#amarauder writings
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amarauder · 10 months ago
peter johnson and the flying wine bottles ♆ percy jackson x reader
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PAIRING; Percy Jackson x Neighbor! Reader
DATE; May 1st, 2024
WARNING; Illegal activities, aka buying alcohol illegally
A/N: IM BACK MOTHERFUCKERS. tehehe I know its been years oops. Not my best work but its here and thats all that matters to me at this point.
TRAILER; In which Percy Jackson meets his neighbor by accidentally almost killing himself and her multiple times.
Percy locks up his flat, double then triple checks everything is secure. He knows it’s a little over the top to be this careful with his security system, especially since his apartment complex is in the heart of New Rome. But after everything he has been through it gives him a little peace of mind knowing he is coming back to a hopefully monster-free apartment.
Things have been weird for Percy since Annabeth left. He hasn’t exactly hit the devastated stage that everyone, including him thought would be his reaction. Instead, it’s been like he has been going through the motions. Nothing has been that bad or great, just kind of there.
Piper has concluded that he is in shock. He suspects that she’s right. It’s almost like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like Annabeth’s on a quest and he hasn’t heard from her for a few weeks and he’s a bit concerned for her well-being. But it’s been a little over two months now and Percy hasn’t felt any different.
 The only difference that Percy has felt is annoyance towards Piper. She won’t stop badgering him about meeting this girl. It’s constant, nonstop talking about how they would be perfect for each other and how Percy just needs to get back out there.
The only thing Percy needs is a break. A break from all the sympathetic stares, the hopeful girls, and gods forbid Piper. He knows that she has his best interest at heart. He appreciates it, he really does. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever his friends want to do something nice for him, but this just isn’t what Percy needs or wants right now.
What Percy needs is some time with his friends and maybe some free food which is exactly why he is heading over to Leo’s for a BBQ with the gang.
Stuffing his keys into his pocket, he heads over to the elevator then promptly almost dies tripping over air. It’s then that Percy realizes that he actually hadn’t fallen over air, he tripped over what looked like either a really long root or a vine? What the Hades? How did that get there?
He goes to pick it up when he realizes there’s a girl standing there waiting for the elevator. She’s holding a wine bottle, and what looks like the biggest plant Percy has ever seen. It would explain where the weird vine-root thing came from.
“Hey,” he starts, only to be interrupted by a scream and a face full of soil.
“Oh my God!” Screeches the plant. It takes Percy a second to realize that it is in fact the girl screaming and not the plant. To be fair, Percy has seen too many outer-worldly oddities in his life, he wouldn’t be surprised if it was the plant talking. “I am so sorry!”
Percy laughs and rubs dirt off his face, “Don’t be. I shouldn’t have scared you.” When he finally gets all the dirt off, Percy realizes she put the plant down. She’s pretty. Like really pretty actually. It takes Percy’s brain a second to catch up to all this new information.
She waves his apology away, “I scare way too easily. You should see me during October.”
“Halloween can get pretty spooky around here.” She tilts her head to the side in a way that remind him of a cute puppy. “Cause all the ghosts, ya know?”
Her eyes widen, “There are ghosts here?”
“Yeah, you haven’t seen them?” She shakes her head, “There’s one named Vector. He’s my favorite.”
“Why am I even surprised? My Mom is a Greek god. Of course there would be ghosts! What’s next? Flying monkeys?”
Percy’s lips quirked, “Don’t give them that idea.”
She laughed and Percy’s chest tightened. “What’s your name?”
“Percy. Yours?”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before. Did you move in recently?” Percy knows he would have noticed or remembered her.
She puts her finger next to her lips. Percy is momentarily entranced. “I think around a month ago. I just started at New Rome University.” As she was chattering on about college Percy noticed the wine bottle slowly starting to slip out of her grip. Thanks to his demigod reflexes, Percy caught the bottle just in time.
“Oh!” She said in surprise. “Thanks! I didn’t even know it was falling.”
“No worries. I got it.” The elevator dings and they both head in. College? They were about a quarter into the fall semester. “What are you studying?”
Percy’s eyebrows rise. That was not what he was expecting.  “Cool, my best friend from home is really into plants and stuff.”
Y/N’s lips quirked, “Plants and stuff?”
Percy smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. Thankfully, he was saved from answering by the elevator. Even though he was glad he didn’t have to answer to his stupidity, Percy still felt a pang in his chest. He really didn’t want to part from her but didn’t know how to tell her that without sounding creepy. She gives him good vibes. Percy’s always loved people like that.
“Where are you headed off too?” He eventually asks after sneaking what he hopes is casual glances at her as they exit the building.
She bounces on her toes a bit, “This girl I just met invited me to their friend’s place. I’m a bit nervous to be honest. I don’t know anyone besides her.”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’ve loved talking to you and we’ve only just met.” Percy’s face went beet red. That was not how it was supposed to come out. “I-I mean you’ve been fun to talk to.”
They both laugh for a second, falling quiet quickly enough to make Percy feel awkward. He wishes he had more to say, if only to keep Y/N around him a little longer.
Y/N beams, “Thanks, Percy. I’m glad that I finally met someone in this apartment complex. Everyone here seems like busy bodies and never wants to talk.”
Percy shrugs. He’s noticed that too but never felt too bothered by it. Though, he isn’t the one who moved away from friends. “You get used to it. Here’s your wine bottle.” He hands her the wine bottle and Percy swears he gets déjà vu from a few minutes ago. Just as the wine bottle leaves his fingertips its soaring to the floor and crashes all over both of them. Fortunately, Percy isn’t hurt but he’s more concerned about Y/N to care.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Y/N puffs out she looks more shocked than anything. Percy feels like a giant idiot. First, he scares her, and Y/N’s plant almost goes flying everywhere. Then, he distracts her enough to almost drop the bottle. Now, after all of that mess he literally just fucks it all up. What are the odds?
It seems Y/N read his mind because she starts to giggle, “I think the Gods just don’t want me to bring wine today.”
As soon as they clean up the mess they head out. Percy had almost cut himself on the glass once or twice but he couldn’t complain much. He had been through worse things than a cut. Both of them had mumbled to each other the entire time about Why the Gods had decided the third time was the charm but decided against mentioning anything else as Y/N still had her plant to carry the rest of the way.
Percy only wishes that Mr. D was here to witness this. He could practically hear the “Peter Johnson!” from New Rome.
“Where are you headed too?” Y/N questions as they both come to a complete stop outside the building.
“To buy you a new wine bottle.” Percy says gesturing with his head towards town. He knows he’ll be late to Leo’s thing, but he can’t really bring himself to care. Percy also knows that Leo, out of all people, will be understanding especially if he mentions a girl.
“What?” Y/N says and grabs his arm, effectively stopping him. “No way. I am not allowing you to buy me a new wine bottle. I was the one who dropped it.”
Percy will admit that it was mostly her fault. It had been in her hands when the accident occurred. But Percy was first and foremost Sally Jackson’s son and if Sally taught him anything it was how to be polite to a pretty girl. “I was the one handing it to you.”
Y/N crosses her arms and shakes her head stubbornly. “No way, Percy! I am not allowing you to buy me one. I’ll buy my own and be on my way.”
“Fine but at least let me walk you to the wine store.” Y/N seems to consider this as her eyebrows scrunch a little less but she still doesn’t uncross her arms. She seems to agree nonverbally since she starts to walk with him.
“So, Do you know Mr.D?”
“Mr.D,” Percy confirms, “Dionysus? Camp Half-Blood’s camp director?”
“Oh,” Y/N murmurs, “I’ve heard of him from my friend, but I’ve never been to Camp Half-Blood.”
“Did you go to Camp Jupiter then?”
She shakes her head. Percy is officially confused. Where did she grow up then? How did she stay away from monsters? “I’m lost. Were you at home then?”
“For some reason, I never really got into trouble with monsters. Sure, weird stuff would happen to me throughout the years but my teachers would just put it off as overactive imagination. It wasn’t until my high school graduation that a monster came after me and my Dad finally brought me here. Next thing I know I’m enrolled at New Rome with my own apartment. What about you?” She questions innocently.
Percy huffs out a laugh. Oh, where to start. He settles on a simple, “I grew up at Camp Half-Blood.”
Y/N nods mutely. It gets a little awkward for a second and Percy wishes he paid a little more attention to his Mom’s rom-com movies. He’s never met a girl like this before. The only other girl he had ever been interested in was Annabeth and they had been friends forever before they even started dating. He was treading new waters.
Fortunately, they turned the corner and the wine store was a few steps away. “There it is,” Percy said and pointed. He was starting to feel nervous and he didn’t know why. Y/N went to open the door, but Percy beat her to it.
She turns around with a teasing smile on her face, “Thanks, Percy. So, want to tell me if your legal or not?”
It takes Percy a second to realize what she is talking about. Oh, buying alcohol. “Yeah, I’m 21. How old are you?”
Oh. Oh. Percy shrugs, he’s certainly not one to shy away from illegal adventures. (A/N: DO NOT DRINK ILLEGALLY KIDDOS. NOT COOL AT ALL.) That would just be hypocritical.
Y/N heads over to the wine section and Percy follows after her like a lame, lost puppy. He needs to start acting a little cooler.
“White or red?” Percy asks.
“Champagne.” She answers immediately, with no hesitation. Alright, champagne it is. That’s a little too fancy for Percy’s taste. He’s more of a red Josh man but to each their own. He likes his six-dollar wine, thank you very much. Judgement is not tolerated within this household.
“Perfect” she says and grabs the champagne before making a beeline to the counter. Percy races after her digging for his wallet. He was not about to let her pay. He finally fishes it out of his pocket and waits for the man to check her out.
While Percy is waiting, he can’t help but admire her. She chatters away to the man as he looks over what Percy is assuming her fake ID. Making small talk in a way Percy never could.
The man gives it back to her and rings her up, “19 dollars and 75 cents, ma’am.”
Percy is quick to give his card to the dude. The cash register guy sighs and Y/N looks appalled. “No way. I am paying for it, Percy!”
He gently nudges her out of the away and hands the card over to him. He rolls his eyes, “I don’t care which one of you is going to sugar-mama the other. But whoever pays I have to see some ID.”
Percy digs in his pocket for his identification and hands it over. The man’s eyes widen, he looks at the picture then back to Percy. “You’re Percy Jack-“
“Yup,” Percy interrupts. He isn’t self-centered enough to think that Y/N has heard of him before but just in case, Percy wants to keep that information to himself for now.
The man’s demeanor instantly changes now that he knows who he is cashing out. “Have a good rest of your day!” He yells cheerily after him. When they head out, Percy can hear him whisper-yelling to his coworker about who he just checked out.
Y/N looks a little alarmed at the situation, especially probably the way Percy rushed her out. “What was that about?”
“Nothing” Percy waves her away. “That guy was just” He hesitates, “Weird.”
She makes a face, “Yeah, he really was. I can’t believe we did it though! I have never used my fake before.”
Percy takes a step back, “What? How did you get the wine from earlier then?”
“Oh, my Dad bought that for me.” Percy scoffs, Sally would be disappointed to find out that he was anywhere near alcohol. The thought fills him with a little guilt. She smiles and Percy’s chest hurts a little. This is where they say goodbye he realizes. “Well, it was really nice to meet you, Percy. I’m glad the Gods made our paths cross.”
He grins, “Me too, Y/N. I’ll see you around.”
“Bye, Percy.”
As Percy heads over to Leo’s place, he realizes how fast his heart is pounding and he can’t stop smiling. Somehow, he knows it’s not from their illegal adventure.
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sirius-archive · 3 years ago
Chaos theory update
So I made a post a while ago that I was thinking of completely revamping the series. I’ve gone ahead and started planning it out and I’m actually really excited! I think a revamp was exactly what I needed to get me hyped again. I’ve also started rereading the first book and that’s got me inspired too.
Anyway, the real question I have for you is what you’d like your pet to be? An owl or a cat? If an owl, what type? I was thinking of a snowy owl or an eagle owl but both are beautiful.
Tagging everyone on the CT tag list bc I’d rlly appreciate the feedback! I may tag you guys in a few posts in the near future as I continue to plan to get opinions etc!
@marauderskeeper @weaselby418 8 @acciorinn @hervench @steph-fowlie e @lilulo-12 @seunlight @thebesteleganttrashyouseen @elsie2018 @polkadotfairyposts @hylianhighlander @dracosdoves s @siriuswitches @bernadineisreborn @lousimusician cian @smolldork @danidomm @ashkuuuu @sly-vixen-up2nogood @tchalland @lucifersnipnips @notorious-fiction @peppermintspecks @sleep-i-ness @reducto-bitch @who-said @mhftrs @whimsicalangels1234 @kneekoteen @steve-thotgers @qrangr @valiantlynervouschaosuniver-blog @bennie-badeend @gryffinclxw @fallern618 @alyenaaa @dammit-scamander @kararanae23 @myhopeisinfinite @blaised-zabini @poppykoke@swansong321
@dammit-scamander @expellimarvelous @writing-for-a-chance @dynamicxdamsel @oliviaharddyy @padfootersblog @geeky-sydney3 @randomoutsiders @heqrics @marshmallowwisp @sugajam-z @lowkeyweasley
@seriouslynogood @fullmoonremus @blackisforpink @laazullii @itssosopia @random-things-thing @deeveenee @lahoete e @urlindah @miraclesoflove @odinsvn @imaginexmeintheuniverse @pancakefancake @xinyourdreamsx @fiantomartell @221bee-slytherin @ranhanabi777 @tomshollandz @alohamadison @rogerscreaming @amarauder @unknowingfuck @21bruhs
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stargirlrchive · 7 years ago
Wedding Season - James p.1
James Potter x Reader
masterlist ; prompt list
wedding season masterlist
word count : 966
disclaimer: (gif isn’t mine) mention of death! but like not too much but it ways in on this one and part 2 & drinking but like lightly?? !female reader!
authors note: i’d first like to say thank you for reading this! this series as a whole has been one of my favorites that i have ever written! i had a very hard time growing out of the slump i was in and thankfully this broke it, this is the 1st of 3 for James, but the 1st of 9 for the series! i hope you all enjoy reading this just as much as i enjoyed writing it, love you all <3
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You knew it was coming, James had mumbled about the ring being hidden in his pant drawer after a night with the boys.
They had come home a bit intoxicated and James was a huge blabbermouth when it came to things like this.
So you were having a moral quandary, tell him and ruin whatever he was going to plan for the proposal, or let him do whatever it was he was going to do and let it eat you up inside.
So you did what any rational person would do, you hid for a while and avoided him to a certain extent. You did not want to have to break the excitement and effort he was putting into it but you also didn’t want to be around him because it made you feel bad for knowing. So it was a win-win situation for both.
Except it wasn’t, James was confused at the change in behavior and you were missing him.
It had been four days since James’ drunken confession and you were wrapped in a blanket, reading a muggle book you bought a few days ago. The door opened and Remus’ head popped in, “Can we talk?”
You nodded as he made his way inside, sitting across from you as he took the book from your hands, closing it as he sighed quietly.
“James has been a mess for the last days, what’s wrong?”
You sighed quietly as you avoided his eyes, “I know James is planning to propose and I feel so bad for knowing! I know James, and every time we walked about it he mentioned wanting to propose in a grand way, have me not expect it! Plus it’s only been a few months since they passed and I had noticed him happier, looking more alive every day and if I tell him the joy he was getting from this is going to be taken away. I miss him but now I know, and every time I look at him my insides feel like they’re on fire because I feel bad.”
“Do you want to him to propose?”
“Of course I do, Remus. I can’t wait for that to happen. I just feel so bad that he’s going to think I didn’t see it coming when I did.”
“If I’m being honest with you (Y/N) I don’t thing he’d care that you knew. I think he just misses you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you.”
The conversation you had with Remus sparked something in you and you were up quickly, making your way outside of the room to find James. You quickly made your way into your bedroom and James was laying down, eyes closed and his arms over his eyes.
You lie down besides him and let your head rest against his chest as you tangled your fingers with his.
He looked down at you and you could feel yourself growing shy under his stare,
He remained quiet and you sighed softly, sitting up to face him.
“I’ve been avoiding you because I know you were going to propose.”
He sat up quickly and his brows inched closer to each other as he tried to process what you were telling him.
“You hadn’t been yourself months prior, you were finally getting back to how you were and when you came back from your night out with Sirius and Remus you told me about the ring and where it was at. I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t want to tell you that I knew, but I also felt bad not telling you, so I hid away and I’m sorry. I missed you too much and my conversation with Remus made me miss you even more so I just needed to tell you I know.”
He sighed quietly but pulled you towards him, pressing his lips lightly to yours as he got up and walked towards his pant drawer.
“I had plans to ask you today, so I’m just going to do it.”
He had muttered a quiet ‘accio roses’ and a large bundle of roses appeared at his side, his cheeks resembling them identically as he reached out for your hand.
“These past few months have been very hard for me, you’ve stuck with me through every hardship I’ve had, and I knew mum adored you. The first time I brought you over she told me you’d be the one I was going to marry. We were only sixteen then. When they passed everything around me was very clouded, dark and the only thing that was guiding me through it was you. I already knew it was you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with but this set it in stone. I planned today to be the day I proposed because it was my parents wedding anniversary, I was hoping if you’d say yes we’d get married in exactly a years time.”
You could feel the tears falling down rapidly and you wiped them away, your eyes locked onto James and he sent you a small smile, “So will you marry me?”
Before it processed your mind you had jumped on him, making the two of you fall down onto the bed as you pressed kisses all along his face, “Of course I’ll marry you James Fleamont Potter.”
He flipped to two of you over as he pressed his lips to yours, pulling himself flush against you as your fingers tangled through his hair.
After you pulled away he grabbed your hand lightly, pressing a kiss to it as he slipped the ring on gently. “The ring was mum’s she gave it to me almost a year ago and I’ve been carrying it around, just waiting for the perfect time to ask.”
(to be continued...)
taglist : @siriusoricns @moonlitdiggory @snarledblack @dyngflwrs @siriusement @snufflesblack @writingblot @blackslotus 
wedding season taglist: (tagging people who have expressed interest in the series <3) @astertist @amarauder @wizardwritings @benbarnes-world @astralstephen
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amarauder · 3 years ago
🌹 w jaime lannister? this is the anon from earlier! i hope you are still doing these have a good rest of your day :)
this is actually perfect timing anon!! hope you enjoy! also i don't think i will ever get tired of this type of request! too much fun tbh.
Robb huffed, and for a second Y/N just stared at the condensation that left his mouth. "What do you see in him?"
"Who?" His arm tightened around her own.
"The Kingslayer."
Y/N bristled, "I told you to stop calling him that." Then she paused, really considering what she did see in Jaime Lannister. She saw that he protected her without a moment's hesitation, protected the kingdom without hesitation. She saw how he defended his brother's honor. She saw how much he cared for his niece and nephews. She saw how despite his insistence that he didn't care, how it affected him whenever someone spat out Kingslayer behind his back. But most importantly she saw how he looked at her and how it made her entire body tremble.
Then it hit her, anything she told Robb would not sway his opinion in the slightest and it would only end in another fight. So instead she settled for a simple, "Everything you don't."
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amarauder · 5 years ago
Percy is a Boiled Egg (Part One) - Percy Jackson x Reader
004. percy is a boiled egg (part one)
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PAIRING; Percy Jackson x Reader
REQUEST; "Are you nervous, love?"/ reader comes along in the son of Neptune quest and they fall in love
GODLY PARENT; Mars (reader is roman, ares in greek)
DATE; May 19th, 2020
WARNING; keep in mind that reader curses using food terms so you're not confused, also, because this is based so much off the book, I already have a disclaimer at the introduction part, but I just feel like it needs another one.
A/N; So, I basically wrote this whole thing in a day? Also, this is only part one because well, I needed to get something out and it's so long already. But I knew this request was going to be long so. It might be two parts, three parts, whatever. Anyway, this is not my best work but I like it. So... Also, I hope I didn't rush Percy's relationship with reader too much, especially considering they actually didn't introduce themselves. But here's the thing, I am probably going to go back and add in the war games part. (it will be in a flashback sort of thing though) I just kind of skipped over it because originally the one shot started after the war games but then I realized that the requester wanted some other things before that. So...
TRAILER; in which reader is forced to tag along on the quest.
REQUESTED BY; becca_unheart
 Y/N was more pissed off than worried as she entered Camp Jupiter once again. It had been around two months of merely surviving on a quest, well, actually, two days of trying to complete the quest and the rest was just attempting to survive.
 Her and a group of other idiotic demigods, while sprinkling in a few amazons only led to trouble. Y/N should have known that when she accepted the quest to find Jason Grace, but all she found was that the Gods had miraculously decided to stop talking to them, of course, right after their beloved Praetor left. Oh, and the only way she knew how to kill monsters was now apparently not working, despite it have continued on for millennias. But you know priorities.
"Come on, you pork chops," Y/N said as they crossed the Nile River, "I gotta give Renya the run down of the quest, and she's not gonna be happy. So I suggest you shower and get some sleep while you can."
The campers nodded and went their own way, with a chorus of thanks between them.
The walk to the Principa should have been calming, but Y/N was going to meet Renya at the Principa to tell her they had not found Jason Grace which was almost equivalent to a march of death.
But it seemed marching to her death had been too monotonous because when she got there Renya was already there gliding across the floor like an eagle about to grab it's prey. It made her stumble of her panic, she had expected Renya to be out and about, it would give Y/N some time to think about how she could try and make the situation seem better.
Fortunately, Hazel stood in front of Renya, along with a boy who looked around her age. Their time with Reyna would hopefully give her more time to think. It was odd seeing the two together, and Y/N wondered how the boy and Hazel had become acquaintances considering their age difference. Well, what she guessed was their age difference, they were facing Renya and the only thing she could point out was that he had dark hair and was tall. But boys don't usually grow until their late teens.
It wasn't until that Argentum and Aurum nuzzled against her hands did she turn her attention back to Renya.
Renya had never looked so relieved to see Y/N and it wavered her nerves for a second. But then her eyes flickered past Y/N and she saw no Jason Grace, and Y/N saw the corner of Renya's lips dip down again. "Y/N," Renya boomed, interrupting Hazel and causing both the boy and Hazel to look over at her, "It's about time you came home." Y/N opened her mouth to speak but Renya beat her to it, "We will discuss that matter later, as for now, there are more important things to discuss. Hazel take Percy outside, Y/N will join you both to Temple Hill and explain the legion. Good luck with the augury, Percy Jackson. If Octavian lets you live, perhaps we can compare notes... about your past."
Hazel and the boy, Percy Jackson, walked past her. She gave Hazel a smile, and studied Percy. He was rather cute considering his filthiness, he looked exhausted but managed to get out of Renya's wrath without collapsing. Y/N should have been impressed but all she got was an odd feeling about him, as if he was an omen, a quick warning, but she couldn't tell if it was a good one or a bad one.
The second they exited the Principa, Renya collasped in her chair, "No sign of Jason, then?"
"Nothing," Y/N replied after some hesitation, "It doesn't make sense Renya. No clues, no nothing. None of the amazons have seen him, or Lupa. It's almost as if he disappeared in thin air. But the Gods aren't talking to us, and it either has something to do with the monsters not dying or Jason disappearing... maybe even both."
Renya was quiet after her mini speech, but she didn't look shocked as if she had been expecting all of this but didn't want to admit it. Her silence made Y/N nervous. Holy Mars' chicken wings,  Camp Jupiter just made her anxious in general.
"I, um," Renya started and then cleared her throat. It was when Y/N took a step closer did she realize that her Praetor had been close to tears. Y/N didn't know what to do, in normal circumstances, she would go up and comfort Renya. But Renya wasn't just anyone, she was her Praetor and she didn't know the guidelines for this protocol. Plus, what was she supposed to say? I'm sorry that Jason disappeared right when you guys were going to become a couple, even though it's illegal and I am not supposed to know that but basically the entire camp knows.
Fortunately, Renya calmed down during Y/N's mini panic attack and picked herself up, "Keep an eye on Percy Jackson, Y/N. There is... He is... I think he has something to do with Jason missing."
Y/N raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. That boy that she just saw has something to do with Jason? What was Renya going on about? "That doesn't make sense."
"He's lost his memory, Y/N."
Renya hesitated before breathing out a sigh and gesturing for Y/N to come closer, "I've met him before. Back when I..." she trailed off and gave Y/N a look. Back when she had been working on Circe's Island. "Ya, before I became Praetor, I met him there. He's a Gracceus, Y/N. A son of Poseidon, a son of the big three, just like Jason."
Y/N sat down her heart pounding in her ears as her mind fluttered around thousands and thousands of different possibilities. Was Percy dangerous? Had the Gods sent him here on purpose? What were they trying to pull? Was Jason okay? Where was he? Was there a Greek legion just like them? Were they trying to send them a warning by kidnapping Jason?
"So, you're saying that Percy's Greek and-" Renya startled her by clapping a hand over her mouth, she hadn't even said it that loud!
"You have to be quiet about these things, Y/N. What if Octavian found out? Or worse, Percy."
So, Percy doesn't know he is a Greek demigod, and Renya thinks that is worse than Octavian finding out and killing everyone. Makes sense, obviously.
"Ya, priorities, right?" Y/N scoffed with a roll of her eyes once Renya took her hand off her mouth. "But explain to me what you know, so we are on the same page."
"Percy Jackson is a son of Poseidon and Jason is a son of Jupiter. They are both one of the only known sons of the big three." What about Nico and Hazel, Y/N thought, but just as she was about to open her mouth to ask she closed it. Hades had always been shunned away, maybe his children didn't count? "Percy has no memory but somehow has survived for sixteen years despite the fact that he is a son of Neptune-sorry, Poseidon-and has no markings on his wrist and just recently visited Lupa. What if the Greek demigods never went extinct after the war?"
The idea was so ridiculous that Y/N started to laugh. Her hysterical laughter was more like a panic attack, but Renya just sat her down. "There's no way Renya. No way. The Greeks went extinct after the war, they don't have their own legion. Percy probably just got really lucky and Jason may have gone looking for his sister, ya know? Remember the girl, Thalia, he used to always talk about."
"But Mount Othrys, we wouldn't have been able to take down Kronos' black throne without-"
"No," Y/N snapped at her, realization dawning on her like finding the answer to a previous question on a test after reading a new question. She got up before she would dive head first into Renya's conspiracy theories. "No, there's no way. There can't be."
"Just think about it."
"Why? To stress me out more?"
"No, because what if Jason's there?"
"And if Jason has no memory of us then we are absolutely, positively screwed."
"What? Why?"
"Renya, we do not have the resources right now for a war."
"Who said they would attack us?" Renya snapped back, hurt by her friend disclosing her idea before it had really even started.
"Well, we would. Who's to say they are any different?"
"If Jason was there... I would never, could never," Renya rambled on, her arms wrapping around her stomach. For a few seconds Y/N felt guilty. She knew she would never be able to fight, hell, kill demigods. But she had to nip this bud before it bloomed. False hope never led to anything good.
"I know, but Octavian would." Renya looked up as she said that, and before Renya could mention anything about Y/N running against Octavian for Praetor she left.
"Who's Jason?" she heard Percy ask Hazel before they came into view. It was a nice day, the sun warmed her up nicely and she fought against the urge to just drop down on the grassy area and just sun bathe, maybe forget about life for a while. She probably would have if Jason wasn't brought up.
Y/N and Jason had somewhat gotten along. She respected him and he respected her, but Jason had always been way too serious and had seemed to bring out a sobering part of her that Y/N hadn't even realized she had.
Before Jason had decided to be a little sardine and disappear on everyone, life had been great. She had been working up the ranks and finally had been just about to become apart of the Senate when Jason decided that the fifth cohort needed a different centurion. Jason had left the day after she was appointed the second centurion of the fifth cohort, which according to Jason was an honor but Y/N never believed him.
Besides that, Renya had been her best friend before he left. But now, she didn't know where they stood, not after that fight they had about Jason the day before he left. Y/N really didn't want to become centurion of the fifth cohort, they got the worst weapons, the worst bedding and bathing times. It had been more of an insult than a honor. But Renya had just mindlessly agreed with anything he said, like a lost puppy. It was ridiculous and Renya should have known that, but then he had to go and disappear, and now, Y/N regretted that fight more than ever.
Her and Jason Grace weren't on the best terms at the moment but that didn't stop her from snapping at the boy who was causing even more problems. Why was it always boys?
"No one," Y/N spat and started walking towards Temple Hill without checking to see if they were following.
Instead of cowering away like most of the campers did, all Percy said was, "You remind me of someone."
"Well, if they are anything like me then they must hate you a lot," Y/N growled and threw her hair up in a ponytail. It was knotted and greasy from lack of hygiene, but lack of hygiene had never been one of her top priorities on her quest, on any quest for that matter.  
"You remember someone?" Hazel asked, "Who?" Y/N had almost forgotten he had lost his memory. Losing memories isn't common in a demigod life, but concussions were.
"My Mom," Percy said wistfully, then turned to Y/N, "She's not who you remind me of though. I don't know who that is."
Y/N nodded and rolled her eyes, then why did he even mention his Mom, "Have you always had memories of your Mother?"
"Ya, her names Sally and I remember some brief memories of when I was young but that's about it."
"Have you had him checked for a concussion yet, Hazel?" Y/N asked.
"Why does it even matter," Percy moped, "I'm going to die thanks to Octavian anyway."
Y/N laughed, "Don't worry about him. Everyone is just stressed, no one is going to die."
"Ya," Hazel added with a teasing smile, "Besides Octavian has a soft spot for Y/N. I think that's why Renya sent her with us."  
Y/N had just finished roll call when she saw Hazel skid into line. Fortunately, Dakota hadn't reached the end of his list of names and Hazel had made it just in time to squeak out, "Present!" The younger girl had nectar dripping off her fingertips and she had half a mind to go ask her if everything was okay before Octavian started.
"Colors!" he shouted and the standard-bearers stepped forward. Each drenched in lion-skin and poles with each cohort's emblem. When her cohort presented their own pole, Y/N flinched from embarassment. The stupid eagle was still missing, and Y/N would be damned if entire career at the fifth cohort went by without finding it.
Despite everyone snickering about the eagleless pole, Renya carried on, "Romans!" she called. "You've probably heard about the incursion today. Two gorgons were swept into the river by this newcomer, Percy Jackson. Juno herself guided him here, and proclaimed him as a son of Neptune."
Glancing up at Percy, she found herself shocked at his modesty. He had been led to Camp by a goddess, and not just any goddess, the queen of gods herself. Then, he managed to slash two gorgons, and merely raised his hand and said, "Hi."
Something fishy was going on. She couldn't name one guy who wouldn't flaunt this feat, even Jason had been one to brag about taking down Kronos' throne during dinners.
"He seeks to join the legion," Renya continued. "What do the auguries say?"
"I have read the entrails," Octavian announced, his eyes were locked on her form and Y/N almost stumbled back in surprise. She hadn't been expecting him to be looking straight at her when he said that. Before Y/N could turn to Dakota and see if he had noticed anything odd about that encounter too, even though it probably wouldn't have done any good, Octavian remarked, "The auguries are favorable. He is qualified to serve."
The campers all shouted, "Ave!" One kid in the third court screamed it so loud that Y/N stopped glaring holes into Octavian's head to look at him. Him and his friends had only snickered.
Renya gestured for the centurions to come forward and with a sigh, Y/N took a few steps forward with a roll of her eyes. How was she supposed to take this seriously when she was stuck in the fifth cohort?
It wasn't until Renya had glared at her did Y/N start to pay attention to what was going on.
Percy shifted. "Letters? Um, no."
Octavian smirked and wrinkled his nose. She noticed him glancing at her again and she scoffed, loudly. Octavian did a double take and it seemed that this had gotten the rest of the camper's attentions too because everyone was staring at her.
"Do you have anything to say for the fifth cohort, Y/N?" Octavian asked, his smile widening when everyone started to laugh.
Y/N glanced at Renya. She sighed and then looked at Percy, then sighed again, "I don't mean to interupt, Senior Centurion," Y/N mocked, Octavian's own eyes narrowing. If there was one thing in the world that Octavian wanted, it was to be Praetor. He wasn't yet and Y/N prayed to every God and Goddess there ever was that he would never become one. "But Juno did purposely lead Percy here, and if the Queen of Gods decides to take the time out of her day to bring Percy to us... Then, I mean, what better recommendation could you really want?"
Octavian fumed when murmured agreements were heard throughout the cohorts. Y/N looked at Percy, who was looking back at her with a type of sincerity that made felt her stomach flutter. Her hand subconsciously made it's way to brush back some of her hair that was still wet from the baths, and she noticed her cheek felt warm from under her fingertips. She was just thankful that she couldn't blush. (or, if you can then, She was just hoping that everyone took her embarrassment from all the attention she had received in such a short amount of time.)
"No letters," Octavian said regretfully and Y/N's mouth dropped open, appalled, "Will any legionnaires stand for him?"
"I will!" She heard Frank from behind her, "He saved my life!"
Almost immediately, there were shouts of protest from every cohort. Renya raised her hand for silence and glared daggers at Frank, "Frank Zhang, for the second time today, I remind you that you are on probatio. Your godly parent has not claimed you yet. You're not elgible to stand for another camper until you've earned your first stripe."
But before anyone could open their mouth to stand for Percy, Hazel took over, "What Frank means is that Percy saved both our lives. I am a member of the legion. I will stand for Percy Jackson."
However, other campers started to whisper between themselves again. Hazel was barely eligible. She had only gotten her first stripe a week or two ago, and her 'act of valor' had been more of an accident than anything.
It seemed Renya realized that too because she looked at Y/N for help, and once again Y/N sighed. "I will stand for Perseus Jackson." Y/N said, quietening everyone down to silence. Twice that day Y/N had stood up for Percy, it was enough to make rumors circle around. "I am not only a full member of the legion, but also a centurion. Perseus Jackson will be in good hands, if you do not accept Hazel's then accept mine."
Over the chaos that had ensued after he speech, she thought she heard Percy say, "It's Percy, not Perseus." But Y/N couldn't bring herself to care, especially when they had decided Y/N would be most eligible to stand for him.
Her chest burned as she stared at the idiot in front of her. Dakota and Renya glanced at each other uneasily out of the corner of her eye but she paid them no attention, Mike Kahale was the only thing on her mind. He was rolling his eyes as if no one's lives mattered except for the legions.
"Come on, L/N," he said after no one dared to say anything, "Why don't you calm down? Have some of Dakota's pathetic kool-aid."
"Hey," Dakota remarked looking appalled, "Leave the kool-aid out of this!"
"It's bologna! Octavian obviously killed her!"
"I could do for a bologna cheese sandwich right now," Someone that sounded suspiciously like Percy said behind her.
"Ya," Dakota remarked, "Y/N, your curse words always make me hungry."
Mike took another step towards her as if to try and intimidate Y/N. Her hand trembled beside her as she fought against the urge to punch him in the face. , "Don't make assumptions, L/N. You have no clue what you are talking about."
"Well, it's remarkable that the plium belongs to the first cohort, and Octavian had managed to lose his right before this happened," Y/N hissed as she turned to look at the man himself, "Did you drop it on the floor, or no let me guess. Did one of your stuffed bears hit Gwen with the plium?"
Octavian only stared at her silently, which only fueled her anger. How could he just stand there after he killed another camper? Shaking her head, she turned to Renya who looked to be on the verge of tears.
The sick feeling in her stomach worsened, and she felt as if she was about to throw up and scream at the same time.
She felt Mike brush against her as she walked over to Renya and whispered, "We all know you are upset just because I took your place in the senate and your place as centurion in the first cohort. How does it feel to step down to the fifth cohort, Y/N? I'm sure you are happy. Afterall, you are with your pathetic greek boyfriend."
Y/N froze, how does Mike of all people know about Percy's potential past? Did he overhear Renya? Oh gods, does Octavian know? She is going to die because of her stupid decision to stand for the fish prince.
"Well, are you?"
Just as Y/N was about to tackle Mike to the ground she felt a grip on her hand. It was Percy, who looked just as shocked to be holding her hand as she did. He quickly removed it and rubbed his neck, "Uhh, Gwen, I think that's her name, ya, Gwen is alive."
A flood of relief washed over her. But it didn't make sense, and soon the grief was back just as quick. Percy had to be wrong. She was dead, they had all seen her die. The medic had announced her dead. But all Y/N could manage was a, "What?"
He nodded and Y/N looked over to see Gwen looking as if she had never been dead in the first place. Her mind raced, and suddenly Y/N felt dizzy, as if she had been the one dying. She will be, if what she thinks is true.
"Who are you," Y/N hissed and grabbed his arm bringing him closer, "Who are you really?"
Percy looked completely alarmed by her sudden closeness and he shook his head wildly, "I'd tell you if I knew, honest."
She searched his eyes as if she would find the answers in there, but found none. They looked remarkably like the ocean, probably something to do with being the son of Neptune, or Poseidon, or... either one. Ugh, she was just so confused.
"Alright," Y/N said and took her grip off his arm, then reached for his hand instead to pull him away from the crowd,"I believe you, but I'm not sure everyone else will."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," Y/N paused for a second to get her bearings as to where the crowd ended and started, "It means that strange things are happening, Percy. And you seem to be in the middle of it. People are going to want to blame you. You show up with a goddess on your back who talks about a prophecy, defeated gorgons single handedly, and you have no memory what so ever, but still managed to live to sixteen years old without coming to camp. Plus, you are a son of Neptune which is never a good thing."
"Wait, wait," Percy said and stopped her from moving any further. But that meant they had to get very close to talk so no one else would hear. She couldn't really move to face him because of the amount of campers around, so it left Percy muttering in her ear. His breath felt so warm against her neck yet still managed to give her shivers, her hand throbbed from his contact, and she noticed he smelled distinctly of the ocean.  It all somehow made her feel very calm and dizzy at the same time.
Her heart pounded in her chest, and it such a strange and unfamiliar feeling yet Y/N managed to feel comfortable the whole time. What was he doing to her? Was it a part of his powers he had inherited from Poseidon?
Y/N didn't think so, she had only felt like this when she was near Venus' children. Only this time it seemed to draw her in more and more until she would lose her train of thought.
When Percy turned to her, she realized he had been speaking the entire time. She turned to face him (the kid that had been blocking her finally moved) but was met by a disgruntled Percy. He was looking far in the distance as if sensing something. Y/N wondered what he was doing, but she didn't have time to think about it.
A thunderous voice rolled across the field: Death loses its hold. This is only the beginning.
Campers drew weapons. Hannibal trumpeted nervously. Renya's pegasus reared, almost throwing her off. Percy's hand squeezed hers tighter, almost like an attempt to ground her, but Y/N barely registered it. The voice angered her more than she could comprehend.
"I know that voice," Percy said. He didn't sound pleased. Y/N couldn't agree more, a visit from her Father was never a enjoyable experience.
An explosion boomed throughout the camp, close enough for Y/N to feel it but far enough to not catch fire. Everyone scrambled backwards as a huge soldier stepped out from the flames.
There stood Mars, weapons and all. Y/N only glared, but he didn't seem to notice her, he never had.
As everyone stepped back, Y/N stepped forward and it was only until she felt Percy's hand yank her back that she realized what she had been doing. Maybe drawing her in was part of being a daughter of Ares. Whatever it was didn't matter because a second later Frank knelt in front of him. Y/N followed suit as many other people had started too.
"That's good," Mars said. "Kneeling is good. it's been a long time since I've visited Camp Jupiter."
Y/N noticed that her hand had slipped from Percy's. It didn't matter too much as they barely knew each other and Y/N felt more embarrassment than anything for holding his hand for that long. What bothered her the most was that Percy remained standing. He was the only one not kneeling. His sword was still in his other hand, and he glared at Mars. Y/N yanked on his shirt as if to try to remind him to kneel next to her.
"You're Ares," Percy said. "What do you want?"
Oh Gods, Y/N thought, of all the times to pick to be Greek he had to choose now? Why, oh why, did Renya choose her to take care of Percy? She was going to get blasted to bits and at the hands of her Father, it really couldn't get any worse.
Y/N wanted to do something, maybe yank Percy down or say something to excuse him, but she didn't know what.
However, instead the god grinned.
"You've got spunk, demigod," he said. "Ares is my Greek form. But to these followers, to the children of Rome, I am Mars-patron of the empire, divine Father of Romulus and Remus."
Y/N wanted to yell out, "You're my Father too! It would do you some good to remember that!" But she didn't.
"We've met," Percy said. "We... we had a fight..."
Y/N wanted to cry. She choose to risk her life to this idiot, who lacked the brains to not only pick a fight with her Father, but tempt fate to do it again?
Instead of picking a fight, Mars, Ares, whatever, scratched his chin, as if trying to recall. "I fight a lot of people. But I assure you-you've never fought me as Mars. If you had, you'd be dead. Now, kneel, as befits a child of Rome, before you test my patience."
Y/N felt herself start to nod and agree with her Father before she remembered that she was in charge of Percy.
"Percy," she whispered, hastily taking hold of his shirt, "please."
Percy glanced at her, then looked back at Ares. He clearly didn't like it, but he knelt next to her.
"Romans, lend me your ears!" He bellowed with a laugh, "I've always wanted to say that. I come from Olympus with a message. Jupiter doesn't like us communicating directly with mortals, especially nowadays, but he has allowed this exception, as you Romans have always been my special people. I'm only permitted to speak for a few minutes so listen up."
He pointed at Gwen. "That one should be dead, yet she's not. The monsters you fight no longer return to Tartarus when they are slain. Thanatos has been chained. The Doors of Death have been forced open and no one is policing them. Gaea allows our enemies to pour forth into the world of morals. Her sons the giants are mustering armies against you-armies that you will not be able to kill. You must find Thanatos and free him from the giants. Only he can reverse the tide."
An unconscious smile made it's way onto her face. A quest? This would be the perfect time for her to show her true potential to the senate and maybe finally, finally join them and achieve her dream.
Mars looked around as if in a trance, and realized everyone was still kneeling. "Oh you can get up now. Any questions?"
Renya got up slowly, "Lord Mars, we are honored."
"Beyond honored," said Octavian. "So far beyond honored-"
"Well?" Mars snapped.
"Well," Renya said, "People will stop dying, therefore Gwen returned?"
"If left unchecked," Mars said with a nod, "even mortals will eventually find it impossible to die. Can you imagine a world in which no one died-ever?"
Octavian raised his hand. "But, ah, mighty all-powerful Lord Mars, if we can't die, isn't that a good thing? If we can stay alive indefinitely-"
Y/N snickered quietly, a world without Octavian was a good one. But then she realized what she had thought, and mentally smacked herself a few times. She would never with death upon anyone, not even Octavian and his creepy staring.
"Don't be foolish, boy!" Mars bellowed. "Endless slaughter with no conclusion? Carnage without any point? Enemies that rise again and again and can never be killed? Is that what you want?"
"You're the god of war," Percy spoke up. "Don't you want endless carnage?"
Y/N's eyes widened and she almost wanted to smack Percy on the back of the head. Again, Y/N waited for the god to strike both of them down, but Mars just grinned like they were two old buddies talking trash.
"Insolent, aren't you? Perhaps I have fought you before. I can understand why I'd want to kill you." Ya, Y/N could understand too. Absolute idiot. "I'm the god of Rome, child. I am the god of military might used for a righteous cause. I protect the legions. I am happy to crush my enemies underfoot, but I don't fight without a reason. I don't want war without end. You will discover this. You will serve me."
"Not likely," Percy said.
Y/N finally found he voice again and scoffed, "Did you not just hear anything he said before the last comment?" Percy turned towards her blankly, "Boys!"
The god laughed, "But you know that it's not just boys, don't you, my daughter?" Y/N's breath hitched. She felt like all the blood in her body had seeped down to her feet. Her Father was talking to her. "I order a quest! You will go north and find Thanatos in the land beyond the gods. You will free him and thwart the plans of the giants. Beware Gaea! Beware her son, the eldest giant! Perhaps if the quest succeeds, and you return by the Feast of Fortuna.. perhaps then your honor will be restored. If you don't succeed, there won't be any camp left to return too. So my advice is: Don't fail."
Percy moved to face her and she felt her hand go along with him before realizing she still had her grip on his shirt. She quickly let go, but Percy didn't seem to notice. He only muttered, "I still don't get what's so great about this feast for tuna."
Y/N burst out laughing and quickly placed her hands over her mouth to stop her giggles. It had been so loud that even Mars turned towards her with a well placed brow but then turned towards Octavian again. "It's feast fortuna, Percy."
"Ya, that's what I said."
"No," Y/N said shaking her head and still laughing, "It's latin for... something. I forget. But the feast is not for tuna, specifically."
"Oh," Percy nodded with a hint of a smile, "That would be cool, though."
"Ya, it would be," Y/N said agreeing, even though she really didn't think having a feast for the worst kind of fish would not be very nice. Actually, catfish would be worse.
Before she could voice her idea about catfish, campers started screaming and she realized that Ares was holding a grenade. Percy pulled Y/N behind him as if she hadn't been trained for this and he was grenade proof.
She stepped around him with a roll of her eyes, Percy smiled sheepishly. Y/N just glared at him.
"There!" Mars finished writing and threw a scroll at Octavian. When did he get a scroll? "A prophecy. You can add it to your books, engrave it on your floor, whatever."
Octavian read the scroll. It seemed he was confused because he looked up at the scroll then to Mars and back again. Y/N wasn't suprised, Mars should have given him a stuffed bear, Octavian seems to understand that more. "This says, 'Go to Alaska. Find Thanatos and free him. Come back by sundown on June twenty-fourth or die."
"Yes," Mars said. "Is that not clear?"
"Well, my lord... usually prophecies are unclear. They're wrapped in riddles. They rhyme, and..."
Mars casually popped another grenade off his belt, "Yes?"
"The prophecy is clear!" Octavian announced quickly, "A quest!"
"Good answer. Thought I was gonna have to blast you, which would have been fun, but you like my daughter, so I have to give you that or Venus will- Nevermind." He tapped his chin. "Now, what else? There was something else... Oh, yes."
Octavian turned bright red. He grabbed the scroll, and then turned around only to look at Y/N again. He sure was looking at her a lot, it was creepy.
She had been so confused about Octavian's actions that she had barely noticed Frank finally get claimed by Ares. She smiled, Frank was her brother! He was a good kid, and an even better friend to Hazel. Y/N liked him.
