#Mabel Writes
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thepancakewitch · 1 year ago
Stairway to Heaven
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A fic dedicated to my friend, Stray!
SFW - Gaolang x Reader
In the humid climate of the bustling city, it was hard to find respite in the madness of it. The constant whaling of cars, babies and fire engines, the congested sidewalks that made getting anywhere a nightmare, crowded public transportation with way too many creepy guys, the only safe place was my apartment. Unfortunately, it was located on the 20th floor. The elevator was usually just as crowded, so I always opted to climb the stairs to get back to my oasis. I hardly ever saw anyone taking the stair well. It was more like a cement box with little to no air flow, often being hotter than outside, even in the highest temperatures. Anyone who passed each other sort of nodded and smiled to one another; we were comrades in the pit of hell known as our apartment stairwell.
And today was pushing me to my limits. 15... Only 5 more... My lungs felt like they were on fire, trying their damnedest to pump air into me as I ascended. Gripping the metal support pole, my arms pulled the rest of my labored body up. Each step exhausted me harder and harder. Why was this so hard today!? As I got to the 16th floor, I felt my legs give out as I tumbled backwards and blacked out.
I awoke, in a panic. The worst place to be passed out as in a stairwell with no security cameras! That was practically asking for someone to steal their belongings, or worse yet... I tried to assess my surroundings. It was the hallway. But not my own. Squinting my eyes to get them to adjust to the bright light from the windows, I could make out the numbers for the floor. 4...45!? How on earth did I get to 45!? A loud scream from across the hall awoke me.
“YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAOOOOOO!!! I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I noticed a man running down the hallway; I felt immediate panic as I tried to scurry away from him. A hand gently rested on my shoulder, pushing me back down.
“You’re awake. Are you alright?”
His accent was as light as his hand was on my shoulder. I peered over to the man closer to me; how did I not notice this giant before!? He was extremely built, but his expression and attire didn’t seem to match him at all on first glance.
I scooted away, laughing. “O-Oh yes, no need to worry. Thank you very much for getting me out of the stairwell but-” My awkward escape was interrupted by the running man, who skidded in front of us and threw out both of his arms.
“HEY LADY! Are you feeling BETTER!?!?!”
“Y-yep! I was going to leave...” I felt imprisoned by their auras alone; a quiet strength and a raw, unfiltered, burning passion for STRENGTH as well! Was I safe? Something about the duo told my gut instinct I was fine, but being around strangers was never a good idea. Especially in the city.
“WELL YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE!” The running man shouted, waving his arms frantically.
“Don’t say such threatening things, Saw.” The other looked up at him with his tired expression, slowly standing up. He had been kneeling by me the entire time I was out, watching over me. “I’m sorry for commotion. We saw you passed out on the stairwell and we brought you up to our floor to make sure you were alright. It seems like you were dehydrated.”
“WHICH IS WHY I GOT YOU THIS WATER BOTTLE FROM OUR APARTMENT!!!!!!” Saw nearly threw the bottle onto the ground, but resisted the urge as he shoved it into my hands. “DRINK UP!”
I never felt so aggressively looked after in my life. Cracking the seal of the plastic cap, I sipped slowly and felt a bit of the haziness leave me. I leaned against the wall, still sweating from the adrenaline rush of waking up to a charging man. Exhaling loudly, I took in more as my body began to cool. “Thank you both very much. I appreciate not having 911 called... y’know how pricey they can be.” I waved my hand a bit, feeling awkward around the pair. Not a very good first impression.
“I don’t believe you have any serious injuries, though you might want to keep an eye out for concussion symptoms.”
“Huhh really? She didn’t seem to hit her head too hard...” Saw deflated, folding his arms.
“It can’t hurt.” Gao looked to me, giving me a very faint smile. “What floor are you on?”
“...20.” I spoke, Saw’s face lighting up at the realization he could help more. I quickly intervened in his future plans. “I think if I chill out here for a bit longer, I’ll be fine. You two have enough for me already.” Wasting strangers’ time to take care of me when I failed to get enough water in, why was I like this!!
“Oh, what were your names again?”
A pose followed with a beam, pointing back to himself. “And he’s Gaolang.”
