#Little Evil Manta
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tampire · 6 months ago
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The Little Mermaid villains wielding Triton's Trident
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dim-draws · 7 months ago
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Characters from the 90s "The Little Mermaid" tv series!!! <3
Gabriella & Ollie, Pearl, Urchin, Prince Thor and the Evil Manta!
Email me at [email protected] to get your commission sketch!! <3
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princess-ibri · 2 years ago
What is your opinion of The Evil Manta from the Little Mermaid tv series as a villain?
Well, part of me goes " Heck Yeah Tim Curry :D!"
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And part of me goes "You know for an eldritch monster his plan is kinda really basic, and the episode with his son really brings down any menace he had"
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Soooo I think in my DisneyVerse there was an 'Evil Manta' who was like an ocean demon and actually as terrible as they made him out to be, but was defeated at some point and no longer exists
Basically the mood evoked in this shot of him being this giant being, brooding over the city, Chernabog like is what I'd like to go for
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(I actually did have the thought at one point that the OG Sea Witch from my version of the OG Little Mermaid story that takes place in Atlantica's past was related to the Evil Manta, as she has a manta design, and I may still keep that)
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gothamite-rambler · 6 days ago
Aquaman: Batman, how is little Robin doing lately?
Batman (not talking in his usual stoic voice): He's better. He's turning thirteen soon so I have to decide on giving him a mitzvah. Talia wants to be involved. She's been the one stressing we give him a traditional jewish boys birthday party. I kind of respect it.
Aquaman: I think you should give it a try, but I wasn't aware Talia was Jewish.
Batman (nonchalant): She's not... Don't tell anyone this... I don't want people figuring out who I am, but my mother was Jewish and I learned... Embarrassingly a short time ago, I am Jewish as well. Not that I'm embarrassed by that. I wasn't aware of that fact. Ever since Talia and Damian found out they want to learn more about that history. Batwoman has been a great help, but for me I don't know much about it. I kindly request you don't mock me for this.
Aquaman chuckled nodding sympathetically.
Aquaman: Dude, that is not something to mock over. Trust me, I get it. Dude when I first started running my kingdom I learned stuff about my mom that had me shook. There was "allegedly" a war the had with sharks, but then they teamed up with them to defeat the dolphins.
Batman (half joking): I'm not shocked by that, dolphins are assholes.
Aquaman: They totally can be. I have so many more stories too. We can share those whenever you want to hang out.
Batman (sincere): Of course, I have to check my schedule first. If you don't mind me asking, how is that brother of yours? Still evil?
Aquaman (happy): Nope. We're getting along, he's a great uncle to my kids, him and Mera are friends, that took... So many therapy sessions. He's cool though, for a brother. I told you guys I'd rehabilitate him. It helps that we both hate Manta or Mamba or whatever his name is.
Batman chuckled at the name of his friend's usual villain, covering his mouth then the two men kept talking as their sons/sidekicks watched from a distance.
Nightwing: Is this... Is this really happening? Are they getting along?
Aqualad (Garth): Yes, I'm not surprised by Aquaman, he gets along with most people, but Batman is talking to them like their friends... Should we be worried?
Nightwing: Maybe... Want to get beach ice cream first?
Aqualad: Yes, yes I would.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 13 days ago
Hi there!
If you haven't already, would you mind doing a post on winged beings? More specifically humanoid beings with wings? (How they dress, sit, lie down, how wings work, etc.)
Thank you so much for your time!
Writing Notes: Winged Characters
The "Winged Humanoid" Trope
A human with wings sprouting from their back.
Biologically improbable due to human bone and muscle structure (though at the same time, usually easy to rationalize at first glance due to the nature of our shoulders), and if they're intended for actual flight, you may have to write off several laws of physics as well.
Therefore, such characters are often assumed to be not entirely of this world, especially since the domain of birds shares a name with God's kingdom: Heaven. This ties into the classic depictions of winged angels as well.
The type of wing is usually indicative of the character's nature and/or morality; but in general:
white feathered wings indicate an angel,
black feathered wings or bat wings indicate a devil, and
insect wings indicate a fairy.
If there's something even slightly resembling feathers, expect a Perpetual Molt. Don't expect flapping — however, there will be plenty of floating.
By welding Greco-Roman art and religion, The Renaissance artistic movement started the whole idea of Christian angels being winged humanoids.
Generally seen as highly attractive, even if the Wings Do Nothing.
Some Types of Wings in Different Media
Angel wings (white bird wings) used to always represent good. While they still usually do, nowadays they are also possessed by Knight Templars or other Holy Is Not Safe types.
