#Buy Maine Coon Cats Price
How Long Do Maine Coon Cats Live? – arianamaincoonkittens
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If you’re a lover of furry, endearing felidae friends, then seeing “Maine coon kittens for sale” is guaranteed to make your heart flutter. These magnificent creatures, with their bushy tails and tufted ears, are known for their rugged good looks. But what’s even more important for potential cat adopters, just like you, is understanding their lifespan. So, how long do Maine Coon cats really live?
Before we delve into the core of this subject, let’s take a moment to appreciate this breed’s history. The Maine Coon, with its unique and distinctive appearance, is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically native to the state of Maine, where it has remained a beloved symbol of the region. Intriguingly, their actual origins continue to house mystery, with various tales involving seafarers, royal pets, and even crossbreeding with wild animals. Though their past is steeped in lore and speculation, one thing is sure – they’ve been winning hearts over for centuries!
Now, let’s approach the main question: how long do Maine Coon cats live? These felines typically enjoy a lifespan ranging between 10-13 years. Nevertheless, it’s not uncommon to find Maine Coons that have comfortably sauntered past this range, reaching up to 16, even 20 years of age! In fact, the Guinness World Records includes a Maine Coon that lived a staggering 26 years!
Several factors affect this spectrum of lifespan. Nutrition and diet, healthcare, indoor vs. outdoor environment, genetics, and even the love and affection they receive, all play crucial roles. 
Proper nutrition, with a balanced cat diet, is key to ensuring their longevity. Avoid cheap grocery store cat food, choosing instead specifically formulated cat food recommended by your vet or cat breeder. A well-nourished Maine Coon is undeniably a healthier, happier one.
Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are equally important. A yearly examination will keep track of their health and can help detect and treat any emerging health issues sooner, potentially increasing their lifespan.
While these cats can enjoy roaming the great outdoors, it’s still safer for them to be primarily indoor pets. Outdoor elements can pose a risk to their health and well-being, from injury and disease to increased exposure to harmful parasites. 
Genetics also play a considerable role in their lifespan. Investing in Maine Coon kittens from reputable breeders can make huge differences. They perform necessary genetic tests to ensure they are breeding healthy cats, thus significantly reducing the likelihood of inheritable diseases.
Last but not least, love and affection! These cats return tenfold every bit of love they receive. An emotionally nourished cat is a healthy cat!
In conclusion, if what you’re looking for is a long-term furry companion, a healthy and well-cared-for Maine Coon cat can share well over a decade of its life with you, filled with moments of absolute joy and unwavering companionship. So when you see that “Maine coon kittens for sale” sign, remember that it’s not about just owning a cat. It’s about sharing your life and your love with one. The affection and care you provide is its own reward, reflected in a long, happy, and healthy life for your Maine Coon.
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soaps-mohawk · 1 month
so we got what animal would 141 men be, now it’s time for 141 boys + omega with pets- cuz why not?
Omega : A rabbit. It sorta represents omega in the way that their only defense mechanism against predators (and enemies) is running. But omega and bunny are sensitive too. Mega would buy it a cute lil harness with leash and spend 98% of her time with it, if she’s not with the boys. (Cue everyone in the barracks dying of cuteness overload)
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Johnny : a parrot 💀👍. Man would probably teach it to draw like those peeps on tiktok. BRUV would also not watch his mouth around it so now everyone is jumping out the fucking nest cuz someone (or something) decided to have a sailors mouth at 2 am.. (HC that Simon wants to throttle the bird)
Gaz: a cat. He strikes as a clean and decent guy so a cat would be nice. It cleans up after itself so Gaz doesn’t have to worry too much about it. Man would probably dress it up with bows ‘n shit..I think that the breed would be British short-hair, since Gaz won’t have the time to clean up if the breed was a longhair (eg: Maine coon). HC that cat is overprotective of the bunny-😫
Price: Old-school, gets a goldfish. Man does not have the time to spare to take care of it, just dumps the damn fish in the classic round bowl before working. But he does manage to take decent care of it, cleaning the tank regularly and feeding. Adds guppies and snails to give it company. (Doesn’t acknowledge it but bro actually gets fond of the damn thing)
Simon: this man, dog. No other animal for him than dog. I like to think that the pack gave it to him as a birthday present and…It’s a German Shepherd!! Omega found a bunch of cute bows to put on it, (Simon hates but keeps it for her sake-). They prob call it “Riley 2.0”. That dog goes everywhere where Simon goes. Bathroom, training area, outside. God forbid that you mention a walk. But like how it’s similar to Simon, that means it’s a guard dog. Follows omega and bunny everywhere, if ain’t with Simon. (HC that omega ‘n bunny get shit scared bc of the scary guard dogs hovering over them-💀👍). (Pic credit: svenny_boy on tt)
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(fun fact: the rabbit pic is acc mine, it was my old rabbit who passed after 5 months due to a heat stroke in my country.)
I agree with all of these 100%
'mega having a bunny (she's so bunny coded) yes ✔️
Johnny having a parrot that curses like a sailor? Yes ✔️
Price having a fish that he's secretly fond of? Yes ✔️
Simon having a guard dog? Yes ✔️
I love all of these so much, thank you for this!!! 💚
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The Heathers + Veronica and their Pets
This is just a silly little thing I wrote before I start working on my next big work
Heather Catler the Cat
She's a dark greyish-black maine coon
She's Chandler's pet, but the cat doesn't really care for her at all
Mac is actually her favorite, but that's probably because she always sneaks her treats
When the Heathers and Veronica began their jobs, Chandler hated being alone all day, so she decided to go a get a companion
She stopped by the animal shelter where Mac sometimes volunteered, looking to adopt a cat as she was afraid of dogs
She decided on a maine coon because she had read up on their intelligence and gentleness, and figured that one would be a great companion
And sure they shed fur a lot, but its a small price to pay
Despite being a rather expensive breed, the actually had one at the shelter, and when Chandler approached her she began to rub up against her legs and purr
She was immediately sold on taking this little cutie home, and within a few minutes they were on their way
But as soon as they got home, the sweet gentle cat from the shelter was gone, replaced with an incredibly sassy drama queen
She would sit on the couch, hissing at Chandler anytime that she got close, only getting anywhere near her when she was hungry
She would let her know that she wanted food by going up to her, looking her in the eyes, and meowing very loudly until she gave in and got her food
Eventually her gfs returned home and were all greeted by hissing and loud, dramatic meows when they tried to sit on the couch
Chandler started to complain about her day and how the cat was a nightmare, only for Mac to giggle and say that yeah she does that
Apparently this isn't the first time that this has happened, as the cat was brought back on at least two separate occasions after she pretended to be a low maintenance cat to get adopted, only to reveal her true colors one they got home
Veronica then joked that the cat reminded her of someone and gave Chandler a pointed look, to which she got flustered and annoyed
Thats where the name Catler came from, full name Heather Catler, sometimes just Heather
Mac, because she's a nice person, would often sneak the cat treats which endeared her to her
Now she'll follow Mac around wherever she goes, occasionally trying to meow and get treats
She's also the only one who is allowed to touch her, so despite being Chandler's pet Mac is the one who has to brush her and bring her to the vet
When the four of them cuddle, Catler will come up and hiss at anyone who is touching Mac, but she has never bitten anyone
She's all hiss, no bite
Everyone just kinda tolerates her, she's that one roommate no one really likes but also aren't willing to get rid of
Chandler still tries to get her to love her, giving her treats, constantly buying her new toys and cat trees, but the cat still just views her as 'food human'
Most of the time she can be found at the top of her tallest cat tree, laying there like Simba on Pride Rock, overlooking her kingdom
She gets along with the other pets for the most part, but if one of them is getting too much attention from Mac she gets upset and makes it known
She will literally just sit on whatever poor creature has Mac's attention at the time until she acknowledges her existence
When she isn't home Catler becomes upset and will throw tantrums, just flopping near Chandler and meowing saying 'make nice human come home now food human'
How she views everyone;
Chandler - Food Human/Spare Human
Duke - Lazy Human
Mac - Nice Human
