#Lieutenant Commander Montgomery “Scotty” Scott
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chernobog13 · 2 months ago
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chernobog13 · 2 months ago
Well, we didn't get the Sanctuary District, but I think the writers were only off by a year or two, unfortunately.
Still mad that we didn't get the Irish Reunification.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Past Tense, Pt. 1"
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star-trek-shallot · 7 months ago
Sulu: What superlatives did you all get in the Enterprise annual yearbook?
Uhura: Prettiest smile.
Kirk: Nicest personality.
Scotty: Most likely to start a bar fight.
Spock: Least likely to start a bar fight but most likely to win one.
source: @adventures-in-teyvat
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citizenkampbell · 1 year ago
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Just hit me in the damn feels!
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idol--hands · 2 years ago
Star Trek: Day of Blood pt 2, P-P-Poker Face! 🃏
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Lore: Brother, don’t I deserve a hello? A greeting? Even a micro expression would be pleasant. I assume you’ve gained at least that much wherewithal. Or is that your poker face? I hear that you’re quite the card shark. Data: I am processing the fact that you have been reassembled, Lore, and are alive. And apparently not — Lore: Bent on conquest? I know, I’m as shocked as you, but it turns out you’re not the only son of Soong with lasting value.
Data: Worf? Worf: Reactivating Lore was a…tactical decision. Difficult, but necessary.
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fun-k-boards · 10 months ago
Unnamed Romulan Commander my beloved 💞
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these r fun :)
[Description: A Tiered meme, titled “if I was a worm, would you still love me?” Below is a table with two columns; the first column listing different answers to the question, and the second holding characters from the classic era of Star Trek who fit the response. They are as follows:
“Absolutely fucking not,” with pictures of Lieutenant Kevin Riley, Yeoman Janice Rand, and Mirror!Marlena Moreau
“You are not a worm shut up,” with pictures of Dr McCoy, Spock, Sarek, and T’Pring
“I would eat you like the fish,” with Scotty.
“depends what type of worm??” with pictures of Uhura and Nurse Chapel
“yes :) <3″ with pictures of Captain Kirk and Amanda Grayson
“I would build you a home in a jar. with a little house. talk to you every day,” with pictures of Sulu, Sybok, and The Romulan Commander
“what if we were both worms… and we kissed…” with a picture of Pavel Chekov
/End Description]
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pinesource · 2 years ago
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Chris Pine as Captain James T. Kirk and Simon Pegg as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
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risingchaos · 8 months ago
Explanation of Cuff Bands in Star Trek (The Original Series and Strange New Worlds)
Pips TNG onward explained + details of what each rank does
In TOS, they hadn’t figured out the pip system yet, so they did wrist bands to signify rank instead. It’s not nearly as straightforward as the pips, but once you get a hang of it, it helps tons. Plus they rarely call anyone by their rank in TOS, often going by mister or miss. This will mostly have close ups of TOS characters.
Now, Starfleet is based upon the U.S. Navy, so the names used are those. I’ve broken down the ranks in greater detail in the post linked above, so this one is just for knowing the ranking of each band and a brief explanation.
If you just want to know the look, there is a guide at the end for you. :)
Description of the line looks for anyone who needs it: Dashed lines are long gold dashes perpendicular to the cuff, curving slightly upwards on one side and downwards on the other for each dash, like the shape of an eraser on its side. Solid lines are a straight gold band perpendicular to the cuff with another solid gold line wrapped around it. It almost looks like the two are intertwined. Bars are explained briefly later for Admirals, but they look like one straight gold band with two of the previously mentioned solid lines pressed against each side on the top and bottom with no space between.
For Strange New Worlds, replace any mention of a dashed line a thin straight line and any mention of a solid line as a thick straight line. I have not found any actual explanation for Admirals in SNW, but they have different Starfleet badges.
Cadet - Uniform Distinction
As far as I know we don’t actually meet any in TOS, but we do in SNW. In basically all Star Trek media, cadets wear red/all red uniforms. Cadets are people still in the Academy, not yet graduated. They can still serve on ships for training, however. Cadet Uhura is a lovely example of this.
Petty Officer - Insufficient Information
I am not sure if Petty Officers exist in TOS or appear in SNW, I searched for a while to find solid proof. The closest I could find for TOS was that maybe in The Motion Picture there was a Petty Officer with a triangle insignia, and that there was a character named Samno in Star Trek VI who was a PO and a Yeoman. If anyone can confirm/deny/offer anything, I will add it to this.
Yeoman are assistants in Starfleet. They’re only used in TOS, and their system is kind of strange. You can hold a ranked position while still being a Yeoman, shown through an unnamed character who had Junior Lieutenant markings on her sleeve while being addressed as a Yeoman. They generally are Ensigns, however.