"My kid Frank Zhang is gonna lead the quest to free Thanatos, unless there are any objections?"
Of course, no one said a word, but she saw Hazel look even more worried. "You can take two companions. Those are the rules. One of them needs to be this kid." He pointed at Percy, "He's gonna learn some respect for Mars on this trip, or die trying. As for the second, wait, isn't there one of this dumb rules where the legionnaires who stand for him have to make sure he doesn't die, or something? I don't really remember. Whatever. Who stands for Percy?"
No, Y/N thought. Her legs turned wobbly. A sense of dread settled over her, worse than the day she had arrived at Camp for the very first time.
She knew what was coming, but she couldn't stop it. She stepped forward against her will.
Mars grinned, "Ahh, yes, my daughter. Nice job taking Kronos' throne, kid. I haven't seen that kind of bravery in a while. I remember mocking Jupiter about his son's job paling in comparison to mine. That was my kid, I said to him. Then, he got Senate instead of you. Who's Prateor?"
Renya raised her hand.
"You were there, weren't you? Unless, you were blind, that was an MVP play. You're not blind, are you?"
Renya looked like she was trying to swallow a mouse. "No, Lord Mars."
"Then make sure she gets her place on the Senate. If anyone has earned it, it's her. Not some cheap lousy job in the Fifth Cohort. We can't have Jupiter's stupid son stopping her potential because he's jealous, can we? Especially now that he's gone." he yelled at the legion, in case anyone hadn't heard which was impossible, she was pretty sure the entire world had heard. Y/N wanted to melt into the dirt and just die. He entire body trembled. She wasn't sure whether to be happy that he noticed her or die form embarrassment and mortification, that he was happy Jason was gone, all because of her.
Mars seemed to realize his mistake too late because his image flickered. Lightning cracked across the sky. "Ugh, well, he's pissed. Whatever. Y/N can be the third, or the fourth. I don't care. You can add another companion because Y/N has to be there for the sea slug. Pick whomever you want. Have one of your senate debates. You all are good at those. Until next time, Romans! Do not disappoint me!"
The second he was gone, Y/N felt a overwhelming amount of eyes on her.
"Holy cucumber sandwich."
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amarauder · 6 years ago
000. the legend of thelma the llama
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thelma the llama 
chapter zero
percy jackson x mortal! reader
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1. Pythia is another word for the Oracle of Delphi
2. The Peloponnesian War was a controversy between the Spartans and the Athenians. The Polis of Athens wanted the other Greek City-States to help pay the taxes for the damage done in the War against the Persians. The other City-States refused to do so and they instead decided to team up with Sparta and take over Athens. They won.
3. A Hoplite is just a Greek Soldier
4. a greek person
5. The Anthesteria is a festival honoring the wine god; Dionysus. The festival is held for three days at the beginning of spring. The Ancient Greeks celebrated the maturation of the previous year's vintage and the beginning of spring
6. An Amphitheater is basically a theater. But it's seating goes increasingly upward with each row, so their voices can carry up to the highest rows and that way everyone can also see.
Paulina was shaking as she entered the inner temple. The sacred temple, that looked more like a crumbling cave than anything special was darker than she had expected. Moss crawled up its walls and the place stunk like a drying dryads breath. Paulina was starting to regret her decisions on coming here. It had taken months to get from Sparta to the City of Delphi and now that she was finally here, Paulina didn't want to go inside and meet the woman that would decide her future.
The girl who looked around her younger brother's age, ushered her forward, deeper into the cave. Paulina sighed and looked outside one more time before following the girl, "Why don't you ever talk?" She asked.
The girl ignored Paulina's question making her wonder if the girl was mute. Maybe the Oracle had used her weird voodoo and cut her tongue off. The thought scared Paulina but she walked on.
As they walked deeper into the cave, Paulina picked up some sort of herb-like scent. It smelled good and she found herself taking in bigger whiffs.
"Have you bathed enough?" The girl finally spoke.
"I spent a whole two hours in that place. I hope I have."
The girl nodded and said nothing else the rest of the trip. Paulina sighed again and kicked a rock in front of her. The girl slowed down her pace so she could kick the rock more. After a few more calculating the rock, the 12-year-old girl grabbed Paulina's arm. "Stay here." She said and walked further into the cave.
Once the girl was out of sight, Paulina groaned into her hands. What was she thinking of listening to the Kook of Sparta? Bastian was an old man who had greying hair and obsidian-like eyes. He had a habit of yelling at walls and sniffing people before greeting them. He was the most bizarre person she had ever met in her life, but he was also the wisest and the kindest person. For some reason, life always seemed to work like that.
"The Pythia(1) will see you now." She said moving her hand to place a strand of her muddy hair behind her ear.
"The what?"
The girl said nothing again and only pushed Paulina towards a tiny entrance to what looked like a little Coven. "Watch out for cracks."
Paulina nodded and walked into the Coven, she turned around to see the girl still smiling and staring at her. The goggling only gave Paulina more motivation to move faster. The corridor started to get lighter and lighter with each step she took. Soon, she could even see what was in front of her.
The room was filled with what looked like mist but instead of sitting on the floor it floated at the top of the cave. It gave Paulina a weird feeling but she still stepped forward. A woman who looked around Paulina's age sat on an old wooden chair. She was rather pretty. Her hair was long and the color of mud. She was pale like the moon but had the same glow the planet did. Paulina couldn't see her eyes as they were closed. As Paulina let her eyes roam over her figure she kneeled on a mat in front of the chair. Directly in between the legs of the chair was a fissure in the stone, the smoke like air floated out of the crevice and ensnared her senses.
After a few seconds of calming silence, Paulina remembered the piece of parchment she had been given by the girl. The paper read about how to awake the Oracle. "Oh, Sacred Oracle. I have traveled many brutal distances to reach your wise mind. I have bathed in the Blessed Waters to cleanse my soul and I have given the life of your Holy animal; the goat. Please, oh, Please, awaken and give me your treasured advice on." The inscription stopped there. Now, after months of planning, Paulina felt her mind go blank. She had completely forgotten about what she was going to say. "Umm, Oracle of Delphi," Paulina felt foolish talking a woman who didn't even have the energy to open her eyes, "I want to be able to fight. Sparta needs soldiers for the current Peloponnesian War(2), I am sure you have heard about. But, er, I have proven I am worthy I am fighting but they refuse to let me become a Hoplite(3)."
The silence was deafening to Paulina as she waited for something, anything to happen. The longer the silence went on the sicker she felt. She had gone such a long way for nothing to happen. "Hmmm."
Paulina looked up to realize she was nose to nose to the girl from earlier. Paulina almost jumped out of her skin but instead stared into bright green eyes. They were as bright as the moss on the walls from earlier but looked to be unseeing. They stared into Paulina's blankly.
"The girl from Sparta desires to fight but is not destined to do so."
Paulina scoffed, "What?"
"The girl from Sparta desires to fight but is not destined to do so. Thelma the Llama will lead her to her desires and her fates."
The girl closed her eyes again and sat back against the chair in the same position she had been in before. Paulina furrowed her eyebrows while staring at the Oracle. Hoping she would move, do something again. This couldn't be it. Some animal was not going to lead her to fight. A real Hoplite fought on the ground with others by his side.
Paulina shut her eyes tightly and leaned her jaw against the palm of her hands.
She hated the stupid Oracle.
Getting up abruptly, she sped out of the disgusting cave with the weird mute girl and the nutjob of a woman. Once she was far enough from the cave, she screamed. She screamed out of frustration, out of self-doubt, out of exhaustion, out of a sense of hopelessness.
"What is this nonsense you are screaming about?" Someone snapped from behind Paulina. She turned around to see an old man who looked very annoyed at Paulina's presence, 'Well?"
"Sorry to bother you, Hellene(4). I am just frustrated is all."
The older man nodded and started to head inside his shack, "Wait." Paulina said out of desperation and twenty-million other things she couldn't name, "What do you think of the Oracle?"
"The Oracle of Delphi?" The man said in surprise, "Are you messing with me, child?"
"No, Hellene. I am not."
"She is very wise."
"Do you think she's right?"
The man nodded, "Have you just gone to see her?"
"I have."
"Well, what did she say?" The man hadn't moved. He stayed facing his house letting his voice bounce off the walls of the mountain behind his home.
"She told me that a Llama named Thelma would lead me to my desires."
"A Llama named Thelma, you say?"
"Yes, Hellene."
"I have a Llama, but we haven't named her yet."
"Oh, Hellene. Thank you for your kindness but I don't believe the Oracle."
The man turned around suddenly, "Foolish girl. Don't ever say that again. Now, follow me. The Oracle is talking about my Llama."
"Are you sure, Hellene?"
The man didn't answer but instead walked into his house in a diligent manner. Paulina decided to follow him. She might as well follow him, he looked harmless and it wasn't like she had anything better to do. The shack was bigger than she had thought. It was a homey little place filled to the brim with what looked like burnt corn.
"It guards my home." than man answered as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. However, there was a little space that wasn't covered in blackened corn. The space had a wooden plank nailed to the wall with four blocks of wood under it. "My wife died many years ago."
"Oh, umm," Paulina said in confusion from the randomness of the situation, "I'm sorry, a Hellene."
"I don't like pity. My wife's name was Thelma. She loved that Llama figurine with all her heart. It was her most prized possession."
Paulina looked surprised, "That's your Llama?"
"yes, it is and I want you to take it."
"Because it's ugly and takes up space on my sacred place."
"Oh, I thought your wife loved it."
"She did, but she also loved me."
"Okay then." Paulina said and took the figurine off the shelf, "Thank you, Hellene."
The man nodded and walked away from her silently. Paulina stared at the Llama. It was wooden and old and looked ugly just like the old man had said. She clenched her jaw silently and walked out of the house.
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The figurine was gone. It had disappeared in her hands, the vanishing act had confused Paulina more than anything. The thing had to be connected to that bizarre magic voodoo that scared Paulina more than she would like it to admit it.  Unfortunately, there was no other logical explanation, not that magic was logical But still, the more Paulina walked on, the sicker she felt thinking about it. Her mind had finally started to come back to reality. The Pythia, the old man, and the Llama had all been very bad ideas. She was stupid, very very stupid. Delphi had changed Paulina, she used to be very street smart. But now, she talking to Oracles, going into stranger's houses, and taking an unpleasant omen that seemed to be connected to magic and bad luck.
Despite the fact that weird things have been happening to her the past few days. A lady had come up to her and begged for her forgiveness. She had gotten on her knees and started to bawl at her feet. People had stopped and stared but none walked over to help. At first, Paulina had hoped it just had been a coincidence but it was too weird to be one.
The next day, a blind man had told her he could see her. Paulina had helped the man onto the stone steps of a temple for Zeus. The boy looked to be in his early twenties or late teens and had bright, electric blue almost grey eyes that stared deep into Paulina's soul. His blank stare was unnerving to look at, but she stayed anyway.
"What do I look like then?" The Spartan asked the boy quietly. She saw his hands reach out to touch any part of her, so Paulina grabbed his hands and entangled their fingers together.
"You have short brown hair, hazel eyes, freckles over the bridge of your nose, and you desperately want to fight to prove your worth to your family."
Paulina scooted away from the man in shock. Her heart was beating rather fast and she felt dizzy. She knew that dizziness and a faster heart rate meant some sort of sickness. Maybe she was allergic to the man in front of her.
"No, please don't go." he pleaded quietly, "You are the only one who has stayed this long."
"How do you know I am still here?"
"I can sense you. You have a brighter aura than others."
"What's an aura?" Paulina asked, her fingers were playing with her toga nervously. He gave her a weird feeling and Paulina didn't like it.
"I, umm, it's like a. No, I don't know. I can't explain it. I'm guessing it's something that surrounds someone because I always see it when someone gets close to me."
Paulina went silent for a few minutes. Her life was becoming a joke too quickly for it to be normal. [this is my life right now, everyone. just thought you all should know :) ]
"Are you still there?" the boy asked nervously.
"Umm, yes, I am. Sorry for being so quiet, this is just a lot to take in."
The boy nodded, "I'm sure. By the way, I am Aegidius." Aegidius stuck his hands out towards Y/N's chin.
Giggling quietly, she took his hand in hers and shook it, "My name is Paulina Gaspard."
"Nice to meet you, Paulina. You have a very pretty name."
"Thank you, Aegidius. I like yours too."
"Thank you," he said, "I hope you don't mind, but I have to ask you something."
"Sure, go ahead," Paulina said, wondering if she was going to regret this later on.
"Why are you here in, Delphi?"
Paulina went silent. How did he know everything about her? It was rather creepy, "I came to see the Oracle. How do you know everything about me?"
Aegidius shrugged, "I see you in my dreams."
"That's," Paulina paused, struggling to find the word she was feeling, "interesting."
Suddenly, Aegidius started to laugh. He had laughed so hard he snorted which made Paulina start to laugh. Soon enough, they looked like two lunatics giggling over nothing. "What are you laughing at?" Paulina said after a few deep breaths to calm herself.
"You." Paulina took in a sharp breath and tried very hard to school her features into anything but hurt. She failed. Thank Zeus he couldn't see her. "Sorry, that's not what I meant. It's just our situation we are in. You, Paulina, from Sparta, have been taught all your life that magic and Oracles and Seers are weird and should be gone from the world. But here you are befriending a blind seer."
Paulina shrugged, "I have a tendency of not doing what I am taught."
"I'm glad you do."
"Me too." Paulina said, "Wait, so if you are a seer. Do you know where the llama went?"
Aegidius raised his eyebrows, "You have lost it already."
Paulina scoffed, "Oh, please, like you haven't lost anything in your life."
"You do realize you are talking to a blind person, right?" he asked, "It's kind of impossible for me to not lose everything."
"Sorry. But do you have any idea where it might be?"
"Nope," Aegidius shrugged, "Sorry, Paulina. But the Anthesteria (5) is going on right now. There is always talk about current fights going on there. Correct me, if I am wrong. But your greatest desire is to have the freedom of fighting, right?"
Paulina shrugged, "I suppose. It doesn't really matter what I want to do. It's not like it will happen anyway."
They both went silent for a while. It was sort of awkward as neither knew what to say at the moment. After all, how do you reassure someone that everything is possible when you feel the same as them?
"Do you want to help me look for the llama?" Paulina asked, "I mean, I know you can't exactly look for it. But maybe you could sense it's erm, what was it called? The thing that surrounds a person?"
Aegidius hid a chuckle with a smile and biting his bottom lip, "An Aura?"
"Yes, an aura." Paulina smiled and stood up a little straighter.
"Sure, I'd love to come to look for your missing magical llama statue. You know, that sentence just gets weirder as it goes on."
"Hurry up, Aegidius," The Spartan said rolling her eyes.
"I can't exactly see," Aegidius said and made grabby hands at her, hoping she would help him get up.
"Oh, right."
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Festivals in Sparta were slightly scary. Someone was always getting their privates or heads chopped off. Occasionally, it was an unloyal soldier or maybe a very unlucky person that a Hoplite had captured. But usually, it was a random slave or commoner that hadn't paid their taxes.
Sometimes, there would be some sort of play in the amphitheater (6). But personally, Paulina thought those were boring-not that seeing someone's privates getting chopped off was any better.
However, as Aegidius and Paulina stepped into the heart of the festival, Paulina couldn't help but notice how different Sparta's and Delphi's festivals were. How happy and calm everyone looked and how pretty the decorations were compared to her the ones she had grown up with at home.
The polis of Delphi's festival was the most extravagant thing Paulina had ever seen in her life.
"Hey," Paulina said and nudged Aegidius next to her, "You are so incredibly lucky you live here."
"Mmm, I guess."
Paulina scoffed, "And you don't even appreciate it. Everything is so gorgeous and the atmosphere is positive and light. No one is worried their insides are going to get cut out."
"Now that is why I am a little grateful for being blind."
Paulina laughed and rolled her eyes, searching the area she found an occupied seating area where maybe men and women were shouting and laughing. They had glasses in their hands with what looked like wine. "Hey," Paulina whispered and tugged him over to the area, "Let's go there."
Aegidius followed her orders with ease but it was rather hard not to stumble over anything when you couldn't see due to the fact that the person leading you was distracted by yelling people.
Paulina pushed back the glossy curtain letting them enter the dining-like area. A small smile made it's a way onto her face as she looked around in wonder. There were women giggling and talking to a man in the corner, there were old women discussing or gossiping about something that sounded unimportant but it intrigued Paulina anyway. However, in Paulina's opinion, the most captivating thing in the room was an old man crowded around the majority of the people in the room. He was shouting something that Paulina couldn't understand. For some reason, it sparked her curiosity.
However, Aegidius felt the opposite. He was dizzy from all the auras surrounding him. They were all much too strong and it was exhausting to try and block out each one. He had never liked people that much and the fact that he couldn't see them made it much worse.
"Paulina," Aegidius said trying to pull away from Paulina's tugging towards a group of people, "I feel sick." She turned around suddenly in alarm. Paulina had been in a trance-like state as her excitement to discover buried secrets about the mystery man leaned closer. But now she turned towards her friend in a worried state. He could wait, Aegidius, however, could not.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, I feel dizzy." He whispered and clung to his partner, "Why is the world spinning? I'm going to fall over."
Paulina's eyes widened tremendously. "What have you done to upset Apollo?" she said and shifted Aegidius ever-weakening body, "Oh, I have heard that if you feel sick when you first meet someone that you could be allergic to that particular person. Maybe you are allergic to me?"
"What?" he slurred, "and people call me nuts. Just set me down on a surface that I can sit down upon." Paulina quickly found a seat and let him rest against it. He looked sick. His skin tone was unusual, it was flushed but also pale at the same time. She hadn't even known that was possible until now. His grey eyes were flickering around wildly as if they were looking around for something to focus on but any logical person knew they would find nothing.
She started to panic when the color on his cheeks disappeared and his hand gripped her shoulder harder. She started to notice that he had a habit of always holding onto her. He never seemed to want to let go of her since she had met him. It was rather unusual but maybe it was a logical explanation for a blind person. She was placing a hand against the side of his neck to check for warmth. (apparently in the ancient times they would check their necks for warmth to check if they were sick or not. if they were cold they were sick and if they were warm he was okay. it's rather weird. but I'll roll with it.)He was warm. Paulina felt herself breathe out a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness, you are warm," she whispered as she leaned back against him.
"What the hell does that mean?" Aegidius cried out, "How is that supposed to help me in any way, shape, or form?"
"I don't know! That's what my Mother used to do when I was sick! She told me that when you are sick check the temperature of your neck. If you are warm then you will survive, if you are cold then you won't. Simple."
"So I am going to survive."
"That's great. I can't have you dying in my place. It's bad service and gives out a bad reputation." Someone said from behind them. Paulina turned around to see the guy from earlier. He was short, stubby, and sort of reminded her of a tater tot. (i know they didn't have them in ancient greece and i pity them for not having them. so now they will have them because i am a kind person. also, i know the face claim you saw earlier does not match this description but just imagine Clint Eastwood as a short, stubbier person, who apparently looks like a tater tot.)
"This is your house?" Paulina asked as she heard Aegidius groan from behind her and quickly turned to reassure him when the short man beat her to it. He held a lobster in his hand and snapped it in half with his two hands. He brought it up over Aegidius head and let the juice from the lobster drip out and over his head. Paulina quickly stood up, so the lobster stuff wouldn't get on her own toga. She felt bad though, when he almost fell over. "Now what can I do for you folks. I haven't seen you around here before."
Paulina stared at Aegidius for a while, wondering what he was feeling. She guessed it would be an odd feeling to have someone pour the insides of a Lobster on you and not being able to know what it was or who had poured it on him. The good thing was he was starting to look a lot better. His coloring was coming and lidded eyes were slowly becoming brighter again. However, it was bizarre how he acted like he didn't even know there was liquid pouring down his temples and wettening his toga.
"How did you do that?" Paulina asked and walked over to Aegidius. She moved his sopping hair off his forehead and sat down on the table top above his forearm.
"I asked you first, birdy."
"Birdy?" The Spartan asked turning her attention from her friend to the strange man she was still curious about.
He shrugged, "I like the name."
Paulina furrowed her eyebrows. He hadn't been what he had expected leaving Paulina a little disappointed. He was a little weird, but he held a mysterious exterior that Paulina was fond of. "Okay, I am Paulina Gaspard and this," Paulina said and pointed to her benchmate, "Aegidius."
"I am Paralian," He said and stuck a hand out for her to shake.
Getting her hand out with Aegidius leaning against her frame was rather hard, so she instead decided to just say something along the lines of nice to meet you. The man left and went behind the counter when someone shouted at him for something.
"Paulina," Aegidius groaned.
"What the hell is this clumpy stuff on me?"
Paulina started to laugh, "The insides of a Lobster." She heard Aegidius groan again from under her causing her to laugh harder, "You know, I have never been this close to someone after only knowing them for a few hours."
"That's because you have never met a blind person. We're pretty cool people."
"I'm sure." She said and pat his shoulder. Her eyes scanned over the seating area once more when she met eye contact with Paralian. He gestured for her to come over. She nodded at him and kept her eyes on the man. "Do you think you can get up?"
"I think so."
"Good, we are going to go talk to Paralian."
Aegidius made a sound of protest, "No, I don't like him."
Paulina scoffed, "What are you talking about? You don't even know him."
"You don't either."
"Exactly, but I'm not the one judging him."
"Touche. But I am going to have to lean on you again."
"What even happened to you?" Paulina asked as she helped him up and off the bench.
"I don't know." Silence swept between them until they met up with Paralian. Personally, Paulina thought it was kind of nice.
"Sit, sit," Paralian ushered them into a seat, before standing up on the makeshift table, "Everyone, this is Pauline and Aegidius."
Paulina felt her heart sink, "No, it's Paulina-" Everyone greeted them a hello but it didn't make her feel any better. Of course, he got her name wrong. That had always been her worst pet peeve.
"So, are you children going to the Amphitheater later on?" Paralian asked and made a drink for someone next to them.
"yes, we are planning too," Paulina said.
"Good, I will go with you."
"What?" Aegidius exclaimed, he looked rather annoyed, "Why are coming with us?"
"You two intrigue me. Now, when did you get your names?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Did you get your name on the seventh to the tenth day of your birth?" (most children in ancient Greece didn't get their name until a week or more later because so many of them would die so early. the later you get your name the weaker you are as a baby.)
"The seventh," Paulina grinned.
"The ninth," Aegidius said and drummed his fingers against the counter.
"Hmm, interesting-"
Paulina almost fell out of her chair in shock. There on the counter was the llama. It was just sitting there just as ugly as it had been before. But it was there, she felt so relieved and happy. Excitement ignited inside of her. "What?" Aegidius asked nervously. She had gasped and now more than ever Aegidius wished he could see what was going on. She wasn't hurt was she?
"The Llama. How do you have the Llama?" Paulina asked Paralian.
"What Llama? Oh, you mean Thelma. A customer of mine had brought it in earlier and asked me to keep it safe for him."
"But it's mine," Paulina said quickly, "I had gotten it from an old man. He gave it to me! I swear he did!"
"Hey, hey, relax, kid." he said and put his hands down in a shushing manner, "I'll go talk to the guy. We're old friends. I'm sure he'll understand. Why don't you go outside? We have a beautiful view from the back. Go check it out. I'll bring your ugly Llama thing to you."
"Thank you, Paralian," Paulina said ignoring the comment on how ugly it was, "Thank you so much."
"Sure thing," he said and grabbed it off the counter before disappearing.
"Come on, Aegidius," Paulina said helping him out of his chair, "Let's go."
"I'm coming, I'm coming," he said and held out his arm for her.
"You seem better," she whispered as they walked towards the bench. She could see the view now and he was right. It was beautiful. The trees swayed gently in the wind as Apollo slowly started to meet his Sister in the horizon.
"I feel better. I still can't believe he put lobster on me though."
"Oh, please," the girl giggled nudging him playfully, "You loved it."
"I don't love anything." the man blurted out. Paulina was shocked, he looked so serious saying it. He almost seemed like he was serious.
"Well, you like things, don't you?"
"Sure, I do." he said quietly, "I just don't love things anymore."
Paulina went silent for a while. She hadn't realized how interesting of a person he was until now, "Eventually you are going to have to turn whatever you like into what you love. it's how you start to really live your life, Aegidius."
Aegidius went silent for a while. He just stared, but it was a different kind of stare. He glanced around in front of him as if he could see things. The look on his face was glorious. His brows furrowed down slightly and his eyes were more grey than ever. The golden light spilled over his features and turned his hair to ichor. She felt strangely airless, her breath had left long ago, and the wind had disappeared but she was fine. It was like she was dead but she had never felt more alive. "I used to love sunsets."
"I'm sorry, what?" Paulina said. She was thankful he was blind at the moment.
"When I was young, I used to love sunsets. I had been able to see then and I would just sit on top of this hill behind our house and I would admire the cool blue spill into purple. My Mother used to yell at me when she would call five times for me to come for dinner. But I had always had a problem with authority."
Paulina searched his face a little more and found a tiny smile. She hadn't seen him smile before. It took her a while to speak, "You can still love sunsets."
Aegidius laughed. It wasn't a small little giggle, it was full-blown, sad, throwing your head back, bitter kind of laughter. It made Paulina feel sick to her stomach, the feeling stayed the rest of the night when he didn't say a word after.
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a/n; and there you have it folks, the first chapter of 'thelma the llama'. don't worry next chapter you will be starring in the book. but first i had to get this written out. my gods, i hadn't realized how hard it was to write in the ancient greece time period. this is my first time writing something like this, so let me know how i did.
i'm kind of getting attached to paulina and aegidius. it's not good, but get ready to see more of them and you'll get to know paralian more as the story goes on. i think i may do something where every other chapter are these characters and then the other is percy jackson, it would only be for act one though. but i don't know yet, so let me know what you would prefer.
also, i am sorry if there are different tenses throughout the chapter. for some reason, it was hard for me to write in one tense the entire time. i think it is because i am experimenting with both at the moment.
another thing, [sorry] i would like to announce that i may be taking a tiny hiatus. i have been noticing that lately writing has become more like a chore than a fun hobby i enjoy doing. so it will only be two days. so don't worry about it.
but basically, what i am doing is the first day i am going to take the entire day off. just no writing at all, no checking notifications, no nothing. i am going to see if i had more fun that day without the responsibilities. the second day, i am only going to write for myself. i will not show any of you the writing piece and see how it turns out. basically, what i am experimenting is to see if i am starting to write for you guys instead of myself. recently, i have been noticing that i am trying to please you all instead of myself which is not okay in my book because my plan all along is to please myself. i am truly sorry about this but i think it will be a really good way for myself to figure out what is going on. plus, this way i can get myself more motivated and in the end it will also help you guys. but thank you for reading this. i am very excited for this book. i just ahh, i cannot wait to create this world and show you guys what happens!
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amarauder · 6 years ago
thelma the llama masterlist
thelma the llama masterlist 
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"i believe that someday we will find what we are looking for... or maybe not maybe we'll find something greater than that." ♆ ♆ Ever since the blasted trip to Bulgaria, weird things have been happening to Madeline. A terrorist had tried to break into her home, three old ladies had insisted upon her death, and a stuffed animal won't disappear. The stuffed llama had apparently been known to be cursed but Madeline never believed in magic. Too bad she would be forced to recognize it under the most brutal circumstances. Especially when she finds out she has been destined to be apart of an incoming secret war. | first installment of the thelma and louise series | percy jackson x reader | the battle of the labrinth - ?
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will include;
01. the battle of the labrinth
02. the last olympian
000. the legend of thelma the llama
001. louise and the purple crayon
002. thelma and louise take on the world
003. hagfish in the big blue sea
004. perseus jackson is one of the girls
005. thumbelina and the terrors of the big girl world
006. the seastar is rocking hoop earrings
007. assessing the casualties from (yet another) one of zeus' tantrums
008. (watch out draco malfoy) tyson is the new slytherin prince
009. old women who are worth more than your life
010. she's suffering from 'i'm worried that i've cultivated too weird of a personality before finding a significant other and now there's probably no one in the world who could put up with my shit' phobia
011. grover the saytr is y/n's support animal
012. kronos' life story is more controversial than anyone thought and it's giving everyone anxiety
013. that's what she said.
014. bae means poop in danish
015. the new phenomenon that caused idiotic people to start spontaneously bleeding from the nose
016. football; the non-american sport
017. does falkiat mean supernova in urdu
018. merry christmas to all, except severus snape
019. percy, the horse car-wash
020. annabeth and the american girl dolls
021. do not break the radio silence
022. captain luke's tentative return to the navy blue abyss
023. señor whitewashes is actually a male model
024. pedro the lion
025. the birds' and the bees' sex ed course
026. blackjack the magic dragon
027. bessie the sea-cow gets blow-dried
028. spilled pasta on the toes is called feetuccine
029. thelma is moonstruck by louise's beauty
030. why the egyptians worshipped cats
031. a foot's greatest fear is the six-inch heel
032. how to train your flying pig
033. luke castellan get's turned on by golden blood
034. sally jackson has the best laundry detergent
035. mother mary likes nuts
036. not liking the color orange is like not liking pizza bagels
037. the life of prada, the purse made out of bubblegum
[constantly updated]
will include;
01. the heroes of olympus series
01. thelma is a brand of mechanical hamsters
02. tyche, the goddess of luck is really fond of the kennedys
03. adhd medicine does not have heroin in it
04. peach skin is as soft as a baby's buttock
[constantly updated]
will include;
01. everything after the blood of olympus
01. thelma's brilliant idea of spending the rest of their lives with their immortal attempted killers
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amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter two ❥ | original
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"James Potter, come down here this instant and set me right!" came a screech from the first year girl's dormitory, which could be heard from all across Gryffindor Tower.
James Potter, who was currently daydreaming up more plans to make Y/n l/n's life at Hogwarts miserable, chuckled softly to himself as he heard Y/n scream at him.
Sirius, his best friend, frowned slightly. "Maybe you should give Y/n a break, James," he said seriously.
"No way! Torturing L/n  is way too fun to give up. Besides, she's the one who tricked me into thinking that small bottle of water was a Truth Potion! I swear that I'd get her after that."
Remus smiled and said, "Well, James, the teachers are still calling you 'Y/n and James Potter'. The name goes quite smoothly."
James colored. "I told you, the teachers are howling mad. McGonagall obviously wants revenge of some sort, and she's being nice to Snape!" All three boys shivered, and Peter, who was still sleeping, stirred awake.
"Who screamed?" he asked wearily, sitting up.
"You heard L/n," informed James, grinning at the little boy. "She wake you up? That gives me another reason to kill her."
"Not exactly," said Peter, frowning. "I thought I heard her voice—and yours—and she was singing a lullaby to a baby."
Before anyone could say another word, Sirius gleefully cried, "A ha! I told you Jamie-boy, that you and Y/n were going to get married and have a kid! Didn't I?"
James blinked. "Peter," he said, ignoring Sirius and turning to the sleepy boy, "did this dream seem—real?"
"I think so," replied Peter. "I mean, I don't know why I dreamt it, but I saw myself cowering as two men tried to kill me, but this boy—he stopped them. I was yelling, 'Remus, Sirius, have mercy, I never meant to betray Y/n and James', and the boy saved me. He looked exactly like you, James, but his eyes were like y/n's —they were e/c." He shook his head. "I don't know what kind of dream it was, but—it seemed so real."
There was silence all around the dormitory. Peter felt frightened, Remus was thoughtful, Sirius was confused, and James was bewildered at the dream. Peter...betrays him and Y/n? What madness was this?
Then the silence was shattered, again by Y/n's  voice.
"That James Potter!" she was yelling. "I'll get him one day! And the teachers call me 'Y/n Potter'. Completely mad!"
"Y/n," said Violet's voice. "Calm down. We'll all help you get revenge from James Potter. Don't worry, and come down and have some breakfast."
The girl's dormitory door burst open, and Y/n was flying out of it. She stormed right into the boy's dormitory, despite her friends' protests, and started to scream right in front of James' face.
"James Potter, you idiot, look at my hair!" she screeched.
It was a very funny sight indeed. Y/n's  hair, instead of its h/c, it was dark d/h/c and shining like gold. It would have looked very nice indeed, but it clashed horribly with Y/n's  iris-like delicate complexion. Her e/c hues  were sparkling malevolently.
"Change it back!" she demanded.
"Not unless I get a kiss," said James, pouting. The effects of these simple words were astounding. Sirius, Remus, and Peter all rolled over on their beds, laughing, while Y/n slapped James with all the strength she could muster. That sent the three boys laughing even harder, while Y/n  looked as if she were going to cry.
"If I kiss you," she said, shaking with anger. "Will you turn my hair red again?"
"Depends," replied James smugly, "but most likely."
Y/n, now blushing beet red, kissed James gently on the lips, which sent Sirius, Remus, and Peter into hysterics again. James, flushed with pleasure, waved his wand, and Y/n's hair turned h/c again.
"My God, Y/n, were you that desperate?" asked Sirius, still chortling.
"Yes," huffed Y/n, and stalked away, still red, back to her dormitory. Shouts of laughter could be heard a few seconds later, and Violet, Arabella, Jennifer, and Y/n burst out of their dormitory and into the Great Hall for breakfast. Y/n was still red from rage, but the rest of the girls were laughing.
"Hello Y/n," came an oily voice from behind them. Severus Snape was hurrying down from the steps of his dungeon common room, beaming.
"Severus," said Y/n, nodding curtly.
Snape's smile faded a little at Y/n's cool manner towards him, but he smiled pleasantly at the four girls. "So, why the laughing faces? Pleasant dreams?"
"Y/n just kissed James!" gasped Arabella, unable to conceal the information any longer. "Oh, it was hilarious!"
It was amazing how someone could change moods so fast. Snape's face twisted in anger, and he glared coldly at all of them with his empty black eyes. "Did you?" he asked, directing his question to Y/n.
"Well, Potter changed my hair into dark brown," said Y/n carefully, "so I was mad. Then, for some particular reason, he said he'd turn it back if I kissed him. And I was not to go into the Great Hall looking like a hag, so"—Y/n was now blushing to the roots of her hair—"I kissed him."
Snape frowned. "Potter likes you then?" he asked softly. "I mean, why would he have asked you otherwise?"
"Oh, probably to embarrass me in front of all my friends and his friends," replied Y/n  bitterly.
Snape, sensing Y/n's bitter tone, said brightly, "Y/n, would you—well—care to accompany me to—" He was interrupted by James, along with his friends, talking loudly on their way to the Great Hall.
"My God, Jamie-boy, are you in love?" crowed Sirius in delight.
"Nah, he just wanted to embarrass Y/n in front of us," said Remus sympathetically.
"You know, Moony, I sometimes think you're a mind-reader," said James.
"Oh no, look, there's trouble," murmured Peter, distracted, as he saw Snape with Y/n and her friends.
"Snape," said James coldly, as they approached the girls. "What are you doing here?"
"I heard Y/n kissed you here," replied Snape, his tone equally cold. "I suppose you want Y/n? Well, too bad, she's mine." The words went out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
Everyone stood there, stunned for a minute, but they started laughing the next minute.
"Oh, Snape that was a good one!" cried Sirius, slapping his knee. "Y/n—yours?" He started laughing again.
Y/n smiled wryly, but she had a temptation to burst out laughing like Sirius had done. "Since when have I been yours, Severus?" she asked coolly. "I don't remember belonging to anyone like I'm a piece of property."
Snape was beet red. "Well, what I meant Y/n, was that—" He trailed off, looking quite embarrassed, but controlled himself and strolled over to his friends.
"What have you been doing?" they heard Rosier demand.
"Torturing Potter and his fan club," came Snape's oily voice.
"Good, good. Severus, we must discuss your—er—feelings for the L/n girl..." Their voices trailed off, as James, Y/n, and their friends sat down at the Gryffindor table.
"Don't worry, Y/n, we won't tell what happened," said Violet sincerely, as she spread butter over her bread.
"Oh, won't we?" teased Sirius.
"Sirius," warned Violet in a dangerous voice.
"Oh, all right," said Sirius in a would-be disappointed voice. Then he added gleefully, "Still, I can't believe old Snape thought that you were his, Y/n! Oh, it would have been a perfect opportunity for blackmail if we didn't have a camera."
"I've got one in our dorm," said Jennifer suddenly. Then her eyes glinted mischievously.
"Oh, I have an idea! Y/n can pretend to seduce Snape and make him believe that she loves him, or something. Then we can take a picture and blackmail old Snape! What do you all think?"
"Jen, you're a genius!" breathed Violet. "What do you boys think?"
"Ingenious!" the four boys chorused.
"Hey, no one asked for my opinion!" demanded Y/n.
"Don't be such a spoilsport, Y/n, we don't need your opinion," snapped Violet good-naturedly.
"What? Why not?"
"Because we know you'd say no."
"Fine, I'll be considering, but as long as I don't have to kiss Snape. Yuck." She made a face.
"Of course you have to kiss Snape," said Jennifer practically. "That's part of seduction, right? Oh, and maybe you could be really extreme and we can lock you two into a room with a bed all night..." She grinned wickedly.
"I can't imagine a baby who looks like Snape with e/c eyes," put in Sirius.
"Ugh! You two are so disgusting! Me, sleep with Snape? You have got to be JOKING!" Y/n shook her head furiously.
"We are, N/n," reassured Violet, laughing. "We just wanted to pull your leg, that's all. You think we'd make you kiss Snape and sleep in bed with him? That's evil beyond Slytherin-evil."
"We also wanted to make Jamie jealous, too," added Sirius.
"Why would I be jealous?" asked James.
"'Cause you love Y/n too much."
"Sirius, you little—"
"Now what would eight Gryffindors such as yourselves be saying that must be loud enough to scream the Great Hall down?"
They all turned around to see Professor Hurst sneering at them. No one spoke.
"Dear, dear, L/n, I expected better from you." He tutted scoldingly, then returned to his seat at the High Table.
"Miserable bat," muttered Sirius, as he shoved sausages into his mouth.
Y/n and James were in Dumbledore's office. McGonagall, for some particular reason, had sent them there, and the two puzzled Gryffindors settled down and looked at all the strange objects in the office. A phoenix was fluttering its golden plumage, looking at them with beady eyes.
"Why were we sent here?" said James, cursing angrily.
Y/n tutted loudly. "Language, Potter. This is the headmaster's office."
"Hey—what's that?" He pointed to a crystal ball on Dumbledore's desk.
They scurried over and peered inside. It was a crystal ball, but it didn't look like the ones they saw in the pictures of thick books in Flourish and Blotts, and unlike regular crystal balls, it wasn't foggy. Instead, it was clear, and pictures were moving vividly.
As they peered closer, pictures began to form. A girl, who looked like an older version of Y/n, was running through a meadow. A handsome man much like an older James Potter was chasing after her, laughing. Then they drew in for a kiss, which went on for quite some time. The pictures blurred again, and formed a new one. An older version of the girl before was bending over a baby. It had jet-black hair that stuck in all directions, and bright e/c eyes. Then the man bent over the baby and the couple began to laugh. Then this picture disappeared as well, and a new one appeared. A boy, who looked much like James, except for the eyes, was flying on a broomstick, obviously pleased about something. Another boy and a girl were standing on what looked like the Quidditch field, cheering on the boy in the air. The boy on the ground had bright red hair, and the girl standing next to him had bushy brown hair. All three of them started laughing, having a good time. Then the picture dissolved together, and the crystal ball went blank.
"What was that?" said James aloud.
"Looks like a crystal ball," said Y/n. "Maybe it shows the future."
"Yeah, me and you kissing," said James sarcastically. "I suppose that will happen in the future."
"Must be our nightmares, then," snapped Y/n.
"I wonder who that boy was, though," said James thoughtfully. "You know, the one on the broomstick. He looked a lot like me, but he wasn't me, though. His eyes are e/c, like yours, and he had a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead."
"And the boy and girl standing weren't familiar, either," put in Y/n. "Maybe they're just people that are coming to Hogwarts later on."
"So what does that concern us for?"
"I don't know! You think I'm a Seer or something?"
Before the two could say another word, however, Dumbledore had just entered his office. He smiled at Y/n and James, and gestured them to sit down.
"Now, why have you been sent here?" he asked, still smiling.
"Er—" The two looked at each other and James admitted, "We honestly don't know. Professor McGonagall just told us to wait here for you, sir."
"I see." He looked between the nervous kids, and glanced over to where the crystal ball stood. "I think I know what it's about."
He went over and tapped the ball lightly with his wand, and it began to glow. "You see, Mr. Potter, Ms. L/n. This ball is no crystal ball. It tells the future to anyone who looks at it, even people who are not destined to be Seers. It is very rare, and—let me ask you something. What did you two see when you looked through it?"
Y/n hesitated. "Well," she began, "we first saw older versions of ourselves—er—kissing." She blushed furiously. "Then I saw my older version holding a baby, with James bending over it, laughing. Then—I saw a boy that looked like James, except he had e/c eyes like mine and a scar on his forehead. He was on a broomstick, and he and the red-head boy and brown-hair girl below him were laughing together." She frowned. "I don't know what it has to do with me."
Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled behind his half-moon glasses. "Ah, Miss L/n. It is because that it showed the future—your destiny. The boy on the broomstick—he is your son. And he is James' son as well. But I cannot tell you anymore than this. You'll have to find out for yourselves." He ushered them gently out of his office. "Now, why don't you head off to dinner while I examine this ball more."
Still puzzled, Y/n and James went out of Dumbledore's office, when James broke into a tirade.
"I'm marrying you? And we have a son together? Am I mad?"
"Hey, I'm confused too," snapped Y/n.
"Obviously. But we'd better not mention this to anyone, Sirius will never let me hear the end of it."
"Deal," agreed Y/n.
Their friends were rushing towards them, grins plastered on their faces. "What was that about?" asked Sirius loudly. "Did Dumbledore yell at you or something."
Y/n and James exchanged nervous glances. "Er—McGonagall made some sort of mistake," lied Y/n. "Dumbledore had no idea what we were doing in his office."
"Right." You could tell that they didn't believe a single word Y/n had said.
"So Y/n," began Arabella, "did you make up with James?"
"No!" chorused the two enemies.
The rest all sighed. "So much for that," muttered Sirius.
"Hey, I tried," argued Arabella.
"I wasn't blaming you, Bells. Those two are just so stubborn sometimes!"
"Hey, it's not like we can't hear you," stated Y/n. "We're still here you know."
"I know," said Sirius, irritated. "Just leave me alone." He waved his hand casually and left for Gryffindor Tower.
"What's eating him?" wondered Jennifer as they climbed through the portrait hole.
"Maybe it's a boy thing," suggested Violet.
"Who knows."
As the four girls scrambled into their dormitory, Arabella stopped. "I think I'll go see Sirius," she said, ignoring the whistles that followed.
"Aww, I didn't know you liked Sirius, Bella. Why didn't you tell us?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," replied Arabella loftily.
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just tell us if any saliva is exchanged between you and dog boy."
They all giggled, leaving Arabella stomping off to the boys' dormitory. Minutes later, James entered the girls' dormitory to find three girls giggling furiously.
"What do you think is happening?" asked Y/n excitedly.
"They're probably having a kissing session," said Jennifer disgustedly.
"How romantic," said Violet dreamily.
James cleared his throat, and the girls turned around.
"What are you doing here, Potter? I didn't remember inviting you."
"I didn't think I needed an invitation," said James dryly. "Though I do think you would want news of how my best friend is doing with your best friend."
Y/n's  eyes sparkled. "All right then. I'll be civil to you, and you can tell us what's happening."
James grinned. "As Jennifer predicted, they are currently kissing"—he grinned at Y/n's delighted face, Jennifer's disgusted one, and Violet's dreamy one—"but it took quite a lot of convincing." He explained the whole story, and Violet sighed dramatically.
"That's so romantic," she sighed. "It's just like it's out of a fairy tale!"
"Violet, please," scolded Jennifer. Then she added, "We wouldn't want Y/n and James to be next."
"Not this again," groaned Y/n. "I told you guys, I hate Potter."
"Then you could marry Snape—"
"Ugh, what do you take me for? I'm not marrying that slimy, greasy hairball git!"
"You're right, Y/n Potter sounds much better," said Jennifer, trying not to laugh.
"Jennifer Dean, you've got some nerve—"
"I'll be leaving now," said James loudly. He turned to go, but then the door burst open and Arabella walked in with a dazed expression on her face.
"Ah, finally done, are you?" he said teasingly, watching Arabella's face twist in fury and horror. "Don't worry, the girls already know." He left without another word.
"You guys know?" asked Arabella, rather shakily.
"'Course we know, Y/n did a bit of coaxing," said Jennifer, grinning. "So...give us the details! Potter would never tell the more juicy parts to us."
"Tomorrow," promised Arabella, trying not to laugh. "Guys—I think I'm in love."
"At age eleven?" questioned Violet, raising her eyebrows. "I wouldn't know, but it's just a minor crush."
"Yeah, whatever."
The snow was finally melting, and spring was in the air, which meant another Quidditch match was approaching. James and Sirius, though they desperately wanted to get on the team, finally stopped pestering the Gryffindor captain and decided to try out next year. Y/n was excited and nervous as well. It would be Gryffindor against Ravenclaw, the second match of the season.
She was quite nasty to Snape as well. Though it wasn't against Slytherin House this time, Severus had been trying to keep the team players out of action along with his Slytherin gang, causing Y/n to slap him harshly one day in the corridors. Sirius had howled with laughter after that, and Snape never taunted any of the Gryffindors in front of her after the incident.
Of course, Y/n and James continued to pull pranks on each other. Y/n, furious at James for turning her hair into brown, had performed a little charm to make Deanna Jackson, the girl James always mooned about to make Y/n  jealous, to fall in love with James for a day. This had caused James into one of the worst days of his life, having the second year Gryffindor girl follow him around like a puppy. He had gotten his revenge, however, by declaring to the whole Great Hall that Y/n liked Snape, performing charms that sent shooting stars into the bewitched night sky. Y/n, who was already fuming by then, had stood up and declared that James Potter was a liar and that she hated Snape as well as all Slytherins, then storming out of the Great Hall amid the shouts of laughter heard afterwards.
On this particular day, however, Y/n seemed nervous. Her friends had demanded what was wrong, but she wouldn't say.
"Fine!" she snapped, after the fifth time they asked her. "The exams are in three months, what if I don't pass?"