Bird wings that aren't either pure black or pure white usually represent a naturally-occurring Winged Humanoid. Probably morally neutral, with a strong chance of being a Proud Warrior Race Guy.
Bone wings are usually possessed by undead (especially undead dragons) but occasionally mean "too evil for bat wings".
Demon wings (bat wings with a horn instead of a thumb) still usually represent evil (or at least a primarily evil species that might have one or two good members).
Insect wings are seen on fairies and insectoid monsters.
Leaf and petal wings are another if rare type of wings found mostly on fairies and the occasional character with a Green Thumb.
Manta ray flying wings usually are an attribute of something really weird and cool, be it monster, vehicle or both at once.
There are 4 general wing types:
Elliptical Wings. Found on bats and most small forest and scrub-dwelling birds, such as robins and sparrows. These wings allow a high degree of control and manoeuvrability in confined spaces, and minimise drag to allow rapid ascent and descent. Wing beat is usually rapid. They are highly slotted between the primary feathers which helps to prevent stalling during sharp turns, low-speed flight, and frequent landing and takeoff.
High Speed Wings. Wings designed for speed are found on swallows, falcons, shore birds, and ducks. Birds that feed on the wing or make long migrations. The bones are relatively long, and the wings taper to a point to allow for high flight speed with low drag, and low energy consumption during flight. Because the wings are also thin, they must be flapped for short glides and during descent, and flaps are fairly rapid but small. This type of wing is aerodynamically efficient for high-speed flight but cannot easily keep a bird airborne at low speeds.
Long Soaring Wings. Terns, albatrosses, gannets, frigate birds, gulls and other sea birds tend to have longer wings for soaring. The wings have a high aspect ratio resembling those of sailplanes. The open spaces allow for long wings to create good lift with little energy expenditure. They are also adapted for high speed and dynamic soaring. However, they are less manoeuvrable than the wide, slotted wings of land soarers. Birds with this kind of wing can glide easily over large expanses of water and have exploited the sea winds.. However, the birds must usually run and take off into the wind to get off the ground, and usually land easily on water.
High-lift/Broad Soaring Wings. Broad wings which provide high lift and soaring are found on vultures, condors, hawks, ospreys, pelicans and eagles. These wings are broad and only relatively long, allowing for takeoff and landing in fairly confined areas, high lift, low speed soaring, and slow descents. Many of these birds are land soarers with good manoeuvrability required for tactic soaring in the air currents over land.
Wing Modifications
Broken or tattered wings imply a broken or disillusioned individual, likely a defector, an exile or bestial and savage being.
Cape Wings tend to belong to anti-heroes or villains.
Energy wings: Good or evil, these are the mark of power, and lots of it.
Metallic wings. These are often seen on Humongous Mecha, but these are usually mechanical, airplane-like wings, unless the designer wants to get theatrical. However, different rules often apply if it transforms or combines.
Tiny, stylized wings not connected to the body are generally there to look cute. The morality they indicate depends on what type of wing they are, though evil characters with these are usually not intended to be taken seriously.
Cluster wings consist of various unconnected parts of wings floating in place. They may or may not be connected to the body and pretty much come in only two materials: energy and crystal. Therefore, they are multicolored by default. These wings tend to indicate an insanely powerful being, a chosen one, or something else special.
Hybrid wings are used to communicate mixed heritage or the dual nature of the owner.
Upside-down wings are always the mark of something evil, though if it applies to a species there might be that one good person among them. Usually combines with devil or bone wings, but it can also combine with angel wings for that fallen or distorted angel look.
More Related Character Tropes
Bird People: A race of avian humanoids. Specifically this means a coat of feathers, a beak, scaly legs, talons, etc.
Draconic Humanoid: May be the descendants of dragons and normal humanoids, or a species of their own.
Harpies: Half-bird/half-human in varying degrees.
The Mothman: A cryptid said to resemble a bird-like humanoid.
Examples in Art & Literature
In Gabriel García Márquez's short story "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings", the titular character is found in a small South American village. The villagers think he might be an angel, but he looks human: he's an old, flea-infested, wrinkled man with no teeth and crippled, barren wings. At the end of the story, he flies away, and we never find out whether he was an angel or just a Winged Humanoid.
When Egyptian gods have winged humanoid forms, they usually have the wings fused with their arms. But occasionally a deity will have two wings fused to their arms and one or more pairs sprouting from their back.
