#Iranian children
loneranger0369 · 2 years
Petition from Change .org regarding the recent Attack of The Islamic Regime on innocent girls in many Schools in Iran.
If possible, please sign.
Please share.
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
Iran’s children have the Say!
  Nine Iranian children have been honored at the 22nd JQA International Environmental Children’s Drawing Contest in Japan.
Photo: Painting by the 12-year-old Iranian, Setareh Shaveisi, won a prize at the 22nd JQA International Environmental Children’s Drawing Contest in Japan.
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Helma Hassanzadeh, Asma Najafi and Setareh Shaveisi are among the 45 winners of first prizes in the competition, which is organized every year by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA) and International Certification Organization Network (IQNet).
Shaveisi’s drawing has been published on the front cover of the JQA contest, which was held on the theme of “Choosing Eco-Friendly Lifestyles”.
A jury headed by Kinutani Koji, a Japan Art Academy member who is also an Emeritus Professor of Tokyo University of the Arts, selected the winners from about 6400 submissions from 61 countries.
The jury was also composed of Roberto Benes, Oishi Minako, Alexandru Stoichitoiu, Kobayashi Noriaki and Hosumi Masayasu.
“I want to give the first prize to every drawing here. Choosing one is really tough every time,” Kinutani said in a statement published by the organizers.
“We, the judges, cherish each momentary encounter with each drawing and select the works that resonate with us,” he added.
“Children are the ones who strongly hold our original feelings… If we do so, wars and wasteful spending will cease to exist in the world,” he noted.
The Iranian children Ilia Qorbani, Nazila Jamlu, Masumeh Qasemi, Zahra Khorramdel, Elnaz Khodabakhshi and Sana Abdollahzadeh were awarded honorable mentions.
The children are all members of Iran’s Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults -- Kanoon.
Angela Wu, a fourteen-year-old girl from the U.S., was the top winner of the competition as she took home the Environmental Best Prize.
The International Best Prize was given to Zupan Sara from Slovenia, while the UNICEF Prize was awarded to Miriam Clus from Romania.
Adna Aisha Aufa from Indonesia and Muriuki Solomon Mwit from Kenya won the IQNet Special Prizes, and Ardino Joyce P. from Indonesia and Kao Yu Han from Taiwan won the JQA Special Prizes.
Meghan Nishith Gajjar from India received the special jury prize.
In the Japanese competition, the top award went to Tomita Aoi, while Fukuzato Kaori won the UNICEF Prize.
Suzuki Momoka and Okada Mikuru received the IQNet Special Prizes, and Hashimoto Iroha won the special jury prize. Source:https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/482535/Iranian-children-win-awards-at-Japan-s-environmental-drawing
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
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Some tankie bs detection
I saw this post on my dash. The user is blocked now. But just to educate people so that they won't fall for idiotic claims online, here are a couple of facts:
1. The Islamic Republic is not anti imperialist, they're anti USA. The regime is very much in love with Russian imperialism. At this point, Iran is an unofficial russian colony. And by the support of their imperialist father figure they have their small version of imperialism in middle east. Ask Iraq and Lebanon.
2. There's no "safety" when it comes to economy in Iran. The "national sovereignty" is called "those fvckin thieves in power" here. Iran's regime is one of the most corrupt regimes by international index. Rent, nepotism, embezzlement and money laundering are serious issues in Iran. Done only and only by the governors and people in power. Social class is not only a thing, there's a raging gap between rich people and those in poverty. And the gap is getting bigger and bigger by month. If you have connections in government or you are in the government, you'll get richer and richer. Other wise, soon enough you'll be in poverty too. Many families, including mine, who used to be considered middle class, have incomes lower than the poverty threshold now.
About 15% of Iran's economic failure including inflation is on the sanctions. The rest is on the corruption within the regime.
Iran's banking system is also a corrupted organ. The so called Islamic banking is anything but Islamic. The loan interest rate is one of the highest worldwide, 23%, so that often you have to pay back more than twice the money you've received. It's called Riba in Islam and it's Haram. According to the regime themselves, the banking system in European countries, even in the USA, is more Islamic than us. The fact that some of the biggest embezzlement in Iran has been done by bank managers should give you a picture of how they're drinking our blood.
