#and my brother is being super vague about everything but i guess the kid implied he was going to send a swat team to our house or some shit
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steviescrystals · 9 months ago
#GUYS#so for context before i get into the storytime i currently live at home with my mom and brother#and my mom came into my room at like 10:30 and said ��i need you to go downstairs and be the adult right now because i can’t deal with this’#(​my mom is 54 and i’m 20 but sure i’ll be the adult???)#so basically. my brother (13) gave our fucking address to some random person on discord who claims to be 11 but who the fuck knows#keep in mind my brother was born in 2011 so he’s grown up with the internet his whole life#and he’s been told countless times by my entire family not to give out personal information online but he has done it multiple times#anyway he says he and his friends from school have been talking to this ‘kid’ on discord for like a year#and none of them know him irl bc he lives in rhode island or something but they’ve apparently been on video calls with him and seen his face#so there’s a good chance he actually is a kid but i personally don’t trust anything online anymore so i’m not totally convinced#but anyway he apparently sent my brother what looked like a youtube link but when he clicked on it it gave this kid his ip address#i have no idea how that shit works or if that’s possible but that’s what he’s saying#and then my brother was arguing with this kid bc i guess he’s racist?? and the kid was like ‘just remember i have your address’#and my brother is being super vague about everything but i guess the kid implied he was going to send a swat team to our house or some shit#so my brother freaked out and called the cops and since my mom wanted me to be the adult i had to go sit downstairs and wait for them#and let me tell you it was so fucking embarrassing standing there while my brother told the cop this insane story#and while my brother was inside getting his phone the cop asked me ‘so what’s the deal do you think this is legit or just kids talking shit’#like bro don’t ask me i have no idea what the fuck is going on and i’m so sorry you had to come to our house to deal with this 😭#anyway he’s going to file a report so if the cops get a call anytime soon about a murder or something happening at our house—#—they’ll call me or my mom to ask what’s going on and make sure it’s not this fucking kid from rhode island swatting us#so that was my night! what the fuck#i’ve never regretted moving back home more than i do right now#lj.txt
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enchantedlokii · 5 years ago
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, implied/referenced terrorism
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark
Mentioned: James Rhodes, Bruce Banner
This is loosely based on a dream I had recently where my brother and I were apparently Tony’s children. Anyway, the house blew up and my brother was hurt similar to how Peter is hurt in this. My mom and I were inside and didn’t get hurt too bad. It was strange, I know.
When Peter first started to hang out with Mr. Stark, he did have worries about being caught in the crossfire of something that didn’t involve him. He knew that there were dangers of being around the man. He was old enough to remember the attack on his Malibu penthouse years ago, and he didn’t doubt that there were still people who hated his mentor enough to do something similar in the future.
His worries started fading after a few months, however. He had his Spider-Sense. He knew when he was in danger. He never felt like he was in danger around Mr. Stark except when they were in the middle of a battle.
After the Battle of Earth, that fear was completely gone. The man had retired. He wasn’t a threat to anyone; villains or business tycoons. Peter didn’t think that anyone would target him now. They had no reason to. So when he felt the tingling in the back of his neck, he brushed it off. He thought it must be something small. He didn’t think he needed to warn Tony. They would be fine.
“Morgan found some new videos and has been talking about you nonstop all week. Fair warning, she’s probably going to ask half a million questions within the next hour.”
Peter grinned. He loved the little girl. “I can handle it,” he chuckled, jumping up the porch steps ahead of him. “I—”
Peter flinched as the tingling grew stronger. He started to tell Tony when he saw the worried look he gave him, but that’s when it happened. There was a loud noise, a flash of light. He vaguely noticed Tony running towards him before his vision went white.
That’s when the ringing started. Peter groaned softly, squeezing his eyes shut at the light. He was numb at first, the pain coming slowly. He gasped as a shooting pain shot through his right arm. He blinked his eyes open and turned his head slowly, seeing that there was something pinning him to the ground.
Peter blinked. That was Tony. He sounded panicked, and Peter guessed he must have been calling for him before his hearing returned. There was pain there too, but for the moment he was just glad he was alive. He could handle injuries. As long as he was awake and talking, he would be okay. “Mr. Stark?”
Peter winced at the shakiness in his voice. It sounded weak, he realized. It hurt, too. It hurt to speak. It hurt to breathe, actually, but he tried not to focus on that. Panicking would only make things worse.
“Thank God,” he heard Tony mutter. He probably wasn’t supposed to hear it, but now that his senses were back they were dialed up more than ever. “Are you hurt, Kid?”
“I’m okay,” Peter lied. “Are you alright?”
“I’ve had worse.” Peter heard shuffling. As the man got closer, he could hear his fast heartbeat. He peeked through the mess of rubble and caught sight of him. “Okay. Okay. Talk to me, Pete. Help me find you.”
“I’m right here,” he told him. He let himself close his eyes and focus on his hearing. He could hear other voices a bit farther away. Pepper and Morgan. They were okay. They were alive. “G-go check on them.”
“Let me get this off of you first,” Tony countered. “The house is mostly fine, okay? They may be a bit scratched up, but I’m confident that they’re not trapped under a pile of wood.”
“I hear them,” Peter mumbled. “Around the back, I think.”
“Good, that’s good. They’re okay, Kid.” The wood started to shift around him a bit. He hated thinking it, but he was surprised that the man had the strength to move it. Especially if he was hurt. He guessed it must be adrenaline. “Tell me if anything hurts you.”
It did hurt. Everything hurt, but he didn’t complain. Finally, he saw light and let himself smile when he saw Tony in front of him. He was beaten up, bleeding from a cut on his cheek, but overall okay. He had been a bit farther back, and Peter guessed he was the one who took the brunt of the explosion. He was glad, too. “H-hey.”
“Hey, Pete,” Tony murmured, reaching down and combing through his dirty hair as he looked over him. He noticed his pinned arm and immediately moved to try to lift the beam off of it. “Sh*t.”
“It’s broken, isn’t it?” Peter groaned. The pain in his arm was growing every second, and it took all his will to not cry. He had been in a lot of pain before, but this had to be near the top of his list. On top of everything, it was still getting harder to breathe and he was struggling to keep his panic at bay.
“I think so, Kiddo,” Tony sighed. “Are you hurt anywhere else? I know you said you weren’t before, but I can see the pain in your eyes, Pete. So tell me if anything else hurts, alright?” He paused, looking over his shoulders. “Pep! Over here!”
Peter squeezed his eyes shut again. He could hear two sets of footprints. Morgan was running, he noticed, and collided with Tony. She was crying and he hoped it was out of fear rather than pain.
“Peter? Hey, look at me.” Peter blinked up and saw Pepper was over him now. Her face was dirty and a she was a bit scratched up, but her eyes were clear. She wasn’t hurt. “Where are you hurt, Kid?”
Peter ignored her question, looking over at where Tony was stroking Morgan’s hair, whispering to her that it was okay. He looked back at Pepper after a moment. “Mo?”
“She’s just scared, Peter,” Pepper assured her. “She was upstairs in her room. She wasn’t hurt at all. I promise. So let me know where you’re hurt, okay?”
Peter raised his left arm, the one that wasn’t injured, and held his chest. He didn’t want to say. Not when Morgan was right there. He saw Pepper’s eyes widen and she looked over at Tony. He followed her gaze and saw that he saw too. “Morgan, let’s go wait on Uncle Rhodey, okay?”
Morgan looked up at Pepper. She looked like she wanted to protest, but she nodded. She squeezed Tony one more time before walking over to her mom and taking her hand. As soon as they were out of earshot, Tony moved closer and put a hand on Peter’s chest. “You’re going to be okay,” he promised. “Just keep breathing.”
“It hurts,” Peter admitted.
“I know. I know it does,” Tony murmured. “Just. . . Just don’t panic, alright? I know it’s hard right now, but you need to keep your breathing steady right now. Don’t push yourself.”
Peter nodded, but in reality he could feel his heart pounding even harder now. He could tell that Tony was struggling not to panic right now himself. His own heart had started pounding faster again now that he realized Peter was hurt. It was easy to tell he knew something was wrong. “You’re hurt too,” he found himself mumbling. Because he knew that he would push himself to his limits if anyone else was hurt and ignore his own injuries.
“I know, Pete. It’s not that bad, I promise,” he replied, putting a hand in his hair again. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Always do,” Peter grunted, closing his eyes again. His body wanted him to sleep, but he knew he shouldn’t. He had to wait for Rhodey to get there with help. Then he could rest.