“Gaolang Wongsawat.”
What seemed like a break in the clouds to allow a ray of holy light down, Gao’s stone cold face slowly broke to give another smile. I witnessed two miracles today. I was eternally grateful, as I knew I’d probably never see these two again... or anything to their caliber. How could anything hold up a candle to these two?
“Well thank you both very much, I don’t know where I would be or what I would have done without you.” I stood up again on shaky legs. My body wasn’t at 100%, but 70% ought to get me back to my apartment. “Uhm, have a great... rest of your stay in the city!” I laughed awkwardly, trying to exit the hallway as soon as I could.
“YOU TOO!!” Saw screamed out in response, his mouth opening as far as it could.
Gaolang picked up on the subtlety of my embarrassing attempt to detach, quickly adding in,
“Our apartment is always open if you wish to see us again.”
I nearly fell down the stairs again as I peered back to see the pair smiling at me and inviting me into their apartment. Three miracles!? Surely I was overdue to die soon, because my luck was running out!
Our new routine became my winded ascent to their floor, all forty floors, as soon as I came home from work. Saw and Gao were constantly cooking for each other. I was learning so much about their respective sports, how Muay Thai worked, and their respective countries. Gaolang even began to smile. Over time, the trip up began to take less and less out of me, soon resulting in a much faster trek up.
I managed to catch up to Sawpaing in one instance. It took him a second to decipher if he was going slower, or if I had actually gone stronger.
He boomed, excitedly putting his hands on my arms as he shook me wildly.
“YOU DID IT!!!! YOU CONQUERED YOUR GREATEST ENEMY, THE STAIRS!!!!!!” He quickly, turned, rushing up the stairs. “WE GOTTA TELL GAOLANG!!!”
Kicking open their apartment door, Saw screamed at the top of his lungs. “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!”
I followed suit, waving as I caught my breath again. While I did get better at the stairs, it was still quite the work out.
“That’s why I invited them up to our apartment in the first place.” Gaolang quietly sipped his tea with usual, bored expression. I... had no idea how to take this news. Shock, disappointment, bewilderment...
“This was all an exercise routine!?” I yelled out. “Why?”
“I was worried for your health in the long run.” He calmly set down the cup, looking down. “What if we weren’t here the next time that incident happened?”
FOUR MIRACLES! FIVE? I couldn’t count anymore!
“Wow that’s really smart, Gao.” Saw puffed, genuinely impressed by his rival.
“Well... I...” I was at a loss of words again. “Thank you so much!”
“I hope you don’t take this as a sign to avoid visiting us though. You need to keep your training up.” The Thai boxer grinned, leaning back a bit on his floor cushion. The light of the setting sun began to illuminate their apartment, giving it an ethereal look. Gaolang was practically glowing in it. Saw began screaming again, patting my back repeatedly. As I was budged by the excited patting of Saw, I realized I had another, if only temporary, oasis in the city. The apartment on the 45th floor.
And the staircase? Just a stairway to get to heaven.
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noodles-and-tea · 7 months ago
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Icons, truly
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artsymeeshee · 7 months ago
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The magic 8-ball
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detentiontrack · 6 months ago
When Mabel comes out to Stan, she’s really scared that he’s going to reject her and have an issue with it, so she’s emotional and asks him if he still loves and supports her and he’s just like “??? Kid I’ve been telling you all summer I’m one of the LBTGs” and then it’s her turn to be like “wait what??” because she thinks he had never mentioned a sexuality before, and it turns out Stan had been constantly telling the kids that he’s “ambidextrous” because he thought it meant the same thing as bisexual.
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Gravity Falls was strange, and the townsfolk even stranger, it seemed.
The twins had been unceremoniously dropped off on the side of the dusty road, the roar of the bus engine fading away as the driver wordlessly drove off without fanfare. The poor man had almost seemed close to tears ever since they had entered the thresholds of this seemingly innocuous town, all too eager to speed off and away while leaving the two children coughing and wheezing in its dust.
It had not even been a full minute since their lackluster drop-off before they became well acquainted with the oddly sociable and irritatingly chatty inhabitants of Gravity Falls. A single conversation with a pair of boisterous policemen already told them all they needed to know about the history of the town, as well as the whereabouts of their Great Uncle Ford.
