#LORD this woman
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vivaciousoceans · 7 months ago
Idk the more clips I see of season 25 the more I don’t recognize Olivia Benson. How can she report Chief McGrath for something Elliot did two seasons ago 😭
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orbitfalls · 11 months ago
Picking your brain for some Andromeda headcannons 👀
Ohhh hell yeah absolutely!
She’s blackhaired just like bella but starts bleaching it a softer brown after she runs away as to not be associated as much with bella
Aromantic queen idc - ted’s her best friend and they’re in a qpr
Future Ultraviolence spoiler so look away if you’re not up for that: I don’t think Dora was ted’s child, I think Andy got pregnant with a pureblood child, and her and ted decided to get married and claim that ted was the father (aka claim that the child was half blooded) so that Dora wouldn’t be forced to be the heir
She’s not particularly powerful magic wise however she’s incredibly skilled with potions
She’s confrontational and curious and generally doesn’t fit the pureblood ideal for a noblewoman, giving her a spark of rebellion essentially rooted in the insecurity of not being good enough (not in an ‘if I can’t be good, I’ll be so much worse’ way, which I believe is more bella’s way of looking at it, but more of a ‘if I can’t be good for you, I’ll be good for myself’ kinda way)
^in relation to that, my girl CLAWED her way out of her own prejudice. Like, she had to put her entire centre of balance into her own self worth, had to rely on herself and stand up for herself in order to improve her life, and that shit takes GUTS
I hc that her patronus changed during this development. I think the process of clawing the remains of your self worth free from years of abuse that has as good as ruined you would make some pretty large shifts in the core of a person, so I feel like it would make sense icl.
Tiger patronus->whale patronus. I can think of no better way to explain it than this:
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Bonus: tiger, matching bella’s leopard (to me)… something about them looking so alike and the cores of their being taking such similar shape, only for Andy to run away and her patronus to change and her hair to lose it’s shade and just… idk bella has lost so much and so has Andy </3
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 1 year ago
Judith Light... just out there making lesbians faint
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rhera · 4 months ago
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— Love in The Afternoon (1957) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) La Bête Humaine (1938) The Conformist (1970) The Pirate (1948) Marriage Italian Style (1964) The Devil Is a Woman (1935) Clue (1985) The Hunger (1983) Swing Time (1936)
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muzsmocsing · 6 months ago
Shen Qingqiu, watching his disciple talking with Liu Mingyan: Splendid, first harem member acquired. Everything's going according to plan. Oh are they riding off? What a rebellious little guy.
Luo Binghe, sobbing internally: If my Shizun looks at this girl for 2 more seconds I will kill myself.
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dzasta15 · 1 year ago
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Secret weapon: Those big ol ears
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abigaillazaar · 2 months ago
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@yellowjacketsnetwork event 08: alternate genre ↳ lottienat in romcoms (and more!)
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heavensoutofsight · 2 months ago
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billie eilish in baseball caps... breathe if you agree
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anniesimps · 29 days ago
Chodark postinggg (some of them are a bit old)
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Yeah thats all ty
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lifemod17 · 30 days ago
Hozier Breaks Down His Perfect Playlist
🎥: theSKimm' | 04/23/2024
And some gifs 👀
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diioonysus · 1 year ago
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reading + art
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corsairspade · 6 months ago
Halenthir but none of the Finweans believe Haleth is real because they all assume Caranthir made up a spouse so he could leverage his marriage status for tax concessions. Caranthir is extremely mad about this. Haleth thinks it’s hilarious.
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travelinglikethelight · 4 months ago
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✨ A salute to black women in fantasy ✨
Cynthia Addai-Robinson as Queen Tar-Míriel — The Rings of Power 2.06 "Where is He?"
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adinelleggreeo · 8 months ago
Women were NOT put on this earth to serve men, get married as soon as they turn 18 and pop out a hundred and one babies before 25.
Women were put on this earth to serve GOD and glorify him in everything that they do. Marriage and motherhood is one way, not the way.
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dryya-doesnt · 7 months ago
Good morning to Nicole Van Ronsenburg and her only….
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Dante fumbled her BAD just saying….
