#—they’ll call me or my mom to ask what’s going on and make sure it’s not this fucking kid from rhode island swatting us
azzifudd · 19 hours
(If someone has already suggested this then you can ignore it but) a drabble or one shot about Paige and Azzi talking about future kids?? Bc after that live with Jana saying “that’s y’alls kid” and Paige showing Azzi the photo?? (Also the same or sharing of the keychain and the thing that’s like “drive safe I need you” is so cute as well)
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
484 words
Azzi is trying to stuff another pair of Paige’s sneakers into one of their duffel bags when she notices that Paige has stopped packing and is just sitting there, staring at her, with a hint of a smile on her lips.
“What?” She grunts, giving up and throwing the shoes to the side as she unpacks a pair of pants to try and make more room in the bag. Their clothes are strewn about the room, their closets long combined to the point where Azzi often isn’t even sure who owned what first. 
Paige jolts out of her stupor when Azzi calls her out, a light blush painting her cheeks. 
“Nothing.” Paige replies, coming over and easily slipping the shoes away. 
Azzi is not convinced, but she lets it go for now. 
“You think Allie would like these?” She holds out the pants, cocking her head as she examines them. 
“Didn’t you already give her a pair?” 
“Yeah, but she was asking about more, and I feel like she’d look cute in these.” She goes to text the younger girl, but stops when she checks the time. “That girl better be asleep.” 
Paige is staring at her again, with that same soft look in her eye. 
“What?” Azzi steps close, tugging at the end of Paige’s shirt. “Tell me.” 
Paige wraps her arms around Azzi’s back, gaze focusing behind her head. 
“I was just thinking ‘bout what a good mom you’re gonna be someday,” she finally replies, blushing bright red all the way down her chest. 
Azzi feels her cheeks burning too. 
Azzi knows they’re young, way too young, to even be entertaining the thought of children. But she thinks about how Paige is with Drew, how she is every time a young fan approaches her, and all she can think about is how excited she is that she’ll get to share that with Paige someday. 
“You will be too.” Azzi presses her face to the side of Paige’s neck, leaving a kiss there. “The best.” 
“I hope they look like you. Our kids.” Paige smiles, tapping a finger to Azzi’s cheek. She can already see a little version of Azzi, with those same dimples, and how they would give that little girl the world. 
“Or maybe they’ll have your eyes.” Azzi imagines, looking into the sky blue eyes that captivated her the moment they had made contact for the first time over a basketball court. 
Paige kisses her then, knowing that it doesn’t really matter what their children look like, that they’ll be the most loved no matter what. 
Azzi pulls back, just until there’s a whisper of room between them. “As long as they have my jumpshot.” 
Paige squawks in mock offense before she laughs and tumbles Azzi backwards onto her bed and kisses her and kisses her, in this little college dorm room where they’ve begun building a life together. 
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steviescrystals · 10 days
#GUYS#so for context before i get into the storytime i currently live at home with my mom and brother#and my mom came into my room at like 10:30 and said ‘i need you to go downstairs and be the adult right now because i can’t deal with this’#(​my mom is 54 and i’m 20 but sure i’ll be the adult???)#so basically. my brother (13) gave our fucking address to some random person on discord who claims to be 11 but who the fuck knows#keep in mind my brother was born in 2011 so he’s grown up with the internet his whole life#and he’s been told countless times by my entire family not to give out personal information online but he has done it multiple times#anyway he says he and his friends from school have been talking to this ‘kid’ on discord for like a year#and none of them know him irl bc he lives in rhode island or something but they’ve apparently been on video calls with him and seen his face#so there’s a good chance he actually is a kid but i personally don’t trust anything online anymore so i’m not totally convinced#but anyway he apparently sent my brother what looked like a youtube link but when he clicked on it it gave this kid his ip address#i have no idea how that shit works or if that’s possible but that’s what he’s saying#and then my brother was arguing with this kid bc i guess he’s racist?? and the kid was like ‘just remember i have your address’#and my brother is being super vague about everything but i guess the kid implied he was going to send a swat team to our house or some shit#so my brother freaked out and called the cops and since my mom wanted me to be the adult i had to go sit downstairs and wait for them#and let me tell you it was so fucking embarrassing standing there while my brother told the cop this insane story#and while my brother was inside getting his phone the cop asked me ‘so what’s the deal do you think this is legit or just kids talking shit’#like bro don’t ask me i have no idea what the fuck is going on and i’m so sorry you had to come to our house to deal with this 😭#anyway he’s going to file a report so if the cops get a call anytime soon about a murder or something happening at our house—#—they’ll call me or my mom to ask what’s going on and make sure it’s not this fucking kid from rhode island swatting us#so that was my night! what the fuck#i’ve never regretted moving back home more than i do right now#lj.txt
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starkwlkr · 4 months
fever dream | sebastian vettel
part 2 part 3
warnings: toxic soon to be ex husband who cheats on reader (if i miss anything, let me know!!)
update: i decided to make this into a series, thanks for reading!! you can read it here!
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liked by lewishamilton, yoursistersaccount and 24 others
yourusername a short trip back home 🤍
lewishamilton enjoy it!
yourusername thanks lew! miss you and roscoe 🤍
lewishamilton roscoe and i miss you more
yoursistersaccount it’s great to have you home
yourusername 🤍 love you
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“luke, alison! your aunt y/n is here!” your sister yelled as she opened the door to her home. in a matter of seconds, loud footsteps were heard running down the stairs. “no running!”
but still the kids didn’t listen, they were excited to see their aunt. “hey, my babies! oh my god, you two have grown so much. stop growing!” you hugged your niece and nephew.
“i’m almost as tall as mom!” alison, the younger sister, said.
“liar, that’s just what dad says to make you feel better. i’m going to grow more than you and then i’ll be taller than you.” luke teased.
“you both can be tall, but never as tall as me.” you joked as you placed a kiss on their cheeks.
“are you going to stay with us forever?” alison asked innocently. “dad said that you don’t want to stay with your husband anymore and you’re going to stay with us.”
the truth was hard for little kids to understand. yes, you were going to stay with your sister for a few days and yes, you didn’t want to stay with your husband anymore, but it was a bit more complicated than that. your husband had cheated, lied, manipulated you and you had enough. he was the reason you couldn’t come back to the sport you loved and worked your whole life for.
“well i am going to be staying here, but not forever. i just needed a break from him, it’s normal.” you tried to explain to the girl.
“but my mom and dad don’t take breaks?”
“alison, just go to your room, you too luke, please. dinner is going to be ready in an hour.” your sister said, feeling embarrassed that alison would ask those questions.
“what did i do?” the older boy whines as he and his sister walked up to their rooms.
“i’m sorry. i spoke to jack the night you called. we were cleaning up the table after dinner, i assume she heard.” your sister explained.
“it’s okay, they’ll understand when they’re older. not everyone is cut out to be loved . . .”
or a mother.
only a few people had known about your issues with infertility, your sister and lewis being two of them. after you retired from f1, you were sure that in a couple months, you were going to be busy with doctor’s appointments, buying baby clothes and building a crib, but none of that happened. after a year of trying, you were convinced you weren’t meant to be a mom.
you thought about returning to the track, after all many drivers returned after saying they were retiring, why couldn’t you? but that plan was spoiled by the man you thought loved you.
“you can’t go back, you don’t belong there. it’s a man’s sport. you’re probably going to crash in the first lap anyways.”
you didn’t know why you stayed with him, but you did. maybe it was the promises he kept telling you about or the hopefulness that one day you would become parents and maybe he would change. but again, none of that happened.
“um, i have to call someone. i’ll be right back. excuse me.” you told your sister as you walked to the patio door and exited the house. without hesitating, you clicked on a familiar contact. you held your phone against your ear and waited for the person on the other end to pick up. it felt like forever, but eventually they picked up the call.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Steve’s crying on the porch of his parents' house, with a duffel bag and baseball bat, when Eddie pulls into the driveway.
“Jesus, Steve, what happened?” Eddie crouches down to get eye level with Steve. Despite being dark out, the sun set long ago, and the outdoor lights weren’t on. Steve turns to look at his parents' car in the driveway and thinks back to when the lock had distinctly turned shut on the front door. They were around to switch the lights on; they just didn’t care anymore to do so.
Steve is grateful for the moonlight, as he can see the pretty lines on Eddie’s face. Even if they currently curve into a frown.
“Hey Eds.” Steve’s voice cracks.
“Stevie…what happened?” Eddie asks again, this time it’s gently. It cradles Steve and holds him softly. He wishes Eddie’s hands would do the same.
“Did you know hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backward?” Steve sniffles.
Eddie’s face scrunches in confusion, “What? Birds? You lost me.”
Steve pushes past Eddie’s confused face. “They are the only birds to fly backward. Surprisingly, it wasn’t Dustin to teach me that out of the munchkins. It was actually El. She’s apparently going through a bird phase. And I don’t think the others are very interested. So I try to pay attention when she talks about it. And she taught me about hummingbirds.”
Eddie settles on his knees, “That’s great, man and those little shits should listen to her more, but I’m not sure what that has to do with what’s wrong. You called me to come pick you up and hung up before I could even answer.”
Steve bites his lip, “Sorry, my dad clicked the phone off.” Eddie’s face shows surprise, but Steve keeps talking before he can interrupt. “And well, I guess hummingbirds have nothing to do with anything. It’s stupid, really.”
“No, no. It’s not stupid. Tell me about the birds, Stevie.” Eddie’s hand finally reaches out to Steve. He brushes the fallen hair out of his face, and something in Steve just sets him off.
“You see, they can fly backward. And well, no, I’m getting ahead of myself. You see, my cousin Tucker is here to visit. And let me tell you, he is the worst. Like Eddie, you would hate him. Conservative, capitalist enthusiast, real bootlicker kind of guy.”
“Sounds like the worst. Especially if he made you use the big words.” Eddie’s hand falls away, and Steve mourns the loss. Normally, when people make jokes about his intelligence, it stings. It makes him feel small. But when Eddie does it, it isn’t mean or a poke at how stupid Steve is. With Eddie, it’s almost like he’s reminding Steve that he is smart. That maybe Steve is the one making himself small.
He is.
“Anyway, he’s visiting, right? So my parents come home. And I haven’t seen them in months, since before spring break. It’s nearly October, and I haven’t seen them, and I can’t tell if I’m excited or dreading their arrival. It’s always a fight when they are around, how I’m not good enough, how I should be more. Their visits always end up being cut short, and me feeling like shit. But this stupid, stupid part of me was hoping it would be different this time. They haven’t seen me since the “earthquakes.” Surely they’ll be happy to see I’m okay, right?”
Eddie stays silent, his face revealing nothing.
“Of course, it’s not. They only came home because my cousin Tucker was in town. All the way from Indy cause it’s so far. And my mom ‘made’ dinner, as in she ordered it and pretended she made it. It wasn’t even that good, but we all pretended it was the best thing ever made. Cause that’s what they do, pretend. And the dinner is fine, boring. Most of it is just me staying silent while my dad and Tucker talk about the business. Tucker runs the Indy office while my dad is in New York. Ya see, Tucker has been gunning to take over for my dad when he retires, which is another word for dies—“ Steve let’s put a bitter laugh; he wonders if his parents are listening. He doubts it.
“—and they are going on for the whole meal, and I’m almost through the home stretch when my dad brings up me, coming to work for him.”
Eddie reacts finally, “You’re going to New York?” His voice is strained, like he is trying very hard not to yell, not at Steve, but at anyone who will listen. Steve is quick to correct.
“No, no, I’m not. This was news to me to Eds. I have no interest in my dad's business, and as far as I was concerned, he didn’t want me a part of it either. Guess that has changed. Has? Had? I don’t know…” Steve trails off.
“Don’t call me that. It makes me think you’re mad at me. Besides, it doesn’t fit me anymore.” Steve bites.
“Sorry, Steve. I’m not mad. I promise. Just, what do you mean?” Eddie’s head tilts to the side, his curls cascading down his shoulder. It reminds Steve of a river, dark water rippling in the moonlight.
“I was so shocked, Eds. When he said that. That I was quiet, I should have corrected him, maybe. Maybe I could have fixed it. But Tucker was so quick to act. He was pissed. He knows my working for my dad means me being set up to take over. And Tucker, he’s worked too hard to make sure he does get the business. But instead of yelling, he just gets this concerned look on his face. And he…”
“He what?”
Steve wrenches his eyes shut as he recalls the rest. As he recalls the way Tucker’s face faked worry as he struck. Like he has been waiting for the right moment to ruin Steve. He manages to open his eyes eventually, only to see Eddie’s face once again. The honest look on his face is enough to push Steve on.
“In the summer, Robin was feeling sad. This was before you guys knew about each other, and I was the only one who knew about her. And she was sad cause nothing had happened with Vicky and she felt so alone. And I hated seeing her like that. And so, so I took her to Indy. And, and—“ Steve starts to hyperventilate.
Eddie takes him by the shoulders. “Breathe for me, Steve. Come on, baby, match my breaths. It’s okay. It’s okay.”
Steve matches Eddie’s breath. Ignores how the word baby calms him down instantly. “Tucker told my dad that he saw me in Indy. That he saw me come out of a gay club, Eddie. And he went on about how they should focus more on getting me help, than putting me in a power position, again Eds, which I don’t even want! And how I would be a bad look for the company. How would it look if a company whose whole image is family values, only successor, turned out to be gay.”
Eddie flinches a bit, but doesn’t let go of him. Steve feels instant regret. “That isn’t what I meant, Eddie.”
Eddie shushes him, “I know, sweetheart. You’re just upset. I know. Did you tell him that you weren’t there for you? Or maybe that Rick was mistaken; it was a regular club?”
Steve rubs a hand down his face, “And what? Tell him that my two best friends in the entire world are gay? So that I can be shipped off to New York and never see them again? Yeah right. I’d rather face the bats again than be removed from you two. And I’m not going to out you guys like that.”
Something warm crosses Eddie’s face, “So, you lied then?”
“Before I could say anything my dad reacted.”
Eddie freezes, a darkness swims in his eyes. “He put his hands on you?”
“No, no!” Steve panics, and he purposely leaves out the ‘not this time.’ Eddie isn’t necessarily a violent person. But he does have a protective streak. As admirable as it is, Steve doesn’t want him to get hurt.
Eddie relaxes but only slightly.
“He was actually pretty calm, which is even more terrifying. I expected him to yell, throw things. But instead he just turns and says, ‘Is this true, Steven?’. And what gets me is they didn’t even question why my cousin was anywhere near that club in the first place. Why did he see me there? Instead, he just asks me if it’s true. And it’s the first time in a long time, if ever, that my dad asks me this. He always just assumes I’ve fucked up. And this time, he really asked me about the truth. And I couldn’t, I couldn’t lie. I don’t know why, but it felt wrong to. So I didn’t. I just told him, ‘Yes. It’s true.’”
Steve throws out a bitter laugh, “And you know what? He still doesn’t freak out. He just tells me I have five minutes to get my shit and get out. That I needed to call a ride because the car was under the name Steve Harrington, and I was no longer a Harrington. And he was so calm. And my mom just sat there, and I just listened. I didn’t fight. I am so tired of fighting.”
“Steve, why not just tell them the truth? Tell them you were there for a friend?” Eddie’s tone isn’t scolding, only curious.
“See, that’s because I started thinking about hummingbirds, Eddie. I started thinking about how they fly forwards and backward and how they are the only ones that can do that. Isn’t that fascinating? These small birds are so strong and interesting, and can do something no one else can do. But no other birds understand; the rest of them just fly forwards Eds. And I—I feel like that sometimes. That I’m not flying in one direction, ya know?”
Steve feels like he isn’t making much sense, but then Eddie nods and looks at Steve. Like really looks at Steve, and sees him. And Steve feels raw, stripped of his skin, exposed, and it should hurt, but it feels so fucking good. And Eddie stares deep into Steve’s eyes and says, “Yea, I know.”
“I didn’t want to lie. Because even though Tucker was wrong, he was also right. I wasn’t there for me, but I think I needed to be there. To get it. And I think that I’m flying backward, Eds. And I’m worried it’s wrong of me, that it shouldn’t be allowed. And that there is no purpose to me flying backward if I can just go forwards. If I can just fly with the rest of them. But I don’t think, I don’t think I’ve ever really taken flight before. Not before I understood I could also go backward.”