"The Mystery Shack," the townsfolk had called it. It seemed as though their distant uncle had earned himself somewhat of a reputation amongst the locals. He was the town cryptid; the ever elusive mad scientist that lived in the outskirts of town in this so called "Mystery Shack". No one really knew who he really was; but everyone knew exactly who he was.
So, when the twins found themselves stood hand in hand in front of the rickety old shack, they hadn't really known what to expect when door had swung open with a deafening slam.
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He was a strange man, their Great Uncle Ford. He seemed nothing like the cackling looney lab-coated madman they had imagined from what meager hushed information the townsfolk had offered them. It seemed as though the tales of a scientist gone mad that experimented on stray children that wandered into his spooky "Mystery Shack" was but a cruel rumor.
He mostly just seemed unhealthy, to be honest. His sickly, pale frame utterly drowned in the thick red woolen sweater that practically seemed to hang off of his lanky body like a second flap of skin. It made him look almost child-like, like a kid trying on their parents clothes; which somewhat diluted the intimidating effects of his looming height.
Although, the townsfolk's apparent fear of their Great Uncle Ford seemed to have some merit.
For one, Grunkle Ford really didn't seem all too human. He wasn't inhumane, per se; just, not entirely himself, if that made any sense. Looking at him was like looking at an incomplete puzzle; or looking at someone who you remember all your life wearing a hat, suddenly coming to work one day without one, and it takes a little too long for you to remember what is missing.
It was like Grunkle Ford had lost pieces of himself. Somewhere, to someone. His eyes seemed... almost empty. They were a little too dull and a little too opaque, lacking the lively shine of life everyone else seemed to have.
Another thing was that Grunkle Ford wasn't entirely alone. There was... someone else. The twins couldn't exactly pinpoint where, but they could feel its stare, whatever or whoever it was. They could almost feel its stare, a non-existent eye trailing a weird prickling sensation across their skin. The twins recalled the words of one of the townsfolk, a tall bestacled man with haunted blind eyes; although unseeing they could have sworn his gaze never seemed to leave them, as all he said was:
"Don't catch IT staring at you"
The twins had an odd feeling that IT was looking at them right now.
They didn't even notice when the pale bony hand of Grunkle Ford suddenly reached into their personal space, barely registering his words at all, much less the extra fingers that adorned each of his rough, worn palms.
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They didn't take the hand.
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If the twins had thought the outside of the shack looked decrepit, the inside seemed somehow even worse.
Every inch of exposed wall, ceiling or floor were utterly covered by sprawling symbols, summoning circles, and indecipherable words that seemed to be in an entirely different language than any the twins knew. They overlapped and tangled into one another into big, messy, red splotches of clustered nothings.
There were notes, diagrams on ripped pieces of aged looking paper scattered everywhere, with hardly any room for post-it notes squeezed wherever there was room. Lit and unlit candles were placed absolutely everywhere; either hidden in the dark corners or openly stood in the middle of the floor; sometimes in a circle, sometimes not. The melted fallen wax had coagulated into a hard white mess onto the floor; the smell of cheap vanilla scented candles intermingling with the smell of halloween fake blood (and Dipper was convince there had to be some real blood there, too) to create a sour concoction that stung their noses unpleasantly.
The shack was sparsely furnished with rarely any furniture at all. Not even a couch, the tables and chairs simply pushed to the walls to make more space for the endlessly swirling symbols and pentagrams. The twins were hesitant of stepping on any of the summoning circles, carefully sidestepping the candles and walking over the line of the pentagrams.
The attic, where they would be residing, was not much better.
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Maybe they did end up in a mad scientist's house, after all.
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ckret2 · 9 months ago
So a while ago some friends were talking about fans who claim the Same Coin theory is canon. And I made the mistake of saying:
Do you know who also has tons in common with Bill? Mabel. Yet nobody claims Bill reincarnated as Mabel. …wait now I want a "same coin but it's Mabel" AU. Funniest Bill reincarnation option. The all-seeing arsonist is making macaroni glitter art. The omnipotent tyrant is crying because a unicorn called her a bad person.
