#Lena just doesn’t get the game
dcjelliclequeen33 · 1 year
Kara playing Animal Crossing New Horizons: Cute themed island, perfectly selected villagers to match (except for Walt who at first she couldn’t get to leave but now loves dearly), has all the food and project diys, and a 5 star island
Lena playing Animal Crossing New Horizons: Has only her starting villagers and can’t figure out how to catch bugs
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appropriatelystupid · 7 months
Below Deck AU, yesssssss
i cannot describe how desperate i am to actually get this one written
basic set up is as follows:
lena, upon gaining access to her trust fund, also officially inherits a ship lionel bought and remodeled into a yacht (basing it on bd down under s2’s ship)
in the interest of having nothing to do with the family business, lena studies environmental sciences for her many degrees and ultimately begins sailing the yacht to various parts of the world for research and running yacht seasons in route to help keep funding her work against climate change
the crew changes season to season but it’s mostly made up of our familiar faces
kara is still a journalist (no powers in this one btw) but she is determined to tell whatever story in the world matters so she’s very much a bit of a nomad and happens to be traveling (not for work) nearby when alex (1st officer) calls because they need a new deckhand
it would break from below deck in that, no one is filming them, but the structure of the ship and season would be the same
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
Kara is buzzed when it happens. Not drunk, buzzed. A little tipsy. Not lost in the sauce, more “in her cups”. It’s been a rough day of wordsmithing and crime fighting and game night has turned into an impromptu movie night because no one has enough energy to play anything. The Settles of Catan box is gathering dust next to the Pictionary stuff and the other random games that have accumulated at Lena’s apartment ever since they all realized that she has the best bachelorette pad for hosting these things.
Instead they’re watching Twister instead of playing Twister, laughing at how cheesy it is. The movie is almost over but the night is young and Kara is unwinding, so she asks Lena for a favor.
“Can you bring me some?” she says, spotting Lena pouring wine from a box that Kara brought over.
“Sure,” Lena says.
A moment later, Lena joins her.
This moment is inportant. Kara doesn’t know it yet but it’s one of the most important. One day she will rank it in importance with the day she first saved Lena and the first time she walked into Lena’s office and a number of other firsts.
Consider this: It is a warm May night and Lena has the windows open to let the breeze in. It’s maybe seventy in the penthouse and eventually it’ll get cooler. Right now, everyone is lazing about in knockaround clothes. Kara herself is in a pair of old threadbare sweats from the DEO that she kept even after the organization disbanded because they were so comfy, and the ribbed tank she had on under her outfit at work, baring her blocky and sun-tanned shoulders.
(This is because Lena once made a comment about her big meaty shoulders after they attended a spin class together. Kara never consciously said “I’m giving Lena two tickets to the gun show”, but she has her bis and tris on display around her whenever possible anyway. Kara had no reason to flex when she’s opening a bottle of wine -or a box with a screw cap- but she does it anyway. She doesn’t need to pick up Lena’s car… you get the idea.)
Lena, for her part, is dressed in mercilessly short shorts that bare her thick thighs, and she’s put on a sweatshirt. A gray sweatshirt that has the National City university logo on it, a school she did not attend, and is two sizes too big for her. She’s put her hair up in a sloppy ponytail and has taken out her contacts in favor of a pair of rather chunky-framed glasses. She looks like a dork.
A stunning, cute, adorable, huggable, kissable dork.
Lena brings with her two blue plastic tumblers of wine, and hands one to Kara.
The couch is packed. Alex and Nia flank Kara, and their respective partners fill out the sofa. Really, someone should have saved Lena a seat in her own house. She has one in mind, though. She sits right on Kara’s lap as she hands her the wine.
It could be any number of things that cause it. She’s tired, she spiked a few of her drinks with alien rum, it’s been a long and frustrating day and she’s just not thinking right. She doesn’t have her filters in. Words just spill out.
“Good girl,” Kara says, as Lena settles in place.
The reaction is subtle, but to a Kryptonian, obvious. Lena’s heart does a little pitter-patter and she tenses just slightly, just barely, so subtly that only Kara would notice. Her pupils widen and her breath catches sharply.
Alex, seated such that she’s behind Lena, snaps her gaze to them quickly.
Kara does the only thing she reasonably can do. She presses her legs gently to either side to make sure there’s enough room and lets Lena settle in with her. The couch is one of those huge custom jobs that cost more than Kara’s apartment and every stick of furniture in it, so there’s room for Lena to comfortable position herself and lean back into Kara, sipping a bit of wine.
Everyone is else is dead silent, the only sound coming from Lena’s massive TV and theater quality sound system (so there is in fact a lot of sound)
Lena is there and she’s warm and soft, the crown of her head in perfect range for a little sniff. With not much effort Kara could press her lips to Lena’s hairline and give her a little kiss.
She’d done that once. It was after a save, when Kara was holding Lena in her arms after catching a collapsing crane on her back, shrugging off a hundred tons of twisted metal to save her Lena. It was not long after Lena came back to her and things were still weird and fragile and Lex wanted her dead and Kara was so, so scared, so wracked with pain just from knowing what Lena meant to her. The only way she could stop herself from kissing Lena, proper kissing, was by pressing her lips somewhere safe and friendly and kinda a we’re friends kiss and not a I want to marry you please never leave me again kiss.
Lena drinks the wine so fast she gulps, and she’s either thirsty or trying to calm her nerves. There’s a palpable air in the room right now, a heavy tension that’s made them all suddenly stiff and uncomfortable. They pass the rest of the movie in silence.
“Who’s up for a double feature?” Kara says, not wanting to leave but not wanting to test the terms under which she might stay.
“Not me,” Alex says. “We’ve got to get home and pay Ruby for watching Esme. Besides, if we let you picky we’ll end up watching some damn cartoon.”
Nia wnd Brainy similarly demur, citing reasons of their own.
“Okay. I’ll stay and help clean up.”
“You don’t have to,” Lena says, tentatively.
“I don’t want to be a poor guest.”
The rest of the Superfriends pile out of the penthouse and into the night with mildly alarming speed, and Kara is suddenly alone with Lena. The vast penthouse doesn’t feel empty. Instead it feels close in, almost crowded.
Lena slips off of Kara’s lap and plops beside her, yawning. She sets down her empty wine cup and stretches, delightfully arching her back as she throws her arms back up over her head, fingers laced. Kara doesn’t need x-ray vision to see she’s bare beneath the sweatshirt. Her own heart does a little flutter.
She looks so soft, so cozy and inviting, but her legs are such a distraction that Kara can’t help but look at them, her gaze sweeping from ankle to hip with the intensity of an explorer who’s just crested a mountain and set eyes on a promised new land. That’s when Kara realizes that Lena saw her looking and is meeting her gaze firmly.
“Like what you see?”
Kara swallows hard. She can hear the drum of Lena’s own heart, almost feel the same quickening of her pulse as well as the slight waver in her voice.
Kara licks her lips.
“Should we clean up, or…”
“Should we? Or should it wait until morning?”
If Lena had been dropping hint before, she was laying down the gauntlet now. She looked at Kara with lidded eyes and a flushed, wine-silly grin.
Kara swallowed hard. A part of her, a very loud part, still insisted she misinterpreted all of this and Lena was just being friendly. What if she was just being friendly, what if-
“What would you rather do?” said Kara.
Lena shrugged. “I’m tired of thinking, Kara. People ask me what to do all damned day. I’d rather relax and just let someone else take charge for a while.”
The way she said it, especially take charge, was so heavy and drippy and velvety that Kara could get lost in it.
Fuck it.
Kara twisted and, carefully, very carefully, lifted Lena into her lap. Lena made sure to not sit but straddle, her warm thighs bracketing Kara’s as she settled her weight in Kara’s lap and fell against her chest.
Very, very tenderly, with supreme care, Kara pressed her hand to the back of Lena’s head, slipping her fingers into Lena’s hair, and guided her in. She savored every second. The ghost of breath on her lips, the sight of Lena’s blown pupils before she closed her eyes, the feeling of Lena’s fingers digging into her shoulders as their lips met. Lena kissed her softly at first, then more and more greedily, exploding from a gently pressing of lips into something undeniably needy and hot. When Lena moaned into her mouth, Kara’s nerves lit up like a Christmas tree and she instincts grabbed Lena’s hips and and grinds herself up against her.
“Lena,” Kara whispered, “is that my sweatshirt?”
“Yes. It is.”
“Take it off,” said Kara, and then a moment later, “good girl.”
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 5 months
Beautiful Stranger
You Thought That You Were the Boss Tonight, but I Can Put Up One Good Fight (3)
Mommy!Wanda x Beefy!Fem!Reader
Summary: Your best friend has invited you out to a party and has also told you to try and bring your new girlfriend.
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Alcohol and drug consumption, W eats R out, R uses a strap on W, W is called Mommy, R is called Daddy, Dom/sub dynamics
A/N: Here you go have a party scene
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September 13, 2023
“Hey! Y/N!” You hear your best friend, Yelena, call as she catches up to you in the quad. 
“Hey Lena, what’s up?” We were headed to the same class; English.  
“There’s a party this weekend that Stark is throwing. Are you finally going to come or are you babysitting again?” She asks as the two of you walk and you huff, rolling your eyes.
“Not this weekend Lena, the boys are going to their dads and it’s a bit more than babysitting at this point. I told you that.” Lena laughs.
“I’m messing with you. If they won’t be there this weekend you should convince this hot milf you’re banging to join us.” You punch Lena giving her a dead arm as she hisses in pain. “Fuck jeez I can’t even joke with you about it.” 
“Yes because you know I actually like her Lena. It’s not just about banging the hot mom next door.” You remind her and she smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“I know, so convince her so we can all meet her.” You roll your eyes.
“I doubt she’ll want to Lena. I’m sure her party days are over and done with, besides she can’t even drink.” You mention off handedly.
“Why not?”
“She’s pre-“ You stop yourself realizing you didn’t mention before that Wanda is currently pregnant and you’re banging her. Let's just add that to your list of kinks as Lena’s eyes widen. “Don’t. Lena. Fuck. Stop! Don’t look at me like that!” She has this shit eating smirk on her face. 
“Look at you like what detka? Like you’re totally into older milf’s who are also pregnant and that’s why none of us could ever dream of getting you off? Did I forget anything?” You don’t dare tell Lena that she calls you Daddy when the two of you fuck. 
“That’s it I’m gonna murder you and I’ll make it look like a goddamn accident Lena.” You say through gritted teeth.
“Fine, fine! I give! I won’t mention it, but if she says no at least let me meet her? I do actually care if she’s treating you right and not just using you.”
“She would never Lena...she’s incredibly sweet and kind and caring and loving and....” Lena starts making gagging noises. “Why do I even bother?” You start walking ahead of her. As she scrambles to catch back up and apologize, but, you decide to ignore her.
“Hey Wands?” You ask as she makes dinner, the boys occupied in the living room by TV and video games. 
“Yes pretty girl?” She flicks her eyes to you as she prepares vegetables for a roast she’s making.
“I got invited to a party on Friday,” Wanda nods, listening as you speak, but concentrating on the vegetables she’s cutting. “and my best friend Lena said since the boys are going to Vis’s this weekend that we should both go...I know it’s a college party and I’m sure you have no intent in partying with any of us, but my friends want to meet this mysterious woman I always talk about,” You feel your face heat up, “I told Lena you probably wouldn’t want to go, so if you don’t want to that’s fine and we can-“
“Is it important to you?” She cuts me off.
“I mean you meeting my friends is important, but it doesn’t have to be the party Lena said-“
“Then we can go to the party.” She cut you off again, but you're surprised by her answer so much that you can’t even be mad. 
“You want to meet my friends?” You ask, tilting your head, eyebrows knit in confusion as Wanda stops what she’s doing, moving around the island to stand between your legs, resting her arms on your shoulders.
“Of course I do sweet girl. I want to be a part of your life. Every part of it and that includes meeting your friends even if it’s some college party and I haven’t partied since I was your age sweet girl.” She kisses you tenderly and the boys make noises at us. 
“Go back to your show boys. Mommy’s busy.” Wanda gives them a look and the boys giggle. We had told them yesterday morning about us after what had happened the previous night. You laugh with the boys and eventually so does Wanda.
Wanda wears a green off the shoulder frilled and layered dress that falls to her mid thigh. You look her over and before she can even say anything as she looks herself over in the mirror You come up behind her, wrapping your arms just under her belly which the dress hides nicely as she decided she didn’t want your friends other than Lena you told her you had accidentally let it slip. Wanda wasn’t mad thankfully. 
“You look amazing beautiful girl.” You kiss her neck, her hair is flowing in waves over her shoulders and her make-up is impeccable. 
“You think so?” 
“I know so. I’m looking at you and it kind of makes me wanna skip the party and just fuck you all night with my cock.” You whisper in her ear. 
“Mmmm don’t threaten me with a good time.” She turns around, kissing you gently, not wanting to smudge her lipstick. You see her look over your outfit, you have decided to wear black skinny jeans, a white crop top and a cropped leather jacket that just barely falls past your tits. Your hair is down and straightened and you've got your knee high lace-up boots that have these little chains hanging off them. 
“Mmmm pretty girl Mommy wants you so bad.” She bites her lip as she looks you over. You pull her chin up to meet your eyes. 
“Behave yourself and you can ride Daddy’s cock until you see stars when we get home.” She simple nods and smiles. “Good girl. Grab your purse and let’s go.”
You hold Wanda’s hand as you get inside, music blaring people drinking and doing drugs. You're offered a joint by some girl. You think she’s in your language class or maybe networking either way you smile, taking a long drag as you feel Wanda’s hand squeeze yours, pulling your attention to her. You're reminded that you've never smoked in front of her. It’s something you tend not to do, but when it’s offered you usually take it. 
You hand it back to the girl and give a quick thank you as you find your group of friends in Stark’s basement where there are pool tables that people are playing at including your friends except for Lena. 
“Hey guys!” You speak cheerfully as you see the three of them playing a game of pool. Peter, MJ, and Kate all look at you and smile as you hug each of them asking Kate where Lena is, who is currently grabbing drinks and shots for all of you. You nod and introduce Wanda to them,
“Guys this is Wanda. We’ve been kind of seeing each other all summer. Well not exactly all summer, but we met at the beginning of summer when I moved in.” You start rambling and Wanda stops you by squeezing your hand.
“It’s nice to finally meet you all. I know Y/N here has told me you guys always invited her out, but she’s been turning you down because of me and I feel bad about taking up all her time, but she’s been a big help, She wraps her arms around your arm and You can feel her belly and her tits against you. You wanna melt into a puddle from the feeling as the conversation goes on without you.
“Okay who is ready for some drinks!?” Yelena calls out and Wanda snaps her head at the voice.
“Yel?” Wanda asks and Lena is looking at Wanda wide eyed.
“Oh hey Wands so you’re the one taking up my best friend's time!” Yelena walks over hugging Wanda like they’re old friends. 
“Am I...am I missing something?” You ask, dumbfounded.
“Well if you had ever said her name I would have known you were dating Tasha’s best friend! Wow! This is crazy!” You punch Yelena once again giving her a dead arm. “Ah! Stop doing that! It hurts!” Yelena hissed, shaking her arm trying to get feeling back as quickly as she could. 
“Tasha as in your big sister Nat? Natty? Natty bear?” Kate asks listing off literally every nickname we’ve ever given to her older sister.
“Yes! That Tasha!” You say and huff.
“Pretty girl it’s okay. Everything is fine.” Wanda reassures me as You lean your forehead against her temple,
“I need a drink...” You whimper to Wanda. 
“Go have one it’s okay if you drink. Just because I can’t doesn’t mean you need to stop yourself.” You smile and pull her in for a kiss. You go over to the table that Lena put the drinks down at noticing she still brought over six shots and six beers, well bottoms up. You take one shot after the other of the vodka Lena had brought the clear liquid burning and setting your stomach a blaze then popped the top on the beer bottle, using the table to take off the top as you start drinking it, looking back as Yelena and Wanda talk the others getting involved. 
You smiled though it was a turn of events. You weren't expecting your girlfriend to be getting along with all of your friends just fine and it didn’t matter that she’s ten years older than us, or that she has kids, or that she’s pregnant. She’s just Wanda right now. You move back over, feeling the buzz start from drinking and smoking, wrapping myself around Wanda from behind; kissing her neck. The other four were playing pool, talking with us in between turns and eventually we played a round of cut throat so we could all get involved. 
A few hours later you were floating in the clouds. All giggling from drinking. Wanda says the goodbyes for you two and how nice it was to meet everyone, taking your keys as the two of you approach the car, “I’m driving sweetie, go get in your passenger princess spot.” Wanda teases, making you giggle. 
“Jokes on you beautiful I like being passenger princess.” You tell her. “I hate driving sometimes. This is so much better.” You get comfy in your seat, closing your eyes after you've buckled in. As she starts driving you two home, she puts her hand on your thigh as you connect your phone to Bluetooth, putting on, Dove Cameron’s album Alchemical: Volume 1, skipping to the song Sand.
“I love hearing you sing pretty girl.” Wanda says squeezing your thigh, keeping her eyes on the road. You had your eyes on her the whole time you sang and she knew it.
“I’m not a great singer.”
“But you sing with your heart. So it’s beautiful.” Wanda assures me, making me smile. 
By the time the two of you got home you were feeling better. Though you still took the water from Wanda that she grabbed from the fridge. You sat up on the counter while you drank it as Wanda grabbed something small to reheat from earlier in the week. You watched her practically dance around the kitchen, humming a tune from the music you had playing in the car. She was absolutely beautiful.
“Wands?” You call out. When she looks over at you, your arms are outstretched, hands reaching for her. She smiled walking over to you and settling between your legs. Her arms wrapped around your waist and your own wrapped around her shoulders. 
“Is this what you need, sweet girl?” Wanda's voice is muffled against your chest. You give her a small ‘Mmm’ into her hair. “I love you being Daddy, but it's okay when you need to be all soft like this. I still love you like this.” You knew how needy you could be at times, especially when you'd been drinking. You kiss the top of her head and take a moment to just breathe her in and cherish the moment.
“I know. I just prefer it. I can be myself with you Wands and it's all I've ever given you.” She looks up at you with a smile, getting up on her tiptoes to kiss you.
“Good.” You smile into the kiss. You try to lick her lip, to keep going, but she stops you. “Ah. Food first then we can have our fun.” You subconsciously let out a whine in displeasure. Wanda smirks, whispering in your ear, “Behave and do as Mommy says sweet girl.” You felt your eyes roll back as your stomach flipped. 
Wanda had such an effect on you, sober or not. Usually you were able to overpower her; take the situation and flip it, but it was obvious to you that she wanted to win at some point. So you listened to her, even letting her feed you. You knew it made her happy. The smile on her face was as wide as ever. You knew Wanda loved being a mom, loved taking care of those around her.
“F-fuck…” You moaned out as Wanda's tongue buried it's way inside of you. She'd already had you cum once, but you were even more needy than either of you had anticipated. You never let others touch you, but Wanda made you feel like you were on fire. Your hand tangled in her hair, hips rocking against her face as you moaned out, “Fuck…cumming…ahhh…” You bit your lip, feeling her tongue lap inside of you as you came down from your high.
Wanda crawled back up, after cleaNing you with her tongue. She leaned down to kiss you, tasting yourself on her lips. A moan slipped past your lips before flipping the two of you over carefully. 
“My turn to make you feel good Mommy.” You leaned back down, kissing her. “I promised you my cock didn't I?” You saw Wanda's eyes light up, she'd been waiting for it. As you got up to put the strap on you looked over her body. Letting your eyes rake over her form, admiring it as you crawled up between her legs. “You are so fucking beautiful. I swear no one could even come close to you.” You told her as you slowly slid inside of her. A quiet moan slipped out as you leaned over her. “Look at Daddy while she fucks you.” Wanda's eyes locked with yours as you started your thrusts. 
Slow and steady at first listening to every little noise she made because of you. Watching her body move beneath you. Everything about it was beautiful, perfect. Nothing to you was better than this. Nothing was better than what you two had built over the summer. Nothing was better than the family you've found.
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
tears streaming down your face
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barça femeni x reader, lena oberdorf x reader
request: here
A/N: please tumblr gods, stop giving me sicknesses i write about in sickfics. i am TIRED.
also the the requester i changed it a lil bit - hope it makes you happy (do not ask how this would work, this is fiction. this does not make sense in any reality tbh)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As soon as you go down, you know what it is. The worst injury any footballer could imagine. Then, out of nowhere Lena Oberdorf (the defender marking you) can’t seem slow down and when she tries she trips over your good leg. Groaning as her knee hits the ground with a pop. Similar to yours.
Your faces are near each other, both silently empathising with each other when a rush of blaugrana swarms the area. Alexia sensing what your injury could be already.
“Is it?” She doesn’t want to say it, nobody ever wants to hear those letters.
“I think so, Ale I don’t want this please.” You sob, climbing into her lap.
“I know, I know. Deep breathes, you’ll get through this.” You do as told then you hear commotion to the right of you where Lena lays. You listen to the accented angry voices of Claudia and Patri.
“Ay, stop being dramatic. You literally tripped over her now you’re pretending to be hurt? Estúpida.”
“You are telling me you could not stop? Lies.”
As you’re about to tell them to stop, Wolfsburg players have shoved the spaniards away from their hurt teammate. Alex does the same with Lena as Alexia does to you.
Players around and above you are shoving each other and in your opinion it’s all too much. You’re overstimulated, in pain and all you want to do is cry. It seems Alexia notices this.
“Aye, Barça why don’t you be responsible and leave so that both medical teams can come over and do what’s needed for the players.” Her voice is her stern and the German captain agrees telling off her players as well.
When the crowd has gone, medical teams swarm and do the necessary on field tests, both ultimately asking for stretchers. Not a good sign.
