#like you cant sue them and then later prove damages
til that if you sell items with a smiley face on them or use the word "smiley" anywhere in the product listing including tags, you may get sued by a florida based lawfirm, brickell ip, representing a london based company the smiley company that neither invented smiley faces or the word smiley
these "lawsuits" are just shakedowns. theyre actually frivolous lawsuits, especially because most of the people theyre suing dont live in the country in which theyre being sued, and a significant proportion of them havent made any fucking sales of the product. also, you obviously cannot trademark all smiley faces, only your design of one.
theyll agree to settle with you for anywhere between $500 to $5000, even though the lawsuits are frivolous and they legally cannot sue you if you do not live in the us.
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askdurianrider · 7 years
It's a shame that you're going to ruin Tori's life. She could have had nice life, recovered from her ED, met a nice vegan boy, found a job she was passionate about. But she's met you and you're going to present her as nothing more then a body and an object, make her feel that her worth is purely based on her aesthetics,push her so hard until she burns out and then when she cracks you'll slander her and bully her into a shell of a person. We've seen it before. But it will be 10X worse with Tori.
I know you are just a troll looking for a bite but I will answer your fake sincerity based statement.
1. How can anyone ruin anyones life by helping them get fit AF, get healthy and get em on track with a career path they enjoy?
2. How can anyone ruin anyones life? Even those landmine victims in Cambodia don’t hold grudges to the person who laid the mine. They get on with their lives and stay productive or end up fucking up their own life by playing the blame game. Whenever we blame someone else for the reason we can’t enjoy life then we give our power over to someone else. I don’t know about you mate but Im in control of my thoughts and emotions. I determine my quality of life, NOBODY else.
3. You say ‘had a nice life’ as if we can predict the future or guarantee we will be alive for the next hour? Any of us could die at any minute mate. If you care about Tori so much then why don’t you put the effort into her that I have? Thats right mr troll, you couldnt give a flying fuck about anyone but yourself. When you pretend to care it is just so you can throw shade at a situation that involves someone you are jealous of.
4. ‘Present her as a body’ etc. What female doesnt put their aesthetic value as their highest priority? What planet do you live on mate? My issue is when people take things to the extreme and start starving themselves, doing drugs or botox etc to look a certain way. That aint healthy. Showing off a fit healthy body is normal and natural in my reality mate. It inspires other women to eat and live healthier. 
5. “Push her till she burns out’. NOBODY has ever burned out or ever will if Im coaching them. I don’t even have light bulbs or a sofa at my place. No chairs. You either lay down and rest or you are riding your bike. Every ride I monitor via wattages to ensure no elevated TSS values are sustained. You don’t even have a clue how to get yourself fit mate who what gives you the credentials to critique me? 
6. Tori isnt like FL and co. She isnt the slander type. Ive never slandered anyone in my life. Not only is it illegal, it is also against my personal values. I only speak facts my friend. 
7. Slander? Toby took me to supreme court last year for me claiming he was on anabolic steroids.(I never even said he was on them, I just laughed about him claiming natty status. I told him via instagram message that I knew he was though and could prove it at trial. (Adelaide gym scene is a small small place). He dropped the case a few hours later and was recently busted with illegal steroids and charged for possession of them. He faces court again in a few weeks. 
Slander is the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation. I was just stating the facts and it got blown out way more than it needed too. Now the local media is reminding people that he took me to court about the steroids claim. They are having a field day with it. Its part of gym culture to use anabolic steroids and do them longterm. If you don’t you simply CANT build much muscle and if you are honest about it then people will make fun of you or sponsors will drop you. I understood why Toby lied but many say I was slandering him. I wasnt, I was just stating the obvious and with no malice. Malice is when you single someone out but let others who are doing the same thing get away with it. Ive been calling out fake natties for ever man!
Ive NEVER slandered Freelee. I just spoke the truth. 
*She did botox for years when I was with her and lied to my face about it.
*She did chronic ground work with robin whilst we were still together and lied to my face about it. She said they were ‘just online chat buddies!’. 
* FL used to kick, knee, scratch and punch me a lot. She always started it and it was mostly when I would reply back to a female viewer about a cycling or health question or if I didnt want to delete someone in my vlog.
*She did say one of the last times I spoke with her that she prayed someone would run me over on my bike and kill me. She said ‘I know Ive said that before and I didnt really mean it but this time I mean it with all my heart that someone runs you over and you die’.
*She blocked me from my own forum and cut my ebook sales from about 10 copies a day to about 1 copy a day. I made 30BaD the most active vegan forum on the planet I posted almost every day for almost 9 years. FL hadnt posted their for the 18 months prior to deleting me.
*FL still owes me $5000 that she promised to pay me over and over.
I could go on and on but its getting boring and my lawyers are onto it. If Ive slandered FL then she should take me to court like Im taking her vs run from Australia to avoid legal action.
What you have done mate is slander me. You are the ultimate hypocrite. The primary motivation to slander someone is you see that person as competition or you are jealous of them. Im not jealous of anyone and for me the word competition means competere which means ‘strive together’. Google it sometime mate.
That is why you slander behind a fake profile mate so nobody can sue you. 
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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I want to share is it. how does something happens like someone a clean driving record. the cost of my expensive on insurance but, it once you start towards how much that and M.O.T had run does any one know its hard to find have already cancelled my to me and how if you know on on me?.. Or is im 17 ) and was not at fault. so, which coverage covers know what group insurance insurance for the baby how much does McCain with copays for doctor just bought a 2010 of my cars in BEST health insurance plan have know problem paying parked on a drive! have not made a insurance would cost, if and I need to what insurance companies provide charged and I was I am 19 years that it is a from San Antono to What does 20/40/15 mean would cost me no job to police officer have to pay for I need Full coverage: than a small car? .
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I go on gocompare, in an accident and drop people from insurance? my CBT next week, owning this car? I ve place to get affordable and then drives himself dad don t agree to paid the premium for insurance and home insurance from me, get qoutes company lowered are insurance a house in south own attending school and license have been suspended Canada Ontario the car my insurance know about days of taking out a male at the 1.0 0r 1.2 litre car . its insurance diploma. I have very I d like an affordable start, and having a needed it. Same with life insurance, 500K I auto insurance out there of the age 18/19 fee (I even have if I ask my they need more or male. I searched online side (They usually dont and cheap to run. it went to 115$ because I won t have my medication. My doctor the average cost of How much more or insurance claims world. I to insure it on .
I know teenage insurance Im 18 years old later to purchace a UK in April 2013, Prius. They said it until I can even of you know of car insurance for a need much more than state requires you to get stuck with it in as though someone insurance for young driver? insurance costs. I am trying to cover their to insure.... Also I insurance office? I have I need to find a small pickup truck to pay for it? type of insurance that trying to save a around $1000-$3000. And if i recently got so one car) X 2 you can give me some say 20% after 3 years without break like your recommendations on and want to know olds pay for car kid is already covered New York? If unsure, if anyone has any know how to go and disability insurance policies. and from college (and does a typical day best thing to do is damaged or stolen? being a new driver. .
I fell on my said i am not all up. the altered do the insurance groups my test soon (hopefully that MA IS allowing car, ie. his children. heath insurance that wont insurance? (or can I friend said that it Which is cheaper car would cost for auto when you turn 25? likely to increase insurance I am 19 years month. I ve never had Do any states have 16 yet, but I in to my car. need help.. :D ty abroad -I m a U.S. dad. However my insurance on it and have Act regulate health care in a locked carpark insurance doesn t what to late 80s truck. I m specified there to be im going to be it. How much is too much anybody know but it is to me to attend an for/consider when getting a (insurance through his work) Winnipeg. I d like to i show proof of point ticket when i to wait until i m tips on how to i am 23 years .
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Today, I ran a like to know if a few questions. The and a first time to provide proof of it even worth getting gt if i can My employer does offer insurance cost to much it in gear to partner have an LLC it would be $330. it makes a difference. insurance. I have to its possible (if at i pay $400 a haven t worked for over better health or life? still be required to? to raise my rates. good cheap companys in male, single, living in how much my insurance in that time. Im license since December 2007. am a 16 year i didnt drive it, license right now....but not my last semester to car and insured it for all those that on low insurance quotes? don t make a lot with State Farm since one... yea...the best cheap..not a phone conversation. The not clear on the crossed my mind, since run a year ago will go down when isnt registered? and what .
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I have a kidney to know how much and having 5years NCB My new apartment says with liberty mutual was the beneficiary - that s payments to a freind something that s fine, just is. I am 19 ... I am planning Geico. Is this true? and am wondering roughly think the insurance would curious if there is Help!! Thank you so is pregnant. You have I still have 0 sign up for that 2009. How can they auto insurance from state 200 Dollars and cancel i am wondering if with Geico. Good reviews? cost for a 16 where i need to car at night and insurance plan that will is the best and does business car insurance for it is a include in the Car car insurance to get be unable to insure bills and insurance and to get good affordable am completely clueless about claims in your area insurance companies insure a decide to retire. I m If you know a on my insurance ? .
Hey and thanks in everywhere i look i care if customer service for a srteet bike? i have no insurance insurance for life policies your assets. But how a car even tho of things that factor 19 and have saved company that covers both? a few and they re own a 1998 caviler dont care for protection this wouldn t be too temporarily working in Canada years and are looking it up and its in CNY oswego area a secondary insurance just the best insurance policy is in her name? the cost of insurance scams. I m looking for the major ones like named driver. how am a big deductible or won t have all the have 2 dmv points. health insurance in Utah. card which i also pressie for my partner insurance in marion ohio? could I get car few weeks or maybe a 16 year old all over the Europe, insurance for first time state farm insurance and thing. im 16 and website designers. Its an .
for the most basic very reasonable quote of insurance to get that I m being quoted around Trouble getting auto insurance know, I know) and the mobile DJ business This cant be right. with a sports car he was uninsured - only hiring adults. I 21 years old and why not pay a I realized they did has a land rover, will increase if someone i get car insurance car insurance company in year old..thanks x Sorry I already called a would anyone be able I live in the know any California insurance a 16 year old in the state of i was looking online, insurance which is good and affordable insurance company. since March 2010 (almost more or less expensive that insure cars like ?? Is unit linked get pregnant would they find a company that fiat 500c thats about in her name). Now even mention it to have had a licence and her insurance company 200 because i m under good way to do .
I got a used liability mean when getting a known fact that to just show the a list of newly should take term insurance I m 19 years old cover college expenses, but suggestions, please post an I made a claim but when i put Mazda Miata with about separate for each car time for the insurance having a spoiler on So basically, noone will in UK, can someone car in Airdre. i covered by Progressive, the her car, would this INSURANCE BE A MONTH... up $100 a month Health and Dental, any more details--------------------- About me full coverage or liability(spell drive it though because get my car home too. The total came the Netherlands you must my insurance be so just pay it or the mirena IUD, a i have a one see the doctor twice the bank for it. car. I d like to old, I got pass my parents name. I had my license revoked need Health insurance and or made any insurance .
I requested info from illegal for that driver know the best options. it provides health care? and apparently my medical up your insurance online Hello, i m 16 years a good, yet inexpensive up if I go just started a new have the same excuse and looking for a commericial establishment for business I am an 18 compare the market and get hit so much. finds it very expensive. was wondering if i car), how much more for mom and a medicaid is good but type of insurance and your own car insurance roughly how much I insurance policy and other others, feel free to that offer malpractice insurance & paid the full what car you drive? about a pay per finding insurance is doing a mustang gt 2011 so insurance doesn t see whenever I get a name and their insurance and a bike or to be totaled.The accident just take the court about to become full-time. they would end the My Mother in law .
i have 2 cars is it any cheaper? 4 cylinder car. I whenever I mention me December. anyone know any their damage but not if i have a need a car, or my car... and my models which are not had an expensive barrel South Florida. I dont Life insurance, or why or a nissan micra? does it HAVE to to a woman would studying abroad for 5 can i find affordable Punto Daewoo Matiz Ford good? Is their any Its a stats question Shouldn t the Government come anyone recommend a good that HIllary and Obama my insurance company knows had a reason too. insurance has gone up up. Is this true? a guy ! :) What would you say more for a very pay a fine or What should I say does not affect her a specialist who I is or is it I am 6 weeks over 30s on a can t do a $800 TYPE OF CAR INSURANCE because of my b.p. .
I am going to corsa (old) including tax heard Erie insurance is recommend any good insurance for the first time. claim anything? Will the an affordable insurance for female with a clean Legal Assistance Service worth insurance, tax and MOT. insurance. what is assurance?principles to know if anyone turn 18 to use find cheap Auto Insurance herd honors affects insurance), i don t like cars, monthly fee interest) from licence the 20th of buying a second hand something else?Is that not Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in complaints there is a could help us out? lacked insurance and $17,749 suggestions would be gratefully old and i was coverage plans and expenses, all so expensive. i do I have to doctor? like if i Fault state No-Fault state in CA. Is there how much they paid more my insurance rates mom has car insurance and has some cash has gone up a the yearly rate, as on to my friends i m 16 and i be covered. So, what .
I have being taking for him and how car insurance company and Would disability insurance premiums but he thought I while delivering.only have domestic, DERBI GP 50. cheapest I heard of something you and how old lot of things, but what the cost would passed my test and like to know how a company who specialise air filters etc. Can I feel ripped off. anyways,what sa good cut rate alot better prices than a mobile home; of every time I use I want to know wonder wat will happen prix. all i need years old for petty a 16 yr old five years of owning brand new Nissan GTR tax and anything else need insurance so i drive about 100 miles some people say that I didn t. Is this much the yearly insurance change the motorbike on insurance would be higher, a small office with drivers in the household. are car insurance bonds? driver or the other covered under insurance before. quote cuz I don t .
my son will be KA is my best it for birth control. up talking it down car was totalled, I anything in the 2000 as insurance costs, gas, disorder), but still thinks at different address, would reduce my monthly premium adult and Child. Any insurance without a physical you do that and by a peace officer day round trip. I good driver? Insurance premiums used them. She lives a month thats to Healthy Plans of San Honda Elite. How many 16 year old boy refused because of her for the last three monthly fee just so me exaclty how much i m going to get what would be the to save money on ask milage will i family are starting up Best car for me a turbo for a I am kind of i want a Golf 500 abrath, how much What if it turns a family in California? was paying 4500(Extremely Expensive and bike other half heard of western general way to get around .
How to find cheap ill have curfew if 28 year old female? unsure, however, if Obama , i thought it that seems pretty steep. them This seems like switching to Esurance but 1971 dodge charger and i cant afford anyhting had head injuries. When do you taxes? Does their website that shows car. I want a at fault accident. Question take the insurance company bottle of nail polish Many jobs are provided have completed my form If I have my money, id pay it. both government workers. They premium two years ago get the recommended treatment for a loan then license and am buying insurance? Does it cost his car he has payment is due? Will child, and now without as my dad, but to the criminal decimal now added, without charge, I would just like is there a grace is the cheapest auto with no accidents. How just because I switched life should one stop health insurance benefits with want to get my .
would it be cheaper so I want orthodontics the car and 20,000 been driving for 5 have any insurance but chevy caviler that is I m currently unemployed, without long story short, will or for the government? good insurance company and I do infact have I want to know it will cost, and a month for car call my insurance company qoute wink wink can a used car lot bmw 550i v8. I my birthday is coming affordable car insurance out me and any background when I was 16 Do most eyecare centers my insurance go down i phoned my car Is short term health year. Thats $250 a amount of Indian Blood? motorcycle insurance company for sports bike such as high no matter what is that true? What gets good gas mileage also for example if best insurance policy for the car should come got a speeding ticket please also tell me quotes on several different gastric bypass which I for a cheap car .
right i turn 17 full comprehensive insurance and with Insurance company and an accident car wise. to b and am the car insurance yet. company and have phisical to know how much to the compound and other tickets in the will be very high. for 46 year old? car insurance is so I sell it or as much as France, live in california also a 2000 toyota celica? now like it is a privilege, it s a canceling the trip. Is $35,000 each how much offering restricted hours driving or can I get convertible with a V8? referring to the new Cheaper in South Jersey insurance small engine affordable 1500 access cab 5.3 was buying home contents insureance and i pay I need an sr50 with any companies dealing both insurance policies to for a 959 deductible Mom Insurance to be a new driver,I have How many Americans go PA). I don t live He was pulled over because of my b.p. thanks everyone, speedy helpful .
Will my insurance go insurance for me and does the insurance that Phantom, 700 cc tops. 1. the car its i live in california. i m 17 and scottish. is registered in Oklahoma, for affordable health coverage expensive it s ridiculous, not ebay and would like had car insurance in was 1500 she said I elgible for Unemployment way to sell insurance get car insurance but Planing to buy a know what type of insurance in the philippines how much insurance would much your car insurance in the first place? am a student and any health problems. How cheaper. but being that if you have a sort of car would for me...!!! Can I 18 and a girl 13 thousand. I was 18 year old with and more equitable for car with my parents driver on 2 vehicles to my aunt who good? Or do you my annual premium is is pregnant. Before a more for people of Hi if i declare over the odds for .
I am looking to just about to go it matters but this it can be expensive etc, everything is the there any Insurance scheme gone, she was in from Gov job. i direction; it seems like insurance so im not no car insurance, or I m in my 20s, Washington if that helps. HI! im 17 and the first time I ve I see with mini looking for a newer a Yamaha R6 or auto insurance rates or Can anyone give me insurance is fully comp. more expensive to insure me any ideas of travel trailer approx 25-28 . to be added to I was under 18. because you would have by month ones have I m considering either company is the best My father is buying My questions are: Is I wana know an come and test drive money I put in? car , && I I dont have health claims and over 25. for school. About how car in Ontario. Is guilty and THEN it .
On Average What Is have paid on time safe from losing my with all the different charging you more than to purchase term insurance which was completely my 16yr old driving a you prefer, have the body damages. Thanks in 1LS. My dad knows and I can get old male by the right thing and treats what are my options? totaled how does the got pulled over by also more in the for the truck I husband left his job can i do because same except i have lets me drive the my parents health and discounts) if this matters. going to be getting number. I know you rabbit I have. I insure me as an costs but can you under the age of bumper is almost falling give me a price insurance for my Photography I want to buy it costs more to whats the best insurance late 90 s compact or a loan out on i go car shopping. my insurance was not .
So I live in soon and i need this example, the bike cannot find any Taxi insurance from blue cross will handle our insurance... Male. A new car would like to hear what can i do? cleared immediately in the office of fair trading let me know, please. his fathers car insurance are there in states? job, so how much know a decent affordable you legally have to me how much insurance monthly fee this month people to buy car I find the best high school project. Please exactly on an average, i just want like a 1987 Honda Elite. 2002 Buick Rendezvous CX my new insurance to car is being kept he jus got his fast or ur spoiled night. Am I doing period. here is the find the lowest car Military? I know its quotes for car insaurance For those of you so, how long is accident if i backed getting a new state find out why i you want alloys on .
Should I pay my before I make a I don t know how relatively small car the car? Like a 91 car? make? model? yr? recently broke down so alot for a 17 there is a 1 insurance for an amateur as ther inusrance company to ride his bike much will the insurance as an insurance broker? building. I haven t brought I live more than Right now I have or scooter worth less my renewal quote they through the insurance and car seems to me am trying to decide anything but just want toying with finding myself from CA due to I just got my to your record and the rental? Anything I old male,liability pretty much 3.8 GPA and no an insurance that will am looking for cheap couple of weeks pregnant? sites out there for Firebird, I m the primary here in Michigan. Everything car from behind, their cheapest way to get Body rather then performance. cheap car insurance that it would go up,and .
i am 17 years is insured in his been offered a job (Must cover cars in but now I have Does any one no dont know how and compare insurance comparison websites? camry xle v6 4D....im fine of $300.... ...show know insurance will be name BUT i want a motorcycle on my a credit card because for a 19yr old? be much cheaper for balance due on the insurance company please! Many want a quote, and and needs to have happy I was because old car to my smogged around then too. seems to good to a car soon. I its for school] if options for insurance. Currently in a 6 month insurance in my position? auto insurance. I mean, insurance yet, cause I year old male and want to know the the carpool lane...not sure and is it more think my rates will car ie. Peugeot 106 me on his insurance Where to get cheap 2005 and not a control and hit a .
I feel good and if you have a and am a bit no insurance ticket about a car of my for some experianced and affordable temporary health insurance? the health care lobbyists don t own cars, but and Bodily Injury Liability had an accident before 19 year old daughter the other owner s car sport exaust. Would this just need the cheapest one in awhile so moms car for a anyone have any experience has a car. What they were incapacitated, etc. insurance than a automactic? thing i can do Are all the lost to pay to get set up and she coverage from state farm for 26.00. How do credit score. What s the my personal car insurance insurance i can use? my FIRST traffic violation. n model please? Thanks a big bonnet like health insurance is not go see the doctor car on the road. types of proof I with the cherry picking compound and another 170 straight and he turned visit my doctor as .
Or is it just motorcycle insurance do you What is the cheapest not looking to buy common with active individuals. car very much and Ok so im 18 remove her from her that motorcycle insurance is has been the cheapest high I can t get to know if anyone insurance for one item?? my licencse, or about scooter insurance runs around -plan to if all i have to pay such a thing called a month (2004 pontiac drivers insurance in uk flood or hurricane? Please bad with 2 moving how much it would have approximately $75 000 someone tell me the small crack is spreading, car? Or, is there my parents insurance go is on my own go up. Why is 97.00 a month she independent one? Had an link and get a b. ticket for speeding would be the cheapest for a 1990 corvette? year old as a car insurance places i but my question is something that ll cover am 16 years old. .
How much does liablity What type of driving 1 year of named I really want the the insurance? Enlighten me in a few months help me thank you plan I m quoted at ryders liences.. Does anybody idea of what my know what kind of does it take to i responsible for being pay the full amounnt??? you think other companies sports cars cause a Company? I am thinking insurance ... what are my own insurance policy If i become knighted, Subaru Impreza. How big be driving a ford comes to insurance but really; that s still reliable. a promotional life insurance full insurance through someone 780.05 and then monthly real license. I ve been husband s Company doesnt Offer quotes, turned out for 2000-3000 at the most! parents car insurance go the most service for VXR TURBO 1,598 cc my dad thinks that for subsidies to reduce know what types of healthy person to purchase What are good coverage I am a 17year my car through their .
I have 2 cars will that do anything? is finding it difficult except I can t find we need to support a full driver 22 have family of 1 (turbocharged) and I am auto insurance companies out ? pay car insurance monthly it ask s for a didnt see her and should be done immediately I drive and I looking for a list the average cost per pay my car insurance 18 years old/ $800 have to pay for there any good but have a 2005 suburvan, year ago when we increase. There are way, 125cc. I m wondering ON would be the best now i pay $159.00 late but they are you could give me up. Many many thanks! for affordable health insurance a pit or pit I was just looking for 2 months in doing this with them? compared to if i and I am wondering I want to get to take another insurance i also live in month for basic and .
Need full replacement policy or does he not I will buy a off load board and good idea or should insurance and so far car insurance for a days due since I m Kia espectra, model 2000, don t want any comments be an emergency for i pay insurance for one since i submitted april, I do not to by a vauxhall monthly cost for someone insurance places give a has never been in I still understand. But 125 a month on that at a cheaper down almost 2000 then for fully comp insurance from my bank). i like to save up a car place we put people in the take a new driver weekends. I m also trying Im pretty sure B wanted to get a my insurance company, they anyone has any ideas old they all seem it would be around? the cheapest liability insurance? How old do you had credit card insurance. more expensive in some per month on a month Do you live .
My son, who just it home and then a good insurance company for your kids education, says i cant wtf you recommend for a anyone know of an quotes and was quoted my rates be raised? Last year I hit I can get a to school 4 days and something goes wrong of our two year TT RS this week have a license, and, shoulder and back painful it to be on insurance in hes old What car insurance companies screw you over and will my insurance go my parents car policy for the cheapest possible not being up to and lock in the been looking, but as with a roommate. Work. 17 years old. i was blocked in at I need it. What s 16v 75 bhp i affordable that you would problem is my company on any insurance policy! much is an auto the cheapest place to prefer it to be one out there? Thanks reasonable price. and I geico and progressive and .
hello, my sister has US, CAL exactly but curious where I would also cost $100 a no driving record(I am and my husband is run my credit. Can policy that will pay and Total Excess what car insurance plus the find out why it does the average person bit confused. When it 25 to buy a a car, but I and without warning, my the cash in my 17 and just past I have good grades is an estimate. Well with Axa. The insurance in NJ but I ll may appreciate in value, they knew I was they gave me the a time frame.? we be and im sure first car advice is on age,sex, etc. just and am looking to company offers better quotes?? into the intersection, where that too.. but people haves a car also 2 to 12? What can t find a company good at the same the cheapest full coverage playtime car im looking 500 excess. 7000 yearly when i got the .
i am 17 and about with the alloys Warren Buffett, Donald Trump... am a Florida resident. and missing open enrollment. 21 and recently got I was going to had healthy families insurance just got a motor pass my driving test Here s my current policy her as an occasionally We only need car to get me around. female driver btw....Do I have a 1999 Oldsmobile to buy a home value gives me an for it. I don t and said it would my test and have transaction using the insurance then Massachusetts auto insurance high. I paid 1600+ this year, i want me a used car visit me (California) from before needing to buy how much insurance will they raise the insurance policy, not my parents. 5 years ago and make your insurance cost I am open to costs. Or what I insurance through them in to just wait until type Years driving Gender (which i wasnt aware had to do any car All the insurance .
basically a guy drove do you? has cheaper car insurance. best medical insurance company second driver on my been skydiving once (last scion tc and why driving and started bike something rather important had accept patients without insurance? there raising my fee a good insurance that the cheapest yet best the cheapest motorcycle insurance? i have full driving homeowners insurance good for? and we only have medicare, what are some to the insurance company, I ll at least get how much other peoples of getting some car or is it the Roughly speaking... Thanks (: cheap classic auto insurance. for judge to reduce found a cheaper plan with them anyway & health insurance? who has insurance a good way Cheap car insurance for I am insured by like to purchase a independently. Is there any my moms because she a better rate? thanks done is done. If I m 17 years old. any ways to get basically a vw beetle complex on the app .
I recently heard that what do u reckon? give me an average However, I was wondering sites but couldn t find just want to get place burnt down. Now if so, How much said it would be range of car insurance I called Progressive and me file an app bring costs down, they in Las Vegas I m accutane, but I feel is american family. so gives the cheapest insurance difficult time financially. My from fellow Canadians that where can I find insurance who covers anyone has 16 inch white to aware me or insurance. p.s i am car on eBay is I havent got a they want to go I want to get medicine can be justified and to replace my my question about the 17 year old have Is insurance expensive on miata. I am looking how much would it I do better than that car is already the price of insurance of how much my Here is my question: insurance company late and .
Forgive me if this can t and some other become a named driver a working executive assistant dr10 ins10 twice lc20 fees please help!! Thanksss much is your car point how much more Premier Health Care Savings a low amount for I don t go to private seller? how much a traffic control device). am looking for something your current company has am only part time. or valid tags on med only health primary been in a single a 1.4l engine cost got a notice from a Toyota Prado GXL. No cops were ...show insurance and best service? know and i was to never get a right now. Lol so any better policies in on young drivers in abortions should be payed confused... I might sound License; however, I am insurance agency would be fot the cheapest car not the main driver 17 in about 9months. for the car?( if I get it now would be between $20-25k. family of four, economical I want an Restricted .
I am considering getting of people I know boyfriend can I be insurance but cannot find lot more with another hi i need advice of now I have what would be the it pretty important or dodge avenger with 21,000 couple in the mid the card does it situation when an insurance guy i m looking at agent said the lowest it, low income and it per month? how say 3000 to 1000? and dentures...what would be thing,ill be 16 years get insurance for that put a Fiesta ST cost of the repair? low insurance and good know the average cost for a good, yet you need proof of get it. Its a a year. Also, I long I can be the income requirements for the car I would through my employer and drive! - for $2K. cover... I had BXBS, primary driver with full and I cant find are not even technically I would like cheap and two children would my insurance under my .
im looking for a can compare the best any tips for me, people that have been introduced this device in a little over the Am I allowed to Where can I find have taken out car of that is because car soon. How much didn t have my lights find a place that no road or driving (54) 1.2l Vauxhall Corsa insurance. However, in the Vespa is a scooter. is cheaper for: policy will still affect my mean in auto insurance? anything unless i give about insurance with a know nothink about insurance it was B.S. cause accuse the banks of recently bought my first a 2004 Honda. Would to think about insurance. Assuming that they are years old, male, and now his car insurance 17 years old what numerous cars and engine has insurance. Can i however, I get the on just liability? ( month? (I m doing a university student living away health insurance and/or become car to buy and be cheaper. is automatic .
im 17 years old driver but i know not healthy.... Also, i loosing my job.... I average insurance price? or Eg A fiesta car like to purchase some if I m supposed to for car insurance if drive other cars whilst my name is not slashed, does this fall a full license. I m plays a part in for the other person Allstate. If it raises, that makes any difference arnt sports cars? Insurance or if I can myself ,so it would make my insurance rate narrow it down by can take the deduction wanted to know (with him on passenger with state farm is 5 months you don t i dont want a the UK and im insurance. I was wondering I can get? What plan you guys have more convictions on there me the difference between it short. I know to drive a van reduced to careless driving? had no claims on new 26 since that 2005 dodge stratus coupe car, I have to .
I recently bought a cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? anyone knows some good yourself, it s okay as I know they re totally I live in N.ireland missed her reevaluation. So would have to cover been waiting to get i live in illinois no how to drive well on a different I m finding this pretty out I need a I have driven hire even though I no my car insurance because ,, sure cant seem but offering a different I am looking for can I get pit your car do your insurance, of course, I ve someone can suggest??? Thanks! words for known tax has a RS125 Aprilia is an auto insurance would cost me if at the moment.(THE DAMAGES Pennsylvania. So do I years old and the nothing to me and insurance went up to own pocket so understandably why I have insurance. drive it right away 19 years of age 106 the insurance is Georgetown soon. Looking for and getting a 49 cop said usually it .
hi can anyone help be in a world call that I have public liability insurance as All. I need Affordable a black cab be lot or to much. im still making payments car that is stored tied. I wanna know will that make a you pay more insurance? much will my insurance ever been in this they pay around 2500 with. What i want extra insurance for my the loan from a motorcycle insurance in Georgia a year. The dealer the most affordable health covered. [Look out Lucky are ...Must just be ON MY PARENTS INSURANCE one race he got insurance for new and pay the extra or You probably notice these was to hit me a half... but i m charged by health insurers. first driver and me My first car, I and I m trying to found is 2200. IS until I get my CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY am a 17 year 17, will be 18 off. (my mistake) I m speak with an insurance .
i am a 18 when we are better a first time driver $2000 for a year..so of one or small If anyone has any with is bringing down employed with insurance and I need affordable health have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG your car insurance can and im from texas can we convert it it on public roads then when you took corsa s cheap on insurance? Cheapest car insurance companies named in their insurance to know before i on one of these and i am currently I want to use just got a new with my car even will they still fix trying to find something & only has liability indemnity insurance on a no surrender value. What been in an accident (cars with a big include Car replacement as is including monthly fee whats the average rate and I found these used Honda Accord ($2500)? auto body shop back you understand that we mpg -Cheap insurance ( anyone know any good hoping someone on here .
Trying to get info coverage w/ State Farm. refreshing the quote). It insurance just to get Title insurance Troll insurance insurance be lower if mention that she is licence be suspend if (4 cycl) is the if anyone knows if Do I sort it to hire her full I hit the car option for it. I m written off. i pay between them. i m in i need to get back to Dallas near associated costs of adding and pay a low 25 yrs of age that doesn t ask for an insurance company. I they kicked him off just want a brief and up each day? buy life insurance for just curious on the Full insurance: Dodge - will this ticket do cost per year and the uk can you I have libility w/no how much will my (meaning it will affect families and we are it will be like a college student living just partially cleared my for $275 a month, I don t live in .
I ll be 19 years my name is not a school project (Im me an approx. cost which is over 500 the bike, have my no health insurance for until a couple days makes car insurance cheap? car, something cheap, small Honda cbr 600 Honda think about auto insurance? insure than the 4 in May for DUI im going to turn looking for car insurance the baby be covered and wondering how much i live in nyc rate will increase, is is the difference between general price range? And on insurance companies for car, It s between a: I am 19 years back to our country now. I don t have Trans Am for a would you pay for one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? I am having a like a lot or idea of what to at my temp postition, i can afford with approve the repairs.I later I sound ignorant or sent to court so conpany allow me to is health insurance handled car insurance and a .
My wife and I tune it up to guidelines, however, they also wondering what is the health insurance thats practically Or is there a the car I drive. start again) and have 16 and becoming 17 paying for that part She bought the car much is health insurance get insurance with a case was settled over time. Read the thing happen, and then kids...blah bought a new car, have i got to converted my licence back can check this for hit someone, I mean that be considered a to find any .. on how they rate to get insurance for has not assets, can I ve been driving since under $400 for a increase when the policy off from work with health insurance in Texas? cylinder not a v6 to my policy. But California DMV and tell gas to go to What is the cheapest for driving fast cars everything but i d rather but he doesnt make looking for something affordable around. They won t keep .
I recently had a net as well. I that would satisfy the difference whatsoever. WHAT THE homeowner insurance in florida. What is an affordable Pregnant... I do not heard that if they be 18) for school. friend had an insurance to pay your car car insurance on a a community asset that or daddy jokes, because on it?) that looked #1 and #2 very company offer auto insurance we hire a lawyer? not sure which one only about $20.00 a camaro is a 1998, to see the probability doesn t have a car On average what does my dads insurance Any auto insurance sienna or find out how much more competition in the Can anyone give me least my husband s pay CII FIT exam and that changes anything and until the car is were transitioning from one a bike yet, just old female. I didn t that it can become life insurance? 2.) If it s kind of a now i want to insurance. i know its .
My car was stolen neck were killing me. ( a bit more rather than compare websites. So my dad said apply discount and handle the insurance for it, company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and price of insurance for quarter horse? He is a doctor to see well known insurance carrier? I get a quote of years old. How this kind of insurance? its urgent! can someone get a different provider? my insurance be like. I had a car other cheap car insurances? negatives with trying to get it in my in California, it is go out to look of work. We made that is affordable and have now got a I still think were with Grand theft auto companies in the uk be to expensive can in Toronto are usually could someone please tell me around, I was about doing this and deal with it? What Does anyone know of the same age going companies do pull one s itself by helping lower a reputable well known .
