#Jiang Li's maid
kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: The Double (2024)
Bellos recuerdos y cruel realidad 😭 #shorts #Eldoble #TheDouble #WuJinyan #AiMi #Chinesedrama #cdrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a3yPlW2qgfI
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qiu-yan · 2 months
secretly afab jiang cheng poll
(someone once wrote a post about a similar scenario but i cannot find it. if someone finds it please send me the link)
consider the following scenario:
yu ziyuan gives birth to two biologically female children. her second birth in particular is difficult and renders it impossible for her to have any more children. determined to have one of her children inherit, however, yu ziyuan lies, and announces to the cultivation world the birth of a son, jiang cheng.
jiang cheng is raised as a boy. only yu ziyuan and a handful of trusted maids know the truth. jiang fengmian never finds out. jiang yanli never finds out. even wei wuxian somehow never finds out.
as time goes on, various other parties discover the truth at different points in jiang cheng's life--wen chao and his men after jiang cheng is captured in wei wuxian's place, wen qing and wen ning during the golden core transfer, possibly jin guangyao as well--but, due to various circumstances, everyone who knows dies before they can spread the information. eventually, the only person left alive who knows the truth is jiang cheng himself.
jiang cheng leads his sect. jiang cheng purposefully gets himself blacklisted by all matchmakers. jiang cheng raises jin ling. somehow, for the entirety of the 13 year timeskip and beyond, jiang cheng is able to hide the truth of his body from the entire world. wei wuxian returns after 13 years of death, the present half of the plot plays out exactly as it does in canon, and somehow this specific information just never comes up. even after wen ning's return, wen ning somehow never brings it up either, because he assumes wei wuxian knows already.
then, some time after the end of canon, wei wuxian finds out the truth: that jiang cheng, who he fully believed to be biologically male, was in fact biologically female this entire time, and also that jiang cheng managed to hide this information from him all the way up until now. maybe wen ning finally spills the beans or something.
how does wei wuxian react?
things to consider:
how does jiang cheng think of himself in this scenario? as a woman pretending to be a man? as the ancient fantasy chinese version of a transgender man?
how does jiang cheng wish to live in this scenario? does he wish to live as a woman? does he wish he were biologically male?
have jiang cheng and wei wuxian reconciled?
how would wei wuxian react to learning that there was a huge chunk of jiang cheng's life he had zero idea about?
what kinds of attitudes towards women has wei wuxian exhibited in the text?
what kinds of attitudes towards women has mxtx exhibited in the text?
explain your reasoning in the notes!!!
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silviakundera · 3 months
The Double episode 26 spoilery comments
Jiang Daddy's claim to have Jiang Li's back lasted like 2.5 days. We see more evidence of his fair-weather support in the flashbacks, in which Jiang Li's mom had to step in to save the pregnant maid while he just watches. Everyone and anyone can be discarded. He'll step up for you big -- when yours is the winning side. That man is an excellent politicial animal for sure.
Justice for Aunt Hu!! The evil stepmom really has to ruin everything
That Zhou boy thinking he can play the game on this level is just pathetic. Always kill your enemies immediately. ALWAYS.
"Why are all of you forcing me?" the most despicable cdrama characters' refrain
The drama stays determined to humanize the selfish, short-sighted, and self-absorbed sister archetype that populates the most popular revenge webnovels.
Are they really gonna redeem Jiang Ruoyao? Curious to where this character goes. Is she truly going to find herself?
Duke Su finally managed a lil date with his crush without any favors
Her feeling so safe with him, free and easy to take a nap in his rooms with him sitting there (after she's just on the verge of sexual assault) speaks volumes. avalanches.
You just know A 'Li feels a hundred times more secure to rest at ease there than at the Jiang residence. She doesn't have a home yet but -- it's coming.
"Everywhere else is not comfortable, but the place you picked sure is not bad." ❤
THEY ARE GIVING ME THE PACEY WITTER SPECIAL (look I have residual shipper triggers, you cannot possibly understand the things that fire off in my brain at a quiet watching-your-crush-sleep scene like this)
We got the whistle from the novel !
btw can I comment that tons of cdramas have a FL with martial arts skills, so I don't have any issue with the drama not making FL perfect at everything - it's ok that she needs protection from immediate physical threats. She isn't a warrior. Her weapon is her brain and her persuasive eloquence.
Does Duke Su need to be in this episode? Well no, not objectively for plot reasons. But full applause to the screenwriter and director for understanding the assignment: this drama is so enjoyable to watch because it's paced to give the audience a succession of threat, conflict, resolution + shipper moment in 1 or 2 episode beats. ✔ ✔ ✔
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gravitasmalfunction · 4 months
I am very much enjoying The Double, and the comparisons to Story of Kunning Palace are fun because Zhang Zhe's actor is The Double's ML, and the Princess's actor is the Third Miss Jiang, and they both get to play very beautiful and menacing characters this time around. And Little Sister Assassin from My Journey To You is playing FL's maid Tong'er, with plenty of shots of her beautiful face gracing the screen, too.
The contrast to Story of Kunning Palace is extra fun, because instead of the timey-wimey 'died but came back right' business The Double is serving straight up 'didn't die and you're going to regret it more than you thought possible to regret anything' revenge for all the wrongs deliciousness. Instead of Xuening waking up in the past as her 19-year-old self and getting to start over from a position of maidenly innocence to avoid her past mistakes, The Double's Xue Fangfei was very much married and is actively roleplaying a 19-year-old maiden purely for vengeance's sake. Fangfei is on a mission to fuck people's shit up! I love that for her. She's clearly intellectually stimulated by the challenge of achieving not one but two grand vengeances and living poor Jiang Li's best life on her behalf. Where SOKP's Xuening was avoidant and reactive, trying to stay out of the way of the plot, Fangfei has the plot by the throat and is dragging it forward with her. The scene where she arrives late to Third Miss Jiang's coming of age ceremony is just *chef's kiss*. She does nothing more than show up, and it has half a dozen different people quaking in their boots for different reasons. Xue Fangfei is coming for you! And when she comes for you, it will be in the wide open in front of a huge audience and you'll be completely powerless to stop her walking straight up to you and wrecking your shit! I am with Duke Su on this, I can't take my eyes off her. She's magnificent!
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myechoecho · 3 months
The Double, ep 27
Ep 27 had a severe lack of the Duke in it, which also means a lack of our OTP. And a lack of Lu Ji and Wen Ji. Still it wasn't a bad episode.
Let's start with Yu'e. At first, I thought she got what she deserved with being married to a man who hated her. But he's so awful that he couldn't just ignore her or something. He was beating her. So it was satisfying to see his genuine terror to when she says she's going personally take care of him now.
I truly do hope that Ruoyao can really find herself and break free. I was pleased to see that she was following with what she started and standing up to her mother. Unfortunately, her mother chose to POISON her as a way to get rid of Jiang Li. I'm going to assume that she will survive. And if she does, she really, really shows her mom how she cannot control her anymore.
I still think Shuran is awful. But at least we have context for where it all stems from. Cruelty begets cruelty. Her father was terrible and saw his daughters as pawns for his own position. When he disfigured her lover, he had her set up to be married to a useless person. He's the one who suggested she kill Jiang Li's mom to be able to married into the Jiang family. She's also just killed a child. Accidentally, but still.
It's interesting because there are similarities between Ruoyao and Shuran. Much of how Shuran treats Ruoyao is like how her father treated her. But there are lines that Ruoyao won't cross unlike her mother, who at this point has killed two people, attempted murder on another, got a child banished for matricide and fratricide (the kid wasn't even born yet so i dunno how that works), is trying to kill Jiang Li and has now poisoned Ruoyao.
Ruoyao is not her mother. Shuran is not wrong when she says that Jiang Li influenced her. But mostly Li just pointed out some things to Ruoyao. Ruoyao is the one who made the choice to stand up for herself - she could have just hidden she's done before. It also didn't hurt to hear Yanbang dismiss her and say he can coax her into anything because she has not thoughts of her own.
One thing I did notice is that Shuran's maid lacky was truly distressed at poisoning Ruoyao. It makes me wonder if she's not as on board with this plan as she has been with Shuran's others. She just might be the weak link, if Shuran goes even further against Ruoyao.
I did like what little we saw of Jiang Li. When the Duke gave her the whistle, I was curious as to how that would work (who's going to hear it?). I should have known better since the Duke has someone planted at the Jiang residence (and he's been there for 7 years!?! what is time and age in this drama??). So it's definitely been a very long game that the Duke and the Emperor have been playing.
Not much to say about the Aunt, though good in Li for seeing she was pretending to be crazy. I did suspect that someone had killed her child but in last episode it didn't look like she was pushed. However, this episode showed the real story.
As for Shuran, I'm confident she's very badly underestimated Li and whatever she's planning won't go as she thinks.
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juminsswife · 1 year
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Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace. Often when I watch the episodes or clips from the show on youtube, one common thing I notice is how many other viewers agree that the title of the drama feels like it doesn't make sense.
Many question, Ruyi's Royal Love? When that love sadly gets stomped on and dies basically halfway through the drama? So I thought about it, too. Many take on the opinion that Ruyi's Love really refers to Hailan, or even Yunche. And these are all great takes.
But I like to personally believe, Ruyi's Royal Love isn't referring to any one person in Ruyi's life. It was about Ruyi herself.