You send a small sad smile to Obi, an understanding between you two. No bad blood or anything.
You part ways into seperate areas and get given the rundown. They suspect it’s the ACL, but scans will be needed to determine how bad it is and what type of surgery needs to be done.
You’re deflated, 9-10 months of recovery sounds horrific. They give you crutches, and put ice on your knee allowing you to watch the rest of the match in the stands. When you make it out, the young German is there as well, looking equally as tired.
“So, the three letters?” You ask, focusing on the match.
“Yeah, you?” You nod, sighing.
“It’s all apart of the game, it sucks that we have to miss so much though.”
“Yeah, it really does. Also before I forget, sorry. I didn’t mean to trip over you.”
“Hey, I know you didn’t. Maybe after our surgeries we could meet up sometime.” She stares at you.
“Would you come to Germany?”
“I’ve always loved Germany, it’s so nice there. So yes, I would.” Her eyes light up.
“So this hangout… is it like- a date orrr.” You laugh at her nervousness.
“Do you want it to be?”
“Then it is, probably shouldn’t tell the teammates about this though. Not just yet, after nearly giving you another injury themselves.” You smile sadly at her, feeling guilty for your friends actions.
“Yeah, if I wasn’t in so much pain I probably would’ve yelled back. But you know I was also held down by a certain scary yet very nice woman.” You agree with that statement. Alexia is the same.
You both talk for the rest of the game and exchange numbers at the end with a promise to see each other soon.
- - - - -
You get confirmation of the rupture later that day, and told that in about a week you would go through surgery.
Alexia has essentially forced you to stay with her because she knows what it’s like and she knows the rabbit holes you could go in. She tries her hardest and you respect that.
She makes you come to training, not for you to watch them but for them to watch you. Jana stays with you in the gym working on her own recovery.
She makes jokes and makes the long week a bit easier, you’re also on your phone a lot. The others think it’s your way of distracting yourself… but it’s not particularly you that’s distracting yourself.
More like a certain Wolfsburg player.
Lena had been good, it was also confirmed for her and she had her surgery as soon as she was back in Germany.
Things were going well, and in 2 weeks there should be another game between your teams and in Germany. Which should be fun.
- - - - -
It’s the day after your ACL surgery, it went well and now you’re hobbling around sad, annoyed and in pain. Some of the team was at Alexia’s house trying to cheer you up but you didn’t even know what you wanted.
Out of nowhere Frido and Ingrid pull you up from the couch saying nothing other than.
“We’re taking her, bye!”
You follow them slowly into Frido’s car and sit in the backseat.
“What is it?” You ask the Scandi’s.
“Hmm don’t think we haven’t seen you messaging on your phone a lot. Do not forget we have also played at Wolfsburg.” Oh, they knew. Of course they did.
“So, tell us everything. Are you coming to Germany with us?” Ingrid asks after Fridolina.
“It was my plan, yes. Also, the thing with Lena is new. I just don’t want to mess up. I think my feelings are growing stronger so I want to do what’s right.”
“Ahh, young love.” The Norwegian says dramatically putting a hand to her chest.
“Ingrid didn’t you nearly go to jail for threatening a man trying to hit on your girlfriend.” Frido snickers at your comment.
“Frido, you are in love with a MAN. Please.” The silence is loud as you laugh at yourself.
“Kid I will murder you.” The blonde says.
“Nooo you’d have an angry German to deal with and their language is already angry enough. Then Ale would cook you.”
She hums in agreement, before conversation turns normal and light, filled with laughter.
- - - - -
You’re in the stadium waiting for the game to start, sitting next to Lena. Talk is small, about recovery and everything in between. It’s comforting to know that someone near you is also going through the same thing.
As the game progresses, so does your chatter. You make plans for afterwards, going to a small restaurant she liked.
By the end of the game, your hands are sealed together and as the final whistle blows, you kiss her cheek and walk to the field.
Maybe this journey for recovery won’t be so lonely.
i lost my first cricket match… this one girl can’t catch a ball and does nothing 💀 how is she on the team
also this won’t be a 2 parter because i have no motivation ❤️
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idkwhatever580 · 3 months
Love you!
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: highschool!au where nat has a fat crush on yelenas bsf and needs a little help with what to do. Nat also has adhd :)
Warnings: swearing, nat being a dummy with adhd, smoochin, mentions of trigonometry 😰
A/n: I’m so sorry I didn’t post it earlier! Moving kicked my ass. @m0use123 I hope I did it justice!
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Nobody’s pov
Natasha sighs and says
“I- I don’t know guys. It just. I can’t see her liking me back”
Wanda cuts in and says
“If there is a world where y/n doesn’t like you back then that world must be hell. Y/n is totally head over heels for you”
Nat rolls her eyes and says
“Y’all are so full of it. There’s no way that y/n even remotely likes me”
Maria says
“Actually we’re not kidding. She’s got the hots for you”
Natasha scoffs and says
“Okay. Whatever you say guys. Whatever makes you happy”
Carol gasps and says
“We should set you guys up!”
Natasha’s eyes go wide and she says
“No. No no no. No way. You are not setting us up”
Wanda then says
“But you’d be so cute together!”
Natasha sighs and says
“It’s not gonna happen. I mean. Could you imagine Lena’s reaction to us dating?! She’d flip her shit!”
Wanda looks over and says
“I don’t know. Yelena might be her best friend but they kind of act like sisters. Why not make it real?”
Natasha rolls her eyes and says
“Just stop guys.”
They all give up on their attempts but then they get an idea.
They subtly start texting back and forth on a group text without Natasha.
Ugly hags- Nat 💋
(Wand&Rabbit- Wanda
Christmas Carol- Carol
Mother Mary- Maria)
Wand&Rabbit: we should totally set them up
Christmas Carol: aren’t Lena and y/n supposed to come here later? We could make up a reason to get Nat and y/n alone 🤷‍♀️
Mother Mary: what excuse could we use to get them in nat’s room for enough time to figure out whatever they need to?
Wand&Rabbit: maybe we could play truth or dare and make them do 7 minutes in heaven! 🥵😏😏
Mother Mary: too obvious
Christmas Carol: Ria’s right we can’t be THAT obvious. Nat will know we’re up to something. She’s like a spy. Honestly I’m surprised she’s not sus about us texting rn 🥸🥸🥸
Wand&Rabbit: I think she’s looking at y/n’s insta rn. She’s prob lost in her eyes 🙄
Mother Mary: what if we use school as an excuse? I mean… y/n likes to tutor other students. And Nat has a trig text coming up. 👀
Christmas Carol: but Nat is like hella good at trig. Won’t y/n see right through it?
Wand&Rabbit: actually nat has been really stressed and has been wanting to work on more trig stuff. That’s a really good excuse. Especially since Lena despises trig. She’ll want nothing to do with it.
Mother Mary: so plan tutor sesh/ makeout sesh is a go?
Christmas Carol: I’m all for it.
Wand&Rabbit: I’m game.
Mother Mary: okay. Just checked y/n’s location. She’s pulling up with Lena now. 🤭
Christmas Carol: let’s do this. 🤫
Nobody’s pov
As Yelena walks in y/n trails behind her helping her carry a handful of groceries.
Yelena turns y/n and says
“Will you go get my fucking sestra? She needs to help with these. I got them. It’s her turn to unload them”
Y/n smiles and nods immediately knowing they get to see nat.
As y/n trots up to Natasha’s room she knocks and opens the door once she hears a come in.
She opens the door to find only Wanda, Maria, and carol
“Oh hey guys! Did you see nat? Lena is complaining that she needs to unload the groceries”
Carol says
“I think she’s in her closet maybe you could find her in there?”
Wanda smacks carols arm and says
“Actually! Tell nat we will handle the groceries”
They all make faces at each other which makes y/n quirk a brow but nonetheless she goes to knock on the closet door when they all move downstairs.
“Nat? Do you need help?”
“What! Oh! Uh- no! Shit- I’m good!”
As natasha says this she bumps her head on a hanger rack and y/n is concerned
“Are you sure? It doesn’t sound good in there”
Y/n goes to open the door and before she can see Natasha gets nervous and says the first thing that comes to mind
“I’m naked!!”
Y/n immediately closes the door and says
“Oh! I’m sorry I- I didn’t know”
She walks away before she makes it any more awkward.
As Natasha hears her crushes feet putter away, she slides down the door with a sigh.
Y/n goes back downstairs to help the others and Maria says
“So, is nat alright?”
Y/n blushes slightly and says
“Oh- yeah she um- she’s changing I think”
Maria nods her head and Wanda chirps in
“Hey! You’re good at trig right?”
Y/n nods her head and Wanda continues
“And you tutor other student who need help right?”
Y/n once again nods and says
“Why? Does somebody you know need help?”
Carol chips in and says
“Oh yes! Nat is really needing some help with studying for the upcoming exam”
Y/n furrows her brows and says
“Isn’t Natasha like way good at trig?”
Carol blanks and Maria falls in to help
“Yeah! But she’s been like really stressed out and has been trying to study in new ways! We think that having to study with someone who has the same skill set would maybe help reassure her”
Y/n nods in understanding and says
“That’s understandable. I could probably use some practice of my own as well! Does she know what time she wants to do it?”
Wanda nods and says
“Yes! Right now!”
Y/n pauses and says
“Oh- well I’m supposed to hang out with Lena today”
They pout and Carol says
“We will make sure you get the time you require with Yelena but I really think it would calm her nerves if you helped her now and she’s also been having a hard time with focusing on it as well. You know how she gets distracted”
Y/n weighs their options and finally agrees.
“Okay! Will you tell Yelena to not wait up on me? And help her with dinner please? Melina is out of town and Lena is just about as bad as Alexie with her cooking”
Y/n’s pov
I make my way up to Natasha’s room and knock again.
“Are you still changing? Or can I come in?”
She mumbles a small come in and I open the door
I step in and say
Honestly I’m excited to spend time with her. I look at her desk and there’s books and papers spread out all messy.
She is drying her hair since she just got out of the shower.
God her natural hair is so beautiful. I wish she didn’t straighten it as much
“What do you want?”
She kind of comes off defensive and I say
“I don’t mean to intrude but the girls said that you needed some help with trig? I’m not as good as you but they said that you need to practice with someone who’s at least half way decent.”
She scoffs and says
“Of course. They don’t know what they’re talking about. I don’t need your help”
I sigh and sit down on her bed opposite of where she’s sitting.
“I never said you did. I just thought that maybe we could help each other? I mean we’re both really good, but sometimes I find it hard to get good practice in when I’m the one being the teacher you know? Like tutoring is hard. And I do it so much that I barely have any time to study myself. I thought we could work together.”
She thinks about it and says
“Y-you don’t have to if you don’t want to”
I smile and set my hand on hers.
“I want to I probably wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to.”
She chuckles awkwardly and I say
“Let’s get started”
I stand up and step over to her desk and she immediately hops up.
“Oh! Uh don’t mind that mess!”
She scratches the back of her neck and says
“I- um. I’ve been a little messy lately”
She tries to go and fix it but I stop her wrist and say
“I said I’d help you right? We can clean it up together and then start. Yeah?”
Her face turns red when I grab her wrist and she says
It’s honestly cute. Oh great. Butterflies. I hate when she does that to me.
I let go of her hand and pull up a chair so we can both sit. We start organizing her desk in a way that is efficient but also where she can easily manage it.
Then we open the books. We go back and forth with trig until our conversations drift off and we get distracted.
Now we’re talking about Chappell Roan and Reneé Rapp and how great they are.
“What are your favorite songs nat?”
“By Chappell Roan or Reneé Rapp?”
“Hmm. Both!”
“Let me think… This is hard. But I think my favorite by Reneé Rapp is I do and my fav by Chappell Roan right now is picture you”
I smile and heat rises to my cheeks and I say
“Is there a person that you think about when you listen or just good beats?”
She turns red and says
“Uh- yeah there’s a girl. But no more questions about that! What are your favorites?”
I know immediately but I pretend to think
“Hmm… I think snow angel is my favorite by Reneé Rapp and then by Chappell Roan… kaleidoscope!”
I smile knowing what her next question will be and I say
“And I think of my dad in snow angel because it talks about addiction and my dad is an alcoholic. Which you know is why I spend a lot of time here. And I think about a girl for kaleidoscope as well”
She smiles and says
“That’s rough. I’m so sorry about your dad”
I shrug and say
“It’s alright. I can’t change him. But maybe he’ll be better one day”
I sign and space out for a split second before I shake myself out of it and say
“Let’s finish practicing this trig!”
Honestly. It kind of startled Natasha a bit when I said that because she seemed to be spaced out as well.
“Oh! Right yes! Sorry I get so distracted all the time”
I smirk and say
“It’s okay I do too.”
We smile at each other and finish working on trig. Then I say
“We better wrap it up. We’ve been up here for an hour and Yelena is sure to start crawling her way up here soon”
“Yeah I guess so.”
I get up to go and I turn around when Natasha says
“Wait! Y/n, I just want to thank you. You didn’t have to do this for me”
I smile and say
“Don’t worry about it. I needed it too. So we’re even.”
Then I turn to her door and she follows me to the room.
As I step out of the door, I turn around and smile at nat. I hold my hand out and twirl a piece of her hair in my hand and say
"You should wear your hair natural more."
She furrows her eyebrows and says
I sigh and say
"It's so beautiful. I love it so much"
After I say that I kind of realize how close I got to her and how she is super tense.
Fuck I'm making her uncomfortable. God dammit y/ n you dumbass
I pull away after accidentally looking at her lips a bit too long. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and say
"I should probably get going. Yelena is waiting for me probably so bye!”
Nat nods her head equally as awkward as me and says
"Okay bye! I love you!"
I freeze when she says this and she immediately realizes her mistake and slams the door in my face.
Did she really mean it? What the fuck?
I turn around and am about to go to the living room downstairs where Yelena is inevitably waiting for me but then I make a last minute decision and turn back around.
Yelena can wait
Nat’s pov
Fuck. I just did that. Shit shit shit. It just slipped out. I didn't even mean to. And I slammed the fucking door on her too!! She probably hates me
I am pacing back and forth in my bedroom as l contemplate my life. Then she starts banging on my door and I weigh my options.
If I let her in she might punch me in the face. But then again a punch to the face doesn’t sound half bad.
She stops knocking and says
“Nat I know you can hear me. Please let me in”
Her voice is so soft I can’t help but listen.
Y/n’s pov
The second the door swings open I step in and close the door.
“Tell me you mean it”
She looks dumbfounded and says
“Wha- what do I mean?”
I roll my eyes and say
“Tell me you meant it when you said that!”
She looks scared but defeated and says
“I meant it. I’m so sorry I-”
The second she says that I immediately pounce on her.
Her lips are so soft. And she kisses back immediately.
We kiss until I have to pull away for air and I giggle at her silly face.
“I love you too”
She widens her eyes and says
“You do?”
I laugh and say
“You know. You’re really stupid for someone who is better than me at trig”
She blushes and says
“You know, you’re really mean for someone who claims to love me”
I dramatically gasp and say
“I can’t let our friends think that you have the upper hand on me now can I?”
“I guess you’ll just have to suck it up from now on”
“From now on?”
I am literally standing in her arms with our lips slightly swollen and pink and I asked that.
She gets nervous and pulls away and says
“Well. Yeah. I thought maybe since this happened it meant we would be a thing?”
I sigh and say
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to confuse you”
I said the wrong thing again. God dammit. Why can’t I just be normal?
She gets scared and says
“Oh. I thought you liked me. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize”
I immediately fix my mistake
“No no no! I meant I was a little nervous and confused. And I didn’t mean to confuse you. I questioned it because I didn’t know if you wanted us to be a thing or not. I would love to be a thing. But you don’t have to if you don’t want to”
I stumble over my words and ramble
“Y/n, I want to be a thing”
I smile and say
“Oh okay. That’s good”
She smiles and I say
“So does that mean?”
“That were girlfriends? Yes”
I smile and hug her and say
“This is unreal”
She pulls away and says
“I know. I’ve liked you for so long now. Honestly I think the girls just wanted you to ‘tutor’ me as a ploy to set us up”
I laugh and say
Then I realize that I haven’t gone down to Yelena yet and I say
“I need to spend some time with Lena. I’m sorry. Oh my god! I just realized what is Yelena gonna do when she finds out about us! She’s gonna hate me forever and try to kill me!”
I start pacing back and forth and then Natasha grabs my arms to stop me and says
“Hey hey! It’s gonna be okay alright? She might have a hard time at first but she’ll get over herself eventually.”
I sigh and say
“Thanks natty. You always know how to calm me down”
She smiles and I look at her lips again.
Before we can kiss I say
“Maybe we just don’t have to tell her yet. Let her figure it out on her own?”
Natasha smiles and says
“I like that idea. Now kiss me”
I listen and touch our lips together. It’s soft and fiery at the same time. Like her touch is burning me but it’s also soothing at the same time.
She runs her tongue along my lip and tries to gain access into my mouth but I’m a little hard to get so I don’t comply.
She obviously takes charge in the bedroom because she never acts this brave any other time.
Once she gets tired of me rejecting her she grabs my butt and I gasp when she picks me up.
She uses this time to slip her tongue into my mouth and I moan at her taste.
My hands thread into her hair as she lays us down on her bed.
We’re so lost in the moment that we don’t hear her door open
“Y/n when are you guys going to be don-”
Yelena freezes in the doorway and the rest of the girls are standing behind her with all different reactions.
We pull away at her words and our eyes are wide and Natasha scurries to get off me.
Once Yelena composes herself she clears her throat and says
“Um. Gross. But kinda… cute.”
Honestly this kind of makes my heart calm down a bit. I thought it was going to jump out of my throat for a second.
Then Wanda breaks the silence and says
“Eee!! This is great!”
Maria smirks and crosses her arms
“Glad you two losers finally figured it out”
Yelena turns to them and says
“Figured what out?”
Carol rolls her eyes and says
“These dumbasses have been crushing on each other forever!”
We both are standing there and Yelena says
“Oh. I didn’t know that. But I guess now I do”
I sigh and say
“What do you think Lena?”
She thinks for a sec and says
“I don’t give a fuck. Love who you love. But please for the love of God don’t do anything while I’m here”
I smile and say
“Don’t worry we won’t.”
“Great now that that is settled I have a movie to watch with my best friend”
Yelena grabs me and pulls me downstairs and the rest of the girls come with us.
Thankfully Lena and I never sat on the same area of the couch. She always sits on the left side and I sit in the corner of the L so nat can join me.
She sits behind me and Lena looks over, fake gags, and then plays the movie.
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo @lovelyy-moonlight @symp4nat
373 notes · View notes
asuperluthor · 3 months
To think Lena loved Lex. He was her big brother, the one who welcomed her into the madhouse the Luthor family was. He was her role model before he became and evil genius and a villain, he was just her brother Lex.
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He used her, hurt her and pushed her to be better. He was unkind when he grew up, but he loved her too, in his own twisted way. He controlled her, and he was hurt when she chose her own path and became the light to his darkness, refusing to become a villain too.
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She risked everything to help him when he came asking for help because he was dying. She knew deep down he was using her, that he was manipulating her once again, but she loved him, because to Lena that’s her brother, not just the psychopath. She knows he’s evil and dangerous, but he’s family and the only blood relative she has.
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This sequence from the prison in season 5 (episode 18) when she desisted from her nonsense project is heartbreaking. She realizes she was played even when she knew he wouldn’t play nice, but she also realizes she can stand up for herself and defend her ideals.
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He yells at her, gets in her face to make her back down. Shes brokenhearted again, she has been betrayed by her brother once again. She’s a victim, she was never in control.
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But her eyes here.
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That’s a decision being made. That’s her refusing to follow him and his game any longer. That’s her deciding that enough is enough.
“You’re a monster, but that doesn’t mean I have to become one too.”
178 notes · View notes
meazalykov · 3 months
nice to finally meet you
lena oberdorf x bayern!reader
summary: reader discovers that her long time rival will be her teammate-- and possibly more.
warnings: long chapter, not 100% proofread
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you walk into the training headquarters at bayern, excited since this is the first training which will prepare for the pokal round of 16. since this will be your second time in this competition, you hope to win finally. 
as you walked into the locker room, the familiar chatter of your teammates seemed subdued. it was still there, with sydney and sam with their inside jokes– but it was quieter. your mind can't shake the feeling that something is off. 
sitting down on the bench in front of your locker, you change into the training kits then drink a bit of water, since there was still time before you had to head onto the pitch. 
you look up and see klara give you a sympathetic smile, you smile back brightly. this made klara’s eyes widen– did you not know?
as you lace up your boots, you catch georgia, sam, giulia, sydney, and klara exchanging glances before looking back at you. this bothered you. these people are some of your closest friends on the team– are they hiding something?
"alright, what's going on?" you demand, your voice echoing off the walls of the locker room as you crossed your right leg over the left. 
your shoulders flinched when you felt lea’s hand rest of your right shoulder. everyone knew about the news– except for you. lea hopes you will take the news well, for the sake of her best friend. 
georgia hesitates, her eyes darting to sydney before she takes a deep breath. she moves to sit beside you. 
"did you hear about who's coming to bayern?," she starts, her voice cautious.
you eyebrows knit together in confusion. usually, transfer news doesn’t occur this early before the summer– so you shake your head. 
“no. who's coming?” you look over at lea, who looks down at your cleats without saying anything.
