#Maddie and chim are having so much fun
williexmercer · 4 months
don’t think about the finale and instead think of Henren taking Buck for his first pride being out (this man is an ally he’s been to pride before giving out free hugs)
And Buck is so happy with a bi flag on his face being with his family. Hen and Karen have lesbian flag capes and all of them mock the protesters. Bucktommy kisses in front of the protesters and they are all so happy
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mishtershpock · 5 months
#okay i’m gonna try to keep this short and sweet. 30 tag maximum you are my nemesis lol#my main issue here is not necessarily that the karaoke and other bach party scenes have likely been cut#it’s more that they’re clearly buddie baiting for engagement#journalists were watching the episode as early as saturday. which means the ep was ready by at least this time last week#so they knew that the scenes had been cut. and they chose to continue including it in promotion and interviews#i KNOW that logically the reason they chose those scenes to cut was because they’re less important. and we’d already seen them#they technically already gave us the clips in the promo videos. right? so bye bye#but that’s bullshit. sorry#they used buddie best friendism content as a way to promote the ep and increase hype#and then they just pull it out from under us the day before it airs#this is a madney episode. madney are getting married. buddie having fun is not the most important thing here. i get it#so why did they not promote something else? you’re telling me there was NOTHING ELSE they could’ve used?#nothing else from the episode that was free of big spoilers? at all???#it’s madney’s episode but they chose to promote one clip of buddie talking to maddie. one of chim crawling. and the bach party stuff#they must know that people would focus on the bach party. buddie is beloved buck and eddie are beloved#what were they expecting??#they used buddie as a pairing as bait. not queer bait and not even ship bait i suppose as there was nothing ‘shippy’ shown#but they baited buddie content. that’s literally what’s happened#i would be more understanding if this wasn’t a regular occurrence. it’s normal sure. shows do this all the time with fan faves#but also it is a false reflection of the episode. even journalists are saying the episode is not what they expected from the promo#it honestly feels like they’ve made fools of us. maybe the episode will air and it’ll be better than expected#but i don’t have much hope not much hope for buddie. not much hope for madney getting what they deserve. ZERO hope for eddie’s 7b storyline#frankly i’m expecting b/t to be the main chat after this ep. which is……. anyway#i’m not really liking s7 so far and i feel gaslit when people say it’s great lol#IN MY OPINION it is choppy and too fast and a little ooc and doesn’t make a lot of sense#they didn’t even green light bi!buck until episode. what. 2/3??#so presumably had to change everything from then on#i know that’s partly down to limited episode numbers but… 3 eps for the cruise (unnecessary) but 1 for madney wedding? ok#sigh. if anyone’s read this far pls don’t come for me ok. these are just my opinions#we’re all entitled to them. i’m sad for madney and i’m sad for buddie best friendism and i’m sad for s7 as a whole right now
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beefcakekinard · 4 months
i really think maddie and tommy could be really good friends. like at first their shared connection is buck - and that's a strong starting point, they both love this golden retriever of a man, and they both think he deserves all the love a person could possibly fit into their life! maddie is generous with the baby stories, which buck finds generally distressing, but tommy just eats them up, he's totally enamoured and it becomes really clear to maddie that tommy really wants to know all of buck that there is to know.
one evening maybe they're over at maddie and chim's for dinner and they've finished eating, they're both watching chim and buck chase jee around the backyard - tommy makes a comment like "howie's such a great dad" and maddie thinks, not for the first time, how nice it is to talk to someone who knows them as howie and evan. so she asks tommy if they can do lunch sometime, just the two of them.
lunch is fun. maddie is kind of surprised by just how much tommy makes her laugh; buck goes on all the time about how funny he is, but they've never spent time together outside of a group setting, where tommy is less naturally chatty. he has a dry sense of humour that more than once startles her into laughter, and they're having so much fun that it's so easy to decide to extend lunch into coffee at a place nearby.
relatively recently, tommy has been brought into the fold of buckley sibling trauma, and when she brings up her parents in some way, he gives her his condolences for daniel's loss. she immediately gets choked up the way she always does when this subject comes up, from the tenderness of a wound left raw and ignored for so long, but she breathes through it and thanks him, sincerely. she tells him that it's nice to be able to talk about daniel again, and to get to finally share him with evan. tommy's so open and easy to talk to, and doesn't push or pry. he says that he knows how it feels growing up with parents who aren't able, or willing, to give you what you need. when she eventually changes the subject, he goes along with it easily.
anyway, they have a really good time. i think they have a lot they can connect about, and their personalities mix in a really fun way! lunch becomes a semi-regular thing, as much as they can manage with their schedules. maddie gets tommy into the bachelor - he gets her into his favourite movies. in no time at all they have their own jokes and references. they fit naturally into each other's handpicked families like they were supposed to be there all along.
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exhuastedpigeon · 10 months
Season 7 should just fully ignore Eddie and Buck's respective love lives for the first 8-9 episodes. Let the show should focus on the other main characters and give them major story lines since 6b was very Buck centered (rightfully so the man died).
I want- no I need - to see Hen and Karen learning to balance being mothers to a newborn baby and a pre-teen and working. Let us see them figuring that out and supporting each other.
I also want to see Bobby and Athena back from their honeymoon and glowing and realizing that there's so much more to life than their jobs. It would be very fun to see them start talking about retirement with other people and seeing how the other characters react.
We need a Ravi story line too! Ravi begins??? We could use a Ravi begins. Let us see Ravi's backstory and his childhood in and out of hospitals. Let us see his family react to him becoming a firefighter.
Maddie and Chim are obviously planning their wedding, but I also want to see Maddie at the call center stepping up and maybe training to be the next Sue? Or even better, maybe Maddie thinks about getting back into nursing.
And Chim's story should be about how he's finally got the family and home he's always dreamed about and he doesn't know what comes next. Give us Hen and Chim bonding about feeling like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop when things are going too well in their personal lives.
Eddie should have a story line outside of his love life and outside of being a dad. He's been so defined by fatherhood, firefighting, and being a widower, he needs something in his life that's just for him. Maybe Eddie has a bit of a mini breakdown about Chris growing up and we see him spending time with each of the other characters trying to figure out who Eddie is. We hear a bit about him and Buck without Chris trying different hobbies together while Chris is at sleepovers and being a 12/13 year old.
Our main lens to Buck's personal life should be through him helping Maddie and Chim plan the wedding (clipboard Buck please and thank you!), through seeing him with the Diaz boys doing domestic stuff like making dinner and game nights, and hanging out with Eddie. We never SEE Buck and Eddie hanging out alone, but we hear them talking about it.
THEN in episode 9 or 10 we should see everyone getting their invites to Maddie and Chim's wedding and both Buck and Eddie RSVP 'plus one' except we haven't seen them with a girlfriend all season?? What the fuck is up with that??
Only for them to show up to the wedding together. And the audience thinks it's because Buck is Maddie's Man of Honour and Eddie is one of Chim's groomsmen. But then we get a shot of Eddie helping Buck with his tie or something and then after he pulls him into a kiss. And it's clearly not a first kiss, it's a gently peck like they've been doing it for months.
AND THEN after the wedding we get an episode that's the missing Buck and Eddie scenes from the season. We always heard about them but it wasn't ever shown. And it turns out all those little adventures were dates and they've been dating for months without telling anyone.
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myimaginarywonderland · 5 months
I present to you:
Tommy and Josh are friends. Somehow after some calls they got friendly and at one point decided to just hang out after exchanging numbers and texting for a while. They clicked. They found out they both were gay and it's so easy to finally have a friend that gets it.
So at one of their hangouts after the hurrican thing Tommy talks about the stunt the 118 pulled and he is like making fun before he talks about this guy being a literal golden retriever, trying to encourage the them and Josh just laughs and says "That's Buck alright." And Tommy just slowly turns to Josh with a look, a look that Josh has come to know and Josh goes "No Tommy, no."
And Tommy is all like "I didn't even say anything!"
And Josh is like "I get it trust me. First few times I meet him, I also crushed but that man is straight and also a giant idiot. His heart is too big and he wouldn't know how to turn you down. As his friend, I am telling you do not."
And Tommy goes "fine" and then they continue on with Tommy telling Josh about meeting up with Eddie and Josh makes a joke about the two army guys obviously bonding.
Cut to like three weeks later (They have both had different shift schedules and Josh has helped Maddie with the wedding) and they meet up after the restaurant date and Josh can sense something is wrong with his friend.
He wants to probe but Tommy just says "Thought I had a chance with a cute guy bit turns out he wasn't ready for something" and Josh gets it. He's been there, it sucks sometimes and he just offers his friend a shoulder to lean.
Another two weeks pass and when they meet up again Tommy is smiling. Like his nose scrunch smile which he only does when he is really smitten and Josh has truly only seen it once. So he immediately goes into questioning mood but Tommy just laughs and says "You know that cute guy? I think he is ready" but he won't elaborate further. And Josh is trying but Tommy just keeps giving vague answers and wow, Josh truly has never seen Tommy like this and feels a swell of happiness because whoever has his friend smiling like that better be good and worth it.
Josh also coincidentally has a meet up with the Buckley-Han family (they are already married to him basically) and he notices how Buck is glancing at his phone a lot and having this goofy smile and wow. He makes a joke about Buck having found a new girlfriend and Buck sort of freezes and now Josh feels bad but then he smiles such a soft smile it kind of hits him in the chest when he says "I am seeing someone and I am really happy." Cut to Chim wanting to probe but Buck not bugging and Josh just feeling happy for his friend. Maddie suddenly turns and ask "Did you want to bring them to the wedding?" and Buck kind of sheepishly replies "I already invited them." And Maddie softly chuckles talking about how gone her brother is and Josh is suddenly aware that Buck is using only they/them which isn't weird but it's not how Buck usually talks.
And Chim pipes up and says "With how much time you have been spending talking complaining about Tommy before, I have no idea where you suddenly got a date" and OMG.
Buck flushes a bit, Maddie laughs and Josh slaps a hand over his mouth to stop a giggle coming out.
Buck notices of course he does and when they are done later he pulls Josh aside and wants to talk but Josh just throws himself at Buck, hugging him.
"If you break his heart as his friend I have to hurt you. But as your friend, I couldn't be more happier for you" to which Buck kind of melts, chuckles and returns the hug.
On the way home, after some more heartfelt words because he knows how difficult and hard this can be, Josh stops the car at Tommy's flat, knocks up a storm and pushes past Tommy only to explode in the hallway as soon as the door is closed.
And Tommy is a bit flabbergasted and laughs to which Josh kind of gets upset and says "I love you, I am fully in support of your relationship, I couldn't be happier, he is a catch but damn, are you telling me I could have had a chance?"
Which just causes a ridiculous laughing and giggling fit between two grown ass adults that Josh and Tommy will be happy to deny ever happened.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 27 days
Ok, here comes one word promt for bucktommy
This was a cute one to write. Thank you 🩶
Hen and Chim and recently gotten back in contact with an old member of the 118, Tommy, and wanted to get everyone together for night at the bar.