Ensign - Blank sleeve
Ensigns have blank sleeves. I think this is probably for practicality for budget reasons in TOS, but most background actors are ensigns. Ensigns are graduates from the Academy and just anyone who hasn’t climbed the chain yet.
Junior Lieutenant - Single dashed [•]
The only example I could find was a man named Joe Tormolen from the episode “The Naked Time” as the guy who dies at the start. Junior Lieutenants feature a singular dotted line on the cuffs.
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Lieutenant - Single solid [~]
Most crew members we see are Lieutenants. Lieutenants are working consoles, navigating, going on away teams. Hikaru Sulu and Nyota Uhura in TOS.
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Lieutenant Commander - Single dashed, single solid [•~]
Lieutenant Commanders are integral to running the ship. Heads of departments and the ones who run day to day activities aboard the ship. Chief Engineer Montgomery “Scotty” Scott was one of these.
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Commander - Two solid [~~]
The First Officer on the ship. This is second in command, the right hand to the Captain. In TOS, our Commander Spock is also the head of the science department.
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Captain - Single solid, single dashed, single solid [~•~]
Captains we all know. They are the head of the ship, the man who has to keep it level and realistic at all times, though our lovely Captain Kirk isn’t exactly known for level-headedness. He also has the green wraparound shirt that has the V shaped gold detailing by the neckline with a small gold line between.
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Admirals have an extra silly thing. They have a bar. It looks like if you smushed two of the solid bars together with a straight gold piece between. Admirals usually have different uniforms but they honestly change rather frequently. We meet Admirals few and far between in any ST show, but I’ve put them below nonetheless.
Here is a complete guide to each wrist cuff design in Starfleet’s early days, excluding Cadets, Petty Officers, and Ensigns.
A dot • indicates a dash line, a squiggle ~ indicates a solid line, and a hyphen - indicates a bar.
Junior Lieutenant - [•]
Lieutenant - [~]
Lieutenant Commander - [•~]
Commander - [~~]
Captain - [~•~]
Commodore/Rear Admiral (lower half) - [-]
Rear Admiral (upper half) - [~-]
Vice Admiral - [-~-]
Admiral - [~~-~]
Fleet Admiral - [~~-~~]
Hopefully this helps you understand as much as it did me when I first figured it all out. Took a minute to get some research done. Let me know if anything is worded strangely or if the descriptions aren’t clear enough. I tried to be detailed with it at the start. If anyone has extra information or needs more, please comment or message me! I will answer/clarify to the best of my ability.
I love putting together this kind of thing so if anyone wants more lists like this, let me know. Enjoy.
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flippyspoon · 1 year ago
Some Enchanting Linguist
Note: Just a lil SNW Scott/Uhura with a small side of Spirk because the mood struck me! Takes place after Hegemony but Gorn have been vanquished everything's fine now.
Summary: Uhura introduced Jim Kirk to the love of his life and Jim Kirk returns the favor.
Montgomery Scott had run out of things to do in engineering and only a few quiet gamma shifters were left, the lights dimmed as he sat on one leg, staring bleary eyed at his PADD. It was nearly time for alpha shift. Soon the lights would get bright again. He had already spent the better part of the last five hours hunched in a Jeffries tube rewiring a turbolift just to see if it could run a little more smoothly and swiftly, not that anyone had asked him. But it was something to do and in taking the lift with Captain Pike down to engineering the day before it had seemed slightly off kilter to him. And even if it was more likely his own edginess making him feel off kilter, well, he’d already finished everything Pelia had given him to do and then lied and said he’d go to bed.
Now all he had left were his old equations, a hobby since his last year at the academy and occasionally the reason his grades had sometimes suffered. The point right now was to keep busy. This didn’t quite fit the bill. It was too open ended. Tedious work was better. Tedious mindless work kept him from thinking about the Stardiver and how now the worst words in the world would forever be on his Starfleet record: sole survivor.
Still his little hobby was comforting even if he was fairly certain it was completely unsolvable.
A shrill whistle startled him and he frowned, scratching his stubbled chin.
“Y’ello!” A voice echoed in the shadows of the dark and dingy corner of engineering where Montgomery had holed up. “Anybody in here answer to Mr. Scott?”
“Aye!” Scotty leaned back in his chair, frowning in the direction of the shout. “That’s me!” He craned his head, squinting into the shadows as a figure stepped out in command gold. Scotty spotted the stripes and hopped to his feet. “Commander?”
“Kirk!” Kirk nodded, smiling easily, and stuck out his hand. “James T. I’m on the Farragut, but Captain Pike keeps luring me back over to the flagship and I’m not complaining. And you’re Scott.”
“Yes. Eh, Scott, sir.” He smiled tightly, shaking Kirk’s hand. Kirk’s eyes flicked down to his greasy fingers and Scott winced. “Montgomery. Lieutenant junior grade. Sorry about that, Commander. I’ve been at it a bit down here.”
