#Minami Fuyuki x Tsubasa Shiki
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fudgesoup · 11 days
The Stars are Cheering for You
Chapter 1: Sweet and Brash
Rena has finally left her hometown of Kitami for University in Tokyo. Will her life in a new place be as she planned? Or will a certain mystery guy turn her world upside down?
Rated: Teen - 4.3k words - Rena Natsukawa x Original Character
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Masterlist | AO3
Tags: Hokkaido Gals are Super Adorable, Rena Natsukawa x Original Character, Rena Natsukawa x OC, Rena x OC, Fuyuki Minami, Natsukawa Rena, Shiki Tsubasa, Original Character, Rena Natsukawa, Minami Fuyuki, Tsubasa Shiki, Akino Sayuri, Manga & Anime, Alternate Universe, College/University AU, Fluff, Friendship, College, Romance, Eventual Romance, Slow Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Fate, Drama, Light Angst, Tokyo, I didn't sleep to write this, Gossip, Love Confessions, Confessions, Crushes, Dating, Falling In Love, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Kendo, Plot, Slice of Life, Canon Spoilers, Tension, Family Drama, Plot Twists, Idiots in Love, post-epilogue
The night before she left for university Rena ran into Tsubasa’s grandfather, Gin. He was a man who inspired and encouraged her to do what she loved. She accredited him for her love of traditional Japanese history and culture. They had not seen each other since she was a child, encountering him so near her departure felt as if it were fate. Shiki bestowed upon her his personal hand fan as a token, a reminder to look up at the sky so that the stars might cheer her up when she was sad. This was the final push she needed to confront her future and begin her new journey.
Rena Natsukawa left Hokkaido with a mix of emotions, feeling bittersweet as she said goodbye to her friends, family, and hometown. Though leaving was hard, she was excited to pursue her career in her chosen field at her top pick university in Tokyo. As she packed for the move, her thoughts were filled with reflections on the friends she’d made, her cherished home, and Tsubasa…
Her arrival in Tokyo couldn’t have gone smoother. Rena’s living arrangements had all been settled and it was only a matter of finding the address and unpacking. Tokyo was far busier than Kitami, but she had grown accustomed to the city’s hustle and bustle after traveling here several times in the past. Still, there was something different this time— a sense of finality, of stepping into a new chapter of her life. The towering skyscrapers, the sea of people rushing past— all of it felt both exhilarating and overwhelming. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she navigated through the unfamiliar streets.
She was lost in thought as she made her way outside of the airport, her eyes taking in the cityscape that stretched before her. The towering buildings, bright signs, and crowded streets were a stark contrast to the quieter life she had known in Kitami. The voices of conversation and the distant sound of traffic filled the air, blending with the aroma of street food that wafted from nearby vendors. 
The buildings and stores started to blur together as she continued to walk, heavily contemplating what her new life would be like. Would she meet new people here? Was there a possibility for her to make more impactful friendships like she had back home?
Uneasiness began to creep into Rena's mind because of all the unknown factors. With her perception of the outside world diminishing, she found herself stumbling directly into a stranger. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the young man approaching from the opposite direction— neither of them paying attention, both engrossed in their respective worlds.
“HEY, WATCH IT!” the young delinquent yelled, his voice sharp and filled with irritation. Rena blinked, momentarily stunned that someone would shout at her over such a minor incident. As she collected herself, she couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of familiarity as she looked up at him. Tall, broad shoulders, and that messy brown hair… something about him struck a chord within her. The recognition was unsettling.
“Hey!” Rena snapped, her voice rising defensively. “Why don’t you watch where you're going first?! You obviously walked into me!” Her tone, though meant to be stern, came out more adorable than intimidating, undercutting her attempt to assert dominance.The young man glared at her, but as his eyes focused on her face, there was a momentary pause, as if he was shocked by her appearance before his anger flared up again.
“Clearly, you must be blind if you think this is my fault. I’m not the one wandering around with my head in the clouds,” he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Rena puffed out her cheeks, glaring up at him in a futile attempt to seem threatening, her petite frame making it difficult to pull off. He appeared almost flustered by her display of defiance, an odd contrast to the irritation in his eyes.
“I have enough going on right now,” she shot back through gritted teeth. “I don't need to be lectured by some rude guy who can’t even admit he walked into me!”
“Little Miss Daydreamer,” he taunted, his tone condescending, “Can’t even admit fault either. You better be more careful. These streets can be dangerous for such a petite woman.” Despite the harsh words, there was a faint hint of concern hidden beneath his scolding. Rena crossed her arms, trying to stand her ground, despite the feel of her heart racing. 
“No one asked you to look out for me! Besides, I can handle myself just fine!” She noticed his eyes widen, a strange mix of frustration and something else she couldn’t quite place.
“Whatever!” He turned on his heel and stomped away before she could get the last word in. Rena watched him go, huffing in annoyance, but as she resumed her walk, her thoughts kept drifting back to him. There was something so strikingly familiar about him— his voice, his posture— it nagged at her memory.
As the realization slowly dawned on her, a blush crept onto her own cheeks. He reminded her so much of Shiki, her old crush. His features were more angular in comparison: sharp cheekbones and deep set eyes. The thought left her feeling flustered and unsettled, the encounter lingering in her mind far longer than she would have liked.
Eventually, she found her new home, a multi-floored, well-maintained, luxury apartment structure, housing numerous sizable apartments. Her plan was to live alone, to focus on her studies and other related exploits. The apartment was gorgeous, the living and dining room were spacious, the kitchen had a sleek modern design and the bathrooms were well decorated. It was an easy fifteen minute walk to and from the university with convenience stores and other neighborhoods in between. The moment Rena entered she set her things by the sofa and took a look out the living room window. She had a beautiful view of the neighborhood from her third-story apartment and watched the hustle and bustle of people traveling along the street below.
