#Jonathan Alter
deadpresidents · 2 months
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Just after the 2008 election, outgoing President George W. Bush invited all of the living former Presidents to the White House for a private lunch with President-elect Obama. A memorable Oval Office photograph shows the Bushes, Bill Clinton, and Obama chatting like old friends on the left, with Carter standing alone on the right. One of the Presidents confided later that the photo perfectly captured the chemistry of their meeting and lunch that day. The other Presidents gave Obama convivial advice on the peculiarities of the office, while Carter wanted to press his serious policy agenda. Carter later told Brian Williams of NBC News that the body language was deliberate because "I feel that my role as a former President is probably superior to that of other Presidents."
-- Jonathan Alter, writing about a lunch at the White House on January 7, 2009 with all living American Presidents and President-elect Barack Obama which highlighted the often-strained relationships that former President Jimmy Carter had with his successors, His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO).
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thecatspasta · 9 months
Every now and again I think about Jon having dissociative identity disorder and I think that just needs to happen. Please he has the childhood trauma for it (Im not talking about Mr Spider I mean his grandmother and parents deaths). I fucking need this. For me specifically and noone else
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ceruleanhouse · 3 months
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….and the Eye opens.
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mincedmeat-draws · 4 months
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every time i saw this album cover (Bury The Hatchet by The Cranberries) I thought of our good old Archivist, so i decided to alter it!
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scarecrowdrugs · 10 months
Jonathan Crane seems like the type of guy who'd just casually freak people out as a power play, especially when he's in Arkham. Imagine this freak staring a guard directly in the face while he shoves a random insect in his mouth. You can't tell me that this man wouldn't just eat bugs for fun.
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monocuri · 9 months
Jonathan, just a malewife trying to survive the harsh world of 19th century Victorian Britain
People just weren't ready for the sheer babygirlism practically bursting out of this man, which is the reason for his reputation in pop culture now😔
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jddoodles · 22 days
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Martin Blackwood but he is an avatar of “The Flesh”
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wakeywakeyjakey · 2 months
The Batman characters I always write and view with DID (aka the “DID baddies”) are Batman, Two Face, and Scarecrow—and I LOVE that they each present with such wiiiiildy different interactions with their headmates + experiences within their headspaces.
The way I see it, Bruce and Batman coexist easily. They have the same mission so they work alongside each other and view the other as having an extremely valuable role to play in their life/are aware that they can’t function without each other. What’s cool is that they have completely different approaches to their collective goal, but ultimately they trust the other and both get where they want to be (from a big picture perspective).
Harv and Harvey coexist grudgingly and work against each other in a lot of ways (it’s a WIP) BUT they have a system (haha) for how to navigate daily life so that they both feel equally represented in their decisions. While “trust” might be too strong a word to use, they definitely both see the other as capable of living their collective life even if/when they don’t agree with the other’s decisions—and so they mostly don’t stand in each other’s way.
Jonathan and Scarecrow DO NOT COEXIST! Jonathan views Scarecrow as a liability actively ruining their life and thus works to keep Scarecrow away from the front entirely. Scarecrow views Jonathan as weak and unwilling/unable to do what needs to be done to keep them both alive. The one area of overlap is their research (and criminal endeavors) so it’s the one space they’re willing to coexist, but outside of their heists they’re almost exclusively at each other’s throats and would rather the other not have access to their life/body/decisions.
It adds so many layers to their characters and entirely fleshes out the “personas” when you come at it from the lens of DID as opposed to just viewing it as a costume they take off at the end of the night imo!
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myreygn · 9 months
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what it feels like to be 20 years late
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deadpresidents · 12 days
Is it true that bill clinton was a night owl and also had a really bad temper?