"lena. lena is transferring to bayern." sydney says. 
they’re all happy for lena transferring to bayern, since they’re all close to her. they knew that you never had a good experience with lena– so they were nervous to see your reaction. 
this news hits you like a punch to the gut. lena, your nemesis on the pitch, the wolfsburg midfielder who always seemed to have the hack for getting under your skin. 
the first time you guys met was in the champions league final in 2020. 
you weren't with bayern. lyon was the club of your life at the time. you were 18 years old during this final and weren’t wise enough to hold back your words. 
being subbed into the final in the 70th minute, you wanted to contribute something. 
when you had the ball at your feet in the midfield, you felt the spike of a cleat smack into your ankle. you squealed as you hit the ground in an awkward position, lucky that your ankle didn’t twist. 
you looked up to see “5 oberdorf” standing up and walking away from you nonchalantly. the medics determined that you were okay, all you needed was a bandage since your ankle started bleeding, but you took her actions personally. 
lena had the ball and before she could pass it to alex popp, you pushed her to the ground harshly before dribbling the ball away from her. you didn’t bother to pass up to sommer before shooting the ball– scoring the third goal in that champions league final. winning against the german club. 
after finishing third in the 2022 ballon d’or ceremony, and lena getting fourth— just below the two spanish superstars bonmati and putellas– the media declared that there was a new rivalry among you and lena.
you remember the friendly between germany and the united states later in the year too, just after your transfer to bayern months before. 
germany won the first game against the united states, but you were out sick with a fever. 
the second game– you were back healthy. you took every opportunity to play aggressively against lena, even earning a yellow card for a particularly hard tackle after she tackled you moments before. 
despite lea, sydney, and klara’s assurances that lena was a sweet person, you could never reconcile that with the competitor you faced. you were stubborn and knew that lena felt the same towards you. 
you force a laugh, trying to mask the mixed emotions inside of you. "lena? lena oberdorf?"
“yeah, she wants to be closer with her friends and family.” lea says. 
“that's surprising, she said that she never wanted to come here. i guess things change.” you say, after tying your cleats quickly, you walk out of the locker room. 
practice didn’t start for another twenty minutes, but the girls decided to leave you alone with the news. 
the reality of the situation sinks in, and you are terrified.
you KNEW you had to be friends with her once she joined the club in july. there was no way you would sacrifice your professionalism over lena oberdorf. 
but– how are you supposed to get along with lena after years of arguments, yellow cards, and on-pitch battles? the thought of sharing the same locker room, training together, her wearing the same colors as you working towards the same goals—it all feels overwhelming. it's a thought-process you don’t know if you’ll get used to. 
the rest of the day passes in a blur. on the training ground, your mind isn't on the drills or the tactics; it's on lena. 
what if she hasn't changed? what if the friction between you only gets worse? what if she tries to take your spot in the midfield? you knew that last question was ridiculous, since you’re an attacking midfielder and she's defensive. 
and yet, a small, nagging voice in the back of your mind wonders if maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance to turn this rivalry into a duo that would terrify the future opponents. 
a few days later, you saw a post made by lena. yes, you both followed each other on instagram. you didn’t know why, but it just happened. 
she confirmed her transfer to bayern after receiving many hate comments about an old interview she did. 
in your mind, you felt bad for her. It's not just about football anymore; it's about finding a way to exist together, to move on from the years of competition that have been created. she will be your teammate soon and you have to accept it.
over the next few months, you focus on your training. the reminder of your rival coming to bayern disappeared from your mind for a while. 
until july 1st. you woke up that morning and you did everything that morning to delay your route to the training grounds. 
however, you still arrive on time– walking into the locker room, you see all of your friends and greet them for the new season.  
today was just performance diagnostics, which requires a lot of running, balancing, and strecthing– but that wasn’t the only thing on your mind. 
sitting down in the locker room, you avoided your eyes from looking at her. 
she sat in the locker right next to yours– with lea on her other side. 
little did you know– the coaches and captains wanted it this way so you both could try and get along after years of only knowing each others competitive side. 
you take a quick glance at her when you put on your adidas running sneakers. you say to yourself that she looks different in bayern's red and white.
standing up, her eyes meet yours. 
“hey.” lena speaks. 
for a moment, you pause. at first, you thought she might’ve said hey to someone walking in the locker room– but no. 
she is looking right at you. 
the expression on your face is unreadable, “hi.” 
“we're teammates now." is all lena could say. she looks awkward just as much as you do. this is a hard watch for your teammates in the locker room. 
you nod, trying to keep your emotions in check. "yep, we are."
neither of you knows what to say– so nothing else was said. the rest of the team still watches– knowing what will happen. 
your teammates know that lena and you will get along and become friends. the two of you are very similar in terms of personality, passion, and hobbies. 
obviously, years of hard feelings don’t go away in a day– but they hoped that you guys would accept that you’re teammates and it's okay to be friendly now. 
the performance diagnostic goes well, everyone is happy. you forget about lena for a while when you, giulia, sydney, and klara are fooling around in one of the rooms. you’re happy to be back with your teammates for a new season. 
as you’re running on the treadmill with a breathing tool over your mouth– sydney, klara, and georgia clap around you in encouragement. you want to smile– but you’re focused. you move your eyes to see that lena is staring right at you. this didn’t throw your running off– but you’re curious about what she is thinking. 
as much as you hate to admit it, having her on the team might actually be good for everyone involved– including yourself. you hope that she feels the same about playing with you. 
the next week, after receiving advice from lea and the coaches– lena approaches you. 
"can we talk?" she asks, her tone earnest as you take off your boots from your tired feet after a day of training on the pitch.
you hesitate, looking at her, but eventually nod. "sure."
you find a quiet spot away from the rest of the team, knowing that they’re all eavesdroppers. 
choosing a media room, where the tables are empty with no outside presence, the both of you sit down in chairs beside each other. 
you chose to not speak first, since you weren’t the one that wanted to be here. 
lena takes a deep breath, clearly gathering her thoughts. "i’m sorry if i have made you feel some type of way over the years," she begins, "i feel like we would both be great together in the midfield. you’re a very good player and i don’t like how we are avoiding each other. "
you study her, searching for any hint of insincerity, but find none. "yeah i agree," you admit. "i’ve built a bias about you and i need to push it away for the sake of bayern. i don’t want the team to be affected by what we went through.” 
“i agree, i’m sorry again.” lena frowns.
“don’t apologize. i’m glad you finally chose the right team.” i smirk as lena rolls her eyes, playfully, at my remark.
“this isn’t going to be easy though.” i mumble as i cross my feet together. 
lena nods. "i know. but I'm willing to try if you are."
“i will oberdorf, its nice to finally meet you.” i hold my hand out and smile. 
“es ist auch schön, sie kennenzulernen.” lena smirks and shakes my hand.
weeks turn into months and the season is in full-swing.  
the oberdorf, stanway, and y/s/n midfield is an extreme combination. no opponent can walk into the midfield with you three.
for the first goal of the season– it was scored by you against essen. something unexpected happened. 
lena had the ball and dribbled it around a few defenders from essen. she looked forward and saw that you were free from a marked opponent, so she passed the ball up to you. your feet dribbled around the last defender before you launched the ball past the goalkeeper. goal!
processing the golozo you scored, you ran to the corner and did a knee slide. lea jumped on your back which made you both fall onto the ground– but you were happy to provide the first goal for bayern this season. 
standing up after receiving hugs from your teammates, you saw oberdorf standing with a smile on her face.
lena wasn’t sure if she could hug you– yes you’re her teammate now, but that doesn’t mean that you’re friends. 
however, you were high off of the joy from the goal. knowing that lena assisted your goal, you launched your body onto her– giving her a hug that was unexpected from her and your teammates. 
“what an assist oberdorf!” you yelled as you released your body from her arms and ran back into position. 
she didn’t know what to say– but lena did want to hug you again and she didn’t know why. 
a few weeks later, bayern had to play a game which determined if they'll be in the champions league group stages.
remembering mistakes from last year, you didn't want another repeat of that.
during the match, bayern was up 2-0. thanks to a goal from giulia and madga.
in extra time, you had the ball and looked around to see if anybody was free to accept a pass. before you looked back to pass the ball to stanway-- a midfielder from the other team pulled your shirt before throwing you onto the ground.
the opponent wasn't going for the ball, so it was a yellow. many of your teammates argued that it should've been a red.
you didn't have a chance to argue for yourself. you hit your head off of the grass and pain struck throughout your upper body.
you couldn't move, as the quickness of it all had you overwhelmed.
"y/n, y/n! are you okay?" you opened up your eyes slowly to see lena kneeling beside you. you closed your eyes again and held her hand that was on your head.
"I think?" you mumble.
"the medic is coming. can you breathe?" lena asks, just to keep you talking.
"I can yes. my head hurts though." you mumble again.
gently, lena moves her hands to the back of your head- laying it there as a block between the hard grass and your head.
you didn't think too much about the gesture at the moment-- but it hits you later in your living room hours later.
over the months-- you started to see glimpses of the person your teammates always insisted lena was: kind, dedicated, and sweet.
lena's actions from earlier replayed from your mind and your heart started to flutter as your stomach felt tingly.
"lena, I just want to say thank you for helping me last week before the end of the game. i didn't forget about it." you sat down beside lea, who was talking to lena across from her in the lounge room at the training center.
lena smiles slightly, "it's no problem-- the opponents were playing dirty and that wasn't right."
"I agree, usually I'm fast but I didn't see her coming." you say as you giggle at the memory.
you had to skip out on a few training practices and most of the next game-- since the head slam on the grass could've gave you a concussion, but you felt fine after two days.
lena and you talked more, which caught the interest of a quiet lea. she sat back and let you guys talk while she observed.
the blonde saw a look on lena's face that she hasn't seen since she was with her ex. a look of happiness and desire.
as she turned to look at you, she saw the same look in your eyes. this made her eyebrows knit together-- she knew she had to tell the other girls. there was no way that this could be ignored.
the next morning in the gym rooms-- lea tells the girls about her observation before you or lena arrived.
"wait I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed their behavior towards each other!" georgia yells. klara covers her mouth and looks towards the doors, uncovering it when she realizes that lena and you aren't nearby yet.
"yeah, they're giving each other the same googley eyes that sydney gave sam last season." giulia comments.
"hey?" sydney says, pretending to be offended.
"at least they're getting along-- well, a little too well. I knew they were gonna be friends once they pushed their old rivalry aside but a potential relationship? I didn't see that coming." ana joins into the conversations.
"you didn't see what coming?" you say, walking into the door seeing your teammates surprised at something you were unaware about.
some of the girls exited the conversation and pretended like they were doing their workouts the entire time-- others look to find an excuse to your question.
"we were talking about the champions league group stages that come out this morning. we are grouped with paris fc, real madrid, and ajax." sydney says.
pernille rolls her eyes,
"lets not lie-- yes those are the group stages that came out but we were talking about you." pernille says. your heart drops at her words, what were they saying?
"about me?" you question as you sat down on a workout mat.
"you have a crush on lena and its starting to become obvious." ana says.
your heart skips a beat as you shake your head in denial, "no way! I don't have a crush on her. you guys aren't used to seeing me getting along with her that's it!"
"we are, and you're getting along with her just a tad more than with us. we see the blush on your face and the twinkle in your eyes with you see her, love." georgia squeezes your cheeks as goes she sits beside you.
"I don't know what to say."
"you can say that you have a crush on her-- but its fine since she might have a crush on you too." Sydney says.
"no she doesn't."
"well you didn't deny that you have a crush on her!" sydney smiles.
you playfully roll your eyes.
"it hasn't been that long you guys-- I need to wait a bit." you say.
"and you can-- but you can't hold it in forever." sydney replies.
another week goes by when lena and you are sitting outside a cafe in amsterdam. the first group stage match between bayern and ajax occurs later that night and everyone is excited.
originally, everyone was going to go to the cafe.
little did you and lena know, everyone was going to back out of the cafe plans. just leaving lena and you to go by yourselves.
neither of you minded that nobody else was going. in the middle of the hangout while you were talking-- lena slips up.
"this a nice date, i mean when-" lena cuts herself off when she processes her words. you smile at her as she goes to rub her eyes in frustration at herself.
"a date?" you tease.
"i'm sorry it just slipped out." lena mumbles as she takes a sip of her coffee.
"don't apologize. I can see this as a date with you obi." you smirk. lena's eyes widened, in shock, before she smiles back at you.
after winning against ajax 3-0, thanks to a brace from you and a goal from franz, lena and you switched jerseys.
"well, hello #8 ms. oberdorf?" an ajax player and your friend from the national team, lily, walks up to you as your back was faced towards her.
you wore the number 16, and oberdorf isn't your last name (yet haha), so the swapped jersey confused her at first.
"omg lily!" you turn around and embrace the younger girl in a hug when you notice her. she holds you with confusion on her face as you pull away.
"I was going to ask if we could swap jerseys but I see you already have someone." lily smirks. you playfully roll your eyes, knowing what your fellow american friend is hinting at.
"oh be quiet! I'll give you my jersey when you play us in munich next time ok?" you smile.
"is oberdorf the girl you were talking about back at camp?" lily says.
back in the united states, you might've told the girls on the national team that you had a crush on someone from your club team. all of them begged for you to tell them who, but you refused.
"maybe..." you say.
lena and you grew extremely close throughout most of the season, and all of the fans were starting to notice.
all of your teammates did too-- and they were sick of lena and you cutting corners and not confessing your feelings to each other.
in march 2025, sometime before the start of the pokal games, lena and you sat in a media room, trapped thanks to pernille, ana, giulia, sydney, and georgia.
neither of you were allowed to come out of the room until you both confessed your feelings to each other.
three minutes of silence in the room passed by before lena had enough.
"I love you, y/n" she spoke up.
your heart flutters and your dimples appear on your face as she stares at you. she's sitting right beside you and you could see that she was nervous.
"gosh-- the dimples on your face are so cute. you've been my number one since I've arrived at bayern and if I told myself a year ago that I'd be falling in love with you or that I'd be here right now-- I'd laugh at myself. your laugh replays in my mind all of the time and the way we connect on and off of the pitch mad me realize how much I miss you when you're away for international camp. y/n If you don't feel the same--"
you knew what she was going to do. she was going to invalidate herself and start the whole "if you don't like me back" part of her confession.
she didn't have to though. you pulled your body on top of hers and kissed her. as if this happened a million times before, lena held onto the outside of your thighs and pulled yourself on top of her lap.
still kissing, five minutes ago by before you pull away.
"lena, i love you. i feel the same way about you. please be mine and let me be yours." you whisper against her lips.
you didn't give her a chance to respond before you made out with her lips again. she kissed you back and slipped her tongue into your mouth after you moaned slightly. the tension building up over the months was a lot.
"I'm yours." lena says as she forces herself to pull away from you. forgetting that the two of you are still at bayern training grounds.
"and I am yours." you repeat, starting a new relationship with your once old rival.
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comic-book-jawns · 5 months
F is for Godmother
“Esme, sweetie, who did you learn that word from?”
Well, that’s a question Mama’s never asked before. But before Esme can ask ‘why??’, the door to Aunt Kara’s apartment opens and —
“Aunt Lena!”
Esme doesn’t get why she’s always the only one — aside from Aunt Kara, of course — who runs to give her godmother a hug every Game Night.
“Ow, fuck!”
Stupid chair.
Although the chair isn’t the one who starts laughing about her falling. That’s Aunt Nia, who is usually really nice. Uncle Brainy seems confused about it too when she falls on top on him.
“Kara, don’t you dare.”
Mommy sounds mad… because Aunt Kara is laughing too! Not like Aunt Nia, but her face is red, and she’s got a hand over her mouth, and her shoulders are shaking.
“It’s not funny!”
Esme stomps her foot as she stands up — the foot that doesn’t still hurt — and she can feel her eyes getting spicy. Which her moms say is ‘okay.’ But it’s not okay because it makes Aunt Lena sad, and Esme just wanted to make her smile!
At least no one’s laughing anymore.
“You okay?”
Esme feels her godmother’s hand on her shoulder and spins around to throw her arms around Aunt Lena’s shoulders. She always crouches down when she talks to Esme.
“They’re making fun of me.”
“No, honey, they’re not. They’re making fun of me.”
Esme pushes back with a gasp. She might not like them laughing at her… but at Aunt Lena?!
“Not in a mean way! Not in a mean way!”
She looks back to see Aunt Lena flapping her hands, which she does when she’s talking fast.
“In a friend way?”
“But you didn’t do anything. You just got here.”
Aunt Lena opens her mouth… and then she laughs, quietly, and shakes her head.
Mommy sounds mad again, and her godmother’s face is really red all the sudden. Esme turns around again, ready to protect her.
“A word?”
But then the laughing starts again, louder than before. Even Papa J’onn is smiling! And —
“I’m sorry, dear, but you could have phrased that any other way.”
**12 Hours Later**
Esme still doesn’t see what the big deal is. It’s just the word her godmother uses when some part of her experiment isn’t working, like now.
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damienns · 5 days
My GIF Making process: Screen capturing using MPV player, Organizing files, 3 Sharpening settings, Basic Coloring PSD + Actions set
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This is a very long post so heads up.
I’ll try to be as thorough and true as much as possible to the way I make my gifs (I already use Photoshop Actions which I’ve long since set up but now for this tutorial I’m reviewing them to show you the exact steps I’ve learned to create my gifs 😃) and present them to you in a semi-coherent way. Also, please bear with me since English is my second language.
First things first. Below are the things and tools we need to do this:
Downloaded 4K or 1080p quality videos (let’s all assume we know where to get these—especially for high definition movies and tv series—so this post doesn’t get removed, okay? 😛)
Adobe Photoshop CC or the CS versions can work as well, but full disclosure I haven’t created gifs using the CS versions since 2020. I’m currently using Adobe Photoshop 2024.
mpv player. Use mpv player to get those frames/screenshots or any other video player that has a screen grabber feature. I’ve used adapter for the longest time but I’ve switched to mpv because the press to screenshot feature while the video is playing has been a game changer not to mention ultimate time saver for me. For adapter you need to play it in another video player (like VLC player), to get the start and end timestamps of the scene you want to gif which takes me ages before I can even open Photoshop.
Anyway! Please stop reading this post for a moment and head over to this amazing tutorial by kylos. She perfectly tells you how to install and use mpv player, both for Mac and Windows users.
One thing I have to share though, I had a tough time when I updated my MacOS to Sonoma since MPV is suddenly either duplicating frames or when I delete the duplicates the player seems to be skipping frames :/ I searched and found a solution here, though it didn’t work for me lol. My workaround for this in the meantime is decreasing the speed down to 0.70 then start screenshotting—it’s not the same pre Sonoma update but it works so I’ll have to accept it rather than have jumpy looking gifs.
Now, after this part of kylos’ tutorial:
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you can continue reading the following sections of my gif tutorial below.
I want to share this little tip (sorry, this will only cater to Mac users) that I hope will be helpful for organizing the screenshots that MPV saved to the folder you have selected. Because believe me you don’t want to go through 1k+ of screenshots to select just 42-50 frames for your gif.
The Control + Command + N shortcut
This shortcut allows you to create a new folder from files you have pre-selected. As you can see below I have already created a couple of folders, and inside each folder I have selected screenshots that I want to include in one single gif. It's up to you how you want to divide yours, assuming you intend to create and post a Tumblr gifset rather than just one gif.
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Another tip is making use of tags. Most of, if not all the time, I make supercorp gifs so I tag blue for Kara and red (or green) for Lena—just being ridiculously on brand and all that.
Before we finally open Photoshop, there's one more thing I want to say—I know, please bear with me for the third? fourth? time 😅
It's helpful to organize everything into their respective folders so you know the total number of items/frames you have. This way, you can add or delete excess or unnecessary shots before uploading them in Photoshop.
For example below there are 80 screenshots of Kara inside this folder and for a 1:1 (540 x 540 px) Tumblr gif, Photoshop can just work around with 42-50 max number of frames with color adjustments applied before it exceeds the 10 MB file size limit of Tumblr.
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Sometimes I skip this step because it can be exhausting (haha) and include everything so I can decide visually which frames to keep later on. You'll understand what I mean later on. But it's important to keep the Tumblr 10 MB file size limit in mind. Fewer frames, or just the right amount of frames, is better.
So, with the screenshot organization out of the way, let's finally head over to Photoshop.
Giffing in Photoshop, yay!
Let’s begin by navigating to File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack…
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The Load Layers window will appear. Click the Browse button next.
Find your chosen screenshots folder, press Command + A to select all files from that folder then click Open. Then click OK.
After importing and stacking your files, Photoshop should display the following view:
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By the way, I'll be providing the clip I've used in this tutorial so if want to use them to follow along be my guest :)
If you haven't already opened your Timeline panel, navigate to Windows > Timeline.
Now, let's focus on the Timeline panel for the next couple of steps.
Click Create Video Timeline, then you’ll have this:
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Now click the menu icon on the top right corner then go to Convert Frames > Make Frames from Clips
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Still working on the Timeline panel, click the bottom left icon this time—the icon with the three tiny boxes—to Convert to Frame Animation
Select Make Frames From Layers from the top right corner menu button.
So now you have this:
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Go and click the top right menu icon again to Select All Frames
Then click the small dropdown icon to set another value for Frame Delay. Select Other…
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The best for me and for most is 0.05 but you can always play around and see what you think works for you.
Click the top right menu icon again to Reverse Frames.
I think Photoshop has long since fixed this issue but usually the first animation frame is empty so I just delete it but now going through all these steps there seems to be none of that but anyways, the delete icon is the last one among the line of feature buttons at the bottom part of the Timeline panel.
Yay, now we can have our first proper GIF preview of a thirsty Lena 😜
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Press spacebar to watch your gif play for the very first time! After an hour and half of selecting and cutting off screenshots! 😛 Play it some more. No really, I’m serious. I do this so even as early (lol) as this part in the gif making process, I can see which frames I can/should delete to be within the 10 MB file size limit. You can also do it at the end of course 🙂
Now, let’s go to the next important steps of this tutorial post which I’ve numbered below.
Crop and resize to meet Tumblr's required dimensions. The width value should be either 540px, 268px, or 177px.
Convert the gif to a Smart Object for sharpening.
