ofvanaheim · 20 days
@emeraldxphoenix said: "I need enrichment, I'm gonna go be weird somewhere." chaotic sentence starters. | accepting.
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"Can I come with you?" Hnoss asks immediately, looking up from the papers in front of her. "I'm so bored - I thought when Mamma abdicated it would mean she stopped giving us these lists to study before people came to visit. Why do I need to know all of this?"
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ofvanaheim · 20 days
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ofvanaheim · 25 days
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"Oh so I'm ridiculous now, am I? Charming." He rolled his eyes as he looked down at her, even though she couldn't see him. Teasing aside though, he knew she was lying, and pushing back at him to try and hide her feelings - though whether that was to protect him from what troubled her or to save her the embarrassment of admitting to her tears he wasn't sure. It could even have been both, but that didn't really matter.
Narvi wouldn't make her look at him, or talk to him - wouldn't even bring up the fact that her lie had been betrayed by the catch in her voice as she'd spoken it. But he also wasn't about to leave his little sister alone when she was upset, so he moved to sit on her bed, making a deliberately irritating fuss of getting comfortable beside her as he declared: "I think I'll stay here, actually."
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@ofvanaheim asked:
" Are you crying?" (from narvi on !)
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"Don't be ridiculous, Narvi." Hel sniffed, pressing her cheek closer to her pillow. She was a brilliant liar. The very best. But some things can not be hidden. Her tears among them. Her pillow was wet and her eyes bloodshot.
She curled her pillow up, over the back of her head so that it hid her face and muffled his voice, "I'm just tired. Go away."
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ofvanaheim · 25 days
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RUAIRI O’CONNOR as HENRY VIII in episode 2.03 of the spanish princess
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
As she leaned into his body he brought his other arm around her too, hugging her close with his chin resting against the top of her head. At times it could feel as though their family was a spider's web of burdens and grief, but they were all of them capable of a rare and fierce sort of love and understanding which made it easier to cope with the former.
Narvi may not have known exactly what it was which weighed upon his sister, but that did not matter; he didn't need the details in order to offer comfort.
"Hel, when will you realise that it isn't your heart you struggle to share with us?" He murmured, and as she moved to meet his gaze he offered her a small smile. "Your mind is another matter entirely, but I don't think you can actually be part of this family without your mind being incomprehensible - do you?"
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Once more, silence betrayed her thoughts. Saying nothing was not the same as not saying anything at all. He knew her more precisely than Hel had ever understood herself. And so she simply leaned her side against him and accepted his affection for all that it was worth. All of the comfort that it provided. And that was much. So much.
He kissed her and she felt her burdens ease. He spoke with a softness that lightened all the weight fastened to her shoulders. Even as he teased the addled nature of her mind.
"You know I cannot help it, 'Vi." She laughed softly, "The words just don't.. align on my tongue in a way that makes sense." She lifted her amber eyes to him, "If I could share my heart, you know I would."
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
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Ruairi O’Connor as Henry VIII · The Spanish Princess 1.01
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
"Oh, it seems unfair to give Gersemi equal blame when we all know that her twin is the instigator." Freyja laughs, briefly returning the squeeze. "In fact, I think Hnoss' true partner in crime may actually be one of your sons."
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“I fear it’s a bit of both.”  Frigga’s voice is low, but teasing, as she momentarily wraps her fingers around Freyja’s wrist.  An easy laugh follows.  “What have Hnoss and Gersemi gotten up to this time?”
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
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10th september 2015 - festival deauville 2015 
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
just a quick reminder that this blog is heavily connected to my sigyn over on @victoriousfidelity! as such, i won't write with other sigyn blogs here. i'll also only write with people i'm mutuals with on that blog!
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
new month, new inbox call! like this post and specify muse(s) (on both ends if you're also a multi), and i'll go through your inbox tag and send you some things!
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
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Kristine Froseth as Nan St. George in every episode of The Buccaneers (2023-) 1.01 American Poison
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
like this post for a starter! length will vary. please specify muse(s) (on both sides, if you're also a multi)!
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
bea tags.
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
The words 'favourite sibling' are enough to turn her expression from a scowl to a smile, before his question reminds the Princess why she's here in the first place.
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"Because he's an ass." She replies petulantly, before adding: "And because he said I'll never be able to manage it, so obviously I have to prove him wrong."
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"I suppose I can make the time for my favorite sibling. May I ask why it is you're fighting him?"
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ofvanaheim · 1 month
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Emma Jill Appleton (born 1991)
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