#“Your people say that you married a lord..?” “Oh yeah unfortunately he’s no longer with us”
corsairspade · 5 days
Halenthir but none of the Finweans believe Haleth is real because they all assume Caranthir made up a spouse so he could leverage his marriage status for tax concessions. Caranthir is extremely mad about this. Haleth thinks it’s hilarious.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
That whole era of the Second Quarrel onwards is so obscure when it comes to the succession and the tensions surrounding it. No reactions. No massive events or much about dynamics. I want to know about Viserys's coronation. I want to know what he felt about his own succession before the GC. And before that, I want to know if Baelon ever tried to mend fences. If Jaehaerys ever mentioned it again, and how. How Rhaenys made her life, now all but an exile, on Driftmark. What motivated Aemma and Viserys's marriage. WHEN DID JOCELYN DIE?!
LITERALLY OMG. Number one frustrating thing about F&B is we get pages and pages of stuff no one in the world gives a shit about - Maiden's Day, that stupid story about Jaehaerys fucking the writer - and nothing on the subjects that actually got most people into the damn series like the POLITICS or the MAGIC. all of THAT is completly glossed over or Gyldane (and Yandel for that matter) just go "Well Barth did say this thing but that's nonsense" and then no elaboration. drives me up a WALL because yeah sure maybe the long, pages upon pages of battles and fighting are not my cup of tea but a) they're perfectly well written and b) THEY MAKE UP FOR IT BY GIVING ME SEVERAL CHAPTERS IN A ROW OF CERSEI AND SANSA JUST CHILLING AND POLITICKING IN DETAIL. He makes up for that in F&B by giving me MORE Jaehaerys as if that's what I want!!!
There's a few eras in F&B I think are likely to come up in the main series or in dunk and egg which is why I think F&B is so frustratingly vague (and if they were kept vague for no reason….george what. george WHY). And I do get he wanted to give us more of what he was writing without spoiling later books but good lord i would actually rather wait longer for material that isn't 60% george going "well i can't tell them ALL of that, let's just wink at the audience." The Second Quarrel is one of those times that might be relevant later imo largely because there's just. NOTHING. NO INFO. NO EVENTS. Like you said, there are NO major events in this time period. the ONLY thing happening is politics and court intrigue but F&B isn’t interested in court intrigue unless it involves grooming a 12 year old girl and unfortunately there is only poor Aemma being groomed at this time so F&B says “too many old people they’re not sexy” and just gives us sparse details about marriage dates, birth dates, and death dates. We don’t even see how rhaenys and viserys feel about THEE QUEEN ALYSANNE dying!!!!!!!! She just. Passes. oh so sad. george i’m in your walls!
Unlike every other Targaryen child (Aemma, Viserys, Daemon, herself, even Aerea and Rhaelle to an extent) who is allowed to grow up at court surrounded by other Valyrians and members of the royal family, Rhaenys kids are denied this. With this move, as you say, Jaehaerys all but tells Rhaenys "get you and your fuckin kids the hell out of my city." Can you imagine being Rhaenys, newly pregnant, having been told for years by your father and grandmother that you will be Queen one day just to be suddenly and unceremoniously exiled from court and kicked completely out of the line of succession? Can't even begin to get into how deranged it is to do this to your pregnant granddaughter when she's mourning the loss of her father
WHEN DOES JOCELYN BARATHEON DIE. HOW DOES SHE FEEL ABOUT HER DAUGHTER AND GRANDKIDS BEING PASSED OVER?????? She is only a year or two older than Aemon, she could easily have still been alive and making a fuss during Viserys' reign especially after he names Rhaenyra his heir SO HOW DID SHE FEEL ABOUT ALL OF THIS.
Baelon and Viserys' coronations/weddings/big We Are The Royal Line Now Shenangians during this era are crazyyy right, because THE QUEEN OF WESTEROS is refusing to talk to the iron throne, can’t ride her dragon anymore, is losing her hearing and memory, and goes everywhere with Gael to the point that no one even attempts to marry Gael bc they know Alysanne will never let her go. THATS INSANE. They are LIVING SEPARATELY like practically pseudo divorced the way Doran and Mellario are, so is Alysanne just purposefully snubbing these celebrations and using “i’m old” as an excuse or is she passive aggressively riding a carriage all the way back to KL just to show up wearing velaryon colors to viserys’ wedding and then left again without saying goodbye before the banquet even started???
AMD BAELON. part of why i’m so turned off by him is bc we have no indication he felt even a little had but to be fair it has been pointed out to me that we ALSO have no indication he didn’t feel bad; we have no indication of his feelings whatsoever!!! for all we know HE could have felt this was unfair & had been in the middle of either brokering a marriage between his grandkids and her kids, or figured “hey we had this exact same issue with Auntie Rhaena, maybe I should build House Targaryen a second and third seat or even given Dragonstone to The First Born Girl as tradition from now on” like he really could have been trying OR he could have been cackling and rubbing his hands together and encouraging viserys to bed 13 year old aemma soon and often to ensure their line, and calling rhaenys a stupid bitch at court, like we just don’t know!!!!!
We get several “they never agreed on the succession” comments but how does that translate to ACTION. stop telling me dates and tell me WHAT HAPPENED.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part six (aka me losing my mind over the final problem)
Hi, I am once again reminding you all that I've formed a parasocial relationship with the crackhead detective 👍 This made me overly emotional for the fact that he didnt even die
But like
hhhmmmmmmmm those were certainly an interesting 14 pages
Yeah, I already made a post about how the final problem relates to yuumori's final problem and how incredibly sexy it is but yes now I'd just like to relay to you how absolutely heart brocken i am over this lol I will eventually get to reading the post hiatus stories i just. I haven't emotionally recovered from this yet
Yelling below the cut somehow this reaction feels longer than the story itself. but it's about half cracking jokes and half sobbing so be prepared
I mean, starting off strong with "well yknow since i got married my and sherlock's Very Intimate Relations had to be modified and all but we hadnt seen each other in a while so it was kind of jarring to see him crawling in my second story bedroom window clutching Wounds and closing the shutters absolutely fucking wasted losing his mind over some dude named moriarty"
We've been over this but. Oh my god why are they gay
I just like????? Imagine how fucking bizzare that would be to just see your old homie crawl into your window bleeding on your floor and asking to exit the other way in case he's followed like "hey bro can we Talk i hope you're not busy" WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO, SAY HE IS? Imagine watson just like "no dude I'm fucking busy go get killed"
But legitimately. That's certainly something. And like, I see a lot of books starting like this lmao but. Holmes's stuff usually starts off kind of easily with watson going "yeah so lately ive been Experiencing Sherlock Holmes" and spend 20 minutes on exposition with them having a Conversation but no. mans just fucking escaped a hitman and went directly to his boyfriend's house having apparently Never Before In His Goddamn Life mentioned his actual nemesis to this guy. How the FUCK has watson never heard of him before.
Im also loving how he calls moriarty a "mathematical celebrity" awhi;grih;oaewhhta;ioh;iaewh;ii;oewh;eh;rg mans just. ok lol hes a Math Celebrity that had to quit his math teacher job because EVERYONE JUST KNEW HE WAS A CRIME LORD LIKE THEY TOOK ONE LOOK AT HIM AND WENT MANS DEFINITELY HAS BODIES IN HIS BASEMENT I DONT WANT HIM TEACHING HERE
But yeah, it was interesting to see what the big deal about og moriarty was... especially since the deal simply did not deliver. There was not really a big deal. It's like reading the first chapter of a book and immediately skipping to the climax. Everything is so hyped up and clearly having been building for years and you just get like NO CONTEXT. I swear Moriarty wasn't goddamn mentioned any time before this. He's just suddenly the big guy and watson has just never fucking heard shit about this guy.
What's so funny about this whole situation is that I just. Cannot objectively know anything about Moriarty at all because sherlock just... does not go into what this dude's alleged crimes even were, other than. The fact that he like. Does them. He's just really involved in crimes. How? Why? For how long? In what way? For what purpose? NO FUCKING CLUE HE JUST. HE JUST DOES. And there's nothing to really suggest that Moriarty was honestly a really evil guy. They're all like trust me he was just. he was just really bad but show absolutely No examples of being such. The most evil thing we saw Moriarty do personally was call sherlock stupid for letting him get into the apartment. And even then he immediately followed it up with complimenting him lol
yeah, my impression of Moriarty was like. I expected him to be worse, honestly. I expected him to be like a cartoon villain because he was kind of made out to be one and then he's just honestly a really polite and refined guy?? Mans strolls the fuck into 221B like hi shawty and it is Not like yuumori obviously man's holding a gun but like. What the fuck they are just. They have never met before but They Clearly Have and it's. its so weird
Like honestly I don't dislike og moriarty. He's really what william tried to be (and fucking failed, but beside the point) but like. Dude's so powerful and for what. He just walks into the apartment with No Pretense like why sherlock holmes is that a revolver or are you just happy to see me oh my goodness you are a dolt why would you hold the gun that way. disgusting. disgraceful. dreadful. Oh my god. I love him I'm sorry
abngnahhghifeah;iewh and Why does sherlock describe him like that hes like "MANS A REALLY REFINED LIZARD /pos" HIEHIFEHW:HGIHOEWFEEW FOR WHAT. FOR W H A T
baaaaaaaaghhhhhh but likeeeee they went STRAIGHT to "you know what I'm here for" "you know how I'm going to respond" "well then" "yeah" "mhm" "damn well it really do be like that sometimes" "ur really smart by the way" "im fucking aware let's kill each other as we both Thought in our Minds" "yes lets" AHDHDHDHDFS WTF THIS IS INSANE
But damn uh. mutual destruction my beloved this is very different from sherliam but im not. im not. opposed to it tucks hair behind ear
I just. Holy shit they really went "if you destroy me I will ensure that we both go down hand in unlovable hand" "I wouldn't mind that"
Annnnd I just noticed that the actual lines for this part kind of. that kind of happened in chapter 31 when sherlock was like i would Gladly die to take down the lord of crime and william was like. hahahah yeahNO NO NO NO
And then watson is like wowww that was cool you wanna spend the night and sherlock is like "UNFORTUNATELY BESTIE I AM BEING FUCKING TRACKED DOWN ID LIKE YOU TO NOT DIE WITH ME"
This bit gave me a Moment Moment because oh my god. Then watson is like "no shut up i'm coming with you i don't care" and i just had to Take A Minute because THEY SWITCHED PLACES AAH SHERLOCK IS TRYING TO KEEP WATSON SAFE NOW AND WATSON IS NOW MORE RECKLESS BC OF HIM AND. AHHHH
Completely random but. How sherlock still refers to 221B as "our rooms" to watson even though watson hasn't lived their in years........ shawty i am emotional.........
But. Ok as funny as this is. They have this fucking Conversation on the train to switzerland where sherlock is like "I have not lived in vain" and watson is like "YOURE NOT DYING" and hes like "i have not lived in vain. like i said. this will not be a bad way to die" UHHHHHH DAMN SHAWTY
hhhhhh and it just Gets. it. it. it Gets. These fuckers get to switzerland and they stay in a hotel and then leave for reichenbach but watson gets this goddamn letter telling him that hes needed at the hotel to basically save this lady's life. And he doesn't. Like. he doesn't even want to go he's like FUCK IT SHE CAN DIE IM NOT LEAVING YOU but sherlock convinces him to go fULLY KNOWING THE LETTER WAS FUCKING FAKED BY MORIARTY JUST AS A PLOY TO GET HIM ALONE
God I just. Wow sherlock really did that huh. He really went and did that. And I went over it in the post about this compared to yuumori but it just RUINED me how watson just. Never saw what happened and there's just so little information about it that all they have is these assumptions and pieces that just suggest that these guys met up, walked up to the goddamn waterfall having a nice civil conversation about how talented and smart they both were at this and how they revealed their methods to each other and complimented them because of course they did
And they just sat up there talking to each other so long and Moriarty legit waited politely or even possibly was the one that suggested he write a letter to watson in which sherlock just went "damn lol moriarty's pretty nice actually anyway uhhhh sorry watson ily ✌" and just like. left it up there in his damn cigarette box
But just like. damn the insinuation that moriarty just sat there and watched while he wrote that entire goddamn letter, sealed it up, and then got up and went alright buddy let's go but it makes no goddamn sense if they wanted to actually kill each other and assure they themselves would survive I could name like 23 different ways they could have managed it so easily and they Didn't. they were really set on mutual destruction huh. There's no way they were even trying to do anything but Die Together at that point and that's Something huh
It absolutely baffles me how they could say that these guys had plummetted like, holding each other tho. Like. ok lol but How Do You Even Know
It was certainly a ride. But the fact that Watson had to actively try to think like Sherlock to figure out what happened in the scene was just. The cherry on top. Especially after they'd consciously started to switch roles in this i just. Damn.
In conclusion uhhhhhhhh gay people real I suppose
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fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Jockey For Position
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Now that we’re done with that long cameo, it’s time for our feature presentation for tonight, and it’s a doozy!:
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We open with Pinky frantically running on a spinning globe while Brain stands above him on the…globe holder? I don’t know if that part has a name or not.
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“[winded gasps] Can I stop now, Brain?”
“Not until I finish my demonstration.”
Brain, that’s just… Well I was about to say it was mean, but given that Pinky understands the details of his plans better when Brain demonstrates it or draws elaborate diagrams, maybe it’s for the best? I doubt Brain could make that large globe spin just by using his hands, and Pinky’s been seen a lot of times running on the mouse wheel in their cage so he’s gotta be pretty in shape. Still, it feels like Pinky’s been running for a lot longer than he needed to…
You know what? I change my mind. It is a bit mean, Brain.
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“When I build my reverse geotropic arrestor, Pinky, and throw it from the North Pole like this…”
The word “geotropic” doesn’t quite sound right. I wonder…
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…Okay, yeah, Brain’s getting worse at naming things.
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“…In a matter of seconds the cable will become taut, gravity will cease, and everyone will fly off the face of the Earth!”
Oh my GOD, Brain. This has got to be the stupidest plan you have come up with yet! Nothing about this will work.
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Well, there goes poor Pinky.
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“Leaving us alone to assume control.”
It’s still “us”, huh? Noted.
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Long Pinky.
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“Egad, Brain, brilliant! Haha hehe heh—!”
Pinky, sweetheart, I know praising Brain is kind of your thing but this is one time I’m going to have to call you out on your bias because this is super not brilliant and I’m actually a little worried for Brain’s mental state.
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“—Oh wait, no, no. What’s going to keep us from flying off the Earth?”
That’s one flaw of many, Pinky, but I guess it’s as good a start as any.
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“We will duct tape ourselves to a tree.”
Because the tree will totally stay in the ground when the Earth abruptly stops spinning. Not that it will stop spinning, because none of this makes any sense.
Brain, did this idea come from, like, a dream you had or something? Is that why the plan is working on dream logic?
I know this is a comedy cartoon and this is all a joke but sometimes Brain’s plans are so fucking out-there I just have to roast him for it.
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“Unfortunately we still need to raise money to buy a one billion ton magnet. But I have a solution!”
Oh boy, can’t wait to hear the solution to this one. It’s gonna be stellar if the whole plan today is anything to go by.
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Oh nice, Brain’s the one sewing for a change! Usually this is Pinky’s area of expertise, but it’s always nice to see that Brain can do some classically domestic things too.
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“Tomorrow is the running of the Kentucky Derby. Do you know what that is?”
Most of my knowledge on it comes from “My Brother, My Brother, and Me” goofs, so my mind keeps autocorrecting it to “Kenfucky Derby”, but go on.
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“Umm… Oh! A very large hat?”
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“Promise me something, Pinky. Never breed.”
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“I’ll try.”
Well, that’s going to come back to haunt them.
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“The Kentucky Derby is the biggest horse race of the year. There’s a one million dollar purse going to the jockey riding the winning horse.”
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“And I am going to win that purse!”
Okay, first off: Pinky, are you just going to stand there and stare at Brain as he gets changed? Like, I understand they’re naked normally and this is the exact opposite of stripping but umm…
Secondly: Brain, did you really have to get that up close to tell Pinky this? You two are making this too easy for me.
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“Zort, Brain! A million dollar purse?!? Ooooh!~ You’re going to need matching pumps and earrings for that!”
Pinky’s got his priorities in order.
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“Focus, Pinky, focus!”
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“Now watch.”
And now Brain’s ordering Pinky to watch him dress and I just…I have no words. This is all so suspect. Why do you two even need a dressing screen if you’re usually naked anyway? And it shouldn’t matter if anyone sees you get dressed unless this is some weird reverse nudity taboo you two have developed and if that’s the case, why are you allowing Pinky to watch? And if it’s for a dramatic reveal WHY ARE YOU ORDERING HIM TO WATCH YOU CHANGE???
This episode is already so goddamn wild.
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I am really not sure how I feel about that pan-up of Brain when he’s thrust his pelvis forward. At least the outfit is cute, though.
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“Narf! Oh, Brain, I get it! You’re a beautiful lawn ornament!”
“Beautiful”, huh? Also noted.
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“Look at me, narf, I’m a pink flamingo! Ahahaheh!”
Oh LORD, Pinky, how are you—?!?
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“I’m a cement deer! Ah hah!”
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“Oh, I’m one of the seven dwarves, Brain!”
That’s more acceptable but Pinky, sweetie, warn me if you’re going to nightmarishly shapeshift again, okay?!
I guess we can add that to the list of random abilities Pinky has.
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“Stop it, Pinky, or I shall have to hurt you.”
You are much calmer about this than I would be if this happened in front of me, Brain.
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“Oh. Right-o, Brain. Narf.”
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“Now let us make haste, for we have much to do before the race begins.”
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So then we cut to Churchill Downs, and I can only assume another roadtrip adventure was had off-screen.
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“First, Pinky, we must visit the stables.”
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“Inside, we will find the winning horse.”
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“Err… How are we gonna do that, Brain?”
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“The racing form, Pinky.”
My bet’s on... [squints] hLUUNO the horse.
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“By analysing the velocity-based pace line, mile turf win and bayer speed figures, we’ll find a grade one stakes claimer who’ll give us a key horse situation.”
“Key Horse Situation” would be a great band name. Also, whoops, little bit of an error on the name plaques, background artists.
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What do your mouse eyes see, Pinky?
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“Err, can’t we just ride the pretty one?”
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So here she is, one of the few characters debuting in the Animaniacs run that will matter to PatB lore going forward aside from our main duo.
A fun fact for you all: Phar Fignewton’s name is a triple reference joke. “Phar Lap” was a champion thoroughbred race horse in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Fig Newtons are small pastries filled with fig paste. Lastly, “Fahrvergnügen” was a slogan for Volkswagon starting in 1990. Translated, it means “driving enjoyment”.
Phar Fignewton makes a whinnying noise and ends it off with a goofy laugh.
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Brain is not impressed.
“Heavens, they’re multiplying…”
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Pinky is instantly smitten with her.
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“This is a business trip, Pinky!”
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“Oh. Right. Sorry, Brain.”
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“Here is our horse.”
“’Daddy’s Little Angel’…”
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I guess it’s an ironic nickname.
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“Pinky… Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“Whu… I think so, Brain, isn’t Regis Philbin already married?”
Now I’m wondering if Pinky is suggesting that one of them marry Regis or if he’s suggesting that Regis marries the horse. Either way, what the fuck?
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Yeah, same.
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“The race, Pinky. By combining the statistics and my low body weight, this horse cannot lose! The prize money will be ours!”
GAH! Brain, I’ve had enough minor heart attacks from this episode because of Pinky’s eldritch morphing ability, I don’t need another one of your bizarre close-ups to do the same!
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“Now I must take the place of the real jockey.”
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“Is this the Jockey who’s going to ride ‘Daddy’s Little Angel’?”
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“This is Ed Mcmahon from Publisher’s Smearing House. You’ve just won ten million dollars.”
Pinky delightedly and silently listening in and chuckling in the back is precious.
And honestly, Brain, I don’t know why you’re crouching here, but it’s also cute.
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“I won ten million dollars… I WON TEN MILLION DOLLARS! I am outta here! Later!”
The mice are lucky that he’s so excited about winning all that money that he forgets to do basic things like ask when and how he’ll get the money.
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“Louie! Louie!”
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“Who’s gonna ride my horse? I mean, Louie is the smallest, lightest jockey in the entire world!”
Did you know that there’s a weight requirement for jockeys, but no height requirement?
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“Not anymore!”
Whoops, I just noticed another error, though it’s minor: Brain’s jockey outfit throughout this scene is light tan and purple instead of the pea green and purple that it’s supposed to be.
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“You’re a jockey?!”
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“Actually, I am a mouse in the early stages of an elaborate scheme to take over the world.”
The more this happens, the more I’m starting to think that Brain does this shtick on purpose to emotionally and mentally disarm people who would otherwise suspect that he’s not human. The fact that it works shows you just how idiotic the human beings of this world are.
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“Well, fine, we all need a hobby but…will you ride my horse?”
Oh, sir, I think it’s much more than a hobby at this point. If only you knew…
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“I shall ride! And win!”
His design is a little odd here, but it’s still a good pose.
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So Brain next has to be weighed to make sure he meets the requirements.
“Saddle: Seven pounds. Saddle and rider: Seven pounds 3 ounces.”
So if you can recall from the previous rewatch post, a house mouse on average weighs 19g, and a common wood mouse weighs 23g (it can be up for debate which type of mouse Brain is).  Converting Brain’s 3 ounces of weight to grams would result in him weighing 85.0486g.
Brain does have a bit of a cute little potbelly thing going on, but he’s also consistently much smaller in height and width than the average adult mouse in the series. I think the incredible difference in weight is mostly coming from the heft of Brain’s, well, brain and skull…and the muscle mass packed into that tiny body to help keep him upright.
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“A genetically perfect jockey! This is fantastic!”
Please don’t phrase it like that.
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“…Let’s look into early retirement.”
That jockey on the left is going through some shit, man. He looks like how I feel after working an eight hour shift on the holidays.
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And so we skip to the beginning of the race!
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That poor, poor jockey…who changed colour schemes for some reason.
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There’s Phar Fignewton with a jockey who honestly looks like he’s high.
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And here’s our little mousey fella, who has somehow managed to make this aggressive horse obedient.
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“Camptown race is five miles long, do-dah, do-dah.~”
He’s so happy he’s singing to himself! This is honestly so precious that I completely forgive him for not getting the lyrics correct.
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Coincidentally, Daddy’s Little Angel is positioned next to Phar Fignewton.
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“Ooh, isn’t this exciting, Brain?”
Uh oh.
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“Pinky, what are you doing here? Your weight will disrupt my winning calculations!”
I don’t know if it’d be that off, Brain. The combined weight of two mice is still much less than that of a human jockey.
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“But Brain, it’s too exciting! I—“
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“Oooh! Heh. Hello.~”
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I think I’m going to save my thoughts on this whole…thing until the end. Right now I will say, however, that I wasn’t quite expecting the tongue-hanging-out-of-gaping-mouth lovestruck/horny??? reaction.
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“Pinky, the race is starting!”
Too late, Brain.
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And we’re off!
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Bye, Pinky.
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“There’s baloney in our slacks…~”
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So as the race goes on, we get to know a few more of the horses’ names: Isle of Yap (a nice callback to the first PatB short), Flamiel (which is apparently the WB writers’ favourite word?), and Leggo-my-Egoiste (a double reference to an old Eggo slogan and the name of a cologne).
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The other jockeys are more than a little surprised by Brain and his steed taking the lead early in the race.
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Phar Fignewton is trailing way behind.
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Meanwhile, Pinky’s woken up from fainting, seeing the oncoming horses—
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--and promptly freaks out and stumbles back down again.
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“Victory, she waits for me! Oh, the do-dah-day!”
You really have to stop tempting fate like this, Brain.
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Phar Fignewton’s very tired, but what’s this?
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Is that…Pinky in harm’s way?
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Determined and fueled by her inexplicable crush, Phar Fignewton starts gaining ground on the other horses.
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Brain didn’t calculate for this!
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…Oh! Hi, Warners! Looks like they’re cheering Phar on.
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“Oh no! Yah! Yah! Yah!”
I didn’t think whips were allowed in races like the Kentucky Derby, but apparently they are. Their use was only restricted—not banned—in the summer of 2020, which is alarming to say the least.
On a different note, I know some of you folks are now jotting down the fact that Brain knows how to use a whip. I see you.
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She makes the save!
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And she also wins the race! Way to go, Phar Fignewton!
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“In the words of the great Willie Shoemaker: ‘Nuts!’”
It was a good try, Brain, but honestly I’m glad you failed this time if only so that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself with your actual world domination plan’s failure later. Maybe take a couple nights off to rest up a bit and formulate plans that aren’t totally bonkers, hmm?
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I might as well go ahead and talk about this now. I…am conflicted on this whole Phar Fignewton thing. It makes for a very strange one-off joke about Pinky instantly falling in love with a distaff counterpart of his that’s a horse for whatever reason…but the fact that she’s not a one-off character is baffling in and of itself. Like I’ve said before, she’s mentioned a couple of times going forward as being Pinky’s girlfriend, or as a bizarre joke at Pinky’s expense about him being in/having been in a relationship with a horse. There’s even a small running gag about Pinky’s reaction to people’s disgust about it: “People can be so intolerant!”. I don’t know if the joke is supposed to be one about racial segregation or a wink and nod to queer folks in the only way that the writers could get away with in a cartoon at the time (in a “see, Pinky’s down for a relationship with anyone, even outside of his species!” type of way).
Phar Fignewton herself is a sweetie but besides that she has no personality to speak of and we’re just meant to assume based on physical appearance that she is equivalent to Pinky. And like, she hasn’t been uplifted to human levels of intelligence and sapience like Pinky has because of Acme Labs, but she seems to be naturally sapient for some unknown reason and just simply unable to speak English.
On top of all this, the relationship is very shallow and the only reason we’re given as to why Pinky likes her is because he finds her pretty. It’s perfectly in character for Pinky to easily fall in love, as he does so with other animals a couple more times in the spin-offs, but it just feels weird that this is the one that sticks around purely to become a running gag that gets mentions that are sometimes literal years apart from one another.
And listen, I know the writers most likely made this a thing just because they thought it was a funny joke and a few of them managed to remember about Phar and would use Pinky dating her as a gag. I know this. But it doesn’t make it any less confusing and weird. I remember the jokes about Pinky and horses from way back when I first watched Animaniacs and the PatB spin-off when I was a kid and I never had any context for it because I don’t think I ever saw this specific episode. Coming back as an adult and seeing all these episodes in order and watching this one in particular and finding out the context is “Pinky thinks a horse is pretty and the horse and him are in love and long-distance dating now” is both underwhelming and leaves me with more questions than answers.
…Also, if my earlier theories on why the writers made this joke are correct, does this mean Phar Fignewton is metatextually a beard for Pinky?
I just don’t know, folks. You’re welcome to leave your thoughts on this in comments.
Let’s wrap this up.
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So as we can see, Brain is, as usual, back to work on another plan that involves—
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—a goddamn cannon, holy shit! What is he using the glue for? That’s a little ominous, given what’s been involved in this episode.
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There’s a hammering noise in the background and we see Pinky putting up a photo of Phar Fignewton.
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“Pinky, will you please stop that? I’m trying to concentrate on tomorrow night!”
Wow, you’re more irritable than usual, Brain. I didn’t think some delicate hammering would annoy you that much.
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…Despite my ramblings earlier, that’s very cute of you, Pinky. I’m sure you could’ve gotten a better photo, though.
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“Why, Brain, what’re we gonna do tomorrow night?”
