#freyja. face.
vulturereyy · 3 months
by my lord.... will I ever make sense of this jumble?
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i cant believe they put my cat in elden ring
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heirsofthedragon · 9 months
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I was really happy with how the many faces challenge turned out and wanted to share the up close photos of my favourite ones so all the details can be seen! :)
Here are the half-orc and tiefling ones!
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marmotish · 6 months
Yo Freyja be cuddling up to a noppera-bō
(*pulled from wikipedia* The noppera-bō (のっぺらぼう) or 野箆坊, or faceless ghost, is a Japanese yōkai that looks like a human but has no face. )
Bro decided to have fun for one night and is now confused by the courting customs of modern-day British human magic folk bc he happened to sit next to the wrong drunk witch 😆😆😆😆😆
Bro is never going back to that bar again 😂😂
like he just wanted to chill out and maybe meet some cool people and now he’s stuck with a drunk witch who’s singing the Cranberries
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((as soon as I read “faceless ghost” I immediately thought of No-Face from Spirited Away so I gave him a mask to wear so he wouldn’t scare people outside with his empty face 😅))
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astarionposting · 10 months
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Freyja | Circle of the Land Druid
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feralnando · 3 months
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Here’s the dumb bitch face reveal no one asked for 😘 plus GP nails and the message someone left at the Silverstone museum that shockingly wasn’t actually me.
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chaikachi · 1 year
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This cat is gonna single handedly fix my sleep schedule by lying on my desk w this face at the same time every night.
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candlelightisland · 11 months
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pocket-ozwynn · 2 years
To Smite a Giant
Word Count: 682
Note: SFW physical intimacy & flirtatious teasing. DNI NSFW interactions, thank you<3
Freyja nearly choked on her swig of protein shake as a pair of teeny, freezing hands touched her bare calf. She squealed and resisted the primal urge to buck, lest she accidentally knock her boyfriend across the kitchen. The tease had just gotten home, and he’d decided to torment her.
“BABE!!!” She wriggled in her chair. Was he really trying to climb her with his ice cold hands? She slammed her shaker bottle down on the table as she roared with laughter. It was getting harder not to writhe at his touch.
“ALICE! S-STOP IT!!!” Freyja gasped as she felt his hands cresting her thigh. Even through her own booming laughter, she could still hear him giggling up a storm.
“Oh no you don’t! C’mere...” she growled before snatching her mountaineer up. “Gotcha!” 
With the chill off her skin she could finally catch her breath. She panted and brought her fist up to her face to get a good look at the culprit. Alice was laughing furiously as he squirmed in her grip.
“You’re FREEZING!” she exclaimed with a breathless laugh. “That was so mean!” 
“Sorry, lovey!” Alice’s cheeks were flushed. She wasn’t sure if it was from coming in from the cold or if he was blushing. And though she had his arms pinned, he was far from helpless. His mischievous grin was like a drawn arrow ready to fly.
“I can’t help it if you’re so hot, big mama,” Alice purred. “I had to warm up somehow, right?”
“Um…” Her brain hissed like Pop Rocks as she mentally short circuited. Forget Jack, Alice was the real-life “Giant Slayer.” This sweet, giggly man knew exactly how to line up his arrows and pierce her heart. As his words sunk in, she felt a warmth in her chest that spread out through her body that made every nerve tingle with delight. Every nerve ending shivered with delight. Finally, she allowed a shy, flustered smile to grace her lips as her cheeks burned.
“Sorry,” she hummed, feigning innocence of her own. “Can you say that again? I-I… wasn’t paying attention.”
Alice finally wriggled his arms out and rested his elbows on the side of her finger. He set his chin in his hands as he looked up at her. Mercy, that look he was giving her was far too knowing--he held so much power over her right now. “Oh? Repeat what exactly?”
“Y-You know what you said, babe.” Freyja blushed brighter at the teasing. She gave him a playful squeeze which earned a quiet squeak, but he didn’t back down. He had that silly little grin that went from ear to ear. Frey knew Alice liked getting her riled up, because it meant she’d retaliate ten fold–and retaliate she would.
“Mmmmm…” Alice hummed as he reached down to caress her finger. “Oh, that’s riiiiiight! You like it when I call you big mama, don’t you?”