It was a fun night. Maddie and Chim had left earlier to pick up Jee, but Hen and Karen were still showing up everyone on the dance floor, leaving Eddie and Buck at the table with Tommy.
Buck couldn’t get over just how fucking cool this guy was. He flew helicopters in the army, now helicopters and planes for the LAFD. He did Muay Thai, apparently had a car lift and mechanics pit in his garage.. He was a man.
He had tonnes in common with Eddie, too and Buck couldn’t help feel a ping of jealousy. Tommy had far more in common with Eddie than he ever did.
Tommy had been at the bar getting them drinks and talking to someone but pointing to their table. Buck instinctively waved back and immediately felt like an idiot. Tommy walked back to the table a little quickly and placed the drinks down.
“Okay this is going to sound weird I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”
“What do I get out of it?” Eddie asked.
“Uh, nothing because I was talking to Evan.” Buck felt an odd sensation in his stomach.
“Uh, me?” He said, eyebrows up.
“Him”? Eddie question.
“Yeah, he’s more my type.” He said and Buck didn’t know how to feel about that.
“Well I feel deeply rejected.” Eddie joked. Tommy rolled his eyes.
“I’ll explain everything later, but that guy at the bar is my ex, and he won’t leave me alone. So I said I was with someone and he asked who, and I panicked and I said you, thinking he’d leave me alone. But I was wrong and he wants to meet you and I’m sorry and I’ll pay for all your drinks the rest of the night if you pretend for the next few minutes.” He looked at Buck with pleading eyes. Somehow Buck couldn’t say no to them.
“Uh, sure.” He said. Tommys face morphed into a smile, with deep lines framing his eyes and Buck couldn’t help smiling back as they held eye contact.
“That guy is coming over.” Eddie informed them. Tommy took a seat next to Buck only a bit closer than before. He slid an arm behind him resting it against the top of the booth seat.
He was a few inches shorter than Tommy, with hair similar colour to Bucks but much shorter. He was built similarly to Buck too.
The man took a seat from a nearby table and placed at the end of theirs sitting down.
“Are you going to introduce us, T?’
“Shane, this is Evan.”
“Buck, everyone calls me Buck.” He said reaching forward and o shake Shane’s hand. When he sat back he could feel the warmth of Tommys arm on the back of his neck. A strange flush came through him.
“Oh and this is Eddie.”
“Hey, man.” Eddie shook his hand also.
Shane looked between Buck and Tommy. “So, how long have you been together?”
“6 months.” Tommy replied effortlessly.
“So not very long then.” Shane said in a hopeful tone.
“True, but when you know you know. Right babe?” He looked at Buck.
“Uh, yeah.” Buck agreed looking at Tommy. Tommy smiled at him and again Buck couldn’t help but smile back. There was something in the way that Tommy smiled that he couldn’t put his finger on .
“They’re honestly adorable.” Eddie chimed in “Can’t get enough of each other.” Buck saw the grin and amused look on Eddie’s face. He was clearly enjoying this.
The music changed from upbeat to slow and couples began moving closer to one another on the dance floor.
“Hey don’t you guys love this song?” Eddie said. “You should totally dance to it.” Buck threw Eddie a look but he just grinned in response.
“We’re enjoying our drinks for now.” Tommy replied.
“Oh I can keep an eye on those. Don’t worry.” Eddie said back.
“What’s the matter?” Shane asked. “You love to dance. I remember you-“
“Absolutely.” Tommy interrupted. “We’d love to dance. Wouldn’t we Evan?” He looked at him and tapped his foot against his under the table hoping that he would agree.
“Uh, sure. Yeah.” Tommy left the booth, followed by Buck and walked over to where other couples were dancing. Buck looked back at Eddie who was still grinning widely. Son of bitch was loving every moment of it.
Buck stood in front of Tommy awkwardly. All the other people dancing had their arms around each other and he had no clue what to do.
“You’ve never danced with a man before have you?” Tommy asked sensing his awkwardness
“Is it that obvious?” He replied.
“Luckily for you I’m an aficionado. Here..” he took Bucks arms and put them around his shoulders then put his own around Bucks waist. “Is this okay?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Listen, Evan, I know I asked for your help but really if you’re uncomfortable we can stop.” Tommy told him. His expression was open and gentle and Buck knew that he meant what he said.
“It’s fine. Really.” He said and they began to sway slowly.
“Thank you, by the way. You’re really saving my ass.”
“What’s the deal with him? Was it a bad break up?” Buck asked.
“He wasn’t a bad boyfriend, just.. kind of obsessed with me.” He said.
“Isn’t it a good thing to be obsessed with your significant other?” Buck asked.
“There’s a limit. He wanted to be with me all the time. And I mean all the time. Got to the point I couldn’t use the bathroom without him knocking on the door to talk to me.”
“Yeah. I love spending time with the person I’m with but I do like time to spend with my friends or just myself. In the end I had to break it off and as you can see he still hasn’t moved on. I’m hoping he’ll see us dancing and it’ll click for him they we’re over.”
“And if he doesn’t?” Asked Buck.
“I’ve always wanted a Vegas wedding. You in?.” Tommy joked and Buck laughed loudly.
“Well, I’m easy to live with and I’m a pretty good cook.” Buck said back.
“Good to know.” Tommy smiled. Buck felt that flush of heat again as Tommy looked at him. He broke eye contact and looked over at their table. Shane was staring intently at them, meanwhile Eddie was leaning over whispering to Hen and Karen, still grinning and pointing at them. Buck was never going to live this down.
“He’s still watching by the way.” Buck told him. Tommy sighed, annoyed. Buck took the initiative and moved closer, tightening his arms around Tommys neck. The move surprised Tommy and he waited a beat before wrapping his arms further around Bucks waist.
“So what about you. Any significant other?” Tommy asked.
“Uh, no. My last ex was also a little obsessive. Not about me, though. At least not directly. All she wanted to talk about the fact that I died.” Tommy looked at him confused.
“I have questions...”
Buck laughed. “Short version is I was struck by lightning a few months ago. My heart stopped for over 3 minutes. Which as you can imagine is a very satisfying subject to a Death Doula.”
“Shit. Are you okay? No long term effects?” Tommy asked with a genuine tone of concern.
“I did have some pretty awesome math skills for a while,” he laughed “but sadly they went away quite quickly. But otherwise I’m totally fine.”
“Good.” He smiled. His smile was absolutely gorgeous, Buck finally admitted to himself. “So, a death doula?”
“Yeah. I shouldn’t date someone I meet on a call.”
“Saving someone’s life and then dating them never turns out the way you expect.” Tommy agreed.
“I learned that lesson third time around.”
“And yet they’re always so grateful!” He joked. “He still watching?” Buck looked over to see Shane still sat at the table watching them, but Eddie, Hen and Karen walking, coats and bags in hand, toward the exit. Eddie caught his eye and winked as they left the bar.
He didn’t tell Tommy they’d left. Something inside him didn’t want to. He was enjoying dancing with Tommy and telling him might end it.
“He’s still watching us intently.” Buck said.
“At this point he might have to catch us screwing in the bathroom.” Tommy said with a chuckle. Bucks face immediately flushed. He knew Tommy was joking but.. Something was twisting in his stomach. It was an unfamiliar and unexpected feeling but it was pleasant. More than pleasant.
“I don’t know about that, but what about this..”
It could have been a moment of madness, or weakness, or some deep rooted part of himself he wasn’t aware of, or hell, maybe the 2 beers he’d drank were laced with something that he wasn’t aware of.. but whatever the reason, without thinking about it, Buck leaned in and pressed his lips against Tommy’s.
Tommy’s breath hitched at the surprise. As Buck pulled his lips away and opened his eyes to Tommy’s looking intently at him, he felt a warm explosion in his chest—one he wasn’t expecting. Then the realisation kicked in at what he’d just done.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have..”
He felt embarrassed. Tommy probably didn’t like him that way, and he wasn’t sure of his own feelings either. Tommy did something to him, that he was sure of, now. Earlier he’d thought it was jealousy over Eddie but now he couldn’t deny the feeling in his chest at sharing a kiss with him. He liked it.
Tommy could see he was having some kind of internal debate and ended it as he placed fingers under Bucks jaw, pulling him in for another kiss. This one was firmer and longer.
Without second guessing it Buck opened his mouth against Tommy’s and deepened the kiss. Buck didn’t know why he was doing it or why he liked it—he would spend the next few days unpacking it and would come to a rather life changing revelation— but standing in the bar with his arms around Tommy, feeling his warm tongue against his, that tasted of the IPA’s he’d been drinking, all he knew was that he wanted it.
Tommy’s hands were travelling up and down his back leaving goosebumps in their wake. Buck was holding on to Tommy’s neck for dear life for fear that if he let go, the kiss would end and this feeling he had that was snaking its away in and around his organs would go away.
“I have to say that was unexpected.” Tommy said when the kiss did eventually end. Buck tilted his head and looked up at him bashfully.
“I think your ex is gone.” Buck said. They both looked around and couldn’t see him anywhere.
“Good.” Tommy said looking at Buck. “So, what are you doing Saturday?”
“You free?”
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Santa Monica is cool and stuff, but have you ever gone to the beaches in Ventura? Zen AF.
Here's some beach fluff.
Buck and Tommy were all too thrilled to be up at 7 am on their day off.
Only because they had plans for today.
Amazing and, hopefully, fun plans.
"You guys are amazing to agree to watch them." Hen told them sincerely as she and Maddie watched as Mara and Jee excitedly hugged Tommy and Buck.
"Yeah, we can't thank you enough." Maddie added, hands over her heart as she watched Tommy pick up Jee.
"Thank us for watching our favorite nieces? Please. " Tommy playfully scoffed. "This has been the one thing we've been looking forward to all week." Tommy admitted, patting Jees back in comfort as the little girl rested her head onto Tommy's shoulder.
Buck looked at his sister who was trying to not coo at the sight. He was fighting the same issue, watching his neice and his boyfriend snuggle was making his heart skip beats.
"Tommy's right," Buck added, smiling softly at Jee and Mara, who was holding onto Buck's arm and dozing off since it was still so early for them both. "We’ve been excited to babysit the girls, we've got everything we need." He pointed towards his sister, "including snacks!"
Both women rolled their eyes at him, but Buck shrugged it off. "What about Denny? He really didn't want to come?"
Hen gave them an apologetic smile, "As much as he actually did want to come along, his school is taking part in a robotics competition and Denny wanted to go since apparently robot fighting is rumored to be expected." Hen explained, rolling her eyes at Buck's excited look.
"Robot fighting versus beach day. Totally get it." He joked.
"Karen and Chim should be able to get the girls by tomorrow morning, that still works?"