Violet burst into laughter. "Are you still worrying about that, N/n? Y/n, they're ages away! If James Potter isn't worried, then you shouldn't be, since you're much cleverer than he is."
"Oh, I suppose," sighed Y/n, but she was in a lighter mood after that.
Meanwhile, James was complaining in the boys' dormitory about Deanna.
"If L/n hadn't put that charm on her, then she wouldn't be following me around!" he whined.
Sirius, who was sick of James' complaints, had said, "Oh, come on Jamie-boy, it's not like Jackson's the only girl that's fighting over you. A group of Ravenclaw girls had a catfight in the corridors because they were arguing if you liked them or not, and one of them ended up in the hospital wing with a bloody nose." He shook his head. "Honestly, James, get yourself a girl and settle down."
"I don't even like girls!" he exclaimed. "Yeah, sure Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet are my friends—sort of, but that L/n." He shuddered.
"Y/n's nice," cut in Remus, who was interested in where this conversation was going. "You should be friends with her, James, she has a side to her that you probably never expected."
"She actually studies?" suggested James.
"No. She's actually really funny, and can really help you in your times of trouble. Really, Y/n makes me laugh all the time. You guys should get together as friends, James, or else you'll be missing a lot of great times."
"I couldn't have said it better myself," agreed Sirius. James turned to Peter, and the little boy nodded, showing his assent, which made him groan loudly.
"So how come L/n  hates me so much?" he demanded of his friends.
The three boys looked at each other. Finally Remus said in his gentle voice, "Because, James, you hate her. If you two made up, I'm sure Y/n wouldn't hate you so much."
James laughed at the irony of this statement. Y/n had once threatened to tear him apart from limb to limb if he embarrassed her again. Soon their dormitory door opened and Y/n walked in, grinning. James groaned again. She must be planning a new prank, he thought to himself.
"Hey Y/n," greeted Sirius, grinning at the redhead appreciatively. James scowled.
"What do you want, L/n?" he asked.
"I just wanted to see my friends, Jamie," replied Y/n, pouting. "Is that such a crime?" She shot him a smile, which made him relax a bit.
"See Potter, I'm not so bad," she said, nodding and smirking at the black-haired boy.
"Right." James crawled onto his bed and drew the curtains so that everything was hidden from view.
"You know, Potter isn't so bad," remarked Y/n.
James couldn't believe his ears. Had Evans gone mad?
"Really?" he heard Sirius' voice say.
"Yep. Pretty cute, actually. I can actually imagine why those silly girls chase after him like wolves."
James, much to his horror, found himself grinning like a Cheshire cat. Oh, now L/n was humoring Sirius.
"You know, Y/n , James can hear you," said Remus.
"I know," he heard Y/n say. "I'm just going to see what Potter's reaction to this is –"
James panicked. What if Y/n saw him listening through his curtains intently? He quickly lay in bed and pulled out a battered old copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, and began reading. Soon Y/n,  pulled the curtains back, and disappointingly, James was reading, not paying any attention to their conversation. Or so she thought.
"Oh, hi L/n," said James, looking up from his book and speaking nonchalantly.
"Potter," she said, smirking. "Nice book?"
"Oh yeah," he replied quickly. "Very, um...interesting read."
"Is that why you're reading it upside down?" she asked, smiling sweetly. James blushed. So this was why she was grinning.
"I was experimenting," he said grumpily.
"Sure you were," said Y/n, still grinning.
"I was," said James, aggravated.
"Do you normally read books upside-down? I didn't know even wizards were capable of that."
"Oh, well—I'm special," said James proudly.
Y/n snorted. "Yeah, well, I'd better get back to my dormitory. I have to put some common sense into Violet, since she secretly 'likes' you. Ridiculous!"
"You're just jealous," said James smugly, sounding oddly like a five-year-old.
Y/n snorted. "Of what?"
James scratched his head before answer. "Er—I forgot."
Y/n laughed.
That night, she had the strangest dream.
Y/n was softly humming to a baby, which she recognized to be the same baby that she and James were laughing over in Dumbledore's crystal ball. An older version of James was standing next to her, his arms around hers, and he was whispering to a tear-streaked Y/n. They were both whispering and comforting the crying bundle in Y/n's arms, and there was a loud bang that shattered the silence. Then James' voice began to panic.
"Y/n, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off..." Then he stumbled into another room while Y/n rushed to the kitchen.
There was a high-pitched cackle, and then silence. All of a sudden, a scream echoed through the night, and there was a thump as something heavy hit the floor. Y/n could only guess that her husband was dead.
Then the cloaked figure who had killed James advanced towards her. He was ready to attack, to kill, as he held up his wand.
Then Y/n's voice rang out. "Please, not Harry, have mercy..."
"Stand aside, you silly girl, stand aside now..."
"Please, I'll do anything, kill me, kill me instead..."
Then Y/n was screaming like she had never screamed before, and fell to the floor with a dull thump. The cloaked figure had advanced towards the baby boy named Harry, but could not kill him. He let out a piercing scream, there was a blinding flash of light, and an eerie silence afterwards. The baby boy was still alive and fast asleep.
Y/n woke up with a start, sweat pouring down her face. Now she understood what Dumbledore had said. She and James were to die, but her son—Harry, he was to live. But what did this all mean?
"Y/n?" She heard a muffled voice, and Arabella was slipping on her school robes, looking exhausted. "Was that you screaming?"
"I screamed?" asked Y/n, confused. Arabella nodded, and Jennifer and Violet began to stir awake, too.
"What did you dream about?"
"I dreamed—I dreamed about this...wizard. He came to my house and he—he killed James. Then he killed me, but only because I wouldn't let him kill a baby boy. But he couldn't kill the baby boy, who was probably my son."
There was a nasty silence after her story. Arabella, Violet, and Jennifer were too stunned to speak. Then their dormitory door opened and James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter filed in, looking as tired as the girls. Sirius looked grumpy, while Remus and Peter were yawning. James, however, was wide-awake with round eyes.
"What are you guys doing here?" asked Arabella curiously.
"Well," said Sirius, his voice full of agitation, "I was sleeping soundly, when James here started yelling like a maniac. This woke me up out of my dreams, and then we heard one of your scream. So we came here to investigate."
"Y/n said something about a wizard coming to kill James and herself, but he couldn't kill her son," said Violet, frowning.
"That's what I dreamed about," said James, looking terrified.
Y/n choked back a sob, and Bella put her arm around her best friend. "Don't worry, N/n, it's all right..." She glared at the boys. "What do you think you're doing, scaring Y/n like this? Now, either we all send James to an insane asylum or..."
"Hey, your friend dreamt the same thing!" pointed out James angrily. "I'm not the only one who's insane!"
"Y/n's not insane!" screeched Arabella.
"What in heavens is going on here?" They slowly turned around, only to see Professor McGonagall turn up in a flowered nightgown and holding a lit up wand. She was frowning.
"Boys!" she cried. "What do you think you're doing in a girls' dormitory? Potter, Black, you two should have known better!"
The bowed their heads. Then Y/n said, "Please, Professor, J-James and I, we had a bad dream and the boys came here to see w-what was wrong." Her voice was shaky.
McGonagall looked astonished. Then she said swiftly, "Well, you all get on back to bed. Potter, Miss L/n, I would like a word with you two." She marched out of the portrait hole and near the stone gargoyle with James and y/n at her heals.
"Sherbet Lemon," she barked, and the stone gargoyle jumped to life and sprang aside. She marched into the office and Professor Dumbledore was hurrying out of the dark in his robes, looking concerned.
"Minerva," he said, frowning. "What is this?"
Professor McGonagall nodded her head to Y/n and James. "Those two—they just had a dream about you-know-what."
Dumbledore nodded, relaxing. "Very well, Minerva. You may return to bed now. I will speak to them."
When McGonagall left, Dumbledore turned to the two. "I want you to tell me exactly what your dreams were about," he said, in a gentle, but firm voice.
Y/n  and James told the headmaster exactly what they dreamt about, and Dumbledore looked thoughtful. "I knew you would dream this sooner or later," he said, smiling at their stunned faces. "You two have a long destiny together and will change the course of the world. Of course, you probably think it's perfectly ridiculous right now, seeing how much you—er—rather loathe each other. But time will come when you will understand what the right thing to do is. Now"—he glanced at the watch on his wrist—"I think it is time for you two to return to bed. And please do not mention what I have told you to anyone. It's dangerous to share secrets these days."
They both nodded and left the office, whispering to each other.
"What did Dumbledore mean, 'change the course of the word'? Dad must've known something like this would happen, that's why he told me to be nice to you in the letter."
"Yeah...he sent me one just before Christmas yelling at me and telling me to be nice to 'the L/n girl'. I tried, but you're obviously not easy to get along with."
"There's no point of trying if it's impossible," snapped Y/n.
James was amazed. "Still—it's pretty bad to disobey my dad. He can be powerfully mad when...hey, who's that?"
There was a shadow moving along the walls, and Snape came out, very red in the face.
"Oh, hello," he muttered, carefully not meeting their eyes. "I was—er—taking a stroll..."
"In the middle of the night?" interrupted James. "Really, Severus, you out of all people to break school rules—" He tutted the way Y/n would when someone broke a school rule.
"I—" Snape now looked extremely uncomfortable. "You're out of bed," he said instead.
"The headmaster wanted to see us," replied Y/n  hardly. She was rather cool to Snape after the match against Ravenclaw.
"Oh, well, that—that's different, then," stumbled Snape. "W-well, I m-must be off." He ran off, not to another corridor, but to the direction of where the Slytherin common room was.
"I took care of him," said James proudly. Y/n scowled.
"I helped!"
"Yeah, well, I did most of the work."
"Arrogant pig."
"Withering flower."
"Daft—" began Y/n, but her eyes filled with tears. "I am not a withering flower!"
"Well, I'm not an arrogant pig and a daft whatever-you-were-going-to-say!"
"Yes, well, a withering flower—" She suddenly ran off to Gryffindor Tower, sobbing. James halted. What had he said wrong?
By the time he got into the common room, all three of Y/n's friends were glaring at him menacingly, their arms around a crying Y/n. When he saw his friends, they were also staring at him coldly and shaking their heads.
"Why is everyone mad?" he asked wonderingly, strolling over to where Sirius, Remus, and Peter stood.
"You called Y/n a withering flower," said Remus quietly, not looking at James.
"So? She called me an arrogant pig!"
"Yes, James." It was Sirius speaking, and he was looking serious, for a change. "You know how strong Y/n is. A withering flower would indicate that she was weak and cannot face the world. And you know how that's not true. Y/n's stronger than all of us, and can go through many hardships."
James' heart sank and he suddenly felt terrible. "Well, I didn't mean...what I meant was..." He trailed off, looking away.
Remus patted his shoulder. "I know you didn't mean any harm when you said it, James, but next time, be careful of what you say to Y/n. She's one girl you shouldn't mess with."
James gave his friend small smile. "You can say that again. I've had too much experience to mess around with her."
Sirius laughed and Remus chuckled. "You're right about that, Jamie!"
Then James walked over to where Y/n was still crying. But before he could say one word, she rushed up to the girls' dormitory, tears coursing on her cheeks.
"You should go after her and apologize," said Violet quietly, watching her friend disappear. "That was a really mean thing you said, James."
"I know," said James, his head bowed. "I—I never meant any harm..."
"Of course you didn't," said Jennifer swiftly. "Y/n's just a bit stubborn, but she'll get over it. Just watch your mouth next time, sonny." She grinned and Arabella stepped forward.
"I'm not mad," she reassured. "But I'll be happy again if you'd apologize to my best friend."
"I will," he promised, and rushed up to the girls' dormitory. Then the girls started to grin at each other excitedly.
"D'you think they'll kiss and make up?" whispered Violet.
Arabella shook her head. "Nah, I know Y/n too well, she and James will still stay enemies after James apologizes. But they'll become friends later, for sure."
"It happens when both people are as stubborn as mules," agreed Jennifer.
Back in the girl's dorm room, James was apologizing endlessly to Y/n.
"Look, y/n, I'm not forcing you to be friends with me, but I really want you to forgive me for calling you a withering flower. I was really mad at that time, and I wasn't thinking properly and...well..." Seeing that Y/n was looking away and not speaking, he tried again.
"Y/n, I think you're beautiful. I've thought that ever since we first met at King's Cross and, well, I've never told anyone. I know that Sirius would tease me to no end, and your friends would probably say 'we knew it'. So—I've kept it to myself. But now I'm telling it to you, and...can you please not tell anyone that I've said it?"
Y/n turned around, and James was astonished to see a smile plastered on her face. "Sure James. You know, you're not such a bad guy after all. When I first met you, I thought that you were the worst thing since rules, but I guess I was wrong and Remus was right. There is more to you than I've ever imagined. But we're still enemies, right?"
Y/n grinned mischievously. "Right. Much to our friends' disappointments of course."
"So...let's go down to the common room."
They marched down to the common room again, where their friends were waiting eagerly.
"Did you make up?" asked Arabella, though she knew what the answer would be.
"Nope," they both replied.
"And you two would have made such a cute couple," sighed Sirius, pretending to be disappointed.
James laughed. "Come on, Sirius, we know you don't want us to be friends. When we play pranks on each other again, you'll have the pleasure of egging us both on."
"Jamie-boy, sometimes I think that you can read minds."
"Funny thing really—I was thinking that Remus can."
They all laughed. Then James went over to Y/n and said, "Enemies?"
"Enemies...for now," said Y/N, hiding a smile.
"Hey!" exclaimed Sirius suddenly. "You didn't say, 'Enemies forever'!"
"That's right, Sirius," explained Y/n, smiling. "Because James and I know we won't be enemies forever."
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
a/n; go check out my rewritten version! you can find it in my masterlist!
masterlist of it’s a hate-thing original version
masterlist for rewritten version
18 notes · View notes
amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter four ❥ | original
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"Y/n!" A familiar female voice was calling, and Y/n turned around and screamed, "Bella!"
"Hey n/n," greeted Arabella, watching her friend's h/c hair soar in the wind as she approached her. "Nice vacation, eh?"
"Best I've ever had," said Y/n, smiling. She was starting to remember the events of the summer.
Y/n was humming to herself as she watched the birds sing sweet songs on a nearby tree. It was always a hobby of hers, to watch birds. Suddenly, out of nowhere, something whooshed by, causing her to nearly fall of the edge of her bed. Now soaring through the sky were a couple of broomsticks. Y/N grinned, thinking that it was probably Arabella coming to save her from Petunia. Maybe Violet and Jennifer, her two other friends at Hogwarts, had come too.
As soon as she opened her window to let them in, it was no other than James Potter, her arch-nemesis at Hogwarts. Of course, he wasn't as bad as Severus Snape, the avid Gryffindor-hater, who also, unexpectedly and unfortunately, had an enormous crush on Lily.
"What are you doing here, Potter?" she hissed, glaring at the boy.
"I'm allowed to save you from y/s/n, aren't I?" He grinned that lop-sided grin of his. James Potter was your typically average popular boy, who was entering his second year like Y/n. He had jet-black hair, which ran untidy all over the place, called "the untamed forest" by Y/n. He also had soft brown eyes, which shined with mischief and bravery. He was thin and wiry, but he was very tall. Followed by him was none other than his first-hand mate, sidekick, and best friend, Sirius Black. Sirius looked a lot like his best friend, except he had longer black hair and grey eyes that had a mysterious glitter in them, but nevertheless, they were just as mischievous as James'.
Remus followed his two friends, smiling at Y/n gently. He was liked best of all among the girls (Y/n's group of friends). He had light brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a thin, tired face. Yet he had a gentle air around him, perhaps a bit eerie, but he was always so gentle, so kind, like a great healer. Peter, sadly, was gliding jerkily through the air, trying to hold on to his dear life. James and Sirius offered to let him share a broomstick with either of them, but Peter jauntily refused. He seemed to want to prove to Lily, who was the smartest witch of their age, no doubt, that he was something. Maybe not a lot, but something.
Arabella, Violet, and Jennifer had come soaring right after the boys and landed in Y/n's room as well. They rode on a broomstick – Lily assumed it was a large, family-sized one, and greeted Y/n with hugs.
"Girls," Sirius had muttered, "always showing such affection." But he had taken the statement back right away after Arabella gave him some "affection" of her own.
Y/n laughed. "Yep. Best summer I ever had."
"Best summer you'll ever have," corrected Arabella. "It's obvious the first summer after first year is more special than any other."
"Sure Bells—hey, there's Sirius!" She emphasized the last word, sending her best friend in fits.
Arabella and Sirius had their little "snog session", as Y/n often called it, and her e/c/s (Eye color that represents a stone, ex: Green emerald, blue sapphire, etc.) eyes traveled around until it sank into a pair of brown ones.
"James Potter," she said coolly.
"Y/n L/n," James said, just as coolly. Then he grinned again and motioned toward Remus, who was desperately trying to fight off a flirting Jennifer. "Looks like Dean's got it bad."
"Shut up, Potter," snapped Y/n irritably. "It's not every day Jennifer gets taken with a boy. In fact, she hates boys so much that I'm surprised she's even talking civilly to Remus."
"Violet's paired off with our Peter, too," said James, pretending to sigh wistfully, as he watched Peter awkwardly compliment a giggling Violet.
"Everyone's paired off," replied Y/n gloomily, and she looked rather sad.
"No one's as cute a couple as Y/n and James Potter," interrupted Sirius, walking towards them with a grin. He ducked as a shower of sparks hit him, and straightened up, with Arabella cuddling next to him.
"Sirius Black, don't you dare—" began Y/n, but James kissed Y/n unexpectedly. Y/n screamed and started to threaten him, but he just grinned and winked at Sirius.
"All right, what's going on here?" asked Y/n loudly.
Arabella shrugged. "Who knows. Boys are weird anyway. They never have an explanation for any of their actions."
An exclamation of "Hey!" came from the two boys, and both girls grinned.
"Let's go find Jennifer and Violet," suggested Y/n.
When both girls left, Sirius smiled at his friend. "So...you think Y/n L/n is totally gorgeous?"
James glowered at him. "Did I say that?"
"You want to."
He groaned. "Sirius, leave me alone."
Sirius shrugged. "Fine. But I'm telling you—if I break up with Bella, then I'm going after Y/n."
James waved his hand impatiently. "Whatever."
"Hey, show more consideration for your wife!"
James' jaw, literally, dropped to the floor. "B-but h-how d-did you know?" he stuttered. Then he frowned and asked, "Did L/n tell you?"
"Nope. I—er—accidentally overhead your conversation with Dumbledore. But y/n already knows that I know."
James groaned. "Why am I always the last to know everything?"
"Because, Jamie-boy, everything bad always happens to you first."
He snorted. "Yeah—like falling 'in love' with Deanna Jackson, probably the most hated girl in Gryffindor."
"She's attractive."
"Not to me."
"Ah, now only going for the h/c, are we?" Sirius smirked.
"You go for the brown-curled ones," retorted James. Then his smile widened. "Didn't like Arabella too much on the first day back on the train, did we?"
Sirius colored. "None of your business, James Potter."
James pretended to gasp. "Is Sirius Black being...*gasps from the audience*...serious?"
His best friend shook his head and said bleakly, "Ha, ha."
"What's so funny?" y/n had come back, closely tailed by her three friends.
"Nothing," James muttered.
"You're always so shy around y/n, James, are you sure nothing's up?" asked Arabella slyly.
Violet coughed, which made Jennifer automatically say, "Remus, can I talk to you for a moment?"
"No." Remus was right behind James and Sirius, causing the latter to jump. "I will not, Miss Jennifer Dean."
As if expecting it all along, Jennifer's face was impassive.
"We're going to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor," said Arabella hurriedly. "We have—er—a project to finish." Then they all scurried off to the ice cream parlor, leaving Y/n and James alone, standing there.
"They planned this whole thing up!" cried y/n angrily. "I knew Bella was up to something—she was writhing and squirming all over the place at breakfast."
James stared at y/n. Sirius was right, he thought. Y/n L/n is gorgeous. Most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life – but we're still enemies, of course. He thought he heard a snort in the back of his head that said, "Yeah, right, Jamie-boy."
"I'm not Jamie-boy and I don't think y/n L/n is gorgeous!" Y/n stared in surprise at James' outburst, and the boy blushed furiously.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
The whole lot of Diagon Alley was staring at him. Many of the bystanders were Hogwarts students, and some of them snickered and a few whispered to each other that James Potter, the most wanted and admired boy in school, liked Y/n L/n, the prettiest and cleverest girl at Hogwarts.
"Er—" Y/n was staring at James, puzzled. No one had said that she was gorgeous—probably Sirius had put a charm on him to repeat the words "Jamie-boy, you know Y/n L/n is gorgeous" in his head.
"Shall we join our friends?" asked James, still red in the face. As they went to the ice cream parlor where their friends were, many girls flirted with James non-stop; fluttering their eyelashes and giggling like idiots. Y/n looked thoroughly depressed by all the attention that she was getting as well. Nearly every boy—even fourth and fifth years—were staring at her with a mixture of astonishment and intensity. Suddenly, Severus Snape, the famous hater of Gryffindor, had come up to her, looking into her eyes pleadingly.
"Y/n!" he exclaimed happily. "How pleasant to see you!" He eyed her body in approval. Then he looked over at James and frowned.
"What are you doing here, Potter?"
"I've come to buy my school supplies, Snape, you idiot," snapped James. He was obviously in a very bad mood. "Why, is that illegal?"
"It looks like you were harassing my Y/n," spat the greasy-haired boy. He emphasized on the 'my'.
"For heavens' sake, I'm not yours, Snape!" cried Y/n. She had enough of the oily Slytherin as well.
Snape was taken aback. Y/n had never lost control like that to him before. He concluded that Potter had indeed messed around with the poor girl's brain and decided to make an offer involving improper advances to L/n before Evan Rosier could find him.
"So, y/n," he began, "would you like to have a 'visit' to my dormitory today?"
"Thinking of shagging her, Snape?" spat James menacingly. Snape was taken aback.
"Well!" he exclaimed, but his tone was unusually high. "I certainly do not know how you came up with such a theory, Potter, but I can assure you—"
"No thank you, Severus," snapped y/n, "I would not like to visit your dormitory. No doubt that you do want me to crawl into bed with you, and McGonagall or Hurst catching me. Besides, it's against school rules: no Inter-House common room visits."
James sighed in relief. For a fleeting moment, he thought that Y/n would accept Snape's offer just to make him jealous. But he wouldn't be, of course – would he?
"Hello? Earth to James!" It was Sirius, and he was grinning like a maniac.
James was back on earth again. Then he broke into a tirade.
"How dare you leave me alone with L/n, Sirius Black! What were you thinking?"
Sirius was taken back at James clearly furious face. "It wasn't my plan, it was my Bella's and all her friends' plan. I swear I had nothing to do with it!" His face was pale as James' cold face stared furiously at his.
Finally, James gave up. Maybe Sirius was telling the truth for once in his life. "Fine, forget about it."
Sirius grinned. "That's Jamie-boy for you. Always had a big heart."
"Sirius, do me a favor and stop the sappy stuff."
"Whatever you say."
James decided to change the subject. After all, they were going nowhere with this conversation. "Did you ever wonder why Remus disappears every month?"
Sirius furrowed his brow. "Didn't he say his mother was ill and he had to go home to see her?" he asked, almost doubtfully.
"Yeah—but Dumbledore wouldn't allow a student to go home just because his mother was ill, would he?"
"No...but Dumbledore's always been the kind and understanding headmaster, so I wouldn't count on it. But it's funny, really, how poor Remus looks like he doesn't get enough sleep at all. I'm sure if he did go home to visit his mother, he would get a good rest."
James' head snapped up. "I think I've got it!"
"Got what?"
"The answer to Remus' mysterious disappearances!"
"Have you? What is it?"
"Well...I don't exactly have the answer, but I know how to find out. Here, give me a piece of parchment."
Sirius handed his best friend a piece of parchment, wondering vaguely if his friend had gone bonkers. James was scribbling down on his parchment eagerly, and Sirius leaned in to see what he was writing.
Remus disappears every month.
Remus seems awkward whenever we bring up the subject of why he disappears, so it must be something he really doesn't want us all to know.
I notice that whenever he disappears, the moon is full because he always glances at it wistfully.
Sirius stared at the piece of parchment. "What does this all mean?" he asked eagerly.
James shrugged. "I have no idea."
A week later, it was September 1st, and King's Cross was jammed with hundreds of Hogwarts students trying to get on Platform 9 ¾. Y/n was pushing her cart with her trunk and owl, Hannah, in it, while struggling to have her mum stop crying.
"Mum," she sighed, exasperated. "Stop crying. I'll come home for the Christmas and Easter holidays if you want."
Her mother had stopped crying at once. "Would you, dear? Yes...I'll stop crying; you coming home will do me good..." She sniffed.
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Well, I have to go, I still have fifteen minutes before the train leaves."
Her dad turned to Y/s/n, who was, as usual, sulking at a corner. "Y/s/n, say goodbye to your sister," he said sternly.
"No," replied Y/s/n defiantly. "Why should I? She said she was coming home for Christmas and Easter holidays."
Before the L/n's could say another word, Y/n pushed her cart between Platforms Nine and Ten, hearing distinct yells and noises behind her. Probably Mum and Dad yelling at Y/s/n for being so 'rude' to her sister, she thought, grinning. She ran with all her might through the barrier, until the words "Platform nine-and-three-quarters" were hanging above her head.
"Y/n! There you are!" It was her best friend, Arabella, calling and waving to her frantically. Behind her, Jennifer and Violet, Y/ n's other two friends, we're happy to see her again.
"Hey Bella, Jen, Violet!" greeted Y/n enthusiastically. "Sorry I couldn't get here earlier; Mum was crying her eyes out again. 'Fraid I have to go home over the Christmas and Easter holidays—promised Mum."
Arabella's face looked downcast, but she brightened up again. "So...will you and James get together again?"
"No." Y/n sighed in resentment and impatience. Why were her friends so caught up in matchmaking them?
"Y/n Flower!" She turned around to see James Potter's circle of Marauders run towards her in excitement.
"Hello Y/n," greeted Remus affectionately. Y/N had always liked Remus best of them all; he was always so gentle and understanding.
"Hi Remus," said Y/n, smiling at the tired boy. Then she turned to Peter and Sirius. "Hey, Peter, Sirius."
They both greeted her, and Y/n purposely ignored the fourth member and ringleader of them all.
"Hi L/n." It was James, and he was sporting his usual lopsided grin.
"Potter," was all Y/n said. She disliked – no, hated, James Potter from the moment she met him a year ago at King's Cross. The six other friends sensed a hatred silence between them and stood awkwardly aside.
Then James nudged Sirius, and the boys filed into the train and went in search of an empty compartment. The girls found an empty one just at the end of the train and collapsed into the seats tiredly.
"Y/s/n bore you to death, N/n?" asked Arabella, yawning.
"Yep. She wouldn't say goodbye to me at the train station, so I think I heard my mum and dad yell at her when I was out of earshot."
All four girls laughed. The compartment door slid open and the four Marauders came barging in.
"We need to sit here," said James shortly. "All the others are full."
"Are you sure you're just saying that so you can sit with Y/n, James?" asked Arabella sweetly. James colored and glared at her.
"Can we?" asked Sirius hopefully. He looked mighty tired from all the searching.
"Sure, why not?" Y/n scooted over a seat, as did the rest of the girls.
"Thanks." The boys all sat down, looking exhausted.
As time passed, the train was speeding up quickly. The countryside surroundings had passed and they were going deeper and deeper into a thick forest. Remus, Violet, Jennifer, and Peter were fast asleep, so Y/n, Arabella, James, and Sirius started a discussion about Remus' mysterious disappearances.
The girls looked at each other apprehensively. "We—er—know what's wrong with Remus," said Y/n uncomfortably.
James and Sirius stared at them. "Well—go on—tell us! We don't care if it's something terrible."
Finally, Y/n said, "Remus—Remus is a..." She kept her voice low so only the four of them could hear, "a werewolf."
James and Sirius went pale. Then James shrugged indifferently and said, "How come he's never told us before?"
Arabella was astonished. "You mean, you don't—you don't care?"
The boys were annoyed. "Why would we care? It's not his fault!"
Y/n and Arabella looked at each other delightedly. "He never told any of us because he was afraid that we'd dump him as a friend. Of course, we'd never, ever..."
"How'd you girls figure it out?" asked Sirius curiously.
"Y/n," answered Arabella simply. "She's the genius, you know."
Y/n shrugged. "I just figured out that Remus leaves at every full moon, and the only thing that does that is a werewolf. Jen and Violet know too. Bit of a nasty shock for Jen at first, but she was only wondering, like yourselves, why Remus never told any of us."
"Remus is a great friend, he doesn't think we're that shallow, does he?"
"Many people are frightened of werewolves, you know."
"But—we're still his friends—"
"All right, end of discussion!" said Arabella loudly, causing both Remus and Peter to stir. Remus sat up, rubbing his eyes, and glancing around at all the serious faces.
"What is this, a funeral?" he asked, trying to make a joke out of it. When he saw that no one laughed or budged, he asked, "why the long faces?"
"Why didn't you ever tell us, Remus?" asked James quietly.
"Tell you what?" asked Remus, confused.
"Tell us that you're a werewolf," finished Arabella quietly.
Remus nearly fell out of his seat. "How did you...how did you..." he spluttered.
"Mostly thanks to Y/n," informed Jennifer coolly.
Remus was shaking harder than ever. Y/n's face softened and she frowned at the angry James and Sirius and nudged them hard in the ribs.
"Remus," she began gently, "we don't care if you're a werewolf. You're still the same sweet Remus we've all known, and it doesn't make much of a difference what you are."
"But..." Remus looked around at James, Sirius, and Peter, and they were all grinning. Then he looked over to the girls and they were smiling as well.
"I thought I'd lose you guys as friends," he said slowly. "I mean, I've never really had friends before because my whole neighborhood knew that I was a werewolf, so they forbid the children to go near me. Not that any of the kids wanted to; they were afraid of me, too. So when I came to Hogwarts, I found you guys and you all are the best friends I've ever had. So if you found out...what I was, you'd dump me."
"We'd never," the seven chorused together serious. Even Sirius was looking solemn for a moment.
Remus grinned. "You guys are the best."
"You mean the girls are the best," corrected Y/n, grinning in feigned mock shock.
"The girls are the best, then," he said, smiling widely at his friends' shocked faces.
"Boys are better than girls and you know it," retorted Sirius, pretending to be angry with Y/n.
"Aww...you know Bella can change your perspective on anything," mocked Violet. They all looked at her in surprise. Violet was usually the quiet and sensible one of the lot.
"Good job, Violet," lauded Jennifer. "Soon you can properly mock the dog-boy."
The four girls burst out laughing, and even the boys sniggered. Sirius flushed.
"Hey, at least half my gang aren't flowers," he said quickly.
Y/n and Violet looked at each other. It was true, but they had never noticed it before.
Then Arabella spoke up, smiling flirtatiously at Sirius. "Sirius, dear, you really must calm yourself down. These are my friends you're mocking!"
Sirius gave a low bow. "But of course, m'dear Figg."
Everyone laughed. Then their compartment door slid open and Severus Snape came in with Rosier, Avery, Lestrange, Wilkes, and one other boy with slick blond hair that they didn't know. Snape was looking very authoritative and oily as he entered.
"My dear Y/n," he began, smirking. "Wouldn't you like to join us?"
Y/n stared at Snape wearily. "No thank you, Severus. I'd rather hang with my friends if you'd be so kind..."
"Told you this wouldn't work, Severus," muttered the blonde boy. "What were you thinking anyway?"
"Y-y/n's nice," stuttered Snape. "Better than most Gryffindors, anyway."
Y/n stood up angrily. "Is that what you think of me as, Snape? Just 'better than most Gryffindors'? Well, let me tell you something! If you're not sticking around here to be friendly, then leave."
The rest of the friends stared at the h/c. They had never seen her temper rise like that – not even with James.
Avery stiffened. "Come, Snape, Lucius, we're not sticking here to associate with Mudbloods."
James jumped and whipped out his wand. "What did you call her?"
Avery sneered. "A Mudblood. Got a problem with that, Potter?"
"It's not a problem I only have. It's a problem that nearly the whole school would have, if they heard you – except with your dirty House, of course."
Lestrange stood right in front of Avery and narrowed his eyes at the black-haired boy. "Slytherin is not a dirty House, Potter. For your information, I think that your stupid House, Gryffindor, should really be eliminated from Hogwarts. There's really no need to have Mudbloods in the school. Oh, and your headmaster should be rid of too – the nasty Mudblood and Muggle-lover, Dumbledore."
Sirius suddenly stood up and shook with anger. "Don't you dare insult Dumbledore! He's the greatest headmaster Hogwarts has ever had! So who do you idiots want as headmaster? Barty Crouch?"
Wilkes, who was watching the conversation, spat, "Of course not, he's outspoken against the Dark Side, that's not we want –" He was cut off by a distinct "Shh!" from his friends.
"Trying to get Y/n to join your precious Dark Side, are you?" shouted Arabella. "Well, I won't have any of that!" She furiously drew out her wand and pointed it at the Slytherins. A few red and gold sparks shot out of them and the sulking Slytherins left the compartment.
"That was brilliant, Bella dear!" cried Sirius. "Those good for nothing ba—"
James coughed, knowing that Sirius was going to let his language get the better of him. Sirius blushed and said quickly, "Er—sorry 'bout that."
"I'm glad that we won't be seeing much of them at Hogwarts," said Jennifer defensively.
"There's still Double Potions," said Y/n moodily. Everyone groaned.
"And we have to eat meals in the same place as them," added Peter.
"Peter!" they all shouted.
"Oops, sorry."
The eight of them all laughed again, waiting for a fresh new year to start at Hogwarts.
"Look at this! A week after school starts and our homework pile is piling up!" complained James Potter, throwing up his hands in frustration. "How does L/n finish all this?"
"She doesn't procrastinate like you do, Jamie-boy," said a work-absorbed Sirius Black lazily, as he tried to concentrate on remembering all the Potions antidotes. Finally, he threw up his hands in the air like James had done, causing the new first years to be startled.
"God, Hurst is trying to kill us, he is! How does he expect me to remember all these?" Sirius shoved a long piece of parchment into James, revealing a whole long list of complicated Potions antidotes.
"He doesn't," said James. "He's just trying to make everything harder so that we can all fail. Then when he sees the Slytherins failing, he can just change their answers so it'll look like they memorized them better than us. 'Course, L/n isn't clever enough to figure this out so she studies anyway."
"Stupid git," muttered Sirius. James looked delighted.
"You mean L/n?"
"No, you moron, I was talking about Hurst!"
"Oh." James sounded dejected and went back to scanning his own Potions notes.
"Hey Jamie-boy, can I borrow your Potions notes?" asked Sirius, after a while of silence.
"Why?" asked James suspiciously. "Don't you have your own?"
"Of course I do," snapped Sirius. "I just want to use yours, since I take the worst notes in Potions. In fact"—he showed James his Potions 'notes'—"I don't really have much on those stupid antidotes."
"Sirius, you don't have anything on them!" cried James. "What do you do all Potions class? Drool at Arabella?"
"Pretty much."
"Wait 'till L/n hears this and she'll have a fit."
"I'm so scared."
"Yeah, right you are."
"Hey, L/n has a pretty high temper gauge, you know!"
"I know," said James, wincing, as he remembered several painful experiences.
"Will you guys shut up for a minute?" hissed Remus, impatiently, rubbing his forehead in concentration. "I'm trying to memorize these antidotes here!"
"Sorry, Remus," apologized James. "But don't you realize what Hurst is trying to make us do?"
"Fail?" suggested the tired boy.
"Exactly. So we shouldn't study!"
"I think that you should study for everything," said a stern voice from behind them. A weary-looking h/c was glaring at the four boys.
"Hi Y/n!" said Sirius enthusiastically. "How're you doing today?"
"Fine," was all Y/n managed to say, before she glared at James.
"You would do a bit better if you actually studied," she snapped ferociously.
James was taken aback. "Aww, come on Y/n, you think the high and mighty James Potter would actually study?"
"No. But you should...if you're going to pass the second year." Y/n smirked.
"I'm calling Deanna!" whined James.
Y/n snorted. "Think again, boy, because Deanna's with another boy now." She pointed to a corner of the common room, where Deanna was flirting with a blushing fourth year.
"Who's that?" snarled James.
"I think that's Kevin Patil," replied Remus, squinting at the couple.
"You should've paid more attention to her, Jamie-boy. Now she's dumped you for that fourth year."
"Whatever." James looked extremely put-off at the prospect of a girl dumping him but began to hyperventilate at the announcement of Quidditch try-outs at the end of the week.
"We certainly need better players!" he roared enthusiastically, as he dragged Sirius to the battered bulletin board. They were in need of one Chaser, one Beater, and a Keeper since the three of those players who played last year graduated from Hogwarts.
"Quidditch," said James loudly, so that Y/n could hear him, "is something that L/n cannot do."
"Shut up, Potter," snapped Y/n  grumpily, as she studied her Potions notes again.
"L/n insulted me!" cried James, causing several girls to look up and glare at Y/n.
"Potter is an egotistical idiot," muttered y/n, before retiring to her dormitory for the night. Arabella followed her but shot daggers at James before walking up the staircase.
Sirius frowned after her. "Now look what you did, Jamsie. The girls are turning against us."
"Shh! Sirius, I have a brilliant plan to help Remus."
Sirius' eyes widened. "How?" he whispered excitedly.
James showed him his careful Transfiguration notes that he took that day and whispered excitedly, "Animagi."
The two began whispering and plotting excitedly until Peter stepped up to them, frowning. "What are you talking about?"
The two boys looked at each other and let Peter in on the conversation. After what seemed like hours of plotting, they decided to wake up Remus and tell him their "ingenious" plan.
"Remus!" The three boys shook Remus, who was asleep in an armchair by the fire.
"Wha—What?" he murmured sleepily. The boys then began discussing their plan to Remus, who listened, wide-eyed.
"You mean—become Animagi? For...for me?"
"Of course," stated James. "Why is that so unusual?"
"You'd really do that for me?"
"'Course." The three boys nodded in assent.
Remus broke into a true smile that lit up his whole face. "You guys are the best friends anyone could ever have."
It was just another day in Gryffindor Tower with Y/n L/n and James Potter screaming the House down. Their friends sighed, knowing that there was no way they'd get together—even as friends.
"When do you think they'll become friends?"
"Never, I expect."
"For some reason, I can imagine them both being Head Boy and Girl."
"Funny really—that is imaginable."
The six friends were huddled together in a plot to get y/n and James as friends. Arabella, who knew Y/n all too well, and Sirius, who knew James all too well, said that it was impossible.
"They'll get along in their fourth or fifth year," said Arabella lazily, yawning. "Our Y/n is too stubborn. She's one flower that's not iris-like and pure – at least most of the time."
Meanwhile, Y/n and James were on the other side of the common room, screaming at each other as usual.
"If you didn't dye my hair blue, then I wouldn't have poured black ink on your Transfiguration homework! Besides, you should be grateful it was a subject you're decent at; if it was Charms, then you'd take all night to re-do it!"
"Why can't you be like the other girls?" shot back James. "Then you wouldn't want revenge from me all the time!"
"Because I don't want to be 'another flower of the valley'!" shouted Y/n. "Do you want me to be someone like Deanna?"
"Good point," muttered Sirius from the armchair.
"I HEARD THAT SIRIUS BLACK!" yelled James, who suddenly cast his attention on his best friend.
Arabella tutted loudly. "And to think he could hear with all that commotion he's making."
They heard Y/n giggle. "Come on, Potter, you're scaring the common room." She nudged her head to a group of frightened-looking first years and a pair of harassed-looking sixth years.
"Hush L/n," snapped James.
"Ooh, touchy."
"Shut it, L/n," repeated James, growling.
"Would you tackle a girl?" asked Y/n sweetly, batting her eyelashes at James.
"If it was someone like you, yes."
"That hurts."
"Would you really hurt a lady?" asked Y/n, pouting. Boys around the common room were staring at Lily intensely.
"Stop staring!" hissed Arabella, waving her arm around the common room.
"And if you think my Bella's pretty, she's already taken," added Sirius.
Remus and Jennifer burst out laughing, and Violet smiled.
"You guys are crazy," stated Y/n, collapsing into a squashy armchair by the fire, looking tired.
"Hey L/n, tired of our fight?" called James, smirking.
"Yeah, Potter, I'm tired of looking at your face the whole time," replied Y/n wearily, with a huge grin on her face.
James frowned. "Hey!"
"Yeah...you'll improve if you'd actually brush your hair once a week." The girls giggled and James was angry.
"Hey, you try to brush down hair like mine! It runs in the family!"
"And to think why girls fall for you," said Y/n, pretending to sigh with confusion.
"Hey N/n, you said yourself that you thought James was cute and that you knew why girls were all over him," said Sirius suddenly, his eyes gleaming. He winked at James from across the common room and James' frown slowly turned into a smile again.
"I was still a first year," snapped Y/n, impatiently. "Besides, you guys should be working on the homework Professor McGonagall gave us; it's not going to do it itself—"
"—unless you do it for us," finished James with an air of triumph.
"How about this for an answer—no."
"I'll do your Transfiguration homework if you do my Charms."
Y/n thought for a minute. "No."
"Come on, you're almost as bad as Violet at the subject."
"Hey!" cried Violet. "I'm not that horrible, you're just—"
"Shut it, Potter, I'm not that bad. At least—I'm behind Remus on it."
"Peter's better," sniggered Sirius.
Y/n glared at him. "You're supposed to be on my side, Black! You Benedict Arnold!"
Sirius furrowed his brow. "Benedict who?"
"Never mind, Muggle stuff."
"Benedict Arnold was a traitor for the American Revolution," piped up Remus. Everyone around the room stared at him and he cowered lower. "Er—I read Muggle books," he supplied hopefully.
"Please enlighten us Professor Lupin!" squeaked James.
Remus stared at him. "Professor Lupin? Where'd that come from?"
James shrugged. "L/n and I saw this thing that Dumbledore had that showed some of the future, and you were the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. And you, Sirius"—he looked around at his friend—"you're some kind of an infamous person because whenever people said your name, they shivered and frowned."
"Cool!" said Sirius enthusiastically.
"It is not cool, Sirius," said Y/n, joining in the conversation. "Even"—she shuddered—" even the Harry kid, who's supposed to be our son, called you 'Black'. And James said he wanted you as godfather!"
Sirius frowned. "Really?"
"You're probably in Azkaban and then escaped," put in James.
Y/n shot him a nasty look. "That's something nice to think about."
"Isn't it? Sirius Black, the most infamous prisoner Azkaban has ever held! Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Sirius Black...hey, you know, Sirius-boy, your name even sounds like a criminal one!"
"Er—right. And what's up with Sirius-boy? That's one hell of a lame nickname, Jamie-boy."
"See! See! You call me Jamie-boy, so I..." James trailed off, grinning evilly. "How about Siri-boy?"
"I like it!" exclaimed Arabella, who suddenly had awakened from being asleep on their conversation. "It has a nice ring to it...Siri-boy."
"Bells." Sirius pouted.
Y/n smiled and ruffled Sirius' trim black hair. "Well, I better get back to work. Got that nasty Transfiguration essay to do." She groaned and went back to her table, which was spread out with heaps of parchment and heavy books.
Arabella saw James glaring at Sirius with jealousy and teased, "Aww...jealous, are we?"
James' head immediately shot back to her. "Jealous?"
"You're jealous that Y/n ruffled Sirius' hair. You want N/n to do it to you, do you?"
James blushed, though it was true. For some reason, he always felt as though he should pull a prank or tease Y/n when she was around, while he didn't feel anything when other girls were around.
"Considering, are we?" Arabella smirked.
"Considering to tell you (1) you're an idiot or (2) you're a mind-reader."
"Option 2 is a nice choice," said Arabella, grinning devilishly. "So...you were thinking that Y/n is a gorgeous h/c?"
Arabella snorted and muttered something like "egotistical idiot". Then she leaned over and whispered into James' ear, "Go to y/n and tell her that I have something to tell her."
James was annoyed. "Why would I do that?"
"Because...I'll give you a hug. Or a kiss."
"That makes me even more disgusted."
"Okay fine, do it and I'll give you five Knuts."
"You're on!" Then James scuttled towards Y/n, who was writing her last sentence, finishing her Transfiguration essay.
"Hey L/n."
Y/n looked up. "What do you want, Potter? Come to bother me again."
"Er—actually, Figg over there wants to talk to you."
"Oh. And you did this for her? Aww...you have a little crush on my best friend?"
James made a face. "No. Because she'd pay me five Knuts if I did it for her."
Y/n  gave a disappointed sigh. "All right then." She left her Transfiguration essay on the table, the ink still glistening, and went to find Arabella. "And don't you dare touch my essay, Potter! If you mess it up, you'll have to write it again for me!"
James, indeed, was planning to ruin Y/ n's essay, but a thought of doom occurred to him. If he did destroy it, Evans would make him rewrite the essay for her. And if he refused, she'd try and curse him, but if he still refused to write that essay...then she'd probably tell McGonagall. And McGonagall liked Evans better.
"Fine, I won't ruin it!" yelled James.
Y/n smirked and focused her attention on Bella again. "What is it you want to tell me, Bells?"
Arabella looked around the common room to see if anyone was eavesdropping. Then, satisfied, she smiled at Y/n serenly.
"How about we get Remus and Jennifer together?"
Y/n's rosy mouth opened in surprise, but it quickly parted into an evil grin identical to the one Arabella was wearing on her face. "You're on, girl."
"And then they could help me get you and James together."
"You will not do that Arabella Figg! Or I won't help you get Jen and Remus together."
Arabella sighed. "Oh fine, I won't. But it was a nice thought at first."
a/n; So...how did you like this chapter? I thought it was a bit weird and sorry if I didn't include much of the summer! I will include it for the second years and the rest.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter three ❥ | original
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Summer was creeping onto the school grounds. It was just one of those days where maybe you and a friend could go out onto the grounds and stroll near a lake, playing a casual game of chess and drinking pints of cold pumpkin juice. However, exams were drawing nearer as well as the Quidditch Final, which the whole school waited for with anticipation.
