#Let them have some wholesome father-son murder
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nothing-impt · 3 months ago
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Reunion :D
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eebeewrites · 2 months ago
Mafia Boss Elf DILF BF x !Femchubby Reader Part 10
This one is kinda really fucking depressing so I put a TLDR at the end if you're more a fan of the wholesome shit but uh. thats how mafia work ? maybe? TW for murder
Part 1-Part 2-Part 3-Part 4-Part 5-Part 6-Part 7-Part 8-Part 9
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“I’m gonna have to kill Serena.”
You sat up. “What?”
"Cedric thinks it's her. It's obvious , he says. Obvious to everyone except me, apparently. I don't know though. She's...well, if I'm being blunt, I don't think she's smart enough to get away with something like that for so long."
"How'd she even become...affiliated, with you all?"
"Two hundred years ago. Met her through a of a friend. It was much easier to get away with shit back then. You had to worry about fingerprints, but...proving shit was a lot harder. Now, there's cameras everywhere, all kinds of analysis, DNA swabs, magic that can show you things the naked eye can't. Agood mage can make all the difference."
You had seen her use magic only once; using the tip of her finger to light a cigarette. "What kind of magic does she do?"
"She's a biomancer."
The term was familiar, perhaps you had heard it on a TV show before, but you didn't know what it meant. "Like blood magic?"
"Kinda. It's like the middle line between blood magic and necromancy. She can change someone's blood type, re-arrange their fingerprints, even fuck around with their DNA. In this field, that's a damn useful skill to have."
"It sounds complicated."
"It is. You gotta go to medical school for it. That's what she did. Was the top of her class, apparently. Then she dropped out."
"I asked her to." He sighed, laying back down on the bed. "I figured if I could get someone like that to work for my father, he'd...I don't know. He'd have just a bit more faith in me. So I told her I'd make sure she was taken care of. One thing led to another and..." he shrugged. "She did it. I never forced her to, but...I don't know. I didn't think it meant anything, but I guess she did."
"What happened once you got with your ex-wife?"
"She went ballistic. I broke things off with her a decade or so after she joined up. Honestly, at first she seemed fine, when I ended things with her initially. She didn't seem to have any regrets about her choices. After all, she's making double what she would in a hospital. She's got enough money to last her quite some time. It was only when I got with someone else she started to get...weird, I guess. It all came to ahead when she shot her."
"She shot your ex-wife?!"
"Yeah." He let out a laugh, "she didn't do a very good job though. Alice, despite everything she became, was a good shot. Shot her right back through the heart. Yet, Serena was a better biomancer than Alice was a hitman."
Alice. That was his ex-wife's name. "Your ex-wife was an assassin?"
"Yep. She pulled off some crazy shit. Didn't even need magic to do it. I met her at a meeting with my father. She had this sort of...presence, about her. She was the only person that ever stood up to him that didn't immediately get their brains blown out. But anyway, after that Serena was just, drowned by jealousy. She did her job. She did her job well. But...you know how she is. She's impulsive, she let's her emotions cloud her decisions. I just think if it really was her, we would have found out much quicker. I guess it's just a gut feeling, I don't know."
"Maybe it's Cedric," you suggest. "He's the one who handles all your money, right? It'd be easy for him."
"That's true, but...it feels too obvious. It makes too much sense."
You thought for a moment. "Could it be your brother's kid? The one that fucked up the job?"
"No, he's a moron. I don't think he'd even figure out how to get in the damn building on his own. None of them have any incentive to do it. None of them are hurting for money. I know that because I'm the one that pays them. Plus, even if it's naive to say...Cedric, Finn, and whatever the fuck his son's name is. They're family. Serena's not."
You laid on his chest, trying to quell his anxieties. "I think you should get some rest. I know you'll figure it out but...let yourself relax tonight, okay?" You moved to kiss him, and he returned your affection.
"You're right," he took a deep breath, and turned off the light.
He tried to relax, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.
He had kept a low profile for years, working in the shadows, letting his brother act as him whenever he'd need to be seen working with someone who could potentially be dangerous. He didn't need the ego boost of having his face known. Having others handle his business for him was safer, and he could certainly afford it.
Maybe it made him look weak.
No, he knew it did.
He knew that's what others said about him in the shadows. He didn't care for their opinions, he had no reason to. Yet if they saw him as weak, who's to say someone in his own family didn't? Cedric was right; he didn't have the time to look through hours of camera footage. Frankly, you didn't either. Asking you to undertake such a task was wrong, he didn't want you to have to touch any part of his work. That wasn't fair to you, and it was a much bigger ask than you might've realized.
Still, if the person stealing from him was someone in his family, who could he send to stop it? The only person he trusted right now was you, and even then, sometimes he feared perhaps you were playing some sort of long con scheme. It was always an intrusive thought he'd kick himself for even coming up with, but it was there, lingering like scar.
If he didn't do something, no one would. Whoever was stealing from him would slowly but surely get more and more. Perhaps not enough to dethrone him, that would take decades; centuries perhaps, but enough to make him look weak. He already had another family trying to take his territory, even striking up a deal with the cops to do so. How would he fare if his own family was looking to turn against him?
He had to do something. So he did. He left you a note;
'Something came up. I'll be back in the afternoon.'
Maybe he was weak. If he wasn't, his hands wouldn't be shaking as he sat in the parking lot of the factory. The men and women who actually produced his product needed to appear as normal people. So, like most of the population, they worked from 9-5. They just happened to work under the factory rather than above it.
He checked the cameras once more on phone. It looked empty, but maybe it was too early to tell. It wasn't even 1 AM, the clock on his dashboard reading 12:39. Still, if he was going to catch whoever this was, he needed to be there first.
He got out, and made his way to the lab underneath the garage. The lights were all off, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the wide room filled with all sorts of chemistry equipment he didn't understand. The room had a sweet smell to it, as the barrels of anthura flower petals stood waiting to be unpacked towards the left of the door.
He walked slowly, not wanting to alert anyone that might've been here before him. He worked his way through the facility, before coming across the supply room, filled with palettes upon palettes of antifreeze jugs. The drug naturally had a sweet smell to it, so they'd simply shove bags of it into the bottles, and that shipment would go where it needed to go. It had worked for over a hundred years.
He positioned himself in the corner near the entrance, where several of the 'special' bottles were waiting to be packed up. One of those alone was easily worth $300,000. They could just be taking two or three jugs at a time, their losses still fairly minimal; but not minimal enough for Ronan to have ignored.
He waited, his gun at the ready to shoot whoever walked through the door. No one had any reason to be here. If they did, they would've called him. He assumed anyone who'd walk through must've been the thief
He waited at least an hour. He was starting to wonder if he was really going insane. Maybe it was Serena. Maybe she was doing it in broad daylight. Maybe she was smarter than he thought.
The door handle started to move. Whoever was behind that door had a key. The door opened, and he fired.
He had shot his own brother in the leg, in front of his nephew. Still pointing the gun forward with one hand, he turned on the light with the other. It would hurt like a bitch, but the bullet wasn't enough to kill him; however, it did immobilize him.
Callon panicked, grabbing his father's gun and pointing it at Ronan. Yet by the way he held it, the way he trembled, Ronan knew he wouldn't fire it.
He smiled, "careful. You'll blow your thumb clean off if you shoot like that." He knew he had the upper hand.
He awkwardly tried to adjust his grip, moving his hand but still unsure of where to put it. Still, he kept the gun pointed at Ronan.
Ronan pointed his gun back at his brother's head, looking back at Callon with a threatening glare. He didn't have to say it for Callon to figure it out. Shoot him, and he'd shoot his father in the head. Out of both of them, one was a much better shot than the other.
Still maintaining his position, Ronan kicked the leg the bullet went through. "The fuck is your problem?!"
His brother let out a yelp in pain, "I should be asking you the same, you sick bastard. I walk through the door, with my son and you fucking shoot me?!"
"Why'd you walk through that door? Don't act like you wouldn't have preferred he take the bullet for you. It's you, isn't it? You're the one stealing from me. Why? Do I not pay you enough? You're essentially stealing from yourself, for fucks sake."
He sighed, looking up at Ronan, his eyes staring down the barrel of the gun. He was immobilized, he knew his son wasn't brave enough to save him. Even if he did shoot, he'd likely miss. Maybe this was it. "Ronan, we both know you don't want this. I knew your pride wouldn't let you admit it but...I know."
He was right. He had talked about it over and over to you, how he wanted a way out. A way to quit while still ensuring your safety, the safety of his children.
"Why not just...say something? Why steal my shit? You don't need that."
"It's not about the money. It was about proving a point. I commend you though, I really thought you would've offed Serena. I really thought after pointing a gun at your new beloved, you wouldn't have hesitated."
He was too bewildered to be offended at his statement. "That was your plan? Have me kill Serena? For what?"
"To break you." His voice may have been weak, but he spoke without hesitation. "I know you, Ronan. I know you better than you know yourself. I've seen you kill. I've seen the way you shut down for months afterwards."
"Any normal person would," he retorted.
"Well, we can't afford the luxury of being normal," he shrugged. "I thought you would've learned that by now, but you haven't. Trying to pretend, sending me in your place so you get to live the facade of a normal life. Who eats the cost? I do. Everyone does. Whether it's right or wrong, whether you realize it or not. we look weak. But hey, maybe executing your own brother will change that." He turned to his son, "Callon, put the gun down."
He followed the instruction, but did so warily, unsure of what to do as his heads turned between the two men.
"Go home, kid," said Ronan.
"No, stay," his brother directed. "Someone needs to see it. That's your problem; you want to play the role of some stoic badass who lurks in the shadows, but as soon as the decisions aren't black and white, you crumble. You can't talk your way out of every problem. You need to be feared for our family to survive. But hey, maybe this will do it."
He had tried for years to put the days of gunfights in the streets behind not just him, but everyone. He figured if the family heads wanted to live like lavish businessmen, perhaps they could act like them. Perhaps there was a way to negotiate. And for a time, there was. Now, there were assassins shooting children, and decapitated heads showing up on doorsteps. It was inevitable, really. He was naive to think otherwise. They might've all been mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, but at the end of the day, they were all criminals. The other crime leaders weren't aspiring to be businessmen. They were aspiring to be Kings.
Once again, Ronan's younger brother had been the voice of realism, proving his idealistic outlook was nothing more than a fantasy.
"So? Are you gonna do it?" Asked his brother weakly, the blood from his leg spilling out onto the floor. He made it sound like he almost wanted him to pull the trigger.
"What was your plan? After I 'break'?"
"Honestly? Kill you. Somehow, many answer to you. Alive, you're a liability. It wouldn't be particularly hard. Nowadays, you're an easy man to find once one gets your address."
His brother was the one who had told him to stay inside, to not go anywhere, to lay low. The threat he was hiding from was in his home at least once a week. The home where you were, where his children were.
"Did Cedric know?" He'd have to deal with him later.
"Take a fucking guess."
He looked back at the boy, still frozen in place, before turning back to his brother. "Were you working for anyone?"
"Who do you think gave the Arzell's your address? You needed a reality check. I was doing what was best for the family."
It was him. He was the one who put you and his children in the line of fire. Maybe not directly, but he had prompted it.
Something about that set him off. He couldn't pinpoint what it was, or why. Maybe it was the fact Ronan assumed him to be the one on the moral high ground. Protecting his children's innocence unlike their father did, unlike his brother failed to do for his own son. He had only killed when absolutely necessary. Always trying to do the right thing, even when it'd be more advantageous not to.
Maybe he should've just kept letting his brother steal from him. Maybe he wouldn't be so weak-willed anymore, maybe he finally would've made the decision to go, even if the future was uncertain. Yet after sending a hitman after his children, after you, the choice was clear.
He'd need a new accountant. He'd need a new...everything, everything for what his brother did. Yet that wasn't on his mind right now. His finger shook against the trigger. "Turn around, Callon."
"Don't listen to him. Be a man. All that you see, it'll only make you stronger. I promise." He had accepted death, but wasn't going down without making sure his son knew exactly what was happening. Perhaps it was cruel, but that was how their world worked. The earlier he got used to it, the better.
He looked at the floor nervously. Too much of a coward to fight back. Too much of a coward to shoot Ronan. But not too much of a coward to fulfill his father's dying wish. Tears in his eyes, he nodded.
Ronan pulled the trigger.
"I didn't know," he sobbed. "About him wanting to kill you. About the hitman, or any of that stuff! I just came here to help him carry shit, I swear!"
He had put the gun down ages ago, but that hadn't reassured his nephew. "Relax. I believe you. Just..." Perhaps the reality of the situation hadn't settled in yet, but he was...calm. In a way, one threat was gone. The other would be dealt with within a week. "You live at school, right?"
"Yeah, but what about-"
"That's not your concern. Here's what you're going to do." He walked over to him, putting his hands on his shoulders. "You're going to go back there. You're going to get a degree, and you're going to stay far away from all of this. You hear me?"
"I'll pay for whatever you need, I don't give a shit. Just stay away. Do something better with your life. I'll handle this, go home."
Handle it he did.
It took hours, longer than anticipated, but the lab was clean by the time the sun came up. Cleaning himself up with the help of the lab's emergency shower, and a set of new clothes, he was back on his way before you woke up.
When he got back inside, everyone was still asleep. He gently shut the bedroom door behind him, watching as you peacefully slept. Any chance of a way out was gone now, but...perhaps you were a little safer.
