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The Laywright date went well all things considered (They didn't have any milk or juice. The tea bags aren't in the fridge.)
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moon932 · 10 months
I genuinely think that Gumshoe x Miles is an underrated ship in Ace Attorney. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the appeal of Phoenix and Miles, hell I enjoy reading the fics and browsing the tags. But I think so many focus on just those two. Focus on how well they ought to know each other, and completely miss out on the other relationships within the games. Platonic or not.
(more of my thoughts under the cut)
In the games it’s said and shown multiple times that Gumshoe and Miles have a close relationship. If you ignore the generalization of Gumshoe in the later games, which is a tragedy because Gumshoe was a really interesting character in this first game. He had more dimension, and if he was done right he could’ve portrayed a really interesting viewpoint that isn’t looked at that often. One that touches on how the people within the police system view it. Not to mention how this topic will always be an important thing to discuss, for those who rely on said system and those who work within and alongside it.
But I digress this post isn’t about that.
What this post is about, is that there is a lot more depth to Gumshoe and Miles relationship than I think both the games and fandom give it credit for. There is a trust there that I honestly think run deeper than the one portrayed by Phoenix and Miles. The fact that they’ve worked closely together for years before the first game starts. The fact that in the Investigation games we get a glimpse of how their dynamic works from Miles pov, which yeah we get it in the third game but there’s something more to it in the Investigations games in my opinion. Also in the DLC of the first game, the fact that Gumshoe left Miles the brochure for that lunch place, will always make me smile. It’s the fact that it was such a natural thing, a simple “hey I know you aren’t doing well, here’s a thing I think you might like.”
Not to mention that Gumshoe was the only one who knew Miles was alive during That Year? No one seems to actually talk about that. Putting aside what I think the letter meant, the fact that not even Franziska, Miles’s sister knew if he was alive or not. But Gumshoe knew? Guys. Guys.
Again, I get the draw of Wrightworth. I do, I was also very attached to the ship when I first got into the franchise and fandom. But I do think that there is something to be said about the other relationships portrayed in game that aren’t overly stated.
If this post was shit I’m sorry, please forgive any errors I’ll work on fixing grammar another day. Maybe I’ll also talk about my opinion of langworth if anyone is interested in that.
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film-in-my-soul · 4 months
#30 please.
Thank you for asking :3
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
I was wracking my brain to answer this one and then remembered that I have an abandoned WIPs folder I could pull from. The last one in that folder that was touched was my Febuwhump prompts from all the way back in 2023. I had them all planned out and everything. Even wrote a few! So, in honor of that, I'll drop the first one that was part of that collection, as well as mention the last true fic I was going to write. It was a Hangman/Rooster psychic AU. Hangman was going to have psychic powers that he could control, but upon saving Rooster and shaking hands, a psychic bond is formed. Now, anytime Rooster thinks of Hangman, Hangman can feel/hear what Rooster is thinking. Hangman, of course, does not know this, that it's Rooster he's hearing, or it's him that Rooster is thinking about when he... does things, but boy, when he finds out, it was gonna be interesting.
Writer Ask Game!
[Hangster - Touch-starved Jake snapping at Bradley not to touch him even though he wants it. Under the cut]
Jake aches.
There’s a rawness to his skin that makes it feel two sizes two small, pulling taunt over his bones and making him antsy. When he smirks, all false promises and painstaking confidence, he feels like his face may split apart from it with how tight everything is. If it comes off as more of a gritting of teeth, either no one can tell, or they’re too polite to mention.
He did just save the day, after all.
At least, that’s what everyone keeps telling him. And he knows it’s true, knows in the marrow of his bones (the same ones that feel like they’re buzzing) that he’d been the difference between a party and empty caskets. It just doesn’t stop the aching.
It intensifies every time; bending over the pool table and punching the cue ball with vicious precision, he catches a glimpse of Payboy and Fanback, practically glued to one another as they lean on the wall next to the jukebox, heads tilted together, ears touching. Or when Bob hesitantly reaches out a hand to tug Phoenix along with him toward the bar to get refills on their drinks as they switch players.
It’s impossible to ignore when Rooster saunters up to the piano with a stranger on his arm and tugs them onto his lap to bang around some keys and make them laugh, a head falling back on his shoulder.
Jake’s toothpick snaps between his suddenly grinding teeth, and the full-body throb transforms into a yawning pit of nothing. His skin is a void, it doesn’t exist; he doesn’t exist. Even as they call his name, his call sign, raise another toast in drunken honor, Jake “Hangman” Seresin is no longer there, no tether to keep himself inside a body that is splitting itself apart at the invisible seams and blowing away like ash.
