#Kettlebell routines
healthmonastery · 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Strength with Kettlebell Workouts: Swing into Action!
Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and curious minds alike! If you’re on the lookout for a workout that’s more exciting than a morning coffee and packs a punch like a superhero, then it’s time to dive into the exhilarating world of kettlebell workouts. Hold onto your imaginary capes as we take you on a journey through the dynamic realm of kettlebell swings, snatches, and squats that promise to…
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thisisgraeme · 16 days
AI-Assisted Kettlebell Workouts: Boost Strength and Prevent Injury Today
Discover how AI-assisted kettlebell workouts can boost your strength, improve form, and help prevent injuries! Check out my latest blog post for tips on using AI to enhance your fitness routine. 💪 #AIworkouts #KettlebellTraining #FitnessTech
AI-Assisted Kettlebell Workouts In today’s fitness landscape, technology continues to evolve, offering new ways to enhance personal training. One of these innovations involves using AI-assisted coaching to fine-tune workout routines and help prevent injuries. Recently, I had an interactive experience with AI during one of my kettlebell workouts, where I utilised a live chat assistant (ChatGPT…
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fitnessninefit · 10 months
5 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Include in Your Workout For Beginners
Kettlebells are an adaptable exercise tool that may help you develop your ideal body type by increasing strength and endurance. Here are the top kettlebells to use for at-home training!
Choosing the ideal exercise equipment for your home gym may be very difficult. However, we're here to simplify your life by selecting the top kettlebells for at-home training. If you're unfamiliar with kettlebells, you should be aware that they are made of cast steel or iron balls with a handle fastened to the top! It gets its unusual name because it looks like a kettle.
Why are kettlebells the answer, you ask? Well, for starters, Kettlebells full body workout helps like no other. Read more to know five more kettlebells workout. From swinging to snatching, these cannonball like weights can do it all.
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davidboles · 10 months
Master Your Blood Sugar: Daily Kettlebell Workouts for Optimal A1C Management
Kettlebell exercises, recognized for their dynamic, whole-body workout approach, have a significant impact on blood sugar management, particularly beneficial for individuals monitoring their A1C levels. The A1C test measures the average blood sugar (glucose) levels over the past three months, reflecting long-term glucose control. Kettlebell workouts, by their nature, can be a powerful tool in controlling blood sugar levels.
Impact of Kettlebell Exercise on Blood Sugar
Enhanced Glucose Uptake: Kettlebell exercises, often involving high-intensity interval training (HIIT), have been shown to enhance the body’s ability to utilize glucose. This is primarily due to increased muscle activity, which demands more glucose as a fuel source. A study published in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" indicated that participants engaging in HIIT workouts, similar in intensity to kettlebell exercises, experienced improved blood sugar levels.
Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Regular physical activity, such as kettlebell training, can improve insulin sensitivity. This means that cells in muscles, fat, and the liver are better able to absorb glucose from the bloodstream. The "American Diabetes Association" suggests that muscle-strengthening activities, which include kettlebell workouts, are beneficial in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and managing blood glucose levels.
Aiding Weight Management: Excess weight, particularly around the abdomen, is a risk factor for diabetes and poor blood sugar control. Kettlebell exercises are effective for weight loss and management, as they combine strength training with cardiovascular fitness. A study from "The American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine" highlights the efficacy of kettlebell training in reducing body fat percentage, which is directly linked to improved blood sugar control.
Stress Reduction: Exercise is known to reduce stress, which in turn, can positively affect blood sugar levels. Chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which can affect blood sugar control. Engaging in regular kettlebell workouts can mitigate stress, thus indirectly aiding in better blood sugar management.
Daily Kettlebell Routine for A1C Management
To harness these benefits, here’s a daily kettlebell routine designed to help with A1C management. Before starting any new exercise routine, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially for individuals with existing health conditions.
Warm-Up (5 minutes)
- Light jogging or brisk walking
- Arm and leg swings
Kettlebell Circuit (20-30 minutes)
Kettlebell Swings (3 sets of 15 reps): Excellent for boosting heart rate and enhancing glucose uptake by large muscle groups.
Kettlebell Goblet Squats (3 sets of 12 reps): Focuses on the lower body, improving muscle mass and insulin sensitivity.
Kettlebell Lunges (3 sets of 10 reps each leg): Enhances balance and functional strength, important for overall fitness.
Kettlebell Deadlifts (3 sets of 12 reps): Strengthens the posterior chain, crucial for posture and metabolic health.
Kettlebell Russian Twists (3 sets of 20 reps): Targets the core, aiding in weight management.
Cool Down (5 minutes)
- Stretching focusing on major muscle groups
- Deep breathing exercises
Kettlebell exercises offer a comprehensive approach to exercise that can significantly impact blood sugar control and overall health. Their ability to integrate strength, cardiovascular fitness, and functional movement makes them an ideal choice for managing A1C levels. As always, individual workouts should be tailored to personal fitness levels and health conditions, with professional guidance where necessary.