Ruyi's Royal Love -> ->-> the love Ruyi has. Royal because she IS royal, in her heart, and her mind and actions. In a way that someone like Hongli will never ever be.
I think of all the people who's lives she touched. Hongli, yes. But there was also Hailan, Consort Shu, Consort Ying, Consort Chun, Yonghuang. Ling Yunche, Li Yu, Suoxin, Jiang Yubin, Rongpei, all the way to the servants who worked for her that we saw only a bit (Lingzhi and Yingzhi, and Sanbao).
How she showed care even towards people who wronged her, like Aruo, Consort Hui, Consort Jia. How in so many people's final moments, its her that shows up in the end, not anyone else, even the emperor. How she comforted Concubine Mei's fear that she would not be able to recognize her son. How she held no grudge against Consort Rong and gave her the will to go on. Quietly sending food to the abandoned first prince so he wouldn't starve. Applying medicine for Li Yu when he was forced to kneel. Taking care of Aruo despite her being in the wrong and being rightly punished for her behavior. Making sure Suoxin married the good decent man she always dreamed of, and sending her out of the palace after all her sufferings. Saving Liaxin from drowning and helping her get out of an abusive relationship. Having mercy on Yanwan when she was just a maid. Saving Yunche's life from false accusations over and over. Remembering Consort Ying's birthday even when she was barely a month into morning the death of her 3 year old daughter. Showing mercy towards the brothel women when in reality their fates would likely have been death otherwise. Her putting all of her effort to protect Noble Lady Yi and her baby when she lived with her. Sending charcoals to Hailan because she knew, even if she never said it, that she wasn't being given any in the winter.
And many others things I can't even remember.
Ruyi at one point says to Hailan, "In the harem, love is hard to come by, if you let go of even that little amount, what else do we have?"
and I think that summarizes who Ruyi was perfectly. In the decorated chaos and evil that lurks in the palace, it was always Ruyi being there as a beacon of love and care to all of the broken and hurt people. I remember reading a youtube comment that said Ruyi's palace was becoming like a place for the mistreated people to gather, and it's a testament to her character.
Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace is a perfect title, and it's talking about her.
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pi-ying-xi · 4 months
Much as I'm enjoying the solidarity among the women in The Double - especially Xue Fangfei x the original Jiang Li, XFF x Tong'er and XFF x Liu Xu - it's still a fact of the drama that Xue Fangfeei's enemies have also primarily been other women: her in- laws, the princess; and Jiang Li's have been her step mother and her maid, the younger sisters and now the concubine who's related to her step mother.
I hope the drama navigates this aspect well by and by.
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innerpalaces · 3 months
CHAPTER 182: Princess Lin'an
After coming out of the study, Guo Cheng had been waiting outside. Looking at Zhao Yue behind Li Wei Yang, who was holding a stack of books, he smiled and said: "Whatever you want, just send it to the house, why bother doing something so troublesome?"
Li Wei Yang just smiled softly and said: "Third brother, it is also a good thing to go out for a walk sometimes."
Guo Cheng seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with a hint of constriction on his handsome face: "Why do I think you are here to watch the fun?"
In a sense, Guo Cheng's guess is not wrong. Li Wei Yang did come here specifically to take a look at the good show just now. But at this moment she just smiled and didn't say much. Just when she was about to get in the carriage, Guo Cheng suddenly said: "Would you like to go to the Jewelry Pavilion to take a look? Their jewelry styles are the most fashionable, and young ladies these days like to go there."
Li Wei Yang took a look, and there was indeed a very luxurious jewelry shop opposite. She glanced at Guo Cheng, shook her head and said: "Mom has given me a lot of jewelry. Even if I wore a different piece every day, I would still have enough for a year."
Guo Cheng looked at Li Wei Yang in surprise. He thought women were insatiable and would not refuse beautiful jewelry, so how could Li Wei Yang be willing to refuse? It seemed that she was sincerely rejecting him. Just as he was about to speak, Li Wei Yang's expression suddenly changed subtly. He followed her gaze and saw a gorgeous carriage. The carriage body was engraved with peony patterns, and there were golden bells hanging on the eaves. When the wind blows, you can hear the beautiful tinkling sound of the bells. The carriage stopped in front of the Jewelry Pavilion. Under the steps, the boss and the clerks lined up, waiting respectfully.
The whole scene was silent. Two beautiful maids got off the carriage first and commanded others to prepare everything. Then, a young man got off the carriage and stretched out his hand to help the person inside. Two slaves in green clothes were lying on the ground, and a pair of shoes inlaid with huge pearls fell on the slaves' backs. From Guo Cheng's perspective, he could see that the woman was wearing a gauzy gold skirt embroidered with purple silk. She had a dignified atmosphere, but the purple color has a trace of indescribable charm and enchantment. With a single glance, her silhouette curved gracefully in the air, her skirt swayed, her movements were fluid, and every step she took seemed to blossom with flowers.
Guo Cheng was slightly surprised, and then whispered to Li Wei Yang: "That's Princess Lin'an."
Li Wei Yang did not look at the beautiful and noble princess, her eyes fell on the young man beside her. The man seemed to realize something and turned to look at the two people.
For a moment, Li Wei Yang locked gazes with the man. His eyes were extremely sinister in the sunlight, and they flashed across her face, and then he nodded and smiled at her. With such a familiar face, Li Wei Yang believed that she would not be mistaken. It was Jiang Nan, the fourth young master of the Jiang family.
It was unknown what Princess Lin'an said, but Jiang Nan smiled softly, turned around and whispered a few words in her ear, looking very intimate. The princess then climbed up the steps and entered the Jewelry Pavilion surrounded by everyone. Jiang Nan hurriedly turned around. Li Wei Yang had already got on the carriage and it drove away. Jiang Nan stood on the high steps and was still looking in that direction. For some reason, even though the figure in the light blue dress was very far away, he still recognized her with a single glance.
At this time, Li Wei Yang was already sitting on the carriage, and Zhao Yue said softly: "Miss - that person is..."
"It's the fourth young master of the Jiang family," Li Wei Yang  said softly, with an indescribable coldness in her smile. During the process of dealing with Yuan Yu, she had been looking for this person everywhere, but unfortunately, she found nothing. Princess Yongning has been practicing in the nunnery and had not seen Jiang Nan in Yuexi. When Li Wei Yang mentioned this person to Yuan Lie, he also had an inexplicable expression. Obviously, he was busy looking for her everywhere and ignored a lot of information, so he also didn't know that Jiang Nan was in Yuexi. Therefore, she has been visiting officials in Yuexi, intending to find clues about this person. However, no matter how hard she looked, she can't find Jiang Nan, and there is no one who looks similar or has similar experiences. At one point, she almost suspected that she was wrong. What she saw in the theater that day was not Jiang Nan at all, but a phantom.
Now, she suddenly understood. Jiang Nan was indeed in Yuexi, but he was not among the officials and generals. He was hiding in the Princess Mansion. Suddenly the curtain lifted and Guo Cheng got into the carriage. He smiled and said: "You don't mind if I ride with you."
Why did he leave the horse outside and sit in the carriage together? Is there something to say? Li Wei Yang thought about it and said: "Of course I don't mind."
The carriage was very spacious. Zhao Yue quickly poured tea for Guo Cheng, and then waited quietly aside, like a shadow. Guo Cheng glanced at Zhao Yue and thought that this girl's martial arts was indeed very high, but he didn't know where she came from... Li Wei Yang held the tea cup and said with a half-smile: "Third brother, do you have anything to say?"
Guo Cheng nodded and said, "Do you know that person just now?"
Li Wei Yang did not deny it: "That is the fourth grandson of Duke Jiang in Dali, the young general Jiang Nan who was once famous all over the world."
Jiang Nan? Guo Cheng was surprised and said, "Are you telling the truth?"
Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "Do I need to deceive you? He is indeed Jiang Nan, and his aunt was my legal mother and my enemy. I will not mistake him. When I came to Yuexi, I spent a lot of effort looking for him, but unfortunately I couldn't find him. I didn't expect that he was hiding in the princess's mansion."
Guo Cheng stared at Li Wei Yang in silence for a long time. The rising cloud of tea made his face a little blurry. In the end, his voice came clearly from the cloud: "No wonder you can't find him, because you would never imagine Jiang Nan's current identity."
Li Wei Yang raised her eyebrows: "What do you mean by this?"
Guo Cheng smiled, and there seemed to be a hint of awkwardness in that smile, and said: "This - it's a long story."
Princess Lin'an is the eldest princess of Yuexi. Like Princess Anguo, she was born to Empress Pei. When she was seventeen, she married Li Qi, the eldest son of the Duke Li Shan. Empress Pei doted on her daughter very much. She believed that Li Shan's wife was not born noble enough, which insulted the royal family, and she was not worthy of being the princess's mother-in-law, so she forced Li Shan to divorce his wife, and only then was she willing to let Princess Lin'an marry in. Later, because Li Shan's family was unintentionally involved in a rebellion, which implicated the princess's consort Li Qi, the Emperor ordered Li Shan to be executed, and Li Qi was exiled. The princess' consort, who had always been well-dressed and well-fed, died of illness before he arrived at the place of exile. Afterwards, in order to comfort Princess Lin'an, Empress Pei always treated her very kindly.
After hearing this, Li Wei Yang suddenly felt that the situations of Princess Lin'an and Princess Yongning were somewhat similar, but if one continued to listen, their ultimate fates were completely different.