It’s in this moment, where Steve is covered in tears and snot that Eddie finally takes his hands and cradles Steve’s face. Steve’s never felt safer.
“Listen to me, sweetheart; there is nothing wrong with you. Okay? Nothing wrong with you. Just because you can fly forwards doesn’t mean you have to, doesn’t mean you should. Sometimes you’re going to have to fly backward; you’re not going to have a choice. It’s just the direction you’re fast, huge, hummingbird heart takes you. And it might take you a bit to learn that. To understand that, but I will make sure that you do. Because you, Steve Harrington, are fucking fearless and fucking beautiful, and I am so goddamn proud of you.”
Steve finally reaches his breaking point and collapses in Eddie’s arms. Full body, ugly sobs wreck Steve. He is sure that he is soaking Eddie’s favorite Black Sabbath t-shirt to the bone, but he can’t find it himself to care. His fingers dig into Eddie’s back as he clutches tighter as his breathing picks up.
“Breathe, baby, breathe. Remember that. I got you. I got you.” Eddie whispers into Steve’s ear.
Steve picks his head up when he finally calms down, and looks at Eddie. “You.”
“What’s that?” Eddie says softly, rubbing circles through Steve’s polo.
“I called you. Because, I think—no, I know, that I’ve been flying backward, to you. For a while now. And I knew that, even if you weren’t too, you’d still show up. And I just—just need you to know that. I am so grateful you showed up.”
Steve knows he should feel nervous telling Eddie all this, but he isn’t. He strangely feels like his dad at this moment, calm and unmoving. Steve doesn’t understand many things in this world, but he understands that even if Eddie doesn’t love him like that, Eddie still loves Steve in plenty of other ways.
It’s still nice, though, when Eddie leans forward and kisses Steve’s forehead. Steve closes his eyes and releases a breath.
Eddie slides his head down slightly so their foreheads are pushed together affectionately. “Stevie, I’ll always fly backward to you.”
Although it’s awful how they got here, Steve can’t help but feel happy at this moment. He also can’t help the silly giggle that comes out of him, “I think we have just lost all meaning to this metaphor at this point.”
Eddie snorts, “Oh, have we? And here I thought we were having a nice moment, a poetic one at that, telling each other ‘I love you.’”
Steve blinks at him, “You love me?”
Eddie frown lines finally turn upwards, “Yea baby, I love you.”
Eddie cuts Steve off. “Tell me in the morning. When your tears have dried, and I’ve woken up with you in my arms. I want to hear it in the daylight. Okay? Let’s go home.” Eddie stands, offering a hand to Steve.
“Yea home, got to fly back to our nest.”
Steve can’t help the snort he releases, “Dork.”
Eddie just smiles, “Thought I told you to save the ‘I love you’ til the morning.”
Steve smiles back as he takes Eddie’s hand, “I didn’t…”
Eddie squeezes Steve’s fingers, “Yea, ya did.”
I’m back, not dead, and in my feelings. Thinking about expanding on this one. I hope you guys like it. 🧡🧡
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #5
Moon signs edition!🍂
• Aries moons, are not even the type to hold grudges or be mad for that long. My bestie has this placement and—we rarely get mad at each other but when we used to she’d literally get so sarcastic (she’s a libra rising) after trying to call me out on my BS. But then would literally text me half an hour later and act like it never happened lol.
• Fire moons are the type to explode in the moment but put it behind them and just continue about like it never happened.
• Air moons are the types to ghost their friends lmao.
• Aquarius moons tend to avoid their partner if they start feeling suffocated in a relationship or if they start losing feelings they’ll just start detaching.
• Libra moons are so indecisive!! They’ll literally reason their pro and cons about something but never really make up their minds.
• Gemini moons give me more Gemini rising vibes than Gemini risings do! Lol 😭.
• Also what is it with some Gemini moons’ moms not giving them attention? To the point of not even checking on them to see how they’re doing or to ask how their mental health’s going…
• Sagittarius moons and never admitting they’re wrong>>>
• Fire moons have some of the biggest hearts!!
• Aquarius/Capricorn moons DO have feelings and they DO feel them. They’re just forced to internalize them most of the times in their home environment so that’s why they come across as “cold”.
• Moons at Capricorn degree (10/22) tend to have to raise themselves in a way.
• I love how bold and raw Aries moons are! Definitely ride or die type friends.
• Virgo moons tend to be heavily attached to their mothers even if their mothers aren’t the most emotional.
• Cancer moons are hella sweet and nurturing! My heart goes out to these people.<3
• Taurus moons cook so well?🤠
• Leo moons can have emotionally immature mothers or mothers that don’t know how to be moms. My heart goes out to these people too! I know that apart from that ego there’s a big genuine heart that’s tired of being hurt. 🤎
• Scorpio moons may be well reserved but once you get close with them they are the sweetest, most kindest people with big hearts. 💞
• Once a Sagittarius moon or Aries moon is vulnerable around you, that’s when you know you’ve won them over.
• Might I add with Sag moons it could be more spontaneous, like, you won’t see it coming.
• Pisces moons are literally the sweetest people ever! But the men—if underdeveloped can the most manipulative people ever.
• I see so many Cancer moons act like superficial Aries moons lol. Very fiesty too and funny May I add!
• Virgo moons could literally be having a mental breakdown but won’t tell you even if you ask them. You’ll probably notice it if they’re biting their nails.
• Earth moons are the type who will know important stuff and you won’t even know they know unless you ask them lol.
• Aquarius moons are the ones you go to for advice. ☝🏽
• Aries moons be having the craziest yet funnest ideas ever loll. “When we see that girl we’re gonna go up to her and confront her, oh and I’ll make sure to bring my baseball bat with the spikes.” Said by my Aries moon bestie💀
• Leo moons literally be holding back on their crazy ideas when they like someone! Even in a relationship. Unless you prove to them that you’re down with whatever then you’ll never really hear them suggest some out of pocket ideas.
• Remember that cousin/sibling with the crazy ideas? Yeah they were probably an Aquarius moon lmao.😂
• Gemini/Sag moon culture is giving somebody advice or encouraging them to take impulsive risks but then saying “That’s just what my opinion though/But that’s just me.” 🌚
• If Saturnian moons are venting then Capricorn moons would be the first to cry, hands down.
• I’ve noticed singers with really big status or influence tend to have mostly Water moons and musicians mostly Air moons. E.g. Michael Jackson & Prince were Pisces moons, Beyoncé is a Scorpio moon, Eddie Van Halen & Randy Rhodes were Aquarius moons, etc…
• Fire moons are also the type to start talking to you first after an argument. Sag moons will try to get close to you again by bringing a topic you both enjoy. Aries moons will bring something random up and continue like y’all didn’t just argue moments ago. Leo moons will tell you not to talk to them then they’ll start talking to you a minute later and if you bring it up they’ll get angry again lol. But they’re not the type to stay mad that long. <3
• Virgo moons will either stay mad at you then if you try to talk to them they’ll hit you with what they think you did/said wrong. Then after 5 minutes they’ll be alright again. Or they’re the type to try to offer you something after they’ve made you mad to smooth things out lol.
• Sag moons 🤝 being unapologetically unfiltered
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 3 months
Meet the family
luke hughes x actress!reader
note: sorry it took so long but im happy i waited until i really liked it!
word count: 1.6 k
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Going from New York to Michigan was not a long flight by any means. But going from Scotland to New York to Michigan in less than 70 hours was quite the heat, even for Y/n. It was around 9:00 pm in Michigan by the time Y/n arrived. She could have stayed in New York for the night, but when the other option was seeing Luke, she will always choose that option.
She was walking out of the airport now, looking around for the car Luke said he would be in. She spotted the type of car twice already, being let down both times when neither contained her boy. Finally she spots the head of curls, glad he clearly hasn’t seen her yet as she drags her suitcase behind herself. Clearly hearing the loud sound of the wheels on concrete Luke’s eyes shoot to where the sound is coming from to see what crazy manic is running in a parking lot, only for him to find out it’s his crazy maniac. 
When she’s close enough Y/n drops the bag and jumps into the boy’s arms, her sweatpant clad legs wrapping around the tall boy’s hips, his hands dart to the back of her thighs in order to make sure she doesn’t slip off him. Tugging her up to wrap her legs around his torso now and her face buried in his neck. Leaving soft kisses and taking in the distant scent of his cologne.
Mumbled against his neck, her lips tickling the boy, Luke can just barely make out the words; though he knew what they were given he felt the same, “I missed you.” “I missed you too, and I love you. So much.” He replies, talking into her hair. “I love you too.”
After a few minutes, and a car honking, the couple finally broke away from the hug. Luke lifted her suitcase into the back, as well as opened her door like the gentlemen he was. They talked back and forth and catching up with one another, what they hadn’t already said over their many calls, texts, and facetimes.
“I’m excited to meet your family. Do you think they’ll like me? I mean I know you’ve said that they know of me and like me, but that’s as who I am to the public. Have you told them anything about me me?” 
“I’ve only told them that you’re my girlfriend, though they didn’t believe me which I don’t blame them for because sometimes I don’t believe it. And the last day or so they’ve asked constant questions.” “Like what?” “Like if I love you” he says in a teasing voice, as if he just wants to mention he loves her any chance he gets, “Did you tell them you do?” “Yes.”
Luke opened the front door, allowing Y/n to go inside first while he drags her suitcase behind them with one hand and leading her in with his other hand on the small of the back. Kicking off his shoes he calls out for his family until he hears laughter coming from the backyard. Showing the girl to his room, he let her put her stuff away and into more comfortable clothes, before meeting his family.
Luke walked into the backyard first, pulling Y/n by their joined hands behind him. It was Dylan who noticed the couple first, elbowing Ethan and Rutger who got to the house last night.
“Oh- fuck!” Ethan’s words got the attention of the rest of the group, heads turning to face the back door the two were walking away from now.
“Hi! I’m Y/n.” The girl awkwardly waved, Ellen could tell the girl was nervous so she jumped up to greet her, smiling when she saw her son’s hand in the girl’s. “Hi, Y/n, I’m Ellen. Luke’s mom.” “Oh, of course. He’s told me so much about you!” The older woman brought her into a quick hug, shocking the girl even after Luke warned her. “And this is my husband, Jim.” Said man shakes the girl’s hand from his seat. “And Jack and Quinn.” She said as she pointed to the respective boys, “Mom-” “Okay, Lukey! I was just trying to make her comfortable.” The little interaction between Luke and his mom brought a smile to Y/n’s face, finally getting to see her boy in his natural habitat. 
The night couldn’t have gone better, in everyone’s eyes, though Luke could have gone without a few of the embarrassing stories his brothers and friends told. Quinn noticed, when Jack was telling a story of young Luke having a massive crush on his now girlfriend's many on screen characters, his little brother’s hand searching for the girl’s playing with her fingers and her rings. It was those little moments that made him realise the seriousness of the relationship that he hadn’t heard of until three days ago.
Long gone were the days Luke would tell his brothers every little thing, needing advice on every decision he made. He was grown, got into a serious relationship without his brother’s input, with a girl perfect for him. Who had been begging to meet him and Jack as they heard on the facetime. And when the girl got up to help Ellen in the kitchen, Luke sweezed Y/n’s hand and watched as she walked up the backstairs talking to their mom, as if he couldn’t bear time away from her.
“I still don’t fucking belief it.” Dylan said, causing Luke to roll his eyes while he mutters something about Dylan under his breath that causes Rutger to laugh.
Quinn, deciding to break it up before it starts, says from across the fire, “I like her. She’s good for you, Lukey.” “Yeah. And she’s not what I thought she would be like.. In a good way.” Jack piggybacks on Quinn’s thought. Light red invades Luke’s cheeks hearing his brother’s approval of the girl he loves and cares for so much, even more so when Jim adds, “She fits right in with us. Glad to welcome her to the family.” 
“I’ve never seen Luke like that before.” The woman’s words bring a smirk to Y/n’s face, hearing his mom say it solidified Luke’s words of ‘never being this in love before’, “I mean, he’s never brought a girl here-” “I didn’t know that.” “Oh yeah. Never to the lake house, he’s always said Lake house was family and friend’s time.” Her smirk turns into a full on grin at that.
“That’s how I know he really loves you.”  
Y/n woke up to the subtle bumps of Luke’s nose against her neck as he adjusted his position to curl further into his girl. The feeling of strong arms were warm around her torso, fingers tracing different shapes onto her skin, after a moment she realised he was writing his name. Turning to her other side to now be facing Luke, the girl brings her own hands to trace up and down the boy’s bare chest.
“Good morning.” “G'morning, darling.” Luke replies in his deep and raspy morning voice while his body shivers slightly at the feeling of the girl’s light touch.
After laying together as they woke up, the couple finally started getting ready for the day, the boy grabbed her hand as they made their way downstairs. Reaching the bottom they saw most of the boys in the kitchen eating the pancakes Ellen made this morning before she and Jim left for the day.
“Morning, love birds!” Rutger got a smack upside the head from Luke for that one.
As the couple got their food and sat at the table the other boys were going over the plans for today. Something Y/n didn’t think they really had to ‘go over’ as they were just spending all day on the lake.
The idea of spending all day on a boat with her boyfriend’s friends and family she's just met, the possible awkwardness that there was no way of escaping was scary. But the day was going great, Y/n was only nervous for the first few minutes plucking at her nails Luke quickly noticed, grabbing her hand so she wouldn’t be able to any longer. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by his older brother’s.
Y/n was in a deep conversation with Trevor and Cole about what it was like to film the All Too Well short film, Luke, having heard all about it before, was zoned out twisting the girl’s hair around his finger as he listened to her voice. Every once in a while he would add to whatever his friends on the other side of him were talking about, but most of his attention went to the girl.
It was Jack this time that threw the pop can tab off his beer at his older brother who was driving the boat, getting his attention and directing his eyes to their little brother’s actions. Seeing their little Lukey staring at the girl he had a crush on since he started liking girl’s with the biggest heart eyes as she talks to his friends, with so much love in his eyes they knew she was the one.
There was no way, no matter what they went through, if there were hard times and rough fights, they would make it through it. You didn’t have the love they had for each other for just anyone, this was special.
Luke was grown. He had effortlessly found his one at age twenty, really fourteen if you think about it, and his brother’s couldn’t be more happy for him.
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leonw4nter · 5 months
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Boy So Pretty, You’re All I See
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Boyfriend!RE2R!Leon x F!Reader
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“It feels so good to be back home for the break,” you softly sigh as you drive your rental car to your parents’ house. There’s about 5 minutes left for the drive, the both of you tired from various flights but still excited to see your parents again.
“Yeah. I was starting to miss Mr. and Mrs. L/N,” Leon sheepishly admits. “Mrs. L/N’s chicken curry tastes heavenly.”
His words tug a little giggle out of you; if anything, your parents might be missing Leon more than they do with you– they’ve basically taken him in as their own son. Your parents spoil him each time they get to see him: packing him food that he loves whenever it’s time for you two to go back home, giving him stress-relieving teas, making sure he always takes his vitamins and whatnot. You’re thankful that you’ve got parents who treat Leon so warmly, especially since he’s been an orphan for most of his life and have probably only felt this kind of parental love now.
“My parents will be hugging you first before they rush over to me. They’ll probably make sure you sit down before I do but I know you love the attention.” You tease, which tugs the corners of Leon’s boyish, pink lips skyward.
After the final turn to a street, you finally spot your parents’ house. Leon sits up, adjusting his round glasses and pushing it up at his nose bridge; his eyes shimmer with anticipation, probably charging up with a cuddly bear hug for both your parents as soon as he’s done helping you lug your bags inside.
You pull up into the driveway and do the backing, parking the car neatly before pulling the key off of the ignition and opening the door to get out. Before you could even pull the handle, Leon zips up from his seat and briskly runs over to your side, almost tripping over himself in the process just to be the one to open your door. He finally gets to your side, slightly out of breath. Along with the chillier weather, his cheeks and the tips of his ears are flushed pink and his glasses have slid down his nose again, the lenses foggy.
