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littlecrittereli · 1 year ago
Okay I have so much to say about the wonderful sketch you just posted but the FIRST thing I have to say is HARD AGREE about the hammocks you can NEVER convince me that they all just sleep on hammocks or on the floor every night. At some point they must have bedrooms somewhere in that big ol' flying turtle.
EXACTLY??? like im sorry thats a giant ship, you CANNOT tell me they didn't have enough room for bedrooms. The ship was constructed with the intention of being a traveling research team, why would it not have bedrooms?
I can definitely see them pulling out the hammocks some nights maybe when they park the Tortuga in a really scenic spot and the weather is nice and they just wanna spend some time in nature. I can absolutely see them camp outside often. BUT WHAT IF ITS RAINING OR ITS TOO COLD/HOT?? liKE?? they do not just sleep in the hub im so fr
Anyways. I sketched up this little blueprint of what I think their rooms would look like/where they are positioned in the Tortuga. It is not accurate at all in terms of like... spacial awareness. IDK ITS JUST A SILLY SKETCH
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month ago
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Gay reindeer gets ran overed by local conservative human /j
I frgot Kris's pimples and noelle's lil highlights but wtvr its alr this won't wake me up at night not at all >_<
Me making 900 ways to draw Noelle's damn face 😭 i have no idea what i wana do wit it. Like. Accurate? Cutesy? idk?!
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gothamite-rambler · 18 days ago
Damian: Baba? Baba?
Damian walked over to Bruce and patted him on the arm. Bruce looked around then pointed to himself.
Damian: I need your help, baba.
Bruce: Why do you keep calling me 'baba'?
Damian: It's the Arabic term for father. I wanted to call you that. Ra's always had me call him... Grandfather. So, yeah baba, can you help me with my homework?
Bruce (stoic): Um, sure head upstairs. I'll be there in a few.
Damian nodded with his usual smile then left the library. Dick and Alfred stayed in the room with Bruce as the man rested his head on the desk.
Dick: You need a minute?
Dick (pleased): Aww, thanks and you adopted traumatized adorable kids what did you expect?
Bruce (quiver): Yeah, that just reminded me of when you used to call me papa and I have to compose myself. Why were you all so adorable as kids? Why couldn't you be gremlins?
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lunar-weebin · 11 days ago
super duper unpopular reth headcanon apparently: he bathes. he washes his hands. he is not a stinky, dirty boy. at least, not all the time.
messy, sure. wearing stained clothes or even wearing his clothes a few days in a row? yeah, I understand that. lots of people don’t wash their work uniform every day and only have one or two for the week.
getting a little sweaty from workin in a hot ass kitchen all day and lugging heavy packages all the way to bahari at night would probably be cause for some completely natural body odor.
but I simply cannot get behind the idea that the man is too busy for any form of hygiene when he prepares food and drinks for a living???
like yeah ik he’s busy with his six jobs and committing obligatory crime but in my mind I can’t rationalize him making time for everything and even prioritizing most things over sleep and him not using 15 minutes to wash himself guys I’m SORRY I can’t
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mikimakiboo · 10 months ago
Holding hands
When Nightmare was a kid in Dreamtale he used to always hold hands with Dream, whether it was for reassurance when scared, not to get lost when they went for a walk or simply because they felt like it, they would always be holding hands. It was comforting to them and especially to Nightmare since it was a break from the bullying, when he hold hands with his brother then he knew no one would come bother him.
After the corruption he couldn't hold hands anymore with his brother, obviously, or with anyone. At first he thought that he would be fine, but the lack of reassuring contact was actually very affecting him, he needed to hold hands with someone, to feel safe again, but he just couldn't, and holding his own hand only felt ridiculous...
But one day, after a fight with his brother where he was left greatly weakened, he went with his gang in an AU to collect negativity. All the time they were in this AU Nightmare felt unsafe, Dream or the Stars could arrive at anytime and he wasn't strong enough yet to fight back or protect his gang. He was anxious, panicking internally but trying to stay calm as to not worry his boys, but it was too much, and without really thinking, he reached for a hand to hold onto.