"After becoming a widow, Princess Lin'an recruited a large number of staff, a total of five hundred people. These people are either literary or military talents and have special skills. This shows that she is very interested in participating in politics." Guo Cheng said slowly.
Li Wei Yang pondered for a moment. Princess Yongning was a widow at first, but she closed her doors for a long time to mourn. This Princess Lin'an clearly didn't have much interest in being a wife. After her husband died, she became more free. In this way, is Jiang Nan also an aide to Princess Lin'an?
Guo Cheng seemed to see what she was thinking, shook his head and said: "No, he is not only the princess's staff, but also her lover. To put it bluntly, he is a male concubine."
Li Wei Yang suddenly raised her head and looked at Guo Cheng in shock. Jiang Nan? Princess Lin'an's male concubine?! This - it feels incredible no matter what.
"What, don't you believe it?" Guo Cheng smiled and said, "If it is as you said, Jiang Nan is the son of Duke Jiang, and if he came to Dadu with his true identity, he will definitely be suspected of being a spy. Therefore, he had to give up his identity and look for opportunities to get ahead again. However, Yuexi's control over officials and generals is very strict. If he concealed his identity, it would be easy to be revealed once he was in politics. This was very dangerous. So, he found another way. Isn't it easy to use Princess Lin'an to take action?"
Li Wei Yang still shook her head and said: "If it were an ordinary person, it would not be surprising to make such a decision. But Jiang Nan, such a proud and arrogant person..." Let him be a woman's male concubine, Li Wei Yang Wei Yang felt that there was no chance at all.
Guo Cheng finished a cup of tea, sighed and said: "Princess Lin'an lives an extremely luxurious life. She loves power and is fond of men. She is a truly romantic princess. After her husband's death, she openly kept a male concubine and spent her whole day drinking and playing. Of course, this is just at the superficial level. In my opinion, the so-called debauchery and extravagance are just the impression she gives to others. The male concubines are a force she recruits in the fight for power, and it is a force of confidants. Ordinarily, a staff member cannot really gain her trust and backing. Only if he can win her favor and successfully climb into her bed, will she give him enough support. Of course, this support must be reciprocated."
Of course, Li Wei Yang had heard about Princess Lin'an's romances, but these words seemed more credible when they came from Guo Cheng's mouth. She looked at the tea leaves floating in the cup, suddenly smiled and said: "Jiang Nan, Jiang Nan, you are really crazy."
Guo Cheng raised his lips, stared at her and said, "Why, do you still find it unbelievable? People change. Maybe you know the Jiang Nan of the past, not the Jiang Nan of Princess Lin'an Mansion now."
Li Wei Yang nodded and had to admit that she was wrong. In other words, she has been using the image of the arrogant Jiang Nan in the past, but now the fourth son of the Jiang family is just a man whose whole family has been destroyed, who is homeless, and who cannot even reveal his true identity. In order to take revenge, he would naturally change himself, but this time, he changed so completely that Li Wei Yang couldn't believe it.
When Guo Cheng saw Li Wei Yang's silence, he asked: "What are you thinking about?"
Li Wei Yang looked up at him and a sarcastic smile flashed in her dark eyes: "I'm thinking, how can a member of the Jiang family, who regards their dignity and pride as life, endure this kind of humiliation?"
In Princess Lin'an's Mansion, the huge bedroom was divided into a secondary room with rosewood partitions. On the divan, Princess Lin'an was picking out her favorite jewelry one by one, but the more she looked at it, the more she felt that none were beautiful enough. The jewelry box was thrown to the ground, and its contents immediately rolled all over the floor. The maids on the side quickly knelt down, looking panic-stricken. The princess had a bad temper and would always get angry when she didn't get what she wanted. If someone didn't have the eyes and were to bump into her at this time, her skin would be peeled off.
Jiang Nan passed through the curtain, and what he saw at first glance was a gemstone hairpin inlaid with emerald that rolled across the rug. He smiled slightly, stepped over the jewelry on the floor and walked in: "Why is the princess in a bad mood?"
Princess Lin'an had a scowl on her face, and was about to get angry when she raised her eyes and saw him. She suddenly turned from anger to joy: "Where did you go just now? I couldn't find you anywhere!"
Jiang Nan's eyes darkened, but the smile on his face deepened: "I saw a fan that was very suitable for the princess, so I went back to buy it." After saying that, he personally handed the fan to Princess Lin'an, and she took it nonchalantly and opened it. When this fan is opened and folded, it looks like undulating water. The flowers and plants embroidered on the fan were dazzling and colorful. This is not surprising, but there was also a beauty with heavy makeup on the fan. She has a beautiful smile, and her appearance is actually seventy percent similar to Lin'an's. Moreover, the whole fan is particularly gorgeous and exquisite and was smoked with a special spice and smells fragrant. When you hold the fan in your hand, the fragrance is everywhere. The anger in her heart dissipated, and she suddenly laughed and said, "You are considerate!"
In fact, what kind of fan did she not have? She didn't even care about those gemstones and gold ones, but the beauty on the fan was very similar to her. It was clearly specially ordered by Jiang Nan, so the meaning was completely different.
The maid on the side quietly raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Nan, feeling relieved but also puzzled. The princess has always been arrogant and domineering. Whether it is towards the former Prince Consort or the male pets around her, she has always been arrogant and domineering. But since Mr. Jiang came, she not only admired him very much, but even dispersed the other men around her for him, and when she was angry, as long as Mr. Jiang was around, she would immediately turn her anger into joy, which had never happened before.
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
Do you have a guide to all your OCs anywhere?
No, but there is one now. :) Brief note that these characters are from the TMAAF verse; minor, non-recurring OCs like Xiao Liuzi from travelers through the empty gate will not show up here. Also keep in mind that some characters, like Nie Yunhua and Nie Yunhai, have more significant roles in my modern verses and Tumblr AUs than in TMAAF.
Gusu Lan sect
1. Lan Xiaohui (Xiao-Yu). Wangxian's second child, born to a courtesan called Yang Xin in Yunmeng in 731.
2. Wei Shuilan, born in 736. Her parentage is completely unknown.
3. Wei Chunyang, Wangxian's only biological child, born to Wei Wuxian in 740. She is the reincarnated spirit of Jiang Yanli.
4. Lan Jueying, born in 735 to a pair of villagers who were killed by a yaoguai. After their deaths, she was adopted by Lan Xichen.
5. Lan Minghui, born in 731. He has one younger brother, and his mother is a nurse in the Baoshi. He and Xiao-Yu are best friends.
6. Lan Danhui, born in 730. A close friend of Xiao-Yu and Minghui.
7. Lan Fang, born in 736. He marries Wei Shuilan in 765, and they have four daughters and one son together.
Yunmeng Jiang sect
1. Yu Zhenhong. He is a couple of years younger than Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, and the son of Yu Ziyuan's older half-brother. He currently serves as Jiang Cheng's deputy and possesses a highly dangerous weapon called Shuaixing, which takes the form of a spear that causes explosions when thrown.
2. Li Shuai. She is Lotus Pier's second deputy and Yu Zhenhong's wife. Her core was melted when Wen Chao attached Lotus Pier, so she carries a dagger instead of a sword and practices non-cultivating martial arts instead of the jiandao.
3. Yu Mei, born in 727 to Li Shuai and Yu Zhenhong.
4. Yu Jin, born in 729 to Li Shuai and Yu Zhenhong.
5. Yu Min, born in 731 to Li Shuai and Yu Zhenhong.
6. Yu Xihan, born in 714. Lotus Pier's current head disciple, and a first cousin once removed to Yu Zhenhong (though not to Jiang Cheng).
7. Zhao Suyin, born in 715. Lotus Pier's first ranking female disciple, and a lost descendant from the Xinjiang Zhao clan. She later marries Yu Xihan.
8. Xiao Yan. One of the younger disciples in the senior class. She later marries Jin Chan and becomes the mother of Jin Yun.
9. Luo Ming, Liu Feng, Dai Hualing, and Li Jiangshun. Other disciples in the senior class.
10. Pan Gaolin. The head physician at the Lufeng infirmary, who first earned notoriety when she destroyed an infant Jiang Yanli's cultivation root as part of a (successful) experimental procedure intended to make her lungs and stomach develop faster. As a young girl, she studied healing at the medical institute in Xinjiang Zhao with Yun Guimeng.
11. Lang Xiyan. She was originally a kitchen maid at Mo Manor, but she was expelled from Mo Village and came into Pan Gaolin's care in Yunmeng, where she became a healer. She is Lang Lihua's birth mother.
12. Lang Lihua, born in 732. Lang Xiyan's daughter and Jiang Cheng's stepdaughter.
13. Jiang Lianhua, born in 740 to Jiang Cheng and Jiang-furen.
14. Jiang Bohai, born in 743 to Jiang Cheng and Jiang-furen.
Qinghe Nie sect
1. Nie Shiyong. She is a tiger-shifter born in 715, and captured in 717 by Jin Guangyao after he invited her parents to the Jinlintai. Her parents were murdered, and Nie Shiyong was imprisoned for the next four years. Nie Huaisang rescued and adopted her in 721, though her existence was not publicly known until 733. She married Jin Ling in 739, and is the mother of several children with him.