Freyja got in real close. And though he tried, she watched the smugness melt ever so slightly from his countenance as she filled his vision. She loomed and he leaned back a bit, his eyes widening–but he kept up that confident smile.
He wasn’t planning on backing down. Good. Freyja bit her lip as she growled low and lovingly. She was gonna bury him in an avalanche of kisses…
“You better be careful…” Freyja warned as she leaned even close…then, without warning, she LUNGED and gently nipped his shoulder. Alice let out a delighted shriek in reply. She playfully gnawed just a bit before pulling him away–but kept him close enough so that her words would roll over him, and her lips would brush up against his face. He was so close she could feel his glasses moving against her every syllable.
“I know all the things that’ll make YOU squeal, baby boy. Two can play this game. You really wanna do this…?”
Her breath hitched as a pair of thawing hands rested right up against her lips, and a flustered voice replied with all the earnestness the three words that made her heart THUNDER:
“Bring it on.”
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latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
i have so many random half baked khaenriah/kaeya first family hcs like it’s nothing ever good enough to develop into fully fleshed posts or whatever but it’s all There. in my Brain
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incendiorum-arch · 1 year
how do animals do that Thing. where you feel bad n then you hang out with them and the Feel Bad goes away
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abyssmalice · 19 hours
( HAND ) kissing mine’s hand. [Capi for Freyja]
seduction/pinning prompts
The Abyss is no place for merry visits and idle sightseeing - but that doesn't appear to have stopped one of her rare guests from making the trip anyway, and more than once at that.
Freyja is used to every face she has met becoming like a ghost, a fleeting encounter that comes and goes forever; she will not admit it in any way that matters, but it is both a pleasant surprise and an unexpectedly warm satisfaction to have such standards defied.
"Lord Capitano," she greets him, smiling her ever-placid smile, though there's a slight twinkle in her eye; there is no need for formalities after so many visits, but she always insists on the first greeting to be overly courteous. It's only polite in her personal opinion.
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Her expression doesn't change, remaining pleasant and polite even when the towering Harbinger takes her hand after removing his helmet, gracing her knuckles with a light kiss. Of course, the first time had been a little surprising, but after many such greetings and partings in the same vein, it's not a particularly strange sight.
In fact, she finds it rather charming nowadays. Freyja is quite sure that an outsider to this scene could easily interpret this as a moment from fairytales, when the regal prince or the gallant knight meets the lovely princess of the story, and greets her with a most courteous but romantic gesture!
She is no princess in comparison, but she thinks that it is very sweet and endearingly silly of him to always act the part like this. What a nice young man, as always.
The lady tilts her head, her distant smile turning a few degrees warmer and amused. "Nikolas," she finally says, with a soft giggle - "It is good to see you again. What brings you so far into the depths once more? Nothing difficult for you, I would presume, but I still hope it is not worrying nonetheless."
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marmotish · 2 years
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walking down the street and somebody’s cat comes out to say hello - only a monster wouldn’t say hello back.