There’s a hand coming down between his shoulder blades, not smacking or shocking (though it’s more of the delay at feeling it than from it not being a surprise), and the sensation of slamming back into a physical form is like a vacuum.
Jake doesn’t mean to, because it weakness to do so, but he jolts away from it, the too much all-at-once mismatch of want and hate at the touch forcing him away from it.
Rooster’s just lucky Jake hadn’t sung. Regardless, he binks slowly, hand held up between them, fingers splayed at the unexpected response. Jake swallows down the sharpness rising with a smirk, thin enough at the edges to cut.
He reaches out with his pool stick and knocks it into Rooster’s hand, knocking it away.
“Gettin’ a bit familiar there, aren’t we Rooster?” It’s a miracle that Jake’s voice comes out drawled and amused rather than tight with the tension he’s sure is visible in his shoulders.
Watching the furrowed confusion form between Rooster’s eyes is just as gut-wrenching as watching him draw back fully, taking Jake’s taunt to heart.
Jake can’t help watching it, tracing the distances as it grows inch after inch, the lingering warmth of Rooster’s palm on his back, burning, asking Jake to call it back.
It will hurt either way, Jake figures. To have it or to have to let it go once he’s got it.
So he bites the inside of his mouth, smirks harder somehow, and says nothing at all.
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oodlyenough · 8 months
4-2 turnabout corner
alright finished this case and i guess i'm doing case review posts now. i'm playing this for the first time so no spoilers for future stuff please:
this was pretty fun! and for the most part the problem-solving remained coherent, so that was nice. i feel like i never got any answers about the hit and run though...? i kept expecting it to be more relevant in the end and it just never was. i guess we had no time for that because we had to talk about trucy's panties for the three billionth time
but it was the first case with trucy and first real chance to see apollo do anything, and they're pretty fun. i like unsettling baby genius trucy. even if she totally stole my glory in court because i personally had also figured this out, catch up apollo, stop thinking like a normal person
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apollo as the long-suffering straightman is more entertaining than i expected. the dynamic he has with the wrights is pretty funny, just like constantly ganged up on and bamboozled by their double act. poor apollo bawling after trucy fake kidnaps herself lmfao oh buddy
beanix cracks me up. it's so easy to wind apollo up and everyone does it with gusto. i think like 80% of what he says to apollo at any given time is a lie. it's a very funny dynamic to me lmao, "if anything i see you more as a BOTHER figure". i keep thinking of a text post i saw on here, i can't even remember if it was talking about AA specifically or just fandom in general, but talking about how fandom tends to ignore the existence of relationships besides "literal family" or "lovers", and ended with "normalize coworkers". anyway i think about "normalize coworkers" like every time apollo and phoenix interact.
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the game is definitely inviting me to question his integrity at all times but the thing is i like phoenix more than anyone else in this game and it's not close, so...
i said it in other posts but adult ema rules!!! i love cranky sarcastic women. related to the point above, i really appreciate having her there as the other tie to the trilogy, and as someone who knew phoenix from before and is loyal to him. same girl same.
i also like klavier, he's fun. i'm curious to know what his deal is since it's not at all apparent why he's doing any of this to me, he doesn't seem to hold any grudge on kristoph's behalf. (what, he just likes law? a normal motivation? in my AA??? is that allowed)
on more negative notes:
i could really have done without an entire running gag for the entire case being about panties and panty snatching and especially a 15 year old telling me about her panties like every line of dialogue. i get that the "joke" is that it's meant to be weird and uncomfortable and apollo is uncomfortable. but like. christ lmao free me
the alcoholic phoenix jokes are not it for me, man! feels sleazy and uncomfortable and i know the game is never even going to like. treat it seriously. they can't even say the word wine. i can excuse weird cryptid phoenix who speaks in riddles and is generally kind of an asshole but i draw the line at "alcoholic single father". fuck off lmao.
in general, a lot of the stuff they're doing with phoenix here so far is, like, tolerable to me only inasmuch as i've been spoiled for it and i also can approach it as a sort of midpoint; i know most people don't like aa5+6, and my opinion may change a bit after i play them, but right now the idea of the series ending here, with washed out (alcoholic????) loser phoenix is so bleak and depressing, and falls into a lot of sequel media tropes i find tired. you often see franchises end their original run on a high note only to follow it up years later with a sequel that's like "but it was all for nought, everyone went their separate ways and Our Hero kind of sucks now". if i'd played this unspoiled in whatever year it was it came out i'd've been so pissed lmao
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
A little snippet from the next chapter please 🙏
I love this fic so much, I can’t wait for the next chapters!
sure <3
“What’s wrong with Potter?” he mutters, voice purposely lowered considering the flimsiness of the door. Lupin keeps his hands steady, letting the spell finish its work. “The last time this happened,” he says, grimly, “James’s dad was killed. He still blames himself for it.” Sirius frowns. He knows the story of how Fleamont Potter died—he was executed by Lord Voldemort, the day the Order of the Phoenix was defeated in battle and driven underground. “Why would he blame himself?” Sirius asks, “Wasn’t he, like, eight?” Lupin freezes, for a moment, as if only just realising what he’s said. Then he draws back, ignoring the question, eyes fixed on the hastily-healed wound.