Y/n was probably just as nervous about the Quidditch Final as the Gryffindor Team itself was. She gave them words of comfort and developed a liking for the team's Seeker, much to James' disgust. Snape, meanwhile, was as cruel and nasty as a person could go. It was Gryffindor versus Slytherin and the tension between the two teams and their houses were at breaking point and there were more frequent visits to the hospital wing that month. Y/n herself had almost gotten into a catfight with Narcissa Black, a rather pretty Slytherin girl who was smitten with Lucius Malfoy.
"Oh, that Narcissa makes me so mad!" fumed Y/n, stomping through the portrait hole. She had nearly screamed the password to Gryffindor Tower at the Fat Lady, who was highly affronted at being woken up from a pleasant nap.
"Y/n," said Violet, concerned for her friend, "calm down. Once in your fifth year when you become a prefect, you can give all the detentions you want to Narcissa and the other Slytherins."
Y/n smiled pleasantly at the thought. Then she frowned. "Who said I was going to be a prefect?"
Violet snorted. "Oh, come on N/n, it's so obvious you will! You score top on every subject, and all the teachers like you. I'll bet you'll get the highest score of the first years on your exams."
"Exams!" yelped Y/n suddenly. "Oh my God, I forgot all about them! Oh dear..." She started to hyperventilate.
"Whoa!" cried Sirius, as he saw Y/n jumping in frenzy when he entered the common room. "What's wrong, Y/n?" He sounded concerned.
"The exams are so close by, and I haven't even studied for Transfiguration! Oh, what'll McGonagall say—?"
Sirius laughed. "Oh, come on, Flower, Violet isn't even worried, and she's practically at the bottom of the class in Transfiguration!"
"Sorry, Violet, but it's the truth." Sirius smirked.
"Y/n!" whined Violet.
"Sirius, don't tease your friends," reprimanded Y/n.
"Yes, Mother."
Y/n burst into laughter. Oh, Sirius is so funny sometimes, she thought to herself. And pretty cute too – wait, where did that come from? He's my friend!
"Mind if I ask what you're thinking, Flower?" Sirius' voice brought her back to earth.
"Yes, I actually would mind, Sirius Black," snapped Y/n good-naturedly.
"Now, now, Y/n, you mustn't flirt with old Sirius here, your boyfriend will get jealous," he teased.
"Don't be stupid, Sirius, I haven't got a boyfriend. Besides, I'm not flirting with you, I'm only conversing."
"Same thing."
"Except flirting has a negative connotation. Am I mooning over you or fluttering my eyelashes?"
"So that means I'm not flirting," said Y/n impatiently. "Besides, Arabella would kill me if I was found kissing her boyfriend.
"Would Bells do that?" asked Sirius innocently.
Y/n snorted. "Sirius, your girlfriend has some temper when you try to mess with it."
"Did I hear my name mentioned?" They both turned around to find Arabella standing there with a smirk on her face.
"Your boyfriend," began Y/n, "thinks I'm flirting with him. Just because I told him I would mind if I told him my thoughts."
"Ignore him, N/n, Sirius is an idiot," replied Arabella, grinning. "If you're desperate, you can ask James."
"I'd rather not. I'm not desperate enough. Though James is rather cute and funny."
Y/n had touched Arabella's romantic side. She and Sirius exchanged knowing glances and began to make funny antics of Lily and James as a couple.
"Oh, Jamsie-poo, you're such a romantic!" came Bella's best Y/n-like voice.
"Y/n, your beauty touches me...it can't be human!" was Sirius' donation.
Violet laughed until she cried, while Y/n stared between the couple with a frown. "That does not sound like my voice!"
"Oh, Flower, be a sport," teased Sirius. "We were only joking. Besides, it's not like James heard us..."
"Hush!" warned Y/n. "Don't say that!"
"Why not?" asked Sirius, confused.
"Because whenever you say things like that, they actually happen!" hissed Y/n, looking around nervously.
"Don't be superstitious, N/n." said Arabella, but she too was looking around the common room for some sign of a black-haired boy.
"Yeah, really, I don't seen any sign of James."
As if right on cue, James came bounding down the boys' dormitory and Sirius rubbed his eyes for a better look. Yep, that was James all right, and he had on a dreamy expression.
"James?" he croaked. "Did you hear what we were saying?"
James was humming to himself, but stopped at the sight of them. "Oh, hey Sirius," he greeted enthusiastically. "Lovely day, huh?"
"I said, it's a lovely day, isn't it?"
"Er—yeah, lovely day," replied Sirius absently. Then he started. "What are you on about, James?"
"Oh, just thinking about Deanna," replied James dreamily.
Y/n snickered. "Sirius, it's too obvious that lover-boy is under the influence of a love potion. James," she said, turning to him, "did you drink something today?"
"Drink something?" James frowned, pondering on her question. "Oh, as a matter of fact, I did. I drank this weird pink liquid that Deanna offered me. Isn't she sweet? It tasted like crystal swirls, the same crystals in her eyes..." He trailed off, sighing romantically.
Y/n looked sick and turned to her best friend. "Bella, this is proof that Deanna Jackson has given Potter a love potion so that he could fall in love with her."
"Is there a way to make him snap out of it?" gasped Sirius.
"I don't know. I suppose there might be a potion that will make him normal again, though."
Sirius stood up. "You've got to help me make it then," he said to Y/n.
Just then, Remus entered the common room, looking happy. He stopped at the sight of Sirius with a worried expression on his face. "Are you all right, Sirius?" he asked.
"No. Remus, the most horrible thing happened to James!" whined Sirius, and he told Remus all about the love potion.
"Is Deanna that evil?" asked Remus when Sirius finished his tale.
"No, she's just quite desperate," said Y/n, answering the question for Sirius.
"I'll say," muttered Arabella. Then she said comfortingly to Sirius, "Don't worry, Sirius, we'll help. Er—right Y/n?"
"Yeah, you need to help out your future husband here and there," said Sirius, grinning.
Her mouth opened in horror. "You know that we're going to get married later on?" she asked.
Arabella stood up. "You are?" she demanded faintly.
"Yes. But Dumbledore told us not to tell anyone about it. I hope James didn't tell you," she said, looking at Sirius sternly.
"Er—well, actually, I overheard the conversation you had with Dumbledore," said Sirius sheepishly. He heard Y/n screech in agony.
"Now what am I supposed to do? The whole world knows!" The common room had suddenly become silent.
"Go mind your business," she snapped, at a couple of seventh years, not caring that they were six years older than she was. The seventh years turned back to studying for their N.E.W.T.S., obviously not used to first years screaming at them.
"Forget that, N/n, I won't tell anyone," said Arabella sincerely. Then she turned to Remus. "And neither would Remus."
"I wouldn't tell a soul," promised Remus.
Y/nsmiled weakly. "Well—that's a relief. I wouldn't want the whole world to know about...you know."
Just then, James strolled over and stood right in front of her. "Excuse me, Y/n, but do you know where Deanna is?" he asked politely.
Y/n's eyes widened in shock. James had never spoken to her politely before, and always sneered at her behind her back. "Er—no. I think she might be—er—at the library."
James gave her a genuine smile. "Thanks y/n," and took off, undoubtedly to the library.
"Oh Jamsie!" A high-pitched voice coming from the second year girls' dormitory made the four all jump.
"James," said Y/n coolly, as Deanna entered the common room with a lovesick gaze in her eyes, "is in the library looking for you. I suggest you follow him, Deanna."
Deanna beamed at Y/n. "Why, thank you Y/n dear. I think I will." She skipped out of the portrait hole and down the corridor.
Arabella snorted. "Girls do the stupidest things when they're in love."
"Aww...you know that includes you, Bella dear," said Sirius.
"Does it?"
"Of course! You shouldn't be saying these things to your boyfriend, naughty, naughty."
"I didn't say anything bad, you prat."
Sirius looked genuinely hurt. "I'm hurt," he pouted.
Y/n and Remus burst into laughter, while Arabella snickered. Then Sirius rubbed his hands together and said, "Well, James and Deanna can't fall in love—then it'll ruin the prophecy thing about Y/n and James getting married." He grinned. "Y/n and James Potter...it has a nice ring to it."
Y/n swatted Sirius playfully and they began to work on a counter-curse potion.
"This isn't going to work," sighed Y/n, frustrated, after half an hour of looking in their potion book. "I think it's time for drastic action."
"What kind?" asked Remus, who had enough looking himself.
Y/n pinched her forehead hard and said wearily, "Hurst."
Sirius scrambled to his feet. "Hurst? Are you daft, Y/n? You know he wouldn't help us for his life, and if he miraculously does, we'll have to tell him everything."
"Well, we'll have to think of something. Maybe a casual chat with him...and let the subject of a counter-curse for a love potion slip out."
"Well, you're certainly doing it," said Sirius stubbornly. "It's your idea, and Hurst can tolerate you more than he can tolerate me or Remus."
"Fine," said Y/n grumpily. Then she muttered, "Potter owes me big time."
"Don't worry, James will cough up," said Sirius brightly.
Just then, James and Deanna entered the common room arm-in-arm. Y/n scowled fiercely but began to huddle and whisper to the others.
"Right...we'll also have to borrow some ingredients from Hurst's office..."
"Well, you don't expect me to do everything do you?" snapped Y/n. "Besides, he's your friend," she said to Remus and Sirius.
Remus sighed. "Of course we'll help you, n/n. Just—who's going to do it?"
Y/n sighed in frustration. "All of us, of course. Now, here's the plan. Bella, you and I will cause a diversion. Remus, you and Sirius have to get the ingredients we need. But"—she glanced around to see if anyone was listening—"we'll have to ask Madame Pince if there's a counter-curse potion for a love potion. She won't be too nosy."
"But what about Hurst?" asked Sirius.
"What about him?"
"You said that we'd ask him for the counter-curse potion!"
"Oh..." Y/n trailed off, embarrassed. "Well, I thought of a different plan, then."
Sirius snorted. "With Y/n in charge, this'll all fall apart. You'll see."
Y/n turned to face him, her eyes flashing. "Sirius Black, you take that back!"
"Want a bet?"
"You're on!"
"How much do you want to lose?"
Y/n thought of the money that was hidden under her trunk. There had to be at least fifty galleons worth of coins in there. "Five galleons," she said firmly.
Sirius grinned. "You play a hard bargain, woman. Five galleons it is."
"Are you guys going to find the potion or what?" hissed Arabella. "Let's go already! Ugh!" She let out a disgusted noise, and pointed to an armchair.
Y/n had an urge to burst out laughing, and sure enough, she did. Deanna and James were sitting, squashed, in one of the armchairs by the fire, kissing. Sirius and Remus soon joined in the laughter, but Arabella was still looking disapprovingly at them.
"Y/n!" she scolded. "You're supposed to marry James later on!"
"So?" asked Y/n, still shaking with laughter.
Arabella shook her head sadly and turned to Sirius and Remus. "You know, Remus, I happen to know a girl who's pinning for you."
Remus stopped laughing. "Who?" he asked, and his voice sounded almost nervous.
Arabella glanced over to Y/n, who had promptly stopped laughing as well. "Jennifer," she whispered, so only the three of them could hear.
Y/n burst out laughing again.
Arabella glared at her best friend. "I'm not joking, n/n."
Y/n was sober, and her eyes widened. "You're not serious, Bells?"
She nodded. "Indeed I am. I hear poor Jenny talking in her sleep and it's the saddest thing you'd ever hear. 'Oh Remus, I love you with all my eternity, and I'd love to marry you'. It's sickening, really. I couldn't sleep for a week listening to Jennifer moan at night."
Sirius and Remus burst out laughing, but Y/n didn't join in. "Well, we should get you two together!" she whispered excitedly.
Remus' eyes were wide. "No."
"Please Remus? I wouldn't want one of my closest friends to be heartbroken."
Remus shook his head. "I don't like Jennifer – in that way."
"So?" demanded Sirius, still chuckling. "You need a girl, Remus, you can't be a bachelor your whole life."
Remus glared at his friend. "Sirius, we're eleven. That's when hormones don't work overtime yet. You three are so precocious."
"Where is Jenny, by the way?" asked Y/n suddenly. "And where has Violet gone to?"
"I think they're both flirting with the Hufflepuffs," said Sirius solemnly, unable to keep a straight face.
Arabella grinned. "I seriously doubt that, Sirius."
"Me too. But it's something to dream about, eh?"
"Right...so, off we go to the library. I can't believe I volunteered to save Potter from a terrible fate. Eurgh." Y/n made a face as the four of them marched out of the portrait hole.
"Oh, Y/n dear, where are you going?" came Deanna's voice from inside the common room. "Aren't you missing James?" They heard an evident snicker follow.
"Who the hell does she think she is?" muttered Y/n, as they entered the library. "Ditzy little—"
"Shh!" hissed Madame Pince, the strict, librarian, as they passed. "Be quiet!"
The four of them muffled their voices as they wandered around. Finally, Arabella insisted that they ask Madame Pince.
"Er—Madame Pince?" asked Arabella timidly. "Um...would you happen to know where to find a counter-curse potion for a love potion?" Her voice was fearfully soft, unlike her usual rowdy one.
"It's over there," said Madame Pince, pointing to a section of the library where the books seemed to be falling into pieces. "Why?" she asked suspiciously, glancing around at all of their guilty faces. "There hasn't been a usage of one, has there? You know it's against school rules to stir a love potion."
"Oh no! We were just—um—wondering, since er—since my sister wanted to know. So we thought we could—erm—send her the ingredients and stuff."
"Well, help yourselves," said Madame Pince grudgingly, still squinting suspiciously at them. Suddenly, she yelled at Remus, "You boy! Madame Pomfrey wants to see you tonight."
"Why does Madame Pomfrey want to see you tonight?" asked Y/n curiously, as they took out the book they needed.
"I've been feeling a bit off color," said Remus swiftly, his ears going red. "So—she'd give me some...medicine."
"Oh," said Y/n, frowning. "Well, I hope you feel better soon."
"Oh, I—er—I will."
"D'you get the feeling that Remus is hiding something from us?" whispered Arabella when Remus was out of earshot.
"Yeah," whispered Y/n. "He seems awkward whenever we bring up the topic. I wonder why he's not telling us. He's our friend, you know, and we wouldn't care if he has warts or something."
"Definitely not," agreed Arabella. "So it must be something really horrible, then, since he won't tell us..."
"Hey!" called Sirius. "Are you guys helping or not?"
"Sure, Sir, we're coming."
"Sir?" he questioned quizzically as the girls approached them.
"It's a cute nickname, don't you think?" giggled Arabella. Y/n shivered.
"Bells, you're acting like those ditzy Hufflepuff girls who follow James around, drooling."
"Oops, my mistake."
"What's wrong with them? I like it when people follow me around!" exclaimed Sirius, insulted.
"That's because you love the public, Sir," said Y/n, grinning.
"Now you're calling me 'Sir'? Soon Jamie-boy will be calling me Sir! For heavens' sake, my name will be Sir instead of Sirius!"
"And that's a bad thing?"
"I found it!" hissed Remus, gesturing them. "Look!" He pointed to a page, written in scrolling letters: Neutral Potion: The Counter-Curse Potion of a Love Potion
"That's it!" whispered Y/n excitedly. "That's it! Let's read the ingredients." She scanned over the ingredients quickly and moaned. "Oh God, we'll never be able to get this stuff...frog perfume...leeches...scallop peels...Madame Malkin's Rosy Red Lipstick...this is outrageous! Where are we going to find all this?"
"Come on, half of it is make-up," said Sirius, grabbing the book from Y/n. "You guys are probably loaded with that stuff in your trunks..."
Y/n and Arabella looked at each other. "Er...actually, Sirius, neither Y/n nor I own any make-up."
Sirius was shocked. "Not any at all? Are you girls?"
Y/n snorted. "Of course we're girls! We're just not normal, idiotic, and ditzy girls like the ones that follow Potter around. We're more sensible girls."
"Right...hey, you can borrow some make-up from...say Deanna. She's probably plastered with that stuff."
"Good idea, Sir! That's the smartest thing you've come up with so far!"
"Don't worry, Sirius, it wasn't personal."
"Oh, well in that case..."
"I meant it was the smartest thing said to help with the potion."
"That is personal, Y/n." Arabella snorted. Then she suddenly exclaimed, "Hey, where has Violet gone?"
Now it was Y/n's turn to ridicule her best friend. "Come on, Bells, I just asked you that in the common room."
"I know, but..." She rubbed her forehead in concentration. "She was just there when I came in, unless..." Arabella grinned. "Unless she was having some sort of you-know-what with Peter in the boys' dorm—"
Sirius and Remus both groaned. "The things you think sometimes, Bella," said Remus, shaking his head.
"They're so true, aren't they?" Bella snickered.
"So...we'll have to ask Deanna for make-up?" asked Y/n dubiously. "Do we have anyone else to try? Deanna will think I'm jealous or something, and I definitely don't want to ask her for any favors."
"What about Narcissa Black?" suggested Sirius.
"Sirius, she's a Slytherin! We most definitely don't ask Slytherins for favors. Think of it as asking Snape for help on this..."
"All right, I get your point!" said Sirius loudly, causing Madame Pince to look their way menacingly.
After five minutes of discussing this problem, Y/n, who was impatient as ever, had made the conclusion that asking Deanna had to be the best choice.
"Must I be the one who asks?" she said sadly to her friends.
"Of course," said Arabella practically. "It'll look, I don't know, more natural if you asked. Besides, Deanna has this thing with me anyway. Last time I asked her for a bit of mascara for the Halloween Feast she wouldn't hear of it. She likes you better anyhow, since I heard her tell James that you were a sweet angel. Just go ask her, n/n. I promise to help Sirius make James cough up a lot of money." Arabella was practically on her knees, pleading.
"Oh fine, if you insist." y/n rushed to Gryffindor Tower, said the password to the Fat Lady in a hurry, and entered the common room.
"Deanna," she gasped, "may I borrow some make-up from you? You know, lotion, perfume, lipstick...that stuff."
Deanna's pearly white teeth glittered as she smiled that perfect smile of hers. "Of course, Y/n. Just go up to my dormitory and take whatever you need. If McGonagall catches you, then just say you have my permission. Oh, and don't use too much of my Victoria's Secret perfume; I want to use it for my date with Jamie tonight." She smirked.
"Right..." Y/n hurried away with the list, took whatever she needed, and hurried off to the library again.
"What's that smell?" hissed Arabella, pinching her nose up in the air.
"All the ingredients we need—at least, almost half of them. We'll have to take some from the student cupboard, that's easy—but we'll have to borrow some from Hurst's office..."
"Borrow? Don't you mean steal?"
"Hey, I'm trying to put it in a more casual way," snapped Y/n.
"Then say steal, it is more casual!"
"Fine, we'll steal the ingredients we need from Hurst's office. Happy?"
"Now, this time you guys will finally get to do work, since I've been helping with most of this potion. Funny thing, really, Sirius, you should be helping James, since he's your best friend..."
"All right!" said Sirius, looking irritated. "Just get on with the plan."
"I told you the plan, Sirius. Bella and I will cause a diversion while you and Remus get the ingredients."
"Why me and Remus?"
"Because, Hurst wouldn't at all trust you if you tried to cause a diversion. He'd send you straight back to Gryffindor Tower."
"He'd send you and Bells back too," pointed out Sirius.
"That's true—but think of it this way, Siri: you and Remus are much—erm—faster..." Y/n scratched her head. "Perhaps me and Arabella should do the stealing instead. After all, I am top at Charms."
"Don't get so cocky, Y/n," warned Sirius. "Remus and I will do the stealing and you guys can do the diversion. You're right, Hurst does like you a tiny bit more than us." He winked.
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Are we ready?"
"Hold on." Sirius ran up the staircase to the boys' dormitory and came back minutes later with a folded cloak.
"It's an Invisibility Cloak!" gasped Y/n, as she saw the cloak on Sirius. "Where on earth did you get it?"
"It's Jamie-boy's," said Sirius, smiling mysteriously. "Our Marauders' secret."
"Stop shaking," hissed Y/n at a nervous Arabella. "Someone will hear us."
"They won't see us," whispered Bella.
"So? They might knock into us by accident."
"Then shut up!"
"You started it!" Their whispers became more like yells.
"Both of you, shut up!" gasped Sirius.
"I can't believe I'm risking my neck for Potter. If Hurst or McGonagall catches us, it'll be a month's worth of detentions and one hundred points from Gryffindor!" Lily sighed, as if doing this was against her own conscience.
"Shut up, will you?" Sirius whispered, poking Y/n sharply on the shoulder.
"All right," grumbled Y/n.
Y/n and Arabella slipped the Invisibility Cloak off them and knocked timidly on Hurst's office. They heard a sharp "Come in", and hurried into his office.
"What do you want?" he spat, not bothering to be polite.
The two girls looked at each other nervously. "Er—"
"Er—I was wondering what sort of potion we'd be learning next, Professor," said Y/n awkwardly, treading on Arabella's toe.
"A Shrinking Solution," snapped Hurst, narrowing his eyes. Y/n could hear a muffled sound as Sirius and Remus were probably scuffling out of Hurst's office. "Now get out of my sight and return to Gryffindor Tower. Now."
"Y-yes, sir."
Sirius and Remus were waiting for them outside of the portrait hole. "Do you have it?" breathed Lily.
They both nodded.
"Excellent! Now, we'll have to mix it somewhere..."
"Our dormitory, then. McGonagall would never look there; last time she did, she said it was the messiest room she'd seen in her life."
Y/n snorted. "Naturally."
They raced up the boys' dormitory, borrowed Y/n's shiny new pewter cauldron, must to her disgust, and began work. Arabella, groaning and complaining, had chopped and measured whatever was needed, and the rest of them poured it into the cauldron. Soon it was finished, and the four moved back to admire their work.
"Now we feed it to Potter," said Y/n matter-of-factly. "I was thinking we pour it into a glass of pumpkin juice, since the potion will look less conspicuous and Potter will be happy for a drink after the heated experience with Deanna." She rushed to the second year girls' dormitory and returned all of Deanna's make-up and perfume. Then she poured some of the potion into a glass of pumpkin juice and went down to the common room where James and Deanna were flirting hopelessly.
"Hey, Potter, want a drink?" asked Y/n, as amiable as possible, as the foursome approached the couple.
"Sure," said James, wiping his brow in exhaust. He drank it gratefully and handed the glass back to Y/n. They waited with anticipation at the results. Nothing of the obvious happened to him, but then his eyes widened and he calmed down a bit. Deanna noticed none of this, however. She was staring at Y/n to see her reactions to her new 'boyfriend'.
Suddenly, James exclaimed, "Why am I sitting with you? In the same chair?"
"But Jamsie," pouted Deanna. "Don't you like me anymore?"
"I never did like you, Deanna," sighed James, and pushed the plump girl away.
"It worked!" whispered Sirius. They dragged James to the boys' dormitory.
"Pay up, Potter," said Y/n when they got there. "Oh, you too, Sirius."
"Right," said Sirius rather reluctantly, but he drew out five galleons and handed them over to Y/n.
"I don't get it," said James, frowning. "Why are you paying l/n? And why do I have to pay her?"
"Deanna gave you a love potion, and we mixed the counter-curse potion, mostly done by Y/n," said Remus briskly. He never did use too many words.
"What? And I have to pay l/n back for gratitude! No way!"
"Come on, James, you guys have jewelry and treasure in your Gringotts' vault, you should owe y/n some money."
"Fine!" James shoved a handful of coins into Y/n's hand, but Y/n shook her head.
"I don't want this." She shoved the coins back to James and ran from the dormitory.
"Now look what you did, Potter!" growled Arabella.
"What? What did I do? It was l/n's fault! She's the one who—"
They suddenly heard a distinct wailing from the girls' dormitory. Arabella stood up and glared at all of them.
"I hope you're satisfied, now that you made Y/n cry." Then she turned her heel up and marched out of their dormitory.
"Girls," muttered Sirius. "I mean, I love Bella and everything, but boy can she be weird."
"Definitely," agreed James moodily.
"Jen? Shh...why are you crying?" asked Y/n softly, as Arabella barged into their dormitory. She stopped at the sight of a crying Jennifer.
"Jenny! Why are you crying?" she repeated.
"R-Remus, h-he d-d-doesn't l-like m-m-me at all!" wailed Jennifer.
The three girls exchanged glances. Then Arabella began nervously, "He might be afraid Jen..."
"Afraid!" cried Jennifer. "Of what?"
Y/n and Arabella both sat on the edge of Jennifer's bed. Then Lily began.
"Well...er...Bella here plundered on to the boys that you liked Remus. Then Remus said that we were too young to think of love and dating, and he also sounded and looked kind of nervous. We think he's hiding something."
Y/n, Arabella, Violet, and Jennifer all looked at each other. Then Violet spoke up.
"I think that we should do a bit of poking around when Remus goes with Madame Pomfrey tonight."
Y/n gasped. "I suddenly realized something! Tonight's the full moon! Professor Sinistra made us memorize the cycles of the moon for Astronomy, and I remembered that tonight's the full moon!"
"And if Remus is going to see Madame Pomfrey..." Then the girls exclaimed in unison, "Remus Lupin is a werewolf!"
"But Remus..." began Jennifer, her eyes wide. "He's a werewolf? I can't believe that! He—he's a monster!" She finished faintly.
"Jen, you know it's the same, sweet Remus we've always known," said Arabella pragmatically.
"I know, but how come he's never told us before?"
"Because he's afraid he might lose us as friends, if we ever found out," said Violet quietly. I think—er—poking around isn't such a good idea. After all, werewolves are a danger to people."
"Yeah," sighed Y/n. "I just wish there was some way to help Remus."
Arabella grabbed her friend's arm sharply. "Tell the boys."
"No. I know that they might not care if Remus is a werewolf, but then again, boys aren't so open-minded. Let them figure it out themselves. I mean, we're not the only ones who wonder why Remus disappears once a month. Besides, Potter and Sirius are the cleverest boys in the first year, they'd figure it out sooner or later."
"So you do like James now?" asked Arabella slyly. Y/n responded with a whack from her pillow.
Y/n and James were walking down the corridor together. Again, Dumbledore had wished to see them, much to Lily's displeasure.
"I can't believe I marry you," sighed Y/n, as they walked closer to the stone gargoyle. "I must grow really stupid when I get older."
James roared with laughter. "You, get stupid? I mean, if I get stupid when I get older, there's possibility, but you? The genius of the first years?" He shook his head, still chortling.
"It could happen," snapped Y/n, but flushed with pleasure. The thought that James said that she was the genius of the first years did a strange effect on her.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Professor Dumbledore appeared, holding some sort of dignified block of glass. Bewildered, Y/n and James followed him into his office.
"Look into this," he said quietly.
They both peered into it, still confused. Then, a picture appeared in it. It looked like a regular television set to Y/n, except smaller. It was a girl and two boys speaking, and she recognized them to be the ones laughing on the Quidditch field in Dumbledore's crystal ball.
"I can't believe what Snape is making me do," they heard the red-haired boy mutter as the trio of them walked down the corridor. "Black could've finished him off for us, eh?"
"Oh, Ron, don't be silly, but will Snape be substituting for Professor Lupin again—?" they heard the bushy-haired girl sigh.
"Professor Lupin's back!" exclaimed the black-haired boy, Harry, as he peered into what looked like the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The three of them went inside and Y/n and James caught a glimpse of a rather tired-looking man with light brown hair that had wisps of gray in them, but he was rather young. He also looked oddly like—
"Remus!" they both whispered together.
Professor Dumbledore smiled as he put the block of glass aside. "I thought you might like to see a little bit of the future."
"But—but," spluttered James. "Remus—become a professor? Of Defense Against the Dark Arts?"
"It may be a ludicrous thought for you now," answered Dumbledore gently, "but I'm sure Mr. Lupin will be showing a lot of his teaching skills later on at Hogwarts. The boy is mighty talented, however..." Dumbledore shook his head sadly and said nothing, but Y/n knew what he was going to say.
"Why did they call Sirius 'Black'?" she queried. "Surely if we...died, Harry, or whatever is name is, should be close with our friends?"
Dumbledore shook his head. "That I cannot tell you, Miss L/n. It's for you to find out later on. It's not good to know too many things about the future. Your future. Your friends' future."
Y/n and James left Dumbledore's office with quizzical looks on their faces. Remus, shy, sweet, and calm Remus—become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? And Sirius—called 'Black' by nearly everyone in the castle in a terrified and disgusted way...perhaps some sort of infamous...well...they didn't quite know what.
Y/n was shaking, as she stood up in Charms for the exam by making a pineapple tap-dance across a desk, raised her arm. In a flick, the immobile pineapple that lay motionless on the desk had started tap-dancing vigorously across the desk. The class burst into applause and Y/n sat back down in her seat next to Arabella in relief.
"That was incredible, n/n," she hissed, as Y/n collapsed into her chair, ashen-faced. "Told you."
Y/n only smiled.
"I can't believe that pineapple wouldn't budge until the last second!" exclaimed James emphatically as they left Charms half an hour later. "How does L/n do it?"
"Talent and skill, my friend, talent and skill," said Sirius wisely. Then he added, "And the proper wand, of course."
"I wish I had the proper wand for Charms," sighed James, exasperated.
"You have the proper wand for Transfiguration," offered Remus helpfully. Peter, his thoughts still on how terribly he did on his exam by making the pineapple wither before their eyes, did not speak.
James noticed this right away. "Don't worry, Peter, you'll get it—sometime."
"Or someday," added Sirius.
James sighed, frustrated. "Well, it's lunch time, then after that it's Transfiguration. Well, at least I don't have to suffer on that." Then he smirked widely. "And I'll be watching L/n suffer, for a change."
How very wrong he was. Right after lunch, the first year Gryffindors headed off to their Transfiguration exam. Y/n was looking thoroughly confident, and when it came her turn, she gave a casual wave of her wand, and the mouse she was supposed to turn into a snuffbox had first turned into a shade of scarlet and gold, and into a beautiful snuffbox. Professor McGonagall, who knew that Y/n was hopeless at Transfiguration, was thoroughly astonished at how pretty and perfect the snuffbox turned to be. As Y/n went back to her seat, Arabella gave a quiet but admiring whistle.
"That was amazing, n/n! I thought you said you were terrible at Transfiguration."
"I've practiced that one for a month," muttered Y/n, grinning as she sat down.
James had also turned his snuffbox into a scarlet and gold mix. McGonagall didn't look surprised, but calmly nodded, allowing him to take a seat. But what puzzled the rest of the class when everyone finished their exams was why Y/n and James turned their snuffboxes into the same thing. They knew that it wasn't your choice how pretty your snuffbox turned out to be, but the news spread through the whole school like wildfire—Y/n and James had the same snuffbox.
"I don't know what the big fuss is about," complained Y/n, as she saw another group of people huddled together, pointing at her and nudging at their friends. "I mean, so what if James and I had the same snuffbox?"
"It's never happened before in a long time," said Arabella solemnly. "Hasn't for what—two hundred years? When two people transfigure objects into the same exact thing in shape and size, it often means that they are destined for each other."
"You mean love?" asked Y/n, puzzled.
"Well, not exactly. I mean, there are a lot of people in love, but most of them don't transfigure objects into the exact same thing. It's something more powerful than love—something like a love that can never be destroyed. Love that even death cannot be destroyed, and when one or both of the soulmates die, their love will live in others that they loved before."
Y/n stared at her friend. "How do you know these things?"
Arabella shrugged. "I read it in our Transfiguration book."
Y/n laughed. "And I thought I paid attention to my homework!"
"Well, it wasn't necessarily homework. I just found it interesting so I started to flip through the book and read it."
"You don't think it's true, do you, Bells?"
"It probably is."
"Please say you're kidding."
"I'm not kidding."
"Thanks a lot, Bells," groaned Y/n. She collided right into James Potter.
"Watch where you're going next time, L/n!" cried James, stumbling backwards. Luckily Remus caught his shoulder firmly with his arm.
"Thanks Remus—hey, why the long faces?"
"Y/n got upset about what I said," said Arabella matter-of-factly.
"Really? What did you say?"
"That the love you both will one day share will be more powerful than regular love."
James stared, just as Y/n had done. "That's not true."
"Yes, it is. You two are destined for each other, James. Just—not yet."
"I'll see you over the summer, n/n!" called Arabella, waving frantically to her best friend and walking grudgingly after her mother.
"I'll see you too, Bella! Thanks for inviting me, Mrs. Figg!" added Lily. She was practically yelling on the top of her lungs.
"You're welcome, y/n," said Mrs. Figg warmly.
"Y/n!" It was Mrs. L/n calling, and she was beaming at her daughter.
"Mum!" cried Y/n, and flew into her mother's outstretched arms. "Dad!" She hugged her father. But when she saw y/s/n sulking off at a corner, she nodded curtly, and said shortly, "y/s/n."
"Y/n," snapped y/s/n just as shortly.
Y/n ignored her sister and began to tell her parents about her exams. She had gotten three hundred and fifteen percent in Charms; two hundred in Transfiguration; one hundred and fifty five in Astronomy; one hundred and ninety-eight in Herbology; two hundred and twelve in History of Magic; three hundred in Defense Against the Dark Arts; and one hundred and ten in Potions. Y/n was certainly amazed that she had gotten that high in Potions. She had expected something terrible, but Professor Hurst must have given in sometime, deciding to be a little less biased. She had scored top of the first years, with James Potter and Sirius Black tailing very close to her in second. Remus, Violet, Arabella, and Jennifer had all done very well, going above average, but Peter did abysmally. But Professor Dumbledore, having a good heart, had let the little boy pass, much to Professor McGonagall's dismay.
Her mother's eyes filled with tears after she finished and sobbed on Mr. L/n's shoulder and wailed that she was so proud of Y/n. Mr. l/n just stood there, patting his wife's shoulder awkwardly and congratulating y/n enthusiastically and how proud he was, too, for having such a clever witch for a daughter.
"Hey." Y/n turned around, and to her surprise and horror, James Potter was grinning at her, his brown eyes full of mischief as usual.
Mrs. L/n had wiped her eyes with a handkerchief and asked Y/n, smiling, "Is this your new friend, y/n?"
Y/n shrugged. "Er—I guess." She didn't want her parents to think that the boy standing there was her biggest enemy, or else they'd make her leave Hogwarts right away.
James grinned even widely and gave the l/ns a short bow. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. l/n. Y/n and I are—er—great friends." He furrowed his brow after the last sentence. Then he spotted y/s/n lurking around her parents' back and snorted softly. He had heard a lot about this girl from y/n, who thought that magical people were "freaks".
"Hello," he said, trying to be friendly but failing terribly. "Er—you must be y/s/n, right?"
She looked up and stared at him, examining him from head to toe. While battling on what to say, she finally snapped, "You must be one of y/n's friends at school."
James shrugged. "I suppose you could say that."
"Did Y/n tell you about me?"
"Er—a bit."
"The freak," y/s/n muttered under her breath. She kept shooting James daggers and muttering things like "freak" and "never combed his hair in his life" to herself. James restrained himself from laughing.
"Well, I'll see you over the summer, then, Y/n," he said casually, and ran back to where his parents were waiting.
"See me over the summer?" said Y/n to herself, as she got into the car. "What does he mean? I suppose Potter just meant that he'd see me on September 1st again, when the term started and when we become second years."
Then she laid down her head as the car drove through the familiar Muggle surroundings that y/n had grown up in, not knowing that she would see the whole gang—including James' friends—that summer, and have the best time of her life. For now, she was just glad the end-of-the-year exams were over and done with and that she passed the first year. But something still lingered on her mind and kept repeating itself. It was the Sorting Hat's voice when it had sorted her into Gryffindor.
"You will become an important part of the magical world someday, along with Mr. Po—but I shall not tell you." Did it mean James?
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
a/n; go check out my rewritten version! you can find it in my masterlist!
masterlist of original version
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amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter thirty-one ❥ original
it’s a hate-love thing original version.
james potter x reader.
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- the final chapter :)
James looked sadly at the Muggle bodies lying on the streets, and shook his head. He and many other Order members, including Y/N, had been sent to London to investigate the Muggle attack by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. It was the third attack that month, and terror ensued everywhere in the Wizarding world. They couldn't even trust anyone now—not even members of the Order. Who knows what unexpected person may turn out to be a spy?
"This is terrible," whispered Arabella, clutching the hands of Sirius, and shivering. It was early December, and very chilly.
"Worse, much worse," mumbled Remus, shaking his head along with James. "I can't believe Voldemort would be like this."
"Damn him," cursed Moody, stomping his feet, either from anger or from the cold. "Bloody murderer, he is."
Alice gave a small cry, and huddled close to Frank, tears rolling down her cheeks. It was still at the crack of dawn, and the teardrops that slid down her round, pink cheeks looked like frozen dewdrops about to slid off a leaf after a night of rain.
"Why would he do this?" said Y/N, her voice quivering. "It's barbaric, killing all these poor, innocent Muggles who don't even know that magic exists."
"We're going to stop him," said Jennifer with determination, as she yanked Gideon's arm closer to her own. "Don't you have anything to say, Gid?"
"Yeah, horrible," murmured the comely young man, scratching his head. "Fab"—he turned to his brother—"what do you make of this? I have an eerie feeling about this attack, somehow."
"It's a Muggle attack," replied Fabian, nonplussed. "What else is there to say? It's one of You-Know-Who's worst doings, but he has been doing these things for ages. What're you thinking about, Gideon?"
"Somehow," said Gideon slowly, "I think that this is an end and a beginning of something terrible."
"What are you on about?" demanded Remus aggressively.
"I mean to say that perhaps You-Know-Who—"
"Voldemort," corrected the young werewolf curtly.
"You-Know-Who might have some large plan to expunge all the people who are against him and his regime. Perhaps he has a plan right this second and is talking it over with his Death Eaters to get rid of the people of the Light—in other words, the Order. He may be planning to kill the Order members first before he moves on to other people. However, he could also go on to the most powerful Wizarding families in our world. They're the Bones, McKinnons, Longbottoms, us Prewetts, and the Potters."
James' eyes flashed, as he looked over at the young man. "Are you sure about this, Gideon?"
"I don't quite have substantiated proof, but James, he'll be after us soon!" Gideon's crystal blue eyes widened considerably. "You would suspect that You-Know-Who would be after us, after all the work we've done to go against him and the Dark Side. You know how he hates some of the old Wizarding families who aren't on his side. He'll do anything to either get those families on his side, or kill them. Now that he sees that nothing would make those families support him, he'd probably resort to the latter."
"Hogwash," said Remus aloud. "A bunch of crap, I say!"
"Lupin," gasped Jennifer, her hand fluttering to her mouth. "It makes perfect sense, why don't you get it?"
"Oh, you're only supporting him 'cause he's your boyfriend."
"You're not supporting him because you're just jealous that he is my boyfriend!"
"Jennifer, Remus," scolded Violet gently. "Enough of this already. This is a serious situation, and we'll not fool around any longer. It's time for you two to make up and let go of your past. If you don't cooperate, we may all perish in this war."
"She's right," said Jackson quietly, holding his girlfriend's hands.
"You—" began Remus, but he cut his thoughts mid-way. "Never mind. I'm sorry."
"So am I," agreed Jennifer stiffly.
"Well, then," said Lily awkwardly. "Er—what were you saying, Gideon?"
Gideon simply raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at the young wife and sighed. "Your family may be in danger, Y/N."
"I—" Remus stopped halfway through his sentence again, and refrained from speaking unless spoken to.
"Well, Gideon, then I suppose your family would be as well."
"Yes, I am quite aware of that, as well as the fact that there are many families that are plotting against our families right at this moment."
"Such as mine," added Sirius, finally joining the conversation. "My brother's a Death Eater."
Silence followed this statement, as the Prewett brothers looked his way. Fabian looked perfectly calm and nonchalant, but Gideon stared at Sirius as if he were a madman.
"You're kidding."
"Not. Is it that surprising, Gid? My family's always been supportive of the Dark Arts."
"Sirius, you know that your family aren't that loyal to You-Know-Who."
Sirius snorted. "Yeah, but my brother wants to please Mother and Father, and he's blinded by Voldemort's stupid promises to all that join him. I won't be surprised if he runs away the day after he's recruited."
"He's still your family, Sirius," said Alice softly.
"Family? Ha! The Order is better family than mine ever was. Everyone in the Black family hates me, except for Andromeda. What does that tell you? My cousin, Bellatrix, has probably joined up already with the Death Eaters with her fiancé, Rodolphus Lestrange. Don't expect my family to not do anything to support Voldemort, Al."
"For Merlin's sake, Black, stop saying his name!" snapped Moody irascibly.
Sirius pointedly ignored the Auror, and took a deep breath, calming slightly from his sudden fulmination.
"So you're saying, Prewett, that my best friend and his wife are going to die, just like that?" said Remus slowly.
"That's exactly what I'm saying, Remus," said Gideon pleasantly. He still didn't notice the fact that Remus disliked him immensely. "Does it not make sense to you? May I care to elaborate—"
"No, no, that will be all." Remus didn't want to tempt him with another speech.
"He's already taken over much of Europe," said Fabian statistically, looking over a thick wad of paper. "Let's see now...some of Luxembourg, Germany, nearly all of Britain, France, and a small part of Italy. I hear he's moving toward Ireland soon."
"How do we know you haven't made all this stuff up, then?"
"What on earth? Why would you suspect me of such a thing?" Fabian looked at Remus in astonishment.
"You never know if a member of the Order is an ally or enemy."
"Then how do I know if you're not a spy?"
"'Cause, I'm not!"
"Remus," interrupted Violet soothingly, placing her small hand upon his shoulders. "Please don't start this again. It isn't like old times anymore; this is serious now."
"No need, Violet, I'm fine."
Y/N sighed, looking over at the young werewolf, who was currently in despair. She felt terrible for Remus, and her heart went out to him, but what could she possibly do? She couldn't say that she knew how he felt, because she really didn't. First he lost his girlfriend, and was now living under the same roof with her and her boyfriend. Now, he had to suffer more than ever during the full moon periods, and there was always the threat that Voldemort may convince him enough to join the Dark Side.
"Cheer up all, it's the holidays," said Arabella, feigning exuberance. "How about we all head down to Hogsmeade and look at the decorations?"
"You young people can go," muttered Moody. "I'm going back to headquarters. Merlin knows that we need at least some responsible members who are dedicated to the Cause."
"You know, I'm a very responsible member of the Order."
James groaned inwardly, and squeezed his eyes shut. Here we go again, he thought gloomily. Another bickering between Arabella and Moody is not something I want right now.
"Yes, of course you are," said Moody in a sarcastic tone. "Running off to God knows where every single second of your life—so faithful."
"Don't insult me, sir! You are no better, you ugly, you pathetic piece of—"
"Let's go," said Sirius suddenly, dragging Arabella by the arm and Apparating. Arabella sighed, and followed suit, and Remus, Jennifer, Y/N, James, Violet, and Jackson went as well.
"Ah, Hogsmeade, it's good to be back once more," said Y/N joyously, as she breathed the cold air, and touched the moist snowflakes that were falling.
"Let's go see Emmeline," said Sirius enthusiastically.
"Padfoot, you dolt, she's already graduated from Hogwarts!" James laughed. "She bought a flat in London."
"Now what?"
"Honeydukes," announced Jackson, when no one else would reply. Since there was nothing else to do, they all assented and entered the sweet shop, ready to empty their pockets of gold.
"James Potter, a pleasure to meet you once again," came an oddly familiar oily voice from behind them.
James narrowed his eyes, and turned around. "Snivellus," he hissed venomously.
"Severus!" exclaimed Y/N, her hand fluttering up to her mouth, as she clutched James' arm painfully.
"What do you want, Snape?"
"Ah, finally calling me by my given surname, are we, Potter? I guess those nickname days are over, huh?"
"I said, what do you want, Snivelly?"
"Why, I can't say hello to my fellow classmates whom I graduated with two years ago?"
"Oy, over here!"
They turned around yet again to see Emmeline waving her arms cheerfully. She was as pretty as always, with her brown hair framed over her pink cheeks. Around her arm was a handsome man with dark-brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Hey, Em," said Lily.
"I thought you graduated from Hogwarts," said Sirius, puzzled.
"I have, stupid. Can't a girl visit Hogsmeade anyway? Oh, how rude! This is my boyfriend, Randy Smith." She gestured to the man.
"Related to Laura Smith?" persisted James.
"Yes, my deceased younger sister." His eyes clouded, and he looked over at James. "You're James Potter, aren't you? The most famous and youngest Auror at the Ministry."
"Oh, well—er—" James shuffled his feet, his face crimson. "I can't say most famous, but yes, I am an Auror at the Ministry."
Emmeline grinned. "Grown modest, have we, James? Well, Dumbledore sent me the letter asking me to join the you-know-what, so I'll be at you-know-where tonight."
"Excellent," said Arabella. "So, how long have you two been an item?"
"Three months," confirmed Randy, his arm tightening around Emmeline's waist. "Best three months I've ever had in my whole life."
"Em, can we talk?" asked Y/N in a strained voice.
"Yes, of course." Emmeline followed Y/N to a small corner, puzzled. "What is it, Lils?"
"What happened to Kenneth? Have you given him up?"
"Oh, Lily." Her eyes turned glossy, as she wiped the sleeve of her robes on her nose, sniffling slightly. "I would never give Ken up, no matter what. Kenneth was attacked that day so long ago at Hogsmeade, remember? So he was brought to St. Mungo's for treatment. They had already buried Laura Smith. I frequently visited Ken at St. Mungo's, but a month later, they had told me that his condition was extremely critical. He died a few days later."
"Em, I'm so sorry that I brought that up." Y/N hugged the younger girl tightly, as tears threatened to escape her eyes.
"It's quite all right. You should have known sooner or later. That's when I met Randy a little later, and we began dating. You see, I don't love Randy, poor boy, but I respect him. However, Ken will always be in my heart, even if he was a fling at Hogwarts, because I did truly love him."
"Yes, I know you did, Emmeline. Now aren't you glad that I let you have that small break during the prefect meeting on the train?"
Emmeline laughed, her tears dissolving. "Well, duh! I may have been a complete ditz back then, but hey, I was good with the guys."
"Shall we go back?" Y/N offered, taking the girl's hand in her own and squeezing it comfortingly.
"We shall."
"What am I going to tell him, Bella?"
Y/N clutched her stomach as if it was going to fall off any second. Her e/c eyes inspected her best friend carefully, as she continuously smoothed down her thick, light/dark,  h/c hair with her other hand. One small s/c finger wrapped a strand of hair around it, as she chewed her hair thoughtfully.
"First of all, Y/N, take that hair out of your mouth. Secondly, just tell James the truth: you're pregnant."