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astarionposting · 10 months
OC's as obscure references
Thank u for tagging me @vspin 🖤
I was tagged in this like two weeks ago, saved it in my drafts and then forgot about it, but now I have another oc and remembered! A lot of these are suggestions from my friend cus im really bad at the writing part of my OCs... also I spent a lot more time on this than needed cause I needed an excuse to make more gifs/edits of my gals 🥰🥰
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ANIMAL: White stag COLOURS: deep oak, silver white, bronze, navy, black / gold, deep crimson, amber, black (post-resurrection) MONTH: January SONGS: Playlist (soon oops) NUMBER: idk PLANTS: Evergreen trees, hydrengea / black dahlia (post-resurrection) SMELLS: witch hazel, leather, mint, firewood, rosemary, lavender GEMSTONE: Labradorite / Spessartine (post-resurrection) TIME OF DAY: Dawn SEASON: End of winter PLACES: (not sure of real places soo) The Underdark, Temple of Bhaal DRINKS: Cherry spiced wine ELEMENT: Necrosis (is that an element? I dunno) ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries FOOD: SEASONINGS: Rosemary, ginger, cardamom, mint SKY: Misty sunrise WEATHER: Cold, rainy, misty and stormy / Solar storm (post-resurrection) MAGICAL POWER: Wall of ice / Wall of fire (post-resurrection) WEAPONS: Long sword, long bow SOCIAL MEDIA: nope MAKEUP PRODUCT: eyeshadow CANDY: Black licorice METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Horse ART STYLE: Renaissance FEAR: Dying alone MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: The White Stag, Leshen (post-resurrection) PIECE OF STATIONARY: Ink THREE EMOJIS: 🌫️ 🐺 🗡️ / ❤️‍🔥🦌🌄(post-resurrection) CELESTIAL BODY: WISE J085510.83-071442.5 / Betelgeuse (post-resurrection)
*post-resurrection is just something in terms of game of thrones stuff, inspired by this fanfic I’m reading, but with some changes hehe :)
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ANIMAL: Starling COLOURS: Wisteria, crimson, black MONTH: December SONGS: Playlist NUMBER: 13 (according to my friend hehe) PLANTS: Lily, bat flower SMELLS: Fresh blood, jasmine blossoms, rosemary, cognac, bergamot (she gets more of her nice smells from Astarion…) GEMSTONE: Garnet TIME OF DAY: Late night SEASON: Winter PLACES: (not sure of real places soo) The Underdark, Temple of Bhaal DRINKS: Cherry spiced wine ELEMENT: Necrosis (is that an element? I dunno) ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries FOOD: Liver (origin of said organ is unspecified for legal reasons) SEASONINGS: Saffron, rosemary, red chilli flakes SKY: Full lunar eclipse WEATHER: Dark/Cold/Foggy MAGICAL POWER:  Circle of death WEAPONS: Greatsword, dagger SOCIAL MEDIA: she don’t know what that is MAKEUP PRODUCT: Black lipstick CANDY: Cinnamon hearts METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: walking mostly, even though she got no damn shoes on ART STYLE: Romanticism FEAR: Father, the Urge MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Valravn PIECE OF STATIONERY: she isn’t much of a writer… more of a stabby stabby… so maybe a letter opener? THREE EMOJIS: 🩸🌑🗡️ CELESTIAL BODY: Triton, moon of Neptune
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Credits: x | x | x
tagging: @whoopsitsloobis @tugoslovenka @catching-fire-in-the-wind @julietvoid @hazellblogs @aeternaamantess (sorry if u have been tagged before) + anyone who wants to do this! You can say I tagged you :)
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ofvanaheim · 2 months
freyja tags.
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miss-midnightt · 8 months
Also, adding a little onto the ask I sent a little bit ago, I like to imagine that the reason why Auron is a Legend/Myth, is because back then Gaia was actually named Spira, and then researchers and scientists were like: "no. Gaia." So, Auron is actually from the past, meaning, in this head lore of mine, Summoners and Guardians and such were legends from the past now told as folk tales. So imagine being Freyja, right? You're doing your thing and then a guy wearing clothing from the past that's only mentioned in legends shows up, he introduces himself as Auron,you look at the legends, sees his photo, looks at Auron, fucking realizes that oh shit, this is actually Sir Auron. The Legendary Warrior and Guardian for both Lord Braska and Lady Yuna. What the fuck?? This would also mean that the sport Blitzball is a past sport (it was played underwater with two teams obviously, basically soccer, but make it underwater and you can use your hands and feet. Yay.)
I'm so smart about lore that doesn't actually exist.
You are so smart about lord that doesn’t actually exist.
She’d go full on holy shit lolllll
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amphibifish · 1 year
ok i'm on like ep 6 of mdlr but i have thoughts
1. my friends and family have not heard the end of it from me BUT HEIMDALL IS SO FUNNY TO ME. I CANNOT GET OVER EVERYTIME HE IS OMINOUS ABOUT KILLING LOKI. it is so so funny to me i cannot get over it.
2. i really like lokis magical girl sequence with his weapon i get all giddy every time i see it
3. thor being this all powerful thunder god while simultaneously being trapped as a highschooler is so funny to me. especially because he has like. every job ever.
4. mayura is such a failgirl and i love her for that. mayura and loki are also a fun duo cause despite the fact loki looks like 12 and she tower overs him he's the one that has to keep her in check
5. i teared up during the episode with mayura and her dad i thought that was worth mentioning
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