Early Mesopotamic cultures had imagery of humanoids and animals (of non-winged species) with wings. Ancient Greece took that feature and incorporated it into its own iconography, resulting in various gods, personifications, and creatures with wings in Classical Greco-Roman Mythology and Imagery such as The Harpies. The wings depicted are usually feathered bird-wings, with the notable exception of Psyche's (Eros' lover) butterfly wings. Among the winged persons are among others: Nike (goddess of victory), Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Pegasos, gryphons. The Erotes Eros/Amor (love), Anteros (requited-love), Himeros (desire), and Pothos (longing) are usually depicted as young winged boys of various ages. Same as Thanatos (death). There's also the Gorgons, who were said to have wings of gold (as well as snaky locks, fangs, scales, and brazen claws).
Tengu from Japanese folklore. They're depicted as bird men with long pointed noses, mask-like faces, and feathered wings on their backs.
In Russian folklore, dragons (zmeys or zmeis) can assume human form, and can even produce offspring with humans. Dragons in human form and half-dragons are often described as retaining certain draconic features.
Aztec Mythology: The goddess Itzpapalotl had butterfly wings… made out of knives.
Psyche and Cupid (Bouguereau): Cupid is given fluffy white wings befitting a Christian angel in this romantic ode to the love he bore for Psyche, who gets a pair of (comparatively smaller) butterfly wings.
In The Divine Comedy, Satan's wings are directly compared to a bat's because they have no feathers, showing his corruption. In contrast, the holy and perfect angels of Purgatory are described as having pure white or pure green "eternal pinions, that do not moult themselves like mortal hair". Gustave Dore's art further depicts the Malebranche, devils who torment the souls of corrupt politicians, as having traditional batlike wings.
Paradise Lost: In the first twenty lines, God is described as "with mighty wings outspread dove-like" as an immediate sign of his innocence. From there, comparison of angelic and divine wings to eagles and pure white birds are common to indicate regality and goodness. In contrast, the demons have Red and Black and Evil All Over wings that make them look like swarming bees.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⚜ Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
Hi, here are some related character tropes with examples, and also some information on how wings work on different animals, which you can use as inspiration to create your own fictional winged being. Choose which ones are suitable for your story, and alter as needed/desired. You can find more examples and details in the sources linked above. Hope this helps with your writing!
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wanderingmind867 · 16 days ago
I feel like Batman and his villians get all the love, and it perplexes me. Because trust me: I love Batman villians (even if i really, really hate batman 90% of the time). But despite liking most batman villians, I wish more supervillians would get their day in the sun.
Look at Superman's Rogues Gallery. Lex Luthor, Parasite, General Zod (and like 10 other Phantom Zoners), Livewire, Metallo, Atomic Skull, Mister Mxyzptlk, Toyman, The Prankster and Terra-Man. Then look at Flash (Barry Allen) and his rogues gallery: Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Trickster, Captain Boomerang, Abra Kadabra, The Top, Pied Piper, Mirror Master and the Rainbow Raider. Superman and Flash have more than enough rogues for their own tv shows and games and comics, but i'm not done. We still have the other four founding JLA members to cover (besides martian manhunter, since nobody ever gives j'onn the star treatment he deserves).
But look at Wonder Woman's foes! Ares, Angle Man, Doctor Psycho, Circe, Cheetah, Blue Snowman, Silver Swan and Giganta! Look at Aquaman's villians! Black Manta, Ocean Master, King Shark, The Scavenger and The Fisherman! Finally, let me mention all of Hal Jordan's foes: Sonar, Sinestro, Hector Hammond, Goldface, Evil Star, Star Sapphire, the Weaponers of Qward and so many more. All these characters have interesting villians. But Batman is the only one who gets attention. I don't mean to complain (since i do still like batman's villians), but i wish these heroes we see so little of would get more love and respect.
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celaenaeiln · 2 years ago
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Really, Dick? You want to know why?
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I just love how much fun he has with his opponents. Dick, that man literally just threw you overboard, tied up, and ready to be eaten by sharks. He will slice your guts open and leave you screaming in pain if he catches you, and you're playing "hop scotch" with him??
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You can't kick people in the ass and then tell them that they're being rude 🤣🤣🤣
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Three on one sword fighting with unrestrained glee on his face
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These comics, every single one, make me so happy to read.
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He's clicking his tongue at someone far older them!
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Black Manta just became fish flounder for Robin.
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SOLID BURN. That's a heatstroke actually.
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If I were a Gotham villain, I wouldn't care about being evil anymore. I would care more about this giggling little shit who barely comes up to my hip who just decked me and mocked my outfit I spent 7 months designing.
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I can't post a Robin Dick post without including the Joker of course. "A smash-hit". I'll never un-hear this now.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years ago
Hey so as you guys know I've been playing Tears
So I finally decided to write something for it!
“I need to reach my friend!”