He nearly collapsed onto the bed, emotionally drained. He couldn't cry, he couldn't scream, he could do nothing more than lay there, assuring himself that he had still managed to do the right thing.
When you curled up next to him, unaware of all that had happened, still fast asleep, everything suddenly became real. The what-ifs raced towards his mind; the man had a key to the house. If he was willing to order a hit out on two children, there couldn't have been much he wouldn't do.
Was that what he needed to be, a ruthless murderer? Willing to throw innocent lives away to prove a point? No. He couldn't. He wouldn't. Still, a million and one things could've happened, and it terrified him.
He held you tightly, tears silently falling down his face. He had to trust you, there was no other choice. No one else was left anymore.
Part 11
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Ronan doesn't wanna kill Serena, he doesn't think it's her.
He goes to the lab at night to catch the thief in the act.
It's his brother and he brought his son with him (weird behavior)
Ronan's brother was behind the hit in chapter 3 by giving the rival family their address anonymously, to get him to stay inside his house so it'd be easier for him to kill Serena later on and to show him they're never really 'safe'
He wanted him to kill Serenaso he'd have a mental breakdown, then use that time to kill him and take over cause he was tired of Ronan getting all the acclaim when essentially doing nothing
so yea that happened
idk dont let me write while listening to vivaldi winter on loop. oopsies. are his children now more safe? tbh, probably, but nothing is for certain yet. we'll have to see how well the assassination goes, but hes learned he cant just sit back and let others do his dirty work for him. he's gonna have to do actually do shit now and not just chill with his kids and you. ruh roh.
poor callon bro. at least they won their playoff game before finals :,)
TAGLIST: @damnitimasimp @sketchlove @madam8 @jar0fhoney @hikaakox
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episodicnostalgia · 2 months ago
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 110 (Mar 24, 1993) - “The Nagus”
Teleplay by: Ira Steven Behr Story by: David Livingston Directed by: David Livingston
This is the Episode where…
Quark becomes the new Ferengi money-pope after the old one decides to retire; shockingly, there is a catch. Meanwhile, Jake finds himself torn between his relationship with his Father, and his friendship with Nog, but for really heartwarming and wholesome reasons.
The Breakdown
A-Plot: Business is booming at Quark’s bar, so when “The Grand Nagus*” Zek [*The Ferengi Spiritual leader, and also sort-of-CEO] shows up unannounced, Quark assumes the worst. According to Ferengi culture, the Grand Nagus has the power to buy out successful business ventures for cents-on-the-dollar if he sees fit, and Quark has been very profitable as of late. However, after checking out the digs and sampling some “hospitality” (holographic porn), ol’ Zek informs Quark that he simply wants to use the establishment to host an important business meeting with a number of Ferengi top-dogs. The subject in question? A Ferengi expansion of business interests into the Gamma Quadrant, where their reputation (as charlatans and ne’er do wells) doesn’t precede them. Disaster averted, for Quark at least!
Or so it would seem…
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Profit mongering aside, Zek informs the Ferengi cohort that his zeal for profit has dwindled in his old age, and so he will be appointing none other than Quark as his successor. Obviously, Quark is as surprised as anyone, but he’s not one to look a profitable gift horse in the mouth, so he runs with it. Naturally this pisses off virtually every prominent Ferengi businessman, with Zek’s own son, Krax, chief amongst them. Shortly thereafter an attempt is made on Quark’s life, which is very nearly successful. Oh, and also, the now-ex-Nagus Zek passes away quite suddenly, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
Anyways it turns out that Quark’s would be assassins are none other than Krax and… Quark’s brother Rom? Yep! Obviously Krax wants to replace Quark as the Nagus, but it seems Rom is also tired of living in his brother’s shadow, and figures that with Quark gone, he’ll be free to take over the bar. The unlikely duo are almost successful too, by trapping Quark in an airlock, where he finds himself seconds away from being jettisoned into the vacuum of space. Thankfully, Odo has been doing some investigating, and discovers that Zek actually faked his own death, and brings the begrudging Nagus out of hiding just in time to interrupt Krax n’ Rom’s murder attempt.
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So why the ruse? Well, the entire ordeal was all part of a convoluted test to see if Krax was ready to fill Zek’s shoes, but unfortunately he failed miserably by not being conniving enough. Zek explains that Regicide is just too direct, and that he meant for Krax to slowly usurp Quark’s authority from the shadows, according to the proper Ferengi customs. At any rate, Zek accepts that he'll just have to continue Nagus-ing for a little while longer, and heads out, but not before giving Quark an attaboy for being an opportunistically good sport about the whole thing. In that same spirit, Quark also gives Rom a pass for having the stones to attempt murder-for-profit.
B-Plot: Commander Sisko starts to worry that Rom’s trouble-making son, Nog, is having a bad influence on his own progeny, Jake, who has been acting more distant than usual. The matter is only exacerbated when Nog is pulled from school, after Zek expresses his contempt for the federation education system. With Nog out of class, Jake starts staying out later than Sisko approves of, until he decides to take matters into his own hands and haul his delinquent son back home. But, when Sisko finally locates the two boys in a loading bay, he finds Jake teaching Nog how to read, so he decides to back off. The Next day Sisko approaches Jake, and lets him know how proud he is to have such a good son.
See? I told you it was wholesome.
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The Verdict
Ferengi Episodes can be an acquired taste, but I find myself warming to them a little more each time I revisit DS9. This is a pretty silly episode, and that’s certainly part of the charm, but the primary draw (for me) is that it offers some perspective into Quark’s family dynamic. By this point in the series, Quark has already established himself as a lecherously charming individual, but Rom and Nog have been little more than set dressing until now. Ultimately, both of these characters would go on to enjoy fully realized arcs, even establishing themselves as fan favourites, which is no small feat for a show that boasts the largest cohort of memorable recurring characters in Star Trek history.
Comic relief and zany satire of hyper-capitalistic ideologies notwithstanding, we’re finally given an opportunity to properly empathize with Rom and Nog, without resorting to unrealistically tidy 11th hour solutions. I was especially struck by a scene where Quark unfairly lashes out at Rom, punishing him with unpaid work for something he couldn’t have possibly foreseen; in turn, Rom passes the buck to Nog, because such is the nature of abuse and bullies. In an episode that’s heavily structured around comic relief, these moments feel pointedly simple and quietly tragic, without overindulging in pathos and melodrama.
It's Nog and Jake’s arc that reconciles this episode for me, though. Throughout the entire story, Nog’s wellbeing is casually batted aside, and regarded as less than an afterthought for the adult Ferengi who are too preoccupied with ingratiating themselves to the Nagus (be it Zek or Quark) to care about the harm they’re inflicting. Most Trek-shows would probably end by having Quark and Rom share an epiphany about the error of their ways, with the writers throwing in some self-aggrandizing platitudes about superior federation (aka western) values for good measure. Instead we’re shown a simple act of friendship; Jake helping his friend learn how to read, when no one else would. It’s a very simple character moment that initially seems like nothing more than a nice way to wrap up the episode, and in that context I suppose that’s not far off. However, in retrospect this understated scene is a critical moment for the Ferengi family, with the cycle of abuse being meaningfully challenged for the first time, simply by having someone care about Nog outside of his value as a resource.
Perhaps I’m being overly sentimental, but then what the hell is the point of this blog in the first place? The ‘Nagus’ won’t be ending up on any of my ‘greatest episode lists,’ but as Nog and his family will go on to show us, greatness stems from trivial moments.
3 stars (out of 5)
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Parting thoughts
Will the real 24th century men please stand up? While we’re on the subject of Nog and Jake, I have to say one thing I genuinely love about this series is the depiction of male relationships. That’s not to say there aren’t notable missteps influenced from the biases of the times, but the show seldom shies away from depicting caring and emotionally honest intimate between men as a normal and healthy expectation. Jake and Nog both continue to make mistakes as they grow, but they also call each other out and encourage each other to be better. Bashir starts off as an arrogant little prick in the early seasons, but his friendship with O’Brien sees him mature and grow, even as they both embrace childish whimsy with their silly holo-games. And of course, Sisko’s relationship with Jake is caring, supportive, and present, while notably reinforcing a respectful attitude towards women through his behaviour. Sadly, in 2025, the need for depictions of a gentler, kinder, and more considerate breed of masculinity has become more pertinent than ever.
I guess that’s all I’ve got for this one. See you next week!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 2 years ago
Weekly Roundup: Prompts (June 11-June 18)
Touko brainwashes Alice into loving her
Smut, Alice and Aoko have an argument that escalates into competitive sex
Smut, alice and aoko peg soujurou so they can ffuck him with a good view of his back muscles
After a drunk Touko badly explains the Ichigozuka as a funny story one day in the Clock Tower, word that Aoko's into girls makes it's way back to Alice who tries to court Aoko with Soujuurou's support
Mahou tsukai no hako
(Mahou Tsukai No Hako) Serena decides that if she can't win Chidori's affections, she'll have to take them. Luckily, she does have a magic flower that emits mind controlling pheremones on hand. Even if it will leave Chidori no more than a puppet, it's all fine with her so long as she can pretend her feelings are reciprocated.
Kojika finally gets her man
shiki wants a brother because he's beyond sick & tired of being the only guy in the house . first step is to see if his Mystic eyes can let him kill akiha's brocon behavior. then say goodbye to akiha & say hello to akira! Tags : force masc , brainwashing (mostly to dial down the jack-ass mage behavior ) , non consensual Testosterone injections , akiha is hit with a metic fuck ton of domination loss
Arcueid (Tsukihime) and Arcueid (Melty Blood) and Arcueid (Fate/Grand Order) meet. Shenanigans Happen.
AU where Akiha fully becomes Roa's latest reincarnation after killing SHIKI
Tsukihime post-canon, after Shiki and Hisui have left the Tohno manor and begun to move on with their lives, Akiha and Kohaku decide to burn the manor to the ground together for some semblance of catharsis. Ideally it starts with Kohaku just indulging Akiha's whims like she thinks she's 'supposed' to, but when the fire actually starts her 'doll' lie to herself starts to completely fall apart.
NRVNQSR and Vlov comiserate with each other about being a mighty fearsome vampire reduced to Shiki's starting villains over drinks
Melty Blood
" Servant class : Alter ego , Dust of Osiris responding to summons. "
Nudity, amakusa forcing jeanne and Sieg to come to his room, just so Amakusa can strip Jeanne while Sieg is screaming at him
Smut, Astolfo reveals the secrets to being a perfect lover! Involves them giving lots of wholesome affection and tender casual sex, especially if to multiple people.
Misgendering, Someone calls Mordred a girl and he just murders them for it. Bonus points if the someone is one of the franchise's dedicated bastards (for example, Shinji).
who on the down with cis bus mordred is driving?
Fate/Stay Night
Smut, size difference, magic dick on girl; saber pegs highly reluctant archer until he lost his mind
Smut, incest, loli, Femdom Illya draining shirou's balls until he can't form sentences
Illyasviel summons Medea as her servant and asks her to make her body match her age. Medea obliges, but only on the condition that Illyasviel helps her amass a harem of saberfaces afterwards.
God please can I have some Dad!Kiritsugu and Shirou content… post Fuyuki fire… pspsp can I have some Kiritsugu being the father he never got to be with his son…
How about Rin, specifically the UBW abridged version of rin, doing a smash or pass of the hottest female servants.
Smut, UBW abridged rin just smashing all of chaldea(Even better if she has a cock)
Cuchulainn gets sick and tired of the "Lancer died!" jokes, so he goes and beats the shit out of Neco Arc and those other chibi dudes from the two Carnival series until they promise to stop making him the butt monkey of all the jokes and give him better characterization.
i need something with kama in F/sn ; it can be just her in group therapy with shirou & artoria .
I want to see Iri’s ass in yoga pants.
In honor of the iconic post tournament going on rn, Shirou and his three weed-smoking girlfriends.
Gawain is ordered to kill a child by his king, and does so with no moral deliberation. His “king” can be either Lion King, Artoria, Guda, or Leo.
Gawain/Leo explicitly framed as cucking the Green Knight from the famous medival poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
okay , an april fool's day story where people are freaking out about how fou has somehow turned into a human. in reality it's just junao , while the real fou is hiding in his hair.
Smut, Guda free use anyone? There are so many servants with carnal desires going around, I think it'd be most efficient if Chaldea had a "anyone can fuck the master anywhere and we'll all turn a blind eye to it" system.
Smut, Brynhildr sees Sigurd and her "spear grows larger" (she gets a raging hardon) and then "stabs him" (fucks him right in the pussy). Just another Tuesday.
Smut, Osakabehime gets way too into gaming and manages to completely not notice that she's getting eaten out by Musashi, up to and including missing her own orgasm. Or orgasms. Especially if there's implications that this isn't the first time this has happened and she's embarrassed about it still happening.
Siegfried ends up together with Brynhildr, both of them not realizing that Chaldea would someday end up summoning Sigurd and Kriemhild.
Smut, Gudako appreciates how good Mephistopheles’s cock is, visually and from a taste perspective (seriously, I bet it’s like nine inches long with a gradient on it [like the one on their arms but going from red to blue instead of from blue to red], and if you suck their dick, their cum probably tastes like strawberry yogurt).
