#Kiss | Jonathan and Martha
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kent-farm · 1 year ago
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Every day can be this wonderful.
—Lillian Luthor, Smallville, “Lexmas”
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marvelwitchergilmore · 1 month ago
Forever Love
Summary: Clark Kent/Superman x Fe!Reader -> Everyone knows you and Clark love each other and despite knowing everything about each other, you both seemed to have missed that shared information. So what happens when Clark overhears something before you're about to get married to someone else?
Disclaimer: Oblivious idiots in love, best friends to lovers, fluff, cute moments, splatters of romantic angst throughout, happy ending, Jonathan and Martha Kent helping meddle...sorta. Set in the 90s Lois and Clark show but can be for any version of Clark/Superman. There might be some spelling mistakes but we're gonna ignore them. Enjoy!
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You felt like you were drowning. 
Surrounded in taffeta and organza and another fabric you couldn’t name. For the last two hours, you’d been pushed and pulled out of a wedding dressing room, trying on dress after dress after dress. And you didn’t like a single one of them. 
“I think it needs to be…bigger. And perhaps more veil.” 
You could hear your future mother-in-law behind you as she spoke with the wedding dress consultant and the rest of the entourage she’d surprised you with at ten o’clock outside of the building. 
“No, it’s the beads. Maybe a few more?”
“Ooh! I saw the perfect dress on one of the mannequins.”
“The cream one?”
“No, the off-white. The one with the ruching.”
Under the pile of…whatever fabric you’d been forced into, you sighed. 
“Perhaps you’d like to come back next week?” The dress consultant turned to you before sneaking a look to the rest of your entourage. “We have a new shipment coming in on Sunday. We’ve got an opening for Monday?”
“I think that will be great,” you smiled, touching her arm. 
“Nonsense. We can find a perfect gown today.”
“I think we’ve tried every dress on in the store.” 
Your mother-in-law looked at you and hummed. “Maybe Monday will be best. Right, I’ll call Todd and tell him.”
With a thankful sigh you made your way back to the changing room and kicked the dress to the corner of the room – not that it moved. There was that much fabric, it remained still. 
“I thought this was meant to be your wedding.”
“It was. It is.” You quickly corrected yourself. “It’s just…it’s not every day your child gets married and she always wanted a daughter. She just wants to…help.”
Clark handed you a coffee. “Do you want me to come with you on Monday?”
You shook your head. “I think that would just make it worse.”
“She believes no man apart of the wedding should see the bride in her dress. And since you’re coming to the wedding, and you’re a man, you won’t even get into the parking lot.”
You sighed as you sat down. 
“You look like you could do with a break.”
You nodded. “Understatement of the century. You know, I thought planning your wedding was meant to be…exciting. Stressful, but exciting.”
“Do you want to come with me this weekend?”
“To what?”
“Smallville County Festival.”
Your entire being practically glowed. “Is it that time of year already?”
Clark smiled and you followed him towards your desks. “Yep. Everyone’s gonna be there. Mrs Ingrid is gonna be making her famous jam scones again.”
He was practically teasing you. 
“When do you leave?”
“Tomorrow evening.”
You groaned. “I was meant to be going with Todd to this business gala.”
“You have a lifetime to go to them. Who knows, this might be the last year Mrs Ingrid is gonna make her jam scones. Might be the last year they have the hay-bale toss. Might be the last year-”
“I’ll try and get out of it.”
Clark smiled and you felt yourself relax a little. He’d always had a way of doing that to you; making you relax. Making you feel comfortable in your own skin again. 
That’s what it was like with Todd…sort of. 
You’d met him two years ago at the local coffee shop. You’d run into him and spilt your coffee down his white shirt. You’d apologised profusely but he’d laughed it off and said it wasn’t anything dry cleaning couldn’t fix. Then he offered to buy you a new one. You’d debated him for a while about who should be the one to buy coffee for the other. Before you knew it, you found yourself agreeing to go to dinner with him. 
Two years later, you’d finally met his family and you were engaged and everything was…being sorted. Todd’s mother had arranged it all. The wedding planner, the florist, the catering, the venue. And you liked it. Most of it. Some things you wished you could change, but you and Todd had talked. 
His mother always wished she’d gotten a daughter after Todd but she never got pregnant. If some details weren’t to your ultimate liking, was it really the worst thing in the world? 
So you agreed. 
You agreed to lilies and sunflowers at your wedding. 
You agreed to the sixteen extra layers on the cake for the extra four hundred guests that had been invited.
There was already more of Todd’s family attending, than yours, so what was a few extra friends and business associates. A wedding was an opportunity for networking, just as any other gathering. 
You even agreed to her helping you pick out a wedding dress. And she did take your ideas on board. On all the dresses she’d picked out, there was a lace detail in the band. Even if it was covered in bling and diamonds. 
Todd was a great guy. You were lucky to be able to call him your husband. 
“You should go.”
“Are you sure?” 
Pouring two drinks, he placed the stopper back in the bottle. “Of course. Besides, once we’re married who knows how much time you’ll have to be able to visit? Mother told me about a social event that might be right up your street.”
You nodded. “The wives club? Yeah, she mentioned something today. It sounds..fun.”
Todd smiled, handing you the glass and sitting beside you. “Go, have some fun. Clark will look after you?”
You nodded with a light smile. “I can look after myself.”
“Still. You’re going to be the next Mrs Fifth Richest Man in the World.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s Smallville, not Wall Street. I’ll be perfectly safe.”
Todd leaned forward and pecked a kiss to your lips. “Good. I love you.”
You smiled. “I love you, too.”
The next day, you were pulling your overnight back from under your desk and following Clark to his car. 
Just as the clock turned ten, Clark pulled up outside of his parents’ farm. 
“Hey, we’re here.” Clark gently shook you awake. 
Stirring, you looked around in the dark. The familiar wooden porch was lit up by the headlights of the car just before it settled back into the darkness as Clark turned the car off. A few moments later, the screen door creaked open and Martha came running outside. 
“Honey, Clark and Y/n are home!”
You smiled as you heard her include you in being home. Truth be told, the Kent’s farm, as well as Smallville, had always felt like home. 
You and Clark had met in the first semester of college. And, after getting caught in the torrential downpour and taking solace in the local library only to get locked inside overnight, you’d found a close friendship in each other. 
That same year Clark took you home. 
You were meant to fly out to England and meet your uncle for Christmas but when he called and cancelled the day before due to his work load, you decided to stay at your dorm. You could get a headstart on the next workload and clean the entire apartment before the new year. 
But Clark didn’t accept your excuse and when he knocked on your door at six in the evening, he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He brought you with him, telling you his folks wouldn’t take no for an answer either. And you’d gone back every year. 
“How ya’ doin’, honey?” Martha asked as she hugged you. “Clark, get her bag.”
“Already on it.”
Taking you by the arm, Martha walked with you inside the house. “How’s the wedding coming along?”
You hesitated to answer, but your hero came swooping in behind you. “Mom, maybe we should keep wedding talk to a minimum?”
“That bad, huh?”
You shrugged. “It’s just…not what I thought it would be.”
Martha and Jonathan exchanged a look which neither you or Clark fully picked on. 
“Honey, the kids have had a long drive. Maybe we should let them rest.”
“Yes, you’re probably right.”
“Busy day tomorrow.”
Martha smiled. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room. Did I tell you I made a new blanket?”
“You did?”
Martha nodded, taking you towards your bedroom. “It took me a while since the wool went out of stock but…”
The conversation travelled away down the hall and Clark and his dad exchanged a look. 
“Not now, dad.”
Jonathan just sighed. “I’ll make some tea.”
After getting changed into your pajamas and unpacking some of your things, you joined Martha and Clark in the kitchen before Jonathan strolled in from the back porch. “Got it.”
Martha took the small jar from her husband before standing and getting a teaspoon from the drawer. Then she handed it to you. 
“Here, this should help with the allergies.”
You smiled and thanked her. She’d been doing the same thing since the first spring weekend you’d spent in Smallville. Martha always swore by a dose of local honey to help with the allergies. And nothing got anymore local than from her own bee hives. 
Just as you lifted the spoon from the jar, Clark dipped his own in and took a teaspoon of it himself. 
“Tastes great, mom.”
“Like home,” you smiled across the table. And Clark smiled back. 
Martha and her husband exchanged another look. 
“Well, I’m glad you both think so. Because I’m selling some jars at my stall tomorrow.”
You looked up at her. “You are? Oh, Martha, that’s wonderful.”
With her hand on your cheek, she brushed her thumb across your cheekbone. “Thank you, my darling.”
It wasn’t long after that you all went to bed. After all, you had a busy day ahead of you. 
It was safe to say that waking up in sheets that smelled of fresh laundry and that home smell that you could never quite put into words, was one of the best feelings in the world. The mattress sunk beneath you the minute you laid down. You were pretty sure you hadn’t moved from the minute you’d fallen asleep. 
With the window on a latch, the fresh air started spilling inside and clearing your lungs of all controlled and forced breathing you’d done in the city. You loved the city, but there was just something about Smallville. 
It was calming. 
In every aspect. 
Waking up, opening doors, talking to people. It was all…bright. Welcoming. 
“Well look who’s awake.” You heard Clark say as you entered the kitchen. Then you heard Martha gasp. 
“Oh, I forgot to mention. I gave one of your shirts to Y/n last night.”
Clark just smiled while you looked down to the old sweatshirt you’d pulled over yourself last night. 
“That’s alright. She looks better in them than I ever do, anyway.”
You were glad you were looking down because the smile and the heat you felt on your face was a new kind of embarrassing. You’d worn his clothes before. And his comment had always been the same – maybe phrased a little differently, but still the same. You should have expected it. 
But he caught you off guard each time. 
“There’s some coffee on the pot if you want it.”
Pouring yourself a cup, you sat back at your place across from Clark at the kitchen table. “So what’s on the agenda for today?”
“I’m heading out in about an hour to set up the stall if you’d like to join me. Then I thought you and Clark could head round the festival. There’s meant to be a show at about seven in the town centre. We can all meet up back there?”
You smiled, sipping your coffee. “Sounds good.”
And it was. 
After your shower, you got dressed and met Martha by the shed. Clark carried most of the boxes to the car, but you and Martha helped. Then, driving into the town as the sun started to warm to the sky, you helped set up Martha’s stall. 
The town was buzzing with people. Buying, selling, laughing, joking, running, talking, singing, dancing. Just like every year, except it always seemed to get better than the last. 
“Think you’ll try out at the hay-bale throw again?” You asked Clark as you both manned Martha’s stall whilst she talked with Josie three stalls down. 
Clark laughed, handing over the carrier bag of fresh fruit and two jars of honey. You passed the change back to the customer before starting to bag another customer’s order. 
“I think the coach still had me banned from when I was in middle school.”
Meanwhile, three stalls down, Josie agreed to Martha’s plan. A plan that both you and Clark came to find out about a few hours later. 
“Your mom’s asked if you can go and get some more boxes from the farm. The way these berries are disappearing, there aren’t gonna be enough to last through the lunch hour.”
You looked around. “But I just got another crate from the car.”
Jonathan turned you and Clark around, pushing you out the back of the tent. “I-I think you both better go. Oh, and make sure to bring an extra box of corn. I’ll get the grill fired up. You know how quickly the corn sells out.”
You both agreed, but you shook your head. “I could have sworn I just carried another crate inside.”
“That was weird, don’t you think?”
“You’re telling me. Come on, we should hurry before the lunch rush.”
However, it all became apparent there was no mystery crate since you had carried one into the tent and the entire thing had been a ruse to get you and Clark back to the farm. 
