#Love Thyself
Just A Reminder
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You’re Worth It 💙🙏🏼
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ashleyfableblack · 9 months
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"art is not about capturing PERFECTION it is about capturing HONESTY OF A MOMENT. because perfection does not exist but raw honesty and connection to this ever passing timeline does. we are here grabbing life out of the stream and holding it in our hands to cry out I WAS HERE." -Chuck Tingle
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whispersinthewaters · 9 months
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Your feet are beautiful, they have carried you for many miles. Tell them you love them!
Your calves are beautiful, they are strong and have supported you on your journeys. Tell them they are amazing!
Your thighs are beautiful, they have helped you move. Give them a rest lay them down.
Your hips are beautiful, they have connected your body together. Tell them how thankful you are.
Your waist is beautiful, it has helped you function. Do not be ashamed of it.
Your chest is beautiful, it has carried your heavy heart for a long while. Thank it for its lovelyness
Your face is beautiful, it has showed your emotions. Tell it how beautiful it is.
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ashfromda6 · 1 year
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Keep it pushin 😮‍💨💯
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curly-girl-kt · 4 months
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milesbutterball · 23 days
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furrywithfourlegs · 4 months
tfw shower thoughts happen during services
I accidentally wrote an entire dvar Torah during shul yesterday and the only appropriate place I could think of to share was here, on Tumblr, so here I've come to share it.
There is no one type of Jew. In fact if anyone tells you there is you can immediately discount whatever they're saying, because they've already proven their ignorance. We can't even agree on how to categorize and group ourselves; the only common denominator among Jews is we worship the One G-d, Unique in His Oneness. Everything else depends on circumstances.
There's a common Jewish joke to this effect: "Two Jews, three opinions." I rather think our history of debate is one of our great strengths - it forms the basis of our quintessential and almost instantly recognizable learning style. We sit in pairs or groups with a holy book on the table between us and read it aloud... And we argue over what exactly, precisely, the author meant. What did he mean by this word, this phrase, this parallel structure, this reference? What can we learn from the text to apply to our daily lives?
Jewish study halls are loud.
And believe me, they're not necessarily polite, either. Some full-time scholars treat arguing like a beloved hobby. The magnum opus of the Jewish academic world, the Talmud, contains the collected opinions of the greatest ancient sages, written down when the chain of oral transmission was threatened. To our great fortune, they also preserved the lively discussion (source) and passionate name-calling that came with it: "empty-headed", "scatterbrained", even "a first-born son of Satan" come up more than once. (Source) They insulted each other, each other's wives, each other's entire generations to prove a point.
So how do we resolve these conflicts? How does the study hall ring in harmony, rather than strife?
The answer lies in another Jewish maxim (we love our proverbs):
שבעים פנים לתורה / Shiv'im panim la-Torah. / There are seventy faces to the Torah.
Biblical context: The Torah refers to 70 languages, 70 nations, and means "all the people in the world." So when we say there are 70 faces to the Torah, we leapfrog off that concept and say "The Torah encompasses all possible permutations and interpretations in the world." (Recall the scene in Fiddler on the Roof where someone says, "They can't both be right!" and Tevye responds, "You know, you're also right..." Source.)
The Talmud is a unified text because the sages recorded in it were debating toward a common goal. Their opinions may have been equally valid (peep the story of Rav Eliezer vs the majority, source), but at the end of the day they agreed on a deciding factor and made a final decision. The study hall rings in harmony because we argue and debate not toward a common goal but for a common purpose: to increase our knowledge and understanding, and to deepen our love and relationship with G-d. With this as our guiding principle, differences of individual interpretation melt under the overriding truth that all are facets of G-d's World.
How does this apply to us? Let me make this very, very Jewish and end with a parable.
So, nu, you're sitting in the study hall and your partner has just spent the last twenty minutes trying to explain a fakakta idea and you KNOW he's meshugana but you don't have time to reason with him because the rabbi just hammered on his desk to call for the afternoon prayer service. You take a deep breath and remember - shivim panim laTorah. He can keep his ideas, and maybe next time it'll be your turn to rant, because the Word of G-d is infinite and encompasses all interpretations.
And another:
You stand with the prayerbook in your hands and stare at the paragraphs written by sages hundreds and thousands of years ago and you struggle to relate to the words, even though your teachers and rabbis have lectured about how meaningful they are over and over again. You take a deep breath and remember - shivim panim laTorah. These words were codified with a particular set of meanings in mind, but you have a unique relationship with G-d. You can use these words OR their original intention to inspire your own, private prayer, and it is equally valid. Because the Word of G-d is infinite, and encompasses all possible permutations of prayer.
70 whole and unique faces to the Word of G-d.
Whether you're in the midst of an emotional crisis, a spiritual crisis, an existential crisis, or a motivational crisis, may each of us merit to see the conflict we are feeling, and find a new face to study instead.
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ashleyfableblack · 6 months
It's scientifically proven. Three Twilights can't be wrong. 💜💙💚💛💗
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adrianainla · 1 year
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curly-girl-kt · 1 month
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weekend-whip · 2 years
me thinking about,,,,,, Kai's tp,,,,,,, and like,,,, Garmadon and Lloyd, the latter being a literal TWEEN, giving Kai therapy are probably The Highlights of this chapter
okay but seriously, love how you expanded on Kai's original TP by going from discovering/fulfilling your purpose to wrestling with the expectations set by others and yourself, because they quite literally go hand in hand. and that distinction between being aggression-through-anger and aggression-through-despair is so real and true and [cartoon cartwheels into the abyss] it very much fits Kai's progression as a character and I love that so freaking much okay?? i am. holding this chapter. very gently. gonna swallow all of lloyd's advice. love myself for a bit. and then suffer when the next chap drops <3
this is just bringing on an onslaught of emotions because MAN show!kai really deserves like. a good proper treatment for his character. man really just got brushed aside almost INSTANTLY after getting his TP when the Green Ninja theme started playing, lil me was close to bawling like "WHERE IS THE RECOGNITION FOR MY GUY?!?!??? LLOYD CAN WAIT PLEASE I'VE BEEN SUFFERING WITH KAI FOR 10 EPISODES"
but I am glad to say you have done him justice. you did it. I can now kiss you on the lips and hold the fic up in the air and scream because it has been Done and i can now die in peace
so yeah <333
It’s a bit funny that the people who have been around Kai the least ended up helping him the most x3
I have finally given Kai the justice I always wanted him to have….the recognition he deserves…I can finally rest now…my work is complete—wait what do you mean there’s still seven chapters left—
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Feeling hot in this hot weather, somedays I feel super attractive to myself, like damn....I'd do me.
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hebrewbyinbal · 8 months
Absolutely love watching others use my mini lessons to learn a word or phrase, especially this one 🤗
“Love thy neighbor as thyself”
It’s a wonderful message to learn, share, and live by. 👏🏻
Keep posting these videos ❤️
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mizzmellymoo · 1 year
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zahramorningstar · 10 months
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The lily has a smooth stalk,
Will never hurt your hand;
But the rose upon her brier
Is lady of the land.
There’s sweetness in an apple tree,
And profit in the corn;
But lady of all beauty
Is a rose upon a thorn.
When with moss and honey
She tips her bending brier,
And half unfolds her glowing heart,
She sets the world on fire.
Christina Rossetti, ‘The Rose’.
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ashleyfableblack · 2 years
"Why do you tag all your art 'LGBTQ' even if it doesn't feature anything gay?"🧐
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"Because the kind of people who would block that tag are people I don't want to interact with." 😘 🌈
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