Try to take over the world, of course! Right, Brain?
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Umm, wow. That’s a first. You look like you’re absolutely enraged, Brain. All this over some hammering sounds?
This had me taken aback a bit when I watched it the first time, not gonna lie. We’ve seen Brain after a plan’s failure plenty of times before. He’s been frustrated, sure. Humiliated at times, or maybe he just sighs in resignation and walks off into the sunset. It always ends with him simply using these feelings to fuel the fire in him to do better tomorrow night.
This is the very first time we’ve seen him jumpy and irritated at the most minor of things and so angry that he literally refuses to participate normally in his and Pinky’s shared catchphrase. And this was for a plan that was just to fund the real plan! So why is this time any different?
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Okay, that’s… That makes a lot of sense, actually. Damn.
Hey, fanfic writers? Ya’ll ever use this as the very first time Brain experiences romantic jealousy? Let me know.
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“Oh yeah, try to take over the world. Right.”
I think even Pinky’s put off by this development, if his hesitant and quiet finishing of the saying is anything to go by.
And that’s what we end off with.
All in all, this episode is a wild ride of strangeness in small moments and bizarre additions to lore and ends on the first subversion of the long-running closing gag of the series. It’s not exactly a great episode, but that ending is intriguing enough for one of the main purposes of this rewatch. In short, I’m just baffled.
Luckily the next episode is much better. Next time, the mice head on down to Tennessee to seek world domination via country music.
See you then!
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limenysnocket · 4 years
●The Blush Bet●
Pt. II: The Date. . .
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Summary: After losing the blush bet by a few points, (Y/N) has to go out on the-- as Taika calls it-- "Worst Date of Her Life" with him. She has no idea what he's going to do, but she does know she's going to be wearing a very pink, very frilly and very short dress on the date tonight.
Request: @honorarytenenbaum
Author's note: This is about to turn into a series and I'm LIVING FOR IT.
Warnings: Alcohol usage, swearing and very unsavory clothing.
This was it, wasn't it? This was fucking it.
This was the thing that made sure that Taika was never ever going to be a part of your funeral comitee.
You stood there, looking at yourself in the mirror, your face scrunched up in pure disgust like a teenage girl who just got a ketchup stain on her "perfect" prom dress. But wait, imagine this. You're in the prom dress, for real and it's the UGLIEST thing you have ever seen. You would vomit on it if you could, but this date was going to happen no matter what happened, so you would just have to try and not cry/embarrass yourself any more than you will, the moment you step outside of your door.
The dress itself was pink (extremely pink) and incredibly frilly. This wasn't the thing that bothered you, despite the complete uncomfortableness of the scratchy ruffles, was how terribly short it was. It showed off too much thigh and you swore, if your panties were any longer, they would be showing. You were actually starting to hate yourself again, just by the sight of you in this dress. It was utterly disgusting. So unflattering, so horrible, so uncomfortable that you could call off this entire date right now and you wouldn't be ashamed.
You were on the verge of tearing this dress right off, but a knock at the door and a loud honking of a horn outside stopped you. You let out a long groan and a very sad whine before you even had your hand on the doorknob.
You opened the door and your eyes immediately went to the very (very) old gentleman before you, who looked like he had both feet in the grave and was so ready to lie down in it at any second. He was cheery though, despite his... appearance. He was dressed in a grey vallet suit and a dimpled cap. It looked old, but it suited him well. "Your ride is here, ma'am. He's quite the lively fellow, I must say," he chuckled, scratching his chin with a gloved finger. He turned with you to face the whole limosene, parked just outside, as the horn let out another shrill holler. You knew exactly who was inside the car and honking at her, and she saw his head come popping right up out of the top of the open sunroof.
"(YYYY/NNNNNNNN)!!" Taika yelled, the big dorky grin on his face while he used his foot to honk the horn for each extended syllable of your name.
"What the hell are you wearing!?" You blurted. You should really be saying it to yourself more than him.
"I bought it at Good Will! Are you impressed?" He cackled, bouncing on his heels.
Taika was dressed in a very daddly button up, short-sleeved shirt that was decorated in very blurry and cartoonish, red cherries. You couldn't see it, but he was also wearing tan cargo shorts and a pair of black crocs. So, he was making this embarrassing for both you and him, huh? He had no shame.
"Wow, I've never been so turned on before," you say, the sarcasm leaking out of your voice shamelessly. He only grinned at you and continued waving you over, while people on the street stopped and stared for a minute before walking on, their heads down, and some even quietly giggling over the stupid encounter.
The old driver took you down the steps slowly and opened your door for you, where Taika was waiting with an incredibly cheesy grin. You gave him an up and down look with an extremely horrified look. You still couldn't believe he was wearing that stuff. "I like you better in pineapple print..." You mumble.
Taika laughed, "Too bad."
The car engine started with a very loud complaint from the engine. If you had known any better, you'd up and think that the entire car was about to fall to bits within the first few seconds it made it onto the road. But no, you weren't THAT lucky tonight. There was still a limo to carry you around, which meant that there was still a date. Unfortunately.
"How badly do you plan to make me suffer tonight?" You turn your head and face him, crossing your arms.
"Really badly," he smirked and winked at you.
"Really really?" You said, almost through bared teeth.
"Really really," he repeated and settled himself down into an even more comfort position, spread eagle.
You rolled your eyes and scooted away, almost uncomfortable as his knee came into contact with your thigh. "Do you have to do that? We're the only people in this dumb limo besides Butler Alfred up there," you jacked a thumb at the driver's seat ahead of you, where the pleasant old man was happily bouncing along to the rhythm of the car.
"For your information," Taika butted in, pointing a finger at you and changing his posture yet again, "his name is Robert and he's way cooler than any Batman butler out there. Secondly, yes. The goal is to make you uncomfortable and give you absolutely no breaks, whatsoever."
You groaned, leaning your head in your hand as you watched the average buildings trickle into expensive French and Italian restaurants. Your eyes widen the closer and closer you got to the rich and fancy part of town, still riding along in your old fart limo. "Taika Waititi, this better not be what I think it is. You're not going to make me step out of this car, looking like princess bubblegum and her sidekick poorly dressed dad man, in front of the richest damn side of town!"
He was only giggling beside you, like a kid, and that scared you. Suddenly, the limo stopped and you sunk in your seat. Outside of your window was one of the most richest, fanciest restaurants there is in Los Angeles.
"Suuuuurpriiiiiiise!" Taika grinned at you, running a hand through his curls then quiantly stepping out of the car as Robert the vallet opened his door, then went to open yours.
"M'lady~," Taika smirked and offered his hand out to you as you prepared to get out of the car. You slapped his hand and got out of the car. "Youch," Taika chuckled, hiding the bright red pain in his hand with a grin.
You got out of the car yourself, only giving Robert a nod to thank him. You said nothing to Taika and stood at the front of the car, receiving weird and chortling glances from people dressed up snootily. They all stuck their noses up at you as they walked into the massive two story building, completed with an archway entrance. You didn't show Taika this, but now you were on the verge of a breakdown. You didn't want to go in that restaurant. Not like this. Not on these terms.
You have never been in this restaurant before. Not even close. You thought that you would have to marry a rich, Austrian Lord to get in there. You didn't know, at the time, that Taika was spending a large amount of money for you and this date. The outfits, not so much, but that was simply so he could actually afford to take you to such a place.
You sat on the hood of the limo, your stomach and knots. You could feel Taika's gaze on your skin, mixed in with the many others from passersby. You couldn't feel, however, that it was full of sympathy and regret.
There was another weight added onto the hood and it made you jump. Why, wasn't it the daddly Taika.
"Neat place, huh?" He hummed, looking up at the grand building above the two of you.
You drew in a shaky breath, a grimace spread across your face. "Yeah... It is..." You said, shame dripping from your tongue. This was hurting the poor man's heart.
"Too bad we're not eating there, huh?" He put on a sticky grin and you whirled around to face him and smack his arm.
"Are you seriously telling me that you made me sit out here and get stared at by all of these dumb rich people!?" You yelled and got sneered at by people you didn't know, also ignoring the fact that you, yourself, were infact, rich too.
"I didn't make you sit in front of all these people. I just offered to take you out of the car. Robert likes the building and asked if we could make a pittstop," Taika laughed and fended off your hand with an equally hard slap to your arm.
"Oh, Robert, my good man. I would like to request we get going. No more sight seeing," Taika grinned at the elderly man who was fiddling with an ancient quarter in his coat pocket.
"Oh, but where possibly to, sir?" Robert looked up, dazed and confused. So much for enjoying the sight of the building.
"To the bar, my good chum," Taika got up and you quickly followed in pursuit, eager to get out of the spotlight and stop becoming measly entertainment for the earnings of snooty laughter.
"Oh," Robert seemed a little confused, then took his hand out of his pocket to stop fiddling with the coin. "Alrighty then. Any particular requests?"
"Just something on the less rich side of town, but nothing too on the dumpy side," Taika put in his request while he opened a car door for you to get in, then went in to get in on the other side.
Robert nodded, lifted his cap and scratched the bald part of his head, set his cap back down and got in the limo once more.
You, including Robert, were a little confused when it came to this interaction. Did Taika check to see if Robert had a case of Alzheimer's, or was he pulling a big fat joke on you. You just kept quiet and breathed a deep sigh of relief as the fancy buildings melted away into the more average side of town.
Eventually, the long and very quiet ride was over and the limo pulled up along the curb of a pretty decent bar. It was at half capacity with people the time you arrived and it was quite simple. Simple, neon "Open" lights hanging in the window, simple sign hanging above the door and simple people, dressed in simple clothing heading in and out. You wished you could be a simple person at that moment, but Taika still refused to let you have that.
You stepped out once Robert politely opened the door for you again. You would tip him if your stupid dress actually had pockets. Yet another curse upon this night.
You step up onto the curb and Taika is waiting, extending a hand to you once more. You gulped and stared at it. Even here, you could feel the unworldly stares of those around you. Well, who wouldn't stare? You looked like the human epitome of Pepto Bismal and Taika looked like a dad trying too hard to look normal, but fucking it all up in the end.
"You know how much I hate this, don't you?" You said, hesitantly looking at his hand. His other one was tucked into one of the, what seemed to be, hundreds of pockets in his cargo shorts.
"Yup," he said, letting the P out at the end with a pop from his lips, exaggerating his pronunciation a tad more.
"I feel so spoiled," you sigh and clap your hand on top of his extended one, your fingers tangling with his, and without warning, he was dragging you inside.
A little bell chimed as the door opened again, and the smell of hot wings, booze and heady cologne. It was a smell you recognized and one you'd never forget. You couldn't count how many times you had sat in a bar like this one before you were a Hollywood success like you were now.
Taika guided you over to a secluded booth that had one, red wax colored light dangling above. If either one of you were to lean too far across the table, perhaps to steal a fry or grab the salt, your forehead would collide against the damn thing and leave a mark purple enough to make someone think that your secret lover had left a hickey smack dab in the middle of your head. You took a mental note of the light, and you were sure Taika did too.
"Allowed to spoil any plans?" You said, a grin perking up on your face since you were finally away from prying eyes and listening to Lynrd Skynrd play their hearts out over the speaker system hooked into the ceiling.
"Nope. All the plans are exclusively meant for me to know," he tapped his temple with his index finger and gave you a wide grin. You knew how much of a fib that was, for sure, just by the smile.
"You have no idea what's going to happen, do you?" You say bluntly, folding your arms. Taika's smile gets even wider and he lets out a very breathy laugh.
"Totally!" He cackled. It was a goofy enough laugh to even make you start laughing a little too. He was such a dork. You couldn't help it, honestly.
A waiter eventually came and took your order and both of you started laughing and joking about how they had looked at the two of you so strangely. There was a big debate on whether the two of you should leave a big tip for putting up with your guys' shit, or leave a small tip since they had secretly questioned your morals and the way you were dressed with just one look.
Taika took a hearty slug of pint, cheeks pink and dazed with his slight drunkness. Rock bands had been playing all night. Metallica, Lynrd Skynrd, Guns N' Roses, System of a Down, Nirvana and any other daintily old, yet popular group. You never took the time to look into Taika's music interests, and that made you all the more oblivious to the fact that he liked a few songs from the band Aerosmith.
"Oh God, I love this song," he groaned sodtly, his whole body starting to sway just as 'Crazy' by Aerosmith began to play and he closed his eyes like a weeping, dedicated fan. His eyes suddenly shot open and looked directly at you, "You have to come dance with me."
"Excuse me?" You said, just as you took a sip of your own pint. "I don't dance."
"Yes, you do. Now, come on!" He smirked, grasping your hand from across the table and dragging you, once more, out and in front of a bunch of slightly drunk people that you don't know.
"Taika, really?" You look up at him and whine. He hushes you without a second thought and pulls you up close to him and your nose buries into his chest. His arms slither and wrap around your waist. He has you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Damn you, Waititi," you whisper, your cheeks ablaze with color as he sways you around the dance floor.
"Love you too, babe," he hums, closing his eyes and grinning with glee as other drunk couples came out and danced along with the music. To be the little bit extra that he was, Taika took the liberty to even do a little fancy spin and a tiny dip. You giggled the entire way through, and nothing could have been a better sight than that to Taika.
The night ended with much more slow dances, lots more drinks, and a bill piled up high. You paid for half of everything and he paid the other half before the two of you left. Robert was waiting outside, chatting up this lovely little old lady that appeared to be close to his age. She scampered off once she realized Robert's customers had come back from their randevou.
"Did you find yourself a date, Robert?" You giggled, walking right up to the now open door that the old man was holding open for you.
"Nah. She was way outta my league. Pretty, though," he grinned and you couldn't help but laugh as you ducked your head and climbed back into the limosene while brushing off the crumbs from fries from your dress. Taika sat right next to you and pat his stomach, full from a night indulging on junk food.
Robert was the last one in and he took the limo away from the curb and joined in with the traffic.
It was a lit slower getting home, and yoh felt yourself getting sleepier and sleepier. Your eyes drooped and your body began to lean in the direction of your door, but as the weight of your body began to fall, it was redirected by a gentle hand, and your head was soon rested against a warm body. You looked up and saw Taika with that classic grin. That cheeky little shit. You laughed, "Thanks," and just kept your head there, seeing as Taika's shoulder actually was more comfortable than the cold window or scratchy seatbelt.
"No problem," Taika whispered back to you and let his body relax to the sound of faint honking horns from outside the window and the blasting air conditioning. He kept you warm all throughout your delivery back home.
You couldn't help but feel a little sad whenever you felt the limo come to a stop and you slowly lifted your head from Taika's shoulder. You refused to let the kiwi see your disappointment, however.
Robert came and opened your door, again, and you actually gave the sweet man a tip this time with quite a bit of the change left from paying at the bar. He was happy with what he got. Taika stepped out too and walked you right to your door, like a gentleman. You turned to him to say goodbye.
"You know," you started with a soft laugh, "I was kinda expecting this date to be a lot worse."
"It could have been," Taika said, "But I have a heart, you know. Always so sympathetic."
You punched his arm playfully and he did it right back, only softer. "I'm actually quite curious," he said suddenly after the both of you sat in comfortable silence, "If you had won the bet, what would you have done?"
You winced and giggled at this, biting the inside of your cheek. "I was going to bedazzle your mustache and have Pedro help, since he seems to know a lot about it. I was going to put glitter in it and everything. Like Twilight," You cheekily quoted "What We Do in the Shadows" in front of him and that put a happy little grin on his face.
"You wouldn't dare," he said right back, not thinking of a snappy enough comeback.
"Oh, but I do..."
The silence settled in again and your cheek remained between your teeth. You drew in a deep breath and Taika took a step closer. "You know," he said in a very low voice, "I can take you out on another date sometime..." He started to lean in, his face drawing closer to yours and his lips only mere inches away. "Next time... possibly as something more than friends..."
His lips were expected to come into contact with yours, but they only came into contact with something less intimate. Your thumb.
"You forgot the one rule of this date," you said in a very hushed whisper. "I'm not allowed to fall in love with you..."
You pulled your thumb away from his lips slowly, admiring how his bottom lips stuck against it and slipped so silkily over it. "Goodnight, Taika," you said, internally kicking yourself for not kissing him in that perfect moment.
He didn't say anything back. He merely watched as you unlocked your door and slipped inside, leaving him wanting and yearning on your step. He let out a heavy sigh as the porch light flickered on and he raised his hand, as if to knock on the door and plead for you to come back out again, but he stopped himself and turned to Robter, who was just getting off of the phone.
"Mr. Waititi, the big restaurant you and the Miss were supposed to go to just called to tell you that they canceled your reservation, since you didn't show up. Do you want me to call them back?" Robert said, holding up a phone.
"No, Robert, that won't be necessary," Taika sighed.
"Oh," Robert shrugged, "where to now, sir?"
"Home, if you wouldn't mind it, sir," Taika said and slipped back into the seat of the limosene, the seat still drifting with the scent of your perfume.
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sestra-inestro · 5 years
The Carry On - (4/5)
Pairings: mob!Bucky x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, smut 18+, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, mentions of violence, typos because I didn’t edit this and wanted to get it out quick sticks before I start my next exam.
A/N: my beautiful people I’m back. I just wanna say thank you to all the lovely messages you’ve all sent I loved them and they helped me. I did see them and they lifted my heart. I know I didn’t reply, if I did it would’ve replied in my other blog and that’s a secret 🤫 but I do really appreciate them because you are the best 💛 also sorted things out with my family. Yeah, had my dose for ETERNITY. One exam down and two more to go.
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It had been a peaceful and reviving six months. You had been able to fix your apartment up again and let in the light. After tearing Bucky a new one, you immediately jumped into rebuilding your life without him.
You went back to work at a new vet clinic. This time, one more in the rural area. The clinic was in the middle of a small town that was surrounded by farm land. You had allowed yourself to forget about Bucky for a while. You took your ring off and focused on all the new clients that came by the clinic.
The loveable sheep-dog, Samson that you had just groomed happily jumped up on your legs. The smile you wore crinkled your eyes as you smiled down at him.
“Awh, I’ll see you next week, buddy.” You bent down and petted his chest, the dog lifting his head up in response. “I’ll miss you.”
His owner, Maria, smiled down at the two of you. Since you began working here, Samson has become less scared of the vet.
You stood and tried to brush some of the dog hair off you pants. You smiled at Maria.
“See you next week?”
“He’ll be pulling me out the door this time.” Maria winked and walked to the door.
“Bye Samson.” You waved the the happy sheep-dog walking out the door, not taking notice to who was holding the door open for them and stepping into the clinic. Without a pet.
Your eyes wandered up the well built pant leg connected to a beautiful white pressed shirt with its chest buttons undone. A black coat gently lain over the top of the broad shoulders and down to the deep red rose that was held in his hand. He held the door open for Maria and smiled down at the dog when he sniffed the cuffs of his pants.
The unmistakable piercing blue eyes turned to look at softly. The blue had grown beautifully light. His face was cleanly shaved and his hair had grown out a bit, almost touching his shoulders. He looked soft, gentle and loving.
You were to mesmerised with his changes features to notice that he had come to stand in front of you and offered you the rose.
“Hey, June.” His voice was easy. Not the voice that had scared you months back.
“Bucky.” You breathed out. Your face had heated up at his smile. He had that effect on you still.
Bucky has started to feel awkward when you stood still staring at him with his hand extended offering you the rose. His eyes flickered back and forth between your face and the rose before you got the hint.
“Oh.” You stuttered.
You reached forward and took the rose by the stem, trying your best to not let your fingers touch his. “Thank you.” You look back up to his eyes and once again, your breath hitches in your throat.
He was the same handsome man that you had first met in your old clinic. You watch as his eyes scan over your body. You watch them stutter and soften at your face and they see the tiny healed scar on your cheek.
One you don’t forget he had given you.
“So,” You started. “You didn’t miss a day.”
“Not a chance.” Bucky shook his head and you watched as his hair moved with his head. You liked his hair longer.
“How did you know I was here?” You ask, raising a brow.
Bucky shifts in his spot. “I looked you up yesterday. I guessed you’d been working in a clinic somewhere.”
You nodded silently. You knew he would’ve gone to find you, you just didn’t think so early.
“I, uh...” Bucky started. “I wanted to ask you on a date.” He lowered his head and his eyes looked to you.
Your body tenses and Bucky notices. You open your mouth to respond but Bucky speaks quickly.
“Just dinner. Nothing more.” He reassures you.
It’s not that you’re scared you’d do it again. You’re afraid you might fall back into the same routine with him and you hate that possibility. You’ve felt so free these couple of months and you’d like to keep that freedom. But at the same time, you’re true to your word despite other people who aren’t.
“Fine.” You say.
Bucky’s face immediately picked up. You could see the hope spark in his eyes.
“Okay.” He breathed out. He couldn’t help the smile that was growing on his face. “Um, what time do you finish?”
“Six thirty.” You watch him check his watch.
“I’ll pick you up then?” He asked. He didn’t want to push any boundaries while he has a chance.
“Sure.” You push your lips to form a smile. But you can’t help the tinge in your chest as you see his smile before he turns to leave.
You look down at the beautiful rose in your hands. He used to give you bouquets, but you actually really liked the flower. You hoped to god that this wouldn’t end in a shit show.
6:30 came way too quickly. You mentally wanted the time to slow down, but with every minute that went passed, the more the anxiety grew in your chest.
Unfortunately, you had to end your shift some time. And as promised, he was there. Waiting for you just outside.
He spotted you as you walked through the clinic doors, a big smile on his face.
Your mind jumped for a second at his smile. You’ve never seen him look so innocent.
“I hope you don’t mind us taking my car?” He asked as he opened the door to the car.
You scrunched your lips into a smile. “No it’s fine.”
You stepped into the car and he closed your door, walking around and climbing into the drivers seat.
“I hope you don’t mind my having dinner in my uniform. It’s comfy.” You said, putting on your seatbelt.
“Of course not. It doesn’t matter what you wear.” Bucky gave you a bright smile before driving out of the clinic car park.
Your heart warmed at his response, allowing you to relax a little.
“Good.” You smiled back at him.
He drove to low-key restaurant with pasta and chicken (sorry vegans, I ain’t bout that life). After you guys ordered you sat and stared at him. The way he sat with himself was like he had less on his mind. He was living in the now and seemed clearer.
He gave you a closed mouth grin and rested his hands on the table.
“So...” The tension rose in the air. “How have you been there last few months?”
You took a deep breath. “Well, I’ve been working a fair bit. I’ve managed to get into a great clinic, been seeing a lot of horses and sheep dogs. My main clients.” You smiled at the thought of the animals. “It’s been a good few months.” You admit to him.
“That’s good. I’m glad.” Bucky smiled at you.
It made him happy that you had overcome what happened and turned it around.
“What about you?” You asked. To be fair, you were scared to hear his answer. You didn’t want to know about the business anymore and you didn’t want to know about Steve or what had come of the rest of the house staff after what happened with Rita.
“I took a very big break.” He looked down at his hands. “I went to see a therapist. I’ve also been attending a support group.”
Your brows raised in surprise. “Really?” You didn’t think a support group would’ve been the best considering he’s one of the biggest crime lords in the country.
“It’s a very unofficial support group because it’s mainly criminals.” He chuckled lightly. “But it’s been much better than sitting with someone by myself. I’ve also been attending some kick boxing. Physical therapy release recommended by the therapist.” He finished. He was certainly proud of himself with the progress he’s made. And so were you.
He’d found a way to let out his paranoia and his stress that’s not onto other people.
“So you’ve been seeing a therapist.” You fought the soft smile that was threatening to grace your face.
“Yes. It’s all been helping with the PSTD and my ways around people I care about.” He fiddled with his hands.
You nodded and looked down. “Good. That’s good.”
Bucky sighed. “I’ve been doing my best to get better...” He paused. “For you.”
You swallowed and listened to him.
“I know what I did was bad, and I’ve been beating myself up about it. But I’m working hard to fix it.” Bucky’s chest filled with the same anxiety he felt six months ago when he received the divorce papers.
You watched as he into the little bag he brought but was interrupted when the food arrived.
You smiled up at the waitress as she placed your plate in front of you. She smiled back.
But your mood instantly fell when her smile turned into and smirk and she leant down further to place down Bucky’s plate, her eyelids heavy and her cleavage on display.
You frowned at her behaviour. Do girls really still have the nerve to catch a taken mans attention. It’s obvious you two are on a ‘date’.
But is he even taken? Do you still want to be married to him? Do you even love him?
You watch as his eyes widen and he looks down at the food.
“Is there anything else you’ll be needing tonight?” The waitress said in a sultry voice to Bucky.
“Um, no that will be all thank you.” Bucky mumbled and gave a tight smile.
The girl still gave him her best ‘fuck me’ eyes and you strained yourself to stay in you seat.
“Thank you.” You said loud and firmly, making the girl give you a hard look before sashaying away.
You glared at the back of her head before turning to your food.
“Now, now, babe. You know I only have eyes for you.” Bucky said, smirking at you.
You rolled your eyes. “Eat your food.” You told him before cutting into your food.
Bucky chuckled before getting to his food.
It was no lie that this new Bucky has some sort of effect of your feelings. His smile and the light of his eyes made your chest flutter. He was a completely different person than he was six months ago. In just this short amount of time, he had shown and told you just how much he had done to change. And it has worked.
He wasn’t forceful, he was careful, he was polite and respectful.
Your brain was hurting with how much your mind was turning and you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore.
You were both almost finished eating when you spoke up.
“Bucky,” You said suddenly, bringing the silence to an end and causing Bucky to look up at you. “I can’t...not talk about it anymore. I need to talk about it, it’s driving me crazy.” You said quickly.
Bucky nodded and put his knife and fork down, swallowing his food. He knew exactly what you were talking about. And he would listen to anything you had to say.
You took a deep breath before continuing. “I know that you’ve changed for the best and that makes me so happy and proud. But I can’t forget what happened.” You took another deep breath, trying to push down the tears a little longer. “I can’t excuse what you did. To me and to Brunner.”
Bucky’s eyes cringed when you mentioned the dog. That had haunted him the most because he knew it would hurt you the most.
“That Bucky that killed that dog? I will never be able to forgive.” Bucky closed his eyes at your words. His heart was starting to break a little once again.
“I don’t want to be scared of my husband anymore.” You said with a shaky voice.
Bucky opened his eyes again, tears rimming his orbs and sadness filling them.
He slowly reached for your hand and you didn’t pull away. His giant hand encasing yours in a warm embrace.
“I am so sorry.” He said slowly and quietly. A hot tear rolling down his cheek. “I have never been more sorry for my actions in my entire life. I hate myself for what I did to you and Brunner.”
Both yours and his hearts took a slash at the name of the pup he bought you to love.
“What I did was unforgivable. I laid my hands on you in the worst way and I took his life.” Bucky slowly let go of your hand. “I know you will never put up with that stuff. And I will never expect you to.” Be wiped his face before continuing. “But I have tried so hard to change for you. And I will forever continue to.”
He reached in the bag again and brought out the same yellow envelope you had sent him months ago. He brought the divorce papers.
He gently placed the on the table between you two, watching you carefully as you observed the envelope. You would’ve thought he’d thrown it out.
“I can’t promise you that I won’t ever unintentionally hurt you ever again. Because...” He stammered over the words the say to you. “I don’t know what will happen.” He said truthfully. “But what I can promise you is that I will never lay my hands on you like that again. I will always do my best to be there for you and love you and support you. I will never intentionally bring you harm in any way. And I will always be by your side. No more doing things by yourself when we should be doing them together.” He reaches for your hand again and squeezed it. “I promise to love you for the rest of my life, and spend it all proving that to you that.”