And then I overthought it for two months.
So—AU where after death, Bill's soul shoots 13 years into the past and reincarnates as Mabel. I'll call it ✨ Sparkly Coin AU ✨
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Don't leave yet. Lemme show you why it works. Behold the eerie amount of parallels in their personalities, dialogue, behavior, mannerisms, tastes...
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I could have kept going but my attention span ran out. All right, we all on board now? Convinced we could segue from one personality into the other? Great. Now here's why you should be interested: the juicy post-Weirdmageddon angst potential.
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As long as a small fringe of the fandom still thinks Weirdmageddon is Mabel's fault, why not amp that up x100 and have some fun with it?
Is everyone sold now? Great. Let's get into the details. I've got 8 more pieces of art under the read more.
So the AU starts the instant Bill dies. Thanks to invoking his deal with the Axolotl—one way to absolve his crime, a different form, a different time—the Axolotl gives him a new shape and shoots him thirteen years into the past. Apparently, the Axolotl thought it would be very funny to stick Bill in the family that defeated him.
Which probably made for a jarring transition.
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(It's fine, she's like 10 minutes old, she probably can't even tell who she's looking at. Not being able to tell who she was looking at is what got her into this situation ayyyy)
When Dipper & Mabel come back from Gravity Falls complaining about this triangular jerk Bill, their parents mention that Dipper's name was nearly Bill. See, after they knew they were going to have a boy, one night their mom dreamed about a visitor—some kind of magic pink salamander??—calling her child "BILL." Then at the next sonogram they found out they were having twins, the girl must've been hidden at a weird angle the first time, and they wanted matching names, so they thought, Bill and Bell. But they didn't really like Bell; but eventually they stumbled on Mabel, so to keep the names matching they switched from Bill to Mason. Isn't that the darnedest thing?
(Of course, Mabel and Dipper assume Bill harassed their parents to try to trick them into naming a kid after him. To be a jerk.)
When Bill meets Mabel, he's unaware that she's his future self—Bill's notably bad at doing things like, say, double-checking to see whether he's going to die anytime soon—but like... he can tell something's up.
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Naturally, before visiting Gravity Falls, there were echoes of who Mabel used to be—but nothing anyone would be able to identify without context. All her Bill-ish quirks either smoothed out with time (see: how between second grade and fourth grade Mabel went from being the "freak" to the popular girl in class), or else they were accepted by her family as Mabel-ish quirks.
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After they meet (and kill) Bill, they have the context to understand some of Mabel's behaviors... and unfortunately, some of Mabel's latent Bill-ness starts surfacing after she's been directly exposed to her prior incarnation.
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The part of the Pines family familiar with Bill thinks the worst case scenario is that maybe Bill's survived and is slowly possessing Mabel; but far more likely, they think this is just some weird way of trying to subconsciously process last summer. Mabel doesn't think she's being weird, you guys are being weird, stop giving her weird looks. They get attacked by one triangle and now she can't wear yellow or pick up macrame as a hobby??
(It's not all red flags and uncomfortable triangle imagery, though. When Stan asks her what she'd like as a gift for some important event, she shyly admits that she thinks she's starting to outgrow her plastic gem jewelry and maybe she's old enough to get her first piece of real gold jewelry, if that's not too expensive? And Stan's never been so proud of her. Thirteen years old and already thinking about buying gold!)
But of course, the real fun starts when Mabel finds out.
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That's the face of a girl who's just discovered that she tortured her great uncle. Now imagine running into the brother she possessed.
But I've already spent a million words and thirteen images on this post. If enough folks are interested in the AU maybe I'll expand on it later. Let me know what y'all think.
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starii-lins · 6 months ago
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doodled some bill aus :3
uncle bill au: @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense
handyman bill: @handymanbill
mr bill pines: @honeqq
bill & mabel friendship au: @millenianthemums
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squidflavoredsoup · 5 months ago
they’re so cute i love them😿😿
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kirdoodl · 3 months ago
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A little Relativity Falls comic, yippie! :3
also here have some extra doodles as to what happened after they actually got there
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senipsenipsenip · 2 months ago
Eventually, the scrapbook ended. The sun had fallen beneath the horizon hours ago, and some nagging part of Stan's brain was telling him kids shouldn't be up this late. Unless they're breaking into a mini golf course. He jerked his head back, furrowing his brow. That was...oddly specific.