Tommy gave them a thumbs up, while Buck nodded with an excited grin. "Works perfectly."
Maddie and Hen gave both men a "Thank you" before kissing both girls goodbye, reminding them to be nice to their uncles before leaving.
"Okay!" Buck clapped his hands together excited, "Who's up for some strawberry Frenchtoast before we hit the road?"
"Meeeeeee!"Jee popping right awake had Tommy laughing as he followed Buck and Mara into the kitchen.
After breakfast, the four of them got into Buck's jeep and started the drive up north.
Fortunately, driving up from Tommy's house is easier since they avoided all the traffic coming into LA.
The first spot was a small beach by Harbor Village, Tommy and Buck were able to set up a spot close to the water with Mara and Jee's help.
(Jee, ever the little helper, got upset that she couldn't carry the beach chairs to show she was just as strong as her uncle Buck and uncle Tommy)
Buck helped Mara get her swim cap on as Tommy laid out a blanket and got the toys they had bought for the girls specifically. Both men were also adamant about sun block for both girls, spraying a liberal amount on both their nieces (and themselves).
Both men took turns sitting on the beach and watching over their things as they took the girls out into the water. With Buck getting each girl to paddle board with him and Tommy showing them how to surf. Both girls ended up playing in the water for a long while, squealing happily as the water splashed around them. They made sand castles, played around with a volley ball, and took lot of pictures to send to Karen, Hen, Chimney, and Maddie.
Before long it was nearing one and all of the snacks were gone. "Who's up for some burgers?" Tommy asked the crew as he and Buck helped the girls into some shorts and hoodies. They had managed to get their stuff back into the jeep (and collected half of the beaches sand too).
"Me!" "Me, I'm really hungry!"
Buck picked up Jee and pointed towards the small gathering of restaurants that were walking distance. "Theres a old school burger shop that has milkshakes." He told them in a sing a long voice. "Does that work?"
Mara nodded excitedly at that, "Yes! Can I have a strawberry milkshake?" She asked politely.
Tommy felt his heart lurch out, he had seen how comfortable Mara was getting with not only the team but with them specifically. She had taken a while to open up to Buck and himself, understandably, but now? He would refuse to admit to anyone but Buck about how it almost had him tearing up at how Mara felt safe and comfortable with them now.
"Of course you can, Mara." He told her gently, holding out his hand for her to take, leading them towards the restaurant.
After lunch they headed over to main street, letting the girls burn their energy off as they walked down the street and into shops that interested them.
(Did Tommy and Buck buy each girl a new coloring set, stickers, and their own individual ukulele? Yep!)
They drove further up till they made it to Santa Barbara. The girls loved the water, again asking both men to take them paddle boarding and surfing.
Buck felt more relaxed as ever as he watched Tommy play with the girls, laughing as the girls tried to tackle Tommy into the water.
Buck felt his heart skip a beat again, he rubbed his chest. He could feel his eyes sting as he thought about Tommy and him having kids, giving Mara, Denny, Jee, and Christopher a few new cousins to play with.
He hadn’t spoken to Tommy much about them having kids, but he knew Tommy wanted kids. He knew how much Tommy adored all the kids from the 118 and his own nephew and niece (Buck had met Theo, age 3, and Harley, age 6 via zoom and saw how much they meant to Tommy).
It was something they both wanted, Buck was only a little bit doubtful about it being something that Tommy wanted with him.
After enjoying tacos for dinner, the group made their way to the ice cream parlor, Buck knowing how crowded the town got crowded in the evening opted to hold a table in the courtyard for them. He took Jee with him and left Mara and Tommy to order their ice cream.
Ten minutes later, a very smiley Mara and a red faced Tommy came towards them, each carrying a cup of ice-cream in their hands.
"Hey uncle Buck, guess what!"
"What?" Buck quickly gave Jees ice-cream to her since his little niece was making grabby hands towards the dessert and looking annoyed.
"The cashier at the ice-cream shop thought you and uncle Tommy were my dads. It was cute, they told uncle Tommy that we're a cute family."
That explained Tommy's red face.
"That was sweet of them." Buck smiled, he looked up at Tommy again, giving his boyfriend a hopeful smile as the four sat to eat their dessert.
By the time they got back to Tommy's place, it was late and both girls were passed out asleep.
"You think about one day doing this with our own kids?" Tommy asked, almost hesitantly as he carried a sleepy Mara while Buck carried Jee into the house.
Buck was sure this time that his heart melted at that, he took a moment to catch his voice. "Every day." He answered softly.
Morning came way too fast for everyone in the house, Tommy and Buck were still dealing with two very tired girls.
"I can drink a little coffee, can't I uncle Tommy?" Mara asked, eyeing the steaming cup that Buck had placed for Tommy and himself.
"Nooo." Tommy stressed, moving the cup away from Mara. "You get some non caffeine drinks, I've got juice, milk, chocolate milk, or I can make you smoothie."
Mara pouted at that but answered "Smoothie please."
"You too Jee?"
Jee shook her head no, "I want juice please!"
They were in the middle of eating when the doorbell rang, "I know who that is." Tommy got up, "Take your time eating, I'm sure Chim and Karen could use some breakfast."
"Is that why we cooked enough to feed an army?" Buck joked. He smiled at the two girls before noticing their downtrodden expressions. "You two okay? What's up?"
"Do we have to go?" Mara asked, "Can't we stay one more day?"
"Pleeeease!" Jee added, "I want to have more fun."
Buck pressed his lips together momentarily, one to keep from smiling so hard and two, to keep from crying at how much his nieces adored them.
"You guys are always welcome here, yknow that." He reminded them, "What if I talk to your parents about having an uncles' day once a week? That way you guys can spend some time with us?"
Jee clapper her hands together and Mara nodded, all smiles as Chim and Karen came into the kitchen.
"Hey mom, uncle Buck said we could do a uncles day every week!" Mara said excitedly, running up to Karen and the Chimney for a hug hello.
"Did he now?" Karen looked almost smug at that, she knew how much of a softie Buck was. "I think that's a wonderful idea, right Chim?"
Chim picked up Jee, tickling her side, "Hey, if Buck and Tommy are up for it, you won't find me complaining."
After breakfast, Tommy and Buck hugged the girls goodbye while grappling with Karen and Chim bemoaning for buying them a jeep full of toys and books ("You try telling Mara and Jee no after they tell you that you're their favorite uncle!" Tommy complained after receiving the glare from Chim when he saw the ukulele).
The house became all too quiet too quickly. Tommy took Buck's hand and led him toward the living room, pulling the man onto the couch for cuddles.
"So, still want kids then?" Buck asked, rubbing his hand up and down Tommy's arm.
"With you? Of course I do."
Buck felt himself melt into Tommy's hold finally, content and safe about their future.
"I do have a question for you though, a pretty important one." Tommy admitted after a beat of silence.
He sounded serious and anxious enough for Buck to sit up and turn to look at him.
"O-okay." Buck stammered, his nerves fraying as he watched Tommy carefully for any signs of what the queation could entail. "What's the question?"
Tommy let out a happy and content sigh, taking a hold of Buck's hands, and then got down on one knee...
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biasbuck · 9 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Friday 13th everyone! Oh my gosh, two weeks to go, I'm so excited. Here's another round of the fic I've been reading when not actively losing my mind over all the buzzy promo landing. You can find previous rec lists here.
13 September 2024
the wayward son by @gayhoediaz had me GRIPPED. As the author summarises: 'Eddie misses his son, grows a mustache, pines after his best friend, and becomes a regular at a gay sex club. That last part is either an indulgence or an inevitable, somewhat self-destructive conclusion to several decades worth of compulsory heterosexuality and catholic guilt. Don’t ask him which.' The result of this is a scorchingly hot voyeuristic thrill ride with an absolutely aching emotional heart along as a passenger. I felt so much for Eddie as he self destructed and built himself back up again, truly throwing himself in at the deep end, and then Buck there to catch him when he falls. This fic gave me every emotion and was so incredibly satisfying. I already know it's gonna be one to go back to time and again.
had a feeling i could be someone by @butchdiaz of course I had to include the butch dyke Hotshots on XYZ inspired Eddie contemplating shaving her head fic. This one resonated with me so much, and was such a lovely take on the themes we're seeing in personhood and self actualisation and ownership of image versus what your parents intended for you. I love this character study of Eddie reclaiming her butch identity and expression, and Buck's sweet support in her journey. Make sure to check out the gorgeous fanart by @iinryer it was inspired by and it inspired if you haven't already seen it!
whatever you like by @clytemnestraaa 'hello mr performance anxiety meet mr desperate to please' sums it up perfectly. In which established relationship Eddie and Buck are having sex, but they still need to work on their communication. Buck wants to know what Eddie likes in order to give him that experience, but that's easier said than done when you're not really sure what exactly it is you want, or how to go about it. I really loved this exploration of a misalignment in sexual experience, the resulting cross purpose conversation, and the non-judgemental openhearted hand extended in order to find your way together. Or 'two 30-something men inexplicably put through an episode of Sex Education.' Sympathetic, sweet, and funny too.
But God, I love the English by @starlingbite this au tickled me for the sole reason of having watched several seasons of the show before someone told me Oliver is from London, and not having picked up on that accent slippage despite ALSO BEING FROM LONDON. Chimney and a British Buck take part in a six week cultural exchange programme with Chim going to London to stay with Maddie and work at a fire station, whilst Buck joins the 118 in LA. Eddie is instantly besotted by the handsome stranger, and fun linguistic hijinks aside, Buck fits right in. How will they manage long distance when it's time for him to go home? So much fun, and with sweet background Madney too!
it's leading me on, every time we touch by @bisexualbellamyblake in which after Eddie mentions to the team that he's having a little back trouble, Maddie lets slip that Buck once trained to be a massage therapist during his career jumping youth! As an almost certified professional of course it wouldn't be like Buck to not offer his services. And Eddie has no reason to turn him down. Does he? This oozed with sexual tension, whilst also being really lovely moment of friends getting to know each other better. Really excellent character voice and internal dialogue from Eddie.
all of the girls you loved before by @wildehacked back again with yet another banger...literally. Let me tell you, I read this one on public transport and had to school my expression with all my decades of fic reading experience in full force. Dragged out to team drinks on their evening off, the tipsy conversation turns to the team's top sexual experiences. When Buck finds out Eddie's is from years before, he can't help but dwell on just exactly how he could fix that. And he finds narrowing down his own top five a little tricky. With flashback cameos from Abby, Taylor and Tommy, this 5+1 fic was hot as hell.
P.S. Insert plea for Madney and Henren friendship/extended family fic here...I think I'm gonna need it! As usual feel free to self rec! And please share and reblog :) See you next week.