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happy father’s day to grimshaw pua is throwing him the biggest party she bullied everyone into helping ☺️☺️ she made a big banner that says ‘HAPPY FATHER’s DAY GRIMSHAW’ and made a card and got everyone to put out snacks and food
rubs my little raccoon hands together
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His visible eye widened in surprise at the state of the common room. The foldable tables were put out, containing a spread of foods and drinks for everyone. A large banner spanned the wall above the table, there were even a few presents here and there on a separate table.
"Happy father's day, Grimshaw!" Nohealani excitedly announced as he stood in the doorway. The man in question rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, light tanned skin flushing visibly.
Achlys knew he wasn't the only Valorant agent with a child, but that wasn't necessarily his story to tell. Still, he knew it wasn't the reality of the matter that Nohealani was drawing from, but rather, his treatment of her. She couldn't know of the life he left behind, he still hadn't revealed everything to the Protocol after his previous arrest.
He had to keep her safe. That was his priority. So he smiled despite the pain in his heart, how many years had it been since he last saw Jacinta? Did she still remember him? Noheleani grabbed his arm, tugging him towards the present table.
"Kim-Ly and I set everything up! We got all your favourite snacks and there's gelato in the fridge!" She seemed pleased, hyper as she went through everything they gathered for the man in question and the big day.
"Thank you both." Achlys managed to hold his smile even as she handed him a card with a small wrapped present. He took it in gloved hands, he tucked the present under his arm and opened the card. She really did manage to get everyone to sign it, a sheepish smile on his face as he read all of the scrawled names.
Thanks for always bringing snacks when Jett won't share -Iso
Happy birthday dadman! -Phoenix
Gelato's on me next week! -Mua Lan
There were several small notes and he read them all, managing to keep the smile on his face steady. He appreciated all of the younger members of the Protocol, he really did. But it wasn't the same.
There would always be one name missing.
Achlys looked up from the card, nodding at Nohealani to show he appreciated it. But he could feel Amir's eyes on him from where the agent was standing beside the wall. One person knew.
When the truth of which world he came from came to light. One person was able to dig deep enough. But Achlys ignored the man's stare, turning his attention to the present instead.
"You didn't have to get me anything.."
"It's nothing! Open it open it!"
Achlys would try to match Nohealani's excitement at least. For her sake.
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kazryuuu · 2 years
HELLO, I AM THE OP OF THE DAHLIA HAUNTING KRISTOPH POST. DID YOU SAY YOURE DOING A REWRITE OF THE SEQUELS WITH DAHLIA IN IT??? WOULD YOU LIKE TO ELABORATE PLEASE???? (it's cool if you don't; feel free to ignore this. it just sounded really cool hskdhdk 💞💖💓💝❤️)
YESSS!!!!! I AM! to be clear i REALLY love dd and soj, but everything seemed a bit.. lifeless or confusing after aa4 and i really wanted to include clay in aa4, so i decided im doing a rewrite of the second trilogy !! im gonna do one for the first trilogy as well - but ill focus on dahila and kristoph rq!! in the gavins backstory, they move to LA with their mother so kris can go to a college which happens to be the one dahila and feenie are at, dahila and kristoph meet waaay before feenie and her ever got together - kristoph, is a closeted gay and the two end up pretending to date one another to please kristoph's mother, kristoph is also close friends with feenie and dahila comments on how she knows kristoph likes feenie, kris denies it but she says she'll hook the two up. and what do you know! kristoph finds out after a break (because his mother isnt great and he cares a lot for klavier, so he was staying back home to take care of him) that dahila and feenie were dating. mean girls style ofc, dahila is the cause of the scar on kristoph's hand, a promise to just . ruin phoenix's life when he can, if you look at one of my drawings in a wip comic im doing, college kris has a bandage over his hand and feenie has the necklace dahila gifted him! anyways. story goes on as usual (mostly, still tweaking with stuff) and kristoph visits dahilas grave with klavier once he could. glances at the scar on his hand and it just. throbs. he cut ties with phoenix after college, and once he meets phoenix again, the scar that was just There throbs so much klavier and begged him to try and seek medical attention, one of the many reasons why kristoph is evil is because of the promise he made dahila, and every time he isn't doing said promise he only gets hurt in the process of it. that's sorta the gist of it, the pain lessens once the forgery happens and he 'wraps' a newly disbarred phoenix around his finger, he sees dahila in mirrors, thinks he sees her when he passes places he and phoenix used to hang out at, she's in his Dreams and every waking moment dahila is hanging Right over kristoph.