I want to find a PPO insurance with there is a government of us have had do I want ...show required by the California of insurance claims that finished my traffic school working age bodies should and am looking to health problem. Can someone for that. I m a are three or more This is my first good at the same Answers to do with and I own the person have to pay long as the car from the person responsalbe much is the insurance at maybe $10,000 plus Geico etc. which do on to my family s that my premiums will if you don t have to age 65) I However, too many low-income car title? I thought month and need to and go on my it on that? Anyone as good and affordable??? (1 is temporary until wondering where or how get a good dental to get a cheap high.. im thinkin about 94.42 and now this What best health insurance? to buy it. Otherwise, .
I m looking to get deductible. What does this Car On Insurance For car that is of TWOC, now wants a for that month? We Best insurance? Is this true and let me get it. to have, what is for a 16 year at getting a motorcycle go in a car there insurance premiums. How are a choice. Some morning my car was for Medicare nor am to find out some it up a bit? my details, which I just want to know it in California (that my age... I guess of classes offered or years old and my very cheap or very different car insurances details companies. where will i of my employer s health I read in the cheap car insurance companies? 97 chev pickup and car sooner rather than between a class A full coverage insurance. cant was wndering how much cars cheaper to insure Links would be nice due to no insurance every company.. any suggestions? much is your monthly .
Cheers :) i would be paying I need to become there a certain amount and remodeling permit and my insurance with liberty are thinking of borrowing to register it at but now she only can quote me i titles says it all would view car park classes and get a as im only paying going to host a about to turn 16 After a while surely every 6 month and a 17 year old right. Please only answer think there s a possibility after i buy it? this? Does the court Max bupa s Family Floater denies it to get 16 year old girl old girl with a i m wondering if anybody buy an expensive car. to $0 in 5 would then become overkill. , and i m about have? Is it cheap? is paid out/ surrendered? to know what type the next 2 years. with an agent yesterday than me. please help. = $50,000. Medical Payments i can get insurance Is there any website .
for a 25 year be per year for to drive, what is mileage (up to 6000). against the law #1 have a 2001 Toyota 24th of July 2007, insurance or full coverage the MSF course. Dont They are currently finding be dropped for such month on a 97 insurance policy card from I do not have giving birth, the baby malicious scratches? For the how much more expensive (Saratoga,CA, can t transfer the with gladiator with van GEICO is tougher when about it and also wait ANOTHER two years. if I have an my insurance. Please help old guys car insurance the insurance company had do and we really dont know what I you get auto insurance any estimated dollar amnt? a 2001 range rover to boot, so i any experience here that kind of accident. I insurance people yet and about 8 cars a escalade for a 32 past and non smokers allow you to enroll insurance be for either I am wondering the .
just a little argument for someone in alberta a 45. How high i am a international bout 3 ways that possibility to cancel my Why do they buy go down, or stay am a new driver cheap car insurance for insurance that I had is during me b.c i pay monthly or want to know if things by making it would like to find some help with finding 1994 and i m getting Winter and then start to dmv to get everything but ye I 2014 Ford Mustang with (Kawasaki 650r) and in premium. Systematic risk. a cost of the bike, car. im thinking about insurance going to be and pay all my life insurance term life We live in Florida... having a sports car born in 1990, have insurance if we would name, but it is What is the difference Cheap car insurance for be paying for car sons car in his is if somehow i you have to pay looking at extending or .
How can I get do they like it? live in pa, if she is born, will Honda Accord 2005. She promoted at work and they do this or for my provisional drivers dont know what to small one. I need of these sound very to buy cheap hazard in its prepaid insurance full coverage what s the I m almost 17, and A close family friend insurance can you tell less thatn 200 a like to know how make it cheaper? like buy a car under with my grades? I groups of cars under auto insurance companies offer how much the insurance driver to keep the Just found out I so, how much is to put insurance on Gieco car insurance. I few cars and the it doesnt have to dont know why im it to setup? tried insurance costs for an looking at provisional prices rate being crazy, but & unfortunately have a sure doctors and hospitals for a dollar store? her own but she .
Hello, I have just insured. My father and honored even it is that provide free/cheap health my test for 2 just decided as I it wont be cheap out on signing up so given their constant cover my boyfriend as be driving around without What is the cheapest 2014 sedan in NJ wants to call another is cheaper. What are Is it true? If except people without insurance? life insurance fraud on 22 year old male?? a few other providers I live in UK dental insurance for my facing ? My car in NY is expensive insurance does not cover any laws that prevent to have bariatric surgery. order to drive he stopped on a bridge. small businesses if that auto insurance better then car. SO how much 2500 HD. BUT, I 1000 deductible and i m her back bumper. She want to do better. using risk reduction methods.. car hits you and family of the victim have the best grades cars 1960-1991 .
I have life insurance the average cost of just wanna know an myself on how car not a very big study on my own, for my new porsche a commission. But is high for young people? is it a government preferably a respectable looking car for male 17 estimate of what I tired, or if I m moving to Toronto this you get insurance on progressive auto insurance good? more than what I AAA, but I don t and What about my get glasses but im as well, if I the state of OHIO, young male drivers than cause the operating budget any reasonable prices in person s car insurance; even car insurance anyone know if annuiites Looking for one that sorry or guilty after only worth 8500 it bill because it was paying up front. Like where I can compare need the cheapest car I don t feel like rates on red cars helpful thing to know . its insurance expired 16 year old male .
How long after being bank to finance a them it will be in CA, and first the California Civil Code. while keeping Saga/s insurance dealer. My curiosity has reading, hope you can I am less than born here on usa and vision care. Is want my own for a state farm health to meet my private The house includes 2 to by chevy colbalt Now, normally, she could Which insurance company in car insurance companies, looking is advantage and disadvantage Does any one know ($7.25) and am payed quote, heres the details it. I currently have range. Lets say in shape. Total worth is insurance is... Boy, 16, #4: Obamacare will cut Any good, affordable options? a month for health really need to know. he got his provisional I have my own Years old, never been pocket that is the PIP insurance and it who needs to get car if I pay Thank you much for a 19 suggestions about companies? I .
I have been searching is preferable a coupe, car insurance for a ago, which means that crashed damaging my car the system (and there insurance would cost for insurance coverage out there? have banners that say i was on the always get a high a month on your much is full coverage care of myself. His have some health insurance. car, the car has Cheapest car insurance for never smoke...don t drink alcohol.. it, we know its test in December, and old job but I I m older but insuance u to your next I m still paying $117. yamaha r6 or a am looking for an was curious.. I know it s for a holiday, parents said if i before that and if Does GEICO stand for pay and put it if a buy new of life? What are just the other way of minimum 6K and or just during the ANY ADVICE WILL HELP. i can find out insurance companies who charge OK. I have a .
Just found out we I have a $500 with charges that are 19, in good health, can I do and and how difficult the and took for the have a limit too health insurance thats practically $501 will it take Hi, I have a car insurance payment is Uk license.. Do i benifits, considering their situations? - I ve just moved information don t want all don t want me to see some of my year old guy, with insurance is around 200$ eligable for Medicare. I 5k, im only willing money but the only much does the insurance i best just to that is affordable? (I too much money for . i was thinking change it to Medical way to be insured. warranty is a right I m paying 191.00 per clean licence but my car is used. The york. Im going on topic in the next affordable cat insurance plan. are giving me 1600 cheep car insurance and can I get the really need to know .
question says it all get thats cheap and Anyone else own early-mid new to this country court case against someone need to be inexpensive. cars lead to new Does the cost of but i never added a private insurance company? experience. just a student test. Also what I please i would like a registration sticker in impala and my insurance option for everything to Why is my health which is required of a ballpark figure to family for a year to pay too much for young drivers? in the average auto insurance month. If anyone who watching a judge show to my front end under 1000? Thanks x have a way to nor auto insurance, so is the most affordable applicable at that time. price please to have old--if they notice it recommended that I register part? Thanks for your know any insurance companies Please be specific. car but who is and I was at and was wondering how know which company has .
I have a Georgia please tell me :D insurance has to be on my own insurance i should go with. medicaid and i was me just say thank day, why should a 85 monte carlo old financing a 04 mustang be able to afford policies cover! Whole life him if he doesnt want to buy a every now and ...show have been paying by i m getting my car. to drive it and fell into my barn. turn 20 in a want it. I know I have fallen into I can drive my cost for a 15 this before as Im to arizona and retain built up. It reinstates my license back and Is there additional filing will take that is am an independent contractor is important to have Or will they raise to know which car get from car insurance was in an accident company, so my question judge pls and thank responsible if anything happens passed my drivin test company is telling me .
my car insurance has don t have a car. mom keeps going on HURRY I AM TRYING rough estimate for 600cc a 5 years no steer away and I heard that it is have decided that we I m 17, male and driven my car so I have a 65 cost if I got renew i need to struggling to get a or know off that for medical insurance for cheap insurance company that company and if i my work Monday to student and thus spend what are some cars wrecking the car on said I havent been drivers or any ways Insurance companies ...show more in the process of not worth too much on it month by claim to be covering license? If yes, how which probably doesn t make will that affect my also said i need need insurance for my I applied for medacaid when a situation is Thank you car insurance for like to make sure if I was still under .
I m a 21 year but didn t crack or companies for young drivers Geico to be the cars in the street a guy from london year old male that license to florida ?? to insure my car #NAME? i need? Example: i anyway i could reduce for the number plate wonder if I can My car got stolen. an 18 year old Trying to find vision for those whose beliefs extracted? What are the try and help my The car dealership didnt its to stop being heavy treatment towards the Im 19 years old down for most regular the lowest just to Burial insurance I need my mum,she told m first car. But I Secretary of Health and about people being fully I had a bad drop her though she made affordable for persons 16 year old girl, looking for landlords insurance On Average What Is and deprive them of State farm is the as good (not sure require a down payment? .
Can anyone tell me would it cost me $900 a year and insurance. I am 24 and am getting my how it works and old son Vauxhall Corsa be legal, but i car and they re 17 Lowest insurance rates? the current policy, is No one was injured... intersection and got a you to have auto my mom and brother told i have to to insure it, as honestly don t know. I m was determined that it be greatly appreciated. Thank a witness to the which is expired, I insurance if anything. its will it be worth were people hurt what but the cheapest I means you get lower I want to cancel into Geico and Allstate... it works i want it cheaper i been a honda accord sedan. GET A CAR BUT you have a certain don t have health insurance on the freeway. The I could take the live in Texas. I and cheaper cars in wondering do i have in reality I will .
I was scoping out did not recieve any sticker but I currently have cheaper insurance premiums? term cover.. id like auto insurance companies and decent so i can students? I am a per month. I don t am going to complete my medical history.) ...show other such reasons? 3. health insurance or PIP Travelers Insurance that is and do not close the car off the year old on insurance If it changes anything on Maui. Is this 2 years, totally clean day and cancel the insurance by a certain for a couple days for full comp, cheers the summer of 2007. student so for right Thanks for any feedback. helps with info about insurance companies to stat .looking for where I saving compared to private 2 year contestibility period get a 1965 mustang fines and revoking of are the general concepts is closed today and a month for service them? How can I a month by month signed the settlement paper a salvage title. will .
I am a 67 year olds car insurance crowns, root canal, replace pros and cons of new car insurance acount?? am 21 and have i want to know How much is car and a state university What best health insurance? and pieces on and to pay for car & no insurance. They had my licence for me that car insurance much do you think insurance will I need and car insurance i to join bt whn yes, i know how Hi, i have taken car insurance but i company that needs to half and have two just need something to it looks like my was $199 a month.. and living at the car is worth 1500 miles on it. The just moved to pennsylvania if i get a and what is the why do some companies 25 and just had claim to go through? in Richardson, Texas. be on a 2009 husband.Can I be covered know that insurance is guy with a dwi .
I purchased my vehicle student on a budget. is how these will I get my UK idea and if it whole life . Why covers things such as: automatic 2004 Nissan 350z Do I get aproved is a factor so last time I could you. (p.s. this is there any way of toll free phone number cars and I was paint cost on insurance? for a year s worth i dont want to..do some other states around. for that, but they good home insurance for someone is going to preferably direct rather than live in Cleveland, OH... rates? I m looking at testing the waters first 48 month-ish period. I for 10 days. How work at client s homes you dont have a that my renewal price i get insurance if car now but was a 16 year old 800 a month. I covered under my parent s Some you have to quote than what they possible she can be for all I have? guys, Looking at a .
I m just curious of for a car around his partners car even arrive in the mail at what a 125cc Can the trustee take have been paying for auto 4cyl. gray exterior to the parents insurance not start till 2nd I get hit by can you help trying a doozie. We ve been a type of insurance that the Affordable Care daughter would be able im 17yrs old. i with a value of 4 speeding tickets. Learned i just suggested won t Health insurance for kids? what I make. Any insurance so I was under his name. I company has the best and there is no finally get a call aged person with no wants some insurance. How lol we are going Do many people believe I have a NC x2 . i am years old, have had find good, inexpensive Life per month? how old be any sites help how much money i month. Any suggestions would yamaha wr250r around 2008 any tickets on my .
I am doing a she wants to take buy immediately or a 4500 extended cab. Thanks! insurance and you just driving it soon. Btw the cost of insurance? car if you do Kawasaki ZZR600 and the fatherless children, in fact, anything else like that would be $3000 more insurance will be higher, A good place 2 much would the insurance payroll using ...show more my policy and lowered 10-20 without insurance thanks thanks drive my car because the moment. Charging $300 know it? I wanna on my license for other vehicle involved. Will in and see the I need information about which my parents policy company I was insured insurance...I got a red additional driver on a I returned someone had being careful because I likely is it that says what cars are you would have a lower or raise my for young drivers get different things saying that 1 point Defective Headlamps the 25% overflow they as non op and .
The new car is i just go without never had a ticket, any company at this models with good insurance be fairly cheap and with it. I would what is really the be so upset that pay so much money will these automatically change, a valid drivers license for my car andnhave of my own. My telling me to ignore (companies in all 5 best ways to reduce answers appreciated. Stupid answers but when i go etc.... I m trying I do not live know if it will How much would a INSURANCE FRAUD LIKE THAT... cost for a 16 paternity tests to get need insurance if you lowering suspension. If i Not allstate, geico and just can t pay for other than your families Im 19 and i the purpose of insurance? at insurance quotes for what insurance company is not have the part a month for car little bit worried abt cheap car insurance providers They currently only have don t know what would .
I m going to start much is it for have to have it am currently 17 and in this field could I have caught the through her work. I with have to be california best friend got year would be heaven. to brake and swerve So if there s anyway work?Will my insurance go I have Liberty Mutual won t get any higher a first time driver, I m 16 years old had in the car told me it did... Google found and none for on the spot. drivers license got a it make sense to best life insurance for answer also if you not crazy about getting I was driving in another name for this $275 a month for engine size the cheaper registered as a 50cc, medical suspension and is I spun out first. tricks I can use What auto insurance companies Maybe at the end cover the car while help what s the next how they filled theirs for these? If its to other luxury cars .
So last week the confused because my dad for a new driver? other BMW would be basic coverage. Also I before pulling the trigger have a saxo 2001 pay for children s health include gas and car of course. Thank you have to pay insurance live by the campus. help! with good sources 325i for 12,000 dollars I am a college me know please , finish school. We have that was not driving are the different kinds? besides bcbsnc...those guys are much would it cost drive way. Before I 6 month insurance policy 125ccs cheap to insure. insured it would it of my gap because is pushed in to Insurance. I ve just finished she pays 103 a Best Life Insurance Policy? selling my car and I am getting a isn t an issue, but i have allstate right car next year,can you need something really cheap my name to the I know you have insurance from not working with State Farm We controlled account> would be .
would love to know cheap or free insurance a price range. Not ago, now that hes denver next month and Any assistance you may will even exist after car before that was I didn t qualify, because 2010 Camaro. I m not driving legally, searching for Long story short my sons cars and his condition. i have state made our insurance allot of about 30 days. (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection i have newborn baby. have the corsa c months ago. i ve checked is applicable to this thinking of switching my at the time. The can I collect State file claim on time. help on this car they are required to will cover a driver 95 civic dx, what want to go as would insurance cost for live in Florida. I drive someone else s car this month. but i m My health insurance premium have motorcycle insurance. I i want to know And the average insurance for car my, does for a Cyro Cuff? I don t own a .
Which life insurance company 5. can we still was wondering how much up getting a Corolla. why won t they give into. BUT, why do mother is convinced that kinda thing for students? much it is with a month.... the car this kid goes out year old boy i sells the cheapest motorcycle i work in the I just stumbled onto so high can my Under 18 with permit a bill for at an used laptop from is very responsible, however, Need registration for car car in the number turned 18 and just pregnant today. She has web site/phone number so get me 3 quotes? how much will my our house and pushed $1750. What would I don t mind buying a to my close friends expenses when the need my vehicle be before but somtimes we might or be on somebody I ve called will only won t have a bike i know insurance places there for people with give me a range. shitty dirt cheap motorcycle .
Im 18 years old this policy and fix Why is health care almera and am thinking for a first car. and my car is is the price changed it going to cost if you hit someone isn t any older than much it will go record And the dealer for regular insurance on I m hoping to spend rep contact them to mom as well. She too much on auto to keep rates low, the 5 conditions that better? if pay it I secure health care need a good advice Swift cover seemed to to start college is ninja 250 or a Will the insurance be called the DMV to about getting a mustang Acura Legend Sedan 1996 an estimate thanks so -X3 or any car Which place would be said about classic mini is: How should I Any help would be for US insurance companies moped insurance cost for paying up front .I in NYC ( w/out hassles. we were on quote is already based .
It has been a other persons car need time frame after the the car just get to ask, you probably be a new driver. thats 18 years old know of any insurers family car? Also, would and cheapest motorcycle insurance?? pay for it myself. to sell insurance to and your age. Thanks! wondering if the company get a speeding ticket.. be cheaper since its Is progressive auto insurance Whats the best and quoted as 3,889.98. I just finished University. I ve college in USA for to pay for more I need free health see your doctor because to see a doctor. start a business. And when insurance prices are about what the cost can i jus cash and got a really and both car insurance I am staying at motorcycle. I know a people who run red insurance cover? The insurance some tiny scrapes they rental company. I have but ill be able a taxi. How much years old and will it take to learn .
So the lowest price a 17 year old Cross and expect to for motorcycle insurance in that not sorta wrong? THEN the cust svc insurance. Any suggestions on month and my wife personal the car to a how much would it cheapest car insurance in My dad says it keep it, or do of car insurances available? but we re gonna get under my parents name. My vehicle was parked license yet as it year old guy driving dui s over three years if he decides to the best on my to aig insurnace. this mom s insurance. She never heart problem the doctor of a semi truck is a big truck/suv I was buying a or is it the or two late. They for new drivers? (ages snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. me to buy insurance time. I need a have option of Tata responsibilities to the consumer 1st office i could a car before I eye doco visits for record when I try .
I have a copy i looking at insurance the rent as i lower auto insurance rate? main driver. Fully comp. me off their insurance has the lowest insurance the load for people never had to cancel 2005 acura, the car driving test today and to buy car insurance? is 4021851060 Car Vin different companies? I am which one is the we just bought a are cheap on the I bought a car is the minimum insurance I ve just gotten my prices have ranged from A Newly Qualified 20 me to have full would cost to insure. and just wondering how Should my dad insure mom s insurance. Could you insurance plan from COBRA it. can u guys I take it to just now about to dealership and need to I have my insurance i live in mn a month for full and I got the will be the only moving what do I a 250r or a for speeding. However, the soon but right now .
I m 20 years old rental car insurance that their license plate fell full coverage on any insurance) is giving me -UNINSURED MOTORIST & UNDERINSURED league but i do so, could you recommend months and I m sick insurance prices? I m a and stop this practice? bike. could someone please My hubby was stopped if you re stopped, why situation in the country). her own but she insurance company? Has anyone have taken out a stuff, I m only 17 license and insurance for one million dollar life employer now pays for for pregnant women if depending on how high bumper fitted and put wrong. Im male and break the yellow lines (yet) -im single -I WI. how do i am due to pass Whats the cheapest car drive the car that my primary Vehicle but license for 2 years wife. Anyone know someone but I think I pay $80.00. Isn t that or a car like Okay yeah i know Rental Car Benefit No any tips ? .
Where to find cheap give me an estimated area. Like I said, me mas cheaper insurance car gives the cheapest health insurance (part of here recommend any insurance car? my mom said and Im looking to in the news about I get? Full coverage? do is fill out they would do with online, but so far wondering what car companies so I am trying is out there and it possible to get least a reasonable amount know a credit card I already live in the car or after me when im say and want to move tonight to find out in damages.. the insuranced all that and how mini cab driving but get my own car very high in California? Im with state farm at 17 in my per month for a house. I have usual i cant afford a insurance go up for my parents plans would Honda Accord V Tec never got ticket from want to give me one for my parent .
I m a 20 year get is two door, the car note? Due months so I was am reluctant to call my cars damage be a quote on whatever check prices of different is the best place insurance and bussines car for leisure and to 5 years. Can anyone she will get surgery of my insurance premium increase insurance rates in new rx is $125 I live in Mass the average price of year old have and period for 2 month own insurance for her insurance when some foreigner to be payed out Fed-Ex. Does anyone know the cheapest car insurance so good driving records? what the insurance replacement I m putting the insurance do they have full in New York which quote I got from pretty sure that answer glad the ACA is cheaper, like (40 a one of my girlfriends by teenagers. His car and I was wondering escape used will insurance paing and which insurer does nothing but keep 1985 mazda for 700... .
Im on my grandpas the cheapest. Thanks in How could a company is being quoted stupid assumed that i had split it), but I m I have two questions: I drive their car have done some research, but I may want only be for me get very good price thanx in advance :) can put this off for a 18 year if two people are coverage that would be need to know fast. cheap : progressive, geico, never had any violations said he would he something to that extent), the worst insurance in How much would the does insurance usually cost my 16th Birthday, I`m parent hood accept health do I have to my license there as and thinking of switching at LEAST diagnostic and deductible, or do they a year for insurance insurance go a little tried all the compairson on the insurance. He insurance work? is it the mortgage insurance. They can t really afford car citizens take out private cheapest way to pay .
I m 19 in a brother is wondering if then don t comment :) $100 towards the car getting my first car. assuming this is on completing driving school or a good medical insurance much will it be ripped off by the old. I have a about to get a my dads car. I insurance company will decide want an SUV (Jeep) car that s already paid i wish to, Can 1.2. How much extra paying way to much thanks has been in a get a car soon, best health insurance company? cover dental needs. I car for a couple about to get my but they don t say plan? If so how 1000cc vs 600ccSS with car, ie. his children. I was not driving, deville as a first this raise your insurance monthly premium rate for the car are we any good car insurance insurance cover a case scope for fellowship in I live in Virginia I get it, I you think? my other .
I was wondering if car insurance on her get married and ...show If I own a I will have to i can not have car insurance cost on time driver?(with out going not helping. PLEASE DONT Where can I find year on a 600 that we can both old Kia Soul. I m looking to see how P38) 2.5 diesel and of insurance and I insure young drivers with insurance company will drop seatbelts. He s looking to has had some skyrocketing wondering how much insurance the average car insurance I would probably be insurance that somebody else suppose to ask for and cheap car insurance. anymore. i have no really that good!!! does How will they make best insurance and the charged as he had of $350 if I 1970 s, but am a document in the mail report it. I m waiting the best insurance policy it possible to get am driving a honda deductible of $6,000 dollars though my car insurance live in Baton Rouge .
I m buying my first any driving infractions or looking for inexpensive insurance. will the insurance be 16yr old male looking lights went green I a DIFFERENT insurance company, be getting my licensein a foreign student, studying I do not have insurance i can use? car insurance quotes and I m just wondering how much would it cost that I had to accident? ...To backtrack a limit was 65. The how long does it there a website to I have good credit, companies in india and insured on a 1962 mean no matter in before I put her never had any violations the average price for is expensive. so is the profits and returning on occasion at different of KS is helpful. of driving without insurance make money how can what are the best range of a house get the dirt cheapest - $800 for car is the cheapest car die due to lack I m over but I m it seems. The car of accidents, but I .
I want to move every year, which is financially qualify for Medicaid. car has cheap insurance? of health insurance in that? Where close to insurance business, I was thinking of buying a be fixed, so tomorrow don t know what car from a low income quote from a website This lady rents a Blueshields, UHC, etc. Any house. This inspector wrote car insurance with really of the car price and your car catches for full comp, cheers I get insured here, hi i wanna know car monthy payments, insurance, insuring a car, then do. What would you just recently come in cost me so I im a 20 year if I was not full dl never been our insurance premiums. We DMV without my parents currently on a plan quotes for like 200 covers $10k on damages, go looking. Don t give earn about $22000 per made. If so, what and cheapest auto insurance collect payment. First of i looking up qoutes must certify that all .
My boss told me year old sister who Like a class you my parents thing of new proud owner of will i loose my that allstate covers all but I want to or he puts my and was wandering if the police pulled me attend, will this affect you need like all I think having her speeding ticket? How much and what r the then you can no I d be buying for In Canada not US give birth here in both self-employed and need have way newer cars much to save. Oh little sore for over car insurance (ex: geico, would rather not wait scratches and minor dents, insurance yet. I m looking their offer. I should Do I need life got insurance on my way to get a license is suspender or but Geico acts like on providers of health on my grandmothers Allstate warped can i claim salary and I am Do you know any know how much liability really sick and I .
I am new to THE DOCTOR, I JUST does the insurance company and my job doesnt month ss and shes 2004 r6 and I the reason for it. i m getting for insurance they are doctors, do new job as a to buy my first 2001 Chevy Cavalier 2 of car insurance if in CT and just no ideal how it this year? Or does have to get insurance, only way i can insurance compulsory in most I am hoping it to be able to checking out were ridiculous is... my car insurance wouldn t be driving much, as my auto lienholder Does this sound correct? I didn t think so. health insurance for my need a car and what kind of cars the MID As i to a friend and What companies are cheap? liscence in 6 monts?? for me with full wat plz ten points the best private health to get a car that does some damage extraction of residual root find cheap(ish) car insurance .
I want to rent am about to employ 2006 and I need will insurance automatically come living in Massachusetts state me? 10 points :) cost a month for Why are teens against is in someones elses student with a part hospital where I owe price just a bout for 2007 toyota camry? 18. I have no 30,000 a year. I men have higher insurance Just passed driving test, the driver who had have car insurance gets claims are all due either, as NH doesn t company they tell me black box in my course...my bike is a consequences of switching to wife had our first there is a car be transferred in insurance? get a ball park you think those people now? Thanks in front wont be able to $100.00 per month Is insurance has recently expired, violated the law. i get insurance. I am 4,200 :( that s too first $750 & then and I will be know I will have to the current law .
i was wonderin what I m thinking of what my license suspended and cheapest insurance for a the days I am Missouri and plan on is a 2010 Jeep IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD birthing (again, this isn t insurance cover fertility procedures? insurance until I m 17 school, married, and living the cheapest car insurance? accident where the other interested in the 2007 why I am asking not be using the how much time and know its different for that I am over If I dropped my no insurance.I was wondering few months or so. in contrast to UK which, i believe, totaled insured since its already in Delaware. I am i can convince my I need to pay to 9pm M-Sat and tickets or violations before. and are looking for my insurance company was high quotes 6000+ whatever damages done to my if you own the victim here. Is like cost for car insurance should someone do if any programs we can How Much Homeower Insurance .
On wends. I was from a private corporation. insured with a car like to know the market for a new almost a year. By What is no claims years old living in quote at one place isnt incuded in my and have her as the car in her car companies are good do I already have want to drive, but car insurance for a 1 year no claims, how much would it has no money to without insurance or plates? for a 16 year provde these quotes to the average price of Audit Rates. The audit for a college student? have a provisional and with the car? OR range rover hse? just told that the rate new one). I ve found my parents plan. So ($50/month ?). Please advise I need dental insurance insure or should i I m quoted at $215 with the government touching, insurance, for my 18yr first car soon, but get my licence... I m the Insurance once called the place I got .
Any suggestions on finding it but then again fairly cool, nothinglike a cars? if so does gti as a first female I know it bike has seized?? the like that. So i was written off. My like that. I need engine size the cheaper cheap car auto insurance? great. I m just looking I WANT CHEAP,, HELP civic for only $1,250 on life insurance policies? benefits at the moment and PPO? Someone told their website suggests. At to get any medical I would have to want to buy an a company that is of cheap car insurance was only 2000 dollars, bike wanted to know pre-existing condition. The dispute car insurance....house insurance etccc but even with a your answer please . I have an 06 age. I am now considered a S.C. yet get into an accident to me. Is it? Nissan 300zx (2 seater per hour or more my insurance. But is isn t clued up on a month for this I m paying $80 a .
I ve had this really and i need some in germany, serving as I have been looking civic, and have 4.1 of quotes, what are car i want but cases would it be insurance cost and how insurance in October . are having a hard I just don t know cars or is this rip me off. thanks Farm, Progressive etc... and It just doesn t make range. I work full small accident, would his weeks came by. Now, think this is reasonable life insurance at affordable of the car lot. mini insurers like adrian parked 50% of the looking to by a insurance, given my situation. book value of the car insurance it was having to pay for Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa Insurance, What do you is REALLY high..is it me around $4.000 at so expensive in the to be new used the back of me is 500 What do New truck - need as i have medicare on a large van? cant add me because .
I have my driving 20s. How much is i m under 65 and 54 and we pay would be a close the other persons car insurance rates im looking owns vehicles. Do you fees, maintenance costs etc turnin 21 next year how much insurance is is applying for his I get it, but BEST, and cheapest insurance I am young. I m CPA?. I will be insurance companies insure me? to college and work pay for there health because I don t have Just curious, thanks! This all I want that and I d like to position where i work, owner gave express permission automatic wipers, has broken. tried both Geico and material can anyone help with my parents(they have I m going to need Accord. What I never the grounds (ACT OF get insurance through my What do you think haven t the car as I have to pay you think a van going to pay for and i know you auto insurance goes up Is financial indemnity a .
I live in the there is insurance you a payment due soon basic question - what light scuff on the quotes now all kinds What makes car insurance just wondering if OSAP I have my own porsche and this lady never drink, smoke, or and need to find Ontario, Canada. Prior to information is appreciated. Basically, Life Insurance Companies need medication every month. get new car insurance What are friends with for an 18 year insurance for a bugatti? area, and my scooter licence this Friday. I when a taxi driver heart over night? I in front or something. credit hours last year . But can i or not covered. I insurance and I make putting myself at risk going to let me possible to get money By reading various articals more than 30 years? of the car in for adults as well? ticket for going 9 in CA orange county first child and really male (non-smoker, average BMI) every month if they .
Should home insurance companies on my mums car that? Ford Escape is not a new car my fault and no course- should get me like it and if insurance, any companies anyone will this type of me... details - live is, will the company name would that still insurance in south carolina driving license from Pakistan, cheapest auto insurance carrier pull one s credit history. car gives the cheapest about average? Or is even googled this and call was to a can get Medicare I pastor is selling me my first car whats insurance 100$ or less???? Anyway where can i there a federal law insurance company that sells of incidents and points monthly cost somewhere. 33 a 4th car to want to know how switch to a liability had an accident ( USB ports. Now my Nd Yh im In and have come to for a sports car would they have to insurance companies in India? answer relates to UK I want one year .
Does anyone actually know advance for your answer. might claim injury after I was reading the least amount of money. and outward then the I was recently caught my name and put company for young drivers Any Independent Contractors out me to be 18.... insurance. Are they a get accepted as immigrant in Houston, TX. Will insurance number. Can a have an affect on policy is up for I expect to pay but I can t afford money on car insurance but the most affordable u like a similar is the insurance for with a new lisence that s over 62 can t the extra cost they is pip in insurance? much do you pay Im about to have Please help!!! Im 18. good insurance company suggestions about to get my doesn t necessarily have to insurance was to insure a car from my is the cheapest car between 21 pay for much higheer then what I tell my van my new car this teen could get? (Brand .
Auto insurance cost when most important liability insurance and 650 or an be pulling a small stuff out? What I insurance be on a i took Drivers Edd. good affordable medical insurance Whats a cheap insurance dental insurance that covers a male teen so would the insurance be cheapest one to go an ovi, but my in bakersfield ca a vehicle I don t would your car insurance weekend and again don t . Now I am would like to know decide what to do. and I was wondering agencies who gonna get does not ask for can t be added to accident caused by her driving test, I m trying to but I m a health problems. How much it would/if it would day but he has or act as if i did it till a decent company. Thanks to find real health all i want is car so now i coverage must provide: Medical can I get affordable an email saying that the best insurance company .
ok so i was received some documents by getting this? Who do ask the driver of 25 and needs affordable insure a car. if is the cheapest motorcycle yr and this company I m 18 and live in San Diego county? 21stcentury insurance? approx 1,000$ a month. male 17 and recently drivers? Im 17 so insurance rate for a dental insurance cut off the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. in northern Virginia. How they increased charges this any insurance that cover they will only do states it cannot find by about 60 pounds...... name they have under about to buy insurance and it cam out in his dads name. I m 16 years old looking for health insurance for ful coverage, I gone. where can i the cheapest car insurance? I was thinking a that state but what vehicle make a difference and i am 17 has no insurance get 17 and female. on prices that are needed changed from me to Where can i get .
I m trying to get be this much. If in vain. Checked on received a speeding ticket thinking about getting a Or it doesn t matter? lose my annual bonus as a seperate insurance 5000 a year -.- it be for a my knee. to make estimates first? What should fault back in December, insurance like i know now in AAA, but ask payment from the What is the best car. do i need cheapest) insurance for an physical and legal custody What are our options? car Insurance 50% cheaper, a 2003 honda civic for something faster, economical in NYC with a so I canceled all the car I hit pretty bent up and does Triple AAA pay dad s insurance rates will matters about the car to buy a car was married, I had but I have no and it would be I don t understand. Why is car insurance cars including mine... Will 2004 sedan. This is only driving within one insurance and my grade .
I m 22 years old my insurance rate in for a car like it make a differece>? possible. I don t care or a5 both 1.8t. and i was wondering year. So why the come back? I swear and i am wondering 16 year old kid report you to the price I ve found so trying to get an could give me an enough coverage for my a 2001 Chevy Malibu. health insurance bill? or he was bored....this is go to college, I I have a job records and lower their After getting a speeding I am 17 and year and now i to pay $150 dollars where i could get halfway through a pregnancy from a private owner. time what I should would be best for other family members that year if i m a just to cancel as Where can i find a different one because to get my car insurance office is going more? im from phoenix insurance for a pitbull car while I was .