“Whatever happened to ‘ladies first’?” You ask with a playful smirk, stepping out of the driver’s seat.
“I can always close your door and walk back inside so you can get out first–,” he playfully proposed as he started to close the door at a snail-like pace.
“On second thought.” You interrupt as you push the door open and finally step outside, flashing Leon a toothy grin.
You two walk to the back of the car, lifting the trunk to take out the luggages and bags you two had brought along. Of course, Leon opted to take the heavier ones so you’d get the lighter ones instead (ever the gentleman that he is).
“Normally, I’d say ‘take a picture, it’ll last longer’ but you’ve already got so much pictures of my arms on your phone and I worry for your storage,” he quips as he notices your shameless ogling at his arms and hands. Despite his attention being turned to taking suitcases out, he still managed to catch a glimpse of you from the corner of his eyes.
“Shut up!” You protested. “I do not have a photo album of your arms, you’re just vain.” You do, in fact, have a photo album full of pictures of his arms. It’s not your fault when they look absolutely munchable especially now that the sleeves of his navy blue bomber jacket are rolled to his elbows, showcasing the pale blue of veins beneath his skin.
Shortly after, all the suitcases were out and the trunk is now empty. With a click to the doorbell, you two wait on the front steps with thrilled smiles. Before you know it, your dad opens up the door and in the blink of an eye his face lights up. He hugs you tight, patting your back as he goes on about how long he’s missed you and your boyfriend.
“Honey, what’s all that fuss about? Close the door!” You hear your mom call out from somewhere in the house.
“Hi, Mrs. L/N!” Leon happily booms. Even if you two don’t even see her yet, he’s already got his arms above his head and are waving them. Your mom dashes for the door at a comical speed, her own face lighting up like your dad’s when she sees Leon.
“Leon!” she gushes as she jogs over to Leon and gives him a warm welcome hug. “How’ve you been?”
“Never felt better, ma’am.”
“That’s good to hear, you’re looking better than when I last saw you! How’s law school?”
He shyly laughs, placing his hands on the pockets of his acid-washed jeans. “Aw, psh. You don’t look so bad yourself, ma’am. You’re radiant! Law school’s alright, it gets a little complicated at times but that’s nothing I can’t deal with, right?”
Your mom blushes at the compliment, unadulterated glee radiating off of her and rubbing off on everyone else. You and your dad finally finish catching up on life for the past few months, your mom ushering everyone inside for some snacks.
“That sounds amazing, honey! I’m very proud of you.” Your mom happily remarks, setting down a bowl of hard pretzels. You just finished going over all the events in your life, not missing a single detail. You proudly shared to her about how your grades have risen, along with being the semester's Dean's lister.
“Feel free to have some, kids. I’m sure the plane food wasn’t too fulfilling.”
“Thanks, ma’am.” Leon says as he reaches to take a pretzel. You decide not to have any since you felt quite full but knowing your boyfriend’s black hole stomach, he doesn’t have it in him to resist a treat or two. He takes a bite and shuts his eyes, humming in delight as he chews the snack.
“God, these taste amazing!” Leon marveled. “What brand is this? The saltiness, the crunch– it’s all perfect!”
Your mom giggles, sitting even closer to your dad as a pleased smile graces her features, the smile lines in her eyes deepening.
“I made these, actually. I’m glad you can’t get enough of them!” she responds.
Leon’s mouth nearly drops open, the tips of his ears turning warm with an accompanying flush.
“Oh! Wow… they’re just so… these are divine! No wonder they’re wonderful, your cooking always hits!” He beams as he throws two thumbs up.
“Gosh, Leon, leave some for my dad! He loves mom’s pretzels too!” You giggled as you watch Leon slowly empty the bowl, one spiece at a time.
“Oh!” He stops and chews up the pretzels in his mouth. His entire face turns red, the room suddenly feeling a lot warmer than it was. “I’m sorry, sir!”
Your dad roars with laughter instead, taking his mug of hot cocoa and bringing it near his face. “Don’t fret, son. I’ve already had some earlier, just help yourself.”
He brings the mug up to his lips, taking a nice sip before setting it back down and asking you questions of all sorts from school to your part-time job then friends, and the weather back at the state you’re studying in. You answer them happily, Leon occasionally chiming in with answers of his own.
After tugging your bags up the stairs and into your room, you and Leon climb into bed and cuddle. He is splayed on your belly, arms wrapped around your lower back as you idly stroke his soft hair whilst talking about random nonsense and giggling. You had Leon’s glasses on, talking about how his lenses makes everything look trippy.
“Damn, you can’t see without these. What a loser,” you jokingly mumble as you crane your head here and there, getting a full glimpse of everything.
Leon lifts his head up from your stomach, pouting and narrowing his eyes whilst his bangs partially covered his sight but that doesn’t mean anything if what he’s looking at is the greatest view possible: you.
“Then that makes me your loser,” he groggily mumbles as he gently takes your and presses a delicate kiss to your knuckle, letting his lips stay pressed and warm up that region of your hand for a little longer before he pulls them away and looks up at you, flashing you soft puppy eyes– eyes that embodied a raindrop on a blue Lobelia. You two just stared at each other for a moment, warm silence settling between you two until your mom knocked at the door and came in.
“Hey, kids. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything,” she says as she scans you and Leon. He sits up, gently plucking his glasses from your face as he puts them on and turns his attention to your mom, running his slender fingers through his hair as he tries to fix it. You two respond that she wasn’t barging into anything, much to her relief.
“So… I’ve recently gotten into knitting and I figured that since you two are here and the weather is cold and I’ve got a knitting pattern for sweaters, I decided to get knit these up for you guys,” she excitedly says as she takes her hands from behind her back and walks over to you both, setting down knitted sweaters on your laps.
The sweaters are chunky but cute: perfect for looking good on a cold day. They’re both in a piggy pink shade, red heart patterns all over the clothing. Both the sweaters look oversized but the one that looks significantly bigger could be Leon’s; your mom placed it on his lap after all.
“I know you like your shirts and sweaters oversized so I sized yours up by a little bit,” your mom explains. “You don’t have to take Leon’s anymore. The poor boy gets cold too, ya know.”
Leon smirks and your face burns in slight embarrassment, hiding it behind the soft yarn of your new article of clothing while she laughs good-naturedly.
“Valentine’s Day is coming up in two days too. You two will finally have something matching to wear when you’ll go on a date. That’s enough from little old me, I’ll leave you two to go canoodle or something.”
Your mom turns on her heel to leave your bedroom but you bolt up from your bed and give her a nice hug from the back, which she returns.
“Thanks, mom. You’re the best. Thank you for this and for everything else– thanks for treating Leon nicely,” you softly admit. She stays there for a bit, leaning a little into your touch.
“You're welcome, honey.” She responds. “I can tell he loves you very much and you do too so I’m making sure you two have the best time ever while under my roof, okay?”
You nod, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek before unwrapping your arms around her and watching her close the door on her way out.
“You’re lucky to have a mom like that. She’s really nice. She’s an amazing woman, she raised you well,” Leon softly whispers.
“Yeah. I owe everything to her, so I’m doing my best to live in a way that doesn’t worry her or anything.”
He smiles and opens up his arms, gesturing for you to come closer. You come closer and you two hug, breathing in the comforting scent that is solely his. You stay like this for a few more moments before you pull away, excitement all over your face.
“So… how about we try on these sweaters? Don’t they look cute?”
Leon decides to try the sweater on before you do, shedding his jacket and shirt, which you help him with. Taking his shirt off was a lot more giggly than you thought, Leon being ticklish whenever you do so (and you weren’t exactly careful as you took it off, wanting to make him giggle hard). He finally tries it on and he looks absolutely handsome. He looks so geeky and nerdy you can’t help but pinch his cheeks, causing the spot where you pinched to look a little more pink.
“Oops,” you apologize.
You try your own sweater soon and you do finish up, also looking adorable. You hear your dad from downstairs announcing dinner so you two quickly change out of the sweaters in order to not get it stained, ready to go have some food before a snuggly movie night.
Two days later.
The sun is out, only a few cotton-like clouds dotting an otherwise clear sky. The weather is still cold, people in the streets out with their puffer coats, jackets, and scarves. You and Leon wore the matching sweaters from days ago, proudly showing off the work of your mom.
“God, I promised myself that I wouldn’t be doing cringey couple-y things like these when I get a boyfriend,” you mutter to yourself as you roam the streets with Leon.
“Look at you now, younger you would be disappointed,” he quips as he clicks his tongue and gently shakes his head.
“She just didn’t know what an absolute eyecandy of a boyfriend she would end up with.”
“Don’t call me ‘eyecandy’ before my ego inflates to three times its size.”
You roll your eyes and link your arm with his but not before readjusting his red scarf and taking pictures of him in every lighting angle possible; he’s just too cute to not be taking pictures of! You already made a trip to the flower shop earlier, getting Leon a pretty bouquet arrangement of baby’s breath, white and baby pink tulips, and baby pink lilies of the valley. Leon also got you a bouquet and when he realized that you got him one too, he insisted on bringing it along to whatever date you planned. You did tell him to bring bread but that’s all he knows. After a leisurely walk, you two were now alongside a pond with a scenic picnic spot but you two weren’t here for a picnic. Hand on his wrist, you tugged him to you and urged him to run with an ecstatic beam on your radiant face. After a little bit, you got behind him and tip-toed to be able to reach his eyes and cover them.
“Hold on, Leon. The surprise is yet to come,” you pant since you were still out of breath from the running.
“I thought the surprise was the sudden jogging session we had,” he breathily jokes.
“Can you take your hands off now?” Despite him asking, he doesn’t make any effort to move your hands away from his sight.
“Hold on, baby. I need to get this right,” you respond. You wait for a few more moments and then they finally come out. Slowly, you take out your hands from his eyes and point to the group of them. “Vóila! Surprise, baby!”
He looks a bit confused but his face instantly lights up with the brightness of a million happy suns clustered on his soft, rosy features. He finally sees a raft of ducks on the water, along with yellow ducklings. The stars align on the blue sky that are his eyes, dazzling amidst a canvas of blue as his grin grows even broader at the sight of the birds on the water with their feathery little tails wagging. He nearly drops the bouquet you got him out of pure excitement at seeing the ducks, tears probably forming at his waterline.
“Baby– There’s– Babe– Ducks!” is all he can muster at this moment. He hands you his bouquet while he takes his phone out and furiously heads over to the Camera app, clicking several pictures of this core memory forming right this very moment.
You remembered seeing Leon watch videos of people feeding ducks at ponds and sat through many of his talks about how much he wanted to see a duck in real-life and give it bread, no matter how silly he sounds or will probably look (since almost everyone has seen a duck at least once or twice in their life while he hasn't). You didn’t make fun of him at that moment: seeing Leon fuss over images of cute ducks he found on the Internet seemed to heal his inner child, letting himself revel in something so innocent and simple as a cute animal. Since there wasn’t a pond with ducks nearby your college and dorm, you two had to make do with cute duck videos which seemed to be enough for Leon. Remembering that there’s a pond near home, you decided to seize this opportunity to take him on a duck feeding date, hence the bread you asked him to bring along.
You took your own pictures of Leon taking his pictures of the ducks. You felt proud at seeing sunshine and rainbows radiate from Leon, the world falling into a peaceful silence and tranquility– it felt as if it’s just you, him, and nature. He pockets his phone, taking the bread and ripping off tiny pieces to feed to the ducks.
“Having fun sweetheart?” you sweetly ask.
“Tons! Loads!” he simply replies.
He hands you a half of his bread and you tear off tiny pieces and begin tossing it to the small duck family waddling in the water. You two do this in total silence– a comfortable one. You take out the digital camera from your pocket, powering it on and focusing it on the trees, grass, and ducks.
“Leon! Say ‘hi’ for the camera!”
For you, ‘forever’ isn’t exactly a word fitting for people since all our times will end; rather, ‘forever’ is a word fitting for treasures like these. Treasures like Leon and all the happiness you can attribute to him.
“Hi!” He waves, shooting the camera a charming smile. “Hi kids, this is your dad! I’m very happy to be feeding this ducks. Sometime in the future, I hope I can take you here!”
You blush a little bit, red creeping up your cheeks and filling the apples in with color. It flustered you to think that Leon would want to start a family with you, to see little version of yourselves running around in your future home. “Y/N, don’t these ducks look cute! See? Look at that one! The little bro looks so cute! The way their little tails wag– oh my God I’m going to pass out, they’re too adorable for me! Sweetheart, how does owning a duck sound like? What if I take a duck home with me? Baby!”
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NOTE - 1 fic down, six or seven more to go!!! My Leon photocards finally came home and they look SOOOO good!!! My friend gave me the package in class and it looked like we were passing zaza (which is illegal, where I'm from). One of my teachers literally eyed the package in my desk and I literally had to repeat that this is just an unopened package 😭 Also we made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in philosophy class, which was fun. What was NOT fun was Banana Fish, like that damn anime broke me-- I literally just read the wiki and I already fell apart so this is my cue to swear to never watch that anime (my bff made me watch the final ep in class and I bawled, like I fucking sounded like a lawn mower). Also please listen to "the way you say hello" by tiffy and City Girl, I listened to that while writing this and on GOD I was turning with green with envy bc y/n and Leon r 2 sweet. That's it and I hope you enjoyed this fic!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! <333333
The dividers are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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waitimcomingtoo · 7 months
chapter eight: dying to see how this one ends
series masterlist
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Following the fight, Peter saw the back of a squad car for the first time. He was taken straight to the local police station while few officers stayed behind to get stories from witnesses in the gym.
At the station, Peter was put in a holding cell and given an ice pack for his busted knuckles. After half an hour of sitting alone, the door to the cell opened and Brad Davis was pushed inside. He had two tissues stuffed up his nose and a black eye forming on his right eye. The boys made eye contact but felt too defeated to fear the other.
“What are you doing here?” Peter asked when Brad plopped beside him on the bench.
“What do you think? The police showed up and one of the soccer girls showed them the video of me saying I slipped something in Y/n’s drink. I can’t believe it. Did you know that’s a felony?”
“Uh, yeah.” Peter said flatly. “You’re really not supposed to do that.”
“How was I supposed to know? I’ve never done it before.” Brad mumbled. “And I wouldn’t again.”
“Would you really never do it again?” Peter asked skeptically. Brad was quiet for a minute and stared off at the wall. Peter silently handed over his ice pack and Brad accepted it with a sarcastic smile. He put it on his black eye and sighed.
“I don’t know. I don’t know why I’m so angry all the time. Or why I let it ruin my friendship with Y/n. Have you ever wanted a girl so badly that you start to hate her?”
“No.” Peter said without hesitation.
“Oh.” Brad said and turned away from Peter.
Another 30 minutes went by and Peter was starting to spiral. He paced back and forth in the cell while chewing his nails.
“What’s taking them so long?” He whined.
“They’ll get you when they’re done booking you. Don’t freak out. It’s annoying.” Brad mumbled.
“Of course I’m freaking out. If I get convicted, I’m going to jail.”
“Relax. You’ll be fine. Assault is a misdemeanor. And I’m sure your scrawny ass is a first offender so you’ll get a fine at best.” Brad rolled his eyes.
“Woah. How’d you know that?” Peter stopped pacing and looking at Brad in surprise.
“I’ve been arrested for misdemeanors before. My dad just bails me out.”
“Which I’m sure he’ll do this time.” Peter rolled his eyes and sat back down.
“No. I called him when they brought me in but my mom answered.” Brad said as he looked at the ground.
“What did she say?” Peter wondered when he saw how distant Brad sounded. Brad turned his face away from Peter and rubbed the back of his neck.
“She said her best friend in college killed herself after a boy told everyone she gave him an STD. She said she couldn’t handle the bullying.” Brad said quietly. Peter stared at him for a minute and debated making him feel worse. There was a lesson to be learned here and Peter needed to know Brad understood the gravity of his actions.
“You could’ve done the same to Y/n, you know.” Peter said in a soft voice. He wasn’t being accusatory, just honest.
“She never would’ve done that.” Brad scoffed but Peter could tell he didn’t believe himself.