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basicfit · 1 year
Unlocking Your Back Muscles: 5 Seated Row Alternatives for a Stronger Upper Body! 
Benefits of Seated Row Alternatives 
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While seated rows are fantastic for targeting the back muscles, adding some variety to your routine can be a game-changer! These seated row alternatives not only engage your back muscles from different angles but also activate other muscle groups, providing a well-rounded workout. Plus, by mixing things up, you can avoid hitting plateaus and keep making progress toward your strength and muscle-building goals. In this post, we will discuss five Alternatives of seated row exercise. Please check out the post by clicking the provided link.
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drchucktingle · 11 months
Hello Dr. Tingle! As you've made very clear, you write like crazy. Do you mind if I ask what your writing schedule looks like? I'm trying to bring your style of hard work into my NaNoWriMo project.
good question buckaroo i have very routine schedule (i think this kind of pattern could be part of my autistic way.) most days follow this exactly
first trot around the neighborhood then up the mountain this is about an hour and a half total hike (this is where i think about what art i am making for the day or listen to podcast or audiobook)
kettlebell for half hour
this is just seeing what is happening on way of social media sayin hello to the world maybe having a nice bar for a snack
first buckaroo writing session usually goes until 11 or 11:30
usually trot out for lunch to get my brain sizzling
this usually goes from 1PM until 4 or 5PM then i am done for the day. i write between 3000 and 4000 words every day, plus make a book cover or some other project like that
spend time with sweet barbara. maybe go see a movie (i like movies a lot for little kernals of inspiration to get excited about art). sometimes go see my buds. maybe go trot for a dinner
late in evening probably take a dang bath every other night while reading magazines or graphic novels (chucks bath bomb budget really is out of control)
EVERY once in a while i will feel very inspired to prove love and write some more before bed
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itwasthereaminuteago · 5 months
|| Sweatpants (Frank's version) ||
Frank Castle x female reader
Tags/warnings: this is just an exploration in thirst (and smut) similar to the blurb I wrote for Matt, about slutty grey sweatpants. I want to lick him.
A very sweaty man, oral sex (m and f), come eating. E. Also, PLEASE, PLEASE reblog if you enjoyed, likes are nice, comments even better! There is NO algorithm on Tumblr, reblogs are how things are found on your dash! Thank you so much 💕
This isn't fair.
Yeah, it's hot, but it still isn't fair.
You'd long abandoned any notion of working out while you were at Fogwell’s tonight, Frank unknowingly saw to that. Your kettlebells lay off to the side, long forgotten. Your initial warm up would never have gotten you as heated inside as you are now, seeing what you're seeing.
Those goddamn grey sweats he's wearing are barely hanging on to his hips. You're sure they're actually screaming out to you for help.
Take us off, they seem to be whispering. You're honestly surprised they haven't yet fallen down of their own accord with the way he's been swiping hard at the punchbag for the last half-hour.
He performs the same routine over and over, several powerful jabs, hooks and uppercuts and then he'll back off, doing a little lap of the ring to reset himself. And every time you get a glorious view of his bare upper body, the way the sweat glows on his taut pectoral muscles, the way his abs flex as he moves, the gorgeous curve of his stomach, framed by the defined V lines leading your gaze all the way down from his swaggering hips as he strides past you.
Good God. His ass looks amazing too.
When he bounces back and forth on the balls of his feet you can't help notice something else bouncing up against the slack fabric of those fucking ridiculous sweats of his…
Your mouth is practically hanging wide open now. You blindly reach for the bottle of water next to you to quench your thirst, knocking it over and spilling some in the process.
It's just not fair.
He must know. He must. He's gotta know what all this is doing to you, how can he not?!
Your eyes lock onto an innocent bead of sweat, following as it slowly trails its merry way down his heaving body to the sweatband of his pants, soaking into the soft fabric where you know it'll leave that musky scent you just want nothing more than to bury your nose in.
You bite down so hard on your bottom lip you're beginning to wear a divot into it.
It's insane. They're slung so criminally low on his hips that you can almost see where his happy trail is leading, the dark fuzz drawing your eyes down again toward-
“You alright?”
That gruff, grizzled voice of his knocks you out of your reverie. Are you?
You resemble a doped up kitty that's just returned from the vet, your eyes wide, dark, and spaced out as he's suddenly very close to you right in front of your face. He's pulling off his hand wraps and leaning across to grab some water from the bag that's lying open on the bench next to you.
He smells so good.
You can feel the heat from his worked muscles radiating off him, can almost taste the fresh sweat off him, absently licking your lips again as you watch him run a hand up over his damp forehead and through his hair.
“Y-yeah?” When you eventually reply he cracks a smile that definitely ruins your panties, as if they weren't ruined already.
“Okay. M'gonna hit the shower.”
Oh no.
No no no, you can't have that.
