you’d be an Peterbald or a Karelian cat
Andre “Alpha 2-1” Nolan
Surprisingly not a bad character imo but he could use some more character development! I’m giving him a Korat cat or a Singapura. I wish he got more development in MW3 honestly :/
Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro! Our favorite Mexican man gotta love him and the cowboys. He’s a petty boy as well so I’m giving him a pretty chill and cool cat as well. A color point shorthair, not necessarily a *breed* per day but still he deserves a petty kitty
Rodolfo Parra
Rudy! Another cowboy we love what a gentleman <3 I’m giving him an Egyptian Mau kitty, it has spots and I think Rudy would be a spotted kitty. Very good boy
Valeria “El-Sin-Nombre” Garza
Mommy issues fr love this women. I support women rights AND wrongs 💪 she gets a Donskoy or a Savannah cat. Both wild kitties to match her wild and unpredictable personality I think it fits very well
Anxious King gotta love them! For obvious reasons he’s a Maine Coon cat, the biggest house cat there is. For being an absolute UNIT of a man he deserves a very loyal, pretty, and big kitty. God I just wanna smother this man
Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
Toyger need I say more? It’s a literal house tiger, his name is fucking Tiger he gets to be the tiger damnit! 😤
Darnell “Hutch” Hutcherson
Dunno the rest of these guys very well (besides Nikto) but I’m giving Hutch a Chartreux cat. I wish the more obscure characters got more attention, no they may not be apart of the MW part but still they deserve love
I love this man with every fucking atom of my body. My baby boy deserves the best cat in my opinion the Lykoi. Very cool, funny and amazing cats one of the best he’s just a goober I wanna pet him and keep him in my closet away from all the bad things
Mace heard some things about you here and there and decided I couldn’t leave you behind. You my friend would be an Oriental Longhair dunno why but I think it suits him
Idk if this man is even part of the fandom? Either way I’m giving you a cat deal with it. You would be an Highlander cat if not then an Tonkinese kitty.
Keegan P Russ
Oh Keegan my dear boy, you would be a Devon Rex kitty, very smart, mischievous and overall just a joyful cat. You deserve the world my dear
Logan Walker
Ragdoll. You will get a ragdoll take it or leave or my guy. Just know I’m only adding you and everyone else because of Keegan
David “Hesh” walker
Hhhh.. hesh dude idk I’d probably give you a Havanah Brown kitty. Seems like a good fit. Unusual brown kitty for a unusual cool character
Elias T “Scarecrow” Walker
I literally know nothing about you? But I’m still giving you a cat! Uh I think possibly a Javanese cat would fit you my dude.
Alex v “Ajax” Johnson
Same with you like? I have never heard about you either but whatever. I think a Australian Mist or a Khao Manee cat would work
Alright so that’s all the CoD characters I think? I’m not sure if I missed anyone, if I did tell me and I’ll assign them in the comments or whatever.
No I’m not adding the other characters such as Diego or any other unknown Ghost team people or random background people that only have like 2 lines of dialogue or is barely even known within the CoD community.
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