He huffed and tried to push himself up, hissing at the pain in his chest. He was sure he felt his ribs shifting as he was gently pushed back to the ground. “No, stop,” Tony said sternly. “The last thing you need to do is puncture a lung. I’m already afraid one’s collapsed, Kiddo. You have to stay still.”
“I can’t go to the hospital,” Peter told him, opening his eyes again. He knew he needed to, but he also knew that his identity would be in jeopardy. “I-I gotta just deal with it.”
“You are not going to just deal with it. You’re going to the compound. It’s not finished yet, but Rhodey said the medbay was finished,” he explained. “You trust Bruce, yeah?”
Peter nodded weakly. He liked Dr. Banner, and knew that he would never do anything to hurt anyone if he could help it. They weren’t exactly close, but they had talked a few times since the battle. He knew he could trust him.
“Good.” Tony smiled at him and then looked up. Peter heard a new wave of noises and realized that help had finally made it. “Hold on just a bit longer, Kiddo.”
Peter wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he woke up later. He was a bit confused at first, missing details of what had happened and how he had gotten to the medbay. He could hear a steady beeping noise that lined up with his heartbeat. Then he felt the cannula under his nose helping him breathe and the IV in his arm. His other arm was wrapped up close to his side. It hurt, but not as bad as it had before.
“Hey, Pete.” Peter felt a hand squeeze his. He smiled a bit and turned his head, finally opening his eyes. He was a bit surprised that Tony was with him, but he could tell that he had been looked over too. His face was cleaned up and one knee was wrapped up similar to how his arm was. He looked tired, but the pain had cleared from his expression. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired,” Peter murmured. “Like I’ve been drugged.”
“That’s pretty accurate,” he replied, pointing a finger at the needle in Peter’s arm. “Super soldier painkiller. Not a very high dose, but you’ll be groggy for awhile.”
Peter just hummed in reply. He closed his eyes and tried to gather his thoughts. He remembered Morgan has been crying. Where was Morgan. “Mo?”
“She’s okay,” Tony promised him. “She’s sleeping now, but I’m sure she’ll be in here when she wakes up. She was worried about you. We all were there for a bit.”
“‘M ‘kay,” Peter told him. He didn’t want to worry anyone. Especially not when he wasn’t the only one hurt. “Jus’ tired.”
“I know, Kiddo. I know,” he replied. “Get some rest, alright? I’ll be right here.”
“You rest too,” Peter countered, glaring at him. He was sure that Tony hadn’t slept any since they got there, and he wasn’t sure how many hours that had been. He had to be exhausted.
“I will,” Tony promised, raising a hand and combing it through Peter’s hair. “I’ll sleep here on the couch, okay? I’ll be right here if you need me.”
Peter smiled and closed his eyes again. “Mmkay,” he hummed. The strokes were killing him to sleep more than the drugs in his bloodstream. He felt safe.
“Love you, Kiddo,” he heard Tony murmur as he started to drift off. He thought he felt something on his forehead; a kiss, but he couldn’t be sure. Either way, he smiled. He was too far away to respond in any other way, but he knew that he would understand.
Love you too.
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willel · 5 years ago
Random Season 4 Wishes
Here is a random list of things I want to see in season 4 in no particular order. Some of these are more like predictions than wishes, but at this point, any prediction made is just a wish. 
A break from all out romance. The romance wasn’t really handled all that great last season. Other than the looming monster danger, it was the forefront of season 3. I would like a return to a season 1/season 2 formula where while there is still romance, it is never the focus. Stranger Things excels with subtle tender moments and meaningful physical contact. 
Character growth over character drama. Another issue season 3 had is too much conflict between character. Hardly any of it really contributed to character growth. The only character growth to be seen is Mike being a little less clingy and El being a little more independent. Nothing else noticeably changed, not on screen. Conflict is important... but it should be pushing our character forward, not locking them in place. 
Recapture the importance of family. Our cast has been divided in two. The Byers + El are somewhere new while the others stayed behind in Hawkins. This leaves an excellent opportunity to revisit old threads long forgotten. I would love to see Nancy and Mike actually interacting. Not just one conversation or exchanging a glance. Full out brother and sister duo. I feel similarly about Jonathan with his own family. I would like to see a plot where all the Byers + El are in it together. 
Return of Kali. Kali, I feel, is a very important piece of El. While season 3 would have us forget her influence of El, I hope next season doesn’t completely ignore her presence. It would be interesting if Kali’s prediction comes true, that no matter where she hides or who she’s with, “they” will never let her live in peace or have a normal life. Not because I want harm to come to El, but because I don’t for a second believe the government is done with her or the other experimented children.
Proper strategist Michael Wheeler and proper action man Lucas Sinclair. I would like to see the return of the strategist Mike who always seems to have a plan and can get everyone on the same page. In season 3, he was fumbling around distracted. I feel normally, Mike would have set a trap for the Mind Flayer or would’ve formulated a proper plan to escape the mall or the cabin. In Lucas’s case, they did ok with him in season 3 actually, but it was really out of character for him to freeze up while El was being choked out. I want to see a more forward athletic Lucas. 
Will to make new friends. In season 3, we saw at least 2 of the 4 boys interests changing drastically and the other was all too eager to go off and hang around new people. Given Will’s situation (new town, new house, new school, distant old friends), I’d like to see Will gain some new friendships. That’s not to say he’d drop the old ones. They’re the OG after all. But, before all the drama of next season picks up, it would be nice to see Will being happy and acknowledged by new friends.
US Government becoming a threat again. Personally, I did not enjoy the Russian plot. Everything seemed like a joke. When the US government were the bad guys, everything felt more dangerous and dire. You never knew who was listening. Who was watching. What would happen if they found El or if they would hurt the boys and their families. Next season, I feel they could make the Russians feel like as much of a threat as the US government if both governments are clashing and in a race to the bottom. By that, I mean the government should become a major foe again racing against the Russian government to do bad things. Open a gate? Control a demogorgon? Allow the Mind Flayer in again? Both these governments should screw up equally. 
A slow return of El’s powers. I want El to get her powers back, but I want it to be a slow daunting process. It’s like she starts back at square one. She can move and pick up small things, but even that has taken her months. She’s stuck between being seemingly normal with no powers, but also missing the power she once had. 
Casual power training. As we know, Will is really into comics. El might be too since Max introduced her to them. A classic of comics is the super hero training to regain their strength or to become stronger. It would be really interesting if Will contributed to El slowly regaining her powers by setting up obstacles and challenges just for her. Maybe on the weekends, he designs a building and she must use wooden blocks/legos to make it with her powers. Or, build a house of cards. A game of darts using powers only. A game of catch. (I was going to say Jenga, but it looks like that didn’t get released in the US until 1987) Anything Will can creatively come up with that he thinks will help her regain her strength. (whether it does or not is up for debate) It’s mostly casual fun. Some bonding opportunities. Who doesn’t enjoy training the hero/super hero? (basically, it’s roleplay) 
Will’s power expanded. I am writing a proper theory page on Will’s/the Byers’s powers, but let me explain exactly what I mean here. It’s clear Will has powers, but they severely limited them in season 3. Examples:
Instead of only sensing the Mind Flayer when it’s nearby, he should be able to close his eyes, concentrate, and locate the center of activity
Will should have great insight into the Mind Flayer’s intentions even if it’s just honest guesses on what the Mind Flayer wants and what he’s trying to do (like in season 2)
Will’s danger senses should happen immediately, not delayed like we saw in the hospital or in the mall. He should be able to tell the Mind Flayer is coming for them from miles away or even across dimensions.
Will should retain true sight, the ability to see into the Upside Down. A dangerous ability to be sure, but can be useful if we’re going to have gates popping in and out around the world like what’s been implied.
Karen possibly discovering the truth. Honestly, Season 1 Karen is such a good mom. And in season 3, that discussion with Nancy was superb and beautiful. I would love for Karen to learn a little more what her two eldest kids have been up to. If not that, I’d like for her to at least give more guidance to her kids. I’d like for Nancy and Mike to vaguely come to her for advice and she’d grant it, no questions asked. (ok, Karen used to be very nosy so maybe she does ask questions, but takes a step back and respects their privacy)
Joyce to be believed right away. I honestly do not understand why people doubt Joyce, you know? She’s been right 3 years in a row now (Nancy too). I swear if anyone questions her intuition next season, she should give them her classic Joyce sneer until they realize how silly they’re being. In order of “alarm bells”, I think it will go like Will >> El >> Joyce >> Jonathan in quick succession. All 4 family members should be very sensitive to weird things as this point. 