The world that was once Wild’s Hyrule had changed- drastically. Not anymore did the guardians lay dormant, nor did the Sheikah towers stand tall- the Divine Beasts had been laid to rest and while the lands stayed the same, the skies seemed to become home to more than the native Islander hawk.
Changed for better or for worse, you didn’t quite know. The growling patches of gloom circling chasms to a world beneath the surface wasn’t really all that fun to you- nor were the claws of concentrated evil that crept up from nowhere to try and snatch you without a second thought. But to see how Hyrule seemed to prosper with more life. The settlement by the castle was bigger now, a fort that stood proud to the floating pinnacle that was Hyrule castle and with more warriors seasoned to fight for the place that was their home.
Purah was amazed to see you again and you didn’t know how to feel about being smaller than her now.
Felt wrong in the more comedic sense.
All across the land you had come to find new people, make new friends! Tulin had grown so much! As had Riju! Sidon’s finacée, Yona her name, was a beautiful and cute manta ray! (Never in your life had you been jealous about both partners of a relationship that badly) Paya was now chief! Yunobo had a beard! And you had met the most amazing Rito reporter named Penn! A man who had named your new best friend in these trying times.
And trying times they were- you had no idea how you were keeping up with Wild. A little older now, an inch or two taller with a stronger build and more of an mature edge to him- well, that’s what you thought when you first woke up here in Lookout Landing, a teary eyed Wild looking down at you before he near crushed you underneath his weight, Flora just as teared and happily embracing you once you were finally stood.
You had no idea what happened, not how you got here nor where the rest of the Chain were- but you were glad you at least had the Champion by your side.
This time was one of those times you were ready to toss him.
“If you connect that fucking rocket to that baby’s backpack I will shove a bomb flower down your throat.” Rauru’s hand was glowing with power, frozen along with the Zonai rocket it was lifting as you stood just a few paces away. “I mean it, Link, if you send them flying we’re duking it out.”
You looked so intimidating with the Glide suit, you just knew it. (Oh internal dialogue, how sarcastic you could be)
The korok shook, little sniffles catching your ears as they gazed at the device just inches away from being glued to the material of their rucksack before sighing in relief as the rocket was dropped with a heavy thud just beside them, Wild turning with an ‘oh-so-innocent’ smile. 
“They need to reach their friend-” He pointed a thumb behind him, “A few hills over- I was just helping.”
You frowned “I don’t know what happened while you were away but you’ve become more sadistic.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You never do.” Both sharing a look, you shook your head. “Hand them over to me, I’ll get them to their buddy.”
Wild’s hand fell to his hip, watching you waddle over excitedly as he side stepped, your hands out in a grabby motion as the small forest child threw their little stubby hands up with an excited “Guide!” that made your heart soar as you hauled them into the air with a similar excited “Forest baby!”
“You know we still need to get to Rito village- it’ll get dark by the time we arrive if we do this.”
“Don’t care, forest babies come first.”
He smirked, “Koroks are older than you.”
“Your mum.”
“Very mature.”
“Who are you, Twilight?” A pang went through your heart. “Ah, no, sorry that was rude-”
Wild’s face had curled in a more comedic way when you turned to look at him, sour and betrayed in the way the skin folded. “Am I really turning into him?”
Pausing, you looked him up and down- “I mean…you kinda do remind me of him right now.”
Wild raised a brow; you grinned. “You remember when Wolfie fell into that bush?”
When you burst into laughter he rolled his eyes, letting out a “hardy-har” while the korok still wiggled happily in the confines of your arms, it’s bag now over your shoulder to relieve some of the weight. (You focused on the spirit and missed the way the Champion desperately pawed at the sticks in his flowing hair)
“I’m not going with you this time- we’ve already lost a lot of hours.” Crossing his arms, the blonde continued. “If you go I’ll head towards the village.”
You shurgged. “Alright, I’ll see you there.”
The Champion narrowed his eyes. “I’m serious, (Name).”
“I’m sure you are.”
“...I don’t like your tone.”
Clearing your throat, you raised it an octave. “I’m sure you are!”
Wild did not laugh when you did.
If there was one thing you knew about the Champion it was that he was attached to your side. Stuck stronger than the fuse of the Zonai magic, the blonde followed you around like a Hylian retriever followed those that held food towards them. If you strayed too far, he would get you, if you paused mid journey, he paused, there was so many occasion that something had caught your eye mid ride on one of the many vehicles he had created and the man would slow down to let you go study it- lest you hop off, something you had almost done once when he refused to stop.
You really did appreciate all he did, you knew he had a lot on his mind, but with all that was happening didn’t you both deserve to have some moments not caught up the drama of the end of the fucking world???
“I’ll see you in a little bit!” Daylight was falling and it would be harder to find the campfire smoke in the night. “Keep the bed in the inn warm for me, pretty boy!”
