#Let Go Let God
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master-of-the-elements · 28 days ago
As someone who has “floated” through multiple fandoms, I think the main problem with them , aside from racism and bigotry, is the WAY/HOW they discuss or critique things. There is a way to voice your opinion and how you feel without being rude, insulting, or inflammatory. You can also talk about your experience without assuming or claiming it’s universal. People in fandom also have tendency to take others opinions personal or take it as an attack. Sometimes there is subtle shade (sometimes obvious), but at the end of the day people need to just let things go! It’s fiction. Personally, I protect my peace by ignoring what I don’t want to see and keep scrolling by. You can also block or mute. It’s very simple. I think everyone should do a little more of that.
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loftybliss · 7 months ago
a lot of good things can happen when you're able to let go & just exist in the present moment ~~~
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4him-iwrite · 10 months ago
Healing from the past
Have you ever just sat and started thinking about your past traumas, or any painful situation you went through and then all of a sudden all these emotions started pouring out. You think, "this happened years ago, why is this still affecting me?" I have reason to believe, that God brings this pain to the surface so that He can show us that we are still holding on to it and we need to let it go. He wants His peace to replace where our hurt resides. He needs us to let go and make space in our hearts for His peace to flourish inside of us...
So my friend, explore your past hurts, feel all those emotions, let them come through to the surface so that God can replace it with His perfect peace. Think of the process as like refining gold. Gold must be heated up under intense fire so that the impurities can come to the top, and then the craftsman scrapes the impurities from the top, and is then left with pure gold. Your past pains are the impurities, God is the craftsman, you are the pure gold. Let go, let God.
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the-bagira · 11 months ago
Let go and Let God
Ez most túl bensőséges sztori lesz, de nem szeretném jobban részletezni, mint ami szükséges. Két évvel ezelőtt hónapokig exem tartott el. Miután találtam munkát, úgy döntöttem, hogy ezt szeretném viszonozni neki, így összegyűjtöttem és félreraktam némi pénzt. Azonban többnyire tárgyi, ő általa vagy közösen választott ajándékok formájában szerettem volna viszonozni, semmiképpen se pénz formájában. És miért is? Most jövök én a képbe, mert irányítani akartam. Meg akartam akadályozni, hogy káros vagy haszontalan dolgokra költse. Mert én úgy gondoltam, hogy én tudom mi a jó, mi a jó neki, és mi kell neki. És ez csak egy csepp volt a tengerben.
Bekövetkezett az, amiről úgy gondoltam, hogy nem lehet - hiába volt az én döntésem -, az útjaink külön váltak. És mi volt a gondolatom ezzel a "kincsesládával" kapcsolatban? Természetes az, hogy "Én ezzel most nem tudok foglalkozni, mert túlságosan fáj". "Nem akarom elküldeni neki, mert hülyeségekre fogja elkölteni."
Telt múlt az idő, vártam, hogy a fájdalom múljon és probléma megoldjon. Nővéremmel beszélgetve kaptam olyan tanácsot, hogy miért nem támogatom őt anyagilag a személyes fejlődéséhez. Egyrészt azért, mert úgy kizárt, hogy érzelmileg távol tudjak maradni. Másrészt elmélkedve ezen a felvetésen, ráeszméltem, hogy ez megint miről szólna? Hogy én már megint meg akarom mondani neki, hogy mit csináljon.
Gyötört néhány napig, talán egy hétig is a kérdés. Olvastam önsegítő irodalmakat, és egyre erősebben éreztem azt, hogy el kell engednem, és "egyenlítenem kell a tartozásomat", mert ez elengedhetetlen feltétele annak, hogy elengedjem. A pénzt, az akaratomat, az irányításvágyamat - még akkor is ha a jó szándék vezérelt -, az exemet. Úgy érzetem, ez egy elengedhetetlen első lépés az elengedéshez.
Ma elengedtem az irányítást, a békesség, büszkeség, először az izgatottság, majd a nyugalom érzésével törlesztettem a "tartozásom".
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callmemrscarter · 2 years ago
The church I’ve been attending has a prayer night, and I decided to attend last night.
As soon as I walked through the doors, tears were streaming down my face. My heart was so full. I had chills the rest of the night and into this morning.
It was so, immensely beautiful to witness and be a part of.
I’m so glad that I’ve been letting God take the reigns.