"Do you even know how he's going to take that piece of information, Bella? James will freak out, and maybe he won't even want the baby."
"Oh, for Merlin's sake, why wouldn't he want the baby? James is a very paternal sort of person, though I really can't see how at this moment. However, you know that he loves you and would never leave you."
"I'm not sure if he does anymore."
Arabella dropped her hands that she had unconsciously been holding up in mid-air, and stared at Y/N, open-mouthed. "Of course James loves you. You remember how he chased you back in our fifth year, constantly asking you to go out with him. He tried so hard just to gain your friendship in our sixth year, and finally had your heart in seventh year. Now you're saying the boy doesn't love you anymore? You're paranoid, N/N."
"Still, if James finds out..."
"Find out what?"
Y/N jumped up, and looking around, saw James come into the house, a hand running through his black hair. He grinned at his wife, and waved merrily, raising an eyebrow at the worried look upon her face.
"Why the long look, Y/N? Are you hiding a naughty secret from your dear husband? You know that's not very nice of you."
"A secret? Certainly not!"
James rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Tell me when you want to, love. I'm going to fix something to eat. Boy, it's already two days before Christmas Eve, huh? Time sure flies." He went to the kitchen, humming to himself.
"I can't tell him," said Y/N sadly, watching him leave.
"If you won't, I will."
"You heard me."
"Arabella Figg, you will not tell my husband that his wife is pregnant. That's so unromantic."
"Well, you're the one who won't tell him, so do you expect to go up to him when your water breaks one day and say, 'Hey James, give me a ride to St. Mungo's, I have to get my baby delivered'."
Y/N laughed despite of herself. "You're right, I'm being ridiculous. However, I won't tell him just yet."
"Then when will you tell him?"
"Christmas Day. That'll give him an extra gift, won't it?"
"That's the spirit."
"You know what else is ironic?"
"Alice is pregnant, too."
Arabella squealed so loudly that James came bounding out of the kitchen, his hand flying involuntarily to his hair.
"What the hell, Bella? What is it? Death Eaters? Voldemort?"
"Alice is pregnant!" she squeaked joyfully. "Can you believe it? Oh, now we know what she and Frank have been doing, locked up in their bedroom all the time..."
"Ugh, stop, Bells," scolded Y/N, groaning. "You perverted individual."
James smiled. "That's great. I'll have to congratulate Alice and Frank the next time I see them. Frank must be really proud, now being a father. Wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl."
"James, if we ever had a baby"—Y/N hesitated—"would you be mad?"
"Mad? Why would I be?"
James looked at his wife wonderingly, as she paled visibly. He frowned. What was wrong with YN? She had been acting very strange lately, not her usual laughing self and sulked every day, looking out of the window flaccidly even at meetings. He had a fleeting thought that perhaps Voldemort was taking over her brain, but he vetoed the idea at once. Y/N was too strong for people to take over herself.
"I don't know. Maybe you don't want a baby."
"Of course I want a baby...especially a boy. Then I'd name him Harry."
"Why is that?" (A/N: Even though I didn't mention this, Dumbledore had already cleared the memories that Lily and James, as well as anyone else had of the future. Also, let's pretend the headmaster doesn't know about the future either.)
"I don't know; it just sounds good in my ears. 'Sides, my grandfather was named Harry Daniel Potter. So if we ever have a boy, we shall name him Harry James Potter. It's a tradition for Potters to name their sons after relatives, especially with their middle names be the first name of their father."
For the first time in a long time, Y/N gave a true smile. To see James so worked up over planning the names of their future children gave her hope that perhaps he wouldn't disown her when she would tell him that she was pregnant. James' hazel eyes were shining as he excitedly chattered on about the Potter history, and how their children would be all he and Y/N would teach them.
"I love you, James," she whispered, hugging him.
"My, what brought this on?" However, he was pleased, and kissed her forehead softly.
"I'm just really happy, that's all, and I do love you."
"Well, I'm glad that you're not who you used to be: that little H/C haired girl with a terrible temper and a sharp tongue—L/N."
Y/N laughed. "I'm still a h/c haired girl, and I have a temper and a sharp tongue. Don't think I changed that much, James."
"Oh, but you have. You used to be so pushy when it came to boys, that no boys would go near you. I was the only one brave enough."
"Yeah, right. That was because you threatened to hex them for eternity if they ever went near me."
James blushed, and scratched the back of his neck, feeling ashamed. He had never realized that he had done such terrible things back at Hogwarts, cursing people whom he didn't like at first sight, especially Snape, and showing off every day with his Snitch and his hexing abilities. Sadly, many people had looked up to him because he was "Mr. Perfect". Only he, his friends, and Y/N knew that he truly wasn't perfect, but only she had the nerve to tell it to his face.
You know you deserved that, said a nagging voice in his mind. If L/N didn't tell you to stop being a kid and grow up, then you would've still been that arrogant berk. Seriously, you have a cold heart, James Potter.
His eyes widened, and he looked over at Y/N pleadingly. "Do you think I should be in Slytherin?"
"What?" Lily looked up in surprise. "Why?"
"'Cause I used to hex people all the time back at Hogwarts, and that's a real low thing to do to anyone and anything."
"Oh, James, you're a true Gryffindor. Everyone goes through a period where they show off to get attention. Yours was just much longer because you really did have something to show off."
"Thanks, N/N." He grinned. "If we ever do have a kid, I'll make sure he or she'll be just like you."
 "Where's my wand?" screeched Sirius, looking around the room.
"It's right in your hand, you dolt," replied Arabella, giggling. "Oh, let's open the presents now, please?"
"Not until everyone arrives, Bella," admonished Y/N, peering over to the brunette through the tinsel on the Christmas tree.
"Why couldn't your parents have used Floo Powder?"
"They're Muggles; you can't expect them to be so comfortable with the Wizarding ways, can you?"
"My Mum is."
"She's a Squib, and Squibs still know everything about the Wizarding world; they just can't perform those things with a wand."
Arabella thought about it for a moment. "You're right, I guess."
"I'm always right, aren't I?"
James grinned from where he was standing, eating a piece of toast. "See, Padfoot, I told you we Potters are never humble. This is what you get for marrying me, Love—now you're confident too. It's not egotistical; it's simply knowing what you're about."
Y/N snorted, "Who said I wasn't before? Besides you're not that egotistical Jamie."
"Isn't that a little too nice?" said Sirius dubiously. "I mean, come on, I've known Prongs longer, and he really was a bit conceited."
"Yeah, I don't think my intentions were that angelic."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so now you're trying to be modest? Puh-lease, James, that is so not your area of expertise."
"Well, I thought I was good at everything." He grinned in a cocky manner.
"Hey, guys," said Jennifer cheerfully, coming in with a tray of hot chocolate and chocolate-chip cookies. "You all hungry?"
"Am I!" exclaimed Sirius, bounding for the food. He grabbed a cookie and munched on it enthusiastically. "Thanks, Jen."
She smiled. "Always the same, aren't you, Sirius?"
"Where did you come from?" asked James, helping himself to a cookie as well, though more calmly than his best friend.
"Floo Powder. I didn't feel like Apparating then knocking, so I decided to get here from my fireplace. Say, where's Gideon and Remus?"
Jennifer and Remus had recovered their old friendship a few weeks ago, and now they were as close as ever. Their friends knew, of course, that they were still in love with each other, Remus being a little more obvious than his ex-girlfriend was. Jennifer claimed lately that she was in love with Gideon Prewett and adored his twin brother, Fabian, but the girls knew that she was lying, though they admitted that she was quite talented in that area. Jennifer was still in love with Remus, though she denied it constantly to her friends.
"They're not here yet," replied Lily, "which is why Bella and I are going to take this chance and tell you to admit it."
"What're you on about?"
"Don't pretend like you don't know, Jen. You know you love Remus."
Jennifer nearly dropped the tray that she had been holding. "What gives you an idea like that? Our relationship is over, and there's no vestige of it at all. We're starting over with friendship, like when we were kids."
There was a snort after her comment, probably from Sirius. No one truly believed the veracity of her denial, of course, since it was too obvious that Jennifer pined for Remus even when she was with Gideon.
"Liar," mumbled Arabella, standing up from where she was sitting and brushed back her brown curly locks. "I'm going to get Violet and Jackson. They're probably doing a naughty deed back in their apartment."
"No," said Y/N a bit louder than intended. "What if you walk in on them doing that 'naughty' deed? That would be so humiliating, not to mention disturbing."
"Oh, how could I have forgotten? Watching Violet and Jackson having s—"
"I have everyone's presents," interrupted Jennifer, a faint blush upon her cheeks. "Shall I put them under the tree?"
"Please do, Jen."
A few hours later, after everyone else had come and presents were opened, Y/N was debating on how to tell James about the baby. She was biting her nails through the Christmas dinner while everyone else was laughing and gaily chatting about their plans for that day, and only James and her friends noticed her peculiar behavior. However, only James didn't know why she was behaving such, so he sat there, worried, while Sirius was knocking him off his chair every five minutes, being drunk and all.
Y/N stood up, unable to bear it anymore. She had to tell him, no matter what his reaction would be.
"James, can I talk to you?"
She wants some kind of divorce, thought James, panicking. I must be a really bad husband to her.
"What is it, Y/N?" he questioned anxiously. "What did I do? I promise to be a better husband from now on!"
"No, James, it's not you. I—I don't know how to say this."
"You're cheating on me." His voice was flat.
"WHAT! You know I'd never, dear. No, it's just that I'm—pregnant."
There was a pause and then silence. James' jaw dropped as he stared at his wife incredulously. However, he thought of her odd behavior recently and how Y/N had no energy for many things. Also, she had been constantly talking about "Harry" and if they had a baby, what they would do.
Suddenly, he broke into a wide grin. He was a father...a real father! He knew that his dad would be proud of him. He was a father now, someone that his kid would look up to someday.
"I'm a father!" he exclaimed loudly, and all the Order members got out of their seats to watch Y/N and James' tender kisses.
Emmeline Vance smiled from where she sat in her stately attire. She had a sad smile now, not the seductive one she flashed in her Hogwarts days. Kenneth Hughes had changed her life, even though they had gotten together in the most unexpected way. However, the cruelty of life had taken him away from her, and now she was no longer that flirting and prissy little girl she was back in her schoolgirl days. She no longer wore those cut-off robes down to only her knees but had an austere and prim adornment. Nevertheless, it had not vetoed her passion for life and her spirit. Perhaps she would have been a good Gryffindor after all. After all, though her own love life was lost and would never be recovered, she was still a hopeless romantic and softened whenever she saw a touching moment between a couple in love...especially Y/N and James. The latter did not know how much inspiration they evoked for the people of the Wizarding and Muggle worlds, and how they would in the future.
"Padfoot, really," said James in a panicking voice. "Come with me. I need someone to take Y/N to St. Mungo's." (A/N: Is that where they get the babies delivered? Well, it's going to be now!)
"Why would you want to go to St. Mungo's?" murmured Sirius sleepily through the flames in the fireplace. He was in his own apartment, and Arabella was sleeping in the next room. "You sick, Prongs?"
"Y/N's baby is coming!"
"WHAT?" Sirius scrambled to his feet, now very wide-awake. "Well, why didn't you say so, Prongs? I'll get Bella."
He hollered for his girlfriend in her room. "Bella!"
Arabella groaned, and sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Why the hell are you calling me up in this hour, Sirius? It's only seven o'clock and a Saturday. Go back to sleep, will you?"
Her reaction was quite similar to her boyfriend's. She hurriedly dressed into a navy blue pair of robes and Apparated to the Potter Estate along with a half-dressed Sirius.
"We can't have her Apparate," she said gravely. "It'll kill her. So will Floo Powder. So now what do we do?"
"Call Violet," advised Y/N, breathing heavily. "Oh, James, what do I do?"
"Calm down, N/N, we'll think of something."
So Violet and Jackson, whom were both already awake by then, Apparated to the Order headquarters. Both were very composed, unlike the other four best friends, who had been in frenzy before that.
"You're right that Apparating is out, but Floo Powder is the only other way," said Violet.
"James! Listen, we don't have time to drive all the way there. We're Flooing, and that's that."
So they had gotten Y/N to the hospital, and she had been in labor for quite a few hours. Remus and Jennifer had arrived soon after Y/N and the rest of the group, and they were all waiting outside the room where they could hear Y/N's faint screaming inside the room.
James was twiddling his thumbs, and looked around him nervously. His eyes rested on a tall and very comely young man, looking up at the ceiling. When the man turned his face to him, he gasped.
"What're you doing here?" asked Sirius. "You hear about Y/N and her baby?"
"No, I'm here for Alice," he replied, puzzled. "What...Y/N's having her baby, too?"
When they nodded, Frank grinned. "I guess our kids are going to be born on the same day, hey, James?"
James nodded, feeling slightly calmer. At least there was someone who was in the exact same position as he was in at the moment.
Sirius smirked, "So, I guess my Halloween Parties do work wonders, huh?"
"Jamie here's been worried all day," said Arabella as she shoved her ridiculous fiancé. "Woke us all up at seven in the morning."
"We've been here since six," put in Frank, sighing. "Poor Al...you two decide on a name yet? If we have a boy, it'll be Neville after his grandfather. If a girl, then Jackie."
"Harry if it's a boy," confirmed James, "and we don't know the name if it's a girl. If it's a boy, he'll be Harry James."
"Harry James Potter," repeated Frank, and said it to himself several times. "Harry James Potter—I like it! That name will be his most prized possession for the rest of his life, that will. Maybe others will like it so much, and tell it to their friends so that everyone will know him!"
Little did he know that that statement would come true.
A few more hours later, when Frank, and everyone else, except for James who was too scared and in mental agony for his wife, were asleep on the chairs, a kind-faced Healer came out of the room where Y/N was and tapped James' shoulder.
"Are you the young husband of Y/N Potter?" she queried softly.
James gulped nervously and nodded, "She's not hurt, is she? B-"
"You have a son, sir. You may come in if you wish."
He hurriedly complied and went in the room. There, Y/N was fast asleep, her dark/light h/c hair framed over her s/c face. Next to her in a small bed, a small baby was sleeping. Though he was only an infant, he already had a very small patch of light black hair. James grinned. Harry already had his hair. The baby suddenly woke up and started to cry, waking Y/N up in the process. In closer inspection, he saw that the baby's eyes were a bright, brilliant e/c...Y/N's eyes.
Tears came to James' own hazel eyes as he smiled at Y/N, who gave him a weak smile in return.
"He's beautiful," he whispered softly. "Harry James Potter. He's got your eyes, Y/N."
"He's got your hair and nearly all your looks," replied Y/N lovingly. "He'll be the replica of you when he's older, James."
"I hope his personality, however, is exactly like his mother's. I learned from my mistakes, but I don't want little Harry here to be the bullying prat I was at school."
"Harry Potter. It's a wonderful name, dearies," complimented the Healer kindly. "You are the famous young Auror, James Potter, are you not? The son of Daniel and Sarah Potter, our most elite Aurors at the Ministry?"
James blushed and grinned. "Nah, we Potters aren't that great. It's sort of a tradition for us to become Aurors because we've always had 'nothing to fear or lose'. My grandfather came up with a quote for our family: 'Us Potters have always been bold, smart-alecks, but nothing can take away our spirit.' I do hope that my son can carry that out as well, as a legacy to the Potters before and after us."
"Well said, Mr. Potter. Who knows, maybe your son will become a famous Auror like you and the rest of your family someday." The Healer smiled indulgently at James and then looked over at Y/N. "Dear, you're the talk of us Healers here at St. Mungo's. We've always admired you from the first time we saw your picture in the Daily Prophet. You and your husband have always been a source of admiration for most of us in the Wizarding world. We all know that you will do great things in the future."
Y/N smiled politely and nodded. However, she wasn't so sure on the inside that she would be brilliant. Everyone seemed to think that she and James were the most wonderful Aurors in the Ministry, and would do great things in the future, but what could she do? They were just a bunch of young kids, fresh out of Hogwarts for only a few years, in love. Maybe she, James, and little Harry were destined for great things in the future, but she'd never know now.
By then, everyone came into her room, and she squealed with joy at the knowledge that Alice gave birth to her baby boy, Neville, as well. It was a memorable moment, with all the friends standing around a tired but exhilarated Y/N and the Potters' newborn son. It seemed as though the happiness would never end.
Unfortunately, that was not the case.
The year of 1980 passed by quickly, and by then it was September of 1981. Sirius and Arabella were married in the June of that year, and Harry was already one year old. However, the events around them were not that cheerful. Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters were dominating all of Europe, and moving on into the West, into the States, where the Wizarding community was extremely powerful, even more so than in Europe. Of course, more power attracted Voldemort.
The Order was getting frantic. Nearly half of their members were dead or captured. Gideon and Fabian were both dead, killed by Death Eaters. They had been brave and loyal to the Order, fighting until the end. Jennifer had been in a state of depression ever since the incident because even though she hadn't been deeply in love with Gideon, she liked him very much, and he had treated her well. Others among the dead were Marlene McKinnon, whom the Death Eaters had killed along with the rest of her family. Dorcas Meadows and Edgar Bones were also killed, the former murdered personally by Voldemort.
However, the most dramatic change in their lives was the fact that Voldemort was now after Y/N and James. No one, not even Dumbledore, knew really why, except for the fact that it was something about a prophecy. Sirius, of course, had been made the Secret Keeper, because James trusted him with all his heart. However, many of the Order members were doubtful. Trust a Black to keep a secret such as this? Preposterous! The Blacks have been known to be supporters of the Dark Arts, not the Light. Nevertheless, James held a firm foot on his decision, and everyone soon relented. However, no one knew that Y/N, James, and Sirius changed the Secret Keeper to be Peter. Remus didn't even know, because Sirius didn't trust him anymore. He was a werewolf, and werewolves were easily influenced...who knew if Remus was really on their side.
So they had chosen Peter, since he was the other best friend that Y/N and James could rely on. No one suspected Peter to be anything but loyal to the Order. No one suspected that Peter's loyalties were already divided.
Y/N and James were now living in Godric's Hollow. It was the safest place for hiding, and Voldemort would probably never suspect it.
"I don't know, James," said Y/N quietly. "There's something I can't put my finger on. Maybe we shouldn't have changed Secret Keepers."
"What could possibly possess you to say that, N/N? You don't trust Peter?"
"I don't know, James," she repeated. "It's a feeling I have. About something that's going to happen soon."
"Maybe you're just worrying too much."
"You think?"
"You need a break, Y/N. You've been tiring yourself at the Ministry too much. Live a little. Look at the beautiful fall landscape outside. There's nothing like fall in England, huh? Today's Halloween, we should celebrate.
"Except for the fact that we can't even see our friends often anymore, and we can barely go outside for fear that Voldemort would pop up any moment and kill us along with poor Harry. I'm scared, James."
James sighed, and looked away. "So am I, Y/N. So am I."
Silence followed, and it was only shattered when there was a piercing cry from baby Harry from his crib. Y/N hurriedly went to him, and picked him up gently, humming a soft lullaby in process. James watched his wife and son tenderly from the corner of his eye and held out his arms.
"Let me hold him."
Y/N handed him Harry, and he rocked his fragile son like he was a piece of glass. Harry gurgled and looked up at his father with large E/C eyes that sparkled brightly. His small hand went up to the growing tuft of black hair on his head, and squealed.
"Look at him!" exclaimed Y/N, laughing. "Already like you, James, messing up his hair like you used to do when you were at Hogwarts."
"Nah." The father shook his head. "I don't think Harry's like me at all, Y/N. There's something about him that I can't just put my finger on. I actually feel myself vibrate whenever I hold him, and I feel a sense of power radiated from his body. This boy will grow up to be powerful, N/N. I can feel it. He may look like me, but he has your personality, and that's something that Harry's blessed with. Having my type of personality is something he'd hate me for when he grows older."
"You aren't that bad."
"You aren't an arrogant, bullying toerag anymore, that's for sure. Why else would I have married you? I wouldn't have looked at you twice if you didn't change and start to actually grow up in our sixth year."
"You were rather harsh on me, though, I have to say. You hated everything about me and were suspicious whenever I did a good deed. By Merlin, it was as if I was the Devil himself."
Y/N was quiet for a few moments before she spoke. "I have that feeling again, James."
"No. I have to tell you this. I feel as if we'll get killed and won't be together again. However, I have a feeling that Harry will live. We will die, but Harry will live and thrive in the Wizarding world once more, and defeat Voldemort."
"Oh, so now you're like Trelawney, that old hag?"
"James, I'm serious. I know it sounds complete ludicrous and fantastic, but it's a strong feeling that I just can't shake off."
"You could've at least spared off the part where we're supposed to die. I'm only twenty-one, and I have my whole life ahead of me. We're the famous pair of Aurors at the Ministry, and everyone knows and respects us. I'm not about to have my life ended by some insane Dark wizard who's going to take over the world."
"What if it's true, James? What if we do die, but Harry miraculously lives?"
James looked thoughtful for a moment, as he rocked Harry back to sleep again. "Harry will be a hero, then. He'll be popular as soon as he steps onto the grounds of Hogwarts, though many people might fear him. He'll be kinder and more considerate than I ever was, and wouldn't be cocky, arrogant, or cruel. He'll grow up to be exactly how I'd want my son to be." Tears came to his eyes as he said this.
"No one will watch him, though."
"Plenty of people will. Sirius, Remus, Peter, and your friends, not to mention the rest of the Order."
"James, what happens if those people can't watch him?"
"Then Harry will have to raise himself up without us. Y/N, why are you brooding about this? It's not like this is really going to happen."
A loud knock interrupted James, and Y/N clutched her husband's arm fearfully, her heart pounding loudly.
James hands were shaking, "Who's there?"
"You know."
"You know who?" James replied back, feeling a deep hatred for Peter develop.
"Y/N, take Harry and go! Go! Run! It's him! I'll hold him off—"James took one final look at the love of his life, knowing this would be the last time.
The door flew wide open, revealing the skeleton-like body of Lord Voldemort. He laughed harshly, and his red eyes scrutinized the scene.
"James Potter, we meet again," he said softly. "I remember you as a boy at Hogwarts. Rude, arrogant, just like your parents. However, there needn't be any reason for you to be anymore. I will make this death quick and painless, shall I?"
"As long as you don't touch Y/N or Harry." James said bravely.
"Avada Kedavra!" roared Voldemort.
James' eyes widened, as his body turned stiff and fell to the floor with a thump. His expression was a mixture of fear and also of determination. Though he did not want to, he had been prepared to die.
Y/N screamed as she held Harry tighter to her chest. No, it couldn't be. She looked over at her husband's dead body, as tears ran down her cheeks. James Henry Potter, the man she had known ever since she was eleven, was dead. Her love, the light of her life besides her son, was gone.
Memories of her Hogwarts days flashed in Y/N's mind as her heart shattered. The first train ride to Hogwarts...she and James glaring at each other...getting Jennifer and Remus together...dancing with James...laughing with James...James proposing...James kissing her...
It was all too painful. Though they did not like each other many times in their life, they were still in love. Now, James was gone. She stared at his face, her whole body shaking. If Voldemort would kill her, she would be prepared for it.
"Please," she whispered. "Not Harry, not Harry!"
"Stand aside now, girl, stand aside—"
"Please, not Harry! I'll do anything!"
"Stand aside, you silly girl."
"Take me, kill me instead."
There, she had said it. She wanted Harry to live and flourish. She didn't want him to die at the hands of this man. Y/N wanted to see her baby boy grow up, marry, and be happy, and she would risk her life to see that happen.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Y/N's body landed right next to James'.
Hagrid wiped away tears as he saw the scene. The Potter's hiding place at Godric's Hollow was completely destroyed. The house was torn down, all their belongings broken. Y/N and James' bodies were lying next to each other, their hands almost intertwined, where baby Harry was crying softly.
"There, there," he whispered, picking the small bundle up into his large arms. "Yer going't be all right, little fellow."
He looked over at Y/N and James' bodies. "Y/N, James, how could this have happened? You two're the greatest wizard and witch I's ever known."
Hagrid then looked at Harry and gave a small smile. He looked just like his dad, but had his mum's eyes. He also had both of his parent's strength and will to fight.
"Yer going't be a great wizard someday, 'arry," he said gently to the baby, who had stopped crying. "Yer parents were good people. Greatest people I's ever known. They were in love, and they never gave up n'matter what happened."
He stared at the Potters' bodies once more. "Ye can fin'lly rest in peace now, Y/N an' James."
Hagrid flew off on Sirius' motorbike with Harry. Memories of a bygone period gently floated into the still dark atmosphere, an era both terrible and wonderful, and disappeared into the night.
tags: @theredheadedwinchester
a/n; hope you all enjoyed this fanfic! thanks for reading it! 
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amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter seven | original
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"I saw you with him, y/n!" cried Arabella with relish, as they headed off to Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Wickham. "You two were holding hands!"
"For about three seconds!" retorted Y/n. She was fed up with all the talk of her and James as a couple. Surely she knew they would get married later, but she didn't like him just now, especially with Bella never letting her live up to this.
"Bells, leave n/n alone," said Jennifer, yawning widely. "Who cares if she and James Potter were holding hands. They're going to get married anyway after Hogwarts."
"Thank you, Jen, I've been waiting for Bella here to understand that. Now, Bells, will you now leave me alone?"
"Let me think about that—no."
"I hope Potter is suffering just as much as I am from Sirius," muttered Y/n gloomily, as she sat at her usual table for class. She adored Professor Wickham: he was a young wizard in his mid-thirties who was always enthusiastic about teaching them to fight the Dark Arts and the many curses. Most fortunately for the young Gryffindors that they didn't take a double class with another House; they wanted Professor Wickham all to themselves.
"Y/n! So kind of you to join us!" Professor Wickham winked as she sat down. Y/n looked at him, confused for a moment, but then realized that she had been yelling at Arabella for a full three minutes.
"Oh—sorry about that, Professor," Y/n mumbled.
Professor Wickham grinned. "Ah...young love. In this case, very young love." He knew of young Y/n and James' destiny for each other. "So young to cope with such responsibility! "He also knew of the two's hatred for each other, but every day, he'd see James Potter glancing at Y/n with a dreamy expression.
"Mr. Potter, if you would be so kind as to pay a bit more attention to these curses I'm about to explain here," he patiently said, interrupting James' daydream for the fifth time that day. "If I may have a word with you after class."
Remus was glaring at James. Defense Against the Dark Arts was his favorite class and he took notes very dutifully every single class, even if it was boring. He felt it very insulting that James barely paid attention to such fascinating curses, but quickly hastened himself to his notes again, grinning, as he saw James glance toward Y/n again.
Sirius, obviously, watched this all with an eagle eye, and gave a thumbs-up to James when Wickham had interrupted his little daydream. He personally thought that Y/n and James were so over each other, but wouldn't admit it. He also thought that they were both as stubborn as mules.
Y/n, who was always a good student, flushed whenever Professor Wickham said James' name. She did not look over towards his way, but always ended up in some sort of dazed dream whenever she stared at the notes in the book that she was supposed to be copying. It happened quite often in every class except for Charms and Potions; Charms was her favorite class and because it was likely to get all the points from Gryffindor taken off if she didn't pay attention in Potions.
Arabella was currently laughing at Y/n silently to herself. Y/n was barely noticing because of two reasons: either because she was daydreaming about James again or taking down detailed notes. Too bored to now pay attention to Wickham's energetic voice, Bella passed a note to Y/n.
Hey n/n!
Y/n replied, almost surprisingly: Bella! What are you doing?
Hey, this is boring, you know.
It is not! Professor Wickham is very intellectual in this field of study. And these curses are fascinating.
Yeah, whatever, forget the stupid speeches. Wickham's cool, but he's so boring sometimes. All right, all the time.
Well, it's not my fault you barely passed your exams. I wouldn't be surprised to see you fail this year.
Would you want me to?
If you keep bothering me about this nonsense of James Potter, yes, I would.
Damn. Fine, I'll stop bugging you about Jamsie.
Good. And it's Potter, not Jamsie.
Same thing.
Miraculously, Wickham had not noticed them writing notes, but the boys had, and ached to find out what they were talking about. So after class, the piece of parchment that Y/n and Arabella were passing back and forth was completely forgotten by the girls, the boys took it and began reading.
"I can't believe Arabella doesn't think Defense Against the Dark Arts is interesting! I'm glad Y/n thinks it is, though." Remus was extremely affronted.
"And I was hoping they'd be saying something about how Y/n is head-over-heels for James, too," replied Sirius regretfully.
"Sirius, you're an idiot," said James good-naturedly, though his face was flushed at the mention of y/n.
Sirius snorted. "Jamie-boy, the whole school knows you're all over Y/n L/n, so stop trying to hide it."
"I am not!" cried James, flushing.
"Yes, you are," said Remus, smiling. "Y/n thinks the same way too. Jenny told me that Y/n is frequently caught daydreaming, no doubt about you."
James blushed furiously. "Well...it might be about some other guy...like Amos Diggory," he added, scowling. "The idiot."
"Diggory's too arrogant," said Sirius. "Guy has girls flocking around him all the time, though."
"Hey, I have girls flocking around me too!" snapped James irritably. Then he added, "Though it's a lot of unwanted attention."
"Because you want Y/n to notice you even though she doesn't?" suggested Sirius hopefully.
James had a sudden urge to punch Sirius right across the nose, but it didn't seem like a good idea at the time.
Remus grinned. "Come on, let's get out of here."
"I'll see you guys later, Wickham wanted a word with me," said James.
"James, I'm aware of this lack of attention you have towards this class," said Professor Wickham seriously, though a hint of a grin was pulling on his mouth. "I know that Y/n L/n is very entrancing for you to be staring at her the whole time, but—"
"I hate her!" shouted James, without even realizing it. Then he turned red and muttered, "Sorry, Professor."
"No need. But I would love you and Y/n to be friends so this whole dispute will be settled. And I really do feel for you, James. I know how stressful it is to learn of the future at such a young age."
"Thank you, sir." James left his office, and hurried to find his friends, who were nowhere to be found.
After searching for about a quarter of an hour, James gave up and decided to go to the library and get a head start on the Defense Against the Dark Arts essay. Unsurprisingly, Y/n was there when he entered, poring over thick books.
"Hey, Y/n," he said, and Y/n turned around, surprised. She would never expect James Potter, of all the people, to be at the library so early.
"Potter?" she asked cautiously. "What the hell are you doing in the library right after a class? This must be a first!"
"Yeah, well..." James shrugged. "I was looking for Sirius, Remus, and Peter, couldn't find them, so I decided to come here to get a head start on that ruddy essay."
"I think it's an interesting topic," said Y/n thoughtfully. "And what's it to you how you lost you friends? Aren't they always with you?"
"Er—" James was debating whether to tell her or now. "Well, Professor Wickham kept me back after class for a few minutes, and when I got out of his classroom, well, they weren't anywhere in sight."
"I'll help you look for them," offered Y/n, amazed herself at what she had said. Hadn't she wanted to finish her Defense Against the Dark Arts essay as soon as possible?
James seemed to be having similar thoughts. What was L/n thinking, helping him find his friends? Surely, it was a friendly gesture, but was she serious? All she cared about was finishing that stupid essay and getting ten out of ten.
"Are you sure, Y/n?" he asked cautiously, still doubting the H/c girl. "I mean, you did come to the library this early to get a head start on that essay of Wickham's."
"Oh, forget about that, I have all weekend!" exclaimed Y/n. She was suddenly in a very hyper and hysterical mood. "Besides, it's nice to get out of the library for a while. I go there every day, and I need a new place to go to, for a change. Exploring Hogwarts is definitely better than poring over books in the library."
"You go to that ruddy library every day?" asked James in amazement. "My, isn't that a dull life!"
"Hey, I've made my point," said Y/n, shrugging. She grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulders. "Come on, are we going to find them or not? They're my friends, too, you know."
James was surprised, but quickly felt guilty, since he always considered Sirius, Remus, and Peter his and only his friends. Now he found out how selfish he was to think that.
"Of course I know that they're your friends," he snapped rather nervously.
Y/n rolled her eyes; she obviously didn't believe him. "Whatever." Then she left the library, causing James to think twice and run after her.
L/n is really different – unlike any girl I've ever known, mused James. I wonder if she'd make a good mother...wow, I must be going way too far!
"Potter?" y/n poked him on his ribs. "Hello? Well, you're pretty blind, the rest of the Marauders were waiting right outside the library for you. They've been looking for you everywhere."
James turned and saw Sirius, Remus, and Peter smiling at him near the library door. Where the hell had they come from? He hadn't seen them there when he entered the library! Unless—
"You three stole my Invisibility Cloak!" he cried frantically. "All right, Sirius, where is it?"
Sirius shook his head, grinning, and took out the silvery cloak from his robe pocket. "My, my, are you quick, Potter."
James grinned. "I know all your antics, I do, Siri-boy. I know 'em even better than old Figg."
Both Y/n and Sirius turned red, and James laughed. "I was just kidding!"
"Good," said Lily, still frowning. "'Cause Bella's your friend, isn't she?"
"Of course she is! So is Jen and Vi...and somehow, you're sort of my friend."
Y/n looked horrified. "Very funny, Potter."
"Funny? It's no joke."
"Considering that his attention span completely lapses when he thinks of you," added Peter. He had barely spoken those last few days, and whenever he did, he always ended up stuttering very badly.
She raised her eyebrows at him. "You talk?"
Peter flushed. "Yeah, I do."
"With no stutter? Really, Peter, this must also be a first for you! I haven't heard you talk without a stutter for months on end."
Peter was now extremely red, and Y/n grinned. "Come on, Pete, I was joking. I'm not that mean, you know."
"You aren't?" asked James, hiding a smile.
"No, Potter, I'm not...most of the time. When I am mean, it's always either to you, other idiotic people, or the Slytherins. You and the Slytherins most of the time."
"Well, well, well. It looks like Potter is flirting here with yet another girl. Getting sick of that Jackson, Potter?" They all turned around to see Snape and his Slytherin gang. y/n suddenly felt very sick.
Snape was taken aback when he saw Y/n. "Why, Y/n! It's so pleasant to see you here...in the company of Potter." He frowned.
"Didn't you hate me last week, Severus? You did call me a Mudblood, after all."
"Oh!" Snape was now bright red. "Well—er—you see, now, Y/n, I was just—"
"And you better not say I had something to do with it, because I didn't play a prank on you for a week," interrupted James, seeing that Snape was desperately looking at his direction.
"Yeah, Potter, like I can believe that. Last time you made me like L/n for the whole first year. How do I know if you didn't this time?"
"Because I've definitely learned my lesson," replied James, wincing slightly at the remembrance of Y/n slapping him hard across the face after she had found out.
After Snape and the other Slytherins left, Sirius burst out laughing. "Oh my God, Snape still likes you, even though Jamie-boy didn't do anything! It's priceless!"
Y/n was beet red. "Hush it, Black, or you were personally be injured."
"Oh, I'm so scared," muttered Sirius.
"You'd better be," threatened Y/n.
"Ooh, is that a threat? From a girl?" mocked Sirius, grinning.
"Sirius..." muttered James.
"Yes, Jamie-boy? Oh...jealous, are you?" Sirius' grin, if possible, became even wider.
James looked incredulously at his best friend. "Jealous? Of what?"
"How should I know? I'm not you."
"I don't know why you were named Sirius, Siri-boy. After all, you aren't very serious."
"He's the most un-serious person I've ever seen!" cried Peter.
"Grammar, Pete," said Remus, smiling at the small boy. "There's no such thing as 'un-serious' in our language."
"You know, Remus, you and Y/n would make a great couple. You guys correct all of us on stupid grammar," said Sirius.
"I don't want to be killed by Jen, Sirius, so I think I'll pass," snapped Y/n angrily. "Besides, she loves Remus to death, why live a few years shorter?"
"We're only twelve," mumbled Remus, blushing. "We...we don't understand love yet."
"Don't worry, Remus, Jen's just really precocious," said Y/n, smiling at the brunette.
"What's 'precocious' mean?" asked Peter, yet again.
They all sighed. "Never mind, Pete."
(A/N: Yes, I know I'm making Peter really dumb, but he is...isn't he?)
"Well, I'm going back to the library, if you don't mind," said Y/n rather snappily.
"Of course I don't. I barely even know why you even came to help me look for those morons"—James pointed to his friends—"in the first place."
Y/n shrugged. "Hey, I'm a nice girl!"
James snorted. "Right."
Spring passed quickly, as did the Easter holidays. Y/n had gone home as she had promised Mum, and now it was May, summer fast approaching. The second years had more homework than ever, and it was a common sight to see Y/n bent over a book and writing viciously with her quill. Still, she managed to get the top grades of their year—at least, so far.
James was gradually failing every subject except for Transfiguration. Professor Flitwick was especially displeased at his indifference and inability at Charms, and even Professor McGonagall got impatient with him when his attention lapsed again in class. He ended up having even more work to do than Y/n.
"James?" y/n asked timidly, as he worked furiously fast at his nasty Charms essay.
"Yes?" he answered curtly. James was not in the mood to talk to anyone, especially Y/n.
"I was wondering...if you need any help," continued Y/n, her voice unusually small. "Since, well, Professor Flitwick did give you more homework than the rest of us—"
"So you're here to jeer and make fun of me," finished James angrily. "Really, Y/n, if you had anything better to do, you'd get started on your own work. Oh wait! I forgot! You already finished all your homework, so you came to make fun of me instead! Ha!" With that, James gathered all his books, parchments, quills, and ink and left for the boys' dormitory.
"Sorry about James, Y/n," said Remus quietly, as he watched James storm up the circular staircase. "He's a bit strained at this moment."
Y/n looked after him, astonished, but then her face turned angry as well. "He didn't have to be so nasty about it. I mean, I was only trying to help after all. Besides, it's his own fault that he stays up late every night marauding around the school and not getting any of his homework done. Really!" Her face was bright red, and she was breathing very quickly.
"Don't worry about Potter, n/n, he's a real jerk," said Arabella, trying to calm down her friend.
"He's not!" cried Sirius hotly, who was scribbling on his parchment as well. "He's just stressed like the rest of us. It's not his fault he thought Y/n was making fun of him. After all, she does do it all the time, and she is done with all her homework." He shot Y/n an extremely nasty look.
"Sirius Black!" shrieked Arabella, making the whole common room silent. "Don't you dare insult my best friend!"
"Well, you insulted mine!"
Y/n felt her eyes sting with tears. Arabella and Sirius were fighting...because of her! Suddenly, without warning, she took a leaf out of James' book and stormed up to her dorm as well. Behind her, she heard Jennifer and Remus' voices mingled in the argument also.
Y/n started crying as soon as she reached her four-poster bed. It was empty, since her friends were still in the common room, arguing. She suddenly heard knocking on the door, and thinking it was Arabella or Jennifer, she called, "Come in."
It wasn't them. It was James.
"Go away, Potter!" Y/n cried, and sobbed once more.
"Y/n?" he asked. "Why are you crying?"
"I'm not crying!" shouted Y/n, wiping at her tears furiously.
James rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure, and I'm the Minister of Magic."
"Why are you here anyway?"
"I just came to apologize," he said rather awkwardly, blushing. "I—didn't mean to lash out at you like that. Must've just...slipped my mind. All that homework is a bunch of cra—" He stopped, noticing that his language was slowly slipping. "Sorry."
"It's all right," replied Y/n, trying to smile, but failing terribly. "It's just that...you could try studying once in a while. It works."
James grinned. "James Potter, King of the Quidditch Field—study? How unlikely is that?"
"You're right," said Y/n, sighing. "You can never be expected to study. It's just like saying Snape apologizing to you and becoming your friend."
"Or you and Remus kissing," added James, sniggering at the thought.
Y/n made a face. "Remus and Sirius are like brothers to me. So is Peter, I suppose, though he is a bit slow. And so are you." Y/n stood up and kissed James lightly on the cheek and smiled mysteriously.
James blushed even redder than he was before. "I hope Sirius isn't watching with my Invisibility Cloak right now. Because he will never let me live it down."
"Don't worry, he's still arguing in the common room with..." Y/n gulped. "...with Bella." She broke down again. "It's all my fault that they're all arguing!"
"Nah," said James, and he grinned. "They're stressed, too. It may seem like Sirius and Arabella were arguing because of you, but they're not. I've known Sirius too long of my life."
"So it's not my fault?"
"Of course not! Though watch Sirius and Arabella break up. They'll both date other people just to make each other jealous, and then confess their undying 'like' for each other again. It's not love, of course. We're only thirteen, after all."
"I'll be thirteen in June," said Y/n, smiling now. But then she frowned. "They'll break up? But that'll shatter poor Bella's heart into pieces!"
"And Sirius'," added James. "My God, you think he's in love with the girl, the way they snog each other like there's no tomorrow."
Y/n laughed. "Still...I hate it when my friends are unhappy. Though I'm rather ecstatic when you're unhappy...no offense. Actually, it was an offense."
James grinned again and shook his head. "You, L/n, are still my enemy. Am I right?"
"For once in your life, you are."
"I hate Sirius Black!" gushed Arabella. She had been shooting daggers at Sirius all day today. "The way he's snogging Sarah Abbott...and he said to us he'd never kiss any Hufflepuff in his life!" She burst into tears, but smiled at the sight of Amos Diggory at the Hufflepuff table. "Now there's one hot Hufflepuff that I must get my hands on."
Y/n, Jennifer, and Violet all watched as Arabella walked up to Amos and kissed him. He looked surprised for a moment, but then returned her kisses more than willingly. After all, most of the male population at Hogwarts were after Bella. The three other girls tried to stifle their laughs as they watched Sirius stare jealously at the kissing couple at the Hufflepuff table.
They turned around, and saw James Potter smiling at them.
"Looks like Diggory and Figg have finally gotten together, after her making faces at him for over a year."
"You mean used to, before Bella met Sirius," snapped Jennifer.
"Jen," warned Y/n.
"What, sticking up to your boyfriend?"
"Jennifer!" Y/n was scandalized. "The way you think sometimes!"
"I'm only joking," said Jennifer, grinning. "You know they'll get together any day now. It's no surprise."
"But look how much they're both suffering, though," commented Violet, looking pityingly at Sirius' sad and angry face.
James opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it, smiling wickedly. "How about you start kissing Sirius, Vi, so you can make those two airheads get together sooner."
"I'd never!" cried Violet, her eyes widening. "How can you suggest such a thing?"
"I was just saying..." muttered James, shrugging.
"James Potter. What are you doing with her friends?"
James turned around to find a furious Sirius glaring at the three girls.
"What?" he asked, surprised.
"You're talking to L/n, Dean, and Walker. Figg's friends. My ex-girlfriend, who will never become my girlfriend...ever." He emphasized the last word hardly.
"What are you blaming L/n, Jennifer, and Vi for, anyway, Sirius? Sure, I don't like L/n, but Jen and Vi are my friends. And yours. So is Arabella."
"Don't say her name James, how many times do I have to tell you?"
"Humph! You know you miss Bella, Sirius, I can see it in your eyes. And Bella misses you too."
"Then why is she kissing Diggory?" spat Sirius.
"Well, why were you kissing Sarah Abbott?" asked James lightly. Seeing Sirius' stunned expression, he continued. "Make your choice, Siri-boy. If you need help, ask me, Remus, or Peter any time."
"You..." Sirius shook his head and stormed off to snog Sarah again.
"The boy's too stubborn," said James, sighing, as he watched Sirius now deepen his kiss with Sarah. "It's disgusting."
"Why? You've kissed n/n loads of times, James," said Jennifer placidly, smiling at the boy.
Then Remus sat next to Jennifer and they began their own little "snog session", leaving Violet, James, and Y/n look disgustingly at them. Or rather, Y/n and James looking disgustingly at them, and Violet looking at them dreamily.
"Romance in the air," sighed Violet, grinning.
"Vi, you're incorrigible," said Y/n, shaking her head. "Spring's almost over!"
"And it's so upsetting that Bella and Sirius won't get together."
"Don't worry, they will soon enough," snapped Y/n impatiently. "You know them. Stubborn as mules, both of them. Won't admit that they still like each other until the very end. I hope this kind of stuff doesn't happen to me, though. I mean, who'd want to kiss a Hufflepuff? Please remind me, Vi, to never kiss a Hufflepuff no matter what."
"Don't worry, I will," said Violet brightly. "After all, you and James will be kissing before long."
"VIOLET!" exclaimed Y/n and James, blushing furiously. (A/N: There seems to be a lot of blushing in my story, isn't there?)
"What? It's probably true!"
They both groaned loudly.
Arabella skipped next to them and plopped herself down in a seat. "Hey guys!" she cried enthusiastically.
"Hey," the three said...rather unenthusiastically.
"Guess what?" she asked excitedly. "Amos Diggory asked me out! He asked me out!" She squealed with delight.
"Oh," said Violet, who was extremely gloomy. "What about Sirius?"
Arabella was suddenly back on earth. "What about...him?" she spat.
"Don't you miss him?" asked Violet timidly.
"No. And please don't ever mention his name again, Vi, or I will injure you." Arabella glared so hard at them all that they didn't dare say another word.
"Those two," sighed Violet, watching Arabella flirt with Amos, "are completely hopeless. I think that if they can't get together themselves, we're going to have to play matchmaker."
"Did someone say matchmaker?" asked Jennifer excitedly, while Remus groaned. "I'm in, of course."
"But what about the exams?" whined Y/n.
James glared at her. "Do you care more about the stupid end-of-the-year exams, or do you care about your best friend?"
Y/n sighed. "I guess I have no choice, of course, then. I'm in."
But little did they know that, even though Arabella and Sirius did get together with their plan, it all fell apart and didn't go the way they expected it to go.
"This'll never work," said Y/n, shaking her head. "It's too risky."
"What, scared of failing the exams, L/n?" asked James coldly. He and Y/n were not on speaking terms at the moment.
"No, Potter. It's just that this plan is so horribly put together that it'll surely fall apart."
"I hate to admit it, James," said Remus awkwardly, "but I agree."
James narrowed his eyes at the two. "Fine, be that way. But trust me, it'll work all right. Then you'll be sorry you ever doubted me, L/n."
"Hey, Remus doubts you too!" cried Y/n, angry at the injustice of the statement.
"Well, he's my friend, so it doesn't count."