“Now, please don’t yell at me but Clark was telling me about your dress fittings and-”
“And I just thought I might be able to help. Now, you don’t have to try any on, but I should tell you Josie is inside and I doubt she’ll let you walk away without at least taking a look.”
“Mom, I told you-”
You shook your head and pressed a hand to Clark’s chest. “No, it’s okay.”
“You don’t have to agree.”
You gave a small, yet slightly hopeful, sigh. “It’s okay. Really. Wouldn't hurt to take a look?”
Inside, Josie was running around three different travel racks she’d set up, each filled with different wedding dresses. Each was a different style with different veils and trains. 
“I think I’ve got two of each style and don’t worry about the fit. Martha already told me your measurements.”
“She has?” Both you and Clark looked at her. But she just shrugged. 
“You forget how many times I’ve made you stand on my wooden box when I’ve made dresses.”
You smiled and touched her arm as she linked hers with yours. “Thank you for doing this, Martha.”
She shrugged. “Clark told me how tired you were picking out a dress in the city. I thought you might like a bit of home comfort.”
“What about the stall?”
Martha just waved her hand. “John’s got it all under control. Besides, the Miller’s boy agreed to help out. We can take as long as you’d like.”
For the first time in months, you felt relaxed at the thought of picking out a wedding dress. However, something still panged inside of your chest. 
You didn’t have many people in the way of family, but Clark, Jonathan and Martha had become your family in more ways than one. A small part of yourself had wished you could join their family for real, when you were younger. A small part of you still wishes that now. But it was a young-and-in-love dream you had once. A dream you had to convince yourself to let go before you spent the rest of your life in heartbreak. 
“I-I should probably head back-”
“No, Clark, honey, you should stay. Go on, go and sit on the sofa.”
“I don’t-”
You looked up at him. “Clark, stay. Please?”
He smiled at you. “Okay. But only if you want me to.”
You nodded. “I want you to.”
So he stayed. 
Sat on the sofa, he watched as Josie pulled a dress from the rack and carried it down the hallway and into your room. 
He’d seen some of the photos of you in the dresses your mother-in-law had put you in. The expression on your face, the way you drowned in the amount of fabric she’d put on your head…you looked dejected but he could still see where you were putting on a mask to keep her and her family happy. 
That wasn’t anywhere near the look you had on your face when you walked down the hallway and into the living room/ make-shift bridal runway. 
With his arm across the back of the sofa, Martha watched the look on her son’s face change from slightly nervous to, well, completely stunned and annamored. It was a look she saw often on her son’s face when he looked at you, but never as boldly. 
One word from Clark and you felt your cheeks heat right up. Out of slight nervousness, you looked down at yourself and smoothed the dress out. “What do you think?”
Clark seemed speechless. “You look…you look beautiful, Y/n. Really, really, beautiful.”
Smiling, you said, “Thank you.”
Finally stepping forward, Josie held your arms and helped you turn on the box to face the mirror before she stepped back and lifted the train of the dress out. 
For the first time, standing in front of a mirror in a wedding dress, you weren’t drowning. The gown wasn’t overpowering or filled with a tone of different fabrics that all seemed to have the same name. 
It was simple, elegant and classic. 
With a longer train, a lace detail around the middle and lace off-the-shoulder sleeves; for the first time in a dress, you could breathe. 
“What do you think, honey?”
“I love it.”
In the mirror, Martha looked from your face, to her son’s and back again. Neither of you were paying any attention to her or Josie. In fact, from looking at you in the dress and at each other, it was as if you and Clark were the only two in the room. 
“I do have a few more options we can try, too. Martha told me you wanted a lace detail. Not all of the dresses have one, but I do have a ribbon of lace to tie on if you’d like.”
You nodded and thanked her. 
As Josie carried your train and you walked back to your room, Martha stayed leaning against the kitchen beam that led into the living room. 
“She does make a beautiful bride.”
“She’s stunning. Todd…Todd’s a lucky man.”
Martha nodded. “He is.” 
Then she paused. 
For years she’d seen the same thing happen after moments like this. The dejected look on his face when he realised it wasn’t him she was with. 
“There’s still time, Clark. You can still tell her how you feel.”
Clark shook his head, pretending to pick some lint from his trousers. “It’s not that simple, mom.”
Martha scoffed. “I’ve told you since the beginning, you should tell her how you feel.”
“And risk losing her in the process? She’s happy with Todd, mom. And I’m happy for her.”
“Are you both, though? Are you both happy?”
Clark didn’t have time to answer because the door clicked open down the hall and you appeared in another gown. His reaction was the same. 
His, and your, reaction was the same with each dress you tried on. 
But it was something else entirely when Josie was searching for the perfect veil, only for Martha to appear from her bedroom carrying one you recognised. Well, partly. 
“Clark, honey, can you help me? I’m a little too short still.”
Standing, Clark walked over and helped place to fastener into the back of the makeshift hairstyle Josie had done. 
“I made it a few months ago. I still had a box of material you’d given to me from your mom’s closet.”
Stepping back from the mirror, Clark watched as you became teary-eyed. 
“It matches perfectly.”
You were doing everything you could to stop yourself from balling your eyes out. For the first time, you not only looked like a bride, but you felt like one. 
Standing with Martha and Clark in the one place you’d called, in your heart, home, you felt like a bride. 
From behind you, Josie captured a picture before Jonathan walked through the front door. 
“Well, isn’t that a sight for sore eyes. Y/n, honey, you look beautiful. A blushin’ bride if I ever did see one.”
Taking your eyes from Clark’s, you looked over your shoulder to Jonathan and then back again. 
Making everything official with Josie, she hugged you and promised to have the dress sent to your apartment in time for your wedding. Not a lot of alterations had to be made, just a seam here and there. 
After that, you walked back into the living room, dressed in your normal clothes. However, you couldn’t help but feel as if you’d walked in on a conversation you weren’t supposed to hear. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, honey. Uh, I think Clark’s waiting outside for you. The show should be starting soon.”
“Oh, okay. Are you coming?” You asked as you grabbed your jacket. 
“We’ll be there soon. Save us some seats?”
“You got it.”
Stepping outside, you found Clark nowhere in sight until you called out for him and heard his voice from under the car. 
“What are you doing?”
“Dropped the keys. Just filled the trunk up with some extra crates. Apparently more people have turned up to the show than expected.”
“Then we better get a move on.”
Arriving back in town, you and Clark relieved the Miller boy from his duty and started to serve the hungry customers of Smallville, together, before going to find your seats to watch the play. 
Just a little after ten, Clark pulled the car up outside of the farmhouse once again. 
“Are you okay?”
It took a moment before Clark’s voice reached your ears. “Mmh?”
He switched the car off completely as he turned and looked at you. “You’ve been quiet ever since you came back after the interval. Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Clark asked again. 
You sighed a little. You never kept anything from Clark. Well, almost anything. 
“What is it?”
“Todd called me.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine. It’s just…we’re getting married next week.”
Clark’s brows furrowed. “But I thought the wedding wasn’t for another two months?”
“It is. It was. But his mom’s put a rush on the dress and an opening has come up for next Sunday.”
Even if Clark hadn’t known you for years, he’d still be able to hear the sad and tired tone behind your voice. 
“So what did you say?”
You opened up the car door and stepped out, Clark quickly following your actions. “I don’t get much of a say. I suppose every bride dreams of having everything being taken care of. All I have to do is show up and look pretty.”
“But I kinda wanted to do it myself. I wanted to tour venues with Todd and for us to pick the perfect one. I wanted to go to cake tastings and talk with other brides. But that’s all been taken care of. And I’m grateful. I really am. It would just be nice to be the one to make the choice every now and again.”
You both walked up the steps of the porch and into the house. 
“Did you tell him you chose a dress?”
“I did. He said he’ll call his mom and tell her.”
“You sound sad.”
You turned around quickly. “No, no. I’m not sad. It…it’s been a long day. I think I’m just tired. See you in the morning?”
Clark nodded. “See you in the morning.”
Then you did something you only ever did when you were practically half-asleep. You leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
It wasn’t like you hadn’t kissed other people’s cheeks. 
When Jimmy finally found a break in your case at the Daily Planet – a case you’d been working on for almost two weeks – you’d called him a genius, kissed his cheek, grabbed your bag and went running out of work and towards the local docs to find someone to corroborate the story. 
But there was something…intimate…about when you kissed his cheek. Maybe it was because he always wished it was, or wished that was how you meant it. 
You were engaged, he reminded himself. You were engaged to Todd and you were happy. At least, he thought you were. When you were just dating Todd, you seemed happy. He treated you well, always called you during your lunch break. Some days he’d come to the Planet and surprise you and take you out to dinner. Todd was also one of the less corrupt millionaire tech people in Metropolis. 
“Goodnight, Clark.”
“Night, Y/n.”
Thing was, Clark never went to bed. As he heard your door click shut, someone spoke. 
“You’re still in love with her.”
Looking into the kitchen, Clark saw his mom sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea. 
“Does that matter?” Clark asked, throwing his jacket over the back of the sofa as he passed it. He made his way into the kitchen and sat across from his mom. 
“It does when she doesn’t really love him.”
“I know what I see in her eyes when she looks at you, Clark. I’ve seen it in both of you since you first brought her home. I heard it in your voice when you first told me about her. I hear it in her voice when she calls your name.”
Clark shook his head as he sat down. 
“She’s getting married in eight days, mom.”
“But not to the right man.”
“Clark, I know what I saw when I met him.”
Martha had met him when she surprised Clark in the city. She’d arrived at the Planet around the same time as Todd when he was surprising you at work. She shared an elevator ride with him before they reached your floor. 
He was well mannered. Let her on first, pressed the button for her, made polite conversation, let her out first, introduced himself when she realised who he was to Y/n. Then you offered to cook dinner. Todd stayed and helped with the clean up. Martha had talked to him. Todd was a great guy. 
But there was that spark missing. 
You were happy. And you loved Todd. And he loved you. 
But neither of you seemed in love. Not properly. 
“She cares for him. She wouldn’t want to see him hurt. But she’s not in love with him. Not completely.”
“She’s still marrying him. If she didn’t want to, she would have said no. She loves him, mom. That’s the end of the story.”
Martha sighed. She loved her son to death, but by the gods could he be a complete idiot. The same with you. You’d both loved each other for years and yet, for some unknown reason, neither of you had ever done anything about it. 
You’d been friends for the longest time, then you started working together, too. Maybe you’d both waited too long, you thought it was too late. 
“There’s still time, Clark.”
Clark shook his head. “I know you’d like to think there is, mom, but I just think it’s run out.”
Standing, he pressed a kiss to his mother’s cheek. “Go and check on your dad before you go to bed. I think he’s still watching the fireflies.”
Clark smiled. “Okay, mom.”
As the back door shut, along with the screen door, Martha heard a door click open down the hall. 
A few moments later, you appeared in the kitchen. “Oh, sorry. I was just coming to get some water.”
“Can’t sleep?”
You sighed, picking up a clean glass and filling it with cold water. “Not really. How long have you been here?”
“Long enough to hear you’re getting married in a week, tomorrow.”
You sat down across from her. “Todd called me earlier.”
“Are you happy about that? The wedding being moved?”
You shrugged. “It is what it is. Everything’s planned. Todd’s mother has everything covered.”
“You can be excited.”
“I know. And I am. Sorta.”
“But you wished you could plan something?”
You nodded. “The only thing I could get Todd’s mom to agree with was the wedding date. But, I suppose it doesn’t matter when or how I get married. I love him – that’s all that matters, right?”