Despite all the people she saw, there was a feeling of loneliness gnawing at her, the unease that had been interrupted earlier began to creep in again. A moment of weakness subdued her as she choked out a soft sob, thinking about everyone she cared about and how they weren't with her. The despair was taking hold of her when her phone went off, it was a sweet message from Fuyuki that read: 
Hope you made it to Tokyo in one piece, we all miss you and believe in you! Do your best!
It could not have come at a better time, even in her darkest moments her friends were still watching over her, even from afar. She vowed to herself at that moment that she would do her absolute best while in Tokyo. 
After doing some light unpacking and other general chores, she was ready to turn in. As Rena settled in she found herself unable to stop thinking about her earlier interaction with that stranger. He was extremely brash and very rude, but there had been something about his stern look from those piercing eyes of his that she couldn't get out of her mind. She let out a small huff, burying her face in her pillow. There was something about it that kept her on her toes, she couldn't explain it. She needed to shake the feeling if she hoped to get any rest because the next day was the first of the semester.
Rena attended the welcoming ceremony and made it through the day without problems. It was as perfect as she could have hoped for, especially when many eyes were on her. The experience was different however, there was inconsistency and no structure as it was in high school. There was nothing to gauge how her relationships could blossom without seeing the same people everyday. 
The first couple of weeks were the hardest emotionally, the occasional check-ins from Fuyuki and Akino, along with her mother calling her everyday, had kept her mind at ease so far. Rena often thought of Tsubasa and his new relationship with Fuyuki and wondered if she would find a love like that here. 
As another week flew by, Rena found herself in a classroom room. She attended a classical history class every Monday and Wednesday. It was her favorite class of the semester thus far. She had the motivation to do her absolute best since she knew her loved ones were cheering her on back home. Lost in thought, she snapped out of it when a pleasing voice interrupted her inner thoughts. 
“Excuse me, your name is Natsukawa, right? Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Rena looked up and found herself face to face with a cute girl with shoulder-length hair, adorned with an array of hair clips keeping her bangs out of her face. The girl smiled warmly as she introduced herself.
"I'm Agawa Umi, a second-year university student. I’m majoring in Japanese history."
Rena’s eyes lit up at the mention of history. “Yes, that's me. It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm also studying Japanese history. It’s great to meet someone who shares the same interests.”
Umi brightened at Rena’s sweet tone, feeling an instant connection. It made her even more eager to be friends with her. 
“Well,” Umi began, her enthusiasm bubbling over, “a few friends and I are going out to lunch at 2:30, and we’d love for you to join us!”
Rena paused, considering the offer. She had another class that didn’t end until three and explained this to Umi.
“That’s okay!” Umi shrugged. “We can wait for you. It’s no big deal to hang around for an extra half hour! Let me get your contact info, and I’ll send you the address.”
Rena handed her phone to Umi, who quickly entered her contact details.
“Let me know when you send the address!” Rena said with a smile.
A moment later, her phone pinged with a new message, and she looked up to give Umi a nod of acknowledgment.
“Perfect, I’ll see you there!” Umi grinned before shuffling off to her seat as class began.
Rena felt a sense of relief wash over her. The anxiety she’d been carrying about making friends started to fade. Now it was up to her to take that next step and meet some new people.
Three in the afternoon rolled around and Rena arrived at the diner. After a moment of searching the faces in the restaurant she spotted Agawa. She was waving her over while laughing with another classmate. Rena took a breath to steady herself, pushed the introvert in her aside, and made her way over to the table, smiling nervously. 
"Natsukawa! You made it!" Agawa exclaimed, waving excitedly as Rena approached. She quickly jumped into introductions, starting with herself. "As you know, I'm Agawa Umi, and I'm majoring in history. This is my best friend, Hikari," she added, gesturing to the girl beside her.
Hikari, with her sweet smile and warm demeanor, introduced herself as a business major. She looked Rena up and down before gushing, "You're even prettier up close. Are you from Tokyo, or Europe? You're just too adorable!"
The two girls peppered Rena with questions about her life, and she was surprised by how genuinely interested they seemed. She answered them one by one, explaining that she was from Hokkaido but had moved to Tokyo for school. She shared that she was majoring in Japanese history, and that her hobbies included reading, jogging, and practicing kendō. The more she spoke, the more impressed the girls seemed, and soon their questions turned playful.
"Okay, spill it," Umi teased with a grin. "Do you have a crush on anyone?"
Rena was caught off guard. She stammered, a wave of embarrassment washing over as she glanced to the side. "It’s complicated... I've only ever been on one date before," she mumbled. 
The girls immediately noticed her blush and began to giggle, playfully teasing her about her non-existent love life. Rena’s embarrassment only worsened as she ducked her head, pouting at their teasing.
“So there is a guy?” Hikari eventually broke the streak of teasing. "Does he live back in Hokkaido?"
Rena nodded, still avoiding their gazes. "He's happy with my friend Fuyuki. They started dating right before I left."
The girls' laughter faded as they realized the situation, and they quickly offered to buy her whatever she wanted to apologize for their teasing. Rena insisted she was fine, but her puffed-up cheeks and rosy complexion betrayed her feelings. They hadn’t meant to cause any distress— she knew they were only just trying to break the ice.
After a brief silence, Umi tried to steer the conversation away from crushes. "So, Rena, what do you hope to achieve with your degree?"
The abrupt change in topic threw Rena off for a moment, but she quickly composed herself. "Well, I don't have a specific plan yet. I just love Japanese history and wouldn't mind a research opportunity involving it."
She smiled shyly, fiddling with a strand of her hair as she spoke. Although the previous teasing had ended she was still feeling shy.. Umi and Hikari exchanged glances, still captivated by Rena's natural beauty.
Hikari squealed suddenly. "You must have been the absolute most beautiful girl at your school! I can't even with you!"
Rena’s face dropped in disappointment as the topic went back to her looks.. Everyone had always praised her  beauty but never saw the hard work she put in to be appreciated. She was more than a pretty face, but to not be rude she indulged the two.
