ofvanaheim · 2 months
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"Sometimes I find myself wondering whether our children think that we are blind, or foolish - or both."
starter for frigga @ironrot, from freyja.
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enbymai · 9 months
the exes are bestfriending:
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bloomingkyras · 9 months
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Something has changed..
transcript under the cut
Alaina K: Hey..are u ok? U seem quiet lately..
Mona: I'm ok..Just thinking about Amora future.
Alaina K: Are u going to sent her to Aiden?
Mona: No..I want to stop traveling after settle with Sulani.
Mona: I want to follow u back to Sanmy. Is that ok for u?
Alaina K: I don't mind at all.Won't u go back to Forgotten Hollow? They still need u there,right?
Mona: I don't think they still need me, after Draven left. But I will sent a letter to them about what had happen.
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this is exactly what it is like having an asian mum
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sarayashikidays · 5 months
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@crypt1dcorv1dae @fruiteggsaladit
WELL, you will both enjoy a fan comic I've been working on ( wont be done until like... mid-late June ) about Kuwabara taking the time to grow Kurama a sapling from a seed as a ( human body) bday gift / Kurama cultivating a line of mulberry trees that produce double the edible fruits just to name it after Kuwabara ( he's careful of the ecosystem, just ask him haha )
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dracolizardlars · 3 months
Holy shit I think Yard Act were just as good as IDLES in their own way. Flawless set, not just in the song choices but the order, the way they went into each other, the interstitial speeches, the whole thing. Also it's the first one I've watched of Glastonbury this year that gave me the same joy and energy as actually being at gigs in person does even through the TV! That lifted my spirits a ton! I am DEFINITELY going to have to listen to BOTH their albums now. The live performance made me appreciate the lyrics even more.
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omgeto · 1 year
in geto we thrust
geto is literally my favourite anime boyfrienddd methinks BECAUSE HES THE MOST ATTRACTIVE AND THE MOST REAL LOOKING
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dandelioncore · 2 years
I'm re-reading midsummer night's dream bc a friend and I were talking about it last night, and I can't believe I had no memory of Titania ABSOLUTELY being gay for this one lady who's child she's now raising
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aquilacalvitium · 2 years
The more time I spend on social media, the more I want to spend my off days sitting on a bench in the park knitting and staring at birds instead
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magicalgirlsasuke · 1 year
my take is that the barbie movie pieces together conversations that girls/women have throughout their lives, and so is not meant to be any more or less feminist or revolutionary than a standard conversation had between girls and women
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hella1975 · 2 years
i know i complain about my job but that's bc it IS a job not a hobby alas there are silver linings to it and one of those by far is how genuinely happy my work friends are to see me whenever i come back from uni. like the one girl im really close with gave me a massive hug and was fuming with me when i told her im only back for the one shift (she also tackled me to the kitchen floor and all the chefs conveniently 'didn't see anything' when i appealed for witnesses 😐) and the Bar Boys as they've come to be named like a fucked up pub boyband (we obviously have a lot of bar staff but there's a couple lads that are there most often and are also around my age and are all like. the really endearing actually sweet kind of fuckboy? strawberry guy is one of them. im not proud of myself) were all so happy to see me bc a lot of us went out together on new year's and they all get weirdly excited asking about how uni is etc and it's all very flirty but like. the jokey platonic kind yk. and the kp that's SO rude to almost all of the waitresses except her favourites literally shouted 'oi where the bloody hell have you been???' over several other people when she saw me and she's so chatty to me to the point it impacts my work lmao and i was joking with all the chefs bc im mates with a couple of them and there was a lot of 'oh god she's back' from the lads and just excited squeals of my name from the girls and strawberry guy came over to me when i was having a drink at the bar after work and tried to convince me to come in tomorrow to see him again before i go to uni even though i live miles away in the sticks and yeah. i love them lol
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milf-harrington · 1 year
no this is so funny, my aunties soon-to-be-ex-husband blocked my sister on facebook so she asked our cousin if she was blocked too and she said "no, he's only blocked you, grandma, and aunty"
and what do the three of them have in common?? theyre the scariest women in our family.
he only blocked THEM bc hes a COWARD
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goldenkid · 10 months
ok now that wild blue yonder was actually good i can be honest and say i didn't like the star beast
#it just felt messy and badly paced and i didn't like side characters acting#and i didn't like the way they did the metacrisis#AND honestly biggest one of all i didn't like the way they wrote donna's life. like sure she's happy now she has a family who loves her#her mum especially has changed a lot and you could argue that has had a knockon effect on her overall self esteem and relationships#but the point of donna originially was that her self esteem was shit! and nerys didn't really like her but donna settled for a shit friend#and her mum was mean and lance was horrible but she thought that was the best she was gonna get#and then the tragedy of her ending was that she loses all the growth and confidence she got with the doctor and goes back to being shallow-#-because she doesn't think she deserves anything more than that. because that's all she thinks her life is ever gonna be.#gossip and hangovers and the first bloke who's 'quite sweet' are as good as her life is ever gonna get#and tbh i really really needed to see her growth and change EXPLICITLY. like her mum being better to her -> that having an effect#her having rose -> that having an effect#the doctor's subconscious -> that having an effect on her self esteem specifically#etc etc#i just feel like rtd kind of ignored the tragic ending was like look her husband is a himbo who loves her how cute!#like ok. good that she's had character development OFFSCREEN that goes UNREMARKED ON.#also her + the doctor didn't have enough interaction + the metacrisis ending felt cheap#i liked rose and the scene with donna dying and i liked the meep a lot and the trans conversations when they didn't feel shoehorned in#i thought binary binary nonbinary was stupid but fun and very doctor who#but that was mostly it#but yeah. wild blue yonder was good. solid. felt like a proper rtd episode aka well written and acted and paced. lovely lovely stuff#doctor who
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slow-button-off · 2 years
I don't think I will ever get over people on Instagram being convinced that Charles brought a new girlfriend on the skiing trip but they only saw her white jacket because she was wearing a helmet.
And then it turned out to be Pascale. His own mum.
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mondonguita · 2 years
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Bruh....you're the one who bragged about that including all details.
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ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
You are not immune to nosey aunties trying to dictate how you live your life and commenting on your life choices...........
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