Martha nodded. “It is. But you have to remember, you’re not just marrying Todd. You’re becoming his family. You know, it’s funny. I always thought you’d be joining our family one day. Officially, I mean.”
You smiled. 
“You’ve been a part of our family since Clark brought you home in college and you will be even after you marry Todd. But, I don’t know.” Martha shrugged. “Part of me always wished something would happen between you and Clark. You were always so close.”
You shifted in your seat a little as you felt a small, nervous, chuckle rise. 
“I’m being serious. I would love to have you as my daughter.”
The sadness in your chest panged again. Daughter. Not just a daughter-in-law, but a daughter. A real family. One with monthly visits, daily calls, laughter, stories, comfort, freedom, love. 
Then you heard yourself admit something you’d never admitted out loud. Not even to yourself. 
“I’d love to be your daughter, too. If I’m being honest, I haven’t not thought about it before. But…” you sighed, turning the glass around in circles. “Clark and I…we’ve been friends for so long…it was easier to try to let that teenage dream go than jeopardise losing him.”
Martha just looked at you. She didn’t seem surprised. But she did give you a brief smile. 
“You still love him.”
It wasn’t a question. 
And for some reason, you wanted to cry. 
“I think part of me will always love him.” 
“Oh, honey.”
Standing, Martha moved to the seat beside you and held onto your hands. “You don’t have to marry, Todd.”
You swallowed and nodded. “Yes, I do.”
“But why? Honey, if you don’t-”
“I can’t keep holding onto a childish dream,” you admitted. “Clark will never see me as anything other than his best friend, and maybe that’s for the best. And Todd’s a great guy. His mother might be a nightmare,” you laughed a little, lifting your hand to wipe the corner of your eyes. “But Todd cares for me. He loves me and I love him. We’ll have a good life together.”
“But will you enjoy it?”
After a moment of silence, you heard the clock strike eleven. You stood quickly as if you’d been caught doing something wrong and wiped your eyes. “I-I’m sorry. I should probably- I should get to bed. I’m sorry for telling you about all this. You don’t need to worry.”
You stopped in your tracks and watched as Martha stood from the table and walked over to you. 
She hugged you. 
“No matter what, we’re still your family.”
Hugging her back, you said, “Thank you.”
Kissing your cheek, she left you to walk back to your room before she went towards hers. And just as both of the doors closed, the backdoor slowly opened and Clark walked inside, his heart beating faster than it had ever done. 
“And you’re sure she said that? Those words? Specifically.”
Jimmy rushed alongside Clark as they walked through the bullpen. Clark hadn’t meant to tell him; he hadn’t meant to tell anyone. It kinda just slipped out. 
“Yes.” Clark pressed. 
“But this all happened while you were away,” Jimmy pointed out. “So what have you been doing for the last three days?”
“Panicking? Worrying? I don’t know, Jimmy. What am I meant to do? It’s not like she knows that I know.”
“She doesn’t? You haven’t talked to her about it yet?”
“What can I talk to her about? She’s getting married in four days.”
Jimmy stood back. “Oh, I don’t know. How about…” Jimmy pretended to think. “Don’t marry him. Marry me instead. I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since I met you. I heard you talking to my mom and I need to tell you that I feel the same way.” 
Jimmy watched Clark as he sat down at his desk. “I mean, I’m just spitballin’ here.”
Clark rolled his eyes and rolled his chair underneath his desk and from the immediate panicked look on his face, Jimmy turned around and found you walking towards your desk. 
“Hey, Y/n. How are you feeling?” 
Once more, it took a moment before Jimmy’s voice reached your ears. You’d been so distracted for the last few days that you’d somehow managed to run into the same coffee cart not once, not twice, not even three times, but four. Clark saved you from the fifth. 
“Uh, yeah. Good, yeah.”
You sat back at your desk and opened up your computer and started typing. Unaware of the chaos going on at Clark’s desk, you continued to make spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes as you typed away. 
Jimmy kept making signals to Clark. Help her. Talk to her. Talk to her. Now.
“Hey, Y/n, Clark wanted to talk to you.”
Then Jimmy left. 
“You did?”
At his desk, the pencil continued to turn over and over in Clark’s fingers. “Uh, yeah. Just…just wanted to make sure you were doing okay. You…you’ve kinda been distracted lately.”
“Oh, yeah, no. No, I’m fine.”
“And you’re…sure?”
You nodded, trying to make yourself believe it. “I’m sure.”
“You don’t sound it. First wedding jitters?” Cat appeared behind you. 
“What? Every girl gets nervous before her wedding. Not that you should be. After all, you’ve got the perfect wedding, to the perfect guy, with the perfect life waiting for you. Hell, if I were you I’d be getting ready to pack my stuff up now.”
“What? It’s not like she’s going to want anything. Fifth richest guy in the world.”
“Fourth now.” Lois corrected as she walked by. 
Then your phone rang. 
“Y/n, dear. We need you down at the tailors immediately. I’ve just found some more fabric-”
“This is Y/n. I can’t come to the phone right now but if you leave your name and number after the beep, I’ll get back to you.”
As Jimmy passed by, you pulled him down and after a silent argument he made the noise. 
Waiting for a moment, you put the phone back down before relaxing back in your chair. 
“What was that about?” Clark could almost laugh. 
“I can’t take anymore fabric.”
“What kind of fabric?”
“What for?”
“For my new-new wedding dress.”
Clark stood and walked over to your desk. “New wedding dress? But I thought you were wearing the one you picked out back home.”
“Picked out?”
“Back home?”
“You have a new wedding dress?”
You looked back at Clark. “I did. And I do get to wear it. At the reception.”
“And at your wedding?”
Looking at Clark, you gave him a look that worried him to his core. You looked fed up and annoyed as you pulled a large binder that was spilling over with hot glued patches of fabric on a drawn bride. 
“Oh my god!” Was the main reaction in disgust. 
“Haven’t you said no?”
“I can’t get a word in edgewise. She just talks over me and by the time I can talk, I’m drowning in thirty tones of organza and ruching fabric. She’s taken over everything. I’ve tried speaking to Todd but suddenly trying to get him on the phone…I’d have better luck sounding for Superman outside of that window and having him hear me than getting hold of Todd. I just…I don’t know what I’m meant to do. I accepted her help because she’s gonna be my family soon but this week.”
Cat looked horrified. “You’re not thinking about cancelling the wedding are you?”
“What? No.” Though you didn’t sound so convincing yourself. “No, of course not. It’s just….I thought this was meant to be about me and Todd. Not Todd’s mother and all the connections that can be made during the ceremony. Please tell me your mom and dad are still coming?”
Clark nodded, a little defeated himself but he hid it well, before walking behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders. “Of course they are. They wouldn’t miss it.”
Under his warming hands, you relaxed for a moment and leaned back in your chair. And for that moment, you let yourself believed that hideous binder didn’t exist and that you weren’t being waited on by a nightmare mother-in-law who didn’t want to listen at the tailors but rather you were planning on driving back to Smallville at the end of the week to visit Clark’s family with him. 
But the ringing of your phone broke that small moment of calmness. 
“Want me to get it?”
You groaned as you sat up. “No, it’s okay. Thanks Jimmy.”
“If you need another beep, just holler.”
You smiled and sat up, Clark disappearing back to his desk with the others. Saying a silent prayer, you answered the phone. 
“And you still haven’t talked to her? Clark!”
“I know, I know. But it’s not like it’s going to change anything. You heard her. She loves him.”
“She cares for him. Deeply. But, Clark, honey. You are the one she’s been in love with. You are the one she’s still in love with.”
Clark shook his head. “You keep saying that, mom, but if she did, she wouldn’t be marrying him. She would have called the wedding off or done something. But she’s agreed to the dress, she’s agreed to the extra hundred guests and she’s agreed to marry him.”
“She’s being pushed to agree and you and I both know that. She said yes to Todd – I get that. He’s a great guy. But she only said yes because she thought you would never feel the same about her.”
“But I do.”
“Then why haven’t you talked to her, son?”
Clark sighed. It was your wedding day. You were hours away from changing your last name and becoming the fourth richest man in the world’s wife. You were hours away from being pushed around by your mother-in-law introducing you to different people with fancy backgrounds and lots of money to spare. 
Resting his head in his hands for a moment, Clark eventually looked back up. 
“Look, maybe she loved me once but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s about to get married. To someone else.”
His dad sighed. “Son, just talk to her. Tell her how you feel. And if she doesn’t feel the same way, and I mean is she truly doesn’t then you know you can move on. But what if you don’t? What if she goes the next however long before she realises she’s made a big mistake and that on her wedding day, you could have put a stop to it all. That you could have both gotten the life you’ve always wanted. Together.”
All of a sudden, Clark’s front door swung open. 
“C.K, she’s asking for you.”
With one final look from his parents, Clark grabbed his jacket and followed Jimmy out of the door. 
“Clark? What are you doing here?”
Clark looked around behind him and looked at Jimmy as he hung in the doorway. He said nothing. Just mouthed the word: “Talk.” Then he shut the door. 
“Clark? Is everything okay?”
Turning back to you, Clark took you in. You looked beautiful. Well, underneath the layers and layers and layers of fabric. But he already knew that. 
But Clark didn’t have to say anything. Somehow it was like you could read his mind. Something was wrong, but it wasn’t anything material. 
Or maybe it was just your wishful thinking. 
“Clark, is there something you need to talk to me about?”
A million thoughts rushed through Clark’s head. Don’t marry him. I love you. I heard you last week. I wished I could have told you sooner. But then he looked around. It was less than three hours before you were meant to walk down the aisle. You were already in your wedding dress. He could hear a chorus of bridesmaids down the hall. 
He loved you too much to be the jerk who tried to convince you on your wedding day, not to marry a great guy who loved you. 
He stepped back as you reached for him. “I just wanted to see how you were doing. You must be excited, right?”
You stepped back and put your mask back on. You smiled. “Oh, y-yeah. Of course.”
“Is there anything you need me to do-”
Then he saw it. The mask faded for almost a second. 
“Y/n? What is it?”
Shaking your head, you stepped towards him. You spoke in a hushed tone. “Clark, I-”
The door swung right open. “Miss?” 
You and Clark stepped back from each other, a fraction of the distance from before. 
It was Todd’s mother’s PA, 
“She wants to see you.”
Looking at Clark, your eyes pleaded something awful but you let go of his hand and walked away. 
After waiting for twenty minutes, Clark left the room and headed outside. People were arriving since most things had finished being set up. Some people had found their seats, others were taking pictures. 
But all in all, the wedding was still going ahead. 
“I need to tell her, Jonathan.”
He sighed. “Maybe Clark’s right. We should just stay out of it. They’re grown adults. They can make their own decisions.”
“I can’t just stand here and watch her sign her life away to someone who isn’t her forever love.”
“Jonathan, what if this was me and Clark was you? Would you stand by and let me marry someone just because you thought it was best? Or would you have wanted someone to tell me that the man I loved, loved me back just as much, but he is not the man I was marrying.”
Jonathan thought over the sentence. “But that wasn’t us, Martha.”
“She has a right to know Clark feels the same. Better yet, she has the right to know he knows.”
Jonathan sighed but did nothing to stop his wife from walking away from the wedding ceremony, out of the doors and up the stairs towards the bridal suite. 
She paused for a moment, her husband stood behind her. She had his full support. 
She knocked. 
“Come in.”
Opening up the door, they found you sitting alone at the vanity. 
“Martha? Oh, thank goodness.” 