You were so glad that you were a fair bit away from the counter where that dumb waitress was sitting, so she couldn’t see you cry.
Looking into his eyes you saw nothing but truth. He gave you your time and he did what you wanted and so much more. He changed for the better and he was owning up to it all. You knew he meant his promises, but you couldn’t help but be hesitant. Can you blame yourself? Horrible things had happened between you two, but the amount of good outweighed the bad. Some of the best times of your life had been with Bucky and you had never loved anyone the way you loved him. He’s telling you what he will do, but the only way he can prove it is if you give him the chance to do it.
“If anything,” You lifted your finger to him. “And I mean anything, like that happens ever again you will never see me again.”
Hope bursted through his chest as he took in your words and you could see his eyes lift up.
“I will leave your ass hard on the cold floor and never come back, do you understand me?” You told him sternly.
He sobbed in relief, a weight completely lifted off his chest as he rose from his chair on hot on his knees in front of yours. His hands gripped yours and he peppered kisses all over your knuckles.
“I love you.” He mumbled against your skin. “I love you so much.”
You tried to keep your stern face on but you couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t until he touched you that you realised just how much you missed his touch.
He looked up at you. Beautiful big blue eyes looking at you lovingly and you couldn’t help but melt. “Thank you.”
“Oh I’m not done yet. I just have a few things that I want, first.” You said, gripping his hands.
“Anything.” He said immediately.
“I want to keep working at the clinic. I love my job and I don’t want to give it up again and become a house wife.”
He nodded his head, still holding your fingers to his mouth. “Absolutely.”
“That also means not so much protection.” You pointed out. “You could trust me to be safe for six months. I’ll be okay.”
Bucky sighed but nodded. He knew you could handle your own, and Sam being around wouldn’t hurt. Plus you liked Sam.
“And one more thing.” You paused. Bucky heart dragged its way back into his chest and he waited for your call. “The things we are supposed to do together, I will not do alone anymore.” Your eyes looked down at him full of hope and love. “Because I can’t do this alone.”
Bucky shook his head and placed another kiss on your hands. “You will never have to ever again.” He promised you.
You wriggle one of your hands out of his grip and let your fingers grace his cheek. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes.
He’s craved your touch for so long and as he finally felt your finger tips and right now he was lapping it up and treasuring the moment.
He opened his eyes to see your beautiful ones, gazing right back at him.
“I love you.” He whispered to you.
A smile spread its way across your gorgeous face. “I love you.”
He smiled as the warmth finally spread through his chest.
“Should we start over? Go back to the first date?” Bucky suggests but you shake your head.
“Fuck going back, that times too much time and I’m ready now.” You said causing him to chuckle. “Let’s just pick up where we left off and carry on, but like this.”
“I’m happy with that.” Bucky smiled and nodded. “Should we get outta here?”
You sighed happily. “Yes, lets go.”
Bucky stood from his place and raised a hand to catch the waitresses attention. She came over with the check and you reached into your purse to pay for your food. But by the time you pulled out the money, Bucky had already given her the pay and she was walking away.
He smiled down at your frown. “My treat.” He leant forward and kissed your forehead.
You didn’t object to him, he was being sweet.
You stood and swiped the divorce envelope off the table and held it under your arm.
Bucky offers you his hand and before you take it, you drop it into the trash as you walk passed it.
You laced your fingers with his and kissed his cheek. He pushed the door open and held it for you. Heading down the steps of the entrance Bucky felt something in his pocket.
“Hold on a sec.” He pulled out what seemed to be a folded piece of paper.
Frowning he opened it and read the writing, his eyes going wide.
“What?” You frowned.
“Uh...” He stammered and offered you the paper.
Call me when you’re done with the bitch in the scrubs X
Followed by a phone number.
“That bitch.” You said and took a step towards the restaurant again but Bucky stopped you.
“Hey now.” He pulled you to face him with a smirk on his face. “She’s not worth it.”
My, how the roles have changed.
“You know you’re the only one I will ever want.” He leant in to give you a cheeky kiss but you pulled him against your lips hard and your hand travelled down to his ass and gave one of his butt cheeks a hard squeeze.
You pulled away and Bucky was dazed.
“Let’s go home so you can eat me out.” You said before pulling him to the car.
And that’s exactly what he did. As soon as you got into your apartment your clothes were off, his head between your legs that were thrown over his shoulders and your fists clenching the sheets as you moaned and called his name into the night.
His tongue happily lapped over your clit, causing your body to jerk and your hips to grind further into his face.
His hands caressed and massaged the skin of your thighs as he moaned into your core, sensing vibrations through your body. He wanted to give you his all.
“Baby.” You panted as waves of pleasure rolled over you. “I’m gonna come.”
He took his mouth away from your core and latched onto your thigh as his fingers found their way to your clit and rubbed furiously.
Your back arched and your legs trembled as the fast motion on your clit took you straight through your orgasm and into your high. You moaned out his name and came.
Bucky connected his mouth again to clean up your release and gave you a firm kiss on your clit.
“You’re so good, baby girl.” Bucky gave your pussy a gentle rub. You moaned at his touch.
He climbed up your body and left kisses on his way. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and he lined himself up with your swollen and sensitive entrance that was growing slick with arousal again.
You gripped onto his forearms and pulled his lips into a passionate kisses. You could taste yourself in his mouth and he brushed the baby hairs that stuck to your sweaty forehead out of your face.
“Love me.” You whispered into the kiss.
Bucky kept your lips connected as he pushed into you, your pussy taking him so well, wrapping around him like a vice.
You moan at the feeling of him inside you once again and how much you missed him.
He moaned into your mouth as he pulled out and thrusted back into you again.
He made love to your body for as long as he could that night before tiring you out, leaving your body buzzing with pleasure and your clit pulsing.
You come out of your little recharge nap to find the bed empty. You sit up and see you’re in the middle of the huge bed and the bathroom light is illuminating parts of the dark room. Focusing your eyes, you can see Bucky standing and facing the mirror, shirtless. You sat up and adjusted your view to see him better. He was just standing there in the mirror. Frowning, you pulled back the covers, slipped out of the bed and padded your way over to him.
Coming into the bathroom you finally saw his face, conflict on his face as he observed himself. Your eyes take to his back, seeing the lash scars across his back and the horribly puffed scar circling his shoulder.
Your mind floods with horrid imagined images he described of his time as a hostage with Hydra. The shit they did to him breaks a man, and he broke in his own way.
You lean forward and gently place both your hands on his arms, bringing yourself forward to kiss at the scars on his back and you feel him tense up at your touch. You close your eyes and pour as much love as you can into your kiss.
You instantly feel Bucky relax. You moved your arms to wrap around him behind and rest on his stomach. His fingers caress the skin of your hand.
“I regret the man I became.” His deep voice mumbled. You kiss his shoulder and let your eyes connect with his through the mirror. You can see the emotion swimming in his blue orbs.
“I was paranoid. I needed to control everything. I didn’t think before I made a move because my body instantly reacted.” He confessed. You could see he was close to tears so you held him a little tighter.
“I have a cursed mind and I’m clinging onto something so beautiful,” He continued. “and all I did was hurt that beautiful thing. The worst pain I’ve ever felt was the pain I brought on myself.”
Your eyes soften at his voice and you rest your head in the crook of his neck, still looking into his eyes through the mirror. He leans his head on yours and holds your hand in his.
“I will always be happy with you. But I’m afraid that I put you in danger.” He closes his eyes. “I don’t want to do that to you. I love you too much to do that again.”
You turn and kiss his head. Your heart was squeezing in your chest at his words.
“You’ve been getting help. That counts for something. You’re doing something about it.” You mumble against his skin. “I haven’t felt as safe with you as much as I did this evening, I can tell you’ve changed. And no matter how much I try to deny it I love you just as much.”
Bucky opens his eyes to look at yours again and you see the tears rimming his eyes.
You hold him to your body and fix your hands securely around his chest.
“You do so much and you don’t even know it.” He told you. “I appreciate you so much.”
“I love you.” You whispered to him.
“I love you.” He said and turned in your arms.
He gently took your lips with his and you could feel his emotions pour into the kiss. You returned the passion and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hand travelled around your waist making sure he can feel every inch of your skin. He squeezed down you sides and hooked under your thighs. You stepped up and wrapped your legs over his hips, his hands supporting your behind and cradling you in his arms. Your lips danced together in sync and your bodies pulled closer together.
His feet moved the both of you back to the bed and laid you back down. He was going to worship your body some more before falling asleep with you in his arms once again.
The Carry On taglist: crossed means not working
@amazonianbeauty @oceanmermaidwitch @kiwi-comics @veronawrites @oofiloveseb @jinaaaannnnn @bluerorjhan @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @some-random-stranger-007 @formulafun @chipilerendi @sasbb23 @slcvely @indigobl00d @harrison-shot-first @linkingdolans
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fangirlinglikeabus · 3 years
every target novelisation....2!
planet of giants by terrance dicks ok so i think that the reason that this is...good, and an unearthly child was...not good, is because this was written 9 years later when like. other, non-terrance dicks people were also novelising stories and he wasn’t just grinding them out on an industrial level. planet of giants isn’t one of the greats of doctor who but this is a competent adaptation - it doesn’t add much but it does flesh out what’s already there, giving us some backstory elements and making the appearance of giant insects and bodies seem a bit more dramatic than they could manage in 1964. unfortunately it also alters my favourite line from the story (‘i don't know how you know, you're supposed to know!’) and the doctor is weirdly hostile at the beginning (he’s looking forward to ditching ian and barbara, he responds to barbara’s observation ‘drily’ like he’s being a bit sarcastic over her, um, *checks notes* noticing important details). also, dicks describes this in the opening as ‘the doctor’s most grotesque and terrifying adventure’ and i’m like...planet of giants? really??
doctor who and the dalek invasion of earth by terrance dicks ok this one legitimately doesn’t change much at all. it cuts down on some things (including the doctor’s end speech being shorter - i’m assuming that’s a space thing), fleshes out on pov bits as you can in prose, gets rid of the smacked bottom line. bizarrely there are a few times that susan calls her grandfather the doctor which...i’m pretty sure wasn’t there originally. aside from all those small details, yeah it’s basically the same, but it’s well adapted for prose (i genuinely think it stands as a novel in its own right), and depending on your reading speed it might actually be a nice, shorter alternative to the television version - it was around 45 minutes less time for me. some general things i wanted to comment on: the resistance is explicitly shown as kinda gender segregated (exclusively women are preparing food when we first see it) which irritated me; the description of parliament as a symbol of ‘human progress and tradition’ reminded me of blood harvest having the lords/commons system as the Ideal Form Of Government, in terms of how terrance dicks thinks (this may only interest me? idk i very probably spend too much time thinking about the political views of this particular dead dr who script editor); there’s a use of holocaust here that’s technically accurate to what the word literally means but it felt weird to me to use it.
the rescue by ian marter oh man i’ve been busy and this took me aages to read. it kinda...diverges increasingly from the original story as it goes on. we’ve got some scenes with the seeker crew (incidentally one of them says ‘ass’ and i was like???hello???you’re allowed to do that in a dr who book from 1987???), and then most of the expanded stuff is in the climax. dr who and bennett have a full on brawl! ian, barbara and vicki visit a destroyed didoi city on their way back to the tardis! mysterious silver figures! a giant worm encounter! incidentally, this does have way more of a downer ending than the original because it’s strongly implied that the last two of the didoi were killed by seeker crewmembers who fired in a panic, after which the report that forms the epilogue ends with “goodwill to all persons” to give us a taste of bitter irony. so that’s kinda grim. um...there’s actually a lot of little changes and minor expansions to this one as well so off the top of my head: we learn more about why vicki left earth (global warming :/), sandy is a lot more threatening-looking than on screen, the crashed ship gets its name changed to astra-nine, ian and barbara hold hands briefly, barbara’s fall really leaves her beaten up. i like the seeker crew comparing the tardis briefly passing them to various non-police box objects from the future (although the link to china is a bit eastern world=alien association for my tastes), dr who telling vicki ‘give that pretty face a wipe’ is clearly him attempting to cheer her up and it’s not meant to be weird but i found it weird. finally, i’ve gotta say i appreciate ian marter’s commitment to ‘mildly unsettling’ in his descriptions of tardis materialisations. this was the last novelisation he wrote before his death (the book’s dedicated to him) and mild criticisms aside, i do think he’s a good writer and he brings an interestingly different angle to the series. 
the romans by donald cotton oh my god. how do i even start this. i’m not even going to try cataloguing all the changes because this isn’t even close to a straight adaptation. it’s told in the form of various documents collected by tacitus - the doctor’s diary, ian’s journal that he keeps to prove to the headmaster at coal hill that he and barbara haven’t just eloped (i’m not joking, this is the textual reason for it), an assassin’s letters home to his mum, nero’s scribblings, and various other little details. vicki and barbara get less attention than on screen because we don’t see much from their perspective (vicki unfortunately doesn’t even get to chase the assassin out, she just screams in this), and the nero assassination plot is exclusively confined to being mentioned in the epilogue. it’s also a lot broader, or at least consistently broader, which means that ian’s side of things is treated a lot more lightly (which i was personally fine with) but also that we still get nero’s predatory behaviour being played for laughs. there’s also a few comments about women early on that i was unhappy with, and use of fat as an insult. generally, though, i thought this was great! there were a lot of things that i don’t have space or time to include here but i really liked. i guess i’d consider this as a companion piece to the tv version rather than a replacement, which some of these do basically serve as. they tell the same basic story, but they’re so different in a lot of ways that i think it’s worth looking at both. i just checked my notes and remembered this so content warning: poppea sabina’s first section references suicide.
doctor who and the zarbi by bill strutton ok so i think the web planet is boring. i don’t know completely why, i don’t think it’s any one thing, it has some interesting ideas, but it is! it’s fucking boring! anyway, we have a bit more casual sexism in the novel, we’re missing that fun convo about aspirin between vicki and barbara, but really i don’t think it adds or changes much - like even the chapters correspond pretty much exactly to the tv cliffhangers. i guess it’s competently written prose-wise, but i genuinely can’t get over my conviction that this story is boring. am i being unfair? maybe! i like some of the early atmosphere, though, and i appreciate a book which refers to ‘the ship tardis’ (lowercase) and ‘doctor who’ throughout the entire thing. oh yeah, and i encourage you all to look up the illustrations for this. i don’t know who that woman is but she’s definitely not vicki.
doctor who and the crusaders by david whitaker ah yes, the infamous ‘susan married david cameron’ novelisation. tbh i don’t like the crusades and this has the same problems - i don’t care about the english, el akir is every orientalist stereotype whitaker could possibly cram into one man, and That’s Not How A Harem Works. do i think it’s the most egregiously racist doctor who story of all time? probably not! it certainly has sympathetic arabic characters too. but i prefer most other historicals, at least. however, if that isn’t you, i’m sure you’ll get something out of this. there aren’t any particularly extreme changes to the plot structure, although it’s missing some later scenes at the english court, but it’s well written and probably if you like the original you’ll enjoy it more than i did. there’s some dated language surrounding black characters, though, i’m not a fan of the whole ‘we aren’t so different’ speech ian has (because it rests on ‘we all believe in a higher power’ which uh. i don’t. guess that means i’m not ‘civilised’. also generally i don’t like the argument that we should respect each other because of what we have in common - you should respect other people whatever!), and the prologue at the beginning where they muse on history and destiny assumes that the english invaders and the arabs are both equally right in their own ways (the doctor outright says this!)
the space museum by glyn jones so, i really like the space museum. mainly for vicki’s revolutionary fervour, but there are other reasons too. however, i don’t think that this really adds enough to be of interest - although we do get some information about the two alien species’ biology, and a bonus explanation of why everyone speaks english (the moroks briefly considered invading earth so programmed some earth languages into their translation system). there’s a bit more wandering around the museum, some minor tweaks and expansions in other areas, an underground tunnel scene where we learn a bit of the planet’s backstory...ian and the doctor are very snippy to each other in this, which i find funny. oh yeah, and there’s a bizarrely meta bit where ian comments on poor dialogue? basically, this is a book i enjoyed, but really it just makes me want to watch the space museum instead of reading it. just a heads up, there’s a character who briefly considers suicide to get out of his bosses being angry with him. 
the chase by john peel ok before i get started i need to establish that the cover for this one slaps. anyway, i don’t respect john peel at all but this was...alright? doesn’t expand much plotwise (although i suspect both the sand monsters at the beginning and the plants at the end have slightly more to do) but we get a fair bit of pov stuff. unfortunately lacking ian’s dad dancing and hi-fi the panda, the marie celeste bit is no longer played for comedy (barbara angsts over it) and even though the two paragraphs dragging morton dill are kinda funny i’m not sure how i feel about him being committed for claiming he saw daleks. ian and barbara’s departure plays out a little differently. steven is blond for some reason. we learn as well that daleks are charged by solar panels (at least they’re pro-green energy??)
the time meddler by nigel robinson pretty competent, straight down the middle novelisation, although that is tempered by inserting some weird sexist bits for steven and also lowkey being nostalgic for 11th century england at a few points? it’s also a bit more violent than we see on tv, and if anything the rape is more loudly implied, so heads up. other than that, there are a few minor embellishments (we’re explicitly told the dr and monk recognise each other, vicki tells steven that the tardis is important to her because it’s her home, a few differences between the monk’s tardis and the doctor’s are described, vicki views steven following her as a triumphant victory in their power struggle which i personally find funny), and there’s a prologue (recapping steven’s arrival in the tardis) and an epilogue (which delays the monk’s discovery of the broken tardis because he walks to hastings first to try and get involved there). i had fun, but it’s not a must read. 
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thesunshinebunny · 5 years
The incubi with an s/o that’s an Egyptian queen in their under realm
Uuuuuhhhh nice, I really like it. If I see you guys looooove it like I do, I’ll make a oneshot !!! Before starting, a little clarification. The S/O have their tattoos and skin in esmerald shade (sorry if it is not your favorite color) and can transformed into a snake of the same color, apart from being able to change the size depending on the situation; Aaaaand they can also transform into a black cat.
Let’s Goooooooo
_** **_
Both of tou met when The Demon Lord suggested that a marriage agreement between the two realms would facilitate the attainment of more power and strength.
James didn’t really like the idea of ​​marriage, and you less.
Buuut, keep a badasssss look you guys, no matter the circunstancies.
You and your parents traveled to his kingdom and let’s say the meeting between you five wasn’t the most pleasant.
Your parents accepting the offer, but only if you agreed to marry James, otherwise, there would be no agreement.
You on the other side, indifference to the whole situation, just wishing to get into the first library you saw and stay there until departure.
A shy and extremly nervous incubbaby James.
The Demon Lord angry AF, threatening to invade your kingdom if you didn’t accept marriage.
Aaaaanyway, bad first meetings to the side, you saw James again in the throne room when you were reading a huge book about war tactics.
“Who do you think you are, sittting comfortably on the king’s throne?”
That fucking imp, since you arrived he doesn’t leave you alone. Wherever you go, this bastard always has a criticism to make.
“It should be an action of treason, just waits until The Demon Lord knows about this, you’ll regr…”
“Leave her alone, NOW”
James to the rescue, anyone doubt it for a moment?
The imp left, cursing under his breath.
“Forgive his habits of meddling where they don’t call him, it’s quite irritating.”
“Yes, too much. It wasn’t necessary for you to came to defend me, if he had continued a little longer I would have injected my poison. He would have been paralyzed for a few days, damn spawn. ”
poison? James.exe stops working
You had to transform yourself so the poor baby could understand.
James.exe loves it
And when you stayed in a naga version, he may have discovered a new kink.
Leaving the “arranged” marriage, you really got along, even on the days you stayed in his kingdom, a little love story could’ve been born.
Heartbroken when you had to return to your kingdom.
The two of you gave each other a small memory to not forget.
You gave him a small jar with your poison to use in that unfortunate servant.
He gave you one of his favorite books.
More heartbroken to know he leaves with his brothers to the human world, leaving you behind, alone.
Both of you met in the gardens of your kingdom (strange thing, right?)
For some strange reason, which wasn’t an arranged marriage or an alliance, The Demon Lord decided to visit your parents’ kingdom, and with him he took James and Erik.
While The Demon Lord and his “favorite heir” had a private audience with your parents, Erik was allowed to roam the long, heated halls of the castle.
Your fucking kingdom is very veeeeeeeeeeery hot, what the hell !!
He found a large entrance with the rarest and most startling flowers he has ever seen and, out of simple and obvious curiosity, he passed the threshold, to end up up encountering an immense garden.
An incredible view if I say so myself.
And speaking of views … your emerald skin positioned in the middle of the garden could called the attention of any demon.
“Ah! Aren’t you a beautiful sight? I wouldn’t be bother to melt on your beautiful skin. ”
If looks could kill … your kingdom would already be at war with Erik’s.
“Is that how you generally introduce yourself? Without saying your name or bothering to know it of the other person with whom you blatantly try to flirt? ”
Matthew voice You’re going to need some cold water for that burn.
“I’m sorry, you’re totally right, it wasn’t my intention to disrespect you in that way. My sincere apologies ”
Okey-dokey, leaving bad impressions aside, let’s go to the good.
His stay in your castle made the free and boring time before your coronation more enjoyable.
Taking care of the garden.
Reading poems.
Allow Erik to participate in political meetings between the two kingdoms.
Long nights talking about everything and nothing.
You promised to see each other again on your coronation’s day.
Spend some time alone after so much stress.
Breakfast with the dawn.
Among many other sweet things.
But that meeting never happened.
First very bad impression.
At first he thought you were one of his damn father’s new wives. He received you with enough servers and put together a great banquet to introduce you to his sons.
With the cards on the table and Sam understanding you were actually going to be betrothed by one of the incubrothers, his angry face broke down.
Sam being Sam, he denied the option of being a suitor in that damn arranged marriage.
He tried to avoid you most of the time you were in the palace.
No speaking, No eye contact, nothing.
It started to be irritating.
He thought you were a silly princess who needed thousands of servants to survive and that your only goal in your pathetic life was to marry and be queen.
He had the audacity to say it in the throne room when you confronted him for being so rude.
He turned his back on you before you could even open your mouth and went to the door.
“I don’t think you know who you’re talking to”
You reached him in a second, like…how the fuck?
He then notice your esmerald naga form, with emerald snake eyes.
Fucking badass if he say so.
Maybe a little turn on.
He took his time to meditate and apologize. His pride didn’t let him looked at you in the eye.
He talks to you whenever he feels alone in this big fucking castle. He starts to enjoy your company too.
Loves when you become a snake to scare away his servants.
You may or may not let him get on your tail and take a quick and small walk in the … gardens? Back of the castle? Whatever
You are there when he need towreak his anger from a bad day.
He tried to take you with him and his brothers to the human world, but for you, it was impossible.
“I am the only heir to my parents’ kingdom, I am devoted to my people, I can’t abandon them”
You may have seen him shed a tear before he crossed the portal.
And that was the last time you see each other, for 10 long years.
While walking through the palace inventing new toys, he saw a small black spot moving with the corner of his eye.
When he turned his head, that spot was gone.
Back to bussines then.
But before he could even think of a new design, he felt something brush his leg.
He looked down and a little black cat with big emerald eyes was stroking his leg with its head.
He have diessss for cutenes !!!
He’s stroking his head for a while when an imp of his father appeared inside the map.
“It’s amazing that The Demon Lord continues to let you live in his castle, you’re nothing more than an immature and childish demon”
Matthew was already used to this kind of comment and it was better to ignore them than to confront them.
But apparently a certain cat did not think the same.
What was once a small feline with black fur, was now a huge emerald snake two meters long.
The snake squeezed the damn imp until he goes violet and left him unconscious for a good while.
Matthew may have been scared a little.
BUT… low key sattisfac.
“What would you do without me, sweet cheeks?”
He was taken back by the previous transformation that didn’t realized that the snake was now a succubus of emerald eyes and tattoos.
He never knew that a succubus could look good with snake’s eyes.
Also, whe he knew you’re a QUEEN?!?!?!
Fuck yeah !! You’re even more hotter.
Loves to give you some of his toys, even the weird ones.
Absolutly LOVES when he cooks for you..oh, OH, no, delate that. HE REAAAALLLY LOVES when both of you go to the fucking kitchen and cook the fucking living shit for the both of us.
Every plate cames out more delicious than the previous one.
He give you a few recipes for you to try in your kingdom at the time of your departure.
Cooking is a way to remember the sweetness and love that Matthew managed to give you during the few days you were in his castle.
That habit becomes a nightmare when a servant entered the kitchen to warn you that the children from The Demon Lord went to the human world.
The cake you planned to send was scattered all over the floor.
He was being ridiculed by one of his “father’s” trusted servants when he met you.
“It’s only a matter of time before The Demon Lord throw you out of the castle like a malnourished dog.”
Do you know what is the worst? Not the heartbreaking comments, but Damien getting used to hearing them.
“It is a miracle that you are still alive despite the non-existent food that we are allowed to give you. You are nothing but a hindrance to everyone here, why don’t you do us a favor, including you, and leave before our lord … “
The servant was paralyzed and turned violet … apart from falling to the ground completely rigid.
“Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need something? ”
An angel sent from heaven.
Regain your composure Damien !!!!
His little knight to the rescue
Ok, I’m done.
Hidden readings in the library at the time he told you about his illiteracy.
Even once in a while you allow him to read your mind to continue learning to read and pronounce the letters.
Ancient and current Egyptian writing and reading classes.
Human language writing classes.
Talks in one of his brothers’ rooms.
“How can you become a snake?”
“Why doesn’t the color of your tattoos match the one of your eyes?”
“Do you spend a lot of energy transforming?”
“Can you avoid reading people’s minds?”
Oopss, delicate subject.
When you returned to your kingdom, you gave him a small mirror which had a twin in another part of the realm (more specifically your castle)
When he wanted, both of you could see each other from a distance and you could continue teaching him.
You broke the mirror the last time you saw Damien through it.
You saw him … in human clothes, in the human world, and he didn’t have the decency to warn you … or to take you with him.
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bgn846 · 4 years
Worthy Chapter 2: Adjusting FFXV A/B/O Promnis
< Previous Chapter 1
Ignis Scientia was true to his word and had arranged for a discrete transport back to Niflheim for Prompto.  The only catch was he would have to travel the day after the royal banquet. The blond would have to remain in Noctis’ quarters until that time.  With this plan came the realization that Prompto would have to spend the night, twice, in an unfamiliar place.
 He was nervous at first when the idea was brought up.  Ignis had called Noct right after they had eaten dinner to tell him the news, since he was still in meetings.  The prince of Lucis seemed to take it in stride and announced quite casually that they were roomies for a few days.
 Prompto was secretly grateful that Noct was nice and a beta.  He didn’t know what would have happened if he had to share space with an alpha.  He was nineteen and really needed to get over his fear, but it was easier said than done.  Alphas scared the shit out of him. Not having had a single good alpha experience until earlier that day with Scientia, Prompto had been avoiding them most of his life.
 His mother was a beta, as had been the king.  The astrals clearly wanted to turn the tables, and his step-father had produced a litany of alphas in his wake.  His first wife must have been pregnant for years, and she was guilty of the worst of the bunch. Five sons, all alphas, and they were all dicks.   She died due to complications of the fifth birth. Wife number two came along and popped out three more alphas. She requested a divorce when her youngest was barely weaned.   She cited difficulties with the eldest sons as the issue.