Smut, Murasaki Shikibu enjoys a quiet day in the library. Follow up, Murasaki Shikibu "enjoys" a "quiet day in the library" (gets a magic vibrator stuck inside herself, is too socially awkward to admit something happened to keep her from her shift at the library, and has to go all day being teased and edged). Bonus points if there's implications that both stories are the same day told from different vantage points.
Guda has one spell actually, and it's the spell of Trans Gender. Everyone in chaldea knows. Shenanigans happen anyway. Lewdness optional but if it does happen, Guda transforms mid-sex.
Smut, High-stealth trans Mash (only Romani and da Vinci know she's trans) finally works up the nerve to admit it to Gudako and that also she's crushing on her something fierce. Leads to awkward but very loving first time of mutual masturbation and lots of cuddling and kissing.
Sanzang fawning over Raikou's rock-hard abs.
The various not-a-child-but-treated-like-a-child Servants, or servants introduced as adults but later retconned to be children (for example, Ibaraki-Douji) find who's been editing their chaldea database entries and beats them to actual death.
Smut, Kama teaches Sakura about self love. And "self" love. So much "self love".
Smut, i need to get spitroasted by gawain and barghest. the poor master of chaldea needs to get spitroasted by gawain and barghest. wont anyone help?
Kintoki finally gets together with the resident under 150cm divine snake with a smug personality. Shuten does not take kindly to Stheno ending up with Kintoki.
Karna delivering Christmas presents. When it comes to Arjuna, Arjuna gets some fists in his face as a present <3 bonus points if that manages to cause the two to fight
Raikou x Ritsuka. Mommy Kink
Anything romantic with Mash and someone who isn’t Ritsuka
Just hear me out. Lev/Romani/Da Vinci in a poly relationship. Pre FGO events. Just three of smartest people in Chaldea caring around each other in their way. Chilling in the break room together. Alternative: Flauros has awakened within Lev and he's struggling with starting Goethia's plan, because his attachment to Romani and Da Vinci is strong.
Jason and Caenus accidentally end up brooding in the same corner during lunch to avoid everyone else, and both of them are too stubborn to leave.
Smut, Mash gets fucking PAMPERED. Also, fucking pampered.
Smut, Shuten "rearranges Guda's guts" (grows a huge dick and fucks them).
Instead of getting wiped out in the Temple of Time, Flauros gets stripped of his powers and turns into a small pillar version of himself but worm-like (he's also Fou size). He's taken to Chaldea and has to help stopping the Crypters. He may be stripped of power, but he kept his intelligence. He also likes being held, but won't admit it.
Gudako makes sure she isn't the only one losing her mind, morality and humanity, and drags all of the Chaldea staff with her
Da vinci builds a roomba, Fou rides it around and tries to run over merlin with it
Smut, Gudao fucking Da Vinci framed as Da Vinci cucking Romani and Gudao cucking Mash
it's a slow day at chaldea , so why not stick a gopro on fou ?
Guda visits the root. Framed as the two of them cucking the Magus Association.
Smut, Au where due to the huge amount of servants she has it's GUDAKO that typically needs mana. And if she gets too low she will become *very horny* and will grab the first (adult) servant she sees for a "mana transfer" After poor Douman got sucked dry when she caught him doing his usual FA shenanigans Chaldea had to make a list on whose turn is it. Morgan, Kama, Gawain (both versions), Douman (cause he clearly has a death wish), and Dante's names all show up the most despite Da Vinci erasing it multiple times (they all do it on purpose)
Kama figured out a way to summon their male form and now there is a Female Kama, Male Kama, and summer Kama on Guda's bed. All are naked, and all are staring seductively at Guda.
Sick of being assumed that she and Castor are more then "just siblings" (she ain't a bro con). A half drunk Pollux locks Castor in Guda's room while she goes out with some other female servants and prays to got that her brother looses her virginity tonight.
Any fandom
Someone introduces the concept of Battlebots and the machine servants take to it HARD.
wouldn’t it be funny that a Holy Grail War starts out? But instead of the standard 7 classes, its the extras (Ruler, Avenger, Moon Cancer, you name em!)
Any fetish, kink, etc but featuring your favourite of the fan made servants out there
can be any fate series ship but preferably the 18+ characters. i'd like a smut between a male fate character with a male pussy (mussy??) and whoever you'd wanna ship him with. my only requests are that: 1) please can all the characters be adults (please!!! im begging you) 2) one is a fate guy with a male pussy. and he bein treated right, w care. the other(s) can be anyone you want to pick!!! 3) the characters involved have a clear dynamic where i can tell they're close. i don't mind what sexualities they are and it doesn't have to be romance either but i would love if they at least have a dynamic where its clear they bond well. i just really would love to see this (and sadly my writing struggles to convey these kinds of warm hearted smut scenes well).
the All-Artoria Holy Grail War. They all gang up and beat the shit out of their various masters.
Hear me out, you know how some have called nasu's sex scenes in stay night like a guro writer trying to do porn? You might think I'm wanting a good pornographer to fix them but what I actually want is for someone who mainly does their best work on sex scenes to try their hand at writing gore and fights and gory fights.
A non-cuckold prompt being sent to the Kinkmeme, explicitly framed as cuckold-related prompts geting cucked
Lumine & gudako get a 3rd member of their "questionably canon game protag" club , persona 3's FeMC.
most cursed thing but Gudako summoning Sans who mistakes Edmond as Nagito. The two don’t get along well but eventually it becomes a threesome with Sans, Edmond, and Amakusa involved.. MAY OR MAY NOT INCLUDE CRACK OR SMUT
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alexthefly · 3 years ago
So, I finally watched the 2004 Thunderbirds movie, and I have some thoughts...
First of all, this is completely, entirely, 100% @uniwolfcorn's fault.
Secondly, yes it's true. Never watched it. Not even accidentally.
Until now.
Come with me on this journey and listen to my insane ramblings...
- So this is a nice little credits sequen-
- JONATHAN FREAKIN' FRAKES?!?! You're telling me this movie was directed by Commander William Riker?!
- This teacher is giving me Colonel Casey vibes...
- How did this reporter lady get to the oil rig before the boys did?
- Okay, Fermat is adorable and I would die for him. ❤️
- So, our first look at the Thunderbirds in action...
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... ::adjusts brightness settings:: ...Nope, still nothing...
- What did they do to FAB1? It's gone from classy machine with classic lines to a goddamn bubble car!
- "Try not to run over any children, Parker." Gee, thanks for that M'lady, I was just h'about to plow h'into them like they was bowling pins(!)
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- Wait, that's not...Fuse, is it?
- Ah, finally a decent look at the 'birds: hmmm, One looks pretty good, but Two seems a bit...Flight of the Navigator?
- Hmmm, perhaps TAG has spoiled me with all the lovely brotherly cuteness, 'cos this dinner scene is not it. Movie Jeff is a big improvement on TOS though.
- Alan, I know you're upset, but you let Fermat finish his dinner goddammit!
- Yay John! Oh, this scene is just gorgeous! John the agony aunt and voice of reason, Jeff worrying about his sons and talking to them like a dad instead of just a commander... It's just so damn wholesome. ::chef kiss::
- Thunderbird Five actually looks pretty goo- ...Aaand they blew it up. 😱 John!!!
- Five: ::floating around in bits::
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- "So this is Mount Olympus, and these are the Thunderbirds..." Oof. Mixing your mythologies there, Hood.
- "Like a puppet on a string." ::Sobs in meta::
- Hood: [resumes monologuing]
- Wait, that reporter got to the scene again? In Singapore? *Checks notes* Wasn't she in Russia?
- "Don't you think Tintin is blossoming?" 😳 #cringe
- First question from Jeff is whether the kids are safe, and be still my heart!
- Hoverbikes!!!
- Alan's being a reckless idiot and OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST MOCK MY ANGEL'S STUTTER!!!
- This chase sequence is...oof. Was it always bad, or is it just the naughties CGI shining through?
- UnFuse coming in strong with the evil laugh there...
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- Again, brotherly dynamics here is...off: Scott losing hope, Gordon being a condescending knob? Uh-uh. Nope.
- Jeff: "He's a Tracy." 🤍🤍🤍
- Parker is an absolute treasure and I love him.
- Penny, stop quipping and spinning like a top; just kick her in the face!
- "Don't go to sleep." 😭😭😭😭😭
- "We've got to be quick; the Hood is getting away." ...Aaaand your father and brothers? Remember them? Suffocating in space?
- ::gasp:: Two is launching! Cannot wait for this!!
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- Bra jokes. 🙄😩 This whole last ten minutes has been a hard steer off the edge of a cliff, quality-wise. Not happy...
- OK, Brains yelling Jeff awake makes everything better! 👓😁 Very very silly but I am here for it.
- That little nod between John and Jeff is everything. 🥰
- ...I see Lady P found time to change outfits during this very urgent and time-sensitive crisis.
- Ah, the obligatory product placement for... Wall's Ice Cream? 😶 Huh.
- The same bloody reporter's in London now!! Seriously, it's been what, a couple of hours tops! Did the studio spring for a bloody TARDIS?
- Accident Zone? Accident Zone?! Firstly, it's clearly not an accident, and secondly, 🔥😡🤬🔥
- Thunderbird Four! ... ::resumes squinting::
- That steering mechanism is going to play murder on their elbows... That said, this rescue sequence is kinda fun.
- The boys cheering and whooping for Alan and Tintin made my heart sing! Why wasn't there more of this earlier?
- Did Lady P get changed AGAIN?!
- And apparently she also forgot all the cool martial arts she knew half an hour ago...
- Aww, Jeff and Alan having a moment. ❤️🤍
- Mr Scriptwriter, if you need a character to be kept alive when by all logic the bad guys should kill her, don't bring that fact up and then leave it totally unresolved! You don't need to start pointing the movie's flaws out to us - we can see them.
- Parker and Fermat my beloveds!
- Veering between awful bits and lovely bits is starting to give me whiplash...
- 🤣😂🤣 The Hood's gone full M Bison! 🤣
- Jeff displaying genuine fear for Alan's safety is giving me life right now.
- "I don't want to save your life, but it's what we do." ::bounces excitedly:: Grandma and Scott said it better in TAG, but the sentiment is the same and I'm thrilled!
- "See you soon, Jeff." Did they...did they think there was going to be a sequel?! Bless their hearts.
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- The boys are all dicking about in the pool together and everything is right with the world. ☺️🥰
- See? I knew that "blossoming" thing was creepy!!
- I'm not going to mention John's mutant healing abilities. Not at all. Nope.
- They ALL get to be Thunderbirds? Fermat my baby!!
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...You and me both, Parker. 🥲
- Pink pedalo. Because reasons. Apparently.
It absolutely had its flaws but honestly? Not even close to as bad as I thought it would be. Perhaps in 2004 I would have been mad, but today, knowing that TAG exists and fixed so much of what went wrong here, I can dig it. 👍
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 4 years ago
Lol, the headcanon with the admirals, who had more children it made me wonder how they would survive if they ALL were girls in their teens. Just the age for dating, sneaking out, vicious fighting over bathroom, 'dad is a idiot', prank wars ect. The girls has a love/hate relationship between one another, but when time calls for it they can become a pact of wolves for backing up eachother. thank you <3
It’s the most realistic thing I’ve ever heard. Awesome
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He looked at you, one morning, and asked you how you managed to keep those three unruly kids in check. He was baffled. You simply said, that, money runs the world, so runs the girls. You were an expert in fashion, this lead to you having a special spot in their heart. Much couldn't be said about your husband, but hey, brought money home, so he was okay
He truly couldn't believe how much emotional swing could someone have. He saw his three girls first fight for the bathroom right, then for makeup products, then again they were all smiley and lovey dovey when talking about their interests, and ultimately totally destroying a poor son of a gun who just made a slight remarks at their dad/mom brand of clothing. In a span of two hours.
They weren't the type to really sneak out, but damn they did fight like there was no tomorrow. He once tried to take them to work, and they were mocked by some low lever Marines, so they challenged them. Let me tell you, it was a massacre. Even though they were wooden sword, they battered those men. They were crying and whimpering, and the older ones were scared. Like, a moment ago they were so chill, what happened?
They had that phase, the prank wars one. Of course, sometimes they could not believe the stupid stuff their father did, but man that war was awesome. Just imagine. Three girls. All the same age. Locked up in a facility. They're given the green pass to prank people, without harming them, but they have permission. What do you think happened?
He is not ready to deal with this. Not at all. Buuut,they are extremely protective of their family, and they don't hesitate to jump him to protect their loved ones. It happened once, pirates decided their dad/mom was a good target. They thought it was easy.
They got beaten, by three teenagers. Marines couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it. Then a switch flipped and they went from a 100 to 0,checking their parent for injuries and stuff like that.
They are unruly sometimes, but as Dom Toretto said, they are family. They have their ups and downs, but they are there for each other no matter what
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Ah, yes daddy's girls. He was pretty chill with having three daughters. That were absolutely spoiled, but in the good way. Anyway he was used to their drama
Be it the morning for who gets to go first in the bathroom, who cooks what, who gets to decide where they go to, and soo on. Man what a headache that must be
He knew that, more or less they were all well educated girls, who would never ever raise a hand on nobody. Yep, never happened
Especially when they are on their week, yep. Someone tried to tell the youngest of the three to stop complaining, cause her week was the worst of the three, cramps were really bad. Anyway, she was in the office cause that morning her school was closed, and she wasn't feeling well.