Oh yeah, President Clinton had a legendarily volcanic temper. There have even been moments in interviews or speeches where he gets annoyed and you'll see a flash of anger in his eyes, his face turns bright red, and he starts pointing his finger at whomever he's speaking with. Some of his former White House aides have written about his temper over the years and said it never lasted very long, but was pretty intense when it happened, and the only thing more uncomfortable was when he would get really mad at someone and he'd give them an icy stare and silent treatment. In his book All Too Human: A Political Education (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO), George Stephanopoulos, who was a senior staff member in the White House during most of Clinton's first term wrote:
"When Hillary was angry, you didn't always know it right away -- a calculated chill would descend over time. [President] Clinton's anger was a more impersonal physical force, like a tornado. The tantrum would form in an instant and exhaust itself in a violent rush. Whoever happened to be in the way would have to deal with it; more often than not, that person was me. I guess Clinton figured that I could fix whatever problem was causing his frustration, and he must have sensed that I didn't take his temper personally. The trick was to have a kind of thin skin -- to understand that Clinton's didn't really yell at you; he yelled through you, as the rage passed through him. My job was to absorb the anger and address its cause."
You can see some hints of Clinton's volatile temper in this 2004 interview with Peter Jennings, this tense back-and-forth with Jerry Brown during a 1992 Democratic Presidential primary debate, and, most famously, throughout the deposition he gave to independent counsel Kenneth Starr regarding his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Believe it or not, another relatively recent President who had an explosive temper was Jimmy Carter. There are quite a few stories about Carter's icy glare and silent treatment when angry, as well as a borderline mean-spirited form of sarcasm when he was really pissed off. In his excellent biography, His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO), author Jonathan Alter wrote:
"Carter enjoyed oddballs but rarely suffered fools. His staff got used to the 'tells' of his annoyance or anger. A vein in his temple throbbed, and his jaw moved. Then came an uncomfortable silence and a stare from his 'icy blues,' enough to make one hide under his desk even though the Governor [Carter] never raised his voice. 'He can curl your hair when he wants to chew you out,' his close friend Bert Lance wrote. 'And he'll flash those eyes at you so brightly you'll need sunglasses.'"
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
hot take: I could see it being possible Will picks up smoking, and very unlikely Max picks up smoking, for the same reasons just opposite.
Joyce doesn't hide her smoking but she is conscientious not to smoke in Will's presence (she does smoke right next to Jonathan though). iirc she almost never smokes at home when Will is home, and puts it out before she goes in his room. I'm sure she would advise her boys against the habit, but I don't think it would be terribly ooc if they picked it up as a stress response learned from her. they both probably associate the smell with their mother, who is a positive and loving presence in their lives.
btw I have a crisp $1 bill that says pre-s1 Joyce has caught Jonathan smoking before and that's why she feels ok to do it around him
then you've got Max, with multiple varyingly abusive family members who smoked (and drank) in her presence all the time. she comes and puts out Susan's cigarette when she's asleep even though it's already safely in an ashtray, meaning Max just doesn't want to have to smell the rest of it. she resents her mom for blowing so much of their resources on her addictions. plus there's Billy who smoked (and drank) in front of her all the time, both in their house and in his car, and I don't have to tell you Billy is a negative presence in her life.
in my mind Will and Jon are, at a minimum, at peace with it whereas the smell could be almost triggering for Max
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TMA season 4:
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ID: Floating silhouette chasing running boy meme where the running boy is labelled "entity-encounter survivors trying to live their lives," and the silhouette "Jon following them around to slurp out their statements." The silhouette is surrounded by several neon green eyes.
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magpod-confessions · 6 months
My system has a Jon Sims fictive who's a real prick sometimes, and it makes me forget how much I like the character sometimes
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checkadii · 2 years
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Guess who’s on MAG 82. After being under MAG 56 23hrs ago
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Yes it’s me I’m back again
I drew this as I was listening and I was so ready to scream but my grandma was next to me so I just sat there like this for the entire. Finale.
God the voice acting was SOOO GOOD the panic??? The absolute fear you can hear in everyone’s voices THE MALICE IN NOT-SASHA’S VOICE AS SHE CONTEMPLATES WEARING JON?? WEARING. JON god never thought I’d ever hear someone say hi I’m gonna WEAR you like oh what happened to hi hello what’s your name and a first date??
AND MICHAEL I LOVE HIS VOICE SO MUCH!! When he showed up I was like :D! then I remind myself hey maybe we shouldn’t be happy over this guy’s appearance yk aha listen to what they have to say and then I was like D:
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scarecrowdrugs · 6 months
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I don't know how many Batman fans are into European gothic musicals but I think I might be onto something here...
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hellkitepriest · 1 year
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regret for jools holland💥
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