Jonathan gets a plot. I want to see things from Jonathan’s perspective again. After season 1, we’ve barely gotten anything. I want to see Jonathan putting forth plans or leading the charge, at least for a little while. There is a great opportunity for this next season since he’s the man of the house about to graduate from high school if he hasn’t already. (*sobs remembering Will is taller than him now, officially). Heck, if we want to switch around the order of “alarm bells”, maybe Jonathan becomes alert of something wrong before Joyce does this time. 
Less product placement. In season 1/season 2, there was product placement, but that was because they were really setting the scene. It was 1983. This is what products used to be like. This is what was popular at the time. But season 3? They cranked that dial up 2000% when they didn’t need to. It really made it feel less serious and set in reality. Don’t dare use Lucas to spit out a damned Coke ad ever again. 
Genuine friendship moments. I’ve mentioned this earlier, but with less romantic drama and stuff, I’d like to see genuine friendships return. The El and Max friendship was great and all, but it’s really a shame it was so heavily focused on Mike. I hope in the future, these two girls are able to share screentime without the boys being mentioned or thought about. Same with the guys, it would be nice if they could hang out like before without splitting off into pairs or focusing entirely on their romantic lives. They don’t really feel like a friend group anymore, just a group of double dates (hence why I’d like for Will to make friends outside the original group.)
Proper use of the supernatural. Season 3 was weak when it came to the Mind Flesher imo. They had this whole idea of the Flayed who seemed to be totally normal (and sweaty) just walking around town living their lives until a flip was switched. Whyyyyy in the world weren’t they used to try to get at our cast? The only time they did it was in the hospital, but we saw dozens and dozens of people who could’ve served the same purpose except it could happen anywhere. Maybe there were other ‘patients’ in the waiting room that also turned on the kids that they had to fight off? Maybe strange people came to all their houses trying to find them or break in? They could’ve gone full creepy like season 1/2 but they didn’t. I’d like to see them fully use the horror aspects next season. 
That’s what I got off the top of my head. 
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sentient-stove · 4 years ago
The Mishaps of Ladybug and Kuro Neko- Chapter 2
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Roman, Roman & Virgil, Roman/Virgil (way down the line), Remus & Roman, Logan & Virgil, Janus & Marinette Dupain-Cheng  (More later)
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Virgil Ito, Logan Ito, Patton Hart, Janus Dupain-Cheng, Roman Prince, Remus Prince, Tikki, other kwami
Summary:  It’s been almost fifty years since Marinette’s used a miraculous.  And unfortunately, someone’s stolen the butterfly and the peacock.So when the missing miraculous turn up in the US, she’s forced to hand out a new team of heroes, finally hanging up the mantle of ladybug forever.
Virgil did not sign up for a kwami(?) that’s obsessed with cheese curds.
Roman is ecstatic that he has the ladybug miraculous, after all, superheroes are cool!
Logan wants to live his life and avoid racial slurs, too bad the annoying ass heroes keep destroying his fucking bedroom.
Patton spends his time hero chasing, maybe he’ll get a super power one day too!
Janus is done™
Chapter Summary: Virgil and Plagg meet, Roman and Tikki meet, Kuro Neko and Ladybug meet.
Notes: I want to write for Whumptober and then my brain focuses on this :/  what is wrong with me XD
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Virgil upended the contents of his bag onto the small pull out bed that nested under Logan’s. Half of the sketchbooks were soaked beyond ruin and the others were wet, but he could probably hang them to dry and they’d be okay.
He wrapped a blanket around himself as he sat down, slowly beginning to sort through the mess that was on his bed.
There was an origami box among the books and Virgil lifted up, confused. The paper was dry and it wasn’t even slightly smushed from being in a teenager's backpack.
So obviously he opened it.  Virgil had often been compared to a cat with his stupid amounts of curiosity and gosh damn it, he was going to live up to the stereotype.
The box almost fell apart, a glowing ball of light flying around him a few times before condensing in front of him.
“What the--”  Virgil fell backward as the cat-like creature opened its eyes and yawned.
“Got any Camembert?”
“What?” Virgil shook his head.  “I’m lactose intolerant and it’s not like Chinatown’s gonna have fancy ass cheese.”
“Chinatown? Where are we?”  The cat thing floated to look out the dirty window before turning back to the emo.
“San Francisco, 2065.  United Commonwealth of States.”
“Huh.  Where’s Chat Noir? Do you even have cheese here? Oh, does cheese still exist? You’re probably my new holder, I’m Plagg.”  The cat, no, Plagg did an odd flip in air while Virgil tried to process everything.
“Are you talking about Paris Chat Noit? Or Noir I guess...”
“Noir, yes.  Adrien Agreste? My old holder.  Oh! I can say his name now!”  Plagg looked excited for a moment, before his face fell.  “oh…” 
“What does that have to do with you?”  Virgil held out his hands to catch the small cat thing, who had a look of melancholy on his face.
“It means that he’s dead if I can say his name.”
“I’m sorry Plagg.”  Virgil gently scratched the top of the creature’s head.  “So you were Chat Noir’s familiar?”
“Kwami.  I, with the ring, gave him his power.  Ladybug, with her kwami did the same.  You wanna be free?”
Virgil looked back to the origami box.  He could see the ring there, black and green tempting him.  “I don’t know.”
“You’re nothing like Chat.  I like that.”  Plagg flew out of Virgil’s hands and down to the ring, picking it up and placing it in the teen’s palm.  “To transform, say ‘Cat Daddy.’”
Virgil looked horrified.
“I’m just kidding, you say ‘Claws out!’  I had to prank you.”
Virgil slipped the ring on, watching as the green faded out and it shrank a bit to better accommodate his small hand.  “Do I need to feed you first?”
“No, I haven’t been used in a while.  Go ham Virgil.”
“Claws out?” …
Logan opened the door to the shared room, expecting to see his brother curled up in a mound of blankets, not an empty room with an open window.
Virgil listened to Logan move around the room, completely unaware that there was a slightly new hero outside the window.
At least the outfit wasn’t ridiculous.  Virgil felt slightly… off, as if his usual style had been pushed to the left and then a few extra embellishments had been added.  There was also an added strength and when he jumped, he felt like he was launching himself way higher than needed.
Don’t panic, don’t panic, just get used to moving…. 
Virgil faceplanted on a roof, almost crashing through someone’s laundry.  It was painful and by the time he peeled his face off the ground, someone was on the roof, staring slack jawed.
“Hēi māo, Hēi māo!”  
That probably wasn’t good.  Virgil couldn’t understand them, and so he shrugged and jumped forward, clearing them easily and landing on the next roof with less difficulty.
He could get used to this.
Roman found a small octagonal box on the dressing room makeup counter, a note to him on top.
The box was small, looked old and it easily fit into the palm of his hand.  Roman held it and shakily opened the note, hoping that it wasn’t a termination of work.
It seems that the services of a ladybug hero are needed once again.  I trust you to wield the power of creation.  Good luck, kwami knows you’ll need it.
(I recommend heading in the direction of Chinatown to meet your partner.)
The rest of the day is yours,
Roman slipped the note into his pocket, excitement bubbling up inside him as he opened the box.  The effect was instantaneous, a glowing ball of pink solidifying into a strange creature.
“Hi!  I’m Roman, and you are?”  
The creature blinked, almost surprised.  “I’m Tikki and I am your kwami.”
“Cool… This is so cool!”  Roman bounced on his heels and looked back to the box, noting the familiar earrings that rested there.
“How much do you know about your new powers?”
“Nothing, except that these earrings give me magic powers and I have a partner near Chinatown.”  Roman set the box on the counter in front of him, pulling out the earrings.  They flashed, and once he’d blinked the stars from his vision, two gold studs sat in his hand.
“I’m gonna have to pierce my ears, aren’t I?”
“Yep, but the earrings will prevent you from getting an infection.”
Roman sighed and bit his lip as the first earring went in, wincing as he put the backing on and did the other ear.  “Ow, shit, that really hurts.”
“The pain will fade.  Would you like me to explain how to transform?”
“To detransform, you say Spots off.  And to transform, it’s the reverse, ‘Spots on.’  While transformed, you will have a power that you can use one time before you have ten minutes to detransform and feed me.”  Tikki smiled and Roman nodded solemnly.
“Tikki, Spots on!” 
Virgil was barely getting the hang of it when the blur of red and black slammed into him, sending them both crashing to the ground in a dirty alley.
“What the fuck??”
“Language! Unless you’re a villain, then I guess the foulness is implied!”
Virgil hissed and squirmed out from under the person, blinking rapidly as he recognized the black and red pattern.