 Wife number three managed to survive a little longer. She produced four more alphas to the king and unfortunately was caught cheating.  The separation was quick, and Prompto sees her around visiting her sons from time to time. The king never wished to bar her from her children.
 Wife number four, Prompto’s mother, met the king at a party, and it was love at first sight.  They were able to spend several happy years together, and the king accepted her only son without question.   Prompto had been fourteen when they married.
 The king’s death was due to illness, and it shook his mother terribly when he passed.  She remained strong for her son and carried on in the role of queen for the people. The general populous had grown to like her, and his step-brothers knew if they kicked her out bad press would follow.    
 So here he was, two years later, and still no further up the line to the throne.  If anything, after the king’s death, his chances had gotten worse. Thinking about his lack of a future was depressing.   If only he’d been born an alpha. Then maybe he could have stood a chance.
 Prompto realized he was spacing out again when Noct sighed loudly and cleared his throat.
 “You okay over there?  I know this is all kinda weird.”
 “Huh? Oh, I’m fine. I’m just thinking about stupid stuff.”
 “Judging by your facial expression, it didn’t look stupid.”
 The blond laughed nervously. He wasn’t used to people actually talking      to     him.  His mother didn’t count. She never pushed for fear of upsetting him.  “I’m okay really.”
 “Fine, if you say so.  How late do you want to stay up?  I’ve got lots more games we could play, or if you would rather be left alone, I get that.  This must all be very overwhelming,” Noct replied.
 Prompto bit his lips trying to think of a response.  Yes, he was overwhelmed, but the prince didn’t contribute to that feeling.  It was being in a new place with the constant fear of running into people he didn’t know that worried him the most. “I don’t need to be left alone; it helps to be with someone.” He offered softly.  “I’m glad you’re not an alpha.”
 “Well, you’d be one of the few to admit that.  Most people seem to think royalty should be an alpha.  I have no idea how you deal with it, since you’re an omega.”
 “No one notices me, so not many people talk about it.”
 Noct didn’t respond right away, but looked confused for a moment.  “Do you not give them a chance to notice you? Do you hide instead?”
 Prompto nodded slowly.  “It’s easier that way.”
 “Huh, interesting.”  Noct pondered.
 It was obvious that there was more on the prince’s mind, but he chose not to say anything else.  Prompto could only assume he’d realized that their lives were completely opposite. Picking up the game controller once more, he smiled, hoping Noct would understand.  The rest of the evening progressed until Prompto passed out on the sofa.
 Opening the door to the suite, Gladio immediately noticed the distinct smell of omega.  Ignis had been correct: the young Niflheimian prince had a unique scent. He’d been briefed earlier that morning by the advisor on how to handle the newcomer.  Apparently, he suffered from a severe fear of alphas.
 Ignis was extremely busy setting up the banquet for later that evening, so he’d sent Gladio to collect Noct.  However, he was given strict instructions not to approach Prompto unless he was comfortable first. As Gladio trudged into the main room, he realized this would be a difficult request.  The two princes’ had clearly stayed up far too late and had fallen asleep in the living room.
 Noct was sprawled out over a large armchair and snoring lightly.  He could literally fall asleep anywhere. Prince Prompto seemed more relaxed and was sleeping on the sofa.  The shield seriously debated leaving the suite and calling Noct on his cell phone. There was no way he was going to be able to wake Noct up without disturbing Prince Prompto.
 Secretly, he knew his charge wouldn’t rouse from a simple phone call, so he had no choice but to go the old fashioned route.  Taking a deep breath and focusing on releasing calming pheromones, he slowly walked over to Noct. Sitting down on the coffee table in front of Noct, he reached out and shook the sleeping prince by his shoulders.
 “Noooooo,” Noct groaned.  “Five more hours.” He pleaded.
 “Don’t you mean five more minutes, princess?” Gladio snickered.
 “NO!” he grumbled trying to sleep again.
 “Come on. Ignis needs you to get up so you can go rehearse your speech and do other royal bullshit.”
 “Why me?”  Noct lamented.
 “You know I’m more than willing to carry you to your next appointment in yesterday’s clothes, I’m not Ignis,” Gladio offered with a smirk.   He was about to add more when a quiet yelp from behind him caught his attention. Their guest had most likely woken up, but he didn’t dare look to confirm it.  Judging by the sudden change in the omegas scent, he was scared.
 Noct made an attempt to sit up fully.   “Gladio, ya know it would be easier to wake up if you weren’t pumping out such a relaxing scent right now.”  The dark haired prince yawned loudly and managed to pry his eyes open. “What gives?”
 Gladio looked at Noct and rolled his eyes.  “Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?” he asked instead of verbally berating the prince for his lack of awareness.  He truly was a smart man, but sometimes he missed the painfully obvious.
 “Huh? Oh, Prompto, yeah sure.”  Noct seemed to finally take in the state of his guest and threw a puzzled look over Glaido’s shoulder. “Hey, are you okay? What’s the matter?”
 The strangled noise that came as a reply was heartbreaking.  The poor guy was terrified. Gladio still hadn’t turned around fully and was waiting for Noct to sort the young prince out.  Opting to keep his body relaxed and his eyes down cast, he waited for Prompto’s scent to change.
 “This is just my shield, Gladio.  He won’t hurt you. It’s okay.” Noct didn’t wait for a response this time and quickly clambered out of the chair, stumbling over Gladio in the process.  “I promise he’s really good at keeping princes alive. You have nothing to worry about.”
 Finally, Prompto uttered a response he could actually hear.  “O—Okay.”
 Gladio took this small utterance as permission to finally face the Prince.  “Highness, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Gladiolus Amicitia, shield to prince Noctis.”
 “Hi,” was all the blond haired man managed to squeak.  His bright blue eyes were huge and threatening to bulge out of his head.   Then, as if something suddenly distracted him, he furrowed his brow. “You keep mentioning a shield, but you’re not carrying one.”
 Gladio answered before Noct could.  “I act as his bodyguard, so it’s more of a metaphorical shield.”    
 “Why wasn’t Lord Amicitia with you yesterday when you found me?” Prompto blurted.
 Noct started turning a few shades of pink and looked away.
 “Sometimes he ignores the rules and sneaks out.  From the sounds of it, I may need to start training you, too, if this one managed to subdue you.”
 Noct smirked and then frowned.  “Hey! What are you insinuating?”  
  A small giggle broke the tension, and Prompto quickly covered his mouth to try and hide his smile.
 “He made fun of you, too!” Noct exclaimed.
 “True, but I’ve not had training, so I believe the insult is worse for you.”        
 Looking directly at Prompto, the shield nodded in agreement. “Highness, please feel free to call me Gladio. Lord Amicitia is my father's’ title.”
 “He’s the king's bodyguard, right?” Prompto asked quickly.
 “Correct. My family has been protecting the Lucis Caelums for generations.”
 “That is so amazing that you get a bodyguard,” Prompto mused.
 “You don’t have a personal guard back home?”  Noct asked incredulously. “I would have thought you being an omega meant you’d get extra protection.”  Prompto stayed silent and looked at the floor. “Uh – damn, that sucks.” Noct sighed.
 “I’m afraid I have to steal Noct away for a few hours.  Will you be alright in the suite by yourself?” Gladio asked.
 “I think so. No one else new will come in, correct?”
 “That’s correct, Highness. I do have a trusted beta guard on duty nearby, and I will give you his phone number.  If anything urgent comes up, call him and he’ll help you until we get back,” Gladio announced.
 “What’s their name?” Prompto asked slowly.  “They won’t come in here unless I ask, right?”
 “His name is Nyx, and no, he won’t come in unless you ask.  He’s patrolling this wing, so he won’t be in front of the door.  He’s been told to keep an eye on the corridor and make sure no one disturbs you.”
 “What should I do if someone knocks on the door?”
 “Ignore it.  If you sense danger, hide and call Nyx.”
 The last statement seemed to calm the fair haired prince. “Ok, I can handle that. Will you all be returning for lunch?”
 “No guarantees.  Ignis likes to keep a tight schedule.  I will check with him and get a message to you one way or another.”
 “I have Noctis’ phone number,  so he can text me.”
 “I told you a bunch of times already, it’s alright to call me Noct.”  Prompto bobbed his head in response and smiled.
 Gladio stood up and gave a slight bow to Prompto before walking towards the door.  “I’ll wait outside for you, Noct.” He continued on his way and went to seek out Nyx with an update.  Once he was confident all was well, Gladio directed his sleepy prince towards his next meeting.
     “One more meeting to go, highness, and then you are done for the day.” Ignis sighed.  “I’ve worked to clear your schedule for the afternoon, so you can rest before the banquet.”
 “Good, Prompto and I can play more video games together.  He likes all the same ones I do.”
 “Do remember you need to rehearse your speech. Don’t waste away the entire afternoon gaming.”
 “Yeah, I know, but it’s nice to have someone around my age who likes the same stuff.  I don’t know how he doesn’t go crazy at home. It sounds like he’s got nobody to hang out with besides his mom.” Noct paused with a frown.  “I’m not knocking that. It’s nice she’s there for him, but he’s alone the rest of time. I have you and Gladio, but he’s stuck there in a sea of stupid alphas. No offence, but his step brothers sound like grade A assholes.”
 Ignis went quiet suddenly.  Noct had enough issues being a beta prince; he could only imagine the hardships Prompto must endure.  “Did you happen to figure out his real reason for visiting?”
 “No, I tried to pry lightly, but he seemed unwilling to talk about it.  I know that sightseeing bullshit was a lie. I can’t figure out what would be worth all the trouble he went through to get here.”
 “Perhaps in time he will tell us.  Do you think you will try and stay in touch once he returns home?”
 Noct shook his head and threw a look at Ignis.  “Who do you think I’ve been texting all morning?”
 “Though I’m upset at your lack of manners during meetings, I will commend your effort at making a new friend.”
 The final meeting of the day was blessedly canceled, and the trio made their way back to Noct’s royal chambers.  Ignis spotted Nyx nearby when they approached and gave a discreet nod for his help. The advisor had selected Nyx specifically due to his dynamic and good natured attitude.  The man also knew how to keep a secret, and that was essential.
 “You did warn him that Gladio and I were both coming, correct?” Ignis asked as he went to unlock the door.
 “Yeah, he knows. Want me to go in first?”
 Ignis didn’t answer but pushed the door open and allowed Noct to slip past him.  “Gladio, do remember to give Prompto his personal space.”
 “I have been through diverse dynamics training Iggy.  I’m not an animal. I did really well this morning. You would’ve been proud.”
 “That fact that I let you come alone should have been indication enough that I trust you explicitly,”  Ignis calmly offered. Gladio smiled, and if he puffed up his chest slightly, Ignis chose not to comment.      
 When they walked into the living room, both princes were talking a mile a minute.  Prompto had found a hidden level in a game they’d played the night before. Noct was regaling him with tales of the boring council meeting he’d had to endure.  
 “Two peas in pod, huh?” Gladio admitted when he noticed the exchange.
 Ignis shook his head but still smiled at the sight.  “I’ll be in the kitchen preparing lunch if you need me.”  Gladio nodded but ended up following him in with an excuse of not being able get a word in edgewise.  The two younger men had tuned out the Eos around them.
 He was halfway through cutting a sandwich when Gladio piped up again. “Why are you taking extra care with prince Prompto?”
 “Hmmm, whatever do you mean?”
 “I’ve never seen you so hyper focused on someone else’s well being aside from Noct in a long time.”
 “I care about others,” Ignis huffed with a pout.
 “Shit.” Gladio grumbled.  “Not what I meant. Uh – how do I put this – you have been treating him exactly like Noct.”
 That made him pause.  Had he really been doing that? “I merely wish to ensure his safety since he’s here unaccompanied.  I wouldn’t want to have to face his mother should something happen.”
 Gladio titled his head in thought.  “I get that, and if he stays in touch with Noct once he’s back home, then you can make sure he’s doing okay.”
 Ignis was struck with an odd thought after Gladio stopped talking.  Why would he care about this strange omega so much? They’d barely spoken more than few sentences since he’d arrived yesterday.   However, he felt drawn to the blond. Not really wanting to blame base dynamic chemistry, Ignis shooed the idea away and finished fixing lunch.
 Thankfully, lunch was an easy affair, despite a slightly rocky start.  Prince Prompto had been visibly nervous to be at the table with Gladio and himself.  For once, Noct’s complete lack of tact actually helped. He’d picked up right away that his new friend was behaving differently in front of his retainers, so the dark-haired prince simply announced that his alpha friends didn’t bite.
 Gladio had to work hard to stifle a laugh, which unexpectedly set Prompto off in a giggle.  The tension was broken and lunch continued. Noct, of course, chose to ignore Ignis’ piercing gaze from across the table.  Years of etiquette training, and he throws it away in the blink of an eye.
 Lunch was soon over and more work beckoned, as Ignis had to verify things were getting done properly for the banquet.   He quickly said his goodbyes and slipped out to return to work. However, he couldn’t seem to shake the empty feeling he had once he’d left the suite.  Was it even possible for an omega to make someone feel this way? He had no time to dwell on the thought, since he had a banquet to coordinate.
   “You sure you’ll be okay?” Noct asked for a third time.
 “Yes, I’ll be fine.” Prompto sighed.  “You said that beta soldier was stationed nearby again, right?”
 “Yep, Nyx. He’s really nice, and he will be available if you need him right away.”
 Prompto nodded and leaned into the sofa cushion to rest his head. “How long will you have to stay?”
 “Ugh, I have to make a speech at around eight, and then Iggy will want me to meet and greet.  Blech, I detest talking to total snots.”
 “Hopefully you won’t have to talk to my step-brothers too much.  Alban is only there to meet chicks.”
 Noct laughed at the admission.  “I hope he realizes that the women that attend these functions are horrible.  All they want is your money and title. Iggy has to beat them off with a stick sometimes if they come after me.”
 “That’s really nice that you have Scientia to do that for you.”
 “You can call him Ignis. He wouldn’t mind.  I’m sure of it, actually, since he’d been nothing but super nice to you.”
 “What do you mean?” Prompto asked.
 “He’s been treating you better than me!  Asking Nyx to do guard duty is huge. The man’s a decorated, high-ranking soldier; he graduated past guarding a door a long time ago.   Iggy has also been controlling his scent around you. Gladio, too, but I think Iggy told him to do that,” Noct offered.
 “Really?” The blond mumbled. “Those are good things, though, right?”
 “Yeah, totally. It just means he likes you is all.”
 “I’m only an omega. There’s no reason for him to do any of that.  He’s being nice, because you would get mad otherwise.”
 Noct narrowed his eyes at Prompto.  “Nah, I know Iggy, and he wouldn’t act like without a good reason.  I’m pretty sure I’m not the reason.”
 “Oh.” Prompto wasn’t sure what to think of that information.   What did Noct mean by ‘like’? He knew the prince had to leave soon, but he wished he could go with him and see all the people dressed up. “Will you have your phone?” He asked finally.
 “Yeah, I’ll send you pictures when I can.  There are always some really funny people wandering around.”
 “Is it okay to use the kitchen when I get hungry later?” Prompto asked when Noct stood up to retrieve his shoes.
 “Oh, I almost forgot Iggy’s got dinner being delivered for you. It will be the same catering as the banquet, so you get to taste the food.   See! Yet another nice thing my advisor has done for you!” Noct exclaimed.
 “Will I have to talk to someone for the food?” Prompto asked nervously.
 “Nah, the dumbwaiter in the kitchen will buzz, and you can go collect it.  It only fits a tray of food, so you’ll be safe.”
 The blond relaxed and smiled.  It appeared his hosts had thought of everything.  “Don’t forget to send me stuff.”
 Noct smiled. “I won’t, don’t worry.  I wish I could stay here with you and be lazy, but duty calls.  Gladio should be here any minute. Call me if something urgent comes up. Otherwise, I think you should be fine.”
 Prompto instinctively ducked down behind the couch when Gladio showed up to collect Noctis.  The alpha had changed into formal robes and he looked very handsome. Gladio smiled at him and waved goodbye when they left a few minutes later.  Suddenly wondering what Ignis was wearing, Prompto hoped Noctis would send him a picture.
>Next Chapter 3
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madison02me · 5 years
There had been a distinctive rise in crime in the kingdom of Corona lately, frequent reports of petty theft and coning. But Eugene is more focused on the fact that he keeps lying to Rapunzel.
Well, lying was a big word. He just had never told her the whole truth. He wasn't an orphan. Well, he was, before he was adopted; by two men, named Miguel and Tulio.
(Based on this prompt: https://somethingscarlet13.tumblr.com/post/157973954130/where-is-my-fic-where-theres-a-new-rise-of )
To say that Eugene was happy, would the understatement of the century. He never thought that he could even have the chance to be this happy, it certainly was a far cry from the orphanage where he was found. Rapunzel was his dream come true...which is why he hated lying to her about his past.
Well, lying was a big word. He just had never told her the whole truth. At first, it was because he barely knew her, then it was because he was afraid she wouldn't except him for it, which he admits was a stupid idea. But now, he was just in too deep. He knew that if he told her now, she might never forgive him for not telling her the truth. He had to keep up his alias as the thief orphan boy who grew up to find the missing Corona Princess.
Except, he wasn't an orphan. Well, he was, before he was adopted; by two men, named Miguel and Tulio.
Eugene was sitting in the throne room while Rapunzel spoke with a few of castle's royal advisers, they were talking about the numerous wedding gifts that the kingdom had received from some of the neighbouring kingdoms.
It had been just over a month since Eugene and Rapunzel had gotten married. It had been the perfect wedding, well, except the ring bearers looked like they had gone through hell for some reason. But Eugene couldn't help but think of who should have been there, his dads. It had been over 5 years since he had run away to claim enough money to make sure they'd never have to worry about cash ever again. But, unfortunately, he had caught up with the Stabbington Brothers and his dreams morphed from getting money for his family to getting money for himself.
He's not proud of who he was after he ran away and before he met Rapunzel. He didn't regret running away, because if he didn't then he would have never met his sunshine, but that still didn't quell the hurt in his heart, knowing that he just run away out of the blue and then never spoken to them again, he hadn't even written to them since he left. And even if he wanted to now, they no doubt would've on from where they were staying since he had left, by now. He had no idea where they were, or even if they were still alive.
God, he hoped they were alive somewhere.
He knows he shouldn't worry, they've been in the business a lot longer than he had and always managed to get themselves out of tough situations, but he just couldn't help it, he wondered if they worried about him too. Knowing them, there was no way had hadn't freaked out when they found the small note he had left.
Eugene was brought out of his deep thing by hands being brought over his eyes, blinding him.
"Guess who?" A sweet voice said in his ear. He smiled as he lifted his hand to rub the knuckle of the soft hand.
"I didn't know that an angel had decided to visit the castle."
A small giggle could be heard before Eugene swiftly swiped the hands off his face before turning to sweep his new wife off her feet with her squealing all the way.
While Eugene could never forget his dads, for this moment he would put them aside to focus his whole undivided attention on his wife. "Now you hear me." She said in a cheeky tone after he had set her down on the ground. "What do you mean?" He asked, perplexed.
"I was calling you but you were so deep in thought you mustn't have heard me."
Yeah, he did tend to get like that when he was deep in thought.
"Aww, I'm sorry Blondie. I get like that sometimes." He said in an apologetic but embarrassed tone as he rubbed the back of his neck, not meeting her eyes.
"You wanna talk about it?" Rapunzel asked in a gentle voice, she could see that whatever he was thinking about, it weighed heavily on his mind.
Eugene shook his head, even if he wanted too, he couldn't burden her with his predicament.
"Nah, Sunshine. Everything's fine, just thinking about the new rise in crime that we've had recently. Simply can't figure out who's behind it."
While it was a lie, it was a believable lie, ever since he had become a Guard instructor, finding out patterns in the crime rate had become one of his jobs, and there had been a rise in crime in the kingdom of Corona lately, frequent reports of petty theft and coning. Which wasn't new, there was always going to thieves and con men in every kingdom you went too, but reports had significantly gone up in the last few weeks; just after the wedding.
Rapunzel had been with Eugene long enough to tell when he was lying but decided to not to press the issues, he would tell her when he was ready.
"Alright, if you're sure. You've seamed a little down since we got married..."
She couldn't help but worry about Eugene's mood, was he having second thoughts? Eugene's face switched from gloomy to panicked before gathering Rapunzel's face in his hands.
"Rapunzel, don't think for a second that I didn't want to marry you, for gods sakes, I was asking you for years. Do you think I'd keep asking if I was unsure? I've just had a lot on my mind and I didn't want to bother you, being a princess is stressful enough having to listen about my difficulties, I love you too much to stress you out like that."
Rapunzel's eyes widen at hearing the emotional speech, while Eugene wasn't an Apathetic person, it usually took a lot for him to talk about what he was truly feeling. She gathered him a tight hug, she didn't think that it was bothering him this much. This wouldn't stand.
"Eugene, knowing that something is bothering you and you thinking you have to hide it from me, well, of course, it will bother me. We agreed that we would never hide our problems from each other, if you don't want to talk about, then that's fine but don't hide for me, Please?"
Eugene hugged back as he listened, she was right, she was completely right. Pulling back from the tight hug, he places a loose strand of her golden blond hair behind her ear. He sighed, he couldn't take it any more, he couldn't take lying to her any more.
"You're right. You're completely right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hiding this from you and I'm sorry for lying to you."
At the word 'Lying' Rapunzel pulled back and arched her brow. Lying? Lying about what?
But before the princess had time to question her husband about what he meant the doors of the throne room were thrust open with so much force it made the two inside jump in fright. They quickly calmed down they only saw that it was just the captain of the guard as he quickly crossed the room before bowing at the knee.
"You're Highness, my Lord. We got them, we finally caught them." He panted out, he clearly had rushed over to tell them this information but the two were thoroughly confused.
"I-I'm sorry, what? Got who? Caught who?" Rapunzel spluttered out
"The thieves who have caused the rise in crime your highness, we caught them coning people out of their money with loaded dice." Loaded dice, a classic. He could remember making those for the first time, and who taught him...
"Oh, that's good, was there a lot of them?" He asked, there had been a big increase in reports of theft and people of being conned out of their money, so he expected a gang of some kind.
"Oh no, it was only two men. A blond and a dark-haired one. Almost got away when they posed a fake dual in the street, but we managed to catch up to them." The caption said, looking quite proud of himself.
... What?
No, there was no way.
"Wait!" Eugene yelled out as the captain turned to leave, supposedly to deal with the criminals.
"D-Did one of them a red shirt, grass-green eyes and golden blond hair while the other had a blue shirt with a brown vest, lake blue eyes and long black hair?" He asked in a rush. It couldn't be, it was impossible...
The Captain and Rapunzel were looking at him with wide eyes, what was he talking about? Did he know these men?
The caption nodded his head slightly, that was almost an exact description of the two perpetrators, he knew because had seen them himself.
"Y-yes my lord but I don't see-!" The man was quickly cut off as Eugene interrupted him with a loud, bellowing statement.
"Bring them to me! If the refuse, tell them... Eugene wants to see them." With the order, the man quickly bowed before again rushing out the door. Eugene then put his hands to his head, face full of shock and panic before beginning to pace around the room, muttering to himself.
"No, no no... There's no way...it's impossible...it can't be..." He ran his hand through his hair as Rapunzel watched with a shocked expression.
"Eugene... Eugene... Eugene!" She yelled out, trying to catch his attention as he was clearly distressed. She put her hand on his shoulder when he continued to overlook her. "EUGENE!" she practically roared in his face
With that roar, his thoughts were brought back to the present and Rapunzel. "Eugene, you're scaring me, why did you tell them to bring those criminals here? Do you know them?" She asked in a stern but confused temper.
Eugene figured that now was a good time as ever.
"Know them? They're my Dad's."
As almost on cue, the doors opened once again only slowly and two men stepped in. The room was silent and the two men stepped closer to the couple and as Eugene stepped forward.
All three of them couldn't believe their eyes.
"...Son?" The blond man said in a small, hesitant voice.
Eugene's eyes started to well up at hearing a voice he hadn't heard in 5 years.
"Dad, Papa..." Eugene didn't have time to think before Miguel and Tulio ran forward and enveloped their long-lost son in an almost crushing hug, but he didn't care, he just hugged them back as small treats started to run down his face, accidentally staining their shirts.
Rapunzel could only watch the scene before her, she was confused but from what Eugene had just told her, these men were Eugene's parents... but they were both men. But then she thinks about her past, she thought she had a mother, that was a lie, but she had been adopted by her so that means must have adopted him.
"Eugene, it's been so long. We missed you so much." Miguel spoke as he pulled back to cup his son's face. "Oh, you haven't changed a bit, look at you, you're so handsome. I wished we could have seen the wedding, but we just missed it, we didn't even know you were here until the news of your wedding became big news around the world. How have you been my son, have you been eating enough, no new scars' huh? God, I hope not."
Miguel was rapid-fire talking as he nuzzled his face against Eugene's. It had been 5 years, could you blame him for being a little enthusiastic to finally see the son he thought he had lost all those years ago?
Miguel caught eyes with the blond woman also in the room, and she waved slightly, looking a bit bewildered but happy. Miguel's eyes widened as he realised just who he was looking at and the ring on her finger made it even clearer.
Pulling back completely he walked closer and bowed at the beautiful woman's feet. "You must be the long-lost princess who was able to get our son to stay in one place, so we could find him and I must say you are the most stunning creature I've ever seen," He then gently picked up her hand and kissed the knuckle, he then glanced back at the dark-haired man who too had stood up and was watching them with intense blue eyes. "Well, the second most stunning creature I've ever seen."
Rapunzel's face went completely cherry red as the admittedly handsome blond man showered her with compliments. She smiled as the man stood before her. "Oh where our manners, I doubt that our Eugene has told you about us, So I am Miguel." Without missing a beat the dark-haired man stepped forward and put his hand out to shake. "And I am Tulio." She gently gripped the hand in from of her and gave a hardy shake, the more she was around them, the more excited she grew, She had IN LAWS!!
"It's very nice to meet you guys, and your right, I didn't even know you two existed until just now," While she said it in a joking tone, it was complicity true. "But still, I look forward to getting to know you, gentlemen."
At the mention of Eugene, Tulio's mood morphed from happy to meet Rapunzel to a fit of ferocious anger as he turned to his Son, without a word he stalked over to him, reached his arm up and gripped Eugene's ear in a death grip, pulling him down by it, causing Eugene to squeal in pain.
"OW! Owowowowow! What are you doing!?" Eugene squeaked out.
"EUGENE! What the hell did you think you were playing at running away like that?! Do you have any idea how worried me and your father were when we found you gone?!" Tulio yelled pulling his son away to Miguel and Rapunzel, who could only watch on, wincing in sympathy.
"I-I left a note!" Eugene pleaded, trying to quell his angry Papa, but it was no use, this anger had been building up for 5 years, there was no stopping him now.
"Did you really expect that to satisfy us?! We thought you had been taken away by the mob or something, we looked for months, only to find you had paired up with the Stabbingtion Brothers! Really Eugene?! The Stabbingtion Brothers?!" Tulio pulled his son closer, so he could stare right into eyes, he needed to understand how he was feeling.
"You didn't even write! Not once in 5 years did you write to us to even say you were still alive. We lost all hope, we honestly thought you were dead until your wanted poster started propping up everywhere! God..." Tulio's death grip had disappeared off his ear and his hands starting shaking and his breath hitching. Eugene could see that his papa was tearing up now and it shocked him, not once in all his life of knowing his papa did he ever see him cry.