Standing up, you rushed towards her and embraced her hug as Jonathan shut the door discreetly. “Is everything okay?”
“I…I don’t know anymore.” 
Slowly you walked back to the vanity and sat down on the stool. Martha shared a look with her husband. 
“Well, honey, I…I need to talk to you about something.”
She pulled up a chair with Jonathan’s help and took your hands in her’s. 
“What is it?”
Taking one final look at her husband, who nodded, she looked back at you with a deep breath. 
“Before I tell you, I want you to know that I’m telling you because you deserve the right to know and you deserve a choice.”
“Choice? What choice?”
“Clark knows.” Jonathan spat it out. 
“What?” You turned back to Martha. 
“Last week, when you told me about your feelings for Clark. He was outside and heard everything.”
You didn’t know how to feel. Embarrassed, confused, sad, dejected, hopeful?
“He…he did?”
Martha nodded. 
A few moments passed in silence. “No wonder he’s been so weird this week. God, he heard and now he…he…” Then it felt like a dagger to the heart. “He doesn’t feel the same.”
“Honey, no-”
You felt yourself stand and start to pace. “God, how could I be so stupid! I- I knew he never felt the same. I suppose part of me held hope but-”
“You should still hold hope.” Jonathan held you still. “Because he loves you, too.”
You sighed, feeling tears brewing behind your eyes. “It’s okay. You don’t have to-”
“But we’re not.” Martha came to your side. “He really does.”
“If he does, then why didn’t he say anything?”
“Because he thinks he’s doing what’s best. He loves you too much to lose you. When you think about it, you’ve both been protecting each other for so long…even when you might have a chance, you still don’t want the other to get hurt.”
“Todd’s a great guy, sweetie.” Jonathan told you. “And if you really want to marry him I’ll walk you down there myself. But I think you should think about it before you do.”
Your eyes wandered over to where you’d been sitting before they walked in. You’d had a million thoughts running around your head but the main one was that you would rather be any place else than in a bridal suite waiting to walk down the aisle and become the next Mrs. Fourth Richest Man in the World’s wife. 
“But you shouldn’t just do it for Clark, either.” Jonathan added. “He loves you and will support any choice you make. So will we. But the decision should be for you.”
You waited for a few minutes but your mind was already made up. Your heart had made up its mind a long time ago. 
“Can you go and get Todd for me? I-I think I need to talk to him.”
Jonathan and Martha didn’t know what choice you had made but agreed anyway and a few minutes later, Todd entered with his eyes covered. 
“Unofficially, I’m here. Is everything okay?”
Standing and stepping towards him, you lowered his hand. “I need to talk to you.”
And for an hour you and Todd talked. You both talked over everything. Every feeling, every moment, every opportunity. But your mind was made up. 
“I’m so sorry, Todd.”
He smiled. “It’s okay. We would have had a good life together but…you would have been unhappy. And I think I would, too. Eventually. You know, I looked into that room today and all I saw was a networking event. If I couldn’t even stop my own wedding from becoming a business meeting, what would our marriage look like?”
You nodded and he took your hand. “Just do me one favour.”
“Well, it might be two.”
You nodded. 
“Get yourself into some more comfortable clothes. Ones that maybe don’t look like they’re about to sink you to the bottom of the ocean if you fell in.”
You laughed and looked down at the extravagant wedding dress you were still wearing. 
“And go and find Clark.”
You looked at Todd. You hadn’t mentioned Clark. Just that you gave your heart away a long time ago. 
Todd just smiled. “He deserves to know the truth, and you deserve to give your heart what it’s always wanted. I wish you the best, Y/n.”
“I wish you the best, too.”
Todd smiled, contently, and kissed your cheek. 
Then you both looked down at your dress. 
“Do you want me to get the chainsaw? I’m pretty sure the gardener here has a spare one.”
“I think all these beads would break it.”
It took a long fifteen minutes to get you out of the dress with Martha and Jimmy’s help. Todd had left and ran into him in the hallway as he was on his way to talk to his mother and announce to the guests the wedding would not be continuing. 
Jimmy had run in a few seconds later with a spare set of clothes since you had nothing but silk underlining pajamas. 
“Just help me get out of this thing. I need to find Clark. Is he here?”
Jimmy shook his head as he started to undo the buttons from the side of the dress as Marth tackled the otherside. “No, he left.”
“He left? Where?”
“He just said he was going for a walk. Wait, are you going to find him to tell him-”
“She loves him. Yes. Now, hurry up with the buttons.”
Pulling the crew neck jumper over yourself as you ran out of the bridal suite. There weren't many places to walk near the wedding venue and after asking two gardeners if they’d seen someone matching Clark’s description, you realised where he was headed. 
“Come on, I’ll drive you.”
Hopping in the car with Jimmy, he started driving around the city before pulling up outside of Clark’s building. You practically flew through his front door. 
“Clark! Clark! Are you here?!” You couldn’t find him. “Clark? Oh, where are you?”
It was as you stood in the middle of his apartment, spinning in circles, that you heard a small woosh outside. Then a very frazzled Clark came running through the door. 
You just looked at each other. No words were said but a part of Clark was confused – confused at your or the suppressed hope? He couldn’t tell. 
In the silence, he walked down the steps before you ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Your feet were lifted from the ground as he hugged you back, his eyes closing, his senses becoming filled with you. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
He set you back on your feet, but his hands remained on you, holding you close to him. His breathing was heavy as if he’d been rushing to get to you, too. 
“I went back to try and find you. I wanted to tell you but when I got there, Lois told me you’d run out.”
“I couldn’t wait any longer. I talked it through with you mom and dad, and Todd. I couldn’t marry him. My heart was never in it. Not fully.”
Clark just waited. His body was still recovering from the adrenaline. 
“Clark, I gave my heart away a long time ago. I think before I even knew it, too. Clark, I’m in love with you.”
He was silent. 
“Clark, please say something.”
But he couldn’t. So he did the next best thing. 
He kissed you. 
Holding you close to him, his fingertips digging into your skin enough to let you know he was holding onto you for dear life, he kissed you. Your arms came around his neck and pulled him closer to you. Then, finally, as his hand came to the side of your face and the kiss peppered away, his forehead remained against yours. 
“I’m in love with you, too.”
A year later, the runaway bride story was old news and the announcement of your engagement to Clark being made inside the Daily Planet was published as a short story in the next day's edition. 
It had been purely by accident. Clark did have a plan but after Jimmy searched his desk for the extra copies of the evidence papers, he’d found a box and opened it accidently. 
“Is that an engagement ring?”
“Oh, my god, it is.”
“C.K, I’m so sorry.”
He sighed a little. “It’s okay, Jimmy.”
“What’s going on?”
As they all turned, you and Mr White were greeted with the looks of panic on everyone’s face. In Clark’s hand was the open box with the engagement ring. 
“Great shades of Elvis.”
A nervous smile was being held back on your face. For all you and Perry knew, it was a part of a missing case. But you recognised the ring. It was the same one Jonathan had given Martha when they got engaged. And in the silent conversation between you and Clark across your friends, he walked around Lois and Cat to get to you. 
“No time like the present.”
You smiled, watching as he looked at you for permission before he got down on one knee. Perry ran around you both, joining Lois, Jimmy and Cat. 
“I want you to know, I did have a plan but-”
“Yes. Sorry.”
Clark smiled. “I figured we’ve both waited long enough-”
“Yes. Sorry. Continue.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I promise I’ll wait.”
Clark went to speak but Perry spoke up. “Oh, you’ve both waited nearly ten years. Just ask her already.”
Clark looked around and Perry closed his mouth, whispering a light, “Sorry.”
Finally, Clark looked back at you and had a pleased smile on his face. 
Clark waited a short moment. “Will you do me the greatest honour of, finally, becoming my wife?”
You smiled and nodded. “Yes. I’d love to.”
As the entire bullpen started cheering and whooping, Clark stood quickly and kissed you before finally slipping the ring onto your finger. 
Two months later you and Clark got married on his family farm surrounded by your friends and families, in a small ceremony where Martha had helped you pick out a wedding dress with Josie, Lois, Cat and Jimmy– one which Clark hadn’t seen, but one which you loved. 
It had taken almost ten years but as you slow-danced with Clark on the grass, you kissed him. You’d both found your Forever Love and now you had an entire lifetime to share it. Together.
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ribosomeraisin · 2 months ago
i cannot believe we went from having martha and jonathan standing in for lex’s parents at his wedding because he was beefing with lionel to lionel being invited to the kent family thanksgiving while lex is on the outs….. could never have imagined….
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emerald-worldsfinest · 2 months ago
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Lionel’s lips must be very kissable😂😏
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bia-wayne-west · 1 year ago
Mornings and waffles – Clark Kent x Reader
Characters: Clark Kent [Superman], Jon Kent [Superboy], Conner Kent [Superboy] and fem! Reader [You]
Synopsis: You have been married to Clark Kent for 12 years, and you live in the farmhouse in Smallville. You have two children, Jon Kent and Conner Kent. On a sunny morning, her two children jump on the bed to order pancakes and good morning kisses. You couldn't have a more perfect family.
Warnings: Superboys being super cute. N/A: I thought about doing something similar to Batmom but Superman. I always imagined what it would be like to be the mother of two super boys. Hope you like it. I hope you like it and that you feel how cute Superboys are. I'm a Latina girl who doesn't speak fluent English, so I want to apologize for any writing errors you find. Feel free to correct me.
Requests are open waiting for you
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The sun was shining on the farm.  The light came in through the window, but you didn't bother because you were hugging your husband's huge body.  Clark used to sleep completely clinging to you, so the sun didn't hurt him.
You were about to wake up, but you could have a few more good minutes for you and Superman in bed together.  Well, you planned to stay in bed until you decided to leave, but your children didn't want to contribute to your wish.
You felt two heavy bodies jumping on the bed, on top of you.  Your eyes snapped open, and you sighed wearily when you saw Jon's bright blue eyes staring back at you.  He and Conner were in bed, trying to wake their parents.
“Waffles!”  Jon yelled, jumping on you.
Jonathan was ten and Conner was eighteen, but they still liked to jump into their parents' bed on a Sunday morning to order coffee.  They could just ask Martha or wait for you to wake up, but it was more fun to jump on you.
“Jon it's still five in the morning, go to bed.” You grumbled, running your hand through your youngest son's hair.
“It's time for coffee, Mom.  And the father has to fix the barn again.”  This time it was Conner who spoke.  He was hunched over Clark's body, who kept his eyes closed, was awake, but still didn't open his eyes.
It was hard to get Clark to accept Conner.  At first, he treated the boy with utter contempt and it broke your heart.  There were hours of conversation, and he only accepted his eldest son after having a conversation with Bruce, which made your husband open his mind.
Conner suddenly came into your life, but you can't imagine a complete family without their pretty boy.  It took Clark a few years to accept the clone as a son and call him that, but when he called the boy son for the first time, your heart was full of love.
“And we want waffles.”  Jon said again, sitting up in bed.  He was in his pajamas with a dinosaur design on it and his hair was totally disheveled, and his face was crumpled up from sleep.
“Then let's make waffles.”  You said, giving up.  Their children uttered an exclamation of joy, making a high-five between them.  “There will be waffles for you too, Mr. Kent.”  You whispered in the ear of your husband, who now had his eyes open and smiling at Jon.
“Come on, Jon.  Whoever gets to the table first will get the most coffee.”  Superboy suggested, getting out of bed in the field.  Jon also got up, and the two ran to the kitchen, betting on a race.
You let out a weak moan, hugging your husband again.  He hugged you back, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
“Let's get up, we have to feed the two beasts.”  Clark joked, taking off the blanket so he could put his feet on the ground.