Veronica - Annoying Human
Cornelius the Snake
He's Duke's Ball Python
She had always wanted a pet, but her parents were dicks and told her that she could get one once her grades improved, which of course they never did
So now that she was an adult and could make her own decisions she decided to get a snake
When she told her gfs about her idea for a pet Chandler flipped out, saying that there was no way in hell she was going to let a snake into her house
Duke started teasing her, asking if she was scaaaaarrrrreeeedddd
Duke then said that if it having no arms scared her then she could just get a tarantula, they had 8
Chandler's face went white, and then told Duke to just get her stupid snake
After doing her research to see the kind of enclosure that a ball python would need, the food and where to get one from an ethical source, she was able to finally get her dream pet
After some arguing it was decided that the snake, which Duke dubbed Cornelius for literally no reason at all, she just thought it was a funny name, would be staying in her room
He's a snake, so he doesn't do much, but Duke really enjoys just watching him exist
She thinks that he's just so cute, and she just loves when he flicks his little tongue
Whenever she's stressed or upset about something and can't talk to her gfs about it she'll sit in front of his enclosure and rant to him, always thanking him for being such a good listener
JD will often come over just to see the snake, and him and Duke will just sit around and talk about snakes while Cornelius explores Duke's bed
Being the chaos gremlin that she is, she knows that she can use Cornelius in pranks, especially with a certain one of her girlfriends who is afraid of snakes
Like one time, after Chandler beat her at Wii Sports and spent the rest of the night gloating, she snuck the snake into her makeup cabinet and waited for the screams
Of course Chandler eventually opened the cabinet, saw the snake and screamed, and then Duke walked in laughing, telling Chandler that this was for last night
Speaking of Chandler, it was her job to feed Cornelius when Duke was at work
To help her accomplish this task while also ensuring she stayed as far away from the snake as possible, she ordered these 3 foot tongs, allowing her to hold the rat (which she found disgusting as well, but not as much as the freakin' snake) and let Cornelius get it while she stayed away
When Duke saw the tongs she told Chandler that she was being ridiculous, he's a ball python his defense mechanism is literally curling up into a ball, he can do nothing to her, but Chandler didn't wanna hear it
Since he's a snake he's not all that intelligent, so all he does is just slither around his enclosure, but even still Duke has declared him to be her son and that she won't let the mean Chan-Chan hurt him
Munchkin the Rabbit
This is Mac's pet
He's a tan Holland Lop with just the most floppy ears one has ever seen
He was surrendered to the animal shelter Mac volunteers at and whenever she saw him she knew she was taking him home
Mac loves most animals, but rabbits especially
They just have cute little twitchy noses and floppy ears and just every part about them radiates cuteness
She didn't do any of her work that day, she just sat there and watched him just do his thing
Without telling her gfs she adopts him and heads straight to the pet store, buying literally anything and everything she thinks a rabbit may need or want
She then heads home to where her gfs were waiting, being like 'hey Mac where have you been, you're never usually this late'
And Mac, who is bursting with excitement, gets the crate and opens it up, and Munchkin, who she named such because he's so cute and tiny like a little munchkin, hops out
Veronica immediately coos over him, and he just loves the attention
Chandler and Duke are less than thrilled, mostly because she made an impulsive decision and they don't really have the proper things to care for a rabbit, and that's when Mac goes get everything out of her car and they spend the rest of the night helping set everything up
They have one of the many spare rooms being used as a rabbit room, where Munchkin has free reign to bounce around in
It is filled with a little kingdom, a rabbit-sized castle that he can hop in and on, along with plenty of toys and hay
Mac makes it a point to spend at least an hour with him every day, but usually more than that, and unless it's raining or too cold/hot she'll take him outside to let him roam around their spacious backyard
Munchkin is a extremely friendly rabbit, not afraid of any people or other animals, so they can bring him out with them into the living room
Whenever Martha come over the first thing she wants to see is Munchkin, and just like when JD comes over her and Mac will spend time in the rabbit room just watching him hop around
He's also very cuddly and enjoys laying on the couch with Mac or any of them while they watch TV or whatever
While he may like everyone, someone really does not like him
Catler despises him, which is sad because he loves her
She hates how much attention he gets, and will hiss whenever she sees him
He doesn't seem to mind however, even when she sits on him
He'll just go up and sniff her, and when she hisses he'll take it
Despite being a rabbit and therefore not that smart, he has figured out how to get out of his room, usually by jumping over the fence or chewing through it
On several occasions Mac has woken up at 3am to see a rabbit trying to burrow into their cuddle pile, and it being 3am she's too tired to bring him back to his room
This has resulted in some hilarious moments whenever whoever is sleeping next to Mac feels something warm and furry when waking up and jumps and screams out of fear, only to see Munchkin's cute little head poke out of the blankets
JFK The Cat
He's an old tabby cat, blind in his left eye
He's Veronica's cat that she's had since middle school, and although he is getting up there in age he shows no signs of slowing down, mostly because he's already slow
She named him JFK after learning about him in history class during middle school, and he was a gift from her parents after she begged them for years to get a cat
He is the laziest cat to ever exist, all he does is sit in their library and occasionally get up to eat or go to the bathroom, before returning to his spot
This isn't even out of the ordinary or something that happened with his old age, even when she first got him he would just sit on her bed all day
He does so little that Catler didn't even know there was another cat in the house until 6 months after she was adopted, when Veronica had to bring him in for a vet appointment
Catler was so confused and meowed very loudly in protest
Veronica checks in on him everyday to make sure he's alive, and she gets more and more surprised each time
She jokes that he's 'too lazy to die', like literally the cat grim reaper would come to take him to cat heaven or whatever and he'd say 'that sounds like so much work, I think I'm gonna just stay here'
Veronica tries to play with him, but he always just stares at the toys and then her with a judgemental old man cat stare
Regardless of all that the Heathers know that she loves that old smelly cat and that when he dies she's gonna be heartbroken
But despite his advanced age he is in perfect health, the vets are amazed that she shows no signs of any diseases or issues that cats normally get towards the end of their life
Other Possible Pets
They've talked about getting more pets
And by they I mean mostly Mac
Chandler has said that she wants to get another cat, maybe one that actually loves her, but A they don't want the cat to fight with Catler and B despite her attitude Chandler still loves her and hopes that one day some understanding can be made between them
Duke also wants some more pets, mostly a frog bc 'they're gay, they have to get a frog they're gay icons' and a ferret bc she thinks they're cute
Chandler told her hell no bc frogs are gross and ferrets are creepy
And then we get to Mac
Mac wants every animal under the sun because they're all just so cute and she wants to be friends with all of them
They range from normal things, like a dog (specifically a golden retriever bc Duke always called her the human version of one) or tortoise, to things that are illegal or very difficult to own like lions or penguins or ostriches
She's heavily debated buying some land out in rural Ohio and converting it into an animal sanctuary, but she also knows that she doesn't really know what she would be doing so that idea is on the backburner for now
The main thing she's thinking about is finding another friend for Munchkin, maybe a little girlfriend, because although she loves him she's worried about him being lonely when she can't be around
The only reason she hasn't is that apparently its hard to find a neutered female of similar age that is friendly with people and other animals
She wants one with a similar temperament to Munchkin so that they get along, but apparently most rabbits are skiddish and don't like most people, who knew
Veronica doesn't know if she'll get another pet after JFK, but since he probably isn't gonna die anytime soon she doesn't need to worry about that just yet
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nxghtingale · 10 months
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𝒹𝓇𝒾𝓏𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶 𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒶𝒾𝓃𝑒
drizella tremaine is based on drizella from cinderella. she is a 27 year old human, until sunrise employee, and uses she/her pronouns. she has no powers.