Eugene was then again engulfed in a tight hug by his papa, only now he could hear the almost silent sobs that Tulio was emitting. Wrapping his arms around him, Eugene began to rub his back, hoping to soothe him as well as play with the slightly more-grey-then-what-he-remembered black hair. "You ditched us... We thought you had ditched us for a better life than we couldn't provide... Heh, you always did want your own island..." Tulio said against Eugene's shoulder as he clung to his son's vest as if he would disappear again if he were to let go.
Eugene could now see just how much his disappearance had affected his dad's. He knew they loved him, but he never expected that they would have worried that much or spent all there time looking for him, he still didn't regret running away, but he did regret never writing. He can't begin to imagine what they must have been feeling, he guesses he shouldn't tell them he technically died saving Rapunzel.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to abandoned you guys, I wanted us to be rich enough to the point where we'd never have to worry about cash ever again but I just got so caught up in all the promised riches I forgot who I was getting them for." At the end of his little speech, he motioned for his Dad and Rapunzel to come into the hug, which both joined in no time.
"Can you guys ever forgive me?" He asked, looking into the eyes of the three people who loved him more than anything in the world and the feeling was mutual.
"Only if you let them tell me every single embarrassing story of you they have under their belt." Rapunzel said in a teasing tone. "Oh, my dear, we have plenty of those, like that time he accidentally ran around naked in the city square?" Eugene's face when completely red at the mention of that story, he hated it. Why did he have to tell Rapunzel that one?
"Good one Miguel. Hey, you should tell them in Eugene's room, because that where he is going to be for a while." Tulio said gripping the back of his vest. "What? Why?" He asked, not unlike a child.
"You seriously think you can run away like that and not get punished? I don't think so." Tulio said, yanking him closer, just like a parent would, to make sure their child wouldn't get away. "You are Grounded. So very Grounded!"
"What?! I'm a fulling grown man!" Eugene protested while Rapunzel and Miguel vigorously laughed in the background.
Yeah, and I'm still your father and while I'm around, you'll listen to me. So Room. Now." Even though Eugene had been away from his parents for 5 years, but he still knew not to argue with his papa when he was like this.
So he led his family back to his and Rapunzel's room. Where they spent the rest of that day catching up, Rapunzel hearing the story of how Tulio and Miguel's first met and El Dorado and then Rapunzel and Eugene telling them how they met, everything was wonderful. This is exactly what Eugene wanted, his whole family together and learning about each other.
Life was going to be perfect from now on.
"... I got better?"
He was so grounded for life.
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baddcop · 5 years
You sent four so I’m bouta go apeshit and do 4 songs oop. 👀
Well I’ve had one too many cigarettes burning up my lungsHad the taste of one too many lips hanging of my tongueSunday morning getting high, drinking here aloneThinking up a brand new alibi for not coming homeAnd I’m sorry I say “fuck” so much.
I’m not a saint, but I could be if I tryLord knows I’ve got habits to breakI’m really good at being good at goodbyesI’m gonna give you fair warning that II’m not a saint, but I could be if I tryLord knows I don’t learn from mistakesAnd I’m not here unless I’m here by your sideI’m not a saint, but I could be if I
I’m sure at this point it’s been made painfully aware how much Gavin depends on drinking, sex, fights and so on to cope with how he feels. (Although he doesn’t show it) and while he knows he shouldn’t do so he tends to self sabotage his relationships out of fear of rejection, which usually works. He tends to use it as a shield while also feeling guilty about it, as well as feeling angry and wanting someone to blame. It’s a sort of vicious cycle he’s in and he’d really rather be better because he knows he could be. Gavin is painfully smart, a lot smarter than I think he’s given credit for and a lot smarter than he lets on. It’s part of what makes him good at his job (and he is good at his job when he wants to be of course.)
Sober up and settle down, give a little talk‘Bout how I can’t keep from runnin’ ‘roundSay it’s not your fault, oh, ohAnd I’m sorry I lie so much
Gavin lies, he lies and fronts and is aggressive because that’s his only defense. He can’t seem to get out of the cycle he’s put himself into even though he knows he could be better and even though he knows it’s not exactly good for him. Misery is a comfort to him, it’s all he’s ever known, pain and being alone is what he understands and anything outside of that frightens him. It frightens him because he’s scared it will end, scared about how much it’s going to hurt when he has to go back to what he knows. And it’s a case of a self-fulfilling prophecy. He pushes people away or doesn’t try and eventually they leave and it solidifies that beliefe that he can’t be happy, that he doesn’t deserve it and that any happiness he feels is a fluke and will eventually end. It’s scary for him because he can’t control another person and he thrives on being in control, having it taken from him or having to be out of control is mortifying and he never wants to feel like how he felt when he was a kid ever again. Unfortunately, he’s gone to extremes to do so and sadly it’s worked just how it was supposed to, whether he intended to do it or not.
I’m gonna give you fair warning that IWill be the reason for the tears in your eyes
Gavin knows how he is. He knows he’s messy, depressed, angry, jealous and possessive. He knows how he acts and how he keeps people at bay and he doesn’t know how not to do so. So when someone gets close to him he tends to lock up and try to warn them, another sort of self-fulfilling prophecy type of situation where he uses it both as a means of keeping people at bay and at removing responsibility from himself to try and avoid guilt. A lot of the time he’ll use the “Well I told you– I told you how I was. This always happens. It was bound to happen again” stuff as an excuse because he hates how guilty he feels and he doesn’t want to admit that vulnerability.
Fucked and drank all nightActed all alrightHad no need to fightTonight, tonight
As stated previously, Gavin uses sex, alcohol and so on to cope. It definitely helps him to release his built up aggression, his need for touch, and control. Effectively, it’s the perfect means of guarding himself. He’s allowed to be in full control, he can play the role of a charming stranger for the night, he receives touch and sexual attention with no strings. Usually, if he’s looking to sate that need he’ll avoid fighting and opt instead for keeping his face unbattered to better catch people’s eyes. Men or women or whatever he doesn’t care. As long as he gets to be in control he enjoys it. Every now and then he caves and submits, is raw and relinquishes control to his fling and disappears into the night glad to never see them again and have to deal with the baggage and embarrassment of them knowing some weakness he perceives himself to have.
Cast me far awayPlay these little gamesActin’ all okayToday, today
Using his anger as a shield, as well as his rather rough behavior towards friends and coworkers, comes to him like second nature. He’s been doing it for so long he can’t imagine not pushing people away. It’s effectively the way he keeps people’s eyes off of him, no one cares to look for long when they don’t care and when they don’t really know how deep that hurt runs. He’d rather he keep people at a distance and that they return the favor, it’s much safer for him like that. Tina, Christ, they don’t know how much he carries around or just what he’s gone through. And he likes it like that.
Oh, it’s just me, myself and ISolo ride until I die‘Cause I got me for life (Yeah)Oh, I don’t need a hand to holdEven when the night is coldI got that fire in my soul
Gavin effectively believes he’s going to die alone. He’s thought about it more than once, he’s thought about it when he was younger and he kind of tries to come to terms with that “fact” by ignoring it completely. He tries to convince himself and others that he’s better off alone and that he’ll be fine on his own. It’s a lie. He finds it really hard to trust people as a direct result of how much he was kicked around, abused, neglected and moved around like baggage as a child.
Hun, and as far as I can see, I just need privacyPlus a whole lot of tree, fuck all this modestyI just need space to do meGive the world what they’re tryna see […]‘Cause this hunger is drivin’ me, yeahI just need to be alone, I just need to be at homeUnderstand what I’m speakin’ onIf time is money I need a loanBut regardless I’ll always keep keepin’ onFuck fake friends!We don’t take L’s, we just make M’sWhile y'all follow, we just make trendsI’m right back to work when that break ends, yeah.
Everyone else in the precinct effectively has some kind of life, something outside of work. In my own personal headcanons, Tina is married, Chris is a father, Hank is babysitting Connor now that he works there. (no one with these muses has to agree to these I was just trying to flesh out the world Gavin is involved in) Everyone but Gavin at the office seems to have some sort of family or closeness outside of work. Gavin, however, does not. He’s given everything he can to this job, his career is everything to him and he uses it to keep people at bay once again. He is absolutely a very intelligent and driven man underneath all of his issues, and he’s smart enough to be bothered by the fact that he feels incredibly lonely. Yet, instead of changing, he once again just delves into his work, using anger as a means to guard himself claiming that he just needs his privacy, wants to focus on his career, trying to use his hunger to advance his career as a means to put himself above his coworkers.
Yeah, and I don’t like talkin’ to strangersSo get the fuck off me, I’m anxiousI’m tryna be cool, but I may just go ape shitSay “Fuck y'all!” to all of y'all facesIt changes though now that I’m famousEveryone knows how this lifestyle is dangerousBut I love it, the rush is amazin’Celebrate nightly and everyone ragesI found how to cope with my angersI’m swimmin’ in moneySwimmin’ in liquor, my liver is muddyBut it’s all good, I’m still sippin’ this bubblyThis shit is lovely, this shit ain’t random, I didn’t get luckyMade it right here ‘cause I’m sick with it, cuddyThey all take the money for grantedBut don’t want to work for it—tell me now, isn’t it funny? (Nah)
I really really think that Gav actually has anxiety and depression as a result of his trauma. This isn’t made very stereotypically obvious as he uses his sort of brutality and anger to overcompensate and impress people. But he can’t stand silence. He tends to bury that anxiety beneath his anger so he can more “safely” express it as “Fuck you”s and so on. Coping with his feelings via alcohol, fighting, looking for an adrenaline rush. He’s absolutely reckless sometimes both because he doesn’t care, and because he absolutely thinks he’s smart enough to get away with it. The success he’s achieved thus far isn’t something he ever places on luck no matter what, it’s the one thing he holds firm on that he worked hard for and he will without a doubt drag you if you’re not willing to put the time into your craft or goals to achieve it.
Yeah, lonely nights I laid awakePray to Lord my soul to takeMy heart’s become too cold to breakKnow I’m great, but I’m broke as hellHavin’ dreams that I’m foldin’ cakeAll my life I’ve been told to waitBut I'ma get it now, yeah, it’s no debate.
The detective has spent a lot of time on his own, that’s no surprise and I’ve probably overstated it at this point. The nights he doesn’t go out looking for a fight or fuck are… much worse honestly. He drinks himself into sleeping after a night of blasting music, screaming and howling into the night, breaking things and punching walls. Knowing full well he’s exempt from noise complaints being filed because of the landlord. He tries to do anything to drown out the noise in his head. Reed is completely aware of how cold he is, it keeps him safe but he’s absolutely broken up about it, although he’d never admit it and tries never to show it. Emotions have never been “safe” for Gavin to show, he’s been screamed at relentless inches from his face for it as a child, for crying for being sad, for being a child. Always pushed aside, never made a priority until much later in his life, until he self-sabotaged that too. Now that he’s been on his own for so long he’s not stopping for anything anymore, he’s going for what he wants and only what he wants even if it destroys him. He is angry and wounded about his past still and wants to hurt people because of it, wants to take it out on them, despite knowing it’s not really their fault. It’s just another unhealthy outlet.
Baby, I’m a bad boy, I might hurt youI need a therapist and a perc too[…] I ain’t got no drugs, I’m turnin’ to an asshole
This song effectively encompasses everything about Gavin’s front. It’s a lot more vulgar and Horny than the other songs on his playlist, the entire beat just radiates his energy and so do some really key lyrics. Reed, as stated before, tends to warn people that he’s an asshole when he’s gotten into relationships as a means of omitting guilt “when” it goes wrong and to keep himself safe. Despite being a cop now, Gav’s nose wasn’t always clean for lack of a better phrase. (While he’s mostly clean now he narrowly avoided getting into quite a lot of trouble.) While he’s aware he needs some form of professional help subconsciously, he’s far too afraid to get it for himself and doesn’t really see a point as he views himself a bit like a lost cause.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Selfish Pt.3 - Sheriff of Nottingham x Reader (Robin Hood 2018)
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Part 1 / Part 2
Author’s Note: Michael Buble lyrics...?! Yeah! Her home town may or may not be heavily influenced by my trip to Norway back in March... and the fact that we had a bunch of lectures on Vikings. ...And the show Vikings itself...!  I apologise for the length of time it’s taken to get this one out to you - basically I wrote all of it, then not only was it far too long, but I was attempting to get all the characters into their places for Part 1 / 2 (future state!) right away. Where as I realised I was allowed to do that bit by bit! Therefore I had to decide which went where... And opted for this order! (That means you may well get the other parts quicker, but I’m making no promises!)
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, his name was not my idea. It’s all Wikipedia’s fault! (More on that below!)
Premise: With an arranged marriage on the cards, all she wonders is who he is and what she could be getting into. Determined to use her strengths to his advantage, the Sheriff has a proposal for his bride-to-be...  Words: 6606 Warnings: None (Depending on your feelings for Arranged Marriage!)
I'm not surprised Not everything lasts I've broken my heart so many times I've stopped keepin' track. Talk myself in, I talk myself out I get all worked up than I let myself down. I tried so very hard not to lose it I came up with a million excuses I thought I thought of every possibility Oh I might have to wait, I'll never give up I guess it's half timing and the other half's luck Wherever you are, Whenever it's right You'll come out of nowhere and into my life And I know that we can be so amazing And baby your love is gonna change me And now I can see every possibility And somehow I know that it'll all turn out And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out And I promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get I just haven't met you yet And I know that we can be so amazing And being in your life is gonna change me
--- Quick note on his name: I did a fair amount of research when I began writing this. Because she would address him by name. And I wondered if there was a record of what his name should be... Turns out noone really knows. But , Wikipedia seems to have an idea? And also when I looked him up you get this nice piece of information: William de Wendenal (also William de Wendeval) was a Norman baron probably born during the mid-12th century. He was one of the highest officials left in charge of the Kingdom of England when King Richard the Lionheart was away at the Third Crusade to reclaim the Holy Land from the control of Saladin of the Ayyubid dynasty.
And considering our Sheriff and his big “plan” I thought it played perfectly.  Look out for future plot points ;)
--- The journey to England was far longer than she thought it would be. Though, that could be perhaps she was in nervous anticipation. Her father was doing this in order for his kingdom to strengthen. To create bonds and international ties; trade perhaps... Being the eldest daughter, however, she was to be married off to a King. Perhaps. If that’s how the people of England called it. Several of her sisters and brothers were making the trip too, and they clocked in at just under 20 strong. For Norsemen that was a formidable force.
She wasn’t particularly against the idea of arranged marriage. She had expected nothing less, given her upbringing. Still it was strange for her to think about marrying a man she barely knew. What would he have her do? Give everything she loved up? She had to prepare for that scenario. Or would he let her be herself. She wondered many other things about his personality, and his looks. What would he look like? How old would he be? 
She worried sometimes... but, was thankful that she knew her father wouldn’t marry her off to just anyone. He was a valiant warrior who earned the right to his kingdom and held the respect of everyone. He was a good family man too. She thought that a man like he would make an agreeable husband and only hoped her father would think the same. 
 The King listened seriously to Eskil’s proposal. He sighed; “It is regrettable for me to give you the news that myself and my sons are unfortunately spoken for. However, I would not lose hope. Your proposal is certainly not one I would have England pass up. You are most welcome here... We have many jurisdictions in our fair country of wide scope. They will not be Kings, as such, but they will run their land in a similar manner. Fine, respectable, men...” He thought on it for a moment. Who, though? He studied her very carefully. He had to make the right choice. To send her to the right part of the country. He couldn’t start this off on the wrong foot... it may end badly for everyone involved. Most Lords were old, ailing, through several wives and strings of children already. 
Eskil had travelled from the North to offer his eldest daughter. To offer trade and a treaty. The King began to narrow his options, the man had to clearly be single... or at least ACT single... for a trade to take place and the fact that the Norse Kingdoms all relied on ships, it would have to have a good water network. Coastal or by river... He titled his head, regarding her. She was young... all her best years ahead of her, she looked like she was what they called a Shield Maiden. Even if she was prepared to give that up, she was likely a free spirit. Which meant she’d need someone with some new age thinking...  Most of the real warriors were at war. So that narrowed his options down even more... hmmm... decisions, decisions... One of his advisors leant in “Your highness... I have a suggestion...” “Please, do...” if he was on the Kings list... “Why not send them to Nottingham.” .... Nottingham!? To William!? The King didn’t quite laugh; that silver-fox known playboy?? A string of 5 or 6 different women every other week? A man not to be tied down... just enough under the thumb of the church? He wasn’t sure sending him a wife for an arranged marriage would stand him in good graces with the Sheriff. However, when he thought about it, the man did fit the bill. He was old-er... but his management of Nottingham has been nothing short of incredible during this war effort. It could certainly be classed as a little new age management...
The King nodded, a fine suggestion. Maybe a woman such as her could finally whip that loose cannon into shape. She could be just what he needed. “There is a man who I can certainly send you to. His name is William de Wendenal. And I would not send you his way if I did not think he would be a good man for your daughter. He resides in Nottingham. It will be a few days ride North from is here in London, but it will be worth the trip. I shall send him a letter right away to inform him of your impending arrival. He is a Sheriff... a little more elected than a King... but he holds a wide jurisdiction none the less and it will be no less impressive. Enjoy the English countryside. And Nottingham itself is a spectacular city.” 
 The King has allowed them to stay in London to prepare for their ride North. But she spent the majority of it nervously pacing... William... William... the Sheriff of Nottingham.... she didn’t doubt that the King would keep his word and he would be a fitting match. A good man. But she knew nothing about him other than his name and title... she could only pray that she would like him... though she might have little choice on that... However, whenever she managed to get the King on his free time; he would sit her down and tell her stories about this man in Nottingham. He sounded like a good person, who did plenty of good things. She liked that, even though she hadn’t met him the King was allowing her to get a sense of the man she was likely to now marry. It made her excited to meet him in person, she couldn’t deny she might have feelings based on all these great stories… She hoped against hope that he might live up to them… In the Northern territory that the Sheriff commanded the feeling could not have been any more different. A letter from the King arriving made his heart swell at the honour, until he cracked the seal and read. “ARRANGED MARRIAGE-!? ME---!?” He turned to Tuck; his blue eyes hard “What is this-!? A jest-!?” Tuck gave a shrug “I wouldn’t have through the King would… joke about something like this Sir…” The Sheriff’s sigh was angry “Do we know anything about her!?!” “Besides what is in the letter for you? No. I wasn’t even aware of the content Sir…” His face pulled into an angry frown as his eyes scanned the parchment, hand to his forehead “Oh…” that groan didn’t sound all that pleasing to Tuck either “…She’s from the Nordics… Marrying me off for trade it seems. Well, she better be worth it.” The friar looked heavenward; Please God let it be good trade at least…!! The Sheriffs frown turned inquisitive for a second “Oh-! Her father is a King of a Norse Kingdom… I suppose that makes her a princess…” He pressed the corner of the letter to his lips curiously “…Does that make me… married up?” William threw the letter onto the table and turned back to Tuck; “Well. I suppose we best be getting Nottingham ready for their arrival.” Tuck decided there could be no better time to try a last-ditch effort; “Do you have to accept?” otherwise the Sheriff would be in a foul mood all week until they arrived. And if she wasn’t exactly right he’d be in a bad mood for life. That didn’t seem like something the people of Nottingham would want. Especially in the middle of this War. The Sheriff chuckled, darkly; “It’s from the KING, Tuck. There’s nothing else to say. Of course, I must accept.” ** Her sisters stood together giggling. The general consensus of their whispers was that whoever he was, the Sheriff was likely to be the worst one amongst them. She was determined to ignore that until she knew for sure. But the procession from Nottingham castle almost left her disheartened. And her sisters didn’t help. It got worse the most Lords that appeared. This was awful… This wasn’t what she wanted. Or expected. She should have known to keep her expectations low – hell, maybe her expectations were low and at this point they should have been through the floor. The line was still for a moment and she had a hard time not reaching out for her father to call it off. Her brothers all seemed to be uneasy as it was. None of them were likely to want her married to just anyone… She was glad for a moment that they might fight for this, instead of her. But then the doors opened again, and one last man swept out. Tall, lean, older by his grey – but neat – hair. He looked finely groomed, the type of man who would not tolerate one single thing out of place. He stepped in front of the line. Nope. THAT had to be him. Looking like a badass in a long grey leather trenchcoat. She found herself smiling and her eyes flicked to her sisters; tongues all held and regretting their words. William scanned the girls quickly. It was hard to tell the oldest… He was apparently being given the oldest. Only, he also felt he might get to choose. The King surely couldn’t expect him to marry one he wasn’t interested in. He was surprised the King expected him to marry at all. If this is your idea of reigning me in you have another thing coming… All of the females in front of him had their heads bowed forwards politely. Save for one. Standing slightly away from the others, she was placed with the men of the family. She intrigued him by how she was essentially stepping out of the line of respect. He found himself smiling internally. He liked her.  Askel was unconvinced “Dad he doesn’t even look like a warrior.. I don’t know about this!” She glared across at her brother, jabbing his arm with her elbow, she hissed “Be quiet! Askel!” Askel raised an eyebrow with a smirk “oh! She likes him already?!” Then his face fell, his eyes hard “Y/N! You haven’t even met the guy! You don’t know him!” She remained glaring at him, but Eskil, hearing his children bicker merely chuckled. If she had feelings for him already, it meant the King had probably made a good choice.  The Sheriff nodded politely to the Norse King. Respect was everything at this game. And if he would play it like a game, he would win it. “Eskil, King of the Northern Realms of the Northmen. Or… Southern realms from what I have gathered.” Geographically speaking, Eskil presided over a kingdom in the Southern part of his country. “The honour is mine. My name is William de Wendenal – The Sheriff here in Nottingham…” “Sheriff.” His English was spoken in an accent but was still understandable “We have heard much about you! And I certainly appreciate your willingness to see us.” The Sheriff didn’t think he had much of a choice, but held his tongue with the appropriate smile. “I believe we may have much to discuss…” “Certainly…” His curious blue eyes flicked to the row of girls now peaking at him from under their lashes, and then to the single woman alone. Her inquisitive stare respectful, like she was weighing him up. He thought she could be standing alone because she was not to be selected… Now he felt that she might be the woman he was here for. He asked the question by looking back to Eskil. “Ah-! Sheriff, of course. My daughter… Y/N…” He stepped to the side and held an arm out to bring her forward. Although her step seemed hesitant and shy, he could tell by those eyes that she really wasn’t. William offered her his hand, which she took. Allowing him to kiss the back of her palm; “Y/N…” OH-! To hear him say her name. He had an accent; one that fit with the English words she knew how to speak perfectly. Where every word was pronounced properly and without effort. And the blue eyes he was casting upon her were gorgeous, up close and in the sun like this… She prayed… Harder than maybe she ever had before that he was as good a man as he had been made out to be. “…It is a pleasure to finally make the acquaintance of such a woman as you… This is a great honour you are doing me…” He let her go, all too soon, with a respectful bow of his head and turned back to her father; “Eskil, you make an excellent point. There is much to attend to! Without further ado-! Please… Do step this way…” William took a step backwards, but did not turn his back on the King, his arm outstretched, reaching towards the doors he had just walked from. *** The sheriff considered the proposal carefully. As if he had a choice, he’d already read it whilst scoffing about the letter from the King. Because as if he’d get married...But now it was being spelt out for him. Now this girl... woman, he corrected himself, she’s a woman. ... was standing in front of him he was beginning to scrap all resistance. Marriage still wasn’t his thing. He would hold off from that as long as he was able. Just another way he could stay under the thumb of the church he had no doubt. But courting her...? She was respectfully quiet as her father set the terms.  They were good terms. They also meant that she would not be the only Norseman to stay. Her brother would set both her father and her at ease... and the Sheriff himself on edge. That was the point. Well, William wouldn’t argue with that one. He nodded along gently. “It all seems to be in order...” He stood, drawing himself to height. “I would gladly accept your proposals King Eskil. Nottingham and its rivers will welcome trade of any kind with your kingdom. I will also allow safe passage to continue your travels further into my jurisdiction, toward the farther reaches of the North of England. No trouble for you and your people of course. Adding your son, Askel to the guard of my fair city would give it power and guidance unlike it had seen before. And of course... his priority over Y/N will be respected...”
 His blue eyes flicked to her, this time her head was gently lowered. She was tense. He assumed she understood every word he was saying... if her father spoke English this well he would assume she could too... at least he hoped so. Communication was likely to be important here... The Sheriff took a step away from her father as he turned his attention to her, making her heart jump in her chest. “... As for the marriage proposal... on that I do accept all terms...” now those gorgeous hazel eyes met his. She looked a little fearful. A little hesitant. And the first thing he wanted to let her know is that he would not force this upon her. “... But I would wish to court your daughter first. Get to know her a little...” Her lips parted but whatever she was going to say got lost as she clamped her mouth shut with her lips. He turned back to Eskil “I will marry her. But it will be under the correct conditions.” Eskil gave a curt nod “I accept those terms Sheriff. I believe the King has made an agreeable choice.” He held out his hand, to which William had to smile, “I do my best.” “Yes. As you should.” That was much more a threat than Eskil’s smile gave away and the Sheriff knew it. Lay one finger on her when she didn’t want it and he’d be dead. Dead and likely to bring the wrath of a Norse kingdom raining down on Nottingham City. If not England. 
Kings be damned… 
 She watched her family leave. It had been a few days of the Sheriff allowing them to stay, for her to get accustomed to the principles of an English city. Askel had grumbled a lot, but she knew how much he really didn’t mind. This assignment would allow him to step out of their older brothers’ shadows. And he would enjoy it once he got used to it. 
But she had not spent any time alone with the man she was supposed to marry yet. And it made her exceedingly nervous. He was attractive, certainly more so than she could have hoped for, and he spoke with an authority that could be soft when he addressed her. He cared. He wanted to get to know her. He could have had her sitting next to him in silence for the rest of her life, but he didn’t seem like the type. Still, she didn’t know him. Did it matter that he looked so good if he was a monster? She left her window as soon as her family were out of sight. Tears stinging at her eyes. It was painful. She was independent, but it was still painful. Askel was up at her room before she got to the door. She turned; how did he get up here so fast?? “Didn’t you....?” “Wait? I said goodbye. I’m now concerned about you.” “Why.” “I don’t trust him. And I’m your only protection.” “... Well will you let me get to know him?” “Only because if you are to marry him you must...” he shook his head “I can’t believe father agreed to this.” She sighed gently “…I feel I could have done a lot worse.” “He’s not a warrior. By his age he never will be. What is he offering you? In return for all you have to offer him. It really is injustice.” “Askel...!! Right now I don’t know do I? I don’t know him... but you need to give me that CHANCE. Before I do have to marry him.” “Well that’s even worse. What if he decides never to marry you!?” “Well... maybe he won’t.” “I’ll have his head.” “Askel!!!” Her eyes widened and she looked up and down the corridor for those who might be listening, even though they were both speaking Norse. She didn’t want talk like that, she needed to believe this was all going to work. She needed to get to know him; which meant having her brother on side. This had to be successful. For both of them. Maybe he was forgetting that...
Maybe he was also forgetting that there was one of him, and a whole host of Nottingham guards that could take him on... On second thought maybe that Norse overconfidence was a good thing. 