2. Nie Zhuxi, born in 713. He is Nie Zonghui’s younger cousin and Nie Huaisang’s presumptive heir.
3. Nie Zhuyan, born in 729. Nie Zhuxi’s younger brother and Xiao-Yu’s husband.
4. Nie Yunhua and Nie Yunhai, minor wind and water gods born to Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue in 770, two years after Lan Xichen’s ascension to the heavenly court. They received the Nie name but are not part of the Nie sect, since they were born as gods and were never human.
5. Yun Guimeng (Healer Yun). She is the head physician at the Unclean Realm.
Lanling Jin sect
1. Jin Hong, born in 740. First son of Jin Ling and Nie Shiyong, and Wei Chunyang’s husband. He is the reincarnated spirit of Jin Zixuan. Note: He has many younger siblings, and only the first few have been named.
2. Jin Yun, born in 741 to Jin Chan and Xiao Yan. He is the reincarnated spirit of Jin Guangyao, and the head priest at the Lord Mercy temple in Yiling.
3. Jin Xiu, born in 742. First daughter of Jin Ling and Nie Shiyong, and Jin Ling’s heir.
4. Jin An, born in 743 to Jin Ling and Nie Shiyong.
5. Cao Nian, born in 739 to Luo Qingyang and her husband, Cao Tian. Younger brother to Little Mianmian.
Baling Ouyang sect
1. Ouyang Xingchen, born in 742 to Ouyang Zizhen and A-Qing. He has three unnamed younger sisters and one younger brother.
2. Yao Lan, born in 741. He was an orphan raised at a monastery near Baling, where he met Ouyang Xingchen in 760. The two married later that year.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
My descendants fancast redone part 1;
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Charisma Star as Jordan, daughter of the Genie.
Jennifer Veal as Ally Liddell, daughter of Alice Liddell in Wonderland.
Joey bragg as Pin, son of Pinocchio.
Paris Berelc as Ariana Rose, granddaughter of Queen Leah. Niece of Aurora and Philip.
Matt Dillon as Clay Clayton, son of William Clayton.
Christian Slater as Rick Ratcliffe, son of Governor John Ratcliffe.
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Coco Jones as Opal, daughter of Mama Odie (sans the honey blonde hair since honey blonde hair is hard to give).
Emily Tosta as Tiger Peony, daughter of Tiger Lily.
River Phoniex as Artie Pendragon, son of King Arthur Pendragon.
Halsey as Mad Maddy, granddaughter of Madam Mim.
Jessica Barden as Arabella, niece of Ariel and Eric (edit made by me, design inspired by @panthera-tigris-venenata ).
Joey King as Carina Potts, daughter of Mrs. Potts.
Dylan O'Brien as Bobby Hood, son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian.
Jiang Xin as Yi-Min, daughter of Yao (and maybe Mei).
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Stella Walker and Maya Hawke as Jane Darling, daughter of Wendy Darling.
Jacob Tremblay and Daniel Sharman as Daniel "Danny" Darling, son of Wendy Darling.
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Michael and Travis Vossler, Lindsey Lohan, James and Oliver Phillips, and Kai and Bodhi Schulz as the Tweedledum and Tweedledum cousins (I named them Nathan, Nelson, Natalie, Nadie, Flex, Felix, Fisher, and Fletcher in that exact order). The Tweedle twins' kids.
Saffron Henderson, Sarah Hyland, Lauren Alaina, Ruby Rose, and Ariel Winter as Madam Mim's other granddaughters (I named them Wacky Wrenley, Loony Lilias, Insane Imogen, Crazed Clara, and Batty Blair in that order).
Karen Gillian, Trevor Stines, Rupert Grint, Jamie Kennedy, and Amybeth McNutty as the Stabbington cousins (I named them Darlina/Grenny, Iggy/Cheekbones, Rex/Nosey, Cormac/Brunet, and Tega/braids in that order). They are the stabbington Brothers' kids.
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Charlie and Max Carver as Gaston Junior and Gaston the 3rd, the twin sons of Gaston.
Alejandra Alonso as Yzla and David Henrie as Zevon, daughter and son of Yzma.
Kaya Scodelario as Harriet Hook and Sabrina Carpetener, daughters of Captain James Hook.
Holland Roden as Claudine Frollo, daughter of Claude Frollo.
Lucy Hale as Ginny Gothel, daughter of Mother Gothel.
Jake Abel as Sammy Smee, son of First Mate Smee.
Lauryn McClain as Freddie Facilier, daughter of Dr Facilier.
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Alyson Hannigan as Eliza, Fairy Godmother's niece.
Dane Dehaan as James Brown Jr./Jim Jr. , son of Jim Dear and Darling.
Brec Marie Bassinger as Ruby Fitzherbert, daughter of Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzal.
Raffey Cassidy as Melody, daughter of Ariel and Eric.
Dejan Loyola as Aziz, son of Aladdin and Jasmine.
Tanner Stine as Herkie, son of Hercules and Megara.
Ross Butler as Li Shang Jr., son of Fa Mulan and Li Shang.
Jessica Rothe as Scarlet, daughter of an unspecified royal.
Edit: Jim Dear and Darling have a daughter in the live action version. So here she is her fancast.
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McKenzie Jefferson as Lulu Brown, daughter of Jim Dear and Darling.
Also I forgot about the live action movie when I made Aziz. Sooooo..... sorry... which disney descendant do you want to see next?
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thejhambs · 2 years
Canon Jiang Cheng (a bullet point timeline)
This is every instance I could gather where JC is in the novel. I made this around 2 years ago, because I felt like I was being lied to by the fandom about JC's actions, so I decided to create a linear timeline so as to help myself. This contains every instance that JC appears, with the chapter numbers (ExR translation), and all the times he did things, whether good or bad.
It was mostly created to help me understand what I actually thought of JC's character, and how I interpreted him. You guys can check it out, and cross check with the actual novel, lol. Under a read more bc it's Long As Hell
Random Backstories
Chapter 16
How Suibian was named
Chapter 18 
JFM picked wwx off the streets, where wwx grew with his fear of dogs 
Jc laughed at him for this 
Chapter  29 
No one ever told wwx about his parents. JFM did not bother, Madame Yu did not talk to him unless she was whipping him, and telling him to stay away from JC 
Chapter 25
jfm found him in the streets, JC had dogs, JC was forced to send his dogs away, but once they got closer, jc would protect him from dogs 
Chapter 32
Wwx would shoot kites with JC. JC was always second to him 
Their kite was made by JFM and painted by jyl 
Chapter 35
Jc smashed a bowl and cursed when wwx cooked 
Chapter 47
JFM has said wwx's handwriting was careless yet poised 
Chapter 71
extension on how angry jc was about the dogs in his youth. He's jealous that jfm hugged wwx
He rejects when wwx calls him shidi. Interesting to note that WWX never calls him shidi, again
Cloud Recesses
Chapter 13 
JC talks to wwx, seemingly blaming him for the way he fought with lwj, however, he was completely fine with wwx breaking rules, and even demanded the emperor's smile that WWX broke the rules to get 
He was also very amused by wwx's antics, and told him, "good luck" when LWJ came towards him 
Chapter 14 
JC criticizes WWX for discussing the theoretical possibility of demonic cultivation 
He informs him that LQR has punished him 
He says that both LWJ and his uncle hate him now 
Nie huaisang does WWX's punishment, and wwx cheats for him, and is punished once more. JC informs him of that as well 
Lqr sends a letter to JFM, and JFM replies saying that wwx has always been like that, and to take care to discipline him. 