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ratgirlhime · 3 years
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ron delite thief of my heart
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chronomally · 3 years
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Family curse
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winchesterandpie · 2 years
Done waiting
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x fem!reader
Word Count: 1621
Warnings: Very self-indulgent, major insecurities, lots of fluff/comfort
A/N: I really appreciate the support on the other Rooster fics I've been posting--you guys are making it fun to post! This is based on a post that tumblr won't let me link, though I think it was originally intended to have a more goofy tone, so my apologies. Nonetheless, I enjoyed writing it! Without further ado, here you go!
You had been best friends with Rooster since you met in the Top Gun program. Somewhere along the line, you’d fallen in love with him. If you were someone else, you might have told him. However, you were well aware that he couldn’t feel the same, so you never said anything.
It was easier to ignore after Top Gun, when you were both on distant assignments and only able to text or call occasionally. Now, summoned back to Top Gun, for a mission they wouldn’t tell you about until you arrived, you were terrified. For yourself, sure, but also for Rooster. The fear for him was what had your feelings threatening to bubble over.
You needed to get it under control tonight, before the training started. Unfortunately, Rooster was making that difficult.
“Hey, are you okay, Hawk?” The man himself nudged your shoulder, snapping you back to awareness
“Yeah, sorry. Just thinking.” You flashed a tight smile before taking a swig of your drink.
“‘Bout what?”
“They’ve called us all back here. It’s gotta be something serious, I just can’t figure out what.”
“I’m sure they’ll tell us tomorrow. No sense in worrying just yet.”
“Who said I was worried, Roose?”
“Please, I know you. Your eyebrows draw together here,” he said, lifting his hand to touch the spot between them, “and they lift just a little.”
“It’s that obvious, huh?” you chuckled.
“Just to me.” Rooster’s half-smile matched yours. “C’mon, let’s go for a walk. We can catch up.”
“So, how was overseas? Meet anyone special?” you asked once you were out of the Hard Deck.
He laughed, leaning into you to stay upright. “No, no, nothing like that.”
“Oh, I find that hard to believe, big guy. They weren’t swooning over your every flex?” you teased.
“I’ll have you know I don’t just go around flexing.”
“Mmhmm, whatever you say.”
“What about you, then?” Rooster grinned, raising an eyebrow at you.
“What about me?”
“Meet anybody lately?”
“Nah, that was never my thing.” You brushed it off, dropping your gaze. You hadn’t had anyone interested in you before, and you weren’t going to start moping about it now. Certainly you weren’t planning to tell Bradley anything about it. Instead, you turned it back to him once again. “Really? No crushes, no dates, nothing?”
“Well, I…” It was his time to duck his head, catching your attention. “Not--”
“Uh uh, what was that?”
“What was what?” He turned toward you, stopping in the sand.
“You hesitated! There’s definitely someone.” Despite your teasing, his clear interest in someone hit you like a punch in the gut.
“Who said there was someone?” he deflected.
“Please, I know you,” you parroted his words from earlier.
“Fine, alright,” he admitted with a sigh. “There is someone I like.”
“Ooh, and the whole Navy is full of broken hearts for it.” Your heart was among them. “When did that start? Have you said anything to them?”
“I’ve been dropping the most insanely obvious hints for a few years now.” He started walking again, his shoulders drooping ever so slightly before he spoke again. “No response from her.”
“Ok, but what you think is obvious isn’t always actually obvious. You’re sure she would pick up on it?” Quietly, you told yourself that Rooster was your best friend. If this was how he would be happy, you resigned yourself to helping him win over his mystery crush.
“Phoenix said she could see it from a mile away.”
“You told Phoenix before me?” That stung.
“No, she saw it happen. Came up to me to tease me afterward.” It stung less, but the ache in your chest didn’t lessen with it.
“She sounds a little stupid, no offense.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “No, not stupid. She’s quite smart, actually. Just a bit dense.” 
The undeniable fondness in his voice hurt. You had never been under any illusion that he would be interested in you. Bradley was so far out of your league in every way that mattered. Given time, you knew you would get better at acting. Perhaps you would even get past your feelings for him.
“Maybe you just need to be more obvious?” you suggested.
“How would I do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe just say it to her. Maybe ‘Hey, I love you,’ or something like that.”
“Not a bad idea,” he acknowledged before turning to address you by your name. Your real name, not your callsign. “Hey, I love you.”