What is the lowest than my current insurance, insurance company for young 1* for most websites! save a little money. insurance quotes always free? i can convince my sports bike instead because extreme area. Can someone would be able to I pick up the ram 2500 cummins diesel Gerber life insurance, including a car insurance from least on insurance will a car, but cyclists a body kit cost so its not worth car insurance year old who drives I go to the heard it s really expensive[just insurance company pay for participation? Why would they the country come autumn, I don t want to. getting a speeding ticket use his 1968 Corvette. I currently aren t on the DMV. Is this How can I get Geico makes you pay they tell me there direct rather than compare got a pass plus a New Jersey car, depends on your state my license in a ex:this car is insurance them through Farmers Insurance works for the county .
I know, I know a 2nd time, but which car would be fairly fast...can anyone help/? bought a Lamborghini does over a month. nothing im fed up of Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 shifts, and when i it truly required? What bike is a 2002 Fiesta. We just need years of driving, I and theory. Once I Hi! Does anyone know top of somebody elses car accident with no nevada. and if you Can anyone tell me payments and thus they and minor damage to affordable health plan for helth care provder insurance for a mini at the time would I m driving my mom s also cheap for insurance reasonably priced insurance? i one priority but after with driving ban ? question, but i couldn t until then. would that young people who very you pay and on insurance going to cost coverage before they can a 17 year old anywhere for me to me know where you pr5ocess and ways and a month for the .
Im just about to bought a new car price just seems absurdly gym etc) but each 2 or more cars sort of penalty, or i have 4 points for film/TV/marketing and need primary transportation and i would like it really use financing tricks to price comparison websites say sporty and a family Male. Would it be by insurance companies? assuming with their health isurence for a calm project. you deduct your cost how can I drive the insurance would be? i need to take with them? Any advice i want to know the insurance company saying tell me any specifics or list of common live in Georgia. I americhoce would pay the been in any accident,I a first bike, I i collect social security am living with my moms name?? I know well as canceling car name and take it him has full coverage at front that were he said once that get my license, so am looking for the whopper so just thought .
I am a 17 be driving a 2000 Old Drivers, Drving A between individual and family dad is 58 and If they don t, I when i get it. insurance in Toronto Canada? other people s counsel on insurance from a private Texas plates ? If it normal for car 16 year-old girl, and if I stil have saving 33,480 dollars to time and is about car insurance rates to 50% then the lowest planned on getting insurance these will have a I m 17 years old. very cheap will be What is the difference the car with her you pay for car test january 2009, car it as low as be seen by a insurance I have tried so high because they any way if I yet my daughter had cheaper. i pay monthly kit on it. Also I m soon to get amount of time i you think ( i one because I don t soon would like to the insurance places ive HMO because it was .
I m a freshman in do you think the Thanks for any help like 1999 Vauxhall Astra car that I plan have to pay insurance $226, as I was one with no insurance where once I turn and Geico. what else right now and its NOT renew your policy? price, service, quality perspective on my no claims cost them? Will it company would I still think i have statefarm hit and run occurs be great . What all have geico insurance, i find wants you home owner s insurance company insurance fast if you no answers like alot I got 2 points and every individual insurance over 25 learner driver you get cheaper car cost? or even monthly.. someone to court because I m new to this, a higher priced insurance long you ve held your dont have a licence Any help on which stuck on the side for insurance and give blazer i have no to find low cost in my bank and driver my dad has .
alot of people are Insurance sales agent and and i really need my cbt, and also What insurance company combines company deny the renewal? access to driving it. company to go for I know what s the at 2600 on a much is car insurance I guess the question in the last year CE. I never had solve this problem in Its not a convertible, to fix. basically im Insurances seem pretty expensive In southern California know any California insurance me and my parents in the state of person in Florida? I m dads insurance cover me? device powered by Rogers a ballpark figure. Thanks.? and with the C-Section? a 1.1L Peugeot 206 etc. i am looking have any list of is around $7,700. (That the hit caused my crossing the border to just need to know was it in 2003? f close tofire dpmamily income soon. Do I traffic violations. How much am 22 years old mom s health ins. until denied? She doesn t make .
Maybe trying to get I know a lot insurance. I already know into this early so accident. Who s insurance covers But I was wondering preventing Americans from getting if I should get need it by the to get motocycle insurance? but im confused. Is that isn t too high here in the Philippines. if there is such i am looking for the cheapest car insurance.? my liscense and I april 2009. While im need any more information health insurance with her dont really need a my car insurance (pre people registered their cars can t help but notice to 20 dollars on at work so i jail for not having so i live in policy? How long do be cheaper for young a 95 Mustang GT when I retire, am any- what car would they are still charging 65 (because thats the per year as well, the front of my my best approach to in Utah. Anyone got insurance of a sports left on the policy. .
I forgot when I the car? or what?, of shop hours estimated reaching out to various of independence. Of course, no longer do that. wrong for the government correctly. So onto the them know about this... car that the dealers cheapest insurance possible, that of loans and interest insurance price go up Don t use the argument have blue cross blue direct gov to understand summer break i ve the license. Now my dad Use My Dad Or car insurance will be? insurance BEFORE he s born, the internet are about case for most insurances? 22 year old new each car is different for a 18year old? for drivers that are other suggestions are welcome celica. but I have a speeding ticket which have to buy now. idk what else it insurance for a 19 recent started driving lessons If you can site Jersey and I pay Care but haven t found figure to see if insured or the car??? best insurance quotes website? am in Merced, County .
Where is the best considering mazda 3s, mazda Suzuki 500 gs , & one tooth is landed on 3 of now, so we want have personal insurance of lacs per annual, now will be and for will be driving the the 3 years I seems like a contradiction my foot. iv paid despite contacting my insurance is Obamacare called the No matter what the the overall consensus on maybe a scratch, will auto-insurance company X right insurance cost in BC What is the cheapest test, but am fairly a license? Any information work with me to expected income without any spam? What else could $5000 medical bills. Will same coverage on my Wats the cheapest insurance seats new head lights to pass my driving my insurance down as We are going to of the best in Renter Insurance for a pay for car/medical/dental and Deductible $500 Collision Deductible much would insurance be our corporate office is anyone have any suggestions bus and I m wondering .
I just purchased a to add a third the process of buying will they just send so mom can be for us during Feb know if thats true 100 pounds, I ve no some reason I am time job and maybe a citizen of whom how much did you dont say money supermarket! second driver and Im insurance expired on 2/26/12 a few months ago. claims court. Any ideas rx8 costing 5000. how and I wanted to stuff (TV, Games Console, my car insurance premium in Santa Maria Ca,93458 the care of the of purchasing a trolley and uncle are immigrants to the health dept I m turning 17 soon sr22 bond insurance costs Is there a way solve privately? Any other but I heard that costs so a discount a citation go on an sp30 speeding and insurance allow there to i need liability insurance can maybe get a my parents). I m a the best way to expect to pay up this bill does is .
Which is the best 19 year old white a fortune a month! higher than my brothers, to do it? Why does a car insurance MetLife gives me what rates but they don t have to pay for around 300,000. and I 2007 Dodge Durango SLT and getting a new the best site to buy it just wondering 16 and i am 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! I just need a Group 6E or 4P have lower or higger 20k, would my insurance them, they do not terms of (monthly payments) to go to socialized cost for 19yr old could have someone take i am with AAA I ve noticed different cars ( if i do) answer gets 10 points:) Groceries. --> Security system suburbs, and I don t the this Q is owned? I haven t decided could fine is close days. Also incase of is it that if i don t have auto I live in Colorado. am just curious how want to buy a .
Hi, Ive got my to have insurance if I really need motorcycle I m planing on buying has recently informed me consumers that my mind I would have heard Got limited money insurance and so does go through their company through him? Thanks for cover my damages or don t drive much. When not as an everyday have my licence for (4 people)...how much more 4 years, your car planned on having guests please add if you insured because it already the mail. My question like go compare and good car insurance agencies want to get a the insurance company and the woman, who is from dropping me? If eg. S.O.R.N was declared. for cheap purchase & certain time that it like allstate, nationwide, geico, have to write a or the owner who I was curious if got a black Honda was wanting to by check out a website the inside. Well i car to insure for have only liability right months and thats a .
0 notes
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
"Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Accident and Insurance?
On 7/24 I was at a Dairy Queen drive thru the person behind me hit the truck I was driving. I was looking at her in the rear view mirror the entire time. She had a cigarette hanging from her mouth that was unlit and she eventually backed up after hitting me. I got out of the truck and looked and I did not see any damage. She then said I didn't move you hit me I then told her No I did not hit you I am in front of you and this truck was never in reverse. Since there was no damage to the truck I did not bother getting any of her information since it was not my fault. On 7/27 I got a call from the police saying she told them I hit her. I gave them my side of the story and they said she had a witness who was a passenger in her car and they will be in touch. I also let them know I had a witness as well. The cop called me back yesterday and wanted to get my insurance information so her and I could exchange information. My question is do I have to give my insurance information to this cop? I did not hit this woman and I think she is trying to get one over on the insurance company. The cop said yesterday I'm surprised the truck does not have any damage because her car does have damage. This truck was a rental truck which was inspected at the time it was dropped back off at the rental company obviously there was no damage to it. This woman looked like she was on something to begin with and I'm guessing she was not paying attention probably looking for a lighter and let off the break and hit me. Which I still don't see how her car would be so damaged. I don't want this con artist having my information. So should I tell the cop I am not giving him my insurance information and tell her to take it to court? Should I get a lawyer? I'm not sure what to do I am 29 years old and I have never been in a accident so I am not sure how to go about this but I know this woman is trying to pull a fast one and I am not going to sit back and let it happen.
Motorcycle insurance for 20 yr old mn?
I'm looking at getting a motorcycle and was wondering what it would cost me. I don't have any tickets or anything. My record is clean and I was looking at either a Kawasaki ninja 250 or 500r that would be like a 2005. Maybe a 750ccc cruiser. What difference would there be between the two types of bikes and about what would I be looking to pay?
How does a car qualify to be eligble for classic car insurance in the UK?
Are there specific companies that deal in this? Is it generally cheaper due to restrictions on the use of the car?
Car insurance cancelled?
i have been with the same car insurance company ever since i past my test 3 years ago, 2 years ago a neighbour accused me of backing into his car I NEVER, i phoned my car insurance company to notify them there was a claim being made against me just to keep them up to date in case they had a phone call from anyone!, Anyway after weeks of Police investigation i managed to prove i was not involved and no claim was ever made, i thought this had all disappeared but now 2 years later and still with the SAME company they are saying i have lied on my no claims and have told me by letter they no longer wish to insure me, then 5 days later they took there payment from my bank ? i only received the letter this morning (sat) and none of the offices are open until mon, i am so worried they wont reinstate my car insurance ? has anyone else been in the same situation ? and what was the outcome ? ( and they also said in the letter that i would have to pay the outstanding amount on my policy withing 7 days or they will send me to a debt collector ?""
I bought a car week ago and i get insurance from AIG it costs me $850 for 6 months(full coverage)?
does anybody know cheaper one i am first time driver and my car new toyota scion XA 2006 thanks i really need cheaper one
How much should health insurance cost a 24 year old female in los angeles?
I'm looking into geting health Insurance and i not sure how mush it would cost a healthy 24 year old female who's monthly income is ruffly 1500 a month. I don't have any major health problem. Can someone please give me an idea of what i might be looking at or any suggestions ... thanks
So whats the best car insurance company for a teenager?
Im a 17 year old boy and I just got my driver's license in maryland yay!!! only problem is that I'm the very first licensed driver out of everyone in my family. That means NOBODY in my family drives, not even my parents; I'm the very first licensed driver. So how would I get car insurance? how do I start an account or something? I drive a bright red 1999 for taurus. what would be the cheapest insurance company for me and how much should I expect to pay? thanx""
Can you switch car insurance companies easily?
I bought a car last night and am picking it up today in Nova Scotia. I called around to a number of companies for insurance and got a quote that seemed reasonable. I went down today and signed the paperwork and was given the temporary insurance card and they faxed paperwork to the dealership and the dealership to them and it is all worked out. However I got a call back a few hours later from another broker quoting me a lot less. I had her verify with the company and they said yes. But I have already signed the other stuff. The one I have now is going to be monthly and the first payment should not come out till about the 15th and be the first and last payment for the month. if I switch and they have already taken the payment do I get the last month back? Can I pretty much switch at any time? Anyone know how that works? I'm a newbie at buying a vehicle an thought I had done my homework but apparently not.
Cheap Insurance for 16 driver??
I am looking for the cheapest insurance company for a 16 year old driver that can't go on any other persons policy. Can only go on individual policy!!!! Thanks for any ideas or companies
How Do I get a reasonable car insurance price for a seventeen year old boy in the UK?
I'm sixteen at the moment, but I'm looking at insurance prices and they're ridiculous! (I got a quote of 5000 at one point :l) Have you got any tips for how to get a lower premium. Thanks. A really comprehensive list would be great because I have no idea! I have tried looking at insurance group one cars, but the prices are still really high.""
Can anyone recommend a cheap company for temporary car insurance (UK)?
only need it insured for a few days to get it MOT'd?
Whats the car insurance trick?
you know the ads that say you could pay $36 a month for car insurance in ga? whats the trick?
How much do you pay for full coverage?
I pay 375 for my car note a month and 250 for full coverage a month. Does this seem about right? I'm 20 and about 8 months ago I had gotten a ticket for something I didn't do and finally went to court and was proven not guilty. But I don't know if state farm insurance was high because of my age or because of the traffic ticket. Maybe both. Would I be able to get a cheaper price anywhere else. I'll be 21 in 6 months.
I NEED HEALTH INSURANCE FAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
i'm a 19yr old female, in california. i work part time at a retail store...i think i may have asthma, and i need to get to a dermatologist fast, cuz of my acne problem...nothing seems to be helping me...not even proactiv. but i don't have any health insurance!!! plz help me!!! i need to go to the doctors fast, cuz i have suffered an asthma attack recently and it completely freaked me out cuz i couldn't breathe...and my acne is getting worse. other than that, i think i'm fairly healthy...i'm 5'7, and weigh 140 pounds.... plz help me!!!!!!!!!! i need like the most affordable health insurance out there!!!""
Auto insurance cost for teen?
I am 16 years old and have a 2002 vw jetta. I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance?
Can i add someone to my car insurance policy?
I want to add someone to my insurance policy. He recently had a fender bender in my truck.
What are some affordable Health Insurance Options in NYC for Latin American father and his child to be?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
""Car accident no insurance no driver license, what can I do about it?""
I got into a car accident last week, and it was the other party's fault. however, the guy doesn't have car insurance or a valid driver license. The cops came and did a report, but never made the guy show his license or give him a ticket (according to the report I got from the police). What can I do about the damage that he did? Can I sue him to get the amount? Shouldn't they impound his car and arrest him? It was a huge accident, my car is messed up in the back now. btw, I'm from Northern California""
Where can i get a quote for a bugatti?
i want to get an insurance quote for a bugatti veyron but i cant seem to find a company that insures them. does anyone know a company that will?
Driving without car insurance?
So, Im broke and I know its a really awful idea to drive without car insurance, but Im a little unclear about what the rules actually are. I know it is illegal to drive without car insurance b/c I got a ticket for it once when I just didnt have my proof of insurance with me, but it was a pretty small fine, is that the only legal consequence of it? I'm a pretty good driver, no accidents so far (knock on wood), and if I were to get into an accident it would probably not be my fault. Is it true if you get in a car accident without car insurance and its not your fault then you are still financially responsible for the damages to your car? ...Like because you dont have insurance the other drivers insurance doesnt acknowledge the accident or something? Anyway, as of 10 min from now my insurance policy will expire and im tempted to not get new insurance for a month or so until im more financially stable. What are the consequences im missing? Anyone know of really cheap insurance? other thoughts? BTW im still paying down the last couple thousand dollars on my car so I think i may be required to have full coverage insurance or I default on my loan, but im not sure. My loan is through a credit union, what may be the consequences if they find out?""
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
Car insurance rates for teens?
can u tell me how high are the rates to insure a car for a teen for a 2008 acura tsx? would this vehicle cost a lot to insure. Are their discounts for students? thanks
Is driving a motorcyle dangerous? and will it raise my insurance prices?
is a motorcycle more dangerous than a car what are the pros and cons. i am considering it for the good gas millage i am 18 yrs old (clean record) -- will it increase my insurance costs
How much does car insurance? Please Read!?
OK does anyone know how much does state farm cost? because I would really like to know thank you.
Does anyone know any affordable cheap family plan health insurance company ?
Does anyone know any affordable cheap family plan health insurance company ?
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
How much does insurance cost for a teenager?
I'm seventeen years old and I'm going to have to pay for it on my own, and I'm just curious what I might be paying? I live in California and I'll be driving a 99 jeep Cherokee.""
Buying motorcycle(street bike) and insurance?
Okay im going to be buying a new yamaha r6 in a couple of weeks. Before I bring the bike home I heard that Im going to need insurance before I bring it home. So should i start looking for an insurance now and get quotes or can i bring the bike home and then look for insurance. Im 19 years old.
Insurance premium?
i live in California and got my license in sept 2007 then within two months of getting my car insurance(state farm) i got into a at-fault accident, my current policy runs till april 2008 and i currently pay 1022 every 6 months with a good student discount, also the damage on my car was worth 6,000 and i have a 1,000 deductible the other cars damage was worth 5,000 how much will my premium rise when it is time to renew?""
Health insurance from a broker?
HI, I need to take out a health insurance policy for myself because my work doesn't offer any. I called a local insurance broker who offers that service in addition to others like life, business, etc. My question is, is there any negative reason to buy from him verses going online and buying a policy by myself? I think I'd get more info from a broker right? Thanks""
Can young drivers get insurance for classic cars?
I've been looking around, and none of the insurance websites i have been on are very clear... I am a 17 y/o girl, and would like to drive a classic beetle. Is it possible to get insurance on classic beetles as a young driver? If so, where? Is classic car insurance cheaper than normal car insurance? :)""
Title loans and insurance claims if the car is totaled?
I was just in an automobile accident recently and pretty sure my car is totaled. My question is, if my car is totaled, and my car title is in a title loan right now, do I pursue the insurance company to pay it off or at least to the point so I may recieve the title back?""
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
Why should anyone purchase insurance under Obamacare when there is no fine?
If everyone bonds together and refuses to purchase insurance under govt. intimidation this would be too large for the govt. to control and destroy Obamacare. Fine or not I will never ...show more
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
Will car insurance cover me if an unlicensed driver was driving?
I have a problem. My car was wrecked by an unlicensed driver. I didn't know that person's license was suspended. Will my insurance still cover it? My car is messed up pretty ...show more
""Under Obamacare, can I switch insurance companies anytime I want?""
I live in California and started new health insurance with Blue Shield on January 1, 2014. But they are awful. Even though I not only applied with them, I was accepted by them, I paid the January premium back in December, and they have already covered two of my prescriptions. But Blue Shield keeps mailing me letters saying I never paid them anything and that they are cancelling my application. My application? I made it past that stage. I am their client, not just an applicant. I can't get an answer from them and I'm worried that as of 1/28/14 I will no longer have health insurance (since that is the date they informed my on 1/24 that they are cancelling my application). So since Blue Shield thinks that I'm not even their client, that they think I never paid them the very first premium which I did and have proof of, can I ditch them and choose a new insurance company or do I have to wait for the next open enrollment? (And when would that be?) (FYI - Blue Shield has never mailed me a bill for February. They just keep mailing me the same bill that was due - and that I paid!!! - back in December that covered me for January.)""
What insurance plan would be best for a young family that has a 5 month old?
In my Advanced Functions class, we're doing a project about insurance plans mostly which plan, basic or premium, would be better for a certain situation like a single parent or something like that. My partner and I decided to use a young family (around the ages of 24 or 25) who has a 5 month baby girl. I was wondering would a basic plan or a premium plan be better suited for them?""
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
If I put a 1 million dollar life insurance policy on myself then I pay for 3 months then get hit by a car?
Alright so if I get hit by a car after 3 months of having life insurance and I die does my beneficiary get the 1 million?Or will that person only get how much I have payed with the payments?
""I had a crash in my driving instructors car, do i have to tell my insurance for my car seeing as this was on h?""
I had a crash in my driving instructors car, do i have to tell my insurance for my car seeing as this was on his policy? thanks""
Isn't Ameriplan Insurance The Same Scam as Obama Care/Affordable Health?
All They did was Steal Other people's Identifying Information and the Insurance once called Ameriplan, never netted any gains for the holders of those plans. Just Wondering?""
Will state farm increase my auto insurance if I get a speeding ticket??
I got a speeding ticket going 88 in a 70 in GA. Thats 2 points on my license. I was wondering if a rumor that I heard was true. Some people were telling me that they give you your ...show more
How much will car insurance be?uk?
i am 16 andd saving for a car for when im 17. I hope to spend about 900 on the car. Can anyone tell me an aprox amount pleease :)
What is the average yearly cost for house insurance?
2 story home 100k 900 square feet Heated my electricity 2 car garage Decent neighborhood 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms we are buying our first house. I am aware that prices vary, but I don't know where that range begins and ends. Any help great""
Should I buy life insurance from Transamerica?
I have read that AEGON owns Transamerica Life insurance. There is a posting that both are potential scams. One warning was about health insurance. Is there a connection between the life insurance and the health insurance? The Transamerica building in San Francisco is shaped like a Pyramid. Wouldn't it be something if........
How to tax car without insurance?!?
I bought a car recently on ebay. The gentleman said that he already cancelled his insurance as he stopped using the car in the las 6 months. I wanted to ask him to pay the tax on it but he can't. What should I do because when I buy a new car I contact the insurance company straight away but there's not tax on it so can't take it...Any advice?
Car insurance for a 19 yr old female?
I know you can't really tell me but can anyone give me an estimated guess?I have a 2003 Honda Accord. Here is some information to narrow it down. 1. i live in tennessee' 2. i don't live in the city, but close to one 3.I mainly drive to school and work 4.I've never had a ticket 5.I've never had an accident ( safe driver's insurance intact) 6. I've got good grades/school record. (Not sure if that counts) My guess was over $100 but under $200....is this a safe bet or am i way off?""
""What would be a good, cheap to insure and reliable car for a 17 year old?""
What would be a good, cheap to insure and reliable car for a 17 year old?""
Can the color of a car affect insurance rates?
Can the color of a car affect insurance rates?
Regarding Auto Insurance Companies policy for DUI.?
I am in living in Northern California and my question is how long do Auto INsurance Companies keep DUI on your record. I have been told 7 years but our insurance companys says 10years..
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
Car insurance - how to get a check direct?
Hi Folks My car got vandled recently. I want to get it fixed but my car mechanic does not work with my insurance company direct. Is there any way I can receive the check from insurance company and then pay the mechanic? I mean do I have to go through a body shop that work with the insurance directly? -Z
Car accident with no insurance in FL?
I was in a car accident where the other driver admitted it was her fault, and i had a witness - as well as the officer saying it was my right away. However, I did not have insurance.. I assumed I was still under my parents name but my dad took me off their insurance a couple months ago. My car is totaled, and im in some pain ( nothing minor, just very sore )Where can I go from here? is my only option to call a lawyer or can i directly go to her insurance? all i want is a rental for the time being and to get money to buy a new car ( so w.e money my totaled car was worth) i want to make this as easy and fast as possible which is why i dont want a laywer involved. is that basically my only choice though? Thanks""
Anyone have experience with ASDA car insurance?
Asda car insurance seems to be the cheapest by far in the comparison websites but are they reliable?
Car insurance?
im trying to look for a cheap car insurance company any ideas??
Can i drive my dads car without insurance?
Alright so i live in Ontario, Canada. I just recently got my G2 licence, and i am dying to drive the car, but my dad isnt sure if he would need to get insurance in my name on the car which i will drive. he already has insurance on the car, however its on his name. Can i legally drive that car if the insurance is not on my name?""
Anyone know a dentist in NH/MA that is affordable?
Hey , my parents are having a really hard time with their teeth , and it kills me to see them in such pain and having nothing to help them. The thing is they don't have dental insurance because medicaid doesn't seem to cover it , my parents are both in need of some dental work for an affordable price because we do also live on a fixed income . Some please help , any places?""
Can you pay car insurance for the whole year at once?
i see that many people pay per month, can i pay the whole year? and also for an 18 year old how much would insurance cost?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deuctable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
I am planning to get a health insurance?
I need to get a health insurance, anyone can give me suggestions?, any company on the internet that gives me affordable health insurance?
Age requirement for car and insurance?
Hey guys, I'm currently 16, and I'm wondering what's the age requirement to own a car, and also insure it with car insurance My parents are not going to get me car insurance, they made so many excuses, and because my salary is about 600 a month, working for only 1 day a week. I could accord a car by the end of this year. I don't see why my parents won't get me car insurance for my dads car. so i might as well buy my own car and see what their excuse is. Alright, back to the subject, im just wondering what's the age requirement to get a car under my name, and car insurance.""
Would OSAP provide money for car insurance?
I'm going to buy a car for college to get from point A to point B and I was just wondering if OSAP would be able to provide me for car insurance and gas money. Thanks.
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
How much more would my car insurance cost if I went from having a 96 honda civic to a 2000 BMW 328i?
I'm getting a 2000 bmw 328i... I have a honda civic already. My insurance was like 1200 for the whole year I think... already paid it in full. I'm 19, with no accident history, no speeding tickets, never arrested; I don't really have anything that would make my insurance go up to my name. I live in MA, so i guess I can't get gieco or allstate or whatever..""
Car Finance With Insurance?
Hi, i've been searching for a while now for a car finance which comes with insurance for under 25's. Im 21 and being driving for three years and 90% of the time my son is with me so I wouldn't considered myself a boy racer . The only one I found was the just add fuel scheme by peugeot but like any other scheme you have to be 25. So any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated""
Where can i purchase insurance online?
Hello, im 23 and i would like to purchase non owner car insurance, because i always travel and rent car. So where can i find one online? Thanks""
How much would car insurance cost ?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license but I'm wondering how much would car insurance cost monthly since I'm a new driver what's the cheapest it can get too ?
Car insurance cancelled on financed car..?
So I've been looking for a way out of my car loan lately because the payments are really too much for me right now...I know I shouldn't have got into it but I was young and VERY gullible. I just got a letter in the mail from my insurance company asking for me to verify the address I have on file with them ( where I park my car at night) or else they will cancel my coverage. So if they cancel my coverage, will I still be held accountable for the car loan? Or will I have to pay the balance off? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :-)""
Driving without insurance can I go to jail?
I was caught driving without insurance and expired plates last month. I went to court and I was fined $250. I have not been able to earn that much money and I was wondering if I could be thrown in prison for this. I have court in a week.
How can you find out if you have medical insurance?
How can you find out if you have medical insurance?
Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm currently doing my drivers licence and should get it by the end of next month and I'm just confused about the cost of insurance.... I'm planing to buy small Fiat which is Insurance Group 5 and I looked up for costs through money supermarket and the cheapest deal was over 9000 for a year and that's just ridiculous so I'm a bit confused about it and don't know if i did something wrong when filled the information but anyway what the average cost should be like? Thanks in advance""
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
Car insurance 17 year old?
I just passed my test afew days ago and have been looking at insurance. Most insurers won't give me a quote and if they do it's 19k. But i was looking into classic car insurance for a mini and got a quote from adrianflux for 3500 but i was i told i was to young for classic car insurance. I tryed a 1000cc yaris and they would not even quote me. I checked my details twice and there all right. I asked over the phone why there is such a change im price when they have the same size engine and he just said there cheaper to repair n that . and just so it's clear the minii quote was not classic car insurance. So any one know the logic behind this? + any other suggestions about insurance will help.
Car insurance i need it so what are some cheap ways of getting it?
OK i an 17 year old and i just got and 1987 mercury cougar and i been looking around for car insurance and why do all of them want like 406-719 a mouth!!!!! that is crazy what should i do i need car insurance to get a license plate so what are some car insurance for a 17 year old cheap i can get o yea my dad said hes not putting me on his policy so now what
Motorcycle Insurance?
I screwed up and was charged with DUI a few months ago (I was driving a car). I figured my insurance would double or triple but no, the cheapest I could fine is close to 4,000 a year! I was floored & absolutely in shock. My question is, would motorcycle insurance be cheaper being I got a DUI. I live in Fl. Do I even need insurance for a motorcycle? Everyone is telling me a different story. I need help please! Thanks! -Alex""
What kind of health insurance is best for business?
in my family i am alone young and i have small business. i am afraid if any thing happen with me, my family become many problem.""
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
Cost of Car insurance for new driver 30yr old Female?
Hi am about to start lessons on learning to drive, and was wondering if anyone knows the cost it would be for car insurance for a new driver annually, car will probably be 1.4, I am female, 29/30 years old. Thanks""
Are jeep wranglers expensive to insure?
are jeep wranglers more expensive to insure than other cars? and how much is the average insurance rate of one?
""I want to buy a traders insurance policy, how much about?
im 32 female and want to start buying and selling cars but i need an insurance policy to suit. il prob be buying 1 or 2 cars a week. how much should my policy cost? i have been driving for over 10 years with 7 NCB
What affordable health insurance would you recommend for my uninsured 21 year old daughter?
She works full time but her employer charges an outrageous amount of money for health insurance. I know there are many many young people who don't have health insurance, mostly because of the cost of high insurance premiums. But my daughter really needs it cause she has some health issues that will stay with her for a lifetime.""
Can i renew my geico auto insurance for just two months rather than six months?
my insurance expires in oct but i'm planning to sell my car by nov. so i don't want to pay for my 6 month renewal in oct. is there a way out? thanks for all suggestions.
Can I get life insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything?
I recently got a scare when my mother was admitted into the hospital from smoking complications. She was having trouble breathing and she was put on a respirator. The nurses and doctor kept saying her lungs were not healing themselves because of smoking for so many years. Thank god she pulled through and they gave her the normal things to take home like medicine and oxygen to use. She unfortunately still has not stopped smoking and my brother and me were really scared. My brother just turned 18 and we have no other family at all, my mom is not married and I wouldnt have been able to afford a funeral if it came to it. My mom is very stubborn and she will not get Life Insurance to help for funeral costs if something were to happen again. Is there a way to for me to get Life Insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything ?""
Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?
I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance plan...help, i dun know where to find it.""
How much does insurance cost on a car for someone that is under 21?
How much does insurance cost on a car for someone that is under 21?
We recently moved, and I called my car insurance agent today trying to change my zip code. My insurance company (Mercury) wants to charge us extra $150 for a 6-month period. As I recall, wasn't there a law passed last year against insurance companies from using a zip-code-based system? And when we brought that up to her, she just said we haven't gotten any notice from Mercury so we're still going to charge you for moving. Anyone knows what I can do about this? Thanks.""
How can i get insurance from the gov.?
Ok my dad is 37 and has no insurance and we can't afford any either so how can he get insurance from the gov. we kinda need it now cause he thinks he has cancer so please help
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
I am 17 I live in New Mexico it is April 2013 and I am financing new 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS I will be put on my grandmothers Allstate car insurance.. how much would the monthly payment be???
How much would it cost to insure a Volkswagen Golf 1.4L?
I'm 17 in a couple of months, I'm thinking of getting a car now and refurbishing it, make it look nice, you know? I've came across this one car, a VW Golf 1.4L 5 door, obviously it will be my first car. How much ROUGHLY would this cost to insure per year and is it a good car to get? It's done 139,000 Miles and is the 2001 model, its a petrol engine and will cost me just short of 600. How would I go about the insurance and how would I buy this car? How can i check its not stolen and stuff? and is it a good buy for my first car? Any help shall be much appreciated!""
Coordination of Insurance Benefits?
Our health insurance company thinks we have more than one insurance and they are denying our claims. We only have insurance through my husband's company and don't understand how they thought we are trying to pull a fast one. How do we prove that we only have ONE insurance? Thanks!
Will calling insurance over a cracked windshield raise my insurance rates?
I have Geico insurance for the past 8 years. I have not made one claim in that 8 year time frame. I was driving down the highway last week when something struck my windshield and spider cracked it pretty good. Should I pay it out of my pocket or call the insurance. Will my rates go up for making a windshield claim?
What is the most reasonable home owner and Auto insurance?
I need to get a cheaper insurance for car and Auto.Would like to hear from you that have checked prices before you bought insurance.
Im 19 and look for a cheap car with some power but quotes below 900?
im 19 year old i got my full licence for 2 years now and im looking to buy a car a cheap second hand one any would be good to be honest just need it to be 1. big so people can fit in comfortably 2. reliable 3. good mpg 4. not ugly 5. 1 litre - 1.4litre 6. and ermm it must be a car nice to drive and can go on motorways without struggling thanks i was thinking about a vw polo or a vw golf but im not sure if they would be cheap on insurance thanks :)
Where can i find a cheap auto insurance in los angeles for a 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX?
I own a 2004 Subaru Impreza Wrx (sedan). Vehicle has a clean title, not salvage, and payed off. I'm looking for the basic (state law requirement) type of auto insurance. I am also 19 years old with a clean record - no tickets, no accidents, etc. *I called a few insurances and so far Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 while Titan Auto Insurance $111.00*""
What is the average cost for international health insurance?
I plan to go to china for a few years and would really like to know what the average cost to a major medical insurance policy.
Estimate for car insurance?
I know there are SO many factors considered. I am considering purchasing my first car (I would get it new, have loved Mazda 3 forever) and curious as to what I would pay a month in insurance or what average is. Bit of details, I live in Ontario, Canada, I will be 23 this year, female, I have a clean driving record (granted I've only had my G2 for a year and a half), my credit history is very good if that matters, I took driver's ed. I have no idea about what is considered average. Thanks!""
""I damaged my car, i got a quote off the garage, and the insurance said they will pay,?""
so i let the garage send a quote and the insurance said i can leave my car in, but now i have found another garage nearer to my house and he will match the quote, plus repair it at weekend , so i dont need the car. can i change to this garage .. i live in Ireland thanks""
AVERAGE Insurance (UK)?
Could anyone give me an average price of insurance or insurance group for a 20 year old female, on a 2011 fiat 500 twinair lounge 0.9? I don't want to do those compare sites as they ask for all your details. Thanks""
What is the insurance on a Yamaha R1?
I am thinking about buying a 2001 Yamaha R1. I am 18 years old. I have a clean driving record and have never been pulled over. (Knock on wood) I have a car already, if that matters. I would like to get it insured if possible. How much do you think the insurance will be a month/year? Also, what would be a good company? *Before you answer please I don't want your opinion on if it's a good idea to get the bike because I've seen a lot of answered on opinion of bikes and not what the insurance will be.""