penned by HARPER
face claim: luise befort sexuality: heterosexual height: 5'4" eye color: brown hair color: brunette piercings: one hole in each ear lobe tattoos: n/a
positive traits:  decisive, focused, honest, idealistic, meticulous, traditional negative traits: apathetic, callous, fussy, humorless, judgemental, materialistic, spoiled likes: expensive parfum ( not to be confused with perfume ), dressing up, the color green, classical music, mojitos, shopping, using her family name to get what she wants, chocolate chip cookies, pilates dislikes: poor people, those who lack social etiquette, singing in front of people, the color yellow, the smell of gasoline, country music, being told she's wrong, beer, wearing wool, hook-up culture phobias: n/a hobbies:  utilizing all the services at the spa, going to pilates, planning her future business, sitting at her table in the lucky cat cafe, rearranging her closet, making people feel horrible about themselves, buying things, pointing out everything anastatia does wrong aesthetic: cherry syrup, the tapping of manicured nails, the sound of red-bottom heels clicking, a waste bin filled with price tags, gucci floral, designer brands on display in a glass closet, the swell of the string section in an orchestra, the crisp cold air on a winter morning, the ticking of a grandfather clock
mother: madonna tremaine father:  francis tremaine ( deceased ) step-father(s): too many to name. sibling(s): anastatia tremaine  pet(s): a maine coon named lucifer
♛ it’s no surprise that drizella’s favorite color is green. everything about it is beyond flattering; it makes her skin look tan, it makes her eyes pop, it looks good with black or brown or white; any of the neutrals, really. besides, her mother has been dressing her and her sister in pink & green for forever… sometimes, things just stick. ♛ how she smells is so important to her…. drizella will never wear any other scents besides Miss Dior, Burberry, Chanel, etc… if it isn’t a top tier, high-priced parfum by a designer brand ?? she doesn’t want it.  ♛ drizella turns head when she walks into a room. she just has this infections energy that screams ‘i’m here- now look at me.’ whether it’s with her looks, her charm, or her status… drizella is the person to talk to at any social gathering. regardless of your end game, saying you’ve run even on the outskirts of her circle is a notable fact in itself. ♛ her feelings about her sister are… complicated. on one hand, she wishes so badly that she cared about her reputation or the power their name came with. duh- who wouldn’t want to be respected before they’ve even spoken a word?? she wishes ana was as excited about parties and fulfilling the duties of a socialite as she was so she’d have someone to share it with… but on the other hand, she’s kind of relieved anastasia has situated herself on the back-burner; more time and attention for drizella. less competition is always better. ♛ her hair dictates whether or not she’s going to have a good day. and her outfit. and her make-up. if she even feels like there is a strand out of place or her eyeliner is not symmetrical; it’s going to be EVERYONE’S problem. ♛ her mother’s approval is more important to her than anything, and she wouldn’t even dare test her mother’s wishes or limits in fear of losing that respect. not that drizella’s feels entirely respected by her mother but… there was no reason to even flirt with the lines she drew so clearly in the sand. what she said went — she just wanted her daughters to be successful, after all. ♛ drizella won’t be caught dead drinking anything that isn’t a well-respected label, on the rare occasions she does drink. if her tab isn’t $100 after two beverages, she doesn’t want it… not that she ever knows how much her tab costs anyways, she never pays them herself. ♛ drizella is the swell of stringed instruments in a symphony, building up to the climax of a piece, the impending notes that are being slowly lead up to. she is the sliding of a violin’s bow against taught and organized strings, notes played with practice and intense precision. heaven help the musician that plays her tune incorrectly. ♛ receiving the attention of charming is her life’s purpose ( as of right now ); securing the family’s spot in relevancy for the rest of time through the winning of his affection. her mother wouldn’t have it any other way… and so despite drizella’s deep desire to find true love (one she ignored constantly)..., at the end of the day, marriage was a transaction. christopher charming was the direct route to the top of the food chain, and drizella was nothing if not an apex predator wishing to secure her spot at the watering hole. ♛ drizella doesn't believe in true love. she believes marriage is transactional, and who you marry should compliment your status and your familial goals. at least, that's what she has been conditioned to believe. she's never thought about finding true love before, believing it to be for stories and a myth.
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mykitten-bangalore · 4 days
Looking for Maine Coon cats for sale in Bangalore? MyKitten offers healthy, purebred Maine Coon kittens with excellent lineage. Adopt a Maine Coon today and bring home a gentle, playful companion!
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petnews55 · 11 days
5 Best Cat Beds in 2024: Reviews and Prices, Pros and Cons,Places to Buy
In 2024, there are many competitors it turning out the Perfect cat bed for your cutie. Below is a guide to the five best cat beds, with prices and pros and cons also discussed.
1. MeowNest Ultra Soft Cat Bed
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Price: $39.99
Where to Buy: Chewy.com
MeowNest Ultra Soft Cat BedAmazonThis cat bed is perfect for kitties who love to curl up in snug, warm spots. The amount of padding and faux fur lining it has makes for the perfect soft bed to ensure that your cat is comfortable every time it lays down. Modern, sleek design; fits in many home décors
The Faux Fur Lining Imitate Cat's Mother's Fur, which provides them confortable and familiar feeling.
Washable Cover: Machine washable, a denim cover and binding that is the new accent more of today.
Anti-Skid Bottom–Stays on place without skidding even with the most active cat.
Sizes Varieties: Buy it for your different breed or sized cat.
VERDICT: NOT SUITABLE FOR BIGGER CATS : The largest version of this tent may still be too small for mega-large cats like Maine Coons.
Flattening: After some use, a few customers reported flattening of the padding in extended products.
Customer Reviews:
The bed has a 4.7/5 average rating from Chewy customers who report that it is comfortable and made of quality material. But getting picky one or two reviewers mentioned they wished the cushioning was a little bit thicker for durability.
2. K&H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Heated Cat Bed $28.99 (Orig. $58, save 50%)
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Price: $69.95
Where to Buy: Amazon.com
The K&H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Heated Bed Gives Your Feline Comfort and a Warm Refuge Warmer for Places with Cold Temps or Wishes More Heat_RELAXIFEST™ Powered by a 500 Watt heater, it offers the safe and energy-efficient operation. That feature heats up only when your cat is in the bed, so it never gets too hot.
Super Warm: The bed generates mild heat, which is great for older cats with arthritis.
Low Power Usage – Only 4 watts, saving you money on power costs.
STURDY CONSTRUCTION — Constructed to last, this plush pet mattress elements a soft microfleece cover and firm orthopedic foam base.
Safety Certified: MET certified, safe for kids to use.
Expensive: This model is priced at just under $70, which i more than you would pay for non-heated models.
Few Colors: In few color and style options may not complement all home decor.
Customer Reviews:
The Thermo-Kitty bed also scores a 4.6 perception on Amazon by owners of elderly cats, several whom report that their arthritic cat has welcomed this bed when other therapeutic options (oral medication or injections) have not helped. However, multiple reviewers have reported that the heating element may fail after a year or two.
3. Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler by Best Friends
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Price: $32.99
Where to Buy: Petco.com
The Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler is meant for cats who like to snuggle up in low, maintainable areas. The high back wall provides orthopedic support and is perfect for a cat who loves to rest her head while sleeping.
Or-tho-de-pic De-sign: The tall back is perfect for senior cats with rhuemat-ism, or lazy baby cats that are just idling the days away.
Easy to clean: The entire bed is machine washable and dryerable.
Deep and Cozy: Cats can nap, hide or play in the high walled design for a sense of protection and security.
Affordable: This is one of the budget-friendlier orthopedic cat beds on the market.