“You’re the new Ladybug?”
“Why so disappointed Alley Cat?”
“Not my name.”  Virgil spat and when Ladybug didn’t respond, he sighed.  “Kuro Neko works I guess.”
“Is that Chinese?” “No dumbass.”
“Dumbass doesn’t work as a superhero name.  And besides Kuro, we are in Chinatown and you do look like some anime emo hero.”
Virgil grit his teeth together, glad that Ladybug couldn’t see it due to his mask, which covered the bottom half of his face rather than the top.  “Japantown and Chinatown combined after 2036.”
Ladybug’s brown eyes blinked a few times before he seemed to snap himself out of the thought.  “I’m sorry for being insensitive.”
“It’s nothing.”  Virgil stood and held out a hand.  “Truce LB?”
“Sure thing Kitten.”
“Hell no on that nickname.”  Virgil pulled his new partner up and laughed as Ladybug pouted.
“Then you can’t use nicknames on me.”
“Ah, but there’s the kicker Scarlet.  I have a bunch to use since you didn’t rename yourself.”
“But Ladybug is English!  It works!  I don’t see why we don’t call you Black Panther… oh wait…”  Ladybug trailed off, his expression slowly growing more confused as they stood there.
Virgil smirked, gave a two fingered salute and grabbed his staff from the ground, using it like a pole vault to catapult himself back to the roof.
“See you around Bug Boy!”
And with that, he was gone.
Roman watched Kuro Neko leave, feeling excited.   His partner may have looked dark and vaguely emo, but holy hell, did he have a sharp tongue.
He was 100% Roman’s type and he knew that he was screwed.
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diminuel · 5 years ago
Supernatural 15x01 rewatch
As a warning to send you on your way; this is a long post and it’s not clearly structured. It’s a reaction and not a proper analysis/ meta. I’d love to hear your thoughts or be pointed towards your own reactions if you’re willing to share~
Okay, here we go! All under the cut!
I am fond of the smooth transition between the “THEN” and “NOW”. The summary of last season was pretty short and I had somehow expected a montage spanning all seasons, but this is better.
First of all I am confronted with the slight vagueness of the issue at hand: the doors to hell have all been opened, so any soul that wants to is free to walk the earth again. So are they ghosts or are they demons? Since they possess bodies demons would be most likely, but then they wouldn’t be cast out of a body by iron alone. Other ghosts we see later on - any ghost that’s not in the cemetary trying to eat Sam and Dean and Cas - don’t seem to need to possess a body. Neither are they in any way restricted to a particular place or object or bound by lore (White Woman, Bloody Mary... they both just kill whoever is available, not who they would usually go for due to the “rules”).
The second remarkable thing is that we get Belphegor in Jack’s place, both masking his loss but also parading it around, depending on which character he has a scene with. Belphegor, while suspicious, is also highly entertaining and even though he has no eyes he is pretty insightful. Jack’s dead and Dean comments it with “he didn’t deserve this”, but that is the height of emotion for Dean regaring Jack’s demise, at least in this episode. Dean wanted Jack to die but ultimately decided against it, but I assume his lack of emotion (or at least the lack of expression of those emotions) are a good indication that Dean’s anger at what Jack has done still overrides his paternal feelings and any sadness that Jack's death might cause him. He wanted him dead, now he’s dead, moving on to bigger issues.
How Dean deals with his own complicated feelings regarding Jack is one thing, but how he deals with Cas’ feelings is quite another. Dean shows no compassion at all for how Cas feels about Belphegor walking around in Jack’s body. But neither does Sam, not really. They instead jump at the chance of having an ally. A demon comes, possesses Jack’s body, gives them a little speech and conveniently has all the right spells just available to himself and Dean & Sam don’t even think about second guessing it? It’s like “I need angel blood :D” and when Cas hesistates Sam urges him to give his blood anyway.
Also, Sam doesn’t have a lot of scenes with the guy, it’s mostly Dean and Cas being shown to have very different reactions and that’s pretty telling too considering Dean and Cas have been established to be Jack’s parents more than Sam has lately. 
While Dean is pretty unperturbed and cracking jokes like calling Belphegor Crowley Jr. (I’d call him Babybel but to each their own), Castiel went from anger at him possessing Jack to a heart-broken admittal that he can’t even look at Belphegor, something that doesn’t even seem to cross Dean’s mind as a possibility? He lets Cas go without berating him for it, so at least it gave him to think a bit and he didn’t default to not letting Cas have emotions about it.
Belphegor has a reaction to the Equalizer, so I assume there might be something coming featuring that kill everything suicide gun. Belphegor probably knows more than he lets on, who knows if he’s even from our version of the Sam and Dean story, but we’ll probably see. The scene showing the gun in Belphegor’s presence was there for a reason and we’re bound to see what it’ll become.
Belphegor commenting on how gorgeous Dean is (and then later on how much he admires him as an artist) is just so funny to me. Kind of uncomfortable of course because it sounds like Belphegor is flirting and the dude is possessing Dean’s kid *lol* Generally, Belphegor is our big question mark of the episode. Is he who he claims to be? What is his goal exactly? Helping the Winchesters to put things back into hell seems far-fetched but not exactly impossible. 
But, I must now comment on one of the high lights of the episode for me. Dean, Cas and Belphegor are in the impala alone. Belphegor witnesses Cas share that he cannot even look at Belphegor. I’m pretty sure Jack made the demon news too, but Belphegor still asks about his meatsuit, which then reveals an interesting, juicy bit that warms every Destiel shipper’s heart. Dean says that Jack was “our” kid. Now, imagine you’re Belphegor and you get that piece of information after having just witnessed a tense moment between Dean and Cas. Who is “our”? Considering that Belphegor knows that Sam and Dean are brothers and he has seen how Cas acts around him, he inevitably must interpret “he was our kid” to mean Dean and Castiel’s. Especially since everyone in hell seems to know that Dean and Cas are “attached”. I’m just waiting for Belphegor to comment on Dean and Cas’ failing marriage.
But hey, back to the plot! I wonder what the Equalizer wound does. In all honesty we don’t even know for sure what the Equalizer does, because it certainly wasn’t the only thing that could kill Jack. Maybe its goal was to purge Jack out of the story since he, in theory, could be a thread to the whole cardhouse structure of the multiverse that is Chuck’s AO3 profile of not beta read variations of the same story (like Metatron said, Chuck posted the first draft). When Jack was born he created rifts into different worlds - the abandoned drafts existing parallel to their own - and he had impacted other worlds, killed players from different universes (well, not that this was the first time this happened, Meta Misha anyone? Poor guy) and could destroy it all. Chuck doesn’t mind losing one story. There are countless more, but having Jack mess up all of them, especially the ones Chuck likes to observe? That would suck. So if that was something the Equalizer was meant to prevent, balacing all the other universes out there, then maybe Sam now accidentally became a portal/ door to other worlds. The fact that we saw a different Sam, heard a different Dean seems to imply this. 
Well, that’s just speculation because it could also be that Sam, having accidentally forged a connection with Chuck due to their common wound, could simply see things - the future, different versions that Chuck is currently invested in. In any case, I’m very excited about that, seeing different versions of Team Free Will is my jam.
And while I’m speaking of things that are my jam? I must mention Cas’ flat “You shot me”. So good. I always wonder why that doesn’t happen more often in close ghost combat when shotguns are involved. Luckily Cas can’t get hurt *lol* 
But... why can a ghost hurt a demon and why can a ghost get a hold of Cas? These ghosts generally do weird things but I assume that might be because they’ve been to hell for a while and are on their way to become demons? But that brings us back to the question I asked initially and I guess we’ll see more of that in the next episode.
And now, the other DeanCas scene. It doesn’t exactly qualify as a conversation but it’s there and it’s still meaningful. Why did Dean get out of the car, why did he approach Cas, why did he ask? The way he cuts any conversation short beyond the quick affirmation that Cas isn’t hurt, Dean shows that he doesn’t want to talk, doesn’t want to hear anything from Cas. Belphegor picks up on the rejection it is meant to be. It is kinda awkard, it is kind of cruel. Dean knows how Cas is struggling with the situation, at least when it gets to Belphegor but Dean is clever enough to know how much Cas is hurting because of Jack’s death. But Dean allows no grief, no expression of it, which I think is cruel... And it’s not necessary. Even if Dean is angry at Cas still (obviously) that doesn’t mean that he gets to decide to not let Cas be sad about the death of their child. (But Dean has done that before, when Charlie died and Sam apologized to her while they gave her a hunter’s funeral, Dean decided that Sam didn’t get to say anything, because he was at fault. It makes Dean seem so self-righteous, deciding who can or cannot be sad and in what shape they are allowed to express their grief.) Cas has shown in S14 and now again that he wants to talk, he wants to tackle the issue as a family. He never rejected Dean’s sadness, anger and grief - it was Sam that held him back, it was Dean who decided to cry alone in the woods even though Cas would have been there for him.