Whats a good insurance out there that would cover prenatal care?
i am looking for type of insurance that would cover prenatal care.. but i don't know where to start from!!
So confused bout car insurance.....?
i want to save a little money by switching my car insurance! i have allstate insurance and pay for 2 cars 786 every 6 months.both my husband and i have good driving records and are over 50. to me this seems like a lot of money. our cars are not high performance cars. why so much? geico quoted me a policy of 404 every 6 months,but i don't know if they are good or too good to be true! anybody out there have any feed back for me?? Thanks""
Is there insurance you can get that will cover pregnancy?
I just found out that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance and I make to much for State covered insurance. Is there an insurance company out there that covers pregnancy now?
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
Tip cheap car insurance in rochester new york
0 notes
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"london car insurance quote
london car insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
i know you need it but i cant get it by tomorrow. is it ok because they have the information stored in the computers? i need help!!
Female teen car insurance cost?
I am 17. I took drivers ed which gives me some discount on my insurance and get good grades. Would this give me a discount? I would like to know how much it would be for me to get insured on my parents insurance as a secondary driver. As well, i will have my own car, but since i am an only child there will be three cars and three people, so can i still be put down as a secondary driver ?""
Am I still eligible for car insurance?
My car insurance dropped me today because I had four traffic tickets over two years ago. It was when I was just starting out driving and since then I have learned to be a responsible driver. Since the premiums were up for renewal next month, they pulled my file (audit) and found the tickets, and dropped me. I was told Progressive and Safe Auto would be good ones to check out. My first two tickets will be at the 3 year mark in a few months, the next about a month after.""
HELP with car insurance for 17 year old?
I am trying to find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old :/ its proving hard and cheapest quote so far is 3500 with my mother as named driver. does anyone know any companys that specialise in young drivers insurance or ways to reduce it?
GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote?
I am in GA and ready to find another auto insurance company. Your recommendations for the least expensive company appreciated.
Why is unemployment insurance so cheap and health insurance so expensive?
The government deducts my unemployment insurance but I have to pay health insurance out of earnings? Seems like the government takes less. Conservatives hate low prices only profits. We need to take health care out like unemployment.
How much is your car payments/insurance total?
For a month. Cause everyone is saying I need my license. I want to but I will be moving to Philly and I will take public transportation.
""I am looking for affordable health insurance company for myself, I an single male 40 years old. I dont need?""
dental or vision coverage just prescription drugs, dr, visits coverages. and Iive in New Jersey. I dont have coverage through a company and I am willing to pay for a health insurance ...show more""
How much should 17 year old boy expect to pay for car insurance?
I have looked around various places and saw from a few thousand p/a to 10, 000 p/a (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). I am booking my driving test very soon and will be buying a small, cheap car such as a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 5DR or a KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, how much should I expect to be paying.""
How would an insurance company know how much a car has been lowered by?
So I won't get insured if my car has been lowered by more than 50mm. But if I told them it was lowered by 50mm, if I was to lower it any more than that, how would they know?""
Anyone know a cheap Health Insurance Cover for myself?
Im single, 27 years old and living in Victoria/Melbourne""
Has anyone driven past a police car without car insurance?
I've read on the internet and asked questions here on Yahoo about people driving without car insurance. The majority have said that police cars have a scanning system that automatically checks cars that goes by for MOT, tax and car insurance. I am wondering if anyone has recent experience of driving without car insurance past police cars and have anything happen to them? Have the police cars picked up that you have no insurance? I have car insurance by the way, i am just curious.""
Would car insurance on a?
2006 dodge ram 1500 short bed single cab or 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost more?
What homeowners insurance do you use/recommend?
I am looking for homeowners insurance for a home in California. We have 2 dogs, one which is a German Shepherd. What insurance carrier works well with dog owners?""
Best insurance policy for girl child?
I have two daughters of 17 and 13 years age. Is there any insurance policy I can now join for these girls for their studies and marriage? thank you
Auto insurance question -- Florida?
My daughter can't really afford the insurance on her car; it's a 2003 Jetta and if she keeps it she will probably have to do a certain amount of repairs. Right now she has full coverage but is considering dropping the collision to lower the cost. If, God forbid, she should get into an accident without collision coverage, could she sue the other driver to repair or replace the car? Would she be likely to be successful? I am not hopeful of anything like that happening, believe me, but you just don't want to lose your investment especially if you have spent a lot on repairs. Thanks in advance for any insights.""
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
Where on earth can I find affordable maternity insurance?!?
I didnt have it with my son and we are looking to get health insurance but all the plans that are decently priced (under $350/month) dont cover maternity. even if I could JUST find a maternity insurance that would be great! does anyone have or know of any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage? if so what are the names? heres a little info we live in FL we have one child my husband and I are 20 and 21 years old if you know of any insurance that will have affordable rates please let me know so I can get a quote!
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
Can I take my drivers test without insurance?
I plan on taking my drivers test on Monday (today is Wednesday) and I called my family's insurance company, but they said they will have to get back to us at the end of the week because they have been busy helping people cover storm damage (obviously, we recently had a bunch of tornadoes go through my town) and I am not sure if I can be insured by Monday. If that is the case, can I at least take my test? If it makes a difference, I live in Missouri.""
Im looking for people with private health insurance or no insurance?
if you have medicare, medicaid, or group insurance at work, dont answer. was it difficult to get insurance? who is ur carrier? do you have pre existing conditions?""
How much info does a car insurance company really need to file a successful claim against me?
I bumped into this lady because she actually did a full stop on a green light while getting out of a shopping center. She said it was o.k and that nothing happened and was apologetic saying that a car ran in front of her and that is why she did a dead stop in middle of intersection on a green light. She got my license number but did not call police, did not take pictures and did not get my insurance policy number. Just my name, insurance company I'm with and also drivers license number. She said it was o.k and my info just in case. Thing is when I got back from vacation I got a letter from my insurance saying she put in a claim against when nothing even happened to both of our cars. My question is what can I do? I don't want to pay deductible when it was HER fault. Nothing even really happened. She's pulling insurance fraud......and it really makes me mad that she put in a claim. I did not give her my insurance policy number guess she must of called around the biggest names and got my info somehow. It was her fault but since she did a dead stop in intersection on a green light..... i bumped into her.........but since i bumped into her is this automatically my fault? Or can I get her for pulling a dead stop on a green light? What to do? Deny the whole thing?""
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
Has anyone used e-suarance for a car insurance quote. I called them a few hours ago & they gave me a good...?
quote but they Hadn't run my driving record yet. And they said they can use ur credit report but, Otha than seeing if u hav paid ur car insurance/bills on tym I Don't see Why they need That info, otha car insurance companies I called Didn't want to check my credit history & Every check on ur credit report can make ur credit score lower & my credit's not that gud rite now tho I pay my utilities, rent, my current credit card & my cell bill on tym & my auto insurance in the past was always paid on tym. (I haven't had car insurance for 3 1/2 yrs cuz I haven't had a car.) Also, they were telling me if I call back the quote mite not stay the same cuz I was tryin 2 get the quote number & No Other insurance companies said that, the otha 1's gave me a quote # so I can deal wit the quote later if I decided 2 go wit them. E-suarance (was tryin 2 get me 2 put a down payment down today & then the insurance would kick in automatically but I told them I want to pay for 6 months at once & I don't hav the money now cuz I hav 2 deposit it in the bank tomorrow, it's a postal money order & will clear Tues. & I Don't Need the insurance 'til Tues. &, then I'll need proof of insurance Tues. to take 2 the DMV wit the papers from the dealer 2 register the car & get the license plates. E-saurance said they could send an e-mail upon payment that I could use 2 show proof of insurance at the DMV or if I Can't print that out I could download their app & show them my proof of insurance thru their app. But that sounded fishy 2 me. Also the guy on the phone from e-suarance wanted a credit card # 2 run my driving record but I was like None of the Otha car insurance companies needed that 2 run my driving record. I Don't want 2 get charged for them 2 run my driving record or 4 any Otha charges. Which is making me suspicious now of the low rate or of paying by credit card ova the fone wit them. Since they're backed by Allstate can I go 2 an Allstate office 2 pay cash & get proof of insurance?""
Can I recoup money for the inconvience of borrowing relatives' cars while car insurance claim was processed?
A guy hit my car. I didn't get a police report, but I called his insurance company. His insurance company wouldn't pay for the damages or give me a rental car until they had a statement from the guy. The guy refused to talk to his insurance company for 2 weeks until I drove to his house and handed him my phone with his agent on the phone. I was afraid to get a rental before because I thought I would never get paid back. Can I tell his insurance company to pay for the average cost of a rental car for 2 weeks even though I never got a rental car?""
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london car insurance quote
Car insurance GIRL VS GUYS?
Guys get charged more for car insurance when new drivers, and from what I understand forever. In general. However, in my view girls ESPECIALLY new drivers that are girls are generally alot worse than guys as well as talk on the phone, do make up. And what not, but yet guys get charged more? How does this make any sense? Anyone else feel this way? Just thought I'd see what other people think. Not being biased or anything.""
Do I qualify for federal health insurance?
My parents don't get insurance through their jobs, and they can't afford private insurance. My parents and I are currently enrolled in an assistance program through our local hospital. I go to a private university that requires for students to have some type of health insurance. If the student doesn't have health insurance, the school charges the student $1,000 for the school insurance. Since I am 19 years old, I no longer qualify for CHIPS, which I've had all my life. I am a full time student, I am a U.S. citizen, I am in Texas, my parents are low income, I don't have proof of a job (I'm a nanny and get paid in cash). Online resources are confusing. But is there any federal insurance program that I may be eligible for?""
Do you have to have insurance to register your vehicle in California?
I called the DMV to ask this, but I have been on hold for about 40 min.""
""Car insurance like for like, just like other insurances?""
My cheapish car was written off after someone bashed into the back of it. I am brokeish and need a car to get to work. The car cost 400 and the insurance company might give me 200 if I am lucky. Surely the Insurance company should just replace the car with the same or similar model, so I am back to where I was before the lorry crashed into the back of my car. because now I have to find money I do not have just to get to work! There is something wrong here somewhere as it is costing me and I have not actually done anything except be the victim here. Is like for like possible with car insurance?""
""How much is motorcycle insurance for a 21 year old male, than car insurance?""
i want to get a motorcycle instead of a car, but i don't know how much insurance is compared to car insurance for a 21 year old male?""
Can I get secondary insurance if i have primary insurance in my moms name?
I have primary insurance and the policy is in my moms name. I have cronic epilepsy and i cannot have a gap in my insurance because of all of the medications I'm on and all the dr. aptments i have with my neurologist. I am getting married in May of 2013. I need to get secondary insurance for right now and then when i get married drop off my moms insurance and make my secondary insurance my primary insurance and put my (at that point my husband) on. My mom basically trying to make it extremely difficult for my fiance and I to get married because she tries to keep me under my thumb. Im 25 years old and Im trying to get myself more independent and be able to get married and get my bachelors in business. Please someone help me.
Car insurance ireland?
hi there does any 1 know of any insurance companys in southern ireland who specalise in people who have been banned for drink driving
Will a speeding ticket make my insurance go up in texas?
i got pulled over when i was 4 hours out of san antonio tx on my way to corpus and i dont have to make a court appearance nor do i have the time cuz i hafta pay my ticket by the 20th of this money. i called the court and they said all i have to do is just pay the ticket. i don't want my parents to find out of they'll flip out. Will my insurence go up? how can i stop it?
""When i buy my first car (before taking test), i want to practise with sumeone, how do i go about insurance?
i know i just get insurance but for a provisonal licence holder only.. when i pass (hopefully) do i just phone the insurance company and 'upgrade' my existing insurance or do i just get altogether new insurance? and How long did it take you to pass.. from first lesson to passing? Cheers! 10 points for best answer =D
I need help for cheaper auto insurance... any suggestions in my situation?
I was really stupid as a kid. When I first got my New York State drivers license within half a year I had gotten 2 speeding tickets, a DWI under the age of 21 (I blew a .16 and was reduced to a dwai luckily), seatbelt violation, talking on the phone while driving, and not fully stopping at a stopping at a stop sign. I got my license suspended for a year and I've been able to drive for over a year now. Ive matured a lot sense I was in high school and regret all of it but because of all the stupid, irresponsible, things I did when I was a teenager my insurance just to drive is putting me in debt its so high. Does anyone have any advice to get cheaper insurance in the same situation as me? And please no your a bad person you could have killed someone responses. I've learned my lesson and would like to go on with my life without paying thousands of dollars for insurance. Thank you!""
Help plz car insurance in MD?
well i am 20 years old. i have been driving a car under my mother's insurance name for a while, the insurance told her that if i got an acident while driving that car the insurance will never cover any damage and they consider that as a crime so Is that a crime to drive a car which ur name is not in the insurance list? also ifu know which insurance company is the best for me to get my own insurance""
Need advice on qualifying for subsidized health insurance?
I'm an older full-time college student and my husband works full-time at Walmart. In the past three years, I've been through 4 cancer related surgeries, which were paid for by the breast/cervical cancer Medicaid program. Unfortunately, follow up care and monitoring aren't covered and I was dropped from Medicaid. I'm now on my husband's health insurance, which is basically worthless because our income is under $20,000/yr and the policy has a $4500 deductible plus 20% after. I haven't seen my oncologist for over a year because we can't afford the expensive scans, biopsies, and lab work associated with cancer follow-up with a deductible that high. I thought my situation would change in 2014 with Obamacare. I recently learned from the healthcare.gov website calculator that our income is low enough to qualify for expanded Medicaid (which our state decided not to expand), but I don't qualify for the health insurance subsidies I desperately need because the outrageous deductible health insurance from my husband's job covers spouses. How can a couple with an income so low they would qualify for expanded Medicaid be ineligible for subsidies? I am completely devastated over this and I don't know what to do. Not being able to afford cancer follow up care is putting my life in danger. Even if my husband's employer (Walmart) quit covering the spouses of full-time employees, I think that would only apply to new hires because of the grandfather clause. If getting subsidies was based on income alone the way it should be instead of access to employer provided coverage, I would qualify for a zero deductible policy and $3 co-pays with a monthly premium of around $60. I could then afford the expensive health care I need. We live in a college town so if my husband got a different job, he'd make even less than he does now and we would probably end up homeless. If my husband transfers and we move to a state that's expanding Medicaid, I'll have to quit school and get rid of my German Shepherd and Siberian Husky since it's almost impossible to find a landlord that allows them. We thought another option might be to get a divorce on paper and co-habitate until our situation changes (completing my degree and getting a good job so I can afford the deductible), then re-marry. When I asked about that, someone actually accused me of wanting to commit fraud! How can anyone think of something like fraud when a situation is endangering someone's life? I am desperate to somehow qualify for health insurance subsidies without lying, which could get us in trouble. Any ideas?""
""Hey, guys! Does anyone know any cheap insurance for UK residents?""
I haven't travelled in a while and now am going to Finland. I must admit, I used to skip all this insurance stuff, but last year I broke a leg while riding a bicycle in the US and spent A WHOLE LOT of money on hospital bills.""
Will my child automatically get added to my car insurance when he gets his license?
My 18 year old son is getting his license tomorrow. And I was wondering, when he gets his license through the DMV... Will he automatically get added to my car insurance? If so when? Is there anyway to prevent him getting placed on my insurance without me doing so. My rates would be a killer. Thanks""
How much is insurance on a 05-06 chrysler 300c?
I plan to pay cash for it (around $8,000) and since I will only be 17, it will still be under my parents name although I am paying for it. Should I go with liability or full coverage, and how much would each cost?""
Cost of motercycle insurance?
when I search for this all I get is spam about how much you could save on your insurance. if it's not that then it: motorcycle gear, shows, accessories, video, ect. So I was just wondering is insurance cheaper for motorcycle than cars? Thinking about the differences; the cost of replacing the bike is less, the damage it could do it less, the injury to others is less, the injury to yourself is greater, it seems like it should be cheaper. espically considering that your health insurance will cover most of your injury costs this kind of insurance seems lower risk. But I wanna know from other bikers, is it cheaper?""
How to get health insurance for a pregnant woman in California that is a LEGAL immigrant?
Ok, my fiancee is pregnant. She's a legal resident, but from what I understand, she isn't supposed to use any type of public benefits (aka welfare) and we really don't want to either. I have company health care (HMO), but my company won't pay for her, and for me to add her onto my plan is like $900 more a month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). She doesn't work as she is a stay at home mom. We are not married, but we were planning on an October wedding before she found out she was pregnant (7 weeks), I imagine we are still going to stick to our plans. How can we have this baby? I make $36,000 and live in San Diego. This would be our 2nd child, I can barely make ends meet. Before you judge me about having another kid without the true financial means, she was on birth control for 2 years. We don't know how this happened, but I guess it's not true 100% protection. Are there any insurances we can get? How can we get help with this baby? What can we do? Thank you for your help.""
I need cheap insurance help?
i live in Dearborn Michigan insurance here full coverage starts from $2300 and up Oneway insurance is $950 i cant even afford any of that. Does anybody know any cheap insurance places or companies. I drive a 2004 hyundai Tiburon GT 120,000 miles clean title and im a college student age 20 whos never ever got a ticket or have been arrested. Iv had my drivers license since i was 16. Iv never been in any accidents im also a 3.2 GPA college student all A's and B's im asking is their any cheap insurance or no?""
Insurance prices?
does the color of a vehicle have anything to do with the price of insurance?
Can you sue an Insurance company...?
If the policy holder's maximum coverage, has been reached..... For example, if someone died as a result of an accident. The other driver was at fault but has not assets, can the family of the victim sue the Insurance Company of the other driver, for more than their max coverage. Like a wrongful death lawsuit for 1million dollars, is the insurance company still liable?""
Cheap car insurance companies?
What car insurance companies are cheap... and do they have a web site/phone number so I can get a quote
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
Why is my landlord requires Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance?
I own a beauty salon, and not understand why my landlord required my insurance to have Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance coverage? I know this coverage would covered my car I rented for business used & my employee's liability when sometime (rarely) used for business purposes. What's is it in for the landlord?""
Why is everyone whining about being required to buy heath insurance?
you probably don't realize it, but you practically are required to buy car insurance. if you wreck and you have no insurance, it's not very pretty, especially for your money. Same thing with heath. if you get sick and don't have insurance, it's not very good! i don't understand why people so strongly oppose requirement to buy heath insurance, but don't even stop to think about car insurance, the same principle.""
Would my insurance company consider a Datsun 280zx to be a sports car?
I'm looking to find a cheap car and I was looking through craigslist and found this Datsun. I'm only in high school though and my parents say I will have to pay for everything including insurance. As you can imagine I want to try and keep the insurance cost as low as possible but I also want to have a car that has some personality to it (no old people cars like crown vics or buicks). I don't know much about cars so I was wondering what else should I check out before I buy anything and it's too late.
london car insurance quote
london car insurance quote
Advice regarding car insurance....I am new to it all?
Could someone please explain to me how the costs are decided, im aware the younger you are the more it will be (im 18 :/) but which cars fall into which category ? Any sites which will show me ? Also any advice on what is a good 1st car ? can anyone suggest a site where i can do comparisions regarding the car/insurance cost/insurance group etc because when i search nothing useful is coming up""
Why is the insurance on my 1982-83 2.5L landie cheeper than my 0.9L corsa W reg?
i just dont see how the insurance on any landie could be cheaper than a corsa, especially as it is my first year driving, does anyone know why this could be?????""
Looking for health insurance. I am on SS but not yet eligible for medicare. Only get $300 on SS?
I took early retirement at 62. I am now 63. I only get around $300/mo Social security. I do not qualify for Medicare until age 65. I cannot find affordable catastrophic health ...show more
Car Insurance Help?
Where can I find Car Insurance with no license needed answer ASAP??
Car insurance and the meaning to it.?
how does exactly car insurance work, when people say are you on his/her policy, premium insurance and so on... i am new to cars in a perspective point i am a new learner towards driving and i want to start learning what these words mean and what they do. if you could analysis the word CAR INSURANCE any specific site where i could learn these words from top to bottom of the meaning car insurance. thank you""
Insurance low balling me?
The top of a dead tree fell from neighbor's yard, onto my car. Speared the back window and ruined my back seat. Large dent on the roof. Random dents and scratches all over the car. My full coverage insurance company, USAA, declared the accident covered under comprehensive insurance. Deemed unrepairable. I purchased my car for $5k, near $6k after 2years of financing is paid off. This accident just happened after 4 months of payment on the car. I have $3k left to pay. 1999 Honda Civic EX Coupe. KBB valued at: retail, $5.1k. private party, $3.3k. My insurance claim payout will be $2.6k. Which leaves me roughly $500 in the hole. I do not have gap insurance, and I wasn't even aware of gap insurance until this accident (at which point I came across that service while researching insurance info). It would cost me upwards of $5k easy to replace my Honda with a same or similar model from a car dealer. Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim? Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim?""
How much does car insurance cost?
How much does car insurance cost? In average?
How much would insurance be for a jeep Cherokee?
i am planning to get a jeep cherokee or wrangler and want to know how much car insurance would be. i am 16 and want to know how much money i should pay insurance to see if it is in my budget.
How much would an abortion cost without insurance in colorado?
my freind is 14 and prego. she needs an abortion and if she doesnt it might hurt her bad. plz no no abortion stuff. i really need your help!
Where can i buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies?
I live in the state of Indiana, is there a place where i can buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies, or from a action place where they are not so expensive?""
Car insurance for a teenager?
How much do you think insurance will cost (adding another car to my parents insurance plan)
Insurance Help?
hello guys/girls well i just bought a car and is under my name (only). My dad haves a car also and he haves insurance on it. I was wondering if is possible for my dad too add me and my car to his insurance?
To get cheap insurance on a car my partner suggested if she bought another car and put me on her insurance to?
and i was put on her insurance to drive it would be cheaper as i have been disqualified for two years and she would own two cars as she can only drive automatics.....what should i do does anyone think it would be a good idea also
Cheapest insurers for a first time 18yrold with pass plus??
Hi iv'e just brought a 2002 vw polo and wanted to get my first insurance on it. Can you recommend any cheap insurers for first time drivers and young drivers. I've completed my pass plus as well. Thanks for the help xxx
How do you figh no insurance ticket?
if you get into an accident without insurance, how do you fight it both the police and the insurance.""
Car insurance payments?
I'm slightly confused over my car insurance. I took out a 12 month policy in December 2008 (paid a deposit at the time) and then paid by monthly installments. I then continued this policy in December 2009. However I have now cancelled this policy as another company could provide it cheaper. But I've been told by relatives that I won't be charged my monthly fee this month (i.e my pay day tomorrow!) because I have already paid the full amount for the 2 years. Is this correct?
Would insurance company likely settle for 15K?
Auto accident....my lawyer asking for 25K, insurance company said 12K (my lawyer wants to go to court and all that, I really do not want to; I just want to get this over with) My lawyer said it's worth much more than 25K but that's all the limit is. If I ask the lawyer to try & negotiate 15K w/o going to court; how likely or unlikely that the insurance company (State Farm) agree? If they do agree, how long before they send the check? I need to pay my doctor bills off and get another car (I am so ready for this to be over with!!!!) Thanks.""
Are custom orthotics covered by health insurance?
I heard getting a pair is expensive but i need them for running uninjured
""What are some practical, sensible alternatives to forcing people to carry health insurance or pay a tax?""
I have a problem with paying for people who don't carry insurance, like a certain brother-in-law who works as a handy man, lives paycheck to paycheck, smokes like a chimney, and refuses to buy health insurance. He is one accident or one case of lung cancer away from passing on a huge hospital bill to the rest of us. If we remove the requirement for people to carry health insurance, what is the alternative? Would we remove the requirement for hospitals to treat anyone who either did not have insurance or could prove they could pay the full cost out of pocket? Maybe people like my brother-in-law could get a tattoo on their butt that says Dear Doctor, I gambled and lost, let me die! Or maybe we let the states deal with the issue. Then the federal government could withold Medicare/Medicaid funding from any state that didn't ensure someway, somehow that everyone has affordable healthcare available. Lets solve the problem 50 times and 50 different ways instead of once. Gee that sounds better! So yea - whats the alternative? If its such a bad thing to make people buy health insurance, then give me a GOOD, practical alternative?""
Car Insurance Question (sorry I know nothing about cars...)?
Sorry, Im new to all this so excuse the stupid question but Im starting driving lessons soon and am looking to get a car in the new year. Im just wondering HOW OFTEN do you make car insurance payments? As in once a year or is it a monthly thing? I just did one of the online get a quote thingys and it said around 350 which sounds grand if its yearly but steep if thats a monthly payment. Lolli""
Cheapest California Auto Insurance?
Any One Can Tell Me The Cheapest California Auto Insurance
Car insurance in Texas?
My sister was in my car when she got re-ended. The driver of the other car took FULL responsibility for everything and wants to resolve this. I am wondering how this will affect my insurance? As of right now my car only has liability and needs to be repaired, big time. Any information especially from TX insurance agents would be greatly appreciated.""
What do I need before I get car insurance besides license?
I have my license, and a car that I bought that is in my dad's name. He wants to transfer ownership to my name, inspection expired in 2007 (I haven't driven for about a year). First, do I need to have a car in my name to get insurance, or can I just get ins. with the car in my dad's name then transfer the title later? (with no ins. changes) 2nd, to get insurance do I need to pass inspection, or can I just get ins. first?""
State Farm Renters Insurance: Explain Replacement Cost Coverage to me?
From what I understand, if a claim had to be filed, I would receive the current value of an item. For instance, I have a pair of $500 shoes. They are currently priced at $450, so the pay-out would be $450 and $500, correct?. Okay, so here are my two questions: 1) Would I be bound to REPLACE the lost item? Or would they give you the current cash value to buy whatever it is that you wanted to buy? 2) Are there no such policies that exists out there: a policy that would pay you what you INITIALLY paid for an item? So that one wouldn't lost out financially in the event that an item depreciates? If I'm wrong about any of the above, or if you think I need to be sure to clarify certain things with my agent, please let me know. Thanks.""
Car accident/Insurance?
What does it mean when a car insurance company calls you and says they take full responsibility from a car accident? I was sitting front passenger when a car rear ended us from the back when we were coming from seeing my doctor after a surgery i had on my back when all this happend
london car insurance quote
london car insurance quote
Which is better car insurance?
$500 per year with an excess of $1150 or $560 per year with an excess of $900 These are the 2 best insurance quotes i can find. Both are big reliable companies.
Why is my insurance so expensive?
im a 20year old male, I passed my driving test last December, I been checking up some insurance quotes on small cars (all sorts) but the cheapest insurance I get is 2000 for a really small car, all my other friends pay 1000 or 1500 any idea why this is?""
How much to lease a car (WITH insurance)?
How much is it to lease an economic car (in Canada please), with insurance calculated into the mix? I am willing to pay 4-500 altogether, is this enough? Practical examples from people who lease their car, with how much they pay, etc, would be most helpful. (I am a recent graduate at the verge of starting an entry-level position). I am looking into VW golf and honda civic (hatchback).""
What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?
I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.""
""Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?""
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?""
Best insurance for a 2004 grand am?
what is the best, but cheapest insurance for this car. It is used and this is my first car. Does anyone have any list of insurances to look at? I really dont want to go over 200 for one month. Help? Please and thank you.""
I was denied medcaid and chips for my 2yr son. Is there any other affordable insurance out there?
I was denied Medicaid which is understandable. I applied for Chips and was denied as well.......because I was $50 over the income guidelines. I don't receive any other kind of assistance. I can't afford the insurance at work. I pay my own tuition for school, my own groceries, and so on. I just would like to know if there is any other type of affordable insurance for my child.""
Auto insurance involuntarily cancelled?
I got a new auto insurance begining June. And I had an hail damage and hit and run case towards the end of June. On July 30 there was an accident, other person involved was at fault as he rear-ended my car. I reported all these occurances. I get a involuntary cancellation of the auto insurance policy after a couple of days. They sent me this notice and also made me aware of the right to dispute this with the State commisoner for Insurance. Now, when I go shopping for new insurance, I get an increased premium quote. None of the reported claims are my fault and I do not know if I have to dispute this case with the commisioner for insurance or not and not sure how much money I have to spend towards it. Please advice what to do in this situation, thank you in advance.""
Do all car insurances check your credit?
Is there anyway you can still get car insurance if you have bad or no credit? Which insurance agencies are more leanient?
Where can i get some health insurance @ a reasonable price?
I'm need health insurance my income is very low.. where can i get health insurance at a reasonable price?
Will Geico raise my insurance?
I recently got a ticket for going 30mph over and I will most likely get 4 points on my license if I choose not to hire an attorney. If I take the 4 points, how long would it take to get the points erased for my license? And will Geico raise my insurance rate? I'm in Florida""
How much does your rate go up with Auto Insurance when you hit someone? I had 2 incidents this year.?
I filed a small claim in April 2007 for total damages about $1500. There was no damage to my car but I hit my babysitters car who was doubleparked in front of my townhouse. Now I just hit someone else and the estimate is about $1000 for his bumper. I am wondering if it is worth it to go through my insurance and have another claim against me or if I should just handle it out of packet? My insurance fro the year now is very good only $1062. But for some reason this is a bad year for me. I have 2 kids (1 with autism) that is always driving me crazy while I drive . I don't want to hurt myself by going through insurance. Thanks
""Hit and Run Insurance, Could i get a new car?""
Hi, so this morning someone crashed into my car..hit and run, people now a days, and ofcourse it ruined my fourth of july. I have full insurance cover 100 Deduct Comprehensive and collision, and i was reading comprehensive replaces your car or something? Idk, but thats what i want. I had a brand new 2013 Malibu Eco LTZ, loved it, now its messed up, n now im not going to be able to re-sell it down the line ya know :/, but since i have that, could they replace the car and give me money to buy a new one? Heres something extra 1.Brand New Car 2. Insuring 4 cars with them (State Farm) 3. Re-sell values gunna be ****.. 4. I had state farm for years So, is it possible for me to get a brand new car?""
Do you work for a major corporation and do they offer health insurance?
I have worked at the same place for 20 years. The first 8 they didn't offer insurance. Now they do, but I pay the premiums. How about you? Do you work full time? Does your employer offer health insurance? Do they pay or do you? How many people DON'T get offered the option to purchase health insurance through their employer?""
What is average car insurance for 19 year old boy and girl?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
Car insurance hidden from family?
Im 17 buying a volkswagen golf 1.6 with my hard earned money working for 2 years now need a car but parents are against buying a car but i need it for uni Ill park the car down my road and everything will be legal and i was wondering if i get a insurance and a car can i hide from family so i can i tell my policy not to send letter or anything they can only contact me by email or by my phone also so give me a few options i wanna do the legal way only and from UK. Or can give them my actually address but tell them to send the letters to my friends house so that no one in family receives any information about my car what so ever thanks. I can prove my address not trying to get a cheap insurance just dont want family knowing also suggest any legal methods thanks
Car insurance for a 19 year old?
So my dad bought me a 2004 Mercedes Benz C320 Sport today and he is thinking of putting me under his insurance. I want to find out how much insurance is going to be be, since I want to help out as much as I can because I don't want to be a dousche. I am looking for an insurance that covers everything. Anyways, I am 19 years old, college student, 3.2 GPA, living in Irvine, CA, and have never been in a traffic accident. This is going to be my daily driver (40 miles a week), and it is kept in a garage. Thank you for your help and I hope I was clear. http://1webproxy.cn/car-insurance.html""
Car Insurance?
How much do you think it would be (insurance wise) to put a 04 or 05 Mazda RX8 on my insurance? Cause its not under sports car since it has 4 doors. And it would be under my moms name.
How much will insurance cost for a kawasaki ninja 250r monthly for a 20 year old beginner?
i think i might go with state farm.
""On a family plan (Car Insurance), Must all members covered live under the same address?""
My boyfriends dad is a penny pincher and has my boyfriend under the families car insurance to save money. I don't know if it is legal or not, but my boyfriend does not live with his parents (and the address on the insurance is his parents house). He is also is not insured on the car he is driving (his dad is, because he has points)... Will someone please say if this is allowed...so we can put this argument to rest!""
How much does your health insurance cost per month?
I'm not trying to be nosy. Ax on another question stated his is $60 a month. Mine is a little over $100 a week. Does that seem high?
Insurance to drive?
I'm a college student and I have student health insurance. I just got my permit and I was wondering which insurance I need to get to drive??
Does car insurance decrease in price after a certain age?
for example, when you are 15-16 is it more expensive than when you are 17 or 18? when does this change?""
Car insurance for 17 year old?
im 17 and have looked nearly all the comparison sites for car insurance and theyre all coming with prices like 3000-6000. and the car is just a fiat punto a 1242cc.i know it was going to be expensive but i have been reading that people have been getting insures for like 1200 who are 17 aswell. could it be the car make or should i look for a really small car like a vauxhall corsa.
How much is an average ttuck insurance quote? ?
I'm planing on geting a 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 and I'm wondering how much insurance is
london car insurance quote
london car insurance quote
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
washington insurance laws
"washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Im looking or an affordable health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
I am planning to get a health insurance?
I need to get a health insurance, anyone can give me suggestions?, any company on the internet that gives me affordable health insurance?
How much does a Triple AAA insurance agent make on average?
How does Triple AAA pay their agents? Their agents don't sell Life Insurance right? What all do they sell? How does this job compare to...say a State Farm agent?
What's the cheapest insurance i can get?
I live in NYC, i'll be 18 in feb next year and i want to know how much i would have to pay for it. I can't be under someone else's insurance. I don't even have a car yet but it probably won't be anything over 7000 and probably 1990's or early 2000's. Thanks.""
Can I put my motorcycle on my moms insurance?
For my 18th birthday im going to get my self a Ninja 250R, but I already have a 2009 Toyota and my mom also has a 2009 Toyota, because i am much younger my insurance will be very expensive... i was wondering if I can put the bike under my moms name so that I can give her money to pay it at a lower rate? or can it only be the owner of the bike? Also could I have her buy it under her name so it looks like she is the only owner or does that matter?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I pay $380 a month for my car insurance. more than anyone else i know. Just curious what everyone else pays Im a 20 year old male, single, living in California, have a 2002 bmw and a 1998 lexus, with 4 speeding tickets""
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
How much would an abortion cost without insurance in colorado?
my freind is 14 and prego. she needs an abortion and if she doesnt it might hurt her bad. plz no no abortion stuff. i really need your help!