“W-wait!” You stutter out, and you're on your feet, somehow the keys to the gym that Matt had left with you are grasped in your hand, and in a blur you're locking the door, pulling down all the blinds and you've got your fingers splayed over his chest trying to push Frank down onto the mat on the floor.
“Whoa, okay mama. It's like that is it?” Frank huffs out a chuckle but he goes exactly where you want him to, still catching his breath as you straddle his hips.
“...you're evil,” you murmur, tracing your fingertips over and around his nipples and watching how the muscles under your nails twitch as you draw them down to your target.
Frank looks up at you with that confused puppy expression with his brows almost crashing into each other that always melts your heart, but this time it's just making you even more determined.
“Evil huh? Shit. What have I done now?”
“Driving me crazy…”
“C'mon sweetheart, you gotta give me a clue or somethin’.”
You pull teasingly at the damp elastic waistband of his pants, “These.” you muse, letting it snap back against his skin then lowering yourself to lick slowly along the deep groove at his hip. Your eyes shut as you finally get the sweaty, musky taste of your man on your tongue. A soft grunt leaves him as he cranes his neck to watch, his dick already showing interest too as your mouth makes it way lower. He reaches down, his hand just resting on your shoulder, fingers tapping lightly to get your attention.
“H-hey darlin’, not that I don't appreciate it but… we doin’ this? Here? Now?” Frank asks with a very slight nervousness. It's freaking adorable.
You look up at him through your eyelashes knowing he'll fold soon enough. “Yeah we're doing this here and now, Frankie. I already told you - you're driving me crazy, and you were distracting me so much that I still need to workout.”
He smirks and you can see him start to get more comfortable with the idea of some naked shenanigans with you in Matt's gym.
“All because of these pants?” He asks.
“All because of those pants,” You reply, curling your fingertips around the waistband of them again. “along with the way you look like a giant snack in them.”
Frank scoffs, but lays his head back down and lifts his hips up as you tug at the ‘problematic’ pants to pull them down. Predictably, as discerned from your earlier observations, and much to your delight, he's gone commando today. You hum as his fully erect cock is freed, slapping against his stomach with a delicious smack.
“Fuck, Frank…’ you say, taking in the rare sight of him laying almost prone for you.
What to do…
“Hey princess, you're the boss.” He says perceptively, waiting so patiently for your lust-addled brain to decide whether you want to stuff your mouth or pussy with him.
It's a much easier decision than you thought, relishing in the familiar, quiet curses Frank is making as you start to work your way back up his thick, muscular legs, placing kisses wherever you want. When you reach his groin, you nose at the thatch of hair around the base of his cock, idly stroking and gently cupping his balls.
“Mm, I'm the boss.” You repeat back at him, smile sweetly as he grins at you.
“Yeah, that's right, oh shit-”
He makes a choked sound in the back of his throat and his cock twitches as you move your lips to the base, your tongue sneaking out to kitten lick his ball sac, gradually moving upwards, starting to trace along the thick vein that runs the salty length of his perfect dick.
You listen and are rewarded with the soft, low moan that comes from his throat when you keep going, the flat of your warm, wet tongue lapping underneath the head. He throbs again, a drop of precum beading and ready to leak from his slit.
“You're so good for me, Frankie.”
He's got those deep brown eyes trained hard on you, licking his lips, his chest rising with the deeper breaths he's drawing. They only increase as you wrap your fingers to grip around the base of him and then swipe and swirl your tongue to taste him. He moans, biting down his lip as you take him into your mouth, sealing your lips around his girth. Having him, the man the rest of the world only knows as the Punisher, his pleasure at your mercy, is maybe the most powerful feeling in the world. Or maybe that's when you have your own thighs wrapped around his head. It's a tricky one to answer.
“Fuuuck, sweetheart…” Frank hisses out, his hands self-restrained by his sides, “Mm, jesus christ!”
You hum around him as you pull your lips back to his tip before taking him as deep into your throat as you can manage, your hand working the rest of him. You repeat the motion, spit dripping down to his length and over your fingers helping your squeeze and twist, feeling the way he's almost shaking beneath you.
“God damn you're so good, so damn good to me baby.”
Your free hand switches between reaching up to dig your nails into the meat of his pectoral muscle and sliding down between his legs to gently tug and tease his balls. He groans loudly, you'd made a point in the past of making it known to him just how much hearing the sounds of his pleasure turns you on, and he had gradually rewarded you with more and more feedback.
You're almost entirely focused on him but now you can no longer ignore the incessant ache at your core. You're slick from almost an hour of getting yourself worked up at the sight of Frank boxing, still sucking and licking the length of his cock as you slip your hand into your leggings and under the soft fabric of your underwear. You moan around him as the pads of your fingertips slide over your clit, aware that Frank is propping himself up on his elbows to watch you.
“You want my mouth, mama? C'mon an get up here. Sit right here baby, let me take care of you.”
You release him temporarily to shuck off the clothes from your bottom half because you cannot refuse an offer like that.