“How do you know?” Peter asked. “You didn’t know her. And you didn’t let anyone know her either. You told everyone who she was and they believed you. You erased her. She very well could have hurt herself to take her name back.”
“I didn’t think it was that bad for her. It was just a joke.” Brad said after a long beat of silence.
“To you. To you, “slut” was just a word. To her, it was her entire identity. All because of you.” Peter told him, feeling angry again. He wasn’t worried about protecting Brads feelings anymore. Now, he wanted him to take some accountability. Brad was quiet for a minute as he thought about the way he treated you the past few years.
“The first time I called her a slut, I didn’t realize how easy it would be to do it a second time.” Brad admitted.
“Me either.” Peter realized and pictured your face the time he called you a slut. He blinked back tears as he replayed the night he lost you. Brad noticed Peter was tearing up and felt himself get emotional. He cleared his throat and tried to choke it down but he couldn’t stop the tears that threatened his eyes.
“I didn’t think I’d end up like this. I didn’t think I’d be this guy.” Brad said quietly.
“You don’t have to be this guy forever. You can change.” Peter told him.
“How?” Brad shrugged helplessly. “She’s never gonna forgive me.”
“She might not. But you can still apologize. And then be better to the next girl.”
“What if I can’t be better? What if this is all I am?”
“I don’t think is all you are. Y/n told me you used to be a good friend.”
“She said that?” Brad asked in surprise.
“Yeah. So I know you can be better. You just have to try.” Peter told him. While Brad thought about the conversation, Peter heard footsteps approaching the cell. He looked up and saw May walking up with an officer.
“Hey, jailbird.” May said while a tight, very sarcastic smile.
“May?” Peter got up and walked over to her.
“Come on. They said I can take you home. Isn’t that nice? I get to take my nephew home from jail.” She said sarcastically as a the officer unlocked the cell. Peter got out and immediately hugged May.
“May, I’m so sorry. I can explain everything.”
“You don’t have to. She already told me what happened.” May said and pointed through a window into the station lobby. Peter could see you sitting in one of the waiting room chairs and blinked in surprise.
“She’s here?” He asked May in disbelief.
“Yeah. She’s the one that called me. The cops told me she got here right after you did. That’s your girlfriend right?” May asked. Peter felt his heart sink when he realized he had yet to tell May that you had broken up.
“What did she tell you?” Peter asked to change the topic.
“She said you stood up for her when the boys were calling her a slut. But why do I feel like that’s now the whole story?” May asked skeptically. Peter looked her in the eyes and sighed knowing he was about to disappoint her.
“Because it’s not the whole story. I called her a slut too.” Peter admitted.
“My nephew called a woman a slut? Is that how I raised you?” May asked and folded her arms.
“No. It’s not.”
“Then why did you do that? I thought she was your girlfriend?”
“Because I was angry. And I wanted to hurt her the way she hurt me.”
“Hm. I see. And did you feel better after you called her that?” May asked him.
“No.” Peter sighed. “I felt worse.”
“I thought so. Go apologize. Now.” May turned him around and pushed him in your direction. Peter wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans before going out into the waiting room. When you saw him coming towards you, you stood up and nervously folded your arms.
“Hey.” He smiled weakly.
“Hi, Peter.” You nodded curtly.
“What are you doing here?” He asked you.
“I had to talk to the police to give my statement about Brads party.“ You explained and left out the party about wanting to make sure he was okay.
“My aunt said you told her what happened. Thank you for that. I don’t know how I would’ve explained to her what happened.”
“You’re welcome. And I should be thanking you too. You beat the shit out of Brad for me. I would’ve done it myself but I’m a little more of a kicker.” You halfheartedly joked, making Peter relax a little.
“You don’t have to thank me. I should’ve done it the first time I heard him call you a slut.” Peter replied. You shrugged in agreement as Peter thought back to that night at the party.
“And you should’ve beat me up when I called you one.” He added as he stared at the floor.
“Yeah. Maybe I should’ve.” You laughed softly. An awkward silence settled between you and neither of you knew what to say. Luckily, it didn’t last long as May came out into the waiting room and stood beside Peter.
“Ready to go home?” She asked him.
“I guess I don’t have any other choice since I am definitely not allowed back on campus.” Peter sighed.
“Actually, they were going to expel you but since I saw Brad throw the first punch, they lowered it to just a suspicion.“ You told him. Peter looked at you curiously and you smiled timidly.
“But Brad didn’t-“ Peter began.
“A lot of people saw him start the fight.” You shrugged. “The school understood that you were just acting in self defense. So don’t worry. Your scholarship is okay.”
“You covered for me?” Peter whispered in disbelief.
“Yeah, well. You covered me first.” You shrugged and avoided eye contact. Peter broke into a smile and you finally looked into his eyes to smile as well. The moment was interrupted by Brad shouting from his holding cell.
“Y/n!” He called to you. You gave Peter a confused look before motioning for him to follow you to where Brad was.
“What do you want?” You asked him.
“I wanted to tell you that I’m so sorry. About all of it.” Brad told you. You looked at Peter skeptically before looking back at Brad.
“You’re sorry?” You doubted.
“I am. I never meant for it to go this far. I don’t expect you to ever forgive me but I just need you to know how sorry I am.” Brad apologized. You smiled at the unexpected apology and nodded your head.
“I appreciate the apology, Brad. That’s not something I ever thought I’d hear from you.” You told him. Peter smiled as he watched the interaction and hoped what he had said to Brad is what inspired him to try to be better.
“Now that we’re cool, do you think you could tell them I didn’t actually slip something in your drink?” Brad asked. “I’ll get kicked out of school if they convict me and my parents already said they’re not bailing me out.”
Your smile dropped when you realized the apology was just a way to gain your trust so he could ask for a favor. He didn’t actually care and he definitely hadn’t changed. Peter shut his eyes in disappointment and hung his head in shame. He thought his conversation with Brad would’ve had some effect on him but it clearly didn’t.
“Oh. You want me to tell the police that you didn’t do something that we both know you actually did do?”
“Yes. Please?” Brad pleaded as he rested his cheek against one of the bars.
“Oh. I get it. Kinda like how you told people that I did things we both know I didn’t do?” You asked and tilted your head to the side. Peter folded his lips to hold back his laughter when he realized what you were doing. Unfortunately for Brad, he hadn’t caught on yet.
“Yeah. Like that.” Brad nodded eagerly. You laughed warmly and nudged Peter, prompting him to laugh as well. Brad was a little confused but laughed as well and assumed you were going to take his side. Your laughter came to an abrupt halt as you faced Brad.
“No.” You stated.
“What? But you have to. I could go to jail.” Brad said and shook the bars angrily.
“And I hope you do.” You said simply.
“What? Come on. Don’t do this to me. Peter already got his revenge.”
“That’s right. He did. But I didn’t.” You reminded him. “And personally, I think there are enough pathetic, predatory losers in New York. Serving some time might knock those worrisome traits of yours loose.”
“You need to really think about this. If I go to jail, I could lose everything.” Brad whispered harshly.
“I lost everything.” You shrugged. “My friends, my dignity, my name. Now it’s your turn.”
“Don’t do this. I’ll get kicked out of school. And it’s impossible to get a job when you have a conviction. Especially for something like this. You have to help me. This will ruin my reputation.”
“At least your reputation will be accurate. Mine never was.” You replied as you looked him right in the eyes. Brads face crumbled and he found himself at a loss for words.
“Goodbye, Brad.” You smiled tightly and walked away. Peter followed after you and joined up with May back in the waiting room.
“Would you like me to drive you back to campus?” May offered as you all walked out of the station together.
“Thank you. But I think I’m gonna wander around the city for a bit. Campus is a little…hostile right now. I think I want to avoid all the attention for a little bit.”
“Well you are welcome to join us for dinner if you’d like.” She smiled kindly.
“I don’t think she wants to do that, May.” Peter mumbled. You made eye contact with him and exchanged polite smiles.
“Thank you again, but I think it’s for the best if I don’t. I would like to talk, though.” You said to Peter.
“Yeah. Of course.” Peter nodded. May got into the car to give the two of you some privacy. You and Peter stood facing each other but didn’t make eye contact. Peter didn’t know what to say, so he got straight to the point.
“Look, I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I called you a slut. And that I didn’t believe you at the party. There is no excuse for what I said and did. I was angry so I called you exactly what I knew would hurt you. I guess that I’m not as good of a guy as either of us thought. You deserve a gentleman. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be that for you.”
“It’s not okay that you called me that. But I forgive you.” You told him.
“You do?” Peter smiled in surprise.
“I do. If you hadn’t gotten Brad and his friends to admit what they had done, I never would’ve gotten my name back. I had people I’ve never even seen before apologizing to me. So if you can risk your scholarship to get my reputation back, I can forgive you.”
“I’d do anything for you.” He told you as he stared into your eyes. You could see how guilty he felt when you looked into his eyes but you couldn’t get him using that word out of his head.
“Where do we go from here?” He asked after a beat of silence. You put a smile on your face and patted Peters shoulders.
“From here, you’re gonna go eat dinner with your aunt. I’m gonna go get some food with my friends, since I actually have them now. And we’re gonna see each other on Thursday in class.”
“Oh. Right. Okay. I’ll see you in class then.” Peter smiled tightly and hoped it didn’t let his disappointment show. He started walking to his car when he heard your voice again.
“Hey Peter?” You called and he turned around.
“Thanks for getting your knuckles bloody for me.” You smiled at him.
“Anytime.” He smiled back. He got into the passenger seat of Mays car and waited until he couldn’t see you in the side view mirror before breaking down. May rubbed his back and said nothing as Peter cried in his hands.
“I love her. And I ruined it. I fucked it all up.” He cried.
“You don’t know that.” May said kindly. “You might still get a chance to make things right.”
“I don’t think so. She just wants to be friends.“
“I’m sorry, honey.”
“It’s okay. She could’ve written me out of her life entirely. At least we get to be friends now.” Peter said as he wiped his face. May frowned and cupped his chin.
“Let’s go home, honey.” May said. “It’ll be better in the morning.
In the morning, Peter woke up to an email confirming his suspension. He was allowed to return to campus a week later and when he did, he had everyone’s eyes on him. He kept his head down and made his way to the chemistry class he had with you. You exchanged friendly smiles with each other but that was it. Your relationship stayed in a sorta friends but sorta strangers area until the end of the semester. With one week until finals, you finally talked again.
“Hey.” You said as you caught up to him after class. Peter looked around the hallway for who you might be talking to and found no one.
“Me?” He asked.
“Yeah, you. I wanted to show you something.” You smiled coyly and handed him the test you had just gotten back in class. Peter saw a big “96” written on the top in red ink, your highest score yet.
“Woah, 96? That’s really awesome. Great job. I knew you could do it.” Peter smiled proudly and handed it back to you.
“Thank you. I never thought I’d actually pass this class. Turns out I just needed a tutor.” You said with a small shrug. Peter smiled fondly at you and nodded his head. He didn’t know why you were suddenly talking to him, but he didn’t mind it.
“You were always smart.” He insisted. “You just needed someone to explain it in a new way. I’m proud of you. That should go up on the tiny fridge in your dorm.”
“If I had a magnet or even knew where to get one, I would.” You joked. Peter laughed before a comfortable silence settled between you. You looked at each other for a moment before you took a deep breath and looked down at the test.
“So, uh, we have our final coming up soon so I was wondering if you were free to study together sometime? Maybe in the library?” You asked him.
“Oh, sure. I can definitely help you.” He nodded enthusiastically.
“Great, thanks. And maybe we can get some food after.” You suggested.
“Yeah. Totally.” He agreed.
“Like a date.” You added. Peters eyes lit up as he processed what you had said.
“You want to go on a date? With me?”
“I’ve been thinking.” You began. “You were the first person at this school who took the time to get to know me. And in that time, I got to know you too. I know you’re not a mean person. I know you aren’t like the guys who used to make fun of me. And I know I’ve said plenty of things in moments of anger that I wished I could take back. So I have a proposition for you.”
“Which is?” Peter wondered.
“If you ever call me that word again, we’re done for good. No second chances. But since I believe you’re sorry and wouldn’t do it again, I would like to give us another shot. What do you think?”
“I would also like that very much please.” Peter said immediately. You laughed at his quick answer and held out your hand. Peter took it and you walked down the hallway together. He walked you to your next class, just like old times, and stopped outside the door. You were about to say goodbye when he pulled you into a hug. You melted into his arms and hugged him back, closing all the distance that had grown between you.
“Thank you for giving me a second chance.” He said for just you to hear.
“I had too. I missed you too much for that to have been our end.”
“I missed you too.” He said as he pulled out of the hug but kept his arms around you. You looked into his eyes for a minute and smiled softly.
“For the record, I loved you too.” You told him. Peter gasped a little before breaking into a cool and collected smile.
“For the record, I was all in from the moment you borrowed my pen. Not that it’s a competition or anything.” He shrugged, making you laugh a little.
“You know, I still have that pen. It’s really good, too. Is that your thing? You give helpless girls pens and hope they’ll fall in love with you?” You teased him.
“That’s exactly what I do. You’re just the first it’s ever worked on.” He humored you.
“Oh yeah? And just how many girls have you given pens too?a rough estimate would be nice. I’d like to know who my competition is.”
“Oh, jeez. That’s hard to say. It’s gotta be hundreds of girls. Maybe even thousands. I’ve given a pen to more girls than you could ever imagine.“
“Wow. Thats a lot of girls to give pens too. I didn’t realize you were such a busy boy. Are you some kind of slut or something?” You asked with a slight gasp to poke fun at the reputation that used to weigh you down.
“I think I might be actually, yeah.” He sighed and shrugged his shoulder.
“I see.” You chuckled. “That must be why we get along so well.
“Wait, why?” Peter wondered and no longer followed the joke.
“Because.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “Takes one to know one.”
Tag List 💋
@breadglasses @hollandweather @cashtons-wife @scenesofobx @trumanbluee
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neverlookatthisblog · 8 months
Uh oh
Request by @vanwritesfan-fiction
Summery: y/n is gone on vacation while Jack stays back with the kids they get into some trouble and Jack has to figure out a way to fix it
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You were on vacation with your girlfriends while Jack stayed back with the kids
Before you left you and him talked about the kids
“You sure you can handle it” you said
“Yes of course I’ve got this what makes you think I can’t handle my own kids” he said making you put your hands up in defense
“I’m just saying cause you know I take care of the big stuff”
“What do you mean”
“You know what I mean when the kids get in trouble who is usually the one to discipline them??”