Apply lighting and basic color adjustments before the heavy coloring. I will be sharing the base adjustments layers I use for my gifs 😃.
1. Crop and Resize
Click on the Crop tool (shortcut: the C key)
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I like my GIFs big so I always set this to 1:1 ratio if the scene allows it. Press the Enter key after selecting the area of the frame that you want to keep.
Side note: If you find that after cropping, you want to adjust the image to the left or another direction, simply unselect the Delete Cropped Pixels option. This way, you will still have the whole frame area available to crop again as needed and as you prefer.
Now we need to resize our gif and the shortcut for that is Command + Opt + I. Type in 540 as the width measurement, then the height will automatically change to follow the ratio you’ve set while cropping.
540 x 540 px for 1:1
540 x 405 px for 4:3
540 x 304 px for 16:9
For the Resample value I prefer Bilinear—but you can always select the other options to see what you like best.
Click OK. Then Command + 0 and Command + - to properly view the those 540 pixels.
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Now we get to the exciting part :) the sharpen settings!
2. Sharpen
First we need to have all these layers “compressed” intro a single smart object from which we can apply filters to.
Select this little button on the the bottom left corner of the Timeline panel.
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Select > All Layers
Then go to Filter > Convert for Smart Filters
Just click OK when a pop-up shows up.
Now you should have this view on the Layers panel:
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Now I have 3 sharpen settings to share but I’ll have download links to the Action packs at the end of this long ass tutorial so if you want to skip ahead, feel free to do so.
Sharpen v1
Go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen…
Below are my settings. I don’t adjust anything under Shadows/Highlights.
Amount: 500
Radius: 0.4
Click OK then do another Smart Sharpen but this time with the below adjustments.
Amount: 12
Radius: 10.0
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As you can see Lena’s beautiful eyes are “popping out” now with these filters applied. Click OK.
Now we need to Convert to Frame Animation. Follow the steps below.
Click on the menu icon at the top right corner of the Timeline panel, then click Convert Frames > Flatten Frames into Clips
Then Convert Frames > Convert to Frame Animation
One more click to Make Frames From Layers
Delete the first frame then Select All then Set Frame Delay to 0.05
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and there you have it! Play your GIF and make sure it’s just around 42-50 frames. This is the time to select and delete.
To preview and save your GIF go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy)…
Below are my Export settings. Make sure to have the file size around 9.2 MB to 9.4 MB max and not exactly 10 MB.
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This time I got away with 55 frames but this is because I haven’t applied lighting and color adjustments yet and not to mention the smart sharpen settings aren't to heavy so let’s take that into consideration.
Sharpen v1 preview:
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Sharpen v2
Go back to this part of the tutorial and apply the v2 settings.
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Smart Sharpen 1:
Amount: 500
Radius: 0.3
Smart Sharpen 2:
Amount: 20
Radius: 0.5
We’re adding a new type of Filter which is Reduce Noise (Filter > Noise > Reduce Noise...) with the below settings.
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Then one last Smart Sharpen:
Amount: 500
Radius: 0.3
Your Layers panel should look like this:
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Then do the Convert to Frames Animation section again and see below preview.
Sharpen v2 preview:
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Sharpen v3:
Smart Sharpen 1:
Amount: 500
Radius: 0.4
Smart Sharpen 2:
Amount: 12
Radius: 10.0
Reduce Noise:
Strength: 5
Preserve Details: 50%
Reduce Color Noise: 0%
Sharpen Details: 50%
Sharpen v3 preview:
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And here they are next to each other with coloring applied:
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Congratulations, you've made it to the end of the post 😂
As promised, here is the download link to all the files I used in this tutorial which include:
supercorp 2.05 Crossfire clip
3 PSD files with sharpen settings and basic coloring PSD
Actions set
As always, if you're feeling generous here's my Ko-fi link :) Thank you guys and I hope this tutorial will help you and make you love gif making.
P.S. In the next post I'll be sharing more references I found helpful especially with coloring. I just have to search and gather them all.
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pixiesfz · 6 months
It make me so sad that’s there is not much lotte or Teagan content on here 😭
I’m gonna mix my two requests for teagan together!!
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take the punch t.m
plot: you take a hard punch in a corner kick, turns out it’s from the girl you’ve been talking to for months.
warnings: injury, aggression from teammates, Player gets hit in the face and player is only given a yellow also I am NOT a doctor
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You stared at your phone and the messages that were on it.
More specifically the girl behind the messages.
You had met Teagan at the start of the season on her debut as Liverpools goal keeper.
She had been a pain in your ass.
saving your shots left right and centre, it annoyed you but impressed you so much that you went up to her afterwards.
“Teagan is it?” You ask, walking up to her and she nodded “uh yeah, your y/n” she responded and you nodded “you know your really good” you told her “wasn’t fun for me but you know” you laugh and she laughed with you.
“I was honestly very scared to go against you” she admitted and you rose your eyebrows “really?” You ask and she nodded “watched you in the World Cup when Australia versed you, got those goals past us like it was nothing”
Oh yes, you remember that day.
“Sorry for kicking you guys out” you said softly and she shook her head “nah it’s all good, had me mesmerised to be honest”
You blushed, “yeah?” you ask and the goal keeper nodded “definitely”.
Before you could response you felt the hands of your teammate drag you away “Chloe!” You complained as she smiled at you
“No fraternising with the enemy y/n/n”
“Shut up”.
When you went to bed that night you didn’t expect to wake up to a dm from the Australian.
‘I really hope this is your account and not just a very popular fan account’
And for the first time in a while you woke up with a smile.
After a month or so of talking online with the girl your teammates noticed a change in your behaviour.
You were smiling in the morning, trying new things for breakfast and pestering Mary and Alanna for Australian facts.
One day Alanna turned towards you “Alright who is it?”
“Who is what?”
“Who is the girl that is getting you all…giddy”
You stepped back “there is no girl”
“There is such a girl, who knew our little German could find love?” She grinned and pulled you into a loving headlock.
“Fine” you grunted “there is a girl” you admitted and cheers filled the room.
“Who is it?”
“Does she play?”
“Do we know her?”
“Please don’t let it be a physio”
You turned to Jill weirdly “what?” You asked and she just shrugged before you turned back to your teammates.
“I’m not going to tell her name yet just in case it doesn’t go well, yes she plays and yes some of you know her well”
You gave away your hints before the team realised it could literally be anyone in the WSL.
“Can you at least tell us the team?” Mary asked, using her power of being one of the younger, cuter members of the squad.
You were on a FaceTime with the Australian when she made the first move “Do you want to go on another date with me?” She asked after the topic of your worst date ever came up.
You smiled bright, a blush burning on your cheeks but you were so ever happy “I would love to, we can walking on the beach again”.
“Well we have the Liverpool vs City game coming up next week so after that” she declared “nah, I was thinking something fancier, we can go on a nice dinner and-“
“I want you to surprise me” you cut her off “I want to know what your creative Australian mind thinks of”
“Well mostly it’s you” she chimed in and you groaned, rolling your eyes “oh shut up”
Teagan laughed at your reaction, smiling at the way you reacted to her cheesy pick up lines.
Texts back and forth between the two of you did not help your nerves for the game ahead of you. But mostly you were more nervous for the activities afterwards.
You had ended up confiding to your national teammate Lena about your situation ship with the Aussie, not letting your club teammates know just yet.
But when the game ends and the girls see you walking out the doors with Teagan they'll find out who your mystery girl is anyway so with your blood rushing and head spinning you finally and well accidently tell your man city teammate and unfortunately Teagan's international teammate Mary.
"Really?" she responds to your quick words as you laid them out quickly, you just blushed harder before she gives you a thinking face "well that makes sense".
You furrow your brows "how-why- how does it make sense?" you ask, your arms moving with your words "well last international break she seemed much happier and that was after we versed Liverpool and if we weren't at trainings she was like stuck on her phone"
You stepped back at your friends words, You and Teagan had only successfully been able to go on one date together by the time the first international break came over, it brough a smile to your face realizing that she was in a similar state as you afterwards.
"I can help you two!"
"Mary I will not allow this to become a primary school relationship!"
Soon the game was here, you were lined up with your team in the tunnel, not in the starting XI but still in your gear as a sub. Mary was behind you, still the only teammate who knew about Teagan.
"look who's watching" she teased and you turned red, quickly turning around and smacking her arm "stop" you instructed and turned towards Teagan who was near the front of her line, she was already smiling at your interaction with Mary but gave you a small wave which you copied before you all walked out.
"that hurt" Mary rubbed her arm "deal with it".
You weren't subbed on until the second half, City were up by one as Lauren sent one through Teagan's fingers and into the net. You saw Teagan dust herself off as you ran on, her eyes fell on you for a second before going back onto the play which you joined in on quickly after.
Jess had scored not long after and you cheered after her, jumping onto her back with a smile. You wanted to look back to Teagan to see if she was doing okay but you were in your element, playing the sport you love and in this case winning!
In the 87th minute Kerstin weaved through the midfield and in between defenders as you lead towards the goal, her eyes darted towards you and sent you the ball, you jumped to header it in and then black.
The crowd watched as you jumped in the air, the ball hitting the front of your forehead and unfortunately the fist of Teagan's hands hitting the back, causing you to fall forward straight on the floor which you stayed.
Teagan all of a sudden didn't care about the ball that hit the back of the net and quickly dropped down to you, rolling you on your back so you faced up to her. "Oh my god-"
Teagan was cut off as your teammates pulled her away "Get off of her Micah" someone called out, Mary, cringing on the sidelines as she couldn't split her teammates and her friend apart. The words were catching your ears as you stirred awake to whatever had just happened to you.
Teagan ignored the man city players pesters and kept her eyes on you "please I just want to see if she's okay" she told them but Alanna pulled her back as medics ran on "Teagan she's not going to want to see you" she told her and Teagan crossed her head "I was supposed to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight" she told Alanna and the tall Australian stepped back and looked back over to you with wide eyes.
"let her go over".
Teagan ran over to you as the medics sat you up, The referee also showing her a yellow card but she didn't care.
"Hmm- Teags" you slurred as the girl came into your view "what happened?" you ask and the girl pursed her lips.
"Kinda punched you in the face"
"Oh" you said, not really gaining the information, a clear concussion on your behalf
Teagan watched as you were taken off by medics and went back into her box, the game quickly changed in the last ten minutes, the crowd was quiet and the teams weren't playing as hard, Liverpool excepting their defeat and man city not celebrating their win.
Not without you.
You were taken into the medics room before they quickly decided to take you to the hospital for a CT scan.
Meanwhile at the game, some of the players skipped the walk around the field to talk with fans and checked to see where you were. Hospital was what word was heard and Teagan along-side with Man city players were on their way.
Teagan drove herself, maybe going a bit faster than usual but you were on her mind, this was her fault.
She had had a concussion before, a bad concussion, it took her out for months on the team. She didn't want the same for you.
She was the first to arrived still in her kit, your teammates walked in five minutes later, quickly seeing the girl and walking up to her "you don't have to take pity on her" Kerstin said, Lauren quickly following "a quick DM would have been fine for her", their words were filled with pettiness which Alanna and Mary quickly shut down.
"They're not strangers" Mary said quickly and they all turned their heads "what?" Chloe questioned, Leia still stepping up to the Goal keeper "then what are they?"
"She's the girl".
Leia stepped back as Chloe gasped "oh my god, we are so sorry" Teagan just nodded, she ignored their comments her mind strictly on you "she was gonna tell you today after the game"
"before you punched her"
"useful information, thankyou Mary"
All the girls sat down, waiting for you "do you think she'll be mad?" Teagan asked Alanna who shook her head "she knows what she signed up for when she took that header, she knows the game" the blonde said and Teagan just nodded, still not convinced you wont cuss her out when you see her.
You sat in the room, looking at the scans, you would have a month off which you nodded your head at "I know it's not ideal but you have to be on a bed rest for about a week and you will have to miss the next international break for Germany" the doctor told you and you once again nodded your head.
"But you will be well enough for the Olympic but if you don't make it to the finals then you'll be out until the end of the season"
You sniffed, rolling your head back to stop any tears. You were sure Man city would make it to the finals with how they were playing, but if you missed a month you weren't sure if you would get any minutes on the film.
You had seen how time off had done for others, you didn't want that to be you.
You walked out of the room looking defeated as ever, your teammates were the first to walk to you, checking up on you with little questions before Kerstin gave you a hug, silently apologizing for her kick which you told her was not her fault.
It was nobodies fault.
When they all walked away, Mary softly turned your head towards the Liverpool keeper who had left to grab flowers from one of the stalls nearby.
"I thought you would have gone home" you said, relieved at the sight of her "and go to the dinner by myself?" she joked and you softly laughed.
You touched the back of your head "I don't think I look nice enough for a fancy dinner right now" you said and Teagan stepped forward her arm raising towards yours "Well personally I think you look amazing"
You blushed as she she tucked your hair you had taken out behind your ear "how long are you out for?" she asked "only a month" you smiled "that's really good Y/n" she started before looking down "I'm really sorry I just wasn't thinking and-"
You cut her off y quickly pecking her lips, distracting her completely as she widened her eyes "I don't blame you Teagan" you said, grabbing the flowers with one hand and grabbing her other hand with the other.
"So you're not mad?"
You creased your eyebrows "of course not" she let out a sigh of relief "well that's good, might have to cancel our plans though" she said and you smirked "how bout we order take out at mine?"
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tkwrites · 20 days
It Doesn't Matter - Part III - Nico Hischier x ofc
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Title: It Doesn’t Matter - Part III
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Nico Hischier x Original female character 
Summary: Though they’ve finally confessed their feelings for one another, a 7 day road trip stands between Nico and Lena finally beginning their relationship. When Lena sends a photo of herself Nico never expected to receive, it springboards them into new territory. Upon arriving home, he and Lena are finally able to be together in ways they’ve only dreamed of. 
Warnings: Lots of fluff, followed by lots of smut (18+ only): oral (f and m receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up unless you’re in a consenting relationship!), talks of feeling singled out and a really dick ex-boyfriend.
Word count: 13,400
Comments: Phew! We made it. Just barely.
I gave myself a deadline for this series, liking the idea that I’d publish each installment on the last day of the the month, and I’m really proud that I was able to stick to that goal. 
This piece is LONG, so strap in. It was so much fun to write and string together, though. Writing Nico and Lena finally getting together has been such a joy for me. I really hope you enjoy it, too! If there's anything you'd like to see in their universe, please let me know!
If you do enjoy it, please consider letting me know by commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. Your encouragement and comments truly inspire me to keep writing. 
It Doesn’t Matter - Part III
Part I | Part II | Part III | Playlist
Two days into the road trip, Nico was feeling restless and unsure. He wanted to call Lena and tell her he missed her. He wanted to talk to her about everything and nothing. Hear about her day in class and tell her about practice. Now that they’d crossed that initial physical barrier, he wanted to have phone sex and listen to her getting herself off. He wanted… he wanted so many things, but he wasn’t really sure where they stood. Could he just call her up and initiate a conversation that spanned both their friendship and their newfound sexual connection? Even when they were just friends and roommates, he hardly ever called her to just say hi. That felt too much like something he would do if they were dating, and he couldn't take the disappointment that came with not having that part be true. 
Except maybe now it was true?
Staring at her contact photo, he wondered how people did this. 
For Lena’s part, she was pacing the apartment, wondering if she should go through with it. Earlier in the day, in a fit of missing Nico so much it ached, she put on the lingerie set she bought the first week she’d moved in, set up her phone and took some photos to send to him. There was one in particular she liked, and she even had it queued up in a message. Now that she had someone to wear it for, and it, amazingly, turned out to be the guy she’d always hoped it would be, she couldn’t get the idea of wearing it for him out of her mind. And why wait until he was home when she could send a picture now?
He was off this afternoon, which meant he was likely napping. She could send it during the game, but there was more of a chance someone else might see it if she did that. And this was for his eyes only. 
She thought about prefacing it with a Don’t open this until you’re alone, message, but wouldn’t that ruin the surprise?
Finally deciding it’d be better to send it now, while he was more likely to be alone than after the game, she hit the blue arrow. The whooshing sound let her know it was delivered, and her heart immediately jumped into her throat. 
It was too late to take back now, and trying to explain her reasoning over text seemed impossible. She’d just have to wait for him to respond. 
Walking to her easel, she decided she needed to distract herself until he did. If she didn’t, she knew she would obsess powerfully and end up sending him something written from pure anxiety, and those messages never turned out well. For all she knew, he could be asleep and wouldn’t see it for another few hours. 
The thing was that Lena had never done this before. She'd never sent a picture of herself that hadn't been requested first, and she’d never wanted to. 
Past boyfriends wanted to ‘see her when they were apart,’ but that really translated to ‘I want something to show off to my friends.’ She'd been shocked to find Milo showing one of his buddies a picture she’d sent him while they were at a party. Together. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. The picture showed Lena in nothing but her underwear, one arm wrapped around her chest for some semblance of modesty when she didn’t really want to send the picture in the first place. The fact that he had it pulled up and was showing it off so casually made her feel objectified and cheap. 
That night, she did the sneakiest thing she'd ever done in a relationship and used his sleeping face to unlock his phone so she could delete all the pictures she'd sent him before breaking up with him the next morning. She even told him what she did. He complained that she was an uptight bitch who didn’t understand he was showing her off, and shouldn’t she be flattered. 
Nico would never do something like that. She knew him too well. He would know and had told her that photos like that were for the recipient only and shouldn’t be shared with anyone else. He told her once that one of the guys on the Mooseheads tried to show him a picture of his girlfriend, and the rest of the boys teased him for turning away. 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he complained to Lena later that day, “I don’t want to see that.” It was one of the first times she knew he was different, and her rule about not dating hockey players was going to be broken.
It was because of that. Because she knew he wouldn’t show anyone else, and because she had the suspicion he would never ask for something like this that she’d sent it. 
The whole time she’d known him, Nico had been the nicest cute boy on the team. Always easy going and quick with a smile, even when he didn't understand what anyone was saying. He never treated her like a piece of meat like some of the guys did, always seeing and celebrating her humanity before anything else. He was genuinely interested in her art, and not just as a means of getting into her pants. 
When she met him, and they began hanging out with mutual friends, she remembered thinking, I'm going to tell people I met the love of my life in my senior year. 
Setting her phone face down on the end table, she picked up her palette and brush and turned her focus to the mountain sunset she’d been working on all week. 
When Nico's phone buzzed with a text from Lena, he opened it right away, anxious to hear from her. He didn't think anything of the preview that told him it was a photo. She often sent memes or funny photos of Cookie around the apartment or progress on her latest painting. 
Had he thought this might be anything close to possibility, he would have opened it in the bathroom. 
An embarrassing noise, overflowing with longing, crawled up his throat. 
Jonas shot him a confused look, and Nico had to act like everything was normal. Like he wasn’t taken completely off guard. Like he didn’t have a hard on in their hotel room. Like Lena hadn’t just sent him a picture of herself in pink lingerie, winking cheekily at the camera.
He wanted to bury his head in a pillow and groan. He wanted to call her and tell her how beautiful she was. He wanted to detail each and every way he was going to make her come when he got home. 
“I’m —” Nico coughed, “I’m gonna go on a walk,” he told Jonas, bolting out of bed and into the hallway. Maybe this was worse. Now, he had a boner in public. He needed a place where he could talk to her alone. 
There was a conference room the coaches were using this morning, wasn’t there? He ran down the hall and found the room empty and blissfully unlocked. 
The whole wall facing the hallway was glass, but it’s not like he was going to do anything indecent. 
The call went to voicemail. 
Frowning, Nico pulled the phone away from his ear. Certainly, in the time it took him to run down the hall, she hadn’t gone away from her phone. And she didn’t send that thinking he wouldn’t respond, right? That would be crazy. No woman would send a picture of herself like that if she didn’t want a response. 
The device buzzed in his hand, and he felt a sigh let go in his chest. “Hey,” he greeted, bringing it back to his ear. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, sounding a little breathless, “I didn’t want to drop my palette all over your living room.” 
“Thanks,” he said, laughter in his tone. He was amazed she could just go back to painting after sending a message like that. He’d be a nervous wreck.
The awkwardness that passed over the phone line between them made Lena’s heart race with indecision. How was she supposed to broach this subject? Did you get the photo I sent? Do you want to talk about it? Are you calling me because it had the desired affect? 
Finally, she decided to go into neutral territory, “so, how are you?” 
How was he supposed to answer that question? 
“I got your message,” he said, wincing at the accusing tone in his voice. He didn’t even answer her question.
“Did you…” she felt suddenly self-conscious, “I mean, did you like it?” 
Did she think he was blind? “Yeah, I wouldn’t have minded some warning, though,” he admitted. The sound that had come out of his mouth when he opened it rang in his head, and he felt himself flush out of embarrassment. 
“Sorry,” she said, voice sheepish. “I was debating about telling you to open it alone, but I just kind of freaked out and sent it.”
Laughter rumbled from his chest, “you don’t need to apologize. I really liked it.”
“Yeah. I don’t know a man alive who wouldn’t like getting a picture like that from the woman he loves.” 
The casual way he said he loved her made her heart pitter-patter. 
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Lena,” he said.
She liked that he used the word seen. Not the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, the most beautiful he’d ever seen. Heat raced into her cheeks, “really?”
“Yes.” It almost came out a groan. Just thinking about it got him worked up, but now that they were on the phone, he didn’t think it was the time to broach phone sex. Maybe that was her intention in sending it, but their conversation was too sweet and awkward to steer in that direction. He didn’t want to ruin it, or for her to think he only wanted her physically. He wanted every part of her.
His simple answer turned her insides to goo. 
She sniffed, and panic spiked in his chest. “Are you crying?” 
“A little.” 
“Why? What’s wrong?” 