“No worries, Mr. Scott,” Kirk said, winking. “Killer work ethic, huh? When’s the last time you slept?”
“Aye, well…” He scratched his head, pulling a face. “Dinnae think that’s goin’ to happen anytime soon.”
“Yes, I heard about the Stardiver,” Kirk said. He reached out and clutched Scott’s shoulder, squeezing gently, and there was something genuinely comforting about it. Scott had experienced just about enough pitying looks from some of the crew on the Enterprise. Not that it was their fault. But Kirk was matter of fact about it in a way he appreciated. “Been there. Trust me. Hey, could you eat? It’s about breakfast time already. I’ll be honest. Pelia sent me down to check on you and I was curious to meet you.”
“Me, sir?” Scott haphazardly wiped his hands on his pants as he followed Kirk out to the corridor. “And why’s that?”
“Haven’t you heard what they’re calling you, Scott?” Kirk said.
“Montgomery Scott, Lieutenant genius grade.”
Scotty’s eyebrows jumped and he smiled genuinely for the first time all day. “Oh, aye? Cannae say I mind it then.”
“Can I ask what you were working on over there?” Kirk said, gesturing behind them. “Looked pretty wild.”
“Eh, last time I told anyone about it I got laughed outta the room, sir.” Yet Scotty suspected Kirk wouldn’t laugh.
“Try me.”
“Transwarp beaming,” Scotty said, half-whispering as if conveying a great secret. “Just a little project of mine since academy days.”
“Well, I’m not laughing,” Kirk said. “But that is certainly ambitious.”
In the turbolift Kirk grabbed the lever and said, “Deck five.” Then as it began to move, he frowned. “Hey! Lift’s movin’ extra smoothly today. Feels good.”
“Thank you, Commander.” Scott puffed his chest out a little. “I was workin’ on it all night.”
“Wow. Nicely done.”
The corridor to the mess was bustling as alpha shift was beginning shortly. He’d stayed up all night and he could feel it in his bones and behind his eyes a bit, but still he did not want to be in his quiet quarters and crawl into a bed alone. It was much better to be around people. Alive people. People. Not gorn.
“Commander, can I ask ye somethin’?” Scott said.”A bit…personal?”
“Sure, but if it’s personal, why don’t you call me Jim?”
“Aye. Jim. About the Stardiver. You said you’ve been there yourself.”
Kirk’s expression darkened and his hands were tightly clasped behind his back. “Yes. More than once. In a matter of speaking.”
“Does it get get any better then?”
“Yes,” Kirk said, nodding firmly. “But it will always be hard and I won’t lie, it follows you forever. Good news is, if you need a friend, this ship seems to be a good place to find one. So I hope you stick around, Mr. Scott.”
“I can think a’ worse fates,” Scotty muttered. 
In fact, having gotten a good look at the Enterprises’s engines, Scott had already declared his undying love. They would have to tear him away with the jaws of life, he supposed.
The mess was crowded and Scott felt like a cloud of unwashed filth next to all the bright eyed and well rested and squeaky clean crew carrying trays to their usual tables, all of them smiling and amongst co-workers they’d worked with likely for years. 
Scott stuck close to Kirk and loaded up his tray with two muffins, scrambled eggs, a pile of bacon, fruit, and a massive cup of coffee. When he turned around again, Kirk was gone, and he mildly panicked a moment before spotting Jim waving at him from an empty table.
Scott dove into his breakfast without preamble and was halfway finished before muttering to himself, “I am hungry.” It was a bit of a relief to realize it and to enjoy what he was eating, replicated or no.
Across from him Jim chuckled and lifted his coffee as if in a toast. “Good.”
Scott was swallowing the last of his bacon when he glanced up and breathed in sharply, feeling as if someone might have just brained him with a hyperspanner.
“Commander Kirk. Eh…who’s…who’s that?” He nodded vaguely at a figure across the mess, his gaze fixed on beautiful dark skinned young ensign in ops red whose incandescent smile was fixed on Mr. Spock as she carried her tray.
Jim followed his gaze and a slow and drunk looking smile crossed his face. “Oh yeah. That’s Mr. Spock.”
“Not the Vulcan,” Scott said. “The ensign. She’s so…” He shook his head, unable to think of an appropriately effusive descriptor.
“Oh! Nyota?” Jim took a swig of coffee. “I’ll introduce you.”
“No no nono wait!” Scott sputtered, but Jim was already standing and waving the ensign and Mr. Spock over to the table. Mr. Spock he’d already met. The Enterprise’s science officer. Whether Spock even remembered him or not, Scott had no idea. Spock’s eyes were fixed on Kirk as he sat at the table across from him. Eventually, he spared Scott a polite nod.
“Nyota!” Kirk said. “This is Mr. Scott. Scott, this is Ensign Nyota Uhura. She’s to linguistics what you are to engineering.” Jim clapped him on the back and said, “This is the guy who built the transponder and all those gorn traps out of nothin’.”