Everyone froze to look at him, but he didn't look at them, freezing too. Why did he do that ? Were they going to laugh at him now for showing such weakness ? Were they going to be disgusted by his pathetic need for reassurance ? Were they going to leave him ?
But as he was starting to panic he felt a gentle pressure on his hand and the gang moved again, without saying anything. Nightmare followed, looking at the hand now firmly but gently holding his, and for the first time in centuries, he felt safe.
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aseuki · 4 months ago
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Taking a moment to touch on some more seasonal aspects of Reaper/Underworld culture! The Annual Office Party™ is an event that is much looked forward to, even if the ensuing consequences may be...less than ideal >:'D
Again, major props to @humming-fly and @alagaesia-overlord for helping put together the brain cells for this and for also let me drag around their OCs like the rag dolls at all times <3
Closeups of the polaroids in the first panel are also under the cut! 👇
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le-panda-chocovore · 5 months ago
Toji isn't a man of words, yet alone feelings. But he knows when he is in love, he just finds it hard to express himself. What he doesn't know is that it shows. He shows it, all the time, and it's so clear and obvious that Shiu feels his heart stop each time it happens. It's all in the little gestures, the soft looks, and the daily things Toji does when he's with him.
Toji doesn't sleep much, because he doesn't like to and because he's a really light sleeper, and noise can wake him. So he's often the first to open his eyes in the morning, but he doesn't move. He lets the sun rises by the window and lights up the room with its warm rays. He looks at Shiu still in the dream world, breathing lightly, and looking so comfortable. Toji never wakes him up, but he realizes immediately when Shiu stops dreaming. The first thing he does is kissing him. On the forehead, on the cheek, or in the lips, depending on the mood. And he teases, "Hey sleeping beauty, welcome back to the living world." And it makes Shiu groans, but he likes it. It's sweet, it's soft, and it helps him waking up better.
Toji isn't a good cook, but he knows Shiu is excellent at that. And Shiu hates having Toji in the kitchen because the man is a mess and makes a mess. He keeps talking nonsense and tries to eat the food Shiu's cooking. If not, he tries to steal food in the fridge. But Shiu can't bring himself to kick the man out when Toji slides behind him and puts his hands and Shiu's hips. Toji then lets his chin on Shiu's shoulder, maybe gives him a kiss on the cheek or the neck, and calmly hums. His grip is light enough to let Shiu move freely. Sometimes he asks, "what are you cooking today ?" and sometimes he doesn't say a thing. Sometimes he opens his mouth to ask for a taste of the food, and sometimes Shiu feels generous enough to let him have it.
Toji is a freeloader, he has no shame in that and doesn't plan to give Shiu his money back at all. But he can be nice sometimes, he doesn't like feeling in debt and Shiu has been generous toward him for a long time. So Toji tries to find ways to pay him back. At first, when their relationship was something blurry between Coworkers with Benefits and an actual couple, he proposed to suck Shiu's dick, or any kind of good sex. Now, Toji makes sure not to eat Shiu's favorite dish when he grabs something from the fridge. He finds pretty jewelry and perfume at the place of the target he just killed so he takes it and brings it to Shiu's place because he knows he finished Shiu's expensive shampoo the week prior. He buys something (food, clothes, keychain, some pretty decoration) with the money from a job he took and then "forgets" it at Shiu's place, and never asks for it back.
Toji doesn't like alcohol, but whenever they eat together he takes a bottle of wine out of Shiu's cellar to put it on the table, because he knows Shiu likes his breaded pork with some Merlot. And when Shiu looks like he had a rough day, Toji looks for some whiskey or soju and pretends he wants to drink something awful to go with the mood, but in the end he's just giving his glass to Shiu.
Toji is very soft after sex, he is actually a sweetheart once his desires are satisfied. He strokes Shiu's face and let his fingers runs slowly against his spine and smiles so lovely when he feels the body shivers against him. He asks Shiu if he's fine, if he wants to shower now or later, if he needs a drink or anything. And if Toji topped, he carries Shiu to the shower and helps him get clean, then carries him outside the bathroom to the bed, and he cuddles against the man until they both fall asleep. If Toji was the bottom, he would lean towards Shiu's touch and breathe deeply against his skin. He would leave little kisses on Shui's shoulder, neck, and cheeks, and he'd hum softly when his man slid a hand in his hair.