You smiled, repeating your husband's act and going to the bathroom.  Within minutes, you had washed your face, brushed your teeth, and changed your clothes.
You were already in the kitchen, putting the batter in the machine to turn it into a chocolate waffle.  Jon and Conner already had their mouths covered with so much chocolate, but they still wanted to repeat four more servings.
Martha, your mother-in-law, was helping you make coffee.  She was by his side, frying eggs and bacon.  She smiled at you, with that sweet face that only she had.
“They're very gluttonous.”
You both laughed, and smiled even more when you saw that Jonathan was frowning, probably because you heard his grandmother's comment.
“I only ate seven waffles and three pieces of bacon.  I didn't even eat that much.” He confessed, making a cute pout.
“Okay, so, since you're not eating much, that portion of bacon and eggs goes to your dad.”  You joked, putting the fresh food Martha had just prepared on your husband's plate, who thanked you with a kiss on the cheek.
Conner groaned.  After you and your mother-in-law finished cooking, the two of you joined them for a nice family breakfast.
You laughed at each other, talked about silly topics, and showed how much you loved each other.
“We have a perfect family.”  Clark confessed, running his hand gently over his arm.  “A completely loving and amazing family.” He concluded with a smile when he saw Martha lightly pat Conner's hand gently as he tried to grab one of his grandmother's bacon.
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axl67 · 2 months ago
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@bruce.batman.wayne on IG
Silly little post
Mild language, mentions of addiction, light mention of kissing, light mention of sex
- Bruce smokes cigars, sometimes a pipe, and if he's desperate cigarettes.
- Clark hates it so much
- Farm boy Clark Kent is against all forms of smoking, doesn't care who or why, all smoking is bad
- He tries to make Bruce quite, he doesn't
- "I could stop if I wanted to, I just don't want to"
- "Im not addicted" yes he is. Not badly but he is
- Clark who lectures Bruce every time he sees him smoking, someone else smoking, smells cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke, sees a pipe, cigarette or cigar, hears someone mention smoke.
- On a mission: Smoke in the air because of an exploded building. Batman coughing. Superman helping him out of the burning exploded building. "See, you don't like this smoke in your lungs." "Shut up." Through coughs. "This smoke is better for you than all the chemicals you willingly inhale." "Shut up." "Of course no smoke is healthy, yes I know you grew up in Gotham where the air is barely oxygen, that's doesn't mean smoking is okay. My ma always said-" Batman kisses him to make him stop talking. "Like I was saying, my ma always said..." Batman groans in defeat.
- Bruce who blows smoke directly into Clarkes face just to piss him off
- Clark who coughs dramatically when that happens
- Clark who refuses to kiss Bruce if he's had a smoke recently
- He hopes it will make him stop, it doesn't
- Bruce who will not smoke around Martha and Jonathan and makes sure they never see him smoke
- He will NEVER smoke around any of his kids or anyone's kids (even after Jason starts smoking)
- Bruce who's a hypocrite and lectures Jason on the effects of smoking and how bad it is for him
- Clark who points that out and brings up Bruce's smoking to his parents as often as possible
- "Only a few now and then" which the Kent's believe
- Bruce "A smoke a day keeps the stress away" Wayne
- "You're not getting in bed smelling like that"
- "Was it that meaningless?" When Bruce goes to the window and smokes after sex
- "No, just stressed" "Oh so that wasn't stress relief enough"
- "Shut up." Any time Clark brings smoking up
- Dramatically coughs even when Bruce is like 6 feet away from him or has the smoke out the window
- Will never smoke in the car
- "You wanna try it?" Clark gets extremely offended but takes a tiny drag
- Coughs like he's dying immediately.
- Clark who proceeds to find the underly issue with his smoking and goes full therapist/reporter mode
- Bruce who put a cigarette out on Clarks wrist once.
- Clark who glared at him and looked at the disappearing burn mark, at Bruce and back
- "Ouch." He doesn't actually hurt
- "You're not human, take it."
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blackynsupremacy · 1 month ago
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pairing: smallville!clark kent x black!fem!reader
fandom: smallville (2001-2011)
summary: your good friend, clark kent, is there for you after you experience a major loss.
contains: fluff, sensitive topics, heavy angst, mention of cancer, mention of death, coping mechanisms, based on true events, crying, self insert, grief, sadness, hugging, a kiss on the cheek, you can imagine this with any comfort character tbh.
a/n: hey, guys! i just want to say thank you all for the love, support, and condolences. it means a lot. this blurb does contain material that has happened to me irl and i’m writing as a way to cope with the recent loss of a family member that i was really close with, so please be kind. fun fact: my grandma actually used to play pac-man dowwwn and win. it was a memory that popped up while people were visiting after she died. if this is a sensitive topic for you, please DO NOT READ! requests are coming in slower than usual, so that’s why they’re closed. btw, fuck cancer.
taglist: @greengoblinswifey @hopefully-saturn @jkr820 @hoffmansgirl @austeenbootler @niteskysx @sabrinasopposite @thabiddie23 @hnch33rios @xoxoglittergossip @supaprettyg @motherismotheringggg @oscarisaackissmykitty @simply-lovley44 @elitesanjisimp @gxuxhdjdu @v3n1ce-bxtch @iamsebastiansstan @stargirl-mayaa @miguelspvssy @oliviaambs @artyandink @dulcescorderitas @ellethespaceunicorn
“thank you so much for coming, martha.” your mother commended with a sad smile as she took the dessert plate from martha kent’s hands who then brings her in for a warm, sympathetic embrace. clark and jonathan stood behind the women before their gaze shifted to the rest of your relatives and friends that were gathered at your grandmother’s house.
“i’m so sorry for your loss, dear.” martha whispered, her hand rubbing your mother’s back in a comforting caress. with a soft “thank you”, her and your mother pulled away from the hug before she’s greeted with hugs and condolences from the rest of the kent family. after she invites them all inside, she holds clark back by the front door.
“if you need to find y/n, she’s upstairs in my mama’s room—she’s been in there for a while. you’re her good friend, clark. perhaps, you can talk to her?” your mother’s pleading brown gaze matched his sincere baby blues. your mother was right after all, ever since you were kids, you and clark had been thick as thieves by hanging out in the loft, studying at the talon, solving the bizarre mysteries of smallville, and so much more, but things started to shift when your grandmother’s cancer had returned. her declining health condition rendered you distracted from your studies and friends as you made as much time as you could help take care of her while she was in hospice care. you spent time and took care of her as she did for you and others for most of your life. it all came crashing down when your aunt and cousin were watching her, assuming she was sleeping before she opened her eyes and took five shallow deep breaths until there was no more left to let go.
it was your responsibility to call the nurse, your hands and voice quivering as you informed her that your grandmother was unresponsive. your heart pounded in your chest, uncertain whether hers had stopped as well. thirty agonizing minutes had passed as your relatives, such as your brother, aunt, and uncle, came to assess the situation. the nurse had arrived, performed the standard procedure, and to your shattering disappointment, officially called the time of your grandmother’s death. it was a gut punch to say the least. all of the emotional and mental preparation couldn’t have really meant that you were ready to see her pass in real time. it couldn’t have meant that you were ready to live life without her. it certainly couldn’t have meant that she wouldn’t see you get married or have a family of your own like she did for your siblings and cousins. you walked out into the dark, windy night and you just screamed as the stream of hot tears ran down your face, your mother promptly came to console your doubled-over body. as you saw the funeral home take your grandmother away in a pristine hearse, that night made you sick to your stomach.
it all happened over the weekend, so you decided to take a few days off from school to process your loss. through small town word of mouth, clark and the rest of your friends heard of the news. lana, chloe, and pete each would send you emails or calls to offer their condolences as their schedules were too getting hectic to visit you in person. your mother, aunt, and uncle had arranged for one day where your other family and loved ones could gather to eat and converse of fond memories concerning your lost loved one at her home. you decided to wander off from the crowd and sneak off to your grandmother’s bedroom, a place of sanctuary that you’ve always known as a child.
clark was concerned for your well-being and he wanted to see you since you haven’t been at school. it hurt him to see you in any type of negative mood. it hurt him to see you so devastated. if clark was anything, he was a good friend— a good friend who wanted to be more, but was too cowardly to say anything. he brushed it off because this wasn’t the place nor the time, that could wait. right now, you needed a friend and he was going to be that. your mother pointed him in the direction of your location before he went on his way. he was a few feet away from the door until his heightened hearing picked up on a sound that resembled a quick, rhythmic "wakka wakka" noise with a somber, descending tone following shortly after.
clark deliberately stepped closer to follow the first sound he heard, pondering what you could possibly be doing in your grandmother’s room at an event like this. the door was cracked open, and he peered through to see that you were sitting on the edge of the bed, engrossed in a light blue cubed-shaped console with a silver joystick on top. your intense focus on the video game you were playing didn’t register his arrival. he glanced at the screen to see that you were playing none other than the iconic arcade classic, ms. pac-man. with a gentle touch, he tapped your shoulder, causing your hand to slip and mess up, resulting in your character to be defeated by the ghosts as you were on your last life.
“ugh, what!? look i just wanna be alo—“ your sentence was cut short when your brown eyes met with his blue ones that were full of the kindness and charm you always knew.
“clark? what—what are you doing here?” you asked, puzzled as you paused the game, not letting the console out of your grip. you didn’t mean to come off as brash as his presence did do you some relief. it’s just been a long week of bereavement for you. the farm boy stuffed his hands in his pockets, a sympathetic smile graced his lips.
“y’know i wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world.” your heart flutters at his words as he gestures towards the empty space next to you.
“may i?” he inquired. you nodded and scooted over to give him a good amount of space to sit next to you. before you knew it, he wrapped his arms around you in a amicable embrace.
“i’m so sorry for your loss.” he compassionately uttered into your ear. with one hand still on the console, your other arm reached to reciprocate the hug. the sound of his voice caused you to release a sigh and enough strength to verbally thank him before pulling away, a somber smile etched on your earth-toned face.
“lemme guess, my mom put you up to this, huh?” you quip, clark chuckled as he shook his head.
“partly, yes, but i’ve been wanting to see you and not just to bore you on all of the homework you’ve missed—it seems you’ve been preoccupied as it is.” clark comments, his eyes pointing towards the console in your hand. your eyes follow suit to the same item that you looked at with such sentiment.
“this was grandma’s. i remembered when she used to play this all the time and let me tell you— she was a badass!” at your words, you and clark laugh as you continued to explain how you went to her room to just think about her in solitude. that’s when the memories of her playing the game plagued your mind before you began to snoop through her closet. that’s when you found the familiar blue console of ms. pac-man. you crossed your fingers as you worked to hook it up to her old television. who knew that after a decade and some years, it worked as if it were brand new! from that point, you wanted to play and win the game as you never got to do so as a kid. you watched your grandmother play countless times and she let you give it a go, but you always ended up losing. it would discourage you because you really wanted to impress her, but she would always encourage you to keep going, reminding you that winning isn’t always everything in life.
“god, i wish i could just win this damn thing!” you exasperatedly sigh and sniffle, your thumb ghosting over the red button that would resume the game. clark’s eyes never pulled away from your profile, a few strands of your freshly braided hair fell in front of your face, he gingerly reached to push the braids back behind your ear only to see that your face was stained with tears. he called out your name.
“hey, hey—look at me. do you want to talk? y’know i’m always here to listen.” clark softly affirmed by placing his hand on your shoulder which relaxed under his touch. you turned your head towards him, sniffling as more tears rained down your now blushed cheeks.