And Cas isn’t even angry at Dean, which is something that I expected. I wonder if that will continue this way; with Cas having plenty of reasons to be upset with Dean, but only ever taking the rejection Dean heaps on him, accepting that Dean doesn’t grant him the right to voice his own grief, without ever speaking up about it. Just... it’s unfair?
By the way, Sam continues to remove himself from the entire issue. He has very little to offer in terms of reactions to Jack’s death, he has nothing to offer in terms of comfort for Cas, presents no grief for either Cas or Dean to comment on and in turn get to show glimpses of their own struggling. And he too takes no responsibility at the current moment for the situation, no apology offered to Cas regarding his involvement in the “kill Jack” mission... Which is disappointing as well but not super unexpected either. Maybe it’ll come later, but as with Dean, Cas doesn’t seem to hold any anger so far.
I did like the ending. From what some interviews stated I had expected Sam and Dean to struggle with having God as the one who wrote their entire lives a lot more. But they’re doing fine so far...
All in all, a good episode. Throwing Belphegor into the mix created some very interesting situations and having him there means that he - as an outsider - gets to poke at things that interests us too, like the focus on the Dean - Cas drama. He comments on it for us, gets Cas to speak up in ways he probably wouldn’t if there was only Jack’s corpse around. So I’m pleased. :D
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wahbegan · 6 years ago
Blah Blah Trailer Things Blah I’m So Weary
All right w/e you’d think i was getting paid for this the way i crank them out even when I have no desire to but fuck it as all the ones before, under a read more so you don’t have to scroll and shit and so that if someone makes a super obvious correction in the first few notes i can change it and nobody will be the wiser tee hee hee I am gonna stick to things that haven’t been confirmed so shit we already know like “There are additional flashbacks to when they were kids, Mike still lives in Derry and has been tryna figure out how to kill It through...tripping, apparently? They meet at Jade of the Orient like in the book,” etc. I won’t touch for the sake of brevity. I also won’t go over things I did in the last one
1. The flood of water in the sewer COULD be right after they actually kill It, in the book they kill It in the early morning, and Its death coincides with a massive storm destroying the town, starting with the sewers flooding and backing up
2. Adrian Mellon, post beating and being thrown off a bridge by homophobes, as Pennywise mockingly offers him help before eating him. This is STRAIGHT out of the book, right down to the silver eyes Pennywise is sporting i’m very excited
3. Bev walking in the rain looking shaken up seems to be her right after having her fight her way out of her abusive boyfriend’s place, we know they’re keeping that intact courtesy of the bruises on her arms in the Mrs Kersh trailer
4. Not sure where Eddie’s standing in this child-to-adult montage, i can only guess that maybe Ben is outside that bar he gets shitfaced in before he goes back to Derry? But that’s a shot in the dark. I know Bill’s standing at the storm drain where Georgie got dragged in, which we saw It taunting him in Georgie form briefly in the last trailer, and Mike due to the area and the police lights on his face, seems to be investigating child murders like he was in the book. It’s what prompts him to call the other Losers. Richie is at the Paul Bunyan statue
5. So yeah the carnival seems to play a bigger role than just the backdrop where Adrian first has trouble with the homophobes like in the book, Bill probably follows a lead there, possibly investigating what happened to Adrian aaaaand finds Pennywise chewing down on some kid right behind a glass he can’t get to him from in a mirror maze, ostensibly just to fuck with him. Brutal and sadistic, i gotta say i love it even though it’s hard to analyze further than that since there isn’t anything even remotely analogous to this in the book. Oh, the little swinging punch clowns are done up like Tim Curry’s Pennywise, that’s a fun easter egg. Also Pennywise’s long tongue on the glass is reminiscent of The Leper’s tongue from the book, probably did that on purpose. 
6. Oh yeah confirmation Bowers is alive and in a mental hospital, and Pennywise is calling him back, apparently via red balloon instead of the moon which BOOOOOO but whatever
7. Since they changed it from the book a bit to revolve more heavily around Neibolt Street, that seems to have more prominence in this half of the movie as well, with lots of shots of them going into it, whereas I don’t think they touch it as adults in the book. I do like the fridge shaking like It’s about to come out of it like It did in the first movie to eat Eddie. Clearly lots of call backs so that’s fun. Actually, you know what? It could be Stan’s severed head with a bunch of balloons in there cause there’s a scene like that involving a (different) fridge in the adult half of the book/miniseries
EDIT: Okay, according to someone on youtube who saw Comic-Con footage, that IS the case damn i’m right once in a while except in this case Stan’s head...the youtube source didn’t say whose head it was but i’m...there’s no way it’s not Stan’s goes on to sprout spider legs and crawl at them a la The Thing so that’s pretty awesome
8. “I’ve seen all of us die” is an interesting line. Now, in the book, fUCKING STAN YOU FUCKING BASTARD ANDRES MUSCHIETTI YOU LITERALLY TOOK EVERYTHING FROM STAN AND GAVE IT TO A DIFF-ahem. Forgive that little outburst. In the book,...SSsss.....hrng. Stanley Uris is the one who seems to have visions or at least a sense of the future, not, Bev, as well as some vaguely defined psychic somethinerother. Obviously, her kidnapping slash Deadlighting slash empty eyes slash floating thing never happens in the book, so once again, no real way of knowing if it’s a Dr. Strange circa Infinity War thing where she saw a possible or a bunch of possible futures or just Pennywise fucking with her to make her feel hopeless thing. I mean obviously we know they don’t all die so i’m just curious about the nature of her vision she had in Its lair. Obviously some of it came to pass, but...i just don’t know if it was a vision from The Turtle or a trick from It, or possibly a little of both. But it’s one of those
9. Oh yeah right that....that’s definitely Stan’s death scene. Not that there was any question, really, but this is solid confirmation he takes a one way ticket out of Clowntown on the Razorblade-in-a-Bathtub Express
10. Oh I forgot to say about the alien-looking spikes i think that’s the blasted-up exploded remains of whatever it landed in just btw
11. Okay so Bill as an adult back in the basement with a screaming ghost Georgie confronting him in a very similar way to when he was a kid, Bev back in the bathroom where she got bullied and it seems like her childhood bathroom? Filling up with blood and...trying to help someone out of the blood lake? Okay.
I have a theory about all this.
I think it’s them interacting with their younger selves. I think.....
I think The Ritual of Chud is going to manifest differently for every single one of them, and it’s basically going to be them going to some mindscape where they go to their kid selves, to their worst and darkest moments, and are either trapped there in despair or have to save their younger selves. Think of The Haunting of Hill House’s Red Room. I THINK that’s what’s going on here. Judging by...I’m almost positive Bev is reaching out her hand to pull her younger self out of the blood, and you can see young Bill behind adult Bill in the background while Georgie’s going “what the FUCK you’re the worst brother EVER” at him so look i think i’m right, okay? 
12. When Bev smashes the mirror, it looks like, you know how in the first one Henry goes to carve his face on Ben’s stomach but only gets the H? In the book that scar disappears when he grows up but then comes back after Mike calls him and it looks here like not only has the scar come back but It has either actually cut the entire name down there or at least made him hallucinate that the entire name has appeared on his stomach. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s the latter, some kind of hallucination Bev’s trying to break by shattering the mirror.
13. Yeah so if you hadn’t read the book, that’s pretty much definitely Eddie Richie’s holding, and he’s pretty much definitely dying and his final words are pretty much definitely gonna be “Don’t call me Eds. You know I hate it when you...”