Toji knows his boyfriend is tense whenever he has to deal with some clients, and he knows Shiu is worried after a big job. Because people in the underworld aren't clean, and because the man gets people killed for a living, and they both know the risks. It happened before, it can and will happen again. Sometimes the family of a target tries to reach for him and take revenge. Sometimes a contractor betrays the engagement and tries to put Shiu to silence. And sometimes, Shiu is simply very tired to negotiate with rich assholes. He doesn't sleep well when this happens. So Toji rolls in the bed and spoons him, and kisses the back of his neck or head and says it's fine. He feels Shiu relax a bit in his arms, so he kisses him again and holds him closer.
Toji isn't a coffee drinker, even though he can occasionally enjoy a cup. But when Shiu spends the entire day in his office, answering calls and writing emails, not taking time for lunch and looking physically and mentally exhausted, Toji turns on the coffee machine and brings his man a cup, shuffles his hair, and teases him about the face he's making. Sometimes it convinces Shiu to give up and take a break, other times it lightens him enough to endure the work a bit longer.
Toji is an addicted gambler, but he decided early in the relationship that he would never use Shiu's money for his bets.
There are plenty of things that Toji isn't. First of all, he's not a sorcerer. It doesn't stop him from killing them, or anyone trying to hurt Shiu. There are also plenty of things that Toji is, and very few are positive. But for sure, Toji is a man in love, and the words never leave his mouth, but his kisses and his fingers and his eyes scream them as loud as they can every day. And it's enough for Shiu. It's plenty of enough.
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lx1920jmax · 2 months ago
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Good morning.)))
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achromaticegoist · 1 year ago
She Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
stupid comic on why they grew apart
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this is just me projecting onto Bill (aka psychopathic Disney villain) don’t take this seriously pls 🤫🤫
Jheselbraum the Unswerving more like Jheselbraum the Tsundere
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aalien-s · 1 year ago
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They’re very well adjusted/ref
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rudimentary-rutabaga · 1 year ago
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So I watched Toy Story recently.
Short comic I did in about the span of an hour.
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gothamite-rambler · 1 month ago
Nightwing (prodding his father's arm with his shoe): Batman? Batman? Hey, Batman?!
Batman (lying on the dirt ground in pain): What?!
Nightwing: You're clearly too… um, sore to drive. I'm going to take you home.
Batman (weakly raising his arm): You… can't drive the Batmobile! You're not equipped.
Nightwing: I’ve driven it before, you had me drive it when I was fourteen. Then I would take it for a joyride around Gotham when I was a teenager.
Batman: You what—? Oh, I felt a pop in my spine.
Nightwing (shrugging with a smile): I did a lot of things as a pre-teen and then when I got my license I really enjoyed taking the car for a spin. Did you know about the time I tried heroin? Never did that again. Still not sure how Roy got addicted, I had to go to the hospital. The doctor was nice that night. Oh, and then there was the time I snuck Kori into the pool house? Well when we first started dating and then again when we got back together. Fun times. Oh and then there was the time I used the Batmobile to take Jason out for ice cream. He was just a little kid back then!
Batman: He was fourteen! Why are you telling me all of this?
Nightwing helped prop up his father on his back and began to walk him to the Batmobile.
Nightwing: Because you’re too sore to stand up and scold me. Besides, I was a teenager; I did teenager stuff.
Batman: Trying heroin isn't "teen stuff"!
Nightwing: Alfred told me you smoked weed while traveling to Germany at seventeen.
Batman sighed, clearly annoyed.
Batman: The keys are in one of my pockets. If you can just get me into the passenger seat, I’ll pull them out myself.
Nightwing: Awesome! Ice cream is on me.
Batman (begrudgingly): I want rocky road.
Nightwing: I knew you'd say that.