Letting out a small huff, putting on a small and sweet smile; Rena laughed nervously and nodded.
"I was voted Beauty of Kitami Hokuryo High School two years in a row."
"I knew it!" Umi exclaimed. 
Agawa, detecting a shift in her demeanor, started asking Rena about her hopes for this year and what she wanted to accomplish. Rena perked up to this new direction. Agawa genuinely wanted to know something else about her and make sure that they were not just there to gawk at her. A brief bragging session revealed that Rena had been the top student since attending high school. She opened up more, detailing her plan on maintaining this title during university. Umi and Hikari listened intently, making sure she knew that they would be her immediate support system for their time together.
They dove deeper into their conversation, topics ranging from their personal interests to their families. Rena smiled, feeling more at ease. She was glad that she decided to come out to lunch with them, and laughed softly along with them. When they expressed their gratitude to her for coming, Rena just shook her head.
"No no, thank you for inviting a lonely loner like me along!”
Umi and Hikari made an exaggerated noise of protest, calling her out in a mock-scolding manner for calling herself a 'lonely loner’. Rena laughed again, a genuine laugh, at their antics.
It wasn't long before the girls realized that they had spent nearly two hours chatting, laughing and eating. Rena checked her phone as she was reminded that she had homework for the week to finish. She gathered her things and stood, smiling sheepishly.
"I'm sorry I have to leave to finish up a project, thank you for the food and the good time.”
Rena was packing up, just about to leave when she heard him. A brash, loud, familiar voice sounded from the entrance. The tone of this voice gave her goosebumps... She bristled and turned to look toward the source of it, recognizing the voice almost immediately. She let out a disgruntled sigh as she thought to herself: 'of course it's him..'
She glanced back toward her new friends, then back to see the stranger as he entered the diner. Her annoyance began to rise and she pursed her lips. Her new friends were surprised by the sudden change in her attitude, noticing the way she had stiffened up and her expression hardened at the sight of the stranger. Rena sat back in the diner booth wearing a sweet, albeit strained, smile.
Rena watched the stranger turn to look her way and stiffened a bit more, holding eye contact with him, returning his glare with her own. Then as quickly as he came in, he ducked to the bathroom with even greater speed. Rena kept her glare on the bathroom door as the girls looked at her in confusion.
“Natsukawa? Please tell me you don't know that guy,” Hikari pleaded. 
Rena explained how they bumped into each other when she first arrived in Tokyo and the encounter that followed. Her description of his rudeness and lack of tact was on brand according to Hikari. His name was Akimitsu and the general consensus was that he was trouble. She kept describing the rumors that went around about why he lashes out and how he was a general delinquent that attracts the wrong kind of attention.
“Everyone says he’s banned from using his family name because he brought shame to his household. His family is said to be loaded but he messed up big time. Now he preys on the weak to satiate some twisted desire.” 
Hikari sounded more like she was spreading gossip than telling facts, but Rena didn’t know what to believe. She took the information with caution since it was the only thing she had to go on.
“Are you sure that's correct?” Rena inquired further, a hint of concern in her voice, “He can’t use his family name…”
Hikari nodded, “No one around here knows his name, the only reason why I know it is because he used to date my other friend's sister. She never got his last name out of him.”
This information hit Rena hard, she was all about trying to earn praise from her strict family and get people around her to acknowledge her achievements. Akimitsu on the other hand seemed to be the exact opposite, out there presenting himself like the world around him didn't matter with little to no consideration for others. Rena started to imagine all the reasons a family would abandon a member. 
“Hey Natsukawa, you need to stay awa-”
Rena didn't hear the warning. She thought: even though he had lashed out at her, he was still a person in her eyes for the moment. A person that might be hurting. 
"Do you know why? Why don't they want anything to do with him? Anything specific?"
There was a hint of concern in her voice, which caught her off guard and confused her friends just as much. She shouldn’t have been feeling any sort of concern for someone that she didn't even know, especially after being cross with her. But since Rena had a lack of sense when it came to boundaries, she found herself wanting to know if the reason for his “punishment” was because of actions he took, or maybe some sort of misfortune fell upon him. 
“Rena,” Hikari warned, “You don’t want to get involved with him.Why don’t you just leave now while he’s in the bathroom? Don’t let him pull you in.”She nudged Umi to support her words of caution.
That was not an option however. She had already decided that she was not going to avoid him but rather ambush him and ask her question point blank. Getting up from the booth, she strode to a table by the bathroom door. 
He exited to find Rena was waiting for him, leaning on the edge of the table. Akimitsu appeared flustered for a moment but quickly shifted to glare at her, his facial features painting a general picture of discontent. She couldn't tell if he was uncomfortable with her presence or angry, but it didn't matter. She took a deep breath and met his eyes, her expression a mixture of annoyance, curiosity and a hint of concern. He didn’t yield to her scowl, so she took the opportunity to approach him and asked him to have a private word with her.
He was not prepared for her to invade his personal space, obviously becoming uncomfortable under her stare.. His initial shock waned into annoyance as he crossed his arms.
“What's your issue, pinky? Why do you want to talk to me all of a sudden? I would imagine someone as innocent looking as you would want to avoid someone like me.”
His quip about her hair broke her focus. She scowled at the new nickname he gave her and crossed her arms, her mood worsening at his statement. 
"Pinky? Excuse you, didn't your mother ever teach you how to talk to girls in a respectful way?" 
Akimitsu grimaced and turned away from her, his tone shifted as he replied, “I'm not discussing that with you…” His voice was shrinking and shaky. “Okay then… What do you want?” 
Rena was thrown off by his diffident response. Could it be that the topic of his mother was a touchy one? There was something about it that must explain his disposition. She needed to compose herself and pry, in high hopes to understand him. He couldn't just be this rotten, could he? Rena continued to look up at him, still frustrated, but her glare had faded to a soft look as concern started to win over. 