None of this is on USA imperialism. It's all the Islamic Republic.
3. The Islamic Republic doesn't support Palestinians. The regime is extremely racist and anti Arab. I dare you talk about this with an actual Arab. IR don't give two shites about Palestinians lives. The regime is antisemitic. That's what they are. Palestine is just an excuse to attack Israel. In the past 20+ years of my life, living in Iran and dealing with these posers, not once we've been educated about Palestine and Palestinians lives. Everything I know, I've learned from online resources and documentaries make by Palestinians. The regime doesn't talk about Palestinians when they pose as supporters. I'm pretty sure they don't know or care to know anything noteworthy about Palestine, considering my knowledge of the human rights violations there is always more than basiji people of my country, and I don't even know that much. All the regime talks about is how Israel should be eliminated. IR supports a terrorist organization called Hamas, not Palestinians.
4. Let's forget about everything I said so far. I wonder if tankies like the op has any ounce of humanity in them! The regime has been oppressing women, violating every type of human rights and murdering lgbtq people and other-thinkers for the last 40 years. The spectacular environmental disaster in Iran is the direct result of regime's policies and neglect. This is a case of human rights violation since it's ruining people's lives, especially ethnic minorities, like Arab farmers in south.
No religious minority is safe in Iran, be it atheist, Baha'i, Jew, christian, or Sunni Muslim. They commit crime against children, through labor and through war. IRGC have little regards for human lives in general but it descent into no regards at all for ethnic minorities.
They have MASS EXECUTED 30,000 leftists (members of Marxist Communist parties and their supporters) within the first decade of their autocratic rule. It's unbelievably funny to me when foreign leftists support a regime that has executed many of their fellow thinkers and still arrest and torture any left activist in Iran.
To say the reason the 1979 revolution happened was to get rid of western influence and to establish a democratic free independent government is true. But the Islamic Republic is not that result. Don't be fooled.
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bellamonde · 2 years
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Say her name - Helen Ahmadi. She was 7 years old and killed by the IRGC. 
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
Israeli Attack on Iranian Consulate in Syria VIOLATED International Law
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UN legal experts said in a report that Israeli military personnel and civilian officials responsible for the country’s deadly strike on Iran’s consulate in Syria may have “committed crimes under an international counter-terrorism treaty of 1971, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons.”
“All countries are prohibited from arbitrarily depriving individuals of their right to life in military operations abroad, including when countering terrorism,” they said. “Killings in foreign territory are arbitrary when they are not authorised under international law.”
“Israel’s attack consequently violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state under Article 2(4) of the Charter,” they added. “Illegal force was used not only against Iran’s armed forces but also against Syrian territory. Israel’s attack was partly launched from the Golan Heights, which is illegally annexed Syrian territory.”
The experts also said that Iran’s retaliatory attack was “a prohibited use of force under international law.” They argue that since Israel’s attack ended on 1 April, Iran did not have the right to self-defence as the latter is “only lawful where is it necessary to stop a continuing armed attack.”
“For the same reason, Israel’s initial right of self-defence against the unlawful Iranian armed attack on 13 April no longer persists since the attack has been successfully repelled,” they added.Show less
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seethesound · 6 days
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Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief - Iran (2010)
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arguablysomaya · 5 months
i’ll be honest, i’d heard that the iranian diaspora was wild but i didn’t expect how wild
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Picture books with an international focus
A mom came in today with an astounding heap of children's books. Every one was "presumed lost", so her kids had been enjoying them for quite a while. She wanted to see if the returned pile cleared the card they had been checked out on, but to my amazement, it didn't. She still had about a Benjamin in overdue fines on her card, so we checked her daughter's, which had almost as much in overdue fines! Then she asked me to check her husband's card, where we found about $20 in overdue fines, and she decided to just pay that one. Wow. It reminded me of the women who used to come into Lord & Taylor's handbag department: when one of their cards failed, they'd pull out another until they found one that wasn't maxed out. You'd think if one of your credit cards were maxed out, that would be a warning to stop shopping, but apparently not. At least in this scenario, it's about kids reading books - which I ALWAYS wish to encourage. And she apparently does, too - she returned with another HUGE stack of books to take out on her husband's now-clear card.