Someone tought it would be a good idea to pick on her. She tried to defend herself, but the pain was really a bother. Guess what? Her older sisters heard the idiot, and literally knocked them out. Cold on the floor, lights out. She was crying, cause it wasn't her fault if she felt like shit, and by the time papa Borsalino came back, he was greeted with a crying girl, two murderous mothers hen, a knocked out marine on his floor and an explanation to be heard.
Buut, they are also sweet daughters. They will celebrate their birthdays in the most wholesome ways possible, and no one gets left behind, no one.
It is a war zone sometime, but they are like a pack of big cats, it's better to have them on your good side
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Well, he may be blind, but that observation haki works wonders. Especially when he could feel al their emotions from the front seat. Who knew girls had that much problems with the world?
Anyway, while they may be the more civil one of the list, that doesn't mean they are exactly the nicest to strangers. They have mastered the passive aggressive way of telling people to piss off without telling them to piss off
Well, they were protective of their younger sister, aged 8. She is the candy of their eyes. The most innocent girl there may be. Or so people thought. Let them believe that.
Anyway, the family are fan of the outdoors and of nature, so it's no surprise that the girls, the olders own a flower shop. Cute little flowers and no stress at all
Anyway, don't mess with them. Just don't. There were two instances of this event occurring. One of the girls came out as a lesbian, but that was no big deal. They appreciated her for the courage and the trust she put in them, just to tell them this part of her.
The problem came when, someone, one of their father's colleagues, a douche bag, tried to hit on her. She refused cause she was already in a good relationship. Anyway man didn't let go and tried to restrain the girl, preventing her from going away. She came back home, with a bruised wrist.
When they asked who did it, they both went to the dude, warned him about ever trying again. But not with anger or intent to hurt him. No no no, they simply said that, with a monotonous voice, devoided of emotions. And that was scary as hell.
So yeah, they may be an eclectic bunch, arguing for the stupidest thing, but a lesson that needs to be learned is this: DO NOT MESS WITH THE GIRLS
Like they can go from one to a hundred in a matter of seconds, and they won't spare no one. Literally.
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ofsiincorazon · 2 years ago
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                      hello fellow mun's , my name is tatia and here i bring my sad boy rafael , who is just seriously a whole ass mess and the underboss for the cortazar cartel . below is his back story , if you have any questions or any wc , just let me know but that is all and let's start plotting !
tw : death, violence , assassination , heart defect  , murder .
rafael mariano santamaria   was born on a cold Friday morning in Medellin , Colombia at two am , the second oldest out of the santamaria  siblings. his journey into this world wasn’t the easiest , a premie baby with a heart defect. something that he had got from his father and his amazing gene pool . three months in the NICU and various surgeries but he was in the clear and it wasn’t long until he was brought home.
his father dotted on him and his father taught him how to play soccer, his mother watched him like a hawk . scared that he wouldn’t exceed himself too much but if anything , it was quite the opposite . he worked twice as hard as anyone did and when the time came to follow through with his fathers business , he didn’t hesitate . his father wanted a better life for his son , than a criminal  . now his mother was a different story , she wanted him to be the best at whatever he wanted and if that was the life of crime , then so be it.
as he slipped into his late twenties , they moved to the sunshine state that is, miami florida. things turned rather dark ,  his father had sent him and his eldest sibling to venezuela  to do some business with the guerra family , thinking that they would be welcomed with open arms . that wasn’t the case , he got out with only a few wounds but guillermo ( his oldest brother ) died on the way home to miami.  all the power and all the money in the world , couldn’t save his life. something changed in him that day , something dark and twisted . his trust for people became non - existent and the only two people who saw a shred of the man that he used to be , were his mother and his baby sister.  
nothing else mattered , not even when his father decided that his life had to be spent with a women he didn’t even know , a women that he didn’t even love but he didn’t have a choice , people like them weren’t privileged enough , to have a home and a family to raise but bloodshed and loss . Right before joining the Cortazar cartel ,  the more that the years passed , the more he realized that his wife was becoming a problem and what better way to get rid of a problem ? a tragic , tragic death at the hands of. Car bomb that was supposed to be for him . he played the grieving husband and she’d a few tears . it wasn’t long before he was the underboss for the Cortazar cartel .
everything seemed to be going good ,his family opened up a nice little Mexican - Colombian restaurant , somewhat portraying a wholesome family but at the end of the day , a snake can shed it’s skin but their still snakes .  The only family he ever knew was the cartel , was the business that his father tried his best to rip him apart from , that was who he was and no matter what . no one could ever change that , he was irrevocably and ultimately broken and there was no fixing him : in his mind this was who he was , he was powerful and he’d rathe have someone fear him ….. than love him.
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ofsincorazon · 2 years ago
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hello fellow mun's , my name is tatia and here i bring my sad boy rafael , who is just seriously a whole ass mess and the underboss for the cortazar cartel . below is his back story , if you have any questions or any wc , just let me know but that is all and let's start plotting !
tw : death, violence , assassination , heart defect , murder .
rafael mariano santamaria   was born on a cold Friday morning in Medellin , Colombia at two am , the second oldest out of the santamaria  siblings. his journey into this world wasn’t the easiest , a premie baby with a heart defect. something that he had got from his father and his amazing gene pool . three months in the NICU and various surgeries but he was in the clear and it wasn’t long until he was brought home. 
his father dotted on him and his father taught him how to play soccer, his mother watched him like a hawk . scared that he wouldn’t exceed himself too much but if anything , it was quite the opposite . he worked twice as hard as anyone did and when the time came to follow through with his fathers business , he didn’t hesitate . his father wanted a better life for his son , than a criminal  . now his mother was a different story , she wanted him to be the best at whatever he wanted and if that was the life of crime , then so be it.
as he slipped into his late twenties , they moved to the sunshine state that is, miami florida. things turned rather dark ,  his father had sent him and his eldest sibling to venezuela  to do some business with the guerra family , thinking that they would be welcomed with open arms . that wasn’t the case , he got out with only a few wounds but guillermo ( his oldest brother ) died on the way home to miami.  all the power and all the money in the world , couldn’t save his life. something changed in him that day , something dark and twisted . his trust for people became non - existent and the only two people who saw a shred of the man that he used to be , were his mother and his baby sister.  
nothing else mattered , not even when his father decided that his life had to be spent with a women he didn’t even know , a women that he didn’t even love but he didn’t have a choice , people like them weren’t privileged enough , to have a home and a family to raise but bloodshed and loss . Right before joining the Cortazar cartel ,  the more that the years passed , the more he realized that his wife was becoming a problem and what better way to get rid of a problem ? a tragic , tragic death at the hands of. Car bomb that was supposed to be for him . he played the grieving husband and she’d a few tears . it wasn’t long before he was the underboss for the Cortazar cartel . 
everything seemed to be going good ,his family opened up a nice little Mexican - Colombian restaurant , somewhat portraying a wholesome family but at the end of the day , a snake can shed it’s skin but their still snakes .  The only family he ever knew was the cartel , was the business that his father tried his best to rip him apart from , that was who he was and no matter what . no one could ever change that , he was irrevocably and ultimately broken and there was no fixing him : in his mind this was who he was , he was powerful and he’d rathe have someone fear him ….. than love him. 
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perhapssomething · 2 years ago
Naruto Fic Rec List
Some little shit I enjoyed - not all of them but some that come to mind
The ways of him who holds the blade by Dissenter; Not Rated
In the quiet hours between midnight and dawn, who's to know or care if Senju Tobirama is sharing drinks with ghosts.
(Beautifully written characters, all of them - a perfect insight on the hearts and minds of the Founders)
Snow Storms & Snake Wine by writer168; Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Four strangers get trapped in a cabin, and it's the start of something beautiful.
(Unexpected hilarity and wholesome in its own special way, made me laugh my fucking ass off)
no time for survival by sazzafraz; Rated Mature
A 'What If' starting from the premise of Itachi's apparent demise at the hands of a rebel group attempting to overthrow the established shinobi system. Sasuke is quickly blackmailed into joining and thrust into a world of politics and hard choices, only to discover that his world is made of many threads and choices he could have never foreseen. Featuring the authors love of world building, deeply maladjusted protagonists and politics.
(Sasuke has so much potential - fics like this show it)
How To Save The World With No One Even Realizing by IncompleteSentanc (Erava); Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Minato knows at the beginning of the week that it's going to be a hellish one. Mostly because it starts with the kidnapping of one of his two remaining students, only a year after they'd lost the first one. He just doesn't realize at the time that it's not going to be a hellish week - it's going to be hell for quite a bit longer than that.
It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman.
A woman with cotton candy pink hair.
It only devolves from there.
(I'm laughing obnoxiously just thinking of this one, absolute gem that it is - all you could want in a fix-it story)
How To Survive The Weirdest Experience Of Your Life by IncompleteSentanc (Erava); Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Obito has lived through the single weirdest experience of his life. Not many could say that they'd gotten crushed by a boulder, had half their body replaced by creepy alien flesh, was promptly held captive for a year by a supposed-to-be-dead Madara Uchiha, was saved by a randomly raiding pack of supervillains, then promptly killed by them, fixed up again, then dumped in a forest, and finally, FINALLY, returned home again.
His life has gotten pretty weird. But he's home, he has his family, and he has hope that someday soon he'll be able to say he didn't just survive the experience - but that he also come out of it pretty okay.
(Sequel to How To Save The World)
(As mentioned, sequel to the above story, the chaotic and beautiful thing that we all need)
(Force) Trick or Treat by Hiruma_Musouka, squidspawn; Rated General Audiences
Uchiha Tajima has developed a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding his sons' social lives since Madara and Izuna met the Senju family. This is because whenever Izuna tells him things, he generally regrets asking. (Or: The only thing more ridiculous than Uchiha and Senju in proximity to one another are Uchiha and Senju in proximity to Halloween parties.) "
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by blackkat ; Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Obito snatches up the abandoned bottle, jogs three steps, and hurls it with all the force he can manage at the back of the white-haired litterer’s head, snarling, “Hey, asshole! It’s called recycling!”
(I've re-read this more times than I can count)
Let Us Live by TakaGang; Rated General Audiences
Uncle Naruto thinks smiles will fix everything even if they're forced. Her mother dusts the cabinets like she wants to break them, and refuses to answer the questions that burn on Sarada's tongue. Her father is a mystery and an absence everyone tiptoes around.
AU. Sarada is an Uchiha in every aspect.
(Beautiful and heartbreaking - the dramatic irony burns)
Why we build the wall by Dissenter; Not Rated
A Kiri nin gets trapped in a cave with a Konoha nin near Kannabi bridge. Some things are inevitable. Or the AU where Kakashi is born in Kiri but still somehow ends up as team seven's teacher.
(I have no words for how amazing this one is)
Gem of the Eddy by beetlebee; Rated Teen And Up Audiences
"The fall of Uzushio collapsed our economy, our protections. You might think I'm being rosy, but they really cared about us. And they knew how to party. You know they had a seal that could swap body parts? Wildest night of my life,” the boatman’s eyes go distant for a long moment, “...but you kids are too young to hear about that.
“Anyway,” he continues, “our economy’s been a shambles since; maybe gets going for a year or two before it collapses again. No security of stability, so assholes like Gato think they can waltz in here and take charge. Boy, he'd be singing a different tune if the Uzumaki were still around." 
Sakura’s eyes widen a bit at that, and even Sasuke looks up. Naruto opens his mouth to say something, but Kakashi puts a firm hand on his shoulder.
“What an… illuminating piece of history,” says Kakashi, “Thank you for sharing.”
(Kiri may have won the battle, but not the war. The island of Uzushio might not be as dead as previously believed. 
All Kakashi knows now is that he really should have refused that mission to Wave.
An island lives, people change, foxes laugh, and Team Seven goes on a wild journey!)
(aaaaaaaaaa perfection)
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vavuska · 4 years ago
My childhood in some TV show:
1) Murder She Wrote (1984 - 1996)
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Murder, She Wrote is an American crime drama television series starring Angela Lansbury (born October 16, 1925) as mystery writer and amateur detective Jessica Fletcher. Moving into television in 1984, she achieved worldwide fame as fictional writer and sleuth Jessica Fletcher in the American whodunit series Murder, She Wrote, which ran for twelve seasons until 1996, becoming one of the longest-running and most popular detective drama series in television history.
The show revolves around the day-to-day life of Jessica Fletcher, (formerly MacGill), a widowed and retired English teacher, who becomes a successful mystery writer. Despite fame and fortune, Jessica remains a resident of Cabot Cove, a small coastal community in Maine, and maintains her links with all of her old friends, never letting her success go to her head.
Jessica invariably proves more perceptive than the official investigators of a case, who are almost always willing to arrest the most likely suspect. By carefully piecing the clues together and asking astute questions, she always manages to trap the real murderer.
Jessica's relationship with law enforcement officials varies from place to place. Both sheriffs of Cabot Cove resign themselves to having her meddle in their cases. However, most detectives and police officers do not want her anywhere near their crime scenes, until her accurate deductions convince them to listen to her. Some are happy to have her assistance from the start, often because they are fans of her books. With time, she makes friends in many police departments across the U.S., as well as with a British police officer attached to Scotland Yard. At the start of season eight, more of the stories were set in New York City with Jessica moving into an apartment there part-time in order to teach criminology.