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kitteneddiediaz · 4 months
As requested: Buck/Eddie, being unable to keep their eyes off of them
Hi Inell! Thank you for the request (from weeks ago!)! Here you go <3
There's a little prickle in the back of Buck's head that tells him he should feel guilty. Chimney has been talking to him and Hen for probably close to five minutes, relating some story about this crazy lady he ran into with Maddie at the Farmer's Market who held up the line by feeling every single individual grape on every single vine before she could pick which one she wanted. Buck isn't listening. And he knows he should feel bad, because time spent with Chimney outside of work is important to him, especially when Chim is talking about something with so much passion, stepping out of the funny-man pants for just a second to gush about Maddie and how funny she was later when they were home, making fun of the weird lady.
But, Buck can't even bring himself to look at Chim to hear what he's talking about because Eddie is... glowing, tonight.
Something's shifted, Buck knows. Or maybe nothing really has changed, just the cones in Buck's eyes have altered so he can see Eddie in a way he never has before. Warm, golden light oozing out of his skin, dripping from his big smile and crinkly eyes. It's hard to listen to Chim when Buck is presented with that. With Eddie looking so unbelievably beautiful it makes Buck want to bury his face in a pillow and scream because how do you even handle being around someone like that?
Eddie keeps looking back at him too, is the other thing. He'll laugh at something Karen says, or hold his wine glass out for Athena to give him a refill and will glance up, eyes crinkling a little harder when he sees Buck looking as well.
Hen nudges Buck, giving him a look, and he's pulled back to the present, eyes and ears on Chim as he recounts how he tried to show Maddie how he could juggle by using the farm-fresh eggs they had just bought but misjudged the placement of one in the air and had to clean up egg off their floor, giggling with Maddie the entire time.
Buck's never going to get over seeing and hearing Maddie and Chim happy together, especially with everything that the two of them went through before they found each other, and then everything that they did go through together. His love for them is boundless, but Buck would really like to stare at Eddie like a love-struck fool right now instead, and despite the love for his sister and brother-in-law, he's a little grumpy he's being kept from doing that.
But something glimmers out of the corner of his eye, and he's drawn back over to the opposite side of Bobby and Athena's backyard. The sun's reflecting off Eddie's stupid big watch, catching Buck in the eyes when Eddie twists his arm just right, and as soon as his focus came back to him, it's out the window again, watching Eddie talk to Karen and May.
Eddie laughs bright and happy, head thrown back, and Buck thinks 'fuck it,' excusing himself from Hen and Chimney, making a pit stop at the snack table so it doesn't seem like he just ditched the two of them for Eddie, even though he knows that they know that he did.
He's just grabbing another scoop of watermelon when the scent of fresh citrus hits his nose. Buck turns, and there's Eddie, standing next to him at the table, wine glass in hand.
"Hey, you," Eddie says.
"Hey yourself," Buck responds. "How are you?"
"Good. I'm good. Feels nice to get everyone together. I don't think we've done this in awhile." "Yeah, well, hopefully everything will be back to normal soon. I don't think I can handle another medical emergency for another two years." Eddie laughs at that. "That might be some wishful thinking there, Buck," He says, bringing his wine glass to his lips.
"What are you drinking?"
"Oh! It's a Moscato. Super super sweet. I really like it. Athena got it from some fancy winery she took May to for her 21st birthday."
"Can I try?" Buck asks.
"Sure," Eddie says, passing over the glass. He watches Buck the entire time, and Buck can't bring himself to look away either. He brings the glass to his lips, acutely aware that his lips are touching the same spot on the glass that Eddie's had. He takes a sip, and that's what does him in, breaking eye contact with Eddie to pucker his entire face.
"Holy shit, that is sweet. Oh, my god."
"I told you," Eddie laughs at him.
"I don't know how you can drink that."
"It's summer," Eddie says. Gesturing to the wine next, "it's fruity and sweet. Just kinda fits."
Buck hums, looking back at his best friend, and that's it for a moment, the two of them standing at the snack table, blocking access to the fruit and veggie trays and the charcuterie board, completely oblivious to anything that isn't each other.
As usual, Buck breaks first, looking down at the ground, amused huff leaving his nose. He fiddles with the corner of his square paper plate before looking back up, "you look really nice tonight."
Eddie doesn't say anything back for a second, just grins at him a little bigger. When he does finally speak, it's quiet. "You do too."
And there's that soft comfortable silence again.
Buck's heart swells as the setting sun peeks through the leaves of the trees, backlighting Eddie and making him glow even brighter than he had been earlier. God, he's beautiful, Buck thinks.
But just as quick as it's there, the moments gone. Buck doesn't mourn it though, because next thing he knows Eddie is stepping forward into his space, and pressing a soft kiss to Buck's cheek.
He pulls back, and Buck can't remember the last time he was this close to Eddie's face.
Eddie's eyes crinkle, and he squeezes Buck's bicep, and then he's gone, walking past Buck to mingle with their friends some more.
Buck's left there, in the wake of Eddie's light, his warmth. He lets go of the corner of the plate, the paper wrinkled and torn where Buck nervously played with it. Across the yard, Bobby calls him over to help plate the food from the grill, and Buck bounds over, ignoring the knowing glance from Hen, happy and warm, glowing just as bright as Eddie is.
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
Okay, so, I'm fully aware of the platform I accidentally created with the whole network, and I love being the place people come for information and a good laugh about the madness. But I am a person. I am also only one person. I get a whole lot of asks in a day, I try to answer as many as I can but sometimes my life gets in the way and sometimes the things I'm getting kill my vibe and make me less inclined to sit through my inbox for hours. I filter as much as I can, sometimes the sheer volume of asks filter things too. I'm just the messenger. I'm not gonna let you use me to rage bait because I'm the one who takes the heat for it. Is my name attached to the asks. I don't condone with what's been happening, the blogs who take things too far or whoever it was who wrote that fic. I don't know who wrote it, if it was an angry buddie shipper or a disturbed bucktommy one or someone outside of the mess who wants to have fun putting us against each other, but I know that I don't want anything to do with that individual or individuals. But to act like they somehow speak for the whole buddie fandom is messed up. To expect every buddie fan to public denounce them is messed up. Unfortunately, there has always been fucked up fics posted to ao3. Are we gonna chase down everyone who wrote fics where Chim is abusive towards Maddie, or where Eddie is Buck's Doug, or the very disturbing Ana bashing fics that include shit ranging from her kidnapping Chris to her raping Buck too then? We've seen a bt shipper say that Eddie should kill himself because Ryan's experience would make the scene realistic, but I never expected anyone to apologize for her behavior because I know she's not the norm and she's the only one responsible for the shit she says. No one here speaks for anyone. But dissecting why a character acts the way he does when he has a canon past of bigotry does not give anyone the right to say that the only reason something disturbing is happening is because I said something mean about Tommy. That fic is fucked up. But the only person responsible for it is whoever wrote it. If I knew who that was, trust me, I would be putting them on blast, but I don't. Some of you need to get off your high horse. No one can control fandom, and a witch hunt just because someone found a burner account that may or may not be responsible for shit and attacking everyone because they are being followed by them is not it. It's not gonna solve anything. To try and make anyone who said something negative about Tommy responsible is not it. I'm a real person. I know y'all only see a hockey player's picture and a 5sos song url, but I'm a person. I am not a newspaper and I'm also not the spokesperson for the buddie fandom who needs to make a statement about these awful things happening. I'm not the one creating the unsafe space. My shit is properly tagged, I stay in my blog, I don't go chasing people I don't agree with just to pick a fight. But y'all do love dragging me into shit I have nothing to do with. What happened is fucked but can we stop blaming the whole fandom for the actions of a very small portion of it?
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months
Strawberries and Cream
Paring: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 6.7k
Notes: *taps mic* I uh… i just want to stress that uh this is fanFICTION and whilst I did do some research I have completely pulled so much of this out of my ass. Malignant Hyperthermia is what I’m basing this off of and then pixie dust is what’s supplying the rest okay. Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust. Thank you.
P.s This is one of my favorite chapters of all time HONESTLY
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Episode 9: I Don’t Dance
Does Buck just know everyone??
You’re sure he does as you stand in Eddie’s guest room or rather your bedroom, putting on your makeup to go to one of the most exclusive clubs in L.A
“So like…Tommy? Is coming? What’s that about??” You look at Maddie in the mirror and she smirks, shrugging
“Buck just says he’s a good friend that he wanted to introduce to us formally because they hang out a lot”
“Yeah…friend. Because I know all about that” You snicker and add some more glitter to your chest
“You better give me all the details. And you sure as hell better record if they dance together”
“Girl I’m already on it, Eddie and I are ready to capture this”
Maddie watches you, lying on her side with her hand propping up her head
“You sure you don’t wanna come?” You ask as you apply the glitter to your eyelids and she laughs
“Yeah definitely, I don’t think I can stand long enough to get through one dance”
“It would be so fun if you were there but I understand… you and Chim just have a good night together” You wiggle your eyebrows at her and she rolls her eyes
“Are you almost done?? I want to see your makeup!”
You drop your blue pencil and turn around in your seat, putting your hands to your cheeks and batting your eyelashes
“How do I look?”
Your eyes are done up to look like the night sky, glitter acting as the stars. It had been a fun look you had been practicing for a while and now seemed like the best time to debut it.
You get up from your vanity and stand in the middle of the room, with your arms down at your sides. Maddie gets off the bed, or rather rolls off, and looks you over, walking around you in a circle. She fixes up one of the ties on the side of your dress
“Just one question,” She says, standing back and you walk over to the mirror, heels clicking against the floor. You pull down the bottom of your dress a bit and fix a couple more ties
“Where’s the rest of that dress” She asks sarcastically as you fix the off-the-shoulder sleeves
“Oh ha-ha very funny” You stick your tongue out and she swats your butt
“Do you at least have shorts on under that!”
You turn to the side “Does it look like I do? It’s a club Maddie! I wanna look cute…. For Eddie” you mumble the last sentence and she laughs at you
“He’s never gonna let you out of the house in that”
“He doesn’t have any say” You sass her and she scoffs
You walk out of the bedroom with her, giggling quietly as you two walk into the living room. The gang is all set to go as Chimney comes into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. He nearly drops it when he sees you, you walk past him, your perfume lingering in the air
“How do I look, guys?” You do a little spin and put your hands behind your back
“Go change,” Eddie and Buck say in unison and the girls lose it, laughing. Chimney sits down next to Tommy, passing him the popcorn bowl as they both mind their own damn business.
“What!! No!! This is perfect”
“You get your ass back in that bedroom and you change! Maddie! How could you let her out in that!” Buck cries out loudly as he gestures wildly
“Hey, I’m not in charge of her!” She puts her hands up in defense and Buck throws a pillow at her
“Maddie! As parents we need to-“
“Parents??” You say
“Make sure our little girl is dressed appropriately!- not like a sexy pole dancer! Who I fully respect making her bag”
“Hey she can dress however she wants” Hen chimes in
“Thank you!” You huff, crossing your arms. Eddie’s eyes nearly pop out of his head and he has to turn away from you for a minute
“That being said, Y/N go change”
“Oh come on!!!”