While Y/n fumed over James' comment, they all went with his plan. Since Arabella and Sirius see them giddy and careless over their whole break-up, they wouldn't expect them to play matchmaker at all on them. That, of course, was a part of the plan. After countless arguments in the boys' and girls' dormitories, they came up with the old-fashioned way of locking them into a closet and making them settle differences. Y/n and James both wrote notes, trying to copy Arabella and Sirius' handwriting style, and send it to them both, writing it under their names. Praying that they'd follow the instructions of each note, the two would end up in the closet.
"It's a brilliant plan," said James, grinning. "All thanks to the wonderful Mr. James Potter."
"Hey, the rest of us helped too, you know!" said Y/n grumpily. "Don't think you're so high and almighty."
"Isn't that supposed to be you?" asked James innocently.
"Whatever, Potter. Let's just get with the plan."
Y/n had written Arabella's note:
Dear Sirius,
Look, I'm really sorry for being such an idiot. Can we just forget about this whole argument and start over again? Please meet me at the Charms corridor tomorrow afternoon at 3:00. After all, we don't have classes. I hope to see you there.
Arabella Figg
Thinking she had better make the note more realistic, Y/n also wrote a P.S. underneath the signature:
P.S. Oh, and I hope that we can get together and play matchmaker on Y/n and James.
Meanwhile, James was writing his note, which was feigned to be written under Sirius' name. Little did the rest of them know that his note was the one that made this plan fall apart.
My dear Arabella,
I so hope that you would forgive me by now. I mean to say, Sarah Abbott is a total airhead and idiot. I mean, she was such a bit—well, you know, to my friends today.
I still love you a lot. Yes, that's right, I love you. It's no joke, really. You're perfect in every way. Smart, beautiful, with those curls of mahogany cascading down your back...You're my dream girl, Arabella Figg, and I'd ask you to marry me right now if we were old enough.
You still think this is a joke, don't you? I don't blame you. But I hope that you will share similar feelings after you read this note. After all, why did you kiss Amos Diggory? You know how I hate him so, Bella! When I saw you with him, a cold realization of jealously froze my soul.
You're wondering how I write such romantic notes? Jamie-boy taught me. I'm sure that we'll be able to get him to write such notes to Y/n someday, huh? Oh, and please meet me at the Charms corridor tomorrow afternoon at 3:00. We still need to settle out some matters at hand.
You're one true love,
Sirius Black
James smiled. Yes, a masterpiece was right in front of him. Even L/n would be beaming and congratulating him once this plan worked out.
Minutes later, both of them met back at the common room, beaming at their so-called "masterpieces", and put them on the beds of their owners in their respected dormitories.
(A/N: No, I will not switch the notes so that Arabella and Sirius are supposedly going to get the notes they "wrote". But it's a nice thought, but too long to write.)
"So...L/n. What did you write in your note?" asked James, smirking.
Y/n shrugged. "Oh, you know, the regular stuff. Here's what I wrote. You did make a double of the note, didn't you?"
"How could I forget? Mine was a masterpiece."
James read Y/n's note and stared at her with disappointment. "That's all you said? No romantic stuff?"
"No, of course not," said Y/n sensibly. "If we put that stuff in, then it'll ruin the whole plan. They're supposed to be making up each other's amends. If we do it for them, then, well, they're likely to be both exploded by the time we find them."
James' face suddenly turned white.
Y/n looked at him impatiently. "Well, where's your note? I want to read your little 'masterpiece'." She chuckled.
James handed her the note, waiting for the blow. After she finished reading the signature, her face was as white as his was.
"You wrote that romantic nonsense when I told you not to?" she hissed.
"You never told me!" exclaimed James, trying to remember.
"Of course I did! You were probably off in la-la land, though."
James didn't even want to look at Y/n. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"
"More than trouble, boy. This is going to cost you...and I a lot of that trust Arabella and Sirius put into us. We're dead as dead fish."
James gulped. "Well, I guess this didn't work out as fine as I thought it would."
"Definitely not."
Suddenly Arabella and Sirius both entered the common room and waved to them, ignoring each other. Then they both went up to their respected dormitories, while James and Y/n's eyes widened.
"We have to go after them before they read those blasted notes!" cried Y/n. Then they both dashed up to find their friends, but it was too late by the time they reached them.
"Oh, Y/n," said Arabella, smiling, with tears in her eyes. "Who knew Sirius could be such a writer! And James helped him, too...good boys, they are. I'm so proud of him! He says he loves me."
Y/n was extremely tense. "Don't be ridiculous, Bella, we're too young to understand love," she said nervously.
Arabella threw back her head and laughed. "Oh, Y/n L/n, you cease to amaze me sometimes. Even though James hasn't written you a love note as beautiful as this, he will...and probably will be even more beautiful that this one. No need to get jealous here." She winked.
Y/n stared at her best friend, vaguely wondering if she was drunk or had snogged Amos Diggory for way too long. "Jealous? I'm not jealous. I was just saying...I don't want you to get hurt, Bella."
"Don't worry, n/n, I won't. Don't be so overprotective."
Over at the boys' dormitory, Sirius had a triumphant glint in his eyes. "I knew that Bella would surrender to me! The sweetheart." He sighed.
James was desperately trying to make Sirius say that he loved Bella, with the help of Remus and Peter, who had found out what happened.
"So...do you love her, Sirius?" he asked anxiously.
Sirius stopped smiling. "Love her?" he echoed in disbelief. "Of course not! We're thirteen, Jamie-boy, we don't know about love yet. What put an idea like that into your head?"
"But isn't she the perfect girl, Sirius?" began Remus.
"Well, sure, she's gorgeous and smart, but—"
"And she's really loyal, Sirius," added Peter. "She loves you."
Sirius' eyes widened. "She does?"
"Er—of course. Y/n told me," said James, feeling extremely guilty for lying to his best friend who would be heartbroken very soon.
"Then, if she loves me, I love her too!" exclaimed Sirius in joy.
Remus, James, and Peter all exchanged glances. This means trouble...big time.
"Sirius Black, you said in that note that you loved me!" was the moan that Arabella made in the stuffy closet.
Y/n and James were both watching the door tensely. If there was any sign of curses that they were about to throw at each other, they would immediately let them out.
"I didn't write any note!" yelled Sirius, his voice muffled in the darkness.
"Yes, you did! Here it is, I have proof." They heard the distinct sound of crumbling paper and Sirius' gasp.
"You know what, this is some trick," they heard him rasp. "James."
"Y/n," Bella whispered.
"You two let us out!" they both cried in unison.
"Not until you two settle out your differences and get together again," called Y/n. "Besides, the notes weren't supposed to be mushy and romantic; Potter just thought he should add some 'texture' into it."
"That was mean, James," cried Arabella. "Though you are a romantic man, I must say," she added as an afterthought.
"What about me?" asked Sirius. Y/n laughed and could imagine Sirius pouting in that closet.
"Oh, Sirius, they're right. I'm really sorry."
"So am I, Bella. Together again?"
"Together again."
Y/n grinned. "Well...at least they're together again."
"See, L/n, what did I tell you?" bragged James. "It worked!"
"You know Potter, I hate to admit it, but you're right. It did work...somehow."
James smiled warmly at the h/c. "But I promise I'll listen more carefully to your plans next time."
Y/n magically unlocked a kissing Arabella and Sirius, and laughed. "Potter, that has to be a promise."
"I promise."
Y/n trembled as they finished off their last exam on Thursday. Her face was extremely red and strained, and she sighed happily as they headed off to lunch and the prospect of experiencing a two week-free of exams was refreshing.
"L/n," said James gruffly, "nice show of that Whistling Charm there."
"Thanks Potter." Y/n couldn't but help grin slightly at James' downcast face. "Don't worry, Potter, you did fine. Even though it wasn't as good as mine, though I did rather fail at Transfiguration."
James' face brightened. "Yeah...I have to admit, though, you do a lot of good time management. Think you can give me a few tips and pointers?"
"Sure. Here's the motto you should follow: More study, less pranks."
Y/n laughed at James' pout that followed the motto. "Well, I think I've finally found my motto."
James grinned. "Mine is: Try your best at studies, but have some fun in life. That should be yours, L/n. You need to have some fun in life."
Lily stiffened. "I don't know..."
"Come over my house this summer, and I'll show you what fun really means, since you barely know what it means now. The Marauders and you four girls. It'll be a blast!"
"And think of all those possible pranks we can play on each other," said Y/n, liking the idea. "Sure, I'm in. Have you discussed it with the others yet?"
"Not yet, but they'll be in, too."
It was very true. When James mentioned it to the others, Sirius started to hyperventilate.
"Oh, Jamie-boy, brilliant, absolutely brilliant!" he cried, startling the whole Hall.
"I'd like that," said Arabella, smiling at the prospect of spending the whole summer with Sirius and her best friends.
"For how long?" questioned Remus. They all knew that he would be out for once a month as a werewolf.
"The whole summer!" said James excitedly. "I asked Mum and Dad, and they allowed me to have you guys for the whole summer. Oh, and Remus, we'll think of something for your...problems. Mum and Dad can fix it up; they already know. We have plenty of room, after all, in our house."
"You mean manor," interrupted Remus.
"Mansion," said Sirius. He turned to the three girls and said, "The Potters have an huge mansion with at least fifteen rooms. They're one of the richest and most prominent pureblooded families in the wizarding world."
"Really?" asked Y/n, who was astonished.
"Yeah...I guess," said James, flushing. "You didn't have to tell them that much information, Sirius."
"Oh, but Jamie, we already know, so why not share with the girls?"
James rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just two more weeks, and we'll be home."
"Y/n!" cried Mrs. Evans, hugging her daughter.
"Hi Mum, Dad." Y/n returned the hugs she was receiving from her parents and pointedly ignored Petunia(Im just going to use Lily's sister's name instead of y/s/n), who was standing off the side as usual.
"Mum...James asked me to stay at his house for the summer. May I?"
"James?" asked Petunia, suddenly speaking.
"You talk?" asked Y/n coldly. But Petunia ignored her and continued.
"Is he the one with the hair that looks like he hasn't brushed it in a million years?" she asked, sneering. "Your boyfriend?"
Y/n colored. "James Potter is not my boyfriend."
"Then why'd he kiss you?"
"When did he kiss me?" asked Y/n, annoyed.
"My dear, James kissed you?" squealed Mrs. L/n, delighted. "Did he really? Oh, Y/n, James is a sweet young boy and this is lovely!"
"He's a nice boy," said Mr. L/n gruffly, but Y/n saw that he was smiling as well.
"Mum, James is not my boyfriend, Petunia's just trying to annoy me. And she's doing a great job, too." Y/n scowled fiercely at her sister.
"But he kissed you?" her mother persisted.
Y/n shrugged. "Oh, once or twice this year, I can't remember."
Mrs. L/n squealed again and Mr. L/n' smile widened even more.
"You must be the L/n'," said a warm voice. They turned around to see the Potters standing there, James' hair messy as usual.
"I'm Daniel Potter," said Mr. Potter. Y/n saw that he looked remarkably like an older version of James, with untidy black hair, but his eyes were an electric blue instead of brown.
"And I'm Sarah Potter," said Mrs. Potter warmly. y/n gasped when she saw her. She had beautiful soft layers of golden-brown hair that cascaded in waves down her back, and her eyes were exactly likes James': a warm, golden-brown.
"I'm y/m/n L/n and this is my husband, y/d/n L/n," said Mrs. L/n, smiling. "I take it that your dear boy James invited y/n over this summer?"
"If you'd agree, that is," said Mrs. Potter, beaming, "we'd love to have Y/n and her friends over. After all, James' friends will be over, too, so they'll have a little reunion." She laughed.
"Mum," muttered James under his breath.
Mr. Potter cleared his throat and James jumped.
"Hello, Mr. L/n, Mrs. L/n," he greeted shyly. Then he grinned at Y/n and said slightly pompously. "Hey Y/n, Petunia."
Petunia ignored James completely, and Y/n said hello in a civil manner.
"We'd love to have Y/n stay with you for the summer," said Mrs. L/n, smiling brightly.
"Wonderful! Well...come, James, Dan, we must be getting back. We'll be late for that train soon."
"Mum," whined James. "Why couldn't you and Dad come here by broomstick? I have my own in my trunk! Or I could've flown home by myself."
"That's what I said," said Mr. Potter, delighted that his son spoke the same language like him.
"Men," muttered Mrs. Potter. "Of course we couldn't come here by broomstick. I can barely get the broomstick in my hand by saying 'up'. And it's quite dangerous, too, if the wind was blowing too hard and—"
"We understand, Sarah, don't make it such a big deal," said Mr. Potter, rolling his eyes. Y/n stifled a giggle.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me, Daniel." Mrs.Potter threatened.
The Potters then left after parting a good-bye with the L/ns. Then Y/n got in back of the L/n's car as it started home. It was good to be back. And she had a long summer to look forward to, even if it meant staying at her enemy's house...or, rather, mansion.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
11 notes · View notes
amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter eleven | original
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A soft, light breeze played with Y/n's hair, as she pushed a falling lock of h/c hair off her forehead. It was a few weeks until June arrived, and she knew that exams were just in last than a month already. The sun was shining brightly, and not a cloud was in the sky. Y/n should have been enjoying all this, but she had other things to worry about, besides the exams. 
Arabella and Sirius were still "just friends", and she was extremely exasperated at their stubbornness. She was also concerned with what the Marauders were planning. Every day, she would see them actually talking seriously in front of the armchairs by the fire, glancing now and then to see if anyone was listening. What were they up to? And what did they mean by "very dangerous"?
"Y/n!" She turned around, seeing James running towards her, grinning. Y/n sighed. What did he want now?
"Yes?" she replied coldly. He ignored her cold civility and continued excitedly.
"W-would you like to g-go with me to H-Hogsmeade?" he managed to stumble out. Y/n raised her eyebrows.
"And I would believe that this isn't a joke because—?"
James sighed. "Can you just say 'yes'?"
"No. Er—I'll think about it, all right?"
"All right." James' voice sounded extremely put-off and disappointed, but Y/n waved it aside. He was probably disappointed that a girl turned him down, or at least almost turned him down.
Y/n reached the castle again, swinging her bag over her shoulders. She groaned, as she looked up at the ceiling. Potions...her next class.
Professor Hurst looked extremely agitated over something when she reached the dungeons. She sat next to Arabella, who gave her a look that asked, "Where the hell were you?" Y/n shook her head, nodding towards Hurst, who was muttering to himself.
As Hurst droned on and on about Jumping Potions, Y/n found herself falling asleep. Though the dungeons were very cool even in the summer, she found that it was hotter than usual, and that she wasn't the only one who was bothered with it. Many students were asleep with their heads on their desks, and even Hurst was half-asleep, drool coming out of his mouth as he spoke. Suddenly, the door opened, revealing James grinning stupidly.
"Potter!" shrieked Hurst. "What is the meaning of this?"
"Er—I came in late?" offered James hopefully. Everyone laughed.
"No, wrong answer, Potter. Go take your seat." Then he continued with his droning.
"Bud, where were you?" asked Sirius curiously, as James sat down next to him.
"I was asking y/n to go with me to Hogsmeade," he said carelessly, taking out his Potions materials.
"And what did she say?" he asked eagerly.
"Er—she'd think about it."
Sirius cackled silently, annoying James even more.
"Shut it, will you?" he hissed.
"Oh, this is the first time James Potter has been turned down by a girl...namely, Y/n l/n!" bellowed Sirius, so the whole class could hear. Everyone was stunned for a minute, as Professor Hurst glared at the pair of them.
"Black, Potter! What is the meaning of this?"
"Sirius started it, sir," said James, his eyes widening innocently. "You heard him talk out loud, didn't you?"
Hurst raised his eyebrows and sneered. "Potter, whenever Black does something, you're usually connected to it, too."
"Why would you say that, sir?"
"Because, Potter, every single person in this school that you two are like peanut butter and jelly, which makes the work a lot harder for us teachers. Now, detention for both of you and twenty points from Gryffindor! Well, what are the rest of you waiting for?" He looked around at the silent Gryffindors and Slytherins. "Get back to work!"
"Yes, Professor," the class replied meekly, and went back to taking notes.
Half an hour later, James was twirling his quill around, and Sirius was asleep. Y/n was feeling tired herself and looked around the classroom, until her eyes rested on the two sleepy (and sleeping) boys, and smirked.
Potter, Potter, when will you learn, she thought amusedly. Her own e/c eyes locked with his brown ones as he sat up, and Y/n looked away, blushing.
"L/n." Y/n's head shot up.
"Yes, Professor?"
"If you're quite finished staring at Potter, you can answer my question." Professor Hurst's voice was extremely dry. Y/n blushed and muttered an apology.
Sirius snorted out loud. "N/n...he asked what was the difference between the Aging Potion and the Old—"
"Perhaps you know the answer, Black, since you must sneer at L/n so?" snapped Professor Hurst.
"The difference between the Aging Potion and the Olden Potion is that though they both make you older, the Olden Potion has many more complex ingredients such as the—"
"I did not ask you to show off, Mr. Black, I asked you to answer my question."
"I did!" cried Sirius indignantly.
"Mr. Snape? Perhaps you would care to answer this question that Black was unable to." Sirius started to protest again, but James kicked him under the table.
"The difference is that the Olden Potion's ingredients are more complex and very different from the Aging Potion," replied Snape smugly.
"That's what I said!" exclaimed Sirius. "I said more stuff though; that slimy git just took my words and said them and—"
"Mr. Black, that is quite enough!" bellowed Hurst. The entire class became silent, and the rest of Potions was a quiet affair.
"I can't believe that Hurst!" shouted Sirius, as the bell rang. "He—he deliberately told me that I was bragging, but I wasn't, and then Snape took the words right out of my mouth and started to say what I said, but summarized it."
"Gee, Sirius, you don't have to be so touchy about it," consoled Jennifer. "Hurst is always like that to everyone, except the Slytherins."
"Sirius, shut up, will you?" sighed James impatiently. Then he turned to Y/n and asked pleadingly, "So...are you up for the Hogsmeade trip this weekend?"
Everyone stared at Y/n, who blushed. Finally, she said, "Oh, fine, I'll go. But this better not be a joke or a prank of yours." She glared at him.
James sighed in relief. "Don't worry, it's not."
"Come on, N/n, let's go to Zonko's!" cried James, dragging Y/n behind him. "C'mon, it'll be fun an'..."
"Really, James, I would expect your grammar to be better," replied Y/n stiffly, as she stumbled over a rock. "James!" she screeched.
"Whoops, sorry," said James, bending down and helping y/n up.
"So...where's Bella and Sirius?" she asked curiously, as James finally settled down.
"Er—I don't know," said James uncomfortably. Y/n rolled her eyes. She wasn't an idiot to guess that James knew where they were.
"Sure you don't, Potter. I've known you for three years already."
James sighed. "Oh, fine then. Arabella is off with Kevin Patil and Sirius is out with—er—oh, hell, what was that girl's name again? The girl he started snogging with at the Great Hall and has been dating ever since...what is her name?"
Y/n rolled her eyes again. "You mean you don't even know your best friend's current 'girlfriend'?"
James ignored her and was still racking his brain for the girl's name. "I got it!" he finally exclaimed. "It was—Alanna Macmillan! That was her name!"
"Y/n?" They both turned around to see a good-looking Ravenclaw boy in their year, Lance Sharpe.
"Yes?" she asked, rather testily. Y/n was rather careful around boys she didn't know too well.
"Would you care for a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks?"
"I'm sorry, Lance, but I'm already going with James," said Y/n sweetly.
He nodded, looking confused. "I thought you hated him, though."
Y/n shrugged. "Things change. I'm sorry."
"Oh, it's all right, really."
When he left, James burst into peals of laughter. "Oh...things change? Nice one, L/n!"
"Hey, it was the best I could do!" cried Y/n, offended.
"Oh, Jamsie!" They both turned around to see Sirius walking towards them, his arm around the waist of a different girl.
"Sirius...who is this?" asked James politely, trying not to scream at his best friend.
"Oh, this is Jeannie Paterson," said Sirius brightly, grinning. "She's a Ravenclaw, and in the same year as us."
"Oh," replied James, disinterested. Then he leaned closer and hissed, "What happened to that Macmillan girl?"
"My God, she was so bad at snogging!" whispered Sirius. "You should have seen her; she was drooling all over my mouth!"
James snorted and entered Zonko's with a protesting Y/n behind him.
"I can't believe that Sirius is a player!" she cried. "When he was together with Bells, he was so sweet and caring to everyone, and didn't have these sick-minded thoughts. And now that he's dumped Bella and only 'friends' with her, he's just like Jason Mackenzie and Amos Diggory." She sighed hopelessly and began fingering the Dungbombs in the display case listlessly.
"Don't feel that way," said James softly. "Sirius is my best friend—but I have to admit it, you're right. He's not the same without Arabella. But I guess we can't play matchmaker on them, unless if we want them both killed."
"And," continued Y/n, ignoring James, "Bella is dating that Patil kid. What happened between him and Deanna?"
"Let me guess: they slept together, Deanna got pregnant, and now Kevin left her to take care of the baby. Yep, I think that's it."
"Is it true?" asked Y/n, horrified.
"Well, it could be," replied James, shrugging.
Just then, a group of giggling girls passed them, sniggering and pointing at James. Then one of them fluttered their eyelashes at him, and they all walked out of the store, still grinning and hyperventilating to have met the famous James Potter from school. James turned a bright shade of red while Y/n smiled at him.
"So this is what your life is, huh? Girls chasing and madly in love with you wherever you go."
"You have no idea, L/n."
"Actually, I do have a pretty good idea. Every day I have idiotic boys chasing and following me around the corridors. I, of course, ignore them, unlike you, who loves every attention you get from—"
"That's not true!" demanded James.
"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Hot-shot, but you do look like you enjoy all of the attention." Y/n scowled fiercely. "Now since you've dragged me here, aren't you going to buy anything?"
"Oh, yeah, I forgot." James searched around the store for fifteen minutes, coming back with two bags full of jokes and pranks. "Let's go."
They came out, Y/n also carrying one of James' heavy bags, and set off towards Honeydukes, where Arabella and Sirius were examining the Pepper Imps, grinning evilly at each other.
"Hey," greeted Y/n, as they went to where they were standing.
"Oh, N/n, we have a brilliant plan," said Arabella, her eyes sparkling excitedly. Y/n raised her eyebrows.
"Oh, but what about Kevin?" she asked innocently. Arabella colored.
"I'm still going out with him, but he's somewhere at the Three Broomsticks with his friends."
"How come he dumped Deanna for you?"
"He got her pregnant, didn't he?" exclaimed James, jumping.
"Er—well, actually, I'm not sure what happened," she admitted. "He avoided the topic when I asked."
"Duh. That's because...ouch! What the heck was that for, L/n?" Y/n nodded her head towards Kevin, who was headed their way.
"Oh! Er—hello, Kevin," said James politely. Kevin sneered at him.
"Hmm...if it isn't the Mr. Hot-shot himself, James Potter, along with Miss I'm-So-Wonderful, Y/n l/n." Both Y/n and James turned bright red.
"Leave them alone, Kevin, they didn't do anything to you," snapped Arabella.
"Why, didn't they, Ella, my dear?" Arabella cringed at the nickname. "James Potter refused the woes of poor Deanna Jackson, that's what. I only dated her to comfort her, but since she had to leave school at such a young age of fourteen—" He pretended to sigh wistfully.
"What the hell did you do to her, Patil?" growled James, clenching his fists. "I knew you went and got her pregnant or whatnot..."
"Well, I wouldn't be telling you, now, would I, Potter?" asked Kevin delicately.
"You—you—" Arabella spoke up, her face red and her voice trembling. "Get away from me, you perverted idiot! And stay away!"
Kevin was taken aback. "Surely you don't believe a word Potter has said, do you, Ella?"
"James is my friend, and Y/n my best friend, and here you're insulting them both! Stop it!" she shrieked.
"Mr. Patil! Ms. Figg! What on earth are you yelling about?" They all turned around to see Professor McGonagall peering sternly at them behind her spectacles.
"Sorry, Professor," they both apologized meekly.
"Dear me, I thought the world was coming down," she muttered, strolling away again, glaring at the pair of them for one last time.
"Puh! McGonagall's going to get it one of these days," spat Kevin, as he pushed Arabella roughly and went to join his "friends".
Arabella started crying. "Oh, Y/n, James, I'm so sorry I did such a bad thing! But—oh, you're right, I can't survive without Sirius. I love him, I really do."
Y/n and James looked at each other in surprise. "Well—love is a really powerful word, Bella, but—" Y/n began, but Arabella cut her off again.
"Will you please help me get him to notice me again? Both of you?" Her teary eyes pleaded them wearily.
"Of course, Bella, anything for my best friend." Y/n smiled, and Arabella hugged her tightly.
"Thanks, n/n, you're the greatest friend ever."
"Er—hi, Sirius," said Arabella nervously, as she flinched continuously when Sirius placed an arm around another girl's waist.
"Hey, Bells." His eyes brightened at the sight of her, but frowned slightly as he saw she had no accompaniment. "I see you don't have Kevin with you today."
"Oh, he's a worthless person, I found out that he's an idiot who—"
"Did you just say Kevin Patil is free?" asked the blonde cuddling next to Sirius. Arabella nodded, secretly disgusted at her.
"Oh, well what am I waiting for? Sorry, Sirius, it was a nice relationship we had, but I am so getting Kev before any other girl." She raced off to the staircase.
Sirius sighed hopelessly. "Another girl gone. Soon I'll be going through Violet and Y/n if I have to, to find the right girl for me." He laughed bitterly.
"Sirius, you're way too young for such nonsense, try concentrating on your studies. We have exams in a couple more weeks!"
"Bells, you're turning to be just like Y/n." He grinned.
Arabella blushed. "Is this a compliment—or a threat?"
Sirius put on a puppy face. "Now, why would it be a threat?"
She shrugged. "Don't know."
"Is Y/nand James together?"
"Not on your life, bud."
"Darn." Arabella laughed.
"I told you, they'd be together by maybe sixth or seventh year." She grinned at Sirius' horrified face.
"I'm not waiting for three to five more years, I want them together now!" He pouted.
Bella shrugged. "You can't get everything in life."
"I know, but I should."
"Well, I should, too, then."
"Fine, what do you want in life?"
Arabella shrugged again. "It's my business and not anyone else's."
"C'mon, Bella, you have to tell me!" Arabella shook her head.
"No, I can't. Really, Sirius, it's too personal."
"No." With that, Arabella walked off to where Y/n and James were arguing (again), and plopped into a chair next to James.
James looked up and grinned. "Hey, Bells. How'd it go?"
"Awful. Sirius tried to get me to tell him what I wanted most in life, and I couldn't tell him that."
"Why not?" He furrowed his brow.
"Why"—she looked at him in surprise—"I want him more than anything else in life right now, and that's the one thing that I can't get."
James stood up abruptly and stared at her. "You mean all you want in life is to have Sirius again, and be together and happy? Out of all the things in life that you could have?"
Arabella nodded, and James' jaw dropped in horror.
"That's outrageous!"
"Potter, stop bothering Bella and mind your own business," snapped Y/n, looking up from her book.
"Who says I'll listen to you?" asked James, sticking out his tongue. Y/n grimaced at the immaturity of it.
"Because I'll hex you good."
"Ha! As if you know any hexes at all!"
Y/n flipped her book so that James could see the cover: 200 Ways to Hex Your Enemies.
"Enough proof yet?" she asked coldly. James nodded mutely.
"Now"—she turned her attention back to Bella—"what was it you were saying, Bells?"
"I can't stand it any longer, N/n," gasped Arabella. "I need...Sirius. I don't think I can survive without him. You're right, I should have just swallowed all my pride and tell him that I'm sorry and that we should be going steady again. But—" She burst into tears again.
"Bella?" Sirius stood there, looking at her with tender eyes. "What's wrong?"
Before Y/n could hiss an insult, Arabella pushed past him and ran up to the girls' dormitory. Y/n glared at him, but didn't follow her, knowing that her best friend needed some time alone.
"You leave her alone, Sirius Black, or I'll hex you good," she threatened, poking her wand at his chest.
"What did I do, though?" questioned Sirius, bewildered.
"Just"—Y/n struggled to find the right words—"just forget about it, all right? Why would you care, anyway? You guys aren't friends at all. There's always a tension around whenever you two talk to each other. So why would YOU care?"
"I—" Sirius was lost for words. He looked at James pleadingly for help, but his best friend looked away.
"And to think you said that James and I were perfect for each other."
Everything was stiffer for everyone now. Y/n dragged all her friends to study for the exams, and sighed as she stared at the Divination charts horrifically. Jennifer and Remus were still going steady, though the latter acted rather strange lately, and the boys were in more huddled conversations.
"Remus J. Lupin, come here," said Jennifer threateningly, grabbing the arm of her boyfriend and dragging him to a darker corner of the common room.
"Yes, Jenny?" asked Remus, rather nervously.
Jennifer sighed. "Remie, everyone's unhappy lately. Y/n and James, naturally, aren't talking to each other, but they never do without wishing the other ill will, so forget about them for now. Arabella and Sirius need to get together—everyone knows it, even the slimy Slytherins. We need to make everyone happy again, like we were at the beginning of the year and in the past two years. Please Remus, you have to help me." She begged. "Along with Y/n and James, of course."
Remus smiled. "Of course I will, Jen."
Jennifer smiled back. "Good, 'cause I wasn't taking 'no' for an answer."
"Ouch! Stop it, Potter!"
"You stop it, L/n!"
"James Henry Potter and Y/n M/n (middle name) l/n, stop arguing this instant!" shrieked Jennifer, as she sighed in impatience.
"Can't you guys become friends?" asked Remus mournfully.
"No!" they both yelled.
"You guys, are you going to help Siri and Bella, or what?" questioned Jennifer wearily.
"Of course we will, Jenny!" exclaimed Y/n in surprise.
"All right," said both Y/n and James in a small voice.
"Good." After Jennifer calmed down a bit, she discussed the plan with Y/n, James, and Remus. After a few minutes of whispering and planning, James jumped up.
"You mean we get them to hate each other?" he shouted in surprise.
"No, you git!" said Y/n impatiently. "Not even close to what we're doing! We get Sissy Lambert and Frank Longbottom to be Sirius and Arabella's girlfriend and boyfriend, respectively. Then those two will get jealous, obviously, so they make up and there we have it, folks, our old, favorite couple again!" Her voice dripped with sarcasm and bitterness.
"All right, then, no need to be angry."
The foursome then dragged Violet, who was bullying her brain to turn a frog into a goblet, out of the girls' dormitory where they were meeting, and all hurried to find Sissy and Frank. They found them sitting in opposite sides of the common room, studying for the exams, and they begged them to assent to their plan. Sissy, being the sweet and kind girl she was, agreed heartily to contain the "Figg and Black" couple again, but Frank had rebelled. He had said something about being an Auror when he graduated out of Hogwarts, and needed top grades every year, so he had no time for "wishy-washy nonsense". Y/n, Jennifer, and Violet had begged him with tear-filled eyes and James and Remus made him unlimited promises and deals. Finally, Frank assented, feeling slightly warm that the five would do anything to make their two friends happy again.
"So I have to be Sirius' girlfriend?" asked Sissy, rather nervously. "But—I don't think he even knows my name!"
"Well..." Y/n looked warmly at the frightened second year. "Don't worry, we won't let Bella kill you, but..."
"Sirius will date any girl at this point, don't worry," assured James, smiling.
"What about me?" demanded Frank. "This is so stupid, I can't believe you dragged me into this, James."
"Oh, please, Frank, you know how your daddy told you to look out for little Jamsie before my first day at Hogwarts." He pouted.
Frank sighed. "Oh, very well, but what should I do? I don't like the looks of that Arabella Figg, she's far too giggly and frivolous for me."
"Frank, you don't have to date her for real, it's part of our plan," said Y/n, sighing. "Can't you agree to anything we tell you? Besides, Bella's not giggly; she's a clever and sweet girl. She just turned bad because of a certain someone named Sirius Black."
"Fine," said Frank helplessly. "I won't complain again. But what is it that I have to do?"
"Seduce Arabella, and dump her, the same time Sissy dumps Sirius." Both jaws dropped, looking shocked at the very idea of "seducing" and "dumping".
"You have to be kidding me!" cried Frank.
"Isn't dumping someone too mean?" asked Sissy timidly.
"Don't worry, we won't get mad," said James brightly. Y/n slapped him on the arm.
"Guys, I know it's a bit too much, but it won't be real. Sirius and Arabella lo—er—like each other too much, so they won't get heartbroken. Now, if this plan backfires like last time"—Y/n glared at James—"you will be personally injured and tortured for the rest of your life, Potter."
James winced. This better work or my life will be ruined, he thought gloomily. See Sirius – see how much I do for you?
"So...Arabella," said Frank, his voice shaking. "Would you like to maybe go out with me for some time?" After many hours of practice, the five third years had made the stiff and rule-abiding fourth year a slick and social one.
"Er—sure," replied Arabella doubtfully. She was surprised at the change that overcame Frank Longbottom, since he was usually more strict than even the prefects who patrolled the school to scold any rule-breakers...namely, the Marauders.
"Great!" exclaimed Frank, maybe a bit too over-enthusiastically. "How about tonight? Meet me at the portrait hole at seven o'clock."
"Sure," said Arabella, biting her lip. Frank grinned and left to study again, glad that it didn't take much effort at all.
Meanwhile, Sissy was smiling a bit too much at Sirius, who grinned back, rather hesitantly.
"S-so, y-you want t-to g-go t-to—" she stuttered, but Sirius kindly finished her sentence for her.
"To maybe have a study session together?"
"Y-yeah, t-that."
"Great..." Sissy trailed off, a bit embarrassed at how terrible it went. Oh well, at least a third of the mission was accomplished. Then she had to spend more time with Sirius and—dump him. Sissy gulped at the latter.
"Well...how did it go?" asked Jennifer excitedly, as Sissy and Frank went to their meeting spot again.
"Awful," replied Sissy, at the same time Frank said, "Great!"
The five of them raised their eyebrows questioningly and were about to say something, but Arabella and Sirius stormed into the common room, screaming at each other.
"WELL, HE'S NOT THAT BAD, YOU KNOW! WHAT ABOUT YOU, YOU'RE GOING WITH SISSY LAMBERT, THE MOST PATHETIC AND SL—" cried Arabella. Sissy's eyes widened, and tears formed in them.
Everyone stopped what he or she was doing in stunned silence. Even Y/n was speechless, mouthing something about ruining their plan in silence. No one said a word, until Sirius swallowed all of his pride for the last few weeks and apologized, while Arabella did the same, vice-versa.
"Are we together again?" he asked softly.
Arabella nodded. "Can we be together again, Sirius?"
"Of course." When they kissed, the whole common room erupted in cheers and whistles. Even some girls had tears in their eyes, beaming at the romantic scene that lay out before them.
Y/n started to cry. It was beautiful, how romance could be repaired and restored when the two lovers swallowed their prides and apologized and made-up. But why she really cried was because it could never happen to her. She made a vow to herself never to fall in love with any boy ever, and to live and die as an old maid for the rest of her life. Little did Y/n know, however, that she had fallen in love with a certain messy-haired boy ever since the first day of Hogwarts, back at King's Cross—but didn't realize it.
"Y/n, can I tell you something?" An older James Potter was almost shaking as he chafed his hands.
"Sure, James," replied the h/c haired girl, puzzled as to why James was so nervous.
"I-I think—I know—that I love you, Y/n m/n l/n," he said firmly.
Y/n's eyes filled with tears. "Truly, James? Do you mean it?"
"With all my heart and soul."
Y/n smiled weakly and said, "Well, I've never felt this way about any boy before, but I love you, too, James Henry Potter."
James' eyes widened, and he cradled Y/n's face in his hands and kissed her deeply. Y/n enjoyed every moment of that kiss. Sure, James had kissed her before many, many times, but this kiss was different. It wasn't a friendly kiss; instead, it showed how deeply they cared for each other, and how far those roots of love went. They were oblivious to their six other friends watching them with great smiles, but only saw themselves and knew that they were in love.
"What the—?" Y/n awoke the next morning, and checked the time. Great, it was only six o'clock in the morning, and she was ready to bet that her friends wouldn't be awake until about eight or nine, since it was Saturday. She got dressed and went down to the common room, and pulled out Hogwarts, A History.
"Y/n?" Y/n turned around to see the brown eyes of James Potter scrutinizing her closely.
"Potter? What are you doing down here at this hour?"
"I could be asking you to the same thing."
"I—I had a dream again, and I couldn't sleep any longer, so I came down here," said y/n quickly, thinking of the first phrase that popped into her head.
"Really? Same with me! It was something about—" He cut himself off, blushing furiously.
"About...me telling you that I loved you, and vice-versa. But it was when we were older!" he added quickly.
"That's the dream I dreamt about."
James looked relieved. "Really?"
"Yeah—I can't believe I would love you later on. It's scary." Y/n shivered.
"Hey! I resent that!"
"And I don't!"
"Will you two shut up already?" They turned around to see Frank Longbottom at a table, with piles of books and parchment stacked high above him. He was reading Intermediate Transfiguration and scribbling notes on a piece of parchment.
"Sorry, Frankie," apologized James, smirking. "Didn't know you would be up at this hour studying for the bloody exams."
"They're important," he replied stiffly, and Y/n snorted. Even she didn't care that much about exams.
"Really, Frank, relax. Even I'm not worrying about them, and I was nearly having heart attacks last year."
Frank smiled at Y/n. He had always liked her, because she was extremely clever and loyal. But then again, he favored James and Sirius out of all of them for their friendship. Everyone knew that Sirius Black and James Potter was the best duo of pranksters Hogwarts has ever seen, along with Remus Lupin and the fourth follower, Peter Pettigrew. They were a legend. Frank's father had told him to look out for little James two years ago, when James was just starting Hogwarts as a first year. The Potters were always the Longbottoms' closest friends, and James and Frank were also neighbors, as well.
"Yeah, well...Dad still wants me to be an Auror, so—"
"Aww, Frankie, Frankie, I'm going to be an Auror, too, when I graduate from Hogwarts, and I'm not worrying about anything," interrupted James confidently.
Frank rolled his eyes. "Well, young James, I don't know how you get top grades even though you don't study, but I sure don't have your special talent."
"Sh, hush up you two, I hear something!" whispered Y/n.
They all watched in anticipation as to what the rustling noise was. Soon enough, Arabella and Sirius were coming down the stairs, snogging along the way. Frank tried his best not to snort, while Y/n and James' jaws dropped. Usually those lovebirds were the last to get up after Jennifer and Remus, but they happened to be the first today. Probably couldn't resist a good snog session, mused Y/n, grinning.
James thought it was extremely amusing to break up the heated snog. "So nice of you to join us, Mr. Black, Ms. Figg," he said, trying to sound like Professor McGonagall. Arabella and Sirius jumped off each other, and looked around wildly, only to see the amused faces of Y/n, James, and Frank.
"Oh, you—" Arabella shook her head, laughing. "James, you got us again."
"Frank, what are you doing up so early? I usually thought the fourth years were the last to get up," said Sirius, grinning.
"Well, Black, even I couldn't resist such a display of affection between you and Ms. Figg," said Frank dryly. Y/n and James laughed, while both Bella and Sirius blushed furiously.
"What's all this ruckus?" asked Jennifer, as she and a sleepy Remus came down the staircase.
"Bella and Siri-boy here were giving us a bit of a show here," replied James amusedly. Remus cleared his throat while Jennifer smiled.
"Oh, did you, Bella?" she asked teasingly. "What was it? Snogging or kissing?"
"Snogging," the whole common room said, minus Sirius and Arabella.
"My God, hurry up!" cried Y/n, as they raced through the corridor. "We'll be late for our Transfiguration exam, and then what'll McGonagall say?"
"N/n, calm down, McGonagall likes you, she won't kill you," panted Arabella. Jennifer and Violet were sprinting behind.
"Oh, if I get a bad grade on my exam, Potter will be dead as a doornail," Y/n growled, as she pushed the Transfiguration room open. McGonagall was already grading the fifth person on how to turn an apple into a pigeon, and turned in surprise to see the four panting girls race into their seats. Behind them, the Marauders sniggered loudly, congratulating each other quietly at a job well done.
"Ms. L/n, Ms. Figg, Ms. Walker, Ms. Dean, what is the meaning of this?" cried McGonagall.
Before any of them could reply, Violet screeched, "It was Potter, Professor, Potter and his gang. He put glue on the floor where we were walking, and we took ten minutes to even move!"
Professor McGonagall was taken aback. Usually Violet Walker was a quiet and reserved girl, and L/n, Figg, and Dean did the talking when they were in trouble. She glared at the four sniggering boys and said sharply, "Is this true, boys?"
Sirius put on a puppy face. "Why, why would you think that, Professor? Surely the girls just fed Violet a cock-and-bull story about us doing that; you know we'd never."
Professor McGonagall glared at them menacingly. "I'd hate to give you detention for the last few weeks of school, but you must have some sort of punishment. You will play no pranks from today until the last day of school." Everyone gasped; they knew that this was something the Marauders couldn't do.
James spluttered. "B-but, P-Professor, we have so much planned!"
"Well, Mr. Potter, maybe it's time to actually study like Ms. L/n does." She beamed at Y/n, who smiled smugly at James. He glared at her. Suddenly, Y/n felt guilty having the Marauders not play any pranks for the rest of this year. She knew that she and her friends depended on them entertaining the girls. Without them, everything would be boring.
"Please, Professor, maybe you can tell them to clean up the Trophy Room, or something?" Y/n begged. "Please, don't give them such a punishment; my friends and I don't care too much about a bit of glue." Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet all nodded vigorously.
McGonagall was surprised. This certainly was a day for surprises! "Very well, Ms. L/n. Potter, you and your little gang will be cleaning up the Trophy Room tomorrow evening with Mr. Filch."
The Marauders looked relieved and thanked Professor McGonagall.
"L/n, wait up!" Y/n turned around to see the Marauders running after her.
"Look, we're real sorry about the prank and all, and we just wanted to thank you for saving our skin in Transfiguration," said James sincerely. Y/n smiled.
"No problem, it was nothing. Oh, and that reminds me"—she smiled mysteriously at them—"How would you like to come to my house this summer? You know, experience what it's like to live your life as a Muggle and all...if you don't have plans already."
"We'd love to!" the four Marauders shrieked.
"Good, 'cause I wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer, anyway."
"N/n, we always knew you had a good heart," said Arabella, smiling, as the girls caught up with their friend.
"You're one out of a million, Y/n," said Violet warmly. Jennifer hugged her friend.
"Yeah, we can look all we want, but we can never find a friend as great as you." They all entangled into a hug, while the boys made a face.
"Too sappy," they chanted.
The girls glared at them. "Well, deal with it."
"Have you got everything planned out for the summer, L/n?" asked James, as he dragged his trunk alongside Y/n's, as they were prepared to leave for the Hogwarts Express.
"Er—actually, I forgot to owl my parents yesterday," admitted Y/n.
"WHAT? How can you forget? What if they say 'no'?"
"They won't. My mum absolutely loves people related to you, and my dad never minds anything. Just don't be so sure about Petunia, though..." She trailed off, feeling a surge of anger.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah. Let's go get a compartment before we have to sit with Snape and Malfoy."
They found an empty compartment at the very end of the train and were soon joined by Sirius, Arabella, Remus, Jennifer, Violet, and Peter. Y/n and James had a heated argument about how irresponsible the other was, while Jennifer and Remus battled in chess, and miraculously, for the first time, Jennifer had beaten him.
"Don't feel so bad, Remie," she cooed, kissing him deeply.
"Yeah, you shouldn't get mad at your wife," mocked Arabella. "Jennifer Lupin, it's rude to show such affection to your husband."
"Bella..." Jennifer rolled her eyes.
Meanwhile, Y/n and James were still arguing.
"Ugh! You're so irresponsible, you big, fat egotist!"
"Well, you're so perfect, Ms. I'm-So-Great-Because-I'm-Perfect!"
"Bird's nest!"
It was quite uneventful for the rest of the train ride, until James and Y/n had finally stopped bickering as they went to their parents.
"Mum! Dad!" Y/n raced into her parents' arms and ignored Petunia, who was skulking about as usual.
"Mum...could maybe my friends come over this summer?" she asked eagerly, looking from her mum to her dad.
Mrs. L/n beamed. "Of course, dear! Will you be inviting James?"
Y/n rolled her eyes. How much did her mum love that egotist? "Oh yeah, he's invited, Mum." And she added, after her mother struck up a conversation with the Potters, "Unfortunately."
"You know, Y/n, I'm not that bad," said James, grinning, as he came over to where Y/n was.
"You aren't? I never would have guessed," said Y/n sarcastically.
"You know, for freaks, you two would make a cute couple," said Petunia sullenly, as she smirked evilly.
Y/n chose to pointedly ignore Petunia's comment, though it was stuck at the back of her mind.
"Well, Potter," she said, trying to smile, "I can tolerate you now, at least."
James shrugged. "That's an improvement. I can tolerate you, too."
They both headed to where their parents were, wondering the same thing. Would they ever become friends? And after that...lovers? Both Y/n and James shook their heads at the last thought, not believing it at all, though they hadn't realized that they had already fallen for each other from way back in their first year.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter nine ❥ | original
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Y/n dragged her trunk as she looked up to the familiar Hogwarts Express sign above her head. She heaved it into an empty compartment and began to wait for her friends. Several minutes later, three girls stumbled into the compartment, laughing like crazy. Arabella's brown curls were loose and tumbling down her shoulders, while Jennifer's length blond hair was frizzy.
"Where are on earth were you three?" asked Y/n, frowning. "And why are you laughing?"
"Oh Y/n," said Arabella gleefully, with tears in her eyes. "Snape...he just said to the whole train that he was in love with you! Then Malfoy dragged him off somewhere else, muttering something about Snape getting drunk. It was priceless!
"Bella," sighed Y/n.
"Didn't think Snape would still like a thing like you, L/n," came a familiar voice. All four girls turned around to see the famous Marauder and heartthrob of Hogwarts, James Potter, along with the rest of his gang.
"Shut up, Potter," snapped Y/n.
"Not again," said Violet, moaning. "Y/n, why can't you and James be friends and get it done with?"
"Because, Vi, I am not becoming friends with an egotistical jerk like Potter," snapped Y/n angrily. "You know, James, life would be a whole lot better if you didn't strut around the school like you owned the place. Really, why can't you be more like Harry?"