And thus began your hike. Your little companion happily chattering your ear off as you walked away from the hero, hearing his heavy sigh and impatient foot tapping loose volume the further and further you got.
You had made it past the first hill, Wild’s form out of your sight as you glanced back when the sound out wheels caught your attention. The korok let out a noise of confusion at the strange noise but you merely spared a giggle, standing aside as the beam cycle (minus the beam) slowed to a stop beside you- your hero refusing to look your way as he waited.
“Get on.”
“Aren’t you gonna ask me on a date first?”
He grunted and you gave him the grace to leave him be, being careful balancing the korok in your grasp as you hopped onto the odd bike and wrapped an arm around the man’s waist, another still holding the forest spirit tight. 
“You ready?”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
You missed the small smile that grew on his face, the Zonai devices lighting up with its phantom green glow as the hero started the machine back up and headed towards the direction of the smoke. Without a second thought, you gently kissed his nape, unable to reach his cheek and nuzzled into his back with a relaxed hum.
Wild straightened proudly.
“You still have sticks in your hair.”
“Don’t ruin this for me.”
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vynnarts · 3 months ago
I'm interested, go yap abt ur pressure oc based off Manta Ray
yippeee!! rant impending, you have been warned lmao
here he is!!!
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sorry for the annoying watermarks! hate ai, having to cover my art is watermarks to keep it away is annoying lol :(
anyways! this is Z-1102! His codename is Snakebite, but I haven't finished deciding their actual name.
They use they/he pronouns, but i might change that to they/it/he! we'll see
they are my silly silly goober and i loved designing him so much (i watched evil dead rise and locked in lmao)
they're based off of a polkadot stingray, an angler fish, a tiger shark, a banded sea snake i think its called, and the eyefestation!!
his snake fangs are so incredibly venomous that a mask was surgically attached to his face to stop him from constantly killing the idiots experimenting on them. it can be opened a little to allow them to eat, but they are unable to take it off as if they did, a sizeable part of their jaw and face would come with it
i dont looove the outfit i gave him but ill decide on something better soon! this is just my first stab and getting a feel for them!
asking questions about him is welcome i have so much more lore i could ramble about!!!!
hope everyone likes him!!!
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koszmarnybudyn · 11 months ago
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Decided to post these seperetly so i can rant on each one. Hope you like it :) i really do
Rant and alt backround version behing the read more:
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So the full backround ended up accidentely bisexual lol. Now on to the rant, these are meant as the final forms in my magical girl au, that's why they are so extra. This design has a lot more red than usual because being the final battle theres a lot more rage and hate (i think late season Scary in mg au has a lot more blue accents to symbolize love), and her hair is blue to show the love side as well as her fire (plus blue fire is much hotter than normal fire). I wanted her shoes to have a lava/lava lamp effectvand i initially made them a more purple pink but i think the magenta is better (the more pinkish then reddish tones also symbolize how she has come to accept her past as a more girly girl). Her coat has the coat from the previous design but i also added doodler like eyes (as i did in all the final forms) as a nod to them parting with D00d but them still being influential and important. The tentacles on her came, ger shoes and her arms are also a dodler refrence. I think with these designs i went more dnd like so she looks like a fantasy warlock a bit or at least that was my intention. The metal on her top is black parade inspired. And her whole silhouette is inspired by manta rays. I also added a lot of spikes and chains (mostly cause I think they're cool), i really enjoy outting her into more "evil" looking costumes in this au, but also generally (a big pet peeve of mine is charakter healing and losing their alt-ness) so yeah hope you like this little rant :) as always i put a lott of thought and symbolism of these outfits lol.
Btw if you want to support me financially and get some cool art out of it my commissions are open :)
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gemwing1988 · 10 months ago
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It’s the May 1st and that time again: MerMay. To celebrate, I have officially done my very first MerMay outwork.
To start off, I have done one of the Devil from the Cuphead game a couple of days back in April just in time for it. Not only that, but it’s also my visual of what he would look like in a future Cuphead fanfic AU I’m doing with @akluthor1998 and @nataliepthatsme called “A Cupful of the Ocean”.
The Devil’s mer-form is basically based off from the giant devil ray or devilfish as it’s often called. It’s also inspired by the Evil Manta, a villain from The Little Mermaid TV series way back on the Disney Channel somewhere back in the late 90s. It’s on Disney+ if you all like to check it out. Did I forget to mention that the Evil Manta is also voiced by Tim Curry?
In the AU, the Devil is often referred as the “Sea Devil” but he will still be called as just Devil to keep some things sort. I’ve also done an old headcannon about him last year if you wanna check it out some time.