“That’s it! I’m telling Mom!!” Buck shouts, snapping a picture to send to Athena
“No, no, no!!” You yell, diving at him for the phone “I’ll change! I’m going I swear!”
You run off to the bedroom as Buck throws a pillow at you now. Eddie excuses himself quietly while they’re all talking about it and goes straight to your room.
You’re busy undoing a few of the ties when the door opens quietly and you look up through the mirror. Eddie closes the door and leans against it, staring at you
“Promise you’ll wear that dress on our next date?”
He whispers, his voice is low and husky as he walks towards you, every step feels like a predator staring at his prey. You turn to him, your dress half undone.
“I promise” Your hands shake a little as he walks closer. He stops in front of you, hooking his finger under your chin and tilting your head up. The way he kisses you is heated and passionate… definitely a promise for later. His other hand sears into your bare side, and you squeak when he yanks you against him, his cock hard, already
He pulls away from you, smirking at the dumb look on your face. He really needs to get around to video-taping exactly how he gets you that way.
“Can I pick something for you?” He turns to look at your closet and you nod slowly, watching him walk over to it and start carding through your dresses.
He takes his time, feeling the fabric between his fingertips, noting the colors and tones. He settles on a black sparkly bodycon dress with spaghetti straps
“I want you to know I love that dress Y/N. If you can even call it that”
He tosses the new dress on the bed and comes back over, helping you finish undoing all the ties
“But I don’t think I could let you out the front door in something like that without making sure my cum is dripping down your legs, and every person who sees you knows I claimed you over and over again”
He lifts you, dropping you down onto the bed and tearing the rest of the dress off your body. He stares at your wide eyes, sweet and doe-like. His eyes travel down your body, hungry and desperate to taste every inch of you
“Pasties and a g-string?” He says under his breath and you shrug sheepishly
“I-it’s a very small dress”
“Uh huh,” He agrees as he kicks his pants off, settling between your legs like you both love. He’s heavy and warm and you can feel his cum soaking through your pathetic excuse for underwear, he drags the tip of his cock over the black material, pushing against your clit and watching the way your juices coat the front of them too.
He’s grinning wickedly, pulling your panties to the side, when the door pops open and you squeak again, trying to scramble from underneath Eddie but he keeps you pinned to the bed. Buck walks in, blindly feeling around with his eyes shut tight
“Polo” Eddie sighs into your neck, and you giggle lightly, his breath tickling you.
“Oh god, oh gag that was from the bed. Okay anyway uh I realized way too late you were gone. So come on, get your pants back on so we can leave already! We’re gonna be late!”
“How did you know my pants were off??” Eddie gets up from the bed, pouting as he stares at your naked body and pulls on his pants again, he blows you a kiss and turns Buck around, steering him from the bedroom.
Chimney sits at the wheel as you all load into Buck’s Jeep, he’s driving you there tonight at the request of Bobby who doesn’t want anyone driving anywhere. Chim is taking you there and Bobby volunteered to pick you up afterwards
“Alright this is the most illegal thing I’ve done today” He chuckles as he fixes the review mirror. Tommy is upfront, Buck is in Eddie’s lap, you’re in Hen’s lap and Karen is squished in the middle
“It’s just like when we were kids! Everyone say thank you Uncle Chimney” Buck slaps his hands on Chimney's shoulders and rubs them
“Thank you Uncle Chimney!!”
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The club is in full party mode as you all arrive, Buck makes a quick call as you pull up and everyone piles out. You straighten out your dress and Eddie walks over, pulling you behind the car and to him by your waist, placing a sweet kiss on your lips
“Is it dramatic I really wanted you to be in my lap”
You giggle and kiss him back “Nah not really, because I really wanted to be in your lap”
A girl comes out of the club, shouting Buck's name and running towards him. He scoops her up and hugs her tightly
“Oop” you whisper as you walk over to them and Hen elbows you as Buck sets her down
“You guys this is Gina! We go way back! She’s one of the owners here and has graciously invited us to come tonight”
You’re all saying hello and exchanging pleasantries when Buck pulls you away from Eddie for a minute
“This is Y/N, the cousin I always told you about?”
Gina smiles widely and shakes your hand a bit aggressively
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! Buck used to talk about you constantly. I was beginning to think you were made up!”
You giggle and shake her hand back “Nope I’m real!! It’s really nice to meet you. I wish someone had talked about you more, this place is awesome!”
“Buck actually helped me with the designs all those years ago. It’s my privilege to have you all here! Drinks are on the house! Top shelf only for my friends!”
You all cheer and thank her and she leads you into the club. It’s a nice-looking place, very clean for a club. The dance floor is packed as the music booms through the speakers, you can feel the bass as you walk. Buck forms a little chain with you, he’s holding your hand and Tommy’s and you’re holding his and Eddie’s.
You’re led to a raised platform with a cozy-looking booth with dim fairy lights on it. It’s pretty close to the bar
“I saved the best seat in the house for you!” Gina yells over the music, taking the reserved sign off the table
“Thank you! Come join us for a drink later!” Buck shouts back hugging her and she smiles
“Will do!! Especially with you handsome” She winks at Eddie as she walks away and you whirl around to look at him. He looks at you, a light blush on his cheeks and you narrow your eyes at him, crossing your arms over your chest
“Mine!” You say in a little voice and he snorts, stepping over to you and putting his hands on your ass. He squeezes lightly and pulls you into him, kissing all over your face
“Yours baby girl”
A tray of blue shots is brought over to the table and the head bartender introduces himself as Max and tells you Gina has made your group priority so if you all need anything else just come to the bar and ask for him.
He takes your drink orders and walks off with a friendly wave, winking at Tommy. Buck aggressively takes his shot, shrugging when you ask him if he’s okay. Eddie nearly chokes on his as he laughs at Buck.
After too many shots (according to Eddie) a third of a Long Island iced tea and a few sips of Hen’s margarita you’re ready to dance. You’d been there about an hour, just taking time to relax together and talk and definitely give the alcohol a chance to work its way through your system. Eddie did his best to keep water and fries in your mouth but by the time you drag him onto the dance floor you’re tipsy as hell
It doesn’t even matter that there are a hundred-plus people around you, you’re feeling yourself too damn much to care. You put Eddie’s hands on your hips and bend over, shaking your ass on his cock. He watches you with wide, lust-filled eyes
“I didn’t know you could do that,” He says over the music, his heart practically beating in time with the base
“Neither did I!!” You laugh as you stand against him, dragging your body on him. It’s barely dancing at this point and outright dry-humping but he can’t bring himself to stop you
“What’s your safe word?” He asks you, his mouth close to your ear as he starts to kiss your neck
“Fanark!!” You giggle wildly but make a point to turn and look up into his eyes
Oh, there’s no way in hell he’s stopping you now.
He slips his leg between yours, dancing with you and tilts your head up with the tip of his finger while he stares at you
“Come on” He whispers “You know what I want”
Your eyes widen as you slowly start to grind on his leg, he keeps his eyes on you, biting his lip as he watches you get off on him in public. You reach for his belt and he smirks, putting his hands over yours
“Let’s go find somewhere private” He growls in your ear and your heart leaps out of your chest
He turns to walk away with you and walks right into Buck. Tommy grabs you by your waist and they both pull you apart
“Oh hell no,” Buck says and you whine loudly, stomping your feet
“Your first time is not gonna be in this club!!” Buck pulls Eddie away to go dance with him
“How do you know we haven’t had it!” Eddie yells at Buck and Buck rolls his eyes
“Because I didn’t get an “I only lasted six seconds” text”
You and Tommy laugh as they walk away to go dance and Tommy turns you around
“You don’t mind dancin' with me do you darlin?” He asks as he kisses the back of your hand and you giggle
“Of course not!!”
The two of you dance together and you learn a lot about him, he seems to know all about you, you’re Buck’s favorite topic. And you’re slightly excited for Tommy to become his new favorite topic because he’s an absolute gem.
A really tall, really buff, really kind, gem.
You ask why he didn’t mention knowing you at the party and he laughs a little
“Because it would have been weird as hell approaching a pretty girl like you and telling you how I knew all about you”
Hen and Karen eventually come over and the four of you dance together, trading partners for each song. Tommy is spinning you around as you laugh and squeal when you freeze, your sight zeroed in on a girl drunkenly dancing on Eddie as he tries to hand her off to her friends who are trying to get her to come with them. Tommy looks in the same direction and snorts. He doesn’t even let you go as you go running off to Eddie
“Ma’am- Miss- please” Eddie is gently trying to push her off and her friends are standing around her
“Michaela! This is so embarrassing! Get off that really hot guy!!” Her friend tries to yank her away and she clings to Eddie
“Yeah, Michaela! Get off that really hot guy!” you say in a Valley girl accent. You put your hands on your hips and Eddie stares at you, his eyes wide they all turn to you.
“You maybe wanna get off my man?” You say, in a sweet little polite voice.
“Honey I don’t see your name on him” Michaela scoffs, running her hand down Eddie’s chest.
“You maybe wanna get off my man?” You say again and start to take off your shoes “Before I make you”
She tosses her head back laughing cruelly
“Are you threatening me pipsqueak?”
You’ll be honest, Michaela is model quality. She’s pretty, she’s thin, she’s tall.
But she’s not smart.
And she doesn’t know you.
“Damn right I am, now step off or get your ass kicked, doesn’t matter to me”
“Look, honey. I’m pretty sure Eric-“
“Eddie” He corrects her
“Wants to go home with a real woman. Not some child in whores clothing. So I’ll give you one more chance to leave me the fuck alone”
Well. You warned her.
You're about to pounce, going to jump on her and scratch that smug look off her face when Tommy’s arms catch your waist and hold you back, something he’s starting to get used to doing. Eddie takes you from Tommy, throwing you over his shoulder as you pound on his back thrashing around and trying to sink your claws into her. He gives your ass a firm smack and you squeak, halting your movements as he walks a few feet away
“Look. ” He sets you back down, holding you flush against his chest as Gina walks over to the group,
Tommy comes over and gets on his knee, taking your ankle to get your shoes back on
“Are we having an issue here” She glares and Michaela scoffs.
“Actually we are. I want that bitch kicked out” She points directly at you and your mouth drops open.
“Excuse me?” Gina asks and Michaela turns to her
“You heard me! Look honey I know the owner and I don’t want to have to call him. So can you please get this skank out of my site”
She throws a couple of hundreds at Gina and Buck’s mouth drops open
Gina stares at the money before taking out her radio and making a call, Michaela’s friends have left her, all except for two, who look equally as nasty
“Ms. Toretto?” Two large men show up, looking incredibly intimidating
“Would you please escort this young lady off the premises?” Gina points to Michaela and she gasps, pointing her finger in Gina’s face
“Who the fu-“
“Gina Toretto! Owner of this fine establishment. And you’ve messed with my friends. If I ever see you in this club again you will be arrested. Have a nice life bitch”
She spins on her heel, tossing her hair over her shoulder
“Let’s go” She nods to the four of you and you all follow after her, listening to Michaela scream about suing everyone involved.
