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sammy8d257 · 2 years ago
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After getting invited to King Purple’s castle in the End, Green thought his day was going good. And then he got knocked upside the head by a weird looking Enderman and his day got worse.
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[OUTDATED Tumblr Ver.] || [NEW Ao3 Ver.]
[AvM Mad King AU Masterpost]
Round 2, electric boogaloo
Next up on the chopping block for written work being added to Ao3 is "For What It's Worth"
This one is special because it's the first time I've ever written from Green's perspective, so I hope I did well!
ALSO! If you noticed with the links, the Tumblr version says "Outdated". This is because this fanfic was originally written before the ending of AvM season 3. For the Ao3 version, I updated so small bits of the story to have it better fit with the updated canon of the Mad King AU!
The main story is still the same but there are just some smaller details that make reference to the existence of Interspace
Anyway, enjoy this while I try to progress in my other fanfic alskdljgsg
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galactaknightyaoi · 7 days ago
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chocolate was half off this week...
they bought as much cheap chocolate as they could and ate all of it together . couples bonding. though now his majesty has a stomach ache
This was meant to be for Aro week (which is why they're green!!!!!) but i kind of fumbled and almost missed it. i still managed to crank this one out even if it's not what i had in mind
clearly i experimented a bit. to questionable success. but i think it has its charm!!!! nevertheless i made some more normal looking ones here ↓
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happy last 12 hours of aro week
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cryptidbait · 4 months ago
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Kombatember Day 16: Movie
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hlrart · 7 months ago
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I like green ninjas...
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kidd-thundr · 18 days ago
I've just woken up from my nap. Why is there a flying creature in the sky
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scopophilic1997 · 7 months ago
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1057 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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ninjagood4 · 5 months ago
“For once the Green Ninja finds the instrument of peace, he will strike it and know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master.“
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This redraw was also created for the winner of a contest on the youtube channel :)
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rubberhosededede · 9 months ago
Hiiiii Robo-Ky Nation
(send me any animated sprites not on here I want them ALLLL)
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bluehairedspidey · 1 year ago
Johnshi in MKX
So at the end of the first chapter of MKX, Johnny uses his green glow to save Sonya from Shinnok
Then, 20 years later, he tells the kombat kids about it and says this
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"I've never been able to re-summon that green halo. Raiden thinks it was triggered when I saw a loved one about to die."
HOWEVER, we DO see ONE instance of Johnny using his green glow BEFORE he saves Sonya
At the beginning of the first chapter, Johnny, Kenshi, and Sonya are on a helicopter when they get attacked by Scorpion
Kenshi immediately pushes Johnny out of the way to protect him
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Then gets hit by a blast of fire from Scorpion
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And then Johnny uses his green glow to kick Scorpion away from Kenshi
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Kenshi is one of Johnny's loved ones
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ivyvii · 5 months ago
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Mei and Mk
✨The best friends✨ and the best duo ❤️
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twinklecupcake · 7 months ago
Traffic Light Quartet is hanging out one day when MK suddenly furrows his brow for a few moments, then turns to Xiaoqing.
"Hey, Xiaoqing. How big is your war form?"
"'War fo-- you mean my big snake form?"
"Yeah, how big can you get? I can get smaller if I have to."
Minutes later, Mei is excitedly filming MK and Xiaoqing having a 'battle' in their huge fuck-you forms, telling Red Son she's going to edit in epic music later. Red Son is Tired.
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kryptonbabe · 20 days ago
Green Lantern of Sector 914: Mucoromycotin 82 or Mucor
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Some references of how Mucor's body could be, the moss-like cells are apparent all over their body and are the actual font of their life. Source 1, 2.
Name: Mucoromycotin 82 / M82 / Mucor
Base Of Operations: Kuora (planet), Multitude system, Sector 914
Mucor is a scrap bio-mech, mostly composed of leftover metal and found parts in a functioning robotic body, they are not a purely mechanical being, their core and main electrical font of processing and movement is biologic. These biological cells have a moss / mold like appearance and spread over the mechanical parts and give them movement, they are the conscious and thinking part of Mucor's species, the µ.
As a bio-mech Mucor works most hours of the day, they started to use their 5 hour break to read whatever they could find in the abandoned data library found during a work excavation. Reading the pre-war logs, historical registers and the political and philosophical works of diseased thinkers and scientists of the past, Mucor started to feel anguished and rebellious about the life they and their people lived, being explored by the upper classes who enjoyed a fixed life with unlimited growth (only the working class and the outcasts lead a mobile life in their system). Mucor was chosen by a power ring during a rebellion against the upper class force units in which they were the leader of a losing group of workers.