I’ll have to see if I can do another one for the TCS version someday.
Please enjoy, happy MerMay and may your dreams shine. ✨
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aquaburst3 · 1 year ago
List of Ideas for Villainous Characters for Your Yuusona / Ocs in Twisted Wonderland
Since I'm bored and this might be helpful for writers/artists in the fandom, I want to make a list of ideas of villains/items tied to the Great Seven that you can create characters from. Saw @violetlunette do something like this, so credit for this idea goes to them. There are a lot of characters that I feel like a lot of people aren't utilizing. I might do another post with some ideas for TWST characters from other movies/tv shows for the various houses/dorms.
Alice in Wonderland
The King of Hearts
The Walrus
The Carpenter
Any of the Flowers
March Hare
Mad Hatter
The White Rabbit
Bill the Lizard
The Duchess
The White Knight
Red King & Queen
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
The Lion King
Hyena extras
Ushari (The Lion Guard)
Makucha (The Lion Guard)
Chuluun (The Lion Guard)
Kenge (The Lion Guard)
Makuu (The Lion Guard)
Janja (The Lion Guard)
Quint (Timon & Pumbaa TV series)
Zira (The Lion King 2)
Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Vitani (The Lion King 2)
The Little Mermaid
Glut the Shark
Chef Louis
Vanessa (Ursula's alter ego)
The necklace that held Ariel’s voice
Morgana, aka Ursula's younger sister (The Little Mermaid 2)
Cloak and Dagger (The Little Mermaid 2)
Undertow (The Little Mermaid 2)
Marina Del Rey (The Little Mermaid 3)
Ben (The Little Mermaid 3)
Manta (The Little Mermaid TV series)
The Guards
The Cave of Wonders
The Scarab
Prince Achmed
Jasmine's other suitors
Gazeem (the thief at the start)
Bakhtawar (the brothel owner)
Naji, Taji and Maji (the girls who work at the brothel)
Mozenrath (Aladdin TV Series)
Mirage (Aladdin TV Series)
Sadira (Aladdin TV Series)
Abis Mal (Aladdin TV Series)
Amin Damoola (Aladdin TV Series)
Al Muddy (Aladdin TV Series)
Mechanicles (Aladdin TV Series)
Ayam Aghoul (Aladdin TV Series)
Wahid (Aladdin TV Series)
Amal (Aladdin TV Series)
Saleen (Aladdin TV Series)
Hassan (Aladdin comics)
Queen Tatiana (Aladdin comics)
Sa'Luk (Aladdin 3)
Cassim, aka Aladdin's father (Aladdin 3)
Snow White
The Vultures
The Heart Box
The Evil Queen's Twin Brother (Snow White Comics) ((As a side note, considering Vil knows nothing about his mother and seems like he's the product of a fling according to the JP version, it's completely possible that this could be a long lost sibling that even he's unaware of, even if we're only talking about canon!Vil.))
Witch Empress Mammona (Snow White Comics)
Pain & Panic
The Three Fates
The Hydra
Nemean Lion
Persephone (Yes, she doesn't show up in the movies, but she's tied to Hades if we're being mythologically accurate. Bonus, a TWST version of her could be Idia's love interest if you decide to go in that direction)
Thanatos (Same as above)
Sleeping Beauty
Any of Maleficent’s other minions
The Spinning Wheel
The Thorns
Maleficent’s Fire
King Stefan (If you go by the Maleficent movies)
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garthofshayeris · 9 months ago
What’s your opinion on Garth possibly being Orms son?
I think it’d be interesting if Garth’s mom had an affair with Orm and they had a doomed love story where it could never work out. And it could make for interesting drama where Orm isn’t sure if he wants to drop the bomb on Garth or if he’s sure he’s really his.
There could also be an instance of Orm trying to get Garth to leave aquaman and join him.
Like...in the current comics? You mean Greg of Atlantis™? I think that guy is just some dude who got a scholarship from the king...
Obviously, it wouldn't work with preboot canon, considering Orm is either half- or fully-human depending on that continuity. And Garth being the son of Thar, a sorcerer and brother of Slizzath, is kinda his whole thing. Garth's magic is passed on from his father's side (not that magic can ONLY be from a father, but in the case of Garth that just is his canon) I don't think inserting Orm into the storyline of Garth that I like would do anything for the story tbh. I really love Garth's backstory involving Slizzath and Thar, I think it's very meaningful and complete.
