kat-ran · 6 months
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cinnamoncokepills · 2 months
tmi, but i tried the chia seed water…let me tell you that shit WORKS
granted, i thought it’d be a good idea to do it only 3-4 days after abu$ing l@x, not eating much, and not having shit again since….so, less than 2 hours after i drank the water, EVERYTHING came right out…including the hundreds of undigested chia seeds.
weirdest shit ever, literally, but so much better than l@x omggggg! i’m about to try this during/after all my binges now holy shit
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raadrush · 4 months
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And they have a serious reason to celebrate
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hyd-3d · 13 days
I am in agony I have been abu$1ng lax for over 8 months again and my body can’t take it any more
If anyone has any advice on stopping using lax or how to deal with the pain I’d be very grateful, thank you
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taube2103 · 3 days
I am getting meaner day by day since ana came back for me and is my best friend again.
In fact at this point I feel like she is my only friend left.
The honeymoon phase is over I think. It is getting harder but I never wanted it so hard in my life. Eating also became harder also the low c4l stuff because I am so disgusted by myself.
But people will finally like me again when I am pretty and thin am I right??? At least last time that was the matter.
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breadandbodyrolls · 30 days
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BIG BOIII cup of 3 Ballerinas Tea (lax)
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darksaiyangoku · 4 months
Fairy Tail: Cana's Gift
Laxus carefully tried to hide something in his coat as he entered the Guild. In typical Fairy Tail fashion, the place was in a frenzy. Lucy and Erza were trying to hold back Natsu and Gray as another fight was breaking out, Gajeel was showing off to Levy as Jet and Droy cried their eyes out and Elfman was screaming 'Man this' and 'man that'. He waded past the chaos and sat at the bar right next to Cana. He took a quick glance and froze. Battles were no problem for him, he could fight in plenty and never lose his cool. But Cana? Something about her made his heart swell. She turned to him and gave him a sultry smile.
Cana: See something you like, handsome?
Laxus: Um, I- *ahem* well, uh... you really caught me off guard there.
Cana: *chuckles*
Laxus: You're evil, you know that? Anyway the old man didn't have any quests for me to take, so I decided to step out and get you a little something.
From his coat, Laxus pulled out a bouquet of roses. Cana couldn't help but blush. She could hardly believe that Laxus, of all people, would give her roses. Among the members, he had a reputation for being a bad boy. Tough, uncaring and even cruel to an extent. But here he was, courting her like a gentleman.
Cana: Oh Laxus, these are beautiful! *takes roses*
Laxus: That's not all, look inside the bouquet.
Cana: Huh? *rummages bouquet* Oh my!
From the bouquet, Cana pulled out a bottle of Aligheri label red wine. This was one of Fiore's most expensive wines, only ever tasted by royals and nobles.
Cana: H-How did you-
Laxus: Don't worry about it. *smiles*
Cana: Laxus... thank you!
Cana leaped from her chair and embraced Laxus in a tight hug, peppering his cheek with kisses.
Cana: Say *whispers* you wanna get outta here?
Laxus: ...huh???
Cana: Meet me upstairs. We can share the bottle.
Laxus' face became red as a tomato and he melted into a puddle. Cana shook her head and laughed nervously.
Cana: Maybe that was a bit too far.
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witch-of-thorns · 1 year
When you’ve lost weight so you’re happy but also know you’ve technically lost more than that but haven’t pooped yet so now you’re impatiently waiting and trying not to take a lax to speed up the process so you can see how much you actually lost
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lozerzo · 1 year
Anyone can love me as much as they can, as much as they want, but I will never fully feel loved and will never feel at peace w myself bcs i don’t personally love myself .
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kat-ran · 7 months
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cinnamoncokepills · 1 year
any other edblrs out there that are emetoph0bic (scared of thr0wing up/v0mit/others being s!ck) but are curious about purg!ng?? or maybe who have overcome the emetoph0bia?? it’s tempting bc l@x are tiring to work around, but i freak out and get all panicky…ig that’s why i’m ana and not mia lol
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raadrush · 6 months
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hyd-3d · 25 days
I don’t think my body can take any more lax I’m gonna have to stop using them Iv been using them a lot since April so Im scared I’ve done smt to my insides cos my stomach is literally in agony omg make it stop I’m trying to work out (managed the HIIT but had to stop before doing core n yoga) I’m gonna do them I just can’t rn
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underestimated-heroine · 11 months
Xbwisbdhdi was just reading this fanfic and found some golden Laxus/Cana dialogue:
"No way," Laxus grunted, "I'm not a hairdresser."
"You're just dressed like one," Cana muttered, "a gay hairdresser."
"What was that?!"
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jozephina · 1 year
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Laxana school time
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