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infernothechaosgod · 9 months ago
I already made a post about how I think mickey and oswald have diffrent anathomy from other cartoons/ their current versions
Tldr They can do all the old timey cartoon stuff like take off their limbs or streach em out lots while others cant
But I think I forgot to mention a personal headcanon of mine in witch oswald and mickey (julius too) instead of being born like a normal toon from birth Where made/sculpted out of ink (it really set in my brain when I found out minnies parents are shown, so are donalds and goofy's but never mickeys exept one mention in a comic)
That all being said to add onto diffrent anathomy headcanon, I like to imagine when mickey gets really upset and for once doesnt hold it in he starts melting, that sight is extremly rare and often he can quickly pull himself back together so anytime someone sees this they freak out
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But since he can pull himself together quickly alot of people think they were just seeing things...unless he gets really upset then he just pulls an epic mickey 2 death animation
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noirandchocolate · 26 days ago
Today I would like to share a story with you about Master Kohga's Mama, Hotaru. It takes place when he was about seven years old.
(At the outset, please recall that Kohga's name wasn't Kohga when he was a child. However, because I am not sharing his before-name at this time, I will refer to him in this story as 'Little Kohga' nevertheless. Additionally, Hotaru called him by a nickname of his before-name that meant something sweet. So for purposes of writing this story, she will call him 'Sweetness.')
~~~ When Little Kohga was young, he loved to chase after kids a few years older than him. He was physically bigger than most of the other seven-year-olds. Thanks to his Nana, Master Kohga, he was also already learning many arcane techniques that nobody else--certainly no other child!!--would ever be able to do. And so, Little Kohga considered himself way too grown up and strong to hang out with the little kids.
Pah! He much preferred running around with his friends Daqo, and Laissa, and Mayu, and all their friends. These kids were ten and eleven, and even had their first masks already! They'd gotten them at the start of the year in autumn, and now it was winter. So is was a common sight, to see Little Kohga the Heir's Heir in his veil, playing with and (although he didn't think of it this way) being a bit of a mascot to these older boys and girls.
One day, Mayu reported that her older sister, who was seventeen and working on her Footsoldier training, was assigned to guard one of the secret doors that led to a tunnel that in turn went outside to the Highlands. Daqo, who was taller than everybody at the time and rather the demons-may-care ringleader of the band, got the very exciting idea to go out there and play. Technically (more than technically, absolutely), kids their age weren't supposed to be outside anywhere but in the confines of Karusa Valley without an adult, and technically (even more absolutely than that, if possible), Little Kohga at seven wasn't supposed to be out without an escort at all. But they tricked Mayu's sister into leaving her post for a few minutes, and out they went!
And they had a glorious afternoon! Running around after each other in the snow, throwing snowballs, rolling around to make shapes, jumping off rocks into the drifts, playing all sorts of games. Even now, Kohga remembers this fondly, as a very rare time when he got to feel the (albeit freezing cold) air outside and see the blue sky somewhere beyond the canyon's walls, when he wasn't training and having to focus with Nana. It was exhilarating being part of the group, and getting away with something, too.
Except, of course, they didn't get away with it. Eventually, Laissa's dad was the one to catch them--Mayu's sister snitched!!--and they all got dragged back inside.
And Little Kohga was brought to his Nana, who was so mad she didn't even yell. She just spoke, in a grave and harsh tone, saying she couldn't believe he would be so disrespectful as to break such an important rule! She said she expected better of her grandson, than this kind of foolishness. Little Kohga's ears burned red with embarrassment and shame and anger.
His Papa, the Right Hand, brought him back to the family's little quarters, and showed Mama Hotaru that their son was safe, and told her what Nana had said. Papa started to say that since nobody got hurt it shouldn't be as big of a deal as the Master was making it out to be--which was how Little Kohga felt! his heart swelled with gratitude for his father!--but Mama stopped him. She just said, 'I will take care of this.' And the day went on, and Little Kohga dreamed that night about building the biggest traveler frog statue ever out of snow, impressing all his friends and even Master Nana.
Early the next morning, Hotaru got her son up out of bed, putting her finger to her lips to tell him to stay quiet. She helped him dress, and they dressed warmly indeed. Mama even put on her big white fur coat with the hood, and made sure Little Kohga was wearing his warmest gloves and boots. Little Kohga couldn't even ask her where they were going or why! All Mama said was, 'I want to show you something,' before wrapping a scarf around his neck and adding his veil to finish the outfit. And then...the two went up through the very same tunnel the children had used the day before, and out into the Highlands.