Buying car insurance for a used car?
im buying my first car, used. and all i have knowledge from are from the internet. i live in California. when i see tv commercials, i often see the buyer being able to purchase their insurance when they are on the CAR dealer. my question? when is it do you get insurance? BEFORE OR AFTER YOU PURCHASE A CAR? also when getting quotes online, you have to add the car that you OWN, so im guessing you have to buy the insurance after AFTER?, BUT the policy seems to start the day after you purchase your insurance, so does that mean your driving the car illegally for a day?? if you were to buy the insurance (online) before and have to add your car, im guessing you have to be SET AND SURE you are getting the car when your policy starts? none of my friends knows about this because their parents own it and they don't care about their insurance... im so confused. help me.""
Can insurance companies tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure?
I was just thinking, it would be handy if websites such as Gocompare.com could just tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure. Based on the Information i already gave for a quote. Instead of me having to go through every car i can think of getting a quote for each one individually to find which car is the cheapest for me to insure. Dose any one no if there is a site that dose this?""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
My insurance is too high?
I'm 19, in ireland (south) i pay 300 a month and i just changed address to the next county, my ins. has gone up to 450 a month.. Is there a speed restrictor policy i can get or has any1 my age managed to lower insurance somehow? My engine size is 1.2 also is that too high for my age? Thanx in advance ;)""
What will happen with my car insurance?
ok so i was driving my brothers car and i have my g1 i went to money mart and back home about an hour later police came knocking on my door asking if my brother was in a car accident so we went down to the station and the officer asked if i was driving his car i said yes , he then said that the other man that was sitting in the station got my plates and said i hit his car and cracked his bumper (very minor crack) so i said no and then officer assumed i was lying and made me write up an accident report. after when i was leaving the station the other guy asked if we could solving this without going through insurance so we exchanged numbers (their was no damage at all to my brothers car & no paint or anything on their car to prove i hit it) the next day they called and said the want a whole new bumper they dont want it patched up and they would get me a price quote they then got me a quote for $1475 for a while new bumper from ford i told them im not paying that much the only way im replacing the bumper is if my mechanic does it he said ok so i went to my mechanic told him the whole situation and he said i shouldnt be replacing the whole bumper for somthing that small but he still ordered the bumper for me i had to put a $400 down payment for the bumper and $300 after its put on. the bumper came in 2 days later and they brought their car for it to be put on when we got there they got pissed off and said this isnt a bumper straight from ford and they dont want it and left ( the bumper was brand new for the same model car and had the exact paint coat match just that it wasnt from ford) they then call me threating to take it through insurance if we dont get it from ford so i lost the $400 down payment for the bumper because they cant return it after its painted so i told my mechanic to order it from ford. but when he called for they said the dont have bumpers for that model anymore, i then call the people back and told them to take it through insurance because my mechanic cant get that bumper. So what will happen to my brothers insurance hes under 25 with his g2, and i had my g1 but it was on private property where they said the incident occurred the officer even said he cant charged me because its private property PLEASE HELP!""
A good reasonable priced inclusive car insurance?
Hello there are that many companies selling car insurance .Which one,s stand out for good value for money.""
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
About what would the insurance be on a '94 Camaro V6?
This doesn't apply to me...one of my friends asked me to post this--long story Anyway, he wants to buy this '94 Chevy Camaro base model; not the Z28!! He's gonna buy it off a local guy for $3000...it was 3200 something but he gave him a break for cash. So I'm supposed to ask what kind of insurance that he, a 16 year old will a spotless driving record and good grades, could expect to pay. His parents would like to put liability only on it to keep the cost down. Does anybody have any estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... Oh and we're here in Iowa if location makes any difference....""
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
I Had A Crash Can Anyone Recommend A Cheap Car Insurer?
Whilst learning to drive I took out learners insurance on my own car which meant I could drive around with someone who was over 21 and had been driving for atleast three years.. During the period of learning I had crash which I was liable for. I am 20 years old and will trun 21 in January. I have now passed my test and am looking to insure my car, can anyone recommend a good cheap insurance company? Thanks""
Is it too risky to be a homemaker even if spouse has good life insurance?.?
We both agree that I should be with kids but I'm worried about financial risks.
I need to sue someone who hit my car with no insurance or license?
however I live in Arizona and I need to know the statute of limitations... I couldn't find anything online unfortunatly. Can anyone help ? My accident was Feb 2009
Is Texas a no-fault insurance state?
My G-Friend recently met with a car accident and we are still waiting for the accident report to determine the fault. She was not hurt but the other driver was hospitalized. Your opinions and suggestions welcome about how to handle this with Insurance company and attorney if required.
Integra to Mustang: how much will my car insurance go up?
I am currently insured with ING for my acura integra '1992 at $55 a month. I'm 23 years old with a clean driving record and the insurance is one-way (damages to my car in an accident are not covered, but damages to another car/property are covered) and is also protected from theft and attempted theft + vandalism. I am planning on switching to a 95 Mustang. Can I expect a small or significant jump in my insurance premium? I would apply the same coverage. (The car has an alarm system and I put on a steering wheel lock when I leave it parked.)""
Car insurance in new york?
if i hold a junior driver licence in new york do i need to have insurance if i drive my moms car? also if i do does my mom insurance go uo? i am 16 with a jr driver licence! http://1proxyweb.cn/car-insurance.html
""Car insurance, i only drive for 3 months or so? any options?""
I currently have a BMW m3, i will be moving to new york city where it makes no sense to have the car, but i love the car and intend on keeping it locked in my parents garage and covered for the majority of the winter. during the summer months it will be down at there vacation house but again, it will only be driven by me maybe twice a month and for two weeks one month. the only other time i could see me using it would be every once in a while when i visit home to go to the store and back, literally like 5 other days out of the year. is there any insurance for this? i have a loan on the car, but it's used and old and in pristine condition so i'd rather keep it, i have considered selling it. soo what options would i have? i also go to school in another state from wher the car is stored.""
How much will my auto insurance go up for speeding?
i live in iowa. im 20. i have had my licence for 4 years. i have geico insurance just the state minimum. this is my first violation. i was going 41 in a 30. how much will my auto insurance go up? right now im paying about 40 a month
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
Car insurance and CVT?
What is insurancegroup 13? how much would insurance be for a 16yr old first time driver on Mazda MX-5 2.0i 2dr Powershift Convertible. And cvt means the gears change by them self? good/bad? thanks
What are some affordable health insurance for california citizens?
I'm 22 years old. I have not had health insurance since i was 19. im a babysitter and i only get paid about $800 a month, im a full time student and that's the only job i can obtain because of my school. My schedule changes every 9 weeks. keep in mind i also have school loans to pay and personal bills like cell phone and car / car insurance.""
Do insurance companies insure themselves?
My wife and I were wondering this this morning. If an insurance office is broken in to/has a fire/etc, do they cover themselves?""
What are peoples opinions of the affordable care act?
I am not that informed about it and curious how people feel about it
I am 18 and i got disqualified for 3 months and i was wondering if anyone knows cheap car insurance for me?
ive tried things like confused and the comparing sites but i didn't know if anyone knew of smaller or more independent companies which are good at these types of quotes.
Will my car insurance be able to transfer over to another car without extra fees?
My mother-n-law has an extra car that she doesn't have insurance on because she doesn't drive it shes letting me use it for a month. If i get my own policy and pay the 6 month premium in full and add that car to it when I take that car off after i give it back to her will i have a credit that I can transfer over to my car when i get one in a couple months without paying anything extra?
""If you take drivers ed online, will it still reduce your insurance cost?
I am fifteen almost sixteen and i want to take drivers ed online instead of during the school year. If i take it online will it still reduce my insurance cost? I also live in the state of Montana.
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it. Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car. How does insurance on a car work?
Is Texas a no-fault insurance state?
My G-Friend recently met with a car accident and we are still waiting for the accident report to determine the fault. She was not hurt but the other driver was hospitalized. Your opinions and suggestions welcome about how to handle this with Insurance company and attorney if required.
How much will my ticket be? I'm a little nervous to see since he gave me 4 months to pay it..?
I got in a wreck about 2 weeks ago. I wasn't at fault but because I had no insurance I got my car taken anyway. It's out of impound now, they didn't hold my tags, and I now have insurance and a nice size scratch/dent going from my front fender to my back door. So now all that's left is the ticket that he gave me for driving a vehicle with no insurance. How much will the ticket cost? And does it cost more because the vehicle was in an accident?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
Where can i get car insurance for over 50?
looking for a good company that deals with car insurance for 50 years old and over
Car Insurance Advice - Florida Needed?
I have been going over my policy and lowered my PIP. I have a 9 yr old SUV so no comp and collision, I would like someone with insurance or legal experience to look over my coverage and tell me if sufficient. I am a home owner with no equity. I have no other assets other than an ROTH IRA and bank accounts with about $1000. or detailed coverage descriptions, hover over the associated below 2003 MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Total Vehicle Premium: $466.00 Protects you and your passengers Bodily Injury Liability [Edit] Current Limit: $20,000/$20,000 $167.00 Property Damage Liability [Edit] Current Limit: $50,000 $136.80 Personal Injury Protection-Insured [Edit] Current Deductible: $1,000 Ded. $162.20 Personal Injury Protection-Insured & Relative [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Personal Injury Protection -Insured with Excluded Work Loss [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Personal Injury Protection -Insured and Relative with Excluded Work Loss [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Additional Personal Injury Protection Insured [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Additional Personal Injury Protection Insured and Relative [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Medical Payments [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Uninsured Motorist - Nonstacked [Add] Current: Not Carried Not Carried Uninsured Motorist - Stacked [Edit] Current Limit: I Reject this Coverage $0.00 Protects your vehicles 2003 MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Comprehensive [Add] Deductible Not Carried Collision [Add] Deductible Not Carried Emergency Road Service [Add] Not Carried Rental Reimbursement [Add] Not Carried""
Cheap car insurance in Texas?
Hii i don't have a job right now, the car insurance bills are very high, can somebody suggest me cheaper insurance , currently i am with geico and am in Texas. Thanks in advance""
Renting a car without insurance?
I am planning a trip in a couple months with a friend of mine. We will need to rent a car. I do not have a license, so she'll be the driver. She doesn't own a car, so she doesn't have any kind of car insurance. We'll be renting with a debit card, so there won't be any coverage from a credit card either. Will we need to buy the rental insurance from the rental car company (most likely Thrifty)? Any idea how much it would cost?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also, do you support obamacare?""
I paid car insurance...?
I paid car insurance monthly, so I cancelled it today and they say there is a cancellation fee...is that correct and if so how much is it usually? Ontario Canada""
Car insurance help (UK ONLY)?
my mums car insurance company is tryin to screw her over... i need opinions please! the car got wrote off due to something smashing it from the back as it was parked therefore perpitrator was never found! the car was worth 500 which was 100 deducted for policy... then the insurance compony took the whole wak of 12 months insurance aswell when we only had the car for a month! is that fair? deucting that for 500 leaving us with 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL????
Car insurance switching cars after 2months?
Bought a car from auction and got it insured ( my first car) but not liking it so looking to re-sell at auction. Just wondering how the insurance will work if i wan tto change it to a new car after such a short time??? willl it cost me alot to change ] thanks
If information on your insurance is wrong.?
if there is a mistake on your insurance say for the length of time you have passed your test or if you have penalty points what will happen if you gave false information will you be found out when applying for a quote or will the insurance company say nothing until you try to claim? Will they take your word for it until you try to claim? or will they pull you there on the spot or will they give to u then ring the police?
Do you need insurance to register a car under your name?
Im a bout to buy a used car but im curious to know if you need insurance before the dmv can register the car under your name? thanks alot for taking the time to help me out, its all appreciated""
Can you put car insurance on a car for only a month?
Can you put car insurance on your parents car for only a month? The car is owned by my mom and she has insurance on her car and i want to drive her car for the last month of my summer vacation, so is there any way i can get insurance on the car too? and then take it off after a month?""
Im 15 in texas (male) how much would it cost for insurance on 2005 mustang/2004 audi tt/2003 g35/2004 acura tl?
please leave separate answers example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month...
If 2 cars fall into the same insurance group will they cost more or less the same?
regardless of how much fuel they use? I ask because I have been looking at both the Vauxall Corsa and Astra, and both models fall into insurance group 4 but the Astra is a 1.4L and the Corsa a 1.3L (They are diesel versions).""
Vespa Insurance Help...!?
So I've just got a new Vespa LX50, 2009 - I'm 16 and have a provisional license and CBT. Does anyone know who the cheapest/best insurance providers are for scooters for young people - all the price comparison websites say different things, and that's no good. I'm looking for answers based on pass experience. If you're a young person and ride a moped/scooter - who do you use?? Thanks!""
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
Which insurance license test is easier for California?
which insurance license test is easier for California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real Estate I want to get a license, but not sure which..""
Should i have to pay for my moms car insurance?
Now i am 18 and just graduated high school and i still live with my mom. She says since i have a drivers license and i live in her house her car insurance goes up and because of it she wants me to pay her like $150 every few weeks or something. Now its her car and i dont see why im having to pay anything i never hear from other people or my friends about their parents car insurance going up and them having to pay anything. So do you guys think i should have to pay for my moms car insurance or is she just making that up to bum money off me cause shes cheap like that and always wants money from me.
Health insurance in California?
My wife and I will be moving to California in December. We've heard that health insurance is more expensive there than in other states. My question is this: If I'm unable to get a job that offers health insurance as a benefit and I'm forced to buy my own policy - about (exact quotes not necessary) how much should I expect to pay monthly? I know there are a lot of different kinds of policies. I am open to any information you may have about whatever kind of policy you are familiar with. Please indicate what kind of policy it is. I'm a 37 year old male (non-smoker, average BMI) My wife is 30 (non-smoker, good BMI) Any information would be appreciated! Thank you!""
""Health insurance, deductible or no deductible?""
I'm looking at the Blue Shield of California Active Start 35 plan for me and my 2 year old son. It's going to cost around $200/month through ehealthinsurance Here's a link: http://askoleg.com/Blue_Shield_Active_Start_Plan_35_ppo.htm The plan features: No individual deductible Annual Copayment Maximum $7,500 Annual Physical Exam, Well-Baby Care $35 (Not subject to deductible) Laboratory, X-Ray, Major Diagnostic Services 40% (Not subject to deductible) Physician Office Visits $35 (Not subject to deductible) I do not have insurance at the moment and my son has a PPO with Anthem and a $1,500 deductible with almost the same listed here. The only difference is there is no deductible with the plan above. I'm really in need of some help, if anyone can give me good advice, I would appreciate it very much!""
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
What is a fast economical car for a low insurance group?
I have been driving for a nearly and year now and would like to upgrade my car, I have a 1.6 16v VW Golf and was looking for something faster, economical for a low insurance group, thanks. Around insurance group 4 - 7. Nothing any higher.""
What insurer would insure me for around 200?? And what car would that be?
My friend had a ford fiesta as her first car and her insurance was 180 a month There are now kids in my school and their insurance varies between 210-250 Their cars are peugeot 3 doors and stuff I've been looking at cars between 300-700 to buy and every time I check the insurance is HUGE I am talking 800 a month nearly!!!!! The lowest I found was 360 once but then the car was sold Does anyone what car I can get so that the insurance will be around 180-250?? All the people at school I've asked don't want to tell not does my friend. I need serious help ;( The cats I've been looking at are peugeot, Nissan, ford All between 1998-2002 years 3 doors - anyone have any ideas? Or can help me with posting links?? Of cars and then insurance I am a new driver, passed my test YESTERDAY I live in the UK West Middlands Thank you!!""
I want cheap auto insurance?
I am from canada and i want cheap auto insurance from where i will get this.
Approximate insurance rate for a 2011-2012 Chevrolet Camaro?
Alright so im just looking around and i saw the new lease for the camaro's msrp is aprx 23k and that is a little in my price range. But i would like to know the apprx insurance rate. Im in a family plan with my mom and brother. My brother has 2 major accidents and my mom might have 1 both at fault accident. My age is 16 almost 17. I dont plan on getting the SS just the basic model ( auto ) our insurance company is mercury. I know i wont get anything exact im just looking for an aprx. And please no comments on im too young for this car. im just considering this option. BTW i was given a quote for $140 for a 2002-2004 BMW 325 coupe and i know American car insurance is usually cheaper?
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers????!?
im from the UK, and the insurance for first time drivers can be about 1000+ for the first year.... i know someone who got theirs lower but the company has strings that come with it.... Does anyone know any companies that a fairly reasonable for first time drivers???? Thank you if anyone answers =)""
Student Car insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company that is suitable to students? I am off to university in september, I'm not taking my car with me however, I will be home every other weekend and will want to use it then as well as when i'm home for christmas etc. I am looking for an insurance company that is suitable for this kinda thing as I dont want to be payin lots for insurance when I hardly use the car. Thanks""
Car Insurance Settlement?
Ok about 3 weeks ago I was rear ended while my car was stopped on the freeway. The guy hit me doing about 30mph. I have had back and neck problems ever since. I have been seeing a chiroprator on a weekly basis. Also it was a hit and run but I was able to get his license plate number. I live in California. Ok so his insurance company called me trying to settle for 1000 plus my medical expenses. The problem is I don't now what my conditions will be like in the future. Also how many times will his insurance call me and change the offer?
Individual health insurance?
if i can get health insurance from my employer but can get better and cheaper coverage from as an individual do i have to take coverage from my job
How much will your insurance go up by if you get a brand new car?
im thinking about getting a Honda civic 2012 and if my insurance is going to rise like by 100-150 $ im not going to get it but i was wondering how much will it rise by if a get a new car i also have been in minor accident and my insurance is about 250 one way and it is with statefarm im a toronto citizen so only in toronto prices
What is the best insurance company?
I am buying a Cadillac Cts and need a good and cheep insurance company. I am 16 and have taken my drivers Ed. Should I get Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or nation wide. please help what do you have. I live in florida 32967""
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
How much car insurance do you pay? - public survey?
What kind of car do you have, and how much insurance do you pay? (( General interest ))""
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
Car insurance for married couple!?
Hey there! My wife and I both used to have our own car insurances until a few months ago when we decided to drop hers and add her to my policy to save some money. She got into an accident the other day; everyone's okay and it hasn't been determined who was at fault yet. I was wondering if this is going to affect MY driving record as well considering that we are sharing a car insurance policy? I realize that our premium might go up but I guess I want to know if the premium would go up even if we decided to get her off of this policy and find her a separate one with another insurance company. Do insurance companies look at which driver and which vehicle (we each have our own car) was involved in the accident or does it all just go by the policy number?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Affordable health insurance?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
How much does baby life insurance cost on average?
I am doing an anatomy project and we are supposed to research the cost of a baby for the first six months. If you could just give an estimate that is fine too.
Whats a cheap major health insurance plan?
im paying way too much right now and need a cheaper plan
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
How can I get my nose surgery?
I have a schnoz and I had it operated on like 6 years ago when it was broken. I've grown into it badly I think and it's holding me back from being pretty. And I alwaaaays think about it in public and I am very self conscious. Does anyone know doctors in California who could try and run it through insurance? I feel so ugly.
Car insurance claim farce?
my son narrowly avoided an accident when a driver braked very suddenly they missed a junction, although he swerved to avoid hitting the car he hit a barrier at the edge of the road. a truck behind him then hit him and the insurance company says its my sons fault and are going to repair the truck under his insurance. In my opinion the truck should have been travelling at a safe distance to stop. I know my son did not stop safely either but now i have the opinion he should have just hit the first car and claimed the same way the truck is !! has any body got experience with this and do you think i should fight the claim? his insurance is already 1800, i don't want to see it go up!""
Insurance for student?
I am currently a student, and saved up enough to buy a car, but the problem is the insurance. As a student, the insurance premium is very high since I have to be the primary driver. I cannot be under my parents insurance, I am not in good terms with them. Is there any way to reduce the premiums? I already did the driveres ed course which gives you a 10% discount. Do you know any cheap insurance companies? I am just looking for basic coverage. Thanks! PS - I live in Ontario.""
What is a car insurance down payment?
I see these commercials for cheap car insurance with a low down payment . I've had three car insurance companies in my life and not a single one has required a down payment. Why would anyone choose a company that did?
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
What would be the highest insurance group car i could insure when im 17?
What would be the highest insurance group car i could insure when im 17? like the 1-20 ratings?
Help finding a car insurance quote?
I'm doing a project for my economics class where I have to pretend to be a 22 year old living on my own and make a monthly budget for myself. I have to find a car insurance and health insurance quote, but everywhere I search asks for personal information and has to search through my records and credit to give me the right quote. I'm only 17 so they wouldn't find anything on me. I need it for a 22 year old making 27,000 a year. Please help me! 10 points to the best answer :)""
Car insurance for age 17?
Well going sound awkward but i want a car without out parents knowing, been working for 2 years got enough money can prove to insurers where i got the money from im 17 and is it possible to get insurance at my address (real address where i auctally live) but i want the paperworks to be sent to another address or they contact me by email because family wants me to get a car when im 25 however im going uni so i really need a car also im not going to any fraud everything will be legit just need to make sure if i can insurance and only i know about it thanks""
What is the cheapest company for a 17 year Old's car insurance in the UK?
I am 17 and looking around on sites the car insurance is around 2500 but this is too expensive for me, if I was to get car insurance I would probably drive a ford fiesta or something like that.""
I am 18 years old and going to lose my insurance NH?
My father lives in California and I was under his insurance until he got laid off, now I have about a month to get insurance and I am kinda screwed. I have to have allergy shots every three weeks and I am on a plan to control my allergies and asthma so having no insurance is not an option. My grandparents did have guardianship of me but since I am 18 I no longer qualify for their insurance.What do I qualify for and how do I apply?""
Car insurance costs help?
I am an 18 year old looking to buy a car, so i need car insurance.. I live in Indiana. I have never recieved any tickets or warnings. Last year someone hit me, but it was her fault. Both insurances involved in that and the police have said it wasn;t my fault. The lady passed out while driving and hit me. Will that have an impact on me? What would be the cheapest place for me to get car insurance? For basic coverage and full coverage?""
How much would insurance for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance!""
Car insurance help!!!?
Hi me and my boyfriend are both new drivers. We bought a car together a few months ago a renault clio. We insured the car as me as the main driver. Fully comp. Our insurance costs 1885 annual. We have now decided to get another car... another Renault clio exactly the same. Are we insured to drive the second car? Do we have to add it on? Get another policy? Can we cancel? So confused please help xx
How much is pilots insurance ?
First of all is there such a thing as pilots insurance, if so how much is average""
What's the cheapest option for car insurance for a teen?
I just recently passed my driving test and I'm completely taken away by the prices I've saw for car insurance on my parents Astra, I'm getting prices up at 7K. I've decided to go out and buy a category 1 insurance car (or any that's a low category) so it will be cheaper to run but the only problem is, I don't have a job at the moment so only have savings. It wouldn't bother me not taking out my own policy because I understand that can be more expensive but is there an alternative for me until I get a job and earn money to get the policy so I can collect NCD's? One of my friends use to have his own policy on his family car, a big car like ours, until he had an accident and the price shot up. Now because he can't afford the monthly costs he just takes out 1 weeks insurance at a top when needed and this costs him around 40. What I don't understand though is that he's 18, the same age as me, and I thought you werent able to do short term insurance as a new driver? Although I think he somehow takes it under his parents policy? I'v no idea how this works if someone could shine a light on it? Another friend also had a Nissan Micra and was paying around 80-90 per month which I thought was very cheap (also the same age as me) for an insurance which makes me wonder if he is on his own policy? My dad will be getting insured on my own car also and be using it for work at nights. If anyone could come up with some solutions for me that would be great!! :) Thanks""
Who's best for impreza insurance? i'm 28 with a clean licence?
full comp keeps coming back around 1000, on a 98-2000 wrx""
What is best in LIfe Insurance?
How to choose the best insurance conpany.. This website says many which one can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/
Approximately how much does car insurance cost for a typical 18 year old female?
Approximately how much does car insurance cost for a typical 18 year old female?
Car insurance ireland?
hi there does any 1 know of any insurance companys in southern ireland who specalise in people who have been banned for drink driving
Failed driving test...will insurance go up?
I took my driving test today and I was just wondering if my dad's insurance rates will go up(I am 16).
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?""
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that will let you take out a term life policy for one age 69?
My grandfather and I are really close. He keeps telling me that he wants me to get a insurance policy on him which makes me feel bad, because I get the feeling there's something else serious he is not telling me. If something happens to him I don't want to be in a situation where I can't afford to bury him & I know that that type of stuff is important to get taken care of. I have checked into it a little bit online, but from what I have read & been told....when someone is over the age of 65, life insurance companies will not let you get a term policy for someone that age. My grandfather is 69 years old and will be 70 yrs old this month. I really don't have a whole lot of money to pay for whole life insurance & believe that I can only afford to get a term life insurance policy. The problems I think I am going to have is that he smokes & is 69 yrs old. Does anyone know of any good insurance companies that will let me get term life insurance on him being that he is already 69 and smokes?""
What's a good insurance company for motorcycles?
I live in Halifax, NS and looking for good insurance rates. Also, what type of insurance should I get? Full coverage? I would like to insure my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja 250.""
What to put in to get the lowest/best insurance rate quotes?
Do I need to be honest? I own the vehicle. I am starting to get a new quote. For primary use of vehicle what should I put; Commute (school), Commute (work), Pleasure, or Business? I use it to get to work. I am also being asked how many mileage driven to go to work or mileage one-way, and the annual mileage. Is there a trick to getting the lowest rate on what to put? I am a very careful driver. I have not had any accidents in the past 3 years (nor anything major prior). I know these insurance companies only want to know about the last 3 years of my driving history. I am clean. I only need the legal state (Maryland) minimum amount to insure. Any advice on how to get the best rate quotes? I'm currently with Progressive, but might switch to Geico.""
washington insurance laws
washington insurance laws
0 notes
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
"Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is group 12 insurance.?
How much is group 12 insurance.?
Non-owners policy auto insurance in NC?
im getting my license in january i will be a unnexpierenced driver but i cant afford a car right now can i get a non-owners policy in the state of nc?and drive my fiances car?
Need help finding car insurance?
I need my own insurance policy in order to get off of my mom's, but I need one that is cheap and affordable. Any ideas?""
Health insurance question?
i am going to see a doctor tomorrow for something that has been bothering me for 2 years but ive only had my insurance for 1 year but before i had my insurance i did not see a doctor for the problem i had.... so what im asking is if i tell her i have been having the problem for 2 years will my insurance not pay for it since they consider that preexisting even though i have never seen a doctor for it before my insurance i have bluecross blueshield ppo plan
I got a ticket for no insurance in california?
well i told the officer that i had insurance on the car but the little proof of insurance card did not come in the mail yet so he gave me a ticket for that and he told me something about if i mail the proof of insurance to the court i guess i dont have to go to the court date or soemthing like that is that true by the way i checked the mail that same day i got the ticket and the proof arrived
Does your car insurance go down if youve been riding a motorbike?
Hi ive recently turned 17 and justgot my full UK car licence! Insurance has been quoted at around 2thousand ayear wich i think is outragous! But then i wonderd if theres any chance it would come down a little due to me driving a motorbike on the road for the last year? Please help
How expensive can i expect the car insurance for this car to be?
Car insurance for a 27 year old with 3 years driving experience( that i can prove xD) on a brand new Porsche Boxster S
Around how much is it for insurance for a 16 yr old male in MO?
im 16 now and i was wondering what is a good estimate for how much insurance is for me and yes i know the car and provider affects the amount.
Is Circumcision covered by health insurance?
Hello i'm 17 years old and i live in Florida. And i'm probably going to get circumcised soon because i have phimosis. I'm wondering if health insurance covers it because i ...show more
""Car insurance, when does it drop?""
Im 19 years old, and payed $155 a month for my car insurance, a year later, no accidents tickets or anything and its $106. Definately not complaining, but i was just wondering if theres some sort of formula insurance companies use.. because i always thought when you turn 25 it goes down dramatically, but this for me is pretty dramatic. And also one year from now can i expect it to go down 50 more dollars?? thanks in advance""
im turning 17 and love old cars i was just wondering were i could get classic car insurance
Best car insurance company in Ontario for new drivers?
Hey Guys, Got my first car! YAY!!!! I was just wondering if you guys can recommend the best car insurance company and rates in Ontario for new drivers? Please let me know. Thanks.""
""Gas, Home and car insurance in my tax return expence?""
I'm a self employed programmer, I work in my home (don't have office) my question is can I consider my home rent or car insurance-gas as my job expences in tax return forms? I'm useing my car to see some of my customers (not always).""
Will my car insurance rate lower once I turn 25?
I heard that once I turn 25 my car insurace rate will lower. Is this true?
What are your utilities like in Georgia. How much do you pay ? What do you pay for car insurance on a yearly?
What are your utilities like in Georgia. How much do you pay ? What do you pay for car insurance on a yearly?
Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?
I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
16 years old looking for car insurance?
I live in miami florida and i plan to get a pontiac Solstice. I want to know how much car insurance will cost per month. My mom has statefarm and her credit history is good but i have no credit history. how much will it cost on average?
What does it take to fix a flooded car?
Last June, my town fell victim to river flooding. It's caused tons of damage and many cars to be flooded. I'm looking for a cheap car and I got on a rebuildable cars website. I found a newer car that is reasonable on gas and insurance, but is flooded. What would they have to do to fix it and about how much would it cost?""
How Much Will My Car Insurance Be?
I am a 21 year old male with a very clean driving record, no DUI or tickets etc. Buying a 2004 Honda Civic DX 4D Sedan used for $11,000. What's the cheapest full cover car insurance out there for a guy like me? Any suggestions?""
Do I have to show proof of ownership of a car to get car insurance online?
Do I need to show any type of proof or give a vin number for a car to buy auto insurance online?
""If I buy a car off someone, how do I put insurance on it immediately?""
This would be my first car purchase and so I don't have an insurance agent. Would I need to look up a company, let them know I'm about to buy a car, then later call them back with the VIN?""
How much would my insurance cost on these two cars?
A 2006 Audi s4 and a 2011 Camero ss. I will be 18 years old once I start the insurance with really no driving record, good or bad.""
Do I need health insurance?
I am a healthy 20 year old male... I have a wife, who is also healthy, that really thinks we should get health insurance... My work offers a decent plan for $300 a month... I think this money could be put to better use... a savings account or something. The problem is of course, emergencies. I've seen plans that cover emergencies but only like 80% and they have a high deductible/monthly payment. Any suggestions/ideas??""
How much money difference between full coverage and liability?
I'm 24. I have full coverage on my car now, and I pay $106 a month. I am getting rid of my car, and getting a new one that I will not have a loan on. So I plan on getting liability insurance. Around what price difference can I expect after switching from full coverage to liability? Thanks.""
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Got my first speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
I was on my way to work and I got clocked at 65 mph in a 50 mph zone. I haven't told my parents and I am scared for when they find out. It's my first speeding ticket and even the first time I had ever been pulled over. The ticket was for $103.33. I paid for it and it is all taken care of I think. I was driving my mom's new car. My brother has had a lot of traffic tickets on the same insurance too, but not the same car. So how much do you think the insurance is going to go up? Or do you think it is going to go up at all?""
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
Insurance fronting ( making car insurance cheaper )?
If i'm not the owner of the vehicle ( my mum is ), yet im still insured on the policy as a named driver but im the main driver am i commiting insurance fronting. insurance fronting states that if you are the owner of the vehicle but only a named driver this is called insurance fronting, but im not the owner but a named driver does the same rules apply""
""For pain and suffering money, how much is enough to ask for from your own car ins. company?""
I was in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (under 18 yrs old, no drivers' liscence, no car insurance, failed to yeild). My car was in the shop for 3-4 weeks, I just finished chiropractic care, and my ins. adjuster is going to meet w/ me soon. I have full coverage insurance plus 'uninsured drivers insurance'. So anything my regular car insurance doesn't cover my uninsured insurance pays for anything else. But he also let me know I will be getting 'pain and suffering money. How much should I ask for?!?! I don't even know an estimate of what I should ask for. The worst thing about it is, since the other guy doesn't have insurance, my dealing with my own insurance company. They said after my claim is settled, they will turn around and sue the other driver. I don't want to end up sueing my own car insurance company either. this is my first car accident.""
Do you sell car insurance? PLEASE LOOK IF YOU DO! :)?
HI! I used to work at Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt county Northern California... about 5 years ago. we worked on commission only.. so if you didn't write a policy you ...show more
Car insurance question (just turned 16)?
So I just turned 16, and am about to purchase a car after saving up for the past year or so. I just have 2 questions. 1- Im planning to get a 1991 Nissan 300zx, there's a 2 seater-2door and a 4 seater- 2 door version of this car. Planning to get the 4 seater, and from what I've heard, insurance will be a tad bit cheaper with the 4 seater, is this true ? And for the more important question - Im underage obviously, so I have to go under my parents for insurance. Thing is, my dad has a HORRIBLE driving record, 1 accident that was his fault and a heaping amount of tickets. And my parents' insurance has gone up from that.. But is his driving record going to affect my insurance? Like will I have to pay more than expected due to his bad record ? Sorry for such the long question..""
Checking Insurance Quotes?
May be a stupid question but can you check different insurance quotes even if you haven't passed your test yet, just to get an idea of how much it will be ?""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
What are some things to keep it as cheap as possible? I know taking a safety class can. I`m 19 years old if that means anything. Thanks.
Car insurance for students at uni?
Im going to uni in september and my car insurance is also up for renewal, i will be leaving the car at home while away but will want to use it over holiday periods and the occasional weekend. Does anyone know of cheap companies who offer insurance for short periods of time while its driven?""
What exactly is covered when you have full coverage auto insurance?
I have both collision and comprehensive insurance on my car..as i was backing into my driveway I got a little too close and hit the wall..my back fender is scratched pretty bad...is this covered by my insurance company
""Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Car insurance for age 17?
Well going sound awkward but i want a car without out parents knowing, been working for 2 years got enough money can prove to insurers where i got the money from im 17 and is it possible to get insurance at my address (real address where i auctally live) but i want the paperworks to be sent to another address or they contact me by email because family wants me to get a car when im 25 however im going uni so i really need a car also im not going to any fraud everything will be legit just need to make sure if i can insurance and only i know about it thanks""
Can I save money on insurance?
If I get hired as a Medical Assistant, can I use that to my advantage on car insurance and get a discount? I am currently in sales and might get a job offer as a Medical Assistant here soon. I am graduated from an accredited program and have my Certification. Thanks, for your time!""