"Grunkle Stan?" a little voice - Mabel - questioned. He looked down at his knee to see where his great-niece was sitting, eyeing him with no small degree of concern. "Are you okay?"
He ruffled her hair. "'Course, Pumpkin. Just trying to shake some of those memories back in the right place, huh?" He gave an exaggerated shake of his head, smacking the side like he was trying to get water out his ears. "Got a straggler! Hup! There we go," he grinned, lowering his hand. "Good as new!"
Whatever he said must have been the right thing, because Mabel's eyes had lit up like he'd told her he was turning the Mystery Shack into a cotton candy emporium and Dipper had a sudden death grip on his other leg.
"Geez kid, you're clawing through my pants here," he grumbled, making no move to take away his nephew's hand. "Haven't you chewed your nails off by now? How're they so sharp?"
"You called me Pumpkin," Mabel whispered.
"You remembered I chew my nails," Dipper said in awe. Then he frowned. "Hey, how come Mabel gets a nice one and I get a gross one."
Stan shrugged. "'Cause she's nice, and you're gross."
"Ha! Zoom!" Mabel pumped a fist in the air before collapsing back into Stan's lap in a fit of giggles. Dipper rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as he settled back against Stan's other side. Ford stayed perched on the arm of the chair, smiling fondly, but eyebrows still drawn together.
"What's the matter, Sixer?" Stan frowned as Ford grimaced at the nickname. "What?"
Ford waved off Stan's concern. "It's nothing. It's..." Ford sighed. "I'm sorry. It's not nothing. I just don't want to..." He pursed his lips.
"Don't leave us hanging." There was a shake in Stan's voice, and Mabel shifted closer to her Grunkle.
"I'm glad this has been helpful to you," Ford muttered. "But...you don't remember everything. Not really."
"Whaddya mean?" Stan asked. "I remember you, the kids, Soos. The freeloading jerk who steals my sandwiches." Stan glared at Waddles who simply oinked and started trying to eat his shoelace. Whatever. Free pass for jump starting his memories. He better not get used to it.
Dipper sat up. "Yeah, what do you mean, Great Uncle Ford?"
Ford frowned. "I just... Hm." He seemed to be weighing something in his mind before turning to Stan with some resolve.
"Stanley," he began slowly. "I hope you appreciate what I'm about to do for you."
"That's not terrifyingly ominous," Stan muttered, glancing around at the available exits.
"Do you remember my - " Ford cleared his throat. "My first kiss?"
Stan froze. "What?"
"My first kiss, do you remember it?"
"I was there?"
"Yes. Unfortunately a lot of people were."
Mabel squealed beside Stan. "Ooo! Romance memories! How old were you? Was it high school? Was it a high school romance? Was it star-crossed love between the nerd and the cheerleader?"
"Mabel, I think Grunkle Stan is supposed to figure that stuff out."
Mabel sat up and stared at Stan expectantly. "Come on Grunkle Stan! I need details!"
Stan shook his head, nose wrinkling like he'd smelled something rotting. "How should I know? Who asks their brother that sort of thing?"
"Precisely." Ford spoke with the same air of professionalism he adopted when explaining his theories, despite the alarming shade of red his face was becoming. "So far it seems that your memories are returning based on external stimuli, whether that be Mabel's scrapbook or our own prompting."
"So, wait, you're saying I won't get all my memories back?"
"No! No that's not what I'm saying," Ford held up his hands. "What I'm saying is we can't expect them all to come back at once. And at the risk of turning the Shack into the set of the Johnny Carson show, we'll keep asking you questions."
Stan frowned. "What if I don't wanna remember my brother smooching some babe?"
Ford turned redder. "You do."
"I do? Geez, I was a perv."
"In the meantime," Ford pressed. "It's important to take note of any stimulus you experience that makes you remember something. Even if it doesn't paint the whole picture for you, we can fill in the blanks. Or prompt you to remember more details."