When they were some way into the snowy landscape, farther than Little Kohga had run with his friends (though he could still see some remnants of their playing), Mama stopped at a small ledge of rock near a hill, and beckoned her son to crouch down with her and peek over the edge. Once they were hidden behind the rocks, Mama lifted one side of her coat and draped it over Little Kohga's head, pulling him close next to her.
Little Kohga looked up, and saw that his mother had turned herself white--the bits of her hair that could still be seen, the usually red Eye on her mask, the rest of her clothing...all, all white. An illusion! That was something Little Kohga's friends were learning how to do, that Kohga himself hadn't been taught yet. He could make a double of himself, and grab onto metal things with his energy, and even make three small pointy balls come out of nowhere when he concentrated hard, but illusions and disguises were something Nana thought he'd learn anyway, with the other children, and it wasn't quite time for that yet. So, seeing his mother change herself like this took his breath away for a second. Mama could do such wonderful things. But why was she hiding herself--and hiding him too?
Mama pulled him close, and whispered, 'Look, Sweetness. Do you see the hole in the hill there? Watch carefully.'
Nothing happened right away. But it was as if Hotaru had known exactly when to arrive at exactly this spot, because moments later, what should appear skipping over the snow but a beautiful snowcoat fox! And it really did look like snow. This deep into winter, even its paws were silvery white. Its fur shimmered in the sunrise. It was carrying a small rabbit, and it headed right for the hole in the hill Hotaru had pointed out.
As Little Kohga watched, spellbound, two fox kits poked their heads out of the den, then came out for their breakfast. Unlike their mother, the babies were deep brown, almost black in color. Mama Snowcoat pulled meat from the rabbit's belly for them, and they gobbled down the pieces.
After a few moments, Mama Hotaru spoke again, her voice still low, just for the two of them. 'Do you see, how these children stand out?'
Little Kohga glanced at his mother and tilted his head. Why would she ask that? The answer was obvious. He nodded, and tried his best to keep his voice down. He didn't want to scare the kits. 'Mmhm. The snow's white and they're black.'
Then Hotaru said, 'That is you.'
For a second, that didn't make sense. Little Kohga wasn't a fox. But then, it hit him. What Mama was trying to say. At least, he thought he understood.
'I stand out in the snow?' he whispered.
'You do.' With that, Hotaru gently pulled her son back from their lookout over the ledge, to sit behind the rocks. She kept him wrapped up in her furs and pulled him in close against her warm body. Little Kohga couldn't help snuggling into her.
'And not just in the snow, Sweetness, ' Mama continued. 'Everywhere. Because you are Yiga, and you haven't learned yet how to hide it.'
Little Kohga shivered. He'd heard it all the time, from his teachers and Nana and everyone, really, that all Yiga had to stay secret, outside of Karusa Valley. Because it wasn't safe. Because if Gerudo or Hylians caught you, they'd kill you. That was why Mama and Papa and Nana looked different in their rooms, around just each other and him, than they did with anyone else. That was why everybody wore masks in the first place. Not to mention there were lizalfos and other monsters to worry about. The world was dangerous. He'd just...never really thought about it.
Now he was thinking about it. He squeezed harder into his Mama.
'Don't worry, my love,' Mama told him, tilting his chin up. Even though she was wearing her mask, and he was wearing his veil, he thought he could see her face in his mind's eye. She was smiling. 'You will learn. But for now, that's why we have the rule. So you little foxes stay safe inside our burrow, until you know how to be white.'
Little Kohga gazed at his Mama, his mind suddenly sparking with hope and ideas for the future and his heart as always full to the brim with love for her. It all made sense. Yes! Maybe he was still just a kid now, so he'd stay inside the Complex and have the grownups protect him, but someday--!
"Can I look at them some more?" Little Kohga asked, and Hotaru nodded, helping once again to cover him up so the kits and Mama Snowcoat wouldn't see. They watched together while the family had its meal, until the mother fox barked just once, the babies jumped back inside the den quick as a wink, and the lovely white creature pulled the rest of the rabbit in with them all.