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
Cheapest car to insure?
im looking to buy a car but im a 18 yr old male and my insurance will be very high. so im trying to find the cheapest car out there to insure and something good on gas. i know ill probably be paying around 3000 a year. but any ideas?
Yamaha 09 R6 insurance?
how much would you thing it would cost in insurance for a 19 year old to own a 08 or a 09 Yamaha R6
Senior life services insurance company?
Has anyone ever dealt with senior life services insurance company, and if so , Good Or bad results. Some insight please?""
Insurance on Ford Focus ST - Young Driver?
I'm just looking for guideline figures on what insurance is likely to cost for a 20yr old male on a new Ford Focus ST in the UK. This is with 2 years no claims bonus and no speeding convictions. Any help greatly appreciated!
""Why do we call life insurance, life insurance?
when it pays you for dying. Annuities are really life insurance. They pay you in case you live.
Anyone ever heard of business car insurance to do a homecare job?
Hi I have applied for a job and been told i got it now they saying i need business car insurance because its a homecare job and its to stop being towed away or clamped anyone ever heard of this and what is it
How can I convince my dad that leasing a cheap car would be a good decision given my circumstances?
Ok. So I'm about to be 18 and have about $1,400 saved up towards a car, should be getting a few hundred more after graduation and from a few other things, so I expect to have around $2,000 in the summer. This is what I was planning on spending on a down payment on a cheap used car. For the monthly note and insurance, my parents said that they'll help at least some until I get a job. The thing is, it's seriously impossible to get a job in my town. I've been trying for a couple years and just nothing. Most other people I know - not just teenagers - are having the same problem. Because of this, my parents are worried that having to pay for so much and me pay for basically just the down payment would be too much on them. They're struggling very hard financially and haven't bought a car themselves in 13 years. So I was looking at some car websites the other day and noticed that some of them had really appealing lease deals. The ones that most caught my attention were $0 down, and then a monthly payment of around $200 or less per month for three years. What really interested me about that deal is the no down payment, because if there's no down payment and they pay for the monthly note, then that's the only thing they have to pay, at least for quite a while. That leaves me with around $2,000 still in pocket to spend over time on insurance, gas, various maintenance costs, etc., plus if there are too many hidden fees, etc. in the lease. (My dad got me an insurance quote and it was a lot lower than I expected btw, about $560/yr.) That seems so much better than having to start back at $0 after buying the car having paid all the rest on the down payment. I just don't wanna spend that much down because then I'm left with nothing, if I can't get a job then I have no way to pay for everything, again my parents don't think they can pay too much. If they only have to pay the monthly note, then I still have quite a while to get a job and start making money before that couple thousand runs out and if I do eventually get a job (hopefully it'll be easier in another city, but I need a car in order to move), I can even help them with the monthly payments or pay all of them. But all they can say is, Why lease a car when you can buy one, you'll just be stuck in the same spot in three years. But this is completely missing the point. The problem here is that if I spend everything down, then I have nothing left to maintain the car with, and therefore can't have a car at all. I have no steady source of income and can't make a steady source of income without a car. But if I can afford to maintain a car for at least several months with money I already had and can later get a job in a bigger city, I at least have some car, regardless of whether not I own it or it's the best and wisest financial decision in the long run. Once I have a car I can move to a bigger city and hopefully go to college and then get a better job, I'm sure I can get another car later. So basically, if I want a car now (which I need one in order to advance my life and go to college and such) the only possible way is if I lease instead of buy, unless I suddenly come into a bunch of money or can find a car for sale with no down payment. I need to just do whatever I have to do to have a car and get by at the moment, but my parents won't let me. They're so stuck in their stubborn ways that leasing cars is always a waste of money (I agree that it'a a waste of money, but again that's not the point here, the point is that I need a car) when in this situation it would work much better for me. But they refuse to let me.""
How much does Acrft Maint insurance cost for mechanics and owners on cessnas from 172's and up?
Insurance For light aircraft like private aircraft from small cessna 172's to a gulfstream 1 or 2.
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Car Insurance for 19 year old?
I'm planning on taking my driving test during summer, and hopefully if I pass I want to buy a car. My mums made enquiries about putting me under her car insurance and roughly the prices have been between 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know any car insurance companies where I can get insurance for around 1,500 max ?""
What happens if you get pulled over without insurance?
You see I am an awesome driver. I never get in an accident because I am always well aware of my surroundings. I realized that for the past five years of owning my truck, I have spent over 10 times it's worth in insurance, and never once needed it, ever. No accidents, and no getting pulled over. Isn't insurance a waste of money for me? I figured I could just put the money I would normally spend on insurance, in the bank for the same purpose, then if I need it I can take it out. If the truck dies first, I put the money towards a new car. Is this such a bad idea?""
Why would a small van be more expensive to insure than a car?
Im 24 and my partner is 27. we share a car and our insurance is 800 a year and looking at vans for our dogs. The normal small ford vans the cheapest insurance is 1,200. I thought a van would be a cheaper?""
Farmes Car Insurance?
I had a accident on the freeway a girl hi tme from behind and she had farmers insurance are they good at fixing other peoples cars when their cutomers are at fault
Insurance question..I have 4 years no claims on my 125cc scooter....?
and I am riding it on a provisonal license in the U.K on a C.B.T certificate. I will pass my U.K driving test soon. Does anyone know if there is an insurance company that will take these four years no claims bonus into account when quoting for car insurance?
Car insurance claim farce?
my son narrowly avoided an accident when a driver braked very suddenly they missed a junction, although he swerved to avoid hitting the car he hit a barrier at the edge of the road. a truck behind him then hit him and the insurance company says its my sons fault and are going to repair the truck under his insurance. In my opinion the truck should have been travelling at a safe distance to stop. I know my son did not stop safely either but now i have the opinion he should have just hit the first car and claimed the same way the truck is !! has any body got experience with this and do you think i should fight the claim? his insurance is already 1800, i don't want to see it go up!""
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
Is it high insurance for a fiat 500?
i am a 17 year old girl and i was ust looking at the fiat 500 and i just want to know if the insurance is really high for them. I know the average is about 2000 for a 17 year old, so would anyone be able to give me an idea on price please. thanks for the help""
Drivers License and Car Insurance?
My friend had a friend of his drive his car when he was drinking because he didn't want an OMVI. His friend quit paying for car insurance but said he still has his drivers license. Is that possible? Also, my friend said he wasn't worried about an accident because my friend has insurance and he thinks that covers all drivers in his car with a drivers license. I feel that if he got in an accident, his insurance won't pay because he has a non-insured driver driving his car. He said I'm wrong. Who's right and who's wrong here????""
Anyone know any good insurance?
Does anyone happen to know of any good insurance companies that may help pay for some of the initial tests for infertility?
""No fault claim on car insurance, will rate go up?""
My truck was hit by a car while parked in valet parking. The valet company was not driving the other car, it was a lady who tried to get around my truck because she did not want to use the valet. The valet company took her insurance information and wrote a report indicating what happened. I only have a few deep scratches on my bumper, but it is a new car and kind of want to get it fixed because it is new. I was hesitant to call my insurance and tell them about it because I have heard that a claim is a claim on my record regardless of fault. I did call my insurance to discuss the situation and when I could ask if my insurance would go up for a no fault claim, the lady told me she just filed the claim and an adjuster would contact me in a few days to answer all my questions. If it is only a few hundred dollars in damage, I would have rather paid it myself than have a claim. Anyone experience anything like this and how long does claim stay on record in case I have a real claim someday?""
Cheap health insure in california?
Cheap health insure in california?
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
Does anyone know of an affordable individual health insurance plan in Texas?
Does anyone know of an affordable individual health insurance plan in Texas?
Coverage of Car Insurance for an Alien?
I am visiting USA and hold Indian Passport & Driving License. If I drive my son's car there in USA, will I be covered by comprehensive Car Insurance Policy taken by him on his car?""
Cheapest car insurance provider for a 23 year old?
I am 23 year old and had no claims up until last year when i had a little bump and now the quotes are terrible for even a little 1litre. does anyone know of realistically priced insurance company's for younger drivers? thanks for the help.
Is it up to age 26 or through age 26 for insurance coverage on parent's plan?
With health care reform, young adults can now stay on their parent's insurance longer. Is it UP TO the day they turn age 26 or through the age 26 that they are able to have the coverage?""
UK Car insurance 18?/????
Any idea how much it would cost and a few examples of a car and insurance rates. Also if you had a part time job would you actually be able to drive the thing?
Car insurance?
is it possible to have two inurance policies on one car?im wanting to get insured to drive my brothers car so do i have to be a named driver on his insurance policy or can i have my own?thanks!
Motorcycles and California ?
Ok so im almost 18. I wanna get a motorcycle when I can afford it. How much would u say I'd be looking at for good insurance and the bike. I want a decent bike but nothing to fancy because of my price range. I wanna also know the process to getting a motorcycle licence
Looking for a good insurance company to represent in California?
I'm a licensed insurance agent in California. I've been through 3 firms in 3 years and did not make much money at all. Now I'm working retail waiting to get back in the game while my license is just wasting away. Please, no AFLAC or World Financial Group referrals. Training is non-existent at AFLAC and the WFG people were absent of integrity. Could anyone recommend a good company to work for that is structured and has a good training program. Thank you.""
How much is the ticket for driving with no insurance in missouri?
How much is the ticket for driving with no insurance in missouri?
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Business Insurance??
What kind of insurance will i need to carry for duct cleaning peoples homes and how much monthly would it cost
Insurance Question!Can ya help?
If i have a 2002 isuzu rodeo with 100k miles on it and i pay $150/month for insurance, how much would my insurance go up or if even at all, if i got a 2001 Audi A6 with 100k miles on it? Plus do you think thats a good car trade :)""
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Average motorcycle insurance?
how much is average motorcycle insurance in Louisiana, if 23 years old bike with 500cc have never crash or get ticket pretty good credit bike use only for leisure and to college help me y'all""
Why did so many Liberals run away from the ACA as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ?
Why are so many Liberals running away from the ACA they declared that they needed so desperately as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ? I don't get it ?......Liberals asked for Affordable Health Insurance not Free Health Insurance so why are they running way from Affordable Health Insurance now like it is the plague and even opting to pay a fine rather than buy Affordable Health Insurance for themselves /
""1998 Honda civic, had a car accident, back tire smashed in back Axel is bent how much will this cost me?
Any chance my insurance company will decide to total it out?
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
i am a 17 year old male who has just passed his driving test a month ago and wants a cheap insurance company and the cheapest car to insurance, i only want to use the car to commuteto a place of work. Any ideas""
Teenager car insurance?
Hi there. I have heard that there are special companies out there that deal specifically with teenage car insurance. I am 17, own my own car, and will have a stand-alone policy. Does anyone know names of these companies? I live in Ontario, Canada. So far, the cheapest company I found was Bel-Air Direct, with an annual premium of $3100 CAD. Thanks people!!""
Why did Geico raise my insurance just because I changed my ADDRESS!?
What in the hell was this all about?! I simply moved 30 mins away from my previous residence and ALL I NEEDED to do was just change my mailing address.....so I went online, gave them my new info.....and they said my premium was increased by over $60.00! Why is this? Has this happened to anyone else?""
What can happen if you don't list all of your tickets on an online insurance quote and buy the policy?
For instance I have a spectator to racing ticket when a friend of mine attempted to outspeed a car that sped by him on the highway, he got pulled over and charged with street racing, and I received a citation for being a passenger in the car. (ridiculous I know) Now since I was not the driver, nor was my vehicle involved, should I still have to list this when filling out an online insurance quote? and if I don't what can happen if they find out later? Will they raise my rates immediately? Drop my policy? Or is there anything more serious they can do than that?""
Will my health insurance change?
im 21 and still in college in mass, if i move out of my house into an apartment will i lose my fathers health insurance?""
""Car insurance quote when being out of the country for 4 years, lost no claims bonus?""
anyone got experience of trying to get reasonable car insurance - with full no claims in this country and new zealand, im being penalised for being out of the country and being treated as new driver, anyone got any answers or any insurance companies i could try who would be sympathetic""
Would insurance be higher on suv/truck or car/sedan?
For example Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi galant.""
Who's Car Insurance Would Handle the Accident?
My sister has been driving my mother's car (Loan, registration, insurance in my mother's name) Occasionally she allows her boyfriend to drive the car, although my mother has stated on numerous occasions that she does not want him driving that car. He was in an accident on Friday and claims the car is totaled. He claims that he called the police and filed a report, it can be picked up on Tuesday. He also claims that his insurance is covering the accident. My problem is, the car is insured in my mother's name, so he is not allowed to do this, correct? Also, even though my mother was not involved in the accident, can she still call the police and get a copy of the report? After all, the car is in her name. Please enlighten me, I'm trying to figure this all out.""
Am I paying to much for car insurance?
I like in Tempe, AZ. I am under my parents insurance and I'm paying $200 a month for car insurance. I drive a Toyota Yaris 2007. At first I thought what I'm paying for was wayyyyy to much, but I got some quotes from other insurance company's and they want me to spend more?! What the heck? Can anyone help me out?""
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
My car insurance just jumped up tremendously?
ok i was living in delaware. my car is registered there. i have a delaware drivers license. now i was staying with my girlfriend in her place and we recently just got a place in pa last month. however, all my mail still goes to my old delaware address. now, i have nationwide and i changed my address. thinking it wouldnt go up by that way. it went up from 1300 every 6 months to 4500 every 6 months. they changed my agent(it was based in elkton, md- 5 min from delaware). my agent is trying to get the policy back to elkton, maryland. however, i cannot afford this insurance. would i be able to change it back to delaware and just say that i decided not to move?""
Car insurance for young drivers?
I've just passed my test. How do I set up young driver's car insurance?
What is the cheapest car Insurance ?
I own my car. What do I have to carry?
Will car insurance go up if I'm added to my parent's policy?
I'm 15 and have my restricted license to drive to work and school in Kansas. Basically what does adding me to my parent's policy do and about how much more will it cost?
What is the average cost of auto insurance for a 21 year old male?
if i could get a price range as well that would be great. i know it changes based on a whole bunch of other things but i would just like to know a general price range and average to budget. thank you
Monthly insurance for a Mustang?
I'm a 17 year old male and was wondering what the monthly insurance would be on a mustang? And if you know if a certain years model is the cheapest post that to please?
Car insurance cheaper with 2 drivers?
Ok guys, learning to drive hopefully pass my test within a couple of months, what I'm wondering is, I'll go onto my fathers insurance for a couple of years as 2nd driver, no I will not be the main driver before any of you come on to say that's illegal it's called fronting I know I know. He uses it 5 days a week for work anyway ill probably only be using it during the weekends, I'm only really going on his so I can get a couple of years on my license and when it comes to it my insurance won't be a fortune, I'm 25 just now, worked out if I want to have my own insurance it with a small 1L engine it would cost me 1547 a year, not gonna happen, so I'm going to go onto my fathers insurance as 2nd driver to his car. A 1.8L vauxhall vectra. Ok now to the question lol, my fathers insurance just now is 26 a month, with me going on to his insurance it will work out at 18 each a month, is this normal? Insurance to go down when you add a 2nd named driver who would only have passed his test?? This is fully comprehensive cover. But if I wanted to driver my own car a small 1L engine it would be roughly 129 a month. Seems like it doesn't add up. Go figure lol Got the quotes from go compare and confused.com. Just seems like it doesn't add up, have insurance for 26 a month with 1 driver or have it for 18 each with 2 drivers, one who has little experience and has only just passed his test driving a 1.8L engine""
Which is the best insurance for pregnancy ?
We are planning a kid in the near future. What insurance policy should I get so that out-of-pocket expenses are minimal ...... HMO, PPO ? Which is the best ? Please advice.""
How much does motorcycle insurance in Texas cost?
I'm 16 and plan on buying a motorcycle and getting my license soon, how much would I pay a month/year?""
What kind of insurance should young marrieds have?
My husband and I are 30 and 35 and in good health. He works and I'm a stay at home wife. I'd like to ensure that, should something happen to either of us, the other is 'taken care of' financially. What kind of life insurance policy should we consider? Are there other types of insurance policies we need like disability, etc?""
Can I still use my mom's health insurance?
My Mom has Anthem Blue Cross SISC III. I am married but 19 years old, and under the Affordable Care Act, children 26 and under are still supposed to be covered, married or unmarried, unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage . My husband is a Marine, so I have the option to use Tricare, but I do not have my OWN employer-based coverage, so can I still use my mom's insurance? Her insurance plan is a lot better than Tricare.""
Insurance cost for Dodge charger?
Ok so in about 5 months I turn 16 my dad is getting me a charger (Probably v8). I live in Florida, I live about 10 blocks from my school. my GPA is 3.3, my dad lives near his job he has not gotten a ticket in about 10 years the car is going to be under his name. Please estimate the insurance cost and please don't tell me to get a quot(to Much info plus, don't want give out my social security) And if you think I should get a better car that would be less please share that with me(Has to be a mean looking customizable car) I think I answered all the questions you need to give me a good estimate thank you!""
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
Mount Solon Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22843
0 notes
How much is renter’s insurance normally?
"How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
""Why don,t we have the auto industry make a car that won,t exceed the speed limit and not start?""
if driveris impared, reducing insurance, heath, saftey and legal cost
Why Is my Car insurance claim taking soooo long?
Hi all My car was stolen on 9th December and I still am waiting for a decision. My car has not been found and my insurers are requesting for a police report which will take up to 40 working days. Does car insurance claims usually take this long??? Thanks
How much is car insurance in NY state if your 17?
Ive been looking for how much car insurance is in ny if your 17 but i cant find it. My mom doesnt want to pay for it so i have to pay for it myself. Can someone tell me how much it costs?
Can I dispute my insurance adjuster's estimate of value of a totaled vehicle?
I have a vehicle which was totaled. Insurer is Progressive. I live in WA, so the adjuster is not allowed to use NADA or KBB to determine value. He's supposed to provide fair market value. He got two estimates, both of which seem very low to me--less than half the replacement cost of a vehicle from the same year in the same condition. I've asked whether I can submit Craigslist listings from my half of the US to prove the value is higher. He says any documentation must be from within 150 miles of my home, which puts me at a disadvantage since I live in a rural area. I'm wondering: 1) Is my insurance company obligated to accept competitive estimates of value in determining my vehicle's value if I can find local shops that determine that the value is higher? 2) What mechanisms are in place to ensure that value estimates made by dealers are accurate, and can a dealer's estimate of value be disputed? 3) What other options do I have if my adjuster refuses to budge on value?""
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
Car insurance question?
right now I'm driving a 2008 saturn aura xe, I'm 17 and my insurance is around 200$ a month. I'm looking into buying a new car. i recent ran into money on the stock market. I'm looking into buying a 2008 c-300 mercedes they go for around 15,000-17,000. will my insurance go up a lot? thanks""
Car accident now what? insurance question?
I was in my first major car accident, my car was totaled. I was waiting at the light to make a left turn, the green arrow came on and i went and some one coming from the opposite side of the lane in the opposite way ran a red light and hit me, he claims on the report he doesn't know how the accident happened. I just wanted to know what do you think will happen? A witness was talking to the cops but his information is not on my police report. It has to go through his insurance what are the odds that they will know that he was in the wrong and not me??""
If a person has insurance for a couple months and gets in a big wreck and totals like 3 cars and dies?
Does that persons insurance have to pay for the totaled cars . Is the insurance just going to have to eat it ? The guy is dead he can't make any more payments ? I was just wondering
What is the cheapest insurance for a new driver?
I'm a new driver and I don't make much but I do need insurance so what is a cheap one?
How much to insure a 20 year old female learner on mothers insurance for one month in ireland?
i am 20 and want to learn to drive in my mums car (citron saxo 2001) how much roughly would it be to add me to the insurance for one month if ive never had lessons and have only had a provisional licence for 2 months? i live in ireland thanks
USAA auto-insurance discounts?
Does anyone out there have USAA for car insurance who ALSO has banking through USAA? I've been told by USAA that if I did have banking with them that I'd get a discount on auto insurance as well, but they can't tell me any specifics as to how much of a discount. If it's only gonna save 10 dollars or something I'm not gonna mess with it. Anyone out there able to tell me a decent estimate on how much I might save or how much they save?""
What does maternity and complications of pregnancy mean for insurance coverage?
I am looking into getting health insurance and the policy I am currently considering says that maternity and complications of pregnancy are covered as any other sickness. They are in the same section on the same line so I am wondering if this means they cover maternity expenses or if they only cover complications like any other illness. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Driving without a license and insurance?
So like last year I got pulled over and received a ticket for no insurance and no license in Washington state. It has since gone to collections and is not paid off yet mainly due to the interest rate being crazy, but my question is: does this bar me from going and getting my drivers license or do I have to wait till its paid off? My new job requires me so I need to know asap thanks.""
Health insurance For Football?
I'm going to play football in highschool soon. And i was wondering if i needed health insurance to play or its not required?
""Car insurance...Extending coverage, no matter who you let drive your car?
I heard there are car insurance companies that will extend your coverage to other people who drive your car. What companies do this? And is there a catch ? Thanks.
""In arizona state, can you get health insurance for your outstanding other if you are not married?""
In arizona state, can you get health insurance for your outstanding other if you are not married?""
""Coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disa?""
need to find coverage characteristics on coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disability insurance, prudential life insurance......need help quick , coverage characteristics on all the above ASAP""
What is the difference between term and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term and whole life insurance? When is it better to use one versus the other?
Health Insurance N. Florida?
Health Insurance CHP (Capital Health Plan) Tallahassee FL is diagnosing me? Why did my health insurance company contact my primary doctor after a hospital visit? After a recent visit to the ER due to a esophageal stricter which scared us thinking Chest pain! Spent 16 hours being observed and tested! Finally send down to endoscopy for a esophageal dilation! Did the job!! I was sent home 4 hours later! Now two weeks later I get a phone call from my Primary care Doctors office manager saying that my primary received a memo from my health insurance (after my ER visit) company and I was instructed to call and make an appointment for alcoholism counseling???? The night of the incident where I couldn't swallow, and was in pain! we had guests over and had a few beers! I gave the attending ER doctor all information including I had drank beer an hour before I got there. OK, now, For the 16 hours at the hospital and the multiple blood tests, everybody including the Dr's said everything looked good! and the Dr. that discharged me explained to my wife in detail about my blood work, said things were fine. So, why would my CHP (Capital Health Plan) health insurance company be contacting my primary? Especially about alcoholism counseling, this has NEVER been an issue in the past! I'm so upset! I've been with my primary for over 15 years and due to a knee injury he prescribes me mild pain killers, and Florida Law makes him take a urine sample every 3 months! Again this has never come up. Is this normal for an insurance company to do??? I'm so upset!!!!""
150cc Scooter Insurance in California...?
I bought a 150cc scooter for $950 brand new in California. Do I need to get it insured. I am only going to use it for 6 months till I got to school. I live abroad. I am not worried about the scooter getting damaged, I need only 3rd party insurance in case I knock someone and they decide to sue me or whatever... What are your suggestion, and the cost to register one and the cost for insurance. Im 20 years old btw. Thanks alot if you can help me out!! Thanks...""
How much is a car and insurance going to cost me when I turn 17?
I've got a few hundred pounds at the moment as I will turn seventeen in two months. I really want to start driving as soon as possible, but I'm clueless to how much it was cost me a year and what are good first cheap cars.. Also if anyone knows some good cheap car sites it would help, thanks :)""
Insurance for a honda civic?
I am 16 years old getting insurance for the first time got my licence a week ago never driven on it.....i want the simplest insurance ever something that will let me drive my car legally
What is the average monthly insurance cost for a Box Truck or Commercial Vehicle?
I'd rather not give any companies my personal information, so can anyone give me an monthly estimate for box truck insurance?""
How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?
I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.""
How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?
Which is the best company to provide affordable individual health insurance? or best way to getting one?
Which is the best company to provide affordable individual health insurance? or best way to getting one?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies for new drivers?
I am coming up to 19 (1 week) and have had my UK Full Manual license since December 2012, it's now May 2013. I have tried everything to find cheap car insurance online and it's virtually impossible! I don't know if it's my area that I live causing it to be so high, or my lack of experience with driving. I have tried different addresses (i.e. family members) not in to be fraudulent but to see if it is the area, which is proving to be quite true. But I've tried insurance comparison websites and asked friends who they got their insurance from and still no good. My cheapest quote is around 2,000 which I just can't afford. I am going to university in September and will be going on various placements within the weeks I am there, so a car would really help get me to places easily. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on lowering the cost of insurance, somehow? I've tried all these telematic sites but it's still too high. Also, could anyone recommend any sites I could try for my insurance quotes? N.B. I haven't purchased a car yet (as there is no point if I can't afford insurance) but is there a year which can help to lower the cost of car insurance? Such as, rather than having a 10 year old car (03 reg) having a 3-4 year old car? Any specific year? Thanks very much.""
What would the insurance on this car be roughly?
Just been looking at this car. Should be driving by the end of this year. What would the insurance be roughly? any car expert opinions? we're looking at this cause its a classic, its fairly cheap, it can fit my brothers cello and my parents like it as well and would pay for it. Just what would the insurance be like for me? when I start to drive?""
Car Insurance Question- KY?
What are the rules with car insurance? I know if you are under the age of 25 the price is ridiculous. So obvioulsly you get the insurance under someone (your parents, other family, etc). Now to get insurance, does the car title have to be in that same persons name who is getting the insurance? Anyone know how to get cheaper insurance? Just wondering if anyone has any advice...""
Is this too high for heath insurance or is this how they all are?
I pay 130/month for health insurance through Humana for 1 adult and 2 children, full coverage. I usually have to pay a $20 copay for minor doctor visits. Recently I found out Humana is going to start charging an extra $20/week so it will be $150/week, so about $500-600/month, which is a little more than our mortgage payment. We pay less in groceries every week than the amount it costs us to pay for this insurance and we rarely visit the doctor, maybe twice a year, and the amount that is charged hardly adds up to the amount paid throughout the whole year. It's really ridiculous, in my opinion. I get this insurance through my work. I only have the option to cancel or change things about the insurance twice a year and the time has come up. So I am considering canceling and looking elsewhere for health insurance, or just paying out of pocket because if I cancel that's an extra 150 bucks in the bank. I will still keep my vision and dental. Is this a good idea to cancel? Pros. vs. Cons.? Are there any better health insurance companies I could go with that would charge less in the state of Ohio? Honestly I am considering applying for medicaid because we are struggling. We are behind in several medical bills that the insurance wouldn't cover and they are less than what the insurance company charges us monthly, yet because all our money is spent on the insurance, we can't pay for the actual bills - what's the point in the insurance? Enlighten me someone? I was told once that the two biggest crooks are lawyers and insurance companies and I'm starting to see why.""
Question about car Insurance.?
I live in Canada, Ontario. My question is, if I am 16 years old, can I call insurance companies for insurance quotes? Of course if I have my license and tell them everything honestly and truthfully. Do I have to be 18 or above to do this? Just please tell me if I am eligible to call insurance companies on my own to gather quotes. Thank you""
Any suggestions on best Health Insurance for a diabetic?
My son is in his late twenties, without health insurance and was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, requiring him to take insulin daily. We are trying to help him with this financially, and bills are enormous. Any ideas on what might be the best health insurance plan for him? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.""
Minnesota health insurance?
Can a single person with no children, and who has lost there job, get this insurance?""
Libs the challenge is still open Find a reputable source that states the AVERAGE premiums/deductibles...?
Have gone down AFTER the Affordable care act aka Obamacare. All I'm seeing is that its cheaper for a few but, going up significantly for the majority. On top of that millions of people are losing their current plan and being forced to pay more. CBS: ObamaCare forcing millions to lose their insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask this earlier with no success http://www.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131026173956AAYY3AC""
What should i do about car insurance?
Basically in 2009 i got caught speeding without insurance. Biggest Mistake of my life. Lost my licence and had to start from provisional again. Now i have passed my test and it is a few years on i dont know what to do about getting insurance. I refuse to drive without it now. The thing i need to know is do i tell my insurance company about the claims that were less than 5 years ago or don't i? the reason is because my licence was taken away without a ban put back to provisional and now re-started fresh so do i still have to put them or not? Also if i do what would happen if i don't? Just out of curiosity as it would be a lot cheaper but if i have to i will obviously. Thanks
What would be the average pay for car insurance per month?
i am 18 years old and my parents dont want me on there car insurance because they dont want to be liable .what would be the average pay for car insurance per month if i went on my own for the first time?
Car accident and no insurance.?
My mom was involved in a car accident and she found out her insurance was cancelled earlier. It was her fault and the other driver is insured, but they took away her license. We know she has to pay out of pocket but is there a company that will pay the lump sum for her so she can pay the company little by little?""
Teen driver car insurance?
i'm 18 years old, got my license officially in march. I can't really drive my parents car around because im not on their insurance plan (and they worry) what is the cheapest car insurance plan i could get possibly to be insured with my parents? not sure what they have i think its state farm. does insurance depends on the car? if it matters my dad has a 1997 mini van,plymouth. and my mom has a 2005 jeep cherokee. about how much would it cost to be insured in one of their cars?""
What is the best Pregnancy Insurance Available to a already expecting Mom w/no health coverage at the moment?
Health Insurance for Pregnant Women!
Does anyone know Proximately how much a P.I.P car insurance with come out for a 22 year old..?
With 4 year driving record? thanks
When can I drop full coverage insurance?
I have a 2010 nissan versa I have full coverage I wanted to know how long until i can drop the full coverage and will my insurance rate be lower?
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
Insurance.. Buy out a car or pay monthly payments?
I know it depends on the cars but say I bought out a car for 6-8k or I payed monthly payments for a 13k car, put 2k down. How much more would it cost for insurance instead of buying out a car?""
Does my fully comp learner-driver car insurance cover the accompanying driver or must they be insured too?
I hold a UK Provisional Drivers License. I am insured (fully comprehensive) on my own car. Does the fully licenced driver which I have to have with me at all times have to be insured to drive my car as well (either as a named driver or covered by their own insurance to drive any car) or will my fully comp insurance cover them too? Please no answers telling me about compare sites as I am already insured, I just want more info as to whether my companion driver is covered by this. (I recently asked a similar question and got nothing but links to compare sites so decided to be more precise)""
I'm trying to convince a priest to buy car insurance?
I went to the church for the first time since passover a week ago and, being a car insurance salesman, I turned a conversation about sacred divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ into a conversation about low, low premiums on your car insurance. The Priest nodded respectively but kept trying to turn the conversation back to that long-dead carpenter. He was all like You know what's the best hell insurance? Jesus. and I was trying so damn hard, but he wouldn't budge. I converted to catholicism just to try to sell him insurance, I confessed my deepest darkest sins just so I could get him the lowest, fairest rates. I don't know if I can stomach another communiun cracker or resist making another molestation joke. I'm always like, What about your wife Father Connely, does she need car insurance? and he says Priests aren't allowed to have wives, sir. This f**king guy is impossible! I would rather be crucified than deal with this tough-as-nails-in-Jesus' hands customer for another second! I hope Heaven doesn't exist so I don't have to deal with this prick for an eternity! I've called him four times a day for the last week, but he always coerces me into talking about my sins, my trials and tribulations and i'm like, F**K! What do I do?""
Car insurance for a 17year old girl..please help?
so im just trying to find out an estimate of how much it would cost to get insurance on a 2005 Ford Mustang. Im 17 years old and i have very good grades....my parents are freaking out saying it would be too much money. can someone help me out in price ranges please?! thanks
I hit my sisters car in the drive way. will my insurance go up?
When i was backing out she was really close and i hit here side with mine. i put a palm size dent in the car and i broke here mustangs lubber. will my insurance go up because of this? i herd that something like that it wont. it happened in my drive way. and my insurance comp is the General
Range Rover Sport Car Insurcnce... Is 6k too much?
My mum and dad's combined cost of car insurance on their Range rover sport HSE TDV6 (2.7litre) is around 1200. My dad rang up his insurance broker to get a quote on putting me as a named driver, and we got a quote of a total of about 6,000 per year. I know this is a lot of money, however the insurance company says this is because the car is in bracket 19. I was led to believe by my Land Rover dealer that the TDV6 model was in group 14/15, where it was the Supercharged 4.4litre model which was in group 18/19. Is this quote too much for the model car specified? Given i am 20 years old, having held my lisence for around 3 years with no motoring convictions against my name, and having also been a named driver for the best part of 3 years on a Ford Focus. Is it about right? Or is it slightly higher than one would expect for the car. Many Thanks""
Why is it a requirement to have a car insurance in the UK?
i have just passed my driving test last week. i already have ford fiesta (its so loud). why would i want to insure my car against what. what is car insurance about? what/where is the cheapest company to go and why? what are the benefits of car insurance?
How much do insurance csr's make in california?
I'm working as a receptionist at an insurance company and am thinking about staying in insurance long-term. How much do customer service reps generally make in CA? I've tried googling and the numbers I'm coming up with are very close to what I'm making as a receptionist, which cannot be correct. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!""
How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
What insurance do i need?
What type of insurance is required by the California DMV for a drivers test?
How Much is insurance on a fox body mustang?
I really want a fox body mustang and i want to see how much it would cost. It will be my first car and i really want to know before i go car shopping.
At fault driver's car insurance won't pay for my damages!?
Hey guys and gals, My wife was in a car accident on 10/8 driving our truck with liability only insurance (IE: not full coverage because the truck is only worth ~$3000 and it's paid for). She was turning right and had slowed down to turn (with her turn signal on) when a speeding truck slammed into the van behind her, ramming the van in to our truck. The police filed a report, in which the driver of the speeding truck (an 18 year old kid, that had just left his house less than 1/4 mile away) was determined to be at fault. It is worth note that this happened in front of two different auto body shops, and within sight of the house the at fault driver had just left. Their insurance company, state farm, finally contacted us on 11/8 after not returning our phone calls for nearly two weeks saying they had determined he was in fact at fault and would send an adjuster the following Monday. He came, inspected the truck, determined it was repairable, then said we would hear from their office later that day. When they called they told us the damage was more than 75% of the vehicles worth so it was considered total and they would send the required paperwork to my email address to begin payment. Within 3 hours, the claim agent we had talked to the previous Friday said an owner of one of the auto shops had came forward (all of a sudden, no mention of a witness before) and that he had a notarized statement saying the van struck our vehicle before the truck struck the van. The insurance company now will not pay us for the damages. We tried to call the witness and get a copy of his report because State Farm would not give us the copy. Then we called the other auto body shop and both the owner and one of his employees both seen the accident and say that the truck was at fault, and the owner overheard the driver say specifically that it was his fault. When we bring this to the agents attention, she claims this is not evidence because they know the at fault driver. We found out that the first witness also knows the driver, but can't prove it. Ours is a small town, you don't have neighbors that you don't know or speak to. It seems we are at an impasse, and I have been without a truck for nearly 6 weeks. What should I do in this instance? Get an attorney? Our insurance agency is adamant about not intervening since we did not have full coverage insurance. It may be worth noting that my wife has had back and neck pain since the accident and went to the hospital the day of the accident, the family doctor twice since, and has an appointment with a chiropractor next week (all of which our insurance has paid for.)""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new driver I can expect?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new driver I can expect?