Best for Small-Medium Cats; Larger Breeds May Be Too Tight
On the flip side: Flimsy Material Over Time Some users comment that the sides may start to lose their shape after a few washes.
Customer Reviews:
Rated 4.8/5 on Petco, customers love how comfortable and affordable this bed is. Nevertheless, there were a few complaints from customers who said that their larger cats wouldn't fit properly.
4. Frisco Igloo Style Cat Bed
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Price: $45.99
Where to Buy: Chewy.com
Frisco Igloo Style Cat Bed — A stylish, warm bed for cats who like to sleep in tight spaces. The shape of an igloo naturally resembles a den, and a furry inner lining warms and nests each pet.
Privacy and Security -Intended for timid or edgy cats that prefer to be covered all the way around their body when they sleep.
Elegant Design: The fresh and modern packaging suits most home interiors.
Washable Cushion: The removable cushion is washable so that you can always clean it up.
Strong Material: Constructed from scratch and knead resistant materials.
However, with an enclosed design such as this, the bed can get too hot for cats in warm environments.
Price: A bit pricier than a straightforward design.
Customer Reviews:
Aesthetic: 5 stars | Comfort: 5 stars – Chewy Rating: 4.7/5 (see here) A few mention that cleaning the entire structure may be challenging, while others say washing the removable cushion is an easy task.
5. 2 The PetFusion Ultimate Cat Bed & LoungeSHOP NOW
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Price: $79.95
Where to Buy: Amazon.com
Another premium option, the PetFusion Ultimate Cat Bed & Lounge with Solid Scratching Surface Jugnaeting youPergname[s1]=[cat]END is made from memory foam to ensure maximum comfort for your cat. It has orthopedic support, good for use with senior cats or cat with health issues. This coupled with the modern, sleek design make it appealing and able to blend into most homes.
Memory Foam: Ideal for older or injured cats, memory foam provides additional comfort and support.
Cover: The cover material is tear resistant and water repellent, making it extremely durable.
Sleek Minimalist design fits modern home interiors
Removable, machine-washable cover for easy cleaning
Costs More: It's one of the pricier options, making it possibly not a good pick for budget-minded shoppers.
Only One Type of Color Option: The bed is sold in a few standard neutral colors and many people might not like this.
Customer Reviews:
We rate this 4.6/5 on Amazon with emphasis in how well it holds up over time and how comfortable for older cats. Although, Some customers believe the price is too high for something that is basically a basic memory foam design.
Five Top-Rated Beds For Cats Available in 2024 Here's a quick summary:
MeowNest Ultra Soft Cat Bed: This bed is great for a more snuggly, plush-intense setting but can flatten over time.
K&H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Heated Bed: Best for older cats or cold climates; expensive
6) Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler: Good orthopedic support but the bed can lose shape over washing
3) Frisco Igloo Style Cat Bed: It offers safety and privateness however could find yourself being too heat for a few cats.
PetFusion Ultimate Cat Bed & Lounge: This memory foam model provides extra comfort for cats of all ages, but it is fairly expensive.
These beds are available at major pet retailers, such as Chewy, Amazon, and Petco. The most obvious thing to keep in mind is the size of your cat, but don't stop there; take into account how your cat usually naps and whether or not it has any joint issues that could be helped by an orthopedic bed or comforted by a warmer option. The right cat bed will improve your cat's comfort level and overall quality of life!
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risu75fifthblog · 10 months
:: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 ::
My Dirty Cat
His name is Rudy. He used to be a tomcat. Now he's emasculated, but the damage was done. His head is huge and he doesn't know proper cat hygiene. Something about being a testosterone-poisoned tom cat made him eschew cleanliness. Cleaning oneself is for the prissy, effeminate cat, not the big butch TOM. He's a little scary. He's my cat, but we have a love/hate relationship. I have two other cats. My partner and I recently named the three of them Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony. We really crack ourselves up. The names totally fit each of them. Rudy, of course, is Thugs. Of course. Lucy, the runt-like girl, is Bone. Like in that Dorothy Allison book...what was it called? Oh yeah, Bastard Out of Carolina. And Jack, the big furry, fey, friendly Maine Coon cat is Harmony. He's the only one making friends with the dog we now live with. So, his name fits, too. I don't even know what Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony sound like. Maybe I'd better do a little Napster sample on that. We may not want to be associating our cats with any shitty music.
…or maybe it was called Odor-A-Ma. This old John Waters film, Polyester, was originally released in Odor-A-Ma. Upon entering the theater, you were given an Odor-A-Ma scratch 'n' sniff card with numbered squares of scent. Then at key moments in the movie, a number flashed on the screen that corresponded to a numbered sniff square and you scratched...and sniffed...and got a whiff of whatever stench was relevant to the scene. I don't remember any of the actual scents, but I think I recall that in typical John Waters fashion, some of the scents were pleasant and some were...nasty. Like in the movie, Divine steps a big spike-heeled shoe in a pile of steaming dog shit and if you follow the onscreen instructions, you could share in the moment by smelling the lovely scent of dog fecal matter. Brings back memories of childhood. Back then, stepping in dog shit was a yearly occurrence. All that running around on people's lawns, in parks, and all over the neighborhood. Fortunately, I didn't frolic barefooted much when I was a kid, so dog shit, rather than squeezing through my naked toes, would instead just get embedded in the tread of my PF flier sneakers. The worst part of stepping in shit was the embarrassment factor; other kids always made fun of you if you stepped in shit as if it somehow reflected something horrible about you. "You geek! You stepped in shit! Hahahahahahaha." Thus, I can remember stepping in shit and trying to surreptitiously scrape it off my shoe, skittering around on the grass pretending to do some little dance or something in order to GET IT OFF! before any of the other kids noticed and commenced their ridicule. 
In any case, Odor-A-Ma, for some reason, never caught on in the movie business. Too bad. Someone now needs to figure out how to insert scratch 'n' sniff patches onto web pages. OHMYGOD! Someone is! [link to defunct website digiscents.com] This is scary. Imagine the possibilities. Just like now, when you go to some website and you're subjected to some nasty midi song or something, imagine going to some website, totally unsuspecting, and suddenly you're barraged with the odor of...burnt pork roast. Or sour washcloth. Yikes. 
If I could insert a smell patch or scratch 'n' sniff spot on this page right now, it would smell like my dirty cat's head. Mmmmm.
Maple Pecan Cereal
Yum. It's like dessert. Especially when paired with vanilla rice milk. It's always a good thing whenever one can eat dessert for breakfast, or breakfast for dinner. Whenever I eat breakfast for dinner — especially when it’s cereal — it makes me feel like more of an adult. Like, “Hey! I can eat whatever I want! If I want to go buy a box of excessively over-priced and disgustingly sugared-up Capt. Crunch cereal and eat two big bowls of it for dinner, I can! I'm a grown-up and I can eat whatever I want!”. Lame, I know. It's not exactly like I haven't been an adult very long and need these kinds of little reminders to help me remember that I'm a big girl now (a really great Bob Dylan song, by the way — “You're a Big Girl Now"). I've been a big girl now, for many years. But, I still don't always feel like a gig birl. Whirligig. Bite my gig, man. 
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interpetsnycasd · 10 months
Finding Your Perfect Feline Companion: American Shorthair for Sale
Are you in search of the perfect feline friend to add to your family? Whether you're a seasoned cat lover or a first-time pet owner, the American Shorthair is a fantastic choice for a new four-legged family member. This beloved breed is known for its sweet temperament, robust health, and striking appearance. If you're interested in bringing an American Shorthair into your home, you've come to the right place, as we'll discuss American Shorthair for sale and what you should know before making this significant decision.
American Shorthair for Sale: A Prudent Choice
The American Shorthair cat breed is highly sought after for various reasons. Known for their adaptability and friendly disposition, these cats make excellent companions for individuals and families alike. If you're on the hunt for an American Shorthair for sale, you're likely to find a variety of options. Breeders, shelters, and rescue organizations often have these cats available for adoption, and you can even find them in local pet stores.