“Nothings wrong,” her voice was wobbly, “I just…I can’t really believe this is my life, you know?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean that I spent six years pining after you, thinking you didn’t like me, and now you’re telling me I’m the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. It almost doesn’t feel real.” 
“Yeah,” he swung his legs up onto the sofa under the windows and lay back. “The whole time we were kissing, I kept thinking I needed to pinch myself.” 
She giggled, knowing the feeling all too well. 
“I wish I told you sooner,” he said quietly.
“Tell me about it,” she groaned. 
He knew he would beat himself up about this, and his siblings would hold how they were right about Lena over his head for the rest of time. 
“I can’t believe you sent me a picture of yourself in lingerie,” he said, voice full of wonder and longing. “I don’t think I ever even let myself imagine that.” The reality of it was too much. It made their relationship more tangible somehow. 
“I missed you, and I just kept thinking about how I finally had someone to wear it for other than myself, and I don’t know, I just…I wanted you to see it.”
Her admission made his insides feel gooier than a raclette. “I miss you too,” he said, glad he hadn't steered the conversation to sex. That would come, he knew, but he was glad for this reassurance. 
They fell into a comfortable silence, and Nico pulled in a calming breath. 
“How was class on Friday?” 
“Good. Professor Brown really likes my sketches.” 
“Yeah, she said I really turned a corner and understood what she was trying to get us to do.” 
“That’s great.” 
Posing for her would have never been in vain when it brought them together, but he was glad the art wasn’t going unnoticed by her teachers. 
“She wants to put them in the student showcase for this semester.” 
His mouth went dry. “What?” 
“She said they’re such a cohesive story and series, she’d like to put them in the showcase. It’s a huge honor. I told her I had to talk to you before I could say yes, though.”
Mind racing, Nico wondered what on earth he’d gotten himself into. 
“I…” he paused. “How —” his voice squeaked over the word, and he had to clear his throat, “how long would they be up?” 
“Basically through December. I think the show goes up that first weekend.” 
That was only a few weeks away. 
“And they take it down when we come back after the break, so mid-January, I think.”
“I just…” he gulped, “I — what if someone recognizes me?” It was highly unlikely people who attended art shows at the New York Institute of Art would know him on site, but the thought of a fan seeing the sketches and recognizing him posing nude still made his stomach turn. 
“Well, they won’t be up for sale, so no one will be taking them home but me,” she assured. 
That was a relief.
“I could try to take out your tattoo, make you a little less recognizable.” 
He didn’t respond. 
“You don’t have to decide now. You can take time to think about it.”
The hesitation in her voice made his mind up for him. He wouldn’t be the thing holding her back. He’d figure it out. 
“You should show them,” he found himself saying. 
He’d have to tell the teams PR about it in case someone posted them on social media. 
“Only if you’re sure.” 
“I’m sure. I’m…” Why hadn’t he led out with this? “I’m really proud of you.” 
Her insides turned to pudding again, “thank you, Nico.” 
He would figure it out. It would be fine. The most important thing was that she was getting the recognition she deserved. “We can go see it together?” he asked. 
“They have a gallery opening I’ll have to attend. I’ll have to make sure, but I think it’s on the 6th.” 
He pulled up the team calendar. They were, thankfully, in town and didn’t have a game that Friday. “I can come.” 
“I would love that.” 
“I want to be there to support you.” She supported him through so many things, he was glad he could return the favor. “I can invite some of the guys?” 
“Only if you want,” she said, feeling a little taken aback. “If you’re okay with them seeing the drawings.”
“It’s nothing they haven’t seen before,” he said with a laugh, “and I want them to know how talented my girlfriend is.” 
“Oh, am I your girlfriend now?” she asked, teasing.
If it were up to him, she’d be his wife before too long. “Yes. Finally.” 
She giggled, “I never thought I’d actually get to call you my boyfriend.” 
The excitement in her voice pulled a giddy feeling in his stomach. 
Someone knocked on the window above him, and Nico sat up, startled. Jack was on the other side of the glass, exaggeratedly asking him if he wanted to go into the city.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I have to go,” he said, nodding at Jack. 
“Okay, I’ll talk to you soon?” she said it like a question. 
“Yeah. I’ll call you tomorrow?” 
“That sounds great.” 
He could hear the smile in her voice, and it filled his chest with a warm, buoyant feeling. Turning away from the window, he said, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Nico. Good luck tonight. I’ll be watching.”
Lena hung up the phone, shaking her head. She'd gone into that call expecting phone sex, and instead, she got emotional reassurance. How was he even real?
He hung up the phone, grinning.
“What’s got you all cheery? Who was on the phone?”
“Lena,” he said, slipping the device into his pocket. 
“Dude, you’ve got to make a move.” 
Nico smiled to himself. He’d tell Jack and the guys eventually, but for now, he was just reveling in the fact that he had, and it turned out better than he ever imagined. 
The photo haunted him for the rest of the road trip. It wasn't even the picture itself, which did live in his mind rent free, and he'd jerked off to at least three times. No, the thing that really haunted him was the fact that she sent it in the first place, that she felt comfortable enough to send it, that she wanted him thinking about and desperate for her. And he was desperate, in a way he'd never experienced before. 
He wanted her to feel the same way, but knew from experience that she didn't like dick pics. 
In a fit of indignation after receiving one on a dating app, she'd handed him her phone to unmatch the guy as she told him, “I don’t know why men think everyone wants to see their dick. I can promise you, no one wants to see your dick. Unless a woman tells you, ‘send me a picture of your penis,’ she doesn't want to see it. Even if she sent you a picture to get off to, she doesn’t want to watch you do it unless she asks for it.” 
He'd asked her what a woman did want. 
“Send her a picture of your hands or your forearm while you’re doing something. Men's forearms are sexy.”
So he'd done just that. A video, actually, strategically cropped to show the flex of his forearm and wrist as he got himself off in their next hotel while her name fell from his lips over and over again. He didn't even need to look at his phone anymore. The photo was burned into his brain and etched onto his eyelids. 
She responded within minutes of him sending it. That's the sexiest thing a man has ever sent me, Nico. I can't believe you remembered. 
The video popped into her mind all the time. She couldn't stop thinking about his big hands and the veins winding up his forearm, standing out under his skin. She couldn’t stop hearing the hushed, breathy way he moaned her name.
It even happened in school if she let her mind wander, which resulted in her creaming her underwear and having to clench her legs together until the feeling eased off.
Touché, Mr. Hishier. Touché.
Four days later, Nico walked into the apartment, surprised to find lights still on. It was Friday night, but still, Lena usually went to bed early. No matter the day, her biological clock kept a rigid schedule. 
Perhaps she left the lights on when she went to sleep, not wanting him to come home to a dark house. As he walked through the living room, however, he found her on the couch, asleep with Cookie tucked against her like a little spoon. 
“Lena?” he asked, squatting in front of her.  
She didn’t even stir. 
“Lena,” he repeated, gently brushing a lock of hair off her forehead.
He loved this simple version of her - the peaceful, soft lines of her face and the gentle curve of her mouth. Her nose ring was slightly off center with her on her side, but it still fit on her face like it was a permanent feature that had always been there. When she showed up in Bern, having had it done just a few weeks previous, it had taken him a full half hour to realize what was different. It fit her and her personality so well, it didn’t stand out as a major change in his mind. 
He hadn’t thought it was possible he could think about kissing her more than he already did. 
“Nico?” she asked in the most adorable sleepy voice he’d ever heard. The visions he had of waking up next to her were suddenly much more real and much sweeter than he originally imagined. 
“What are you doing out here, hase?”
Her eyes finally fluttered open, and her stomach clenched when they met his. His hair had flopped into his eyes, but she could still clearly see the soft care in them. He was in a gray Devils hoodie that looked supremely soft.
Cookie stretched, yawned, and slinked out from under her arm as she reached forward to trace her fingers through his hair, pushing it back. “You’re so handsome, Nico.”
The dimple in his left cheek deepened with his bashful smile. He wasn’t used to her complimenting him so openly. “Danke, hase. What are you doing out here?” 
“Waiting up for you,” she said with a chagrined smile, “or trying to at least.” 
“Lets get you to bed,” he said, standing before he worked an arm under her legs, the other under her shoulders, and lifted her off the couch.
Lena snuggled into him with a contented little noise. She hadn't been carried like this since she was a little kid. 
He lay her on her bed, then pulled the covers out from under her body before settling them over her. 
“Will you stay?” she asked, quietly.
Something behind his sternum fractured a little. “Natürlich,” he murmured, brushing a kiss over her hair. “Let me go get ready, ja?”
She nodded. 
Nico thought for sure she would be asleep when he got back after washing his face and changing into some pajama pants, but though she was still in the same position he left her in, her eyes were open and she gave him an adorably sleepy smile. 
In some sort of dream came true, he walked around the bed to slip in behind her. 
Except Cookie was laying there, pressed against her back, blinking at him slowly as if to ask why Nico was there and what he thought he was about to do. 
“Uh,” he began, not sure what to do. 
“Just move him over here.”
So Nico took the cat around the middle and lifted him over Lena. He squirmed and made a grumbling noise but didn’t swipe. Before he could jump off the bed in a fit of indignation, Lena gathered him against her chest and kissed his head. 
Cookie grumbled again. It was apparently all for show, though, because he settled in her arms almost at once and began purring and nuzzling her chin. 
Now that that was settled, he lifted the covers and slid under them.
Lena felt a contented little sigh escape her as he fitted his body against hers. The oxymoron that was Nico Hischier hit her again. He was big and strong, but he was so gentle and warm as he wrapped his arm around her waist over the blanket. She felt cocooned and protected. 
Cookie turned around and nuzzled his head under Nico’s hand. Chuckling, Nico scratched behind his ears and heard the purring start up again. 
“I’m glad you're home,” Lena said in that slow way people do while they’re falling asleep. 
“Me too,” he responded, tucking his nose into her hair and settling in for the night. 
Though he’d lived the past week, it still felt a little like he didn’t know how he ended up here, or like he should be dreaming. Yes, he dreamed of making love to Lena, but more often than that, he dreamed of these things: of not going to bed alone, of taking care of her, and being taken care of. Not only was he not going to bed alone, she asked him to stay. He felt comfortable holding her, and she felt comfortable enough to lean against him, letting him support her. More than anything else, it felt incredible to be genuine about his feelings and to have them lead to this moment. 
It was the best thing he could have asked for. 
The fatigue that always came with coming home from a road trip caught up with him abruptly, and before he could think about anything else, he was falling asleep. 
Lena woke before Nico did. Which wasn’t unusual. She almost always woke before anyone else in the house. No matter when she’d gone to bed, or what she’d done the day before, she was almost always up before 6:30. It’s why she’d been so shocked to find it was already 9 the morning after their portraiture session. 
Her watch told her it was twenty-two minutes past six. 
Sensing movement, Cookie stretched and put his face in hers, brushing his whiskers over her cheeks. 
She wrinkled her nose at the tickling sensation. “Okay,” she whispered as he put his wet nose to her brow and licked with the tip of his tongue, “okay.” 
Nico’s arm was still heavy around her waist, but he only stirred a little when she lifted it so she could slide out of bed. 
She fed the cat, drank a glass of water, and went back to the bedroom. 
Nico was still asleep, now sprawled on his back, legs and arms spread wide to take up as much room as possible.
The blankets only covered part of his naked torso. Allowing herself a moment, she admired him, the steady rise and fall of his chest, the relaxed set of his fingers, his slightly open mouth. He was a beautiful man. the fact he was in her bed, that he'd held her all night, made her feel as giddy as a school girl.
Sneaking back into bed was always harder than leaving it. 
She’d just managed to tuck herself into his side, resting her head on his chest, when his arm curled around her back. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she said quietly. 
His lips smacked softly. “S’okay,” he mumbled. 
“Do you have practice this morning?” 
She felt him shake his head, chin tracing over the top of her hair at the movement. 
“No practice and no game?” she asked, tracing a finger up the valley between his pecs through the course hair that had been getting thicker through the years. “What are you going to do with yourself?” 
Tightening his arm around her, he nudged Lena on top. She went willingly, draping herself over him. 
“Can think of a few things.” His voice was low and sleepy, and when she looked into his face, she found his eyes were still closed.  
Wonder at how comfortable they were filled her. Of course they were — they’d known each other for more than half a decade. But all these milestones, like waking up in the same bed, were new. She’d never experienced this in a relationship before. There were no nerves eating at her stomach, and no worries about how she looked in the morning plaguing her. He’d seen her in much worse morning states before and never said a thing. It was just Nico, comfortable as always. 
Lying her head on the front of his shoulder, she listened to the steady beat of his heart and the strong rhythm of his breathing. 
That music was lulling her back to sleep when his hand slid up her back, under her sleep shirt. She didn’t know if that part was intentional or not. She supposed it didn’t matter. She still savored the feel of his calloused fingers. 
“Your skin is so soft,” he mumbled as his fingers splayed wide over her spine. 
“So is yours,” she said, adjusting a bit so she could tuck her nose into the base of his neck. He smelled the same as usual, soap and sweat, and that something cedar-y, plus a musky smell she somehow knew only came with sleep.
He chuckled and said something in German. 
“Come again?” she asked, lifting her head. 
One half of his mouth lifted in a smile, dimpling his cheek, but he didn’t offer any other explanation. 
Shaking her head, Lena rested her ear against his shoulder again, sighing when his fingers traced lazily up and down her spine.
Nico couldn’t believe this was his life. Waking up next to Lena was so good. Having her comfortable weight on top of him on a lazy morning? It was such a dream. Even the very fact that he got to touch her like this now felt like a miracle. 
Before he could think it over, his sleepy brain was running his mouth, “I can’t…” 
“You can’t?” she repeated. Her other hand came up to trace the straight line of his collar bone. 
“I can’t believe I get to touch you like this,” he said. 
She smiled and turned her face just enough to press her lips to his skin. It sent an explosion of fizzy, giddy bubbles racing through his stomach. 
“I should have told you sooner.” 
“Me too.” 
Each of them had said some variation of these same sentences each time they’d talked on the phone over the past five days.
“But we’re here now,” she said, fingers trailing over the round musculature of his shoulder and back. She felt a little amazed that she could touch him, too. She’d wanted to for so long, and now, she could. There was nothing holding her back. It felt a little like she’d dropped into a dream.
He took in a deep breath, and she loved feeling his muscles move and shift beneath her. 
“What do you have today?” he asked. 
“Nothing?” he repeated. 
“Nothing but you,” she said, pushing herself up so she could look into his face. 
The smile he gave her was lazy and tired, but it still sent butterflies into flight in her stomach. 
Because she could, because that’s where they were now, she leaned down and kissed him. 
His other hand came up to cradle the back of her head.  
She was kissing him. In the morning. After sleeping next to her all night. Feeling his brain come to life while her sweet mouth was on his? There was nothing better. Nico wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning.
They spent a long while in a sweet, lazy exploration of each other. 
Lena worked one of her hands into his hair as she tipped to the left to deepen the kiss. 
When Nico caught her tongue, sucking gently, a soft moan fell from her mouth into his.  She'd never had someone do that before, and now couldn't imagine kissing without it. 
“I love that sound,” he mumbled, lips whispering over hers. 
She hmm’d and silenced him again with her mouth.
Though they still remained soft, their kisses grew more urgent, as did Nico’s growing erection, which pressed insistently against her thigh. 
The deep desire purring in her belly shifted into a higher gear. 
“Can I use my mouth on you?”
She'd been thinking about it for so long, imagining the pleasured noises she could pull out of him. She’d thought about it so many times while he was gone, she couldn’t wait to bring it to fruition.  The memory of the way he groaned her name when she was touching him had been the fuel for many lonely night sessions with her vibrator.
“Was?” he breathed, certain he hadn't heard her correctly. 
“Can I use my mouth on you?” She repeated, trailing kisses along his jaw for good measure.
Was this his real life? He pinched his side and flinched from the pain. He wasn't dreaming, then. Not that he’d really thought that. When he dreamed of her going down on him, it usually started with her lips wrapping around him, not with her asking permission. 
His eyes fluttered open to meet hers. “Has anyone ever said no?”
Her cheeks flushed. “I don't know. This is the first time I've asked. Every other guy I’ve been with requested before I could offer.”
“Did you think I would say no?”
“Maybe? Sometimes, I'm just not in the mood for stuff, you know? I don't want to just start in on something you're not ready for. That's not fair to you.”
He'd never had someone ask before, and the sweet thoughtfulness of it broke him open a little more to her. 
“Only if you want to,” he whispered, leaning up to brush his lips over hers, “and only if I can return the favor.”
Her breath hitched, and her wide eyes darted to his. 
“I’ve been thinking about how you taste since last week,” he confessed, voice gone gravely with the memory of cleaning her release off his fingers.
“Nico,” she whispered as heat pooled between her legs.
“When you sent that picture, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I wanted to do to you.”
“Oh yeah?” 
He nodded, hands sliding up her sides. Her shirt bunched atop his wrists. 
She leaned down so her lips were a breath away from his ear, “and what do you want to do to me?”
Though she had him practically panting, his voice somehow still came out a low tambour. “I want to lick you over that lace before I take it off and make you come on my tongue.”
“Oh my god,” she whispered, core throbbing at the mere thought of it. “I…” 
If someone told her, even just five days ago, that Nico Hischier had such a dirty mouth, Lena wouldn’t have believed them. He was usually so polite. She’d never even imagined him saying something like that.  
She liked this filthy-mouthed side of him she’d never seen before. Why had she waited so damn long to tell him?
Rolling them onto their sides, he pressed his lips to her neck, unable to keep his mouth off of her anymore.
“Do you want me —” her voice dropped into a moan as he pushed her onto her back, licking and sucking along the column of her throat. 
“Yes,” he growled into her skin, “so damn much.” 
“Do you want me to put it on?” she finally managed to ask, gasping the words out before he could steal her breath again.
Lifting his head, his brown eyes met hers. He had that same wide open, loving look in them. “Put what on?” 
Why would she put anything on? He was far more interested in shedding her clothes.
“The lingerie.” 
That was a bit different. 
Lena watched his eyes go dark with lust. 
“You’d do that?” he whispered, touched and incredibly turned on.
Nodding, she bit her lip before deciding she could just blurt it out, “I want you to do what you wanted to, and I want to see your reaction.” 
Now that he’d brought up the idea of licking her over her underwear which, what the hell, sounded so hot she could hardly stand it, she needed to feel it. She wanted THAT to be her first experience with his mouth. 
Nico was such an excellent kisser, she knew he would be good at oral. Plus, the idea of wrapping her fingers in his hair as he went down on her? That fantasy had been in regular rotation for years. 
He paused, seemingly caught between saying yes and just continuing as they were. 
Maybe he needed a little more incentive. “What if I put it on to suck you off?” she asked, voice seductive and low in his ear. 
With a soft groan, he buried his face in her neck. He had to admit, fulfilling the initial fantasy that had flooded his mind when she sent that picture was incredibly tempting, and if it included her wearing it to go down on him? That was a fantasy in and of itself. He couldn't find his voice, but he nodded all the same. 
“Meet you in your room in five minutes?” she suggested. 
Five minutes felt like an eternity when she was under him now, but he knew they would be worth it. 
A few minutes later, she knocked on his doorframe, and he spun. She had a soft looking robe on. Green with matching lace trim. 
He looked almost instantly disappointed. 
“I thought you might want to take it off,” she offered quietly, taking a few steps toward him.
He was still just in his pajama pants, the band of his boxers peeking above the waistband. God, why was that always so sexy? 
Though he appreciated the gesture, Nico shook his head. 
Stopping abruptly, Lena confirmed, “no?” 
Shaking his head again, Nico managed to clear his throat and tell her, “want you to.”
Fingers trembling with excitement, she pulled one end of the tie, slipping it from the bow. 
This was an exercise in a kind of vulnerability Lena had never experienced before. Yes, Nico was her best friend, and she trusted him with her life, but she’d never undressed in front of someone like this. This wasn’t just about seduction. This was about bearing herself to a man she loved and who she knew loved her. There was anticipation, but no nervousness, longing, but no worry. There was love and more love and more love under that. She’d never felt like that before.
This wasn’t some kind of strip tease meant to thrill. No, she was bearing a piece of her soul.
Nico found he was holding his breath and made himself pull air into his lungs. 
Lena grasped the two sides of the robe and pulled them apart until they slipped over her shoulders. The fabric puddled to the floor around her feet. 
 A noise he couldn’t control flew out of his mouth. God, if he thought she looked beautiful in the picture, it was nothing compared to this. To the reality of her standing in front of him. She was real — supple skin and hazel eyes and curves he wanted to spend his entire life traversing — right down to her hands, which were splayed over the flesh of her hips as if she didn’t know what else to do with them. 
She was…she was a goddess. He would worship her every day of the week. “You’re so beautiful, Lena,” he croaked.
“Thank you,” she said, a blush pinking her cheeks. 
“Can you —” he had to pause to clear his throat. 
She nodded encouragingly. 
“Can I see the back?” 
She let out a little giggle and turned for him, looking back over her shoulder.
The back of the bra was fairly standard - straps and a band that was secured by a row of hooks. The underwear were anything but. They cut high on her cheeks and perfectly accentuated the curvature of her hips. His jaw went slack. 
This was a better response than she could have asked for. When she’d bought this set, one of the selling points was how good the panties made her ass look. Having Nico appreciate it to the point of open mouthed silence, sent a delighted thrill through her. 
“Now you?” she said, turning back around and nodding at his pants.
Taking a deep breath, he worked his thumbs under the waistband of his pajamas. Pushing the elastic over his hips, the cotton fell down, and he stepped out of it. 
Lena let out a thick sigh, eyes roaming over him, from the bob of his Adam’s apple and flex of his stomach to the dark hair trailing from his belly button into the elastic band of his briefs and the lighter hair that crept up his thighs. She'd seen all these things before as an artist, but now, she was seeing them as a woman. She didn't have to stuff down her desire or try to channel it through her pencil. She got to admire him as a woman who wanted him. 