"I… I just..." She hesitated, thinking for a moment to find the words but they failed her. "I just… I wanted to ask why your family doesn't want anything to do with you…"
The words didn’t feel right as she spoke them. Akimitsu found the insinuation an affront, so much so that he crowded Rena, moving to glare directly into her eyes.. She became more flustered as closed in on her, her heart hammering in her chest as he was inches from her face. 
“I don't see how my family is any of your business.” He whispered in a hushed and rugged voice. “Now, run back to your gossiping… since that’s all you’re here for. Either that or you are genuinely insane.””
His initial response sent shivers down her spine, but his follow up made her upset. Rena's expression hardened as she frowned at his answer. Hikari was right. She shouldn't have tried to understand him, he was just rude and careless... But...why was she still feeling that tiny sliver of concern in her chest…
"Of course… Why did I even bother… You're just crass and arrogant." She started, gaining intensity but keeping her voice steady. “I was mistaken to think that you might have needed… Nevermind…”
She took a few steps back and looked away as her irritation rose again. She scoffed at her own foolishness. Why had she thought he was someone worth understanding? She remained silent for a few more moments, trying to collect her features into a neutral expression. She didn't want him to see her eyes tearing up, the conflicting feelings of contempt and empathy toward him battling inside her. 
In her attempt to regain her composure, she had failed to notice how her retort affected him.. She turned back to him, only to find Akimitsu surrounded by a now quiet and frightening aura. He closed the gap between them again, his eyes piercing her defenses.
“I don't care what you think of me. I don't care if I will never be what others want me to be.”
He said this so softly and cold-heartedly that Rena could not find any words to follow. All she saw was the daunting look on his face and what seemed to be a tear in his eye before he stormed out of the diner.
Rena's heart clenched a bit. She got a glimpse into what may be his own insecurities and something inside her was telling her to go after him, but she stood rooted to the spot, unable to move. She lost herself in thought: Why would he tell her that, if he truly did not care what she thought? She knew well enough about putting up a front, but it did not negate the fact that Akimitsu was still irritating to her.
Her new friends came up behind her to check in, she had been standing alone for a long while contemplating and organizing her thoughts. She turned to look at them, their eyes searching her face for answers. They were completely unaware of the inner turmoil she was currently facing, but could see the troubled expression flicker across her face for a moment.
Rena took a deep breath, steadying herself and put a small smile on her face, masking her conflicted thoughts. 
"Apologies for that… He’s just… He's really vexing…"
The girls looked at her for a moment, as if trying to determine if she was hiding something about the conversation from them. 
‘Vexing?’ They both thought, unable to decipher what she had meant. They snapped to and asked her to elaborate on what just occurred, they didn't want to eavesdrop and risk Akimitsu blowing a fuse if he caught them. 
“You two were speaking too softly, we couldn't hear anything. Did he threaten you at all?” Hikari asked with great concern. 
Rena assured them that he didn't say anything excessively mean, just lashing out at her invasive question. Agawa warned her that she needed to stay away from him and avoid him should she see him out in public again. Hikari agreed but had one more thing to add about Akimitsu.
“I'm honestly surprised he didn't try to hit on you or convince you to be his girlfriend. He’s always trying to go for the prettiest girls around. He’s really good looking but I could never deal with his personality.”
Agawa chimed back in to take the reins over Hikari’s tactless comment and suggested Rena go home and clear her head. They reassured her that they will get together again, soon. Rena grabbed her bag and bid her new friends farewell exiting the diner, her mind distracted and disquiet.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Masterlist | AO3
0 notes
medea10 · 9 days
My Review of Hokkaido Girls Are Super Adorable
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Just a random pick. Roll it!
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Tsubasa Shiki has just moved from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo to the northernest and chilliest part of Japan, Hokkaido…well, Kitami City if you want to get technical. His first day there, he meets a young girl waiting at a bus stop and was just amazed at her. Minami Fuyuki has blonde hair, flashy nails, makeup, and has the leg strength to withstand frigid cold temperatures without the need of knee-high socks. They seem to hit it off. As Tsubasa is new to this area, Minami seems to have her priorities all settled in terms of everyday life. So, she has no problem helping out the new guy.
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And that’s essentially it for the story! There are Hokkaido girls Tsubasa hangs out with. He hangs out with the extrovert Fuyuki, the gamer Sayuri and the odd-ball senpai Rena.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: I guess I must have slept on the dub for the last couple of months because up until doing the finishing touches on the review, I didn’t know of its existence. Like nearly every other anime that is coming out nowadays it was licensed and dubbed by Crunchyroll. The sub has a lot of recognizable names and all do a great job. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Tsubasa is played by Nobunaga Shimazaki (known for Yuki on Fruits Basket 2019, Haru on Free!, Eugeo on SAO: Alicization, Sunakawa on Ore Monogatari, Shinichi on Parasyte, Yuno on Black Clover, and Izana on Tokyo Revengers)
*Minami is played by Ayane Sakura (known for Orla on Pokemon Horizons, Uraraka on My Hero Academia, Gabi on Attack on Titan, Nero on Black Clover, Fiona on Spy x Family, Gasper on High School DxD, and Saki on Girlfriend Girlfriend)
*Sayuri is played by Yumiri Hanamori (known for Nadeshiko on Laid-Back Camp, Hayasaka on Kaguya-sama, Evileye on Overlord, Ryuuji on Blue Period, Asahi on Happy Sugar Life, and Doumeki on Eizouken)
*Rena is played by Reina Ueda (known for Mallow on Pokemon SM, Kisa on Fruits Basket 2019, Kanao on Demon Slayer, Ariel on Mushoku Tensei, Miyo on My Happy Marriage, and Jiro on Tokyo Ghoul)
ENGLISH CAST: *Tsubasa is played by Matt Shipman (known for Floch on Attack on Titan, Cavendish on One Piece, Inasa on My Hero Academia, Sogiita on Railgun, and Chrome on Dr. Stone)
*Minami is played by Mikaela Krantz (known for Momiji on Fruits Basket 2019, Clementine on Overlord, Misaki on Railgun, Ai on Wonder Egg Priority, Doll on Black Butler, and Hyouka on Shimoneta)
*Sayuri is played by Brittany Lauda (known for Riko on Made in Abyss, F.F. on Jojo’s Pt. 6, Satoko on Higurashi Gou, Mai on Nichijou, and Saki on Girlfriend Girlfriend)
*Rena is played by Jill Harris (known for Noelle on Black Clover, Fern on Frieren, Aura on Overlord, Hiiragi on Natsume’s Book of Friends, and Shizuku on Love Live Nijigasaki)
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SHIPPING: Hmm…three Hokkaido girls. All of them are attracted to this kid (kinda not really in a love way). Tsubasa’s a shy boy and new to the concept of…well, everything involving the opposite sex. I think I’ve seen this set up before. The only difference here is that Tsubasa has a very strict grandmother that’ll stop any of these clumsy girls falling on him. But you have to admit that Minami, Sayuri, and Rena are at play here. Rena is actually on good terms with Tsubasa’s grandmother and loves all the traditional things Tsubasa is accustomed to. Sayuri and Tsubasa had a lot of great moments together whether gaming or just opening up. And as for Minami, well, she’s first girl.