She knocked gently at the door to his office. Her brother had been sceptical enough to have followed her here but she forbid him to enter the room. “Come.” It was single worded and harsh. As if he didn’t wish to be interrupted. She took a deep breath and opened the door, closing it behind her with another warning look to her brother. Stay out or else. “Oh. Y/N...!” He rose from his desk, papers almost instantly forgotten “... I apologise I did not expect to see you here so soon... I had thought you would want some time alone...?” The Sheriff crossed to her slowly, his body language open, calm... he remained at a respectful distance constantly. He spoke every word with great care too. Both in the ones he chose and the way he spoke them. She smiled; it was still not done in a way that made it sound like he was belittling her, only to make sure she understood. “Now my family are gone... I felt it necessary for us to spend some time together.” “... Alone?” His eyes flicked uncertainly to the door. She followed his line of sight “My brother is outside... but... I was just thinking... perhaps it would be best alone. I would very much like to get to know you...” He smiled then, “I would like to get to know you too, Y/N... is that the correct way to address you? If it should be something else...” She shook her hand “Y/N is fine...” then immediately took his prompt “...How should I address you.. Sheriff?” He smiled “That is your choice. Sheriff, Sir... William... it will naturally progress to Wil... always spelt with a single L... if you are to write to me. I pray that does not need to happen often...” he wouldn’t like to be far away from her whilst getting to know her, but he may need to deal with something outside of Nottingham from time to time. He thought on it for a moment. It would be much easier to take her with him. Then she would learn of his true reach. The power he controlled, that she would preside over with him. He had no doubt looking at her that this would be no ordinary marriage. William found that thought had him nodding to himself. Ordinary would not be what he was ever after as it was. He may not know about her yet, but he was certain the woman in front of him - looking at him with uncertainty in her eyes (that he would change. With time. He would make sure he was a good choice.) - would put him through his paces. ** She loved talking to him. She couldn’t deny that. How when he had finished attending to his duties, he would walk with her around the corridors of the castle. He liked to see her in sunlight she knew that by the way, depending on the time of day it was, he would look for and subsequently follow the sun. He seemed like a very private man, he showed emotion where appropriate but in all kept his cards close to his chest. He could get angry easily. She’d seen it, but he tried – if she was in the room and he knew she was present – to curb that. But that was all part of the job. And his work was not his private life. To her, he could open up a little. He told her about his family, where he had grown up with his parents in a town just outside of Nottingham. In the country. His father was a Lord of the Manor so, that paved the way for him to become Sheriff, and in his youth he’d moved around until he ended up in Nottingham. Then he had worked diligently to be in office. And here he was, and certainly not intent on giving up. Although, he did add when she questioned him, that he could leave… And he would likely go back to his family’s house if necessary. She told him about growing up in Stavanger – the capital of her father’s Kingdom – based on the sea with the towns spread into the country and she spend a lot of time growing up with her brothers. He loved hearing her talk about her siblings because it was a relationship he’d never got to have. And with one of them here, he hoped to get Askel to warm to him. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do. Clearly her older brother was here to protect her, and was therefore weary of the man that had been chosen. But he wanted to give Askel a good life. To prove himself. He had suggested that he begin training and sparing with the Nottingham guard. And apparently that hadn’t been a bad idea. At least Askel had smiled when she had translated it. On this particular day talk had awkwardly progressed to religion. He’d noticed her staring at the church more than once, and always hoped she wouldn’t ask. Inevitably today as they walked, she paused. Staring up at the structure visible from the courtyard “…What is that?” She asked like she knew it had significance. The Sheriff was hesitant; “OH… It’s…” She caught the movement of his head the shrug of his shoulders and the way he stretched his back. “…It’s a church. I mean, that one is slightly more significant than a lot of the little ones you might see… But… It is… the house of our God.” She raised an eyebrow; “A place of… worship?” “Yes, that’s exactly what it is.” “Oh.” She turned towards it again; “…God, singular. I have heard this notion…” “…Does it bother you?” He wanted to kick himself as soon as he said it. At the same time, he’d made a fair point – The North, from what he knew, had many Gods. To be expected to marry him, she would have to at least accept the idea of just one. The Church wouldn’t have anything less “No... But I would need to learn more…” She turned back to him expectantly and this time he tried his best to stutter through a sentence to no avail; “W-Well I – I – Uh… I Could-” He could not have been saved at a better time by a better man. “SHERIFF!! Sorry-! Sorry-! My apologies-! I just wanted to.. oh-! You have company…!” TUCK! The Sheriff turned on his heels with a genuine smile “Tuck! No! Not at all. Come here. You can help me with this…” The friar couldn’t help his look of surprise; “Oh! Of course-! Sir…!” He hurried down the corridor to them both “How may I assist.” “Tuck, this is Y/N… I have mentioned her a number of times but I believe I have not yet introduced the two of you…” “Oh! The girl from Stavanger! YES!” He took her hand excitedly “It is a pleasure to meet you- Now, forgive me if I get any of this wrong but…” Suddenly it was the Sheriff’s turn to be surprised as Tuck lapsed into Norse. William only recognised it from hearing her talk to her brother – and she was just as shocked as he was. But he watched the way that she lit up, hearing someone else speak her own language. That wasn’t happiness she’d yet shown around him, and he found himself disappointed. Tuck was giving her someone to talk to in her own language that wasn’t her brother, that wasn’t someone she knew. He’d made her happier in 5 seconds than the Sheriff had managed to make her in weeks. She laughed, and responded in kind. The natural way those words rolled off her lips – and she got animated. He wanted to watch this exchange go on all day… He found himself not only smiling but laughing – which turned the two of them back to him, with a pause in conversation. The Sheriff folded his arms “You wouldn’t happen to be able to explain the church in her own language now, Tuck, would you?” “Oh! Is that what you were asking me for Sir? I would certainly be happy to! Of course-!” “What did you want me for?” “Oh-! Sir, yes, Um… Pembroke said it was important. Something to do with the war effort. Though, I wouldn’t want to take you away from Y/N…” “No no…” He waved away the suggestion and turned back to her; “She is in good hands…” He bowed gently “You must forgive me my dear.” She gave a nod back; “I understand… you have work to do.” “I wish I did not.” “Hopefully you can hurry back.” “…Indeed…” He turned back to the friar “Thank you… I pray not to be long!” “Don’t worry, I’ll keep her company, Sir…” With that the Sheriff took off down the corridor – eager to return to the image of her he now couldn’t get out of his head. He paused, before he turned to run through the door, turning back to the two of them. Now lost back in Norse conversation. He smiled to himself; he would have to learn it. He vowed to learn it. It was the very least he could do… *** William had heard the term Shield Maiden mentioned far too many times now to believe that she wasn’t one. She’d even mentioned it herself, but said it wasn’t something they used. Women were warriors just as much as men were, if they wanted to be. Just because she was content to walk around the castle here as if she was a fair maiden – didn’t mean that was who she was. And he was concerned that she might become bored of it. 
“I have a job for you…” “Like a real job?” She sat back in her chair with a quizzical look “Yes. Like a real job.” “Isn’t my place here?” “Well, it could be… But, I want to put your skills to use… And I think you’ll enjoy it.” “My ‘job’ is to be a good woman, is it not?” He chuckled “If your father really sent you over here to get married and have children – nothing more – I have a feeling he sent the wrong daughter.” He waved a roll of parchment at her “I want you to take a look at this. Offer some fresh perspective.” He unfurled it “This is a map of Nottingham. What I would like you to do, if you want to, is head up our Security; our guards and defences. And I happen to think you’re the right person for the job.” She took to the map instantly, but her eyes flicked to his, and it was a tentative look. Was he serious? Her? He presented some more sheets to her; “This is a list of every man currently enrolled. Put them to good work.” “Why are these men not in the War?” She held a small teasing smile on her face that he didn’t miss. “Perhaps they should be – but someone has to defend Nottingham! Keep the peace at home too!” She laughed “Maybe I can free a few up for your effort…” Then looking to the map again she bit her lip “…I’m not forcing someone out of a role… Am I?” “Certainly not. Our Master of Arms has been on the way out for some time – I should think he would welcome this…” ** “So... tell me about her.” Lucien was always one to cut straight to it. “Y/N.. What do you need to know? I believe she will be more than competent at succeeding you…” “Ah-! She is from the North, of course. Formidable! And also female! It will certainly be a change. I am confident, however, that my men will handle it with respect…” “I am a little concerned with your men.” The Sheriff wondered how the majority would react being led by a woman. Even one like her. “They will treat her with respect so long as she does them, I will make sure. But I doubt that you would have seen her in combat.” “I would take a Shield Maiden at nothing less than her word.” “Oh. I do not doubt, Sheriff. Is she commanding?” “I would also suspect. She doesn’t take any nonsense from anyone. Not even her own family. She’s... possibly a little more outspoken than she comes across. She’s... trying to become a proper lady.” “Would you rather she wasn’t?” “Do you know another man in all the kingdoms who has had this privilege? I intend to make her, not break her.” “As long as you wise up to what may break her, Wil.” “Meaning-” Lucien looked at him with slight contempt “This one will not put up with your games for longer than she feels she must. You think a Shield Maiden would give anything of herself to a man who will not even give her his full attention?” Lucien’s words were sharp but true. “Do not. For the love of God, William, let this one return home. Because she will. I have no doubt. It might take her a while, if she has feeling for you at all. But eventually, she will know she is worth more than you think she is.” 
She was standing at the far end of the corridor, sword on her hip and bow across her body. He liked her already. He gave William a significant look – that conversation would come around again before long; the Sheriff knew. “My Lady. I am Lucien. Master of Arms. It is a pleasure to meet a Shield Maiden such as yourself.” She bowed gently “Y/N… Please… And it is an honour for me to meet the man who had served Nottingham for so long.” “Alright- what’s be been telling you!?” Lucien grinned, looking to the Sheriff, whose amused look told him he simply wouldn’t say. “And Nonsense! Honour! These boys deserve the real honour. They are tried and true. They will prove that to you themselves, but I can make you the promise that they will not let you down.” Lucien spent the next few minutes giving her a high level overview of how things in the guard worked. Similar to the information she had gathered from what William had already given her. She nodded along with everything. It was all as she expected it to be; it was nice for it all to be reaffirmed. “Any questions?” “Sir, I would very much like for you to transition me in. It would not feel proper of me to simply take this from you…” “Oh-! Miss.Y/N!” Lucien looked like he hadn’t expected it; she studied the Sheriff’s expression carefully – but it was reading as agreeable. “It would be my pleasure. We’ll have them up to scratch and following you to the letter in no time!” *** She’d been watching him for some time. And Marcus knew. It was starting to make him nervous. He wasn’t sure if it was with disapproval. But he was about the only one she didn’t offer a smile to as she watched.
She. Y/N… That was an interesting choice, but Marcus wasn’t deterred by that. In fact he saw it as refreshing; what would she bring from the Nordics that could help out Nottingham. She was the greatest gift in his book. The King was a fool not to use her in London. And Marcus hoped he’d never found out and pulled her back. However, she looked far less impressed with him than everyone else. She would tsk every so often, she would give a small shake of her head, she would ask Lucien questions and her eyes would flick to him and it made him nervous. This was all he had. There were several reprimanding reasons why Marcus couldn’t join the war effort. If she wasn’t impressed, the new head of Nottingham’s guard and security would surely throw him to the streets.
Apparently today, was such a day. After one final sigh she marched down the row of practicing soldiers to him and dragged him out. She was smaller than him. But her strength was incredible. “What??!” She pointed to the door “Leave.” “What?! Why I!” “Leave. Go, now.” Her English only held a slight accent, but it was almost icy. “But- my lady- I-! Please I-!” “I don’t want you here. Leave. Go.” “Lucien-!” Marcus pleaded. He had nothing. And the master at arms knew this. This was pretty much his life’s work. Even though he was young, what work could Marcus really do after this? “You heard her. Y/N is in charge now...” he didn’t even seem sympathetic. “But Sir...” She flicked her head again, and this time he obliged… one step at a time; “Where do I go...?” “The Sheriff’s office would be a good start. Marcus.” Lucien looked grave and Marcus suddenly felt cold - no! No, no, no! That was a guarantee to be banished from Nottingham and its surrounding counties. Not good enough for the guard. Not good enough for anything. The shield maiden looked across to Lucien and they both shared a look that Marcus could explain. Before she stepped towards him again and took his arm in her vice like grip. Geez! She was so strong!
The next thing he knew he was being literally dragged to the Sheriff’s office. “Wait here.” She pushed him to the wall and knocked; upon the Sheriff’s beckon she stepped inside. Marcus thought about stepping over and pressing his ear to the door. But he knew the wood was thick and it would look even worse if he was caught. He didn’t know how long he was standing outside anxious and alone with thoughts he didn’t like chasing themselves around his head. Long enough for training to clearly be over as Lucien appeared, refusing to acknowledge him as he stepped into the Sheriff’s office too. That was final then. Marcus’ life was almost guaranteed over. Eventually the door opened and Marcus was faced with Lucien again. “Sir I-” “Come in, Marcus.” He swallowed hard and entered. The Sheriff was sitting behind a desk fingers laced together pressed against his lips. She was standing just in front of it; arms folded. That same unreadable expression. Marcus turned to the Sheriff expectantly. Who shifted; “Marcus. Tell me how long you have been part of the guard here?” His eyes flicked between the three of them; no such luck. None was giving an inch “... since my late teens I suppose, Sir... over 15 years. But, I suppose as a real useful contributor, around 7 or 8.” He seemed to be trying to implore her, he hoped it was working. “And tell me why exactly you were not drafted?” Marcus found this an odd question for the Sheriff to ask. He would know, he was in charge of drafting. A good number of the guard had been drafted. But, Marcus had a reckless streak. Sometimes what he had to do came before what he was told to do. “I believe I was told I was too unruly for war... Sir.”
Then she smiled, it was small, bordering a smirk; and she turned to her lover with a raised eyebrow.. He nodded in confirmation and she turned back to Marcus with a renewed smile this time genuine, friendly; “Marcus. I have a proposition for you.” “A... proposition...? I’m... you’re not kicking me out?!” He couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice or the relief off his face “Told you he’s think that.” Lucien couldn’t help his chuckle. She unfolded her arms “No. The fact that you did not complain, get wound up, or protest even once despite me doing what I was doing further cements it. When I take control of security I’m going to need a right hand man. Someone I can trust.... I think I can trust you. You come highly recommended. You sound like the kind of man I need... I only hope that you will accept my offer?” “—! Me!? Your...” Marcus shut his mouth in order to compose himself “My lady I would be... honoured. To accept.” He gave a firm nod “I will not let you down.” “And he means it.” Lucien nodded to her “He’s a good choice.” She gave her own nod and walked forward. “Marcus. You do not have to address me so formally, please, Y/N is enough.” She held her hand out, and he knew immediately it was to shake, not kiss “...Y/N.” He shook it firmly with a smile, to which the Sheriff laughed. “This is going to be a great partnership.” She turned to him with a smile “Sir. We will endeavour to ensure your city is safe.” “Oh.” He leant back, and despite the other people in the room, gave a smirk meant only for her “That you will.”
--- GIF CREDITS: @dennismitchell & @benmendo 😘
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Somebody to love pt.2 ; Queen x reader x oc male
*Author’s note*
Okay people we have unfortunately reached the last update for the day. Now again I hope to have the next chapter up by my bday hopefully but I can’t make any promises cause I’ve got papers due in all my classes in the upcoming weeks all this month.
Now after the emotional roller coaster that I put you all through the last chapter, I bring you a FLUFFY fic. But I want you all to do something for me. I have linked in the fic the Queen concert from Montreal 1981 the full length version of the song Somebody to love, I want you ALL TO watch and listen to it if you can cause it will help with what I had in mind, especially towards the end of the fic. TRUST ME YOU’LL THANK ME LATER. Thank you all for that and I hope you all have enjoyed the binge reading that I have given you guys my lovely readers, followers and tagged people. Hope it lighten ups your day like Queen themselves.
Taglist (as usual open)
*February 14th, 1984*
I woke up in my hotel room to feel arms wrapped around my waist.  I moaned tiredly until I felt those arms wrap around me tighter bringing me closer to the person’s chest before I felt a series of delicate and gentle kisses go up my neck.  I smiled which in turned woke me up as I turned to see Jack.
The sun peeking through the white curtains made him look like an angel sent from heaven.
“G’morning.” He said with a smile.
“Morning,” he kissed my temple and I moaned out. “Ohh I can’t believe I still get to wake up next to you.”
“I hope you mean that as a compliment otherwise I’m offended.”
“Of course it’s a compliment you rotter! In fact that’s the highest compliment you will ever get from me.” I teased as I turned around and faced him.
God I can’t believe its been six months since we started dating each other and nine months since we first met at that bar.  I can’t believe that I managed to snag me a really great guy who has made me feel so much love in just one look than Adam ever did in the first three months.
“How did I ever get so lucky to get you as mine?” I said as I cupped his face in my hand.
��Just right place right time, I’m really glad I went into that bar that day. Literally the best night of my life.” I awed at him as our foreheads touched then just before we were about to kiss, the door knocked loudly and I heard Freddie’s voice say.
“You two better not be fucking in there!”
“Fuck off Fred!” I yelled at him.
“Naughty, naughty language darling, whatever happened to my sweet little Rock angel?” I rolled my eyes and got up.  I was wearing Jack’s Led Zeppelin shirt and nothing else, I went ahead and unlocked the door and opened it just a crack as I said.
“What do you want Fred? It’s 9am and not even you are up this early?”
“Remember darling we have an early sound check to get to because apparently new management for Madison Square Garden fucked up the last show and I don’t want a repeat of the Rainbow 74 concert regarding power failure, less we get a temperamental Roger on our hands.”
“Alright let us get ready and we’ll meet you boys down in the lobby.” I shut the door and I turned back towards Jack and said. “You heard the hysterical queen, so I shower first then you?”
“Why not shower together? We’d save water that way.” Jack said with a suggestive smirk.  I playfully tossed my pillow at him.
“You’re even dirtier than Roger.” I laughed as I headed into the bathroom and proceeded to get myself cleaned up before the concert tonight.
Later that day we arrived at Madison Square Garden and the minute I walked on stage, it felt like I was transported back in time to just 3 years ago when Freddie brought me up on stage to perform my first song.  God I can’t believe it was just 3 years, it felt longer than that but I am so grateful to once again grace this stage once more as a popular Rockstar instead of a new star.
“Brings back memories doesn’t it?” I turned around to see Freddie standing behind me.
“I still can’t believe it’s only been three years, it feels like a lifetime ago.”
“You’ve come such a long way since then darling, and the boys and I couldn’t be prouder of you.” I smiled as I felt Fred’s arms wrap around me and he gave me a quick kiss at the top of my head as he swayed me gently from side to side.
Later on in the day, Fred and I were doing some vocal warmups together while the rest of the boys were finishing up getting dressed and ready for the concert.  Jack was sitting on the couch right beside Deacy as he was giving him another tutoring tip on the bass guitar.
Soon one of the stage handlers told us that we had five minutes left till the show began.  Deacy and Jack cut the tutoring short and the boys and I left our dressing room and as we hung out backstage I got myself pumped up and ready for the show, holding my gifted red special that Brian gave me in Japan ready to go on first.
As the lights went off and the crowd cheered loudly, I began playing my first song “Who I am” and the concert officially began.
The concert went on successfully and now I had come up along with the boys as well as Jack to do a combine duet of singing “Somebody to love”.
“Thank you everyone, this next song is our Rock Angel’s favorite and we’re so proud to welcome a new bassist. He’s been a couple of the shows already and he’s very special to our little angel, please give it up for Mr. Jack Kline!” Jack soon came out onto the stage and waved to the crowd. I smiled at him and we both hugged each other as Freddie sat down at the piano and began to start the song.
Play concert *REQUIRED*
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Each morning I get up I die a little Can barely stand on my feet
Take a look in the mirror and cry
Lord, what you're doing to me I have spent all my years in believing you I just can't get no relief, Lord! Somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (somebody) Can anybody find me somebody to love?
        I then came up to the microphone and I began singing while my boys backed me up.
I work hard (she works hard) every day of my life I work 'til I ache in my bones At the end (at the end of the day) I take home my hard earned pay all on my own I get down (down) on my knees (knees) And I start to pray 'Til the tears run down from my eyes Lord, somebody (somebody), ooh somebody Can anybody find me somebody to love?
        I held the note and gave it a nice vibrato as Roger pounded the drums and at the next verse I gave it a little more soul as I put my body more into the song as I strutted across the stage.  At the ‘yeah, yeah’ part I pounded my fist in the air and could see from the lights people following my lead.
(She works hard every day) Every day
I try and I try and I try But everybody wants to put me down They say I'm going crazy They say I got a lot of water in my brain Ah, got no common sense I got nobody left to believe in Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Brian then began the guitar solo coming up front of the stage.  I smiled and joined along side him, the two of us keeping eye contact with each other occasionally smiling at each other as Fred soon came up and sang the next part while we backed him up.
Oh, Lord Ooh somebody, ooh somebody Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Got no feel, I got no rhythm I just keep losing my beat (you just keep losing and losing) I'm OK, I'm alright (he's alright, he's alright) I ain't gonna face no defeat I just gotta get out of this prison cell One day (someday) I'm gonna be free, Lord!
        Roger pounded the drums in a steady beat as I raised my hands in the air and began clapping to the rhythm of Rog’s drumbeats.  The crowd echoed me back and Fred soon said in the mic.
        “Alright New York we want to see all those hands. Every single person clapping along. Three. Four!” At the bridge we all sang along and I could hear the crowd singing back to us.
        I would look towards Jack and he’d wink at me and I’d do the same by blowing him a quick kiss as I went back to singing getting ready for my solo.
Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love love love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Somebody somebody
Somebody somebody Somebody find me Somebody find me somebody to love
Can anybody find me
Somebody to
I felt Jack’s hand then take mine and when I turned to face him, I noticed that he now had the bass guitar behind him and he was down on one knee.  Deacy then quickly gave him his microphone and Jack said into the microphone as the song suddenly stopped.
“(Y/n), words cannot describe what being with you these past several months have been like. But the one thing I knew that mattered was that you have made me happier than I ever thought I could be. And—and if you let me, I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way,” it was then Jack pulled out from his pocket a small black box.
The crowd all gasped and cheered as Jack opened the box and inside of it was a beautiful sterling silver engagement ring. I held my hands to my mouth as he finally finished.
“(Y/n) (l/n) my Rock Angel, will you marry me?”
*Jack’s POV*
I finally did it, I finally worked up the courage to finally propose to (y/n).  I can still remember back to when I first asked each member of Queen for their blessing before I did this, wanting to do this properly.  And thanks to the guys, this wouldn’t even be happening.
~Flashback to 2 weeks ago in Seattle, Washington~
We had just gotten done with the Seattle concert.  God I was so nervous but I knew I had to tell them, it’d be wrong not to ask them, they’re practically her family since she’s told me her parents are gone and her aunt and uncle disowned her for pursuing a music career in college.
I found Deacy cleaning up his bass guitar when I approached him.
“Hey Deacy,” he looked up and said.
“Ahh Jack come in, come in I was just cleaning up my bass before I packed her up. Hey great job out there on your first performance, I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks, hey John can I—can I ask you something?”
“Sure what is it?” My heart pounded and I was just about to race out of that room faster than a cheetah but I couldn’t back out of this, otherwise I may not get another ounce of courage to ask them again.
“Actually it’s something the rest of the guys need to hear, but not (y/n).”
“Of course, come on let’s head into the dressing room, they’re all probably still in there.” He set his bass guitar into its case and he lead me down the hallways towards the Queen dressing room.  Once we got there, Freddie and Roger were in their bathrobes and Brian was wiping his head with a towel of the sweat from the show.
“Ahh there he is. Jackie darling you and (y/n) were amazing up there!” Freddie proclaimed.
“Thanks Freddie.” I said with a smile.
“So you got the adrenaline rush yet kid?” asked Roger.
“A bit, is that what it’s like after you play for thousands of people?” I asked.
“Every night, your lovely lady can tell it better after her first performance.” Said Brian.
“Lads, Jack has something he’d like to tell us.” With that the boys of Queen gave me their full attention as they all sat down and looked right at me.
“Okay well……umm ehehe, well I know it hasn’t been a long time since we’ve been dating and hell it’s barely been a year since we’ve known each other but. I really, really care about (y/n) and….with each of your blessings. I would…..I want to ask (y/n) to marry me.”  They each looked at me intensely.
Ahh shit, I guess I should’ve waited.
The boys were silent as they each looked at me with either stoic faces, or wide eyes.  Brian who was one of the stoic ones said as he inhaled a breath of air.
“Could you give us a moment, please Jack?” I looked at him and he did his usual quick eyebrow quirk as a way to emphasize his point. Without saying another word, I got up from my seat and left their dressing room shutting the door behind me and waited.
*3rd Person POV*
The second Jack shut the door, Deacy turned to Brian and said.
“Why’d you do that?”
“I just wanted to see if he’d do it.” Brian joked. Roger scoffed out a chuckle. “So…..what do you guys think?”
“I honestly hoped this day wouldn’t come.” Said Roger.
“But it was inevitable Roger dear, we knew this day had to come.” Stated Freddie.
“But why did it have to come so soon?” Roger whined out. The boys then looked at each other in silent deliberation.
*Jack’s POV*
It felt like an eternity had passed by but when I looked down at my watch it was just ten minutes.  I sat beside the dressing room along the wall when I heard the door open. I quickly stood up and straightened myself out and Deacy soon came out, his hands in the pocket of his jacket.
“Will the defendant please reenter the court room? We the jury have reached our final decision.” I swallowed heavily but followed him back inside.  Deacy set me back down at the chair that now stood in front of the couch where Brian and Deacy took his seat beside him, Roger sat at my right while Freddie was to my left.
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“We’ve decided…..” Roger started. I turned towards him anticipating what would happen, “What did we decide?” he questioned as he turned to Deacy.
“Jack; you know that (y/n) has no other family member living or accepting of her choices. We the band members of Queen came to look at her as either a daughter, niece or sister the first day she came to us as an intern. And out of any boy in the world she could’ve chosen, any guy who would come to us to ask her for her hand in marriage…..we’re glad that it’s you.” Deacy said.  I looked at my mentor to see a smile spread across his face as he said, “It’s a yes from me.”
My heart skipped a beat.
“You’ve made her happier than we’ve ever seen her Jack. You both clearly belong together. You have my approval.” Brian stated with a gentle smile as well.  A smile soon came across my face and I felt a hand at my shoulder.  I turned to see Freddie standing over me and he said.
“It’s obvious our little Rock Angel loves you, and you clearly love her. Just make sure you give her the ring she deserves when you tell her.” I nodded and that’s when all of our attention turned to Roger.
Out of the four members of Queen, it was Roger’s approval I was seeking for the most.  He’s acted like a father to (y/n), and I knew that if I didn’t win his approval, then this proposal wouldn’t happen until he said he accepted me. Because I could never make her choose between the guys and me.
“Oh it’s my turn now?”
“Come of it Roger and just say it! You’re leaving the poor boy in suspense!” Freddie groaned out.  Roger sighed heavily and he said.
“(Y/n) has been my partner in crime, my sidekick, my best girl. I’ve seen her as my daughter and yet I share no blood ties with her whatsoever. I’ve looked after her for what feels like her entire life even though it’s only been 4 years. And I almost can’t bear to let her go so soon.” He stopped right there leaving me in anticipation.
Silence rang throughout the dressing room except for the light hums of the AC.  That’s when Roger looked me dead in the eye and said.
“But I think it’s time for me to finally step down, and let a new man take my place.”
At that moment, I knew what he meant.
Roger may not be the sentimental type, except towards (y/n) but hearing him call me a man instead of kid like he’s had since the beginning, I knew I had his acceptance.
I breathed out so much air, I thought I was going to pass out. I couldn’t believe it.  I had gotten Queen’s approval, (y/n)’s brother, uncles and father figures approval to marry her.