Gina apologizes first of all for that girl and second of all for hitting on Eddie earlier
“I really didn’t know. But damn were you ready to fight her” Gina laughs and you look up at Eddie, smiling sweetly, but he sees that little crazy twinkle in your eye and he smirks at it, poking your nose
“Without question”
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Eddie has to calm you down, again. So he lets you knock back the rest of his Cosmo and pull him back onto the dance floor. Tommy and Buck are a little ways away from you two, whispering in each other’s ears. You wriggle in Eddie’s arms and he chuckles while holding you close for a moment
“You good, Sugar cube?”
“I’ve never seen Buck look so happy…“
You and Eddie have your phones up, pretending to just be taking snaps for stories, but there’s no doubt what you’re really doing
Tommy has his hands on Buck’s waist, it’s sinfully respectful and you and Eddie are trying not to squeal. They’re dancing to Saturn by Sza and Buck looks peacefully elated and it makes your heart burst to see him so happy.
“I can see why the “just a friend” thing pissed Buck off so much” Eddie whispers in your ear and you laugh, reaching back and kissing his cheek
“He’s never gonna let us live that down”
Eddie takes your phone from you, slips it in his pocket, and puts his arms around you. pulling you close to him. You lay your head on his chest and he kisses your head softly, quietly singing the song to you
“You know, I think I’m okay right here with you… I don’t need Saturn” He whispers in your ear and you look up at him, your eyes sparkling in the dim lights of the club
“I like you, Eddie,” You say softly and he smirks, putting his head against yours too
“I like you too”
“Did you mean what you said the other night? That you don’t fall in love?”
Oh, so you’d heard him.
“I don’t know anymore”
“I don’t either”
“Just say it…it…it…it” Buck creates his own echo in your ear and you nearly jump six feet in the air as he leans back laughing. He stumbles into Tommy who holds him steady. He’s definitely tipsy, or maybe even drunk at this point
“Would you quit it!!” You yell and push him and he pushes you back and you stumble into Eddie who catches you.
“Okay children, enough” Tommy rolls his eyes and Buck sticks his tongue out at you and you do it back. Eddie rolls his eyes too and looks at Tommy
“I’m already in too deep, but you have a chance to run from this” He gestures between you two making stupid faces at each other
Tommy chuckles, shaking his head “No, I don’t think I do”
Both of you are too drunk to catch the look that Tommy gives Buck, but Eddie isn’t, it’s the same way he’d look at you when you weren’t looking. Eddie finally grabs your shoulders and turns you around to pick you up
“Alright dumbasses let’s go get another drink”
“Let’s do shots again!!” Buck cheers as Tommy takes his hand, following Eddie back to the table
“Yeah, shots!!!” You cheer loudly as Eddie throws you over his shoulder
Hen and Karen are sitting at the table as Eddie plops you down in the booth, you “oooooo” at them as they pull away from each other and Hen rolls her eyes
“You’re ruining the moment” She smirks, giving your leg a whack and you laugh, hugging her tightly
“I’m sorry!! Do you want me to leave, I can leave. I’ll even leave the club!! Eddie let’s leave the club”
You take your phone back from his pocket and stuff it in your clutch
“No honey you don’t have to leave” She hugs you back and you sigh loudly, closing your eyes as you lean against her
“Good because you’re my friend and I don’t wanna leave!! I’m having fun!!”
“I’m glad you’re having fun, Eddie when was the last time you gave her water”
“You think she knows what water is?” He pulls you off of Hen and into his lap and you whine reaching for her
“We were bonding!” You scold him and he rolls his eyes
“Baby I think she wants to bond with her wife”
Your mouth drops open and your eyes go wide as you look at him and he laughs, letting his head fall against the booth
“Eddie!!! We’re gonna ruin their moment!! We gotta leave the club!!”
You try to wriggle from his arms, maneuvering yourself awkwardly until you’re lying across his lap
“How did she do that” Karen asks, sipping her drink
“I have no idea but I’m not complaining,” Eddie says, smacking your ass and you squeak
“What am I looking at” Buck asks as he sets the tray down on the table, Tommy sets another one down next to it and they start passing them out
“I think Eddie’s horny I can feel his-“
He slaps his hand over your mouth and you keep talking through it, completely muffled
“Please tell me one of you brought water”
“Why would I do a stupid thing like that” Buck snickers, slamming his shot back and handing one down to you and you nibble at Eddie’s fingers until he uncovers your mouth and you take the shot
“That’s why I went with him and my shots are water” He whispers the last part handing Buck one who slams it back too fast to even care. He takes your hands, dragging you off Eddie’s lap and pulling you up so you don’t fall
“Let’s go dance!!” He says excitedly and you and Buck runoff
“I’m on it” Tommy puts his hand up before Eddie can get up and runs after you two
“They’re having way too much fun” Karen giggles and Eddie sighs, watching you and Buck dancing like idiots and smiles
“Yeah I know they are”
Tommy stays behind you, keeping any jerks away from you and Buck stays in front of you, holding your hands and swinging your arms wildly while you both go crazy. As the song changes for a fourth time, Tommy finally picks you up and drags you and Buck back to the table. Hen, Karen, and Eddie are laughing about something as he puts you down in the booth and pushes Buck to sit down. He falls backward, dragging Tommy with him and all four of you freeze as they kiss. Buck lets his head fall back onto the seat as he laughs deliriously
Oh, he’s drunk.
“I think he pre-gamed a little hard” Tommy says, his cheeks practically on fire and you get up from the booth, feeling a little sober and a lot ready to shake Buck by the shoulders and scream excitedly
“I’m gonna go order some water!! And maybe some cheese curds who knows”
“Let me go with you” Eddie starts to scoot out of the booth and Hen goes with him
“Actually I’ll go! I’m gonna get another margarita”
She grabs you by the wrist and the two of you twist your way through the hot crowd. You don’t get very far from the booth when your arm is ripped from Hen’s hand.
“Hey pretty mama, you wanna dance with a real man?”
The man who had been eyeing you all night finally gets his hands on you, pulling you flush against his chest and grinding his crotch against your ass. You weren’t the first girl he’d done that to, but you were sure as hell gonna be the last. Before you can even stomp on his foot he’s ripped off of you and thrown to the floor
“Get your goddamn hands off my girlfriend”
Eddie is on top of him, beating the absolute shit out of him, the man rolls them over, punching Eddie a good few times too. He reaches out, breaking a bottle and pointing it at Eddie.
Hen runs to get Buck and Tommy from the table, Eddie can definitely handle himself for a minute while she gets back up.
“You get off of him!!!” You scream and start kicking him in the side. Buck comes running over, grabbing you by the waist, and handing you off to Tommy, who keeps you tightly locked to his chest as you kick and threaten
“No one punches my best friend!!” Buck yells as he rips the man off Eddie and punches him, he pulls Eddie up and they both take this guy out, taking turns punching him. He gets in a couple of good hits on Buck with the way he’s swinging wildly and you can feel Tommy tense up a little. But Buck punches him right in the balls as Eddie punches his face and he screams in pain
The ladies around you all start cheering and laughing at the guy crying on the floor. He’d gotten inappropriate with way more girls than you’d originally thought
“Eddie beat his ass!!” You cheer and the little group goes wild
“Hey, the bouncer is coming!” One of the girls yells over the crowd and Buck and Eddie freeze
“Scatter!!!” You shout and you all go running out of the club. Hen takes your hand as you hop along and take off your shoes. You, Karen, and Tommy run out behind her while Buck and Eddie go running god knows where. But you all definitely get help in escaping. No one is helping that douchebag
You finally stop running when you get a block or two away. You bend over, wheezing, and lean against the building next to you
“Ohhh man I haven’t run since like….. ever” You cough and Karen nods along with you. You both stare at Hen and Tommy, who are softly panting
“Show offs” You both flick them off and they laugh.
Hen helps Karen stand up straight and rubs her back
“Where did the boys go?” Hen asks as she looks around and you shrug
“Speak of the devil” You hold up your phone, waving it
“Hi baby,” You say in a sickly sweet voice and he laughs
“Hey cutie, where are you?”
“I have no idea! Where are you?”
“I also have no idea!” He says just as cheerily as you did and you giggle, sending him your location
“Oh hey, we’re not far from there! We’ll call Bobby and meet you”
“I don’t think we’ll all fit in his car” You laugh as you look up, Karen looks pale and Tommy looks horrified. You look around, seeing if someone’s coming after you. Tommy quickly wipes his hands on his pants
“Don’t worry we’ll get a big enough one. Go to the diner down the street alright? We’ll pick you up”
You hang up and give them a double thumbs up
“Alright, the boys are meeting us at the diner down the street”
“Are you feeling okay??” Tommy asks you, coming over to put his hand on your lower back
“Uhhh should I not be??” You ask, looking up at him and you stumble a little, becoming dizzy. But mans is 14 inches taller, of course, you’d be dizzy looking all the way up there!!
“Whoa, what the heck was that? I told Eddie not to get me drunk” You giggle a little and suddenly Tommy is scooping you up in his arms, your head lolls a little and you lean it against his shoulder
“Hey, what’s with the Princess treatment?!”
“It’s nothing, Sweetpea, you just uh, look a little tired,” He says calmly and you all start walking towards the diner, his pace is quick, and his long legs carrying you stride ahead of Hen and Karen
“Would you slow down, you’re making me dizzy!”
Your words are becoming slurred and you frown deeply, suddenly there’s two Tommys too
“Hey- hey hey hey stay with me honey,” Tommy says as he walks into the diner
“I need help!” He calls out as he lays you on a table
“Tommy, what’s going on?” You ask, becoming nervous now. He smooths your hair back, kissing your head as he pulls out his phone
“You’re just a little injured that’s all, it’s gonna be okay I’ve got you. I promised Buck and Eddie I would look out for you tonight”
“You did? You don’t even know me” You blink slowly at him and he pats your cheek, smiling
“Of course I did, you mean a lot to them. Which means you mean a lot to me”
You sniffle a little, holding his hand, and a waitress brings over a first-aid kit
“Can I have an order of fries?” you ask her and she smiles, patting your leg
“Course you can honey I’ll go put the order in”
She touches Tommy’s arm, whispering something to him and he nods looking back at you
“Did you have a nice night?” Tommy asks as Hen comes over and slips on a pair of gloves while Karen stands next to your feet
“The best night” You sigh dreamily, closing your eyes
“Hey, look at me sweetpea,” Tommy says softly, turning your head to look at him.