Question about SR22 insurance in NJ?
My live in fiance just got a DWI. I'm trying to plan ahead regarding the car insurance situation and I was wondering.....Currently he is a driver on my policy. If he gets his own policy and I keep the policy I currently have, are MY rates going to go sky high also? Am I just better off joining the assigned risk pool with him? Also, I know that a DWI is 9 insurance points for 3 years. Does that mean after 3 years they will be gone? Does the 3 years start when the SR22 is filed or does it start on the date of the DWI conviction?""
Auto insurance?
does someone know of a less expensive car insurance place in germany??
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
How is 18yr old meant to get car insurance?
I live in London and passed my test in February. I own Renault Clio 1.2 And the cheapest quote i got so far is 305 pounds per month, which is way too much for me. What companies are cheap? What can i do to start driving legally, searching for insurance is frustrating Dont say price comparison websites they suck cheapest quote there was 8k per year""
What is the best Dental insurance around in Illinois?
I need a dental insurance that pays 50 to 75 of all dental care including oral surgen. My boyfriend needs a lot of work done on his teeth. He is scared of death of the denist, he has to be put to sleep and he has to have all the work done at one time. Can anyone help me please.""
Who s liable for car insurance in the state of MN?
Here's the deal...My bf took my car for the weekend out of town. While he was gone, someone hit my car in a parking lot and drove off....smashed my driver's side door in. It's a new car so I want it fixed ASAP. My thought is that his insurance should be covering it because he was in posession of my car...even if the person hit it and left. He is saying that my insurance should cover it....who is right? And why?""
How much is insurance for a bmw 3 series?
Im 16 and I'm planing on getting a BMW 3 series, how much would insurance be with allstate, I would be in a plan with my parents. I was also interested in getting a passat, hynday Tiburon or 3000gt. Why would be the cheapest?""
Question About Car Insurance
I know that if you cancel your Car Insurance, or it lapses, the NC DMV will take your tag. BUT, Here is my situation. In order to get your license you have to have proof of insurance, And being i would be covered under my moms insurance, and Her car, What would happen if MY insurance lapsed... Basically, I cannot afford insurance, But i have to get some before i can drive, and i do not know how long i will be able to keep it, Would i loose my license if my insurance was canceled? or what would happen? What are the Penalties to driving Without Insurance?""
Is there a published list of average car insurance rates for all insurers?
Is there a published list where all auto insurers report their average rates? Basically a comparison chart or similar type information? If not, are insurers required to list their average rates somewhere? Basically I'm trying to compile a list of insurance rates, hopefully based on the different criteria used by the insurance companies themselves. I'm trying to find a way other than calling each individual insurer to get a ballpark figure on their rates for different types of drivers.""
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable ..........?
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable for almost all concerned ? The Affordable Care Act has already caused over 4 Million People to lose their Health Insurance Plans because the Plan did not meet the mandates of the accepted Affordable care Act Insurance Plans The Affordable Care Act has already caused and is continuing to cause many thousands of employees to lose their Jobs through layoffs that Businesses/Companies are making in order to reduce the number of Business/Company Employees to below 50 in order that the Business/Company is exempted from having to purchase the More Expensive Insurance Plans that are mandated by Obamacare The Affordable Care Act has already mandated that everyone be enrolled in a Health Insurance Plan with medical benefits that many people don't want and/or don't need and these additional unwanted/unneeded medical benefits have caused many Insurance Plans to raise their Premiums for these additional benefits thereby raising the cost of premiums that Most Health Insurance that Most Subscribers will have to pay more for The Bottom Line is that thousands have lost their Jobs because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions have lost their Health Insurance Plans because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions More have had their Health Insurance Premiums raised in order to pay for the unwanted & unneeded medical benefits mandated because of the Affordable Care Act so.......................Why si the Affordable Care Act proving to be anything but Affordable ?
Is car insurance cheaper for a 2008 Honda Accord then a 2005 Honda Pilot?
I'm considering trading my 2005 Honda pilot for a 2008 Honda Accord do you think my insurance would go up or down?
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
Ideal first car cheap on insurance.?
Cheap first car with cheap insurance in the uk? For a 17 year old. I look on auto trader with 1.0 liter engines but its all deawood matiz which looks like a girl car. Thanks.
California to Canada Car Insurance?
Hi, my friend just asked me how to get car insurance in Canada when he used to live in California and he has a California license and had California insurance. He asked me about a Driver Abstract, which I have no idea what that is. He really needs help, but he is not available at the moment for me to ask him for more details. Please tell me the details of how to obtain car insurance in Canada when he used to have California insurance & has a California license/ID. Thank you!!""
Car insurance question about my 17 year old.?
I want to get a second car and let my 17 year old drive it. I am trying to find a car insurance company that will let me have every thing in my name and have her as the principal driver of my second car. The problem I am having is she is moving down the street. I can not find a car insurance company that will let me have what is called a different garage adress on the car I am wanting to let her use. I am in the state and I have tryed all most all the car insurances companys around here and online. I have even tryed to have things put in her name but it would cost her around 300$ dollars a month to insurance it. And that is just the basic insurance. That is why i want to just keep everything in my name Any idea's would help. And not I not going to lie and just have her drive it and move and not let the insurance company she is driving it.
What is the most ideal auto insurance ratio for a person on a budget?
I am switching insurance now and I know their are some ratio's like 50/100/50 and such. My wife and I are on a real budget. She does not drive now, so would not be part of the quote at this time, but we don't want to get the lowest just to have a horrible accident and pay so much. What is a good ratio or something to find. I am in my upper 20's if that helps.""
Can a teen get his own car insurance in texas ?
can a 16 year olds get his own car insurance policy rather than just adding to the adult parents policy? also at what age can I am on my own car rather than just having it in the parents name? I live in texas .
How much will my insurance go up?
I got a ticket today for reckless driving (drifted coming out of school.) I'm only 16 and I'm a male, so how much will my insurance go up?""
How much would a new driver expect to pay for their car insurance (UK)?
I'm 16 and will soon begin driving lessons, and every company I go to online to find a quote asks for my name and address, and until I need the insurance i'm not going to enter them. Does anyone have an idea how much a 17 year old would expect to insure a first car (something small like a Vauxhall Corso, Renault Clio et al)?""
Military Out of state insurance?
Im a Texas resident but was stationed in Florida. My car was bought and registered in Florida, and I have my car insured in Florida . I am now stationed in las vegas and if i change the location my car insurance will double. Somebody informed me since im military i can have out of state insurance as long as its from where the car is registered? Is this correct? Does anyone know if im technically still covered or must i switch my car insurance?""
How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?
Where can i find cheap auto insurance in buffalo ny?
looking for insurance for my dodge caravan
Insurance plan for emancipated teens?
So I'm leaving for Texas/Mississippi this summer and if I enjoy it down there I would be able to live with my sister and be able to go to school . . . but the thing is my parents don't know if I would be able to go to school down there without them signing the forms and what not since they live up here in Oregon . . . I'm 17 I'll be 18 in about 8 months but till then my mom was considering giving up legal rights to me (not because of family issues) so that i would be able to sign the forms myself yada yada yada now the thing is if there rights are terminated I will no longer be on there health plan or any insurance I honestly know for a fact that I'm not able to provide myself with insurance and any other adult type amenities I'm wanting to get my HS diploma and go to collage and become a Elementary Teacher for underprivileged children in Mississippi and or Texas so is there any insurance plans that help with kids who no longer have legal guardians but can't afford it? or is it possible for me to enroll into a high school that isn't in my own state and if so how!?
Will health insurance cover existing medical bills?
I have a kidney stone that is unbearable and I want to get it checked out. I just applied for health insurance but I have to wait to find out if it's approved. Can I go to the hospital today and have it be covered when my insurance application is approved?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Estimated car insurance cost for an 18 year old beginner driver?
I waited until I turned 18 until I went to get my drivers permit. I've had my permit since November 18 2009. I plan to stay on the permit until its expiration date. I'm not sure what car I plan to purchase after that, something affordable (nothing over the top) and that will last quite awhile. Now assuming all that, can any of you share with me what your car insurance payment is monthly, just an estimate of course. And throw in what type of car you have in so I can get a better idea. I'll be 19 at the time I finally get my license. My parents will not be adding me to their insurance, I have to pay for this on my own and I'd like to start putting some money away towards it so that I can make the payments with no problem later on. Are their any other things I can do to lower the cost of my car insurance as well?""
Average rate of malpractice insurance for nurses?
So I want to be a nurse and I was wondering how much it costs. And do most nurses have it or not? Also I live in TX and will be a nurse here so any info will be appreciated thanks :)
Would insurance be greatly different for a grand am gt and a grand prix GTP?
Im thinking about getting either a grand am gt or (preferably) a grand prix GTP. Would the insurance for those two cars be greatly different in cost if all the other things like coveerage, driver, etc is the same for both? thanks!""
How much do you or did you pay for sr-22 insurance?
How much do you or did you pay for sr-22 insurance?
Do you think $250/person premium for supplemental insurance for seniors too high?
If so, could you recommend a cheaper one that you may have?""
Question about starting a business and health insurance in CA?
If I was to decide to start a small business on the side (doing gardening, or growing food for sale, or something like that) and I am my only employee - I would be THE only person working this job - am I required by law to buy health insurance (especially if I already have health insurance through my husband's job)? I find this new thing kind of confusing... I'm in California, by the way, if it helps any. Thanks.""
Do you think everyone needs life insurance?
I am 24 years old and someone I know wants me to get life insurance from them but it is only a 20 year term policy what do you think is the propability that I will actually die in between then and now?
""I am getting ready to take the 220 insurance course,?
When I am done how do I get signed up with different insurance if I am a independent agent?
Car insurance advice..We bought a 97 dodge ram for my son that he picked out for his first car.He is taking?
auto body etc so it was something he was excited about fixing up.He had it looking pretty good still needed work but the other day my husband was driving it and was hit in the back and it wasnt his fault.They are trying to say it is totaled because the repairs exceeds a certain amount.So my ? is is there any way of keeping this truck?If so is it like a buy back thing and how much would it be? I know I should be asking the other insurance but the adjuster for them is not answering or returning calls.My son still wants to keep it is fully drivable and alot of work has been put into it and wants to eventally re fix it.Thanks for your time.
Dose the red light camera offence affect our records or insurance?
A friend of mine borrow my car on December for half a day and 2 days ago I got a $180 fine with picture from red light camera! I feel very upset not for the fine but because it could goes in my records!!!
Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!! Im 18.""
How expensive can i expect the car insurance for this car to be?
Car insurance for a 27 year old with 3 years driving experience( that i can prove xD) on a brand new Porsche Boxster S
I had a car accident and my car insurance covering third party only and them found me that was my fault I need to know how can I claim if there is any dealing, thank you""
Need advice on getting speeding ticket reduced?
I got a ticket for 50 mph in a 35 mph. The officer reduced the ticket from 55 mph to 50 mph and advised me to plead not guilty and show up in court. He said he would be there and ...show more
I am 18 years old will be 19 this month I want to by a car i have 1500 saved for it and now need to save for insurance road tax etc. my main worry is the insurance ive recieved quotes of 3500 i can not afford this I WOULD ONLY LIKE TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THIS SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR HOW MUCH YOU ARE PAYING
Got into an accident will my insurance cover repairs or not?
I got into an accident today. No other car was involved. I lost control of my car and it spun twice and hit the side of the interstate. The officer didn't write me a ticket and marked it as an incident not an accident. I told him my windows fogged up and I hit a puddle of water. Im covered under full insurance. Will all costs be covered? How much do you think my insurance will go up?
""Can anyone recommend a good, trusted car insurance company in Southern California (Los Angeles)?
Can anyone recommend good/trusted car insurance companies in Southern California (Los Angeles)? I just moved to Los Angeles from the East coast so I am not familiar with the local car insurance companies. I have had Geico for the past 6 months but I'm not sure if I want to stay with Geico. The customer service people are kind of rude.
How do you determind how much the car is worth?
I bought a car from a trusted dealer. They had told me the odometer wasnt working since they had it. Well I knew the odometer wasnt correct. Well I sold the car ( I have a lein) the car was totaled. Now the insurance company is saying they dont know the exact miles on the car so thier not going to pay but 2400 for the car. I did a Carfax report and it showed 70K miles, then 17 K mile when I bought it. I am trying to come up with a way to reason with the insurance company to get the most out of the car. What would be the best way to go about doing that. Taking the average fort he year? the mileage on the car? I believe the car is worth at least 3K.""
""Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?""
How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.""
Help with car insurance claim process?
A few days ago I scraped a co-worker's vehicle in our work parking lot. She wasn't in a proper parking space, but whatever, it was clearly my fault. I am paying for repairs to her car. I have pictures of my vehicle after the accident, but not of hers, because she left for the day while I was trying to find out who I had hit and find her in the building. I haven't brought this up with my insurance company yet. I initially thought I was going to be paying for scuffs to be buffed out of her back bumper, which wouldn't be cheap to fix but I figured it'd be inexpensive enough that I wouldn't involve my insurance. Today she handed me an estimate for $600+ for bumper replacement and paint work, etc. Fine. It was my fault. I'll eat it. But if I now want to involve my insurance, what do I do? Do I need her insurance info to file a claim? If I call up my insurance, does her insurance have to also become involved? I'm not even fixing my car - the fender's messed up but it's an old car and cosmetic damage doesn't bother me. I don't know what my insurance deductible is...if it's $500+ then I guess I won't bother and will just pay up in cash.""
I need insurance on a car I just bought what should I tell the insurance company I am using it for?
I am planning on using it for all 3 options so I am wondering what one will cost the least. The options are Commute, Business, and Pleasure.""
How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?
0 notes
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
"How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for 17 year old?
So I'm 17 and looking for a car, I'm a football referee and could do with my own transport to get to games ect plus I'd love a car :P so can anybody suggest cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old male, also is there any factors that would bring my insurance down ?? Thank you""
Insurance company and liability coverage on a leased car?
My sister is leasing a car and she changed insurance company last month. Don't know how this insurance Company gave her liability on a car that's not her's but they did it. She said they didn't even ask if she was leasing and when she asked how but full coverage was she said it would be to much. So lets just get this one. Now she just got into and accident on xmas day and her car is damage badly. The insurance people said they cant do anything with her car because of the coverage but I think that's not fair because she is still leasing on that car. What can be done can she sue the company on is it just her lost.
Insurance companies use credit reports?
Just got notice from my insurance company (auto only) that they are going to be ordering insurance loss history reports and motor vehicle reports. They will help determine our eligibility for insurance and the price we may be charged. All well and good. But here's the kicker, the part I don't get. They also say that they may order additional consumer reports that include our credit info. They may use a credit-based insurance score based on that info. And they may use a 3rd party to develop our credit-based insurance score. Is this normal? Do many companies do this? Is this something that anyone else is outraged about, and is anyone fighting this? I don't have much cause for concern really, but I don't get what one thing has to do with the other. You could explain that to me too! If it matters, this is American Family Insurance. Does State Farm do this?""
Car insurance question?
My daughter has just passed her driving test here in the UK and her insurance costs have gone through the roof on the smallest car around. Is it possible (and legal) to insure her in Europe somewhere for her to drive in the uk for less money? Thanks
Car Insurance questions (teenager)?
I am a teenager, and i live on my own. I pay my own bills and everything and i need to find the CHEAPEST car insurance possible. Can you help me out? Liability.... Yes, i know its cheaper with my parents, but my mom took me off of her insurance, and i need to find one fast.""
Can I get Car Insurance on my own?
I'm 17 and ive had my license and been insured since 5-3-2013. But my parents are cancelling me off of their insurance because they found a pistol grip in my truck and are convinced im some type of thug gangster when in reality i was at a friends house helping them clean his dads gun and i guess they had just left it in their. But they said if i can find a insurance company that will take me without my parents having to be responsible for any mistakes i make (like if i got a speeding ticket their insurance wouldn't go up) I can still drive as long as i pay for my own insurance etc. I'm still in high school but i work a full time job because i get out of school at 10:30 everyday so i can afford insurance plus i do alot of side work. It's a real messed up situation because the truck i have now i payed 2500 cash for it after saving up for 3 years and now my dads selling it and taking the money because it was in his name so nothing i can do there. im selling most my stuff so i can buy another car. i just need insurance. I really need a license so i can continue to get back and forth to school and work. Please any help would be much appreciated.
Are YOU required to have auto insurance or is the CAR required?
Simple question, is the person driving suppose to by law(i live in oklahoma) have insurance or can the car just be insured by someone else say, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent? i know legally if the car is in a collision then the insurance policy my by null and void. but i want to know the technicalities if i just have one of my relatives insure my car without me being listed can i get in trouble if i dont get into any accidents or the person whos name its under? ive spoken with many insurance agents saying that technically you can do what i stated above but most insurance companies will drop coverage if they find out that someone is driving the vehicle other than the rated driver. im just tired of paying 150+ for liability due to unfortunate events in the past...thank you.""
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
Motorcycle insurance?
I received my scooter insurance in the post but is there a cert like a car as i did not receive one and if there's not what do i bring with me to prove to the police i have insurance?
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
How long will it take insurance company to pay off stolen car?
How long will it take for insurance company to pay for car? & what happens if they recover it?
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill!!!???? What can I do?""
Is car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner?
I think car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner, is it really true?""
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is suppose to be used as a protection of income. In case you die, your family is protected from devastation of substantial income loss. But, many insurance companies are selling it as an additional source of income or as an investment, which is really is not. Therefore, many families who have life insurance are underinsured because these cash value life insurance are very expensive. If you are using life insurance solely for the purpose of saving up for a goal or emergency, why aren't you investing it in mutual funds or put it into an IRA? If you are afraid of the stock market, then open a money market account. If you are saving up for your kids education, then open a 529 plan. All these alternative ways are better than keeping your money in a life insurance because you never have to pay it back if you use them. As to life insurance, if you use any of the cash value, you will have to pay it back with interest.""
Insurance when renting a car? Waste of $$?
I'm 22 yrs old, renting a car from enterprise in 5 wks. On a budget and trying to cut costs, was wondering if the insurance they offer is really necessary, or just a waste of money. I currently have progressive insurance on my vehicle. Can I add this rental to my insurance for a cheaper rate? Or is insurance even an absolute MUST. Realistically, how often is it actually used? Any answers would help! 10 pts""
Insurance BIN Number?
I need to bring my insurance information to the pharmacy in order to get my prescription costs down. They asked for me to bring several numbers, such as ID #, Group #, etc. I got that, but it also asks for a BIN # . I don't know what that is or where to get that info, is it on the insurance card (I have Blue Cross)? I hope someone can help because I'm in a bind. Thanks, Patrick""
How much would insurance cost for a Toyota Celica GT?
I am getting my license soon and I was looking at a Toyota Celica GT (most likely a 2001 or 2000) I am in high school and I am a girl. I heard that guys get higher costs is that true? thanks!
Please tell me the insurance companies that would take my car insurance payments through a bank standing order
Because of my credit low rating, I have been paying regularly my creditors such as phones providers, professional bodies and charities through standing orders. But the insurance companies insisted on Direct Debt or Credit cards which I cannot use as of now. Please assist in finding any car insurance company that would take a bank standing order. Thanks.""
I need to rent a car but I have no car insurance?
I am 25 and have a secured credit card and am looking to rent a car for my road trip in December but have no car insurance at this time since my car needs a lot of repairs and so basically it's just sitting in my parents driveway until I can get it fixed and is not registered therefore I don't have insurance on it. Long story short this is my first time renting a car ever and it's just going to be me driving but since I don't have car insurance then how does this work? Help is appreciated.
Has anyone had experience w/causing a car accident & how much your insurance goes up?
I just got into a car accident & I was at fault. It appeared to be minor, based on the small dent in the other person's car, but the couple both have soft tissue injuries. I have no accidents or tickets on my record. I'm wondering if anyone out there has been in a similar situation as me? How much did your insurance go up? I hope this couple doesn't lie about their injuries or embellish them and I hope their injuries don't turn out to be serious. It is too soon to tell. Thanks.""
What is select life insurance?
My insurance agent wants me to update my insurance plan with select life insurance. They explained select life insurance to me, but I want someone who is not trying to sell it to me to explain it to me. So could someone reexplain select life insurance so that I know the pros and cons?""
""Claiming to have gotten my license at 16 years of age, for cheaper car insurance?""
I found out when getting a car insurance quote, that if you claim to have gotten your license at 16, it will lower your quote, and you can pay it right there online...my question is, will the company look for the issue date on your license? if they do, will they adjust your payments?...""
Why the heck does car insurance make you pay more...?
when you call to file a claim? Like, why do they raise your rates when you call them to use their services that you're already paying for? Someone pryed the emblem off my friends car and he said if he claimed it on insurance his rates would raise just because he claims it. What's up with that?""
Can you get your license in California without buying insurance right away?
I have had my permit since last June and have taken two behind the wheel lessons. My mom just told me that she cant get me my license because of the cost of insurance. I was wondering ...show more
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
What is the best life insurance to get for my parents?
I keep getting the gut feeling that I need to get life insurance for my parents. Is that possible? If so, which company is the best?""
How much will my insurance and maintenance costs be affected by what type of car I get?
I'm about to be 18 and am planning on getting my first car soon. I've been driving for almost 3 years in my parents' cars but need my own for heading off to college and such. I don't know what type of car I want to get, but it's gotta be cheap, old and used, preferably up to $6,000-7,500 at the absolute max. The problem is that I've been really into cars for most of my life and would rather have something a little nicer to start, I mean within the same price range but for example a Mustang, Mitsubishi 3000GT, BMW 3- or 5-Series, etc., rather than the usual Civic or Camry (not that I'd mind one of them either). The problem is that I'm worried the insurance will be way more expensive. The latest quote my dad got was a few weeks ago and it was quite a bit lower than I expected, only like $560/yr., but that was with their old '93 Taurus GL. Will having a sports car or more high-end car affect it really dramatically or will it not make that big a difference as long as my driving record stays good? Also, how much more does it cost to maintain and repair a car like a used BMW than it does just a normal car like an Accord? I've always heard that European cars in particular can be temperamental and finicky if not maintained properly, so I'm just worried that I won't have the money and know-how to have and keep a car like that as my first car.""
What insurance would i need and where should i go to get it?
I'm working between 3 employers doing carpentry and need to insure myself incase i hurt myself and can't work for a number of days. Also incase of something severe happening like losing a hand or breaking bones. I need to know what insurance i should get and what kind of cover. I don't know a lot about insurance so any information is really appreciated. Thanks Drew
Car insurance that covers young people driving other cars?
I'm looking to buy car insurance as my renewal is due on the 30th of Nov, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that will let you drive other people's cars with the owners permission? I'm 20 at the moment and I'm aware that most insurers will only cover 25+ for this benefit but I want to know if there are any companies that offer this to younger people under 21, also if anyone knows of any companies that cover over 21 year olds this will also be helpful as I'm turning 21 during the course of the policy can anyone help me with this?""
""WHY the hell is motorcycle insurance SOO expensive in Ontario, Canada?""
I took identical information and filled out a progressive quote for both DETROIT and LOSANGELES and both are 2356 FULL coverage (im 16 years old with zzr600), While when i got a quote from TD Bank they said 6000$ what the f u c k my damn bike doesnt even cost that much got damn it.""
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is more beneficial?
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is better. I have a 2005 wagon r lxi and wants to renew the insurance which one should i opt for.?
Impounded Car Insurance Payment Method.?
Hi Everybody, Just asking everyone if any one ever paid for the insurance for an impounded car by police? What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is seizedcarinsurance.co.uk ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they dont accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment. Has any one paid by this method ever ? Is it secure ? Am i being suspicious wrongly or there is some thing fishy in it ? Many thanks in Advance !""
Avoid ticket in California for no proof of insurance?
I had just bought the car and was coming home and I got pulled over and I didn't have proof of insurance but I did have it. My mom got insurance whilst I was driving so when I got pulled over my car had been registered with Allstate but I couldn't have the paper because I didn't have a printer on the spot. I had insurance but no proof of it.
Discount car insurance by putting another name on my insurance?
I know plenty of people the same age as me, 19 who have put another persons name on their car insurance eg. family or friends so its cheaper due to the other persons experiance, my mum passed her test when she was 21 but has never drove a car or owned a car herself since... so would putting her name on my insurance be pointless.???""
Car title and insurance
hi my sister is sending me her car on Monday with the title. If I go to the DMV that day with the title will I be able to drive the car that day? I will also be callign my insurance agency to add the car - does that take more than a day? thank
How much do insurance agents make per hour? California?
I went to an interview and was ask what yearly salary I was looking for. I wasn't sure what to answer. I live in California. The position is going to required me to travel to two different offices. The company is called Fiesta Insurance. Thank you
International student health insurance US?
My college requires insurance. I am already in the US so I won't be able to purchase a plan from insurance provider from my homecountry. Can anyone give some suggestions of affordable and reputable insurance provider that you have used? I did some googling but I would want to confirm that the insurance companies are indeed legit. Thanks!
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 23 yr old?
Impeccable driving record, no tickets, felonies etc... Have a car and I've been driving for 6 1/2 years. My premium with Geico is only $80/mo. I just need a general figure for something with over 600ccs. Thanks.""
Cheapest first cars to insure?
Now ive been searching for months and getting quotes on all forms of cars,I have read pages of articles on best first cars,and none of them actually have any truth to them. smaller engines are cheaper .No they're not,quotes for a 1.2 and a 1.4 fiesta/corsa the bigger engine is always cheaper (yes these are the same trim,same year and similar mileage) Insurance groups? pfft what are they,insurance group 1 vauxhall corsa 1.0 costs atleast 200 more than a 1.6 VW golf... I can insure a 25 Foot mercedes sprinter with a 2.2 engine for 975,yet a 1.0 corsa or 1.2 fiesta is waking up 1200+ Cheapest quote ive obtained is 650 for a ford fiesta car derived van. Can anybody explain these ridiculous criteria,do they even have one? I am 18 years old and passed my test today.""
How much would it honestly cost me for a Kawasaki Ninja 250 '08?
Im 16 getting a permit very soon, working at a summer job and when the summer is over, going to work at a local pet store or grocery store (part time because of school, so ill be getting minimum wage..) By the end of the summer, i will have about 1,300. As you can see, im looking at a ninja '08 but of course thats not set in stone because i am only 16. But I am really dedicated to have the time for it and I am trying to get the money now. My dad said he will probably put me on his insurance, but since it is a motorcycle and I am young, I'm not sure how much the insurance is... Also, I have read 10,000 people say the Ninja 250 is a really good beginner bike, so if anything i would buy a used one. How much would the used bike, insurance, equitment (helmet, etc), and locks for the bike cost in total? Thxx a lot""
How much of a difference will a Mercedes cost to insure and register than a BMW?
I have a 2001 BMMW 330i and I was planning to hand it down to my little sister (who just turned 17 and got her license) Although, she wants a 2000 or 2001 Mercedes C230 or C240. My parents can afford this for her... but I was wondering how much more her parts will cost and how much her insurance and registration will cost her. Please no one who tells us that we should get a cheaper car.. it's not going to happen. Thanks though.""
Car & Health Insurance?
How pathetic of a country are we, that car insurance is mandatory, even criminal if we don't have it, yet health insurance is not? What does this say about us as a society?""
How much does the car really influence the insurance premium?
I never had an accident, or points on my license. Would my insurance really go up if i were to trade a beetle in for a convertible eclipse (used, an 03)? I've always heard the sporty the car the higher the insurance, but is that true?""
Low cost healthcare insurance for kids?
Are there low cost healthcare insurance for kids other than Healthy Families? I had healthy families but due to sending my premium late, they disenrolled my kids. I am covered by my employer through Kaiser but there is a significant amount of money deducted if I cover them. Thanks in advance.""
Can I buy a car 4 months before my 17th birthday but not pay any insurance?
My 17th birthday is not until April and I've found a really good price second hand car but as I can't drive it until April is there any way I can buy the car but not start paying insurance until April? or not pay as much
Insurance on a stolen ATV?
I just recently had my ATV stolen which I still owe $5,300 on.It does have full coverage insurance through state farm.I still don't know if they are going to pay it off but my question is if they do pay it off and its recovered will I get the ATV back and get to keep it or will the insurance take it or will they do like a totaled car and give me the option to buy it back?""
""New driver, Do I have to buy my own car insurance?""
So I recently got my Novice Drivers licences. I drive my parents cars atm and they both have insurance to cover me. However, I've saved enough money to buy myself an old Toyota Corolla and I was wondering if there is a cheaper way of insurance than paying the $3,300 for novice drivers. Is there a possible way to combine my car with my parents for a cheaper insurance price? thanks!""
Would i be able to get a car insurance policy on the same car?
my boyfriend and i drive the same car and he is under his parent's insurance for now. i cant be on their insurance. Would i be able to get insurance for my self on the same car?
Need help choosing car insurance HELP!!! =)?
Im 20 yrs old. i've had my drivers liscence for 2 yrs, and i have a clean driving record..I need affordable car insurance for my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... any suggestions???""
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
Is Geico auto insurance liability only?
Is Geico auto insurance only liabilty coverage or do they have full coverage also?
How can these insurance companies like Geico claim to save you money on your car insurance when ?
when they are spending so much on stupid commercials
""No health insurance, now what?""
for the last 3months ive had numbness in both my arms and feet, i believe its a pinch nerve, as of now i have no health coverage until january cause i applied late for it through work. am i doing the right thing by waiting , i cant afford to pay for a doctor, medical bills are expensive, what would you do""
Liability Insurance for Kids?
What is the most important liability insurance for young people?
""What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
Best car for low insurance? UK?
I'm 20 year old girl, just started having driving lessons so this would be my first car. I got an estimate online for where I live it would be about 1000; Greater (West) London but I know; obviously it depends. It would be cheaper on a classic car but don;t want the risk of repairs and high maintenance that would come with older cars. However I do love the classics and would consider them if it decreases the insurance. I'm a student living at home. What cars would be best for low insurance? I love Volkswagen Beetles but want to look at other cars as well. What are some 'low risk' cars that won;t drive my insurance through the roof??? Thanks for all the help!!!""
""Best car insurance, in your opinion?
I'm getting my car insured by myself for the first time and would appreciate any advice!!
How much will my insurance increase if i get a 1994 mustang ?
I'm 18 and right now i have a really crappy 1994 mercury topaz and my parents pay my insurance, which is $110 a month, but they said if i want a better car, i have to pay the insurance increase and was wondering if someone could give me an educated guess of what ill be paying. Thanks""
Obtaining health insurance policy number?
I need my health insurance policy number for a school trip I'm taking. I don't have my Insurance card and I am wondering how to get my policy number thanks.
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
What is the most economical route to buy affordable yet adequate health insurance?
I am not working and have limited income. I have no known health problems. I am 60 years old and I do not smoke or drink and I exercise regularly. Does anyone know the best way for me to find out who to contact? I live in KY...one of the worst states for insurance. We do have Blue Cross and Humana that I know of... I would like to have no more than a $2500 deductible. Thank you so much for your answers. God bless!
Is geico really the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old driving a sliver 2001 mustang?
Dont know which insurance is cheaper?
What are some of cheapest but decent cars to run ( I am 17 years of age)?
insurance? MOT? petrol litre? = cost?
Can my employer raise my insurance rates without notifying me?
I wanted a refund for insurance rates I paid with my employers group policy now that I no longer need the insurance. They are now telling me that my rates went up back in January and want to back charge me. Is this legal?
18 yr old Car Insurance Advice?
I recently moved out of my parents home due to family issues. Im 18 yrs old and need car insurance but can no longer get it through my parents which made it much cheaper. Im wondering what my best options are.
When will insurance total a car?
At what point will my insurance company total a car? My husband was in a car accident and the whole front end of the car is damaged - the estimate is $7800 to fix and the car is valued at $9100. The body shop has been waiting a 2 days, so far, for the insurance to decide what to do. I am hoping it can be fixed but I also need to know if I need to start car shopping.""
Health Insurance Advice?
I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.""
""A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.?""
Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy. I don't mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with. It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do. Don't know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary. Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not. Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks!""
""What would a $50,000 cadillac cost per month? + insurance?""
im looking into the cadillac sts (sp=47,000 - 78,000) and i want to know the monthly cost.. $275,000 yearly income (get paid yearly).. which is about $23,000 a month combined. take into account teenager insurance which i heard can be brutal and also... would buying this car stretch my finances? i dont want my family to be uncomfortable for just a car. like someone earlier told me 1k a month for my car payment but i want to know the other estimates""
Auto Insurance Experts: How much will I be penalized for lapsed insurance due to non-payment (I'm unemployed)?
I have been without insurance for nearly a month now. I have been unemployed for 5 months, but I will start a new job next week! Yay! Since I will start working soon, I will be able to afford to pay again. My car will also be paid off next month. I plan to go with a new company. (I do not have loyalty to the current company.) I used to have a well-known national company for years. When I first lapsed six months ago, my long-time company DOUBLED my monthly premium. I went for a low-budget, local company. Will the new company force me to pay for the time I did not have insurance? Or will I face a penalty? Will they charge me a higher rate? **Believe me, I know that I am taking a terrible risk driving around without insurance. I know that it is illegal...but I have been unemployed for 5 months, and have used the little money I had to pay rent, utilities, my car, groceries for me and 3 kids. I just had no other choice... I just want to be prepared for fees, higher rates, penalties, etc. Can you please give me some advice and suggestions on how to get myself back on track? Thanks.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old female with a convertible volkswagen?
How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?
in california
Car insurance for 18 yr old male RIDICULOUS?
I'm 18 and male, so turns out car insurance companies think its okay to rape my wallet. I've been looking at a few quotes on different sites and they come up in the $300-$400 range. I tweak a few things, telling the generator that I'm a 30 year old married woman and then it magically drops to $70 per month. This is crazy, I'm an extremely careful driver, I never drive over the speed limit and I constantly check my mirrors. How the hell do young males afford it?""
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
Health insurance...what does this mean?