He curls his arms around your bare thighs as soon as you straddle him facing towards his feet, pulling you straight down onto his hungry mouth without delay. You grind down to meet him as he laps at your glistening cunt, a wavering moan leaving your lips as you reach again for his rock hard, weeping red cock. You stretch your tongue out to lick and suck what you can, jerking him off as he devours your pussy like it's his last ever meal.
This was supposed to be all about him but as usual he's managed to flip the script and somehow make it all about you. You're hardly complaining, no. In fact you're riding Frank's face hard as his encouraging moans vibrate right through your core. He loves going down on you, could even say he lives for it, inviting you to sit right on his face almost every time you're intimate with each other.
Now that he's not snug in your throat he bends his knees and starts to thrust his hips up against the direction of your firm strokes, driven by the way you're grinding and rocking your own more quickly, completely covering his mouth and chin with a sheen of your arousal. You concentrate the tight circle of your forefinger and thumb just under the fat, wet head of his cock, twisting and squeezing up and over because you know that's what gets him panting and praising you. More salty pre trickles out and you eagerly lap it up.
You yelp as Frank thrusts his tongue as deep as he can inside you, fucking you with it before he nudges forward again, slurping and sucking at your puffy clit. The tightness and tension of your impending release is gathering pace as you hear how feral Frank sounds between your legs. You can barely keep a rhythm with either hips or hands but it doesn't seem to matter as you can tell he's as close as you are. You're half worried you'll smother him with the ferocity and strength with which he's holding you so close to him, as if he needs you to breathe.
Suddenly, the tension snaps, hard. His tongue making you cry out, your legs shaking underneath your wildly undulating hips as you climax, calling out his name repeatedly like a prayer, the sound reverberating around the gym. Your hand is barely moving on his cock but it's you quivering and moaning in ecstasy right on his face that sets him off. He's tapping his fingers against your hips in warning, as very quickly afterwards his own hips jerk up and with a muffled groan against your pulsing pussy, his cock spurts its creamy load. You catch some on your waiting tongue, the rest dribbling warmly on your fingers and down onto his tensing stomach and abs.
After a brief moment getting your bearings and breath back, you're both humming, satisfied, and softly laughing with each other. He supports you as you gingerly lift your leg over his head and turn yourself around to face him. He's licking his lips, the biggest smile on his gorgeously wrecked face, his eyes half-lidded as he pulls you down to him for a languid kiss, tasting each other on you as your tongues slide over one another. At the same time you're trying to find somewhere to place your come-covered hand so it doesn't go everywhere and you don't lose your balance.
“Mmm, okay you can't tell me that wasn't fun.” You say, and then your lips turn down as you remember something vital.
Frank looks up at you, his expression one of concern. “What's wrong?”
“Urgh, Matt will know. He'll know even if we clean the mats and everything!” You groan again, wiping off your messy fingers on Frank's discarded sweatpants. “He won't let this go, we probably won't be allowed back in the gym!”
Frank just shrugs, a damn sight more relaxed now as he cleans himself off with them too.
“I'm pretty sure Murdock's done way worse in here. He aint that pure."
His lips curl into a grin. "Anyway, don't know ‘bout you, but I'll be puttin’ the blame on these pants. More trouble than they're worth, ain't that right, sweetheart?”
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liesmyth · 4 months
do you have any tips/resources for a beginner who wants to get into weightlifting?
thank you for asking!! I love this question. I love lifting! It's Good For You (helps increase bone density & metabolic rate, and it's good for injury prevention and developing functional strength). It's also a really great confidence boost. 10/10 would rec lifting to every single person reading this — if it's an option for you, give it a try.
TLDR: familarise yourself with common exercises. pick a beginner program. follow it. profit!
A more involved answer, with resources and details, is under the cut
familiarise yourself with common exercises
There are hundreds of possible exercises out there to target each specific body part. However, most of those are what's called "accessory" movements, as opposed to "basic" exercises that will pop up over and over in most lifting routines. Ideally, you want to know how to perform these movements, using light weights or just your bodyweight until you feel comfortable with it.
CORE BRACING (ft deadbugs. genuinely lifechanging skill!)
Hip hinge. This is useful for deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, kettlebell swings & similar movements
Push movements (for example: dumbell chest press, shoulder press etc)
Pull movements (dumbell rows & many others)
That said. Please don't stress too much over "good form". Each exercise has infinite variations and especially as a beginner, you won't be lifting heavy enough weights to make form optimisation a big concern. All bodies are different and our individual stances vary a lot depending on body proportions, flexibility levels etc. You just want to know HOW an exercise is supposed to be performed, in terms of: which muscles it activates? what am I supposed to get out of it? how to do it safely? Your bodyweight squat doesn't have to be flawless, it just has to be good enough.
BTW, you know when I said that there are hundreds of possible exercises out there? Here is a very detailed masterlist + exercise guide for exercises impacting each muscle group.
learn your way around a weight room, if you aren't familiar with it already.