14. Oh yeah right I’m pretty sure the underwater monster is a more decayed Ms Kersh and it looks like instead of turning to candy, her house floods for some reason? And here she is being all spooky and underwater with Bev i do not know why the flooding is a thing but w/e uhhh look it’s not in the first trailer i don’t know where i think i saw this or how I got this impression but i think somewhere there was a brief shot implying the water like came out of a painting or something. Possibly a 1408 reference, actually
15. Gotta be Its lair disintegrating after the completed Ritual of Chud which yeah when they were all holding hands a few shots earlier and looking up at orange light i forgot to say that’s def the Ritual starting
17. Whoever this is, Bill i’m assuming flying through that tunnel to the rectangle of light is pretty close to straight out of the book Ritual of Chud
18. Mike tripping, as per mentioned
19. Given the shit all over them and how emotional Richie is, it seems like this would be at the end after they leave the sewers? Idk his scream could be about several things, but it’s just the kind of scream that says “my best friend in the whole wide world and completely hetero lifemate just got his arm bitten off by a weird giant spider alien thing and bled to death”
20. Andres Muschietti mentioned the underground clubhouse would be part of this movie, as well as the “tripping and coming dangerously close to dying via carbon monoxide poisoning so we can hallucinate about where It came from” part of the book but at the end Pennywise is clearly slamming the door which wasn’t part of that sequence unless i mean they may have just added it in for a scare or it could be one of the adults going back to said clubhouse and having a flashback leading into Pennywise fucking with them, either is a possibility
21. Okay so unfortunately i have egg on my face and this clearly is It (not Henry Bowers like i theorized) previously not in Pennywise form, putting on Its Pennywise form, possibly for the first time in a flashback.
22. Okay i am almost 100% sure Pennywise, Devourer of Worlds and Children, The Spider, The Deadlights, The Eternal Consumption, ends this trailer by saying “Hewwo”
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cricketwrangler · 2 years ago
Hahah alright so I just learned my (autistic) little brother was in some way physically hurt by his one-on-one. Barely know more than that because DCS and the school and everyone they've talked to were being super vague and downplaying everything.
My brother who's a teacher says DCS (was cps when I was a kid but I assume the same thing) hardly ever actually shows up. Says even when he told them a kid was being molested by a family member, because he couldn't say which one, they did nothing. Which tracks cause a friend being clearly abused by her dad back in highschool had cps called multiple times and they alerted her dad that they were told, but never actually showed up. (Now when I was in that situation and the therapists reporting BEGGED them not to tell my family or put me through that, their hands were tied I guess :/).
Anyway. My brother told my parents to ask dcs 1. Why they asked if Ian had had nausea/tiredness (my dad being a nurse knows that implies head injury) and 2. Why they actually came down. And they pretty much said they had to whenever something involved [vague and official terms for anything that could be considered physical harm].
My mom said someone ELSE asked something about if his LEG was ok. So there's definitely a lot more going on. What the school told my parents: he was at a corner desk with 1o1, kept pushing it away from him, and she kept pushing it back. Assuming he either thought it was a game, or he just wanted more space. Idk if it gave her too little room or if she was just bothered he was doing it when she didn't want him to. Supposedly she got up, grabbed the back of his swivel chair, and held him facing the wall???
So obviously that's bullshit. Only witnesses were the other 1o1 or paras (idrk the difference, pretty much people with no specialized training who are paid jack shit to stay with kids who have an IEP requiring it, and according to my brother, are pulled by the school when an emergency substitute teacher is needed). One of them that I know Ian likes cause he always talks about her, said that the woman said something like "I just wish I could hit him sometimes". And that she felt awful because apparently it wasn't the first time she said something like that about Ian, and she should have reported it before. Idk how much they can say though because they're employed by the school. Who obviously just want to cover their asses.
Anyway they just got the official dcs report in the mail and i told my mom to send me a pic of it. The best part of all of this is so far the suggestion from the doctor is to put him through ABA again :).
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thecloserkin · 7 years ago
Wasteland by Francesca Lia Block (2003)
Genre: YA
Is it the main pairing: Yes
Is it canon: Yes
Is it explicit: No
Is it endgame: Ahahaha no he’s dead from the get-go the book is about her processing her grief
Is it shippable: Depends on your tolerance for angst — mine is high so yes
Yes the story is far from ideal but I am of the opinion that it is a must-read for incest shippers. Y’all can safely ignore the publisher’s summary which makes it sounds like this is a book about her falling in love with some other guy, how he helps her “put the pieces back together” and “face the past that is haunting her.” Lol like >70% of the scenes are in the “past,” her brother is not her past he is her everything.
A couple of stylistic disclaimers before we get into it: The dust jacket describes the novel as “darkly opalescent” and “poetic and lush.” If that’s not your cup of tea then you know who you are. It’s not exactly Second Person POV but it might as well be: the pronoun “you” is the siblings’ special name for each other, so the chapters are told in alternating POVs and there is a lot of “you” this “you” that. Nonlinear narrative too but you probably surmised that from the “poetic” bit. Francesca Lia Block’s prose is spare and sharp but the plot is nonexistent and the character development is scarcely less so. It’s a slim volume, 150 not-very-densely-spaced pages with generous margins, and we already know what’s going to happen. Spoiler alert they were iN lOvE!!!!! What this book does have in spades, however, is alllllllll the best brosis incest tropes; checks every damn box. Spoilers ahead:
When you were a baby I sat very still to hold you. I could see the veins through your skin like a map to inside you. How could skin be that thin? I was afraid you might drop and break. I stopped breathing so you wouldn’t …. Then you reached out and curled your fingers around mine … That was the first time I knew I had a heart inside my body.
I cannot get enough of this - the instant, bone-deep, lifelong connection. I look forward to seeing it develop into romantic love of course but you cannot skimp on establishing the depth of their relationship prior to that. Let the record reflect that I am 132% here for the older sibling gravitating to the crib to calm the crying baby. You know what I’m also here for? Teenagers walking in on each other masturbating:
You jerked up and looked at me. You were in bed with the sheet over you and the room smelled close. I smelled your pot and beer and your smell — salty, warm, baked. I read in a magazine that women aren’t supposed to be attracted to the smells of their father and brothers.
She’s clearly aware of her burgeoning attraction to him but she’s also confused by it, and even more confused about whether he reciprocates. She’s barged into his room before going on a date specifically so he’ll see her outfit and her makeup and I don’t think it’s even to make him jealous — jealousy is, if anything, a secondary objective. She wants him to tell her she’s beautiful. She needs his praise and validation in order to feel real; she needs it like a plant needs sunlight. One of my favorite things about incest ships is how they know each other inside out:
We’d stop for rocky road ice cream in Westwood on the way home and I picked out the nuts and gave them to you, you plucked marshmallows out for me.
Just the use of the customary we would stop instead of the one-off we stopped says volumes about this bonding ritual. Then she goes on to describe how she got sunburnt at the beach and he was the one to apply aloe/ointment to the blisters. The blisters on her CHIN and her CHEST. After that they have a convo about reincarnation, which ends thusly:
If you were a mermaid, you said, If you were a mermaid, I was the sea.
Later on he gets a mermaid tattoo. Adkjkdfjkdfdjk. At this point I should probably mention that the main characters’ names are Lex and Marina and Marina means “from the sea.” It is unclear what Lex is short for but probably Alexander? Which means something like “defender.” Check it out though this is what happens when Marina gets her first period:
I asked Michelle to go and get you. I could have told her, I guess, but I didn’t. I wanted you. I was scared and you were always who I went to when I was scared. I was practically stuck to my seat. The wetness pooling underneath me. I looked up at you. You had come running. There was sweat on you face, your eyes all pupil. Hey, you, you said, down on your knees looking at me. Hey you what is it you scared me you okay?
She doesn’t even say anything just casts her eyes downward into her lap and he knows right away what it is. He takes off his sweatshirt, ties it around her hips, pulls her upright, holds her against him for a second, then goes on to walk behind her down the hall, shielding her body with his. When will you fave ever.
I never looked at other boys. I tried, as I got older, to like them. I tried to like my square-jawed dance partner in sixth grade graduation … I tried teen idols with their skinny bodies and whiny voices … I tried to like Robby Rydell because he was a good skateboarder but he caught me with a jump-rope lasso and tried to stick his tongue in my mouth on the playground before he ever said hi. I really tried hard to like Brent Fisher because it seemed important that I find somebody at that point. Not somebody to fill a space. There was never a space.
TRIED TO STICK HIS TONGUE IN MY MOUTH BEFORE HE EVER SAID HI. Why would she ever go for any of these jerkwads when Lex is right there.
So in addition to the Lex and Marina POVs there are also sections narrated by a kid named West, a friend of Marina’s. He is lowkey interested in her, but I’m okay with that since it’s not like he’s bitter or whinging about being friendzoned. I’m actually partial to Outsider POVs when they serve the important narrative function of confirming the untouchability of the main relationship, which West absolutely does. He literally thought Lex was her boyfriend the first time he saw Marina in seventh grade:
They were walking together and laughing and he thought that must be her boyfriend.
