#Immigration to United Kingdom
credasmigrations · 10 months
Know How to Apply UK Standard Visit Visa for this Christmas?
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Discover a hassle-free process for securing a standard visitor visa UK for your Christmas trip. Ensure a smooth holiday adventure with your loved ones by navigating the application process confidently and efficiently.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 9 months
One of my pastors, a few weeks before Christmas: I don’t want to get political-
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Him: But an (UK) election is coming up. And that means politicians are trying to make you scared.
Me: Yes, they tend to do that. But somehow, I doubt your concern is bipartis-
Him: Like the politicans talking about immigration, and wanting to fund more police! 
Him: When Jesus created the world, we didn’t have borders!
Me: Yep, there it is.
TBF, this guy is usually okay. But sometimes he breaks out in an attack of Twitter.
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psychic-waffles · 2 months
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With Labour promising an uptick in raids and deportations over the summer here's some solid advice from the UK Anti Raids Network - You're encouraged to print and distribute these flyers as much as possible in your local community.
The flyers are fully described in alt text but here's some topline bits for easy copying:
Bail For Immigration Detainees 02074569750 SOAS Detainee Support 07438407570 Email: [email protected] Twitter: AntiRaids Website: antiraids.net
As of posting this the antiraids website is down, but they have all of their current calls for help on Twitter - I would recommend following them and turning on post notifications (especially if you live in London) and also to check if there's a local Anti Raids chapter in your area.
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sbrown82 · 2 months
“We’re not a racist country!” ☕️☕️☕️
The British Royal Family sure are quiet about this, huh?! They can duck from Meghan, but not this!
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tearsofrefugees · 5 days
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nando161mando · 8 months
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[UK Specific Info, replicate in your locality]
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David Ingram at NBC News:
Tech billionaire Elon Musk has repeatedly prophesied a future civil war related to immigration. Musk has posted about the subject on his social media platform X at least eight times in the past 10 months, according to a review of his posts by NBC News. And his posts usually include a specific prediction: He thinks that Europe in particular is headed toward a “civil war” due to the arrival of refugees from other continents.  Musk’s interest in the subject of a civil war poked into public view earlier this month when he weighed in on anti-immigration street riots happening across Great Britain. “Civil war is inevitable,” he wrote on X.  The post received 9.8 million views and it caused a furor among some in the U.K., initiating a heated back and forth with the office of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who was dismissive of Musk’s prediction, saying there was “no justification” for such comments. Other U.K. critics said Musk was only inflaming tensions by making such a dire prediction. 
Musk’s rhetoric is unheard-of for a corporate executive speaking in public, but the prediction of a civil war has become a frequent talking point among some far-right activists who view a civil war in Europe or the U.S. as not only unavoidable but also as something to be welcomed. “What you’re seeing in these calls for civil war is a white supremacist clarion call. It is a dog whistle,” said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.  Musk has stopped short of issuing a call to arms and has not mentioned the race or religion of refugees arriving in Europe, but Lewis said that Musk doesn’t need to be explicit to get his message across. He said he sees similarities between Musk’s posts and the language in white supremacist chat rooms where commenters are obsessed with changing demographics.  “Rhetorically, there is very little difference, and at this point it’s barely coded language. It’s everything but explicit incitement,” he said.  “It’s only a matter of time, unfortunately, before someone listens,” he added, warning that Musk’s words could inspire violence by others. 
Musk did not directly respond to questions about his civil war predictions in an email to NBC News. Hyperbole about civil war is common on the far right. White nationalist Nick Fuentes said last year that Ireland was “on the brink of civil war” because of immigration, and followers of the “Boogaloo” anti-government movement have for years called explicitly for civil war.  The far-right’s rhetoric around a future civil war is part of a philosophical framework referred to as accelerationism. Extreme practitioners of the philosophy believe that stoking tensions around topics like immigration could lead to wars and hasten a larger societal collapse, creating an opportunity to reformulate society in a way that’s more favorable to extremists. A gunman who attacked a synagogue in Poway, California, in 2019 said his goal was to hasten the start of a “civil war” over religion, race and firearms. While some progressives also talk about dismantling existing systems, predictions of a civil war are less common on the left.
[...] Musk has invoked the idea in relation to numerous conflicts. Last October, days after the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, he responded to pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Europe with a call for reduced immigration onto the continent.  “If current trends continue, civil war in Europe is inevitable,” he said on X. It was a reply to Konstantin Kisin, an author, podcaster and Russian-born immigrant to the U.K.  Kisin responded to Musk: “Civil war implies someone will fight back. Based on current evidence, I’m not even sure that will happen.” 