In her stack, I found three intriguing items: Reza Dalvand's Mrs. Bibi's Elephant, Minfong Ho and Saphan Ros's The Two Brothers, and Duncan Tonatiuh's The Princess and the Warrior. I'm delighted that she's teaching her children to read about other cultures!
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Mrs. Bibi's Elephant is adorable: a simple story with a surprisingly cryptic ending. My favorite page showed Mrs. Bibi having tea with her elephant, the teacup balanced perfectly on the end of its trunk. The story pits people who have and love pets against people who like things (chandeliers, jewelry, the stock market). The town's children, who love the elephant, oppose the town's adults, who don't care about pets. A delightfully furry (or scaly, or feathered) Marxist message from Iranian illustrator Reza Dalvand.
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I thought I would write about Ho and Ros's The Two Brothers, but there's not much to say about this one, unless you're simply into Cambodian stories. It's a classic fairy tale of the 1001 Nights style; unfortunately, the artwork is pleasing but unremarkable. I much preferred the startling art of Duncan Tonatiuh's The Princess and the Warrior: A Tale of Two Volcanoes. No fable with a lesson here: the princess and the warrior's adventure is remarkable and traditional, but bittersweet and unresolved. The art really sets this story apart. Although I'm sure it exists elsewhere, this is the first time I've seen an artist employ precisely the style seen on artifacts, tombs and temples of the Aztecs, placing them in action sequences like cartoon characters. It's gorgeous, unusual, and faithful to Aztec art.
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filmschooldiaries1 · 1 year
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Homework (Abbas Kiarostami 1989)
ودلوقتي مش عارفة أعمل (بنفسي) إيه
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loneranger0369 · 2 years
Poisoning of Children at schools for girls. This has been happening since November, according to Reports, but it is only getting Attention now....
Women. Life. Freedom
Freedom for Iran
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Just so you know, the revolution here has changed from civil disobedience to actual war. Our regime is using all their military power to suppress the protesters.
I've drafted a series of posts about all the beauty iranians have been making these last two months. I don't know when I'll post them but I will.
To follow the updated news on Iran revolution follow 1500tasvir or iranwire on Twitter or Instagram. I'll be busy enough to not be able to share all the news. The best I can do is to complete and post my drafts.
In case you want to help the revolution:
Ask your representatives in government to close Islamic Republic embassy in your country and fire their diplomats. This regime doesn't have legitimacy therefore they don't need ambassadors anywhere.
Email and message UNICEF and UN and demand Justice. UNICEF social media is filled with sunshine and rainbows when iranian children are being murdered by our blood thirsty regime. I know it's not something new and it's been the case with many other nations like Palestinians. Today is the day you can practice demanding justice for everyone. It doesn't need to be limited to Iranians.
Email and message Meta co. to stop deleting Iranians posts about their revolution. It's getting ridiculous. Social media is the only thing Iranians have to communicate with each other, that's why Islamic Republic wants to take that away from us so desperately. Meta is doing them favors here. The number of Instagram stories calling for protests in different cities being deleted because "it's against our community guidelines" is high. I didn't know "call for sit down strike" could be against anyone's guidelines except the islamic republic.
Come to iranian demonstrations in your country if you can. That'll be very appreciated. But it's not a necessity. Sending those emails I mentioned above is a lot more important.
Thank you in advance and wish us luck.
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eileenqlo · 4 months
Children of Heaven
Remember this? This was one of the better movies by Jack Neo right? I haven't seen this because it's an adaptation of a Iranian movie titled "Children of Heaven" and I remember watching this late at night on TV when I was about 12 years old.
Watch "Children of Heaven"!