“Really?” Nyota said. “You’re that guy?”
Scott reflexively stood as the others were sitting down, blushed, and sat down again. He cleared his throat, dazed by Uhura’s glimmering brown eyes and the friendly smile now fixed on him. “Yes. That’s me. Scott. Montgomery. Lieutenant. Junior grade. Very nice to meet you. Ma’am. Er. Ensign, that is.”
Uhura’s lips parted and her eyes widened. “Your brogue is magnificent!”
Scotty blushed from the tips of his toes all the way up to his grease scuffed forehead. “Oh! Ah. Thank ye.”
She pointed at him and said, “You’re not from Aberdeen, but you spent some time there, didn't you? How long?”
“How did you know that?” Scott said. “I spent about seven years there as a lad.”
Uhura tapped her ears. “That’s what I do, Mr. Scott!”
“Oh!” He leaned on his hand, his breakfast forgotten. “That’s so fascinatin’. So how many languages do you speak anyway?”
“Thirty-seven Earth languages,” Uhura said, and Scott was entranced by the way she slightly batted her eyes. “But now I’m mainly studying as many non-Terran languages as I can get my head around. Vulcan, Andorian, Denobulan-”
“Crivens,” Scott murmured. “That’s amazin’.”
“You know, I was close to our former Chief Engineer. Hemmer?” Uhura swallowed, and Scott felt a pang of sympathy immediately recognizing the subtlest expression of grief. “He always said engineering was really quite similar to linguistics. Seemingly unrelated systems communicating?”
“That makes a lot of sense!” Scott said.
“Well, Mr. Spock,” Kirk said next to him. “Seems our presence here has quickly become redundant.”
“It would appear so,” Spock agreed. “I am not certain they are aware of our presence at all.”
“I’m sure they aren’t,” Kirk said, and smirked at Spock, leaning forward over the table. “I am certainly aware of yours however.”
“I am seated right in front of you, Commander,” Spock said, raising an amused eyebrow. “It would be odd if you were not aware of me.”
“Is it odd that I’m always aware of you even when you are not seated right in front of me?” Jim said smoothly, and Spock lowered his eyes, his lips curving up a little.
“You talked to aliens with music?” Scott said. He slapped the table. “Did ye ever hear the like?”
“Hey Scott- Scotty!” Jim had to wave to get his attention again. “I bet you’d enjoy hearing Ensign Uhura here sing, wouldn’t you?”
“Jim!” Uhura hissed and punched him in the shoulder.
“You sing too!” Scott’s eyes lit up. 
“Sometimes,” Uhura said, sitting up straight. “Mr. Spock accompanies me on the lyre.”
“If you would be amenable to singing tonight, Ensign,” Spock said. “I am available to play.”
“Ooh!” Kirk rubbed his hands together. “Now I’m excited. Scott, you and I are in for a treat.”
“I just bet we are, Jim,” Scott murmured, sitting back as he and Jim gazed on Mr. Spock and Uhura. “I’ll bet we are.”
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giasesshoumaru · 1 year ago
"You two know each other?"
"One of my best students who sadly received some of my worst grades!" - Commander Pelia, Lieutenant Montgomery "Scotty" Scott and Captain Christopher Pike (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Episode 2.10)
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chernobog13 · 1 month ago
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After the Grateful Dead concert everyone suspected Spock was too stoned to drive the van.
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anonymousewrites · 2 years ago
Logos and Pathos (Book 2) Chapter Fifteen
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Fifteen: Fog of Facts
Summary: A proper interrogation begins, and the truth comes to light.
            The whole group arranged themselves in an Enterprise meeting room as they prepared to discover the truth of the murders. Spock remained beside (Y/N), who was steady on their feet but the tired look in their eyes made it clear that they were still affected by Sybo’s murder psychologically.
            “Each testifier will sit here, place his hand on this plate,” explained Kirk. “Any deviation from the factual truth will be immediately detected and relayed to this computer, which will in turn notify us. Dr. McCoy has already fed the computer his medical reports. Our laboratory experts are examining the murder weapon and will give us their data to the computers for analysis. Shall we begin?” Jaris nodded, and Kirk continued. “Mr. Scott, will you take the stand.” Scotty nodded and sat down in the seat, placing his hand upon the scanner. “Computer, identity verification,” ordered Kirk.
            “Working,” buzzed the computer. “Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, serial number SE-19754-T. Verified.”
            “Subjects present physical condition?” asked Kirk.
            “Subject recently received severe blow on skull. Damage healing. Some peripheral abnormalities,” reported the computer.
            “Sufficient abnormalities to account for periods of functional amnesia?” asked Kirk.
            “Negative,” declared the computer.
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. That wasn’t good. Why else would he be having amnesia, then? He certainly didn’t seem to be lying. Everyone else tensed and reacted with similar expressions of surprise.