2) Columbo (1968 - 2003)
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Columbo is an American crime drama television series starring Peter Falk as Columbo, a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Columbo is a shrewd but inelegant blue-collar homicide detective whose trademarks include his rumpled beige raincoat, unassuming demeanor, cigar, old Peugeot 403 car, unseen wife (whom he mentions frequently), and often leaving a room only to return with the catchphrase "Just one more thing." Columbo and his wife own also a Basset Hound named Dog.
Peter Falk (September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011) was an American actor and comedian, known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo in the long-running television series Columbo (1968–2003), for which he won four Primetime Emmy Awards (1972, 1975, 1976, 1990) and a Golden Globe Award (1973).
The recurring plot's homicide suspects are often affluent members of high society; this has led some to see class conflict as an element of each story, however the show's creators have stated that setting the program in the world of the wealthy and powerful was to create a fish out of water feeling, not to make a social or political point. Suspects carefully cover their tracks and are initially dismissive of Columbo's circumstantial speech and apparent ineptitude. They become increasingly unsettled as his pestering behavior teases out incriminating evidence. His relentless approach often leads to self-incrimination or outright confession.
3) The Munsters (1964 - 1966)
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The Munsters is an American sitcom depicting the home life of a family of benign monsters. The series starred Fred Gwynne as Frankenstein's monster and head-of-the-household Herman Munster; Yvonne De Carlo as his wife Lily Munster; Al Lewis as Lily's father, Grandpa, the somewhat over-the-hill vampire Count Dracula who longs for the "good old days" in Transylvania; Beverley Owen (later replaced by Pat Priest) as their teenage niece Marilyn Munster, who was attractive by conventional standards but the "ugly duckling" of the family; and Butch Patrick as their werewolfish son Eddie Munster. The series was a satire of both traditional monster movies and the wholesome family fare of the era. It ran concurrently with the similarly macabre-themed The Addams Family (which aired on ABC).
4) Zorro (1957 - 1959)
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Armando Joseph Catalano (January 14, 1924 – April 30, 1989), better known as Guy Williams, was an Italo-American actor and former fashion model. Among his most notable achievements were TV serie Zorro (1957), in which he played the title chatacter: the noble hildago Don Diego de la Vega, who became the masked vigilante Zorro.
Don Diego de la Vega is a young man who is the only son of Don Alejandro de la Vega (George J. Lewis), the richest landowner in California, while Diego's mother is dead. Diego learned his swordsmanship while at university in Madrid, and created his masked alter ego after he was unexpectedly summoned home by his father because California had fallen into the hands of the greedy and cruel local Comandante, Capitán Enrique Sánchez Monasterio (Britt Lomond).
Just before reaching California, Diego learns of the tyranny of Captain Monastario, and realizes that his father, Don Alejandro, summoned him to help fight this injustice. Although he won medals for his fencing back in Spain, Diego decides that his best course of action is to conceal his ability with a sword, and to affect the demeanor of a milquetoast intellectual rather than a decisive man of action. His alter ego, Zorro operates primarily at night, taking the direct action that Diego cannot. This deception does not always sit well with Diego, especially as it affects his relationship with his disappointed father. In reality, Diego relies heavily on his wits, both with and without the mask on. Later in the series, Diego emerges as a respected figure in his own right, a clever thinker and loyal friend who just happens to be hopeless at swordplay.
He is typically portrayed as a dashing masked vigilante who defends the commoners and indigenous peoples of California against corrupt and tyrannical officials and other villains, helped by his mute servant Bernardo, played by Gene Sheldon (born Eugene Hume, February 1, 1908 – May 1, 1982), an American actor, mime artist, and musician.
The character's visual motif is typically a black costume with a black flowing Spanish cape or cloak, a black flat-brimmed hat known as sombrero cordobés, and a black sackcloth mask that covers the top half of his head. In Disney's Zorro television series the horse gets the name Tornado, which has been kept in many later adaptations. In most versions, Zorro keeps Tornado in a secret cave, connected to his hacienda with a system of secret passages and tunnels.
5) Addams Family (1964 - 1966)
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The Addams Family is a close-knit extended family with decidedly macabre interests and supernatural abilities, though no explanation for their powers is explicitly given in the series. The wealthy, endlessly enthusiastic Gomez Addams (John Astin) is madly in love with his refined wife, Morticia (Carolyn Jones). Along with their daughter Wednesday (Lisa Loring), their son Pugsley (Ken Weatherwax), Uncle Fester (Jackie Coogan), and Grandmama (Blossom Rock), they reside at 0001 Cemetery Lane in an ornate, gloomy, Second Empire-style mansion, which is portrayed by the house at 21 Chester Place in Los Angeles.
The family is attended by their servants: towering butler Lurch (Ted Cassidy); and Thing (also Cassidy), a disembodied hand that appears from within wooden boxes and other places. Other relatives who made recurring appearances included Cousin Itt (Felix Silla), Morticia's older sister Ophelia (also portrayed by Jones), and Morticia's mother Grandma Frump (Margaret Hamilton).
Question: how old am I?
Little clue: my birth year is one of the dates above.
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Hi, absolutely love all of your Harry Potter posts!! Could you talk a little bit about Harry's relationship with Sirius and Remus? Fandom likes to make it very wholesome and sweet but to be honest Sirius didn't treat him well and Remus was distant even for a fav professor, nvm your dad's best friend. How do you think the relationship between Harry and James (and in extension Sirius and Remus) would have been if everyone lived? 
For reference I cover some of this in my post on Sirius, my post on Remus, and my brief post on the Maruaders raising Harry.
To summarize it all here, I think the doting uncle characteristics we see from fandom come from a few places. I place a lot of blame on the movies, which made Sirius a much more responsible and adult figure in Harry’s life. Blame also goes to fandom itself who so desperately wants Harry to have the family he never really had.
Sirius is his best hope for that, and Harry knows it, which is why it’s devastating when he dies. Remus gets sort of lumped in because fandom asks the question, “Wasn’t he also best friends with James and Lily and part of the non-traitor Marauder gang?” And because fandom likes Wolfstar a lot.
Not helping is also that Harry thinks Sirius is his cool uncle who he’s going to live with any second now and that he imagines himself and Remus as being much closer than they actually are. Harry as a narrator gives us a rather warped view of these two.
I’ve covered that Sirius was in no condition to take care of anyone, even himself, and that his relationship with Harry is... weird because of it. I’ve similarly covered that Remus really wanted nothing to do with Harry at all and kept an extremely professional distance (he’s very reluctant to even teach Harry the patronus and only has one session with him and then practically throws him out of the office).
But to the crux of your ask.
If James had lived (I assume Lily is dead as she’s not specifically mentioned above) and Remus and Sirius are around (we can assume that Sirius was not thrown into Azkaban thanks to James being able to point to Peter as the guilty party)...
Well, I think Harry would have a far more stable family life which would actually do wonders for him. Granted, he’s raised by a pair of jackasses, but almost anything’s better than the Dursleys.
That said, I think Harry and his dad would have... issues.
I can see James making parenting all about him. His wife is dead, he’s survived this traumatic experience with the dark lord, and his son is the messiah. James is completely in over his head and I imagine doesn’t know how to process what’s even happened.
The gut reaction I see him having is to embrace it, “YEAH, I AM THE DAD OF THE BOY-WHO-LIVED”. The tale of how he bravely tackled Voldemort only to be thrown into a wall and pass out gets embellished into an all-out duel. He talks to the press on Harry’s behalf and goes to town, takes Harry out to meet the people and talk about the awfulness of blood purity and the need for change.
As much as I hate James, I think he would have good intentions with this. Not to mention that Sirius would be goading him on and Remus would be... well, probably drifting in and out of friendship and homelessness.
So there’s a first point, I don’t think Harry would have much of a relationship with Remus. I imagine Remus, would be the homeless drifter he’s implied to be in canon, living a miserable life, and having a very tense friendship with Sirius and James. I imagine Remus never really got over the nearly murdering Snape incident that Sirius put him through and knowing James suspected him of treason would likely sour things further. He stops by at first but then visits become longer and longer apart, the three of them pretend they’re still the best of friends but it’s clearly just Sirius and James.
But yes, back to James and Harry. I imagine James would build up expectations of Harry, and Harry is at first delighted but then (as he goes to Hogwarts) slowly realizes he doesn’t measure up. Harry’s not a bright guy and not particularly talented. He’s outperformed routinely by a muggle born girl (both of which I imagine, especially living under James, chafes at him). I imagine Harry crumbles under the pressure, especially as Voldemort suddenly returns.
To be honest, I can see Harry becoming a delinquent. He harasses people in the hallway, never does any of his homework (because he knows he won’t perform to expectations), skips class all the time. At first, James and Sirius think this is great, he’s a little Marauder in the making.
But then Harry probably graduates to petty crime, severe underage drinking, etc. that makes it clear that this is actually a problem. James hates the idea of being his own father (let alone Sirius’ family) and has no idea what to do about this. His disapproval just goads Harry on as Harry’s doing this in part to stick it to his father, who is now the Man (not that James realizes this).
Harry dies some ignoble death very young at the hands of some Death Eater or another.
As for Sirius, I imagine he’d play the role of James’ best friend far more than he would Harry’s uncle/father. Which is, of course, part of the trouble.
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thewaynemanner · 5 years ago
Wholesome BatFamily Fic Rec’s
Hey All, so here is my BatFam Rec List you all have been asking for! Lol jk no one has asked for this, but I made it anyways! So here are my All-Time Favorite BatFamily Fic Recs, for the most part these Recs are all rated either “G” for General Audiences or “T” for Teen and Up Audiences. So basically, all these fics focus on family dynamics and relationships rather than slash or anything like that. These are all truly amazing fics so give your Kudos and love to the authors! And remember to always read the tags before you read the fic!
And So This is Christmas by DragOnstOrm
Summary: It's not that Alfred isn't happy with his job. It's just that sometimes he really wishes that he had known what he was getting into when he signed up for it.
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1,901
My Comments: Folks, stories don’t get much more wholesome than this fic. After reading this fic I was left warm and happy. Also, it stars my boy, Alfie, which is usually extremely rare for fics. Loved that we got to see Alfred’s perspective in this! Great fic!
Bedside Manner by @fishfingersandjellybabies
Summary: Sometimes Bruce forgot just how great his kid was.
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2,985
My Comments: Anything @fishfingersandjellybabies writes is truly fantastic, but I particularly loved this one since it delved into the sweeter side of Bruce and Damian’s relationship that we don’t get to see often (especially in cannon). I love me a good hurt/comfort fic 😉
 Bet on it by @lysical
Summary: Even Damian could admit that his older siblings occasionally had their uses.
"I need your assistance," Damian said, voice low and tense.
"No," Jason replied, and hung up.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 2,495
My Comments: Lysical writes some of the best BatBrother Fics out there, folks. So if you want some wholesome and hilarious Bat sibling bonding, then look no further! Bet on it, is one of my personal favorites of Lysical’s. Great writing and great characterization!
Blood in the Water by MishaBerry
Summary: We all do stupid things when we are lonely, and in faraway lands, we hardly expect the consequences to follow us. Bruce certainly never thought twice about an American woman in Jaipur after one night with her. He hardly expected to see her ever again.
The universe, on the other hand, had different ideas, and the tides of time and chance brought Tim Drake to Bruce's life over and over again.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 181,939
My Comments: FANTASTIC AU! One of my favorite Tim Drake centric fics, but still has plenty of the rest of the BatFamily. I also love that we get to see Tim as his sweet six-year self. This story has it all, great characterizations, good plot, angst, fluff, and BatFamily bonding 😊
Cracked Foundation by @cdelphiki
Summary: The last thing Damian expected to happen when he ran away from home was to spend a day crammed into a small space with Jason Todd. His father's second son was a black sheep. An outcast. An angry, insanity driven criminal who enjoyed screwing with the batfamily in every way he could. At least, that's what Damian thought. Maybe he was wrong about Todd.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 20,902
My Comments: This is a brilliant fic that examines the relationship between Damian and Jason. I absolutely loved this fic and never wanted it to end. I truly wish there were more Jason and Damian Fics out there, I think it’s a character duo that isn’t explored nearly enough. If you love Damian and Jason brother bonding fics, you’ll love this one and if you’ve never read a bonding fic between these two brothers, you may just find a new love!
Five Times Jason Todd Saved His Brothers, and One Time They Saved Him by laceymcbain, reena_jenkins
Summary: “Did you know I was in here, or did you just blow up the place for fun?”
Damian didn't need to see Todd's face to know he was grinning under the helmet.
“It's not really a rescue unless something blows up. But if Bats asks, it was completely necessary."
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 6,923
My Comments: This fic is BatFamily feels to the extreme. Jason Todd deserves love and this fic gives it to him. LOVED IT <3 <3 <3
Fly By Night by @lysical
Summary: Damian is thirteen. Sometimes he even acts like it.
"This is an injustice," were the last words Damian had spoken to his father all day.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 2,889
My Comments: Another great Fic by @Lysical! This is just a plain ol’ fun Fic, y’all. Great Bat Brother love in this one and it also features my sweet summer child- Jonathan Samuel Kent. Trust me you will love this Fic, it is hilarious and all around good stuff 😊
A Good Place by @lemonadegarden
Summary: Damian Wayne is kidnapped and sent back years through time. Together, he and Father – who's only been Batman for a mere six months –must figure out how to return him to his own time.