Honestly, I think that Tsubasa will get with one of these three before Kazuya gets with Chizuru on Rent-A-Girlfriend at this point.
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And my take on the matter, I kinda became a Minami x Tsubasa shipper when Tsubasa played the piano for Minami.
RANDOM NOTE: I can’t be the only person who thinks this.
Agree or disagree? The opening theme sounds a little too similar to Uptown Funk.
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In episode 11, you can see the singer of the opening theme playing the song. This experience felt like watching the Love Rollercoaster scene from Beavis and Butt-head Do America. If you know, you know.
ENDING: Kind of a weird time for this to happen, but Tsubasa is now entering his second year of high school. Yeah, we don’t see that until the end of or beginning of a season. Whatever! We are in the spring season, but you wouldn’t know that since Hokkaido is much like the town of South Park. Snow is going to be on the ground regardless of what your calender says. There’s a lot of talk and thinking about the growth of these characters over the past few months. Since Tsubasa transferred, a lot of these characters have changed. Sayuri was able to kinda come out of her shell and do things with classmates she normally wouldn’t do. Rena was able to see the impact of what she does. And Matsuo…
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Wait, who’s Matsuo again?
I guess this random guy, Matsuo is part of the crew now. I noticed it subtly when he was featured with the rest of the main cast at the end of the opening theme. I didn’t even realize that he was the guy that made that comment about not getting homemade chocolates from Minami during the Valentine’s episode. Whatever!
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One little comment from Tsubasa about wishing to see cherry blossoms in Hokkaido prompted Minami to set up a surprise trip for him several hours from where they live. She wanted to have Tsubasa go out with her for one day and because she has something important to say. A myriad of possibilities pop up in our brains when Minami wants to discuss with Tsubasa. When it comes to this girl, it can be anything. While she is a flirt, we are approaching the season finale and this could be something serious. For now, let’s enjoy these two enjoying the spring weather, good food, music, and all that fun stuff. So, of course Minami is going to drop a bombshell at the end of this particular episode. And give Tsubasa some credit as he thought that Minami was going to reveal personal feelings for him. I’m glad his character isn’t that freakin’ oblivious. Actually, Minami is leaving as she’s going to study abroad. Tsubasa hugs her and next thing you know, they’re both in a hotel room together.
Yeah, they both missed the bus from their current location and Tsubasa’s father (whom we haven’t seen up until these last two episodes) hooks his son up. Being alone in a hotel room with a pretty girl gave Tsubasa quite the vivid images in his mind. Fortunately, nothing came of that as he fell asleep while she was taking a shower and then she left immediately after.
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In that aftermath, Tsubasa was quiet and kept himself inside, not even talking to Rena or Sayuri. Well, this is the day that Minami was going to leave. Minami reveals to Sayuri that it was because of people like her, Tsubasa, and Rena that she came to this decision about her future. Tsubasa eventually gets off his ass to go to the airport in one last romantic gesture you’ve seen in God-knows how many romcoms.
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And as we all know, Tsubasa would never have the clearance to make it to the boarding area if this is any program after September 11th, 2001. But logic be damned as he came in to see Minami off and give her a hairpin that was left behind. And then she drops a big ol’ bombshell of a facepalm. Minami will only be gone for 2 weeks. The time passed by like that and we’re back to the status quo. The end!
I honestly didn’t know what to expect watching this week-by-week. What I was given was not bad. Yes, there’s going to be some fan-service when you have a character like Minami. Hell, there was an episode where she was talking to Tsubasa on the phone while naked in the bathtub. Girl’s a freak! I guess what I got from this is that we all need a close-knit group of friends that’ll be there to encourage you.
And that Hokkaido girls are super adorable!
Hence the title of the anime.
If you want a short, fluffy high school story, give this a try. Crunchyroll has every episode available.
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Why is there no fan art of these two?
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fudgesoup · 11 days
The Stars are Cheering for You
Chapter 2: Defender
Teen - 3.6k words - Rena Natsukawa x Original Character
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Masterlist | AO3
Tags: Hokkaido Gals are Super Adorable, Rena Natsukawa x Original Character, Rena Natsukawa x OC, Rena x OC, Fuyuki Minami, Natsukawa Rena, Shiki Tsubasa, Original Character, Rena Natsukawa, Minami Fuyuki, Tsubasa Shiki, Akino Sayuri, Manga & Anime, Alternate Universe, College/University AU, Fluff, Friendship, College, Romance, Eventual Romance, Slow Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Fate, Drama, Light Angst, Tokyo, I didn't sleep to write this, Gossip, Love Confessions, Confessions, Crushes, Dating, Falling In Love, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Kendo, Plot, Slice of Life, Canon Spoilers, Tension, Family Drama, Plot Twists, Idiots in Love, post-epilogue
Trigger Warnings; Harassment, Assault and battery, cat-calling
As Rena walked back to her apartment, her mind raced, replaying the interaction with Akimitsu. She clenched her fists, frustrated with herself for letting him get to her—again. The thought of him moving in so close to her was more vivid than she wanted. Why did I let him get so close? Why did she still feel concerned, anything for someone so awful? 
