#INFJ friends
thequirkychameleon · 2 years
Anyone got any tips on how to make friends at uni or locally on a deeper level?
It seems that most people are interested in superficial things or wanting to be friends with you just for a good time but it’s not meaningful. Any advice appreciated or comment if you can relate!
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mars-ipan · 5 months
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happy birthday you weird little freak. it's finals season so i can't afford to make a full drawing for u rn but i can at least give you your favorite thing in the world
bonus drawing + og imgs under the cut
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cannot believe that crucified!komaeda is the cuntiest i've ever drawn him. call it divine inspiration
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lllakristos · 7 months
One day, you'll realize your gut feeling was correct all along.
That you were right from the start.
They were never your friend, nor did they genuinely care about you.
You were merely a convenience, an unpaid therapist, and a source of validation for their shortcomings.
Human nature is so complex yet so disappointing when you hold your standards high.
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introvert-moments · 5 months
Introvert Moment #123
As an introvert I am scared of talking to people flirtatiously. As a bisexual, this fear is rated E for everyone. Maybe I should just live alone in a bungalow with like 4 elderly rescue dogs
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gent-illmatic · 1 year
A matter of time⏱
(A long af ramble)
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I don’t care how long you’ve known some people, what the bond was, if they’re relatives, part of a community, childhood friends, best work buddies etc.
Everybody isn’t meant to stay in your life!
During my spiritual journey I realized you can’t “helicopter” over the people you care about. It’s a dysfunctional love language many of us have. I wanted to support and guide my loved ones to the best of my ability. I’m known as the therapist/fixer of any friend group I’m apart of.
I’m the Olivia Pope of this shit. However, I would end up being the emotional trash bag ,while they reject every plausible solution presented. Im the person strategizing how to get them on track and distracting from my own goals to save theirs (ppl pleasing). Silently seething because not only do they seem to care very little about themselves … but also about my time and effort in supporting them! They’re turning up while I’m stressing for them.
I also realized a lot of these actions stemmed from events in my childhood, but I digress!
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Then the “Ah ha” moment hit!
They don’t owe me shit.
Why? … because it’s not my job to do that! They’re not calling for advice. They’re calling to vent. Yes, being a good listening ear is part of being a good support as well. We don’t always have to swoop in with “what you should do is…”. I also learned my actions of support make me seem like a “know it all” with good intentions. It sends signals that I don’t believe they are capable of figuring out their own issues. As if they were mentally challenged. This dynamic breaths life into resentment.
However, for people like me , that becomes exhausting after while. Loved ones complaining about the same bullshit misfortunes over & over without looking for solutions, better discernment, or to establish positive patterns/habits. Constantly returning back into the arms of what has them forever frustrated. Wanting you to hold all of their emotional and dysfunctional baggage. You are being spiritually drained!
Especially, if you’ve done the work for your own life’s outcome! With or without therapy! You’ve put in the effort aside from your prayers. Now, you’re reaping the peaceful benefits of the investment in your life. You feel your spirit and life being led to better pastures ….It’s time to realize…
You’ve outgrown them.
it’s time to love them from afar!
The dynamic you once shared has expired/changed. The people you were in the beginning, No longer exists now. It’s no longer serving or fulfilling.
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People will always prioritize themselves (as they should). You need to make sure you do the same. Nobody will care about you more than yourself as an adult. You can care for your loved ones, and wish them well. Give them guidance if specifically asked. However, we can’t live for them or force them to take our advice! It doesn’t matter how great the quality of our advice is…. We don’t even have to experience the consequences of the advice we give them! They have the choice of what to take and what to leave! We don’t even know if we have all the facts of the scenario anyway. They have their journey and you have yours…
If their dysfunctional life starts to effect yours just being in their company…you begin reaping their consequences for their choices…you notice yourself regressing … you recognize you’ve lost sight or esteem of your own life mission…
Fall back.
You are the average of the 5 closest people to you. Choose wisely!
The mental ease you receive for allowing people to “do them” and letting go is priceless. Now you have time to dedicate towards your own conquests , continue your own development, and learn from your own choices.
I’m rambling now… but one last thing
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Beware: When people notice you walking away to a better life, they may morph into your enemy. They may spill your secrets, smear you, they may not even care about your absence. If that’s the case It’s all good… some people can live in your heart but not in your life!
Keep the grass cut🌾🐍🌾
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classic-entp · 1 year
Classic-ENTP #42
Any Ixxx Type: That's my new friend!
ExxP: ???????????????I thought you had social anxiety???????????????
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mysoulsecrets-blog · 1 year
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Good men have empathy, they take no pleasure in the struggles and failures of another, they care for others and are genuinely concerned for people whom they hold close to their hearts, they're kind and emotionally available, their good character is the backbone of a magnetic personality which attracts people, but some people are so self-obsorbed that they only care about their selves, but kindness is the key quality of a good man and they're willing to put your needs before theirs, and that makes them a keeper.
This is a tribute to my dearest friend.
He keeps his promises, he doesn't tell lies, nor does he get involved in any type of gossip or drama and that makes him a "A MAN OF INTEGRITY"
Happy birthday professor ♥️
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infjpaladin · 1 year
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huellitaa · 1 month
this is us help
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
how do you think each MBTI would react to their crush asking them out?
c r us h: would you like to get a coffee tomorrow?