When their eyes met again, his were nervous, as if waiting for a verdict. Instead of saying anything, she took the few steps forward, slid her hand to the back of his neck, and nudged him down as she raised herself on tiptoe. 
Their lips met, and that feeling of rightness filled Lena again. As her tongue swept into his waiting mouth, she pressed herself against him. 
Taking the time to savor the feel of the lace beneath his palms, Nico caressed her hips slowly before sliding them around to cradle her rump. 
She broke the kiss, and his hands were suddenly sliding up her body as she lowered onto her knees in front of him. “Shit, Lena,” he breathed. 
A coy, sexy smile took over her face, and Lena leaned in to press her lips to his right thigh. The muscle jumped beneath his skin.
Pulling back to sit on her haunches, Lena looked up at him, surprised. No man had ever told her to stop when she was setting up to suck him off. 
Half of Nico’s brain was in his dick, but he needed to get this right. “I went first last time,” he said.
“It’s not like we have to take turns.” 
“I know, but I want to give first.” When she didn’t move, he added on a slightly desperate, “please.” 
She nodded, and he took her hands to pull her to her feet. They turned so her back was facing the bed, and he smiled indulgently at the way she had to do a little hop to sit on the mattress. 
“Lay back,” he said. 
She scooted up to the pillows and did as he instructed.
She was a fantasy in his dark sheets. 
Biting his lip, he paused to admire her for a moment before climbing onto the bed and covering her body with his. As their mouths met in a passionate, desperate kiss, he settled between her legs. He rutted his hips into her, and she moaned. The sound made him heady, and he did it again just to hear it. If they kept that up, he would be begging her to let him fuck her right then. But he knew from fingering her the week before that she would need to be relaxed and stretched a bit before she could take him comfortably. Plus, now that she was in his bed in this lingerie, he had to bring his desires to life. And he really fucking wanted his mouth on her. 
He broke from the kiss and trailed his lips over her chin and down her neck and chest. Too impatient to wait, his mouth found her pebbled nipple, teasing it through the fabric of her bra. 
Lena had never felt anything so hot in her life. Her hands wove into his hair, and she moaned. “Nico. Oh my god.”
He moved on too quickly, but before she could complain, his lips were skimming over her stomach, down to the band of her panties. The memory of his confession crashed into her mind. 
I want to lick you over that lace before I take it off and make you come on my tongue.
She writhed beneath him.
He nosed her mound gently, playfully, and glanced up to her face. “This is still okay?” 
“Yes!” she hissed, voice pulled tight. “Please, Nico.”
Who was he to deny what she wanted? 
Spreading her thighs with his hands, he leaned in and trailed his nose up the gusset of her underwear. His mouth started to water. Shit, she smelled so good. 
He couldn’t hold back any longer. His tongue met the lace, licking a slow stripe up the center. He could almost taste her through the fabric. The sweet, tangy flavor he'd been craving for a week was so close. 
Lena could almost feel him. There was pressure, and the heat from his breath was there, but the full stimulation of his tongue wasn't. Experiencing him like this was so hot, the anticipation of feeling him built and built until it felt like she may just explode. She let out a wanton moan of his name.
He teased her until her hips were grinding up, and her breathing was coming out in hot puffs. He teased her until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
She whined when he pulled back but cut the noise off when his fingers slipped into the band of her underwear and started pulling it down. Desperate to please, she lifted her hips, allowing him to peel them from her body more easily.
He took his time, running his hands down her legs, and when the fabric was free, he brought it to his nose just to work himself up a little more. His dick twitched.
“Fuck,” she whispered. Who knew her polite, cheerful Nico had this side to him? 
He almost wished he was still wearing pants so he could slip her panties into his pocket. Instead, he tossed them over the side of the bed. He’d pick them up later. 
Settling between her legs again, he looked up to meet her gaze over the expanse of her body. Propped up on her elbows, her chest rose and fell, testing the limits of her bra with every inhale. He could hardly stand it.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
She blushed. How did he know exactly what to say? Could he read her thoughts or something? 
“You’ll tell me if you don’t like something,” he verified, “or if you want something else?” 
Only after she nodded did he get to work, plunging his face between her thighs like he’d been dreaming of for years. 
A sense of deep satisfaction rumbled in his chest when she cried out.
She tasted the same, like he remembered, and better: sweet and tangy and fresh. It was just so Lena. He couldn't get enough. He licked and kissed and teased and tasted.
Falling back against his pillows, Lena moaned his name. 
Her left hand found its way into his hair again, weaving the long, soft strands through her fingers. The reality of this fantasy coming true made her shake as much as his clever tongue did. 
He moved to lap at her entrance, which was not where she wanted him at all.
“Nico, I –” her voice cut off with a moan as his nose nudged her clit. 
Fuck it. Tightening her fingers into a fist, she tugged on his hair, guiding his mouth where she needed it.
He grunted into her as his lips surrounded her throbbing pearl, so eager for his attention.
“There,” her voice was a breathy pant that made his heart race, “right there, Nico.” 
Hands tightening on her thighs, he feasted. 
Her hips shifted, and even though it made it near impossible for him to breathe, he kept on, intent on his mission. 
It took half a second for his brain to understand her word as a command. He obeyed, and the groan she let out made him light headed. Or maybe that was the lack of oxygen. It didn’t matter. There was no way he was stopping until she was falling apart beneath him. 
He thought briefly about using his fingers, but no. He wanted to make her come like this first. 
His lips and tongue continued working their magic on her. Pressure built and tingled in her pelvis until it spread, shooting down her legs and making her toes curl. 
“Nico,” she gasped. 
When he glanced up, he found her right hand cupping her breast, thumb and forefinger teasing the peak of her nipple through the lace of her bra. The sight of it — of her adding to her own pleasure — made his eyes roll back. 
The vibration of his groan lit her on fire. It was the final push she needed to tip over the edge. 
She crashed in an explosion of color and sound as his eager mouth kept working, sending wave after wave of ecstasy rushing through her body.
The pleasured noises she chanted were the most beautiful music he’d ever heard. She pulsed under his mouth, and he lapped at her release. He wanted to drink from her fountain for the rest of his life. 
Coming back to herself, Lena pushed him away from her core before the overstimulation could turn into pain. 
The sight of him — eyes hooded with desire, mouth and chin wet with her orgasm — made her moan again as he pushed himself up. 
Nico felt drunk. Drunk on her pleasure and the fact that he’d been the one to pull it out of her. 
He licked his lips, pulling more of her release into his mouth before wiping his face with the back of his hand.
He lay next to her and slid his hand over her stomach, letting it come to rest comfortably cupping her breast.
Lena was flat on her back, trying to get her breathing back to a normal rhythm. 
“Oh my god,” she finally managed to gasp. 
“It was good?” he asked. 
“Yes!” she smacked his chest when she said it. “I don’t… I mean…” 
He smiled as she tried to find the words. 
Turning her head, she met his gaze. “I never knew you were so nasty.” 
“I wasn’t mean,” he defended, hurt that she was accusing him. 
“No, like kinky.” 
He hated this part of speaking English. Why did so many words have so many different meanings that they already had words for?
“It’s kinky that I like the way you smell and taste?” 
“I’ve never — I mean no one has ever…”
“It was my first time with you,” he said, nuzzling his nose into her neck. “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. I wanted to savor it.”
“Speaking of, I think it’s your turn,” she said coyly, pressing a hand to his shoulder. She shoved, and he flopped onto his back without protest. 
She climbed over him, straddling his torso. 
Finally feeling the weight of her on top of him was heaven. She was tethering him down to earth. 
Her hot wetness against his skin made him twitch. He couldn't wait to bury himself inside her. Just imagining how tight and wet she'd feel around him made him moan.  
“I haven't even touched you yet,” she smirked. 
“I want you so bad.” The words slipped out in German. He started to translate, but she cut him off. 
“I got the idea,” she said seductively as she leaned down to kiss him. She could taste herself on his lips and tongue as she did her best to work him up with her mouth alone.  
The way he moaned sent a bolt of desire through her. Unable to stop herself, she rutted her hips against the hard wall of his stomach. 
He choked out a curse, head tipping back into the pillows. 
Taking advantage, she connected her mouth to his throat, feeling his Adams apple move under her lips as he swallowed hard. 
She moved to the other side of his neck. 
His hands slipped to her hips, desperate to touch her. 
As she slid down his body, her core passed over his, causing gentle pressure on his cock through the confining material of his boxers. His hips thrust up, desperate for more. 
Bracing on his chest, Lena pushed herself up and ground her hips down on his. 
Lashes fluttering, his eyes rolled back, and he gripped her hips with more ferocity. 
She’d never had this kind of power over a man before. It made her heady with the want to tease him until he begged.
“Lena,” he groaned, almost as if in pain. 
“I’m —” he gasped as she reached around, unclasped her bra, and took it off. She threw it across the room.
“I’m gonna come if you keep doing that,” he warned as she rocked against him.
“Is that so bad?” she asked, her voice thrown into mock innocence. 
“I — fuck.” She was riling him up and he loved it. “Want to feel your mouth,” he finally managed to say. 
“What if I want to hear you beg?”
His eyes shot open, pupils blown wide. Her tone was playful, as were her eyes, and mirth dripped from her smile. He knew if he said he didn’t like it, she’d stop right away. Except, with her on top of him, he found he was ready to do whatever she wanted. 
“Fuck, Lena. Please.” If she wanted him to beg, he’d beg. 
“Please what?” she asked innocently, lowering her mouth over his nipple. He twitched against her as her tongue circled the small peak before flicking over the top of it. 
His breath practically huffed out of his lungs. 
“I want your mouth,” he groaned. “Please.”
“You do have very good manners,” she complimented, pushing herself up again. 
They were going to go out the window if she didn't do something soon. “Please.”
If he didn’t know her sliding further down his body likely meant he would feel her mouth soon, he would have whined at the loss of stimulation. 
Once she found herself over his legs, Lena leaned down to kiss that trail of dark hair that wound its way down the center of his abs and dipped into the waistband of his boxer briefs. 
“Can I take these off?” she asked as her fingers tucked under the elastic. 
“Please,” bracing on his heels, he thrust his hips up so she could remove them, breathing a sigh of relief when his cock sprung free of the confining material. 
“How do you like it?” she asked, hands caressing up his thighs. 
He gulped. “I —” 
“Or do you just want me to start, and you can tell me if you don’t like something?” 
He nodded vigorously. The thing he wanted most was for her to just put her mouth on him. He’d dreamed of it so many times, and now, here she was, leaning over him. 
The guttural groan that tore from his chest as Lena wrapped her lips around the head of his cock surprised them both. Her eyes shot up to look at his face, making sure he wasn’t in pain. His eyes were glued to her, wide with adoration and lust. The sight of her with her lips around him — he could die a happy man. 
“You feel so good,” he groaned. 
She loved that when he got worked up, his accent thickened.
 One of her hands was braced on his thigh, while the other swept up to cradle his balls, stroking the sensitive skin with her thumb.
The only thing Nico could do was chant her name. Every time he tried to say something else, she did something new, hollowing her cheeks, or sensuously licking the tip, or moving her mouth to the underside of his cock so her open lips traced the vein there, the tip of her tongue whispering between them. 
When her lips wrapped around him again, he was gone. “Gonna –-”  he only managed to get that one word out before he was exploding into her hot, heavenly mouth.
She squeaked in surprise but relished sucking his release off and feeling it slide down her throat. 
She lay beside him, watching Nico gasping in breaths, contented to have brought out this side of him. 
“Holy shit,” he said. 
“It was good?” she asked, repeating his earlier question and trying not to giggle. 
Turning his head, he glanced at her, one eyebrow raised. 
Before either of them could respond, her stomach grumbled loudly. 
Her eyes widened, and her hand flew to cover it, “Sorry, I’ve usually eaten by this time.”
“You don't need to apologize,” he said, laughing. 
“Why aren’t you all grumbly?” she asked. 
“I…ate a protein bar while you were getting changed,” he admitted. 
“You – what? And you didn't even think to share?” she demanded, playfully shoving away from him. “Some boyfriend you are.”
He smiled at being called her boyfriend,  even through the insult. 
“Sharing your food is like boyfriend 101.”
“I did order breakfast,” he offered. 
“Last night. It should be here in,” he glanced at the clock on his nightstand, “fifteen minutes. I kind of forgot how early you wake up.”
“Nico Hischier,” she said, voice full of teasing admonition as she crawled over him, “did you plan to seduce me this morning?”
He grinned, and she laughed as he pulled her down. She bounced on his chest. “Maybe I did. Aren't you glad I at least planned ahead?”
Pulling back to look into his face, her smile was soft and full of love. “Yes,” she said, leaning down to kiss him. “Yes, I am.” 
While waiting for breakfast to arrive, they made out, slowly and passionately, hands tracing each others bodies with a reverent tenderness Lena had always dreamed of. 
He was already stiff against her thigh again. It seemed impossible he could be nearly ready to go so soon after coming. He really did have the body of a God. 
His phone buzzed on the nightstand, and he pulled away reluctantly. 
“That’s breakfast,” he said. 
“Guess we should go get it,” she said, though she didn’t make any moves to get off of him. 
“I’ll go,” he said, pressing a quick kiss to her pouty, over-kissed mouth, “you stay here.” 
She watched as he threw on a new pair of boxers, some joggers, and a t-shirt before strolling out of the apartment. 
“Have you seen my underwear?” she asked when he came back through the door, a bag from her favorite bagel shop in one hand, and two coffees in a carrier in the other. 
“Hu?” he asked, slipping the coffees onto the table. 
“My underwear,” she said. “I couldn’t find them in your room.” 
“Weird,” he said, hoping she wouldn’t pick up on the hot flush of his cheeks. 
“Do you have them?” she asked. When all he responded with was a non-committal grunt, she surmised, “they’re in your pocket, aren’t they?”
He couldn’t keep the little smile off of his face. 
She rolled her eyes and took the iced coffee. “It’s a good thing I love you.” 
His smile grew brighter, and he handed her her sandwich. 
“No one’s ever made me feel like you do, Nico.”
 He’d just been telling her he felt like he won the lottery, and she wanted to assure him she felt the same. 
“Like no ones made you come?” he asked, licking ketchup off his thumb.
“No. Well, I mean, yes. You’re better because you listen —”
A smug smile took over his face. 
“I mean that you accept me. Like all of me. That hadn’t really happened in my life before you.” 
His brows shot up.
“I don’t think my family really knew what to do with me,” she said, picking up the other half of her ham and egg sandwich. 
“What do you mean?” 
“They’re all sporty, you know, and I’m…not. I’ve always been this creative free spirit, and I think my parents were at a bit of a loss when I was so bad at skating and said I wanted to take drawing lessons instead.”
“They love your art, though.” Nico had met her parents, and both of them seemed extremely proud of her. 
“They’re better now, but when I was in primary school, and even up to the point that you came in, it always felt a bit like they resented that I had these talents.” 
“Resented?” he asked. 
“Yeah, like they wished I was more like the rest of the family.”
His brows drew together. 
“And don’t get me started on the boys on the team.” 
“Everyone really liked you. I think every guy on the team had a crush on you.” All the more reason to feel contented he had her now.
“Listen, you don’t get it.”
“Don’t I?” 
“No. You were always good at sport and popular, right?” 
He made a non-commital noise. Popularity in North America was very different from how he grew up. There was much more comparison than he ever experienced. 
“I was always the artsy girl in a place that worships sports.”
“But you came to sports?”
“Yeah,” one of her shoulders shrugged up, “I came to support my friends, but they hardly ever came to things to support me. I remember Robbie told me once, ‘I don’t have enough culture for that,’ when I invited him to an art show I had some pieces in.” 
Robbie had been their goalie, who had brought Lena into the friend group. He and Jessica were now married and had several children. 
Nico’s heart broke a little. 
“And then you came in and not only did you not treat me like the only thing I was good for was being looked at, you knew some things about art, and you actually talked to me about it.”
In fact, She still vividly remembered her first encounter with Nico. 
She’d been sitting on the refreshments counter at the rink, drawing in her ever-present sketchbook while Jessica puttered around the tiny kitchen. He’d walked up to her, asked if he could see, and said, “that’s very good,” when she showed him.
She’d blushed and thanked him, and he asked where she learned to draw. 
Jessica had interjected then, bragging about Lena’s painting skills, and telling him he should come see them at the school the next time he was there.
He’d then given Lena his trademark dimpled smile and said he would. 
She was used to this. Boys said this all the time, but then would never actually show. 
Lo and behold, three days later, she was shocked to find Nico outside the art classroom after school, studying one of her paintings Mr. Jacobsen had hung in the hallway. 
“Hey Nico.”
He startled a little, “hi, Lena. You did this, right?” 
She nodded. 
“It’s very good. I like the shape,” he said, then frowned, shaking his head slightly, “not the shape. The,” he gestured with his hands as if dividing the three sections of the painting, the sky, forrest and field. “What’s the word for this?” he asked, repeating the gesture. 
“The composition?” she guessed. 
“Yes, the composition,” he said, relieved that she understood what he was trying to say. “I like that the sky is bigger. It feels like that here.” 
“Thank you.” It was exactly what she’d been aiming for. 
“You’re very talented,” he said, turning to look at her. He met her eyes and smiled. 
“Thank you,” she said again, wishing she had some other way to respond to his compliments. She didn’t have much experience with the nice, cute boy in school talking to her about art and pulling out words like composition and knowing how to use them properly in a sentence. 
It had started their friendship. It was amazing how that simple interaction of him following through made her feel. Not only seen in so many ways, but also that it kicked the budding crush she had on him into hyperdrive. She’d never met another man like him. 
Pink splotches rose high on his cheeks, and he gave her a chagrined smile. 
“What?” she asked, laughing. 
“I didn’t know much about art,” he said. “I went home and looked it up so I could talk to you about it.”
His confession made her heart burst, “really?” 
He nodded, “you were passionate about it, and I wanted to know you, so I had to learn so we could talk.”
“Nico, I can’t believe you did that for me.” 
He blushed and smiled some more. 
“How are you even real?” she asked, reaching out to run her fingers through his hair. 
It called up memories of not that long ago when she had her fingers tangled in his hair for a different reason. “Real?” he asked. 
“You’re like a dream,” she said, hand slipping to cup his jaw. “Kind and thoughtful and dedicated, and handsome to boot. It’s like you’re too perfect to be real.” 
He laughed, loud and open. He couldn’t think of anyone further from perfect than himself. 
After their meal and brushing their teeth, Nico spent some more time between her legs, eating a second and third breakfast, using his beautiful hands to aid in bringing her to a crest twice more. 
“Fuck,” she breathed as he lay next to her, “how did you get so good at that?” 
He laughed, wiping his face with his hand. “I don’t know. I listen.” 
“You listen?” she repeated. 
“Yeah, you make this little ‘uh,’” he imitated a high pitched grunt, “noise when you feel good, so I do whatever I just did again when you make it.” 
Rolling onto her side, she looked at him, “I do?” 
He nodded. 
“When did you notice that?” 
“Last week. You told me what to do and then made that noise when I did it. So I tired it again,” he said with a shrug and a secret little smile.
She knew Nico was used to noticing things other people didn’t. It’s what made him a good hockey player. He noticed and noted things about players and teams and used them to put together his best game possible. He even noticed things about her - like the fact that she liked pistachio flavored things, and liked to paint on the right side of the living room and that she liked a margarita. She couldn't remember ever telling him these things, but he had pistachio creamer in his fridge, moved the living room furniture around, and brought her a margarita whenever they went out together. 
“You’re something else, Nico Hischier,” Lena said, bringing her hand up to the side of his face. 
He smiled, nuzzling his cheek into her palm. 
“What do you want?” he asked. He wanted her, but if she wanted more foreplay, he would give it to her. He just wanted her to be happy. 
Scooting closer, she slung a leg over his hip. She held eye contact as she said, “I want you to make love to me, Nico.” 
His hand slid onto her thigh, up to her hip, and over the curve of her waist in a reverent exploration. “How do you want it? Like, what position?” he asked. 
“Missionary,” she said, her fingers tracing over his collar bone and onto his chest. “I want to see you.” 
It struck him as a tender thing for her to request, and he was glad for it. He wanted to see her, too. They could try more intense positions later. For now, that was how it needed to be. 
“Where are you going?” she asked when he rolled away from her. 
He glanced back at her with a cheeky smile. “Eager,” he teased with a lingering scan of her body as he reached into the drawer of his bedside table. 
She snorted. 
“I’m getting a condom,” he said, holding up the foil wrapped package once he’d dug one out. 
“Oh,” she said. “I have an IUD if you don’t want to.” 
His next breath came shallow. 
“I mean, unless you’re not clean. I haven’t had unprotected sex since I was last tested.”
He didn’t like to think of her having any sex at all unless it was with him. “We get tested at the start of every season,” he said. “All clear. I haven’t had sex since then.” 
“Then,” she reached forward to pluck the condom from his fingers, relieved she hadn’t been the only celibate one for the last three months, “I don’t think we need to use one.” She tossed it behind him. It landed on the nightstand, skidded across the surface, and fell somewhere they could find later. “I don’t want anything between us.”
Her eyes were dark with desire, and he felt it through his whole body. 
“You’re incredible,” he said reverently, bringing his body next to hers again. 
She reached between them to stroke his erection and his eyes fluttered closed. Feeling her hand reminded him how quickly he’d come in her mouth. “I’m scared I won’t last,” he admitted. 
He’d dreamed of being inside her for so long, gotten himself off to the thought of it so many times, he might just explode the second it became real. Reality shortening his fuze to next to nothing.
He met her gaze. 