Dipper grinned. "And then we get to learn more about the secrets you've been hiding, old man."
Stan lifted his hand to give Dipper a well-earned noogie, but paused before he could make contact. "Old man...did you...did you tell me to shut up one time and then punched me?"
Dipper balked. "What? No I - "
"YEAH no WAY that'd be CRAZY!" Mabel interjected a bit too loudly. "Anyway let's get back to that kissing story, huh?"
"Actually Mabel, I don't know if I want to hear about Great Uncle Ford kissing anybody either."
"Oh come on, Dipper. Are you jealous that The Author got someone to kiss him and you didn't?"
"What? No!"
"Some girls like nerds."
"Mabel I don't want to think about anybody in this room kissing anybody."
"You could learn from him Dipper! Figure out how to wield your nerdish charms. Soon you'll be like a kissing machine!"
The twins were silenced by a sudden gasp from Stan. His eyes were wide and unfocused, his jaw hanging open as if someone had knocked the wind out of him.
"Holy - " he choked out softly.
"Grunkle Stan?" Dipper sat up fully. "Are you okay?"
Stan didn't acknowledge him, eyes darting around minutely.
"Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked softly. "Did you remember something?" Moisture had begun to gather in the corners of Stan's eyes, one of his hands covering his mouth as he began to shake.
"Great Uncle Ford?" Dipper turned to Ford, worry stitching his brows together. But Ford didn't look worried. If anything, he looked like he wanted to disappear through the floor. His face was an alarming shade of red, nearly identical to his sweater. Stan let out another choked sound.
"Are you..." Mabel trailed off. "Grunkle Stan are you laughing?" He was quaking now, his hand falling from his mouth to reveal a wide, open-mouthed smile. He began slapping the arm rest with his free hand, eyes squeezed shut and tears rolling down his cheeks. Dipper and Mabel shared a look. Sure, they'd seen Stan laugh before, but it was usually a loud guffawing thing. They'd never seen him like this. They shared a tentative smile. Either this was the hardest they'd seen him laugh, or he had really snapped.
Ford seemed to pick up on their worry. "He's fine," Ford offered. "He's just...remembering my first kiss." At Ford's words, Stan let out a loud cackle, burying his face in his hands.
Mabel cocked her head. "But what's so funny about -"
"You children must be exhausted," Ford blurted out, standing abruptly. "Come now, go wash up then head to bed!"
"Oh no you don't!" Stan shouted. He wiped tears from his eyes, still smiling. "You're not getting out of this one, pal!"
"Stanley, this conversation is hardly appropriate for children -"
"You brought it up!"
"And now I'm putting a stop to it."
Stan grabbed his head. "Ooooo ow," he gave an exaggerated groan. "My poor head. The mean man won't let me share my memories so they're all going away!"
"Stanley, please don't joke about that."
"I'm fading away - "
Stan crossed his arms. "You know, you really know how to take the fun out of amnesia."
"Yeah! Come on Grunkle Ford," Mabel pouted. "You can't just leave us hanging!"
"Yeah!" Dipper joined in. "If it's a funny story I want to hear it."
Ford spluttered, pulling at the sleeves of his sweater and looking around for an exit.
"Come on, Sixer," Stan chimed in. His eyes had gone soft around the edges. "I think the kids deserve a funny story."
After today went unspoken. Ford met Stanley's gaze, already feeling his resolve melting before he even turned to his grand-niece and nephew's inquisitive smiles.
"Alright," Ford conceded. "But to maintain the integrity of the exercise, Stanley will be the one to tell it. Whatever he doesn't remember, I can fill in."
Stan rubbed his hands together. "Oh boy, this'll be good."
"I regret this already."
"It's alright Great Uncle Ford," Dipper patted his shoulder. "We have a whole summer's worth of stuff we get to make fun of Grunkle Stan for. This just gives us stuff to use against you now. Levels the playing field."
Ford frowned. "Is that meant to be comforting?"
Dipper shrugged.
"Alright you two, enough yapping." Stan grinned, leaning forward in his seat and spreading his hands out in front of him. It was the same way he started his campfire tales. Mabel and Dipper met each other's eyes and smiled.