A moment later, the two Yiga stood up and started to walk back to the secret entrance, Mama letting her colors fade back in and Little Kohga staying by her side and keeping his eye out for any other interesting animals.
'You know, Sweetness,' Hotaru said, her voice thoughtful. 'Winter kits are rare. Those children will be bigger and stronger than their friends born in the spring, once summer comes. Just like you are, my big brave boy.'
Little Kohga basked in the praise, more of a strut entering his step as he made his way over the snow. Mama got it. She knew he was special. But while Little Kohga was thinking this, he didn't notice that his Mama had slowed down, and was now quite a few paces behind him.
'Still, it doesn't do for foxes or boys to let their guard down!'
Little Kohga turned around just in time for a snowball to hit him in the shoulder. He blinked in surprise, but his Mama was already bent down to roll up another. He let out a joyful whoop, and dove into battle.
Mother and son played together in the white, laughing and tackling and tossing, until the sun had climbed higher in the sky and it was time to go back into the warm tunnels and rooms of home. They had a bath, Little Kohga had his lessons and training for the day, and the family had dinner all together, even Nana.
And that night, the future Master of the Yiga Clan dreamed of little white foxes, running all together under a bright blue sky...
...and turning red, and purple, and golden, and every other color he could imagine.
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le-panda-chocovore · 6 months ago
At some point, Megumi probably walked into Toji and Shiu having sex on the couch.
"I'm never sitting on that thing ever again."
Toji burst out laughing and Shiu automatically answered "You shouldn't touch the kitchen counter either then." The look on Megumi's face worsened Toji's laugh. The boy was horrified.
"Where else did you two fucked ??" He didn't want to know, he really didn't. But he needed to. He had to know what part of the house he grew up in had been ruined by the unsatiable libido of those two sick freaks.
"The bathroom," Toji started, and the aghast noise Megumi made was priceless.
"Bedroom obviously," Shiu continued. The conversation seemed to amuse him. "The car too."
Megumi had been picked up from school by that car for years. He couldn't believe this. He felt betrayed, and dirty. As if his whole life has been a lie and he only now discovered the reality of his world.
He knew his father and his husband weren't prude and innocent, oh he knew it way too well. He remembered the first time he had asked about the bite marks on his father's shoulder, worried that the man had been hurt by a curse. He also remembered when he found the handcuffs in their room while looking for an administrative paper he had given his dad a few days prior. And they talked about sex. A lot. With little to no consideration for the literal teenager that lived in that house with them, who certainly didn't have to learn that his father likes the taste of Shiu's cock.
So yeah, Megumi knew they were a horny kinky shameless couple. But he couldn't imagine it would be that bad.
"Oh, and the entrance hall too," his father added with a thoughtful smirk. "The last one was reeaaaally good, by the way."
"The last one—" Megumi decided mid-sentence that he did not, in fact, need to know the details of how many times his father had fucked or been fucked, nor where did that happen. "You guys are disgusting."
Then a thought –a hateable disrupting but awfully plausible thought– crossed his mind. He stared at them carefully, and regretted his question before even the words went out of his mouth.
"Did you . . . Did you two ever have sex on my bed ?"
Both of the adults blinked at the same time. The three seconds before their answer were hands down the worst in all of Megumi's existence.
"Eh," Toji said.
"Hm," Shiu completed.
"Oh my gods," Megumi screamed.
He hadn't even put down his stuff since he came home, but he was already walking back to the door and grimaced when he put on his shoes in the place where he now knew they fucked in. He didn't stop when Shiu tried to explain that they were joking, nor when Toji joined him in the entrance hall to tell him that no, that never happened. Megumi didn't trust him. He didn't trust any of them. He should never have trusted them since the beginning. He opened the door and left without a word, because he already talked to them enough. He didn't want to do anything with them anymore.
"Where are you even going ?" Toji asked, but Megumi was already on the street.
They didn't try to run after him. They received a text a few hours later, while they were -again- fucking on the damn couch. "I'm sleeping at Itadori's place. Don't try to contact me." it said. They let him be, not really worried about him.