Over the course of the next week, Damian discovers that Mexican gangsters do not mess around, that social workers find Bruce annoying, that Bruce might be a little messed up, and that crystal chandeliers create the fondest memories.
Oh. And Alfred has hair.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 36,903
My Comments: LemonadeGarden is one of my All-Time favorite authors, so anything written by them is brilliant. But A Good Place will always be a favorite of  mine, it is by far my favorite Damian & Bruce centric Fic out there and is something I have read over and over again. I love getting to see a younger Bruce interact with Damian and in turn, Damian interact with him. It’s overall great and has a fantastic plot!
Let There Be a Bruise by @audreycritter
Summary: Damian is a child who should not have the scars he does; Bruce is a father who has plenty of his own scars, but still wishes he could take his son’s, too.
The silver lining is where they find each other— a broken son and a broken father, putting each other back together.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 3,656
My Comments: Audreycritter is the master of Damián & Bruce Hurt/Comfort fics. I honestly would recommend all of Audrey’s fics, so check them all out! But this one will always be a favorite 😊
 Life Happens by @cdelphiki
Summary: While walking home from an event at Wayne Enterprises, Tim and Damian are kidnapped and sent to an alternate dimension. In a world where superheroes are merely comic book characters and the idea of the multiverse is only a theory found within the pages of science fiction, how are Tim and Damian going to return home? How long will they be stranded on this strange Earth? And will the boys murder each other before they figure it out?
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 176,966
My Comments: Hoo-boy, folks. I don’t even know where to start with this Fic. I honestly get teary-eyed thinking about how beautiful it is and how much I loved this one. My favorite Tim Drake and Damian Wayne brotherly bonding Fic EVER. I would almost describe this Fic as a love letter to the characters Tim and Damian, in the sense that the author captures their characterizations beautifully and tells one of the best stories of growth and familial love I have ever read. It’s fluffy, angsty, humorous, and full of BatFamily feels. And don’t worry, there is plenty of Dick, Jason, and Bruce as well (If not a little later in the story). I would run to this Fic, if I were you.
 Life, if Well Lived by CaptainOzone
Summary: Jason wakes up from a time-travel mishap to find Thomas and Martha Wayne hovering over him.
Just another day in the life, right?
...Not quite.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 10,758
My Comments: A Fic that destroyed me in the BEST way possible. Tears, so many tears were shed during this fic. The best Hurt/Comfort fic I have ever read. Extremely unique in the sense that Martha and Thomas Wayne are two of the main characters and boy did I love it! I can not stress how AMAZING this Fic is. I never knew I needed this fic in my life until I read it. I wish I could re-read it for the first time all over again. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!
My Brother’s Keeper by Forever_A_Thief
Summary: The boy had two options, two roads stretching out before him: stay with Mother, and become the greatest assassin ever known to man, or go to Father, and become a masked vigilante fighting for justice in a city drenched in darkness. Damian looked at these two roads, these two lives he could lead, and decided on a third path for himself instead. He chose his own road.
Jason never let himself think about the kid he had left behind at the desert compound all those years ago. When Talia never got in touch with him after his return to Gotham, Jason had assumed he had just been forgotten like he had been in Gotham. But then that kid, his little brother, showed up one night and Jason couldn’t just continue to push him to the back of his mind. Not anymore.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 43,907
My Comments: Did I mention I love Jason & Damian fics? Well I do and this one is beyond FANTASTIC. Overall great Bat-Bros fic that I would recommend over and over again.  This fic is Damian and Jason centric but it does involve the rest of the Bat Family too. I love seeing all the brother’s bonding in this fic and the overall family feels 😊
 Of Owls and Assassins by Cirth
Summary: "Dick," Bruce says, not entirely sure how to react, "who is that?"
Dick blinks at him from his place on the workout mat. There's a broken plate with mac and cheese strewn all over next to him, as well as what seems to be Bruce's old G.I. Joe action figure from the attic. It looks like a child's imagining of a murder scene. "My owlet," Dick states.
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 853
My Comments: The adorableness of this Fic is off the charts. I love AU’s where Dick is a Talon, but this one will always hold a very special place in my heart since Dick is just so pure in it. Forever a favorite <3
Party Games by @lemonadegarden
Summary: I can't believe you got into a bar fight at two in the morning. And now you're all in prison. The night before your wedding. What the fuck kind of a family am I marrying into?” Selina said.
Bruce Wayne goes to a series of bachelor parties, each one worse than the last. Set in the same timeline as We, So Much Older, but can be read as a standalone fic as well.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 12,659
My Comments: Okay, so technically this is a Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Fic and even though the plot premise revolves around their upcoming wedding, I wouldn’t really consider this a “slash” fic. There is definitely more BatFamily vibes with this fic. It’s hilarious, fun, and oh so wholesome! I love this fic beyond measure and even if you aren’t a fan of the BatCat ship, I highly suggest you give it a shot for the amazing BatFam moments.
Second Chance by @cdelphiki
Summary: When Talia al Ghul watched her toddling son start his training, his awful, grueling training, she had an epiphany:
The League of Assassins was no place for children.
(Or: Talia realizes training literal babies is abuse and gets him out of there.)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 6,461
My Comments: This is the Talia al Ghul we deserve! This is the Talia al Ghul, Bruce Wayne deserves! THIS IS THE TALIA AL GHUL, DAMIAN WAYBE DESERVES! Loved this fic, great Talia al Ghul characterization. It’s the Talia that could have ben before DC slaughtered her character.
 Running Headlong into My Arms by gleesquid
Summary: Bruce doesn’t like to credit one thing for saving his life, but if he did, it would be Haly’s Circus that Friday night in September, just as summer was beginning to die.
(He'll always be a sucker for kids with sad eyes, no parents, and more fight than the world knows what to do with.)
Or: in a universe where superheroes don't exist, Bruce Wayne finds his family.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 54,231
My Comments: I feel like this fic is a right of passage into the BatFamily fandom, so if by some chance you haven’t already read it, I highly suggest you move this straight to the top of your reading list. It’s a classic and has everything you could ever want in a BatFam Fic.
 we are not alone in the dark by @audreycritter
Summary: Damian has a flashback on a family camping trip.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 2,218
My Comments: A BatFam camping trip, need I say more? One of my favorite hurt/comfort fics involving Damian. We get to see some super sweet moments between Bruce and Damian, and Damian and Jason. Loved it.
 Where You Go, I Follow by @fishfingersandjellybabies
Summary: In some world, Dick Grayson was never revived by Lex Luthor, and was probably better for it.
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1,427
My Comments: BROKE MY HEART, but in the best possible way. I cried both sad tears and happy tears for this fic. LOVED IT! I have read it at least six times (I’m going read it again after I post this rec). A fantastic Dick & Damian story. I also love the title; it captures the mood perfectly. I’m always a sucker for fics that are inspired by songs, this one was inspired by ‘I Will Follow You’ by Toulouse!
Video message incoming by helenabertinellis
Summary: The League are just wrapping up their meeting when a call comes through the Watchtower servers.
It's for Batman.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1,228
My Comments: I consider this a classic BatFam fic, so I will be shocked if you haven’t read it, but on the off chance that you have not read it, GO READ IT NOW. It’s humorous and all so wholesome 😊
Yesterday’s Voices by @lemonadegarden
Summary: While trying to take down a drug cartel that deals with memory altering drugs, things go awry, and Batman wakes up with no recollection of the last five years.
As a result, his family must now race against time to find the antidote, while also having to deal with a Bruce who still thinks Jason is Robin. A Bruce who doesn't recognise most of them. A Bruce far less jaded and cynical than the one they're used to. A Bruce who still cares.
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 49,000
My Comments: Surprise, surprise another amazing fic by LemonadeGarden. I will be shocked if you haven’t read this fic yet, but on the off chance that you haven’t, I am telling you now, to RUN to this fic. It will forever and always be my MOST FAVORITE BATFAMILY fic out there. I honestly wish this fic never had ended, it’s one that will always hold a special spot in my heart. THIS IS THE BRUCE WAYNE WE DESERVE.
For More Fic Recs Check-Out:
BatFamily Fic Recs part 2
BatFamily Fic Recs Part 3
BatFamily Fic Recs Part 4
BatFamily Fic Recs Part 5
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bonyarishitafuan · 4 years ago
A lot of people probably are gonna hate me for this, and if you disagree with what I’m about to say, please don't bother to respond, just ignore me completely and move on, go make yourself happy.
It’s just that I honestly don't see how this:
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can be the same as this:
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Personally, I don't care for Dick-lite Pre-Crisis Jason at all, because he’s never seemed to me a real character with any real personality of his own, and I just really don’t buy the idea of a teenager, with still very recently murdered parents that might as well be every bit as the same kind of loving parents and positive influences to their kid as the Flying Graysons, getting over the loss of their old parents’ and accepting someone they’ve only just met around the time their parents died as his true new parent in practically no time at all...especially when it’s happened in a world where a preteen could end up spending the rest of his adulthood fighting crimes in a bat suit after witnessing his parents being gunned down by a mugger.
The only thing Pre-Crisis/Earth 1 Jason Robin seemed to have going on was being a son to Batman/Bruce (and a son to Nocturna, because clearly if he could’ve gotten over his real dad so easily, why wouldn’t he have also gotten over his real mom and come to think of this mysterious criminal lady as his true new mom when she had wanted so much for him to be her son and they had lived together for like a week)--and I feel that if the executives at the time had really wanted Bruce to become a dad, they'd probably just let him settle down and give him a biological child as in the Golden Age, but instead they gave him a second Robin; and the way they laid themselves out to make the relationship between him and this second Robin to be exactly father-and-son despite the fact that Bruce would’ve had to be real stupid to actively endangering a young person whom he consider his own little boy by bringing him to fight crimes just never sits right with me.
It always seems to me like they’re just trying to retcon the original Batman and Robin relationship without actually retconning Bruce and Dick, who hadn’t really been Bruce’s adopted kid just then and had often regarded his mentor Bruce as more of his older brother/closest friend rather than just plain old “dad”--It’s like they’re just trying to remove every implication that there's ever anything gay/creepy in the original Batman and Robin dynamic, simply by bringing in another Robin character, one with the exact same backstory as Dick and nothing that could actually differentiate him from Dick (except him being originally blond-haired and himself outright telling people that he’s “not Dick” in one of his few featurings in the New Titans where he’s portrayed as every bit as much as a smart, decent, capable young person equipped to be a successful young hero just as Dick Robin or Tim Robin would’ve easily been portrayed), and making his relationship with Batman to be plainly, unequivocally father-and-son, then with there being no actual difference between Robin II and Robin I and the two Robins being virtually the same, sure the viewers would see that the relationship between Batman and Robin II and the relationship between Batman and Robin I are very much the same too, and no one could say if there’s any resemblance of a gay couple with a creepy age difference in the original Batman and Robin’s dynamic ever again since they’ve always been father and son.
It just feels so manipulative to me and I hate it, but that’s just how I feel and I’m not saying that it’s truly the case. I’m sorry if this offends anyone who loves Earth 1 Jason. If you love him, that’s great. There’s nothing wrong to love a wholesome Robin and his altogether wholesome relationship with Batman, nor there’s anything wrong to love Red Hood Jason but prefer his softer New52 version which would’ve certainly seemed to be a less drastic change from his Pre52 version if he’s more like his Earth 1 counterpart to begin with.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong to prefer one version of a character to another, to just say fuck canon and recreate a character you love into the way you could enjoy them most and have all the fun you want with them.
What gets to me and drives me bonkers, is when people couldn’t just be happy with their headcanon, but have to go out of their way to tell other people that it’s fact that Pre-Crsis/Earth 1 Jason and Post-Crisis/New Earth Jason are the same character, while in actuality, they weren’t even meant to be the same in the first place.
If DC had ever wanted to just keep using Pre-Crisis Jason but give him a new backstory, they would just follow up on whatever he had been doing with Bruce as his pre-crisis self while casually throwing in his new backstory at some point, just as they did with a lot of other characters such as Donna post-crisis, not give him a full reintroduction in Batman #408 and rewrite his relationship with Bruce from the ground up.
It just makes me want to scream, when people, who never seems to have a lot of problems with Under the Hood and maybe also Lost Days, have to go out and call every portrayal of Pre-52 Jason and some of the more recent Red Hood Jason that shares a resemblance to him wrong for not portraying Jason as that sweet little bookworm he really truly was, and that an entire different life experience just cannot change a character in any substantial way, and Jason being an angry kid with aggressive and violent tendencies is just something that had never been established until the more recent retcon/the OOC work of Jim Starlin, while in truth Pre-Crisis Jason with the exact same backstory as Dick just simply cannot be the same as Crime Alley Kid Jason, who doesn’t even have the same biological parents as Pre-Crisis Jason to provide him with the same gene that the Flying Todds, which were Joe and Trina Todd, had created their son with. 
If Pre-Crisis Jason and Post-Crisis Jason are one and the same, then it’d mean Dick is also very much the same as Jason is the same as Tim is the same as Damian is the same as Bruce and no one character is truly unique and special because every character ever made is just an alternate version of another character.