"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Kiss-Bot..."
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asoftepiloguemylove · 2 months ago
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花樣年華 In the Mood for Love (2000) dir. Wong Kar-wai // Marie Howe After the Movie // 花樣年華 In the Mood for Love (2000) dir. Wong Kar-wai // Shane McCrae In the Language of My Captor (via @geryone) // NCT U - WITHOUT YOU // 花樣年華 In the Mood for Love (2000) dir. Wong Kar-wai // Ann Packer The Dive from Clausen's Pier // Becca de la Rosa & Mabel Martin Mabel: Matryoshka // Mitski Nobody // 花樣年華 In the Mood for Love (2000) dir. Wong Kar-wai // Madeline Miller The Song of Achilles // unknown // Nicole Homer Underbelly // 花樣年華 In the Mood for Love (2000) dir. Wong Kar-wai // @filmnoirsbian // 花樣年華 In the Mood for Love (2000) dir. Wong Kar-wai
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thepancakewitch · 1 year ago
All Fic Ideas
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can't have SHIT anymore!!!!
Fic ideas
Aikuro x Momoko x Tsumugu
Gamagoori x Momoko
Bedazzle suit
Befriending, smooch
Also befriending, smooch
Jujutsu Kaisen
Centipede form
Human form
Curse filling
Also tongue… is this a curse thing?
done - >
Non con
Tongue…. Sigh
He looked up, eyes focusing in. "You're awake? Good."
Fist of the North Star
Toki cures depression
Shin picks out something for you, modern AU maybe?
Kengan Ashura
Rihito takes you to Tokyo Destiny Land
Reams you in the bathroom - RECENTLY CLEANED
Xia Ji Gets Owned
Risu cums on you
Risu more like UR MY SUGAR MOMMYsu
You want to be My partner?
I am not and will not fuck Hojo but unfortunately I will
Ancano and Llrium
Bimbo reader x Shigaraki
Uh oh my like, ex bf Keigo is over there??? Quick be my bf in this mall
Heavenly Peach Banquet - Momoko x Family
House of Red Clouds - Reader x Akatsuki
One Piece
Condor - Reader x Peruvian Rosicante Donquixote
Idiot llama herder
Tímido Dino - Reader x Cubano X Drake - Diez Drake
Meet him at college, he’s floored you recognize he’s latino, complains about it…..
H o r n iiiii ( fog horn noise )
Mexican Perona - the mall goth
Mexican Law - adopted in by Rosicante
Argentine Robin - studies up in the andes
Colombian Nami - heart breaker
Mixed Dominican Katakuri ( i see big mama being european, like Germanic or something )
Panamanian Cavendish - tu quieres!? Si si estoy bonito!
Resident Evil 8 - Village
Inner Workings - Heisenberg experiments on ReaDER HHAHA FNNI 0_0 haha wouldnt that be so funny!!!!!!
Alicia turns you into a husk!!!
Ace Attorney
Modern AU - barok the english professor has no time for you
Scoffs at your twilight but then talks about team jacob
Bends you over the desk to fuck you because idk that has to be a staple
Wine mom
Hunter X Hunter
Illumi uses a magic wand on you and is like :| i wanted to see your reactions
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glueeater · 10 months ago
a24 should just say “hey amazingphil. make a movie about anything. go wild.” and i think we would get an absolute masterpiece
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artsymeeshee · 11 months ago
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Another aroace Ford idea that came up. I just really like the idea of Ford going to Mabel for these types of things :’)
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stump-not-found · 3 months ago
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The kids talk shipping with their sci-fi uncle, Ford meets up with some old friends, and Stan discovers the effects of leaving something untreated.
Overall, Stanley just really, truly, does not like any of this.
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Continuation to This Post :]
It was always so strange to hear adults argue.
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Grown up fights never seemed quite the same as the trivial spats her and Dipper sometimes had. They were similar in some aspects, yes; Adults and children weren't as different as people liked to think. Mabel had seen adults verbally lash at one another with vicious words just as low hanging and petty as the ones she'd sometimes see kids the same age as her use. Adults arguing was essentially just a louder, angrier version of children fights.