Megumi stayed there for an entire month before finding the mental strength to finally put a foot into that house. The first thing he did was clean up the whole place with several products, and changing his sheets.
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artem1sc0re · 1 month ago
Feeding you guys headcanons whilst I work on something. Anyway..
Josh Sauchak headcanons‼️‼️
(Take this figure of him I made the other day but forgot to show as well)
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(Headcanons that are marked with ‘established relationship’ mean that it’s in the event that it’s with a lover!)
- PARALLEL PLAY PARALLEL PLAY PARALLEL PLAY‼️‼️ IT IS ABSOLUTELY ONE OF HIS LOVE LANGUAGES‼️ Sometimes hangouts will usually involve the indulgence of hobbies within the vicinity of who he’s hanging out with.
- (Established relationship hc) At the start of the relationship or when you instigate physical affection with him, he tends to tense up and at times even shift and give a little bit of space between you two. Upon talking the whole ordeal out, he’ll try to be more open to receiving physical affection such as letting you put your head on his shoulder.
- (Established relationship hc) Observant of your feelings and behaviour. Later on in the relationship, it gets to a point where he can pick up patterns in your conversations with him.
(E.g my partner picked up on a pattern with me anytime I yapped to him about Aiden Pearce. In his words: “Aiden is so Interesting to analyse :3!!!”, “Am I overanalysing a mediocre game character from a mediocre franchise.”, “I LOVE AIDEN PEARCE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥”).
Sometimes the observant behaviour isn’t all that positive, as with this he jumps to conclusions in situations that you are under distress.
- Penguin pebbling. At random occasions he can gift a trinket to those he’s fond of, whether it be a random feather or stone, a scrap circuit board that he turned into a keychain, a piece of leftover scrap metal from building with a texture that he’s fond of, etc.
- Goes quiet when someone vents to him but contributes a word or two every so often as he feels bad not giving an answer
- Emotionally unpredictable. His resting face and tone makes it hard to tell how he feels, and at times can go quiet minutes after being talkative, which can leave you with a mixed bag of whether or not he’s pissed, neutral, happy or just wanting to be quiet.
- On a rare occasion or two will show physical affection to you or to those he’s close to without going tense. It can involve hand holding, hugging, playing with one’s face (tugging at your cheek, squeezing them or just simple caresses), resting his head on one’s shoulder & playing with their hair. But it’s only when he’s the one giving it.
- Had a habit of hoarding things like plushies or figures when he was a kid, and usually kept them in a space where it was an unorganised chaos that only he was able to transcribe. He was able to learn to let go of the hoarding habit, but still does it on an occasion or two.
- Give him a new pair of shoes that he’s comfortable with and months later they will look messy and well worn (e.g. white trainers? Nah those things are coming back slightly dirty and a bit yellowed)
- When any figures or display collectibles arrive, he has a specific ritual that he remembers off by heart and has been doing it since childhood, in which he’d rearrange his space, clean his hands and put on a set of gloves to delicately place and display the figure as to not damage it or ruin it
- An absolute sucker for chewing things when he’s bored. When he was a kid he chewed on packaging peanuts because the texture stimulated him. He eventually learned to drop the habit for more better alternatives like sweets or chewelry.
- At one point was really bad at keeping his room clean due to his hoarding habit that when he saw his friend’s room that was tidy and organised looking, he got envious and proceeded to clean his room; ranting from his shelves, floor, bed, tables and desk.
- Secretly likes to cook but is scared of what the other dedsec members might think of it as he isn’t the type of person to add seasoning.
- (Continuing from previous) Likes to ease out of his comfort zone with flavour slowly by researching, then proceeding to season the food he makes with the stuff he currently has at home.
- Had a special interest in glitch wars that lasted for 2 years. (Glitch wars as in the videogame in the in-game universe)
- (Established relationship hc) Sometimes will randomly approach you and declare that he wishes to squeeze your skull affectionately.
- (Established relationship hc) one time you made a specific food item for dinner. He fell in love with it. Only thing is he will only eat that specific food item if you make it, because he only likes it that way. Any other form it is made he will immediately decline it, even if it’s from a restaurant.
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