[...] In the past two weeks, far-right activists in Great Britain have used misinformation about an attack on a Taylor Swift-themed dance class as a pretext for anti-immigrant demonstrations. There have been mob attacks on mosques, immigrant-owned shops and hotels housing asylum-seekers. The suspect in the dance-class attack in which three children died is a 17-year-old who was born in the country, according to police.  [...] Musk has a record of spreading false information that could stir up fear of immigrants. Last year, he embraced the debunked “great replacement” theory, which says that there is a top-down plot to replace the white population with nonwhite “hordes.” He has smeared Haitians as cannibals, and he has boosted false claims that non-citizens are registering to vote in the U.S.  After those claims were debunked, Musk has had various responses. He said he was “sorry” for his post about the great replacement theory but left it online. After criticism of his Haitian posts, he said he wanted to “screen immigrants for potential homicidal tendencies and cannibalism.” And after his claims about immigrants voting were found to be false, he has repeated them. 
Right-wing X owner Elon Musk has repeatedly trafficked in far-right “civil war” fantasies over the past year or so, especially in regards to immigration and refugees in Europe.
Read the full story at NBC News.
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head-post · 2 months
UK riots getting worse: footage
Since the Southport stabbing attack that killed several children, violent anti-migrant and anti-local mayhem has swept the UK.
Riots have been raging in the UK in recent days, leaving the new government to contend with the worst unrest in a decade. The last time the country faced social unrest on this scale was in 2011, when the fatal police shooting of a Black British man in north London led to protests that turned into days of rioting in the capital.
Police officers were injured in Plymouth on Monday night as angry mobs descended on the coastal city in south-west England. The latest outbreak of violence came after mobs of campaigners set fire to hotels housing asylum seekers in two cities over the weekend.
On Monday morning, Prime Minister Keir Starmer held his first COBRA session, an emergency meeting of national agencies and branches of government, to discuss the response to the unrest.
This is not protest. It is organised, violent thuggery and it has no place on our streets, or online.
What happened
Throughout Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, violent protesters gathered in town and city centres across the UK. Many of them presumably intended to clash with police and cause chaos. The gatherings may have started as anti-immigration marches organised on social media platforms, but they quickly escalated into riots and violence, according to CNN.
Protesters set fire to two Holiday Inn hotels in the town of Rotherham in the north of England and Tamworth, central England, which were believed to be housing asylum seekers awaiting a decision on their claims. At the time, the hotel in Rotherham was “full of terrified tenants and staff”, according to South Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield.
In Tamworth, rioters threw objects, smashed windows, and started fires, injuring one police officer, according to local authorities. In Rotherham, they threw wooden planks, used fire extinguishers against officers, set fire to items outside a hotel, and smashed windows to gain entry to the building, police reported.
Violence also took place in Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Stoke-on-Trent, and several other towns, mainly in the Midlands and the north of England. The Home Office stated on Sunday that mosques in the United Kingdom had been given “greater protection with new emergency security.”
Many suspects had yet to be identified, with authorities vowing to use facial recognition and other technology to track them, Starmer said.
People in this country have a right to be safe and yet, we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on mosques, other minority communities singled out, Nazi salutes in the street, attacks on the police, wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric.
Chaos without winners
The violence was directly triggered by the stabbing of several children in Southport, in the north-west of England, earlier this week. As a result, three girls were killed and the country descended into chaos.
National-oriented forces seized on the incident and spread a wave of misinformation, including false claims that the alleged attacker was an immigrant, to mobilise anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant protests. However, police say the suspect was born in the UK.
Against the backdrop of ongoing ethnic clashes, Prime Minister Starmer announced future tough measures against White rioters. He said a separate “army” would be created from parts of the police force to deal specifically with anti-migrant sentiment.
A joint view was expressed by the head of Bolton’s Muslim community. He revealed that he felt Britain could not exist without migrants and therefore they needed to show their influence in society. He also thanked the police and the state for helping migrants to stand up for their rights.
Developments show that the new UK government has chosen a course of suppressing its population and fragmenting the country into warring communities. Starmer, whose party recently defeated former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives, faced the first consequences of an unmanaged migration policy.
Now the arrivals, under the pretext of asserting their rights, are also smashing shops and harassing the local population. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to discern who is to blame for the current turmoil. One thing is clear: the government must take measures to protect its citizens, otherwise the snowball of violence will be unstoppable.
Read more HERE
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crynwr-drwg · 1 year
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cut below for the rest of the thread. this cunt is unreal
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credasmigrations · 1 year
Embark on a study journey in the United Kingdom with a Student Visitor visa. Learn how to apply for a UK visitor visa or a student visitor visa, explore study opportunities, and enhance your experience as a student visitor.