“Exactly like that.” You swallowed the hurt of knowing he wouldn’t ever mean that about you no matter how much you wished he would. “Now just tell it to her. And let me know how it goes.” You bumped his shoulder with yours.
“And y’know, if she still doesn’t get it, she’s too dumb for you, Roose.”
He said your name again.
You wished he would stop. Stop making you melt with just his voice. Stop making you feel things you knew better than to feel. Stop making you wonder if he might just reciprocate. Stop making you wish for what might be.
“Do you really not know?” he asked, his face scrunching in confusion.
“Know what? You’re not making any sense.”
“Hawk, it’s you. I love you.”
You laughed incredulously and something like anger grew in his face. Still, you shook your head as you started off down the beach again. “No, no you don’t.”
He stood there for a second, stunned, before jogging after you. “What the hell do you mean I don’t?”
“I mean you don’t love me. You can’t…” You cut yourself off, trying not to cry. “You can’t love me.” 
The anger in his face creased into concern when he heard the sob you choked off. His arms opened, reaching for you. You went to him without hesitation, wrapping your arms around him as you tried to force your shoulders not to shake. His hand held the back of your head, keeping you secure against him. Bradley’s breathing was deep and even, something you used to slow your own gasping breaths. He held you for a long minute, even after you calmed.
“Why can’t I love you?” he asked quietly.
“Why would anyone?” you returned his question with another. “Especially you. You’re… everything--brilliant, talented, funny, gorgeous, kind, everything--and I… I’m just me. You could have anyone you wanted and I just don’t see how you could want me.”
He squeezed you tighter for a minute before he pulled back to look at you. You avoided his gaze, still sniffling a little. His hand moved to your chin, gently encouraging you to lift your head. After a moment, you did, bringing your eyes to his briefly.
“Sweetheart, I--”
You cut him off with a hand over his mouth. “If you’re going to keep talking, I want you to be sure you mean it. I had a guy ask me out as a joke once and I don’t think I could handle it if you did that to me too.”
Bradley took hold of your wrist, moving your hand so it rested over his heart. “I promise you, I would never do that.” He waited for you to nod before he continued. “I do love you. I have since you gave me that old record.”
“Really? That was all the way back when we were in Top Gun.” When you chuckled weakly, his lips tilted up into a half-smile.
“Yeah. I’ve been trying to work up to asking you out since then. Better late than never, I guess.”
“Technically, you still haven’t.” You might have winked at him if you didn’t still feel raw. As it was, you managed a teasing tone that broadened his grin.
“You’re absolutely right. Allow me to rectify that mistake.” Bradley tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear. This time when he said your name, delicious shivers ran down your spine. “Let me take you on a date?”
“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”  You felt warm as he looked at you in the moonlight. Perhaps it was the reflection of that light that seemed to glow in his eyes that made you braver. “I love you too, Bradley.”
“Yeah?” Shyness colored his tone--a rarity for him.
“Since you found me that time on the beach. You know which one.” You smiled, watching his hazel eyes. “I… I’m sorry for earlier. I shouldn’t have laughed.”
“Hey, no, it’s okay. I understand,” he reassured immediately. “I wish you knew how amazing you are, but until then, can you trust me to believe it for both of us?”
“There’s no one on this earth I trust more than you,” you said, your gaze turning a little uncertain after a moment. “You might have to remind me once in a while, though.”
He pulled you back into his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before leaning his cheek there. “I’ll remind you as often as you need for as long as you let me.”
You were fighting tears again, this time wondering how you had possibly gotten so lucky. Bradley didn’t say anything, just held you close. He let you be the one to pull back, and you tucked yourself into his side for the walk back to his car.
“So, about that date,” you started, grinning up at him. “What are you thinking?”
“Well, I was thinking we could make dinner, get ice cream, the whole nine yards.”
“When are you gonna pick me up, sunshine?”
“Same as always, sweetheart,” he squeezed you closer by the shoulders, kissing your forehead. “6 sharp from the locker room after whatever their training is tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait.”
“Me neither.”
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Little Games
This story is a little more risque than I normally write so please read the warnings carefully. Likes are wonderful, but reblogs and comments feed the muse. 
Summary: Miles knows it’s wrong to watch you but he just can’t help himself.  Pairing: Miles Miller (Bad Times a the El Royale) x F!Reader 
Word Count: 1.4K Warnings: Explicit, 18+ only. Consensual voyeurism (although Miles doesn’t know that at first), m and f masturbation and explicit sexual content. A/N: Thank you @callsign-phoenix for reading this over and @callsignhurricane for the beautiful header!