Her heart began to pound harder, a heavy rhythm that she couldn’t ignore. Every beat was like a drum inside her chest, louder than the city streets around her. She was calm on the surface, her face a picture of the composed and unflappable Rena Natsukawa. But inside, she was a mess.
When she finally arrived at her apartment, she shut the door behind her with more force than necessary and leaned against it, exhaling a solid, heavy breath. Her shoulders slumped as she slid down to the floor, eyes closing for a moment in an attempt to steady herself.
It didn’t work.
With a groan, she pushed herself to her feet, letting her school bag fall to the floor. The heavy thud it made mirrored the weight in her chest. She dragged herself to the couch, her feet moving slowly, as though even walking was too much to bear right now. As soon as she reached the couch, she collapsed onto it. Another sigh, this one even deeper. Akimitsu’s voice lingered in her mind, haunting her. 
"I don’t care if I will never be what others want me to be," his words echoed. The more they replayed, the more they bothered her.
“Will never be what others want me to be...” she muttered under her breath, trying to make sense of it.
Turning onto her back, she stared blankly at the ceiling. Her thoughts spun out, traveling back to her own childhood, to the constant pressure of always being the best, always meeting expectations, always proving her worth through perfection. Her parents never really praised her hard work— it was simply expected. And if she ever slipped up? The silence that followed was almost unbearable.
The memory of her conversation with Tsubasa on their one and only date surfaced. They had touched on the same topic— expectations, pressure, the constant weight of others’ judgments.
Tsubasa... The name came unbidden, and she flinched. He had been gentle with her, understanding in a way that Akimitsu could never be. Yet, the feelings she had for Akimitsu, the complexity of it all, felt far more raw and dangerous. It wasn’t something she could easily tuck away.
She closed her eyes, but peace wouldn’t come. The ache inside her chest, this unresolved tension, remained.
Rena sat up abruptly, grabbing her phone with a determined sigh. If she was going to crack this, she needed backup. She dialed a familiar number, listening to the rings, hoping for some clarity. But after a few rings—no answer.
He must be busy with Minami, as he should be, she thought, though this time, there wasn’t that familiar sting of jealousy or sadness. Just disappointment. Tsubasa couldn’t help her with these intrusive thoughts, not today. She couldn’t blame him, but for once in her life, she was at a complete loss for what to do next.
If I text Akino, she'll just tell me to drop it, Rena mused, knowing her friend’s no-nonsense attitude. ‘Let him suffer alone’, she’d say, but that ship had sailed. Determined to get more perspectives, Rena messaged both Akino and Minami, hoping the two would offer different opinions.
Minami responded immediately, her text lighting up the screen with a simple: What’s up?
Without thinking too much, Rena typed back, I need help dealing with a guy.
Seconds later, Minami initiated a video call.
"Alright now Rena, why don’t you tell me all about this boy?!" Minami’s face filled the screen, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Rena sighed, launching into the story of Akimitsu and the frustrating dance they seemed to be caught in. His crassness, the way he spoke to her—it had been on her mind all day, and she needed answers.
Minami listened intently, her expression shifting from intrigue to understanding. "That’s a toughie. He’s really gotten under your skin, eh? I’m stumped. I mean, I've never heard you so worked up before."
Before Rena could respond, Akino’s name popped up on the screen. Without hesitation, she added her to the call. Minami quickly filled her in, while Rena braced herself for Akino’s inevitable sharp take.
Akino, ever the protective one, listened carefully, her lips pursed as Rena took over and detailed her encounters with Akimitsu. When Rena finally finished, Akino spoke, her voice calm but direct.
"It sounds like this guy is a real piece of work, Rena. What’s the big deal, though? Can’t you just ignore him if he’s such a jerk?"
Rena bit her lip, hesitating for a moment. "Well… I’m the one who confronted him."
There was a pause. Akino blinked, then sighed deeply, her tone slipping into a light scolding. "Rena, why are you bothering with someone who’s been nothing but rude to you? Seriously, it sounds like he's not worth the stress."
This was exactly what Rena expected, but she wasn’t looking for dismissal. She needed to understand why this was bothering her so much. Steering the conversation, she pressed on, "I’ve been trying to let it go, I really have. That’s why I called you both. I just... I want to figure out why he’s like this, why he vexes me so much."
Akino rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips. "You’re too stubborn for your own good, you know that?" She chuckled, then shot a teasing glance at Minami’s screen for a reaction before adding, "You keep saying you can’t stop thinking about him... Are you sure you’re not just a little smitten with this jerk?"
Rena’s eyes widened. Smitten? She couldn’t believe what she was hearing from Akino, of all people. She’d expected her friend to shut this down, not... whatever this was.
Akino’s sly smirk grew, clearly enjoying Rena’s reaction. "Oh, come on, you know I’m just messing with you. But if you can’t stop thinking about him, there’s got to be something more there. What about him has got you so worked up?"
Minami leaned in closer to her camera, her curiosity fully piqued. She’d known Rena for a while, and seeing her so flustered was a rare event. "Spill the beans, Rena. Is he really that much of a looker, or is it something else? Is there more to this jerk than meets the eye?"
Rena, flustered beyond belief, practically yelped, "What?! I never said anything about him being handsome!" Her face flushed instantly, and she clamped a hand over her mouth, realizing she’d just confirmed more than she intended.
Both Akino and Minami burst into laughter. Akino’s laugh was especially loud, her amusement clear. "Rena, you’re so red in the face! You don’t have to say it, your body language is giving you away. You’re blushing like a tomato! Admit it, you think this guy’s good-looking. Minami, we’ve unlocked a whole new side of Rena today!" Akino teased, her grin mischievous. "Who would’ve thought all it takes is a rude boy to turn her into a complete mess?"