“Oh no they’ll gonna be fine” he said
“Alright well I have to go now the girls are waiting”you said
Calling for the kids so they can say bye to you
“Mommy when you get back can you take me to get some new clothes” Mae said making Jack look back
“Mae we literally could go to the store right now if we wanted why are you asking your mom” he said making Mae roll her eyes
“Alright my babies I’ll see you in a week” you said grabbing your stuff walking out the door they all waved at you watching you get in the car with your friends and drive off
It was Thursday evening Jack had feed the kids he was cleaning the table when he heard rumbling going on up stairs he was a bit confused
He walked up stairs seen what was going on in the room seeing his 4 kids doing god knows what
“What are yall doing up here” they all turned to him as if they had done something
“What why are yall just standing like that” he said coming close they all slowly moved around the small table not letting Jack see what was going on
“Can yall move so I can see what happened” jack crossed his arms they all slowly moved away from the small table in clear vision Jack saw your favorite
Vase Broke in shambles
“How the he- what happened how did yall break this” he said
“We were all playing around me and Ruth were playing tug of war and she accidentally bumped into the table and broke it” Jane said making he stress
“Daddy I had nothing to do with this they did it all on there own” Mae said making all kids look at her
“Well it doesn’t matter because we need to fix this now before your mom gets home tomorrow” they all nodded
You guys spent time at the store looking for similar or even just the same vase as the one you had starting to feel hopeless Jack tried his best to look for the right one he heard his phone ding
It was a text from you saying that you’d be home soon
Jack panicked looking around the kids noticed this frantic reaction
“What’s wrong dad” Ruth asked
“Your mom is gonna be home soon we gotta hurry up” they all panicked looking around and so they did they eventually found a vase it wasn’t the exact one but it was similar
Driving home as fast as Jack could once he got home he put all the broken pieces in the trash fixing the vase
“Do you think mom’s gonna notice” Ryder asked
“Nah she won’t notice a thing” that’s what Jack thought of course try to make the kids feel better
You arrived home walking into the house it looked a mess
You sighed
All the kids and Jack ran out to greet you
“Mommy I missed” Mae said hugging on to her
“We all missed you” Jack said as the all hugged her
“Alright what’s going on” you said they all looked at each other
“Nothing babe we just miss you” Jack said you believed that they missed you but something was a bit off
“Okay well I’m gonna go shower did you guys already eat” you asked
“No dad been starving us” Jane joked
“No I have not you guys just had pasta” he said
“Daddy doesn’t know how to cook mom” Mae said
“Oh I know Mae bae” you said making Jack give you a glare you didn’t notice because you walking up stairs but immediately came down
“What happened” they all looked
“What happened to my vase” you said
“What do you mean it’s there” Jack said
“No no no something’s off about it” you sucked your teeth
You breathed
“ alright everyone on the couch now” you said they all knew what was going to happen
They all walked to the couch sitting next to each other
“Why are you so close to me move” Mae pushed Ryder
“Mae”Jack said making her look at him
“We do not push in this household and you know that” she apologized to Ryder crossing her arms
“Does anyone wanna tell me what happened while I was gone” you said feeling like a teacher with bad kids
“No because nothing happened” Jack said trying to convince you that nothing happened
“So nothing happened no going to the park no watching cool movies” before anyone could say anything Mae had something to say
“Jane and Ruth broke the vase that you love on accident so we had to go out and daddy had to buy a new one” she said making all of them groan
“Mae!!!” They all said including Jack
“Sorry guys I couldn’t keep it in any longer” she said putting on a sweet smile
“So that’s what this is all about” you said
“Don’t be mad” Jack said making you shake your head
“ no it’s all good” you knew you weren’t happy at all about it but it was an accident you couldn’t really be mad at them for it
“Since I’m home now I’ll cook you guys my famous dinner” they all screamed in excitement
“Aye you guys didn’t like my meal or what” he asked
They all shook there heads “you can’t cook” Mae said making Jack roll his eyes at her while waiting for the food the kids all did there own things while waiting for you to get done and Jack won’t leave you alone
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
Jack and mom finding out they are pregnant or gender reveal?
i was so tired when i wrote this and i have not proofread it, so i hope it’s okay
it hadn’t even occurred to me that i could be pregnant. chalking the sickness and fatigue up to the stress of wedding planning, the cravings and tenderness in my breast being attributed with getting my period soon.
when i was complaining about everything to Jack, he only asked if i should go to an urgent care or if my period was this week. which in turn, got me thinking; i’ve been using an upcoming period as an excuse for two weeks without even realizing that i’ve yet to actually get my monthly cycle.
“Jack! you coming?” Quinn’s voice drifts up the stairs of the lake house, quickly followed by the sound of scolding from Ellen about his yelling.
“alright, i gotta go.” Jack stands from our bed, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “i love you.”
he jogs out of the room, rushing to catch up with his dad and brothers for their golf day.
quickly pulling out my phone, i tap into my period tracking app, a lump forming in my throat at the words displayed.
period 6 days late
eyeing the keys to Jack’s range rover that sit on the dresser, i sigh, standing and retrieving them. i step down the stairs a lot quieter than Jack had just moments before.
“hey hun! i’m meeting some friends at that one mom and pop’s pizza place. i can never remember the name, the one like forty-five minutes out? do you wanna come?” Ellen calls to me as i enter the living room. despite the mix of emotions battling for dominance in my body, i smile, shaking my head.
“no. i’m okay, thank you!” i tell her. “i’m actually about to drive over to the drug store real quick, do you need anything?”
“no, i’m okay! thank you, hun! you sure you don’t wanna come? i feel bad leaving you here all by yourself!” she tells me and i just shake my head again, assuring her that i’m okay by myself. Ellen shrugs and we bid each other a goodbye before i take off out the door.
the drive to CVS is quick, the trip in even quicker because i don’t think twice about which kind of test to buy, i just grab one of almost every option.
by the time i make it back to the lake house, Ellen has already left, leaving me with the house to myself.
i take a deep breath, steeling my nerves as i go grab a bottle of water. chugging the water, i eat a quick snack and pace around the empty downstairs until i feel the need to pee.
making the trek upstairs to the bathroom, i pause in the doorway.
should i be doing this without Jack?
should i be telling him before i take a test?
before i can chicken out, another wave of light nausea hits me and i decide that i can’t wait any longer. Jack is right, if these come back negative then i should probably go to urgent care, just in case something is seriously wrong. and that’s better done sooner rather than later, right?
my hands shake, making it hard to take the tests, but i get it done, setting each one on the counter. with a timer set on my phone, i sit on the cold bathroom floor, my thoughts racing at the possibility of being pregnant.
it’s not like Jack and i have never talked about having kids. we have. plenty of times. we just never imagined it this soon. we’re not even married yet, our wedding is in two weeks. Jack has talked about hoping to have kids alongside Quinn or Luke, but neither of them are even in relationships, let alone having kids soon. will he be upset about that?
or could this be an exciting thing? the idea of having a mini me or Jack running around our apartment. Jack teaching them how to skate, how to play hockey. imagining the apartment full of children’s toys and play hockey sets. dressing them in a jersey and taking them to see Jack play. a child calling me “mama”.
i’m torn out of my thoughts by the sound of my timer, quickly clicking the stop button. i stare up towards the counter, not yet ready to read the results, but somehow already knowing what they’ll say.
i stand up slowly, dragging out the process in order to provide myself with extra time. taking one last deep inhale, i count to three before looking at the tests.
two lines.
a plus sign.
tears well in my eyes at the results. i’m overjoyed, but i can’t help the nagging feeling in the back of my mind. my heart telling me i’m excited to have a baby, a product of Jack and i, while my brain overthinks, wondering what Jack will think, if he’ll be upset.
grabbing the tests, i go back to our bedroom, sticking them in my bedside table drawer before laying down on the bed. tears well in my eyes as my mind pings from one thought to another. happy and then scared.
i’ve probably laid there for an hour before i find myself falling asleep.
“hey, baby.” i’m stirred from my sleep by the sound of Jack’s voice. “you been in here the whole day?”
my eyes flutter open, coming face to face with my fiancé, who squats down beside the bed. i sleepily shake my head at his question.
“no? what’d you do then, pretty girl?” he wonders, switching to sit on the edge of the bed while running his hand over my hair. he leans down to press a kiss to my forehead, and it’s only now that i realize he’s freshly showered and changed out of his golfing clothes.
i can hear the voice of Trevor outside our room, yell-telling a story to lord knows who.
“i found out what’s wrong with me.” i barely even second guess telling him. i thought long and hard about it before i fell asleep and it’s better to tell him now rather than in a few weeks.
“oh yeah?” Jack asks. “was i right? was it your period?”
i’m silent for a beat, just trying to think about how to phrase my next few words.
“um, i guess you could say that?” i tell him “or rather something to do with it.”
“that’s good.” “i’m pregnant.”
we both speak at the same time and i watch as recognition slowly spreads across his face. his hand drops from my hair, making me nervous.
“w-what?” he gives a few slow blinks, trying to process the information i just threw at him.
sitting up in the bed, i reach over and open the bedside drawer, clutching the tests in my hands and holding them out to Jack.
he stares at them for a few moments before taking them into his own hand. he rifles through each test, reading the results.
“can you please say something?” i whisper, tears pricking the back of my eyes. the anxiety is eating at me, nervous of what he thinks.
“we’re gonna have a baby?” his voice is quiet as he looks up at me, his eyes soft. i just nod in response, unable to speak without a sob coming out.
he drops the tests on the bed, cupping my face and crashing his lips on mine. soft and sweet, full of love and affection. he pulls away, laying his forehead on mine.
“we’re having a baby.” he whispers, more to himself than me.
“is that okay?” i question.
“that’s more than okay.” he tells me, pulling back to really look me in the eyes.
“i know you’ve talked before about wanting to have kids around the same time as your brothers, and i’m sorry that-”
“fuck that. we’re having a baby! a little you and me.” he wears an excited smile, placing another chaste kiss to my lips.
“yeah, we’re having a baby.”
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jqmalikhsgib · 12 days
*five years later*
yn hears screaming coming from downstairs. she groans before getting out of bed and heading to the commotion of her family.
what she sees is her youngest son whining while her husband cooks breakfast while her eldest son tries to finish his project for school that she’s sure due tomorrow morning.
yn walks over to her son that’s hugging his fathers leg and picks him up gently. “what’s the matter, andy?”
“want, daddy!” he whines.
“daddy’s cooking some yummy, pancakes. you can wait, yeah?”
“kay, mommy.” out of all the boys, andy was definitely a daddy’s boy. yn and aaron think it’s most due to hotch being gone on cases.
yn looks around for her middle child before hearing tiny feet puttering down the steps.
bryson is definitely a happy child! he’s loud, a complete opposite of his brothers.
“yes, baby?”
“i want bananas on my pancake, please?”
yn shrugs her shoulders as she looks at her husband. he hums before she sets their son down and grabs a banana to cut for bryson.
once breakfast was set, they sit as a family and enjoy. yn phone starts going off which meant jess should arrive any minute.
when she gets there, yn and aaron hurry to get dressed as they kiss their sons goodbye and head out.
when they get to their destination, aaron opens the passenger door for her, grabs her hand, and walk inside the doctor office. aaron checks them in before patiently waiting for their name to be called.
once their names were called, they get up and head to their assigned room. they then wait for their doctor to come in.
“good morning, mister and misses hotchner! how are you feeling today?”
“better than last week. i don’t feel nauseous this time.”
“im glad! are you two excited?!”
both yn and aaron nod happily. aaron holds his wife’s hand as she lifts her shirt. there you could see her baby bump on display. she’d only been four months but she’s looked like she’d been farther. they knew it was due to being pregnant with twins.
todays the day the couple find out the sex of the babies. they were pretty excited to know what they’re having.
yn doctor finally rolls the wand around her bump before smiling. “looks like baby a is a boy!”
aaron smirks. he had a feeling that they were having at least one boy.
“and baby b is—oh, a girl! looks like she wanted to be the odd one out, huh?” the doctor smiles.
yn looks at aaron happily. “a girl!”
aaron kisses the back of her hand.
“her brothers gonna be all protective.” he states.
the doctor soon goes over what the couple needed to be prepared for the next session. the couple soon get themselves discharged before they head out.
when they get back home jess and the kids asked the couple what they’re having.
“finally! i get a little sister.” jack smiles widely.
“least i don’t have to share my toys.” bryson states.
“when sissy and brudder get here?” andy asked.
“im glad you’re excited to have a sister jack!” yn says
“you still have to share your toys with your sister, bry.” aaron states with an eye roll.
yn picks andy up and kisses his cheek. “they’ll be here in just a few more months. then you gotta be a big boy and help daddy and i with your baby brother and sister. can you do that?”
andy nods excitedly. once his moms sets him down jess hugs her happily. “so happy to finally get a niece! i love my nephews but they don’t ever wanna play tea parties with me!” jess explains.
the family continue to gush about the twins before jess leaves. yn and aaron makes dinner before they put the kids to bed and head to bed themselves.
“im so glad i went to that club all those years ago.” aaron whispers.
yn sighs happily. “me too, babe!” she states before the couple fall asleep in each others arms.
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and just like that, stars is completed! i enjoyed this story but all good things must come to an end.
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q-gorgeous · 2 months
The Fenton-Feel Giver
word count: 1579
This time, instead of making a weapon to hurt ghosts, the Fentons make a weapon that allows them to “get their feelings back”. Problem is, they already have them, so what happens when you take an already emotional ghost teen and amplify it by 10? @Amabsis
Danny sat at the kitchen table, tiredly eating cereal while Jazz read a book next to him as she ate her eggs. He held his head in his left hand and he was about to nod off when his parents erupted from the door to the lab. 
“Hey, kids! Come look at what we just finished!” His dad bellowed. Danny jumped at the loud sound of his voice. 
“It’s too early for this.” He groaned as he and Jazz forcefully followed their parents downstairs into the lab.” 
“It’s our newest ghost hunting weapon!” Maddie smiled excitedly. 
Danny flinched as his dad brandished his new gun.
“This bad boy will give all these apathetic ectoplasmic post human copies all of their feelings back! They’ll never know what hit them!” 
“Dad, how do you really know that ghosts don’t have feelings?” Jazz asked him, looking between Danny and their dad. “You’ve never had a conversation with a ghost. How can you say you know how their minds work?” 
“How can any ghost have feelings when they’re terrorizing the city all the time? Surely if they had feelings they would think about their actions and how it might be affecting the people around them.” Maddie said.
“Now you’re just putting your prejudice on them!” Jazz planted her hands on her hips. “Not all ghosts go around terrorizing the city all the time!”
“Also the ghosts just think it’s fun. They don’t care how we feel, even with feelings.”
The three of them looked over at Danny. His eyes widened when he realized they heard his comment. 
“See who terrorizes a city for fun?”
“That still doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings!” 
Danny rolled his eyes and stood up. This was ridiculous. He didn’t need to sit here and listen to his family argue about something that he knew was false. 
“Danny-boy! Where are you going? I haven’t even demonstrated it yet!”
He turned around to face his dad. “I gotta go. I have to-”
He gasped out a breath of cold air. And he inwardly groaned.
“Have to, to- go to the library and check out a book I forgot I needed! It’s about a project on Patrocolos!”
“You’re still learning about that guy?” Jack frowned. 
“Long unit.” Danny said as he backed up. “Very important to a lot of different cultures. What a guy.”
“Be back before curfew!” His mom called to him and he turned and dashed his way up the stairs. 
When he hit the top he transformed and flew through the roof and scanned the streets around him. Where was the ghost? 
“I am the Box Ghost!” 
Danny closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning.
“Tremble before me and my boxes of doOoom!” 
Danny flew in the direction that the Box Ghost’s voice was coming from. He came into view and he had a swarm of boxes flying around him.
“Hey, Boxy!” 
The Box Ghost turned around to face him. “Ah, Phantom! I see you’ve heard my war call! You will face my wrath and get boxed!” 
Danny scoffed. “As if. Your wrath is about a centimeter long.” 
“You will regret your words, young halfling! My boxes will leave deep cardboard cuts all over your skin! I will-” 
Danny sucked the Box Ghost into the thermos as he was talking. He yelled as he got sucked in and the sound was cut off when the beam disappeared. Danny capped the thermos as all the boxes fell into the street. 
He heard the screeching of tires below him and looked down. His parent’s van plowed to a stop and they were jumping out. 
“There he is, Jack!” His mom pointed at where he floated up in the sky. 
“This is the perfect time to test our new weapon, Maddie!” 
Danny’s eyes widened. Considering ghosts really did actually have feelings, Danny didn’t know what it would do to him. He didn’t think he wanted to find out either. 
They started shooting at him. His dad had the new weapon they showed off at breakfast this morning. His mom had what looked like a regular ectogun. 
He dodged as many blasts as he could, but they just kept coming. One flew past him and sent him spinning. He went back right side up but it was too late.
“Haha! Taste the Fenton Feel-giver!” 
Danny didn’t have enough time to jump and dodge the blast that his dad shot at him. He put his hands up to block his face when the blast made contact. It sent him hurtling towards the ground. The blast itself didn’t hurt nearly as much as he was expecting but his collision with the ground did and he peeked out from behind his arms to see his dad barely containing his excitement. 
Then his mom walked towards him, brandishing her Fenton bazooka and Danny’s heart started racing.
He covered his head and cowered away from her. 
“Don’t hurt me, Mom!” He shouted. 
“Mom?” Maddie exclaimed. 
“I promise I’m not a monster! Don’t hurt me!” 
Danny scurried backwards away from her. What was happening to him? His heart was racing and he was starting to hyperventilate. 
Maddie lowered her weapon, but she looked unsure about it. 
“Jack?” She turned to face him. 
“He looks just like a child.” Jack whispered. 
“Is he just a child?” Maddie asked him.
