#Marriage of the Di Daughter
silviakundera · 3 months
How's duke Su different in the books from the show?
Short answer: perhaps we can consider novel!ML as the person drama!ML has liked to imagine he is
Long answer:
original flavor novel Duke Su is not gonna be caught crying a single perfect poignant tear for NOBODY
the man is cold as a chinese celebrity's career who hasn't paid taxes in 10 years
infamously gave a lukewarm review on novel FL's original self, the city's Most Beautiful (3 1/2 stars: attractive enough but no X factor)
(note: novel!FL was a calamitous beauty in Life 1, not the Most Talented. She was super talented but was conforming to convention and hiding her brilliance to fit the role of a proper official's wife)
(this bland review is not actually a point of resentment for FL, whose POV is, 'yeah fair enough, you could call me overrated')
(the Jiang Li's body is not Shockingly Most Beautiful like in Life 1; she doesn't miss being outrageously hot, as it was mostly a nuisance)
Duke Su is still dramatic af and lives for theatre
Still loves fans & gorgeous clothes (the man wears butterflies on his cloak) (he loves beauty so much he only staffs exceptionally attractive servants and has elite gardeners to ensure THE MOST GLORIOUS FLOWERS IN THE DUKE SU MANSION ONLY THE BEST FOR THIS LORD)
(like I really must emphasize how little chill novel!ML has: at one point FL notes that a new resident rented down the street from the Ye family, with hot ass servants and blaring opera non-stop, it's clearly Duke Su for some godforsaken reason)(and she's right)
Still suspecting FL's identity and amused at her bravado
But has zero inclination to ease her pains or preserve her life
Before FL gets to the mines subplot to come rescue her dad, he has been just sipping tea and enjoying the show (despite her fucking up a couple of his plans - he loves a good public play and tbh he is confident enough not to be pressed about some minor deviations)
he doesn't reach out to lend a hand until she FORCES him to act
By loudly exposing to a group of assassins that Duke Su has obviously been plotting a long game in the shadows for years to destabilize and split the court, raising Wang Chang, the Princess, Li family, Jiang family et al to gain power & fight each other and trouble the throne - so Duke Su becomes the 1 most powerful & trusted councilor to the emperor.
(Yes we have a Story of Kunning Palace situation here, where the drama adaption tweaks the ML's motives and aims so he's going in the same direction but is pro-emperor instead of scheming & manipulating for his own personal interests)
Duke Su was ready to literally watch FL be horribly violated & murdered, but then she spilled the tea and he had to drop bodies to destroy the evidence
He's gonna kill her too but like in a quick & polite manner, he's a gentleman
But she was super understanding about the whole situation and so he ended up hearing her out: how about just let me get my revenge first? Very convenient to you, here's a suicide voucher, could we come back to this at a later date? 2 to 3 good plays included. xoxo
Now he's got a voucher for 1 (one) strange teenage girl
Who doesn't appear to be a teenage girl.
She's also completely won over his sidekicks.
This is gonna take a lot of fans.
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kdram-chjh · 28 days
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Cdrama: The Double (2024)
Xiao Heng: "I don't indulge in romance" 😄 #thedouble #wangxingyue #wujinyan #cdrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlHUqPYW_xY
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嫡嫁千金 / 墨雨云间 The Double - Confession scene
spoilers ahead in the book by the author 千山茶客
Ah, okay, I can finally see where the drama!Duke came from. It is in the CONFESSION scene between these two in the book; and I have to share it with someone!
So basically the Big Bad (殷湛 Yin Zhan) in the book, wants to marry his son to Jiang Li. He's planning to do it forcefully, by making the Emperor grant the marriage, leaving her with no choice but to flee Yanjing. That night she decided to bid her farewells to the duke because you know why... She says it's out of gratitude, but at the same time, well... 👀Anyway, here is the scene: 😍😍(It's a secret night visit, which happens quite frequently between them, to discuss how to carry out her revenge plan)
Ji Heng couldn't resist leaning in closer again. He cocked his head, studying her intently with eyes sharp yet tender enough to ensnare even the one with the clearest mind. "You're lying," he declared.
Jiang Li lifted her gaze to meet his. "How could you say that?"
"The real reason you won't marry Yin Zhili—I know it," he murmured in a deep, velvety voice that seemed to ripple through her heart, leaving her utterly captivated. She couldn't move, caught in the spell of his enticing smile as he drew nearer. "I've known for a while that you like me."
and then, and then!