“What made it the best night huh?” He asks, you hear sirens in the distance and you look around a little, he turns your head back to him and smiles
“What made it the best night?” He asks softer this time and you shrug
“Just being with Eddie… you know, officially. And you and Buck…” You wriggle your eyebrows and he blushes
“We’re just friends”
Hen barks out a laugh and Karen groans, you giggle breathlessly and squeeze his hand weakly
“That’s what me and Eddie said”
“For nearly six months” Hen glares at you and you stick your tongue out at her
“Oh trust me, I’ve heard about that” Tommy chuckles
“But in all honesty… Buck and I are just friends” He pokes your nose playfully “…For now”
He keeps your eyes on him, every time you try to look around he just pulls you right back. The sirens stop outside of the diner and Karen goes over to the doors, Buck and Eddie come running in and Tommy gets up quickly, holding Buck back and whispering to him
“Hi baby,” Eddie says softly, his voice a little wobbly.
“Hey Superman” you purr weakly and he smirks, kissing your hand. You run your fingers through his hair and then over his face, avoiding all of the cuts and bruises he’d endured. God, he looks good like that
“Seems you’ve gotten yourself into a little pickle,” He says carefully and you shrug
“I’m just chillin here, Tommy said I seemed a little winded after running”
“Yeah I bet you did, you haven’t run since like, ever”
“That’s exactly what I said!!” You squeal and Eddie laughs, kissing down your arm
“How uh…how do you feel? The paramedics walk over quietly and Hen gets up
“You’re not the first person to ask me that,” you tell him, gripping his hand as best you can
“What’s going on?”
“You remember… when that asshole broke the bottle?” He whispers and you nod slowly
“Well…it seems like a piece of it found its way to you,” He says slowly and you freeze, not breathing, not blinking, not moving.
“Are you telling me I got stabbed” you whisper softly
“And you’ve been bleeding out on this table… yeah”
You finally look down and see the dark wet spot on your dress
“Oh… I’ve been impaled”
Buck bursts out laughing and they look at him like he’s crazy. You’re loaded onto the spinal board and strapped down carefully, while you’re also giggling
Buck shrugs “What?! She was being Olaf”
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“What do you mean, “complications” she was awake in the ambulance”
Now it seems to be Eddie’s turn in the ER.
Everyone is in the little family waiting room, even Bobby and Athena rushed to the hospital when Buck told them.
They hadn’t heard much since you’d gotten in, in fact, things were perfectly fine for a while, cheerful even with Buck excitedly telling Maddie, Chim, Athena, and Bobby what had happened at the club while one nurse cleaned up a cut above his eyebrow and another cleaned Eddie’s lip. Eddie looked the worst but it felt more like a medal than a bruise. He’d gladly take down a hundred more guys that messed with you and all those other women.
Athena is scolding both boys, for not holding back and letting her do something about it. But they know she’s proud of them, and that it’s just her job to do so. On the other hand, Bobby high-fives them both, telling them how proud he is of his boys and that he’s never been more glad to know them.
They’re both getting their knuckles cleaned when the Doctor comes in, a hard look on his face.
“Mrs. Diaz’s family?”
“That’s us,” Eddie says “Is everything okay? Can we see her now?”
“Mr Diaz I’m sorry to have to tell you this, But Mrs. Diaz, Y/N, is in a coma.”
It’s like the air has been sucked from the room, Eddie pushes the nurse out of the way, it’s not rough, just so he has room to stand up in front of the doctor
“What the hell do you mean my baby is in a coma? Again, she was awake in the fucking ambulance! I was talking to her! We were joking about spinach puffs!”
“I know sir- I know” The doctor holds his hands up, trying to calm him down “She had some issues with the anesthesia, it- it didn’t go the way we wanted it to. It was a very bad reaction”
“Did you get the glass out?” Buck asks, standing next to Eddie
“We weren’t able to operate no, our priority was to get her off the anesthesia and get her fever down”
“So she’s still got the damn bottle in her side and she’s in a coma?!” Eddie raises his voice, holding his head in his hands
“Can I see her?!”
“No, I'm sorry sir you can’t. She’s still in the ICU, but as soon as she’s stable enough to move to a room we’ll come to get you”
“And when will that be?” Buck asks calmly, turning Eddie around to hug him. He holds him tightly, almost more for himself than anything. Eddie hugs him back, burying his face in his neck
“We don’t know. We’re going to try a local anesthetic and get the glass out that way. We must stop the bleeding as soon as possible. All I can tell you is to sit tight and wait. We’re gonna do everything we can”
Bobby takes over now, walking the Doctor out of the room. Tommy gets up, bringing Buck and Eddie over to a couple of chairs to sit down. They both collapse into the hard plastic, slouching down in the seat and letting their heads fall against the wall
“I should have gone with her to get the drinks. None of this would be happening if I’d just gotten up”
“None of this would be happening if I’d held onto her tighter,” Hen says quietly and Karen hugs her tightly
“Buck and Eddie beat the shit out of that man, he needed his ass kicked and we all know if Y/N was here she wouldn’t let you blame yourselves like this. She’d do it 10 times over if she knew that creep was gonna get what was coming to him. ”
“Besides, you couldn’t have known she was allergic to anesthesia… this is an entirely different issue that could have happened any time,” Tommy says, looking worriedly at Eddie
“She should have been wearing an I.D bracelet that’s such a rare thing,” Maddie says, Chimney has his arms around her tightly as they sit together in a chair
“I should have known,” Eddie says angrily, his hands over his face “I should know what the woman I’m dating is allergic to”
“You know about peanuts, and honestly that’s the most important one Eddie. Maddie and I didn’t even know and we’re her cousins”
“Do you think she knew?” Tommy asks quietly and they all stop talking, because no… it seems like maybe you didn’t.
“Has she gotten her wisdom teeth out yet?” Hen asks and Buck shrugs
“No not yet, she hasn’t really had any type of surgeries in her life”
“So there would be no reason for her to have had to be under anesthesia,” Tommy says “None of you could have known”
“I still feel like I should have” Eddie crosses his arms over his chest, his brow furrowed “I should have”
Buck leans his head on Eddie’s shoulder and smiles sadly “Yeah. We should have.”
Eddie lays his head against Buck’s, and Tommy sits back in his seat, reaching out for Buck’s hand. He hesitates just a little before taking it, squeezing as tightly as he can for a second
“She’s gonna have a field day with that one” Eddie mumbles as he shuts his eyes
“Oh shut up” Buck scoffs
No one is going to convince Eddie this isn’t his fault they don’t even try, and no one can convince Buck or Maddie either. So all they can do is band together, in this tiny little waiting room, full of their family, and blame themselves.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 8 months
Fun little fact about breaking points/ key moments that are either the end of Bucks relationships or the moment something happens that sets their demise in motion - Buck wears dark green
Abby leaves - dark green plaid shirt
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Buck moves into Maddies after he has accepted his break up with Abby (technically this is a bit later as he has moved into Chims and this is him being kicked out of Chims, but it all plays into the same concept!) and the uses of plaid here is also a bit of a nod to that airport costume in my opinion.
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Ali breaks up with him
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Buck tells taylor he kissed Lucy
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Buck ends things with Taylor
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I've included this because it felt like a break up of an aspect of Buck and Eddies relationship at this moment - as well as the moment when Buck was being delusional about Natalia and her seeing him. its also the scene where we get the line about not dating people you meet on the job - which feels like foreshadowing for the Buck and Natalia relationship
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And now we have this still - I thought it was a green toned black shirt - and it might very well still be, I won't know for sure until we see the scene play out, -but now I'm looking at it on my proper computer screen and not my phone screen at 4am, its looking much more dark green to me and therefore potentially fits into the Buck relationship costume colour way - black with a dark green top layer.
So if this does in fact turn out to be dark green - it either means one of three things - this is connected to a Buck/Natalia break up in some way, or we're going to see some drama and divorce era 2.0 for Buck and Eddies relationship, or this is a scene where we see Buck and Eddie grow closer together.
I tend more towards it being a Buck/Natalia break up related scene which actually doesn't preclude it from also pushing Buck and Eddie closer together! The reason I say that the dark green could be a sign of them growing closer is becuase aside from all the outfits above, there are only two other instances of Buck wearing a dark green - the olive green jumper he wears in 3x11 - the This is Eddies house I'm not really a guest scene,
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and then the following episode when they take Chris skateboarding.
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both scenes that establish Bucks place in the Diaz boy's life and as part of hte Buckley Diaz family!!
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spotsandsocks · 4 months
Fuck it Friday 💚🧡🩷❤️💜💙
Hello my friends, thanks for the tags @eddiebabygirldiaz @inell @repressedqueen @tizniz @loveyouanyway @loserdiaz
So today I’m doing something a bit different cos why not.. this week I got a comment on an older fic from ao3 user starspangledwriter (hello) that lead to a lovely conversation about the Buddie of it all and why they mean so much to me. The person I was chatting to suggested it might be nice to share here, so I am.
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And also just to say this is what i think we writers love/hope for with comments, it’s not about wanting people to say nice things (which is obviously lovely) but having a chat about my beloveds and the story I created.
And speaking of the story… here it is if you want to check it out.
Fifteen Minutes 1.4k
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“You look happy.”
Buck smiles at Eddie because he’s right, he is happy. He hasn’t been for a while but today he is, he might not have everything he wants but right now he’s happy to be in this place with these people.
He takes a deep breath and says that around his smile  “I am.” He scans Bobby and Athena’s living room takes in its occupants all chatting and laughing together. “Everyone I love is here.” He looks at Eddie expecting to see him smiling but he’s sees a frown instead. Eddie doesn’t look at him when he says,
“I didn’t see Taylor arrive. Is she here?”
Oh yeah that. He hasn’t actually told Eddie yet has he.
“Um no” he says casually. He can see Eddie trying to process that, he’s adorable when he’s confused.
“But you just said.”
“I know what I said.” He replies also not looking as he confirms the news that Taylor is not here and that he’s worked out he doesn’t love her. There’s a pause, he can’t resist a quick look at Eddie so he catches it when it finally clicks.  Eddie says  “oh”  and Buck sees a smile flash across his face like quicksilver before he wipes it away. There and gone again, so quick Buck might have imagined it. He’s pretty sure he hadn’t though. There’s another moment of silence before Eddie asks the question good friends are supposed to in these circumstances.
“You ok?”
“Yup like I said everyone I love is here. I’m perfect.”
He should probably distract Eddie or he might get interrogated as to why he’s broken up with his girlfriend and that’s a conversation he’s not keen to have. He doesn’t like lying especially to Eddie and any explanation as to why he did what he did is going to reveal more than he’d like.
He can practically hear Eddie thinking, his mouth opens and he just knows the next sentence is going to start with why so Buck jumps in.
“Did you know the Ancient Greeks thought there were 7 types of love.”
