#Kid bruce wayne
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the--firevenus · 8 days ago
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Mini superbat <3
Based on my yapping about them meeting during their childhood, I love to think their dynamic flip when they were kid <3
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camenxi · 10 months ago
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Batman au where Alfred takes role of batman instead of bruce! and bruce as robin or well batboy! :]]
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shinyspanishgem · 3 months ago
De-aged Batfamily concept, but with one more usually skipped member.
Usual stuff first, maybe it was a Gotham rogue with science, perhaps somebody external with magic; doesn't matter much. Except this wasn't an attack on Batman, it was meant for Bruce Wayne...meaning the manor was attacked.
First, the JL get rid of the threat, and then find the rest of the family. Diana finds Dick, he's a very small baby, maybe even months old, and he hangs from a chandelier.
While everyone freaks out about how he got there, Oliver, who remembers seeing Dick's first gala stunt, deduces he probably shrunk down until he was that age, and either an eight or seven old Dick was the one to climb there.
The ones who don't stay babying baby Dick and taking pics, look for Bruce. This has happened before, so they are betting on two options: a recently traumatized eight-year-old, or younger and looking for his parents. Hal bets on an angry teenager Bruce because it would be hilarious.
What they don't expect to find, is a twenty-something Alfred Pennyworth with Bruce on his hips and in a state of absolute panic. Because he is the youngest intelligence agent Britain has seen in a while, he can tell something is very wrong, and will not reason with these weird people in Wayne Manor for the life of him.
Hal tries to approach him, having apparently not learned his lesson of not judging someone's capabilities just because they don't have magic, powers or a ring, from Batman. Agent A has him immobilized on the ground in three seconds flat, Bruce on his hip and all.
Hal then understands this young man raised Batman after all.
Superman is ready for when he inevitably asks where the Waynes are, he's had this conversation with little Bruce before, and it was actually Alfred himself who advised him how to. Clark is not ready for Alfred to ask for his father, the previous butler who would indeed know what's going on, because what do you say to that? It doesn't help that Bruce is absolutely not letting go of Alfred, the only person he recognizes there.
It's not Batman's business, it's Bruce Wayne's business, so the GCPD does get there. The JL don't know what to do when instead of being understanding and helping out, Jim Gordon *pales*. "You're telling me...a young Alfred Pennyworth-an on edge young Alfred Pennyworth, is in there...nope, not in a million years, I remember the Martha incident" no one asks what he means.
It takes a retired Harvey Bullock to come down grunting to calm the Brit down a bit, he tells him to let them help out rather harshly, and the JL thinks Gordon fucked up by calling this man: But Alfred does back down then, the issue getting resolved after that.
Just, de-aged Alfred, an intelligence Agent, ready to take down the freaks (Justice League, heroes of the world) to make sure they don't get close to Thomas and Martha's kid (Batman, founder of the league)
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the-fyre-flie · 1 month ago
So I'm currently incredibly sick with a horrible cough and scratchy throat, so hc of kid!Bruce Wayne being taken care of by Alfred while sick!
Bruce, about 12 or 13, was at that stage in his life where he wanted so badly to be this indestructible guy who doesn't need help. The trauma from losing his parents is still fresh and painful, and he keeps trying to push down his pain. That included being sick.
Sat in bed, coughing and sniffling, Bruce keeps trying to push Alfred away, refusing the soup and medicine. Alfred is becoming more and more frustrated that his son won't even take the cough medicine, but he's hiding it well, gently urging Bruce to do what he's telling him to do.
"Master Bruce, it's for your well being-" Alfred isn't exactly pushing the soup towards Bruce, but the boy just turns away, wheezing slightly.
"I'm fine!" the boy pouts, coughing into his blankets and trying very hard to not leak snot all over.
By day three of Bruce being sick, he's finally accepted some medicine, and Alfred lets out the biggest sigh of relief. Bruce's stubbornness starts oh so very young.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year ago
His foot connects, and Bruce’s single second of surprise costs him dearly when Jason spins around and puts him in an easy chokehold.
“Yield, kid.”
Bruce seethes, bucking left and right, up and down, but Jason’s thick arm is like a vice and doesn’t budge a single millimeter even as Bruce drops his entire weight in a last ditch attempt to at least unbalance him—
“Bruce, enough.”