下一刻,她的唇被人堵上了。The next moment, someone sealed her lips with theirs.
after that... when she finally managed to break away --
“生气了?”他道:“都对我直呼其名。” 姬蘅笑了笑,哑着嗓子再次凑近,他低头看着姜梨,目光宠溺又柔和,他说:“你喜欢我这件事,我知道,那我喜欢你这件事,你知不知道?”
"Are you angry?" he asked. "You've already called me by my name." Ji Heng smiled softly, his voice husky as he leaned in again. He looked down at Jiang Li, his gaze affectionate and gentle. "I know you like me. But do you know that I like you too?"
“我本来不想这么快把你牵扯进来,小姑娘,” 他摸了摸姜梨的头发,替姜梨把垂下来的头发别到而后,“但是你好像有些心急,我可不能让你跑了。”
"I didn't intend to involve you so soon, young lady," he said, brushing Jiang Li's hair back and securing it behind her ear. "But it seems you're a bit impatient. I can't let you slip away now."
AND THEN after that, he proposed to her (it's not completely officially yet as in he hasn't announced it to her family BUUUT!)
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smittenskitten · 3 months
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It's been a while since I read the novel and I don't remember a lot of it but from the stuff I do remember, uncle Ming Yu and Jiang Li getting up to no good was one of my favorite things
Hope they keep creating trouble in the drama as well
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wuxia-hero · 2 months
HELLO coming out of my cave to yell about how much I LOVE The Double (墨雨云间) bc I have no irl friends that love historical c-dramas :’) I’ve been hung up on this show for a few days after finishing it.
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Overall 10/10 with a subjectively happy ending (I choose to believe the ending is happy) with really good acting. Wu Jinyan could never disappoint. The frontal camera angles threw me off quite a bit at first but I slowly started to appreciate this artistic choice.
Some spoilers ahead as usual!
Let’s dive into - the Plot. I read some of the original novel in the past but dropped it after a while. There are some differences - such as the novel using transmigration (Xue Fangfei entering Jiang Li’s body) as the main plot point, while the drama explicitly shows how Xue Fangfei’s journey with Jiang Li and how she eventually took over JL’s identity after her passing. Personally I prefer what the drama did as everything felt much more real and believable. This added a depth to the story that transmigration was unable to showcase. Plus, Wu Jinyan’s ability to showcase XFF’s pain and growth as she vows to exonerate JL (played by Yang Chaoyue) and herself was extremely captivating and I constantly wanted to root for her.
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All the flashbacks with JL thanking XFF throughout the show had me sobbing in bed at 3am while watching.
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Special mention to the king (played by Zeng Ke Liang) as well for not being a total fool - as seen in SO MANY other historical dramas. His friendship with Xiao Heng is rock solid, and seeing the ministers and other antagonists constantly underestimate it was sooo satisfying to watch. So if you hate cdramas with stupid monarchs, you'll be pleased to hear that there won't be any of that here.
Scenes of their friendship were really cute to watch too.
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The romantic development between XFF and Xiao Heng (played by Wang Xingyue) was delightful to watch. I love couples that just understand each other. Without explicitly saying anything, without any grand confessions of love, both parties mutually knew each other’s feelings and constantly looked out for each other. The slow and gradual process of them falling for each other was paced out beautifully - XH’s gaze changes as he looks at her throughout the episodes, and XFF gets more and more playful around him. The script and their bantering ticks all the right boxes fkr me. He’s the only person that knows her real identity, she doesn’t need to hide in front of him. And this makes their relationship so much more special.
And I love that there was nothing like making stupid decisions in the name of love and protection while jeopardising the bigger picture. (eg. XH giving up the entire secret army the emperor trusted him with for XFF - turning out to be a hidden ploy) Both XFF and XH were on a quest for revenge and they are determined to get what they want without making any compromise. If at any point of the plot - they deviate from this and decide to do something foolish in order to protect the other, I would have seen it as out of character.
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Bonus points for including an archery scene :D It’s one of my favourite overused tropes.
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The overall camera work and style of The Double was shot so beautifully and in a rather interesting theatrical style. From JL’s death where she falls among the pear blossoms to Princess Wanning (played by Li Meng) ’s dancing and even the scenes where characters stare directly into the camera. The opening scenes were super dramatic and really set a heavy tone for the rest of the story.
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While the staring into the camera took some getting used to, there are certain portions where Wanning’s expressions gave me goose bumps. Li Meng’s performance took me out - her Wanning was repulsive in the way she treated others, yet so broken from her past that I felt so much pain for her towards the end of the story. It was amazing.
