#IP filing
einfolge1 · 1 month
The Best Methods for Formulating a Successful IP Strategy
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Intellectual property (IP) has emerged as one of the most valuable resources for a business in the cutthroat economic world of today.  Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, a well-crafted IP strategy can be the key to maintaining a competitive edge, driving innovation, and securing long-term success.
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einfolge01 · 2 months
IP Monetization And The Role Of The Best IP Strategy For Patents
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The practice of making money from intellectual property assets, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, is known as intellectual property IP monetization. It entails using these intangible assets strategically to generate revenue through direct sales, licensing contracts, or other means. To fully realize the potential of their inventions and breakthroughs, companies and people must engage in this process. 
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gender-trash · 11 months
im so easily entertained by watching torrents download. hrngh... numbers........
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lycanr0t · 3 months
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working on images. for @ziptieparty and i's fan fiction :]
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pilotduty · 2 months
HI LOVE OF MY LIFE i knew i could rely on u to be as Insane about this as me. putting it below the keep reading line because im about to unload the Directors Cut on you xo
SO a lot of people see soulsucker and starfucker to have a sort of angel/demon dynamic going on, and ive been eating that up because i looove the religious trauma angle this album is taking but then i was like What If st*r didn't align with typical religious imagery because... tbh that trope can get kind of bland.
him being brought back from the dead as a reference to clinging to the safety of the past and hesitance to accept/pursue change.. him being a character who is like the embodiment of everything awsten used to be and the parts of himself that havent changed even though the environment around him and the sound of his music have. st*r being dead makes him feel like he cant change no matter how badly he might want to. if he does something wrong, something that breaks the rules, he could literally physically fall apart. he doesnt know what's keeping him alive but he has to assume its some kind of godly power, because thats all he has as a frame of reference for life and death. but he's a creature that not even god can touch now. whether or not he realizes what that means for him, he knows that he can't go back to how he was, if he even knows what that would look like. he at the very least has the safety of already being dead- "if i'm already dead i can't be killed".
the important thing is that st*r is dead. or he should be. awsten can't figure out how to keep him dead, or re-kill him, or hide him away. no matter how badly he wants st*r gone, he doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
ok anyway heres design aspects that are Important To Me-
i gave him his scene-era haircut intentionally, i think it ads to his character representing his past self
upside down cross necklace because I Felt Like It
st*r's canon excessive layering is mostly to hide that he's dead and decaying
under his shirt his heart is exposed. im going to draw that next i think. theres a constant open wound over his heart- you can literally see directly into his heart :3
the places where his arms and fingers move a lot are the most prone to splitting- thats just a logistical design thing that i thought was cool it doesnt really Mean anything LOL
halo hair design. because of those rumors that he dyed his hair in a halo. unholy creature with holy traits etc etc
gave him that extremely hot and bad for me running/smudged eyeliner that has the little flecks of star glitter in them because It Looks Cool and theres Something there about having tiny stars under his eyes despite stars Not Being His Theme-Relevant Shape
the idea of him supergluing the edges of his gloves to his fingers to keep them from falling off while he performs popped into my head while i was drawing him and i thought you specifically would dig that concept. so.
soulsucker and st*r represent different ways awsten presents himself (i think- i kind of Dont Care about the lore that much ((i care So Much that was a lie)) and dont read other people's interpretations on it, but thats mine) so i think the idea of st*r trying desperately to hold himself together and fit the expectations/aesthetics of his job are kind of devastating from this angle, because he literally physically can't do it. whether its his own reluctance keeping him from doing it or some otherworldly/godly interference is up to interpretation methinks
more on its way i woke up like an hour ago and cant remember everything i wanted to say so sorry if none of this Matters or doesnt make any sense
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j1998v · 10 months
"guys I drew this masked character without the mask!"
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dont do it again.
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katnissandpeetamellark · 11 months
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Made Coriolanus Snow "Eras Tour" graphics for anyone to use to make their own t-shirt!
Obviously these cant be sold (IP infringement!!!) but I was bored and wanted to make them.
So you can use them for your own personal use if you'd like!
Please do NOT try to sell this design as your own. I wanted to upload for fans to make their own personal use t-shirts and other items. Thank you!