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It’s a slow day when you check into the El Royale. Miles is half asleep at the front desk, chin resting on his hand as he struggles to hold his head up and pay attention to the nightly news playing on the tv. His eyes gradually start to close until the sound of your voice snaps him out of it. He stands abruptly, blinking rapidly while tugging at the hem of his uniform. 
You’re wearing a pretty dress and give him a kind smile. There’s something familiar about you that he can’t quite place. Maybe it’s the color of your eyes or the slope of your nose. He feels like he’s seen you before. 
You listen patiently through the speech he’s required to give, nodding along sweetly. When he asks for your room choice you specifically request one on the Nevada side, a manicured nail tapping on the map to indicate your selection. He likes how you smile, making sure to look him in the eyes and actually listen. So many guests that stay at the hotel are rude or in a hurry but not you. You watch him like he’s the most important man in the room. It makes him feel good. Seen. 
“Thank you for your help, Miles,” you tell him, straightening out his crooked name badge.
Miles can feel himself flush at your praise and he nods, not trusting himself to speak. You don’t seem to mind his shyness, watching him with a fond look. When you leave, his gaze strays to the sway of your hips. You’re beautiful though not in the flashy way a lot of the women who came here were. It’s an understated beauty, one that draws him in and makes him feel comfortable. 
He spends most of the next hour thinking about you with a dreamy little sigh. He wonders what you’re doing in the room. If you're comfortable. Maybe you need more towels or perhaps another blanket. It got cold here at night. Miles doesn’t want to disturb you though. No, that would be rude. 
You must be tired after a long day. He imagines you’ve slipped off your black heels and discarded your jewelry by now. Maybe you’re already in your pajamas. He just knows you’d look pretty in anything you wore…
A little peek wouldn’t hurt he reasons. Just to make sure you were safe and comfortable. You’d never even know he was there. He promises himself he’ll be quick, trying to ignore that guilty feeling as he creeps along. Miles has never been tempted to look into a room he hasn’t been told to film before but there is something special about you. He likes to think you wouldn’t mind either.
When Miles turns the corner and looks into your room he’s unprepared for what he finds. 
You're naked and spread out on the bed, angled perfectly for him to see exactly what you're doing to yourself. You move slowly, dragging two fingers through your folds before working up to that bundle of nerves hiding at the apex of your slit. You rub your fingers there in a circular motion, hips lifting off the bed. The moan you make goes straight to his dick and he swallows hard, hands clenched into fists at his side. 
Miles knows it's wrong to keep watching but he can't make himself look away. He loves how your eyes flutter as you plunge your fingers in and out of yourself slowly, toes curling when you hit the right spot. He can hear how wet you are through the speaker. It’s obscene and it makes his mouth water. He wishes he could smell you, taste you even. He imagines what it'd feel like to be inside you, warm and tight. The way you'd moan his name and clutch him close. 
"Fuck," he whispers, fumbling to get a hand in his pants, his whole body burning with need. 
It feels like he might die if he doesn’t touch himself. He grasps his cock and matches your rhythm, squeezing and pumping his length in time with your fingers. You sigh and pluck one nipple and then the other, massaging your breast while your other finger circles your clit furiously. Your mouth forms a perfect O as you come with a cry. Miles follows a second after, spilling into his hand and panting hard. 
After the rush of pleasure leaves his body, guilt creeps in. Miles closes his eyes, ashamed. When he opens them you’re still lying there, naked and on display for him. Beautiful. He doesn’t understand how something that feels so good could be a sin. How the joy you brought yourself could be so bad, but he knows in his heart of hearts what just happened was wrong. It’s another mark against him in God’s book.
He grimaces, his hands sticky with rapidly cooling cum. Miles cleans himself up the best he can with a handkerchief in his pocket and tucks himself away. When he washes up and returns to the front desk there’s still a flush on his skin. Every time he closes his eyes he sees you and it makes his stomach clench. He already knows he’s going back to watch you again. You’re here for the whole week. He’s done so much bad in his life and hurt so many people. When he looks at you he can forget that for just a moment. 
If he was a braver or better man he might try to talk to you. Ask you to join him for a nightcap but he’s not. He works here after all and there’s so much blood on his hands. He doesn’t want to sully you. It’s better he just watches. 
As if his thoughts have summoned you, Miles looks up and finds you walking towards the front desk. There’s a spring in your step, your pretty dress swishing around your legs. He knows now what you’re hiding beneath your clothes, how your face looks twisted up in pleasure. His cock twitches, an ache springing to life again at the base of his spine. Miles clears his throat, voice a touch too high when he greets you. 
“Evening,” you return, resting your elbows on the counter. 