Chapter 15 
Wwx gives lwj porn. JC is mad about this because WWX has brought shame to the clan 
Chapter 16 
JC and WWX finagle their way into a nighthunt, and then they drink in caiyi town 
JC gets jealous of wwx talking to lwj 
Chapter 17 
JC gets mad at wwx flirting with lwj 
He laughs when he gets the loquat, guessing that wwx has been flirting again 
Chapter 18 
Sleepover in wwx and jc's room 
Wwx and jc often have fights 
Lwj comes in the morning to punish him, and wwx explains the situation to jc 
Wwx is punished, and jc carries him on his back out of his own volition 
Jc remembers that he encouraged wwx to break the rules, so does not pin the blame entirely on wwx when lxc asks him what is going on 
Jc has no idea what the severity of wwx's injuries are 
Jc tells wwx to stop focusing on lwj 
The jzx thing happens 
Wwx throws the punch, getting jyl's betrothal cancelled 
Jc tells wwx off for losing face for jyl, and then admits he would have done the same if wwx hadn't 
Wwx mentions that if jc had been the one fighting, maybe jfm would not have come 
Jc feels hurt about this 
He tells wwx to go back to yunmeng, bc he does not like that lwj keeps following him around (interesting, bc this is the reason WWX left, while fanon holds that he left because he was kicked out)
Yunmeng Before Qishan Wen Competition
Chapter 51 
JC is established as a mama's boy 
Jiang cheng and wwx are having an archery competition with the kites. Wwx wins 
Madame Yu's maids get mad 
Madame Yu criticizes JC for fooling around, then blames wwx for his bad influence 
Wwx defends himself. Jc tells him not to provoke her 
Qishan wen competition is revealed 
Everyone agrees that qsw is shameless 
Jyl gives food to wwx, and Madame Yu gets mad 
Jc tells Madame Yu that he'll go and not to be mad. Madame Yu then tells jyl to stop acting like a maid 
She gets mad that wwx has any choice in the matter, and that jfm won't force him to go 
Madame Yu gets mad at jc for defending wwx 
Jc tells wwx not to stir up trouble at the competition multiple times 
Jc holds wwx down when wc comes, warning him not to get into trouble 
Jc warns wwx abt wen zhuliu 
Jyl had given them snacks 
They see lwj, and jc tells him not to pay attention to him
QishanWen/Xuanwu arc
Chapter 45 
Qsw competition 
JC tells wwx that LWJ hates him, and is once again jealous of how wwx pays attention to lwj. He gets mad because he told wwx not to mess with lwj  
Chapter 52 
Jiang cheng rolls his eyes when wwx flirts with mianmian 
Wwx asks to carry lwj, lwj refuses, jc gets mad that he pays so much attention to lwj 
He tells wwx that lwj hates him again 
They go into the xuanwu cave. Wang Liangjiao threatens mianmian, jc holds wwx down. Lwj and jzx defend mianmian 
Wwx gets free of jc and argues with wen chao 
Xuanwu awakens 
 Chapter 53 
Jc calls wen chao an idiot 
Jc fights wen zhuliu 
Wen clan retreats entirely 
Wwx jokes about jc eating his flesh, jc finds it annoying 
Jc carries him and tells him to to shut up 
Wwx tells jc to let him go 
Lwj finds the escape route 
Jc leads everyone to safety, except lwj and wwx who get stuck 
 Chapter 54 
Wwx feels insecure and asks if he's as annoying as jc says he is 
According to wwx, jc will take some time to get back 
 Chapter 55 
They have to wait for jc to rescue them, and wwx gets impatient 
Post Xuanwu Lotus Pier/ takeover of lotus pier 
Chapter 56 
Wwx is rescued 
Jyl makes soup 
Jc is angry that wwx fought 
Jfm congratulates wwx for killing the xuanwu 
Jc gets angry, and says that wwx deserved to die there 
Jfm tells him that that isn't appropriate 
Madame yu gets mad, and says that jc will never be able to beat wwx in jfm's mind 
Madame Yu blames wwx for what happened, says that wen chao would not have hurt lan wangji and jin zixuan 
Jc becomes sad, and plays victim about how no one gives him the credit he deserves 
Wwx promises him that they'll be together forever 
Jc is more similar to madame yu and they both do not have the jiang sect outlook to life
JC says that he doesn’t need to follow the Jiang Sect values to be a leader, citing Lan Yi as an example of a sect leader who did not 
Jc asks if wwx actually likes mianmian, and that she isn't worthy of him bc she's a servant's daughter 
Wwx says that then they would match well, since he is a servant's son 
 Chapter 57 
Lan wangji goes back to his sect without help, and JC is pleased about that 
JC and WWX agree that the wens are gross 
Wwx is bored with playing kites 
The wens have taken their swords 
The youngest shidi is missing, and jc is worried 
Wang lingjiao arrives 
Jc is contemptuous of her 
Wlj gives insane justifications for taking the youngest shidi away 
Jc is angry 
Wlj tells Madame Yu to punish wwx, and Madame Yu does 
Jc is annoyed 
Wwx tells jc not to worry 
Wlj tells Madame Yu that a whipping isn't enough and that she must cut off wwx's hand. Wwx is okay with this, but JC gets very distressed 
There is no hand cutting, but jc helps wwx 
 Chapter 58 
Takeover of lotus pier 
Madame Yu gives jc zidian. She tells wwx that she hates him and brought this to lotus pier 
Madame Yu tells wwx to protect jc with his life 
Jfm comes back 
He tells wwx to look after jc 
Jc is upset 
They see wen ning 
 Chapter 59 
Wen chao and wang lingjiao have a romantic moment, and everyone is disgusted 
Wwx tells jc not to go back to lotus pier, and jc gets mad 
Jc pins wwx to the ground, asks him why he had to save lwj, and tells wwx to die 
Jc cries and is catatonic 
They decide to go to meishan yu 
Jc goes back to lotus pier 
Wwx meets with wen ning, who saves jc, and gets back the bodies of jfm and Madame Yu 
 Chapter 60 
Wn takes them to wq's office 
Jc has lost his core, and he's angry at being in wn's superwisory office 
He tries to choke wwx when he discovers this 
Jc wants to die so he can turn into a ferocious ghost. Wwx tells hims that that isn't possible because of all the soul calming done on him since birth 
Wwx says he knows baoshan sanren who can help jc get his core back 
Wwx says that this core would be for him, and not to reveal his identity 
They go to a remote mountain, and jc has the golden core transfer surgery 
Wwx gets captured and pushed into the burial mounds
WWX becomes demonic cultivator/sunshot campaign
Chapter 61 
Jc has been looking for wwx for three months. He meets with lwj 
 Chapter 62 
JC and wwx meet again when wwx tortures wen chao 
He is very happy to see wwx, and excited about demonic cultivation 
Wwx does not tell him he had been in the burial mounds 
LWJ asks wwx to come back to gusu, but JC says no, and says that wwx is of the jiang sect, and that lwj has no right over him 
Jc is happy abt wwx killing wc and other wens 
 Chapter 48 
During sunshot campaign 
Everyone celebrates wwx's actions in the sunshot campaign except lwj. Jiang Cheng is especially vocal about his support 
Chapter 69
jyl cooked soup, and the jzx misunderstanding happened 
Post Sunshot campaign
Chapter 49 
After the sunshot campaign 
WWX tells JC that NMJ is taller than him. JC asks him if he wants to die 
JZX asks JC about JYL, WWX gets mad at him, and tells JC that he doesn't want to see JZX's face 
JC is polite and says that JYL has been well 
WWX leaves, and JC says that he is always rude
Chapter 69 
Phoenix mountain 
Jc tells lwj not to pay attention to wwx who is flirting with lwj again 
He shouts at wwx for throwing flowers at lwj, and asks if he's a girl 
Wwx jokes about throwing flowers for jc, and jc tells him to get lost 
Jc and wwx make fun of jzx 
Wwx decides to blindfold himself, and jc tells him to take it easy, and to back down when it's enough 
Jzx flirts with jyl 
Jyl is not responsive and jzx gets mad at her 
Wwx tries to take her away, and JZXun stops him 
JZXun is offended wwx doesn't remember him 
JZXun calls wwx presumptuous and a servant's son. 
Chapter 70 
Wwx tries to defend himself, JYL tells him to be quiet and diplomatically defends him, calling him her brother 
Madame jin is embarrassed and JZX then confesses to JYL 
Sect leader yao tells JC that wwx is "quite a character" 
Everyone is angry and jealous abt wwx taking one third of the prey. Good to remember that Nie Mingjue did the same. 
They talk about staying away from the jiang sect and not going to night hunts with them 
They say that yunmengjiang grew in fame only because of WWX, and JC feels a darkening in his heart at that 
 Chapter 71 
Lwj asks wwx to go to gusu lan with him again, but this time, he is more diplomatic, and wwx is not actually offended. They get along well 
Jc tells wwx not to hang out with lwj anymore, and tells him to carry his sword with him 
He says that JGY is only good enough to greet the guests, nothing more 
Wwx asks jc if he wants jyl and jc together. WWX does not, but jc is happy about this match 
Wwx asks jyl for comfort. She gives it to him and spoils him 
Jyl makes soup, and jc and wwx bond. JC eats all the meat, and WWX doesn't get any 
Wwx finds wq 
 Chapter 72 
Wwx calls out the lanlingjin sect 
Jgs tells him not to be so presumptuous just because JC isn't there 
Lwj tries to calm him down 
Wwx frees the wen prisoners 
Burial Mounds with Wen Remnants arc
Chapter 73 
Crisis in the cultivation world, everyone has a meeting 
JC offers to compensate the Jins 
He says that they owe wen ning and wen qing 
Nmj says wq never stopped the violence wrh wrought 
Jc does not disagree with him 
Jgs warns jc about wwx getting too big for his boots 
He tells him that wwx said he did not care about jc 
Lwj stands up for wwx, says that he never said that 
Jgy stands up for jgs, and jc believes jgs 
Mianmian defends wwx, and leaves her sect. Lwj talks to her, they part happily 
Jgs talks about how wwx has been plotting to go to burial mounds 
Jc says that wwx is just like that 
Jgs says he's like that because jfm spoiled him 
Jc then agrees to deal with wwx 
They meet at burial mounds 
Wwx doesn't intend to leave LP 
JC sees that the prisoners are the old, the weak, and the young 
Jc tries to get rid of wn's corpse. Wwx stops him. Jc tells wwx that he's too ambitious 
Jc is angry, but wwx says that if jc cannot protect him, then he will leave the ymj sect, and cut all ties 
Jiang cheng then says that wwx is unaffiliated with him and an enemy to the entire cultivation world 
 Chapter 74 
Wwx has not heard anything from the outside since he and jc fell out. He heards of jyl's marriage from lwj 
He makes excuses for jc 
 Chapter 75 
JC brings JYL to meet with WWX 
JYL is dressed up in her wedding clothes and brings soup for wwx 
Wwx names JL 
 Chapter 76 
Qiongqi path 
Wwx is invited to the baby shower, and buys jl a gift 
Jin zixuan dies 
 Chapter 77 
Wq and wn decide to sacrifice themselves, and wwx is angry 
Jyl is upset 
 Chapter 78 
Nightless city 
Wwx kills many cultivators, everyone is toasting to their bravery, jc says nothing 
Jyl gets injured, jc tells wwx to make the corpse go away 
Someone tries to shoot jyl, and she defends wwx and dies 
A random dude accuses wwx of causing the death of jfm and Madame Yu 
post wwx resurrection 
siege of burial mounds, no one knows exactly how wwx died, but it was confirmed that JC was a major force and led the siege. This is a political fact 
 chapter 7 
We meet JC. He is cheating to make sure Jin Ling wins. LWJ destroys the nets he used to trap random cultivators 
Anger issues come out, when JC strokes his ring, he has the intent to kill. This is also obviously not from wwx POV, but from omniscient third person pov 
 chapter 8 
jiang cheng decides not to fight lwj because he isn't sure if he'd win. Also in omniscient third person POV
 Chapter 10 
WWX summons WN, JC thinks he is WWX 
With Zidian, any rational person would assume that he's wrong, but he doesn't 
He thinks about taking wwx back to torture him. It is clearly his thoughts that are shown as he talks about having done something like this before 
He and lsz discuss about WWX's importance. LWJ takes WWX back to CR 
Wwx calls JC competitive, but his strategy works exactly because he's right abt JC 
 Chapter 11 
Jingyi gossips about Jiang Cheng, and his torturous ways 
 Chapter 23 
Jiang Cheng and Jin ling are there. 