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merbabylvr · 2 years ago
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my-death-trip · 11 months ago
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artfelonbae · 1 year ago
I want you to love me enough to let me go
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getbiblical · 2 years ago
Welcome to the discussion about how to loose control and let God in. When trying to make sense of the world, trying to figure out what the right things are, it can be overwhelming and intimidating. It's common to start looking for something outside of ourselves, something bigger, something that can provide hope and comfort. That's why many of us turn to God. But how do we let go of our own power and invite God into our lives?
The first step is to recognize that we can't do it all. We can try our best but ultimately, we don't have control over our own destiny. We need to be humble enough to accept this. We can take comfort in knowing that even when we don't have control, God does. By accepting our limitations and understanding that God is here to provide the guidance and support we need, we can begin to open up our hearts and minds and let His presence in.
The next step is to actively seek out God's presence. This could include praying, attending religious services, or reading sacred scriptures. Spending time in these activities can help us become more aware and sensitive to the presence of divine guidance in our lives.
Finally, once we recognize that God is present in our lives, it's important to practice trust, surrender, and obedience. It can be easy to question God's plan or become frustrated when things don't turn out as we had hoped. But faith requires us to believe that God knows what is best for us even if His plan doesn't align with our desires.
In conclusion, opening ourselves up to the presence of God requires us to let go of our own limited power and embrace humility, faith and trust. This can be difficult but the rewards in terms of peace of mind and a greater understanding of our place in the world are worth it. We invite you to take some time to reflect on how you can start to loosen your grip and let God in.
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dailyeffectiveprayer · 2 years ago
A Blessed Morning Prayer | Trust In God’s Plan & Find Peace In The Direction He’s Leading You
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cocoabuttavasa · 1 year ago
the continuous art of understanding oneself
40 Examples of Self Abandonment 🤕👎💭💔
Self-abandonment means not taking care of yourself, your needs, and your feelings. It's like ignoring what's good for you and not being kind to yourself normally in a way that benefits everyone but you.
Not eating well or exercising.
Pretending to be happy when you're not.
Working too much without breaks.
Staying in a bad relationship.
Letting people use you.
Forgetting about things you enjoy.
Not saying what you want.
Always doing things for others.
Not asking for help when you're sad or stressed.
Being alone when you need friends.
Saying mean things to yourself in your head.
Giving up your dreams for others.
Avoiding problems instead of solving them.
Never taking time to relax.
Ignoring how you look or feel.
Not asking for help when things are too hard.
Trying to be perfect all the time.
Doing things that hurt you, like drugs or danger.
Changing who you are to fit in.
Not being yourself and doing what others want.
Ignoring your body when it needs rest or sleep.
Letting others make decisions for you all the time.
Keeping your feelings bottled up inside.
Surrounding yourself with people who bring you down.
Not pursuing your interests or hobbies.
Saying "yes" to everything, even when you're overwhelmed.
Putting up with disrespect or mistreatment from others.
Not giving yourself credit for your accomplishments.
Skipping important appointments or check-ups.
Holding onto grudges and negative emotions.
Comparing yourself unfavorably to others.
Not taking breaks when you're stressed.
Neglecting your financial well-being and overspending.
Ignoring signs of burnout or exhaustion.
Avoiding seeking help for mental health struggles.
Ignoring your own intuition and gut feelings.
Overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin.
Constantly seeking validation from others.
Letting fear hold you back from trying new things.
Dwelling on past mistakes and not forgiving yourself.
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churroach · 9 months ago
Full of Desires
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alittlebitgoesalongway · 2 months ago
Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; only fools insist on quarreling.
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soulful-laments · 6 months ago
stop lying to yourself. stop making excuses. please for your own sake. embrace the reality. they love you. but only to a certain extent. only when it’s convenient. only when they don’t have better options. give all your love to the Lord. put Him first. let go of the things that say one thing but show another. there’s no need for it. you have a savior who’s word is truth. who loves you beyond extent. and you have the Spirit of this love within your own being. let them go. respectfully. they’ve shown you who they are, my friend. letting go doesn’t mean you don’t love them. in fact it means you love them enough to let them go. people come and go. but the love of the Lord lasts forever. let them go. you’ll be okay. just let them go.
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pearlsforthesoul · 6 months ago
He is helping us. The plan of salvation for one’s soul through repentance which is the asking and granting of a change of heart and beliefs together with humility powered by faith with large doses of grace and mercy is in place. THANK GOD it is. Now, all wemusto do is accept it. I am reminded of this every-time I hear…GOD HELP US. My response? Put some legs on that request! TRULY LIVE For God…
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troubledontlast1 · 6 months ago
Sometimes your worst enemy is your own memory.
Let it go.
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