You’re close enough that he can smell your perfume, something light and floral. There's a hint of something muskier too. He drops his gaze to your hands. Would they still taste like you, he wonders? For a long moment, Miles just stares at them. When you say his name softly again he looks up and pulls at the collar of his shirt. 
“Can I help you with something, ma’am?”
“I came to see if you enjoyed the show.”
Miles freezes, an icy feeling washing over his body. His heart thumps long and loud against his chest. You couldn’t possibly know, could you? 
“The show?” He questions, voice cracking. 
“I know you were watching me, Miles,” you say, leaning even closer. You bite your lip and grin. “I used to work here. I know what the employees get up to when there are guests.”
When Miles opens his mouth the only sound that escapes is a wheeze. You tilt your head and suddenly he sees what he didn’t before. He recognizes you. You were one of the cart girls that worked the lobby when he first started. He remembers you were sweet even then but you’d left shortly after he joined the staff. You look so different standing in front of him now, bold and sure of yourself. 
“I see you remember me now,” you tell him. “I was so happy to find you still working here. I thought about you from time to time after I left.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Miles stammers. 
“It’s okay, really. I wanted you to watch. Hoped you might even join me.”
"Uhhh," he replies dumbly, grunting when you reach for his tie to pull him closer. 
"That's alright," you purr. "I don't actually need you to talk. I have other plans for that mouth if you're interested."
Miles feels lightheaded, his whole body charged like a live wire. 
"Yes," Miles manages to push out, his entire face on fire. 
Hesitantly he reaches out and touches the back of your hand. Your skin is soft and he licks his lips, watching yours part with a grin. 
"Well come on then. We can make a little video of our own," you tell him with a wink.
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fannish-karmiya · 2 years
Onto another fandom gripe of mine...I have for so long seen Jiang Yanli get hate, and in particular people often say that she failed to help WWX while he was in trouble in the Burial Mounds and should have done more for him. I’ve even seen posts which are very reasonable and not hateful of her at all say things like this, and I think one issue at play (beyond the misogyny inherent in some of the more hateful takes about her) is that a lot of fandom doesn’t seem very familiar with what life was like for women in Chinese history. Or history in general, actually; a lot of the broad outlines are really similar across many time periods and cultures.
This isn’t going to be a full essay with sources and quotes, I’m just doing a sort of rough talk about it, so please bear with me. A full essay with some actual academic sources on the lives of women in Chinese history, comparing it to what we see in MDZS, could be really interesting, though, and I may earmark that as something to do in the future. I have the sources on my pc and bookshelf anyway!
So. One thing JYL gets criticised for a lot is not helping WWX when he settles down with the Wens in the Burial Mounds. People say that she shouldn’t have just brought him some soup and showed off her wedding dress, he was starving and poor and needed money!
But I think people don’t quite understand the social structure at play here. Money in Chinese families was (and sometimes still is today) communal, and the head of the family had the final say in what was spent and on what. We see,, near the end of the novel during the extras, LWJ give WWX a jade token and say that can be used to draw sect money. WWX, meanwhile, as a kid used to be able to just pick stuff up at Lotus Pier and it would be put on a tab which JFM paid off at the end of the month. The head of the family can see what money is being drawn from the sect coffers and by whom, and if it’s being spent on something they disapprove of how do you think that would go?
JC would absolutely not allow JYL to draw sect money in order to send it to WWX, and she could hardly give WWX anything during the wedding dress visit, which JC monopolised the whole time. What could she do, hide some money or jewellery in the soup bowl?? And after JYL marries, any money she has access to is her husband’s money, ultimately controlled by her father-in-law who is one of WWX’s greatest enemies.
Now, you can say that JYL could have sent him money secretly, but this would wind up causing far more problems than it would actually help. JYL and WWX are not related by blood, and we see time and again in canon that cultivation society does not respect her claim that they are siblings (look at that scene at Phoenix Mountain where she defends him; everyone refrains from directly disparaging her due to her social rank, but no one wants to give in, either, because they disagree with her). Immediately after this scene Jin-furen doesn’t want to let JYL go back down the mountain with WWX, because they don’t have a chaperone, to which JYL reiterates again that WWX is her brother (which Jin-furen ignores).
JYL trying to send letters or gifts or money to WWX, a man she is not related to who is not her husband, would have, if discovered, led to accusations of adultery. It could have ruined her reputation and marriage and caused a lot of trouble for WWX, to boot. WWX would surely not have accepted such attempts on JYL’s part if she did make them, knowing the consequences if they were discovered.