And yet, there was somehow... more to it. Grown up arguments always seemed to weigh so much heavier in the air, and for so much longer than she'd ever thought possible.
Sometimes, the weight would leave quick and early, practically gone by the next morning. However, occasionally, the weight would stay; and grow heavier, and heavier over the years. Until it came to a point when the weight was nothing but a choking, stifling presence that seemed to fill every room in the house and buzz deafeningly in your ears like an unpleasant static that made your head pound.
Then, one day, the pressure would burst with a loud yell, a slam, and a bang, and start building up all over again. It was a cycle Mabel was much familiar with.
Her Grunkle Ford's "Mystery Shack" didn't have that air.
The shack's air smelled like burnt out candles and cheap discount Halloween fake blood, with a hint of real blood underneath the stinging scent of old wood and aged parchment. It wasn't necessarily a very nice air, certainly not in any way the fresh, crisp, clean air of the streets of Piedmont, but it smelled more like home than she'd ever felt back in California. It just smelled like... Grunkle Ford.
She liked her Grunkle Ford. He was super weird; with an even weirder Uncle as his roommate. He checked her and Dipper's arms and legs every morning "just in case someone broke in at night to steal a sample of their bloods"; he despised overly sweet foods (baffling, truly); and he had exactly 27 locks installed on the front and back door respectively that he could unlock all in under a minute with his really fast extra fingers. He reminded her a little of Dipper on some occasions, no matter how much the latter liked to deny the similarities (although, bar the demonic obssession).
However, last night, the air suddenly grew heavy.
Grunkle Ford had a fight.
Mabel hadn't heard it, and she hadn't seen it, but she knew there had been one. She was an expert recognizing the signs; she could always tell.
When she had awoken that late morning, the stuffy summer air had taken an even more sour note than usual, and had become a touch heavier than it should have been. Either that meant Grunkle Ford had just recently finished up a ritual, or a particularly rowdy argument had taken place; and Mabel knew that Grunkle Ford only performed his rituals between 2 to 4 AM, when he thought the twins were well asleep.
It was strange, to feel that same heavy air push down upon her temples and pound that same painful rhythm of a mounting headache as it used to do so often back when Mabel was in California. It had already happened a few times at the shack, but this one felt... heavier, than usual. She didn't think she would have to encounter the discomforting weight again this summer, away from her parents. Yet here she was. Aching.
She knew Gunkle Ford and Uncle Bill fought and bantered. With Bill being a permanent resident trapped within her Grunkle's mind, she couldn't imagine how they wouldn't. She didn't think even she could keep her cool if she had Uncle Bill as her brain roommate 24/7.
In any case, their interactions in front of the twins were mostly a mixture of exasperated resignation, or irritated tolerance, mostly from Grunkle Ford. Their occasional volleying exchanges of vitriol doused insults and words were short lived, and brief most of the time, especially when in front of the kids. They were nothing like the long, loud ones that could go on for hours back at her house in Piedmont.
Even so, there were some times when Mabel would see Grunkle Ford late in the evening, red faced and tight fisted, stomping down to the basement and disappearing into his lab there with a deafening slam of the rickety wooden door. She recognized that slam. He didn't want the twins to hear the argument.
Even if they could hear anything, what little they could glean always seemed to be only side of the argument, with Grunkle Ford yelling curses at Uncle Bill inside his head. She always did wonder what happened inside Grunkle Ford's head. Although, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer. She couldn't imagine the state of the mind of someone who sometimes forgot to eat or sleep for almost a full week until someone reminded him.
The entire day passed with that same, tense air choking the atmosphere. Dipper had dragged Mabel and himself to some adventure in the forest, but it seemed to her that he was just trying to find excuses to stay out of the shack for the time being. Even he seemed to feel the unnerving heaviness of the air.
That night, underneath her sheets, Mabel pulled out the worn and well used wooden art mannequins Dipper and Grunkle Ford seemed to keen on using to summon Bill rather than their own shadows. With her trusty golden glitter pen (that she knew Uncle Bill loved despite what he claimed), she gently drew a closed eye upon the blank wooden face of the little model.
The eye opened, and she spoke:
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