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steviescrystals · 4 months
#GUYS#so for context before i get into the storytime i currently live at home with my mom and brother#and my mom came into my room at like 10:30 and said ‘i need you to go downstairs and be the adult right now because i can’t deal with this’#(​my mom is 54 and i’m 20 but sure i’ll be the adult???)#so basically. my brother (13) gave our fucking address to some random person on discord who claims to be 11 but who the fuck knows#keep in mind my brother was born in 2011 so he’s grown up with the internet his whole life#and he’s been told countless times by my entire family not to give out personal information online but he has done it multiple times#anyway he says he and his friends from school have been talking to this ‘kid’ on discord for like a year#and none of them know him irl bc he lives in rhode island or something but they’ve apparently been on video calls with him and seen his face#so there’s a good chance he actually is a kid but i personally don’t trust anything online anymore so i’m not totally convinced#but anyway he apparently sent my brother what looked like a youtube link but when he clicked on it it gave this kid his ip address#i have no idea how that shit works or if that’s possible but that’s what he’s saying#and then my brother was arguing with this kid bc i guess he’s racist?? and the kid was like ‘just remember i have your address’#and my brother is being super vague about everything but i guess the kid implied he was going to send a swat team to our house or some shit#so my brother freaked out and called the cops and since my mom wanted me to be the adult i had to go sit downstairs and wait for them#and let me tell you it was so fucking embarrassing standing there while my brother told the cop this insane story#and while my brother was inside getting his phone the cop asked me ‘so what’s the deal do you think this is legit or just kids talking shit’#like bro don’t ask me i have no idea what the fuck is going on and i’m so sorry you had to come to our house to deal with this 😭#anyway he’s going to file a report so if the cops get a call anytime soon about a murder or something happening at our house—#—they’ll call me or my mom to ask what’s going on and make sure it’s not this fucking kid from rhode island swatting us#so that was my night! what the fuck#i’ve never regretted moving back home more than i do right now#lj.txt
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strike-another-match · 4 months
when i finally get a math thing right after being stumped on it for hours: ahhh i see it now! i was using my brain backwards this whole time when i should have looked at the idea as if through a kaleidoskope. let me reframe my understanding of reality and try again
when i finally get a computer thing right after being stumped on it for hours: ahhh i see it now! typo
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beansnpeets · 4 months
Boss is incredibly backlogged and there is only so much I can do to help move things along and he keeps taking more new clients and I'm going to SCREAM at him
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einfolge1 · 2 months
Unlocking Success: How Innovation is Key for Indian MSME's in the Era of Open IP
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In the dynamic landscape of global business, Indian micro, MSMEs have long been recognized as the backbone of the economy. They contribute significantly to employment, GDP, and socio-economic development. However, in the face of rapid technological advancements and increasing competition, MSMEs must innovate to stay relevant and competitive. Open innovation and the age of open IP present unique opportunities for these enterprises to transform their ideas into impactful innovations.
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catboii · 10 months
((Wishing every [non-GMT+0] a very [time of day]
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isthatacalzone · 1 year
it's come to my attention some people think the events of triangle were just a dream. well rip to those people I believe it happened exactly as we saw it.
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til that if you sell items with a smiley face on them or use the word "smiley" anywhere in the product listing including tags, you may get sued by a florida based lawfirm, brickell ip, representing a london based company the smiley company that neither invented smiley faces or the word smiley
these "lawsuits" are just shakedowns. theyre actually frivolous lawsuits, especially because most of the people theyre suing dont live in the country in which theyre being sued, and a significant proportion of them havent made any fucking sales of the product. also, you obviously cannot trademark all smiley faces, only your design of one.
theyll agree to settle with you for anywhere between $500 to $5000, even though the lawsuits are frivolous and they legally cannot sue you if you do not live in the us.
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rlyehtaxidermist · 11 months
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mediafire has a fun and informative time when it doesn't recognise the file extension
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ipcearn · 1 year
Genshin is really driving me up the wall right now
I generally play on PC, and while I originally used the keyboard, I switched over to controller at some point since that is easier on my fucked up wrist
Since I own a Playstation, I am using a PS4 Controller, and I have long gotten used to games displaying Xbox buttons
But now I sometimes have Genshin displaying PS Buttons and while I really wouldn't mind that, it comes with lag and input not being read correctly
Particularly when using skills that need a held down button not coming out like that, like Zhongli's shield or Kazuha's Charged Skill
But then sometimes it will display the Xbox buttons again and the lag is completely gone and I am sitting here like ???
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