“I don’t care how long you last.” Lena was struck once again with how handsome he was. Those big, brown doe eyes and pouty mouth. How was this her life? 
He scoffed. 
“I’m serious,” she said, giving him a look that told the truth. “I just want to feel you.” 
He looked almost as if he might cry. 
“And I know if you do come too fast, you’ll make it up to me. You’ve already given me four orgasms and it’s not even ten in the morning.” 
He chuckled, glad for her reassurance and humor. 
“Is this helping?” she asked, continuing at the same, gentle pace, “or no?” 
He nodded. It probably was helping - getting him used to the feel of her.
“Do you want me to keep going?” 
He shook his head, finally getting up the strength to pull her hand away. They’d waited long enough. 
Lena rolled onto her back, and he followed, bracing himself on his forearms above her. 
As he reached down go guide himself, Nico pulled in a deep breath. Slow. They were going to take this slow, and everything was going to be fine.
Even nestling his tip against her entrance sent sparks pinging through his system. 
He tore his eyes from where their bodies would soon be joined and looked into her face, “this is okay?”
She nodded.
“You’ll tell me if —” 
She leaned up to cut him off with a kiss. “Make love to me, Nico,” she whispered as she settled back against the pillows. 
And so, he eased forward. 
Her hips tipped to his, a pleasured sigh escaping her lips. There was a stretch, but he’d prepped her so well, there was no pain. 
She met his gaze as his hips settled against hers. He was looking at her with all this love and adoration. No one had ever looked at her like that but him. Reaching up, she swept some of his hair out of his eyes, only to have it fall right back. 
A laugh chuffed out of him as if to agree that was a losing battle.  
“You can move,” she said after a few more moments of his trembling stillness. 
He swallowed and shifted his hips back. 
She took in a sharp breath. “Oh.”
“Feels good?” his voice was tight with restraint. 
The fullness of him was good, but feeling him move inside her was better. “Yes,” she moaned. 
A thousand little dreams came true.  
The sight of her beneath him was a replay of so many fantasies, his resolve was unraveling too fast. He knew she meant what she said about him coming too soon, but he wanted to be good for her, and, dammit, he wanted to feel her fall apart around him. He slammed his eyes closed. 
“How does it,” she gasped as he withdrew to the tip, “feel?” 
“You feel so good, Lena,” he panted. “You’re so tight.”
“Or you’re so thick,” she countered, back arching as he thrust back onto her, a little harder.
That’s when she heard it, that little grunt. It was something her body seemed to do naturally. She would never have noticed it if Nico hadn’t pointed it out. And he’d picked up on it almost immediately, filing the information in his beautiful brain to help bring her pleasure. What had she ever done to deserve this man?
Nico risked looking at her. She was beautiful every time he saw her, but this took the cake.
“What do you need? What will make you come?” 
Of course Nico was mature enough to communicate and know he needed her help to get her there.
“Keep going,” she panted as her hand slipped between them in search of her clit. Nico felt so good. So incredible inside her, but she'd never been able to get off by penetration alone. 
His jaw dropped as her walls fluttered around him. “Fuck can't do that,” he groaned. 
“Need it,” she whispered, pressing purposeful circles over the sensitive bundle. 
He moaned her name and buried his face in her neck. She felt so much better than he'd even fantasized. 
She made a noise that made his hair stand on end. God, how was he going to get through this without embarrassing himself when she sounded like that? Like more than all of his dreams combined?
“Nico,” she moaned his name the same way, and he felt his resolve crumble a little bit more. 
Pulling from every self discipline lesson he'd learned in hockey and beyond, he stilled, reminding his body his mind was more powerful. 
Once he had some semblance of control back, his competitive determination snapped into place, and his desire to please her took the drivers seat. He needed to see her come beneath him.
“Nico. Can you…” she trailed off before demanding, “harder.”
He braced lifted himself higher and drove his cock into her with more ferocity, grunting with each show of strength. 
Feeling his strong hips drive into her over and over again made her back bow. “Oh my god. Nico, yes!”
Sweat broke out along his hairline just as much from exertion as the restraint he was clinging to. 
“I’m almost there.”
“Let go,” he growled. 
Her mouth dropped open. She never expected to hear Nico order her around at all, but hearing the gruff command in SwissGerman sent her body into a frenzy. She had no idea what he said, but it was the hottest fucking thing she'd ever heard. 
Her hips rose to meet his, and he could still feel her fingers between them, working for her own high. 
He watched pleasure roll across her face and continued on.  “Lena,” his resolve was slipping, and he heard desperation creep into his voice. “Come.”  
That one word order — she knew it had to be — tipped her over the precipice, and her body seized.
Feeling her walls clench around him pulled a shout from his gut. Fuck, she felt so good. As he continued, the rapid pulsating began. 
“Lena,” it came out a desperate moan. “Lena.”
This was…she was… 
Careening over the edge with a shouted, “Fuck!” he flooded her in a haze of bliss. 
Afterglow turned his limbs to jelly, and he collapsed atop her. 
Walking to his locker the next morning, Nico tried his best to be as inconspicuous as possible. If he didn’t draw attention to the hickeys on his neck and chest, no one would notice. He’d just change with his chest facing the stall. 
“Ooh!” Dawson called out as soon as he’d stripped off his shirt, “Cap finally got laid!”
He went rigid. The memory of Lena’s nails raking over his back as she unraveled beneath him for the fourth - or maybe it was the fifth - time flew into his mind. 
He'd nearly howled like a wolf when she'd done it. The pain, together with the pleasure of her walls constricting around him – not to mention the very reality that he was the one making her come so hard – made him see stars. 
“Whose the lucky lady?” Jack asked, sauntering over, “was it that blonde from the bar? I bet it was the blonde.” 
He felt himself snort. “No,” he said, voice louder than he expected. Of course it wasn’t the blonde from the bar. Some girl he’d just met could never compare.
“Who was it then? We all know it wasn’t Lena.” 
Nico couldn’t help the smug little smile that spread over his lips. 
Jonas picked up on it right away. “it was Lena wasn’t it?” he asked, eyes going wide. 
Feeling himself blush, Nico tried and failed to keep the grin off his face.
“It was!” Jack exclaimed. “You finally got the balls!” he clapped a hand on Nicos shoulder and spun him around, taking in the marks on his chest and neck. “Looks like she enjoyed herself at least!” he said with a laugh.
“Aw man,” Dawson moaned, sinking onto the bench at his stall. “Why are all the hot girls taken?” 
“You didn’t seriously think you had a chance with Lena, did you?” Curtis chirped, one sarcastic eyebrow raised. 
Dawson shrugged, feeling his face and neck get hot. 
“Didn’t you see the way she and Nico have been eye fucking each other the past four months? Neeks was practically on his knees at Halloween.” 
“I was not,” Nico defended. 
“No,” Jack broke in, “you were. You were practically drooling, to be honest.” 
Coming home after practice, the apartment smelled heavenly. Like spicy sausage and something creamy. Lena was cooking. 
He followed his nose to the kitchen and found her at the stove in a pair of running shorts and a gray Devils t-shirt, stirring whatever she had in the sauce pot. 
As he watched, she brought the spoon to her mouth, tipped her head to the side as she tasted, then reached for the salt. She shook some in before stirring and repeating the process.
She must have deemed it done because she set the spoon down and flipped off the burner. She grabbed some hot pads and lifted the pot off the stove. 
A yelp escaped her mouth when Lena turned to find Nico in the doorway, looking at her. She nearly dropped the whole pot of sauce. 
 “Oh my God! Why do you do that?” she demanded, managing to set the pot back on the stove. 
An amused smile lifted his mouth, dimpling one cheek more than the other. “Do what?” 
“You keep just showing up in the kitchen without any warning!” she said, flapping a hot pad in his direction, “and it scares the hell out of me when I turn around.” 
“I just get too distracted to say hello,” he admitted. 
“Distracted?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, you’re…” he paused, gesturing to her as he tried to find the right words. “You’re so pretty it steals my thoughts sometimes.”
She blushed. 
“That time I came in when you had that pink underwear on, I thought I might faint.”
She rolled her eyes. 
“I’m serious, Lena,” he said, finally stepping in so he could put his hands on her waist. The fact that he could touch her like this now was still banging pots and pans around his brain each time he did it.
“You thought you might faint?” she repeated. “that seems a little dramatic, Nico.” 
He shrugged, “it was like this stolen moment.”
He paused, working his thumbs under the shirt hanging loose on her petite frame. He loved that she’d started wearing his shirts.
“I loved you for so long, and it was like this little, secret gift.” His thumbs drew circles on her skin as he thought through the words, “it was like I was seeing you like I might if we were together, and I just couldn’t…I couldn’t bear to say anything because it would break it.”
“I thought you were shocked at my thighs,” she blurted, effectively running the moment. What he was saying was so incredibly sweet, but him bringing up that moment brought her straight back. 
He laughed quietly. “I was shocked at your thighs. I don’t think I’d ever seen you in your underwear.” 
“I mean…I thought you didn’t like them,” she said quietly, hoping he didn’t think she was fishing for compliments. The way he’d tenderly kissed her there the night before told her she’d been wrong. 
His gaze grew soft, “you’re so beautiful, Lena. How could you think that?” 
One of her shoulders shrugged up. “I’ve never really liked them.”
His hand slid down over her hip to tenderly grip the flesh, “I love them,” he said, leaning in closer to nuzzle his nose against hers. “I especially like what’s between them.” 
“You’re insatiable,” she teased, even as her heart fluttered. It was a strange thing to have her insecurities turned inside out so easily. 
“Can you blame me?” he asked, lips whispering over hers, “when I’ve wanted you for so long, and now,” he slid his other hand to her other thigh, and tightened his fingers, nudging her to jump. She did, and he moved to cup her rear to hold her up as her ankles hooked around his waist. “Now I have you?” The truth in his statement, along with the feel of her body pressed against his, made him a little breathless.
The steps they’d taken to get here were clear, and she followed them again and again in her mind, but in moments like this, it still felt like a dream. Instead of answering, she kissed him.
They’d kissed a lot now, but it still felt so new that each time she initiated, each time she caught his mouth, and especially each time her tongue brushed against his, his knees went a little weak. 
Stumbling just slightly, he backed up and ran into the fridge. The bottles in the door clinked and rattled in protest. 
The sauce and baked potatoes were long forgotten as he carried her to the bedroom.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Playlist
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unknowndrone · 1 year
Yelena’s Diary
Yelena Belova X Fem!Reader
Prompt: Natasha finds Yelena’s diary which results in the contents of the diary getting revealed to you.
WC: 1.7k
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Warnings: siblings threatening to kill each other
She should’ve known better. As the greatest spy and assassin in the world with a sibling with a similar title, she should’ve known that unless that diary was sewn to her body, Natasha was somehow  going to get her grubby hands on it. 
“Give it back, Natasha!” She hisses.
They were like school girls, things that Yelena would only ever see happening in the American TV shows, not between two assassins. Natasha flips through the pages, while simultaneously dodging Yelena’s efforts to retrieve the book.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. How many chapters are you going to spend complaining about the team and complimenting Y/N?” she questions.
“Natasha, I am not afraid to stab you!” the younger sister threatens. 
“Do it,” Natasha challenges. “I bet you’d love to explain to Y/N why you felt the need to stab her favorite Black Widow.”
“-you are not her favorite Black Widow!” 
“Just because you wrote it in your diary doesn’t mean it’s actually true-”
“Stop it!” Yelena screams once more. This time she pounces on to her sister’s shoulders. Natasha wildly spins knowing that Yelena was seconds away from putting her into a choke hold before throwing Yelena on to the bed. 
Natasha paces away, flipping through the pages and gaining a few more paragraphs before her sister would rush to attack once more. “Who taught you to draw a heart like that, Lena?” 
The younger widow pouts. “Give it back, Natasha!”
That’s the thing about older siblings. They’re a menace.
At this point, the two widows were running through the compound. The blonde chasing the red head with no one to stop them. No one except-
The elevator door opens, revealing you. You just returned from your mission only to see Natasha trying to evade Yelena who looked ready to murder her. You raise your eyebrow, noticing how they were far too busy trying to fight each other that they didn’t hear the elevator door. 
Your eyes dart to see Steve walking past you with a book in his hand. Tapping his shoulder to get his attention, you gesture towards the widows. “What happened?” 
Steve only lets out a laugh, shaking his head. “Yelena’s been chasing Nat for hours.” He explains before leaving you to your thoughts. 
As amusing as it is to watch the two widows play a game of cat and mouse, you figured that it was time for the two to reconcile as you carefully approach them, making sure not to get too close just in case Yelena decides to throw a knife at Natasha and you aren’t able to dodge it in time. 
Eventually you get close enough, crossing your arms, fighting the amused smirk that was forming at your lips. When you let out a cough, the fight instantly stops. Natasha smiles brightly when she sees you, almost too brightly. Meanwhile, Yelena looks more horrified than she is happy. Part of your heart wrenches as to why she looks so disheartened to see you. She was always happy to see you. 
“That’s enough fighting for you two, don’t you think?” You suggest, eyes darting between Yelena and then Natasha. 
Natasha glances at Yelena, nodding, “I agree.” Her response only earns another glare from the blonde widow. 
 “How was your mission?” Yelena asks you. 
You shrug, “Standard.” Your eyes catch at what seems like a journal in Natasha’s hand. “I didn’t know you journal, Nat.” 
Natasha holds the book up, the smile on her face becoming more mischievous. “Oh me? Oh no,this isn’t mine. This is-” 
“Natasha stop! Don’t you dare ruin this for me!” Yelena hisses.
But just before Natasha can say anything, Yelena pounces on her. Your eyes widen at the violence and Yelena’s sudden persistence. You knew if you didn’t act now, the floors of the Avengers facility might be painted red. So your arms grab Yelena’s shoulders and you pull her until her back is flushed against you.
“That’s enough!” you bark, trying to get the two siblings to stop.
Yelena almost instantly relaxes in your hold. It wasn’t your first time holding her. In fact, you’ve hugged her many times before whether it be before missions when you return home from missions or whenever she’s upset. Your touch was like an instant sedative. 
This one especially.
Natasha sighs in relief, but her hand was still clutching the book. When she meets eyes with her sister, she notices how Yelena almost looks like she melted into a pool of her own love for you. Regardless, you pull Yelena away, dragging her to her room before things get worse. 
“Oh here’s your book Yelena…” Natasha teases, handing the book to her sister. Yelena quickly snatches it before you could get your hands on it. You know better than to ask questions seeing how pissed Yelena was. You figured that you would have a chat with Natasha as to why she’s going through her sister’s belongings later. For now, you need to make sure Yelena has cooled down.
The two of you are now sitting in your room. Yelena is laying in bed while you are getting changed into more comfortable clothes. The book is held protectively over her chest. It seems to be super glued to her like she didn’t want anyone seeing what was inside. 
“So…is there anything in that private journal I don’t know about?” you tease while slipping on your pajamas. 
The blonde blushes profusely, “no,” she speaks a little too quickly. 
“I’m not pushing, Lena. I was just curious,” you shrug. “You’re allowed to have your own private thoughts.”
Yelena looks at you for a while. She’s been doing that a lot recently where you would notice her gaze on you seemed to linger longer than expected. It made you curious at what was going through her little head. 
Eventually, you plop yourself on the bed next to her and, like many other nights before, you two bask in each other’s presence. You found her shoulder comforting, so you lay your head there, too, observing her reaction intently. To your surprise, you feel her muscles visibly tense for a moment before easing into your warmth.
“Is everything okay?” you ask her suddenly. 
“Everything is fine,” the assassin dismisses. “Just stop talking…”
Of course, her dismissive attitude made you just slightly more worried. Yelena was your best friend. The only time she was ever like this is when she’s afraid of something but she’s too scared to tell you. Just like the time she was secretly afraid of the sound of thunder so she actively avoided Thor and also tended to blast your music louder than usual during a storm. You knew just as well as Natasha when something was wrong with Yelena. 
“You can tell me,” you whisper in the silence.
“I can’t.” Yelena whispers back, her voice small. “This is different. I-I can’t share it with you.” 
You pout, looking over your shoulder to see her expression. “Why?”
“Because it’s not a good idea.” 
You frown, “Do you not trust me?” 
“This is different,” Yelena emphasizes more. “It will change how you look at me.”
A sigh escapes your lips as you lean into her shoulder more. “If it’s another assassination regret, you know I would never-”
“No…it’s not that.” 
“But it’s bothering you,” you reason. 
“No it’s not.”
You know better than to keep questioning Yelena knowing she wasn’t going to relent so you two continue to sit through the silence. You would give many things just to see what was going through her head right now or what was written in that journal of her’s that she wasn’t allowing you to see. 
Part of your heart might know, but your brain looked at your denial and turned it into cold hard facts. 
“If you started dating someone else, would you leave me?” Yelena asks suddenly.
The blonde assassin nods slowly, “Would you forget about me?”
“Why would I forget about you? You’re my best friend-”
The word ‘best friend’ seems to only upset Yelena further in the way her eyes fall. You see it right away and you stop talking.
Yelena sniffles. “I don’t want to be your best friend. I want you to like me. You know? The one where you draw hearts around our names!” she blurts. 
Your jaw goes slack for a moment in complete disbelief. “Y-Yelena…”
The blonde turns away from you, not wanting to face you or the consequences of her words. But you are quick to put a hand on her shoulder. 
“Lena look at me…” you whisper gently.
Slowly, she turns, but her eyes don’t quite meet yours. “I ruined everything, right?”
A soft laugh escapes your lips as you shake your head. “No…no you didn’t. Would it be hard for you to believe if I said I liked you back?” 
It takes a moment for the blonde to process. She didn’t even think she heard you right the first time. “M-me?” 
You nod slowly, “yes you, dummy.” 
If she wasn’t so enamored by the realization, she would be pouting, but hearing you say those words cause her eyes to light up like a Christmas tree. You pull her close to you.
“I like you too, Lena. I was also scared that if I told you I would ruin things,” you admit. 
“Really?” Yelena questions in disbelief.
You nod slowly, “Really…” 
You feel Yelena lean into your touch which allows you to press a soft kiss to her forehead. You couldn’t help but notice the smile that paints the blonde assassin’s face. It was like a schoolgirl who just found out her crush liked her back.
As you both enjoy each other’s company, another thought crosses your mind. “Wait Yelena what did you put about me in your diary?”
Yelena starts blushing as she buries her head into your shoulder. “Nothing.”
“Do you draw hearts around our names?” you tease.
“Stop it-”
“Will you let me see what you write about me in your diary?”
“No.” she says firmly, burying her head more into your shoulder. 
For the rest of the night, the two of you enjoy each other’s company. A smile painted on both of your faces.
OKay guyyysss i got hella lazy at the ending bc I couldn’t think of shit, but I hope you enjoy this anyway. Also, I totally havent had this sitting in my files for like 8 months...I hope everything is well with yall. Have a great day/night and rest well!
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fyonahmacnally · 3 months
Thank you to @rainbow-rebellion for the amazing prompt!
“W-Wait…you’re going to Midvale this weekend? You’re spending the 4th of July in Midvale? With the Danvers? The same place I am going?” Lena asks, voice an octave higher than usual as her panicked green eyes dart between her computer screen, her cell phone, and the woman sitting in front of her. “K-Kara didn’t mention anything at lunch yesterday.”
Oh fuck! Lena thinks. This can’t be happening. Sam knows me too well. This is a disaster. Fuck! That’s it, I have to find an excuse not to go. 
Sam’s hazel eyes scan her boss and longtime friend’s face with a smirk. “Well, that’s because she just asked today. I ran into her on the sidewalk on my way back from lunch with Andrea. She invited the two of us as well as Ruby, but Rubes is going to be with her friends all weekend. So, it’s just Drea and I.” 
Shit, Andrea will be there as well. Goddammit, Kara. Drea knows me better than Sam! Gay panicking. You’re gay panicking. Okay, it’s fine. Everything is fine. You’re fine, Luthor. Get it together. You’ve hidden your pining for years. You can handle a weekend with your friends. 
The brunette CFO raises a brow in question, an act picked up from the raven haired genius over their years of working together. It’s obvious the youngest Luthor is panicking over the presence of two of her oldest friends. No, she’s full on gay panicking. Sam does her best to stifle her laughter for Lena’s sake, but just barely. “Why are you being so twitchy about it, Luthor? Drea and I have been going to game nights since I moved back to National City. Besides, all of us already know you have the hots for blondie.”
The L-Corp CFO grins as she watches Lena’s posture shift from nervous to defensive. The entirety of their friend group knows Kara and Lena have been pining over each other for years. Sam is more than aware of the reason her friend is being squirmy about her and Andrea spending the weekend in Midvale. Lena knows she and Andrea know her better than the rest of their friends. The two of them know her every little tell and both of them live to give her shit about it. 
Sam gives the youngest Luthor one final devilish smile before leaving her office. Lena knows she is absolutely fucked with the Arias and Rojas duo.
Lena does her best to put things out of her mind after her conversation with Sam. The first two days of her week fly by. It’s suddenly Wednesday, she’s finished her work for the day, and is currently standing in the middle of her walk-in closet trying to figure out what to pack for her four day weekend in Midvale. 
The past few years with Kara around have provided a crash course in “comfy clothes” as the hero calls them. She has even accumulated a lot more casual clothing, but it doesn’t mean she has figured out how to pack for a holiday weekend, much less one held primarily outdoors. Honestly, she never really had holiday weekends while growing up with the Luthors. How the hell is she supposed to know these things? 
She sighs and glances down at her watch, she should have been finished packing hours ago.
Kara will be at her penthouse any minute and she has exactly three things packed – her toiletries, her tablet, and her glasses. They are supposed to leave at 7:00 pm, which is exactly 45 minutes from now. There is absolutely no way she will have all of her shit done by Kara’s proposed departure time. 