Considerations Before Buying an American Shorthair
Before you decide to bring an American Shorthair into your home, there are several important factors to consider. The most crucial aspect is ensuring you choose a reputable source when looking for American Shorthair for sale. This will help guarantee the health and well-being of your future pet.
Maine Coon Kitten Price and other cat breeds' prices may vary, and it's essential to research the cost associated with acquiring an American Shorthair. While the Buy British Cat USA market can have different price ranges, American Shorthairs typically fall within a reasonable price range. However, you should be cautious about excessively low prices, as this might indicate a subpar breeder or a potential scam.
When buying an American Shorthair, be sure to ask questions about the cat's health history, vaccinations, and any available documentation regarding their lineage. A responsible breeder or shelter will provide you with all the necessary information and ensure that the cat is in excellent health.
British Shorthair & Longhair Cat lovers will appreciate the American Shorthair for its similar hardy and adaptable nature. These cats are known for their low-maintenance grooming requirements, making them a great choice for those who don't have hours to spend on daily grooming routines.
In conclusion, if you're looking for an American Shorthair for sale, take the time to do your research and choose a reputable source. This loving and adaptable breed can make a fantastic addition to your family, and it's essential to ensure that your future pet is healthy and well-cared for. Remember to consider factors like the Maine Coon Kitten Price and other breed prices as part of your decision-making process. With the right information and a little patience, you can find the perfect American Shorthair to welcome into your home and heart.
Source Url:-https://sites.google.com/view/interpetsnyccom0/home
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glossary2 · 10 months
"2023 Guide to the Best Pet Insurance Plans: Compare Costs for Top Dog and Cat Breeds, FAQs, and Tips for a Healthy Pet"
"Comparing the Top 6 Pet Insurance Plans for 2023: A Comprehensive Guide"
Buying pet insurance for your beloved dog or cat can be a daunting task, considering the myriad of options available. As a lifelong pet owner and a nationally licensed insurance agent, I understand the challenges faced by pet parents in selecting the best insurance coverage for their furry companions. Over the years, we have assisted thousands of pet owners in finding the ideal pet insurance policy, and our comparison table is trusted by professionals in the pet industry. In this article, we will compare the 6 best pet insurance plans for 2023, taking into account the costs for the 15 most popular dog and cat breeds.
Pet Insurance Costs for Popular Breeds:
The cost of pet insurance varies based on factors such as breed, age, health, and location. To provide a rough estimate, we have collected costs for the 15 most popular breeds using Figo pet insurance as a reference. Keep in mind that these prices are national averages across 150 American cities and are subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date cost, it is recommended to get a quote directly from Figo or Lemonade.
Dog Insurance Prices (National Averages):
Mixed Breed – $26.77/mo
Labrador Retriever – $37.50/mo
Golden Retriever – $38.44/mo
German Shepherd – $40.62/mo
Goldendoodle – $33.26/mo
Chihuahua – $16.37/mo
Siberian Husky – $38.00/mo
Yorkshire Terrier – $23.62/mo
American Pit Bull Terrier – $39.93/mo
Australian Shepherd – $25.07/mo
Dachshund – $23.81/mo
Shih Tzu – $22.18/mo
French Bulldog – $50.77/mo
Boxer – $50.55/mo
Labradoodle – $32.92/mo
Cat Insurance Prices (National Averages):
Mixed Breed – $15.48/mo
Exotic – $18.96/mo
Ragdoll – $20.11/mo
British Shorthair – $18.96/mo
Persian – $20.11/mo
Maine Coon – $20.08/mo
American Shorthair – $18.95/mo
Scottish Fold – $20.11/mo
Siamese – $20.11/mo
Himalayan – $18.77/mo
Bombay – $18.95/mo
Bengal – $18.20/mo
Russian Blue – $19.01/mo
Abyssinian – $18.25/mo
Sphynx – $18.57/mo
Not finding your specific breed? Lemonade pet insurance is our #1 recommendation and they’ll be able to give you a quick quote for your exact needs.
Pet Insurance FAQs:
What is pet insurance and why is it useful?
Pet insurance is essentially health insurance for your dog or cat. If your pet falls ill or has an accident, you will be required to pay upfront and then submit a claim for reimbursement from your insurer. Pet insurance is useful for mitigating the financial burden of expensive vet bills, especially for treatments like cancer that can cost well over $10,000.
How old does my pet need to be to get insured?
Most pet insurance companies require your pet to be at least 8 weeks old before you can apply for insurance. However, there is typically no upper age limit, and it's beneficial to get insurance while your pet is young.
How worth it is to get pet insurance?
Vet bills can quickly accumulate, and many pet owners end up spending $3,500 or more for emergency vet visits. Pet insurance provides financial protection and is particularly valuable for covering major illnesses later in your pet's life.
What is covered and what’s excluded with pet insurance?
Coverage varies among providers, but generally, accidents and illnesses are covered unless specifically excluded. Pre-existing conditions are often excluded. Some policies also offer wellness packages for routine check-ups and vaccinations.
How does reimbursement work?
Reimbursement depends on factors such as the reimbursement percentage, deductible, and annual maximum benefit. Most policies reimburse a percentage of the vet bill after meeting the deductible.
Is it better to have a lower deductible – what’s the sweet spot?
Choosing a deductible involves balancing monthly payments and out-of-pocket costs. A lower deductible means higher monthly payments but less out-of-pocket when there is an emergency. Most people opt for a $250 or $500 deductible.
5 Useful Strategies for Keeping Your Pet Safe & Healthy:
Ensuring the health and safety of your pet goes beyond having insurance. Here are some useful tips:
Keep them hydrated: Provide fresh water daily, especially in hot weather.
Be conscious of local wildlife: Know the predators and hazards in your area.
Get regular veterinary exams: Early detection is crucial for preventing chronic diseases.
Watch out for inclement weather: Be prepared for unexpected weather and natural disasters.
Educate yourself on common pet allergies: Be aware of foods that can be toxic to your pet.
Choosing the right pet insurance plan is crucial for the well-being of your furry friend. While the decision may seem overwhelming, it's essential to consider factors such as coverage, cost, and provider reputation. After extensive research, Lemonade Pet Insurance consistently stands out for its ideal combination of coverage and price. Whether you choose Lemonade or another provider, investing in pet insurance ensures a healthier and happier life for your pet.
To know more:"Comparing the Top 6 Pet Insurance Plans for 2023: A Comprehensive Guide"
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catbreedsblog · 11 months
A Complete Guide to the Beautiful Orange Maine Coon Cat
Cat lovers all over the world are in love with orange Maine Coons because of how beautiful they are and how friendly they are. They are a breed of cat that comes from the rough state of Maine in the United States. We will cover all the important details about the beautiful Orange Maine Coon cat in this in-depth guide.
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Orange Maine Coon in a Nutshell:
Advice on How to Take Care of an Orange Maine Coon Food
To keep your Orange Maine Coon healthy and full of life, you must feed it the right food. These are three important things about their dietary needs:
Space and Time
Making sure your Orange Maine Coon has the right space is important for their health and happiness. There are three things to think about:
Technique for Taking Care
To make sure you are happy and healthy, it takes more than just taking care of your body. Spend quality time with your cat friend, play with them, and keep their minds active with puzzles and toys.
Where and how to buy or adopt an Orange Maine Coon
A lot of people all over the world like orange Maine Coons. They can be found in large numbers in the US, Canada, the UK, and many other places where cat lovers gather.
The Average Price
The cost of an Orange Maine Coon can change based on things like the location, pedigree, and reputation of the breeder. Usually, a well-bred kitten costs between $800 and $2,000.
