#& theresastargirl.
victoriousfidelity · 1 month
@theresastargirl sent: 📂 📂 📂 send "📂" for a random yet completely useless headcanon i have. | accepting.
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📂 silence makes sigyn uncomfortable. not 'silence' like you tend to think of it, where there's still the dim background noise of the world around you, but actual total silence. it's something she experiences on occasion when using seiðr, and it never fails to put her on edge.
📂 she uses a lot of terms of endearment for her friends and family. i have a more in-depth headcanon about language that i won't go into here, but she uses both english and icelandic ones (because i've decided the latter is equivalent to the vanir language). with the latter, she switches between the masculine and feminine forms with loki depending on how they're presenting that day.
📂 sigyn has a pretty singing voice. she uses it on occasion for galdrar, a type of incantation, but she'll also just sing or hum to herself while she's doing things. in a lot of verses, you're most likely to hear it when she's singing lullabies to her children.
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becomewolf · 1 year
❛ you know you aren’t allowed in here, right? ❜
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the blonde feigns a look of surprise mixed with shock, turning her gaze to their surroundings. the last thing she needed was to be caught breaking and entering, but she couldn't stop herself. there was something strange about the area. something that called to her and needed an answer. rose instead sighs before offering a guilty smile to ophelia. "didn't know that it was.... unauthorised, sorry about that. one question though - what's this place all about?"
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tcnderhearts · 5 months
the familiar sound of the engines whirring to a steady stop echoed in though the tiny town as that little blue box landed in the back yard of their daughters home. of course they weren't able to settle down in one spot for very long, the itch for exploration and adventure much too strong.
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" I really thought I'd find her this time. " they sighed, shrugging off their coat and tossing it over the railing behind them. " I could have sworn 2164 was where she would be ... never mind. we'll find your niece soon enough, Saeya. "
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dci-daniel-hegarty · 6 months
It was the end of the night, home finally after coming back after a shift with a new case that was testing his patience. It was quiet; the two bedroom flat was silent against the other noises in the house. He saw his dog, lying down on the floor of the darkened living room. The lights were turned down in all the rooms as he found every room and hallway dark. With a heavy sigh he moved to the first door leading to his daughter’s room. He found her, sprawled on her bed and reeking of alcohol; not an uncommon occurrence and worse as of late but at least she had made it home on her own.
It was hardly surprising that he didn’t get a call, a warning that his daughter had made a scene of herself, and often enough times he was called to pick her up. It seemed that she was getting worse. The bottle in her hand was beside her. He collected it, fixing her limbs to lay her back in bed, and tucked her hair back behind her ear. Sitting still on her bed as he looked down and her. Gone were the days when she was young and innocent. She was so troubled.
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He blamed himself in part of that since her mother died 4 years ago. Daniel took it terribly. He was grieving himself but neglected his daughter. He hired a nanny, gave her more allowances to do things she wanted and he even convinced himself that a dog could fix her problems but instead, she took to drinking. He cared for the dog on his own. It only remained company for her when he needed a guard dog when she drank herself to sleep. At least, he was still useful for something.
He gently woke her; minding that her drink made her rather bitter but he needed to check on her. “Lia, have you eaten?” quietly speaking to his daughter in a gentle tone as he shook her arm. “You’ll get sick if you don’t eat” he coaxed. “I brought dinner”
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dutyled · 3 months
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For a prince Nicholas could be awfully whiny. While his assistant was scrubbing his head with whatever shampoo he got to get the dye out of his hair, he whined loudly. "Those fucking twins... Whoever gave them dye is going to die." Williams had blue hair. Blue. Out of all the colors they could have chosen. "I'm going to wring their necks." This was why he never wanted children.
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protectxthem · 3 months
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@theresastargirl asked: Well, you know that old saying, “Keep your friends close and make out with your enemies. - dealers choice !
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"Are you saying we're friends or enemies?" The deaf archer asks, purple and black sunglasses translating what she said to him via the lens. "Or is this a ploy to make out with me?" He smirks lazily at her, head tilting to the side a bit.
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covertegotism · 4 months
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"And you're forgetting I'm dangerous," Zekel warned as he looked over at the other. His back was turned as he spoke. Nothing good came from pissing him off. As far as he knew it would be safer to keep a distance. Just because he appeared to be struggling with what he remembered himself as - Zekel The Merciless, didn't mean he wouldn't resort to hurting her.
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starwrittenfates · 6 months
@theresastargirl continued from here
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The Time Lady sighed, knowing she was right. Once again, she had overdone it. She had worked herself into exhaustion and burnout. Perhaps she could rest for a little bit and let Brax take over things. Romana sighed. "Very well then. What do you suppose I do in the meantime? For rest, I mean."
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doctornineteen · 28 days
a starter involving wilfred for @theresastargirl
Few things could override Wilfred’s need to be with his horses, meeting his sister’s baby was one such thing. He had been awaiting this moment for hours — unable to think of much else. But he knew it would all be worth it.
As his father escorted him into the room, his eyes immediately found the babe in Ophelia’s arms. Wilfred pulled his hand away from the Doctor’s and rushed over to the bed to get a better look. “Is it a boy or a girl?” he asked. If he had to guess, he’d say ‘girl’, though he’d be happy either way. He was an uncle.
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thwipsthrown · 1 month
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"Nah-uh, chere, code words ain't never work. Dere ain't any way t'ever make 'em feel natural. Gambit make it obvious when t'ings goin' bad."
@theresastargirl sent "Okay, we need a secret word in case I need to make a quick escape." // fringe sentence starters
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chaosfindsaway · 3 months
@theresastargirl said "Whoa, I feel it deep in my bones." - loch
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"Yeah, I don't wanna freak you out or anything, but..." Loch frowned, taking a moment to catch his breath. He couldn't believe they'd actually outrun that thing - they wouldn't have been so lucky had it not briefly gotten distracted by the herd of Pachycephalosaurus' running through the valley at just the right time. "I think it's because that thing was venomous or whatever you call it. How many quills did it get in you?"
Loch had never seen the dinosaur before, but he remembered reading about it in one of InGen's locked away files. Scorpios Rex or something like that. He tried to rack his brain, thinking of any important details from the files. "Shit, yeah, it's DNA has something weird in it, but I can't remember what."
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tcnderhearts · 11 months
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" I've been thinking ... " they were staring off into space as they spoke, idly pulling levers and flipping switches on the ships controls " about Gallifrey. going there, specifically... I know it's time locked right now but I've felt as though home as been calling me as of late. "
@theresastargirl liked for a starter
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masterfultm · 3 months
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"Yes, well. I don't try to pose as the Master that often. Last time that happened, I was locked away in a cell for fifty years. It wasn't pleasant."
( @theresastargirl )
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drummingncise · 9 months
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@theresastargirl liked for a starter!! <333
"Okay, I know it's been a while since the last time we've talked, but why do you look like Amy."
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protectxthem · 3 months
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@theresastargirl asked: “there’s nothing wrong with asking for help.”  - Cal
post - trauma sentence starters | Accepting
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"There is to if I don't want help." Cal huffs, stretching his arms out and then above his head. He was stubborn and he knew it, he learned at a young age to not ask for help and to be stubborn, only because asking for help showed you were weak and that could get someone in trouble.
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magikheir · 4 months
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Quentin was new to Camelot. It barely had been the twenty four hours since he arrived. He was shown into his own room, which was larger than the apartment he shared with Teria. Plopping down on the bed, he didn't bother undressing. That was until he heard the door opened and his head popped up. Seeing a female enter, he scrambled up. "Um, hi." He had no idea she was a servant.
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