“clark—it’s like i’ve seen this coming, but—“ you swallowed. “i can’t believe she’s not here. just six months ago, she was completely healthy. it’s just not fair!” the gut punch returned as her kind face flashed into your mind, the same face that would gaze at you with such content as she watched you grow from a baby to a young woman, even in her ailment. god, how you missed her so. you missed her style, her love, her kisses, her funny nicknames for you, her cooking, her laughter, but most of all, her presence. the reality of saying your final goodbye was biting at you. you sobbed, dropping the console to the floor as your arms found their place around clark’s torso.
not hesitating to wrap his arms around you, he rubbed circles on your back as you nuzzled your face within his signature flannel.
“i’ve got you. it’s going to be okay.” he reassured, cradling you in his embrace, his shirt getting so
he didn’t mind, he was going to be right here whenever you needed him and for that, you loved him immensely for it. in some situations, you always thought of clark as your hero, but even heroes have their limits, and in that moment, all you wanted was a piece of the past. you pulled away from him, wiping your tears with the back of your hand as you glanced at the console still in your hands. it was a relic from your grandmother's joy and your youth. although the game was paused, the bright colors of the ms. pac-man screen flickered like a beacon of nostalgia. you pursed your lips, cutting your puffy eyes to clark before clearing your throat to articulate the words.
“do you think—do you think i could still play, clark?” you questioned, your voice still trembling.
your best friend nodded, a gentle smile spreading across his handsome face.
“of course! she would’ve wanted you to play.” he reassured again, patting your shoulder. that was his own special signal of nudging to step into something that you would’ve seen as impossible.
with a deep breath, you picked up the console again, your fingers trembling as you pressed the start button to resume the game. the familiar sounds filled the room, and for a moment, you felt a flicker of your grandmother’s spirit and drive beside you as your hand began to move on the joystick. you were focused, determined to beat her high score, to feel that connection as you felt it all those years ago.
as the ghosts chased your ms. pac-man across the screen, you could almost hear your grandmother's infectious laughter encouraging you, urging you to keep going. you didn’t stop. with a furrowed gaze and a steady hand, every single white dot was disappearing into your grasp as you effortlessly dodged the ghosts. each time you consumed a fruit power-up, clark kent was there as your personal cheerleader.
“c’mon, y/n! you can do it!” clark encouraged, his voice an enthusiastic tone as he leaned forward to watch you move the pac-man like clockwork on the television screen. with each dot you devoured, the weight on your heart began to lift, and you found yourself grinning despite the warm tears still lingering in your eyes. finally, with one last maneuver, you cleared the maze of the white dots with no lives lost, the screen flashing in celebration. you had done it! you won the game for the first time in your life. your grandmother had been there for recitals, birthdays, and graduations, but this had to be one of your biggest achievements yet and she wasn’t here to see it happen.
“i—i did it! i really did it!” you exclaimed, laughter bubbling up through your tears. an array of emotions spread through you like they never did before, you couldn’t even describe how it felt in that moment. clark beamed at you, pride shining in his ocean eyes.
“i knew you could. i know that she’s so proud of you.”
overwhelmed with emotion, you turned to him, gratitude swelling within you, so you did the unthinkable, but not the impossible. you leaned in, wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and landed a lingering, tender kiss on his cheek.
“oooh! thank you, thank you, thank you, clark! for everything. you’re the best person a girl could ever wish for.”
it was slow at first, but nonetheless he smiled. to your amusement, the once pale skin of his cheeks were now painted a faint crimson as his gaze was awestruck for a second until you called his name to return him back to earth.
“a-anytime. y’know i’m always here for you.” clark stammered, but you both could tell he was sincere.” his palm reached out as a warm invitation for you to take.
“i have no doubt about that and i’d do the same for you in a heartbeat, clark.” you return the sentiment by taking his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. a sudden warm tingle surged through you, which was strange as you’ve held clark’s hand on other occasions—platonically of course. what was this feeling? you were dealing with so much, it was difficult to even pinpoint it. his tenor voice broke you out of your daze.
“now, let’s go back to your family. i’m sure they need you just as much as you need them.” you nod at his statement. this was going to be hard, but you were grateful to have someone like clark kent in your corner. like the gentleman he was, he carefully tugged you up from your seat on your grandmother’s bed, careful that you wouldn’t stumble.
hand in hand, you walked back into the warmth of your family downstairs, carrying a piece of your grandmother with you, and the strength of your connection with clark lighting the way for the funeral, burial, and whatever dark days may be ahead.
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paisholotus · 5 months ago
First Day Madness
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"Clark Kent. You're late!" Martha yelled, from the bottom of the steps. Clark is sitting in front of his computer, wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants. He's 15 now, with glossy-black hair and eyes of intense curiosity. He's searching for answers, searching for the truth, searching for himself.
"Clark If you don't get down here, I'm coming up!" Martha yells for the second time. He ignores her, clicks on another story. Then angry footsteps can be heard coming up the stairs. Clark reads a "Miami Herald article" he sees a photo of a haunted looking girl, the headline reads "Foster Child Claims To Have Started Blaze With Her Eyes." Only when he hears his mother's hand twisting the doorknob does he hit the screen saver.
Martha swings the door open, "Clark! Now get your butt out of --" But as she steps inside, Clark is sitting on the bed, fully dressed, casually tying his shoe. He smiles innocently. "Morning, Mom." She peers at him, suspicious. Holds up a suit. "It's one of your father's. I thought I could alter it for you." She said, smiling at him. "Why? Did somebody die?" He asked standing up. "Homecoming dance this weekend." Martha said, in a duh tone. "I don't have a date, Mom, I figured that would be the big tip-off that I'm not going." He mumbled, shrugging, standing up.
"Did you ask anyone?" She asked, folding her arms. "No." Clark said simply. "That's kind of the critical step to landing a date, Clark. Why don't you finally ask honey? You've had this crush on her since you were a little boy." He looked at her and frowned shaking his head.
"You just need to let people see who you really are..." She catches herself. "You know... on the inside." Clark smiles and laughed lowly. "It's okay, Mom, I know what you mean." She returns his smile, "just promise you'll think about it. I think you'll both make each other happy." As Clark heads out, Martha sighs, reaches for the discarded sweatpants when she inadvertently knocks the mouse over, causing the newspaper articles to pop back on screen. As she glances over them, her face creases with concern.
Clark is guzzling milk from a carton when Martha enters. She shakes her head, hands him a glass. "Tastes better out of the carton." He chuckles. She snaps the carton out of his hands, puts it on the table. "Where did you learn your manners?" She asking jokingly, but serious. "On a farm." He says sarcastically. Jonathan enters from the back, he's clearly been up since dawn. "Afternoon, folks." He kisses Martha, grabs the milk carton, guzzles it just like Clark. Clark flashes his mother a smile as Jonathan sits at the table, picks up the newspaper. When he opens it, a slip of paper falls free.
"What's this?" He asked Clark. "Permission slip." "You going on a field trip?" She asked, grabbing it. "It's for the football team. A couple of spots opened up." Martha turns, meets Jonathan's gaze. Clark pretends he doesn't notice, carries on. "They're holding tryouts this afternoon." Jonathan stares at the permission slip, doesn't say anything. "Come on, Dad, you played football when you were in school." Clark said, trying to reason. "That was different." He said, being dismissive. "Why?" Clark asked, walking in front of him. "You know why." Clark looks at Jonathan, makes his case. "I figure I can run at half speed and I won't hit anybody. Most freshman hardly play. Chances are, I'll ride the bench most of the season. Dad, I can be careful." Clark said sitting down.
"You're meant for greater things than football, Clark." Jonathan said, drinking his coffee. "Like what?" Clark asked, but was cut by knocking on the door.
"Come in." Martha said, plating Jonathan's breakfast. In comes Honey Ross. The sister of Clark's best friend. He's had a crush on here since they were little kids. But, he's been too shy to tell her, especially when it came to who he really is.
"Goodmorning, mama M, just wanted to see if jack and the beanstalk here wanted a ride." She said, smiling. Clark felt his cheeks heat up and playfully shoved her.
"You two better head off. Don't wanna be late." Jonathan said, making Clark frown at him a bit. Honey looked between the two and frowned herself at the obvious tension between them. Honey waved them bye as they walked out the house.
They walked to her car as she looked at him. "What was that about?" She asked, as they got into the car.
He huffed and got in. "Tell you later."
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"For once, why can't I be normal?"
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kryptokent · 1 year ago
clark kent (smallville) x male reader
before clark meets up with you for a coffee date, his mother makes an unusual discovery in the laundry basket.
warnings/content: lead up to smut but fade to black, established relationship, you know about his powers, bisexual clark :3
word count: 1.7k
also on ao3!
dinosaur boxers
“Hm,” Martha murmurs, rifling through the laundry basket and grabbing at an item. “I’ve never seen these before.”
“What is it, Martha?” Jonathan asks, peering over that morning’s newspaper. 
She turns around and holds up a pair of boxers. “These aren’t yours, are they?”
Jonathan raises an eyebrow at the design. “No. Must be Clark’s.” He shakes his head with a huff of laughter and turns back to the newspaper. “Although I can’t imagine him wearing that.”
“I dunno. I didn’t buy these for him.”
Chuckling to himself, Jonathan folds the paper and places it on the table, standing up to make his way over to her. “Martha, Clark is 18. I’m sure he’s old enough to buy his own underwear by now.”
“Well, yeah, but he…” She starts, trailing off. Instead, she gives him an embarrassed smile. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
“When am I ever wrong?” He smirks, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Making his way back to the kitchen table, he grabs his jacket and shrugs it on. “Speaking of Clark, where is that–”
“You were speaking about me?” Clark asks, bounding down the stairs with a grin. “Good things, I hope.”
“We were just talking about this mystery underwear your mom found.”
Clark tilts his head and turns to his mother, the smile slipping off his face immediately at the sight. She waves the boxers, still holding them in front of her chest, and asks, “These yours?”
“Uh, y-yes,” Clark manages to get out through a cough. Martha’s eyebrows knit together and Jonathan turns back to face him with his eyebrows reaching his hairline. Clark clears his throat and smiles again. “Yes. Of course they’re mine, mom, who else’s would they be?”
She takes that as an acceptable answer and shrugs, dropping them back into the basket. “Just didn't think dinosaur-themed boxers were your thing.”
His face heats up. “Trying something new. Anyways, gotta go.” He’s out the door before anyone else can say anything.
Staring at the door in confusion, Jonathan shakes his head. “That was weird, wasn’t it?”
“Definitely. Think he’s hiding something?”
He thinks for a moment. “That he really likes dinosaurs.”
Outside, Clark takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. That was close, he thinks, before shooting off toward the Talon. He comes to a stop at the back alley, glancing around to make sure no one's nearby to notice him, and makes his way to the front of the building. To his surprise, you’re already standing at the corner behind a dumpster and he almost jumps out of his skin.
“Jesus, you scared me!”
“Sorry,” you laugh, waiting for him to catch his breath. “I know you like to come this way.”
“Do you now?” Clark laughs, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips. He pulls away, searches the area, finds no one, and presses his lips back to yours. The height difference makes his chest swell with joy and he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your lower back. Between kisses, he mutters, “You'll never guess what my parents found earlier.”
“What’d they find?”
Clark pulls away and leans against the wall with a smug look. “Your boxers.”
“Mhm.” Pushing off the wall, he gently grabs your arm and leads you toward the entrance of the Talon. “You must have left them there last time you were… over. I figure you took mine instead when you rushed out.”