Broadly speaking: the free weights (bar, dumbells, kettlebells) are good for compound exercises that involve multiple muscle groups. The various machines are ideal for "isolation" exercises that target fewer specific muscle groups.
If you already know what's what, then skip this bit! But I've talked to many people who feel a bit intimidated by the weight room because they feel out of place in it, and in my experience familiarising yourself with the general layout is a good way to take away that discomfort.
And, in case this is something you need to hear: you deserve to be there, you're not taking space, and most gymgoers just want to finish their workout and shower, and won't pay specific negative attention to you. Most gyms have a weight room manager or floor trainer, at least during some shifts, and they WILL be happy to help you. If you're someone who doesn't want to be bothered while exercising, just preventively introduce yourself, say you're new
pick a program
I highkey recommend following a pre-made program instead of just fucking about on your own. Here's why
programs are well-balanced in terms of volume and muscle groups, to ensure you don't overtrain one body part and leave other lagging
they have a built-in "progression scheme" that will allow you to move to a higher weight in an optimal way — basically, you'll see strength advantages sooner
they help navigate information overload. There is SO much information about fitness out there that acts as an entry barrier. Following a pre-made program really helps with that.
If you have a gym membership, you may have the option of one "free workout program" made by a trainer who works at the gym. If that's in the cards, I'd recommend going with that.
Otherwise, I strongly recommend the "programs rec guide" over at r/xxfitness, the female fitness subreddit (the name is 15 years old but it's a queer friendly, trans inclusive space). I haven't personally done any of those, but Meg Gallagher of Before the Barbell is very solid, and that's the one I'd suggest.
get ready for DOMS
Also known as delayed onset muscle soreness. It happens 1) when you go to the gym after a while or start exercising for the first time 2) when you train a different muscle group than usual 3) when you up the intensity of a workout.
Basically, you wake up in the morning and you go OUCH!! ACHEY. That's DOMS. It happens because your muscle fibres are suffering microtears and reknitting (stronker!!) and you will feel very stiff and possibly very swollen (muscles retain water).
It'll take a few days for it to go away. IT IS SAFE TO EXERCISE THROUGH DOMS; the only thing limiting you is if you're too achy to move effectively. I recommend eating something protein heavy (more on that below) and doing some gentle exercise to make it go away faster (walking, at home-stretches or yoga, swimming if it's an option, etc.)
You DON'T want to stay in bed the whole time, because that'll only make you more stiff and make it last longer. Note that "post exercise achiness" is something that WILL go away after the first couple of weeks or so, depending on your recovery (again, gentle exercise and/or going to the gym again when you're still a bit achey is actually preferred than being completely at rest until they're fully gone away). Long term, you're NOT supposed to feel high-level soreness after working out. "No pain no gain" is mostly bullshit.
evaluate your program!
I'm always saying this, but the best exercise is the one you actually stick with. If your exercise plan is dull or fills you with dread, it doesn't matter how good for you it supposedly is — ditch it. Give yourself a few weeks of whatever program you pick, then re-evaluate: what are your favourite exercises you've done so far? Which ones you don't like? What would you like to do? Programs can and should be modified according to your preferences, and it's a lot easier to customise something that works for YOU once you're a bit more familiar with everything. For example, maybe someone at your gym is doing kettlebell swings and you think it's cool and you'd rather do those instead of crunches for your abs. Why not. Just note down what's working and what isn't, and then re-evaluate (with gym trainers if that's an option, but also, I mean it, HMU whenever).
odds and ends!!
None of these things are a big deal, but they make your life easier:
Hydrate during a workout. If you're hydrated your body works better. You'll also probably sweat during your workout. Getting through 1L of water during a 1 hour / 1 hour and a half gym session is perfectly normal.
Warm up before lifting. Something like this for a general body warmup + lighter warm-up series before going up to the weight you actually want to lift. For example: if you're squatting the bar (20kg) I'd do one bodyweight squats series, and another series holding a 10kg kettlebell or dumbell. Cool down or stretch after!
Mobility work on a day off is a good idea, even if you're no longer suffering through soreness. This is my current go-to routine, I do it about 2x week.
If possible, eat protein the evening / day after a workout. Protein is great for building muscle, and you WILL see a noticeable difference in energy level and speed of recovery by upping your protein intake. Basically: if you usually eat lentils or fish twice a week, try to make one of those times your post-gym dinner.