Rena groaned, burying her face in her hands as she struggled to process everything. This is not how this was supposed to go! She tried to regain composure, rationalizing aloud, "I usually like nice, proper guys, like Tsubasa. Not rough, abrasive types like... Mr. Rude and Crass.
Akino and Minami exchanged a knowing glance, both clearly unconvinced by Rena’s attempt at denial. Akino, always quick to tease, was the first to chime in, her tone playful but laced with challenge.
"Oh, really, Rena? So you're not into the bad-boy type, huh? That's the story you're going with?" Akino leaned back, arms crossed, a smirk dancing on her lips. "What about that date with Tsubasa? You got a little too excited when he mentioned he had a fight with his parents, remember? Then you totally reeled it in when he clarified it wasn’t a big thing. Admit it, part of you was into that rebellion. You only had a crush on Tsubasa because he had a similar upbringing to you. Plus, you saw him in his traditional clothing and we know you can't resist that."
That’s not how it happened... is it? 
Minami, not one to miss a chance, jumped in. "Oh yeah, I remember. You couldn’t keep your eyes off him in that Haori. I swear, your eyes were glued to him the entire time," she chuckled, clearly enjoying how flustered her friend was becoming.
"Face it, Rena," Akino pressed on with a grin, "you might say you like the nice, proper guys like Tsubasa, but it seems like the bad-boy types might have a little more pull than you’re willing to admit." Her voice softened just a touch, "Maybe you’re drawn to something in them that you haven’t figured out yet."
Rena was at a complete loss for words. She’d called them for advice on Akimitsu, not for a full-on analysis of her romantic preferences. Now, here she was, forced to face a reality she hadn’t even considered herself.
Akino and Minami could see they’d struck a nerve, and they were relishing in her squirming. But Akino, always the more protective of the two, softened her tone, giving Rena a sympathetic smile.
"Hey, it’s fine, Rena. We’re your best friends. You don’t have to hide anything from us," she said gently. "It’s okay to be confused about your feelings. We’ve got your back, no matter what. We’re just here to help."
Minami nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! No judgment here." But noticing how skittish Rena was, Minami couldn’t resist. She leaned closer to the camera, her grin widening.
"You know," Minami started with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "you remind me of the way Tsubasa used to get all flustered when I teased him. He’d get all red and fidgety, just like you are now." She squealed, delighted at the comparison. "Oh my gosh, Rena, you’re acting just like him! Maybe this rude boy is doing the same thing!" She paused dramatically, then added with a conspiratorial grin, "Do you want to know if this boy likes you? Because I have in idea!"
Akino raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Minami’s sudden enthusiasm. "Oh, this should be good. You’ve got a plan to figure out if this jerk has a thing for Rena? Do tell."
Minami didn’t miss a beat. "It’s simple," she began, leaning in even closer, as if about to share a secret. "Rena’s going to turn the tables on Mr. Rude and tease him. If he gets nervous, fidgety, or even a little bit defensive, that’ll tell you everything you need to know."
Rena blinked, processing the absurdity of it all. How did this conversation get so derailed? She had called them for advice on how to deal with her mental affliction with Akimitsu, not for instructions on how to play mind games with him. And yet, despite the ridiculousness of it, she couldn’t help but feel a spark of curiosity. Maybe there was some truth to what they were saying.
As she mulled it over, the conversation gradually shifted away from her. Akino started talking about her latest ambition to develop a video game, her voice full of passion, while Minami gushed about life with Tsubasa, throwing in playful jabs about his quirks. Rena listened, grateful for the change in subject, but her mind kept drifting back to Akimitsu.
After a while, they all said their goodbyes and ended the video call. Rena set her phone down and sighed, her thoughts a whirlwind. She had a plan now— 
Tease Akimitsu.
But there was one glaring flaw in it: she had no idea where or how to find him. Pushing thoughts of him aside, she turned her attention to her homework. As much as she wanted to dwell on the confusing emotions swirling inside her, she knew she needed to focus. But as she opened her notebook, the faintest smile tugged at her lips.
Maybe this plan isn't such a bad idea after all.
She kept her focus on her studies, balancing her academic work with going out with Umi and Hikari. Each time they went out, a flicker of excitement danced in the back of her mind— maybe this would be the day she’d run into Akimitsu. She didn’t know where he usually hung out, but that small uncertainty only made the possibility more thrilling.
Her outings with Umi and Hikari were usually lighthearted, but recently, they had taken an uncomfortable turn. On a few occasions, two guys from her university had catcalled her while she was out with her friends. Their comments and remarks were unsettling, making Rena tense up each time it happened. She tried to brush it off and not let it ruin their fun, but it wasn’t easy.
The situation grew worse when she was alone. Walking home from college, she noticed the same two guys lingering nearby more often, their jeers becoming a common occurrence. Rena felt a mix of anger and unease, but she tried to stay composed, quickening her pace and ignoring them. Yet, the incidents weighed on her mind, adding an undercurrent of anxiety to her daily routine.
Rena refused to let the harassment derail her. She focused on her studies and maintained her social life, keeping her hope alive that she might run into Akimitsu during one of her outings.
Akino and Minami’s support was imperative to Rena during these trying times. Their messages were a lifeline, grounding her amidst the whirlwind of her new life. During one of their conversations, she confided in them about the two guys who had been harassing her. They were both concerned, urging her to stay safe and to let them know if it continued. Their support helped ease some of her anxiety, reminding her that she wasn’t dealing with it alone.
As the weeks flew by, Rena’s dedication began to pay off. Despite dealing with harassment and not running into Akimitsu, she channeled her energy into her studies to keep her mind off her troubles. After midterms, she once again secured the top spot in her class. This achievement boosted her confidence, serving as a reassuring reminder that, no matter how unpredictable her personal life became, her academic success remained a steady constant.