"Because my parents aren't dead because of some psychotic wizard, that's why," said James nonchalantly.
"How dare you!" growled Y/n.
"Will you guys grow up?" asked Jennifer, rolling her eyes. "Really, N/n, I expected you to be together with James. After all, you guys are in your third year already! And we're starting new subjects!" she cried gleefully.
"Yes, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures," said Y/n happily. James' jaw dropped.
"No way am I going to be in my two new subjects with you!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Sirius, Remus, Peter and I signed up for the same subjects too!"
"How dare you!" cried Y/n, yet again.
"It won't be so bad," said Jennifer, staring dreamily at Remus.
"Well, at least your enemy isn't in all your classes!"
"That's because, apart from all the Slytherins, I don't have any enemies, N/n. Unlike you, making enemies as you go along."
"And it's because you and Remus will be snogging the whole time during Divination. I wonder who's the Divination professor."
"It's that fraud, Trelawney," said Sirius, informing them all. "She's the idiot who tells everyone they're going to die."
"Well, I don't need to be told now that I'm dying, since I already know," said Y/n grumpily.
"Arabella?" They all turned around to see Amos Diggory standing near their compartment door, and realized that they were having such a heated conversation that they barely heard the door slide open.
"Hello, Amos," said Arabella coldly.
"I was wondering if we're still on," he said sweetly.
"And you would think that, why?"
"Because no girl dumps me for very long," he replied smugly.
"Well, I'm together with Sirius again, and nothing's going to pull us apart," said Arabella, smiling at Sirius.
Amos scowled. "You little rat. No girl dumps Amos Diggory. I'm supposed to be the one who dumps them!" He suddenly clapped his hand over his mouth, realizing what he had just said.
"Don't you dare call her a rat, you...you..." Y/n struggled to find words to describe him.
"Ah, Y/n, I suppose you would like to go out with me to Hogsmeade? After all, you are a third year this year and perhaps we can get a bit of butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks."
"No thank you, Amos, I think I'll pass on the offer," said Y/n coldly.
James breathed a sigh of relief, but unfortunately, everyone heard it. Sirius and the girls, minus Y/n, sniggered loudly, and Remus and Peter smiled thoughtfully. Y/n, however, was blushing as red as James was.
"Why would you care, James? You don't even like her!" snapped Amos.
"Well, we're getting along better than we used to, Diggory," said James, frowning.
"You sound like a girl when you say that, Diggory," said Sirius angrily.
"So do you, Black."
"Well, I don't say 'whatever' all the time, Diggory."
"So...James," said Amos, sneering. "You like Y/n, huh? I thought you only went for the (not your hair color)."
James reddened. "Shut up, Diggory. I've never dated before in my life."
"What about Miss Deanna Jackson?"
"She was the one who gave me a Love Potion!"
"Yes, yes. And now y/n has caught your attention?"
There was a tense silence as James' knuckles tightened. Sirius squirmed uncomfortably and Y/n's e/c eyes were wide. When James was mad, he would take any action. To their surprise, his arms lowered, though still glaring at Amos.
"Get away, Diggory, before you'll be sorry."
Amos' eyes looked frightened, as he slid open the compartment door and slammed it shut behind him.
"Bloody brilliant, Jamie-boy!" cried Sirius, impressed. "You didn't even use violence?"
"Why would I, Sirius? It would frighten the ladies." He smiled warmly at the girls, who were hunched back near Remus and Peter, shaking.
"Are you all right?" he asked worriedly.
Arabella smiled. "Yeah, James, we're fine. Thanks."
"For what?"
"For not using violence in front of us. You know—er—how we don't exactly like violence."
"Y/N LOVES JAMES!" cried Sirius suddenly, startling them all.
"Er—Sirius? That was totally random," stated his girlfriend, wrinkling her nose.
"I know that, Bella dear, but I am a random person, after all."
"And I don't love Y/n," added James grumpily.
"Yeah, you do," said Remus, now joining the conversation.
"Why are all you guys' favorite conversations about us?" asked Y/n rather snappily. "Do you ever give us any peace around here? And we're not even at Hogwarts! Goodness!" She collapsed into the chair again and took out Hogwarts, A History.
"Why do you bother reading that stuff?" asked James lazily, as he stared into the clear, blue September sky. "It's so...boring."
"It's fascinating, once you start reading it," mumbled y/n, her nose almost touching the page.
"Don't you read it every year, N/n, on the Hogwarts Express?"
"Well, you should re-read books, you know. It's good for the soul."
"I think that Quidditch Through the Ages is a good book," said James proudly. "I've read it twice."
"I've read Hogwarts, A History twenty times," said Y/n loftily, her nose still in the thick book. "Of course, I would have read it twice as much if you didn't bother me at Hogwarts twice as much..."
"Twenty times? Bloody hell, that's too many times!" cried James. "Why don't you have fun in life? Haven't I showed you fun yet this summer? I told you on the train home in our second year that I'd invite you over the summer to show you what fun really is about. And has all that time been wasted by schoolwork?"
Y/n slammed her book shut and opened her mouth to speak, but then clamped it shut. It was true that she had learned what fun really meant that summer—and all thanks to James.
"Fine, I admit it, I did learn what fun really meant, James. All thanks to you." With that, she hugged him briefly and returned to her book, smiling slightly with red cheeks.
Everyone else tried not to laugh at James' open mouth and red face. His face took on one of those dreamy looks reserved for Y/n, and he sighed happily. Arabella, along with Jennifer and Violet, had burst out laughing. The boys were still silent, smiling at their friend. Yes, James was definitely in love all right. They could all see it in his eyes and his every move. It was too obvious, though he wouldn't admit it at all.
"What all you all laughing at?" he asked, confused. That made them laugh harder and James more confused.
Y/n was blushing like crazy. "Er—you know, guys, maybe you should stop laughing."
Arabella grinned at her best friend evilly. "C'mon, N/n, kiss Jamie."
Y/n's smile faded. "WHAT?"
"Kiss him."
"Geez, don't get so touchy, she was only joking," said Sirius, grinning.
"Well, she had better be!" exclaimed Y/n. "I'm not kissing Potter. Never."
"Is that a promise?"
Y/n hesitated. "No. Because I know we'll probably end up 'loving' each other. Just not now."
"Sirius Black, how can you eat so much?" asked Arabella, staring at her boyfriend as he gobbled down everything there was on the table.
"Hey," he said through a mouthful of pudding, "at least you don't have to worry about me becoming anorexic."
James and Remus snorted into their own Yorkshire pudding and Jennifer frowned.
"That's not a joking matter," she said firmly.
"Jen, don't worry, Sirius was just fooling like always," said Remus, a plead in his gray eyes as he reached out for her hand. "Don't take it seriously."
Jennifer smiled. "I suppose."
James groaned. "You guys are always sweet on each other. Why don't you just get married and begone with it?"
They both glared at him. "Because we're way too young." Jennifer and Remus looked at each other in surprise.
"Y/n, why aren't you eating?" asked Violet, concerned.
Y/n sighed. She just wasn't in the mood to eat. Her thoughts were all jumbled together as she poked her fork into her potatoes, and bit her lip. The future. It was what was tormenting her and James' lives. If only they didn't get married and get on to hating each other for the rest of their lives. Then Harry would no longer exist and defeat evil...Oh, it was all so confusing!
"Are you all right?" asked Remus quietly.
"Oh!" she cried in a high-pitched tone. "Yes, yes, I'm fine."
"You don't sound like it," said James, frowning.
"Why would you care?" she snapped. "You hate me."
"I don't—" he began, but she cut him off and started to eat furiously, an appetite that would rival Sirius'.
"Whoa, slow down there, Flower!" he exclaimed, staring at Y/n. "You eat more than I do!"
"I don't think that's possible, Sirius," she said, grinning. "Want to have a contest?"
"You're on, girl."
Ten minutes later, Y/n was smiling triumphantly at Sirius, who was groaning over a bad stomachache.
"Go to Madame Pomfrey," she suggested, her eyes softening at the groaning boy.
"No, she'll perform surgery on me," he said, clutching painfully at his stomach.
"I'm sorry for making you do the stupid contest," Y/n offered.
Sirius shook his head. "Nah, I was too thick to accept the dare."
Arabella and James cleared their throats and Y/n jumped.
"What?" she asked, annoyed. "What did I do now?"
"You do know you guys are flirting, right?" asked Bella, rather testily.
"Uh...sorry Bella, that's your area of expertise. I don't 'flirt' with boys."
"Well, thanks for lying to me, James," said Arabella angrily, as James started to crack up, causing all the other Gryffindors to stare at them. "Now my best friend is mad at me and my boyfriend thinks I'm cracked."
"S-so sorry, B-Bella, b-but it's j-just t-too funny!" choked James, still laughing.
"Er—" It was one of the fifth year prefects, and she was looking at James like he was crazy.
"What?" he asked.
"Er—you know everyone else in the Great Hall already left, right?"
James looked around. Surely, everyone did leave, even Sirius, Remus, Peter, and the girls. He quickly rushed out of the Hall, and stopped in front of the Fat Lady, who sighed at the sight of him.
"Password? Dear me, it's another year, isn't it, James Potter?"
"Er—Sherbet Lemon?" he asked tentatively. It had been the password on the first day last year, so he assumed it would be this year, too.
"Certainly not!" the Fat Lady exclaimed.
"Er—oh damn, where's that prefect I was with a minute ago?"
"You mean me?" The girl was standing there, her prefect badge shining down all the way in the corridor.
"Yeah. What's the password?"
"Cornish Pixies," the girl said to the Fat Lady. The portrait swung open, revealing the old portrait hole leading to Gryffindor Tower.
"Jamie-boy! Where were you?" Sirius was running towards him, looking rather worried.
"All right, why'd you ditch me, Sirius?" asked James loudly.
"I didn't. Dumbledore announced something and told us to all go to bed. We all got up, and you were still zoned out somewhere, so I poked you. You said something about coming up later, so I went with the others. Then when you didn't show up later, I thought that you and Snape were dueling in the dungeons or something." He shrugged. "Where were you, anyway?"
"Trying to get into Gryffindor Tower. I didn't know the password."
"R-ight. Well, we'd better go up to bed, Jamie-boy. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. But we get to visit Hogsmeade this year!"
"Yeah. That's the only good thing besides Quidditch. And...our secret plan to become you-know-what."
"If Trelawney predicts my death one more time, I swear I'll kill her," muttered James, as he stared blankly into his star chart.
"What does it all mean?" asked Sirius, poking the same chart in front of him with his wand. "It makes no sense at all."
"That's because there is no sense to it, Siri-boy. So we'll make it up."
"Jamie, that's a genius plan! Ah, what would I do without you."
"You wouldn't be able to do anything, because I'm your savior."
"Er—right. So let's get started."
Half an hour later, both boys brandished their parchments, which were filled with fake predictions, proudly to the girls.
"Isn't it brilliant?"
"'Next Thursday, I will be attacked and eaten by the giant squid in the lake'," read Arabella, peering at Sirius' parchment. "Er—Sirius, it's too obvious that none of this is going to happen. You go to Azkaban because you betrayed James? That's ridiculous!"
"Maybe not." He shrugged. "Hey, I was running out of ideas! Let's see how you girls are going to bluff up the homework that Trelawney gave us."
"We don't have to," said Y/n practically, as she joined them. "We finished it two days ago. And it's all accurate too."
"You understand what the mad woman's trying to make us do?" asked James, his mouth sagging open?
"Yeah. Even though it's all a bunch of nonsense, we still know how to do it." Violet rolled her eyes. "It's not that hard."
"All you do is choose the planet that's two squares away from the one you're doing," said Jennifer, trying not to laugh. "It wasn't too hard to figure out."
"What? How come we never knew that?"
"I told you, Sirius, but you wouldn't listen," sighed Remus, shaking his head.
"You mean you finished too?" asked James furiously. "And you never told us how to do it?"
"I tried," said Remus, shrugging. "You two wouldn't listen, though."
"We would too!" exclaimed Sirius, pretending to look "injured".
"You said it was a bunch of crap," he said seriously.
James' eyes widened and he put his hand on Remus' mouth. "Sh...don't say it, Remie."
"Thanks a lot, Remus," said Sirius sourly.
"Well, it is a bunch of crap," admitted Jennifer, trying to save her boyfriend from getting killed.
"Well, I'm glad you think so, Jen, because it's the truth," said Sirius proudly. The other three girls rolled their eyes.
Y/n and James were off in their own worlds again. It happened quite frequently, now that they started to have those dreams about Harry again. When James looked over Y/n, his stomach lurched. It had been two years since they've known each other, and they were already in their third year. He thought of Y/n as a friend now, not someone he hated. Of course, it was a ridiculous notion, for Y/n hated him, and he still didn't like her too much to be her friend. No...he wasn't ready just yet to become friends with Y/n.
"Hello? Earth to Y/n and James Potter!" said Sirius, waving his hand in front of their faces.
Both turned extremely red. "We're not Y/n and James Potter."
"Then who are you?"
"Y/n L/n and James Potter."
"You mean Y/n soon-to-be-Potter and James Potter."
James sighed, exasperated, and Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Talk about idiots," she muttered.
"James!" exclaimed Sirius suddenly, scrambling to his feet. "We—have to work on the potion."
The girls gave them quizzical looks as James' face went white. He dragged the other three boys with them to their dormitory, while Jennifer raised her eyebrows.
"Do you guys have a feeling they're not telling us something?"
"I always have that feeling with them," said Arabella, rolling her eyes.
"Probably doing something against the school rules...again," said Y/n, bored. "Is it ever surprising, Jenny? They're born troublemakers."
"Yeah...but I have a feeling that they're doing something, well, illegal," said Jennifer uneasily. "I'm going to spy on them."
"Whatever you say, Jen," said Violet, staring off into space.
"Are any of you coming with me?" asked Jennifer incredulously. Her face fell when the three other girls shook their heads.
"What's the point?" asked Arabella lazily. "They're probably plotting their next prank on Snape."
Jennifer left and returned five minutes later, her face looking disappointed.
"Well, what did you learn?" asked Y/n, her nose buried in Hogwarts, A History.
"Nothing," she replied grumpily. "Even Remie wouldn't tell me anything, and he always tells me something about what they plan. They all told me to go away and mind my own business when I asked."
"Potter's going to be in for it," said Y/n, through gritted teeth. "Oh, how I'd love to get my hands on that ego of his and shrink it so he'll feel so ashamed of himself that he'll—"
"N/n, I'm surprised at you! After actually staying at his house over the summer and sharing a bed with him, you still hate him?" Arabella put on a surprised face. "How could you?"
"First of all, Belle, I did not share a bed with James Henry Potter. Second of all, I—"
"What's this about Jamie-boy's middle name?" asked Sirius curiously, as the boys came into the common room.
"What's it to you, Black?" snapped Jennifer. "You're the ones who kicked me out when I was just wondering what you were doing."
"Yeah—um, that's what we—er—came here to talk to you about." Sirius shifted nervously and glanced over to Remus.
"Jenny, you know I'm a"—he kept his voice down—"a werewolf."
"Yeah?" Jennifer was squinting at the foursome suspiciously.
"So—the guys decided to do something to help me," he continued nervously. "And—well—" He stared around at his three friends. "Guys, I can't do this."
"Then don't," said James, stepping forward. "Look, girls, we'll tell you when we're ready, but what we're doing is really dangerous, and we can't have you know just yet."
Y/n, Arabella, and Violet shrugged, but Jennifer still looked between the four.
"Why can't you tell us?" she asked, biting her lip. "Is it that important that you can't even tell your friends?"
"Look, Jen, we don't really care," said Arabella, standing up. "When they're ready, they can tell us, but for now, just let it go."
"You know, Remus means a lot to me," continued Jennifer, ignoring Arabella. "If you don't tell me what's wrong with him..."
"There's nothing wrong with him!" said Sirius quickly. "You know, we're just trying to help him during his transformations and—" He clapped his hand over his mouth in horror.
"You're trying to keep a werewolf in check?" asked Jennifer in disbelief. "You could get killed!"
"Jen," said Y/n softly, also stepping forward. "They're big boys, they can handle whatever they're going to do."
"I know, but they're so foolish, and Remus could bite any of them..." She trailed off, and ran to the girls' dormitory, tears spilling from her eyes.
Arabella rounded on the four boys like an angry hippogriff. "Thanks a bunch, you two." She, along with the other two girls, ran up to comfort Jennifer.
Remus stared at his friends, his eyes blank. "Now she hates me," he said bluntly.
"Remus, Jen will get over it," said James, trying to feel as confident as he sounded. "Er—it just needs time, like with Sirius and Bella."
"They were different," he said quietly. "Jenny, she can be stubborn sometimes."
James laughed uncomfortably. "Sirius and Bella are more stubborn than anyone we've known."
"I know. But still."
"We know, Remus. We'll help Jennifer understand."
"Those bloody prats," growled Arabella, putting her arm around Jennifer. "Why, I ought to kill 'em all. Especially that bloody Remus, oh how he'll get it..."
"Bells," said Y/n sternly. "Jen doesn't need this now."
"R-Remus, w-why won't he t-tell me w-what they're up t-to?" sobbed Jennifer.
"Because he's a bloody prat," said Arabella bitterly. Y/n glared at her.
"Maybe it's too important for them to tell us, Jenny. You know how they are, secretive about everything. Besides, we can't know everything about their personal lives; they're bound to have some privacy." She chuckled weakly.
Jennifer sniffed and wiped her eyes, smiling. "You're right Y/n. I shouldn't be moping around here, crying my eyes out for my own selfish reasons. Remus is a sweet guy; how can I ever dump him just because he won't tell me what he and his friends are up to? Oh, I'm so ashamed!" She buried her face in her arms, very red.
"Don't worry, Jen, Remus is the good sort," said Y/n comfortingly, "he'll forgive your little outburst."
"Thanks N/n, I'm going to go and find him."
Then everything ended just fine for both thirteen-year-olds.
Winter had arrived, and the eight teenagers often huddled near the fire when they did their homework. On this particular night, however, Arabella Figg was completely fed up with her life.
"Maybe I'll burn myself like they did in the Witch Burnings of the Sixteenth Century," she said gloomily.
"You're thirteen and you want to commit suicide?" asked James in disbelief. He was sitting next to the fire (literally) and reading 101 Ways to Improve Your Quidditch Skills.
"I just can't wait until the holidays," she said, looking depressed.
"Mum is actually letting me stay for the holidays," said Y/n, looking cheerful.
James groaned. "I'm staying too. That means I have to be with you for two weeks?"
"How pleasant," said Y/n sarcastically, sinking into her chair again. "Well, I still have to finish my Charms essay."
"Are you kidding me?" asked James incredulously. "You already have two rolls of parchment! How much more do you have to write?"
"You see, Potter, this is why you're failing Charms," said Y/n practically, scribbling on her parchment. "You never go the extra mile."
"What mile? Is this some sort of race?"
Jennifer and Arabella both slapped their foreheads at the boys' confused faces. "Daft," they both muttered.
"It's a figure of speech," said Y/n, rolling her eyes. "Going the extra mile means doing more than required."
"Oh...well, in that case, no, I never run the extra mile," said James, obviously still confused. Arabella burst out laughing.
"So this is how daft you've become!" she exclaimed, chuckling.
Y/n smiled, shaking her head. What idiots for friends I have, she thought. Poor Potter – though he does look kind of cute when he's confused. Yeah, I think this is from lack of sleep.
Y/n was twisting and turning as she tried to sleep. Suddenly, the world became blissful for her as she dreamed she was bouncing on clouds, and she sat up straight, drenched in sweat.
"I have to go back to sleep..." she mumbled to herself thickly, as she drifted to sleep again.
"Y/n, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off..."
It was the sound of James panicking and Y/n crying as a jet of green light burst through and James hit the floor, dead.
"JAMES!" Y/n screamed, jumping out of bed. Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet woke up, their eyes wide.
"Y/n? What's wrong?"
"James...he's dead...he's dead..." mumbled Y/n. "He's dead, I have to go see him. He protected me and Harry, and he's dead."
The three other girls exchanged dark glances at each other.
"It was only a dream, Y/n," said Arabella quietly. "Maybe you should go see Dumbledore again—"
"Good idea, Bells, I'll do that," said Y/n quickly, and tore out of bed. In the common room sat James, wide-eyed.
"James? What are you doing here?" James turned around, surprised to see Y/n.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?"
"I had a dream," they both said in unison.
Y/n stared at him. "James—you're alive," she choked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked, confused. "You're alive."
"And I'm supposed to be dead?"
"I had a dream about you trying to protect Harry and then...dying, trying to risk your life saving him."
"I had a dream about you trying to hold off the wizard who killed us and give me time to take a run for it with Harry."
James held on to Y/n tightly. "Look, Lily, we're both alive, and that's a good thing. Now, let's get back to bed before we fall asleep in Transfiguration tomorrow."
Y/n chuckled. "Let's."
"N/n, are you okay?" asked Arabella, as she nearly pounced on her best friend. "You—you just disappeared and I was so worried and..."
"It's all right, Bella, I'm fine," said Y/n, getting choked by her friend. "Now, if you'd let go of me..."
"Oh—right," said Arabella, blushing.
The next day, Y/n and James weren't talking. They had just had an intimate talk last night, and James had gotten himself his very first girlfriend, not counting Deanna. He had finally noticed how many girls there were at Hogwarts, he told Sirius, and how many he'd have to go through to find his "true" girlfriend. Y/n was furious about what he had said, and didn't talk to him for the rest of the week. She hated Melissa Andrews, the girl James was currently "dating".
"He chose that little idiot after all the nice girls he could have chosen," said Y/n furiously. "What about Lucieta Samson? She's in Ravenclaw and the nicest girl ever!"
"James is an idiot, Y/n, what's said is said," said Arabella practically. "He only goes through the idiotic girls in this school and would never look at someone like poor Lucy twice. I wish he'd look at you like he looks at Andrews, Y/n. You're perfect for someone with a big ego like him."
Lily laughed bitterly. "I would never want James Potter to look at me that way. Who'd marry him anyway?"
"Well, you are," admitted Jennifer, trying to look for her wand.
"Who knows, maybe he finally grew up when I married him."
"James Potter, grown up?" exclaimed Violet, surprised. "What madness is this?"
"Good job, Vi!" cried Jennifer in approval. "Let's claim this day as 'Speak-Ill-of-James-Potter' Day!"
Y/n snorted. "You guys are such dorks."
Jennifer, Violet, and Arabella linked arms. "Aren't we though? Dorks and proud of it!"
Y/n laughed.
"Hey Y/n, can I talk to you?" asked James nervously. He knew that Y/n was furious with him and was afraid to "liven" her up, as Sirius called it.
"No," said Y/n angrily. "Go away Potter."
James grinned. "Oh, touchy. Come on L/n, you can't hide away from me forever."
"Oh, yes I can," said Y/n defiantly. She pushed him away and walked off to her next class—Defense Against the Dark Arts.
"Hey! Wait! I haven't finished yet!" Y/n heard James calling her, but she ignored him completely. Why would she want to talk to him? He had the biggest ego in the world, not to mention having about groups of twenty girls swarming him every day. She was sick of it all.
"Why would I want you to finish?" she asked him coldly, as James caught up with her. "You have the biggest ego out of every male there is in this school, and you take advantage of all the girls who swarm around you. What's your problem?"
"Y/n, I—"
"Stay away from me, James Potter. I don't want to be involved with players like you. Who knows, maybe I'll be in one of those traps of yours like all those other girls." She swung her bag over her shoulder and entered the classroom.
"Am I late, Professor?" she asked, ignoring James' feeble protests.
"No, no, Y/n, you're right on time," replied Professor Wickham, smiling at his student. "Now, where is Mr. Potter—?"
As if right on cue, James burst into the classroom. "Professor," he gasped. "I—I hope I'm on time."
"Yes, James, right on time. However, I would advise you and Ms. L/n to maybe arrive a little earlier next time." His eyes twinkled as he winked at Y/n and James as they sat down.
"Yes, Professor," said Y/n politely. James grunted and took his seat beside Sirius, while Y/n sat next to Arabella.
"Where were you?" mouthed Arabella, as Y/n sat down.
"I'll tell you later," Y/n mouthed back.
As class started, Y/n took her dutiful notes as usual, while Arabella slept (as usual). Remus was too absorbed in his note taking, and Peter too absorbed in sleeping, to notice Sirius and James' serious (no pun intended) conversation.
"What was that all about?" whispered Sirius, as he took some random notes about goblin rebellions.
James was trying his best to avoid the topic. "Sirius, why are you writing about goblin rebellions?" he asked hastily. "This is Defense Against the Dark Arts, not the History of Magic class."
"What—oh! Well, you know, all the notes are the same, so you may as well say the same thing," said Sirius complacently. "Now, about you and Y/n..."
"She won't listen to me," confessed James. "She totally hates me."
"She's always hated you, Jamie-boy," hissed Sirius, rolling his eyes.
"She's disliked me, not hated me," corrected James.
"You even said it was the same thing." Sirius' voice was dripping with sarcasm and boredom.
"Well, I don't blame her," said Sirius, surprising James. "I mean, you totally ignored her today at breakfast when you guys had your little 'conversation' last night. Then you called her a you-know-what, and I would be upset about it, too."
"I apologized," argued James.
"So? You're not acting like you're sorry, James."
"You sound like you're on her side," said James grumpily.
"That's because I am on her side, Jamie." Sirius' voice was very serious now and very unlike his usual playful tone.
Across the other side of the room, Y/n and Arabella were having their own note-passing conversation (Y/n had pointedly refused to talk in whispers).
You can't stay mad at James forever, Y/n.
Oh yes I can, Bells. I can stay mad at him until the end of the world.
But Y/n, if you stay mad at him forever, what about Harry? He'll never be born! And it's his destiny to live in this world.
::sigh:: Yeah, you're right, Bella, but...I just can't forgive him now. Do you know what that idiot called me?
Five letters, begins with a 'b'.
He didn't!
He did.
Why, that little...
Sh! Bella, quiet!
Why? This is written on paper, Y/n, not said out loud. ::rolls eyes::
Yeah, you're right. Hey, Wickham is looking our way. Let's ditch this paper.
That would be a very good idea.
"I'm dying to know what they've written about," said James eagerly, as the bell rang. He grabbed the piece of parchment that the girls carelessly threw in the wastebasket and read it, dropping it back afterwards.
"What did it say?" asked Sirius curiously, looking from the basket to James' red face.
"L/n told Arabella what I told Y/n," said James, shaking with anger. "Why, that little—"
"James, you've been treating Y/n horribly," said Remus quietly. "Tomorrow is the first day of the holidays, and I suggest you go apologize to her."
"No way will I spoil my first day of the holidays apologizing to her."
"Come on, four-eyes, give in." They turned around to see Arabella glaring at all four of them.
"You hate me now," said James bluntly.
"No." He turned to look at her, surprised. "You just don't get it yet, James Potter. I know you'll give in to Y/n someday, and do whatever she wants, but not yet. You need time, James. Time is what's pushing you and Y/n farther than you should be." With that said, she left without another word.
"That girl really never ceases to amaze me," commented James, still dazed after Bella left.
"Yeah, isn't she great?" asked Sirius dreamily. "I am so glad she's my girlfriend. We belong together; I know it."
"So does the rest of the school, Sirius."
Sirius whacked James in the head. "Hey, shut it Potter. I have a proper girlfriend, unlike that Melissa Andrews. What were you thinking, dating something like her?"
James shrugged. "I'm planning to dump her tomorrow anyway. Bella is right, Sirius. The only thing that's standing between Y/n and me is time. And I'm not going to let it stand there forever."
Y/n was awake early the next day. Christmas was in one week and she would spend it without her family. Of course, she was slightly unhappy that her parents wouldn't be there, but joyous that Petunia wouldn't. And none of her friends had left for the holidays, which was a good thing, for they could spend it all together.
"I'm glad—and surprised—to see you up early, Bella," she said, grinning, as her half-awake friend stared across the table. Y/n looked over to see what she was staring at and saw Melissa Andrews crying by herself at the Hufflepuff table. She rolled her eyes and started to eat, ignoring the blue-eyed blonde crying her eyes out.
"I'll bet you Potter dumped her," she informed Arabella. "He could never keep a girlfriend, ever."
"I actually feel a bit bad for Andrews," said Arabella. She slapped her forehead and grinned stupidly at Y/n. "I think I really needed that."
Y/n rolled her eyes just when the rest of her friends and the Marauders entered the Great Hall.
"Oi! Potter!" she called, as he passed her seat. "I suppose even Melissa Andrews isn't good for you, huh? I guess you'll be going through the Slytherins next."
James glared at her and sat down next to Violet. "I didn't know she was that evil. I think L/n could pass for a Slytherin," he said, to no one in particular.
Violet gasped and glared at him, moving to a different spot. He heard Peter sigh audibly and looked around at everyone.
"Why is everyone so mad at me?" he asked Sirius.
"Because you've been acting like a great prat, James, no offense."
James turned to Sirius and said quietly, "I'm going to apologize to her right now."
He got up and walked to where Y/n was sitting. Her three friends looked up and saw him towering over them, and nodded their heads, smiling. James cleared his throat just when he reached Y/n, but Y/n jumped up and ran out of the Great Hall. He sighed, and followed her, assuming that she went back to Gryffindor Tower.
"Password?" the Fat Lady asked as he approached the portrait, panting.
"Pig snout," he gasped, clutching his chest for breath.
He rushed up to the girls' dormitory where Y/n was sitting on her bed, staring at nothing in particular.
"Y/n, you have to forgive me," said James, a pleading look in his eyes. "I—I broke up with Melissa. I knew she wasn't the one for me, I just wanted to impress you."
Y/n's head shot up and stared into his eyes. "To impress me?" she croaked. "Why?"
"I have no idea," admitted James. "I've been a great prat, I know, and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."
Y/n sighed. "I may as well, since you're giving me no peace at all. I forgive you."
"Thanks." James breathed a sigh of relief. "Friends?"
"In your dreams, Potter."
They walked into the Great Hall together, where their friends were eagerly discussing something in whispers. They grinned when they saw Y/n and James standing next to each other.
"Are you guys friends?" asked Violet hopefully.
"Nope," they said in unison. "But we don't hate each other anymore."
"So do you like each other?" asked Sirius, confused.
"Then what are you guys?"
"We dislike each other," they said together. Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed.
"Well, I guess some things never change," said Arabella, looking hopeless.
"That's a good thing," replied Remus, grinning.
The six friends smiled at Y/n and James chatting and arguing together, knowing that the two would give in...someday, if not now. And they would be in for a love story greater than life itself.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter eight | original
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a/n; this has always been one of my favorite chapters that i wrote in this fanfic
Y/n was wearing a wedding dress and beaming all over. Her face was bright red and flushed, and in her hands were a bouquet of roses and wildflowers.
The minister had asked her, "Do you, Y/n L/n, take this man to be your husband?"
Y/n had answered with a strong, "I do."
"And do you, James Potter, take his woman as your wife?"
"I do."
James had lifted her veil up and kissed her lips. The guests were cheering, but Y/n barely noticed anything. Her eyes were only for the man in front of her...James Potter.
Y/n woke up, her eyes wide. She had the same dream for the past three weeks since she had been staying with the Potters. Her face was always shining proudly, and she saw James' handsome face positively beaming down at everyone in sight. She even once saw Sirius, supposedly the best man, chasing around a mad dog who had stolen his wand. Arabella was also there as the maid-of-honor, where she had burst into tears after Y/n and James pronounced their death vows. It was sort of funny, really, the dream. Y/n wondered if James had a similar one.
"n/n?" It was Arabella's sleepy voice, and she heard a distinct yawn from her best friend. "You awake again?"
"Go back to sleep, Bells, I'm fine," muttered y/n, rubbing her eyes.
"But—" Arabella was almost wide-awake now.
"Belle," said y/n sternly, causing Arabella to open her eyes widely.
"Belle?" she questioned.
y/n grinned. "It's nice, isn't it? I was getting sick of 'Bella' and 'Bells', so I came up with 'Belle'. Like it?"
"Whatever." Then with a final yawn, Arabella's head propped back down on her pillow and she was immediately fast asleep again.
Y/n sighed. Ah, how she and Sirius spoke the same language. Sirius, too, loved to sleep all day and night as well. But James...she needed to see James. Yet she scolded herself for thinking so.
He needs his sleep, she thought to herself. Just like you do. Now...go back to sleep before you wake up anyone else in the house.
Arabella was supposed to have her own room, since there were about twenty rooms in the Potter mansion, but Bella had refused to part with her best friend and insisted on sharing a room with Y/n. Y/n had groaned at the thought of a snoring Bella, but gave in at the end.
James Potter. She was supposed to marry the moron after Hogwarts. Y/n hadn't told her parents about it yet. She knew her mum would rejoice and throw a party, her dad would smile silently to himself, and Petunia would look horrified at the prospect of having a boy who hasn't brushed his hair in years as a brother-in-law.
And y/n, well, y/n wasn't sure what she would be like. When she had found out that James Potter was to be her future husband, and that she'd have a kid and die, sacrificing herself for the baby, it was a huge shock indeed. Y/n supposed she didn't hate James so much as she did in her first year, but she didn't like him, either. She supposed the word "dislike" would fit in her feelings for James.
Who knew or cared what he thought. Sure, James was athletic and popular, and sort of cute, but Y/n didn't care. She thought that Remus was wonderful, but he was only a brother to her. After all, if Jennifer found out that she liked Remus, the girl would probably tear her up into pieces. Jenny loved Remus to death, and y/n wanted to live a few years longer.
There was a knock on the door and Y/n jumped out of the comfortable bed she was snuggled in. Arabella gave a loud grunt in the bed across from her, and Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Come in," she whispered to the door. The doorknob turned and in came James Potter, his jet-black hair untidy as ever.
Y/n's curiosity had faded. "What are you doing here?"
"I had some stupid wedding dream about you and me," he said, desperately trying to shrug it all off. "Stupid, really, how you and I get married and stuff. Especially after the fact that you have that Harry."
"I thought you liked Harry."
"I do. But this stuff is all too annoying. I wish that I could have a normal life like Sirius, Remus, Peter, or all your friends. But it just had to be me. When I told Mum and Dad about that whole future stuff, they were ecstatic. Mum was crying and Dad was smiling. It was hopeless."
Y/n smiled slightly. "I haven't told Mum and Dad yet. I know that Mum would overreact more than your mum did. A bit scatter-brained, my mum, but loving, nevertheless." She sighed. "I wish I could get that scene when you kiss me at the wedding out of my mind. It's corrupting my brain."
"I thought it was already corrupted."
James grinned. "Naturally, since Arabella's a corrupted soul. But then again, so is Sirius. So I'm corrupted, too. Happy now?"
"Of course."
"Why am I here again?"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Potter, you're hopeless."
"I know. Wait...it was about that stupid wedding dream, wasn't it?"
"Good job, Potter. You remembered something for once in your life!"
James sniffed. "I'm injured."
"That's mean!"
"I'm happy for you Potter. Now git."
"N/n!" Arabella was wide awake again, and yawning. "What are you doing up again? And...what the hell is he doing here?" She sat straight up, eyes wide.
Y/n shrugged. "I don't know. He just came in here."
She was annoyed. "Do I look like James Potter to you? How should I know?"
"Well, I was directing the question more to James, anyway. He should be answering...James?"
But James had fallen asleep on y/n's half-covered legs.
"Get him off me!" squealed y/n, flapping her arms helplessly. I'm not sleeping with him in this bed tonight!"
Arabella started laughing loudly, and the door opened again, this time revealing Sirius, his usual hair in messy tufts like James'.
"What's going on here?" he asked sleepily. "Is this some sort of slumber party?"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "No, Sirius, James came in here, we were talking, then he fell asleep on my legs."
Sirius grinned in delight. "So...our favorite couple sharing a bed, eh? How romantic!" He pretended to wipe an imaginary tear from his eye. "Oh, wait 'till Remus hears and he'll—"
"You won't tell him, will you?" asked Y/n, though it was useless. Sirius was even more gossipy than some of the most gossipy girls Y/n knew—including the dreaded Deanna Jackson.
Sirius snickered. "Nice try, n/n, but maybe next time it might convince me a little bit more."
y/n sighed. "Forget I even tried. But Remus won't tease me too much about it, and neither would Vi, too much, but Jen..." She shivered.
"Why do you think our Remie won't tease you about it?" asked Sirius.
"Because he's really sweet, not like you two hooligans."
"Hooligan?" asked James, sitting up wearily. "What?"
"Oh good, the drool-boy is finally awake. Now, Potter, get out of my bed, or I will force you to."
"All right, all right. Besides, it's my bed. This is my house."
"Yes, it is, but since I'm occupying this bed for the summer, it's currently mine."
"Fine, then. Come on Sirius, let's get out of here." James heaved himself off the bed and steered a half-asleep Sirius out of the room and closed the door.
"What was that?" asked Bella, her eyelids slowly drooping.
"Who knows. Let's go to bed before anything else happens. I'm exhausted."
Arabella responded with a thump as her head hit the pillow again.
"n/n, you look terrible," commented Jennifer, staring at Y/n's blood-shot eyes. "Are you all right?"
"Just a little nighttime interference," replied y/n, glaring at James and Sirius, who were about as tired as she and Bella were.
"Potter and Black, eh?"
"As always." Y/n sighed.
"You were already awake as it is," snapped James from across the table.
"Kids, don't argue," reprimanded Mrs. Potter.
"Sorry, Mum," said James.
"Sorry, Mrs. Potter," said the others.
"Why did you go into the girls' room, James?" asked Mr. Potter sternly. "You know you're supposed to be staying in your own room, or one of you friend's, but not a girl's room. What were you—?"
"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Potter, James goes into the girls' dormitory all the time at Hogwarts," interrupted Sirius brightly. James glared at him.
Mrs. Potter dropped her wand. "This—this isn't true, is it, Jamie? Dear God, please say this is another one of Sirius' jokes."
"Er—" James looked at them all nervously. "It—it's true, Mum."
Mr. Potter's face turned sterner and Mrs. Potter nearly fainted. Sirius smiled guiltily at James and mouthed, "Sorry."
"But Sirius goes there more often," he blurted, and grinned at a shocked Sirius.
"Sirius has his own parents to deal with, but we expect more responsibility from you, young man," said Mr. Potter, frowning.
James closed his eyes and waited for the blow. What would it be this time? Getting his Invisibility Cloak confiscated for a week? Locking up his broom for the summer? He shivered at the thoughts.
"Since we have guests at this home this summer, there will be no punishment."
James' mouth opened uncertainly. "Are you serious?" he croaked.
"No, he's Sirius," said Mr. Potter, pointing at Sirius and chuckling.
He groaned. "Not that again. It was amusing maybe for the first three times, but it's getting way old."
"I still think it's funny," said Mr. Potter, shrugging.
Mrs. Potter smiled. "Oh, I don't blame you, dear. It's all in the Potter blood, I suppose. When your father and I were at Hogwarts, he visited our girls' dormitory all the time, and we frequently spent the night in there..." She winked.
"That was too much information revealed, Mrs. Potter," said Sirius, looking sick.
"Why, Sirius?" asked Y/n teasingly. "Wouldn't you LOVE to do that with Bella?"
Sirius grinned. "N/n, you know me too well."
Jennifer dropped her spoon. "You mean you want to spend a whole night with Bella in the same room?"
"Of course. You obviously don't know me well enough."
"And I definitely don't want to, either. Remus, you knew dog-boy was this perverted?"
Remus nodded. "Who doesn't know? You already know too; you just don't want to hear about it. I suppose it is sickening."
"All right, why are we talking about this?" asked Y/n loudly. "Not an appropriate subject for the breakfast table."
"I agree with y/n," said Arabella, speaking up for the first time.
"That's because you're part of the conversation," piped up James.
Arabella glared at him menacingly. Violet and Peter were silent, as usual, and Jennifer was chatting incessantly.
"So," said James, squirming uncomfortably, "want to play Quidditch outside?"
Y/n glared at him. "What do you think? No."
"Scared, are you?" James snickered.
"You know I'm afraid of heights," snapped Y/n in a slightly wavering voice.
"Exactly," replied James smugly.
"I don't know why I'm doing this," sighed Y/n, as she clutched the handle of her broom tightly, her knuckles white.
"Hey L/n, enjoying yourself?" called James. He was an extremely agile flyer, gliding gracefully across the small Quidditch field.
"No," yelled y/n. "All because of you. You know I can't fly!"
"You're doing fine," said James, smiling sympathetically, as he flew right next to her. "Just a little practice and you'll be a natural."
"I don't want to be," said Y/n shakily.
James shrugged. "Fine, do whatever you want, but I'm warning you, you're missing out on very educational stuff here."
"Educational?" Y/n raised her eyebrows. "Quidditch is supposed to be educational? Or do you mean fun?"
"Same thing." James shrugged indifferently and flew away.
"Argh!" Y/n sighed and began to tail up James, though she was a rather slow flyer as well. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bird flew right past her, causing her to slide off her broom, her hands grasping the handle and her feet dangling in mid-air.
James was enjoying himself immensely and decided to check on Y/n so he could tease her again. But when he saw her dangling up fifty feet in mid-air, he cried, "Y/n! Hold on!"
He grasped his broom handle firmly and zoomed past the field. When he reached Y/n, he told her to swing her legs over his broom and grab the broom floating in mid-air.
"I-I don't know if I can," stuttered Y/n. Her large e/c eyes started to fill with tears.
"Hey, don't worry, I'm not going to let anything happen to you," said James softly. "Now come up here with me and we'll fly down together."
Y/n bravely swung her legs over James' broom, grabbed her own broom, and they took off until they reached the ground.
"James...thanks," mumbled Y/n, embarrassed, as she got off his broom. "I guess I'm not a great flyer like you are, though I kind of wish I was."
"It's my fault, n/n, I persuaded you to come fly with me. Forgive?"
"So are we friends?"
"In your dreams, Potter."
"I thought you'd say that."
"So why'd you ask me?"
"I—don't know."
Y/n snorted.
When they got back inside, the rest of the friends were playing either chess or Exploding Snap. Jennifer's face was downcast as Remus beat her at chess for the fourth time in a row.
"Remie, can you just let me win for once?"
"Of course not," said Remus practically. "That would be cheating. Now that you've lost so many times to the champion, you learn something every time you lose. That's how you improve."
"You sound just like Professor Wickham," muttered Jennifer.
"Do I?" asked Remus delightedly.
"Now I know why you're the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor later on, Remus," said James, chuckling.
"I wonder who I'll favor," said Remus thoughtfully.
"The Gryffindors of course!" cried Sirius, his head peeking from behind an armchair. "Knowing Remus, though, he'll probably be nice to the Slytherins, too."
"Well..." began Remus.
"So you will?" asked y/n incredulously.
"Of course he will; that's Remus for you," said Jennifer, interrupting Remus.
"What she said," finished Remus, smiling gratefully at his girlfriend.
Y/n and James both groaned at the same time.
"I hate this love junk," said James grumpily.
"Tell me about it," muttered Y/n.
"Why? You guys kiss all the time," stated Jennifer, grinning.
"Do not," they both muttered.
"Do too," chirped Remus.
"Remus, you're supposed to be sensible," chided y/n. "Or—at least you were for a few months last year. Until you were together with Jen; I think she was the one who corrupted you."
"Hey!" cried Jennifer, pouting. Y/n laughed.
They were interrupted by the sound of giggling and groaning. As they turned around, Arabella and Sirius were lying together on the couch, and apparently Sirius had started to tickle her.
"How inappropriate," muttered Remus.
"Surely you don't think so, Remie," said Jennifer, smiling. She cuddled up near Remus, and kissed him.
"Ugh," commented Y/n, disgusted. Jennifer pulled away and grinned at Y/n.
"Come on, n/n, make up with James and be friends. Then you guys will be snogging even worse than Sirius and Bella."
"Hey!" was the response from a Bella who was promptly pulled into a kiss by Sirius.
"Is kissing all you guys ever do?" asked Y/n, exasperated.
"No...there's also snogging, but pretty much," replied Arabella, before claiming Sirius' lips again.
James made a face, then drew Y/n towards him and started to snog her.
"JAMES WHATEVER-YOUR-MIDDLE-NAME-IS POTTER!" she shrieked. "What is the meaning of this?"
James pulled her away and grinned. "I just thought you were a little left out and needed some sugar like the rest of your friends. Even Violet and Peter are doing their own 'thing' back there."
Violet and Peter quickly pulled away, both very red, while Arabella, Sirius, Remus, and Jennifer laughed out loud.
Y/n was blushing furiously. "Oh you—"
But before she could finish her sentence, Mrs. Potter had announced that supper was ready. Sirius bounded to the kitchen before any of the others.
"Sirius!" laughed Mrs. Potter, grinning at the hungry boy's glances at the various dishes. "You're eating in the Marauder dining room, remember? Not in the kitchen."
"I know, Mrs. Potter, I just wanted to see the food first."
Mrs. Potter laughed, and Y/n asked curiously, "The Marauder dining room?"
"Oh!" Mrs. Potter smiled. "The boys came up with it. We have three dining rooms, and the one where we eat when we have James' friends over was named by all four of them."
"If only they'd study as hard, then they'd do better than me," stated Y/n, before she could help herself. Mrs. Potter looked delighted.
"Yes, dear, it's true. How I've tried telling James, but he wouldn't listen at all. Poor boy has enough on his mind just like you, dear. So you will become y/n Potter later on? Though it is much too early to say anything, but I would like to welcome you to the family, Y/n. Later on, of course." Her eyes twinkled.
Y/n smiled. "Well...James and I aren't exactly on the greatest terms at this moment," she said bluntly.
"Understandable, Y/n. Mr. Potter and I got along horribly when we were at Hogwarts until we finally confessed our love during graduation. A bit late, if you ask me, but I'm happy to have James. He is an only child, after all, and I personally think that Sirius, Remus, Peter, as well as you and your friends are part of the family as well. It gets lonely with only the three of us, and James and his father certainly don't think the way I think."
"Oi! n/n! Aren't you eating?" bellowed Arabella from the Marauder dining room.
"Coming Bells!" called Y/n. She went inside the "Marauder dining room" and gasped.
The ceiling was extremely high with a large crystal chandelier towering above them, majestic and grand. The dining table was large, made of mahogany and lined with gold. Y/n stared at it all, unable to believe that a family could be so rich.
