#Lalla Carlsen
venicepearl · 6 months
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Lalla Carlsen (née Haralda Petrea Christensen) (17 August 1889 – 23 March 1967) was a Norwegian singer and actress. She is regarded as one of the most legendary female revue artists in Norway.
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motionpicturelover · 2 years
"I slik en natt" (1958) - Sigval Maartman-Moe
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Films I've watched in 2023 (26/119)
Based on a true story. In November 1942 in Nazi occupied Norway, a group of Jewish refugee children are in danger, and a young doctor (Anne-Lise Tangstad) tries to save them from the Germans. After a few nerve-wracking weeks in hiding - spent at the house of the doctor's old uncle, with him and his old housekeeper - they engage in a dramatic escape to Sweden.
Full film (the picture quality isn't very good and it's in Norwegian without subtitles, but if those aren't obstacles for you, I can recommend it):
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vivvision · 1 year
Question for Gallifrey Fans- we see little bits and glimpses at different parts of Gallifrey in Classic and New Who but there’s always room for interpretation that some things might’ve been rebuilt and there’s lots of parts we don’t see, such as regular city environments.
How do you imagine Gallifrey in your head?
Is it like a space Manhattan? Space London? Is it like the cities in Star Wars such as Coruscant? Do they have cafes and clothing stores and what do those look like? I’d love to know
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Romana: “How goes the struggle, Emperor?”
Dalek Emperor: “I will not reveal my plans!”
Romana: “Then that is one thing we have in common.”
Gallifrey: Time War One
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I binged Gallifrey: Time War 2&3 over the last few days and asdfghkl I don’t know what to do with myself anymore. Give me boxset 4 now!
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alyona11 · 5 years
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Drew an illistration for the Hostiles from TW3. Love how it turned out, hopefully will draw more TW3 stuff later
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madam-coordinator · 5 years
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Gallifrey: Time War 3
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drwhoboards · 7 years
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Doctor Who moodboard: Gallifrey OT4 + Time War (requested by: @songofgallifrey)
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scarfulwho · 7 years
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I finished listening to Series 1 of Gallifrey today since Big Finish has had a sale on it. Gotta say, I dig it! I already love Leela as a companion (she’s probably my fave companion for the Fourth Doctor) and Romana is great too.
But I do enjoy Narvin and Braxiatel too. Oh those two are delightful assholes. That’s all I can really describe them as. I love them both.
Also that last story in the series? Wow. I wasn’t expecting it to go the places it did honestly, but it’s awesome that it’s willing to go there. I was half expecting a happier Doctor Who-ish ending for Sissy but nope. The Doctor isn’t here.
I’ll pick up Series 2 when I get the chance because yeah, this is some good stuff. Hopefully it won’t take too long for me to catch up.
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juliasfanart · 2 years
Fanart for Gallifrey Series IV: Reborn, by Gary Hopkins.
With Lalla Ward as Romana, Louise Jameson as Leela, Miles Richardson as Brax, Seán Carlsen as Narvin and John Leeson as K9
NARVIN: After everything we've been through, it's obvious what we should have done a long time ago.
LEELA: It is our wish to be married.
ROMANA: What, you and Narvin??
LEELA: Yes, and to share the rest of our lives together in this magical paradise.
K9: This unit have been programmed to perform the cerimony.
ROMANA: How romantic.
BRAX: And if I had a white charger, Romana, it would be my privilege to carry you off into the sunset...
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spacecravat · 4 years
Hi From your Assorted gallifrey au part 1 gif set what film/show is that gif of Louise Jameson/Leela from? Thank u
Hi again ! Sorry same anon, what’s the show Louise is from in the gallifrey au 2nd gifset? Thanks again
oh shit that was a long time ago, uh. let me see if i can find the files
post one: omega factor:
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post two: bergerac s4e6:
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for reference, the rest of them:
lalla ward: vampire circus, hamlet
miles richardson: murder rooms, ghost club
sean carlsen: shine, tastebuddies
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Gallifrey AU: The Heist
Under the command of the Celestial Intervention Agency under Prime Minister’s Livia’s reign, a team of highly-trained and qualified individuals are under the direct order to infiltrate the High Council of the Time-Lord’s and assassinate President Rassilon. Sex, violence, drugs, and lies are mere obstacles in the path of the infamous five. The mission is titled Operation Gallifrey. Meet the team below:
☞ Irving Braxiatel:  Previously the owner of the famous Braxiatel Collection, Irving Braxiatel is the mastermind and chessplayer behind the mission.  He knows the people of the High Council best, harbouring his own resentment for Rassilon. He’s is a sly, ruthless and cunning Time-Lord and he often puts the little things such as how other people might feel in his chess games aside and has a penchant for doing things the hard way. Any rumour you hear about Irving Braxiatel is probably true. 