Bruce stops thrashing, glaring at the ground, and slowly, very slowly, Jason releases him and takes a step back. His breath is still as calm and even as ever, he doesn’t even look like he’d been breaking a sweat while Bruce himself feels like he’d just run three marathons and then stood beneath a spray of water.
This is ridiculous. They’ve been going round after round, but Jason is holding back and Bruce knows with an absolute certainty that he’s not even going to have a single bruise tomorrow morning. This isn’t helping. How is he supposed to learn to work around pain and sore limbs if Jason refuses to do more than tap him?
“Again,” Bruce demands, lifting his head defiantly. With everyone else he would have already goaded them into attacking him for real. Bruce is good at riling people up. But it never seems to work with Jason. His eyes just get really green and he goes very quiet and then he just… walks away.
It’s kind of infuriating.
— the Antithesis of Magic chpt. 3 sneak peek
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manufactured-pleasantry · 1 year ago
I HC that Bruce hates eating by himself with a passion. It's just so boring! You put food in your mouth, then chew, swallow, and repeat. Boring! He likes to talk with his parents at meal times, ask them how their days went, tell them about his, and all that. But the problem is his parents are busy people. They seldom have the time to eat with Bruce. Even when they tried to include Bruce more often, it's just boring business dinners where Bruce has to eat quietly. Urgh. Boring!
To combat this, Bruce tries to trick people into eating with him. Alfred never does because he's boring and a stickler for rules but the other staff can be swayed. Probably.
Short fic below the cut.
Bruce has always been a lonely child. Ironically, loneliness is a constant companion, never leaving, though he wishes it would.
He spies two gardeners having a lunch break on a bench, sandwich bags and little thermos in hand, and skips over. Mama always told him not to bother the staff when they were working. It was a distraction and could get them into a lot of trouble. Bruce didn't want to get anyone into trouble so he kept away but the gardeners are on lunch break - that meant they aren't working, which meant Bruce isn't distracting them from anything.
"Hi!" he greets them as cheerfully as he can. "I'm Bruce!"
The gardeners put down their lunch and smile at him. "Hello, Bruce."
Bruce feels his smile widen. Alfred is the only one who called him 'Master Bruce' or 'young master' but the other staff in the manor still use 'Mr Bruce' or 'young sir', never just Bruce. For the longest time, Bruce thought that the only people who were allowed to call him by just his name were his parents. It was until he watched TV that he realised that wasn't normal.
"Are you on a lunch break?" he asks.
"Yes. Did you need anything?" the gardener says kindly.
"Can I join you?"
The gardeners share a glance before one nods and says, "Sure, we're not very fun though."
Which was a big fat lie because this was the funnest lunch Bruce has ever had in his whole, entire life. He never realised how interesting the garden was. No wonder Mama loves it so much.
Bruce starts joining the gardeners on their lunch break once a week, bringing a sandwich of his own and snacks to share. The gardeners are always polite with him and teach him about their job. Bruce is going to surprise them with a potted plant he's been secretly growing in his room next time.
"Bumblebee, could we have a talk, please?" Mama asks him one evening.
"Yes, Mama," Bruce answers nervously.
They go to her drawing room where they have absolute privacy.
"I've noticed that you've been bothering the gardeners lately."
Bruce blinks because he's not been bothering the gardeners. He eats lunch with them and they talk about gardening and they have fun!
Mama continues talking without noticing Bruce's confusion. "We've spoken about this, Bruce. You have to let the staff work. If you're bored, there are plenty of toys around for you to play with. You can watch TV or read a book. No need to distract the staff from their work, darling."
"But I'm not." Bruce bites his lips because he's been careful about only approaching them during their lunch break. When he notices them during their jobs, he makes sure to limit himself to a simple greeting.
"Don't bite your lip, Bruce."
Bruce releases his lip and lowers his head in shame.
"Thank you." Mama nods. "I've seen you joining in on their lunch breaks."
"Mama, I'm not distracting anyone from work when they're on break. That's why it's called a break!"
Mama cups Bruce's face in her hands and sighs. "Oh, honey. I'm sorry but you have to understand. The staff are our employees; they have to listen to what we say, even if they're on break. When you join them on lunch, you're forcing them to be on the job when they should be relaxing."