“Welcome to the family Jack!” Freddie cheered as he picked me up and immediately embraced me.  I let out a soft laugh as I hugged him back and that’s when Brian came up to me and the two of us hugged it out.  He patted my back and I did the same to him when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to come face to face with Deacy.
Brian stepped back and Deacy shook my shoulder before bringing me into a hug as he said in my ear.
“I told you, bass players always get the girl.” As we separated he gave me a quick wink and a grin telling me that he somehow knew this would all happen.  It was then Roger and I now stood face to face with each other.
Roger extended his hand out to me and I accepted what he wanted. I took his hand and the two of us shook on it, but suddenly I felt his arm wrap around me and was actually being hugged my Roger Taylor.
“Look after her for the both of us, promise me you’ll do that.” I heard his whisper to me.
“I promise.” I vowed.
It was after that they helped me with the best way to propose and that would be at the very first show (y/n) performed at, Madison Square Garden and since they were performing on Valentines day, it would be twice as romantic just like in a fairytale according to Freddie.  
They also helped me pick out the perfect ring by going in disguise to the jewelers with me to pick out the perfect ring and I managed to get me a sterling silver engagement ring with a big sized diamond ring at the center and engraved at the sides were mini diamonds with an intertwined band.
~End of Flashback 1st POV~
I couldn’t believe it.  Jack was proposing to me right here, right now.  Tears spilled down my face as smiled widely and I nodded not trusting my voice.
At my answer, the entire stadium went wild as Jack took the ring out and placed it on my left ring finger.  Once it was on, he stood up and I wrapped my arms around him kissing him with as much passion as I could before embracing him as the two of us swayed and the boys went straight to the last verse of the song.
Both Roger and Freddie alternating between the lead vocals.  Freddie would scatter some parts of the lyrics while Roger kept on beat with the amazing background vocals.
*Roger (Fred)*
Find me (find me)
Somebody to love (somebody to love) Find me
Somebody to love (To love, to love, to love)
Find me somebody to love (Ooh)
Find me somebody to love
(Can you find me, find me, find me, find me)
Find me somebody to love
Somebody to love (Ooh, somebody to love) *Fred (Roger)*
Somebody to love (Yeah) Find me, find me, (Yeah, yeah)
Find me somebody to love *Roger*
Yeah, yeah
By the end of the song, the boys rocked out hard. Roger played a long ending solo, Brian had his guitar carry the rift of the last part of the song for what felt like forever, Freddie banged on the piano with his forearm before leaving it and going towards Roger and doing their little stage acts they always do toward each other as Roger kept hitting the cymbals rapidly.
Once the song ended, people were roaring with applause, cameras were flashing and Freddie soon gestured towards Jack and me.
“Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Kline!”
After the concert was over, there was a small celebration for the engagement, Freddie giving out a small toast to Jack and I at a nearby bar.  And after the celebration, Jack had a mixtape playing on the stereo and for the rest of the night we swayed in a gentle dancing holding onto each other before ending it cuddling together in the bed.
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ruinmylifc · 5 years
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[ muse #1 ] ●● is that cillian murphy? no, that’s just dante armstrong, the 45 year old cismale who is a 𝐅𝐁𝐈 𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓. some say they’re self-destructive & unpredictable, but their family and friends will swear they’re efficient & candid. when i think of them, i think of at least sleepless nights, bullet proof vests, movie nights with the family, confidential case files, last minute therapy sessions, hidden gun holsters, sunday night roasts, clean shaves. i wonder if his family knows that 𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑. ●●
yeah, i did another thing and this one is gonna stick bc well... if you look under the cut i have given you all of dante and myself so i apologise for the length but it just flew out of me. i haven’t even put any wanted connections bc that would make it 10x longer. just love me and i will love you all the same.
trigger warnings: medical terminology, chronic illness, hospitals, vomiting mention.
i’m proud to present dante sean armstrong, eldest son of eris dorothy (nee may) and basil wayne armstrong. his sister was born two years later and then came his younger brother another three years after. 
his childhood wasn’t exactly rainbows and glorious days of splendor, but it wasn’t horrendous either. their family lived on a property in the countryside and owned some animals. farm work and chores were to be done every day as well as keeping up with their school work.
both of his parents were strict and enforced a lot of rules and there were to be no questions asked. they hounded into the three of them the importance of working hard and providing for the family and that’s stuck with dante. he wasn’t allowed to get away with the things some of the kids these days do ( eyes at all you rebel lil shits ) and dare he disrespect his parents, he’d be punished for it. 
UPDATED NOV 24: with that being said, his parents didn’t show their love physically but they showed it in a lot of other ways. long holidays to the beach, constantly spending time together on the lake, picnics, going to sporting events when they could, traveling sometimes, card game nights. spending quality time together was their way of showing love. to this day, that is still how they show their children their love. 
dante is incredibly intelligent ( unlike myself so i’m sorry pls bare with me ) and that could be seen from day dot. he was hitting milestones before the average child was and his parents saw potential in him. they pushed him harder than his siblings, with school work and work on the property. basil originally wanted dante to take over the property but once he hit high school, he knew there was no way he was going to be able to keep this boy there. 
he graduated high school top of his class with a full scholarship to boston uni for law, so he packed his bags and he was off. he only saw his family at major holidays whilst he was at college as he put his head down, bum up and studied hard with a job on the side. 
with that being said he played as hard as he worked and knows how to have fun, so he says anyway. when the armstrong wife comes along we will plot when they met and we will go from there but aside from that! he was a bit of a player, enjoying the attention and action if you catch my drift. 
UPDATED NOV 24: cue graduating college, moving to ashcroft in his early twenties and he went to work in the force for two-ish years until he was qualified, fit enough and had the experience to apply for the fbi as a special agent. blood, sweat and tears went into this passion of his and lord behold, he got in. it’s fair to say that dante should be married to his job, bc he honestly loves it so much and worked so hard to get in. it’s a bit sad. that’s where he’s been since his mid twenties. cue actual marriage and along came their first child.
UPDATED NOV 24: the main goal in his life when children started coming into the picture was to go out everyday and protect his family, no matter the cost. if he worked a 80 hour week to solve a case or to lock up criminals, then so be it. that was more people who cold potentially hurt his family behind bars.
dante is a family man as much as he can be, but he finds it hard to separate work and home as they both mean so much to him. so yes, he is a workaholic and the things he has seen through the years as brought him night terrors but he loves his family to death. anyone touches them and he will go wild.
ADDED NOV 24: dante is one of those parents that has always said it how it is, not wanting to lie (to a certain extent) to them or shielding them from the dangers of the real world. he is a softy especially in times when his family are upset, things are happening, appts needed, etc, but he shows a lot of tough love. before he joined the fbi and the kids were little, he was as soft as one could be but with the trials of his line of work, he had to learn to be tough. that unfortunately comes home with him, like his work.
ADDED NOV 24: if there is a problem, dante wants ppl to tell him about it straight away and not cut out minor details. he needs to know everything and as soon as possible so he can help, can work it out whether that be work, social life, family, etc. he is v unpredictable with his response too so one day if someone doesn’t come to him abt something for a long time, he could be rather tame and just move on with it. on another day, he could go off his rocker. you can’t really pick it esp when he comes across as being cold. (he’s not!! he is really warm with those he trusts and loves i SWEAR)
dante not long had become a supervisory special agent when mateo’s case came up. dante found himself being emotionally drawn to mateo and the situation at hand, having always struggled with not letting things get personal. so he offered him protection, took him in and opened up his home for him. of course, keeping him around is detrimental to the case and there’s no way he will be letting him go any time soon, but dante cannot help but feel protective over him. he is putting his family at risk by bringing him in but he doesn’t regret it and is more determined to resolve the case. 
UPDATED NOV 24: emilio is now caught and dante is suspended for using his weapon. now begins the process of gather evidence, trials, etc. 
he is completely unpredictable ; you may think he’ll react to a situation one way but will completely go the opposite. he says things that would be unexpected from him and he keeps shit real. he won’t sit there and talk abt the world being a wonderful place bc he will laugh in your face and tell you to fuck off to fairyland. he’s seen too much shit and done too much shit to know that life is not a movie.
he can come across as cold but he just doesn’t like to talk if he has nothing to say and he has a resting bitch face, sorry. 
UPDATED NOV 24: it can take a lot to anger dante but when he gets angry, oh you know about it. he’ll yell and throw things and throw a tantrum if it’s really bad but most of the time, he tries to keep quite calm. if it involves his family getting hurt, he’ll get violent, period. no one touches his family. 
THIS: as much as he keeps a guard up due to his job and is a somewhat strict parent and whatnot, he is a sweetheart. he’ll make his kids breakfast in bed on the weekends and would come in and kiss their heads when he’d come home from work and he’d be the one setting up easter egg hunts and is MUCH more affection than his own parents. his family’s happiness brings him happiness and they’re really the only people that see him smile often. also, he won’t go to work without telling them all he loves them. always. even if they’re sick of it.
UPDATED NOV 24: also, he beats himself up and is normally the one that tears himself down to shit. once he has his mind set in a bad way, he’ll tear himself to pieces and he really is his own worst enemy. and it’s bad. like, he beats himself up about everything and even won’t sleep at night over little things like having a fight with the kids, or not filling in paperwork right, or not speaking to his wife one night bc he is just too Stressed. v much is not okay
ADDED NOV 24: bc of this he tends to push ppl away, very badly too. he doesn’t think abt himself often and just wants to make those he loves happy, but he just??? can’t sometimes??? and i think that can be so frustrating
bonus point ; he is a very passionate lover!
in terms of his secret!! when he was in his final year of college, dante was mucking around with a group of friends throwing a football and tackling one another in between lectures. he had run backward off of the grass onto the path to catch the football and one of the guys ran and tackled him, knocking him to the ground with a very nasty blow to the head.
knocked out cold, dante was taken to the hospital were he had a severe concussion but there was no bleeding in or around the brain. 
after this he became violently ill ; he knew that concussion caused disorientation but this was weeks, even a couple months after the incident and he was still having trouble. he suffered from severe headaches, vomiting, eyesight troubles and even his personality changed. 
dante knew he wasn’t okay so he went to a couple doctors, had a bunch of neurological tests, ct and mri scans and he was then diagnosed with non-communicating acquired hydrocephalus. basically, the blow to his head caused one of the ventricles in his brain to block which restricted the flow of csf ( cerebrospinal fluid ).
with that, a shunt was surgically inserted in his brain to drain the excess fluid to other parts of his body and he has lived his life with this as his own personal secret. he hasn’t told his wife or children and his siblings and parents are the only ones who know ( bc they were by his side ofc ). 
UPDATED NOV 24: he’s had regular check ups every so many years and as of lately, the shunt has started to play up and he’s suffering from headaches for a while now. will he do anything abt it? probs not. there has been too much going on for him to even think about himself. 
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fireemblem7x · 5 years
Prototype supports
A- Happy April Fool’s!
B- no pranks here today, but in the spirit of fun, here’s a look at some prototype support conversations I wrote before we began production. some people say that the script is a little verbose and long-winded - this is certainly much closer to the simpler style of early GBAFE
-Marcus/Uther C
[Uther] Hey, you. [Marcus] Hm? Me, sir? [Uther] Yeah, what's your name? [Marcus] C-captain Marcus Alexander, son of Isaac the Dragon-blooded, knighted by- [Uther] That's great, kid. [Marcus] Kid? With respect, m'lord, I'm at least a year- [Uther] That's fantastic. Have you seen Madelyn around? [Marcus] Ah... I believe I may have seen her walking with Sir Harken- [Uther] Thanks. Seeya around, kid. [Marcus] My word... he's Lycia's future? -Marcus/Uther B [Uther] Mark! [Marcus] M-M'lord! [Uther] Easy, soldier. You're as stiff as they come, aren't you? [Marcus] I'm afraid I don't follow, sir. [Uther] Well, you've been with us since we departed from Pherae, right? [Marcus] That's correct, sir. [Uther] Yet, I've never seen you sit down. [Marcus] That's... that's a little ludicrous, sir. Of course I've sat down... [Uther] Never in my presence, though. [Marcus] W-well, that's a matter of code and respect, sir. [Uther] Uther. [Marcus] P-pardon? [Uther] I have a name. Uther. [Marcus] Sir Uther, then. [Uther] No, just call me Uther. [Marcus] ...of course. I have a request, though. [Uther] Name it. [Marcus] Don't call me Mark. [Uther] Ha! You got it, kid. You're alright. [Marcus] Sir, I'm older than you are. [Uther] Don't call me sir. [Marcus] Yes, m'lord. [Uther] ... -Marcus/Uther A [Uther] Marky, my boy! [Marcus] Y-yes, m'lord? [Uther] Uther. [Marcus] Yes, my apologies. [Uther] I wanted to talk to you about Elbert. [Marcus] Of course, sir. I'll be serving as Lord Elbert's attendant for many years to come. [Uther] Yeah. Does he seem like he's changed to you? [Marcus] Changed? [Uther] He's... I don't know. I really don't know what I'm asking. [Marcus] ...sh... should I leave? [Uther] What? No. Here, have a drink. [Marcus] ...alright. Perhaps you should explain your concerns? [Uther] Ah, I guess I'm worried that he's maturing too quickly; leaving me behind. Father's always berating me for being irresponsible - even Madelyn says I've the discipline of a child. I'm supposed to be Lycia's next leader, after all. [Marcus] I'd... I'd imagine it would be a large weight on your shoulders. [Uther] Yeah. I've got an eternity of paperwork and politics ahead of me, so I guess I'd rather enjoy myself while I can. Elbert, though... Elbert seems to fit nicely into that world. [Marcus] P-perhaps you should talk to him about it? [Uther] Oh, no. How would you start a conversation like that? 'Hey, I want you to be a child with me a little longer.' [Marcus] Uther. [Uther] Huh? [Marcus] You know Elbert better than I do, and even I know how he'd respond to that. [Uther] Heh.
[Marcus] 'You can be Eliwood's milk brother if you'd like.'
-Madelyn/Hassar C [Madelyn] Oh, hello there! [Hassar] Hm? [Madelyn] Hi! [Hassar] Hello. [Madelyn] Eheh... [Hassar] ... [Madelyn] ... [Hassar] ... [Madelyn] So, uh... [Hassar] Yes? [Madelyn] Um, so you're from the plains? [Hassar] Yeah. [Madelyn] Oh... that's neat. [Hassar] Mm. [Madelyn] ...ahh... [Hassar] ... [Madelyn] I'm Madelyn, by the way! [Hassar] I know. [Madelyn] Well... I'm pleased to meet you, Sir...? [Hassar] Hassar. [Madelyn] Hassar! That's a neat name. [Hassar] Thank you. [Madelyn] Does it mean anything? [Hassar] Yes. [Madelyn] ... [Hassar] ... [Madelyn] ...well? -Madelyn/Hassar B [Madelyn] Hassar, look! [Hassar] Hm? [Madelyn] Look, look! [Hassar] Berries? [Madelyn] Yes! [Hassar] ...what of them? [Madelyn] 'The fruit of the hawk,' right? [Hassar] No. These are tyralles. [Madelyn] Oh... I could have sworn I got it right this time... [Hassar] You were close. Tyralles are very similar to hassar in appearance and aroma. The only real difference is that tyralles are a potent poison, while hassar work as excellent vulnerary reagents. [Madelyn] ...p-poison? [Hassar] Yes. While nonlethal, tyralles will cripple their victim and send them into a state of shock. [Madelyn] Oh! O-oh my! [Hassar] Is there something wrong, Madelyn? [Madelyn] Oh, no! Nonono no! Oh dear, no! [Hassar] ...? [Madelyn] I've gotta go! [Hassar] ... -fade out then back in- [Hassar] I'm sure he forgives you. [Madelyn] H-h-how cuh... could he?! I c-could have kuh-killed him! [Hassar] No, you couldn't have. [Madelyn] Hassar! [Hassar] Yes? [Madelyn] I p-poisoned him! [Hassar] Calm down. [Madelyn] Stop it! Just stop it! [Hassar] ... [Madelyn] ...sniff. [Hassar] Listen, it's not that bad. [Madelyn] ...i-it is so... [Hassar] It isn't. I made the same mistake when I was younger. [Madelyn] Reh... really? [Hassar] Yeah. I was mixing a salve for my mother to treat a wound. [Madelyn] ...oh no... [Hassar] Mm. It sent her into convulsions and she bled out. [Madelyn] ...oh god, Hassar... I'm so sorry... [Hassar] It's alright. -Madelyn/Hassar A [Madelyn] Hey, Hassar? [Hassar] Mm? [Madelyn] Do... would you meet my father? [Hassar] ...Madelyn? [Madelyn] I don't... I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do... [Hassar] ... [Madelyn] ...a-and my father's a little... a little old fashioned... I mean... well... [Hassar] He wouldn't approve of his daughter marrying a savage. [Madelyn] Hassar! I didn't- [Hassar] No, it's fine. I understand what this means to you. [Madelyn] Mm. Even if there's no chance we'll recieve his blessing, I want to try. [Hassar] Of course. [Madelyn] Thank you, Hassar. [Hassar] Mm. 
-Shen/Gado C [Shen] Gado? [Gado] Yeah, s'me. [Shen] Ah. It was either you or a mule. [Gado] A mule? [Shen] You share a distinctive smell. [Gado] Hey! [Shen] Ahah, I jest. How are you coping with the job? [Gado] S'not like it's my first campaign, bro. [Shen] True enough. These fights are a little more intense than we're accustomed to, though. [Gado] You know me. My hide's thicker'n most! [Shen] Oh, I know. I doubt I'd be alive today if it weren't for your tenacity. [Gado] My what? Is this another stink joke!? [Shen] Hahahaha... Oh, my friend. How do people live without you in their lives? [Gado] Damn it, Shen! What's so funny? [Shen] Your naivete, Gado. [Gado] What? Argh! It's like y' live on a different world. Heck, even when I get th' jokes, I feel like you're laughing fer a whole other reason! [Shen] That's what I just said. -Shen/Gado B [Gado] Ho, Shen! [Shen] Hello, my friend. Do you need something? [Gado] Naw. Jus' takin' advantage of a lull in th' fightin'. These skirmishes are gettin' downright serious, but our allies are jus' laughing it off. [Shen] I'm certain that they are having as much trouble as we are, Gado. [Gado] If they are, they ain't showin' it! [Shen] To the eye, perhaps. I can hear the stress in their voices, brother. We aren't alone in this trial. [Gado] I s'pose. Knowin' there's a dozen men at our back is nice, but... [Shen] But? [Gado] It's nothin'. [Shen] I'm blind, Gado, not stupid. [Gado] Eheh. I'm just not used t' there bein' so many people around. Any one o' them could be a bounty hunter or assassin or thief - heck, some of them are! [Shen] We have made some enemies in this business, I admit - but these people are friends. We're all here for the same cause. [Gado] Th' gold? [Shen] No, Gado. For the Dara and for the fate of Elibe. [Gado] Oh. I'm here for th' gold. -Shen/Gado A [Shen] We've come some way, haven't we, friend? [Gado] Wh- oh, Shen. S'not often *you* sneak up on *me*. [Shen] Ha. Stranger things have happened. [Gado] Oh, don't I know it. This whole adventure's been nuts! [Shen] Indeed it has. Tell me, Gado, have you considered what you will do when this is all over? [Gado] Ah, well... I fig'red I'd just stick with you an' Celeste. Nothin' needs to change, right? [Shen] Unfortunately, the boss will be returning to Ilia with the prestige gained from this adventure. She has plans beyond our short campaign, Gado. [Gado] Oh... [Shen] So do I, as a matter of fact. [Gado] W-well, I'm sure I'll think'o somethin'! I'm the greatest axe on th' dark cont'nent, after all! There mus' be thousands o' jobs jus' waitin' for me to finish here! [Shen] I'm glad to hear that. I doubt I could retire in peace, knowing you were stranded and lost. [Gado] Retire? Shen, you can't retire! Y're way too young! [Shen] Young I may be, but we both know I'm not exactly in fighting form. [Gado] Shut up, Shen! You're more than a match for any o' these dorks, blind, armless and unconscious! Knowin' you were at my back, I never had e'en a second o' fear in my whole life. Y're like a... like one'o Elimine's disciples, sent down 'specially to keep me safe an' whole. If e'eryone had a friend like you, the whole world'd stop fightin' and talk out their problems o'er some mutton and ale. [Shen] ...hah. You really mean all that, Gado? [Gado] Well, sure. Just don't ask me t' repeat it. [Shen] Ahaha! Oh, my old friend. Come to the Isles with me. There'll be plenty of brutes for you to butt heads with, and I'll be able to relax. Maybe find myself a lady. [Gado] Does sound kinda nice, don't it? We should talk to Tristan. [Shen] Mm.
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amarauder · 6 years
chapter fifteen ❥ original
it’s a hate love thing original version
james potter x reader
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"Very good, Ms. L/n!" cried Professor McGonagall in praise, as her best student performed a tricky transfiguration by turning her own table into a barking dog. "Twenty points to Gryffindor for such an outstanding transfiguration!"
James groaned. McGonagall was always favoring Y/n for one thing or another and he was tired of it. But unfortunately, she had heard him groan, for she glared at him sharply.
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Potter?" she barked. "Perhaps you think Ms. L/n isn't as advanced as yourself. Let us see what you can do."
James picked up his wand, pointed it to his head, and transfigured his head into that of a fish. Everyone gasped, and McGonagall stared, speechless.
"Well, you've certainly proved me wrong, Potter! You're showing sixth-year transfiguration, which is more than I can say for most of you. Thirty points to Gryffindor!"
James smirked and glanced over at y/n, whose face was rather red. Ha! He knew he'd show her.
Y/n felt humiliated, and a surge of jealousy went through her. She had practiced the transfiguration of furniture into animals for nights on end, and here was James Potter showing off again by doing transfiguration that was well above O.W.L. levels. At least she'd be able to beat him in Charms, her best subject.
As class ended, James walked up to her and whispered, "Not so perfect, are you, L/n? McGonagall clearly thinks I'm more talented in Transfiguration than you are."
Y/n restrained tears from coming down. "Well, Potter, at least I can do better in Charms than you. You were the only one who had extra homework because you couldn't master the Summoning Charm. I can do charms that are well above Ordinary Wizard Level and maybe above N.E.W.T. levels."
James shook his head. When will L/n learn, he thought. I don't even care if she beats me in anything. I just like to get her riled up over something since she looks so pretty when she's mad. Wait, where did that thought come from?
"Why are you shaking your head, Potter? In denial?" Y/n smirked.
James rolled his eyes. "Y/n, I'd never be in denial for such a reason so trivial. Anyway..." He looked over her shoulder and groaned.
"It's Snape and his gang."
And it was. Snape was strutting along with his usual gang, and smiled widely at Y/n, who frowned back.
"Hello, Mudblood. Nice day, isn't it?"
Y/n glared at him. "Oh, very nice day, Snivellus. Your hair is actually less greasier than usual."
But both y/n and James noticed a considerable difference in their gang. Now following the Slytherin boys were two girls, each very different from each other.
The first one was tall and thin, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a look as if there was dung under her nose. She was standing next to Malfoy, who seemed to be smug about having a girl next to him. They knew who she was of course—this was Narcissa Black, Sirius' very own cousin.
The second one had long, dark hair and creamy eyelids that veiled dark black eyes. She was shorter than Narcissa, but still quite tall, and had a strange dark beauty that seemed to intrigue Y/n. She was Sirius' other cousin and Narcissa's sister, Bellatrix Black, and she stood next to Rodolphus Lestrange, who had his arm around her.
Bellatrix sneered at Y/n. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n L/n, the perfect girl of Gryffindor. And what a surprise, it's James Potter, my dear cousin's bestfriend."
James seethed in anger. "Stay away from L/n, you little—"
"Don't insult my girlfriend, Potter," snapped Lestrange, glaring at James forcefully. "I daresay she's much better looking than your Mudblood L/n and much more cleverer."
"Are you kidding me? Y/n's one of the cleverest students at Hogwarts, if not the cleverest. Your girlfriend can't even compare with her!"
The funny thing was, James didn't seem to deny the fact that Y/n wasn't his girlfriend.
Narcissa laughed. "Ah, now I see why you're friends with Sirius. You're just like him, arrogant, so full of yourselves. Pity, how your lives will end so shortly..."
The gang snickered, and Y/n's temper rose.
"Shut up, you stupid idiots! You're all going to be the ones who'll go first, since everyone in this school hates you already."
Avery, the newest member of their group, raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really, L/n? By the time the Dark Lord rises, you'll be dead, along with your mummy and daddy."
They laughed even harder. The rest of the Marauders and girls approached them. Sirius glanced at James with a puzzled expression.
"Hey, James, what's the hold-up? We have to go to Quidditch..." He trailed off as he saw who they were talking to.
Bellatrix smiled. "Well, if it isn't dear widdle Sirius, my favorite cousin." She sneered.
Sirius glared at her. "As far as I'm concerned, Bellatrix, you're no relative of mine. In fact, none of these worthless Blacks are."
Snape stared. "You do know that you're insulting your own family and yourself, don't you, Black?"
"I know very well what I'm saying, Snape. My family believes in a whole lot of crap, with their pureblooded speeches, and I can't stand it any longer. My mother, especially, and that cursed house-elf—"
"Kreacher is useful," interrupted Narcissa curtly.
"Oh, I didn't know Slytherins cared for someone or something other than themselves," snapped Sirius irritably.
Lestrange snorted. "Black, you are so thick at times, even though, for some reason, you get the best grades in our year..."
"Of course I do. After all, I try to stay away from my two cousins, so my intelligence improves."
Arabella glared at the whole lot of them. "C'mon, let's go. We don't want you guys to be late for Quidditch practice."
As they turned to go, Wilkes yelled, "Hey, Figg, want to go out with me?" All the Slytherins laughed uproariously at the comment.
Sirius shook with anger. "Those stupid prats," he mumbled. "Dating my cousins...soon I'll be the only Black left."
No one dared mention Sirius' parents or brother, for fear that he'd grow even angrier than before. Sirius absolutely abhorred his parents and brother, Regulus, for believing that the world should be rid of Muggle-borns and have all the purebloods rule the world.
"Are you all right, Sirius?" asked Violet tentatively, after a while.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just that—gosh, I have the most pathetic and idiotic family! I'm ashamed of them all—well, except for Andromeda. At least she doesn't believe in that pureblooded crap like the rest of my miserable family." He ended with a bitter tone of voice.
"Er—I think it's time for Quidditch practice, Sirius," said James, hoping to cheer up his best friend a bit. "I tell you, we'll be the death of Wood if we don't hurry."
"Oh, yeah, right." Sirius hurried off after James, still grumbling about his brother and his house-elf.
"Sad kid," said Jennifer, shaking her head.
"He does have a bad family," admitted Remus. "I mean, they do believe that the Muggle-borns should go back to 'their own world' and that the purebloods run the wizarding world—like how it used to be." He glanced sideways at Y/n.
"Well, you can't blame them for thinking that," said Y/n, shrugging. "I mean, some people just don't think that people like me should belong in their world. I'm fine with that."
"The Blacks have always been pureblooded, like the Malfoys, Lestranges...most of the Slytherins. They have a really long ancient history, even longer than Malfoy, though not as long as the Potters' ancestry. That's why Mrs. Black isn't too fond of Mr. and Mrs. Potter and their family...she was completely against having James over the summer." Remus sighed sadly. "She doesn't accept people like me, either, since I'm a—you know."
Jennifer glared angrily. "I can't believe them! No wonder why Sirius hates the lot."