Imagine how many people must have thought the same thing though. And West is very matter-of-fact when he describes Lex as “the person you love more than anyone,” and when he sees Marina completely dry-eyed at Lex’s funeral he is super concerned because how the hell do you hold all of that in girl — “to hold your brother’s life and his death inside of her,” is the way he puts it.
One time Lex goes to a fortune teller. She tells him “There’s someone who loves you too much,” which is exactly the sort of vague but broadly applicable prognostication that con artists are known for tendering. For fifty dollars she promises to tell him more, but Lex thinks What more could she tell me? I already knew. He fights it but he can’t help it because him and Marina? It’s like fighting gravity. Tbh most of the tension in their relationship is a result of them trying to fight the gravitational pull of their attraction. Lex goes to a prostitute because, well:
She was the farthest I could get from you. That’s what I wanted.
The next logical thing to do, of course, is to date Marina’s bff, thereby damaging Marina’s own relationship with the girl but Lex explains he’s desperate to do something, anything to “sever” himself from Marina definitively. Needless to say I am 200% here for siblings engaging in unsatisfactory sex with other partners in order to cope with their forbidden feelings … as long as they hook up in the end. Which they do. While housesitting for Lex’s English teacher. It’s this grand old house with a sunken garden, filled with old books and plenty of wine, and outside the jasmine is in full bloom. I mention this because the scene is carefully framed as a romantic one, not some sordid sweaty physical encounter. I’m pretty sure there was fumbling — it was Marina’s first time after all — but it’s in keeping with the genre that Marina draws herself a bubble bath and throws the window open and calls for Lex to bring her a refill of wine … and that’s when we fade to black. Guys their story is TOO PURE FOR THIS WORLD.
They go to a club:
One of the guys from out there came over … He said hey, asked you who I was. You asked him why he wanted to know. He flashed his sharp teeth at you. He said why’d you think? because I was a babe. You said I was your sister and you looked like a statue.
Lex is torn between being overprotective because Marina is his sister or jealous because Marina is the love of his life and I am dyyyyying. Lex, later:
He may have a basement full of artillery but if he ever comes near you I am going to kill him.
Straight up threatening to end anyone who even looks crosswise at his (objectively drop-dead gorgeous) sister? YES.
After Lex dies a random girl whom Marina has never laid eyes on before comes to their door and demands a memento so she can make an honest-to-god altar to Lex. This is creepy af and I don’t at all blame Marina for telling her to get lost. Well, it turns out this girl was in love with Lex probably. And you know how sometimes when you’re in love even if it’s one-sided you notice things about the object of your affection that other people don’t? This girl feels like she was entitled to Lex’s affection as much as his leather jacket. Lol bitch no he belongs to Marina heart and soul.
She said that Marina would regret this. She said it’s one thing to keep someone to yourself when they’re alive, but when they’re dead it’s really sick.
Don’t worry, Marina handles her fine. But it’s strongly implied that this girl, or someone else in her posse, or someone else entirely, guessed or suspected about the incest and threatened Lex with the knowledge and that’s how he winds up committing suicide.
I love this book so much. At the same time it is just.so.painful. to read. It unequivocally frames Lex and Marina’s story as a love story rather than as deviant behavior, which is all to the good. And it’s like Trope City here. But Lex essentially commits suicide out of guilt for the intensity of his feelings for Marina, which — last time I checked the world was not suffering any shortage of incest stories where it ends badly for the protagonists. And then …. plot twist! (I know I said there was no plot but somehow there is a plot twist.) Turns out Lex was adopted. Cue the Alanis Morissette song “Ironic.” Marina is livid when she confronts her mother about it:
I said I had a right to know, why didn’t she tell me?
Do you think I didn’t see what was between you? Do you think I could tell you he wasn’t really your brother ad have my children …
She couldn’t finish it and I couldn’t tell her that it had happened anyway.
Welp. So that happened. And when she recounts the conversation to West, he says:
Isn’t it harder now, that you know you could have?
It’s the same thing. He was my brother anyway. When someone is something to you, it’s always that.
Which about sums up how I feel about it too. The first time I read this book I was pissed about the deus ex machina reveal but I have since softened in my censure. The fact that Marina finds out about it too late makes it more tragic, not less, and it’s not like Francesca Lia Block was ever going to give us a happy ending. She’s also written another book with incest but that one is about a very damaged girl whose father molested her :(
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logan-after-dark · 7 years ago
March 3rd 2018
I feel like I had someone else’s lucid dream last night. Many weird and wonderful details below the cut (trigger warning: a character in this dream was molested as a child, and I experienced some vague flashbacks of it/associated trauma):
The first thing I think I remember doing is floating around a place that was familiar to me, although the ‘me’ in this dream wasn’t really me, I don’t think. The elementary school I floated by was familiar to me, in that in my mind I called it Fallingbrook Elementary (which was a school I went to for a few years as a kid, grades 3-6 I believe), but then I turned around to see this castle monument thing (that doesn’t exist near Fallingbrook elementary school), and overheard some tourists nearby talking about how “the King” put a magical barrier around it to keep people out of the vicinity, so that the castle will always be in pristine condition. There’s supposedly a sign on the front of it talking about it, but nobody can get close enough because of the barrier.
I remembered hearing about that as a kid growing up in the area (once again, not me - whoever I was supposed to be in the dream, this girl), and I thought that, since I’m floating around having an out-of-body experience, might as well get a closer look.
Sure enough, there was a sign. Well, more like white letters protruding from the stonework on the front of the small castle, declaring the spell’s intent, the King’s name, and the date it went up. I suppose the sign had to be done first before the barrier spell was cast, which may’ve been a little pre-emptive on their parts, but what can you do when you’re lucid dreaming someone else’s life XD
Anyways, I start floating/flying around this hometown and night is falling, and I find, well, myself. I find myself asleep in bed next to my boyfriend, I guess, and she wakes up in a panic as I start looking through things in her room. See, this girl had a very traumatized past - I believe it was implied that she was sexually abused as a child by a man. The details of the horrible experience started to overwhelm me, and I started to fade out like I was going to wake up, but I struggled through the haunting ‘memories’ and stuck with it. That’s why I started opening drawers. I wanted to take away the last memories of her attacker and get rid of them for her (and for myself) once and for all.
I’m not entirely sure why I, in an out-of-body experience/lucid dream/astral adventure, was able to not only find my conscious and sentient body as if it was a different person, nor why I was able to interact with her environment so directly as to open her dresser drawers and a cupboard, but there I was XD And it woke her and startled her as if there was a ghost in the room, and her boyfriend, whom I knew to be very sensitive and supportive, woke up to hold her shoulders and try to calm her down. At that point I decided to stop haunting her, and decided to let myself be seen by her, instead of remaining as some invisible creepy ghost.
The familiarity in her eyes told me it was like looking into a mirror for her. I explained to her, very calmly, what I was trying to do for her, for both of us. I told her to let me take care of the last remnants of that time, to let me destroy the last few things of him that she had left, and to let me bear that burden. She started crying and hugged me. Her boyfriend left for a couple glasses of water, and when he got back and we both explained what was going on, he held her and encouraged my search.
I found some photos of him, and the memories they provoked made me feel so sick it was nigh unbearable. But I took care of them anyways. Next I found some notes and letters I had written to him, explaining that I didn’t like what was happening. Those were hard to look at. I couldn’t read them, I just couldn’t. I showed them to her and told her ‘I’m taking these to get rid of them, okay?’ She agreed uneasily. But she seemed to be faring a lot better. Her boyfriend held her by the shoulders and she savoured that glass of water as she watched what I was doing.
I purged it all. Anything that I could find that connected me/this poor girl to him.
Now I just had to make sure he was rotting in jail like he should.
I floated through the town to find the small police station and the lockup. I don’t know why he wasn’t in a bigger prison out of town, but that’s where I found him. He was rotting in some concrete cell at the back of the station, and I found him asleep, dressed in a ragged grey jumpsuit, on the can.
He woke up. And he could see me.
And he was silent.
And, somehow, I realized that this wasn’t like him.
There was something off about his demeanor, his mannerisms, everything. He didn’t gloat, didn’t have some one-liner prepped to torment me with, he didn’t even seem to recognize me. This horrible man was someone that I knew very well and at a vulnerable time of my (again, her) life. And he was just sitting in this cell, lifeless.
I quickly realized that I didn’t really have anything to say to him, not in this state. So I left. Phased through the walls and just left him to rot.
