#Lucifer what are you doing
petitprincess1 · 3 months
Lucifer, turning into his demon form: ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS!
Adam, summoning his guitar axe: If she breathes, SHE'S A THOOOT!!!
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months
"A New Day Will Dawn."
-Said some guy named Luke probably.
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Welcome to my #HHStargazersAU! Stay Tuned~♡? -Bubbly💙
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demonictacobeard · 4 months
Adam, coming out of his room for the first time:……Alright what the fuck do you guys even do here? Therapy, or some shit
Lucifer who had been waiting for him by the door: Charlie has activities usually, and is more then willing to talk to residents about their feelings and how they ended up in hell so that’s like therapy. I’m surprised you know about that, has heaven finally implemented it?
Adam, grumbling: No Heaven doesn’t fucking have therapy, but for the last ten years the newer winners have been asking why and the older angels had to find out what the fuck it is
Lucifer, humming: I do have to wonder how all the therapists up there don’t fall from utter frustration
Charlie, watching them come down the stairs excitedly: Hi Dad! Hi Adam! I’m so excited you came down. How are you feeling today, do you think you might be up for an activity? Or ooh, I never got to show you around the whole hotel just to your room. Whatever you feel like! Adam, stepping back: I knew she was excited during the meeting but Is she always this fucking cheery? It’s like Emily has a long lost twin from Hell
Angel Dust, from the bar: It’s the new resident joy, you’ll get used to it lambchop!
Husk, snorting: You act like you don’t adore that girl
Angel, pointing at him with three pointer fingers: You, shut up
Lucifer, beaming with pride: She’s very passionate about her work, always has been
Adam, groaning as Charlie looks at him with glimmering eyes: Dear fucking god, shit alright, fine I’ll take the tour
Vaggie, walking up to them with her spear: Good, because todays activity is Alastor’s idea and I don’t trust him not to ‘accidentally’ scar you emotionally instead
Charlie, gasping: Vaggie! Come on, Alastor wouldn’t do that
Lucifer and Vaggie, deadpan: Yes he would
Adam, crossing his arms: I don’t know the fucker, I just beat his ass, but yes the shit he would. Do you see that smile he has going on all the time? I haven’t seen one so fake since Michael’s
Lucifer, gaging: Hech Mike
Adam, nodding: Fucking Mike
Vaggie, vaguely remembering the angel: Do you mean….the Mike who was your bosses boss, the one who came around and inspected the exterminator’s once every ten years. That Mike?
Adam: That’s the bitch, Vag
Vaggie, her cheek twitching in anger: The ARCHANGEL MICHAEL?
Adam: Adding his title doesn’t unmake him a bitch
Lucifer, laughing: Nothing can
Charlie, smacking her head: Awful uncle Mike! Dad told me about him, don’t worry Adam Alastor is nothing like him. The smile is just….a tool for him? It’s harmless
Adam, rolling his eyes: The bartender just looked at you like you lied to gods face and then fucking spat on it, but whatever. I’ll do the activities and shit, later, but only ones you’re in charge of- why does your face look like that?
Charlie singing to Vaggie, after grabbing a confused Adam’s elbow and happily dragging him on the tour: He trusts meeeee!
Lucifer, following them: Thats still a little, you know
Angel, laughing at Alastor when he walked in ten minutes later: Hey Alastor, guess what sheep boy trusts the devil and the devil’s daughter more then you. How’s that make you feel?
Alastor, his smile becoming more genuine: Positively ‘devastated’
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purgatorysanctuary · 4 months
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I sometimes think about what if Vox was the hotel’s benefactor instead of Alastor,,
As you can see, he handles Lucifer much differently
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maddymoreau · 1 year
Thinking about how Diavolo’s feelings transcend time and how in the Nightbringer UR+ card Demon Lord’s Castle Tour this conversation happens.
When asked, “Do you wish to see your father?”
Diavolo responds:
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“I suppose I do . . .” isn’t the typical reaction to how a child would feel about wanting to see their parent. Especially when said parent has essentially been in a coma for a year.
Along with how Diavolo describe his father.
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It makes more sense why when you learn in Lesson 56 how Diavolo was treated by him growing up.
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Diavolo can tell when others are lying but is unable to understand his father’s intentions.
Diavolo mentions that he lived a very sheltered life growing up. That from a young age his father never allowed him a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle.
His childhood friend was Mephistopheles. A demon literally RAISED to be his friend. Putting a barrier between the two because Mephistopheles would put Diavolo on a pedestal.
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The isolating childhood he experienced riddled with his strict father constantly scolding him.
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Despite everything MC is so important to him he wants to see his father again so we can meet.
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notemaker · 3 months
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DADS DADS DADS DADS. (Read below for a short written scene to add context)
Lucifer purses his lips, echoes of his daughter's words jarring daggers from behind his mind's eye. 
“They’re our people too, dad. People with—with hopes and dreams, and—and fears. Like you, and me. I have to do something."
That had been months ago. Same day she left home, along with most things in her room and the knickknacks that had innocently scattered around the house. Once overlooked, now the fractures that chiselled the crack in the wall.
From the corner of his eye, the man’s brow tightens. Lucifer watches shoulders stiffening under a black suit, a red beak pulling into a frown. The imp's eyes remain cemented in the same spot of the table, however, an empty murkiness tredging the edges. Too recognizeable. Too familiar.
Lucifer closes his eyes. Fine. Okay. Okay.
“Uh.” He clears his throat. “Hard day?” Perfect.
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one thing about ik is that she will always reach out
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shrublike · 2 years
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u can’t touch this🧂
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Me the moment I learned we wouldn’t be living with the Demon brothers anymore in HOL:
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humbuns · 1 year
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birds of the same feather?
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The real reason Lucifer is so short is so that he can have better access to give the best head of all time
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zephyrchama · 3 months
MC sneaks into everyone's bedrooms in the middle of the night and paints their horns homestuck candy corn colors for a fun April Fool's day surprise.
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melverie · 4 months
Listen, if you were to push Lucifer down on his back, then pin his arms above his head and sit down on his stomach as you smirk down at him, he WILL short circuit so hard that his pride will be temporarily deleted from his brain
For the next century or so, his gaze will continue to hold nothing but complete and utter reverence for You and only You. He will look at You like You are beauty and holiness and perfection incarnate, as if the only purpose of the stars decorating the night sky above—and by extension, the only purpose of the morning star himself—was to bear witness to Your allure and charm. To the brilliance of Your existence
Compared to You, his father has been nothing but a false idol all this time
Also if you lie down on his chest & raise your head just high enough that he can't kiss you he will start to vibrate at 900 miles per hour proof: I'm the skeleton in Luci's room
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lucigirl · 4 months
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presenting my take on the toxic old men and their intricate and unserious ways.
lil silly bonus under cut :p
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greenrow · 5 months
The one thing they all have in common
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diavolosboobies · 1 year
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That's the entire post
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