THAT SAID I feel like you mean, if DC re-wrote everything, would I like a brand new version of Garth who is related to Orm. I guess my answer is...not really? We already have Jackson as the son of Manta (something that I feel is underwhelming, it's a cool concept that they never really do anything interesting with it) and it would be weird if that happened twice, you know? Since Garth would not have been raised by Orm and Orm in the current comics is arguably not really that evil, it wouldn't have the same punch as preboot "your dad was murdered by his people because he want homicidal and crazy"/"your dad's brother went homicidal and crazy and he died protecting the world from him". If this is about how animated DC stuff gives Orm purple eyes for some reason, I think that might just be something they do to make me angry, specifically /j
All that to say, I don't think it would add anything very meaningful to the current story dynamics. Saying Greg is related to Orm has the exact same punch as when they say every 5 years that Garth was totally raised by Arthur it just never came up and we never see it happen and he's never invited to any family events.
HOWEVER, the New 52 could have actually VERY easily made Garth Orm's son when they fucking BROUGHT HIM UP EARLY ON AND THEN DIDN'T FOLLOW THAT FUCKING STORY THREAD THROUGH I HATE YOU DC COMICS I HATE YOU I HATE YOU. They could have had Orm defending Garth from people who want to kill him, knowing DAMN WELL he fucked Berra and that kid might be his. Then after Orm is sent to Land Jail they could have killed off Berra and saddled Arthur with a young child that Orm was for some reason really defensive of but nobody knew why. And then they do the Atlanna story, blah blah blah... anyway fuck you dc comics
I actually think I posted about this years ago, but what they SHOULD have done with the Throne of Atlantis storyline is have Orm escape and return to Atlantis and start a group of outcast/terrorists that included (child) Garth and returned years later with a very powerful "child solider" because THAT would actually be a fun callback to Garth's preboot vibe but ALSO do what they try to do with Jackson. They're always like "omg is Jackson like his father, the evil Black Manta?!" but like.......Jackson was not raised by Manta, and being evil is not genetically passed down so it's lacking a little punch...anyway, this would be more like Damian, Cass, etc where there is an element of unlearning behaviors. Arthur would have to be like, this is a child and children are not evil, my brother is not evil, we need to help them.
I'm not saying it couldn't work, but I do think it would work better in a complete overhaul of the entire franchise. And I already posted my ideal overhaul of the entire franchise (dc pls hire me)
anyway it's a shame Garth hasn't been seen in DC comics since his death in Blackest Night (2009).
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disneydarlin · 9 months ago
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea, Morgana —Aesthetic
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Morgana's Character & Personality
Morgana is a cecaelia octopus who's the younger sister of Ursula. She works alongside her pet tiger shark, Undertow, as well as her two pet manta rays, Cloak and Dagger. Morgana is deceitful, baleful and ruthless. Although she isn't as talented at magic or potions as her older sister, much to her embarrassment, she's equally evil. Unfortunately, Morgana lacks her sister's subtlety and deviousness. More than anything, she hates being criticized. Morgana has a massive inferiority complex relating to her sister as she also hates being compared to her. Due to all this, she's driven to do what Ursula could not: rule the ocean to prove her superiority over her sister. Beyond this, Morgana has a funny but malicious sense of humor. She's even cannibalistic as she'll eat a plate of dead sea animals containing her own species. Morgana is arguably more evil than her sister because her plans couldn't be easily foiled by loopholes. In addition, she's more cunning as she's able to easily manipulate others with her motherly-like charm into doing her work for her.