I’m not sure how this transition occurred, but the next thing I remember doing was searching this guy’s apartment with my family - mother, father, sister, little brother. They weren’t at all like my family in real life, but I recognized them in the dream as my family. Anyways, we’re digging through his stuff, and someone finds this catalogue of masks, sort of? Long face masks like a founded sheet of paper printed to look like different characters from a video game I (apparently) recognized and enjoyed as a kid. Think sort of like League of Legends meets Team Fortress - big, buff, burly guys in a whole bunch of different roles and with different weapons and abilities. We left the apartment somewhat empty-handed. The place was a complete mess, but whatever we were looking for (evidence the abuse happened, maybe? Validation?), we didn’t really find it there.
As we’re leaving, dusk has fallen and there are very few people out on the streets. This town is old-fashioned, with interlocking brick sidewalks and old stone buildings and churches. So much so that there’s an older lady out lighting the lamps alongside the street and sidewalk. My father greets her and offers her some coin, for which she thanks him, and then I get a look at her face.
It’s not a her. It’s him, in disguise.
I recognize the eyes instantly - one grey eye, one blue - and that wicked smile. He’s out of jail and roaming the streets in a big heavy coat and a long curled wig of dark hair. We were just about to cross the empty street as a group, but I’m frozen in my tracks and have stopped breathing. I’m actually struggling for air, to make any kind of sound to alert my family, but I just can’t. At least, not until my dad comes to check on me, putting a hand on my shoulder once he sees that I’ve stopped.
“HIM,” I gasp. “IT’S HIM.”
He knows exactly what I mean, and my family leaps into action. This guy wasn’t just an average joe, I find out too late, as my family begins to fight him while I stay out of the line of fire and try to support. He cackled and gloated as he manifested some sort of pale white vine weapons from his body, all four taking down each of my family members, knocking them unconscious and putting their lives at risk. I was able to use my dream powers to push him back, to literally will the vines away from my family, rouse them, and heal whatever damage had been done. I barely understood how they were injured, I just willed them better, and I overpowered him as I did so. This caused him to panic a bit and flee, but not before my family’s own powers came into play. My adult sister (who had blonde hair and colourful leggings with a tank top) kicked him in the face from meters away. I think my dad had super strength, and I don’t know what my mom or brother had (yes, it was very reminiscent of The Incredibles - I watched a trailer for the new one recently so that probably inspired this part of the dream XD).
This asshole still managed to get away, despite the fight and effort we all put into it. Instead of chase him down though, my dad said we ought to come up with a plan and find some help.
So that’s what we did. Next thing I know we’re sitting around a table with a map of town, with a bunch of big, burly men. It turns out, these guys from the video game from earlier are also real in this dream, apparently? I definitely felt awestruck that they not only existed, but came to help me with hunting down this monster. The first thing we discovered was that the catalogue of masks that we saw at his apartment, were actually disguise masks that could change your whole appearance if you wear them. He had ordered quite a number of them through this catalogue, and even had one custom-made to look like himself, which was what the poor guy in jail had been stuck with wearing. This created a new problem though, in that the very people who came to help us couldn’t be trusted, because he could literally look like any of them anytime he wanted. Yeah. Great way to start things off.
These guys were very supportive of me though - they dwarfed me in size with their military gear and broad chests, and they were all holding my shoulder, clapping me on the back or hugging me. It felt nice to have that positive attention from a man, after everything I’d gone through in the past, and I felt warm and safe amoung them, in spite of the whole mask issue.
The characters in the game that I remembered were listed alphabetically I remember, with the first guy being caucasian with blue eyes and brown hair just long enough to have waves in it. He had a headset with a small blue screen suspended in front of one eye, and red and white body armour. His codename was Atllas I think. The next guy down on the list had a surname that started with B I believe, who was dark-skinned and looked fairly similar to TF2′s Demoman, except with both eyes, more wrinkles in his face, big broad chest, and no Scottish accent. He actually remarked at one point in the meeting that he thought the game was ridiculous, and he didn’t understand why anyone ever played it. I said “Well, here I was about to tell you that you were my favourite character to play,” and he looked abashed while Atllas had a good laugh.
The meeting left off on a rather positive note despite everything else that happened in the dream, and after that we started searching for that asshole, but after some brief confrontations that I barely recall and him switching masks a whole bunch, my memory of the dream itself gets quite fuzzy, and I don’t know whether we actually managed to catch him in the end.
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rerwby · 8 years ago
Weird RWBY Dialogue, Episode 6
It’s...it’s gonna start getting real weird now kids.
Yang: (calling out) Helloooooooo? (not seeing a shadow quickly pass by) Is anyone out there? Helloooo?" (stops and raises her arms) I'm getting bored here! (hears a rustling in the bushes behind her and turns) Is someone there? (the rustling continues as Yang comes over and peaks inside) Ruby, is that you?
I know she maybe just thinks it’s Ruby, and for good reason since Ruby would be looking for Yang first, but if that wasn’t the intention, it’s weird that she would go to Ruby’s name first.
Yang: You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you? (the Ursai merely growl at her) You could just say "no".
See, when I see Ruby, I don’t think red “hood.” I think red “big fucking cape” because who wears a cape even? Like even Jaune wears a hoodie, but capes are a bit rarer. Plus Ruby barely wears her hood up. This is all very ironic considering the iconic character on which she is based.
Yang: You... (closes her violet eyes, then opens them to reveal red, making the Ursai look at each other confusedly before Yang screams) You monsters!!!
The performance of this line is cringey and so is its general existence.
Weiss: Excuse me! You attacked out of turn! I could have killed you!
Ruby: You'll have to try a lot harder than that...
Now this is person, but I think it’s weird that Ruby said that particular thing. Why not “I wish” or something? Like I said this is just me.
Ruby: Well, I'm sorry you need my help to win a fight. I'm just fine on my own!
Weiss: Well, congratulations on being the strongest child to sneak your way into Beacon. Bravo!
Weiss’s response appears to come out of nowhere to me. Nothing in Ruby’s statement has to do with her being a child or strong, and the “sneak” thing might just be Weiss being a jerk, but it’s unprovoked. It’s actually a little narratively confusing since we learn another character is who actually sneaked into Beacon. Maybe that was an attempt at a red herring.
Jaune: Did you hear that?
Pyrrha: Gunfire. It seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy.
The delivery on Pyrrha’s line here is so awful. Like it’s the worst line read in the history of the show, I swear. This is really super unfortunate because I really liked Pyrrah’s lines in episode 4.
Jaune: Gesundheit.
Implications of real-world culture blah blah blah
Pyrrha (off-screen): Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there?
I mean, everything here is gonna never be referenced again, but Aura being the manifestation of the soul is actually something that sticks. Is she, however, implying their souls watch out for them, or that the soul gives them a spider-sense? The scene of Ren in the forest makes this unclear.
Pyrrha: (back on screen, walking around Jaune) With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals.
Jaune: What about monsters?
Kind of a weird thing to jump to, Jaune. Like it’s a lot to take in and he just wants to know if monsters have souls.
Pyrrha: No. The monsters we fight lack a soul. They are creatures of Grimm, the manifestation of anonymity. They are the darkness, and we are the light.
Uh. Excuse me I need to check dictionary.com real quick.
Yeah the word “anonymity” here makes like zero sense. Ever since I heard this line the first time I was puzzled as to why they used this word. It’s so vague; so weird if I may. It has no fancy meaning, it just means that they are something anonymous. Is that just supposed to mean mysterious or that they’re unknown? God this fucking baffles me.
Pyrrha (off-screen): It's not about why; it's about knowing. Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both.
Yeah not in RWBY it doesn’t. Dark and light are never mentioned again to my knowledge, and if they were it’s been too long since they were introduced lol. Yeah there’s kind of some stuff with the Brothers Grimm Gods but the Grimm themselves have always just seemed like some chaotic force separate from good and evil.
Pyrrha: (mentally speaking) For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. (placing a hand on his chest) I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee. (Pyrrha stops glowing red and hunches over in tiredness)
This is just so incredibly stupid and pointless and never ever ever referenced again as a thing that even behinds to be a thing....I have no more words. Watch this scene if you don’t remember it fully. I mean it. There’s a reason you don’t. It is single-handedly the least useful scene in the show.
Pyrrha: (getting back up) It's all right. I used my Aura to unlock yours, but the energy that protects you now is your own. (grins as she watches the scratch close up and vanish) You have a lot of it.
I guess anyone can just do this then okay.
Jfc is this the part where Pyrrha gets super hot for Jaune? Like listen to how she says “You have a lot of it” like it makes me super uncomfortable. “Jaune your AURA is SO BIG.”
In response, Nora gives her friend a "Boop!" on the nose, causing him to smile and the scene cuts to black as the credits roll.
I take back everything, episode redeemed.
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