Eddie’s expression changes instantly and settles into something softer as he says “No Buck I didn’t, but I guess I’m about to find out huh?” He thinks Eddie looks quite happy about it. No one else looks at him like that when he’s infodumping. It makes him feel warm all over.
“Well” Buck twists towards Eddie and leans in without thinking.
There’s philia that’s family love so like how I feel  for Maddie and Chim. Bobby and Athena too really and Hen. That’s for the people you love and trust cos you know they’ll always be there for you.
Eddie nods.
“All of  us have kinda got agape; that’s universal love for others, it’s why we do what we do, help people.”
And like Hen and Karen they’ve been together for years so they’ve got pragma that’s long lasting love, it’s just there warm and steady. But they’ve got eros too, that’s you know,  desire and stuff.”
Eddie chuckles “I guess Bobby and Athena have that if the firefighter role play is  anything to go by.”
“Eww I just told you they’re like my parents, why would you do that to me. It was bad enough first time round.” He shakes himself to clear the image and Eddie laughs.
“What else? That’s only five.”
He carries on “Well there’s ludus” he’s hoping to skim over the last two “that’s about sex without commitment, just for fun.” He doesn’t say that’s what he had with Taylor and that was why he’d ended it. He doesn’t say he wants something different from life now and that he’d thought he could find it with her but he'd been wrong.
Eddie purses his lips and nods “ok” that seems to be it, Eddie seems happy to move on from that one too.
“And there’s the love parents feel for their kids that’s called storge.”
“So what I feel for Chris and what Bobby feels for you?”
He can feel his cheeks heating “You and Chris yeah, for sure”  he looks over at Bobby, it’d be nice if Bobby felt like that. His thoughts must be written all over his face or maybe Eddie’s just good at reading him.
“I think he does” Eddie says gently, Buck shrugs the colour high in his cheeks.
“What about you and Chris?” Eddie asks. Buck hesitates, cheeks getting pinker by the second. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to answer that. Which answer Eddie wants. He risks a look at him, he looks the same, smiling fondly. He waits and when Buck doesn’t answer he says “You're allowed to feel it you know, say it, if you want to.”
“Am I?” All his doubts are on show.
And the rest is on ao3 🩷
Tagging for FIF if anyone wants to share anything at all!
@hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @bi-buckrights @fiona-fififi
@rogerzsteven @bekkachaos @thekristen999 @ronordmann @hippolotamus
@stagefoureddiediaz @spaceprincessem @underwaterninja13 @wildlife4life @exhuastedpigeon
@weewootruck @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @jesuisici33
@daffi-990 @diazsdimples @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @actualalligator
@rainbow-nerdss @shipperqueen6
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glorious-spoon · 4 months
9-1-1 Season 7 Post-Mortem
Mostly because I want to put my thoughts in order. Full disclosure: I'm really not thrilled with a lot of the choices this season made, but I'm also not at the 'fuck this show I hate it now' level either. The primary, overarching issue, IMO, is that they tried to stuff a full season's worth of plot into ten episodes, and the pacing and emotional continuity suffered badly. And also there were some writing choices that were simply deranged (and hopefully would have been reworked had they not been laying down the tracks in front of the speeding train, so to speak).
(Cut for me rambling at length)
So: Bobby and Athena were largely really solidly written. The cruise ship disaster was great: campy and OTT, but in a fun way. Their marital issues and the eventual resolution felt like a natural continuation of issues they've had in the past. Bobby Begins 3.0 was a great episode other than the cartel element, which was some ill-considered racial stereotyping (I've said it before and I'll say it again: you could have had the antagonists in that episode be a bunch of angry locals threatening people for tresspassing on their property, and the whole thing would have been 100% less gross without actually changing much of the plot. Really felt like Tim was cribbing from the similar Lone Star arc, which was also lazy and racist). Amir was a fantastic character, and while I could have done without that last scene of him offering Bobby absolution, I feel like he was generally allowed to be both gracious and rightfully angry. The cop Athena stuff in the finale was... less great, but also to be expected. I would have liked much less of that and much more time spent at Bobby's bedside.
(I'm really sad about the house fire mostly because that was one of my favorite sets, but I do appreciate the poetry of the parallel, with Bobby actually managing to get his wife out this time. Though I do wonder where Harry was that night, lmao.)
Hen was similarly wonderful. I really liked getting to see her wrestle with the responsibility of being captain, and the fallout of the car accident scene. In a vacuum, I actually like Ortiz as a villain - a complicated one, with sympathetic motivations, but still ostentatiously cruel. Were it not for the fact that there are basically NO latine characters other than Eddie who aren't villains this season, it would have been great. ALAS.
Did not love the rescue dog/foster child parallel with Mara. Otherwise really loved getting to see her settle in with the Wilsons, and I'm really glad that we got to see Chim and Maddie take her in instead of leaving her at the group home by the end of the season. Really leaned into the found family element, and Chim taking care of his best friend's child in the same way that Mrs. Lee did for him.
CHIM! Chim my beloved. 'There Goes The Groom' is the one episode that I have basically no issues with at all. The hallucinatory trip through Los Angeles, wrestling with Doug's ghost, was gorgeous. Bringing back Kevin - also gorgeous. I loved that we see the Lees explicitly framed as his real family (and am spitefully glad that his bio dad was nowhere to be found. Fuck that guy.) Kenny continues to be, IMO, the best actor on this show. He killed it. We need so many more Chim-centric episodes, because they're always SO good. He can make both humor and pathos feel so natural and human. Give us more Chim!
And of course on to Buck's bisexual arc, which was... so painfully Buck, lmao. Full disclosure: I have a lot of trouble rewatching 7x04 and 7x05 because the secondhand embarrassment is just too much for me, but objectively it feels very right and in character for him. LOVED the first kiss scene, with his dawning realization of what's about to happen and his softly stunned joy afterward. His coming out scenes with both Maddie and Eddie were lovely and perfectly appropriate to both relationships. I really liked him taking the initiative to reach out to Tommy to apologize and ask for a second chance after he fucked up their first date. Loved Tommy showing up at the hospital after what was clearly a long, miserable shift.
Their date in the finale didn't really land for me mostly because of where it was placed in the episode; if they did something with the two of them after Buck spent the entire day at Bobby's bedside waiting to see if he was going to live, it would have felt a lot more natural to me to have them exhaustedly eating takeout on the couch or something instead of having a formal sit-down date with wine and place settings. Intentionally or not, that made it feel like they're still on Date Behavior with each other and despite some gestures toward emotional vulnerability, they're not quite there yet - as seen by Buck steering the conversation back to flirting and innuendo. My overall feeling on the relationship at this point is that it's cute, but I'm not seeing any real depth of feeling between them yet.
Buck and Eddie on the other hand - look, despite my many MANY issues with Eddie's plot this season, I loved how his relationship with Buck was written. I love the intimacy and familiarity of how they are together, I loved the way Eddie let himself lean on Buck, I loved how Buck is clearly positioned as an integral part of the Diaz family.
Unfortunately, that's really the only thing I loved about Eddie's plot this season. His relationship with Marisol was ultimately pointless; she was never fleshed out enough to feel like a real character, and we never even see the fallout of Eddie's cheating with regard to her; it's all Chris. The Kim stuff strained credulity, and also I never felt like he got any kind of emotional catharsis or resolution through it; he still hasn't really confronted any of his issues about Shannon, about their marriage and how it ended. That whole arc felt really wobbly in terms of tone, as well: using plot elements of a very famous psychological thriller without actually acknowledging any of the creepiness of it. I would have liked it to lean into that more especially with the scene where Kim dresses up as Shannon, an objectively creepy and unhinged thing to do.
The Diaz parents handled the Chris thing in a selfish and opportunistic way that felt both disappointing and inevitable. Hopefully that's going to be a hook for the next season and Eddie actually confronting them, but overall Eddie's plot this season really felt like they just tossed a bunch of balls up in the air and mostly failed to catch them.
Gerrard - look, I'm not that worried about Gerrard. I could have done without him, but ultimately he's going to stick around just long enough to make his inevitable defeat satisfying. At least, that's my hope.
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exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
One of my favourite things about 911 is the way they show growth. I don’t just mean character growth, I mean relationships growth too.
S1 Bobby and Buck’s relationship has evolved and grown so much to where we are in s7. Bobby and Buck have both admitted to their relationship being like father and son, something much deeper than fire captain and firefighter or even mentor/mentee.
Chim and Hen have always been close but over the last couple seasons we’ve seen Hen and Maddie’s friendship bloom and the friendship between Henren and Madney evolve into a beautiful found family at the end of s7. We saw Maddie and Chim becoming emergency foster parents so Mara wouldn’t be alone. That wasn’t just for Karen and Hen (even if that was a major part of it), it was for Mara too, because they met her and know her and love her like family.
Eddie and Buck’s friendship has obviously evolved and gotten deeper since s2 but it’s just as fun to watch Buck go from dad’s best friend to family with Chris too. From Buck ostensibly babysitting Chris the day of the tsunami to Buck being the person that Eddie is comfortable asking for help with parenting moments with Chris. From guy who Chris gets to go on fun adventures to the zoo with to trusted adult figure who talks to Chris about important parts of life. They went from coworkers to friends to family over the last six seasons. Chris leaving broke Eddie, it crushed him, but the look on Buck’s face as Chris left looked like he was devastated too - because they’re another found family unit and Chris leaving impacts them both, even if it obviously impacts Eddie more.
And the 118 as a whole went from loosely connected coworkers in s1 with friendships between some of them to what they are now - they’re a family. It’s like Eddie said in s4 - 118 is the family they chose and we’ve gotten to watch them choose each other over and over again.
It’s just really beautiful. I’m hard pressed to find a better example of found family on TV right now. A found family that doesn’t put people into strict family “roles” and instead creates a new kind of family dynamic. I just really love it.
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the--anarchists · 1 day
I feel like it's not talked about enough that Karen is a rocket scientist. What! A ROCKET SCIENTIST! that's so cool! I love that the writers just decided that fun little tidbit. "Oh, one of our main characters, Hen? Yeah, her wife is a rocket scientist." I'm obsessed. And honestly, Karen really is the goat. Like of course cuz she's a rocket scientist, which is objectively cool, but also she is just a great wife and mother and person in general. Like she adopted her girlfriend's ex's child so he could have a stable home, then went through all those hormone treatments to try to get pregnant, then when that didn't work, she gave a home to foster kids?? And is now adopting a traumatized little girl, and despite Mara having problems, is just rolling with the punches? And iirc was also completely fine with Hen going with chim to look for maddie in season 5, cuz she knows how much they mean to each other. AND SHE FORGAVE HER CHEATING WIFE! (And I love Hen, seriously, Hen can do no wrong to me, she is my perfect babygirl, except when she cheats on my other perfect babygirl KAREN with EVA 🤢). But she forgave her. Because she is just that great. Idk. I just wanted to talk about how much I love Karen, and she should definitely be a main. <3
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