It had been shown most clearly since his first appearance that Post-Crisis/New Earth Jason, other than literally being a different kid with the same name, was nothing like his pre-crisis counterpart, but rather a bold, outspoken, confrontational, fully independent and proactive ghetto kid, who had got some serious stones to rob Batman’s gear, actually succeed in taking the tire off the freaking Batmobile and getting away originally, and had only run into Batman when he had come back to steal more, and called Batman a “big boob” after he had given him a good hit right in his Bat stomach.
This precious cupcake here↓
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↑...that was often used as a proof that the NE Angry Robin Jason is a later retcon/ mere misconception had actually only ever existed in Detective Comics #569-573 during the earlier part of the writer Mike Barr’s run. These 5 issues from Barr are all notably 60s-ish, and while they’re published after CoIE and Batman Year one, it’s clear that they’re Earth 1 stories, seeing that they’re written with characters such as Earth 1 Catwoman. It was only in #574 that Jason’s New Earth origin was first introduced in Detective Comics, right before Batman Year Two; and although the issue was still written by Mike Barr and it did seem to have followed directly after #573, the previous issue was ended with the caption of “The New Origin of Batman”, and the tone of #574 as well as the writer’s latter issues and his portrayal of Jason Robin were no longer the same.
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↑Detective Comics #574↑
It was stated by Bruce repeatedly, in both his own title and Detective Comics, that the reason he had taken in NE Jason as his new Robin was to save him from walking down the wrong path and to provide an outlet for his rage.
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While no doubt Jim Starlin’s NE Jason Robin (that everyone hates) was the most aggressive and violent, it had never contradicted how the character was initially written by Max Allen Collins, the writer of Batman #408.
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↑Batman #410 by Collins↑
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↑ Batman #411 by Collins, after Jason had found out that Willis was murdered by Two-Face and Bruce had been hiding the information from him ↑
Although in the end of Batman #411, Jason did seem to have gotten over his anger and saved Two-Face’s life, judging by the way he’d talked about his dad Willis in his first introduction and the fact that he’d never before bothered to find out what had happened to the man the whole time while he’s in the manor where he had all the resources to acquire the information, it was doubtful that he and Willis had had a good relationship, and what he’d felt for his crook dad then could hardly be the same as what he felt later in “The Diplomat’s Son” story.
NE Jason had always been consistent in being a fearless, proactive, feisty individual with a hot temper, even in the hand of a writer with a much mellower sense of writing like Mike Barr.
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↑ Jason and Bruce encountered Two-Face again in Detective Comics #580-581 by Barrs ↑
It had been established from the get-go that NE Jason Robin was the type of kid who would challenge Batman and go out handling a criminal on his own without consulting him or anyone else first, and was morally questionable with tendencies to aggression and violence, which was perfectly understandable for someone with his background--Only at the beginning it’s easy to brush these things off, because there's never any real consequence to his behavior and so Bruce was okay when he’d behaved this way at the beginning, and since Jason’d still got a lot to learn and was eager to learn from Bruce at the beginning, it would only be right that he’s more agreeable and willing to obey Bruce, but once he had completed his training and been allowed on the field, it would also only be right for him to feel like he had learnt enough and gotten the hang of the business already, and so just easily slipped into his old habit of handling things on his own, just as he had always been while he had been surviving in the Crime Alley on his own before Bruce came along.
NE Jason Robin wasn’t suddenly turned from 0-100 in The Diplomat’s Son story (though I really doubt that it’d be impossible for someone, especially someone around Jason’s age, to go from 0-100 if they have to deal with what Jason had dealt with in the story)--
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↓ This didn’t happen until after the diplomat’s son was let go by the police due to his status, and on his way out of the police station where he’d been initially brought in by Jason and Bruce for raping and kidnapping an innocent woman, the mofo called his victim right in front of Jason and Bruce and threatened her on the phone, which led the woman to immediately commit suicide. 
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I’ve always thought it’s a good story and a lot more tasteful than it’s usually given credit for. It wouldn’t even have been the first time a “teenage superhero” has killed in the DCU (whether it was accidental or intentional); it’s certainly not something so dark and controversial that DC wouldn’t go for it, they could’ve easily just gone for it and had Jason Robin murder a criminal then, except they never really showed that he did. The audience just naturally assumed that he did because the whole scene was shown through Bruce’s view, and Bruce could see that even if Jason didn’t really kill the rapist then, he might very well be capable of it, and it makes the whole Under the Hood storyline as well as the continuation of Red Hood Jason possible.
The concept of Under the Hood and the continuing existence of Red Hood Jason works, instead of just being a complete character assassination like One-Year-Later Cass, only with Jason being his post-crisis version with all of his very established traits and his very established problems with Bruce.
If Under the Hood Jason is indeed Earth 1 Jason or similar to him, he would really need to be under some outside influence for him to do the things he had done, for there’s just no other justification for his action.
He would really have to be driven mad by the effect of the Lazarus Pit (which has only ever been showed to exist momentarily on other characters), he would have to be incapacitated the whole time, unable to control his own action or even form any conscious decision--and it would only make it extremely possible for him to do something truly awful such as killing some innocent or other heroes or even someone in the Batfam, since he wouldn’t be able to stop himself even if he wanted to, or be able to tell if that’s wrong; that’s what being incapacitated means, that’s why people who’s committed crimes, even as bad as murders, cannot be held legally accountable when they’re proven to be mentally ill--and if that’s truly the case, then Bruce as well as Dick (who had a pretty amicable relationship with Earth 1 Jason) and everybody else who has any knowledge about the matter would all have to be some real awful persons to not lift a finger to help him, by making it a point to stop him from committing any more murder that he wouldn’t have committed if he could help it, and figuring out a way to relieve him from the influence by means of the various science and magic overflowing in their world, like they’ve repeatedly done for many others who’ve been in the similar position, and eventually getting him the hell out of this altogether traumatic crime-fighting life, so he could finally begin to heal from his extensive traumas, including being forced to kill which has always been a very common cause of PTSD for soldiers at war; and even if Jason doesn’t leave the crime-fighting life forever, he could no longer continue operating as the Red Hood; it’d just make no sense for him to keep up the identity previously belonged to his murderer, and have it constantly remind him of how he didn’t just get brutally murdered, he was also forced into becoming a murderer himself, which.he never would’ve become if he wasn’t literally out of his mind.
Moreover, there could never have been a Tim Robin (even if Tim didn’t go by Robin but something else), if the Jason who died in A Death in the Family had the same disposition as Earth 1 Jason and none of his NE traits which was the one and only justification Bruce had for taking in Tim as his third teenage partner, seeing that Tim is patient and careful and cooperative with all the qualities to become the same kind of hero like Dick, and not at all “reckless” and “rebellious” like NE Jason, and so he’s likely to turn out like Dick and not get himself killed like Jason (that’s the only true significant retcon Pre52 Jason had. Although NE Jason Robin could be rather reckless and rebellious, that’s certainly not why he had gotten killed. They just made Bruce and everyone pretend that that’s what killed him, so it wouldn’t seem so utterly horrible for Bruce to endanger another teenage kid with no superpower or any previous fighting training by bringing them in the business that had already gotten one kid killed, and also for Dick and everyone else to just let him).
It’s a complete disregard of facts and logic to call Earth 1 Jason and Red Hood Jason the same character, which doesn’t really matter as long as it’s only headcanon; but when people push it as a fact, it really just sound to me like they’re saying that it’s wrong to like Pre 52 Jason/Post-Crisis Jason Robin, which I very much do because I actually think he’s an interesting character with an interesting and more coherent story than a lot of other DC characters.
It’s like they’re saying that it’s just plain wrong and unnatural for a person to have aggressive and violent tendencies and be inclined to criminal behavior simply because they had grown up in a most crime-infested place and had to rely on themselves and learned to do what it takes to survive since before twelve, or become more and more violent simply because they’ve been made to work in an extremely violent environment and have never been provided with any kind of actual aid for their mental health the entire time.
It’s like that if a person, after being brutally murdered and then coming back to find that their mentor/guardian who was the closest thing they had to a family and was also responsible for their death in a major way just didn’t seem to be giving any shit about that at all, is filled with such murderous rage that they could very well just go out and kill a bunch of criminals, but they aren’t actually a smol whump baby with no absolutely agency of their own that must be protected at all times all along, then they’re just no good at all and don’t deserve any love or respect or understanding.
...I don’t like myself for ranting about this. I hope I could just not give any shit about this dumb thing, but it’d been driving me crazy and I’d just got to let it out.
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sugamontana93 · 3 years ago
Tony Montana (18+) BTS FF Chapter 1
You can also find this story on wattpad @SugaMontana93 
"Highly Elusive and Dangerous Chinese Mafia Boss, Yong Go Sil, was found murdered four days ago in ShangHai. It is rumored that he had ties to Seoul via family, but nothing has been confirmed. He has been wanted by the Chinese Government, along with South Korean and American agencies due to the wreckless drug sales, senseless acts of violence and murders spanning from continent to continent over the last twenty years. Police believe that another crime family, also known as Blood Kings, were responsible for the mafia leaders' demise. If you have any tips leading to The Yong Mafia and The Notorious South Korean mafia 'The Blood Kings', please call our hotline at XXX-XXX-XXXX. This is Park Reina with Seoul Now News."
Yoongi smirked as he turned off the news and settled down on the leather couch in Hybe's conference room. The other members smirked at each other before their manager, Bang Si-Hyuk, entered with a stern face. Their manager, no matter how wholesome and sweet he was in the public, knew exactly who and what BTS were behind the scenes. He was the one who passed it on to them. Yoongi's knowledge of Daegu sealed their fate the day they signed the contract with Big Hit. At the beginning, not a single one of the seven knew what was happening until Bang approached them with more opportunities that life as simple idols wouldn't be able to give them. Namjoon may be the leader of BTS, but it was Yoongi that dealt with the rest.
"I see you went through with it," Bang said as he sat down at the head of the table. "Mind telling me how you managed to find him in such a short amount of time?"
"I did it," Taehyung smirked as he looked at his manager. "Yoongi gave myself and my soldiers access to some of the things you left behind. The asshole was slick, I give you that. If it wasn't for Jungkook's keen eye, I would have never gotten Hyunsoo to tail him for as long as I had. Seokjin-Hyung pulled the trigger himself."
"And you managed to go to China to do that," Bang lifted his brow. "I don't see how that's possible."
"We didn't go to China. He was here. In Seoul," Seokjin added. "We don't know why he was here, but he knew he had been made. It was actually quite easy to get rid of him."
"How'd you get his body to Shanghai?"
"Jungkook's soldiers. Most of them are based in China to keep an eye out for other mafia that may come as a threat to us."
"For him to not fight is strange to me," Bang murmured. "Yoongi, are you going to look into this?"
"Already on it, sir," The mafia leader smiled back. "I should have some results by the end of the week."
"Even though I'm not the boss anymore, please keep me informed. I want to keep the authorities away as much as I can."
"Of course, sir."
"Now," Bang said while clapping his hands, "let's move on to more calm matters. Yoongi, your stylist Jaenie has put in her notice to leave the company. She and her husband have just found out that they're expecting twins and she'll need to be on bed rest due to her pre-existing health conditions."
"Aw, babies," Jungkook cooed, making the others laugh. "Good for her. I heard her telling Yoongi-hyung that they were trying."
"I'm happy for her," Yoongi grinned. The stereotype that surrounded Mafia leaders wasn't how Yoongi was. How you saw him on stage and on candid footage, that was him. Truly him. He wasn't mean or heartless to people that worked with him, his elders, his family or anything of the sort. The only time people knew how dark he was, was when the mafia side kicked in. He had his own persona. He was the infamous 'Tony Montana of South Korea' afterall. He only made people fear him when they needed it. That's why no one was brave enough to cross The Blood Kings.
"Which brings us to our next point," Bang said while pulling out a file. "Your replacement stylist will be starting tomorrow."
"But I thought Jaenie Noona would be here for two more weeks?"
"I told her to take these extra two weeks early. I'm paying her quadruple her usual salary and a hefty bonus to help with any things she needs for the babies. I also started them a trust fund because Jaenie has been one hell of a good employee."
"She dealt with Yoongi's hormonal early teenage years. You should have just given her the presidential medal of honor," Seokjin snickered. Yoongi shot him a go to hell look and then sighed.
"Yeah, you're probably right," he chuckled. "So, who is she?"
Bang opened the file and pulled out her resume.
Name: Grei Romano
Age: 29
Birthdate: January 1st, 1992
Born: Sicily, Italy
Parent's: Luca and Soleil Romano
Graduated Seoul School of Arts 2010, Licensed Cosmetologist and Esthetician 2011, Bachelor's Degree in Communications 2015.
IQ: 148
Current Residence: Seoul, South Korea
Languages: English, Cantonese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish and French.
Marital Status: Single
Children: 0
Bank: Seoul National Bank
Bank Account Balance: 1,425,504.00₩
"Damn. Are we hiring a stylist or recruiting someone into the mafia," Namjoon whistled as he looked down at all of the information. "She's smart."
"And broke," Taehyung said while crossing his arms. "She has two licenses and a huge degree. Why so little money?"
"She lives in Hannam, so it's all got to be going to normal bills. Relax, Taehyung. I checked her out and did a thorough background check. You know how I am about hiring people that know who you are as BTS." Bang pulled out her photograph and slid it across the table. "This is who will be coming tomorrow. I've given strict instructions to the staff if anyone else comes and does not match this picture, we'll be calling the police. I can't have you all exposed to crazy fans coming in here again or have anyone snooping in BK business."