The Kryptonian wants to beat everyone to her childhood home to help Eliza set-up for all the guests. Lena pulled out all the stops and tried her best to get out of going after learning Sam and Andrea would be there, but the lovable reporter wielded her deadly pout and any further attempt died on her lips. So here she is, packing her suitcase. She was originally excited for the trip. It was supposed to be relaxing, but now she’s certain she will spend the entirety of the trip tense as a mouse in a room full of cats. 
Lena sighs, again. She can already feel her anxiety climbing and shakes her head. Get yourself together, Luthor. Accept the fact you’re the mouse and will be tormented by two very devious cats. Fucking Sam and Andrea.  
She gets lost in her thoughts. The next thing she knows, warm arms wrap around her waist causing her to shriek like a banshee. Once she calms down and wrangles her heart out of her throat, she smacks Kara for scaring the hell out of her quickly followed by shaking her now aching hand. They tag team her packing and get it done much faster than she would have alone. Unfortunately, she let her heart eyes cloud her judgment and allowed her years-long crush to take care of her swimwear for the weekend. There is no doubt in her mind she is going to regret this decision later as she has no idea what awaits her.
You are a fucking gay disaster, Luthor. Useless, pining queer disaster. 
Unfortunately, Kara Danvers is her kryptonite. Lena Luthor cannot say no to that woman. It’s impossible.
Read the rest on AO3 - link at the top.
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
It’s All My Love (You Got All My Love) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: major fluff
word count: 2114
summary: felicitas has all your love
a/n: part two of Think I Forgot How To Be Happy, Something I’m Not (But Something I Can Be)
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‘Felicitas!’ You manage to greet, before the German player has you wrapped in her arms.
She spins you around and you laugh. The door of her apartment is kicked shut, Felicitas far too occupied with you to close it properly.
‘I missed you.’ Feli mumbles as she sets you down gently.
‘I missed you too.’ You admit and Feli’s eyes light up.
Her hands grab onto yours and she leans down to share a kiss with you.
‘Felicitas.’ You breathe, eagerly chasing after her lips when she pulls away.
‘Feli please.’ You half beg and she obliges.
Two weeks away from her at national camp was far too long and now that she’s here, you can’t get enough of her.
‘I made you dinner.’ Felicitas tells you, in between kisses.
‘It’s gonna get cold.’ She tries.
Switching it up, you become a little firmer with your kisses. Feli groans and lets you.
‘What did you make?’
You keep kissing her and Feli struggles to answer.
‘Your favourite.’ She gasps eventually.
‘You’re too good to me.’ You confess and Felicitas shakes her head.
‘No…I promise you, you deserve to be happy. I’m just lucky that you’ve found it with me.’
‘Believe me, I’m the lucky one.’ You answer and Feli simply pulls you back into her arms.
Felicitas hands you one of her earbuds and you hand her Cinnamon’s leash.
‘Come here Cinny.’ Feli says and then grins as her poodle runs up to her.
Cinnamon stays still long enough for Feli to clip her leash on and then she’s jumping around, excitedly waiting for her walk.
You laugh and open the German player’s apartment door, making your way outside. Feli passes you her poodle’s leash so that she can lock her door.
It’s a little cold so you tuck your hands into the pockets of Feli’s hoodie.
Initially, Feli had lent it to you, with every intention of getting it back but now she’s learnt that she likes you in her clothes and you’ve learnt that you like wearing her clothes. Feli smells so good and her clothes smell just like her.
Cinnamon barks impatiently and Felicitas laughs.
‘Okay okay I’m hurrying.’
Feli finishes locking her apartment door, hits the play button on her music and then takes your hand in hers.
You grin at her choice of music and Felicitas simply shrugs, kissing your cheek lightly before letting you and Cinnamon lead the way.
Feli sighs happily as your fingers comb through her hair.
You massage her scalp lightly and Feli leans back, letting the back of her head rest against your legs.
Running your fingers through her hair again, you begin braiding it. Felicitas starts to doze off and you’re just finishing the braid when Jule and Lena come barging into the rec room.
Feli jumps at the loud noise, eyes flying open in panic.
You laugh, pulling her up, off the floor and beside you on the couch.
‘Go back to sleep Felicitas. It’s just Lena and Jule.’
The German player mumbles indistinctly, pushing her face into your shoulder.
Stroking her hair gently, you let her fall back asleep. It takes some skillful maneuvering on your part to get her laying down without waking her, with her head in your lap but you succeed.
You keep up your ministrations, even as more of your teammates file into the room.
Felicitas sleeps soundly through several rounds of card games and the resulting disagreements. Nothing is too trivial for professional athletes to be competitive about.
Lena, Jill and Lynn seem to subscribe to the above sentiment, their playful argument growing in volume.
Still, Feli continues to sleep. Her chest is rising and falling with even breaths when Sveindís sits down beside you.
The young Icelandic player glances at Feli for a moment before saying, ‘I’ve never seen your girlfriend with a braid before.’
You softly answer, ‘She’s not my girlfriend.’
‘And you’ve never seen her in a braid before because she doesn’t know how to braid her own hair.’ You add lightheartedly.
‘Oh. It’s just that you both seem so close.’
‘You mean you’ve seen us kiss.’
Sveindís flushes with embarrassment, ducking her head and looking away.
You chuckle, understanding her confusion, ‘It’s okay. We aren’t officially dating but I know what I mean to her and she knows what she means to me. I think that’s enough right now.’
‘Dinner at my place tomorrow?’ Feli asks, smiling when you agree.
It wasn’t like she expected you to say otherwise. It is routine now, for you to come straight from the airport, to her apartment after international breaks.
‘I miss you Felicitas. See you soon.’
‘Miss you more. Have a safe flight.’ Feli tenderly says before blowing you a kiss and ending the video call.
Kathy snorts. Her roommate had been calling you every night of the international break and she thinks that she’s never seen Feli so soft. Not even with Cinnamon who Feli had once swore was the love of her life.
‘When are you going to actually ask her to be your girlfriend?’ She asks.
‘She knows that I’m hers and I know that she’s mine. Isn’t that enough?’
Felicitas sighs and then admits, ‘I don't want to push her. She’s still healing and I’m willing to wait until she’s ready. For now, I don’t need a label on what we are.’
‘Hey you.’ Felicitas drops a kiss onto the top of your head.
‘Hi.’ You grin.
Feli lightly tugs on the Germany hoodie you are wearing.
‘You look good in my clothes babe.’
Your heart flutters but you don’t know if it’s because of the way she’s looking at you or the pet name.
Your cheeks turn red and Feli hums, ‘Can you paint my nails for me please?’
‘Of course.’
Felicitas hands you her box of nail polish bottles and you ask, ‘What colour are you wanting?’
Feli hums again, ‘It’s up to you.’
That’s how you end up sprawled on Feli’s bed, Cinnamon beside you as you blow on her freshly painted nails, to dry them more quickly.
‘They’re pretty. Really subtle.’ Feli laughs, looking at the rainbow nails you had painted for her.
Each of her nails are a different colour and you had left kisses on the tips of her fingers in between your painting.
Giggling, you admit, ‘I couldn’t help myself.’
The German player chuckles, admiring her nails before glancing at you.
‘Do you think they’re dry yet?’
‘I think so.’
Touching her nails lightly, you give her a smile when you realise that they are in fact, dry.
‘Good. Because I really want to kiss you now.’
‘Okay.’ You whisper and Felicitas takes this as the go ahead to slide her fingers into your hair as she brings her lips down to meet yours.
Wolfsburg wins the league.
And Feli chases you around the confetti strewn pitch with a bottle of champagne.
‘Feli.’ You breathe, when she finally catches you, drenching you in alcohol as she tumbles down on top of you. You’re flat on your back, Felicitas trapping you beneath her.
She supports herself with one hand, making sure she doesn’t put too much of her body weight on you.
The empty bottle of champagne is left forgotten and Feli’s breathing is a little heavy but she carefully pushes sweaty strands of your hair out of your face with her free hand.
‘Felicitas.’ You murmur and she nods, understanding the intensity of the emotions in your eyes.
She can hear your breathing catch and knows that your heart is pounding in your chest.
‘Not here. I promise you that we’ll have time later.’
Later as it turns out, is back in your apartment, one of the few times that Feli’s ever been there.
She doesn’t care about that now though, too busy slipping her hands under your shirt.
‘If anything gets to be too much, you tell me okay? I’ll stop.’
Feli’s fingers reach the band of your bra and you shake your head.
‘I need you to verbalise this for me liebling.’
Felicitas emphasises her words by keeping her previously wandering hands still. The feel of her warm hands on your bare skin is driving you crazy.
‘Don’t stop. Feli don’t stop.’
The desperation in your voice is clear but Feli waits for you to say what she’s been waiting for.
‘I swear I’ll tell you if I need you to stop.’ You promise and Felicitas decides that’s good enough for her.
Your shirt ends up on the floor, next to hers and you never have to ask her to stop.
You wake up in an empty bed but one with warm sheets so you know that Feli hasn’t left you alone for long.
Anxiously, you pad out into the rest of your apartment, looking for the German.
You find her in the kitchen.
‘I didn't think you’d be up yet.’ She sheepishly murmurs when she sees you.
‘You’re here.’ You whisper, rubbing your eyes to make sure you’re not seeing things.
‘Of course I am. I would never leave you.’ Feli assures you.
Walking up to her, you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your head against her chest.
Felicitas brushes a kiss onto your hairline in response.
‘I meant to make you a coffee.’
You pull back just enough to look her in the eye.
There’s nothing but warmth and affection in her gaze but you still say, ‘Don’t do that again.’
‘I’m sorry.’ Feli blinks, meaning to take a step back but you refuse to let her, tightening your arms around her waist.
‘I want to wake up with you beside me next time.’
‘Next time?’ She asks, in a mixture of joy and confusion.
‘Always Feli. You’re great in bed but I think you’ll make a brilliant pillow and big spoon too.’
The German player blushes and you laugh before ceasing your teasing.
The next few words you say are quiet and shy.
‘Felicitas I’d like to be your girlfriend. If you’ll have me? I'm ready now.’
Feli kisses you with all the emotion she has in answer.
‘I'd love that.’ She breathes before kissing you once more.
Feli teaches you to surf.
Unlike her, you’re not a natural at it but eventually you do manage to catch a wave.
Watching Feli cheer you on, with the sun and complete joy on her face, you know that you’ve fallen for her.
As you sit on the beach with her after, watching the sun set, you lean into her arms.
‘Thank you.’ You whisper.
‘For what?’ She asks, amusement clear in her eyes.
Felicitas’ only answer is to pull you even closer and place a kiss onto the top of your head.
‘She loves you.’ Feli softly tells you as she watches you play with Cinnamon, on the floor of her living room. The brown poodle licks your hand, as if trying to tell you that she agrees with her owner.
You look up and smile at her.
Feli smiles back and then says a sentence that changes your world.
‘I love you too.’
‘Felicitas.’ You breathe and she takes your hands in hers.
‘You don’t have to say it back yet, or ever. It's okay. I love how we are and I'm perfectly alright if it stays this way.’
‘Felicitas, I'm in love with you.’
‘You a-are?’ She stammers.
‘I am. I love you Feli.’
‘T-That’s so good.’ Felicitas chokes out and she’s just so emotional that you laugh, hugging her tightly.
Feli wraps her arms around you in response, burying her head in your shoulder.
‘Feli are you crying?’ You ask, as you feel your shirt beginning to get wet.
‘No…maybe…they’re happy tears.’
‘Okay.’ You giggle, rubbing her back lightly.
Cinny is pawing at you and you tell the small dog, ‘I think I broke your mom.’
Felicitas laughs, her voice muffled when she says, ‘Did not.’
‘Whatever you say Feli, whatever you say.’
Feli takes a few more moments to herself before she looks back up.
Her eyes are a little red and you carefully brush away the remnants of tears on her cheeks.
‘I love you Feli, I’m sorry that I made you cry.’
Your girlfriend shakes her head, a smile on her face as she answers, ‘Don’t be sorry. Like I said, they’re happy tears.’
Gently, she places a kiss on your forehead, your nose, both of your cheeks and then on the corner of your mouth.
‘I love you.’ She says seriously before finally giving you a proper kiss, one with an intensity that lets you know that she means it and that she is your forever.
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German Translation:
liebling - love
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maximoffromanoffs · 4 months
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description: the moms are out on one of their regular date nights, aunt yelena looking after the girls. when Wanda realises her wife’s had a little too much to drink, she makes the responsible decision to take her wife home, but doesn’t think about how the girls are going to react to their mother being completely drunk.
Date night. It was a regular thing that the couple made sure to do at least once a month, to rekindle their love and spend a night just the two of them.
Each time the girls bicker about who is going to look after them, especially when all of their favourite people are free, so Wanda made up a rule. Every time this happens, the family play a game before the mothers’ date night, and whoever wins gets to choose their babysitter for the night.
Charlotte always chooses her aunt Yelena, Grace opts for uncle pietro, and Rose wants to see her grandma Melina any chance she gets. Clearly Lottie won the game today since Yelena is looking after the girls, which may or may not have left both Grace and Natasha with a pout as they lost, never being good sports when they lose a game.
Before the mothers left, the doorbell was non stop ringing, as well as banging on the door until someone answered. *knock knock* “HELLOOO”, That someone being Natasha who wanted to slap her sister for being so annoying. As soon as she opened the door, Yelena launched past her, catching sight of her niece Lottie, grabbing hold of her and spinning her around in her arms. Of course she then greets her other two nieces, and then returns to her sister and Wanda to say hello.
It takes a moment for the mothers to get their things together, making sure to say their goodbyes to their children. Wanda kisses each of her daughters’ heads before waiting by the door for Nat, who was telling her sister to make sure she looked after the girls. She then quickly mumbled her goodbyes to everyone, before meeting her wife at the door to leave. Just before the door closes they hear Natasha shouting "Be good Yelena!" making all the girls giggle at that.
Throughout the night Yelena was in fact not 'good' in Nat's words, in fact she had both Wanda and Nat rather stressed.
Not only was she sending videos and photos of the kiddos and her with nerf guns, at one point Charlotte and Yelena teaming up on Grace, resulting in them hitting her straight in the face; at another point the three of them sneaking up on Rose- who wasn't interested in taking part and all of them hitting her from different angles. There was also evidence of a complete mess in the house: what seemed to be flour all over the floor behind them, nerf gun bullets left in just about any place you looked, and to top it all off there was blankets and pillows stacked in a massive pile in the middle of the living room.
Wanda could see her wife's blood boiling as they sat at what was supposed to be a chill and romantic evening for the two of them, and she tried her best to calm her down. "Natty it'll be okay, we can just forget about it, have a nice time and then we can lecture Lena later and make them tidy everything up in the morning. We'll sort it out." When Nat stops and waves the waiter over, it confuses Wanda, but as soon as she asks for "4 of your strongest shots" she doesn't know whether to laugh and join in, or cry.
When the shots arrive, Nat takes one without even saying anything, then she shouts her thanks to the waiter. She picks another up and points it in Wanda’s direction while raising her eyebrows, as if to offer her one. Wanda furrows her eyebrows and shakes her head “Someone’s gotta drive us home," Nat just waves in her direction, dismissing the comment with a shake of her head "Taxi?" Wanda debates her wife's offer but ultimately declines, not wanting to return home to a complete mess and 4 children, when they're both drunk.
The dinner actually went quite nicely after the alcohol helped Natasha to forget about what was going on at home. The two spending a lovely night together, almost reminding them of their earlier stages of their relationship- being all lovey-dovey with one another. Nat couldn’t help but admire her wife, not only staring at her, but reaching for any part of her she could: her hands, her arms, her cheeks.
She makes Wanda let out the biggest smile when she mumbled about “I’m so glad I have you, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
After many love-filled kisses, and laughter throughout the night, Wanda decided it was about time to get home and tend to the children they’d left in the care of a bigger child for the night.
Linking her arm with her wife, Wanda led Natasha to the car and made sure she got in the passenger seat safely. Nat didn’t make that easier for her, considering she insisted on driving them home because that was ‘always her job’. “No NO I drive, always drive us, ‘s my job.. not yours,” as she points a finger at Wanda. Letting out a chuckle Wanda grabs her hand, shaking her head while saying “It’s your job baby but I’m going to do it tonight.” Despite the pout on Nat’s face, she does let Wanda manoeuvre her into the seat, and put her belt on, before getting in and driving the two home.
Wanda’s too slow when they get home to actually help Natasha get out of the car, because she’s already out and in the front door, leaving it wide open.
After cursing under her breath she gets out the car and rushes inside after her, being greeted with her three daughters and their aunt laying on the massive pile of pillows and blankets they have, and just as she’s about to grab Nat, she lunges forward, jumping and landing basically on top of her kids. Of course she aimed for Yelena, but missed because her vision is a bit altered right now.
Upon realising their mothers are back, the girls all rushed to greet them, not expecting to see them again tonight.
Grace and Lottie rushing over to Wanda because they jumped up before they could get squashed by their mom. While Rose was still laying so she shifted to lay in her mom’s arms once she had flopped down.
Wanda greets her twins with a smile “Hi my babies” as she leans down to kiss both of their heads. She holds them closed absentmindedly stroking their hair as she asks Yelena “So did everyone behave?”
Yelena laughs responding with a wink and “What does it look like?”
Wanda cant help but smile, just glad her girls are happy, as she suggests “right my loves, I think it’s bed time.”
What she does expect is when her youngest two whine in protest, saying they want to watch one more movie.
However what she doesn’t expect is for the other two adults to agree. To be honest, all it took for Yelena to agree with her was a harsh look her way, and she was mumbling her goodbyes and leaving to go home for the night. But not her wife. She was sat pouting, pulling Charlotte and Grace to her sides- who were also pouting. They all knew Wanda couldn’t resist.
All while this was happening Rose was kind of just minding her own business. She could tell her mom was drunk because she barely ever acted how she was acting, so she chose to stay close to her mama for right now, knowing she was sober; while the twins were sprawled out next to Natasha.
Wanda cant help but let then watch another film “Okay you win, we can watch one more, ONE, and then bed, okay?” She receives eager nods in response, which are shortly cut off by screeches and giggles as Nat starts to tickle Lottie and Grace.
After a moment of catching their breath, Nat moves to rest against the sofa, so the twins can cuddle into her easier. Once they do, she lets out a gasp, saying “where’s my mini?” as she starts trying to sit up, yet failing because of course she has the twins sat against her.
Lottie laughs at her mom saying that, knowing she means Rose, who is like a mini Natasha, Grace pinches Nat’s side, clearly unimpressed with her squirming about.
Wanda also laughs before saying “Hey now, I’m stealing her since you stole my little ones. You can’t have them all!”
Wanda moves to sit right by Nat, of course still with the twins laying on Nat, then pats her lap “come here baby,” making Rose cuddle up to her too.
Wanda cant help but let out a relieved sigh at having all her family within arms reach for the moment, she kisses each of the kids cheeks before leaning over to give Nat a kiss too.
What she again doesn’t expect from her currently unpredictable wife, is for her to grab hold of her cheeks and keep her against her lips, seemingly forgetting the girls are literally on top of them right now. Natasha is strong though and Wanda can’t quite break the hold she has on her, not that she wants to push her away but they usually try to keep it down around the kids.
Both Grace and Charlotte shriek and shout “EW,” Grace even ending up pushing her hand between her mothers’ mouths so that they can’t kiss anymore. That does work to stop them, Nat acting a little annoyed, while Wanda flushes red a little embarrassed, but she presses a kiss to Grace’s palm- that separated her and her wife. Lottie turns away and buries her head into her mom’s side so she doesn’t have to look at the sight. While Rose just diverted her attention elsewhere, until she felt a kiss to her temple, making her look back up to her mama.
The temporary peace is disrupted again when Grace shrieks and wipes her hand on her mama, mumbling “that’s so gross.” Wanda can’t help but feel offended as she scoffs, saying “excuse me, you love my kisses.” Grace hums in agreement “yeah but not after i have to watch you and mom do that!”
Wanda flushes at that, feeling embarrassed again, while Rose giggles at her sister’s words. Wanda gasps saying “huh you think it’s funny too? I didn’t hear you complaining when I kissed you!” Rose just snuggled into her in response.
While this is happening, Nat and Charlotte are laying quietly, both sort of in their own little worlds. Nat seems to be partly thinking about something, and also reaching out to hold her wife’s hand, or stroke her cheek or hair.
For a little while everyone seems to focus on the movie, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by family.
Until everyone is disrupted for a second time, by Charlotte this time, jumping up and instantly covering her ears with her hands. “EW EW EW WHAT MOM WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?”
The others kind of jump in surprise, not expecting the outburst and also not hearing Nat actually say anything to cause the outburst.
Wanda tilts her head confused as she asks “Why did she say what lovebug? She didn’t say anything out loud?”
Lottie can’t do anything other than stand there with her hands over her ears, wanting the erase what she heard and visualised.
Since she got no response from her daughter, Wanda turned to Nat instead, who still seemed zoned out. Despite never liking doing this, Wanda couldn’t help but look into her wife’s mind briefly to see what she was thinking about, that spooked her daughter so much.
When she does she wishes she hadn’t, opting to slap Nat’s arm, “Nat! Come on seriously, we’re watching a film with our kids and that’s what you’re thi— hold on. Lottie? How did you know that’s what she was thinking abo- oh my gosh.. you can read minds?!”
Lottie gasps, asking “I can?!” Just confirming Wanda’s thought because Charlotte still had her hands over her ears. “Woah.”
“But mama i don’t want to hear mom thinking about having se-“ with Wanda swiftly cutting her off “okay okay I know honey, I’ll help you to control it okay?”
Lottie nods saying “thank you mama,” making Wanda smile “you’re welcome sweet girl, now I think it’s bed time.. I’m exhausted.”
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