Danny looked up at his parents. He could tell by their faces that they weren’t expecting the consequences of actually seeing a ghost’s feelings. That they weren’t expecting him to be so human.
Maddie knelt down to be at eye level with him. She reached a hand forward and Danny fell back trying to get away from it.
“Don’t touch me!”
She pulled her hand back and looked at Jack. 
“Phantom, do you remember your human mother?”
He looked at her. How ironic was this. This was some cosmic irony here.
He wasn’t sure what he should do. So he just nodded. 
“Did she ever hurt you?”
Ectoblast burns. Bazooka blasts. Kicks to the stomach.
“Not on purpose. But she did.” 
Maddie’s felt settled into a sad expression. A tear ran down Danny’s cheek as they stared at each other. She reached towards him to wipe it off but he pulled back and jumped into the air.
“Don’t- don't touch me.”
“Phantom, would you like to come back to our lab with us? We could-” 
His heart rate continued to race and his chest rose and fell too quickly with each breath. Scalpels and dissection tables. Samples and tests and inventions and so many other terrifying things were down in that lab. He couldn’t- No. No no no. 
He felt his transformation rings appearing. He knew that if he was ever too hurt that he transformed back. If he passed out he’d transform back. He didn’t ever think he’d be too emotionally distressed that it would force him to transform back. He couldn’t. Not here. 
He pushed the rings back and they were gone for a moment but they just reappeared a second later.
“Jack, what are those rings? Have you ever seen anything like that before?” 
“No I haven’t. What kind of power could that be?”
He couldn’t keep the transformation rings back anymore. They traveled over his body and he watched as his parents confused expressions morphed into ones of horror. The ring passed over his head and he started falling towards the ground. 
“Danny?” His mom called in shock.
His dad ran forward and caught Danny in the air before he hit the ground. Danny scrambled to get out of his father’s arms and fell, hitting the ground. 
“Don’t touch me!” 
“Danny, how is this possible? How did this-”
“You can’t hurt me! Please!” 
Maddie faltered and took a step away from him. “We would never hurt you.”
Danny shook his head. “You wanted to. You always talk about how you want to hurt me so badly. About all the nasty horrible things you want to do to me.”
“But we never- if we’d known it was you, we would never have said those things.”
Danny looked her in the eyes. “Even if it wasn’t me, I’m still just a kid. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or not.”
Maddie and Jack looked at each other.
“We’ll make this right.” Jack said. “We’ll get you fixed up and-”
“No! You can’t take it! I don’t need to be fixed!”
“Take what?” Maddie asked.
“My core!” 
Maddie’s eyes opened wide. “You have a core?”
“You can’t have it.” 
Maddie shook her head. She looked like she wanted to reach out to him and touch him but she kept her hands firmly at her side where she knelt down. “We don’t want your core.”
“We need to reverse the effects that the Fenton Feel-giver had on you.”
“No experiments?” Danny asked. He looked back and forth between his parents. 
“No experiments.” Jack said.
Danny was still looking between the two of them. His heart rate was starting to slow. 
“You still love me?”
Danny could see the moment his mom’s heart broke. “Of course we do, sweetie.”
Tears welled up in Danny’s eyes and he held out a hand to his mom. She grabbed it and stood up, pulling him with her. 
“It’ll be okay. We’ll get you fixed up and then you can tell us how this all happened.” 
Danny nodded. He took a deep breath. “You still love me.” 
“More than life itself.”
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oathbips · 10 months
It's You! Soulmate AU
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summary: you got an invitation letter from the Japan Football Union to join the Blue Lock program and ran into someone special
word count: 5.2k
content: gn!reader x isagi yoichi, fluff, a lot of blushing from both parties, anri being your wing woman
author's note: this took FOREVER. 5.2k words is crazy. I'm not posting another one-shot after this one for a while due to school but please do leave suggestions on what my next one-shot should be. this feels horrible as i was reading it over but oh well, i already wrote 5.2k words worth of it so imma post it!
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“I’m home!” 
“Oh, welcome home Y/n! How was school?” your mother asked as she carried some boxes toward the dining table.
“It was okay. The soccer team seems to be getting the hang of everything now.”
“Ehhh. Oh! Speaking of soccer, a letter for you came in today. It’s from the Japan Football Union.” She placed the boxes down before reaching toward the middle of the table and picking up an envelope. 
“Huh? Japan Football Union? Why?” Confused, you quickly take off your shoes and speed walk towards the mail. Opening it, it reads,  
“Ehh?! Me? What for? I don’t even play soccer.” You said, puzzled. Surely this was a mistake? 
“Well, you are part of a soccer team dear.” Your mom replied as she starts to unpack her boxes. 
“Only as a manager. Well… I do help out with checking their physicals and making sure they’re in top form but I’m not actually playing!”
“Maybe that’s the reason why you’re invited.” 
“Huh? What do you mean?” You asked, still confused. 
Giving you an expression as if saying you are hopeless, your mom lets out a small laugh afterward. “Dear, you work in a clinic with your father and me. You basically grew up there. Always observing what we do and observing the patients themselves. You developed a keen eye for people’s physicality. Maybe they’re inviting you to help observe and keep the players in the program in top form.”
“…Oh. You think so? That does make sense.” You stated as you finally start to understand.
“Mhm. Well, are you going to go? I think you should. Actually, I don’t think you have a choice anyways.” She giggled before continuing, “I think this will be a perfect opportunity for you to learn more about the field and it’ll give you first-hand experience in dealing with athletes’ physicals. They’re the toughest patients to work on because they must keep up their health more than anyone.” 
“But I don’t think I’m confident enough yet. I’m not at that level yet. What if my judgments are wrong?” You asked doubtfully. 
“Trust your skills, honey. Besides, I don’t think they’ll have a child working there all by themself sweetheart. Another doctor will be there I’m sure. Learn from them and if you ever need any assistance, you can always call me and Dad.” Your mother reassured you. She unpacks the final box before walking towards you and bringing you into a hug.
“You’ll be fine. And who knows, you might even run into that soulmate of yours that’s been bothering you so much lately.” 
“Mom!” Embarrassed for being called out on one of your worries lately, you try to push the matters away. 
She’s not wrong. It has been bothering you lately. Everybody's soulmate's name always pops up on one of their body parts letter by letter the closer they get in proximity. All your friends have reached 3-4 letters into their soulmate’s name while you’re still stuck at your first letter, I. The first letter appears for everybody once they reach 14 and from there, it all depends on how close your soulmate is to you. The first letter for yours first appeared on your wrist on your 14th birthday. Having no letters appearing after the first just shows how far your soulmate is. Maybe they’re across the country? You thought that was the case many times before but your friends insisted it’s because you rarely go out unless it’s for school, soccer, and the clinic and it’s not like you don’t want to. It’s just that school, soccer, and the job at the clinic literally make up your whole schedule and time. 
It seems silly to be getting so bothered over such trivial matters. It seems cliché but to you, it’s just a matter of curiosity. Your parents were bound soulmates and they found out when they worked together years ago then fell in love and got married. You don’t mind if you didn’t get that same fate for yourself but come on, who wouldn’t be curious about who their soulmate is? At least give another letter or two so one doesn't die from curiosity. 
After a few more moments of recollecting your thoughts, you start to realize with a sense of hope that maybe your mom is onto something. The program will be huge with lots of people. Surely, a second letter has to pop up. 
“That face is surely turning hopeful all of a sudden.” Your mother laughed once more then ruffled your hair. “You’re such an amusing kid. Okay, let’s get ready for dinner. Dad’s about to get home soon.”
The day of the meetup came and you made your way to the location the letter directed you to meet at with your suitcases on hand. Walking towards a building you believe is the correct address, the stone written sign in front proves you correct, The Japan Football Union. 
“Ah, hello! You must be L/n Y/n!” A lady with shoulder length and light brown-reddish hair called out as soon as you stepped in front of the building. “My name is Anri Teieri. I’m a hire here at the Japan Football Union and an associate for the Blue Lock program.” 
“Hello, nice to meet you!” You greeted the young woman with a bow. “The letter told me to meet here?”
“Yes, that is correct. Let me first explain the program to you. This is a program we have created by gathering 300 selected strikers and putting them through this program where only one can make it out to be the true striker that changes Japan’s soccer. I’m the one who selected you for the program. I believe this program can really use your skills for assistance.”
Taken aback by what she had just explained, you stood there for a few seconds trying to comprehend what she just told you. Only one can make it out? Then what happens to the rest? This sounds crazy. It’s like a gamble and everybody in this program is putting their career on the line.
Another moment or so passed as you let the idea sink into you before speaking up, not wanting to keep the woman in front of you waiting any longer, “… I see. But may I ask, how did you find…?” You tried to find the best way to ask the question. Though there’s no need since Anri caught on to what you were trying to ask. 
“We looked through many soccer matches to select who should be in the program. In one of the matches I watched, I saw you assisting your team and co-directing along with your coach according to the players’ physicals which in turn, improved their plays afterward. I wanted to recruit you to help with Blue Lock.” 
“Oh, I understand now. But I am still only a high schooler. There must also be an adult with solid education and certification for this program, right? I can’t be 100% sure on everything alone.” You expressed your concerns.
“Yes, of course. We have certified doctors here. I just think you have a special skill that could improve the players even more. The doctors are also there to guide you along the way.” Anri reassured you.
“Okay, that’s good. Then, I’ll do my best.” You bowed again and she gave a smile. 
“Good! Follow me then. The letter did specify that you’ll now be living in the Blue Lock facility. We’ll have a car ready for you once the entrance “ceremonial” is over for the players.” 
You began to follow her as she took you inside, passing a few rooms along the way. Walking by one, you got a glimpse of a room filled with what you believed were the selected players for the program. 
“Woah.” You couldn’t help but feel so amazed at the sight you’re seeing. There were so many all gathered in one room. Anri then took you further away from the sight and into a room that looked like a waiting room. 
“Just wait here for now. It won’t be long before the car is ready for you. I’ll be right back to help you depart.” Anri said and then left the room, leaving just you alone in there.
“Woah.” You repeated in your head again. This just feels so unreal and crazy to you. “I get to be a part of all this?” The events start to hit you again as you start getting nervous all of a sudden. “It’s okay. This is an opportunity for me. To hone my skills like Mom said. I’ll be okay.” You mumbled to yourself in an attempt to relax. You then settled on fiddling with your sleeves around your wrist as a distraction. It was then and there that something had caught your attention. Doing a double take on your wrist, you hurriedly pulled down your sleeve, revealing your wrist and there it was. You couldn’t believe your eyes. The second letter to your soulmate’s name had appeared. It was a S. 
After Anri had helped you pack your stuff into the car, you were all set for the trip to the facility. She told you a while back that the players and staff are to take separate transportation. The staff was to arrive first and help set everything up a few days before the players arrives. So here you are, currently standing right in front of the Blue Lock building. It was a lot bigger than you had anticipated. You can’t even imagine the amount of money that they actually put into this whole thing. 
“We’ll unload everybody’s stuff and then I’ll show you into your room,” Anri stated before heading off to help the other staff members unload their suitcases first. You got off and began to unload yours, however, you might have underestimated how heavy all your things really are as you struggled a bit to drag the suitcase out. Pulling with all your might and then stopping to take a break. You were about to resume the pulling until a hand reached out from beside you and grabbed your suitcase, pulling it out and lifting it up like it was nothing. He set the suitcase down for you. 
“Oh, thank you so much!” You turned around to give thanks and bow. In front of you is a very slender man, dressed in all black. He wore glasses with black frames and had a bowl haircut. The tall man looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep in days and was a little unhinged. 
“Woah, that haircut.” You thought before realizing how rude that was and shook your head to get rid of that thought. He continued to help unload your remaining things before setting off toward Anri. It was a little shocking seeing how easily he unloaded those stuff with such a slim build.
After everything was finally unloaded, Anri showed you to your room. The room was surprisingly a lot bigger than you thought. It was cleaned and neat down to the floor. It also had a personal bathroom and a whole TV. “Wow.” Was all you could think of once you laid eyes in that room. 
Lunch was set out for everyone after they were settled. It didn’t take you long before you realized that you were the only student there, making you extremely awkward and out of place. 
“You must be L/n Y/n. Your parents told me you’ll be here.” A man called out, breaking your little bubble. 
“Hello, nice to meet you. You know my parents?” You stood up to greet the man.
“Yes, we used to work together. Told me to look after you and help guide you during this period at the program.” 
“I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I’ll do my best.” 
The two of you then chatted a bit about trivial matters until Anri approaches you and gives you a piece of paper. It’s the schedule for the day the players arrive. 
“They’ll be arriving the day after tomorrow. You’ll help me that morning to settle them down once they arrive.”  
“Yes ma’am!” 
The day Blue Lock officially starts has now arrived. The players are scheduled to come in about an hour. You’re standing in position just like Anri had instructed you to. Once they arrive, you are to collect all their belongings and organize them accordingly. “Take all their belongings from bags to wallets, to their phones too.” Was what she said. You couldn’t help but think why couldn’t they just tell the players to leave behind their belongings instead but that was the least of your concern. What really has been on your mind ever since last night was the new letter that had popped up on your wrist two days ago. It happened when you entered the Japan Football Union building so that must mean your soulmate is one of the players. That also means the next letter will show up today once the players arrive. Waiting anxiously now the more you start to think about it, your body also starts to suddenly feel restless too so you begin pacing around your area for some time until the sound of buses pulling up could finally be heard.
“Everyone, if you could please get in a line and one by one come up to me when I call out your name and hand me your belongings that includes your phones. Once you hand them in, you’ll be able to enter the building and then be handed your uniform. The uniform will have a number and letter. Please head to the room corresponding to the letter on your uniform. Thank you!” You explained to the crowd in front of you. 
Immediately complaints were made. Complaints ranging from why do they have to give up their phones to what kind of place takes people’s belongings, etc. Still, they all obliged and one by one gave you their stuff. As you collected each player’s belongings, you also kept an eye on your wrist and the roster you were given. Looking at your wrist, making sure when a new letter will show up, and looking through the roster trying to find an IS at the beginning of each name. To your satisfaction, a new letter did show up as you were calling up the next player. A loud screeching squeal came out of your throat out of excitement which in turn, startled the boy currently in front of you as he gave you a weird look. 
“So sorry!” You apologized quickly after giving one more glance towards the letter then collected his things. 
The new letter was an A. You grabbed the roster and looked through the list for an ISA but you were left with disappointment when none appeared. “Is he on the roster Anri has then?” You thought to yourself. It had to be the case if he wasn’t on yours, and the marks on your wrist are showing that he is close by. You decided that you’ll just ask for her list later. 
After finally finishing the last player on your list, you slumped down on the nearest chair to catch yourself a break. It was only a partial amount of the 300, and you already felt exhausted. “How in the world will Ego even handle the whole 300?” You said aloud to yourself. Then, interrupting your thoughts shortly after was Anri approaching you, offering if you wanted to come watch the first selection with her and Ego, the coach leading this Blue Lock program and the one that helped you with your luggage when you first arrived.
“Huh? Already? They just got here.” You replied, surprised. 
“The sooner the better. No time for leisurely here at Blue Lock, Y/n.”
“Uh- yes, ma’am.” You got up and started following her as she led the way to what you believe will be the observation room. Along the way, you asked her if you could see the list of names she had. 
“Sure. Here it is. What do you need it for by the way?” 
“Oh. Uh…” You debated on the thought of telling her the truth until you decided it’s probably best to just tell her so you don’t end up looking like some peeping Tom, stalking the players later. With a sigh, you roll up your sleeve, revealing the soulmate mark you have. 
“Oh! So is that what it is?” She cracks a smile and laughs. This made you feel embarrassed as you cover your sleeve back down and try to hide your face behind your hands. 
“I know it’s silly! But the letters started appearing after that day at the Japan Football Union meetup.” You told her, face still buried in your hands.
“Haha! It’s fine! Nothing to be embarrassed about. I have mine too, on the right side of my shoulder. Though, I actually never cared for it.”
“You never get curious about who it is?”
“At times, but I think I’m just too busy dealing with soccer matters most of the time to really care.” She then continued, “Hmm let me see, yours says ISA huh?” The short hair woman contemplated about it for a second before beaming once the realization hit her. 