"After you're finished admiring the room, Sirius would have already eaten three-quarters of your plate," said James, amused.
"Oh! Sorry." Y/n sat down next to Jennifer and began eating with the rest of them.
"Your Mum's a great cook, James," said Arabella, through a mouthful of potatoes. "These are good potatoes 'ere."
"Bells, don't eat with your mouth full," chided Y/n.
"Yes, Mother Y/n."
"Well—er—actually, my mum didn't make this," said James, his ears going red. "Jacey made it. Well, along with Chad, Rupert, and all the rest of our house-elves."
"You have house-elves?" asked Jennifer, her eyes wide.
"Er—yeah." James' face was now extremely pink.
"You guys are rich!" gushed Arabella.
"Erm—I suppose," replied James, shrugging.
"What do you mean 'you suppose'?" demanded Arabella. "Of course you're—"
Y/n cleared her throat and glared at her friend, giving her the "that's-not-very-tactful" look.
"Oh, sorry," muttered Arabella, blushing. James smiled at Y/n in gratitude.
"We need to get to Hogsmeade soon, Jamie-boy, my supply of Dungbombs is at stake! I haven't been to Zonko's for ages now," cried Sirius, jumping up and down.
"All right, Sirius, I'll ask Mum if we can all go tomorrow," said James, rolling his eyes. "We definitely need to get Snape back again for telling us off and having us get detentions again."
"Zonko's?" asked y/n, confused. "What's that?"
"It's a joke shop," said James, grinning. "It's where we get all our supplies for our pranks. You know how I turned your hair black? Black dye from Zonko's' best."
"I've heard of Hogsmeade," said Y/n vaguely, chewing on a chicken leg. "It's supposed to be the only non-Muggle settlement in Britain and—"
"Yeah, but that's not why it's so cool!" said Sirius enthusiastically. "We'll introduce it all to you, n/n. Honeydukes...The Three Broomsticks...Zonko's...Gladrag's Wizarding Wear...everything!"
"It's the greatest," agreed Remus. "Has every single sweet there is in Honeydukes. Ice Mice, Acid Pops, Cockroach Clusters..."
"We gave Snape one once," interrupted Sirius, grinning. "He nearly choked to death after he swallowed it. Then Remus told us to take him to the Hospital Wing. You shouldn't have done that, Remus, he could have taken ill and never come to Hogwarts again. That definitely would've been sweet revenge. Always the spoilsport, you are." He shook his head, reminiscing at the memory.
Y/n snorted. "Wish I could've seen his face."
"It was as white as paint!" cried Peter.
"Paint isn't white, Pete," said Violet, blinking.
"Well...there's such thing as white paint!"
"Oh, Violet, loosen up, will you?" joked Arabella. "You're almost as stiff as y/n here."
"Hey!" cried Y/n.
"Sorry n/n, but once we get you into Hogsmeade tomorrow, you'll be a whole different person. We should go to Gladrag's Wizarding Wear and get you a dress robe, then go to Dervish and Banges and—"
"We're going to Zonko's," said Sirius, narrowing his eyes.
"All right, we'll go to both," said James, trying to settle the dispute, "though I'm really not a great fan of going to Gladrag's. Mum always takes me there for dress robes, though. It's always black velvet," he sighed, depressed.
"You need them for all those parties we're invited to, James," said Mrs. Potter sternly, coming into the room. "As a matter of fact, visiting Gladrag's would be a good thing tomorrow. We've been invited to a Midsummer party by the McKinnons and I want you all to have new dress robes."
James groaned. "But Mr. McKinnon works for Malfoy's dad. That means the Malfoys will be there, too!"
Mrs. Potter sighed. "Yes, as well as the Snapes, but I do assure you, James, we will not be socializing with those families."
"Yes, Malfoy's just a big stick-in-the-mud, if you as me," roared Mr. Potter, also coming in. "A no-good, little weasel who'll never succeed in the Ministry."
"Come, Daniel, no need to speak ill of our kind," snapped Mrs. Potter, though she smiled amusedly after her husband. "Though it is rather true, I must say, Lucieta Malfoy and her no-good husband are really a disgrace to the name of wizard."
"Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, and their little gang called y/n a 'Mudblood'," stated Jennifer, going furious. "It's an insult to my family as well as y/n! My father's a Muggle and..."
"Jen, calm down," murmured Remus quietly, grasping her hand. Jennifer smiled at him, but her eyes were still angry.
"Did he now?" asked Mr. Potter, standing up.
"The old rat never changed," sighed Mrs. Potter, also going angry. "Well, we'll avoid the Malfoys for sure. And the Snapes, they're no good either."
"Severus Snape has a crush on y/n," teased Arabella.
"I share sorrow with you, y/n," said Mrs. Potter sadly, while Mr. Potter roared with laughter.
"Oh, how I'd love to see Snape's boy go heartbroken!" he cried.
"Dan!" cried Mrs. Potter, shocked.
Violet leaned over to the boys and whispered, "I didn't know your parents were so much like...kids."
James grinned. "That's the good thing about them."
"Wow..." whispered Y/n in awe, as they walked around the village of Hogsmeade. "This place is amazing!"
"It's much better when you don't have to dread the prospect of going to Gladrag's Wizarding Wear and getting dress robes for old Malfoy's dinner party," groaned Sirius.
"I thought it was the McKinnons' party," said Y/n.
"It is, Sirius is just being a great prat," replied Arabella, glaring at the miserable boy beside her.
"Well, Mr. McKinnon is probably going to let Malfoy's dad run the whole party, since the whole family's afraid of them."
"Sirius Black, you know that's not true," said Jennifer, matter-of-factly. "The McKinnons are one of the most prominent and powerful wizard families in our world. Besides the Potters, of course." She smiled at James.
James blushed. "Aww...we're not that great."
"Sure you are. Mum told me that your whole family are Heirs of Gryffindor."
James shrugged. "Rumors."
"Why are we talking about Heirs of Gryffindor here?" asked Y/n crossly. "Where's the store anyway? Come on, as soon as we go in, the sooner we can get it over with."
"Finally, someone agrees with us!" exclaimed Sirius. "I thought all you girls loved to shop, shop, and shop your whole life."
"Don't be an idiot, Sirius, that's Deanna," snapped Arabella.
"She certainly has a lot of make-up on every day," said James, remember several occasions when the Gryffindor girl plastered perfume and lipstick all over her face and strutted around the common room, attracting all the boys' attentions except for the Marauders'.
"All right, let's go in and get it over with," snapped y/n.
Inside was surprisingly cool, which made the eight of them cool down very nicely, for their faces were as ripe and red as a tomato. The radio was on, playing a fast tune by the Weird Sisters, and there were columns of robes, socks, and other garments lined up neatly in rows and shelves.
"May I help you?" asked a young woman politely.
"Er—we're looking for dress robes," said James awkwardly.
The woman raised her eyebrows. "Any in particular?" she asked coolly.
When James didn't answer, the woman peered into his face closer and gave a small scream. "You're a Potter, aren't you?"
James shrugged. "Yeah. What's it to you?"
"Always the Potter manner. How is your family?"
"My family?" repeated James, bewildered. "What about my family?"
The woman chuckled. "You don't know, do you?"
"Know what, exactly?"
"That I'm a Potter as well."
James stared at her. "You are not."
"All right, I love how this conversation is going here, but shouldn't we buy the dress robes and get out of here, Jamie-boy?" asked Sirius impatiently.
"Yeah, Sirius," replied James absently, but he turned to the woman again. "You're not a Potter. If you were, I would know you."
The woman laughed. "I'm Leanne Potter, your cousin. Our family is so big; you can barely know everyone in it. Mum told me about you—you're James, aren't you? James Henry Potter?"
"Your middle name's Henry?" questioned Y/n, stepping forward. Leanne smiled.
"Is this your girlfriend, James?"
"No," said James crossly. "If you're really my 'cousin', then who's your mum—my aunt?"
"Why, you mean Mum? She's your Aunt Josie, James, it's quite rude to insult your favorite aunt."
James opened his mouth, but snapped it shut. "No—no, you can't be Aunt Josie's daughter. I've been to Aunt Josie's house at least one hundred times in all my life, and I've never seen you before."
Leanne shrugged. "That's because...Mum barely knew that I was alive too. When I was twelve, you were born. After I graduated from Hogwarts, I left England to travel to the States and other parts of the world. I met a young man by the name of Jonathan Harrison, and he proposed to me a year later. I wrote to Mum frequently, since she was so anxious, but Jonathan died from an accident shortly after we were engaged." She sighed. "I stopped writing to Mum after that. I was so overcome from grief that I couldn't bear to face the world any longer. So I bought a flat in the outskirts of London and lived in seclusion. After I stopped writing, Mum was worried and then came to the conclusion that I was dead."
"But—I was five when you left," said James, overwhelmed by her story. "I don't really remember you..."
"That's because I must have changed so much," replied Leanne heavily. "Of course, you were my favorite cousin, and I loved you so much. A few months ago I reunited with Mum and I've been anxiously waiting to meet you for a while."
"Does the rest of the family know?"
"Every person, including your parents. You're the only Potter who doesn't know."
"All right, I believe you."
Leanne grinned. "Good. Now, why don't you introduce me to your friends here, James."
"Oh—er—this is Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew, my best friends. And this is Arabella Figg, Jennifer Dean, and Violet Walker, my other three friends."
"What about this young h/c?"
"That's y/n," said James blatantly, earning a glare from his enemy. "We don't—er—exactly like each other." He decided to leave out the future stuff for later.
"Definitely not," stated y/n, poking her tongue at him.
Leanne laughed. "I like young love."
"It's not young love!" cried the two, blushing.
"Yeah, yeah. All right, you need dress robes, do you? Don't worry, I'm an expert, I'll get you settled in a jiffy..."
Twenty minutes later, the eight of them came out with heavy bundles of different colored dress robes for each of them.
"What a nice way to meet long-lost cousins," said James dryly, as they headed off to where Mr. and Mrs. Potter were.
"James! Finally...I was worried," said Mrs. Potter, waving at them anxiously.
"I met Leanne Potter," was James' short response.
Mr. Potter cleared his throat and shifted nervously. "So—what do you think of her?"
"I still don't quite believe her."
"That's understandable. Of course, we believed her right away, because we've known Leanne all our lives. You, of course, were only five when she left home. By looking at her good-humored ways and natural smile, we could easily tell it was her, especially your Aunt Josie. She nearly cried a whole river when she saw Leanne standing at her doorstep."
"God, do I hate this," said James impatiently, squirming into his dress robes. "Malfoy and Snape are going to be crying by the time they see me in this thing."
"It's not too bad," said Sirius, admiring himself in the mirror. "I do look good, don't I?"
James snorted. "Sirius, I don't give a Galleon about how you look. What about me?"
"Why, want to impress Y/n?"
He ignored him. "Well...so, how do I look?"
"Like a Malfoy."
"Very funny."
"I'm serious."
"I know you're Sirius, I haven't forgotten your name you know." James smirked.
Sirius groaned. "Not this again. I thought you said that that joke is as old as the hills."
"I know. I just want to get on your nerves since you're getting on mine."
After the two boys got downstairs, the girls were already waiting for them. James was very impressed with Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet, but Y/n was who really caught his attention. She was wearing elegant dress robes of e/c, bringing out the brilliance of her eyes, and her hair was in ringlets. She smiled awkwardly at James as he continued to stare and gape openly at her.
"Any day now, James," said Mr. Potter, chuckling.
James snapped out of his trance. "Huh? What did you say?"
"Heads-over-heels," muttered Sirius.
"Oh yeah, n/n, would you be my escort and partner?" he asked politely, directing his attention fully to the h/c again.
"Er—sure," said y/n, trying hard not to giggle; though she thought that James looked rather cute.
"Thanks," he said happily, grinning from ear-to-ear. y/n distinctly saw Arabella roll her eyes, and she stifled a laugh.
Jennifer smiled, and whispered something in Remus' ear, and he smiled as well. Then they both leaned over and told Arabella and Sirius, and they smiled, too.
"All right, what are you all smiling about?" asked Y/n loudly. "It's probably something about me and James...isn't it?"
"You'll find out," said Violet, grinning mysteriously. Y/n groaned.
"Probably going to play matchmaker again," said James, rolling his eyes. "Bells and Siri-boy are trying to get us back for matchmaking them."
"Nah, I'm actually thankful that you did, James, or else Sirius and I would still be fighting, since we're too damn stubborn to make up with each other," said Arabella genuinely.
"Wow, Bella, that must be the most sentimental thing you've ever said in your life!" cried Y/n, grinning at her friend teasingly.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," muttered the other girl.
"Y/n! What a pleasant surprise!" Running towards her was none other than Severus Snape. Y/n groaned inwardly as he gave a short bow to her.
"Would you like to be my escort?" he asked hopefully.
But before Y/n could reply, James said coldly, "Sorry, Snapie, but Y/n's my escort."
Snape narrowed his eyes. "She is not. She's mine."
"I'm sorry, Severus, but James asked me before and I said yes," replied Y/n, her cheeks red.
"Really?" He looked as if he were going to cry, but restrained himself quickly. "Well, I'd better go find Lucius and Evan." Then he strolled off, muttering furiously about Potter always stealing everything he tried to grasp.
"I feel sort of bad for him," said Y/n wistfully, watching the boy angrily talk to Malfoy.
"Does this mean you're going to ditch me for the greasy kid?" asked James helplessly. He didn't want to lose Y/n just then.
Y/n laughed. "Of course not! It just never occurred to me that Slytherins like Snape actually had feelings. I just assumed they were just blocks of ice that wouldn't allow anyone to break through their cold exterior."
"Very poetic," commented James, relieved that Y/n wasn't about to dump him for Snape.
"You didn't think I'd dump you off for Snape, did you?" she asked suspiciously.
"Er—yeah, I actually did."
Y/n narrowed her eyes. "Why did you think that?"
"Because you hate me."
"Look, I don't 'hate' you, I 'dislike' you."
"Same thing."
Y/n opened her mouth to say something, but then snapped it shut. "Yeah, I suppose it does."
The music then started, and many adults and teenagers were on the floor, dancing.
"So...want to dance?" asked James uncomfortably.
"Sure," said Y/n, rolling her eyes.
They started dancing to the slow tune, and were soon the main couple on the dance floor. James' elegant moves and Y/n's graceful steps made them admired by both the grown wizards and the younger wizards. Mrs. Potter was wiping her eyes, smiling, and Mr. Potter was grinning. Along the side, the six other friends were smiling like maniacs, and Sirius muttered to Arabella, "You owe me five Sickles."
The couple, however, did not impress Snape, Malfoy, and their little gang of Slytherins at all.
"Potter stole my girl," mumbled Snape, glaring at James menacingly.
"Why would you want a Mudblood for a girl anyway, Severus?" asked Wilkes, wrinkling his nose.
"Yeah, think about what your father would say if he found out," said Rosier, frowning.
"She's not a Mudblood," said Snape quietly. "She's more than that. Much more."
"Well, what more can she be?" snapped Malfoy impatiently. "First of all, she's a Mudblood. Second of all, she's dancing with Potter and is friends with Potter and his little pathetic gang. She's not even pretty!"
"To me, she's beautiful."
"Snape, get over it," said Lestrange, rolling his eyes. "Though Maria Santiago is very attractive, don't you think?" He was referring to one of the prettier Slytherin girls (even though there aren't any), who hated nearly everyone in sight except for himself.
"She'd be pretty fine if she didn't hate all of us," said Rosier thoughtfully.
"Still...your father would be furious, Severus, if he found out," said Wilkes quietly. "I mean, he hates Mudbloods."
"Y/n is NOT a Mudblood!" screeched Snape. "I...I love her."
The other Slytherins nearly fell out of the chairs they were sitting in.
"You're in love with a Mudblood, Snape?" asked Malfoy incredulously. "How low can you get?"
"Severus, we'll be keeping your mind off that L/n girl," said Lestrange smoothly. "After all, we are entrusted to serve under our Lord..."
"You're right, Lestrange, the Dark Lord needs us to gain power so he can rule the wizarding world," said Snape, smiling evilly. "Come, I'm going to find Father and discuss our plans."
"Looks like Snape 'loves' you, L/n," said James, snorting into his Yorkshire pudding as he heard Snape's outburst. "Poor thing."
"I thought you hated Snape, Potter," said Y/n, frowning.
"Oh, I do, I was saying that you were the poor thing."
"Yeah...right. Whatever."
"Can you believe there's only two more weeks until Hogwarts is opened again?" asked Arabella, sighing. "It seems like the summer's been so short."
"Yeah. I'm going to miss it here. Mr. and Mrs. Potter are really nice people. But I am looking forward to entering that nice old castle again. I feel much more at home at Hogwarts than in my own home."
"Well, you're going to have to like James' parents, since they'll be your mother- and father-in-law," said Jennifer brightly.
"Whatever," said Y/n, not paying any attention to what they were saying.
"You know, n/n, you say 'whatever' too many times."
"Have a better attitude than that, young lady," said Arabella sternly.
"Wow! For a moment there, Bells, I thought you sounded like McGonagall," said y/n, impressed.
The four girls smiled at each other and laughed, and y/n looked through the window. Tomorrow they would be going to Diagon Alley to get their school supplies for the Third Year. The Potter Mansion was very nice, but she wanted to get back to Hogwarts again—her real home.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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amarauder · 6 years ago
chapter six ❥ | original
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Please read above before starting. Arabella sighed dramatically. "You know...I'd like to meet Harry."
Y/n's eyes widened. "You'd like to what?"
"Meet Harry."
"But—you can't do that!"
"Why not?"
"He's from the future, Bells. What would he do when he sees his deceased mother and father standing right next to him, thirty years younger? I tell you, he'd faint and die!"
Arabella snorted. "Yeah, yeah. It was just a thought. He seems like a good kid."
"Since he's been running from that—well, that wizard who tried to kill him for practically his whole life, yeah."
"I'm guessing he didn't live with Sirius then?"
"Er—don't think so. Whoever he lived with, I hope he was happy there."
There was a sudden boom as the portrait hole swung open. James barged in, his eyes blazing with anger.
"L/n!" he shouted. "Get over here!"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "What's eating him?"
"You haven't played any pranks on him, have you?"
"Please, Bella, I haven't done one on him for two months. What do you expect?" But she walked towards James, startled by his anger.
"James Potter, what the heck is wrong with you?"
"I'll tell you what's wrong!" He was shaking with anger. "I just came back from Dumbledore's office, and guess who and where Harry's going to live with after we die? Your sister, y/s/n!"
Y/n's mouth dropped wide open. "You—you're joking."
"No, I'm not," he replied flatly. "It's the truth."
"What could possess us to not give Harry to Sirius...or Remus? Or one of my friends? Why y/s/n, of all the people?"
James shrugged. "Dumbledore has his reasons."
Y/n glared at him. "You always say that. I suppose you're right, though, the man does have his reasons. Brilliant wizard, though a bit off his rocker."
"He wouldn't tell me who murdered us," persisted James.
"Why not?"
"It'll affect the future. Besides, he's going to put a Memory Charm on us to forget about all this stuff anyway. And the charm is going to be on the people who know about Harry and all that stuff in the future."
Y/n sighed. "I've always wanted to meet Hermione."
James snickered. "Yeah, seeing that you're her replica in the past. All she worries about is studying, too! Harry and Ron are more sensible."
"Oh really?"
"Of course. I've been observing and thinking about them, and they remind me a lot of Sirius and me. They're really close—closer than brothers."
"Poor dear—he needs love in his life," said Y/n, sighing once more. "I'm really glad that Professor Dumbledore told us that a lot of people care for him in the absence of us."
James rolled his eyes. "Everyone's a 'poor dear' to you."
"Everyone except you," snapped Y/n.
"Hey Y/n, when's our next Potions test?" mimicked James.
"Argh! James Potter, SHUT UP!"
Suddenly, Professor McGonagall barged into Gryffindor Tower. All the students looked stunned as she stared around wildly.
"All right, Potter, Black, which one of you did it?"
James and Sirius looked at each other, bewildered. "We—we didn't do anything, Professor McGonagall."
McGonagall snorted. "Yes, yes, I've heard that before. Now, which one of you did it?"
"Did what, exactly?"
Professor McGonagall stared suspiciously at them. She took out her wand, muttered a few words, and James and Sirius began talking loudly in front of the whole common room.
"What the heck is McGonagall talking about?"
"Probably old Snape played a prank on himself and said we did it."
"Evil git."
McGonagall rolled her eyes. "So...we'll see about this." She left the portrait hole without a word.
"McGonagall put a spell on us!" cried Sirius, as soon as she left.
"Oh, hush Sirius, she was just trying to see if you guys were telling the truth," snapped Y/n.
"Why wouldn't we be?" asked James.
Arabella snorted. "You guys always lie to her. It's not her fault she barely trusts any of you."
"You guys are so shallow, I don't know how girls are still falling for you when you break their hearts," put in Jennifer.
"All right, that's just low!" exclaimed James. "For your information, we are not players. Second of all, Sirius already has Arabella and I'm not interested in girls. So there."
"That's because you, Jamie-boy, only have eyes for Y/n," said Sirius, grinning.
"Come on, you know you love Y/n."
In most unfortunate timing, Deanna had just strolled over without Kevin (miraculously). She flashed James a smile, but he completely ignored her.
"So you and Y/n are a couple now?" she asked sweetly.
He glared at her. "No. What are you doing here anyway?"
"Well, I am a Gryffindor, you know. This is also my common room."
Y/n suddenly coughed loudly, which was probably to hide a snigger.
"Are you all right?" asked James, concerned. "Here, you can borrow my cloak."
Y/n grinned widely. "No—that's all right, James." Suddenly, the seven of them burst out laughing, much to James' confusion. Then he understood.
"Deanna?" he asked, just as sweetly. "Would you like to accompany me to the lake?"
Deanna raised her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, James, but you know I already have Kevin. Besides, you're a second year." She laughed wryly and stalked off.
"Miserable bat," muttered James.
"Y/n will accompany you," piped up Peter.
"Oh, will I?" asked Y/n, narrowing her eyes at the little boy.
"Er—no, you actually won't," Peter quickly said.
James frowned. "Come on, L/n, you will accompany me to the lake."
Y/n sighed. "All right, then."
As the two headed outside, Y/n narrowed her eyes. "Okay Potter, what's this all about?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Come on, you know you hate me. Now tell me why you're dragging me out to the lake. I very much doubt if we're allowed on the grounds this time of year—"
"L/n, what's your motto?"
Y/n frowned. "I don't have one."
"Yes, you do. It's 'rules comes first in life before everything else, including family and friends'."
Y/n felt humiliated. "That's not true!"
"Oh, isn't it?"
"No, it isn't! Now tell me why you dragged me here, of all the places."
"I wanted to talk to you."
"About what? It's not like you ever had anything good to say to me besides insults."
"Fine, I dragged you here to discuss Harry."
"What about him?"
"Well, for one thing, he's our son."
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Oh, wow, only a genius could figure that out!" she said sarcastically.
"Humph! You would sneer. Anyway, since he's our son, we're probably going to get married later on...much later on."
"Work of a genius here, Potter." Y/n was getting more sarcastic by the minute.
"All right, I'll get to the point! I'm afraid."
This time, Y/n didn't say anything. She was too stunned. James Potter, who ruled the Quidditch field and had girls all over him—afraid? It was almost laughable, but Y/n was tactful, and knew that it wasn't a good idea to laugh just then.
"Afraid? Of what?"
"All this is happening so fast, L/n. I mean, we're getting married when we're older. We hate each other! And we're going to die together later on. I mean...we're too young to handle this all!"
Y/n sighed. "Well, Dumbledore is going to put a powerful Memory Charm on us to forget all this. But...yeah, it is scary. Seeing me married to you...having a son...and then dying! I guess that's how fate works."
James grinned. "You know, L/n, you're not half bad."
"Oh really? Well...you are."
"Ouch, that hurt, L/n!"
Y/n laughed. "It was too personal."
"You got that right."
"I'm bored," complained Arabella, yawning. "I wish Sirius was here."
Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Girl, why are you thinking about Sirius all the time?"
"Hey, I wouldn't be talking! You think about Remus all the time, too!"
"Well...that's different. Because Remus is really sweet and Sirius—well, Sirius, he's not."
"Now that's a personal insult!"
"Hey, it wasn't made at you!"
"So? You insult my man, you insult me!"
Y/n, who was watching all of this comfortably in one of the armchairs by the fire, laughed out loud. "Oh, Bells, you think too much of Sirius. Can't you guys take your mind off boys for once in your life?"
"Nope, no can do, y/n," said Bella, grinning. "Besides, I wouldn't be talking. What about James? I saw you and him cuddling yesterday by the lake!"
Y/n snorted with laughter. "Cuddling? I could barely call it that, Bells; he and I were just discussing—things."
"What kind of things?"
Y/n shook her head in disbelief. "You really love to pull my leg, don't you?"
"Of course."
"You know, at the Hogwarts Express first day back, you weren't so cocky."
"That's because I didn't know anyone. Once I know a few people, I start bouncing off the walls."
The four girls all laughed. Then the Marauders all entered the common room at perfect timing, with stupid grins on their faces.
"Y/n L/n, so charming to see you!" James had bowed down low and kissed Y/n's hand. Y/n quickly removed her hand from his, blushing furiously.
"They're going to have quite a love story, as far as I'm concerned," said Arabella softly, watching the two flirt (though Y/n and James would not admit it as 'flirting') shamelessly with each other.
"Those two are destined for each other—like fate," said Sirius, just as softly. "You know, Bella, should we try our skills and set them up together?"
Arabella grinned, but shook her head sadly. "No. They'll murder us, and murder each other. It's best if we let fate do it on its own. And if things don't work out right—then we'll play matchmaker."
"Sounds good to me."
Meanwhile, Jennifer and Remus were having their own little conversation.
"Y/n and James are so flirting with each other!" said Jen dramatically. "If only they would admit it!"
"Come on, Jenny, you know those two are as hard-headed as people can be. If we could just do a bit of matchmaking..."
"Remus Lupin, you know we shouldn't! Let's not meddle with fate. You know that they'll be together somehow. Besides, Sirius and Arabella are probably over there just now to discuss how to make them fall in love with each other. They'd get mad at us if we tried and ruined everything."
"And James would never forgive me."
Jennifer's ears perked up. "What was that?"
Remus smiled. "James likes Y/n a lot, but he obviously won't admit it, as you can see." He glared at the black-haired boy, who was now entertaining the h/c next to him.
"Yeah, I'm sure n/n has a little crush on Jamie-boy as well. Still, I do wish they would stop arguing! Then the world would be at peace."
(A/N: Yeah, I know, you're all probably dying to hear what the heck you  and James are 'flirting' about. Well, meanwhile...you and James are flirting...)
Y/n snorted. "Potter, I will not try out for the Quidditch team, much less even play it at all, for the matter."
"You girls are so wimpy!" exclaimed James. "Come on, L/n, you're just scared!"
"Fine, I admit it. I'm not even sure if this is admitting it, since I've said I am scared of heights for the fifth time!"
"Gee...I guess I didn't listen! You know, I have the funniest feeling that the others are talking about us. Probably want to 'bring us together', as Sirius says every day."
"Sirius is a great prat," said Y/n, frowning. "I can't believe who would name him godfather."
James grinned guiltily. "That would probably be me. But hey, you made Arabella godmother!"
"And for a good reason! Bella's trustworthy...most of the time. Besides, those two are getting married anyway, why not make it easier and name them the godparents of Harry?" Mentioning Harry had made her eyes suddenly clouded, and her lips trembled.
"Are you all right?" asked James, concerned. "You look pale?"
"James, I just had the strangest dream last night. Harry was dueling this wizard, and a long, golden thread connected their wands. We came out from the golden thread, and I gave him instructions...to take the Portkey and get back to Hogwarts. What was that all about? And you kept saying 'do it now...do it now...'"
James' eyes widened. "Well, I have no idea. I had a funny dream, too...Sirius, he was looking up in the sky and talking to the clouds or something. Then I was standing on the clouds and giving him instructions for something. My first thought when I woke up was that Sirius had finally cracked, but I'm not quite sure. I mean, I think I was in Heaven."
"Was—was I there?"
"Yes. The funny thing was, you were standing right beside me, telling me things occasionally. It was something about Harry—how to cheer him up. He seemed to have go into some sort of depression state."
"Poor boy. I wish—oh, I wish we could find out more about the future! He's such a brave boy with a sad past and a miserable present. We certainly can't make life easier for him."
"Unless if we were alive...but it would be impossible. We were hit with the Killing Curse, remember? No spell can awaken the dead."
Y/n smiled. "You know, I think that we're starting to like each other...you know, as friends."
James looked horrified. "This calls for a prank!"
The two headed off to their respected dorms and prepared a prank on each other.
"James Potter, you prat!" cried Y/n. She was searching for James all over the common room. Her hair, which was her greatest pride besides her grades, was a dark black—the very color she had once stated that she would never want her hair to be. And not only was it black, but there were violet streaks in it and it was in wild tumbles down her back.
"Ah, L/n, very pretty work, isn't it?"
Y/n turned around, and her e/c hues locked into a pair of brown ones.
"You're going to pay, Potter!"
James smirked. "I thought we had a deal to play pranks on each other."
"I know, but—but—" she spluttered. "But my hair! You know it's my greatest pride besides schoolwork! Ugh! James Potter, you are the worst prat in this whole entire school!"
"Ah, L/n, don't get too overactive. After all, you did make me make the announcement about wanting to snog Kelly Midgeon in front of the whole entire school yesterday. Now that wasn't fair. Now Midgeon bats her eyelashes every single time I walk past her. It's disgusting." He made a face.
Y/n giggled. "Well, it was amusing."
"And so is your hair."
She glared at him, and then sighed. "Oh...I get what you mean. I suppose I shouldn't be too mad."
"Y/n!" Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet were all running towards her, but stopped dead on their tracks when they saw her hair.
"What happened to your hair, n/n?" gasped Violet, her eyes widening.
Y/n pointed one accusing finger to James and rasped, "Potter."
Arabella grinned. "James, you're a genius. This here—it's a piece of art."
James bowed low. "Thank you, thank you."
Y/n's mouth dropped. "You're supposed to be supportive, Bella!" she whined.
"Oh, I am. Would it make you feel better to say that it clashes horribly with your complexion?"
"It doesn't look too bad," supplied Jennifer hopefully. "It looks kind of nice...black hair isn't too bad."
"Especially since I have it," added James.
"Which is a better reason why I hate it," snapped Y/n. Then she glanced at her watch and jumped. "Shoot! There are twenty minutes until Potions!" All of them looked at each other and dashed out of the portrait hole.
"Be careful next time!" called the Fat Lady irritably as they dashed down to the dungeons. "I'm not a block of wood, you know!"
"Sorry Professor," panted Y/n, as they arrived three minutes later into the Potions classroom. "We were running a little late and—" She stopped and her eyes widened.
Standing in front of the class was not Hurst, but Dumbledore. The girls and James all gasped, and stood by the door, shocked.
Professor Dumbledore smiled. "Understandable, Ms.L/n. Ah, yes, you are probably wondering where Professor Hurst is. Well, he's feeling a bit ill right now with the common case of a cold, and is resting in bed. So I have decided to take over his class. Now, please take your seats. I was just about to begin class anyway." His blue eyes twinkled.
They all sat down, and Y/n blurted, "What about our punishment?"
Dumbledore blinked and frowned at her. "Excuse me, Ms. L/n?"
"Professor Hurst always takes points from Gryffindor when someone is late," she replied, ignoring the incredulous looks she was getting from her fellow Gryffindors.
Dumbledore smiled. "Yes, yes, does he now? Well, that's certainly not my policy, Ms. L/n, so there will be no punishment. Oh, and I do love what you have done to your hair. A creation of Mr. Potter's, perhaps?" He winked at James.
"The very best, sir!" cried James enthusiastically.
Y/n colored. "We're not in good terms, sir."
"I can see that. Now, where did Professor Hurst leave off? Ah, yes, the Aging Potion..."
At then end of class, Sirius was still howling over James' prank.
"Bloody genius, Jamie-boy, if I don't say so myself!" he cried, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Y/n narrowed her eyes. "It's not that funny."
"Of course it is! Even Bella thinks so!"
"I do," admitted Arabella.
Suddenly, James approached her. He waved his wand casually, and her regular h/c hair had changed back.
"Oh, thank you James!" cried y/n, hugging him. Passers-by stared at the odd couple, wondering vaguely if this was the influence of a Love Potion.
"L/n...choking me..." was all James managed to say before Y/n jumped off him, blushing.
"Well, well, if the little Mudblood and the disgraceful pureblood are officially a couple." It was Snape speaking, and his eyes were flashing menacingly.
"Leave Y/n be, Snape," snapped James coldly. "Just seeing you spoils my good mood."
"Oh, really? And I suppose your little girlfriend can't even speak for herself?"
Before James could say another word to defend her, Y/n drew out her wand and pointed it straight at Snape's heart.
"I don't score top at Charms for nothing, Snape," she hissed. "I can perform any charm you can name. Just name one, and I'll be sure to perform it on you."
Snape backed away. "You—you wouldn't dare," he stuttered.
"Oh, wouldn't I?" Y/n's eyes were flashing with anger.
Snape, by instinct, positively fled after that statement. Y/n watched him run to the Slytherin common room, smirking.
"That was brilliant, n/n!" cried Arabella, laughing. "Oh, was Snape scared!"
"Hey, Y/n," said Sirius, grinning widely. "If Snape didn't run away, would you have performed a charm at him."
Y/n grinned back. "I never tell a lie."
"Nice show there, L/n," said James, frowning slightly.
"You're just jealous that Y/n made a better show of defense," said Arabella.
"What would possess you to think that?" asked James, but he was turning rather red.
"Out of common sense, seeing that it's true," piped up Sirius.
"Prats," muttered James, under his breath.
"I liked your black hair," sighed Arabella, shooting daggers at Y/n's h/c hair.
"Well, I didn't, so there," snapped Y/n, sticking out her tongue.
"Remus, Jen, can't you stop the sweet-talk for one second?" asked Sirius, groaning. "God, you're even worse than me and Bella!"
"Sirius," warned Arabella threateningly.
Both Remus and Jennifer jumped back, blushing.
"We were just—um—" began Jennifer, but Arabella shook her head, smirking.
"You guys are plotting how to get Lily and James together, aren't you?"
"We're what?"
"So it's true?"
"Of course not!" Remus looked scandalized, but Jennifer smiled slightly.
"We thought upon it, and decided to leave it to you and Sirius."
"Good girl, Jenny!" cried Bella. "Always thinking about others!"
"Jen..." muttered Remus thickly.
"Oh, come on, Remus, have a little fun for once! After all, it is true." She smiled.
Y/n shook her head. "You are all hopeless. Come on, Vi, it's time for lunch. You and Peter are the only sensible people in this group; even Remus is beginning to become untrustworthy."
"What about me?" asked Sirius, pouting. "I'm good, aren't I?"
"Siri-boy, you and Bella are the worst out of the whole group."
"That's my nickname for Sirius!" cried James. "How come everyone steals my nicknames? Huh? Why?"
"Because you're so naïve, Potter," said Y/n, grinning. "See...if you were quick enough, you'd take our nicknames that we make up, too."
"Hey, I don't steal them not because I'm thick," he argued. "I just don't steal them because they're not original. I only like original." He smirked back.
"Humph! That's your problem, then. I don't think you're all-that, Potter, but you—you're just an egotistical jerk. Seriously."
"Hey, you think you're all 'I'm so almighty', too!"
"I do not, Potter."
"You do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"God, you guys sound like four-year-olds!" exclaimed Arabella, shaking her head. "No wonder why you get married later on."
"BELLA!" the two screamed.
"Bells, you're slow," commented Sirius, swinging his arm over her.
Sirius slapped his hand over his forehead and replied, "Nothing, nothing."
"You guys treat me like I'm daft!" she cried.
"That's because you are, Bella," said Violet.
"Go Vi! You're improving every day now! We can finally get you out of that shell." Jennifer was hyperventilating.
"What shell?" she asked.
"Oh, come on, Vi, you're always so sensible and prim. You need to be more—wild once in while."
"I certainly do not!" Violet was scandalized at the thought.
"Aww, Violet, don't listen to Jen, she's just bluffing this all," said Remus soothingly.
"Am I?" Jennifer raised her eyebrows at Remus. "Come on, Remie, you know me too well. I always mean what I say."
"Food!" cried Sirius, and he dashed off towards the Gryffindor Table and began munching on a chicken leg.
"Come on, dog-boy, save some for the rest of us," joked Arabella, as the rest of them sat down to eat.
"Wha'?" asked Sirius, his mouth full of chicken. "Wha' 'ou say?"
"You sound like you're speaking in French," said Y/n, giggling.
"Sirius, don't speak with your mouth full," chided Jennifer.
Sirius swallowed the chicken and replied, "Yes, Professor Dean, I'll be sure to remember next time."
Everyone except Jennifer burst out laughing.
"Not funny," she snapped irritably.
Y/n grinned. "Come on Jen, lighten up. Besides, you'd make a great professor—especially at Astronomy."
Jennifer's face lightened up. "Really?"
Sirius coughed. "I hate warm moments," he muttered.
"Siri-boy, you share too many warm moments with Bella, even! I wouldn't be talking!" James was glaring indignantly at his best friend.
"Well, you and Y/nflirt pretty heavily too, Jamie-boy."
"We WHAT?"
Remus snorted. "Don't tell me that you don't know that you flirt with Y/n all the time."
"It's not flirting. It's—talking."
"Yeah, with you and Y/n making lovesick faces at each other," added Peter, who had been silent for the past five minutes.
"Vi...you don't think..." began Y/n. Her face fell when Violet nodded, smiling. She groaned.
"My life is officially over. You guys all torture me to no end. Maybe I'll go hang around the Hufflepuffs for a while...that idiot Lockhart kid will do."
"Come on, N/n, we were just joking; no need to get so desperate. That Gilderoy Lockhart is just an airhead idiot. Nearly all Hufflepuffs are."
"Gee, Bella, I do remember you making puppy faces at Amos Diggory during our first year..." teased Y/n.
"You did what?" demanded Sirius, glaring at his current "girlfriend".
"This was before us, Sirius," said Arabella soothingly, but her face was a brilliant shade of red.
"We have Herbology after lunch," announced Y/n, chewing slowly at a piece of buttered bread.
"Did you memorize the schedule?" asked James lazily.
Y/n looked surprised. "Of course I did! You need to, you know. It's much more convenient."
"n/n, you're another person who needs to loosen up a bit," said Arabella. "Stop studying for once in your life."
"I couldn't do that!" y/n looked horrified at the very thought of failing a Potions exam.
"Ah, the Hermione coming back to you, n/n?" asked James, grinning.
"Humph! At least she's a sensible one."
"You just told Vi to stop being so sensible," said Jennifer, thinking. Then she turned around and began to speak in whispers with Remus again.
"You two are seriously planning to get married, aren't you?" asked Arabella impatiently, looking at Jennifer giggling at something Remus had said. "Jennifer Lupin...sounds kind of nice. Mrs. Remus Lupin—Mrs. Lupin—Jennifer Dean Lupin—I can think of the possibilities!"
"Bells..." said Jennifer, blushing furiously. "Remus and I aren't getting married!"
"Well, you two sure act like it!"
Both Jennifer and Remus' faces had turned bright red. Y/n saw her friend in need and came to the rescue.
"Ah, but Bella," she said wisely, trying to keep a straight face, "you and Sirius do much of bonding as well. Arabella Figg Black—Mrs. Sirius Black—Mrs. Black—all those names for you, too!"
All except for Arabella and Sirius burst out laughing, while the latter was fuming. Then Y/n cried, "Oh, Bells, I was just pulling your leg. No need to get physical."
Then they all laughed together. (A/N: I know, so corny! Yeah, yeah, everyone laughing...pathetic. But hey, give me a break! School is not fun, since I have four tests coming up M )
Christmas came and went. Y/n had received gracious presents from all her friends and the Marauders, including James. She had even given a present to her worst enemy: a snow globe with an older version of him and a present him (supposed to represent Harry) standing next to each other, which she had gotten made especially from a Daily Prophet advertisement. James himself had given her a stuffed cat, which really meowed and purred and moved about. All their friends, especially Sirius and Arabella, had teased them to no end about when their wedding would take place. Sirius had begged to be best man and Arabella, the bridesmaid, much to the fury of Y/n and James. But they had started to grow a bit closer, though the two would not admit it.
"Y/n likes Jamsie, Y/n likes Jamsie" was be the chant that Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet would sing every time Y/n and James walked pass them together.
"Infuriating," mumbled Y/n, when the three had started to chant again after she and James left Dumbledore's office. "Be glad your friends don't do this, Potter."
"I had to actually put the Full Body-Bind curse on Sirius, who put a spell on me that said 'Y/n L/n is absolutely gorgeous and I really want to be locked up in a room with her'," admitted James.
Y/n made a face. "Very harsh. But really, James"—she grinned—"do you want to get locked up in a room with me?"
James stared at her. "This is a joke, right? Because it's seriously not funny, Lily. I'm not a pervert like Sirius is!"
"Oh, and is he a pervert?"
"Yep. When I had threatened him that I would lock him in a room with Arabella if he didn't take that spell off me, he said he wouldn't mind. Definitely a pervert." "Poor Bella," sighed Y/n.
"Oh...Y/n?" asked James, after a moment of silence.
"I—I just wanted to thank you properly for the snow globe. I couldn't thank you properly before, since Sirius could never give me a moment's peace."
Y/n laughed. "You're welcome. And—thanks for the stuffed cat, too. It's really cute." She giggled. "I named it Snuggles."
"Snuggles? Is that the best name you can think of?" James snorted.
Y/n looked insulted. "Hey, it's a cute name! Besides, you're a boy, what would you know?"
"A lot more than Ms. Y/n L/n, that's for sure."
"Jamie-boy, you're an idiot, you know that?"
"You know, you're beginning to sound like Sirius."
"That's because I am serious, you idiot!"
"No, you're not Sirius, you're Y/n."
Y/n groaned. "The stupid pun again. Let's stop."
"You're the one who started it."
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"All right, I started it. Are you happy now?"
"Ego—" began Y/n, but stopped immediately. "What did you call me? Snape's lover? It's a joke, right?"
"Er—sorry, no. Snape likes you."
Y/n rolled her eyes. "I hope it's not another stupid prank again."
"Oh no. Sirius and I sneaked near the dungeons once and heard Snape telling Rosier that he liked you. And that was after the spell wore off."
"I don't believe you."
"Fine, believe what you want to, but it's true!"
That night,Y/n  had another strange dream again.
It was Harry, and he was looking out of the window of his dormitory, muttering to himself. He looked about twelve or thirteen judging by his size, and a single tear had trickled down his cheek.
"Prongs," he whispered. "Dad...I wish I could be with you and Mum one day. Sirius is innocent—it was Peter who did it, Dad, it was Peter."
Then the redhead boy, Ron, entered the dormitory and sat down on the opposite side of Harry, looking worried.
"Harry, you're not moaning about your dad again, are you?"
Harry didn't answer.
Ron persisted. "Look, Harry, I know you want your dad back...and your mum. So do we all. But, you can't be depressed about all this, you know. You remember what Dumbledore said to you: 'Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have in need of him'. Your dad and mum are both alive in you, Harry. You're not the only who misses them. That's why everyone in the wizarding world are in tears when they see you. You remind them so much of both your mum and dad. I hope you understand this."
Harry smiled. "Thanks Ron. I guess I really needed that. But...maybe someday, I'll see my dad prancing as a stag in the Quidditch Field. Someday."
"Yeah. Someday." Then both boys had left for the common room, where a distinct tear was visible on Harry's cheek.
Y/n sat straight up, tears in her own eyes. Poor Harry! She knew that he probably loved them both, but James was really important to him...she needed to talk to James and Dumbledore.
She entered the boys' dormitory, where she found the light on and four boys rubbing their eyes sleepily.
"Good of you to see us, Y/n," mumbled Sirius thickly.
"Why are you guys awake?" asked Y/n curiously.
"'Cause Jamie-boy had a nightmare again."
"It was not a nightmare!" cried James. "It was just...something that really stirred me up."
"Oh, hush it up, Potter." With that said, Sirius' head landed on his pillow and he was fast asleep again.
"I had a dream again, James," Y/n whispered. "I need to see Dumbledore. Want to come?"
"That's what I was planning to do anyway."
James and Y/n went out of the portrait hole and headed off for Dumbledore's office. McGonagall and the other teachers never bothered when they saw them frequently visiting the headmaster's office during night, since they knew that the two had dreams of the future.
"I was expecting you," said Dumbledore warmly, as they entered his office.
"Sir," began James hurriedly. "Harry—he needs us. Can't we...can't we travel to the future and—!"
"James," cut off Y/n sharply. "You can't. You'll meddle with time and everything will be mixed and messed up."
"Ms. L/n is right, Mr. Potter," said Dumbledore gravely. "You mustn't meddle with time."
"And—" began Y/n, but she decided not to say it. What did it mean when Harry said he wished he saw James prancing around as a stag?
When they left, James grasped Y/n's hand briefly.
"Don't worry, I'm as confused as you are. But don't mention this to Bella or anyone. It's kind of really personal."
Lily smiled. "I know."
James grinned and slipped his arm around her shoulders. "So tell me about this dream of yours."
"Well, Harry was looking outside of the window and was crying. He said that he needed you and said something about Sirius being innocent and how 'it was Peter'. I had no idea what he was talking about, whatsoever. Then his friend, Ron, came in and said that his—we are alive in him, especially you, and that we'll be with him someday. It seemed to have cheered him up a bit, but he was still crying when he left for the common room. Poor kid."Y/n sniffed and couldn't resist any longer. She burst out crying in front of James.
James patted her arm awkwardly. "Look n/n, it's all right. Because whatever happens to Harry, whatever happens to us—we'll stick together. Even if we are enemies right now."
"And we can't get along much at all," added Y/n.
"But we'll definitely become friends later."
"Much later."
Y/n grinned. "Come on, let's get back to sleep. Professor Wickham will not be pleased tomorrow for Defense Against the Dark Arts."
(A/N: LOL! I know...Wickham is the guy who Lydia fell in love with in Pride and Prejudice. But hey, give me a break, I was running out of names here!)
"Yeah. But whatever happens, we'll stick together, right? And help Harry?"
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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