Yet, even with this accomplishment, something still felt amiss. There was a lingering sense that a piece of the puzzle was missing—an unspoken longing that she couldn't quite shake.
Weeks passed and Rena set her sights on finishing the year strong. With finals approaching, her mind was filled with thoughts of her friends and family back home, her new friends, and the inexplicable absence of Akimitsu. Balancing everything was challenging, but she managed the best she could.
After a long and exhausting day of classes, Rena stayed behind until dark to practice with the kendo club she had joined post-midterms. She had found physical exertion a good way to manage the stress of the approaching finals. Walking home alone had become routine for her over the past few months, and normally she wasn’t too concerned, especially since she hadn’t seen the catcallers in a while. However, today felt different. As she made her way home, she noticed a couple of hooded figures trailing her. Her heart rate quickened, and a sense of unease began to creep in.
She was desperately trying to remain calm while her heart pounded in her chest, her panic setting in. The men’s ill intent seemed clear from their body language. She broke into a sprint, but to her dismay, they did the same, running after her.
Rena's heart was racing so fast it felt like it might burst. She glanced back to see the men chasing her, their faces twisted with mischief. Gasping for breath, she started to run faster, trying to put some distance between them, but they were faster.
Desperate, Rena dropped her bag and grabbed the shinai from practice, her hands trembling as she prepared to defend herself. Her heart pounded in her chest as she swung the weapon with all her might, trying to fend off the attackers. Despite her brave efforts, the men’s numbers and strength overpowered her. They closed in on her, forcing her to the ground and causing her to drop the shinai.
With the weapon now out of reach, Rena felt a surge of fear as she realized she was completely vulnerable. Their eyes gleamed with a malevolent curiosity that made her skin crawl.
A shiver ran down Rena’s spine as both men looked at her as if she was nothing more than prey to them. She tried to think of a plan to escape, but fear and panic clouded her mind, leaving her unable to come up with a solution.
From the shadows, a tall figure emerged on the scene, grabbing Rena’s dropped shinai and stepping into the fray. The masked stranger moved with impressive skill, wielding the shinai with practiced precision. His quick, powerful strikes caught the attackers off guard, forcing them to struggle against his assault.
With fluid and decisive movements, the stranger disarmed the men. Their initial confidence diminished as the stranger took control of the situation. Rena watched in a mix of relief and amazement as the figure fought with such skill that suggested serious training.
In a matter of moments, the attackers were overwhelmed. The stranger’s final blows sent them sprawling to the ground, leaving them unconscious. Rena could hardly believe her luck, her eyes fixed on the defeated men as the immediate danger dissipated.
Rena stood frozen, stunned by the unexpected rescue. Her mind was still racing to process what had just happened when the mysterious figure approached her and extended the shinai. She took it from him, clutching it tightly to her chest, her eyes locked on him in a mix of relief and confusion.
She wanted to say something, to express her gratitude or perhaps ask who this savior was, but words failed her. All she could focus on was the figure who had saved her, his face obscured by a face mask.
The mystery man’s soft, gentle voice broke through Rena’s haze of fear. She looked up and saw his masked face, and something about his tone struck a chord deep within her, making her heart skip a beat. His voice sounded strangely familiar, adding to her sense of bewilderment.
“Are you okay,” he asked softly. “Would you like me to escort you home?”
Rena nodded slightly, trying to steady her breathing and clear her throat. Despite his heroic intervention, she was still shaken by the entire ordeal.
“Y-yeah… I’m okay. Thank you…” she managed to reply, her voice quivering.
The man’s voice remained soothing as he repeated himself to her patiently, “Will you be alright on your own, or would you prefer that I walk with you?”
Rena took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart and swallow the lump in her throat. She looked up at his masked face, her thoughts swirling and conflicted. Her gaze drifted to the unconscious men on the ground, and she gripped her shinai tighter. The sight of them still unsettled her, but a small voice in the back of her mind telling her to accept his offer.
“U-uhm… I… I don’t know… I…” she stammered, glancing between the men and her savior. Despite her unease, she felt a lingering trust in him, even as her rational side urged caution. Taking a deep breath, she resolved to trust her instincts. She looked back at him and, with a slight exhale, said, “You can walk me home… if it’s not too much trouble.”
In his soft, reassuring tone, he replied, “I can walk with you, but I’ll only go as far as a block before your residence. That way, I won’t know exactly where you live, but I can make sure you’re safe.”
Rena nodded, silently grateful for his consideration in not wanting to know where she lived. Even though he was a stranger, there was a comforting presence about him that had lingered since he saved her. The thought of him leaving after walking her part way home, made her heart sink just a little, a feeling she couldn’t quite explain.
She tried to push the thought aside, reminding herself it was irrational to feel this way about someone she barely knew. Rena glanced up at him and offered a small, grateful smile.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Stay safe,” he replied softly. With that, he turned and disappeared into the night.
Rena finally arrived at her apartment, shutting the door behind her with a trembling hand. She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, her heart still racing from the evening’s events. The fear and adrenaline from the terrifying encounter overwhelmed her, and she broke down, sobbing uncontrollably.
Desperate for comfort, she rummaged through her things and pulled out the fan that Gin had given her. The fan represented support and solace, a symbol she desperately needed now. As she opened it and stared at its starry pattern, she found a fleeting sense of calm. For a moment, she found herself linking the voice of the masked stranger to him, but she quickly dismissed the thought. The stranger was far too young to be Gin.
She continued to gaze at the fan, trying to lose herself in its intricate design, hoping it would help lift her spirits.
Eventually, she gathered enough courage to grab her phone and text Akino, explaining the harrowing events of the night. Their conversation stretched into the early hours, with Akino providing the comfort and support she needed. Her steady presence on the other end of the line helped calm her nerves.
After a long, reassuring talk, Rena finally felt a sense of peace. Exhausted, she drifted off to sleep, comforted by the support of her friend and the promise of a new day.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Masterlist | AO3
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