There were even comedic elements that made some parts feel like a stage play. Like her cousin and his lackeys’ coordinated walk as they try to help her out from her room. And one of the minister’s love for theatre which was super on the nose I laughed out loud while watching it all play out. The style in which important plot points are presented is so unique and really sets this show apart from other cdramas I’ve watched.
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Everyone in the cast was amazing in their roles. While Wang Xingyue is one of the younger cast members, the emotional depth in his performance as Xiao Heng gave off maturity and a temperament beyond his years. Seeing him goof around behind the scenes, and then watching him as Xiao Heng gave me whiplash - but in the best way possible.
Liang Yongqi was a truly despicable Shen Yurong - it got to a point where seeing him on screen made my skin crawl. Liu Xiening as Jiang Ruoyan was perfectly annoying - and I can't wait to see more from her as I've really liked her since she was in Gugudan.
I could probably go on and on about how much I love Wu Jinyan as Xue Fangfei and I’m so happy that they casted her because she was perfect. (Admittedly, I’m biased). But I think you can watch the show to experience everyone's brilliance for yourself. The casting and script pacing was great and all the different pieces fit together into this story perfectly.
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Now let's talk about the somewhat controversial ending of The Double. Did our beloved Duke Su die in battle? Did they ever reunite? I choose to believe that he came back to her in the end and they got their happy ending. But Wang Xingyue's performance in that last battle - with the iconic scene of XFF's pendant in his mouth was breathtaking. Regardless, I do think the show could have done without causing the audience pain with this added arc of him going back to his duties - but I felt that it made sense.
Xiao Heng is someone who is deadly loyal to his country and to his king. He and XFF are not the kind to simply escape from the capital and its intrigues to live a happy life on their own. Both value their family and their country, they would never leave the capital to pursue their own happiness.
Also something I noticed - that made this scene so much more painful. At the start after XFF retrieves the pendant, Tong'er (her servant) tells her not to pawn off this pendant anymore. She replies with "there's no one worth trading this pendant for". And then she gives this pendant to XH before he goes off to battle at the end. Cries.
Abrupt end but I think this is most of the feels I have to get out already - I took a lot of screenshots and recordings while watching The Double (haven't felt the urge to do so in such a long time tbh) so there may be more posts from me while I continue yapping about how much I love this show and story adaptation.
smol life update: I’ve been working FT after graduation two years ago - but I was in a pretty bad environment and have decided to resign this year. So now I’m funemployed and trying to work through some health issues. Hope everyone has been well and thank you for reading this! ❤️❤️
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pi-ying-xi · 2 months
Been reading The Marriage of the Di Daughter (because I still have The Double brainrot) and!
We were robbed!
(I see why they robbed us. Cdrama, specifically, codes bird owners as sinister in an uncool way, besides being Wrong; and Xiao Heng can be sinister but he's never uncool and cannot be wrong).
But in the book, when everyone is at the Shen Manor at a banquet given to celebrate the sister's marriage (never mind the details), Ji Heng pretends to crush to death the starling (fully black, remember this point) that Xue Fangfei saved way back, and which loudly and vocally recognises Fangfei in Jiang Li.
So he says there can be no witnesses, and she reluctantly agrees. They each go back to wherever.
Back at the Duke's residence, this happens:
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He takes out the bird from his sleeve. It's alive. It flies off, sits on a sword in his room. (Lu Ji is present).
And it takes a look at him and loudly calls Ji Heng "Beauty".
Lu Ji can't believe a birb is flirting with the Duke but instead of being crushed to death for real, Ji Heng not only says it has a sweet tongue, he also names it!
Lu is having a bad day on account of this.
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Because Ji Heng names it Little Red.
Lu Ji is like, but it's a bird that's black?
Ji Heng is all, yeah but it's name is Like Red 😋
Later, he invites Jiang Li over, and says she can also meet Little Red.
Jiang Li has no idea what he's talking about but she's like, ok whatever you say, Su guogong.
What I'm saying is, WE COULD HAVE HAD THIS!
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chinesedramaoutfit · 2 months
Aesthetics of black outfit of Jiang Li
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lunar-bunn · 3 months
I have lots of thoughts about The Double Duke Su and The Marriage of the Di Daughter Duke Su and how much the drama de-fanged him by seemingly pretending that the last third of the novel doesn't exist (my guy has such a tragic backstory, like there are layers to the tragic that shen yurong and the princess can be considered a fun aperitif)
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bahoreal · 1 month
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😭😭😭 she literally said he is literally awful but if you find him so hot maybe you should go fuck him
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silviakundera · 3 months
Today's episodes of The Double have this exchange from the novel running through my mind again,
“The duke loves plays so much, aren’t you afraid that there will be a day that you will also enter the play and be watched with amusement by others?”