Bruce's face falls and he thinks back to every lunch he's shared with the gardeners. Was every smile actually strained? Every laugh forced? The 'happy to talk, Bruce' just a lie? Tears well up in his eyes and Mama pulls him into a hug.
"I didn't want to force them to eat with me," he sobs. "I just wanted to eat together."
"I know, sweetheart." Mama rubs her hand up and down Bruce's trembling back and quietly consoles him. "I'm sorry. You'll just have to eat with Mama instead."
Bruce nods but he knows he'll have to eat alone because Mama ate lunch with her friends at fancy tea places and she didn't take Bruce to those.
Next time he sees the gardeners taking a lunch break, he greets them politely and gives them some snacks. "I'm going to have lunch with Mama today," he lies. "Enjoy your lunch."
He never joins them for lunch again.
(Then Dick comes along and Bruce never eats alone again. Even when he wants to. ("STOP STEALING MY COOKIES, DICK!" "*demonic cackles* NEVER!") When Dick leaves and Bruce has his first meal alone for the first time in years, he cries.)
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mossfrg · 2 years ago
*slams hand on table* GIMME MORE DE AGED BRUCE FICS
cause like mans was such a weird fucking kid (esp if you’re talking about Gotham!Bruce) and I don’t know how much batfam really grasps that. Like. His parents were murdered in front of him and his solution was Batman?? He has issues and I need him being a chaotic little shit.
You get equal parts crack and angst with baby Bruce. He’s shit talking rich people with Jason one moment, the next having a breakdown and fully dissociated/unresponsive bc Jason mentioned his guns. If you’re looking at from a Gotham!Bruce lens, first thing he does is hunt down Jim; everyone thinks it’s so sweet, but G!Bruce is actually trying to figure out if these weird people broke into his house to hypnotize and manipulate him bc there’s no way in hell Bruce would ever have an actual family there’s no way in hell that that’s real.
But on the flip side, you get a sweet, albeit emotionally stunted kid who’s thrilled that he does get that family, that things do work out for him eventually. Even if shit’s not perfect, he has a family that’s bigger than Alfred and two gravestones. Baby Bruce finding out all the things he’s done wrong with his kids and how much they hate him sometimes, but he just smiles while he cries bc “at least I have family that can hate me”
TLDR; de-aged!Bruce is an under used concept that is both absolutely hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time. Any de-aged fic is a great way to really dig into characters, but I think there’s something about de-aged Bruce that’s takes it to the next level.
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spider-jaysart · 2 years ago
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A young Brutalia drawing for my wonderful friend @theredheaded-stuff !💖 :)
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popipopipopipopipo000 · 2 months ago
Coolest kid to ever exist
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I saw a kid w LED light shoes running around and i said “hmm….Damian” and so here it is lol. Idc if this is OOC but hes just a kid after all lmfao
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shinyspanishgem · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Thomas Elliot/Bruce Wayne, Thomas Elliot & Bruce Wayne Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Martha Wayne | Joker, Thomas Wayne, Thomas Elliot Additional Tags: Wingfic, Wings, Bats, Batman turns into a bat, Animal Transformation, Animal Traits, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne-centric, bat!batman, Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, batman has wings, Protective Alfred Pennyworth, Don't bring your kid to galas, Alfred Pennyworth is Bruce Wayne's Parent Summary:
Bruce Wayne only ran into the cave as a tantrum, he wanted to be outside, not in that boring lunvh. The child who had always been a natural explorer, was surprised to find such a place near Wayne Manor.
To his surprise, he turns into a Bat.
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sunriseranb0w · 1 year ago
It’s giving me my-dog-has-something-in-his-mouth-WAIT-GIVE-ME-THAT!!! vibe.
I can’t explain, it but Thomas Wayne should be a cigarette mom
God help you if you cross this man at 4 in the morning at a Krispy Donut parking lot cause his cat of a child chased a rat. Voice sounding like a broken car motor, but like. Sexy. “The hell are you lookin’ at?! God damn it— BRUCE. Take that outta your mouth.”