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good-old-gossip · 6 months
Netanyahu wants to escalate this genocide into a regional war to bring big bad brother U.S. to fight Israel's battles
Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a Mideast regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience. Israel’s provocative aerial assassination of a senior Iranian military leader in Damascus on April 1 is only Netanyahu’s latest effort to expand the fighting across the region, partly to put off his own painful day of reckoning. He knows that America has troops stationed all over the Mideast, and he hopes that Iran will retaliate against them, escalating conflict.
It is clear Netanyahu does not want an immediate end to the current conflict spreading throughout the Middle East. A permanent ceasefire in Gaza means Israeli voters would soon turn him out of office, end his shattered political career in disgrace — and re-start his corruption trial, which could send him to prison. 
Netanyahu’s real motivation is widely understood among those who follow the Mideast. But the U.S. media totally ignored that angle. The New York Times report at least smuggled in a comment from a former CIA official, who called Israel’s airstrike “incredibly reckless.” But the Times did not examine Netanyahu’s selfish personal motivation. The Washington Post report said nothing about recklessness. National Public Radio also played dumb, as did the PBS NewsHour. A CNN on-air report did say Israel ordered the killing, but no Netanyahu angle there either.
Meanwhile, the Iranian-American Mideast expert Sina Toossi told the truth, at the Center for International Policy website. His headline was: “Israel’s Damascus airstrike was a deliberate provocation.” 
He went on: “Netanyahu’s decision to green-light the airstrike on Damascus seems to be a calculated act to amplify the hostilities. Such a move sharply contrasts with international appeals for restraint and indicates a deliberate escalation strategy.”
Toossi didn’t hesitate to speculate about Netanyahu’s real motivation:
“Netanyahu seems to be aiming to provoke Iran and intensify the conflict to galvanize domestic and international political support and justify wider military actions, potentially in Rafah and against Hezbollah and Iran. This strategy risks drawing the United States deeper into the conflict. . .” 
Sina Toossi surely has a telephone and a computer and would talk to the New York Times and CNN. They don’t have to agree with his analysis — just recognize that their audience deserves to hear it. And if Toossi seems too risqué for the mainstream, they could instead turn to Amos Harel, the hard-headed military affairs reporter at the Israeli daily Haaretz, who just warned that Netanyahu “is actually seeking a forever war that will postpone the national settling of accounts for responsibility for the terrible failure of October 7, and possibly delay his criminal trial.” 
Netanyahu’s strategy is not new. This site has long reported on how he has instigated conflict between the U.S. and Iran, even before his own political survival was at stake. He tried to sabotage the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and during the Trump administration Israel launched regular clandestine attacks inside Iran, including assassinations of scientists. Back then, Netanyahu wanted the U.S. to destroy what he argued was Iran’s march toward a nuclear weapon. 
Today, his selfish motivation must be part of any legitimate analysis. His foot-dragging over even agreeing to a temporary ceasefire in Gaza makes sense in that light. This does not mean that he’s conning an Israeli public that is actually peace-loving. It does mean that he could be making a terrible situation even worse — and the U.S. media are not telling the truth to the American public. 
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seethesound · 1 year
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July 25 is the birthday of a 19-year-old woman named Mahsa Mogoi, who was murdered by the rebels of the Islamic Republic in the Steel City of Isfahan.
Mahsa was a female athlete who received many titles and medals in the fields of Taekwondo and physical fitness. She took to the street during the Women's Revolution of Freedom on 31st of May. It is said that in the clash with four Basiji Batoom, all four had beaten her for her mastery of martial arts. The same day, on her way home, she was chased, and in a secluded area, several people in plain clothes shot her at close range with a machine gun and cowardly murdered her
Dear Mehsa, every year your family celebrated your birthday, but this year the good people of Iran and the world are your family. Happy birthday to you❤️❤️
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Stay Out of the Basement - Iran
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Dr. Brewer is doing a little plant-testing in his basement. Nothing to worry about. Harmless, he says. But Margaret and Casey Brewer are worried about their father. Especially when they...meet...some of the plants he is growing down there. Then they notice that their father is developing plant like tendencies. In fact, he is becoming distinctly weedy-and seedy. Is it just part of Dr. Brewer's 'harmless' experiment? Or does Dad have more than just a green thumb...?
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