Communities for Adoption and Rescue
It's a good thing to adopt or rescue animals. A lot of groups and communities work to save and find new homes for Maine Coon cats. The "Maine Coon Rescue" in the US and the "Maine Coon Cat Club" in the UK are two well-known chains.
What to Check Before Buying or Adopting
These things should be checked before you bring an Orange Maine Coon into your home:
What to Do to Get Ready for an Orange How a Maine Coon Lives
Quick Tips for You Questions and Answers:
Important Tools:
A lot of diseases:
Important Vaccines:
Orange Maine Coon Different Names
You get to decide what to name your Orange Maine Coon. Think about names that show how playful and grand they are. Simba, Leo, Ginger, and Blaze are all common names.
Finally, Orange Maine Coon cats are a beautiful breed that is known for being smart and gentle. Your furry friend will live a happy and healthy life if you give it the right care and environment. Whether you buy or adopt one, the relationship you build with this beautiful breed will be worth it.
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catbreedstips · 1 year
The Majestic Maine Coon Cat Breeds: A Complete Guide
 A Quick Look at the Maine Coon:
It has a big, muscular body, a long, bushy tail, tufted ears, and a soft, fluffy coat.
Personalities: They are known for being gentle, friendly, and playful.
Popularity: This breed of cat is loved and popular all over the world.
Personality: They are friendly, affectionate, and very social. They like being around people and other pets.
Lifespan: With the right care, they can live for 12 to 15 years or longer.
Colour of the Coat: It comes in many colours and patterns, such as solid, tabby, bi-color, and more.
Mixed Breed or Original Breed?: a new breed of cat. But there are also mix breeds and hybrids that are made from Maine Coons. Ragamuffin, Siberian, American Bobtail, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Persian are all common mixes.
How to Keep a Maine Coon Healthy
Your Maine Coon's health and well-being depend on it getting the right food:
Quality Cat Food: To help them grow and stay healthy, give them a balanced diet of quality cat food that is high in protein and other important nutrients.
Wet and Dry Food: Give them a mix of wet and dry food to keep them hydrated and help keep their teeth healthy.
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Specialised Food for Large Breeds: If you want to meet your cat's specific nutritional needs, you might want to feed them food that is made just for large or giant breed cats.
Getting around
Making sure your Maine Coon has the right environment is important for their health and happiness:
Large cats that like to move around. Make sure they have a lot of room to play, climb, and move around.
Scratching Posts: Give them strong scratching posts to keep their claws healthy and satisfy their natural urge to scratch.
Comfortable Beds: Give them beds that are good for their size and have enough space for them to stretch out.
Taking care of
Taking care of your Maine Coon regularly through grooming is important to keep it in great shape:
Brushing: Because their fur is long and thick, regular brushing keeps it from getting matted and tangled and stops it from falling out.
Nail Trimming: Cut their nails regularly to keep them from growing too long and causing problems.
Cleaning Their Ears and Eyes: Clean their ears and eyes gently to get rid of dirt and other things that could cause infections.
How to Take Care
Spend quality time together, playing with others and keeping your mind active. Keep them happy and content by giving them toys, treats, and praise.
How to Get a Maine Coon or Adopt One
Popular places to visit
A lot of people love it in many places, like the US, Canada, the UK, and Europe. Families and people who love cats often look for them.
Price on Average
The price can change depending on where the dog is, its pedigree, and the reputation of the breeder. A well-bred kitten will usually cost between $800 and $2,000 or more.
Adoption and Rescue Groups
You might want to adopt from a reputable animal shelter or a rescue group that specialises in a certain breed. For example, "Maine Coon Adoptions" in the US and "Maine Coon Cat Club" in the UK are well-known names.
What You Should Check Before Adopting or Buying
Before you adopt or buy a Maine Coon, make sure you:
Check the cat's general health: Make sure it looks healthy, with clean eyes, a shiny coat, and no signs of illness.
Vaccination Status: Make sure the cat has had all of its shots to protect it from common feline diseases.
Medical History: Ask about the cat's medical history to find out about any conditions or treatments it has had in the past.
How to Get Ready for Life as a Maine Coon
Three short pieces of advice:
Set aside time for interactive play and getting to know each other; they need company.
Get your cats cat trees, scratching posts, and interactive toys to keep them busy and healthy.
Regular check-ups with the vet are necessary to keep an eye on their health and take care of any problems right away.
Equipment You Need:
Large Litter Box: Big cats need a litter box that is big enough for them to feel comfortable.
Sturdy Cat Tree: Get your cat a tall, sturdy tree to satisfy their need to climb and give them a place to look out at their surroundings.
Interactive Toys: To keep them from getting bored, give them toys that will keep their minds active and make them want to play.
Everyday Illnesses:
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): Taking your pet to the vet for regular check-ups can help you keep an eye on their heart health and catch any early signs of HCM.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA): There is no cure for SMA, but catching it early can help keep the cat comfortable and improve its quality of life.
Gingivitis and Dental Problems: Taking care of your teeth regularly, like brushing and going to the dentist for checkups, can help keep gum diseases and dental problems at bay.
Vaccines that are needed:
Feline Virus-Respiratory Tract Infection (FVRCP)
Cat Calicivirus (FCV)
Panleukopenia in cats (FP)
Names People Use for the Maine Coon
The process of picking out a name can be fun. Think of names that show how majestic and playful they are, like "Leo" for the way they look like a lion or "Willow" for the way they act.
In the end, it's a real pleasure. Their friendly and calm personalities, along with their beautiful looks, make them a favourite among cat lovers. You can make sure your beloved has a happy and healthy life by giving them the right care, a loving home, and regular check-ups at the vet.
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amicamainecoon · 2 years
Finding The Perfect Maine Coon Kitten: What To Look For And How Much To Expect To Pay
When you start your search for a Maine Coon kitten, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you should only consider buying from a reputable breeder. There are many unscrupulous breeders out there who are more interested in making a quick buck than in producing healthy, well-adjusted kittens. Do your homework and make sure you're buying from someone who puts the welfare of their cats first.
Secondly, be prepared to pay a bit more for a Maine Coon kitten than you would for other breeds. They're simply in high demand and good breeders will charge accordingly. Expect to pay anywhere from $600 to $2000 for a healthy kitten with good bloodlines.
Finally, take your time when choosing a kitten. Don't be tempted to buy the first cute little furball you see. Spend some time getting to know the different kittens available and choose one that seems like they would fit well into your home and lifestyle. With a little patience, you're sure to find the perfect Maine Coon kitten for your family!
What to Look For When Choosing a Maine Coon Kitten
When choosing a Maine Coon kitten, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind. First and foremost, you'll want to find a reputable breeder with a good track record. This is the best way to ensure that you get a healthy, well-adjusted kitten.
It's also important to take into consideration the appearance of the kitten. Some people prefer Maine Coons that look like traditional cats, while others prefer those with more unique markings. Ultimately, it's up to you which type of appearance you prefer.
Finally, you'll need to decide how much you're willing to spend on your new kitten. Maine Coons can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on their pedigree and coat color/pattern. Choose an amount that you're comfortable with and be prepared to pay a bit more if you find the perfect kitten.
How Much Does a Maine Coon Kitten Cost and what is the best price?
When it comes to finding the perfect Maine Coon kitten, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to find a reputable breeder who can offer you a healthy, well-adjusted kitten. Secondly, you'll need to decide how much you're willing to spend on your new furry friend.
So, how much does a Maine Coon kitten price? Prices can vary depending on the breeder and where you live, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $400-$2,000 for a kitten. While this may seem like a lot of money upfront, remember that Maine Coons are one of the longest-lived cats breeds around, so your investment will pay off in the long run!
When it comes to finding the best price for a Maine Coon kitten, your best bet is to shop around and compare prices from different breeders. Be sure to ask lots of questions and get as much information as possible before making your final decision. With a little time and effort, you're sure to find the perfect Maine Coon kitten at the perfect price!