You take a shaky breath. “Do they suspect anything?”
“You mean do they suspect we’re dating? No, doesn’t seem like it.”
“That’s good,” you reply as you take a seat closest to the door. “I guess you still don’t wanna tell anyone?”
Clark gives you an awkward smile as he sits opposite you and leans in close. “I just don’t know how they’ll react,” he says, voice hushed. “I mean, I know they’ll accept me, but…”
“You’re just not ready to announce you have a boyfriend.”
He looks around quickly, worrying that someone would overhear. “Exactly.”
Your hand twitches, and to Clark it looks as if you’re  about to reach for his hand but have second thoughts. He wants to reach out for you in return, hold your hand with no fear, but he stops himself. “That’s okay,” you smile, a small smile at first before it turns into a loving grin that lights him up like the Fourth of July. “I completely understand. As long as you’re happy, yeah?”
“I am happy.” Clark bumps his foot against yours under the table with a sweet smile. “You make me happy.”
Your grin widens “You make me happy too, Clark.”
He smirks and glances around. “Why don’t we get outta here?”
“Thought you wanted coffee.”
He shrugs. “Coffee can wait.” He stands and brushes a hand over your shoulder casually as he passes you, beckoning you to follow him.
“And this can’t?” You laugh, following outside and back down the alley. “What have you got planned?”
“Something fun,” he grins, looking around before taking you into his arms. “May I?”
“You may.”
Clark’s lips find your cheek. “Hold on.” He waits until you’re in his arms before speeding off, running faster than the speed of light. He runs and runs and runs until he makes it back to the farm, entering the barn and slowing down.
“We’re at the barn,” you state.
You smirk at him. “And what do you plan to do here?”
“Well…” he trails off, looking you up and down with his own flustered smile. “Whatever you want. But first, I’ll be back in a minute.”
He speeds off, leaving you standing alone. You shake your head with a laugh at his abrupt exit and make your way upstairs. By the time you’re flopping onto the couch and picking up a book from the table, Clark returns holding two coffees. 
“You couldn’t have gotten them before we left?” You ask, chuckling. 
“I didn’t think.”
“Do you ever?”
Clark rolls his eyes and hands you a cup, gently pushing your legs aside so he can sit next to you. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever, wise guy.” He takes a sip of his coffee and smiles. “I figured we could have our coffee date here. In private. Where no one can see us.”
“That is what private means, Clark.”
He huffs out a laugh. “I can never catch a break with you, can I?”
“Only when I’m dead.”
“Well I hope that’s not soon,” he whispers, leaning in close and looking deep into your eyes. His breath fans your cheek. Leaning closer, he presses a few soft kisses from your lips toward your cheekbone, and he smiles, before pulling back and taking another sip of his drink. “Now I can kiss you whenever I want.”
You giggle at that. “Alright, loverboy. You sure your parents won’t come up here?”
“They’re both out doing their own things. We’re all alone up here.”
“Alone, huh?”
Clark flushes red. “Mhm.”
“Well maybe I can get my boxers back then?”
“Oh…” He glances away. “Yeah, uh, sure. I can go get them for you.”
You roll your eyes in amusement and laugh, leaning forward to press a kiss to his burning cheek. “I mean, Clark, that you'll have to take these ones off first.”
His breath catches in his throat and his wide eyes find yours. “Wh– I– Oh. Oh, heh, yeah. Yeah.”
“You’re so cute,” you laugh, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “But it looks like you might explode if I say anything else like that. Let’s just enjoy this coffee first.”
He nods eagerly, making you laugh even more. “Sure. Yeah. It’s nice coffee. Really nice.”
You shuffle closer so that you’re curling into him, head on his firm chest. His strong arm instinctively wraps around you, pulling you closer, and he drops a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m glad we’re together, Clark.”
“Me too. If you hadn’t flirted with me on that day we met, I don’t know where I’d be right now.”
“Still chasing after girls that already have boyfriends, I bet. And blissfully unaware you could have been chasing after the boyfriends, too.”
He laughs and you can feel the vibrations of it against your cheek. “I’d have figured it out!” You glance up and raise an eyebrow and he gives you a cheeky smile. “Eventually.”
Pressing your lips to his, you smile. “I’m glad I helped you out.”
“Me too.”
The kiss deepens and you can feel rather than see Clark leaning forward to place his coffee on the table behind you. His hand slides up your arm and takes your cup too, placing it beside his. You chuckle against his lips as he pulls you into his lap. “Thought you were enjoying your coffee.”
“I was,” he shrugs, trailing kisses down to your jaw. “But I’ll definitely enjoy this more.”
You tilt your head to give him more access to your neck. “What happened to my cute flustered farm boy?”
Clark pulls back to smirk and there’s a playful glint in his beautiful blue eyes. “You talk too much,” he says, more of a loving statement than an insult. Pushing you against the soft pillows of the couch, he hovers over you confidently. “I guess I need to shut you up.”
You laugh and tug at the hem of his shirt before lifting it up and over his head. “And you need to give me my boxers back.”
He rolls his eyes “What did I just say, mister?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, eyes stuck to his toned torso. No matter how many times you’ve seen him shirtless, the beauty of him still amazes you. “Wasn’t listening. Was a bit distracted.”
He chuckles and dips back down to trail kisses from your lips to your neck, sliding his hands under your shirt and over your burning skin. “Guess I gotta help you with that.”
“And my bo–”
“And your boxers, I know, I know.” You share a sweet laugh and he removes your shirt, smiling down at you. “You're so beautiful. So, so beautiful.”
“Says you.”
He gives you his usual boyish grin and gives you a sweet kiss. “I do say so.”
It’s safe to say the coffee grows cold a while before the two of you are done.
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lily-radiance · 11 months ago
Random fic headcanons and ideas:
TWD season two Daryl Dixon with an S/O who's in trouble
Both loners
MC is not from Georgia
Early 20s MC dating mid-30s Daryl
She knows how to shoot archery bows but not crossbows
Andrea considers MC like another younger sibling
Everyone advises Daryl not to go for you and vice versa
When Rick, Hershel, and Glenn go to the bar, MC accompanies them. Daryl only goes when Lori tells him that you are in danger.
Carol gives him advice
Andrea and Lori warn him if he breaks your heart, he's a dead man.
RE4 Leon with a high school best friend who became an Umbrella Scientist.
MC was initially training for the force with Leon but dropped out to find another passion
She wants to help people but gets pulled into Umbrella’s dark research
Leon caught a glimpse of her at the end of RE2 but couldn't be sure if it was her.
Ashley doesn't trust MC, but Leon ignores it
Both have combat experience and have undergone physical conditioning
MC does not have Las Plagas
Krauser spars with MC, causing Leon to jump in.
Krauser asks Leon to choose between you and Ashley.
IDK if Leon would be sweet here or a Yandere.
Arkham Movie Trilogy Jonathan Crane, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy x Psychiatrist reader
This story is currently in progress!!!
Reader works at Arkham Asylum
Friends with Bruce Wayne
Knows about his alter ego and occasionally helps him solve cases
Reader believes Bruce should do more with his money to benefit Gotham
Combines Heath Ledger’s Joker with Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn
The reader was in the same major as Harley in college, and the two dated briefly
Harley constantly teases the reader when she catches wind of a new crush
You try to ignore her, but eventually can't as she warns you that the doctor is deadlier than he lets on
You brush it off, too fond of your coworker to accept the notion that he can hurt you
Bruce doesn't like your new counterpart, picking up a destructive energy that screams guilty
In defiance, you decide to bring your beaux to one of many parties and get on your friend’s last nerve.
A kiss is shared in front of the crowd, some murmuring complaints while others smile. You wish to stay in Jonathan’s arms, but the moment is interrupted as Bruce pulls you aside
Naturally, two upper-class socialites fighting in front of an audience calls for bad publicity, but not on your part
“If you keep this up, you'll become a sewer rat criminal just like the rest!”
Luckily, you decided to wear a few rings to accentuate your outfit. Not only do you look stunning, but you reel back and land a brutal slap on his cheek. Yet that doesn't hurt as much as your following words.
“How dare you, Bruce. How dare you scrutinize what you can never understand. Thomas and Martha would be ashamed of you, and you, of all people, know they were difficult to rattle. Next time you need anything, ask someone who gives a shit.”
Your friend has to watch in shock as you exit the home, arm linked with a man he despises. Even in disagreeable situations, you manage to exhibit grace and elegance. It's the beginning of a new era and the opportunity to forget the complex life of the wealthy.
“Is your hand alright, (Y/N)? Better yet, are you okay?”
Never underestimate a psychiatrist to get into your head. He walks you to the car, watching your lips tremble in the darkness. You meet his stare, and one thought crosses your mind: kissing him sounds lovely. The doctor is efficient at picking up social cues, leaning down to meet your lips, and extinguishing the frigid temperature.
“As long as I'm with you, Jonathan. I can do anything with you by my side, no matter the risks.”
I want to make the reader an anti-hero vigilante with the “Grim Reaper” theme. Supernatural powers in Batman don't really occur so I will brainstorm. Most villains are the work of genetic experiments gone wrong so maybe I'll work with that?
JD(Heathers 1989) dating the reader
You are friends with Veronica and the despicable Heathers
Instead of going along with their charades, you often argue and challenge Heather Chandler
She constantly threatens your social standing but knows that the campus would easily choose you over her.
Purple color coded
JD can't help but admire your tenacity as you begrudgingly follow Veronica to the table, attempting to stop the girl from doing Heather’s bidding.
When you walk over, he seems uninterested in the girl speaking to him, instead transfixed on your disinterested attitude. Unknowingly, you lick your lips, tasting lip gloss and wiping some glitter away. When you lock eyes, you swear your heart stops beating, drawn to his carefree attitude.
Veronica says a few words to you, trying to convince you to let her administer the lunch poll
As she talks, you playfully roll your eyes, causing the delinquent to smirk in your direction. He hides a chuckle from breaking out, finding your careless joking funny given the circumstances. When Veronica walks off, it allows you to sit across from the newcomer, albeit a little too eagerly.
“Mind if I ask for a smoke? I'm dying from boredom.”
“Sure, I could never say no to a girl like you. I’m guessing you’ve been trying to break from those devils all day.”
He lights your cigarette as you take it between your teeth, enjoying the visual more than he lets on.
“It's all thanks to you, my knight in obsidian armor.”
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kent-farm · 2 years ago
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What’s goin’ on with Dad?
—Clark to his mom, Smallville, “Nicodemus”
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jonjaydami · 11 months ago
Breaking down the song too sweet by hozier and literally shoving any dc ship in it. Well mainly any bat x super ship cause honestly I love the idea that the song is from the bats perspective talking about their respective super.
Also I feel the need to make this clear, I do ship superbat, timkon, and Damijon but not all in the same universe. Like no offense to anyone who has written anything containing all three of these ships but I think it's just weird cause it's like man if superbat is canon and then you put damijon it's like Damian and Jonathan are brothers so it just makes me feel weird about the ship at that point. But if they are all in separate fics then I feel like it's fine and I love it.
But anyway! I was writing my newest chapter and on my superbat fanfiction called " does superman cry" (FYI I regret not making the title too sweet or ice tea and tears or something silly like that)
Cause I'm so OBSESSED with Clark having a deep appreciation for ice tea and loving it cause Martha would make it during the summer months and would make it warm during the winter so Kal just always had that bitter sweet tea after a long day of working on the farm.
So Bruce learns about it and he absolutely hates tea. He takes his whiskey neat and coffee in bed at 3 and this man just can't stand the bitter taste. Even with sugar in it he hates it. But after he learns Martha makes it he has Alfred the tea steeping master he is make his own so every time Clark comes over he baits him into drinking a glass.