☞ Romana Trey: As the smartest member of the squad, Miss. Trey was assigned to the facts of the mission, the logistics. She takes the plans of both Livia and Braxiatel and translates them into reality. However, her brains aren’t her only useful abilities and she can prove it with a solid left hook. She is very fond of her dog, K9 and will more than likely kill you in your sleep if you make fun of its name.
☞ Leela Sevateem:  Leela was quick to discover that her body was just as useful as the knife that’s strapped to her hip. She has a niche in bringing the influential to their knees (literally) and drawing from them their deepest secrets. In her spare time, she likes to tease Narvin relentlessly. 
☞ Narvin:  He speaks best in code and knows the exact buttons to press that will bring an entire corporation (or government) to his feet. No security camera, algorithm, man, or woman, are too complex for him to break completely. He is also a brilliant engineer and has a knack of spying. Blink twice and he’s in. Your body, mind, thoughts, everywhere.
☞ Dorothy “Ace” Mcshane :  Ms Mcshane is otherwise known as Ace. Call her Dorothy to her face and you’ll find yourself blown to pieces. When she was a young child,  she quickly learned she liked to figure out how to blow things up. The bigger, the brighter, the better. She’s utterly unafraid to get her hands dirty and primarily busies herself with inventing new explosives.  Notable for her knowledge of fifty efficient ways of how to dispose a Dalek. 
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erlendbv · 5 years
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So, this blog amazingly turned 5 years a few days back. I’ve previously posted on the 1-year anniversary, the 2-year anniversary, and the 3-year anniversary. It’s been a busy period, so last year slipped, it seems.
These posts have been a combination of my accomplishments and a selection of content I’m particularly happy with. Let’s repeat it.
I have received diplomas for completing “Writing for film and TV” and “Writing Satire for the Web” via Second City Training Center, and for attending Scott Dikkers’ Comedy Business School.
I’m in the process of completing my book on Norwegian satire. Excited for that project to reach the conclusion.
Things I’ve written
Advice for writing a feature screenplay
Throwback Thursday: Notater fra Are Kalvøs foredrag under radiofaglig dag i 2010
Storyclock vs. Story formula
Tanker om humor fra høyresida
I wrote a whole bunch about late night field pieces, monologue transitions, packet submissions, and an extensive list of show break-downs with recurring segments. Everything is available under the tag “Late Night”.
Chuffa – a comedic term with conflicting connotations
Satire analysis: John Oliver’s three-part Daily Show-series on gun control
How to Make Memes
Clapter - a review of the term
This study of Nicholls scripts per genre, Nicholls judging criteria, and tips for loglines. I’ve also been looking into thematic structure, grounded in character, and 3 essential questions when developing a story, as well as Structuring the 60-minute TV drama.
This article on director signature styles, colors in movies, and Mini-Masterclass in Directing
Things I’m inspired by
Satire profile: The Mash Report
Word of the day: Morosoph
Random find: Rules for sons
Philosophical notes on the satirist
4 Ways to Write Meaningful Comedy
The Dark Psychology of Being a Good Comedian
Master Class: How to Develop Bits Like a Late Night Talk Show Writer
Dark humor = high IQ
Here’s what makes satire so funny, according to science
Commercial satire and the definition of proper satire
Satire isn’t destroying politics
These thoughts on “post-comedy”
Quotes to remember
Kevin Hart on the difference between comedy writers and comedians
“Comedy can never be injected. It can only be extracted.“
“Humor distracts, satire reacts.“ – me
George Carlin on political correctness
“I hate writing, I love having written.“
Dave Chappelle on ‘good and bad’ vs. ‘worse and better’.
“Du skal ikke bli kunstner fordi du har lyst, men fordi du ikke kan la være.“ – Lalla Carlsen
Bill Maher on PC-shaming the past
Zach Rice, writer on Patriot Act with Hasan Minaj talking about writing jokes on serious topics
“We put a lot of time into making sure that everything is accurate in the story except for the thing that we’re satirizing or switching out. (…) We don’t want anything that’s not the joke to be made up.“ – Cole Bolton, Editor in Chief at The Onion
Jon Stewart on insult vs. injury
So... this post was a rather messy summary of what I’ve been focusing on for the last two years. Interesting stuff.
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Gallifrey Audio Icons
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23 icons from the covers of the Gallifrey audio series under the cut. Mostly Romana, but some of Gally 4 and shipping.
I’m into this series too deep now and can’t get out.
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alyona11 · 6 years
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I know I rarely draw them together but that doesn't mean i love them less
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