Where to Find a Maine Coon Kitten for sale
Maine Coon kittens are a popular choice for those looking for a new feline friend, and there are several ways to go about finding one. Local newspapers and online classifieds websites are a good places to start your search, as Maine Coon breeders will often advertise their litters here. You can also contact your local animal shelters and rescues, as they may have Maine Coon Kittens for Sale.
When looking for a Maine Coon kitten, it's important to find a reputable breeder who is able to provide health certificates and pedigree information. Be sure to visit the kitten in person before making any decisions, and ask plenty of questions to get an idea of what you're getting into. Expect to pay anywhere from $600-$1200 for a Maine Coon kitten, depending on factors such as location, coloration, and gender.
Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of the Maine Coon and what to look for when searching for your perfect kitten. From coat color to temperament and price range, there are many factors that should be considered before making a purchase. With proper research and dedication to finding the right Maine Coon kitten for you, it can be an exciting journey into parenthood. Good luck in your search!
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thehellishtrinity · 4 years
Hello I wish to hear more about the car witch au? -🎧
Basically! Cat witch au centers around Muse, Remy, Virus and Dov!! 
Some basic knowledge abt the world! Very basic, if you want me to go more abt the lore of the world pls let me know but anyways! There’s magic! I’m going off my own definition of witches and wizards bc fuck you JK Rowling. Witches are ppl who are born with innate magic abilities and are able to tap into these abilities as easy as breathing. A wizard is someone who was born with hidden magic abilities. Bc the magic is buried away, they can’t perform magic as naturally as witches can. They require schooling to unlock their magic and they require a medium to conduct their magic, like a wand. While witches CAN use wands, they don’t HAVE to bc they can still perform magic without one. A witch and a wizard can be born to any family, it’s both a genetic thing and a mutation thing. Only a witch can make a familiar bond bc its a level of magic most wizards can’t understand how to do. Familiars are magic animals! Animals become familiar candidates usually through mutation. For example a cat born with the mutation that allows it to use magic can be a familiar. However, a regular cat with no magic cannot be a familiar. Any animal that can perform magic can be a familiar basically! Familiar bonds are established through magic
The first arc of the story is Muse and Remy! Remy is a young witch who got into a prestigious magic school on a scholarship or something. He is. Super poor. Can’t afford to buy a fancy familiar so he goes to like the black market and buys one off an illegal familiar trader hgfdknfs. Muse is a young cat (maine coon) who was born with magic capabilites. His innate magic is resizing, so he can make himself bigger or smaller. He lived in the forest with his family but was captured by a familiar trader. Unsurprisingly, Muse is one of the options for sale at the black market! He was the only option that wasn’t a magic rat, so Remy went with him aand haggled the price lower hgfdkjsn 
Muse becomes Remy’s familiar bc he wants to get out of the hell that is the familiar trading market! They attend school together and Muse learns how to shift into a human and Remy learns more magic stuff etc. Traditionally, people who graduate from the magic academy go to serve the king and royalty but Remy and Muse didn’t want to do that so they just yeeted to a random forest and set up a house there. Remy spends his time researching magic! And then one day Remy goes myseriously goes missing while testing out new portal spells
Muse spends 10 years looking around the whole world for Remy! Remy is no where to be found! Muse returns back to their forest home a sad lonely cat!
70 years pass and we get the second arc of the story! Virus is the son of a wizard (abt 13 years old) who lords over a small town. He hates the wizard with a passion and runs away from home! He stumbles onto Muse’s forest home and Muse lets him stay under the condition that he cooks for him! Important side note familars and witches age a lot slower than normal humans bc the magic in their blood keeps them Alive. Anyways, Virus moves into the forest house, grows up, gets Muse to teach him magic too. Unlike his parent, Virus is a natural born witch so magic comes to him very easily! 
18 years old, Virus develops a crush on the unaging Muse. He wants to impress him...... Life is very chill tho, Virus cooks and whittles wood when hes bored and gardens! Muse hunts food and cleans the house! Virus goes fishing in the river one day and accidentally fishes up a baby river dragon. This is Dov! Dov is still a baby dragon so he has... no legs.. he just looks like a hairy snake.. He fell out of his nest and got lost and was craving companionship and that’s why he accepted Virus’s offer for him to become his familar. Note here that dragons are SUPER rare and they rarely become fmiliars so this is a huge catch for virus
anyways thats abt the au summed up!! theres, as always, more details but i didnt want to make this post longer than it already was shgdfkjgf thank you sm for askin tho qwq i really love talking abt my aus
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sitdow · 6 years
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[ REBLOG ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED <3 ] Here's some patches of animals where you can choose the LGBTQIA+ flag you want on their scarfs ( they're 20 euros each ) ! REMEMBER TO READ THE RULES PLEASE
Fox 1 ( Common Red ) :  AVAILABLE Fox 2 ( Leucistic ) : AVAILABLE Fox 3 ( Platinum ) : AVAILABLE
Cat 1 ( Maine Coon ) : AVAILABLE Cat 2 ( Kurilian Bobtail ) : AVAILABLE Cat 3 ( Turkish Van ) : AVAILABLE
Wolf/Dog 1 ( Albino ) : AVAILABLE Wolf/Dog 2 ( Grey ) : AVAILABLE
The size of the finished patch will be around : 10x7 cm ( 3.93x2.75 inch ) for the cat 11x6 cm ( 4.33x2.36 inch ) for the fox 9.7x6.2 cm ( 3.81x2.44 inch ) for the wolf/dog
- First come first serve - You can buy as much patches as you want - Remember to put the flag you want on the scarf in your comment ( please precise the version of the flag if multiple versions of it exist ). You can also send me a PM if you prefer. - It's okay if you don't want a LGBTQIA+ flag on the scarf, you can just ask a color. - I will finish the patch for you AFTER I get the money - I don't do reserve, if you don't send the money 24h after I send you my paypal adress, the patch will be for sale again. - I only accept Paypal - No negociation - No refund
If you didn't had the time to buy the one you wanted, just tell me, I'll put your in a waiting list and you will be contacted once the patch is available again :) ( /!\ The price may be raised a little in the future /!\ ) FOR CUSTOM : Send me a PM if you want one. The price will be at least 30-40 euros.
I have the right to cancel your order if you ask for the cisgender and/or the heterosexual flag OR for flags that concern illegals romantic/sexual orientations ( like pedophilia, zoophilia... ). Flags that are too complicated to sew will be refused too ( sorry ! ).
Every order may take 1 to7 days to be finished ( you will be warned if I need more time ). The final result will be sent by letter with a tracking number. The shipping will cost 2.50 euros if you're from France or 6 euros if you're outside of France ( it can be more expensive if you buy multiple patches ).
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cursedcaos · 6 years
Colt green
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 I am a poor wayfaring stranger
A-traveling through this world below
But there's no sickness, toil, or danger
In that bright land to which I go
I'm going there to see my father
I'm going there no more to roam
I'm just a-going over Jordan
I'm just a-going over home
B A S I C S:
Full Name: Colt ‘McCrea’ Green
Quote: “Ride with you brother? Always.”
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He | Him
Appearance: Colt stands at 5'8 he has an overweight build with stronger arms, he hides his weight under clothing and he has multiple scars all over his body, the most being in his arms and legs where roped imbedded and left scars, a scar is over his throat from a failed attempt at killing him and he hides it with a green patterned bandanna with plant patterns stitched into the ends, he has unkempt black hair that curls at the end and Hazel eyes with green, gold and brown with slight hints of blue near the middle, he has bags under his eyes from going to bed late and waking up early.