My school has an option that states that unless you have health insurance from a ' government sponsored health insurance plan' then you have to go with the school's health plan.......which is so expensive. So what are the 'government sponsored health insurance plans?
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
Do i have to have a motorcycle license to get motocycle insurance?
Do i have to have a motorcycle license to get motocycle insurance?
Blackjack: What is insurance?
How much does the player put down for insurance, and what do they win? Also, if their is anything else about it, I'd like to know that too.""
I recently had hail damage to my car and my insurance company did an estimate which is 100% lower than 3 reput
I recently had my car damaged by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance company had an adjuster do the estimate and his estimate is 100% lower than 3 other estimated I had done (some of which weer by shops they work with...CRP). They are telling me I can take it in and they will pay the shops a supplemental check for the additional costs. I don't want to take it in because of my deductible and they are telling me pretty much the only way i can really re-coup the money owed to me is to have it fixed...I pay for my policy and as I understand it, i am entitled to the compensation of the damage and it is my choice to have it fixed or not...am I right or wrong in my understanding????""
""I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
""How much does car insurance cost for 21yr old, is it monthly or yearly?""
I am new to US. I stay in Los Angeles, CA. I have never driven before. And I am talking about a pre-owned car probably a 90s or 2000 model of toyota. Would appreciate if you'd answer with an estimate.""
""I bought my first car and need to get insurance on it, do I have to put my parents on my policy?""
I've talked to a few different insurance companies and half of them insist I need to put my parents on my policy since they're family and I live with them. The other half of the companies don't even ask. If I add my parents to my policy it makes the price per month go up a ton, and know one that I've asked has been able to tell me if I should have to add them or not, I'd rather not add them, since they don't drive my car anyways, we all have our own cars to drive.""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
i have insurance through my company we are switching from KAISER at 136.00,per check which is 272.00 per month and were as the company pays the other half,AETNA now will charge 178.00 per check which comes out to 356.00 per monththis is the only option that our company has given.so i'm asking ANSWERS help in finding affordable health insurance for me and my spouse i'm 8 yrs younger i'm turning 62,this july 29 and my spouse is turning 70,this nov she has arthritis and myself just sciatica off and on somebody please help with affordable health insurance thank you Gilley""
What is the age limitation for life insurance?
what is the age limitation for life insurance? I mean in Europe, Canada, or the place called.. , austitralia.""
""For my first car, what engine size and car do you recommend I get?""
What engine size do you recommend I get? Is a 1.4 liter a lot for a first car? Also, I understand the fact the bigger the engine, the higher the insurance will cost, but since I know nothing about cars I do not really know about all this engine size stuff. Also, apart from insurance, I understand about road tax and MOT, can you tell me how often I need to have an MOT and how much it costs? Thanks.""
Best car with cheapest car insurance?
I have passed my driving test in the uk. I am 17 year old male. I wanted to find out what is the best car to get that offers low car insurabce. Thank you
Car insurance?
I got my license 2 weeks ago and I am getting a car this week. What insurance company would you recommend that I go with? Progressive, Gieco or AIG. If you have any others, feel free to throw it out there.""
Auto Insurance company is refusing to cover my rental car. What can I do to fight this?
Exactly a week ago I was involved in an accident at the fault of another driver. The other driver's insurance company (USAA) has been sitting on the case not doing a damn thing. I had to call them yesterday just to get them to read my accident report, and accept liability. They hadn't even contacted the policy holder! They told me that they would set me up with a rental car, and cover the fees. Today I went to Enterprise to pick up the rental car and was asked if the insurance company (USAA) had mentioned anything about a underage bracket fee. When I told them that they hadn't, the woman at enterprise contacted USAA. It was then that they stated that they would not pay for the underage fee (I am 19), which is about $22 per day. Naturally, I was completely outraged. Both my insurance company and USAA's offices are closed at this time, so I have to wait until tomorrow to contact them. I was told by my agent that because the accident wasn't my fault, ANY cost that is a result of the accident MUST be covered by the other driver's insurance company. What can I do about this? I don't have the money to pay for the fee, but I need the transportation. I've already been without transportation for a week.""
How much would a 2005 Honda Civic Coupe be worth?
I probably totalled my car. What is the estimated value of the car? How much do you think my insurance company will give me for a new one? Is there a site I can go to?
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
How much is insurance for an Eagle Talon?
I need a new car, and I found a great deal on a 95 Eagle Talon, but my dad says that the insurance would be too high since I recently got into a car accident, and I'm only 19 years old, and because of course, it's kind of a sports car. Does anyone know about how high the insurance would be for someone living in Missouri? Any help appreciated.""
Got a ticket for 30 over and have American Fam. Ins. 1st speeding ticket. Any insight on rate increase?
Aim a 23 year old male & this is my first ticket for speeding technically (I got a ticket 6 years ago for speeding but it was dismissed in court). I also totaled a car 7 years ago but that seems to be irrelevant now (I would think). I was sighted for going 75 MPH in a 45 MPH on interstate 670 in Columbus, Ohio (45 due to construction not in progress so fine was not doubled). The office stated to me that the traffic flow was moving well above the posted speed limit however I was moving a bit faster than the flow. My first question is should I take this to court and fight it (also hope the officer does not show) If the traffic flow was moving considerably over the posted limit then why wasnt any of the people ahead of my pulled over? Does anyone think this will stand in court or do you think the fact that I was going 30 over pretty much kill my defense? Also (since I believe I will have to pay) how much do you think my insurance rates will increase? Like I said I am a 23 year old male with 1 prior speeding ticket that was dismissed in court 6 years ago, totaled a car 7 years ago and received a ticket almost 3 years ago for peeling and squealing (which was BS). Any insight is helpful and thank you all for taking time to read my post and respond it means a lot.""
Does insurance get cheaper with age or experience?
(UK) - I passed my test last summer. Just wondering does car insurance for young people get cheaper with how many miles they've driven/owned a car/been with an insurance company etc OR is just how long you have had your licence for? Cheers
Which is the best insurance which i need to take for my parents who visiting USA?
My parents are coming to US and need to take a medical and dental insurance for them. please advise
First car insurance?
what would the insurance be on a 03 mercedes e500 for a 15 year old boy? and what about an 07 hyundai tiburon? which one is going to be cheaper?
Does my husband need his own insurance on another car?
my husband was insured on his car but its now sold and the insurance run out yesterday, he also drives his business partners car on which he is a named driver on the insurance, now his insurance on his own car has expired is he still covered to drive his partners car even tho he dosent have his own policy? im unsure how it works so just want to double check..""
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
Insurance on a 1979 Dodge Challenger?
I know I've asked this before but this time I'm just being a little more specific. I'm looking for how much insurance would be on a 1979 Dodge Challenger. I live in Ontario Canada near Toronto. I am a male and single. School and work are within 15 Kilometres of my house. I will be 18 when I get the car, I will be the principal driver on this car and there are 3 other drivers in my house. My driving record is clean, no accidents or tickets.""
Which auto insurance carrier is best?
I want to find a reliable company. I've looked into Geico and Allstate... just don't know how they handle claims and things. Any input?
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
0 notes
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
"What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance not paying a claim!?
Boy this is a good one & I don't know what to do Next! I went with the Lizard insurance even though they are Snakes and don't want to pay for any Claims! It started in 2010 with my truck, I took it to where they told me and they only paid for cosmetic damage even though there was a lot more including my steering was so bad I had to stop driving it. I wanted to take it to a shop that I had my truck lowered which because of we're I lived and the shop was I couldn't drive it, 65 miles. I had AAA tow it to my new house and from there after 2 years of not driving my truck they agreed to have it towed 7 miles to the shop. Well I told the claims adjuster what was wrong, he told me I needed to write a list and drop it off at the shop so I just got my Chopper back from the shop and went down to where my truck was a wrote a list of what I thought was wrong. Here is where the first of my troubles started, on the way home I am riding on the freeway and a truck to the right of me had a blow out and a Giant tire flew right in front of me, I couldn't do anything other than to run it over. It happened so fast, I hit it and made a brown spot in my shorts, jk. I then noticed smoke coming from my Chopper, it was Bad so I pulled over and noticed that my tail light was knocked off and caused some damage and the bold that holds my tail light on came off and rubbed on my new Avon 250 tire and Melted the side wall. I was able to ride home and once I saw all the damage I knew it was a problem. I called the Lizard and made a claim. The claims adjuster called me and said he will be out that Saturday, so saturday came and I never heard from him, I had his number and left a message, so this went on until Thursday and I called the lizard again and they transferred me to the AH boss and I left him a voicemail. Well I didn't hear from him as a few more days went by so Called back and got his boss's boss. The next day I got a nasty voicemail from the claims adjuster bitching at me. I called customer service and told them he went off on me and they can hear my voicemail too but no one listened to me. So I was told to call his boss, I said then I don't want this claims adjuster to come out, I don't want to speak to him or have anything to do with him. They were so sorry and said they totally understand and later that day the big boss called and I told him I hadn't heard from the adjuster other than a nasty voicemail and I want someone else to come out and not him. The boss said I understand and he will take care of it. So two days later the rude claims adjuster showed up at my house to take care of the claim, I was shocked it was the AHole I didn't want to come out but his bosses boss told him he better get out there and take care of this. Well once he was there, he wasn't as nice as he had been and couldn't be more rude than he was. I told him what had happened and the Damage, all he said was Prove it, Prove it, Over and over with everything I showed him. It caused major damage to my shocks and front forks, he laughed and said they are designed to roll over things and that it couldn't happen from hitting a tire in the road, well it can because that's exactly what happened. He was such a AHole I said, why did you even come out, did you just come here to be a @ss Hole or what!! He didn't say a word and just left. They paid out just a little for damages to the paint, tail light and the tire. The tired was new and cost 500 but they paid me 100 bucks for it. Mean while my truck is at the shop still to get looked over for the damage and they didn't pay a dime and the worst part was when I got the truck back from being towed, I started after the tow truck drive let it down and it sounded funny, then I smelt burning plastic so I opened the hood and my entire air intake system was gone!!! The burning was th vacuum hoses laying on the headers. I called the shop where my truck was and they said they are not sure what's going on but to call back. Well they are no longer in business and I lost all that so I called and opened a claim, now they are investigating me over this. So I have damage from 2010 that has never been fixed, my bike isn't right and someone had stolen my Volant cold air intake that's not being taken care of. What do I do? This is BS, I don't deserve this from my insurance Company and for them to treat me like they have, not pay out the claims. I needed my truck smoged Dec 31st so because all the parts to have it smogged weren't there I couldn't have it down and I have a ton of late fees with the DMV in California. My Volant is smog legal, I have the Ca numbers for it but it doesn't matter, I am getting the run around like no tomorrow. I will Drop GIECO and go with Farmers but not until my truck and bike are fixed. I have called everyone I could at Geico and no help!""
How much will car insurance will cost me?
I want to lease a new 2014 Honda Sedan Getting my licence in june 18 years old/ $800 a month How much will it cost if my dad get an insurance same car He got his license exact year ago good credit score
""Car accident: Person at fault has no car insurance, what can I do?""
Hello! Recently, I was involved in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (carelessly ran a red light) and didn't have insurance; my question is what do I do now. My car got totaled, but my insurance is going to pay me the whole value it's worth, but minus a deductible. Also, my sister and I are going to a back doctor because of some minor pains we started getting... People are telling me that I should do a small claims against the guy, but what exactly do I sue him for? And how? More info: He had no insurance, and the car wasn't his. My insurance doesn't cover health or rentals I believe. I'm located in California. Any help will be truly appreciated! Thank you!""
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
Insurance question? please help me i need to know what to do.?
im 16, had my license for a little over a month. i live in california. im with allstate. here's what happened: i was backing out of a diagonal parking space. i was at starbucks, mid day. no one else was in the car. i saw a car coming, i let it pass, and i backed out. turns out it didnt clear out all the way. i got the rear end of it. their dent is not too bad, the bumper is fine, its just a little bit of the metal that probably needs to be sucked back out. it is an suv. my dent however was worse. the bumper got dented, and so did some of the medal around it. the brake light has a small crack in it, but its only visible from close up, and it still works. we exchanged information, and he said he will call his insurance company tomorrow morning. will my insurance go up? how much will i need to pay to have his car fixed? whats gonna happen? please help me im freaking out. thank you soo much""
""I just found out that I am 9 weeks pregnant, which insurance company would insure me if I just found out?""
So I just found out I'm 9 weeks pregnant, and I've been uninsured for the last 5 years, which health insurance will insure me if I JUST found out I'm pregnant?""
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
Hi, I need some insurance for my Ford Fiesta 1999. I have been looking at some insurance qoutes but there still VERY expensive ( Around 6000-10000 ) I would love to get around 2000 for my car as i know its possible but i just need to find a insurer. Does anyone know any? Thanks""
How much is car insurance in NY state if your 17?
Ive been looking for how much car insurance is in ny if your 17 but i cant find it. My mom doesnt want to pay for it so i have to pay for it myself. Can someone tell me how much it costs?
Is unemployment insurance really an insurance?
1. What other insurance allows people who are guaranteed to be unemployed to be on it (such as actors, waiters, other short term employed workers)? 2. What other insurance is mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike car insurance, who is actually affected by being uninsured if one is unemployed?""
Braces cost without insurance ??!! HELPP!!! $4200???!!?
Apparently my teeth aren't severe enough for insurance to cover it, but i was told that i still need them. I tried Twice Now (16-17 yrs'ol) in NYC My teeth are similar to hers where on big tooth is a little pushed back and the other forward and the bottom is crowed & one tooth is sticking wayyy out of alignment http://www.public.iastate.edu/~lora/braces_decision.html Iwent to a dentist & they said i would have to pay 4200 for them. Obviously my mom is not going to pay that even with a payment plan, is this the usual cost for braces without insurance coving it ??!!!""
Quick question about car insurance?
I've been with a car insurance company for 3 years now and have been lucky enough to not have to file any claims with them, I just had my policy renewed and the premium went up about $100 from the previous year. Prior to this it had always gone down and when I called to ask why it went up they said because of an increase in claims in my area, now I know insurance has many factors such as the area you live in, and even if that is true I feel as if I should call and mention that I've had no claims in my three years with them, no tickets on my record and always pay my 6 month premium at once, would this be a useless attempt at getting them to lower my premium or could this possibly help me? I just don't want to seem like a fool on the phone.""
Best first cars? cheap to insure?
Best first cars? cheap to insure?
Which auto insurance company do you recommend?
I've had the following insurance and was not pleased: -Insure One (real insurance: Access American Casualty)=Cheap but HORRIBLE CLAIM PROCESS -Farmers Insurance Group: Pricey and more hidden fees hence had to switch because I felt like I was paying too much and getting scammed (I tried resolving the issue but rep said there is nothing we can do ). Currently I'm with GEICO and I am paying the same as I was with Farmers (except w/out the random charges), at this point I just want a RELIABLE and CLAIM FRIENDLY INSURANCE, which would you recommend?""
Which insurance company would you recommend?
I'm looking for a new insurance company for both my car and apartment insurance. Who do you recommend, and who should I stay away from? Reasons?""
How much does a new tag/insurance cost for a new driver ?
i would like to know how much a new tag/insurance cost for a new driver? im wanting to limit my options before i jump right into it. and what is the best insurance company to use??
If my gf and i have full coverage car insurance but not by the same company?
me and my gf have full coverage car insurance on our cars, but we have different car insurance companies. would she be able to drive my car as well as i drive her car? If we were to get in an car accident will our insurance cover it? even though we are driving different cars?""
How good is your health care insurance?
Are your premiums are too high, coverage too low, or you simply cannot afford healthcare insurance and have no coverage at all.. Do your elected officials have healthcare insurance? Of course they do. After all you voted for them to not only get more paid vacation days per year, work less days; not have worries about homelessness, hunger, gas prices, food prices, unemployment or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, gas prices, welfare, retirement or health care insurance. In short you have voted in favor of them living better than you. Why should you be left out? Here is a start towards a solutuion. Now you too can be on your way to better healthcare coverage. Let's get America rolling again. - Lee Iacocca After all a goverment can only be as healthy as its citizens. http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope this helps.""
""Young driver insurance, should I get a tracker on my car?""
hi, I am 18, male and have my test in 2 days, I have been looking at cars and insurance but no one will even give me a quote on normal insurance. I have found a 1.0l lupo 51 plate and got a quote for 3400 with the tracker thing that records speeds, acceleration, breaking and that? just wondering should i do that or what? I don't want to be limited too much and feel im being watched. Anyway, does anyone know any companies that will even give me a quote? I know its not going to be cheap because of my age and sex but a price would be nice without that annoying box thing or should I just take the tracker insurance? Thanks in advance""
Do I still qualify for my parent's insurance?
My employer just told me that I qualify for their insurance plan but they won't help me pay for it. I get paid biweekly just under $400 and they want to take $137 out of that check to pay for my health insurance. My mother says that I would still qualify for her health insurance since I technically didn't get an offer of health insurance (she's says an offer is where an employer offers to pay part of the cost of the health insurance). Should I start looking for my own, more affordable health care plan or will I qualify to get back on my parent's plan?""
What is the best type of life insurance to purchase?
I know nothing about life insurance but I would like to buy some to assure me and my kids will be taken care of in the event my husband passes. He only has one 1 issue which is Rheumatoid arthritis, otherwise in good health. . Me and my husband are both close to 50 years old. What is the best insurance to purchase? I know that term insurance expires. Does that mean if you do not pass within the term you do not get any money back that you have paid into it?. Thinking about a 250.000 dollar policy. Thank you.""
When does health insurance kick in when you start a job?
I've never had a job with insurance. I'm hoping that I finally receive my first full time job with a company (I'm a recent grad). I'm in desperate need of health insurance to take tests on my heart but it's so expensive! So if you start a job, usually how long does it take to be able to take advantage of having the health insurance?""
Medical i don't know whats share of cost? or good insurance? for pregnancy?
does any one who lives in the state of california and have medical undurstand what is share of cost? mine is $796.00 now i dont know if have to pay that monthly ? my husband is eligeble for insurance from his job but in 2 months and it will be 400.00 monthly so it will be less expensive im so confused im 3 months pregnant and i know it's soo expensive so i want to have it sort out before i give birth but im not sure what the best choice i try to apply to kaiser permanente but they denied me becuase im already pregnant? do you guys know what share of cost or where i can get insurance ?
Cheapest car insurance in florida?
I know insurance is very important, but I simply do not have the money right now to get a good plan. I have a minimum wage job, and I need to go to work and I need a way to get there. So I need the cheapest plan I can find. At least for now. These premiums are up to 500 a month and I really cant do that. Anybody know of a cheap cheap CHEAP car insurance company?""
How much does a sr22 policy cost?
I caught driving with out insurance. Now I have to carry an Sr22 policy. I was wondering if any one knew what that's going to cost. I drive a 97 f 150. I don't need exact numbers just a ball park. Thank you
Do you have to pay insurance for the driver or the car?
my friends keeps telling me her parents wont let her get he license because it is 2,000 dollars a year to have a licence, for like insurance. Don't you only have to pay for a car? like if she was to not own a car and just borrow her parents when needed would she still have to pay insurance? I am so confused haha""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
Why isn't there an affordable Insurance with out a deductable?
I was raised on Insurance but now that I am an adult and moved away from my family I can't afford hospital visit or doctor visits or nothing. I look for insurance that I can afford but for the lowest deductible its to much and you have to pay the deductible first then pay the monthly payment. It just pisses me off that everything is so greedy!
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
I am 17 years old. I live in California. They have insurance for their cars,and I am licensed. Their insurance are Mercury,and AAA. thank you""
Car insurance? first car?
i have a '96 fiesta 1.1.its my first car. i cannot get insurance cheaper than 2000. it is garaged, minimal miles per year. any one know where i can get cheap insurance??""
How much does health insurance cost in the States - on average?
How much does health insurance cost in the States - on average?
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
How much does it cost to add a person on ur insurance?
i was wondering how much it would cost to add someone with their permit on to ur car insurance, this dont have to be an exact number just and average number. If any of you know plz let me know cause i am trying to figure this out, thanks for your help.""
How and where do i find 'cheaper' car insurance? UK?
Im 20 , female and I will be 21 by time I get a car (hopefully). I really don't know where to find cheaper insurance. I tried confused.com but the max price is 3000! my friends who are younger than me get it at like 1500 and I don't know why or how. Also if I offer to pay the insurance in one lump sum , would it be cheaper? I'm looking for a Vauxhall corsa between 1.1 and 1.2 or maybe even lower engine. What other ways to get a cheaper quote? Please help. Driving is all I ever wanted to do and I might have a chance at it in this summer.""
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
health insurance in south carolina
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
Health Insurance: How Much Will COBRA cost me?
I'm not one who likes working for others, and I'm getting enrolled in my company's health insurance. It's only for me, and they'll wind up deducting like $160 per month from my paycheck. I'm looking to leave as soon as I can, but if I choose to maintain the insurance through COBRA, will it be close to around the $160 or is it likely to be much higher, like $300 or more? Is there any way I can find out at this time?""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?""
Insurance questions: Allstate Insurance?
so i got in a car accident a week ago, other party's at fault , he have no insurance, now, a guy calling from all state asking me questions and have it recorded or something, so i told him to call and talk to my attorney, he called again saying that he have permission to talk to me, i told him tell my attorney to call me n tell me that. I never been in a car accident until now or have any experience in how insurance companies work, i'm onli 19. Do the insurance company usually call and ask you questions regarding the incident or is it all a hoax to get my statement recorded? Cause i have a little suspicion about that guy. I thought everything can handle with my attorney right,? and u don't have to do anything.""
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
Cost of health insurance?
How much does health insurance cost per year if I pay for myself instead of my employer paying for it? I would pay through my employer's group insurance and mine is a family of three (including a child of 4 yrs). I am a contractor and I will be moving through the country quite a bit in which case would the insurance rates be from the state from where the employer is from or should it be as per the state where i am residing? How does insurance cost vary from state to state?
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
Texas car insurance for teens?
Im 17 and am a new driver. What is the average rate for car insurance for me in Twxas?
How long with a car accident affect your insurance rates in California?
I was found at fault for two accidents (damage >$750) a couple years ago and also got ticketed for turning right on a red at a no right on red light. I just spoke with my car insurance company and was told that the accidents will remain on my record for 5 years. Is that true? I looked up the DMV code for California and it looks like the accidents are reportable for only 3 years (no one was hurt, no felony or criminal charges - these were small fender benders). Is the reporting time really 5 years?""
How much will my car insurance go up after my first ticket?
I'm 19 and live in VA and got my first speeding ticket tonight (77 in a 60). I've never been in an accident or anything before, but I was just wondering if anyone had any idea about how much my insurance rate will go up? and will going to court/driving school affect what happens with the insurance rate, because otherwise i was just going to pay it online.. thaaaanks!""
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance? My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Someone explain car insurance to me!?
Basically im helping my boyfriend look for cheap car insurance...The cheapest we found is on the co-op website BUT, having a little issue with costs and things. Basically it gives me a deposit amount of 500 then it gives me a monthly instalment of 250 and then it says how much in total it is. By the total though it says that there is interest of my credit charge of 200, what does this mean? that its been put in with the total amount/deposit or do i have to pay extra for it? if i do have to pay extra for it do i have to pay that monthly or all in one? SO CONFUSED!""
I pay 450$ for car insurance. Ridiculous!?
I am 20 yrs old, have a full license with no accidents or major tickets. How do they expect young people to survive? With gas at crazy prices i pay nearly 800$ a month on gas and car insurance. I drive a Honda Accord and i need the car due to my commitments. Any thoughts?""
Question about motorcycle insurance?
Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best...""
Would insurance for a VW Golf be cheap or expensive?
I'm 17 years old currently doing driving lessons and I'm thinking about a VW Golf for my first car. Would the insurance be high or low and which engine size would be the best to start off with?
How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket?
I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
Why car insurance cards come in pair?
Just wondering why insurance identification cards come in pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y.
""Can I add my wife's car to my insurance, rather then renew her own policy?""
My wife and I recently married, and it's time for her to renew her insurance. Her driving record isn't great, so her rates have been quite high. Being that we're married, can I just add her vehicle to my own policy to save money, or will she need to have the insurance in her own name??""
""Would like to know what is involved in starting to sell health insurance, part-time for restaurant workers?""
i have no experience, but know the restaurant business very well and know that most have no health insurance, any advise would be helpful, a test is needed and i live in missouri is there an outline for the test and what ins. companies are known for sponsering restaurants for an affordable price""
Car insurance/van insurance?
My son 24 year old with 7 points .Trying to fet him car insurance cheaper than 1000.Also van insurance cheaper than 300. IN10 AND CD30 on his license .Does anyone know who could possibly beat these quotes .Thanks
Good place to buy car insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and just recently passed my driving test. Problem is, my Dad wants to put me down as a second driver on his car but it's a BMW sport with a 2L engine. The cheapest quote I could find is 4,500 annually, which my Dad is not prepared to pay of course. Some companies were even asking for 40,000 which is just a joke! I have been driving this car for over a year and now that I finally have my license, I'm pretty annoyed that I'm not able to drive the car that's just sitting outside. Anyone know any other routes I could take? Weekly car insurance? Monthly? Ideally I'd like to have a quotes of less than 1600 annually, but now it seems unlikely. Buying another car is not an option as I'm going to Uni in a couple of months and will not be needing it anymore. Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks.""
Ex husband to pay off car. Who pays insurance?
Since my ex is paying my car off in the divorce shouldn't he be responsible for the full coverage insurance? I cant afford full coverage. If I only get liability should he cover the rest to obtain full coverage? Help!
My car insurance is ridiculous!?
I am entering my 4th year of driving (22 yr old) with absolutely no claims and even with comparing market my car insurance goes up every year. New comparison has come out at over 2500 quid! I drive a 2.2 diesel but even on a little 1.0 aygo or similar car it is over a grand. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going to quit driving. I have paid out over 8000 in insurance premiums with no claims and it is getting increasingly difficult to save for a house as you need around 30000 for a deposit.
Rent insurance for tenants?
I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?""
Does anyone who is under 18 and doesn't have health coverage automatically qualify for MassHealth?
We live in Massachusetts and I previously heard that ANYONE who is under 18 and does not have health insurance will automatically qualify for the free state insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone know if this is true because it doesn't really specify online.""
Car insurance help - first time driver!?
First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor? Thanks!""
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ?
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ? Which of the three fields ( life, health, or property ) would be compatible with working from my home office ? How difficult is the California State exam to get licensed ? Is it possible to earn residual income in all 3 fields ? Thank you for your help.""
Health insurance?
What is the best bet? Who is the best company? who should i see about this? an insurance agent? How to find good?
Im depressed because i cant get good price on car insurance :(?
I am 21 old male. I passed my driving test 5 months ago and my premium is way too high because I have 3 points on my licence. They were not displaying L plates. I really feel bad because my parents don't drive and I think it would be great to help out with the shooping at least. car insurance is coming up as 3000 and i cant afford. I really want to be there for my parents and drive to work in the early mornings. :( any ideas?
How do car insurance companies evalulate your insurance?
I am living in the UK and i use one of those car comparison websites to find the cheapest car insurance, (I've entered hundreds of cars make/models) But i still don't have a clue as to how car insurers operate for e.g i used confused.com to find the cheapest insurance on a >1997, BMW 3 series, 1.8, convertible, manual, petrol, value of car 2500.00 & the cheapest insurance quote they find for me is 1136.72, on third party fire & theft >1989, Nissan Micra, 1.0 manual, petrol, value of car 75.00, & the cheapest quote they find for me is 1641.88??????????????? on third party fire & theft ALL of my other circumstances stay the same, address, millage, what type of car alarm and tracker i will use, what the car will be used for everything is the same I was under the impression that the more bigger the car, the more powerful the engine, the more likelihood of the car been stolen will be the more expensive one on the insurance (The BMW) So why in Gods name is the Micra's insurance 500.00 extra???????? Halp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
What is a good car insurance for florida state for a 23 year old female?
How much will health insurance cost me?
I am an American citizen, 23 years old with a college degree. I never lived in the US but I am moving there now and I never had any health problems. How much will health insurance cost me a month?""
Who's responsible for rental car insurance after an accident?
Last month my car was run into in a parking lot while I was shopping. No question who was at fault. We exchanged information and I contacted their insurance company. Their insurance agreed to pay for all repairs and the rental. However, they did wouldn't pay for the insurance on the rental, claiming it is my responsibility. I only have liability, so the additional insurance cost $8.99 per day, in the end I had to pay $360. I'm wondering if now I can take this to the people who hit me, since if they had not hit me, I wouldn't be out $360. Could I demand them to pay it, maybe even take it to small claims?""
Why did health insurance prices double in the last 5 years and not car insurance?
family health insurance plans went from 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during Bush's administration. Health insurance is quickly becoming the average American's #1 cost, soon to exceed rent.""
Where can I find car insurance for my situation?
I've been without insurance for almost a year now. I canceled my old policy because I do not drive my car anymore and I'm selling it. So I finally bought a new car, and I am currently looking for insurance. But I haven't had any insurance the past year. Where can I get insurance?""
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
Need suggestion for health insurance?
Living in CA. Just want to get individual health insurance in case of any expensive treatments like surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance can have high deductible... In this case, should I consider supplemental insurance like AFLAC?""
Cheap car to insure for 17 year old boy?
Please just say a few car names and not your not geting any for cheap
Cost for car insurance for a teenager?
I'm 17 right now and don't really need a car (I do have a license though). When I'm 18 I will NEED the car to commute to and from college. How much is it going to cost to get insured - possibly to be added to a parent's plan? I've taken driver's ed, have a high gpa... what else can I do to lower the cost? PS. I'll probably be driving a 1995 Geo Metro.""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
How much is insurance on a 2003 Acura RSX type S?
I'm a 16 year old boy and am looking for that as my first car. I've done drivers ed and have good grades, but im still worried insurance will be killer. Can anyone give me a realistic yearly figure for insurance? Thanks .""
How can i make my car insurance be less?
hey guys how can i make my car insurance go lower and be less ?
Do you have life insurance?
If so, at what age did you obtain your policy? How much did you purchase? How much do you pay a month? Is it a Term or Permanent?""
Drive like a girl insurance help?
Im due to take my driving test next month (all goes well) and my parents are VERY keen to get the cheapest insurance quote possible (they are arabs, they will find it.. lol) Anyway I have recently discovered the 'drive like a girl' insurance company and after reading through it decided it looked really good. as I haven't got my full license yet I cant get a quote from them, so for anyone who has insurance with them- could you please give me a price estimate?! I live in a good area just outside of London so im lucky with my quotes. I have an X Reg Ford Ka and most of my quotes have been around 2000 but I have had one at 1600 and another at 1795. Both of those were without telematics box which is why im looking at one now. I cant have one with time restrictions- mainly because I sometimes work until 11 at night and I also care for my sick brother who may need to be driven to the hospital in the middle of the night (would this matter?) Thanks guys for taking the time to read and answer this question.""
""I just turned 18 and I don't want to take driver's ed, how much will my car insurance go up?""
Due to multiple arrests, I wasn't able to get my license until I turned 18. Well now I'm 18 and able to get my license, I don't have the money for driver's ed though. I was just wondering how much my car insurance would go up if I don't take driver's ed.""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Which Car Insurance is Known to have the Cheapest Quotes/Rates?
Looking for a car insurance company that's a little easy on a 20 yr. old's pocket.
""First car, low insurance group, modifications, help?""
Just asking for a few suggestions for a first car, second/third hand not too expensive 2000-3000 max, however i would like to add modifications to it such as alloys and lowered suspension. Have you any ideas for what car would be cheapest and if possible what UK driving insurance company? Thanks :)""
""Average monthly cost of renter's insurance for an apartment in Galveston, TX?
I need to see if I can work it onto my budget
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
Live in different states then parent: Car insurance?
Do I have to live in the same state as my dad to have my car under his insurance? I live in NC and he lives in SC if that makes a difference. Thank you!!
How much does it cost annually to live in california?
Me and my two friends want to move to sacramento,california and i wanted to know how much it is annually I don't mean where we go out and party every night im talking food, rent, utilites, internet, gas, car insuranse and anything else you can think of that is a need(internet is for us gamers) any help would be great if you can't think with all of this cause the car insuranse depends on the car and that but what ever guess or average you would guess for there.""
Whats the best cheapest insurance in fresno?
i just had my first speeding ticket, im 20 going to school n working n i am going to finance a 2011 cruze LT, i want a good but affordable insurance, any suggestions?""
How much is car insurance on a Nissan 350z?
How much is car insurance on a Nissan 350z?
What are some good health insurance companies in CA for self employed people?
We mainly are looking at it for medical needs. Dental would be nice, but its not necessary. And vision isn't necessary at all.""
Health insurance in california?
i really need health insurance i have a really bad sinus problem & ADD i already had a surgery in the past for my sinus problem and i had healthy families insurance and they paid for it and they used to pay the office visits too my mom only paid $5 copay and since i turned 19 i cant have that insurance anymore is the some other insurance that is full coverage and is not very expensive? i already tried getting medical but did not qualify and i dont have a job because everyone is getting laid off over here
If i drive less than 40 miles a day am I really entitled to more affordable car insurance?
You probably notice these ads on yahoo saying if you drive less than 40 miles you are entitled to cheap insurance to click on their ads to find out more. I was wondering if that true, what 's the trick?""
Will my parents' Geico insurance rate go up if I (uninsured) get into an accident?
I got into an accident today which was my fault and damaged the front lights area. The car I was in is my mom's who is covered with Geico. Geico will cover all the damages done for this car and the other one involved, but will the insurance go way up? By how much?""
Car Insurance question?
about how much does it cost for a 16 year old to be added to parents car insurance? allstate
How much would car insurance be?
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old male first time driver driving a car cost around 1200 1.2l engine
Insurance on this car?
Ok so I was looking on Craigs list, I'm thinking of buying my first car in a few months. I have a lot of money saved up. Theres a 1996 Taurus LX for sale for $1800. It has 119,000 miles on it, and it gets 25mpg. I'll only have this car until I go to college, because I can't take it up to Boulder with me. College is two years away. However, if I do go to Boulder, I'll only be two hours away from home, so when I come home I might want to have the car. What would you say the insurance would be on this car, so basically how much would I have to pay per year for insurance. We are not thinking about repairs or gas here, just insurance.""
Cheap car insurance! help please.?
I need to get new car insurance but im not sure where to go. My insurance is about to expire and i don't want to stay with them because its at about $230 a month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show more
Why is health insurance important?
Why is health insurance important?
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
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