“Ah! Isagi Yoichi! His name starts with ISA.” 
You looked through her roster and sure enough, the name Isagi Yoichi is there. Could that really be him? 
“We’re going to observe the players with Ego. You’ll get the chance to see him. Once he shows up, I’ll point him out to you.” 
The observation room was dark as ever once you arrived, with millions of screens on display. There in the middle of the biggest screen in the room, sat Ego Jinpachi.
“Are they starting yet?” Anri asked.
“Not yet. Give it another 5 minutes. They're still changing.” 
“Okay, have you met y/n yet? This is them. Y/n, I’m sure you know who he is already.” 
“Yes, he helped me with my luggage the other day. Thank you again for that.” You bow to him but he gives no response in return as he starts getting busy setting up for the first test. 
“Don’t worry about him. He can be a bit-” Anri tried reassuring before Ego quickly interrupted.
“Oi stupid, I can hear you.” 
Anri’s expression twisted to that of annoyance like her forehead vein was about to pop out, and you had to hold in a snort at how funny this scene in front of you was.
“Then be nice! They’ll be a critical role in this program!” The woman yelled even though it was going through one ear and out the other for Ego because he gave no replies to that either. You can hear her grumble even more at that nonexistent response. 
“We’re beginning,” Ego stated and pressed a button which caused the entire room to be lit with cameras displaying the players in different rooms. He pulls up Team Z’s camera first and begins, “Are you done changing, you lumps of talent?” 
And so the first entrance test begins. After greeting the players of Team Z and explaining to them about the first test, they all start playing a game of tag with soccer. You’re watching from the side alongside Anri as the test is about to start. A ball from the ceiling drops down and lands right in front of a boy with dark blue-blackish hair that has a V-shape fringe. 
Anri immediately went to tap you on the shoulder. “That’s him. Isagi Yoichi.” She whispered.
Your eyes widened and your body stood still for a second. Is that actually him? “I went from having no new markings show up for years to actually seeing what he looks like with my own two eyes.” You thought to yourself. Your soulmate is quite literally in the same facility as you right now. You suddenly felt your face heating up while you were deep in your thoughts, and Anri looked over to check on you before letting out a giggle at the sight she was seeing. 
“Your face’s freezing up! Are you blushing?” 
“What? No-!” You tried to deny it really quickly. 
This causes Ego to turn his attention towards you two when he heard the commotion and you immediately turned your whole body away from both of them at the speed of light.  
“Please focus on the game! I’m not blushing!” 
Anri was full-on belly laughing at this point until a glare from Ego made her stop. Digging an imaginary hole in your mind right now, you just want to jump it in and call it a day. You’re aware of how hot your face is feeling right now and why that was. It’s because he’s cute. Isagi Yoichi is so cute and it’s making you feel so flustered. 
A few moments passed and you were still facing away from the other two in the room. You were trying to recollect yourself as best as you could so you can focus on the task at hand, observing the players. You were still in the midst of it until Anri basically slap your back causing you to whiplash around to see what was happening. She pointed towards the screen and you turned your gaze there to see that Isagi was now “it”. 
“He took a pretty hard hit from Kunigami just now, the boy with orange hair.” She explained. 
“Ouch.” You wince at the scene you're seeing. Isagi is crouching down from the pain and panting as he gets back up. He starts dribbling the ball and kicks it towards a group of people but they all were able to dodge it. So, he turns to the bald player that’s ranked under him and chases after him with the ball. He was beginning to struggle since the time was closing in. At that moment, you see one of the other players jump onto the boy Anri mentioned earlier, Kunigami. He’s laughing as he’s holding Kunigami and calls out to Isagi. Annoyed, Kunigami took hold of the boy and threw him, prompting him to land on the bald boy earlier. He was able to quickly recover and run away while the bald boy was still frozen up in a sitting position. You see him beginning to beg now in front of Isagi. This was getting intense and you were starting to sweat just from watching. You didn’t want Isagi to be eliminated here. You continue watching, silently telling him in your mind to shoot the ball. He sets the ball in position and is getting ready to kick when he suddenly stops. Your inner thoughts started yelling at him, confused about why he stopped but your thoughts were cut short when he started dashing the other way with the ball. 
“What is he trying to do?” You thought. 
That’s when the boy from earlier who held Kunigami went up to Isagi and declared, “I like you! You get it!” He took the ball from Isagi making him the tagger now. With only 11 seconds left, he dashes through a group of people and aims the ball toward the silver-haired boy.
“Kira-kun?!” Isagi called out.
He successfully dodges it and the time is now down to 7 seconds. The tagger jumped over him towards the ball and now it’s down to 5 seconds. At that very moment, the ball was kicked across the room, straight to Isagi again. 
“Isagi, no!” You screamed in your mind. Your fists were clenching, and your teeth were biting at your lower bottom lip, hard. However, your anxiousness comes to a halt as you watch the expression on Isagi’s face. It was only an instant but he looked… mad. Not angry mad, but crazy mad. 2 seconds left, and he kicks the ball straight at the silver-haired boy, Kira, knocking him down. The timer goes off right there. He looks shocked at what he just did himself. That’s when Ego enters again, ending the first test. 
You made your way back to your room, and as soon as you entered, you dropped on all fours on the floor. “That was so nerve-racking.” You cried out. Is this really what you have to go through every single day now? “And I’m not even the one playing, I can’t even imagine how the players feel.” But during those last seconds, Isagi was really different. It was like he was a whole new person. He’s… really cool. You ponder on those last 10 seconds again as you get up to change. Today was a long day, a rest was definitely needed. You started taking off your blouse first and went to throw it in the laundry bin. That’s when you noticed it again. The fourth letter to your soulmate’s name, G. “I must’ve been so focused earlier that I didn’t even notice it. ISAG, huh? Yea, that’s definitely Isagi Yoichi.” 
The next day arrived, and you were making your way to the training room. Today’s schedule is just training for the players. For you, it’s to assist and give tips for their conditions. You finally were able to meet the players more personally. Starting from the top team, Team B, and downwards. Anri has been with you the whole day introducing all the teams to you and walking you through it all. Right now, you are currently making your way toward the Team Z training room. 
“Eager?” She asked and you felt your face turning hot again.
“Stop! I’m just doing my job!” 
“Haha! Don’t freeze up once you see him now.” 
“I’m not…”
“Oh, here we are.” 
She opens the door and all heads inside immediately turn towards your direction. They all stop their training and gather around the two of you. You made brief eye contact with Isagi before quickly looking away. You felt your face heating up and hoped it was not noticeable. He is so much cuter in person, and here he was, standing right before you.  
“Everyone, this is L/n Y/n. They’ll be assisting you all on your physicals and health so if you have any concerns, do come and ask. They’ll be observing your training today.” 
You were looking everywhere and at everyone except Isagi but in the corner of your eyes, you can still see how his eyes widened at you. You know that he knows now and he knows that you know. The both of you are now awkwardly standing there, one still shocked and one can’t bring to make eye contact for their life. 
“Okay! We don’t want to hold you back from training any longer, off you go. Don’t mind us! Again, if you have any questions, please do approach Y/n.” Anri declared and sent them off to return to their tasks. 
Everyone resumes their training. You and Anri watch from the sideline. 
“This is your chance, you know.” She said. 
“I know. But I’m kind of nervous..” You replied.
You glance at Isagi and see that he too was stealing glances at you. You took this chance to check your wrist again and his full name was now written out, Isagi Yoichi. It really is him and he’s standing right in front of you. You’re still nervous but you can’t let this opportunity pass by. Someone has to make the first move so you made up your mind and finally march your way towards him. He sees this and his expression turns to that of shock before quickly changing it to a small smile as he walks up to you too.
“Hi, I was already introduced but still, I’m L/n Y/n. I take that you know who I am as much as I know who you are.” You said and pull up the sleeve that was hiding his name then extended out your hand for him to shake. 
He looks down at your hand and took notice of his name marking on your wrist. His face turns red at the sight of it but he still manages to return your offering handshake. His hand was surprisingly soft. It was warm and felt oddly comforting. This feeling made you giddy and you couldn’t help but break out a smile so big out of happiness. His eyes widen at this sight and the tips of his ears start going red too until he breaks out a big smile himself.  
“I’m Isagi Yoichi. Sorry, my hand feels really sweaty. I was training… It’s nice to finally meet you.” He said then roll up his uniform sleeve and there reveals your name on the same spot you had his name on. He gave a bashful smile and then rolls it back down.
“I didn’t expect I’ll meet you here of all places.” He said.
“Same, your name never dared to show up so I thought you were across the country or something! I was dying from curiosity.”
“Haha, I gave up after a whole year of no lead but then it suddenly started appearing after I came back from the Japan Football Union the other day.” 
“Yea, me too… I’m glad we’re finally able to meet.” You said.
“Same here.” He smiled at that.
“Oh… you were really cool the other day with your last kick.” You blush as you tell him that which made him blush hearing it. 
“T-thank you! I don’t know what that was. I’m still trying to figure everything out.”
“Hmm. I see a lot of potential in you, Isagi. I’ll be rooting for you.” 
“Of course, but your potential is something you have to work on and figure out. I know you will… Yea! That’s that! I don’t want to keep you from training any longer, please do resume. I’m here if you ever need anything.” 
At this, He stares at you. Then his face turns motivated and determined. Giving you a firm nod of acknowledgment, he turns his back and resumes his training. You return to your spot on the sideline and it was then that you realized everyone in the room was staring at the two of you this whole time. Anri gave you a teasing proud smile. 
“Please stop staring and resume your training!” You shouted, embarrassed. 
From then on, you two continued your tasks at Blue Lock as usual. Small conversations were exchanged every time you passed each other. Those small convos soon turned into deeper conversations when meeting up after his matches. You became close with the others around him, Bachira, Kunigami, Chigiri, Nagi, etc. When they found out about you and Isagi being soulmates, they teased you both till no end and Isagi without fail, turned red every time. You helped him out when he needed it and improved his playstyles whenever he hit a slump. He supported you as you continued your studies at Blue Lock. You shared stories about each other. You first-handedly witnessed his growth in his personal skills and on the field. The way he completely becomes a different person at the heat of a game was wild to you but that didn’t change the fact that he looked cooler than ever during those moments. By the time the U-20 came about, the two of you were closer than ever.
“The U-20 match is about to start.” He stated and got up, making his way out into the field.
“Isagi.” You called out.
He turns around at the call of his name, “Y/n?” 
“Good luck!” You cheered. 
A smile appears on his face and he raises up his fist at you,  “I’ll win this!”
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certifiedstarrr · 4 months
Open Arms - Matt Sturniolo
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warnings: panic attack, kissing, use of y/n, degradation thoughts, use of pet names, & fluffy fluff
summary: y/n has a panic attack because she was petrified of falling behind and disappointing people around her. Not wanting to be to annoying or clingy to Matt, and trying not let people down. Matt assists and reassures that she’s not letting people down and she’s doing great.
a/n: sorry if this is bad, but leave reqs in my inbox anytime, ily💕 also i know after party pt.4 has been put off awhile but i’m making time to fix it😭🤞
wc: 1k
not proofread (a bitch dont got no time for that shit)
based off of this song ↓
“when no one’s around me, you lost and found me, i was surrounded, with open, open, open, Open Arms”
y/n’s pov
fucking stupid idiot. you should have done it but look where you are now. from before i had 2 things on my to-do list
“well, i’ll do it later.”
i wrote it down on my to-do list. i pet my dogーkelani and hug her,
“it’s okay i will get to it.”
i wrote down “get this week’s groceries and kelani’s dog food”
just make sure to get to it y/n.
i had well over 7 things on my to-do list. i should’ve just done it while I could. so fucking dumb y/n. why do you let this happen? first it was my college classes, food for my dorm, the triplet’s birthday, my car repairs, my sister’s wedding back in london , my mom wants me to visit her in new york, and I have to study for my literature exam. if I don’t get anything for the triplet’s birthday they’ll definitely be disappointed, if i don’t visit my momーshe’ll definitely be upset; and if I don’t go to my sister’s wedding in london, i’m going to be seen as disrespectful to my elders.
i felt something bad was gonna happen but i wasn’t sure.
I was leaning on my bed, going through the list over and overーscolding myself each time. a sharp pain drilled through my chestーa new type of painーsomething i’d never felt before. but this? this hurt like hell. and all at the same time my vision got blurred and breathing became impossible. i’d decided that i had to call matt. he’d surely know how to deal with this, right? as i continued sobbing repeatedly, with breathing impeccably difficult, and my vision completely shattered. my phone rung a couple times, then,
finally he answered.
“hey baby what’s up?”
“matt i- n-need help”
my voice was in a mid-whisper but he still heard it.
“please help m-“
my voice was cut by me dropping my phone.
all of a sudden, my palms sweat and feel prickly and my clothes are overly tight. i hug myself and get into a fetal position, feeling like everything is wrong and i’m going to let everyone down and be one big disappointment.
matt’s pov
we were filming friday’s car video when i got that call from y/n. her voice sounded like she was crying, but she said help me. what the fuck happened?
“hey guys something is wrong with y/n”
“what happened?” chris questioned.
“her voice was all shaky and it sounded like she was crying or shit”
no questions were asked. nick didn’t yell or go on a rant about leaving. just driving.
when i got to her room she was laying on the floor in fetal position, weeping, sobbing. god i hate to see her like this. curls laid out around her shoulder and her beautiful face covered in tears.
"yes baby its me"
"i don't know what to do matt," y/n said in between sobs whilst grabbing her chest trying to breathe.
i held y/n against me and tell me what's wrong.
"what's wrong y/n?"
"m-my vision went blurry and breathing became impossible and my palms felt like they were being poked by a million needles, my clothes got too tight and and-"
"you're having a panic attack y/n"
she didn't hear me so she went on about what happened.
"im going to let everyone down mattーthey're never gonna forgive me,"
"i have too much on my to-do list and if i dont do it i'm letting everyone down"
"look baby we're gonna take it one step at a time, one thing at a time."
"let's breathe in on 3, okay?"
y/n’s pov
i took a nice breath in then repeated the same motion, breathing out. my vision got better, my clothes stopped feeling too tight, palms stopped being pricked.
"thank you matt"
"of course y/n"
we crossed off things of my to-do list, one by one, and before i realized i only had 2 things left on to-do list; like before.
i've never had a panic attack before and that attack could have been worse. but before i could spiral and get lost inside the darkness, i found my light.
matt was my light.
he was there for me, and always there with Open Arms
extra: first of all, im so so so so so sorry for starving you all to fucking death; this fic took me forever😭😭
but tysm for reading !!
xoxo, riri <3
taglist: 🏷 @lovingmattysposts @elliesturniolo1 @elliewrites1 @sturnsbitch @lovingmattysposts @luvmxtt @novasturniolo03 @tyjna6 @sturnlova @sturniolo-lover1317 @patscorner
(comment here be on the taglist !!)
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brooooswriting · 7 months
98 with carol danvers please! this is my first request ever and also english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes. so, i'm just imagining how cute it would be for carol to meet reader's family and be sooo nervous about it. i think she would try to please everyone and would need a lot of reassurance because of her insecurities. i'm sorry this is too lame, please ignore if you don't like it. anyway, i love you writing and thank you for sharing your stories here!!
98. My family likes you more than me
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You and Carol have been dating for a while now, about a year and a half but she had been in space a lot of that time. She had taken you with her whenever you could which was a lot less than she had hoped. And it also made meeting your family hard.
But now Carol has decided to settle down a little you finally had the time to do so. So you thought the monthly family meeting was the perfect opportunity. “Monthly family meetings” sounds way more formal than it actually was but it has always been fun to confuse people with it. Your girlfriend was also confused when she first heard the name.
“Are you sure? I can just stay here and we can watch a movie later” Carol said, looking at you as you got dressed.
“Carol, love, by now my family thinks I made you up. Like you’re my imaginary friend” you laughed as you turned around to look at her. “If you really really don’t wanna come you don’t have to, but I’d be very happy if you do come along. They’re gonna love you.” You carefully stroked her cheek with your thumb in a reassuringly manner.
“Well, maybe I am your imaginary friend and I am trying to save you from the embarrassment of your family knowing” she joked but you could see that she was insecure so you only chuckled a bit.