(In general, as a beginner you WILL see results regardless, and you don't need to optimise nutrition or anything (not to mention, it can be overwhelming / complicated to deal with.) But if you're interested in the specifics of nutrition & exercise, HMU)
keep track of your workouts! I really recommend this; it can be very inspiring to have a backlog you can look at when you want to track your progress, and you want to establish a benchmark with yourself. It can be as simple as writing down gym days & numbers in your journal if you have one; personally I use the Strong app to save my routines, and every week when I log in new workouts I modify the values depending on what weight and # of reps I hit that week. For reference, this is what a week looks like on the Strong app for me
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twopoppies · 8 months
Gina, have you seen the article about Hs workout routine for LOT? I mean, we all saw the results… but I find it almost even more impressive to learn how its been done! His dedication and work ethic is so inspiring and surely part of why I adore him so much 🫠🫶
Holy hell. No wonder he’s in such great shape. Just a note that Thibo David was his old trainer with Live On Tour. I assume Brad Gould was his new trainer for Love on Tour. But I doubt his regimen was any less insane.
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If you include the one-mile run and bodyweight challenge, this is the hardest warm-up I’ve ever done, but, given the intensity required for the next two elements I’m promoting them to workout status.
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David says Harry Styles can run a mile in an impressive 5min 13sec—a standard some of the professional athletes David coaches can’t match—but I was urged to run my own race.
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This was far closer to my wheelhouse as a CrossFit fan. I chose to tackle it in alternating sets of 10, transitioning quickly between exercises to finish within the eight-minute limit. But even commando rolling from push-up to sit-up then springing into the squats left me little time to spare.
I took 7min 39sec, and, somewhat unexpectedly, given I can barbell squat more than 300lb, it was my quads that blew up the most. Whether this was the result of the one-mile run before it or heavy front squats the day before, I couldn’t say, but my thighs were on fire by the final rep.
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“I like to say that I train very smart, but you also have to be very stupid sometimes, you know? Do this type of workout in the most stupid way; go hard at the task at hand, like when you throw a ball for a dog and it goes super crazy.
“This is a very good workout for that. Very good at building everything that needs to be added after the aerobic base; aggressiveness, speed, that go-hard mentality.”
Things did become particularly spicy during round three and four though, as my body began to tire with the sustained effort.
My posterior chain (the muscles running along the back side of the body) took a battering from the kettlebell swings and sandbag-over-shoulders, my already-fried legs felt heavy during the box jumps, and my shoulders grew tired from two minutes of straight clean and presses—it was a serious test of muscular endurance.
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[…] I also did 12 total rounds—I wanted the full Styles experience, after all—but I’d live to regret this. The hill I chose grew progressively steeper as I worked my way up it, and by the eighth round I felt like death. My sprints turned to slogs, and the time it took me to complete the distance I established in the first interval grew longer.
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[…] The prior running and box jumps didn’t help either, but I got it done eventually in less than 30 minutes.
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This was a relaxing way to wrap up a far from relaxing morning of training, and gave me a second to catch my breath after a monumental effort which lasted a little over two hours.
I swapped his day of training for one of my usual CrossFit sessions and had a lot of fun doing it. Every part of my body felt like it had been put through the ringer thanks to the muscle-burning circuit and lung-taxing running elements. I was also very, very hungry.
Another thing that impressed me was Styles’ evident fitness levels and work ethic; how he has the energy to perform for two hours during a stadium tour is no longer a mystery.
Another thing I liked about my chat with David was his openness and honesty. I often see articles online saying celebrities do a few Pilates classes or HIIT workouts each week to stay in unbelievable shape, and he was keen to dispel this myth.
“Collaborating with Harry Styles was an absolute delight; his commitment is unparalleled,” says David.
“But it’s important to note that this level of training isn’t suitable for everyone. Harry was inherently fit, but achieving the level of fitness needed for this session still required time, work and effort. Rushing into such high-volume workouts can pose risks.”
David also stressed that sessions of this intensity weren’t done every day, and the nature of his workouts will often “depend on the day and the state of the athlete”.
“It’s crucial to emphasize the significance of proper periodization,” says David. “Not every day constituted an intense session. In fact, we strategically incorporated recovery sessions which often involved a light run combined with core exercises and mobility work. Every workout was thoughtfully placed within the overall training plan.”
Read, full article here
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blairelythere · 1 year
Hi, sorry for bothering you, but you're hot as heck, and as someone who recently left her eggshell, I wanted to ask. How do I get as hot as you, or even half as hot as you?
Thank you so much 🥰
I can't attest to if I'm super hot or not, but I can tell you what you can do to help improve your own self-confidence!
Ass exercises.
So much ass exercise. My life is ass exercise. Squats. Fallouts. Kettlebell swings. Running. And eat lots of lean protein while doing this so it builds muscle properly. Don't skimp on fatty foods if you're doing HRT because your body will be distributing those fats to new places.
Skin care.
Exfoliate. Use body and face lotion. Find a step-by-step routine. Avoid foods that cause breakouts and oil buildup. Use under-eye serum.
Hair care.
Find a high-end shampoo and conditioner designed specifically for your type of hair. Find a wash cycle that's healthy for your scalp (ie. Don't wash your hair every single day). Use a satin pillowcase so the oils aren't stripped from your hair.
Go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day. This does amazing things for your skin, mental health, and energy. It is very hard to get into the rhythm of, but your body will be so happy once it does.