They both have an inability to be nice 
JC sees wwx, captures him, and the YMJ disciples pay off a shop owner, who looks extremely scared 
YMJ disciples all form a barricade around the shop 
Jin Ling finds the expression on JC's face scary 
 Chapter 24 
JC borrows JL's spiritual dog to help torture wwx 
He asks wwx if he has anything to say to him 
Wwx says he doesn't 
He says wwx "never learns" 
Wwx says that jc hasn't made any progress 
Jc sets the dog on wwx, and wwx calls out lwj's name. This makes jc mad 
Jc says some homophobic things abt LWJ
Wwx tells him to watch his language 
Jc tells wwx that he didn't watch his language with jin ling 
Jin Ling saves wwx, and wwx apologizes to him for saying that he didn't have a mother to raise him 
Chapter 25 
Wwx was hit by zidian, and his leg was numb. He didn't notice until lwj pointed it out. He says it was a good thing Jiang Cheng didn't kill him 
Chapter 32 
Kids playing cultivator talk about how JC led the siege that led to wwx’s death
Chapter 35 
Jl is afraid jc would really break his legs for letting wwx go 
Chapter 36 
Wwx tells JL not to imitate his uncle by participating in his shenanigans and criticizing him 
Chapter 38 
Wwx tells jl to take out ymj's clarity bell 
Chapter 43 
JL tells everyone abt how WWX betrayed the jiangs, and how jc is the only one left. He says that Madame Yu wasn't "that horrible to him" 
WN has heard of how JC led a siege and killed wwx 
Chapter 45 
Jiang Cheng never told anyone WWX was afraid of dogs, and if he had, no one would believe him 
Chapter 47 
Discussion at carp tower, jc asks lwj why he has taken a sudden interest in sect meetings despite not being interested before 
JL is too afraid to meet jc without jgy 
Jgy defends jl 
JL says his appetite has been bad, but jc gets mad and says that he looks very healthy 
Wwx says that jc can't teach kids 
Chapter 50 
Jc asks zewu jun what is happening after jgy kills his wife 
Jgy confirms that mxy is wwx 
Jgy explains why mxy wasn't caught by zidian 
Chapter 65 
Jgy says wwx betrayed ymj 
Chapter 66 
Wwx roasts jc's naming style 
Chapter 68 
Juniors are captured in burial mounds, and saved by the cultivators 
Jl is afraid of jc, but jc threatens him 
Jiang cheng is surrounded by the cultivators who hate wwx, and they ally with him 
Chapter 79 
Jc threatens jl because he's not injured for getting into trouble 
Everyone loses their powers 
Chapter 80 
Jc says that they're not stupid enough to not notice problems 
Chapter 81 
Jc gives zidian to jl when only juniors have powers 
Jc is mad at wn 
Jc threatens jl again 
Chapter 82 
Jc tells jl that if he goes with wwx, then not to call him uncle anymore 
Jc laughs when someone accuses wwx again 
Chapter 83 
Jc lets wwx come back to lotus pier, even though he's disgusted 
Chapter 84 
Jc is mad bc jl is crying 
He threatens ouyang zizhen 
He talks to the guards 
Chapter 85 
Jc lets the prostitutes talk 
Chapter 86 
Jc calls wwx mannerless for roaming around LP with LWJ 
Chapter 87 
LP Ancestral hall 
JC gets mad, more about wwx bringing lwj to the hall than about him 
He accuses lwj for the takeover of lotus pier 
Chapter 88 
JC fights with wwx 
Golden core reveal happens 
Chapter 89 
More core reveal 
Chapter 90 
Lwj is mad, wwx makes excuses for jc again 
Chapter 92 
Wwx and lwj talk to the locals, who are too afraid of jc to go to the jiang sect for help 
Chapter 99 
Jiang cheng is angry and confused 
Chapter 101 
JGY tells wwx that jc doesn't care about him. WWX takes this casually, but JC gets very upset.
JGY tells JC that he is so strong only because he has wwx's core 
Chapter 102 
Wwx is upset that JC knows 
JC is upset that WWX hid it for so long 
He mockingly tells wwx that he's so much better than him 
He asks if he doesn't deserve to hate wwx 
Jc asked wwx why he left 
Wwx apologizes for breaking his promise 
Jc feels terrible about himself 
Chapter 103 
JC apologizes 
Wwx says not to take it to heart, and to take it as repayment 
Jc then brings up everyone in his family 
Wwx tells him to forget it 
They both are mad, but there is no reconciliation 
Chapter 104 
Jgy takes a pragmatic outlook about blaming wwx 
Jc is very upset 
Jgy makes fun of him and tells him that nothing would have happened if he had protected wwx, and tells him he was the one who killed wwx 
Chapter 108 
Jc gives chengqing back to wwx 
Chapter 110 
Jc wants to tell wwx that he did protect him with the wens, but does not 
He also does not hit jl despite almost doing it 
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jianghushenanigans · 1 year
Whumptober Day 12: Insomnia
Wen Qing isn’t sure she’s ever slept through the night. Certainly not since her parents died, since her uncle dragged her and a-Ning to the Nightless City as his wards, as his captives.
He was a kind enough captor, to them. They had their own rooms, three meals a day, tutors and maids. But if they ever put a step wrong, the threat was there. The Fire Palace, full of screams and pain and a sort of horrible, visceral presence that clung to her skirts for weeks the first time he thought it necessary to give her a tour.
She told people it was nightmares of that, when they asked why she always looked tired. It was true enough. Part of it was nightmares, of her parents deaths, of the Fire Palace, of everything that has happened to her since. Of a-Ning, lying there dead in the dirt. Of a-Ning, lying there not-dead covered in talismans. Of a-Ning, standing there dead and out of control.
It’s not just the nightmares, though. When she sleeps she is haunted mostly by the past. But when she is lying there, trying and failing to sleep, it is the future that haunts her.
She lies awake, staring at the ceiling of the half-hut-half-tent that has become her home in the Burial Mounds, as her brain turns over and over what might happen tomorrow, or the day after. Next week or next month or next year, if they live that long.
This isn’t new. She has always done this. But now it’s worse. It’s even harder than it ever was to find a version of the future where this all ends well. Where this ends well for even one of them.
What will end them first? The Jin? The corpses? The Jiang? Starvation? The Nie? Disease? The Lan? An angry mob from Yiling?
They’re all possible, all likely. They play in various combinations in between Wen Qing’s eyes and the ceiling, or on the backs of her eyelids if she bothers to close her eyes.
Something, certainly, will end them. They are none of them fighters, not except Wei Wuxian, who is already risking too much cultivating the way he does. He is stretching himself too thin protecting them from all the things that are already trying to kill them that Wen Qing doesn’t think he will ever be able to protect them if anyone else comes to add to the pressures piling against them.
If she can drag her mind away from invasion, it’s their dwindling supplies, their meagre crop, the corpse that crawled out of the well that day. The graze on a-Yuan’s knee that hopefully won’t become infected. The cough at the back of Popo’s throat.
One day disaster will strike them. One day soon. She can’t drag her mind away from it.
Wen Qing isn’t sure she’s ever slept through the night. She is woken up by the unforgettable horrors of the past. She is kept awake by the unknowable horrors of the future.
“Wen-daifu! Wen-daifu! Come help! It’s Fourth Uncle, he’s sick!”
And, sometimes, the things that stop her from sleeping are the everyday horrors of the present.
Crossposted here on ao3
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Zixuan: *still on bedrest*
Yao: you did well, Zishie.
Zixuan: thanks Foxy.
Yanli: *holding the twins* A-Yao, hold them nah.
Yao: sure.
Rusong: aww they're so cute!
Yao: really precious.
Ruxuan, Ruming! I'm your uncle Foxy.
Yanli: and Xuan is mama bird.
Zixuan: *pouts* A-li.
Zixuan: I hope our children gets close to their uncle Foxy. Because they'll be around him a lot.
Yanli: they certainly will. And A-Yao would pamper them with gifts!
He already had A-ling pretty spoilt.
Jinling: I'm not spoilt by Xiao shushu. He just buys me things.