            “Captain, I don’t see how that can be,” said Bones.
            “Unless Scotty’s lying about his loss of memory,” said Kirk grimly.
            Or something else is causing it, thought (Y/N), thinking of the strange presence they had felt when Sybo conjured it up. They couldn’t feel it now, but it could be disguised without Sybo’s abilities heightening sensitivity and revealing it. (Y/N) seriously doubted Scotty was the evil they had felt, so either they were gravely mistaken about his character or something else was affecting their situation.
            “I’m not lying, Captain,” said Scotty, his anxiety spiking in desperation. “I don’t remember a thing about the first two murders.”
            “Computer, accuracy scan,” said Kirk.
            “Subject relaying accurate account,” announced the computer. “No physiological changes.”
            “Captain,” said Scotty, leaning forward. “I didn’t black out when Mr. Jaris’s wife was killed.”
            “Alright, Scotty,” said Kirk. “Let’s have it.”
            “We were holding hands. When the lights went out, the circle was broken. I heard the poor lady scream, and I was…I was near the head of the table anyway. I went toward her, but…” Scotty trailed off. “There was something in my way.”
            “Something?” asked (Y/N), the memory of the pure hatred flashing through their mind.
            Scotty nodded. “Yeah, something. Cold, like a stinking draft out of a slaughterhouse. But it wasn’t really there. Lika a…If you know what I mean.”
            Kirk nodded to them. “Computer? Is this the truth?”
            “Subject relaying accurate account,” buzzed the computer. “No physiological changes.”
            (Y/N) felt everyone’s nervousness increase in the room, and they shivered as they too recalled the force around them when Sybo had been murdered. “Captain, I felt a presence similar to what Scotty is describing when we performed the ritual with Sybo.”
            Kirk nodded. “Alright. We’ll hit the nail on the head and get an answer from Scotty, and then we’ll know for certain. Scotty, did you kill Sybo?”
            “No, Captain,” said Scotty vehemently. “That I’m sure of.” The computer blinked saying he was telling the truth.
            Hengist scoffed. “He’s been saying that the whole time. It means no more now than it did before.”
            “Scotty, lie to me,” ordered Kirk. “How old are you?”
            “Uh, twenty-two, sir,” said Scotty.
            “Inaccurate, inaccurate. Data in error,” reported the computer.
            Hengist furrowed his brow and sat back. (Y/N) cocked their head. It might still be Sybo’s death messing with their head (it certainly was creating a weird sense of paranoia as their mind separated its health from Sybo’s death. It was slightly confused), but he seemed nervous.
            “After the lights went out, Mr. Scott, who was holding your hand?” asked Kirk.
            “Morla on one side, and you on the other, sir,” said Scotty.
            “But that doesn’t mean anything, Captain,” said Morla indignantly, standing up. “With a room that small, the lights were out. Anyone would have had time to kill the lady.”
            “But I remind you we found Mr. Scott holding her in his arms,” said Hengist. “The knife still in her back and blood on his hands.”
            “The verifier showed that he was telling the truth when he said he didn’t kill her, and (L/N) confirms his story of a presence being in the room with us. They have known Scotty long enough to sense if it was his mind or not with their abilities strengthened by Sybo,” said Kirk.
            “There were two other women murdered,” pointed out Hengist.
            He was intent on getting Scotty arrested. In fact, it aroused some suspicion on (Y/N)’s part. Why wasn’t he doing his job and trying to discover the real perpetrator if Scotty was innocent?
            Kirk sighed. “Mr. Scott, did you kill Kara?”
            “I don’t remember,” said Scotty honestly.
            “Did you kill Lieutenant Tracy?” asked Kirk.
            “I don’t remember,” answered Scotty desperately.
            “Computer, accuracy scan,” ordered Kirk.
            “Subject relaying accurate account,” said the computer. “No physiological changes.”
            “All that proves is that he’s telling the truth when he says he doesn’t remember,” murmured Jaris. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a point.
            “This is a waste of time,” complained Hengist.
            “After we take testimony here, we’ll run a psycho-tricorder analysis of Mr. Scott’s memory as originally planned,” said (Y/N), tiredly. “Then we’ll have all the pieces of the puzzle. Is that enough for you, Mr. Hengist?”
            “Well, if you can convince me that the machine is incapable of error and if it shows he did not kill the women,” said Hengist.
            “There will be no error,” said Spock. “The readings will show the facts.”
            “You can step down now, Mr. Scott, if there are no objections,” said Kirk.
            “I object to the entire procedure,” said Hengist.
            (Y/N) and Spock exchanged glances. Hengist was being irritatingly troublesome. It was bordering on suspicious in both their opinions.
            “Mr. Hengist, we are here on my authority. We will cooperate,” said Jaris scoldingly.
            “Prefect, I know you mean well, but I’ve had experience with this,” insisted Hengist.
