#& emeraldxphoenix.
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@emeraldxphoenix asked: " you don’t owe me anything. i don’t think any of us should owe each other anything. "
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IT'S ONE of those things that someone might know intellectually , but in practice is much harder . their dynamic is something almost impossible to navigate and she has a feeling it's causing more hard feelings than anything else .
❝ yeah . . . not that easy though is it ? ❞ she responds quietly , eyes flicking up to his .
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@emeraldxphoenix asked: "Who is this Aidan Wilde?"
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All things considered she's adjusted to these unscheduled drop-ins fairly well, so when the faint atmospheric change that tends to precede the God of Stories' arrival fills her hotel room, she's already turning to face the spot in which their form appears seconds later.
But the immediate question, and the look on their face - Norns, but she's seen that expression so many times - surprises her.
To her credit, Sigyn at least tries not to smile.
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"When you said you were overseeing all the timelines, Loki, I will confess that I presumed you would not have time to watch my every move."
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spidersdance · 2 months
~ @emeraldxphoenix || "i did what i had to in order to survive." (Gimme post Loki disappearing to do canon stuff then returning after thanos???) ~
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Jim's jaw tenses, not even bothering to try and hide his emotions. He's angry. Angrier than he's been in a very long time. So much so that it feels like his nerve endings are about to set on fire from the searing annoyance that's burning through his body. "Well, looks like you survived so I'm glad that worked out for you." He says snippily, moving to stand behind his desk. He needs to put as much distance as he can between himself and the god. "Part of me wants to loathe you - To tell you how much I despise you but really I should be grateful for your sudden disappearing act -" Eyes flick up to meet his gaze for a moment. "It confirmed to me that no one stays. Not even the people I allow in. So, thank you for shattering any nonsensical idea that I might be worth hanging around for - It did wonders for boosting my career." He sits, pulling his laptop towards himself. "Turns out - It's actually much easier to get what you want when you stop caring about that sort of thing."
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sioraiocht · 9 months
~ @emeraldxphoenix || Liked for a vampire starter || From Alina ~
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Alina loved a gallery opening. It was where she felt most at ease - Surrounded by beautiful artwork and gentle chatter. There was something soothing about the whole thing. Eyes looked from the painting to the man standing near it, her brow lifting. Senses heightened - There was something different about him. He didn't smell human. A fact that put her on edge. The last thing she wanted was any trouble.
"Hi there - Are you interested in any of the paintings?"
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shxlmes · 4 months
~ @emeraldxphoenix || "Are you a virgin?" ~
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Sherlock can't contain the grunt of annoyance that heaves out of him, long and drawn. "Why are people so interested in what goes on between my bedsheets?" His fingers pluck absent-mindedly at the strings of his violin, eyes finding Loki's gaze. "Why do you want to know?"
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lightsiided · 1 month
Leaves a box of freshly baked muffins in the kitchen, smelling deliciously of lemon, chocolate, blueberry. In actuality, they are all ghost pepper flavour. (They're intended for Thor, sorry you've found them first Rey.)
     her husband is so DARLING. he is constantly leaving delicious food out for her when one of them is too busy to be with the other. between the baby and the school and so much excitement, lately, those moments are more frequent... but rey relishes the treats all the same.
eyes light up when she sees the muffins -- so artfully prepared, so wonderfully inviting. they smell excellent and look even better. she doesn't hesitate before reaching for the chocolate one and taking a large BITE.
immediately, she knows something is wrong. the bite is spit ungracefully out onto the tabletop. her nose scrunches as her eyes water. it is extremely unpleasant, wholly unenjoyable. her darling husband surely wouldn't BETRAY her this way -- this has to be someone else's doing.
but there's no one else in the house -- or at least, there isn't now. more importantly: she needs some water, as quickly as possible. her face feels as if it's on fire, flushed and stinging. who would do something so terrible to such a beautiful dessert?
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lumiiiscorner · 4 months
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positivity for @emeraldxphoenix from anonymous
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sending love to emeraldxphoenix! absolutely an amazing Loki but an even more wonderful friend! I love getting to chat and write with them 💚
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itsybitsypeterparker · 4 months
@emeraldxphoenix <3'd for a starter!
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"It's weird to think you were the one who tried to take over the world when I was a kid." TECHNICALLY, being under 18, Peter was still a child. A teen, actually, but saying it the way he did implied he was much older than he was much longer ago. Truthfully, memories of that day were kinda disorganized in his brain, almost if the memories were shoved in the back to avoid thinking about it. But he did remember the fright he felt that day. And the relief that was given to him from seeing The Avengers save the day the way they did. Nostalgic. After all, they were a big inspiration as to why he did what he did now, as childish as that seemed.
"I mean, I don't know if you contemplate switching sides a lot. Not sure morality is that simple but, y'know, just interesting to think about." He had his one hand under his chin, thinking, the other tethering him to a web upside down.
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ofvanaheim · 2 months
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"Is it awful of me to wish I'd been there to see the look on Harbard's face when you walked into that meeting?"
starter for @emeraldxphoenix, from lofn.
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qapsiel · 7 months
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@emeraldxphoenix ;; some meme somewhere Loki said: “I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.”
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                            "THAT IS ANATOMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE," HE POINTS OUT. "And balls is a terrible slang word for testicles. They're not ball-shaped. If at all, they look more like eggs. It makes more sense, too, because eggs grow a baby bird or reptile inside them, and testicles grow at least one half of what you need to make a new human."
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@emeraldxphoenix asked: "Has Ophelia told you about Looms?!"
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"I'm going to presume, based on your horrified demeanour, that you're not talking about the devices used for weaving cloth?"
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wildcxrds · 2 months
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𝗢𝗵, 𝗜'𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴
𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝗻
𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗳𝗮𝗿 𝘄𝗲'𝘃𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲
𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗜'𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗻
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spidersdance · 3 months
~ @emeraldxphoenix || " But you’re mine, aren’t you? " ~
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Jim lets out a breath, his lips curving into a grin as he presses back against Loki. The music is loud, thumping through his head, his eyes lit up with delight. It's not often he goes to clubs, however, sometimes a notion takes and he can't settle until he's in a room with dancing and loud music. It helps ease the thoughts rattling around his head. "All of this because the bartender flirted with me?" He leaned back, tilting his head up so his teeth could graze the underside of Loki's jaw. "I like you when you're possessive."
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sioraiocht · 3 months
~ @emeraldxphoenix || liked for a lilith starter ~
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"You have a hot sister, don't you? Where is she?"
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shxlmes · 4 months
~ @emeraldxphoenix || "you can't lie to me. i can tell when you're lying." ~
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A grunt of annoyance leaves Sherlock, eyes narrowing as he looks back to Loki. "Nothing annoys me more than people who overuse that phrase - Particularly when they're a deity and already have an upper hand." He exhales, attempting a breathing technique that he'd learned from a therapist John had been sleeping with. "Fine. Obviously I'm not pleased that Watson is on a date, he was supposed to be helping me with a case tonight."
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lightsiided · 2 months
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     "LOOK." though her hands are busy with the tea kettle, she inclines her head towards the kitchen window to direct their attention. in the yard, thor is training with the girls. the both of them try their hardest, of course, but are no match for their father. at least not yet. "leia's going to throw a tantrum any minute now. she hates to lose."
thor isn't even trying all that hard, really, easily fending off the both of them at once without breaking a sweat. "did you two used to train together? when you were young? thor says you fight almost as well as he does --" of course he'd said almost, she thinks with a smile, pouring hot water for tea into a row of cups. "-- but i can only imagine what sort of destruction you two caused together."
@emeraldxphoenix liked for a starter!
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