Test LOTS of clothing and find what shapes to your body in a flattering way. You won't find things immediately, but don't give up. This is one of the biggest parts of trial and error that you'll go through. It takes so much time and research to find clothing styles, stores, and accessories that you like. Be patient with yourself.
Good luck to your life beyond the eggshell! 💛
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Unveiling Henry Cavill's Superhero Fitness: The Man Behind the Muscles
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Henry Cavill's impressive physique has become synonymous with his portrayal of iconic superheroes, particularly Superman in the DC Extended Universe. Fans and fitness enthusiasts alike marvel at his chiseled muscles and extraordinary strength on screen. Behind his superhero shape lies a rigorous fitness regimen and dedicated training routine. In this article, we will take a closer look at Henry Cavill's physical fitness regimen, exploring the key components that contribute to his remarkable transformation.
Commitment to Training:
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Henry Cavill's journey towards attaining his superhero physique is marked by unwavering commitment to training. He approaches his workouts with utmost dedication, maintaining a consistent routine that challenges his body and pushes his limits. Cavill's commitment to fitness is evident in the significant changes his physique undergoes between roles.
Intensive Strength Training:
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To achieve his muscular and powerful look, Cavill incorporates intensive strength training into his regimen. His workouts include exercises such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses, and overhead presses, which target major muscle groups and promote overall strength and mass gain. Cavill focuses on progressive overload, gradually increasing the weights he lifts over time to continuously challenge his muscles.
Functional Training and Circuit Workouts:
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In addition to traditional strength training, Cavill incorporates functional training and circuit workouts into his regimen. These exercises not only enhance his muscular development but also improve his agility, endurance, and overall athleticism. Functional movements like kettlebell swings, battle rope exercises, and plyometric drills contribute to his dynamic on-screen performances.
Nutrition and Diet:
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Achieving a superhero physique is not only about intense workouts but also proper nutrition. Cavill follows a structured diet plan that supports his training goals. He emphasizes consuming lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to fuel his workouts and aid in muscle recovery. He also adheres to portion control and ensures an adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals.
Adequate Rest and Recovery:
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Rest and recovery play a vital role in Henry Cavill's fitness regimen. He recognizes the importance of allowing his body to recover and rebuild after intense workouts. Cavill incorporates sufficient rest days into his training schedule, providing his muscles with the time they need to repair and grow stronger. Quality sleep and stress management techniques are also essential components of his recovery routine.
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qrfit · 22 days
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Day 5 of 5 day workout week:
Almost forgot to post my workouts! After a tiring and challenging week, I was very happy it was Friday morning! I got to working out by 9:00 a.m. and really took my time getting everything done, with good form. I had a lot of fun with it and it ended the week in a good note!
-45 minutes of strength training with a dumbell range of 8-12 lbs and a heavy resistance band. I also swapped in a 12 lb kettlebell and did additional leg work on the mat using 6 lb ankle weights.
-Cardio kickboxing with 14 ounce weighted gloves for combos and a 2 lb weighted jump rope for intervals. This particular routine had a burpee segment! I’m totally counting those 16 burpees for my 30 day challenge! 😏
Bonus: speaking of the challenge, I used what little energy I had left to pump out my 25 pushups! 💪🏽 Although, I just got a vaccine before dinner tonight, so I may have to substitute another activity until I get feeling back in my arm. 😂
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plastiquefruit · 20 days
what’s your work out routine?
A bit all over the place, TBH.
For weight training, my main workout is a kettlebell based workout class. I go 5x times a week, it's a lot of the Swings, Getups, presses, etc, plus a smattering of cardio and other exercises. I like it cause the people in my class are nice, and i don't need to own any equipment.
I do yoga 3-5 times a week. It's specifically from ManFlowYoga.com, and I think it really helps me with recovery and strength. As a disclaimer, I am the web admin for MFY, but I started off as just a regular user, so take that how you will.
And then, the pushups. For a large chunk of my life, I could not do pushups. And then I worked hard to get the ability (negative pushups are the key IMO) and now I have a nonsense goal of getting 200 pushups under 10 minutes. So i am doing 10 sets of pushups with increasingly higher reps, until I have tricked my body into that ability. Currently I am at 24 reps per set, so 240 per day (M-F), and 1200 per week. You can see my montages here: https://plastiquefruit.tumblr.com/tagged/pushups
Then there's a smattering of other things I do, but not with enough regularity (looking at you pulling exercises) to call them part of the routine.
but yeah. there ya go.
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lust-and-running · 4 months
The greatest: My Wake Up Call, Weight Loss/Gain Journey, Running Love Affair(s) & Comeback
Hello, Tumblr, I'm back! I’m excited (and a little nervous) to share my running and weight loss journey with you. You've known me by a few names over the years, but this blog is dedicated to documenting my path back to fitness and running. Whether you’re here for inspiration, motivation, or just a good story, I’m glad you’ve joined me.