Yao: yea.
I must buy things for A-ling. And A-Song too!!
Yanli: I see.
Ruhua grabs Jinling's hair stick and threw it on the floor.
Jinling: Huahua! My crystal hair stick!
Rusong: how did it snap in two?
Jinling: it was a fragile type of crystal. Xiao shushuuuuuuu.
Yao: A-ling, A-ling. Don't worry. I'll buy you a set.
For you and A-song.
Jinling: *smile* thank you Xiao shuhsu!!
Zixuan: he loves to spoil A-ling and A-song.
As he should.
Mo xuanyu: Xuan gege, do you know how to change diapers?
Zixuan: c..change what?
Yanli: diapers, Zixuan.
Zixuan: ohhhhh. No A-Yu. I haven't changed one in my life.
The maids used to do it.
Xue yang: what a diva.
Yanli: so who's going to change the diapers, Zish?
Zixuan: and Huaisang is there.
He'll change their diapers.
When they're older, he'll be their babysitter but he has to undergo severe training.
Mo xuanyu: lol I agree. Where is he anyways?
Zixuan: gave him a vacation.
Because I want my twins to see beautiful things when they're born.
My babies are allergic to negative vibes.
Jiang cheng: *enters* I'm here! Sorry I'm late!
Yao: it took you long enough!!
Zixuan: *crying* Jiang cheng! Where were you!
Meng Shi: Jiang gui fei. What kind of conduct is this.
I'm very disappointed in you! You weren't aren't when my innocent little step son was giving birth.
You're married to two emperors. Act the part.
Jiang cheng: Tai hou and my emperor husbands. This wei wuxian was in lotus pier, and he used my sword~~
Zixuan: not in front the children!!!
Yao: oh my goodness!! How putrid!
Xue yang: wasn't bichen enough?
Su she: you have some freaky family members.
Mo xuanyu: *blocks Jinling and Rusong's ears*
Jiang cheng: that's not what I meant, guys!
He used my sword to cut lotus pods. Then the idiot dropped it in the muddy pond, so we had to fish out Sandu.
Meng Shi: and your sword is a mode of transportation.
Jiang cheng: yes! Taihou.
Meng Shi: why didn't you run or hire a caravan?
Jiang cheng: *facepalms*
Mo xuanyu: Jiang cheng, how could you.
Zixuan: what if I died during childbirth and my children became orphans.
And then my empire lost a super handsome and almost divine emperor with flawless skin.
Yao: and A-li would have sadly become a widow.
Then she would ask me to adopt the children.
Zixuan: it would be hard for them to fit in because they're not hulijings. A-li might become A-Yao's concubine, but she'll become more rich, and depressed cuz she misses me.
Do you know how it's like to be rich, depressed and a hot mess! And on top of that stressed?
Jiang cheng, do you see the ripple effect!
Jiang cheng: stop being dramatic. And look. I'm here.
Zixuan: I haven't had a drop of water or a grain of food, while waiting for you.
Because if I ate I would have thrown up. But read between the lines.
I fasted for you, my husband.
Yao: our confidante!
Zixuan: *sobs* consort Cheng. *sniffles*
Jiang cheng: jiejie. How do you deal with him?
Yanli: *laughing* just fine*
Jiang cheng: uhh.....are you done?
Zixuan: you have broken my heart. I don't think I can forgive you.
Yao: I'm very disappointed in you.
Jiang cheng: Zixuan. I made soup. Do you still want some?
Or are you still feeling nauseous?
Zixuan: gimme that, Jiang. You're forgiven.
Yao: poor baby has been starving from his fast.
Zixuan: Jiang cheng, I'm weak. Can you feed me? *bats eyelashes*
Jiang cheng: sure.
How are you feeling now?
Zixuan: I'm still sore.
Jiang cheng: now what did you name them?
Zixuan: Ruxuan and Ruming.
Jiang cheng: sounds ok.
Zixuan: be a little enthusiastic, nah. They're royalty.
They came out from my~~ what's the word?
Xue yang: royal Zishussy.
Zixuan: yea.
Jiang cheng: noted.
Zixuan: A-Yao will let you hold them.
Next day..
Around midday, a group of beautiful young ladies, all holding fans in their hands,  came to meet their dowager empress Shi.
Greetings taihou.
Meng Shi: greetings darlings. Rise please.
Someone from in front of the crowd: I'm Xu.
And I'm Lu Wan.
We're all aristocratic fox spirits.
Meng Shi: ohh, pleasure to meet you. What brings you here?
We want to see Dianxia!
Also we would love to marry him.
Taihou, I'm good at calligraphy and painting.
And I'm good at poetry and playing the Qin.
Meng Shi: *giggles daintily* excellent.
I always dreamt of Songsong getting a girlfriend, and settling. But then my Songsong is the one who must make the decision right. Why don't you go meet him?
Ladies: *squealing*
*goes to rush outside*
Meng Shi: hey hey wait. You have to go through Huangdi first.
Yes Taihou.
Well we got to meet our inlaws right.
The group of beautifully dressed hulijing ladies confronted and bowed to A-Yao.
Greetings father-in-law Huangdi.
Yao: *astonished* father-in-law???
Oh gosh, you all saw Rusong, didn't you.
Miss Xu: yes Huangdi, and we're in love!
Dianxia is extremely handsome.
Huangdi are we perfect for future concubines?
Xu: I'll be Dianxia's empress.
Can we see Dianxia?
We miss seeing him.
Yao: hmm sure then. He's in the garden.
Awwwwww Dianxia loves nature?!
We love nature too!
Yao: mhm. He's taking a stroll. And maybe he's going to sit and play the guqin.
*squealing* omg!!! We love music too!
He's so talented!
Let's go look for him!
Meng Shi: Yao'er.
Yao: A-niang?
Meng Shi: did a group of ladies come to meet you?
Yao: more like they came to meet A-Song.
Meng Shi: *giggles*
Yao: did you send them?
Meng Shi: yea,. They wanted to meet our little Song'er so I let them. Wangzi needs a Wangfei.
Yao: you're right. But Song'er loves someone already.
She's A-Qing of Yi city.
Meng Shi: A-Qing? Beautiful. I would love to see her.
And why didn't this child tell me? Am I chopped liver?
Yao: *laughing* A-niang, maybe he's shy.
Meng Shi: oh my. This boy.
He's a handful, but a cute handful.
Yao: agreed.
Rusong: *walking through the garden while reading*
Xu and others: *confronting him* greetings Dianxia.
Rusong: *looking up from his book* oh hello. How may I help you?
Xu: Dianxia why are you so hot. 
Rusong: I...I was born like it.
Ladies: awwwwwwwwww!
Rusong: are you here to meet Nainai? May I escort you?
Xu: no no. We met her already. We came to meet you. *blush*
Heehee, how are you, Dianxia?
Rusong: I'm doing well.
Xu: you're really really cute.
And such a gentleman too!
Dianxia what are you going to do?
Rusong: well I was going to play the guqin.
Aww the guqin?!!!! We want to hear!! Play it for us na, Dianxia!!
Please! We would love to hear your music!
Rusong: sure.
Dianxia are you single?!
Rusong: well actually I have a girlfriend. But she's out if town.
Ladies: *disappointed*
Xu: is she even a beautiful hulijing?!
Rusong: no. But don't worry guys. You can still hang with me and listen to music.
*cheering* yayy!! Dianxia!!
We still love you!!
Xu: just saying, we can be better than your girlfriend.
We are hulijings after all.
Rusong: *laughing* I see.
Xu: at least she's taking good care of our Dianxia.
Rusong: *smile*
Ladies: *squealing* dimples!!!!!
Rusong: shall we?
Ahhh right behind you.
Rusong: would you like some flowers? Feel free to pick some from the garden.
You're so kind Wangzi.
Rusong: maybe if you like a certain flower, you can make a bouquet out of them.
Anything to remember you by.
You're hella handsome.
Rusong: *laughs slightly* thanks.
I have asked my attendants to arrange tea and snacks.
Aww Dianxia, we were just here to listen to you play. You're too kind.
Rusong: well you're my guests after all.
Xu: so ideal just like Huangdi.
Rusong: us Mengs are known for our hospitality, and we hope that the empire does the same.
Xu: *melting* gosh, that's well said. But i love when your lips move.
Meanwhile, in one of the spring Pavillions~~
Yao: *having tea with Meng Shi and team dimple*
Meng shi: Yao'er, Yao'er, how is A-qing like?
Yao: very vibrant and energetic. Quite mischievous too.
Xue yang: she's a big simp too.
Meng Shi: oh. Lovely. Lol, a simp as well Chengmei?
Xue yang: yea. She popped out of me.
I gave birth to her.
Meng shi: *laughing* awww.
Yao: xue yang and Xiao xingchen are her guardians.
And they're all from Yi city.
Meng shi: ohhh I see. How sweet.
Mo xuanyu: we ship them a lot.
Su she: they make a good pair.
Meng Shi: that's good.
Xue yang: A-Qing is broke by the way, Miss Meng, so I don't know if that might be a problem.
Meng Shi: it's fine, Chengmei.
It's one's character that counts.
Yao: mhm.
Meng Shi: did you give her the thing?
Yao: of course I gave her the thing.
Mo xuanyu: *sips tea* what thing?
Meng shi: the hairpin Yao'er had commissioned for Rusong's soon to be bride.