Violet smiled sadly. "Well, I'm happy that my mother isn't as terrible as most Slytherins. She was deeply upset when she wasn't in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor—that's where most of my family's from—but she was euphoric when I got into Gryffindor. Poor Mum...she's always suffering taunts from the Ministry. Dad's always telling people off, maybe that's why he's not too popular."
"I like your dad," said Y/n, remembering smiling Mrs. Walker and enthusiastic Mr. Walker when they both hugged Violet at King's Cross last year.
"He's really jolly," agreed Jennifer, nodding. "Unlike my parents, they're a bit of a joke, especially my mum. Never really liked magic, her. Don't know why Dad married her...I s'pose it was just fate."
"Your dad's nice," offered Arabella, trying to cheer her friend up.
"I guess." Jennifer shrugged.
"Enough about families," said Remus briskly. "How about a game of chess in the common room?"
Everyone shrugged. "Sure."
While Remus and Arabella battled each other in chess with Remus and Violet watching, Y/n stared with her e/c orbs outside to the Quidditch field, where the Gryffindor team was practicing.
Sirius was having a jolly time of his own, whamming the Bludger across the field at unexpected teammates. Y/n smiled. She also saw James, but scoffed at him while he shot the Quaffle past the Keeper many times.
Unfortunately, the window was open, and y/n, before she could stop himself, called out, "Hey Potter, how about passing the Quaffle for once?"
Realizing her mistake, Y/n clapped her hands to her mouth, horrified, while the rest of her friends sniggered.
"Good one, n/n," said Arabella, trying to stifle her laugh.
James was startled at Y/n's voice and looked around to see her peering at him from Gryffindor Tower. He grinned.
"Hey, L/n, didn't know you admired me so much!"
y/n's face turned red and she glared at him. "Don't worry, Potter, I was just giving you a few tips to improve!"
The Gryffindor Keeper was not pleased at all.
"Potter, keep practicing!" he barked. "We have the match in less than one week. We don't want to be talking to people from other Houses, especially the Ravenclaws." He visibly shuddered.
"Nah, that was just l/n," said James disdainfully. "She was trying to give me a few 'pointers' and told me to pass the Quaffle more often. Stupid perfectionist."
"L/n? As in, Y/n l/n?" The Keeper suddenly looked interested. "Well, you'd better listen to her, Potter, she's a right genius, she is."
James rolled his eyes. Why did everyone laud y/n so? He was just as good as him, and all anyone's ever told him was to not play any pranks!
"Hey, Potter! Pass us the bloody Quaffle, for God's sake!" cried one of his fellow Chasers impatiently.
James thrust the red ball into the boy's hands and flew to where the right hoop was. He was positioned.
One of the Chasers threw the Quaffle to the other, who threw it to James. James did one of his famous feints and scored easily.
Their Keeper was very pleased and congratulated James throughout the whole practice, much to the disgust of y/n. She was even more disappointed that none of the other members of the team felt any spite toward James for showing off.
When she confided this to Sirius and Remus, James' two best friends, the next day, they both nearly laughed their heads off, much to her further displeasure.
"Don't be such a wet rag, Flower," said Sirius, rolling his eyes. "Jamie had to do a feint, how else was he supposed to get it through Wood's superb Keeping?"
"But still—" Y/n found that her argument was useless and huffed in indignation.
Remus tried to comfort her, which lessened her anger very slightly.
"Besides, y/n, that's one of the secret strategies as to how our Gryffindor team is the best," he said confidently. "Our feints have worked every time; the other Houses still don't realize that those are feints yet..."
"Daft, the whole lot of them," sneered Sirius.
y/n was thoroughly bewildered with their replies, half the reason being that she had no idea what feints were.
So she asked Arabella what feints were, which she regretted almost immediately after the words went out of her mouth.
"You don't know what feints are?" she cried, tears of mirth leaking from her brown eyes. "Oh, gee, n/n, I never knew you'd be this daft when Quidditch is the subject!"
She went on cackling the whole day, much to y/n's impatience and embarrassment.
"Well, it's not my fault," said y/n to herself, as she sank into a couch in the common room. "I mean, I may be good at academics, but I'm certainly not an expertise when it comes to Quidditch."
She hadn't noticed a certain black-haired boy sneak up from behind the couch she was sitting on.
"BOO!" James cried.
"ARGH!" screamed Y/n, her eyes widening. When she saw who it was, she narrowed her eyes and threw up her hands.
"What do you want from me, James Potter?" she demanded furiously.
"Go out with me," was James' simple reply.
"Not over your dead body!"
"Oh? I thought it was 'I wouldn't go out with you if it was competition between you and the giant squid'."
Most people would have preferred to die rather than to get Y/n into a fit, but James, on the other hand, wasn't "most people". So, he decided to take a chance, which, I might add, was a very poor one.
Y/n slapped him right across the face, where a bloody red mark appeared almost instantly. She grabbed her bag, which was lying at the foot of the couch, and stormed out of Gryffindor Tower, leaving a stunned James behind.
James was hurt. He never meant to make Y/n so angry, and was still unable to figure out why she still hated him so much. He thought that he had changed. He still hexed people that bothered him of course; why wouldn't he? But he stopped showing off, except for in Quidditch, where a little showing off was necessary. He stopped dating other girls and "dumped" Deanna Jackson, even though they weren't even going out as an official couple. He continued to call Y/n "L/n", though, because he was only returning the favor of being called "Potter". Other than those certain points, James Henry Potter thought that he had improved a lot since last month. But did it satisfy, y/n? No.
Sirius was no help to his problems, either. Even though they were best friends, and first mates, Sirius couldn't help him in the Department of Trying to Make Y/n Go Out With James Potter. Sirius offered to spy on "N/n" for him, but it turned out with disastrous effects.
Next, James tried to console himself with Remus, only to find that he was even worse than Sirius. Remus only told him, very wisely, that he should just forget about impressing y/n and get on with trying to redeem himself as a good person with good intentions and integrity. James had pondered over Remus' words and finally concluded that Remus did not understand his need to impress Y/n...but then again, he didn't understand it himself either.
He found no desire in seeking Peter for answers. For one thing, it would ruin his reputation to be asking Peter for help. It was usually the other way around, when Peter desperately begged James for advice, which mostly consisted of Potions homework and exams. For another thing, he had a shrewd suspicion that Peter would be an even worse adviser than Sirius and Remus put together—which was really saying something.
So James decided to let it go—for now, at least.
"James, here's the Quaffle!" cried Johnson, one of the Gryffindor Chasers.
James grabbed it, zoomed past several Ravenclaws, and spotted the Keeper, Bradley Kingston. He thought of shooting it directly, but thought better of it, since Kingston was an outstanding Keeper. James feinted his most complex and confusing feint, and shot the Quaffle easily through the left hoop. The cheers of Gryffindors were heard easily, even if you were miles away.
"He's so dreamy," said a second-year to her friend. "I wish he was my boyfriend."
"I heard he likes Y/n L/n, though," said her friend, sighing. "I wish I was her—but they say she hates him. But Y/n's so pretty and smart, she could have any boy in this school."
Y/n, fortunately, had not heard this, because she was too absorbed in the game itself. Even though she barely understood Quidditch, she knew the basic rules and felt light and giddy that Gryffindor was in the lead. If they beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin both, they would have the Quidditch Cup and have a good chance of winning the House Cup as well, as they have done for the past three years.
Violet noticed her friend's excitement. "Impressed with James' little feint, are you?" she teased.
y/n flushed. "Oh, Vi, stop it." But her cheeks burned with pleasure.
"James is looking at you, n/n," whispered Jennifer, while giggling with Arabella and Remus. "It's so romantic."
"Jen," said Y/n warningly. "I've no sort of good feelings for James Potter; he's an insufferable prat."
"Ah, well, we all have our faults," said Arabella, nodding, when Jennifer told her what happened woefully. "It's the simple disease of blindness."
"And Black makes an astounding hit that sends the Bludger to Davies!" cried the commentator. "Way to show those brains, Black!"
Sirius grinned at the comment and waved at his fellow Gryffindors, narrowly missing the Bludger that was sent back at him in revenge.
"Sirius!" gasped many of his fan-club members and ex-girlfriends. Arabella rolled her eyes.
"He's quite popular with the ladies," mused Jennifer.
"Of course," agreed Remus crisply. "Sirius has always been the ladies' man..."
"Except when dealing with ex-girlfriends," snapped Arabella. She was in a testy mood at that very moment.
"Oh—er—of course," stammered Remus, surprised at the outburst.
"AND BRACH CATCHES THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS TWO HUNDRED TO SIXTY!" cried the commentator, jumping up and down with excitement
All the Gryffindors stood up and cheered wildly. They streamed out to the field to hug all their team members, namely, James Potter and Sirius Black.
"Here we go again," murmured Y/n disgustedly as many girls swooned over James and Sirius as they kissed them impulsively.
"Good show, mate!" cried Remus, forgetting his usual reserved self. "Brilliant feint, James! Excellent hit, Sirius!"
James and Sirius merely chuckled at their friend's unusual behavior.
"So, Y/n," said James, leaning against his broom casually. "How did you think of my feint?"
"It was satisfactory," said Y/n haltingly, though she was rather amazed and impressed with it.
"Oh, y/n, don't lie," said Jennifer teasingly. To James, she said, "She loved it."
"I did not!" exclaimed Y/n hotly. "I mean—I didn't say—"
"Oi, Flower, chill," said Sirius soothingly. "You don't have to get so worked up."
"Oh, but—"
"—take a deep breath now—"
"—I never said it was bad, I said it was all right—"
"—forget all your worries—"
"Sirius, shut UP," snapped Y/n in frustration.
Sirius and James both sniggered at Y/n, and even Remus smiled slightly.
"Prats," she muttered under her breath.
"Now, now, Y/n, no bad language," said Sirius seriously (no pun intended)
"Oh, no, Sirius, I leave the bad language to you," said Y/n mockingly. "Really, you say f—" She stopped. "Never mind."
"What?" teased James. "Too good to swear?"
"In fact, yes, Potter. Swearing is for the weak and the uncontrollable."
"Huh?" Sirius was confused and scratched his head. No surprise there—Sirius was always confused about one thing or another.
"Yes, Sirius, we know you're confused," said Remus gently. "Don't work too hard now."
Everyone laughed except Arabella, who looked extremely indignant.
"He's not that daft!" she exclaimed, offended. "He has his moments...I mean, after all, he is one of the cleverest students in the school."
Y/n and James noticed how Bella never said Sirius' name, but always referred to him as "he".
"Now you're talking to me," said Sirius sourly, "after I tried about one hundred times to even look at me this past year."
Arabella turned red. "Well, you were rotten," she said loftily.
"Humph. Yeah? Well, does it matter if I say that I still like you?"
There was an eerie silence. Even the cheers in the distance from Gryffindors were muffled. Arabella couldn't believe what she was hearing and Sirius turned bright red at what he said, but everyone else, especially Y/n and James, their best friends, grinned knowingly.
"E-Excuse me?" she stammered.
Sirius was still in a ranting mood, because he continued on. "Bella, I really, really like you, and I can even go to extremes to say I love you. But my point is, I really miss you, and I know it was right rotten of me to snog Lori Paterson while telling you I was going somewhere different. I was seeing her for a week, but I guess my hormones at the beginning of the year were going haywire. I haven't dated a single girl in ages, because I'm thinking of you."
Arabella glared at him. "Hel-lo! Sirius! You've been making lovesick faces at girls since we broke up! You don't care about me, and I don't believe you one bit. Nice speech though. It almost did convince me for a second there." She dashed inside the castle without another word.
Everyone stared at Sirius, seeing his reaction. But he only muttered, "Should've known." He walked slowly and dejectedly back to the castle, not noticing many girls watching him with a lovesick expression. Because there was only one girl for him, and she hated him.
Y/n's eyes filled with tears. "B-Bella..." She started sobbing.
James put his arm around her, comforting her. For once, she didn't object and cried in his arms. Jennifer and Remus looked at each other, and then at Violet and Peter, who were completely bewildered by the sudden events that had occurred in less than ten minutes.
"Shall we all go back now?" asked Jennifer quietly. There was a murmur of assent and everyone went back to the castle, the euphoric at winning the match completely forgotten.
For the next few days, Arabella sulked in the fourth year girls' dormitory for nearly all day, except to go to classes. She wouldn't talk to Y/n, Jennifer, or Violet and lay in bed reading tragic love novels, like Romeo and Juliet. Her three best friends tried talking to her, but she ignored them. What was the good of even having friends when you couldn't get the boy you liked back because for fear he may break your heart again?
Life was definitely not far, especially for Arabella Figg. She had twisted ideas of maybe asking Dumbledore to change her into a Muggle or a Squib, so she could live in Surrey, be an old maid, and have twenty cats living with you, loving you, injuring you, etc. Bella had a suspicion that Dumbledore would refuse, even though he would probably be able to do it. In fact, she had gone so far with her plan that she actually asked Professor Dumbledore about it while passing him and McGonagall in the hallway.
Bella had gotten a light chuckle from the old wizard and a stern glare from McGonagall. Obviously she didn't understand Bella's feelings, so the whole idea was thrown into the trash.
When she had finally consoled herself to speak to her friends, they were alarmed at her idea about being a Muggle or Squib. Or, at least Jennifer and Violet were alarmed, while Y/n was snickering quietly to herself. The latter thought that she had a very, very odd best friend, though lovable just the same.
"McGonagall looked at me like I was insane," Arabella confided, frowning. "I don't know why, though."
Y/n burst out laughing. "Oh, God, Bella, that's the most HILARIOUS thing I've ever heard in my life!" She had tears coming down her eyes.
"Er—" Arabella looked quizzically at her friend. It was a perfectly normal idea to her, but then again, she wasn't quite normal as far as "normal" standards go.
Y/n wiped her eyes. "I mean, really, Bells, not many people at age fourteen want to be turned into a Muggle or Squib and live with cats all their lives. You can imagine the obvious humor in this."
Arabella thought about it. Well, it was a bit odd. Suddenly, she pictured herself ten years older, tripping over one of her cat's tail and breaking her leg, causing her to walk with crutches for a month. She rolled on the floor and went in hysterics along with Y/n, and were joined by Jennifer and Violet.
When the Marauders came into the girls' dormitory for a bit of entertainment, they were surprised and alarmed at four Gryffindor girls laughing their heads off about God-knows-what. They stared at them.
Y/n was the first to recover, since she was the first one in the hysterics. "Oh—hi—guys."
"Hi Y/n," said James, staring at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh—hi—James. You know—Bella—came—up—with—the—most—hilarious—idea—ever."
"Really?" said Sirius sarcastically. "Please enlighten us."
So Y/n went off to tell the boys the hilarious idea of Arabella's. James and Sirius were laughing too, Remus chuckling, and Peter just smiling like an idiot (which he is). After five minutes, everyone had calmed down and decided to play a game of Exploding Snap. However, the girls and the Marauders, with the exception of Arabella and Sirius, were plotting to get them together again.
"I say," whispered Jennifer, "that we ditch the old-fashioned closet trick. It doesn't work for stubborn prats like those two."
"But it worked the first time," whined James.
"Shut up, Potter," snapped y/n.
"My name is James."
"Well, I like Potter better."
"Well, you know what? You've just—"
"Hello?" Remus glared at his friend. "We're trying to help Bella and Sirius here."
"I think we should use the Astronomy Tower trick," said Y/n, her eyes shining with mischief. "I mean, it worked for Jenny and Remus."
"But that was only once," objected Jennifer, blushing.
James grinned. "I say we come up with a new plan, L/n. After all, Figg was the one who came up with Astronomy Tower thing in the first place."
"I suppose..." Y/n frowned. Why did James always have to be right?
"Look, I think that we should make Sirius rescue Bella, like a hero thing," said Remus. When no one interrupted him, he continued. "I mean, James, you and Sirius have always been doing the saving-people thing. So I think we should tell Sirius that Arabella is—er—hurt, or something, and he'll obviously rescue her. Right?"
"It's worth a shot," said Violet, smiling slightly. "But what happens if Sirius just scoffs and says that he doesn't care and that we should save Bella?"
Remus grinned. "Ah, that's where we make the story more drastic, Vi, my friend..."
"And," finished James, breathing quickly. "I suspect that the centaurs are nearly strangling Arabella right now..."
"Wait a minute," interrupted Sirius, frowning. "I'm not stupid, you know. Why don't all of you just rescue her, instead of asking me? Why am I so special?" He glanced suspiciously at all of them.
Everyone looked around at Violet, who had an "I told you so" look on her face.
Y/n scowled. "Sirius Black, just go and HELP her, for God's sake!"
Sirius sighed. "Oh, all right. Let me get my cloak..."
"See? Did I tell you it would work?" asked Remus, with a smug look on his face.
Violet rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. He'll find out that this was all a hoax any second now."
Sure enough, a yell was heard from outside the castle that startled everyone.
Yet again, Violet gave them a look that clearly said, "I told you so."
"Busted," whispered Jennifer.
"Big time," agreed James.
A few people in the common room sniggered, and Deanna shot death glares at Y/n, and mouthed "Boyfriend stealer".
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Looks like your ex-girlfriend is jealous, Potter."
"Stupid Sirius called us 'Y/n and James Potter'. Prat, he is..."
James chuckled. "Don't be so rough on my best friend, L/n. I can understand why he thought we did it."
"I can't."
"Well, because we've been doing most of the matchmaking around our little circle of friends. See, we do work well together—at times."
Y/n thought about it and realized that he was right. Gosh. She hated it when James was right.
"They should make me the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain for next year," said James after a while.
"Why? Don't show-off enough?"
James looked angrily at her. "Why do you always think I'm showing off, L/n? I deserve to be the captain! I mean, I've worked so hard on planning strategies with our dear captain, Wood, that—"
"Potter, does it occur to you that maybe someone else might deserve the place as captain? Why must you be the captain when there might be someone as able as you?"
"Hey, I work harder than any other member—"
"How do you know?" asked y/n saucily.
There was a silence that followed. The rest of their friends looked at each other, shaking their heads, as Y/n and James continued to bicker.
"Five points from Gryffindor, L/n," snapped Hurst, as they sat down for their usual Monday afternoon Potions class.
"Why?" asked Y/n, alarmed.
"You were being such a insufferable know-it-all again. Maybe you'd allow someone like Mr. Snape to answer these questions, instead of showing off yourself."
The Slytherins sniggered, and the Gryffindors shot Y/n extremely sympathetic looks.
"That stupid Hurst," muttered Sirius. "Making Y/n feel bad like that in front of all those Slytherins..."
"Well, now L/n knows that she really does show off," said James snottily.
Sirius looked around at him in surprise. "Y/n doesn't show off. She just knows the answer to the questions Hurst asks us."
"But she waves her arm around like it's a choice between life and death."
"I think that may be a bit drastic, James," said Remus, amused.
"Is there something you'd like to share with us, Potter? Black? Lupin?"
The three Marauders sat straight up and made innocent faces. "Of course not, Professor."
Hurst sneered, but said nothing. "Detention. All three of you."
"What?" demanded Sirius in horror. "We did do anything!"
"Ha! A likely story, Black. Detention, eight o'clock tonight, my office. You're going to be organizing some of my materials..."
James groaned inwardly. Being in Hurst's office right after dinner and cleaning and organizing his ingredients was not the best way to spend a Monday night. For all he knew, they could have been marauding around the school again under his Invisibility Cloak.
Y/n smirked. Shows Potter right, taking in class.
"Is there something very amusing, L/n?" snapped Hurst suddenly, stopping his lecture on Confusing Concoctions.
She was startled and ignored the snickering from the Slytherins and James. "Not at all, Professor Hurst," she said innocently.
"L/n, you will be joining Potter, Black, and Lupin in detention tonight."
"What! You—you can't do that!" cried Lily. She had maintained a spotless record so far without an absent, tardy, or detention mark. It was all Potter's fault.
"Indeed, I can, Ms. L/n," said Hurst with a sinister smile. The Slytherins were now positively roaring with delight. Four Gryffindors in one detention! Brilliant Hurst!
Y/n was fuming by the end of class and ran to Defense Against the Dark Arts, nearly running down first and second years who were going to Herbology and Transfiguration.
"Sorry," she mumbled, as she knocked down a third year.
"Hey, Y/n, wait up!" called Sirius, dragging James and Remus along with him. "Gosh, that girl can run fast—"
"Probably crying that she got her first detention," said James disdainfully. "Perfect L/n."
"That's a bit harsh, James," said Remus, frowning. "I mean, she was just smiling. Is that such a crime?"
"Technically, Remus, it is for Hurst."
Professor Wickham was leafing through the textbook when Y/n barged in, took her regular seat, and slammed her bag down on the table. Wickham was surprised.
"Is there something the matter, Y/n?"
"Oh, no, Professor," said Y/n, not looking up. "Not having a great day, that's all."
"Would you like to talk about it?" asked the young wizard sympathetically.
"No, no, it's all right." Y/n still did not look up.
The Marauders took the seats right behind Y/n so they could watch her for further breakdowns. But she acted like nothing happened, taking her dutiful notes.
"Are you all right, y/n?" whispered Arabella, when the class got settled.
"I'm fine."
"That was wicked of Hurst to give you your first detention. Shall we prank?"
y/n smiled weakly. "Nah. Leave the git...we'll deal with him on the last week of school."
On hearing the word "prank", the Marauders were distracted from Wickham's lecture on the three Unforgivables, as interesting as they were.
"They're planning something!" said Sirius excitedly. "Oh, if only we knew—"
"We should be taking notes, Sirius," snapped Remus, looking at Wickham with respect in his eyes. "Avada Kedavra is the Killing Curse in which..." He continued to mumble out important things.
"Wickham is so boring," said James, his eyelids drooping. "I mean, he's cool and everything, but his lectures are so soporific."
"They're interesting," said Remus practically, his gray eyes widening at something that Wickham had just said. He started to mumble again. "The Imperius Curse can only be restrained by few wizards and witches, namely Aurors..."
James had started to take notes like Remus as well, but Sirius was not interested at all. He quickly fell asleep a few minutes later, his head crashing into his parchment and quill on the table, his hair a few inches from his gleaming ink bottle.
"Mr. Black," said Wickham in an extremely amused tone, "would you like to join us now?"
Remus flushed and nudged, or rather jabbed, his friend with his elbow. Sirius woke up almost instantaneously, his head sore.
"Ow! What the hell, Remus..."
The class erupted into laughter, and Sirius turned pink, looking around sheepishly.
"Whoops...sorry Prof. Won't happen again."
"I'm sure I can trust you next time, Sirius," said Wickham, who looked as if he were trying not to laugh.
Y/n, Jennifer, and Violet giggled, but Arabella sniffed indignantly.
"Stupid idiot," she said scornfully.
"Would you like to tell us why you fell asleep, Mr. Black?" continued Wickham. He wasn't mad at all; he was merely curious at Sirius' behavior.
"Oh!" Sirius looked around for help from his friends, but they avoided eye contact with him, for fear of bursting out laughing. "Well, you see, Peter here"—he jabbed his finger toward his small friend at the end of the table—"was singing a lullaby."
Everyone was shaking with laughter, and Sirius was grinning as he continued in an earnest voice.
"So, Peter was singing a lullaby, and I immediately thought of pink bunny rabbits jumping over a fence. Then one of them couldn't jump as high and slammed"—he made a gesture by slamming his fist into his opposite hand—"into the fence and died. The other bunnies were very sad, and his mum and dad were crying. Oh yeah, his ex-girlfriends were sad too, but one of them started laughing and cut off his head for revenge."
The whole classroom went into hysterics; everyone rolled on the floor, laughing, except for Wickham, who was smiling amusedly.
"Ah, I see, Mr. Black. I suppose, Sirius, that that really happened?"
"Oh yes," said Sirius, nodding his head vigorously.
"Very well. Class dismissed."
"Sirius, you are a GENIUS when it comes to making everyone get out of class without a single note taken!" appraised James, still red from laughing.
"Quite," agreed Remus, chuckling.
"Oh, Sirius, you have to do that often!" exclaimed Jennifer, wiping her eyes. "It was hilarious, I tell you..."
"Yes, well, I am a genius, aren't I?" he asked, grinning modestly.
Dinner went by very quickly, and soon Y/n, James, Sirius, and Remus were heading down to Hurst's office for their detention.
"I still can't believe I got a detention!" moaned Y/n. "That'll show up on my file, it will, and Mum and Dad will be so disappointed!" She looked on the verge of crying.
"It's not that bad," said James gently. "I mean, we've all gotten hundreds of detentions—Sirius and I, at least, but Remus has hit ninety-nine tonight—and all the teachers still love us." He grinned toothily.
Y/n sighed. "You know, you really didn't make me feel better."
"Why? We still pass exams with the highest grades."
"Yeah, but it gives the teachers a lower trust in you."
"Oh, come on, Y/n, McGonagall loves you, for God's sake!" urged James. "And she's the strictest teacher in this school...besides Hurst, but he hates everyone but Slytherins, so...yeah."
"You're late. Another ten points from Gryffindor," snapped Hurst maliciously, as they entered his office. "Dear, dear, you shouldn't wander around the corridors, children."
The Marauders glared at him, but said nothing. He gave them instructions, and they started cleaning and organizing—without magic.
"Well, I suppose it isn't so bad," admitted Y/n, as she scrubbed and organized quickly and efficiently.
The other three Marauders stared at her.
"How do you do it so quick?" asked Remus in awe.
"I'm Muggle-born, and I help Mum with this kind of stuff all the time," said Y/n matter-of-factly.
"Using magic would make this so much simpler," groaned James.
"Well, it doesn't hurt to do some elbow-grease work for once in your life," said y/n smartly.
"But we're so used to magic, since we practically live on it."
"Well, it's not your fault. You don't have any Muggle blood in you."
"It can be a disadvantage at times like these," admitted James.
"Is Potter actually not being arrogant?" asked Y/n in mock horror. "Oh my...the world will end any minute now!"
"Oh, shut up, l/n."
"I was only acting," said Y/n smugly.
After an hour or so of the tedious work, Hurst came back and was amazed to find his office neat and very clean.
"Well, I think you've done enough," he said, sneering. "My, my, I should keep you in here tomorrow, since L/n does a better show of cleaning than you three when I have you here alone."
"Lousy git," muttered Sirius, as they left for Gryffindor Tower.
As they headed off to bed, James called, "Y/n! Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure," said Y/n uncertainly, ignoring the wink that Sirius sent her.
James took a deep breath. "Look, I'm really sorry about landing you in detention today."
"Huh?" Y/n was confused. "You didn't land me in detention—it was Hurst."
"Yeah, well." He shrugged. "I suppose it was kind of my fault, since we got the detention in the first place."
She snorted. "No hard feelings, Potter."
His face brightened and he grinned. James leaned closer to Y/n and kissed her.
It was like fireworks when it happened. Every part of Y/n's body was shaking as she slowly yielded to the demands of James' mouth. Neither of them understood what was happening. Y/n's long lashes brushed James' cheek, and her hand closed over the one that James had on her cheek.
Then James jumped up, breathless, and turned a deep shade of red.
"Y/n, I'm sorry," he whispered, and rushed up to his dormitory, leaving Y/n standing there, speechless.
She pondered on his purposes of kissing her when they weren't getting along very well, still. But as Y/n thought of the kiss, she smiled. It felt like heaven when her lips met James', and it was bliss. She felt as though every part of her would burst and that every worry she ever had was gone. Little did she know, Y/n L/n was slowly falling for James Potter—just like how all her friends told her.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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