            “For the time being,” interrupted Jaris, “we will accept Captain Kirk’s explanation of the machine’s accuracy as factual. I do, however, reserve to myself the right to make the final determination.”
            “We can ask no more,” said Kirk. “Mr. Morla, will you take the stand?” Morla stepped up and sat on the seat. “Where were you at the time that Kara was murdered?”
            “I’m not sure. Walking home, I guess,” said Morla. “I was angry.” He was shameful of his emotions, and his eyes were downcast.
            “Anger is a relative state, sir. Were you angry enough to do violence?” asked Spock calmly.
            “I’ve never done violence in my life,” said Morla. “I don’t think that I could. You’ve got to believe me. I wouldn’t kill her. I couldn’t. I loved her, and she loved me.”
            “That’s not true!” cried Kara’s father. “He might think she loved him, but she didn’t. She told me. He was jealous…all the time.” Morla looked away in shame. “They fought constantly.”
            “Did you kill Lieutenant Tracy?” questioned Kirk.
            “No,” responded Morla.
            “Did you kill Sybo?”
            “Computer, verification scan,” said Kirk.
            “Subject relaying accurate account, though some statements subjective,” responded the computer. “No physiological changes.”
            “Alright, Mr. Morla, I think you can step down now,” said Kirk. He paced before the group. “Sybo and (L/N) spoke of a hunger that never died, something that thrives on fear, terror, death.” He looked at (Y/N). “What if we’re going about it in the wrong way?”
            “(Y/N) most certainly sensed a presence which intended harm,” said Spock. “That is fact.”
            Kirk nodded. “And what did they and Sybo say exactly?”
            “Sybo mentioned a ‘monstrous evil, an ancient terror that devours all life and light,’ ” said (Y/N). They shivered. “And then she named it? I’m not entirely sure, but I know she said, ‘Beratis Kesla Redjac.’ ”
            “Obscure, meaningless words,” said Kirk.
            “To us, perhaps, but the computer may know what they mean,” remarked Spock.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Right.”
            “Computer, linguistic bank,” commanded Spock. “Definition of following word: redjac.”
            “Working…Negative finding,” said the computer.
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow in frustration, and Spock raised an eyebrow. “There is no such word in the linguistics bank?”
            “Scan other banks,” said (Y/N). “Historical, criminal, personal, all possible relevant topics.” They looked at Spock. “If Sybo was naming it, it wouldn’t have a definition.”
            Spock nodded. “Logical conclusion.”
            The computer buzzed. “Redjac: proper name.”
            Spock looked at (Y/N). “You were correct.”
            “Source, Earth, nineteenth century. Language, English. Nickname for mass murderer of women,” reported the computer. “Other Earth synonym: Jack the Ripper.”
            Kirk furrowed his brow. “Jack the Ripper?”
            “Well, that’s ridiculous,” cried Hengist. “He lived hundreds of years ago.”
            “A man couldn’t survive all these centuries,” said Kara’s father.
            “Just before she died, my wife said, ‘It is a hunger that never dies,’ ” said Jaris.
            “But all men die,” said Kara’s father.
            “Unless Jack the Ripper wasn’t just a man. They never did discover his identity,” remarked (Y/N).
            Spock nodded. “Humans and humanoids make up only a small percentage of the life forms we know of. There are entities possessing extremely long life spans, virtually immortal.”
            “But Sybo said it feeds on death,” said Bones.
            “In the strict scientific sense, Doctor, we all feed on death, even vegetarians,” said Spock.
            “Yes, but it said more than that,” said Bones. “Not just death but fear.”
            “That supports the supposition that the perpetrator isn’t human,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) nodded. “There are species that feed on emotions. I’ve studied them, and there are some Celians who work with such people to ensure they get the emotions they need. Fear in particular is a strong and violent emotion, so it could be strengthening to whatever species we’re dealing with.”
            Spock furrowed his brow slightly and glanced at (Y/N). If this was a creature feeding on fear, their nature as an empath could lure it closer. Their emotions would likely be stronger and more satisfying to the perpetrator of these crimes. It worried Spock that their fear might be a target. They were in danger.
            “Prefect, this has gone on long enough!” cried Hengist. “Someone, uh, some man, has killed three woman. We have the prime suspect on our hands. Are we going to let him go and start chasing ghosts?”
            “No, Mr. Hengist, not ghosts. Probably not human, but not ghosts,” said Kirk. “Mr. Spock, check out the possibilities.”
            “Computer, digest log recordings for past five solar minutes. Correlate hypotheses. Compare with life-forms registered. Question: could such entity, with discussed limits, exist in this galaxy?” asked Spock.
            “The drella of Alpha Carinae V derives nourishment from the emotion of love,” reported the computer. “There is sufficient precedent for existence of creature, nature unknown, which could derive sustenance from the emotion of fear.”
            “Computer, extrapolate most likely composition of such entity,” ordered Spock.