Especially if he wants Clark to stay longer. He secretly just brings him a glass and Kal the nice boy that he is can never refuse a glass of home made sweet tea.
Eventually they fall into this pattern and even start dating and Bruce finds that he doesn't mind sweet tea as long as it's on Clark's lips when he kisses him. Thats the sweetest tea of all.
Also I'm imagining Clark not actually being a coffee fan and liking tea cause it tastes more like home and the earthy flavor it provides, but he will bring Bruce a steaming cup of coffee just like how he likes it as compensation. Kinda like a trade of sorts ♥️🖤💙💛
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years ago
Kid! Clark and Odd Duck?
"What in the Sam hell?"
Jonathan looked the way your grandfather was looking and chuckled, "Martha must have called before she finished her book."
"Ya think?"
Clark, without breaking a sweat, had a hold of the back of your overalls in one hand and his soda pop in the other and was quite simply just dragging you along behind him as you sat on the ground. Book in your hands, intently reading.
"Lord give me strength."
"I think he gave it to the boy."
Bruce held up a picture off your bookcase, smiling a little. Clark was dragging you by the hood across a college campus. Looking annoyed but resigned. And you still had a drink in one hand and a book in the other.
"Finals week I think?" you muse wincing when yawning made your head hurt.
"Who took the picture?" he asked, amused.
"Jimmy I think. Clark dragged me out of a lot of places."
"Like that?"
"When we were kids he dragged me by my overalls mostly."
"They have nice pockets for rocks. And snacks."
"Valid," Bruce snorted putting the picture down. He'd never paid much attention to the pictures on the shelf. Lots of them had Clark in them. Some had his parents. Some had your Grandparents. The ones with your mother were there but- clearly obligatory. There so she couldn't complain. Or ask.
Little glimpses.
Lois kissing your cheek on one side and Clark kissing the other while they forced you to participate in a little birthday party- presumably by bribing you with your favorite cake AND a defined stop time where you could leave.
Pictures people had snapped in candid moment. Posed pictures in weird places, including one that defied explanation where you're hanging off a tree branch by your feet and looking curiously zen despite being 6 ft off the ground. One day he'd have to ask. Someone would probably have an answer.
But right now you'd decided his sweater was the best thing on earth and you were drowning in it. And he'd rather spend a little more time letting you sleep on him.
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jor-elsemissary · 9 days ago
Senator Kent
Lois after frustration and is in full on villian mode. Because Jonathan drove her to insanity.
Clark: LOIS!
Lois: Remember if you say say no. Martha takes your fucking place
Lionel: You are very determined aren't you. *smirks*
Lois: You're a coward, Jonathan is a tease. AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN WITH MARTHA!
Evil!Lois arch begins. Let the chaos begin!
You see what you cause Jonathan. YOU SEE WHAT YOU FUCKING DID!
Jonathan Kent glared at Lois, “I think you have had one too many now, Lois.”
“I’ve only just got started, sweetie,” the reporter shot back and then stared pointedly toward the billionaire on the sofa. “You know Lionel’s hoping you refuse.”
“No, actually I’m not…” Lionel started to protest.
“Shush, you’ve been wanting to kiss Missus K all night,” she interrupted him and he quickly fell silent at the look she gave him. Lionel turned to Martha for help but she merely shrugged helplessly.
The senator pursed his lips before heaving a resigned sigh, “Fine.” He gets up from the rocker and goes over to the man who was the bane of his existence most days. “Let’s make this quick, Lionel.
Lionel merely grinned, “Wouldn’t be my first quickie.”
Jonathan groaned, “We’re not going that far, damnit!”
“At the rate Lois is going in trying to hook us up, I wouldn’t be surprised if this starts to get X-rated soon,” the man commented before scooting over to give the senator some room to sit.
Jonathan reluctantly sat with a scowl, “I’ll quit the game before it does.”
“I dunno. Martha would have to… Mmf!” He was silenced with a hand grabbing his tie and pulling him forward and a harsh kiss upon his mouth. Not one to make things easy for anyone, Lionel captured the senator by the back of his neck and held him in place as he recovered from the surprise.
Soon enough, Jonathan found himself being kissed back with a passion he hadn’t expected from the billionaire. In the back of his mind, while he found himself returning Lionel’s passion, an insidious thought was birthed.
Jonathan realized that Lionel actually was a damn good kisser and he almost didn’t want to stop. But pride got the better of him and he forced himself to pull away from the man before it became a full blown makeout session.
Lionel was quiet as was the senator. They stared at each other for a moment, unsure of what to make of things. It was Jonathan who stood up and straightened his shirt collar and ran a hand through his hair.
He glared at Lois, “Satisfied?
“Am I ever, holy shit…”
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loverboybrightsideghost · 3 months ago
omg it's the flower from tangled
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months ago
Lex Luthor (Smallville/X-Men) AU - Fanfiction - Chapter 7
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Lex realized that you possessed some very interesting traits and perspectives, and he couldn’t complain.
He enjoyed it. Talking with you. Even though your entire personality was a bit standoffish, with him, you were almost transparent, and he realized that it wasn’t so much that you didn’t like people. It just took you a while to warm up to them. He took notice of the way you were around Clark, and that one time you’d met his parents when he invited you both over for dinner.
“Thanks again Mrs. Kent.”
She smiled warmly, brushing off the comment as she began putting out the food. Jonathan was in the background grabbing the glasses and Clark went to get the plates.
“Clark honey, could you get us some silverware.”
Lex stood.
“I’ll grab them.”
“Oh no Lex, you’re the guest.”
“Please, I insist.”
He was already on his feet, and you followed behind. When Lex turned with his hand full of silverware, you just looked at him. He smiled at your need to help, or stick to him like a golden retriever. Both were very cute. He handed you half of the load as he moved back to set them down and you did the same.
By the time everything was set up, Clark was rushing to take his seat and Martha batted his hand away when he tried to sneak a biscuit. Jonathan laughed, pulling out a seat for his wife as she smiled, leaving a kiss on his cheek. He took his own seat, and once you were done, you were about to follow, but you paused next to Lex’s seat. He stopped by yours and you both had ended up pulling out the chair for the other.
Clark looked curious and Martha and Jonathan merely smiled.
“I’m the gentlemen, you’re supposed to let me be chivalrous.” Lex explained.
“If we’re measuring chivalry I’d be on the top. I’ve saved you half a dozen times.” You argued.
“Well it is in your job description.”
“Exactly. It’s my job to help you, so sit.”
Lex shook his head.
“This is a casual setting, so you should sit.” He gestured.
“I’m stronger.”
“I’m taller.” Lex counters.
“I’m indestructible.”
“I can’t get sick.”
He smiled, because it looked like you were thinking of more ways to win this competition. Clark still seemed a bit confused by the back and forth. But he still worked up a smile.
“You guys are arguing like a couple.” He joked.
You turned to him with a deadpan look.
“We are dating.”
“Wait, what! When!”
“Don’t you read the paper?” You asked.
“I-I thought that was just fake news.”
Martha was giggling at her son’s obvious lack of awareness. From her smile it’s clear she’d probably figured it out the moment she saw you both together.
“You’re pretty dense aren’t you?”
“I’m not!”
Lex intended to point out that he was pretty oblivious, but he decided against it. You looked back at him, and Lex relented, taking a seat as you slid his chair in slightly. He could see the slightly proud look you wore as you took your own seat.
“Let’s eat.”
Jonathan shared a smile with Martha as the food began to pass around.
The conversation was light, and Lex was especially observant of how comfortable you seemed around Clark’s parents. It’s then that he realized that it must have been ages since you had something like this. Dinner with kind people.
When the meal was over you were quick to give your compliments and help with the clean up. Martha and Jonathan were packaging the food. Lex stepped into the kitchen to help you with the dishes. You were washing them with such an easy look on your face. He could physically see the difference between when you were working and when you were just present. He loved it, how calm and carefree you looked doing something so mundane.
You placed the last plate down on the cloth, looking over your shoulder as you reached for the dry wash rag to wipe off your hands.
“You looked like you were enjoying yourself.”
You turned fully when your hands were dry, and Lex spotted that thoughtful look on your face. It dawned on him that aside from what he knew about your brother, he didn’t have much knowledge about your family situation.
You wanted to tell him, but there was so much to unpack. Your dad was a deadbeat drunk and your mother’s sanity hadn’t lasted long enough for her to have a good life.
In that moment you could say all of that and Lex would simply be there for you, providing comfort. There was nothing more you appreciated. However, at this moment, saying any of that would just be poor timing. You want to enjoy this without dwelling on what has already happened. You can’t change it, and you don’t want Lex to feel burdened. So for now, the tough stories can wait for another time.
“Mr. and Mrs Kent raised a great person, even if he’s blind to what’s right in front of him.”
“I heard that!!” Clark’s yell echoed.
Lex cracked a smile, moving over to give you a kiss on the cheek.
He appreciated each little moment. You might not be an open book, but the parts he already knew about you, he admired.
He couldn’t have asked for a better partner, a better friend.
“Mr. Luthor, your car is waiting outside.”
You were standing at his bedroom door waiting for him to exit. He’d been in there for a while.
“Mr. Luthor.”
Your call didn’t receive a reply and now you are confused. Gripping the door knob you turned it, stepping inside with your eyes focused. You couldn’t smell any intruders and you would have heard if someone snuck in.
“Lex where are yo-”
His bathroom door opened and he stepped out with a towel on his shoulders and a pair of black briefs. Your eyes zeroed in on his attire, or lack thereof. The event wasn’t for another two hours, but you hadn’t expected him to still be in the shower.
“Sorry, were you calling me? I had some time so I decided to take a bath.”
That makes sense.
You avert your gaze, nodding.
“I just wanted to tell you that your car is ready.”
“Thank you.”
With another nod, you kept your eyes on anywhere but him. While you’re good at remaining professional, you’re not blind. Lex is an attractive guy. Even if you hadn’t started dating, you could appreciate that fact.
“Did you call me Lex?”
The slip plays back in your head and you shake your head.
“You must be hearing things.”
Lex smiled, dropping the towel on the bed as he approached. You did your best to say neutral but it was difficult. His eyes were twinkling in that manner that occurred whenever he was up to something. You could still see a few glistening spots on his body from the water and he smelled like heaven. Given how sensitive your nose is, just being in the room was making you a bit lightheaded.
He finally stopped in front of you and you couldn’t help but meet his eyes. He could see it, your need to remain in control. You’ve probably trained yourself to be indifferent to so much that it’s almost instinct at this point. He never wanted you to feel like you had to hold back.
“You don’t have to be cautious around me. I won’t break.”
Something in your eyes felt like he’d hit the nail right on the head.
He took your hand, and you looked down.
You felt like you needed to be transparent, because Lex has always been that way with you.
“My brother...he’s still out there. Even after everything he did, I couldn’t bring myself to ever..” You can’t say those words. He’d taken the person you loved from you, so of course you were angry, but losing him would have left a bigger hole.
“I’m telling you this because there’s a chance that one day he’ll come looking for me. So if you decided that it’s better to-”
“When he comes, I’ll be with you.”
You squeeze his hand. You expect the comment. He’s stubborn like that. He just smiles.
“Don’t think you can get rid of me that easily.”
“I don’t think my bank account would be too happy if I did.”
He chuckles and you crack a small smile.
“Now stop trying to seduce me and put some clothes on.”
You were heading for the door, Lex’s laughter following you all the way out. 
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