The Beginning
My journey started at the end of 2018 as a friendly challenge between my brothers and me. We committed to exercising for 30 minutes, three times a week. At the time, I tipped the scales at 240+ lbs. and was ready for a change. What began with Jillian Michaels workouts soon transitioned into kettlebell routines and eventually into running. Little did I know, this was the start of something transformative.
The Transformation
By mid-2019, I had dropped 40 pounds and felt a newfound sense of energy and accomplishment. I no longer saw myself as a jogger but as a runner. Motivated by my progress, I signed up for a half marathon. Running became my passion, and Lana Del Rey’s music was the soundtrack to my weight loss journey... and even if I was 'Born to Die' it wasn't happening anytime soon. By the time the pandemic hit in 2020, I had lost 50 pounds and was ready to run my half. Despite the race being canceled, I ran it in my neighborhood, struggled in heat and humidity, but achieved what I would have considered unachievable in my youngest, fittest youth: 13.1 miles. And I'd dropped a total of 57 pounds.
The Pandemic and Challenges
The pandemic brought its own set of challenges. Injuries, getting Covid twice, and the stress of an uncertain world took their toll. I struggled to maintain my motivation and watched as the weight slowly crept back on. By 2021, I had deferred my race entry until the following year and faced the daunting task of training while recovering from a severe bout of covid at the start of 2022.
The Comeback
Despite these setbacks, I committed to my training plan and followed it to the letter. Trusting Strava and McMillan Running's pace calculator, I trained to run the half marathon at a 10 min/mi pace and was thrilled to surpass my goal, competing on another warm, humid morning, but instead of the struggles of the neighborhood run in '20, I eased through a Sunday run in the park. That race was two years ago today. But since then, I hardly run a mile. I’ve regained the weight and now find myself at 250+ pounds. But this blog marks a new beginning.
Looking Forward
I’m dedicating myself to becoming a runner again. This blog will be a space for me to share my journey, track my progress, and reflect on the ups and downs. I hope to inspire and connect with others who are on similar paths. When I hear Lana Del Rey’s songs from her essentials playlist circa '19-'22, I’m transported back to turning over mile after mile in the early morning hours, and I’m reminded of what I’m capable of achieving.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m committed to regaining my fitness and reigniting my passion for running. I invite you to follow along, share your stories, and support each other as we work towards our goals. Here’s to new beginnings and miles yet to be run.
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sportsbianism · 4 months
i think this is how im gonna rock next week
machine shoulder press (drop set)
lat pulldown (4x10)
seated cable row (4x10)
cable bicep curl (drop set)
tricep cable pulldown (4x10)
upright cable row (drop set)
dumbell bicep curl/hammer curl superset (3x12)
single arm dumbbell tricep row (3x12)
upright barbell row (3x12)
kettlebell swing
goblet squat
narrow goblet squat
kettlebell side lunge
kettlebell rdl
dyke tabata routine
am i going too hard on upper body maybe? idk, but i liked hitting those exercises all in one day a couple of times this week. we'll see how things go
i could def be working my lower body out more but tbh when it comes to my ass 1. it's enormous already 2. brutal volume is more my historic comfort zone... i grew up having to do over 100 reps of special punishment squat kicks 3 times a week bc i couldn't shut up during my martial arts classes. maybe if i get a trainer someday i'll switch over to a hypertrophy centered lower body workout, but for now idk. i feel better w something a little closer to what's familiar
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fitnessnirvana · 3 months
There are a ton of simple fat-burning exercises available, especially for beginners. Whatever your fitness objectives, it is critical that you follow through on them and maintain consistency; otherwise, it is unlikely that you will see any noticeable changes.
If you’re looking for a simple gym routine that works and is easy to follow, why not consider the following workouts:
Equipment: no equipment required
One of the best exercises you can do is a burpee. They don't require any special tools or training, but if you work hard enough, you will begin to notice the benefits. We advise warming up with some stretches and aerobics for a few minutes before you begin.
Equipment: no equipment required
Mountain climbers train your balance, agility, and coordination while working a variety of muscle areas simultaneously. They will support the maintenance of your leg, core, back, and arm gains. Due to their intensity, they will undoubtedly raise your heart rate and burn a significant amount of calories.
Equipment: a dumbbell, kettlebell or weights plate
Squat exercises that use dumbbells are especially powerful. In general, squats are a great way to tone your lower body and target a variety of muscle groups, such as your hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps. They are easily adaptable to suit all abilities and yield amazing results for your general fitness as well. A weight is held against the chest in this variation of the exercise to add resistance to the movement.
Equipment: a kettlebell
Swinging a kettlebell is an excellent calorie-burning exercise. With this exercise, you might actually burn up to 400 calories in 20 minutes. Your aerobic capacity ought to benefit greatly from this intensity. Not to mention, kettlebell swings exercise practically every muscle in the body, including the shoulders, back, legs, and core.
Repeat this 2 to 5 times.
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