            “To meet the specified requirements, entity would exist without form in conventional sense,” said the computer. “Most probable: mass of energy, a highly-cohesive electromagnetic field.”
            “Could such an entity assume a more physical, humanoid form?” asked (Y/N). They glanced at Spock and Kirk. “It would need to blend in, plus it needs a form to commit the murders.”
            “Affirmative,” buzzed the computer. “Precedent: mellitus, cloud creature of Alpha Majoris I.”
            “Fairytales. Ghosts and goblins,” declared Hengist.
            “No. I’ve seen the mellitus myself,” said Kirk. “In its natural state, it’s gaseous. When it’s at rest, it’s solid. Let’s assume the existence of this creature.”
            “I point out that Jack the Ripper slew at will in the heart of the most populous city of old Earth and, as (Y/N) said, was never identified,” added Spock.
            “Not likely as a human,” said (Y/N).
            “I suggest the possibility of a hypnotic screen, which blinds all but the victim to the presence of the killer,” said Spock.
            “Is that possible?” asked Jaris.
            “Extremely possible,” said Bones. “There are many such examples that exist in nature.”
            “Well, this is fantasy!” cried Hengist, jumping to his feet. The outburst was accompanied by a flare of anxiety that had (Y/N) jolt. “We all know the murderer is sitting right here with us. You’re trying to cloud the issue!”
            “I’m satisfied the course of this investigation is valid enough,” said Jaris. “Please be seated, Mr. Hengist.”
            “Alright, Mr. Spock, Mx. (L/N), what do we have?” asked Kirk. “Creature without form, that feeds on horror and fear, that must assume a physical shape to kill.”
            “And I suspect, preys on women because women may feel the emotion of fear more deeply on average,” added Spock.
            “Computer, criminological files,” said (Y/N). “Report cases of unsolved mass murders of women post Jack the Ripper.”
            “1932, Shanghai, China, Earth. Seven women knifed to death,” reported the computer. “1974, Kiev, USSR, Earth, five women knifed to death. 2105, Martian Colonies, eight women knifed to death. 2156, Heliopolis, Alpha Eridani II, ten women knifed to death. There are additional examples.”
            “Captain, those places are aligned directly between Argelius and Earth,” said Spock.
            “Yes. When man moved out into the galaxy, that thing must have moved with him,” murmured Kirk. “Computer, identify the proper names Kesla and Beratis.”
            “Kesla: name given to unidentified mass murderer of women on planet Deneb II,” said the computer. “Beratis: name given to unidentified mass murderer of women on planet Rigel IV.” (Y/N) cocked their head, something in their memory piquing their interest. “Additional data: murders on Rigel IV occurred one solar year ago.”
            (Y/N) looked at Hengist. Suddenly, it was clear his nervousness was not a product of their paranoia post-Sybo’s death. “You come from Rigel IV.” No, he was worried he was going to be discovered.
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kosmos2999 · 1 year ago
Star Trek: The Animted Series 50th Anniversary Episode Review
Episode: The Survivor
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Season: 1 Episode: 6 Stardate: 5143.3 Original airdate: October 13, 1973 Written by: James Schermer Directed by: Hal Sutherland Music by: Yvette Blais and Jeff Michaels Executive producers: Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott Studio: Filmation Associates Network: NBC Series created by: Gene Roddenberry
Cast: Captain James T. Kirk (voice by William Shatner) Mr. Spock (voice by Leonard Nimoy) Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (voice by DeForest Kelly) Lt. Uhura, Lt. Anne Nored (voices by Nichelle Nichols) Lt. Hikaru Sulu (voice by George Takei) Eng. Montgomery Scott, Gabler, Romulan Commander (voices by James Doohan) Nurse Christine Chapel, Enterprise Computer, M'Ress (voices by Majel Barrett)
Guest star: Ted Knight as Carter Winston/Vendorian
During a patrol across the Romulan Neutral Zone, Captain Kirk gives orders to set a course to the encounter a small private ship to the rescue of its passenger. The ship is registed under Carter Winston, a social prominent figure who uses his fortune to help others. Winston has been lost for five years.
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At the transporter room, Kirk, Dr. McCoy and Spock received Winston. McCoy gives thanks to him because he helped McCoy's daughter as one of many who survived of a famine due a crop faliure on Cerberus.Spock tells Winston that his fiancée, Security Officer, Lieutenant Anne Nored after verifying his identity tapes and a physical exam.
McCoy protest Spock's treatment to Winston but Kirk approves it telling it is a required procedure.
As Bones perform the medical examination, he notes his instruments are gaving strange readings. Like if Carter Winston is not human at all. McCoy resolves that it has to be an instruments' malfunction.
Lt. Nored makes her appearence at the medical room and had a conversation with Winston. He confesses to his former lover that he had an accidental crash on planet Vendor and he had suffered many surgeries, that he experienced many changes, so they would not going to marry her.