INFJ: *stuffs excitement down down down down* yes. yes. i would... love that. 4pm? *jumps around whooping like a little kid once crush leaves*
INTJ: *malfunctions* whY? *starts blushing.... from embarrassment* NO not why i should go with you i meant. yes. i meant- why- *stop talkng now stop talking stop-*
ISFJ: *wide eyes* *starts smiling* yeah! yeah i would love to! *does a little jaw drop when you're gone* ohmygosh!
ISTJ: Like... together? To- together?
ESFJ: *does not contain it* ohmygosh really? yeah! i'd love that!!! <3333333333333<3333333333<333-
ESTJ: *gets really suspicious* *frowns* did someone put you up to this?? HUH? did one of my friends istg imma KILL them-
ENFJ: *plays it the coolest* yeah, sounds good! *crush leaves* *buries head in hands* soUndS gOoD? iS that ALL we had to SAY?
ENTJ: *malfunctions*. *pause*. YES i mean yeah for sure that would be nice .......(*mentally chucks out their jam packed schedule for the entire evening*)
INTP: *dies* coffee? coffee. yeah.... i like coffee, so, yes! yes.
ENTP: I already had a coffee. *crush leaves* NO NO WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN THAT... sorry i.... forgot to turn it off... how about 4? *after crush leaves* ...the one time i failed to be cool is now? really?
ISTP: Sounds good dude (*internal* dUDe?! DuDE wth how do i turn this thing OFF)
ESTP: Yeah *puts hand out on wall do the the sexy lean but for once misjudges and slips* (doesn't mind because it makes crush laugh)
ENFP: sorry let me just- *puts hand on wall for support* im just mentally keysmashing- *gives them the brightest sunshiney smile ever* YEAH i would love to!
INFP: *blushes perfectly* *wants to run and hide* *gives them the most hurried nod*
ESFP: yeah for sure sounds funsies! *crush leaves* *commence: phone a friend* BESTIE GUESS WHAT HAPPENED. WAIT NO I SAID FUNSIES *cries* WHY DID I SAY FUNSIES. "you always say funsies" I knoW but that was so not a sLaY. wait... what do i wear?? WHAT DO I WEAR?
ISFP: *bites lip and looks at the floor to stop smiling until they regain composure and look up* for sure! i know a super vibey place down the road...
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intpconvos · 7 months
Judging vs Perceiving Types: Joining an Organization
INFJ consciously looking up organizations for 3 months: Wanna join me?
INTP: What is it about?
INFJ: /sends link to page/
INFJ: Orientation is 2 days from now
INTP: Wait what???
A few moments later
INTP: Okay let's go!
INFP: Wait, me too!
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misciaspossessed · 5 months
I have no real friends I'm lonely imma make a quick friend application thingy
These are my vibes/aesthetics
💐💗🫂🐞🌟🖍️🐢💃🌌🍬🕯️🎀🎨🫐🧸💅🏼🎶🌈💌🩵 they often mix together
Intp, no respect for star signs, the kind of person that scowls at everything for no reason, makes racism/sexism jokes (there's a difference between racism jokes and racist jokes, I make fun of racism, not races), taylor swift hater, weird lifestyle choices if your cool with that, brain DOES NOT WORK OMG. and the typa person to have dyed armpit hair (pink specifically) :)
No responsibilities and a sleep schedule available to be ruined (I always have time to talk), love language: quality time, unironically "kissing the homies goodnight" typa mf, very bad at communicating so best if you're not, I match energy involuntarily so as soon as I'm familiar with your vibe it will be mine, super specific and deep topics like what fruit or vegetable would you be, I love hearing people talk about themselves as long as it goes both ways
If you're a guy who can be friends with a girl just as normally as with another guy that'd be awesome but it's not a requirement (not a requirement to be a guy, the normal part is required)
Somebody who's just as friendless and taskless hmu
Update: nothing but a specific kpop group defines me now so respond at your own discernment (I'm sort of looking for stays as well though cause I have no one to vent with and send things to I'm suffocating)
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vegantinatalist · 3 months
Introduction (Im going to try to list as many things about me as I can, the more you share, the more I want to talk to you)
26 F USA Washington
Ethical Vegan/Animal Liberationist
Pro Right to Die
Sex Repulsed, Romance Favoring
Alt Style (goth, grunge, eastern, jirai kei etc)
Digital Artist
misanthrope, but also an activist who cares a lot
Game dev and animator
Many personalities honestly (can be quiet serious girl, manic older sister, eepy baby, guardian)
Dark theme lover (suicide, lovers suicide, revenge, etc)
EVFL attitudinal psyche
Fearful avoidant attachment style, but can become extremely secure
Ambivert, introvert leaning (I only talk to people who share my ethics and when I do I do so enthusiastically)
DMs open
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writtenbyanamiranda · 6 months
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no longer talking to each other ☁️
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fantomette22 · 11 months
Also kind of funny how people say i’m quite discreet and don’t talk a lot when i’m afraid i talk too much (maybe too loud or too fast) and afraid i ended up annoyed them. (Can smn explain pls xD)
anyway it’s late i apologize if it doesn’t make so much sense it is late)
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mysoulsecrets-blog · 1 year
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An emotional connection is feeling of alignment between people, that goes beyond having fun together, surface level conversion, or even intellectual similarities, instead it feels like you're connecting on a deeper soul level, and feel secure connecting that deeply and that's how some connections become unexplainable.
This is for you both @wordsbyjenpoetry @onurtaskiranpoetry
I can't explain in words how much I love you both and your friendship means so much to me.
I love you both so much ♥️
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