Yoongi stared at her photograph and his mouth watered. She was exquisite, breathtaking. Nothing could come close to describing how beautiful she was. Her eyes were what drawed him in. They were beautiful...but somehow familiar.
"Hyung, pick your jaw up." Jimin bursted out laughing and snatched the picture from Yoongi's clutches. "She's hot."
"Coming from you, I know not to worry about you getting yourself in trouble with her," Bang said as he looked over his glasses. "Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi possibly. But not you."
"How do you know I won't try anything with her, Bang-ssi?"
Si-hyuk crossed his arms and lifted his brow. "I've known you for eleven years, Jimin. I also know that you and Hoseok are dating." Jimin and Hoseok are still in their chairs and look at the other members with wide eyes. "I also know that Namjoon and Jin and Taehyung and Jungkook are dating. You boys trying to hide everything from me has been a sight. Now stop pretending." Bang motioned from them to speak while six of the members looked like their manager had just shot their dog. "Look, I don't care what you all do. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, I know you're gay. I'm your second father. I know these things. Just like I know that Hoseok is bisexual, Jin and Namjoon have never thought about dating the same sex until they met each other and Yoongi's pansexual. You all know this about each other. I'm sure you've all had your private talks. It's my job to know these things, boys. I don't care. You're all happy right?"
They all nodded in response.
Yoongi's phone began to ring, jerking everyone out of the awkward atmosphere. "Fuck," Yoongi growled as he answered his phone. "What is it, Han?" Yoongi's hand gripped the table as Han related valuable information to him. His knuckles were white, face as cold as stone as he listened to Han break down everything that has happened over the last hour. He slammed his phone down and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. When they opened, Yoongi was gone.
The Mafia Boss was standing still as stone in his place, eyeing the members and his manager as he tried to steady his breathing.
"What is it, son," Bang said while standing up.
Yoongi chuckled and adjusted the rings on his finger.
"Seems like Yong Go Sil has someone taking over his mafia."
"Who?" The rest all stood waiting for further instruction.
"His daughter."
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c-c-cherry · 5 years ago
Our local mafia dads meeting their childrens’ parents!!
Okay, I’ve gotten A LOT of asks about Bruno + Abba meeting Dio and I’ve also gotten an ask or two about them meeting the gang’s parents so they all kind of correlate together so I decided to make one post about it!
For the sake of Polnareff’s sanity, I have to keep all the crusaders alive or else things will end up messy hehehe
*someone asked for Diego but like,,,I haven’t read that much of SBR yet so I don’t think I can do it solely because of lack of character knowledge. I'm sorry anon :(*
I got a shit ton of asks specificically for a post like this so I hope y’all enjoy <3:
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Our boy Giogio has a very complicated family tree, but let's just start with the elephant in the room. Or should I say, the literal fucking vampire.
-Dio would be...interesting, for sure. But he wouldn’t exactly look out of place in their household, considering they’re all wearing ridiculous outfits. 
-Depending on how Dio actually acts, Bucciarati would probably invite him in for tea and Abba would sit there silently admiring his green lipstick which he’s 99% sure he saw at Sephora earlier
-You know how fucking extra the man is. The moment he sees Giorno this man literally bursts into dramatic tears with mascara rolling down his face and everything and Giorno is just like “????”
-They would have never guessed that Gio and Dio were related by personality alone. They contradict each other so much its almost funny
-They DO know where our boy got his sense of style from, though,,,and that fucking hair,, :’)
-Even if Dio is absolutely fucking pretty feral, I could see all of them having a pretty civil conversation about everything
-If Giorno wanted to go live with him, he was free to, (but he doesn’t have to)
-Dio learns about Giorno’s previous home life and it takes like 6 people to hold him down for him to not go and march down to his old house to commit vampire crimes
-Dio is scared of shit like tvs and the microwaves and they pay no mind to how weird he is and don’t pick up on the fact that he’s a vampire at all
-Until Polnareff emerges from the turtle, takes one look and him and GOES FUCKING OFF-
-Dio Brando is no longer welcome in the Bucci household
-Though he can see Giorno on weekends if he’s good :3
-Abbacchio can and will sneak out to go shopping with him because Dio always manages to have way too much fucking money and no one knows where it comes from
-Once Bruno finds out, (which he does from the empty Versace and Louis Vuitton bags stashed under his bed) the fun is over >:(
Giorno’s mama and step-dad...yeesh...
-you’ve seen how I made them react to those two if you read The Storm a few months back, and I still stand to the fact that if Giorno didn’t talk about his parents, they would just assume that he just had a weird relationship with them and didn’t want to talk about it
-Once they find everything out, though…*cracks knuckles*
-Bucciarati is the type of person to pick his battles. Would he have tea with Giorno’s mother just to learn her weaknesses and then slowly deteriorate her? Would he civilly promise Giorno’s step-father money only for an assassination team to show up at his door once he gives Bruno his address?
-Abba will go straight for the kill once he’s pissed. Don’t tell me otherwise. Man is ready to throw hands at all times and he’s not afraid to beat the shit out of some shitty middle-aged people
Narancia’s mom, like any other sweet mama, would probably sit down to lunch with Bruno and thank him for looking after her son :)
-It would be sweet, very nice and wholesome
-Like literally if the two of them ever met they would probably just sit down together and talk about Narancia and that’s literally it
-Abba claims that he “doesn't pick favourites” (because all the fucking gremlins drive him crazy) but he secretly does favour Nara over any of the other kids
-Knowing everything Nara’s gone through, he would only treat Mela with respect if he ever had the chance to meet her
His dad on the other hand...
-Bruno wants absolutely nothing to do with the man
-He knows that it isn’t entirely his fault for everything that happened with Narancia throughout his childhood, but he wasn’t there when he should have been
-People that simply don’t care to the point of neglect absolutely infuriate Abbacchio because he was like that once too and he’s seen the damage that it does firsthand
-Abba knows if he ever ran into the guy, there’d be hell to pay
-But that’s how he feels about most of his “kids’” parents (considering most of them are absolute assholes)
-I feel like how they would react to her father is pretty self-explanatory,,,
-but Oh MY GOD Donatella Una and Bucciarati going on shopping sprees together? Being fucking bougie as shit together??? Can I say gucci and mineral water dream team????
-I can bring her back to life if I want to >:(
-She’s the kind of person who’s really great to go out with—like to bars, clubs, restaurants, etc,,,and is willing to do absolutely anything as long as she gets the social rush
-Trish is pretty quiet but her mama’s atmosphere is fucking CONTAGIOUS
-Abba and Dona would do each other’s makeup and she’s the kind of lady that shows up at his door with a pile of DVDs and those fucking cucumber face masks
-Also she collects those expensive-ass collector’s edition barbie dolls and Bruno and Abba always give her the latest holiday barbie for Christmas :)))))
-Honestly, I kinda see Mista’s parents as pretty ordinary people with nothing really defining their personalities
-They both work a lot and were never really around that much, but once Mista went to jail they pretty much just never reconnected with him and don’t really plan to
-Bruno isn’t particularly angry at Mista’s parents; the kid fucked up pretty bad and even Mista knows that he can’t really blame his family for not wanting to reconnect with a murderer
-It would be pretty mutual if he ever met them; probably a dull greeting over lunch and then they would get back to work
-Abbacchio wouldn’t even bother. He has no tolerance for people that don’t want to interact with them (although if Mista really wanted him to meet them he would suck it up and be decent)
-They seem like the kind of stiff people who would freak out if they were talking to a gang member or someone who lives rougher so their interaction wouldn’t exactly be a long one lol
-Fugo doesn’t hate his parents
-In his heart, he still really just wants approval from them even after all they did
-I’m not sure how Bruno and Leone would possibly meet them, but if they did, Bucciarati would probably be pretty civil about it
-They wouldn’t want to talk about their son at all, which would make Bruno pretty irritated and Abbacchio infuriated
-When they do talk about him, they just talk about his anger issues and the fact that he failed their family in both the education department and the social aspect and it takes everything in both of them not to flip the fucking table over
-Because obviously his “parents” never spent any time with him or else they would know how intelligent he is and how much he loves playing piano and helping Bucciarati bake bread and how much he cares about everyone around him
-Surprisingly though, Bruno is the one who holds a grudge about it. If they hadn’t put him in college as young as they did, maybe things would have been different and he wouldn’t be working for the Italian mafia >:( (but he still feels more than blessed to have Fugo in his life) :)
I have so many posts now that I feel like my headcanons might get lost within my sea of all my other stuff as the time passes,,,I’m thinking of just making a fic/headcanon masterlist and keeping it constantly pinned! (I would link it in my bio but that shit isn’t working no matter how many times I try sjhdkjgfd I hate Tumblr)
If you’ve got an ask, request, or headcanon, hit me up! (I do just enjoy y’alls immaculate vibes, too) <3
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ceasari · 4 years ago
It’s about time I introduce my first and most developed oc!
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Name: Anthonia (Ceasar) Zeppeli (mother’s surname)
Occupation: Pilot, ex assassin, 7th crusader
Comes from: Naples, Italy
Birthday: 7 December 1972
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Gender: female (uses female pronouns)
Height: 1.73 cm
Built: fit and muscular
Personality: esfp or infj
Hair: dark brown, short (similar to Jotaros haircut)
Skin colour: pale (like Ceasars)
Eye colour: blue-gray
Powers: Hamon and stand user
Special features: pink triangle cheek birthmarks, scared from bullets-knifes ect, a knife stab cutting through her right hand.
Language: Italian, Napolitan dialect, English, French, Japanese and some Greek. (Because of her job)
Family: Marko (older brother, deceased) Maria (mother, deceased) cousins-ants- uncles-grandparents (all deceased)
Stand name: The Guardian
Image: A light-sky blue, 3m tall dragon, blue scales, white and gold accents, two large white feathers, one on each of the creatures temples, large wings, green-blue snake like eyes, intimidating and scary aura. Tatto on her right upper hand.
Ability: Has the ability to heal people (slower than Josuke) by ‘firing’ a golden cloud from her stands mouth though she can’t heal herself. She can also ‘fire’ a purple one that melts the opponents bones, she calls it “bone breaker” (the more energy she puts into her ability the faster the breaking or healing process)She uses hamon to have better control of her stand.
Like a typical dragon, she can breath fire. The Guardians built allows her user to ride her and to gain complete control. The stands range is 3 meters but by riding her, it becomes endless. She requires a lot of strength and energy so she is dangerous to use for more than a few minutes.
Likes: Loves her friends, singing, rock music, reading, parkour, fighting techniques, sketching maps, writing, planes, nature, her job, stories, ancient and mid evil history.
Dislikes: Most insects-bugs, DIO
Story: She grew up in Naples with her loving brother and traditional mother. A born stand user with hamon abilities inherited from her mother and grandfather. Her mother learned to her the art of Hamon, cooking, cleaning and was really strict with her. Her brother had inherited his grandfathers charm but was the closest she had to a father figure. Her father left their family using that he was having A DAUGHTER as an excuse for him to leave his son, wife and newborn. She is an excellent fighter, parkour artist, ex-band leader, artist.
At the age of 14 years old she returned home to her families corpses. (Someone ordered by DIO eliminated them) and much to her dismay the murderer failed to get murder her but succeeded in getting rid of all her family members. 
Unlike the other Crusaders she had friends before the journey. After her families passing see started working for the underworld, somehow got into pilot school and lived in a hideout with eight other coworkers-friends (assassins)and refused her birth name so she is now called Ceasar. A year later with getting her license she decided to leave Italy with her friend to work for a piloting company and travel, feeling like it was her fault for her families passing. Some months into the journey her friend was a victim of a murder and she stood alone over her dead body.
You can imagine that after that she wanted nothing to do with the world close to herself and became a hermit outside of her workplace were she used her plane to carry passengers from places to others and spend her time practicing fighting techniques, writing music, drawing, reading and studying places in East Asia and North Africa. She lived on her plane (a typical Cessna) Her name is known in traveling agencies, Italy and some locals for being a talented yet strong and fearless intimidating personality.
She met the Crusaders saving them while they were in the Arabian desert and after learning the connection of the Zeppeli-Joestar families forced them to let her join. She turns out to be a kind, humorous understanding character that doesn’t want others to know or judge her about her past. During the crusade she fell in love with Kakyoin Noriaki, gained a great friendly relationship with Jotaro Kujo and strong family bonds with Joseph Joestar and Polnareff while terns out she already knew Avdol from him being a passenger on her Cessna.
She has Strong feelings about fighting, criticizes murderers about how they do their job, respect her opponent and will gladly give your life for anyone. Her past and experience has teached her to take good care of herself and others, she’s an extremely caring and affectionate personality although people never expect it when seeing her fight.
I originally created her character to save Kakyoin Noriaki and represent a woman character in the crusaders and give her some of my own characteristics, hobbies and interests. She might be wrote as O.P. but her past, trauma and the strength her stand requires make her get really tired.
I have lots of scenario ideas about her help, stand, wholesome scenes and after stardust crusaders events in her au and would love to use her character since she is a really developed! I’d also love to see outfit recommendations and stuff!
I may add things later! Thanks if you read this far!
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