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Then, Winston moves to Kirk's office and while the captain is busy trying to find the reports on the small starship, the Vendorian deguised as Carter Winston reveals his true self. The Vendorians are are a shape-shifter's race whose presence is forbidden in the Federation's territories.
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He puts Kirk unconsious and assumes the captain's persona. Then he moves to the bridge and orders Sulu to set a course to Rator III no matter the helmsman's advice about crossing the Romulan Neutral Zone.
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As he leaves the bridge, he moves to the doctor's office and does the same the he had done with Kirk. He assumes the identity of McCoy after putting the real one to sleep.
The real Captain Kirk wakes up and moves to the bridge realizing a time has passed since he get unconsious. He asks why they are crossing the Neutral Zone of the Romulans.
Spock presents the video recording of his orders and realizes this is all a trap from the Romulans. Then Kirk orders a turn away from the Netral Zone.
Kirk and Spock moves faster to the medical office guessing that the Vendorian is right there. As soon as the captain notice the presence of the spy, he ran away fast. He was intercepted by the Lt. Nored and he assumes the Carter Winston persona again and explain Anne whatever really happened to Winston and how the Vendorians absorb the memory and feelings of the subjects they stole their identity. Nored felt uncapable of firing to him with the phaser.
The Romulans make their appearence to rightfully claim the ownership of the Enterprise. Captain Kirk refuses to give the starship because he knows the presence of the Vendoiran spy is part of the Romulan's ploy to capture the his starship.
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Meanwhile, the spy assumes the identity of one of the engineering perssonel and makes damage to the starship's shields. Scotty reports that the damage could take two hours to be repaired.
The Romulan Commander orders an attack to the Enterprise, but in a miraculous way, the shields are activated and stand the Romulans' attack. Spock asserts the spy has turned into the shield itself. Then the Vendoiran appears on his form to explain why he has done this mission. Kirk told him he is going to be judged by the Federation, but he is going to speak on his behalf.
Then, the captain put Anne Nored in charge of the Vendoiran spy.
Fascinating Facts:
The characterization of the Vendoiran spy who passed as Carter Winston was performed by actor Ted Knight. He was better known for his roles on TV shows like Ted Baxter in the Mary Tyler Moore Show and Henry Rush in Too Close for Comfort. Knight also was a regular voice actor for many other animated shows from Filmation Associates.
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This is the first time Dr. McCoy's daughter is mentioned. Her name is Joanna and it was planned to introduce the character in The Original Series' episode “The Way to Eden”, but it was discarded.
The character of Uhura appeared briefly on this episode but without any dialogue. Nichelle Nichols made the voice characterization of Carter Winston's fiancée, Security Officer, Lieutenant Anne Nored.
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The first time of the appearence of the Catian race character Lt. M'Ress voiced by Majel Barrett.
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The voice of the Romulan Commander was performed by James Doohan.
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adastrafanfic · 2 years ago
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Ad Astra News - 8/20 - 8/26
State of the Archive Still pretty chill!  Not a lot of stories added this week, but for a lot of people -- students, parents, etc. -- we're heading into the season where things start to get more hectic with school.  Which, speaking of:
Weekly Challenge #18: Back to School So, in honor (or lament) of returning to classes, this challenge is all about that theme.  Continuing education for your faves?  Or maybe we step back to when they were wee and see what they were like in primary or secondary?  Whatever you do with the prompt, it's between 100 and 700 words.
Post it to the archive under Weekly Challenge: Back to School and don't forget to add it to the collection!
Challenge ends on September 1st at 11:59PM Eastern.
Stories Archived
★ denotes Weekly Challenge Entry
Star Trek: Discovery
by lah_mrh Rewritten - G - Ash Tyler| Voq/Christopher Pike The First Day of the Rest of Your Life - G - Ash Tyler| Voq/Christopher Pike A Sky Full of Stars - T - Ash Tyler | Voq/Christopher Pike One Day at a Time - T - Ash Tyler| Voq/Christopher Pike
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
by LadyEmma Lieutenant Commander - E - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Nyota Uhura
Star Trek: The Original Series
by Beatrice_Otter All the Difference - G - Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock by lah_mrh Blood Red - T - Original Characters by h3llaanja Scraps of Untainted Sky - T - Spock/OFC, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
by daraoakwise ★ The Going - G - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (AOS) by lah_mrh A Stolen Moment - G - James T. Kirk (AOS)/Spock (AOS), Nyota Uhura (AOS)
Alternate Universes
by LordRobertBruceScott Star Beagle Adventures Episode 3: Yours Is No Disgrace - T - Ensemble
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the99thfanboy · 3 years ago
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He’s carrying the Enterprise on his shoulders
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cinemgc · 5 years ago
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Star Trek Beyond (Justin Lin, 2016, Estados Unidos)
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