“Come along please? They’ll like you, I just know that”
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re the first person that makes me really happy and they can see that. So you have nothing to worry about” so, maybe you lied a bit. Your family could be quite annoying and rude but they still liked to see you happy and Carol made you happier than ever.
“Alright, let’s go before we’re late” she said as she grabbed the flowers and the bottle of wine she got for today. You squealed happily and pulled her into a passionate kiss, your hands cupping her cheeks. Her unoccupied hand found your waist to pull your body closer to hers, sighing happily before abruptly pulling away. “No, no. If we keep going I’ll never leave this house and neither will you” she grinned.
You got in the car and made your way towards your parents house, it was a 50 minute drive in which you tried to reassure Carol. “Alright, we’re here. Are you ready?” You asked her, your hand finding hers.
“As ready as I’ll be” it was kinda cute, how she wasn’t nervous when she was fighting against aliens or gods but meeting your family scared the poor girl more than anything. Your family was known to have quite some money and influence which wasn’t really helpful but truth be told your family didn’t act like it. All of you would rather sit in jogging trousers or pjs than in a suit/dress at a fancy party.
You took the blonde by the hand and searched for the key you still had to their house. Carol marveled at the house, it was way different than what she expected. Instead of a new mansion she was met with an old, still big, country house. “This is such a beautiful house” she told you as you finally found your keys.
“Thanks love” you quickly kissed her cheek before unlocking the door and entering. “We are here and I brought my imaginary friend” you called out. Immediately after Carol could hear at least 6 different kinds of footsteps running towards you.
“Oh honey” your mother said and fell into your arms, nearly throwing you to the floor. “I’ve missed you so much” she exclaimed making you laugh a bit.
“Mom, it’s been two months” due to work you hadn’t been able to attend the last family meeting. “But I missed you too” you added to make her happy. She pulled away giving you the opportunity to hug your dad and your brother, to then say hi to your “niece”.
“So this is Carol huh? It’s so great to finally meet you” and with that your mother also threw herself into carols arms, who was more than confused. The blondes family has never been really nice or affectionate, the kree weren’t either and fury, well he loved her but affection also wasn’t his. After a moment of confusion, which your mom didn’t even notice, your girlfriend hugged her back. “I’m y/m/n but you can call me mom if you want” your mother said as she pulled away.
“I’m Carol, it’s great to meet you. All of you” she gave your father and brothers her hand before crouching down to greet the other person. “You must be Hannah. It’s great to meet you. Here, I got this for you” with that she pulled out some gummy bears that you normally always gifted the small girl.
“Thank you” she mumbled and took the gummy bears before running to her mother.
“Oh and I got this for you” she handed your mother the flowers, your father the wine. With a smile your parents thanked her before ushering you further into the house. You were immediately sat down at the big dinner table, you and Carol between one of your brother and your family friend.
“Care, this is Sandra and her daughter Hannah, you’ve already met her outside. They’re family friends and by now family” you introduced before introducing your brothers girlfriends.
After a big family meal, Carol was pulled into the living room by an overly excited Hannah and your youngest brother, who was still older than you, who wanted to team up with her. “Alright, so let’s do teams and then let the games begin” your father called out and everybody started cheering.
4 hours later, after a lot of games, a lot of screaming and a lot of laughing you were finally back in your car. You loved your family, but they could be a lot. A happy sigh left your mouth as you looked to the drivers seat where Carol sat, her hand on your thigh as she drove back home. “Do you think they liked me?” She asked, still insecure making you chuckle a bit before taking her hand from your thigh to press a soft kiss to the back of it.
“My family liked you more than me, babe. They argued on whose team you’d be, nobody wanted me” you laughed at the memory. It was a whole family fight who could team up with your talented girlfriend, while not one person asked you.
“Well, I mean I am pretty awesome” both of you smiled brightly at her words. The confident Carol was back at it. She stopped at a red light giving you the opportunity to lean over and press a passionate kiss to her lips.
“Thank you for coming with me, I know they can be a lot” you told her as you pulled back slightly. She was quick to pull you back and kiss you another time.
“It was my pleasure. Now let’s get home, I believe that the person from the loser team owes the person from the winner team something” her smirk made you blush as the light turned green.
All the insecurities for nothing.
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babyboiboyega · 1 month
Gekko Headcanons #1 : The Cookout
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Pairing: Mateo De la Fuente/Gekko x Black!Gn!reader Headcanon: Taking Mateo to a family cookout would include... Content: fluff, profanity Word Count: 2.6k Author's Note: its been toooo long since I've written something, and of course my newest hyperfixation is the thing that gets me to write again LMAO gotta love it y'know? I am very new to the world of Valorant and this character, so please...if any of this seems ooc, kindly let me know. I'm still learning about him, I'm still feeling him out, but I just enjoy the character so much already. I also enjoyed writing this, so I hope y'all enjoy! <3 Tag list: @liyaawrites (aka, the person responsible for this obsession!!)
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I wanna start off by saying that the second you mention taking Mateo to meet your family, the boy is geeked out of his mind. Maybe it's in passing during a conversation, or maybe you consciously bring up the topic once you feel it's the right time; either way, it’s met with wide, brown eyes that sparkle in excitement, and thick lips that part on an immediate agreement. Not only does an agreement follow, but he also immediately starts to ask what he should bring. What kind of get-together is it? Does he need to know anything beforehand? How does he need to dress, because he’ll be damned if he shows up underdressed when meeting the family of the person he loves. He only stops worrying when you tell him exactly what the function is – a cookout – and what he’s expected to bring – some dish that your mom/grandmother/auntie or other family member is requesting. And once those questions are answered, he goes straight to worrying about making sure it’s up to their standards. You have no idea why, but your family gives you and him the job of bringing the macaroni (and not any store-bought macaroni- they’ll know the difference). When he learns that it has to be homemade and that its a staple in the entire cookout, he instantly looks up recipes while thinking back to the ones his ma or abuela would use, wanting to put his own spin on it while also wanting to make a good first impression. It gets to the point where you find him up late one night, his phone’s screen illuminating his features from where he lays beside you. He’d turn his phone to you sheepishly, apologizing for the bright light and displaying a page called “how not to make macaroni and cheese” or something along those lines with a sheepish smile.
“Think they’ll like this one?” “Teo…baby…it’s 3 am.” “...you’re right, I should look for another one-”
The days leading up to the cookout are spent with him constantly going on about how excited he is to meet your family – specifically the cousins you’re the closest to and have mentioned before. In response, you warn him that your family can be…a bit much, specifically when someone brings their partner around. They have a tendency to ask too many questions, get a little too comfortable joking around, and are just all around loud and obnoxious sometimes…and he’d only reassure you with a knowing smirk and a raised eyebrow that not only is his family the same, but he’s so used to being around large families as his used to have get togethers all the time. He’s dealt with it before, and it'd be worth it to deal with it again if it meant he got to meet your folks. Despite the sentiments, you still warn him – especially of that aunt who always likes to make smart-ass comments and loves calling others out despite having her own problems in her life, to which he lets you know that he’s dealt with one of those and he’ll make sure that y’all are far away from that aunt at all times. He would offer to keep you dancing all night just so you had an excuse to not talk to that person, which would only lead to a conversation involving line dances. 
Despite Mateo's affinity for the punk/skater aesthetic, I’d like to think that his Hispanic roots have resulted in him having a good sense of rhythm. I also like to think that he listens to a lot of music in his spare time, fostering an appreciation for different genres. With that being said, I think our boy could keep up with the line dances. When you offer to teach him a few just for fun, he’d be excited as hell, his lips curling into a full-blown smile as he’d watch you turn the music on and scroll through the first ‘cookout line dance’ playlist you find. When you find a suitable one and try to teach him, he’d be playful about the entire thing, claiming that he needs you to do it a few times although you know its just so he can see you dance, his eyes lingering heavily on your hips as you do so. And when you finally get him to join you, you realize that he may not have the steps down, but he’s got enough swag and rhythm to keep up and look like he knows what he’s doing, which is enough. 
“One more time, princesa- I promise. I’ll get it this time.” “You’re just looking at my ass, Mateo-” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” (with a shit eating grin on his face)
Now…when it gets to the day of the cookout, you two would be up pretty early, going to get the supplies to make the macaroni before starting on it at home. He’d want to help so badly, but he’d also have no problem getting your input on it – after all, it is your family and you know how they usually like their macaroni. But he’d also insist on doing most of it himself which would result in about a few hours of him moving around the kitchen with a focused look on his face. His focus is only broken by you checking in on him, it instantly changing to a cocky, yet playful, smirk as he would nod to the pan that’s in the oven. 
“How’s it goin, baby?” “Look at that masterpiece and tell me how it’s goin, mi carino. You see that golden brown on the top, you smell that delicious, scrumptious, decadent-” “Aaaalright, that’s enough-”
You know I have to mention the process of picking out outfits. I absolutely believe that Mateo would not only be down for, but would love being one of those couples that wears complimenting outfits. Not matching completely, but maybe having one article of clothing that’s the same color or maybe even wearing the same accessories. You two have too much personality and style to limit yourselves to wearing the exact same thing when going out, so he would love to wear complimenting outfits. He’d always make sure to pick colors that you enjoy wearing despite thinking that you look beautiful in every color. 
“What about green?” “Oh…well…you know I don’t exactly look the best in green, baby.” “I wholeheartedly disagree, but we can look for something else, mi amor. No problem-”
I think that he’d be so invested in making sure y’all look good that he’d kind of forget about the macaroni that's in the oven. You can’t even blame him, because you’d be able to see the excitement radiating off of him as he gets ready, so you’d just gently, but amusedly, remind him. 
“Teo.” “Yeah?” “Your macaroni-” “Mierda- my macaroni-!”
His attention would instantly switch to the macaroni, so much so that he’d still be standing in the kitchen, his eyes on the oven when you walk in fully dressed with Wingman trailing behind you, Mateo’s shirt in his beak as he chirps and trills. You wouldn’t be able to understand him, but you don’t really have to to understand the comedic radivore’s noises. You’d only be able to nod and agree with the little guy as you both watch Mateo hurriedly throw on his shirt before taking out the macaroni. 
Now…lets get to the cookout itself. He’d hear the music and chatter immediately after stepping out of the car and would just look at you with a smile and excited eyes, offering to take the dish with one hand and your hand with the other. You’d be able to see that recognition in his eyes, the myriad of sounds that signify a family fellowship being ever so familiar to him. Homeboy would walk in the door with a wide and inviting smile, greeting people politely while also showing that he can be rather extroverted when he wants to be. Of course, he gets the typical ‘this must be yo lil friend’ from your family members, but he takes it in stride. But while taking it all in stride, he’d also make sure to kiss your cheek, your forehead, hold your hand, wrap an arm around your waist– anything to show that the words ‘lil friend’ are just a title your family members have given him, and that the truth is he’s yours. 
He’d show the macaroni to the family member(s) in charge of the food, watching with baited breath as they take the foil off of the top, their eyes looking at the golden-brown cheese on top before looking up at you two with a smile. 
“Oooh, this looks good, Y/N.” “Actually, Mateo made it. I just helped him when he needed it; it was all him.”
He’d absolutely be geeked when they turn to him with an impressed look, their smile widening as they set it on the table with the rest of the food. And if you thought he had a big head when being told that it looked good, it’s nothing compared to when the first family member comes up and tells him that it tasted good. Chile, you’d never hear the end of it…though you don’t want to. It’d be endearing and sweet that he takes so much pride in making something your family enjoys. And when it comes to him actually eating the food prepared, he would not hold his appreciation back. There’d be a lot of ‘who made this’, followed by just as many ‘dios mio’s as he can dish out. The same goes for the dessert portion, especially the homemade pound cakes from your family members. Yeah, he’d have no problem asking for a to-go box; one for food, and one for dessert. 
Throughout the duration of the cookout, he’d find himself constantly in conversation with someone from your family, whether it be because he had been pulled into a conversation, or whether it was because someone approached him with the intent of asking questions. Either way, Mateo would be game for any question asked, usually answering with an air of confidence, friendliness, and humor that made others love him instantly. When asked questions about you two’s relationship, he’d be quick and incredibly willing to answer, his eyes glancing at you adoringly as he does so with a smile on his face. It’d get to a point where you would have to ‘rescue’ him from more questions, citing that you wanted to dance just to get him away from your family member(s). And he’d happily let you pull him away, however, not before promising the uncles gathered around a table that he’d play spades with them the next round. 
At some point in the night, you’d lose him for a few minutes, coming back to his empty seat after fixing a plate of dessert for both of you, and after scouring the yard, hoping that he hasn’t gotten himself into a less than pleasant conversation, you finally find him. Except he isn’t in a conversation- not with an adult, anyway. No, he’s seated in the yard, not too far at all from the kids table, smiling widely as the kids from your family gather around him. Their hands reach for and gently run over his hair, the dyed shapes and colors instantly catching their attention as they speak over each other, asking him questions.
“Why’d you do that to your hair?” “Did it hurt? Why’d you pick spots?” “My mama says people who dye their hair like that don’t want a job.” “Can I do that to my hair?”
You’d only be able to watch in fondness for a few minutes as he struggles to answer their questions, his facial expression showing exactly how much he enjoyed being the center of attention for the kids. It would get to a point where he’d look up at you with an expression that screamed for help despite the smile still on his face, and you wouldn’t hesitate in rescuing him. You’d never seen Mateo around kids before now, but going off of the vibes and interactions you’d see, it’d be easy to come to the conclusion that he’s pretty okay with kids. Because of his chill demeanor, not only is he seen as ‘cool’ to the youngins, but he’s also easy to interact with. It would certainly help that he’s got a little crew of adorable creatures who are intelligent enough to interact carefully with the kids. There’d be peels of laughter and excited chatter as Wingman does a trick when prompted by Mateo. There’d also be a time where Wingman turns to Mateo, chirping quickly and constantly looking back at the kids…and after a short conversation between the two, he’d probably smile, nodding his head towards the kids with a ‘have fun, be careful’. That’d be the only thing Wingman needs to hear before turning and joining the group of kids in their activities, the laughter being a constant noise as long as the creature is interacting with them. 
When it gets to the end of the night and people start filtering out of the yard, he’d check in with you, asking you if you’re tired or if you still want to hang around with a look of understanding for whatever answer you give. It's only when you smile tiredly and sheepishly at him that he’d nod with a smile, telling you that maybe it's time to go. It wouldn’t be long before you two have a bag with your to-go boxes in them, making your rounds with your family members and saying goodnight. He’d leave Wingman to play with the remaining kids until it’d be time to go, waving him over once you two are ready to leave. (You can’t help but feel like you two have your own little family, and the earlier sight of him interacting with the kids certainly adds fuel to that thought). 
The ride home would be spent going over certain conversations and interactions that had happened during the night, showing just how attentive Mateo had been the entire night. You’d also learn of some of the conversations he’d had when you weren’t around…and he’d instantly wave away your apologies for the nature of those conversations, an easygoing and amused smile on his face as he does so.
“Please tell me she did not say that to you- I’m so sorry, love-” “No need to say sorry. It was pretty funny, so its okay, mi cielito. So…you tried to turn the speed all the way up on the treadmill, yeah?” “Yeah, that’s enough of that-”
To put it simply: Mateo would be ecstatic that he not only got to spend an entire day with you and your family, but that he got to see how you interact with your family. It’s truly nothing like seeing the love of your life in their safe space with people they trust. He could’ve sat and watched you speak to cousins, aunties, uncles, whoever else and would’ve been completely satisfied. He’d go to bed thinking about the glow you had on your face as you spoke to family members you’d missed, and how he’d heard and seen you genuinely laugh with cousins when recounting old stories, and how you and your family connected over food, music, and fellowship...and yeah, he’d have to admit to himself in the middle of the night, while holding you close, that he couldn’t wait to have that with you in the future.
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A/N: I hope that was fun to read, it was certainly fun to write! Once again, this is my first time writing for this character that I just found out about like...two weeks ago, y'all...be patient with me while I'm learning. BUT I'm gonna really try to write more this summer because I definitely won't have time to in the fall, so keep an eye out!
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