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ivovynckier · 2 months
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If Britain is broken, how can we fix it? I say: Johnny Rotten will show the way. After all, his biggest hit was "God save the queen"...
God save the queen
We mean it man
There's no future
In England's dreaming God save the queen
No future
No future
No future for you
No future
No future
No future for me
No future
No future
No future for you
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she-is-ovarit · 11 months
UK police report domestic abuse victims to immigration, shows data
43 police forces referred people who asked for help to Home Office in last three years, finds watchdog
Domestic abuse victims are being reported to immigration officials when they turn to the police for help, according to data published by an independent watchdog. The 43 police forces in England and Wales and the British Transport Police have all referred victims or survivors of abuse to immigration enforcement in the last three years, prompting urgent calls for reform of the system. The threat of being reported to the Home Office is often used by the perpetrators of domestic abuse to control their victims, according to the domestic violence commissioner, Nicole Jacobs. One of those targeted by David Carrick, the Metropolitan police officer who was jailed for life after admitting to 85 serious offences during a 17-year campaign of attacks against women, said he had threatened her with deportation.
Jacobs said the practice of reporting victims to immigration enforcement stopped people from coming forward and allowed perpetrators to evade justice. She said: “At the point when victims have come to the police for safety from abuse, they are met with what many fear most: contact with immigration enforcement. Migrant victims have told me that this plays into the perpetrator’s tactics of control. “This data shows there is not a single police force where migrant victims are treated as victims first and foremost. This must change now. Only with the introduction of a firewall can the victims and prisoners bill ensure justice and protection for all, not just some, victims.” Jacobs has written to the home secretary, Suella Braverman, calling for a firewall to stop police and other services from reporting complainants to immigration enforcement. Police made 537 referrals to the Home Office for immigration investigation in relation to victims and survivors reporting domestic abuse from April 2020 to March 2023, according to the figures obtained by the commissioner from the Home Office. According to a report published by the commissioner, police officers called immigration enforcement in front of one victim, when she reported her ex-partner.
The report says: “This was the first time Lucia sought support from the police after three years of being in an abusive relationship. She felt let down by the police and fearful of removal from the country as a consequence of having reported the crime. The perpetrator continued to harass and threaten her. “Lucia contacted her caseworker, extremely distressed, saying she did not want to have any contact with the police. As abuse escalated again, her caseworker tried to convince her to make another report, which Lucia opposed as she was more afraid of deportation. Eight days after the police report, Lucia got an immigration enforcement letter.” The immigration enforcement letter led the woman to withdraw from domestic abuse support. The commissioner found that no enforcement action such as detention or removal was made in the three years to March 2023. Jacobs said: “That no immigration enforcement action was taken against victims shows us that this practice is serving no one, but the fear it instils creates a high cost to the safety of victims and the public.” The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) guidance to forces says they may share basic information, including an address, with immigration enforcement if they suspect a victim or witness may not be legally residing in the UK. The NPCC said, however, that officers did not routinely investigate victims’ migration status. Jacobs said she wanted the government to amend the victims and prisoners bill when it returns to parliament in autumn this year. Imkaan, a charity that focuses on addressing violence against women and girls from ethnic minority backgrounds, has reported that 90% of women with insecure immigration status who experienced domestic abuse had their abusers use the threat of their removal from the UK to dissuade them from going to the police. In the UK, call the national domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247, or visit Women’s Aid. In the US, the domestic violence hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). In Australia, the national family violence counselling service is on 1800 737 732. Other international helplines may be found via www.befrienders.org.
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jloisse · 1 year
L'enrichissement culturel attaque la police en masse à Bradford, les policiers sont contraints de s'enfuir. La société multiculturelle du Royaume-Uni est un véritable échec !
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tearsofrefugees · 3 days
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theatrenerd0525 · 6 months
The Adventures of the Illegal in the UK
My coworker Michelle announced that she would be moving to the UK a few months ago to live with her long distance boyfriend. I’m so sick of this place, why should she be the only one who gets to escape. My parents had no clue of my plan but I’m sure they won’t be surprised when they hear about me going missing. I’m writing this from inside her suitcase during the plane ride, she will be so happy to see me when she unpacks. One of the staff made a comment about this suitcase being heavy… I have no clue what he’s talking about. Anyway, the flight should be three hours longer so I’m glad I brought some Dr Pepper and snack cakes with me. I’ll post an update once the plane lands, until then so long America.
- A Sad Retail Employee
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nando161mando · 7 months
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