#John River
katalina27ua · 2 years
"Рівер", 4 серія
1. Після того, як Роза допустила Рівера до подальшої роботи, Кріссі нарешті вирішила, що якщо вже він все одно розслідує вбивство Стіві, то хай краще робить це офіційно й ділиться з нею результатами) Але я так і не зрозуміла щодо сцени у неї вдома, чи він просто потрапив в той момент їй під руку, чи вона справді мала до нього якісь дуже добре приховані почуття?  Але хай там як, хоч з коханням їй нічого не обломилось, звичайно, але з дружбою, думаю, в них все буде гаразд) 2. Рівер всю серію намагався переконати всіх, а особливо самого себе, що не ревнує, але ніхто так і не повірив, в тому числі й він сам) 3. Роза, мабуть, думала, що зробить Ріверу приємне, повісивши у себе в офісі фото озера, в якому він мало не втопився у дитинстві) Ну зате воно дало йому можливість зіскочити з неприємної теми Стіві та її можливого коханця і заспівати Розі шведську народну пісню) Про кохання, звичайно) В якій герой називає свою кохану дівчину трояндою))) І буквально через пару секунд після цього сказати їй, що Стіві постійно бісилась через те, що він ніколи не співав для неї) Так що може слова пісні Роза і не зрозуміла, але це зрозуміла дуже добре, бо одразу спитала, навіщо він пішов за нею до театру) Але тут дуже невчасно прозвучав сигнал пожежної тривоги, і вона (і ми разом з нею) нічого про це не дізнались)) Хоча мабуть, і так все ясно))
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Lovers in a Wood by John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1871.
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tonsillessscum · 6 months
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bluebell-9 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: River (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rosa Fallows/John River, John River/Jackie "Stevie" Stevenson Characters: John River, Rosa Fallows, Jackie "Stevie" Stevenson Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Mental Health Issues, Hallucinations, Friends to Lovers, Romance, Fix-It of Sorts, Grief/Mourning, Fandom Blind Friendly Summary:
Stevie's gone—or mostly gone—but River's still here. He'll never "move on," but can Rosa help him move forward?
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable was born in Saint-Domingue, Haiti (French colony) during the Haitian Revolution. At some point he settled in the part of North America that is now known as the city of Chicago and was described in historical documents as "a handsome negro" He married a Native American woman, Kitiwaha, and they had two children. In 1779, during the American Revolutionary War, he was arrested by the British on suspicion of being an American Patriot sympathizer. In the early 1780s he worked for the British lieutenant-governor of Michilimackinac on an estate at what is now the city of St. Clair, Michigan north of Detroit. In the late 1700's, Jean-Baptiste was the first person to establish an extensive and prosperous trading settlement in what would become the city of Chicago. Historic documents confirm that his property was right at the mouth of the Chicago River. Many people, however, believe that John Kinzie (a white trader) and his family were the first to settle in the area that is now known as Chicago, and it is true that the Kinzie family were Chicago's first "permanent" European settlers. But the truth is that the Kinzie family purchased their property from a French trader who had purchased it from Jean-Baptiste. He died in August 1818, and because he was a Black man, many people tried to white wash the story of Chicago's founding. But in 1912, after the Great Migration, a plaque commemorating Jean-Baptiste appeared in downtown Chicago on the site of his former home. Later in 1913, a white historian named Dr. Milo Milton Quaife also recognized Jean-Baptiste as the founder of Chicago. And as the years went by, more and more Black notables such as Carter G. Woodson and Langston Hughes began to include Jean-Baptiste in their writings as "the brownskin pioneer who founded the Windy City." In 2009, a bronze bust of Jean-Baptiste was designed and placed in Pioneer Square in Chicago along the Magnificent Mile. There is also a popular museum in Chicago named after him called the DuSable Museum of African American History.
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fixy8ed4xys · 5 months
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River Phoenix 1991 - ph. John Roco
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
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Uh J- James?
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winterdaphne2 · 3 months
Favorite Johnlock Fics (BBC Sherlock)
I went on a bit of a fic-reading spree this spring, and this list of favorites is the result! There are many other fics that I’ve enjoyed reading, but these are the ones that I’ve really loved for one reason or another.
I’ve tagged the authors whose tumblrs I could find. If that’s you, thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. If your work is on here, you wrote something that I really treasure.
1. A River Without Banks, by Chryse. E, 203,286 words. Starts right after Season 3. A mix of Sherlock’s perspective, John’s perspective, and the perspectives of other characters. Sherlock-focused for the first half.
Author’s summary: “‘You love this, being Sherlock Holmes.’ He had once. When had it all gone so wrong?”
This is my absolute favorite. The author’s characterization of Sherlock is amazingly accurate, and Sherlock’s character development over the course of the story is breathtakingly executed and moving. The plot is fantastic and takes you on a page-turning emotional roller coaster, especially for about the first half of the story. I was also continually impressed by how many details from the show and references to earlier parts of the fic the author was able to weave in throughout while still keeping the story creative and original. Most importantly, though, I love this fic for the message that it sends about Sherlock and John’s love, which is a far more positive message than the one that the actual show settled upon in the end. I’m grateful that we have this version of their love story, and, personally, I like to pretend that this was Season 4 and how the show ended.