After becoming the Green Lantern of sector 914 Mucor was able to help the people of their planet, however there's a lot of work to be done since their solar system is colonized by the µ and given the variety of forms and cultures the µ can take it's a complex work that keeps Mucor busy and mostly absent of the wider Green Lantern conflicts, some say Mucor and the Guardians do not have a good relationship since Mucor believes their rule to be authoritarian and somehow similar to that of the ruling classes of their own system. However no one can deny the feats of courage Mucor of Kuora (their planet) achieved fighting for the freedom of their people and working as a Lantern in their solar system.
Mucor uses the ring to change their appearance, complementing their mechanical body with their ring constructs to transform into practical forms that help them solve problems. They're very attuned to the structural issues of his system and aware of the importance of education, most of their feats are oriented in that direction. They have a serious problem with authority and that makes them a big fan of Hal Jordan, although they never met (Mucor has a Hal Jordan poster on their private quarter at Oa) Kilowog admires their determination, but desaproves of their humor instability.
About the µ (biology and society)
The µ or Mu collective is a group of unicellular individuals that more or less share a hive mind. Their evolution is similar to that of the Fungi on Earth, however due to the specific circumstances of their planets and the amount of time the µ have been in the universe, they have evolved in a different direction. Despite being capable of life (and reproduction) in unicellular form, in group, the Mu are capable of building long tubes of communication to share nutrients and information through electrical impulses that can form complex structures of thought and conscience. Their "hive mind" is proximity based, the more distant they are the less mentally connected they are, if they're severed they become a separate entity.
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Their mold / lichen / moss like appearances. Despite their color they're not capable of photosynthesis
The µ cells spread in colossal webs that took over their entire planet of origin (Kuora), in addition to that their resilient single cell life made it very easy for them to spread over their solar system (the Multitude solar system). They separate in groups that can spread from over hundreds of kilometers to a few meters; these groups developed different cultures and social relations with time. Early in their space exploration the Mu collective spread in search of energy - scarce on their planet of origin - these searches took thousands of years to come to fruition in a stable manner (social conflicts abound in their history).
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Multitude solar system - each planet has a population of Mu, they vary in their access to energy and economical stability and internal conflicts
During that conflicted time, the Mu collective while still remaining single celled life forms, developed different ways of presenting themselves, different colors and forms: some remaining fixed in their place on the ground, vegetation and other substrates, while others having a more mobile life, becoming part of a bigger system capable of independent locomotion, this can be: a) parasitic (they can attach to other organisms and take over their neural system partially or completely - which is considered outdated and morally reprehensible nowadays) or b) mechanical (they create and then attach to mechanical structures also capable of locomotion and specialized designs; some of the robots developed by the Mu are capable of impressive transformations, changing their form to adapt do different environments in different planets / biomes).
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Mechanical Mu usually have specialized bodies - the Mu cells take over the mechanic hosts and controls them from the inside or the outside through highly evolved bioelectrical adaptations. Source 1.
There's a social / economic logic to their forms, mechanical Mu are usually explored to work for the fixed Mu, a privileged class who having no need to work and fend for themselves, can afford to live a fixed life dedicated to the arts and intellectual creations in their simulators in quantum computers, some of them live an hedonistic life in those settings too. Mechanical Mu are considered the working class while the parasitic Mu are pariahs who could not afford to build / buy a mechanical body and, in need to search for their nutrients, depend on other biological bodies to roam around and make a precarious living, they can look like zombie-like creatures, but they try to avoid the process of decay by using metal parts and other methods to keep the host body functional. This class is mostly despised by the others for the appearance and the criminal associations.
I wrote this inspired by @incorrect-green-lantern-quotes game, I love robots and weird life-forms and I think sometimes the GL stories could take their alien concepts a bit further... If you have any idea for a GL original character please share!
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mkjulian · 10 months ago
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Kai is the best father in the world
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ari-dark-raiden-simp · 1 year ago
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Is finally here!!! 💚💚 My beloved artist @KenApplepi from Twitter made this masterpiece using my little fan concept for my man Raiden 🥺💚 Painting this way to give an old painting vibe especially with this background (I WILL PRINT THIS AND PUT ON MY DARK RAIDEN FAN WALL)
As someone who play League it's like a little dream come true!!! Beside RAIDEN DESERVE SUCH SMOOTH SKIN, NRS COULD NEVER-
Link to Ken portfolio:
She is very talented and supporting her is just pure pleasure for me 💚🙌
Daddy Dark Raiden in suit is just- 💚💚💚
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majiedoodles · 1 year ago
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hey guys- I’m making an lmk au.. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHE
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magicalbunbun · 2 years ago
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Till death .. right?
Green dimond au
ending: death of dimond bad end
I will post the endings of green dimond au, the first one is the bad end, where Y/n dies by sun wukong (not mk) wukong hit her with his staff in the same eye where macaque was hit. Mk saw what happened and he attack monkey king with anger, but calm down and hold lifeless Y/n close to himself , later he decides to do suicide, killing himself only to be with Y/n once again and never leave her behind like he did that before.
Next end: natural end the green heart.
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