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prlssprfctn · 2 months ago
I actually need some fanfic, where Bruce and Jason are in the middle of some argument, and a casual (and a well-practiced with Dick before) sentence leaves his mouth, something along the lines "How old do you think you are?!", meaning that he is acting childishly. And because Jason is irritated, and his tongue runs loose in his anger, he screams back that he is nineteen, and Bruce just freezes, because... Oh. Jason is nineteen. He is a fucking kid - his kid - that lost years of his teenhood, and was forced back without anyone giving him a space to catch up, with everyone else already treating him like an adult... When he isn't.
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the-fyre-flie · 7 days ago
Batman!Alfred and Kid Robin!Bruce but Bruce gets incredibly injured during a patrol and Alfred goes scorched earth, au hehe
How dare they touch his son. How dare they even look at his son. How dare they leave his little boy crying on the ground, broken and bleeding.
The pair of Joker grunts were frozen in place, terrified eyes darting between the sobbing Robin and seething Batman. They could practically see the man's anger radiating from his shadowy form, each step he took closer to them echoing off the alleyways narrow walls.
"Which one of you did it?"
The thugs flinched hard as Batman growled at them. One of them moved to run, their feet scrambling across the pavement only for a large black mass to tackle them from behind. When they looked up, their fellow grunt was already tied up and knocked out. The Bat was efficient. Scarily so.
"Did you do this to him?"
"I-I was only f-following orders!" The grunt tried to shield his face, stammering out each word. "H-honest! I have a-a family! I'm s-sorry!"
"I have a family too."
The grunt didn't even have time to scream before he was out too, limb body tossed to the side before Batman moved back to the crying Robin, scooping him into his arms.
"My boy? I'm here, my child... I'm here." Alfred pulled back his cowl, eyes filled with worry for his son. His precious son. Bruce was a mess in his arms, clutching at broken ribs with fractured arms, failing to stop his nose from bleeding all over Alfreds costume. Bruce had never been one to cry this openly. Even when his parents died, Bruce's tears had been silent. But here, in his godfathers arms, he wailed in pain, seeking his comfort.
The recovery process was slow. Bruce wasn't allowed to patrol, and Alfred had pulled him form school until he was fully recovered (most to hide the fact that he and his son were crime fighting vigilantes, but also because who makes their injured kid worry about homework?), so the manor had become Bruce's space to heal. This was perfectly okay with Alfred, he had... business to attend to outside the manor.
Every night was a blood bath. Every morning, the GCDP would find a new pile of knocked out thugs connected to Joker with broken ribs and fractured arms. At first, they thought some new villain was just terrorizing Jokers terf. Until the GCDP found Joker himself in the streets of Gotham beaten half to death, the mad man mumbling something about The Batman being responsible, and to never mess with Robin.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months ago
Another AoM interaction kind of.
Ive recently been re listening to Epic the musical and thought "Ruthlessness" song has some things that MockingJay would say to the batfam .
For example
"You fight to save lives , but wont kill to get the job done."(referring to Jason's death)
"I mean you totally could avoided all this had you just killed for once" (about the Joker )
Also i imagine Jason listening to "monster" and just sobbing .
You can bet that MJ can quote a LOT of lyrical thanks to Jason’s obsession with anything drama/theater related. It used to be one of the features that annoyed him the most about his new caretaker, but he’s now found a way to weaponize it against the batfam AND make Jason laugh. It’s a 2 for 1 kinda deal 😎
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notrobinsomethingworse · 3 months ago
Dick (Nightwing) and Jason (Robin) stare at Bruce. One sports pleading eyes, the other a shit eating grin. There’s a child between them with black hair and blue eyes.
Bruce, he doesn’t know what’s happening but he doesn’t like it: No.
Dick, grinning: He’s our younger brother now.
Jason, nodding seriously: You’re not gonna take him from us.
Tim, got kidnapped while taking photos of patrol, just happy to be there: Where’s the Batcave?
Bruce: what.
Dick, grinning wider: He’s ours now.
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batfam-stuff-posts-0 · 4 months ago
Bruce: We're going to put everything we love in this box.
Jason: Can I put Dick in the box?
Bruce: no
Tim: Can I put Dick in the box?
Bruce: No.
Damian: Can I-
Dick: *cries in My Brothers Just Admitted They Love Me*
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