The pupils of Ji Heng’s eyes slightly deepened. He didn’t expect that Jiang Li not only didn’t retreat a step, but also said such provocative words.
“Jiang second miss thinks I’m a person who can enter the play?” He shook his fan neither lightly nor strongly and said, “I’m not as kind as second miss.”
Meaning, he was not as kind as Jiang Li and would not shed tears for insignificant people, shedding tears for the joys and sorrows of other people.
“Plays are plays, they cannot be real.” He almost lingeringly spat out this cruel sentence.
“People who are in the play are not aware that they are in the middle of a play.” Jiang Li said quietly, “Just like me encountering a story here that moved me, perhaps there'll be a day that you will too.”
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kdram-chjh · 3 months
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Cdrama: The Double (2024)
吴谨言王星越 一起逛逛国公府
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SKEBMYRALQA
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Another favourite scene from the Double book 墨雨云间 -
OK, so I am lazy to go by order for my favourite scenes haha. There is this part after they got married in the book... Yep, the author was nice enough to actually include post-marriage scenes because I would have died if she had just left it at the end when they got reunited.
During a morning on their trip with Ji Heng's friends, Jiang Li discovered upon waking that Ji Heng left early to queue for famous red bean cakes at a local shop... The best part is at the end 😍😍😏
In her previous life, as a wife, she had always been the one "giving". In her current life, however, she was the one "receiving". Sometimes Jiang Li would wake up and feel as if it were all a dream. How could there be such a wonderful partner in this world, and how had she been so lucky to find him? They were perfectly compatible, and his affection for her seemed boundless.
As they were talking, footsteps were heard outside. Jiang Li looked up and saw his red clothes standing out vividly against the snowy landscape. He came in from the cold, snowflakes still clinging to his cloak. He pulled out a large bundle wrapped in oil paper from his arms. The sight was somewhat comical, but Jiang Li felt only moved at that moment. She stood on tiptoe and brushed the snow from Ji Heng's shoulders, saying, "Why did you go out so early without even taking an umbrella?"
“你喜欢的。” 他把油纸包轻轻贴着姜梨的脸颊,姜梨就觉得脸上传来一阵温热的感觉,还是热的。想来他来去都匆匆,又放在怀里,就是怕回到客栈后红豆糕凉了。
"You like it." He lightly pressed the oiled paper against Jiang Li's cheek. She felt a gentle warmth spreading across her face, the heat still lingering. Knowing he had hurried both ways, clutching it close to his chest, he must have feared the red bean cakes would cool down once he returned to the inn.
~dialogue with one of Ji Heng's friends about his past~
But Jiang Li glanced at Ji Heng, who raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why aren't you eating the red bean cake?"
Jiang Li picked up a red bean cake, took a bite, and found it sweet. She brought it to Ji Heng's mouth, and he ate (took a bite) from her hand, his tongue nearly brushing against her fingertips. Tong'er and Bai Xue standing nearby, blushed deeply and turned their heads away in embarrassment. Jiang Li glared at him.
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smittenskitten · 10 months
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This uncle niece duo though 😂😂😂
Jiang Li: uncle you need to kidnap people
Uncle Ming Yu: I am on it
Jiang Li: uncle I need to go to some place to talk to my friend's beloved
Uncle Ming Yu: you are clearly lying but I trust you and i'll help you
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wuxia-hero · 2 months
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薛芳菲 // 墨雨云间
Wu Jinyan as Xue Fangfei in The Double
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pi-ying-xi · 3 months
In the novel, the first time Su guogong and Xue Fangfei exchange words - as opposed to observing each other's maneuvres from afar - is during the palace banquet arc.
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It's an even slower burn between them than the drama, just saying.
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tchaikovskyed · 2 months
made it to chapter 20 of the chinese novel by sheer willpower and also had the pleasant realisation that my mandarin isnt as bad as I thought lol! although my kindle says I still have 160 hours of reading to go...
some thoughts so far: tong'er remains best girl, her loyalty and faith in jiang li/xff is unparalleled. also i'm literally going feral over how ji/xiao heng is described as the most extra peacocking man in the entire yan capital. my guy doesnt even want to LOOK at a single ugly servant even the people who take out the night soil have to be hot. I so appreciate the commitment to the drama.
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