Xue yang: I hope she didn't sell it by now.
Meng Shi: what?
Su she: it's a joke, taihou. Don't listen to xue yang.
Yao: she's good at heart, and she knows the significance of the accessories.
Meng Shi: oh good.
Yao: she has the same antics as Chengmei.
Meng shi: lol.
Anyways I need to talk to Mr. Dianxia later.
Yao: go for it, A-niang. He didn't tell you about his gf.
Meng Shi: exactly.
A-Yao, I think we should send her some gifts.
Yao: my same thought. And we can give some money to Xiao Daozhang as a sign of courtesy and good relations.
Meng Shi: yea.
Xue yang: what about meeee.
Yao: I'll give you candy, and maybe a new plot of land to practice your fierce corpse.
Xue yang: that's why I love you Jiggy.
Yao: *pats head* love you too, my little gremlin.
Later on, Rusong was walking down the hall, after playing the guqin for the fox spirits.
Rusong: why did Nainai send girls for me? That's so strange.
Oh right.......I didn't tell her about my girlfriend yet.
Rusong: I wonder if she found out? Guess I'll be hiding from Nainai for the while.
Meng shi: Songsong.
Rusong: *turns around* oh...hey Nainai.
Meng Shi: Meng Jin Rusong, the Hulijing Wangzi.
Rusong: (you know you're screwed when she or A-Die calls your whole name and title)
Meng shi: Dianxia *pinches cheeks* you didn't tell me about your gf.
Rusong: yea Nainai. I was going to tell you soon.
Meng Shi: baby Songsong, you're super cute. And I'm so happy for you.
A-Yao told me a lot about her.
Rusong: oh I see. The emperor of Hulijings and Kitsunes, Meng Yao Jin guangyao had let out my secret. *laughing*
Meng Shi: heehee yes. *kisses his dimple* secrets safe with me, Songsong.
Rusong: ok, Nainai. Today I'll spare Mr. Huangdi.
Meng Shi: but it's good that he told me. Because you wouldn't have told me.
Rusong: I would have, lol.
Meng Shi: *pouts*
Rusong: *hugs* Nainai. You believe your Songsong, right. Nainaiiiii.
Meng Shi: *pats head* I can't pretend to be upset with you, can I. You always put on that cute face.
Rusong: nah it's just that I'm naturally cute.
Meng Shi: oh really, Dianxia.
Now what did you do with the ladies?
Rusong: just got them some tea and snacks, then I played the guqin.
Meng Shi: lovely little Dianxia.
Later in the day......
Yao: Songsong.
Rusong: A-Die. Nainai was in her fox spirit matchmaker mood today.
Yao: *laughing*
Well you didn't tell her about your gf.
Rusong: right.
Xue yang: and you're a supermodel, so.
Mo xuanyu: who wouldn't fall in love with you, little Dianxia.
Su she: you have your A-Die's face after all.
Rusong: yea team d. And I can't help being cute.
Mo xuanyu: exactly.
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silviakundera · 10 months
re: Story of Kunning Palace. If we get into Themes of the Novel...
I can see why Xei Wei is positioned as her ultimate romance.
The story seems to be a character journey for FL. Part of this jouney is coming to terms with herself and not just being "redeemed" but FEELING redeemed. Look at her conversation in jail w Yan Li. I'm bad, she says. It's something she still believes.
JX enters the story thinking of herself as unworthy of ZZ and in her mind, getting to be accepted & loved by him would be a barometer of goodness. But that's not what she NEEDS. She doesn't need a gold star blessing from a paragon of justice. She needs to accept the ugliness of her past and her imperfections and be able to live with it, to no longer be ashamed. As trite as it sounds, she needs to learn to love herself.
Look at this MTL passage from the novel, on the barrier between her & Xei Wei in her 1st life....
No one knew that the reason why she didn't want to learn the qin after entering Beijing was because of Xie Wei.
Four years ago on the way to Beijing, Xie Wei was holding a qin. She thought this man was really a distant relative of the Jiang family, he was dressed in white clothes, he had nothing but a qin, and he looked sick. Although he was in the same vehicle as her, he didn't like to talk to others, and closed his eyes most of the time to rest his mind. Only when he stopped occasionally in the middle of the journey, he would touch the qin.
Jiang Xuening didn't understand, and she didn't like him either.
Only then had she learned her true background, and knew that there was a "sister" who was praised by everyone in the family. She was afraid that she would be looked down upon by the maid who came to pick her up in Beijing along the way. One has to put on the posture of a young lady, for that humble and pitiful "self-esteem".
Young ladies are all condescending and domineering. Therefore, she was also superior to others and bosses them around - and "others" included Xie Wei.
She grew up in the countryside and didn't learn any rules, but this person had rules when walking, sitting and lying down; whether it's the posture of holding chopsticks when eating together, or when leaning in the carriage for a nap, he was always in order. It hurt her to see it. At that time, she felt that this man was shabby but still carried himself well.
It was only after a long time that she was willing to admit that the reason why she felt uncomfortable was because even if she didn't understand, she could still feel the difference between cloud and mud. And this difference is exactly the difference between her who grew up in the countryside at that time and the bustling capital she was about to arrive in.
But people are always reluctant to admit such truths.
Even after she became a queen, she didn't want to see Xie Wei, and Xie Wei's name was always associated with the qin, and she didn't want to see one.
When she was most terrified and miserable in her life, she was seen by this person. As long as she saw this person, she would think of that past.
And this was what she tabooed the most in her previous life.
Who knows what Xie Wei thought of her at that time? Today's empress was just a country girl who wore a dragon robe and didn't have the look of royalty.
As long as she thought about it, she felt embarrassed, so Jiang Xuening always just told herself that this past does not exist.
The insightful Xie Wei probably knew what she was thinking. Even though he had a high status in the ruling and opposition parties, and frequently goes in and out of the court, he rarely appeared in front of her, and never mentioned it.
As for the scar on her wrist, she asked the imperial doctor to prescribe a prescription, and carefully applied the medicine for two years, and it disappeared completely.
// What i can't stop thinking about is Xei Wei telling her in the drama that he liked the miss ning'er that met during that journey. The girl she was so ashamed of in her first life (before she realized there are worst things to be). He thought she was unpolished jade and was upset to see her sink into the habits of a cold hearted noble in the capital.
She misunderstood him but more importantly she misunderstood herself. She repressed the parts of her that didn't fit the lifestyle she was trying to gain. But in her 2nd life she no longer feels the need to fit in with the other capital nobles, to take back from her sister, to climb the imperial harem. Letting all sides of herself free and meeting Xei Wei head-on is thematically important.
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gravitasmalfunction · 3 months
The Double, ep 29
So I guess that's a wrap on the vengeance for Jiang Li arc. Stepmum is busted for all her many and various crimes against the family, Daddy Jiang has been informed there is no hope for reconciliation with the daughter he failed, and Old Madam Jiang has now received a full dose of guilt and shame for her failure to notice, let alone stop any of these disasters. Tong'er is gone (RIP Tong'er, miss you forever), and Duke Su has retrieved Haitang, Xue Fangfei's maid from her previous life. Vengeance time for Xue Fangfei has arrived!
Duke Su is flirting with danger by trying to scale back A'Li's role in the greater game; this is the first episode he's ever appeared less than perfectly composed. He lies to the emperor's face about not having his emotions involved when it comes to A'Li and continuing to make use of her as a pawn in the service of the emperor's greater strategy. When he takes A'Li to reunite with Haitang, his expression is visibly anxious after he sends her up the stairs to meet her maid. But he cheers up when she runs a little ring around him and describes the next play she's about to act out for him and the rest of the audience.
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myechoecho · 3 months
The Double, ep 29
We haven't seen too much of Shuran's sister, the favoured concubine, However, I did like seeing her tear their father apart. He was a garbage father.
I also enjoyed seeing Li absolutely break Shuran completely. Brandishing the tea around like it was poison. Telling her that if she dies Jiang Li will be coming for her in the underworld. It's interesting that Shruan was shocked that Li was not Jiang Li, though I suppose that could also be because her mind is broken. Also fitting how she is now going to guard the tomb as Yue's mother did. Li has kept her promise to Jiang Li.
The scene the grave site was really touching. Though I think I missed how she found her brother's grave? She tells him that their father is alive and improving so there hope. Li also thought she'd be alone, but through Li she has gained friends (and family really). It was quite lovely to see the Duke show up and support her.
The Duke has found Li's maid for her and they have a sweet reunion.
Then we get the Duke and Li engaging in their bizarre flirting methods, which I love. Li tells a story, which is parallel for them. It's also the closest either of them have come to admitting their feelings fully. "Could they be lovebirds?"; "Let's wait and see". She taps his fan, which she stole, to his chest and then he places his had over hers. They have a MOMENT. After, the when they leave their smiles are everything
Now that she's taken care of Jiang Li's revenge, Li is refocusing on Yurong. She gets him to come to her house, and she she torments him. He's ill equipped to handle her and her smarts. Again, everything she says a secondary meaning though this time Yurong is sure she is his wife.
I swear, I am convinced that the title "The Double" has nothing to do with Li being the "double" for Xue Fangfei and everything to do with sheer amount of conversations that have double meanings. Of course, I don't actually know how literal a translation the English title is but regardless, it is fitting.
Yurong is spiraling further. I still think he will kill the Princess and himself; drag them both to hell.
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