2. Another Country, by Chryse. E, 67,414 words. Starts right after the end of TAB. Sherlock’s perspective.
Sherlock spends one month and three days under house arrest in 221B, trying to get clean from the drugs, track down the new Moriarty, and figure out what the hell is going on between him and John.
Another fantastic work by Chryse. This author really gets Sherlock’s character, and once again the characterization of Sherlock is spot-on and convincing. There are a few other elements that also make this a compelling story, including smart use of minor characters, a solid central mystery, and a complicated relationship between Sherlock and John that includes a pretty convincing post-Season-3 version of John. Excellent.
3. walk through ghosts, by @augustbird. M, 6,125 words. Written between Seasons 2 and 3. Sherlock’s perspective.
Author’s summary: “The thing is: Sherlock thought that the two of them would have forever to figure it out.”
This is the saddest fic I have ever read, and so beautifully written. The author captures Season 2 Sherlock’s character perfectly; the fact that this story feels so real is what makes it devastating. The day after I read this, I couldn’t stop thinking about it and walked around with my heart physically aching in my chest.
4. Nature and Nurture, by @earlgreytea68. M, 203,273 words. Set sometime after Season 2. Alternates between John’s and Sherlock’s perspectives, but mostly told from John’s.
The British government clones Sherlock. He and John decide to raise the baby.
A true fandom classic. The premise sounds super cracky, but somehow it really works. This fic is surprisingly serious at times, but overall it is the cutest and funniest thing I have ever read in my life. Basically 200,000+ words of Sherlock and John being adorable gay fathers together and working through some feelings, with line-by-line some of the most hilarious dialogue ever. The five accompanying ficlets that the author wrote as short follow-ups are also worth checking out; my favorites were School (T, 4,753 words) and The Radovljica Apicultural Museum (T, 4,540 words).
5. To a Friend Who Sent Me Roses, by @algyswinburne. E, 16,147 words. Set sometime after Season 4 (but ignores TFP, as we all should lol). Sherlock’s perspective.
Author’s summary: “Five times Sherlock is mistaken for John’s partner and Rosie’s father, and one time it isn’t a mistake.”
This fic is sad, sweet, and hot by turns. Absolutely lovely to read in so many ways, and with so many great details and lines. I think this story offers convincing portrayals of what Sherlock’s and John’s characters might be like after it all and how they might finally get together. This and A River Without Banks are my favorite alternate endings to the show. Beautiful!
6. for all that bitter delights will sour, by @darcylindbergh. E, 9,585 words. Set sometime after Season 3. Sherlock’s perspective.
John initiates a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship with Sherlock.
The second saddest fic I have read. I would never want what happens in this fic to happen to Sherlock and John, so I don’t exactly recommend it as a Johnlock fic. But as a short story, this is a gem, full of absolutely gorgeous and incredibly moving writing. It depicts difficult themes very deftly, in lines and paragraphs that I had to stop to read over and over. I appreciate this as an emotionally powerful and thought-provoking piece of writing inspired by Sherlock, so for that reason I think it deserves to be on this list.
7. The Ground Beneath Your Feet, by Chryse. E, 68,803 words. Set after Season 3, but as if the last two minutes of HLV never happened. “The plane went on to Eastern Europe, and this is what came after.” John’s perspective.
This fic is pretty dark; the author describes it as “a PTSD story in which John was wholly devoted to Sherlock.” I don’t love it quite as much as the other two fics by Chryse that I’ve listed here, but that’s mostly because those two are just so amazing! I still really enjoyed this one. It was wonderful to see a kind and caring version of John emerge out of Season 3, and the story had several memorable moments, including one particularly nail-biting scene. I also really liked seeing John and Mycroft become friends as they bonded over their shared concern for Sherlock.
8. The Adventures of a Single Girl in London (Plus a Consulting Detective), by @earlgreytea68. M, 32,913 words. Set soon after Season 3. Alternates between different characters’ perspectives.
Bored with life at her new cottage in Sussex, Janine returns to London and moves in with Sherlock at 221B. Hilarity, heartbreak, and eventual Johnlock ensue.
This is a Season 3 fix-it fic that features an absolutely lovely friendship between Sherlock and Janine and the best version of Janine that I’ve come across in a fic. Sherlock is vulnerable and sweet, John is an absolute idiot, Janine is perfect, and the last two chapters just make me scream. Great stuff.
And that’s it for now! If you know of any other fics that I might like based on the above, I’d be happy to hear about them, so drop me a line!
Happy reading 😊
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autismdurst · 3 months
Limp bizkit unauthorised 'Full Extreme' - Russia, 1999
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katakaluptastrophy · 11 months
One thing that has me gnawing on the metaphorical drywall is that Abigail Pent apparently never learned just how awful Jod is.