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anerol152 · 8 months ago
Rating Sky: cotl seasons by how scary they are:
(that I have experienced)
Abyss: 10/10 - when I tell you the trauma; I was in beta for this yk, I got the black screen in original 4th task area bug plus got separated from bestie, I was legit so scared I closed the game, not to mention the end part (nah but that sheer empty space gave me flashback to the aforementioned quest and then the Leviathan, just, no); oh also the manta tanks implications, that's scary on a moral level
Prophecy: 7/10 - mf fire trial this is why I have trust issues in games when there's a completely dark room. fun season otherwise tho, loved the lore
Passage: 6/10 - another fun season for beta testers! I'll just come out and say it, the masks were creepy. the eyes and shadows in the forest were creepy. the other masks were even more creepy. it was just bad vibes idk man the masks felt evil
Shattering: 3/10 - this is another for the rage chart; like despite the premise of apocalypse event every now and then as well as King lore this really wasn't that scary; it made Eden very frustrating tho; like haven't forgiven them for that until this day frustrating
Revival: 2/10 - only reason for this rating is bc I know eden quest will spook the moths
Enchantment: 1/10 - was first season I experienced (for a week lol), going to a new sekrit place and seeing the mountain Krill before finding out it's harmless
Nesting: 1/10 - capitalism is very scary, so was the math for all possible furniture items geeeeeez
Little Prince: 1/10 - scary for my emotions; first child that made you go to Eden for funsies, love that for him, seeing him face the Krill was a bit scary (for him) I guess
Aurora: 1/10 - this was mostly sad, like very cool, very fun, but also sad, good tie to next season; absolutely horrifying in implications for animal exploitation and history of sky tho
Sanctuary: 1/10 - vacay Island! literally nothing to be afraid of besides maybe not being able to fly back up to rest of Prairie; crab cave ig? triggering the bugged belly rub spirit was terrifying for group runs tho
Flight: 1/10 - while this may top a rage chart also another chill season; scariest thing there is getting lost in the wind tunnels, or just that whole map part ig
Deer: 1/10 - just for that Krill moment at the start and a bit at the end ig, moth nightmare ig
Remembrance: 0/10 - nothing scary really, just sad, very very sad; loved the vault lore but man, especially w irl timing
Assembly: 0/10 - yeah dunno what could be scary there, besides maybe melting in the rain for moths
Performance: 0/10 - this was very fun! loved the lost twin lore bit
Dreams: 0/10 - another very cosy season, lots of feels but none of the scary
Moments: 0/10 - tourists at a nice valley the season, so nice they invented selfies
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celaenaeiln · 2 years ago
I always love how heros only kill if there really is no other options. Even then, their deeply disturbed or torn up about it. Killing is easy. But seeing a criminal as a person at the end of the day is much harder. It takes an unfathomable amount of strength to keep this going. It won't always work and it's not easy. But there's a difference between right and easy.
Oh me too!!
Anon you have no idea how much I’ve thought about this over the past five years and come to the same conclusion every time.
There are two reasons why I like that heroes only kill as an extreme necessity.
The first is what you said. It's extremely difficult to be able to control yourself in the face of repulsiveness. Some I do believe are irredeemable but many characters are not worth killing. Because there's a lot that goes into killing. It's not just about moral ethics for me, it's also about how that impacts society. I don't know if you've seen the show "The Boys", but it's about heroes who kill. Originally they kill criminals but at some point their anger and frustration bleeds over and they start killing innocents. The repercussions on society were massive. There was a significant loss of trust and hatred and fear going on. Ordinary people like the main character and the rebel side were dragged into a world and fighting that perpetuated fear and bloodshed until everything became irreversible. It's a terrifying world I would absolutely not want to live in. In the previously posted comic Batman says:
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He's not saying this lightly. In a world where killing criminals is done and seen as common place by the people, what's stopping the people from following their hero's actions? Nothing is ever contained on the internet and nothing is ever done in moderation. It's like watching your favorite superhero blast a bad guy's head off on TV and turning around to seeing your mom blast your dad's head off with a gun over an argument about going to the movies. The violence is commonplace, after all. It takes an incredible amount of willpower, far more than anyone gives credit for, to look at someone who hurt you and walk away.
The canon version of this argument and why Bruce should never kill the Joker is proved in the comic, "The Batman Who Laughs." I was terrified for Damian when he encountered that universe.
The second reason I love the no-killing rule- and it's a little more twisted- is because I love self-control.
Not just as a person who tries to practice it in their life but there’s just something so exciting about a character who fights with control.
Having someone run free is super fun to read but having someone who never breaks the line, edge so dangerously close to it, but never kill? Oh the feeling is delicious. You're left pondering-what is it? What will it take? What will cause you to break?
Ironic. I know. But you can't tell me you were never curious about their limits.
Aside from that excitement, I love how the villains are reusable. They may be your worst enemy on a tuesday but on a thursday they're dragging your broken body out of a ditch to go fight the bad guy who got on their nerves.
It's like the idiom- better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Sometimes, no matter how horrible their actions were in the past, they're keeping a larger threat at bay. For example Blockbuster and Heartless. Bane, William Cobb, Lex Luthor, Freeze, Black Manta, and Sinestro in Forever Evil. The Riddler. And when Bruce was dead/lost in time the Joker was straight up like "damn bro I'm so sad I think I'm gonna turn good" which actually sort of saved all of Gotham from that bat cult that nearly killed them. Sort of. He bailed halfway but props to him for the first half.
Also the villains in the comics are terrible people but they're good characters. Like these characters are so well-developed. You'll hate them but you'll never fully hate them because they're funny and mean and deep down, you'll never admit it but they have a small teeny, tiny point.
A couple of my favorite villain scenes:
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The Riddler (Batman #699)
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Joker (Batman and Robin #22)
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Victor Zsaz in his undies swearing revenge on another villain. Damian and Dick in the photo
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Dick bashing up Slade in Damian's body
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Damian, Harvey, and Dick
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