                  O T H E R:
Family: Father: Campbell Green(deceased), Mother: Holly McCrea(deceased)
Animals: Horse - A Overo paint named Cherry, Cat - A yellow and white Maine coon named Cracker
Birthplace: Near the upper montana river, West Elizabeth great plains
Job(s): Outlaw, horse caretaker
Phobias: fear of deep water, fear of losing his loved ones, Fear of bees,wasps and hornets, fear of not doing something right or not being good enough
Guilty Pleasures: Candy
Hobbies: wood working, Singing alone or very rarely near the other members, Photography, writing, Taking care of the horses
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                   M O R A L S:
Morality Alignment: True Neutral
Sins: Anger
Virtues: Kindness, Justice, hope, Faith
                  T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
hard-working / lazy
traditional / modern / in between
                   G A N G I N F O:
Gang: Van Der Linde
Rank: 4th most trusted
Bounty: Wanted Dead or Alive
Price on Head: $4000
When did he join?: 1878
Favorite Gang activity: Robbing Stage's
Favorite member: Sean MacGuire
Second favorite: Javier Escuella
Third favorite: John Marston
Least Favorite/hate: Micah bell
Job in Gang: Taking care of the horses
How he joined: He was found when he was 12 in the year 1878, dutch hearing a scream of pain investigated and found the new gang, the O'Driscoll boys having tied up colts arms and legs to the point of embedding into the skin, they held him hostage and tortured him for not joining them, dutch arrived just in time as they slit colts throat, it failed and did not cut deep enough to kill him, after Dutch killed them he brought colt back with him and let him heal, asking colt to join When he was healed enough and colt accepted, becoming the first one to join out of everyone and becoming the second most loyal out of everyone in the gang.
Where he sleeps: he has a tent out farther than the others to always listen for people trying to sneaking into camp or sneak away.
Sawed-Off Shotgun
Rolling Block Rifle modified with a long scope and golden metal engraving with ivory metal and ebony wood
Relationships(Main ones):
Arthur Morgan: Considers him a older brother, the two have been together thick and thin since the beginning of the gang and he loves him dearly and he would die for him and even kill for him, he and Arthur often share pictures colt takes or stuff Arthur has written in his journal on his adventures, the two even act like brothers as seen through conversations or interactions when you talk to him or in missions
John Marston: Considers him a younger brother, he helped raise him since he was young and helped him try shooting better from the lessons Dutch taught him when he first joined, he helped him try to swim but ultimately failed at trying and often calls him raccoon or brother, even deartháir meaning brother in Irish and would die for him and his family, you can often see him talking to john after he argues with Abigail and helps him try being a better dad even if the two brothers don't know what the hell they are doing.
Hosea Matthews: Considers him a father, he taught colt how to read and be kind, he is the most like hosea in personality and colt appreciates that hosea is in his life, admiring him for teaching him things Dutch could not and will often share stories with hosea when he returns to camp after a adventure and shows him the pictures he's taken or when the two go hunting or fishing he shows what fish he's caught or even track animal's for hosea on hunting trips, the two almost died from wolves once and laugh it off now, he loves hosea like a father.
Dutch Van Der Linde: considers him a father figure in his life for saving his life, he taught colt how to trick people with his kindness and be a leader when needed, but he hates being a leader figure and just prefers being a follower and taught him how to rob people and pick pocket unsuspecting people, Dutch trust's him because he can keep secrets that need kept secret and can be a valuable asset in long range shooting, learning how to shoot far even with a pistol or a revolver.
Javier Escuella: Considers Javier a friend and a brother, he taught colt how to speak and understand spanish and to speak Spanish and in return, taught Javier how to speak English, colt often just listens to Javier playing his own songs on his guitar or sometimes even singing with him if he knows the song Javier is singing, and the two act like close friends and even brothers, they also talk in Spanish sometimes, mostly about how colt wants to visit Mexico and Javier promises to bring colt there one day and always be there for him, even if the gang breaks up one day.
Charles Smith: Considers him a friend, he likes the man for his quiet and reserved personality and that he seems to care for bison and other wildlife, and colt often takes Charles to his best locations for hunting in the area's colt loves throughout the different chapters, he tries helping Charles talk to people more people and help him make friends, and in return Charles helped him learn to track animals and hunt better, but mostly uses the skills to track animals he takes pictures of.
Sean Macguire: Considers sean a close friend and a brother, he is very close to him and loves his stories he tells around the campfire, Sean always cheers him up even at his lowest points, wherever the two go trouble seems to the two close behind, they are the best choice for stagecoach robberies or home robberies, but it's also a bad choice because they cause more trouble than good most of the times they are together, but they get the job done fast and efficient, colt tries teaching Sean to read once in awhile but Sean declines help from colt each time he tries helping him learn.
Kieran Duffy: a love hate relationship, he trust's this former O'Driscoll but still doesn't trust him fully but senses the man has a meek personality and a good heart, he helps him take care of the gangs horses and learn new ways for him to take care of the horses or protect him from the other gang members, once fought bill and pinned him down by his arm with his foot against Bill's back for trying to geld poor Kieran once.
                   P E R S O N A L:
Personality: a kind and caring individual, he loves being around people he considers family, he always puts his gang first before anything else and listening to different members stories, listening to javier's music and Sean's stories even if some of them may be stupid, he can act chaotic when he is around the gang but knows when to not act like that and stays calm, often stays up even when everyone is asleep,
but when he gets angry his attitude quickly goes to cold and hateful, a side inherited from his father who was a outlaw leader before his death, his father had a stern and cruel personality when he was still alive and this is shown the most around Micah or Bill when the two start causing trouble and often get in fights that end up with one of them on the ground or wounded,
he was raised for 12 years around his father's gang before there deaths and was taught right from wrong from one of the gang members and gained a adventurous personality from that time around them, he seems to love books and writing in a journal he buys later in the chapters and loves nature and wildlife, specifically elks and moose,
                   R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
He also loves being around the girls and tries lowering miss grimshaw’s attitude towards them but ultimately fails since he is also somewhat afraid of her, he also loves cats and even has his own cat dutch and hosea let him have when he found her 4 years ago.
Acceptable Ships: N/A
OT3: N/A
BroTP: Arthur/Colt, John/Colt, Javier/Colt, Sean/Colt
NOTP: Dutch/Colt, Hosea/Colt, Micah/Colt, Bill/Colt, Uncle/Colt
                           F A C T S:
1. He is blinded by loyalty and almost doesn't see dutch's wrong choices later in the chapter's.
2. He was once trying to learn knife tricks from Javier once and the knife stabbed into his hand, leaving a scar on his right hand.
3. he's going blind from age.
4. He sometimes hums to himself if he thinks he is alone
5. He has fast Metabolism, so he looks sickly and can get sick easily
6. Hated John when he first join but overtime they grew closer, and sometimes call each other brother.
7. Fought Bird Anderson and Lost, gets mocked by the gang sometimes for losing to a kid.
8. Is the son of a now deceased infamous gang leader Named Campbell Green.
9. Can speak Gaelic, Spanish and English.
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garybrower · 2 years
Maine Coon Kittens For Sale
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The maine coon kitten are solid, rugged, and can endure a harsh climate. A distinctive characteristic of this cat is the smooth, shaggy coat. This breed is well-proportioned, has a balanced appearance, and has adapted to varied environments. Personality No breed has a monopoly on love and affection, but there’s got to be some good reason that Maine Coons have clawed their way up from near extinction to the prized place of America’s second most popular breed (according to the CFA’s registration totals). Maine Coon fans say that the popularity is due to the breed’s large size, intelligence, luxuriant coat, hardy disposition, and devotion to their human family. History               Maine Coons, like American Shorthairs, are considered native to America because they’ve been on this continent since the colonial days, and perhaps longer. How they got here in the first place and where their progenitors came from, however, is anyone’s guess, since none of the local colonists happened by with their camera phones to record the event. Maine coon cat price When buying a Maine Coon Kitten from a breeder, you can expect to be asked to pay anywhere between $1000 - $2000 for one in general.
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