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mask131 · 2 months ago
I am re-reading the Silmarillion, and something strikes me. The women of Tolkien's world have been talked about TO DEATH especially with all the recurring debates surrounding the Rings of Power series.
As we all know, Tolkien was not a "feminist" in the modern sense of the word. He had a very male-centric point of view and appreciation of the world, he had male-driven and male-centered stories, and actual women characters were sparse and rare. There are only five really big female characters in "The Lord of the Rings" - the quintet of Galadriel, Eowyn, Goldberry, Lobelia and Shelob. [No, don't talk to me about Arwen, she only really was a character in the movies, in the book she's just there in the appendix and she was literaly an afterthought of Tolkien to act as Eowyn's romantic double...]
Consider this. Galadriel, Eowyn, Goldberry, Lobelia and Shelob. This tells you everything you need to know about Tolkien's women, in good and bad.
The Silmarillion has the same motif of having a lot of female characters, only for most of them to be just footnotes, secondary characters with no lines, under-developped one-liners... with in a contrast a handful of super-cool, super-badass, complex and developed heroines at the center of the plot.
Aka, on the bad side, when listing the Valar, while Tolkien gives an interesting personality, great domains and cool attributes to all the male ones, half of the female ones are just... there. And do one stuff. And never appear again. I mean come on... Vana and Nessa? Estë and Vairë were done dirty... That's the actual type of "non-feminism" Tolkien has. It isn't about him hating women or trying to be offensive in his depictions - it is about him just, not putting as much thought, effort and care into his female characters as his male ones, a bit the same way he creates the vast expanses of the East and South of Middle-Earth and then never bothers actually developing more of it or seeking to tell tales of it - but that's for another discussion about Tolkien's "racism". Here we talk about women.
But here's the thing, aka the good side... When Tolkien does find the time and care to develop and flesh out a female character, by Iluvatar he goes all out! Again, we are back on what I said earlier: the women of Lord of the Rings can be counted on one hand... but these fingers are Galadriel, Eowyn and Shelob, so you can't claim he isnt writing powerful, important or uninterestng female characters. Which leads me to my original remark - as usual I get driven away in digressions of all sorts and kinds.
Have you ever noticed that Melkor's greatest enemies, the ones he fears the most, and his most effective foes... are women? Tolkien might not like to put them front and center of his tales, and he might have been a man of the early 20th century England in culture and mind, but boy does he has something to say about how women are actually the first enemies of the literal embodiment of evil and destruction! I mean think about it. Varda of the Stars, and Yavanna of the trees. Nienna has her ambiguous relationship to him - her tears work against him, and yet without her plea for him he likely would not have been released from the dungeons of Mandos. You have Melian with her Girdle, and Luthien with her Hound. And of course most of all Arien, guardian of the Sun, not only one of the rare fire spirits that Melkor couldn't corrupt (despite him basically ruling over all fire), but that frightens him so much he keeps hiding away and doesn't even dare to attack her... [I also reblogged some times ago a post praising the brilliance of Tolkien keeping the old European sun-moon motifs but switching the genders. The weaker, inconsistant, lustful, whimsical, disorderly, untrustworthy Moon is now a male principle, while the steady, dangerous, strong, powerful and beautiful Sun is a woman.]
It is actually REALLY easy to do a feminist retelling of Tolkien's work. Melkor doesn't fear Manwë as much as Varda. Aulë's works and servants get corrupted by Melkor, while Yavanna's do not. Melian and Luthien actively works against him. He friggin' pisses himself when the Woman of the Sun shows up. Sure, there are some evil female characters that serve him down the line and are relegated to the "obscure footnotes and undescribed secondary characters" zone - Thuringwethil the vampire or queen Beruthiel. I coul also dropped deleted characters from early drafts, like the ogress Fluithuin. But among them stands Ungoliant... THE only true female big bad on the dark side of Arda. THE badass, nightmarish, creepy eldritch abomination. And who ends up double-crossing Melkor, almost KILLING him, and again making him basically shit in his pants - as Varda and Arien do.
The first enemies of Morgoth are not the Valar, or the Maiar, or the Elves... It's women.
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