There she is, in the River, murdered by one of god's fingers and gestures, having been invited to the First so that she could kill her husband and eat his soul and...she's triggering Harrow by exclaiming that "The King Over the River is good!" when she learns some people survived.
Having worked out that there is something fundamentally, practically, metaphysically wrong with the River she...just assumes poor old god doesn't know and could do with some Cliff Notes.
And then there's the battle with the Sleeper. She's hiding from a mad, gun-wielding ghost, her husband shot in the stomach on the other side of the room, and her carefully planned exorcism in pieces, and Ortus begins to recite the Noniad. And realising the impossible thing he wants her to do, Abigail - who pages earlier expressed her doubts about god's omnipotence, prays: “Oh, God... God, please help me” (which makes her the only character who isn't a literal priest or member of a religious order who we see praying).
When she describes her childhood bedroom to Harrow, everything she mentions sounds like something of significance to her: her grandfather's bones, her desk, the bed where her brother sometimes slept, and "a pretty chroma of the Prince Undying, but a little cockeyed." (think mass produced 1950s Sacred Heart picture and you're probably not far off...)
Despite having formative memories of having weird devotional art in her bedroom, Abigail is miles away from that other enjoyed of Jod pictures in their living space, Silas Octakiseron. She's open about her heterodox views, and clearly has the knowledge to back them up (including, it should be noted, at least one degree taken on the Eighth). And she clearly has form with going off on a heterodox tangent, as Magnus seems to have a well-rehearsed pattern for bringing her back to an acceptable line. And while she's happy to acknowledge that her views aren't orthodox, she's not being pointlessly controversial: she doesn't mind being a heretic, but she's rather upset by the idea that Marta might think her a mad one.
Marta, meanwhile, is one of several characters who show us that Abigail's intensity isn't just the result of living in a theocracy: “No. The Second House doesn’t overthink the River...If we did we’d just have to fill in forms.” Meanwhile, Ianthe is clearly thinking about dogma with an eye less to worship than replication.
And maybe it's because I know a lot of people who are devout but heterodox, and in relationships only tenuously accepted in their tradition (or only in their specific bit of the tradition)...but I just have a lot of feelings about Abigail here. Someone who's willing to be frank and informed about the complexities inherent in her belief system, but who seems to be committed to her faith. She seems so willing to think the best of Jod, to pray to him even when she's intellectually aware it may not be quite that straightforward and...he doesn't give a shit. He isn't god. He's a stupid little man who looks down on the humanities and I wish Abigail Pent got the chance to say something devastating to him.
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katalina27ua · 8 months
Про паралелі з "Рівером"
Мені раптово спало на думку, що паралелі між "Рівером" і "Добрими передвісниками" набагато глибші, ніж 100500 років юсту головних героїв) Все набагато цікавіше:
Але почну все ж з 100500 років юсту, причому у Рівера й Стіві таки за весь час нічого не було, це ми знаємо точно)
"Grumpy/sunshine"-динаміка. Стіві була тим буквальним сонечком для зазвичай похмурого Рівера, так само як Азірафель для Кроулі. Самого Рівера сайт ББС охарактеризував як людину з "the charmingly complicated, and tenderly intelligent darkness" всередині) Щось це нам нагадує)
Стіві могла змусити Рівера робити все, що завгодно) Навіть перефарбувати "Бентлі" в жовтий колір співати караоке))
"We're a team, a group. Group of the two of us". Рівер і Стіві були напарниками, буквально були командою)
Всі навкруги вважали їх парою. Родичі Стіві вважали Рівера членом сім'ї (а "родичі" Азірафеля вважали Кроулі його бойфрендом)))
Рівер дуже ревнував, коли дізнався, що у Стіві вдома жив голий чоловік)
Обидві парочки багато часу проводили в роз'їздах у машині)
"Завжди запізно". Рівер і Стіві тягли з зізнаннями в коханні до кінця й дотягли до того, що стало занадто пізно, Стіві відправилась на Небеса. Хоча про те, що вони один одного кохають, вони, звичайно, і так знали.
Дуже красива й романтична сцена танцю в кінці) Особливо, звичайно, в "Рівері". "People would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love." (c)
Монолог Рівера про те, як його в 6 років кинула в озеро з киплячою сіркою (Боженька, там навіть озеро повторюється!) рідна мати, і як він говорив нібито лише про матір, але насправді й про Стіві також:
"And we have nothing to say. What would you like to say? All of the things you want to say to someone who suddenly went away. How you miss them. How the air was sucked out of your lungs the moment they left. How you will never, ever... fully inhale again in the same way. How you miss them. How you miss them till your teeth ache".
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classic-art-favourites · 10 months
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Thro' the Wood by John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836-1893).
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tonsillessscum · 6 months
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tezzbot · 3 months
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Some more On The Road AU doodles!! The sleepers and the dancers lol The second image is kind of technically a spoiler? maybe a half spoiler idk hjgfdgf Either way I am having fun w this au :P
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majorgammage · 1 year
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Motherfucker 100% said “Kumbaya” are you kidding me right now Tamsyn—
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paperleef · 3 months
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