JYL did what she could for WWX; she spoke in his favour frequently (the gossipers during pt1 of Nightfall note that she speaks fondly of her shidi a lot) and encourages her husband to invite WWX to their son’s one-month celebration. Had it not been for the ambush (a plan which JZXuan was kept out of the loop from specifically because he might disapprove or tell his wife), then the meeting could have served as a means to re-invite WWX back into ‘polite’ society. It could have served to show everyone that WWX really is just living peacefully in the Burial Mounds and isn’t a threat.
The idea that JYL betrayed WWX or was selfish in marrying JZXuan and marrying into LLJ ignores two major issues. One is that who JYL marries, or if she marries at all, is really not up to her. It’s the decision of the head of her family, her brother at that point. And as I’ve written about before, I think there’s some subtext that JC was quite happy to marry JYL into LLJ and make a stronger alliance with them, regardless of whether she still cared for JZXuan or not. Women were essentially viewed as the property of male family members for much of human history; even up until a few decades ago (and still in many countries!) women couldn’t do things like open a bank account or rent or buy a house without a male relative or husband to co-sign for her!
This would leave JYL with only one option if she didn’t want to marry into LLJ: to flee. She could either try to marry someone else (who? especially who would be willing to defy both YMJ and LLJ in the process), probably using a ‘Romance of the Western Chamber’ tactic in the process, or she could...run away? What would fans have her do? Run away to Yiling and live with WWX and the Wens in the Burial Mounds?
The exact same problem, only more extreme, would come up then. JYL is, remember, a woman in (fantasy) ancient China, not a full citizen with the right to make her own life decisions. JC could just refuse to accept her decision and instead claim that WWX kidnapped her, which may well have given the Jins the excuse they needed early in order to rally the sects against WWX and mount a siege. Even if people accepted that JYL went there of her own free will, this would surely have led to the sects believing that JYL was seduced by WWX and they were having an affair. JC already stabbed WWX in the guts during their duel (not that I believe JYL ever knew about that). What would he have done if he believed that WWX had ‘stolen’ JYL away from him?
I think fandom often judges JYL as if she’s a man and has all the freedom of movement and self-determination which that implies, but she’s not. She’s a woman under the thumb of first her brother then her husband and father-in-law, and she doesn’t even have strong cultivation, not that that would change the way society views her.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Angels on Earth
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Pairing: Ron Weasley x Chubby!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.8k
Request: “CONGRATS ON 300 FOLLOWERS!!!! I love your writing sm <3
this is my first time ever making a request and recently I found out that the person I was dating is still in love with their ex so I'm looking for comfort rn hehe
could you do a 23, 33, 35 with Ron, a mix of fluff and smut? chubby/plus size fem reader please”
Summary: Ron thought he was obvious, but it was clear (Y/n) was more obvious.
Warnings: Sexual themes
A/N: This took a while but I’ve also been busy but, enjoy!
23. “Cause I never believed there was a heaven till I found you.”
33. “Would you fuck me if I was skinny?” “I’d fuck you right now.”
35. “If you wanted a kiss you should’ve just said so.”
For as long as Ron could remember, he had always found his potions partner to be beautiful. Who could blame him? (Y/n) was a beautiful girl. Round cheeks, soft all around, beautiful (h/c) hair, and the prettiest set of (e/c) eyes he had ever seen. But that wasn’t originally what drew him in, it was everything else. (Y/n) had an aura that surrounded her that was so bright, so full of life. Everyone who befriended her was always in a positive mood, smiles seen left and right from the jokes she’d tell. Even right now, with her hair pulled back from her face and the cute little goggles she insisted on wearing, he couldn’t help but admire her.
“Right. I think that should be it.” She said, pushing the goggles up her face as she turned her head to look at him. His face flushed and if she had noticed, she didn’t say much. “That is unless you fucked something up. Merlin knows how bad you are with Potions Weasley.” she giggled, his heart pulling and racing in his chest. 
“Oi! ‘M not that bad. Plus you didn’t let me touch anything, should be fine unless you managed to make a mistake.” He leaned towards her a bit with a devious smirk. “But it’s impossible for you to do that isn’t it? I forgot you were just a perfect princess.” He pulled away, eyes trained on the potion in the cauldron in front of them. Amortentia, was it? He found it a bit strange because he couldn’t smell anything but the girl’s perfume no matter how far he leaned in. In his own state of confusion, he completely missed the girl’s own shocked look on her face.
“What do you smell?” she questioned, gathering her things due to the period drawing to a close. His eyes widened at his realization before calming down. Now was a better time than ever. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before sighing.
“You.” his eyes shot open at the sound of a snort. (Y/n) had made her way towards the exit of the potions room, (e/c) eyes rolling at him as she shot him a smile. She went to leave the room before giving him an up and down.
“If you wanted a kiss you should’ve just said so.” she teased, shooting him a wink before exiting the room. He groaned, rubbing his hands up and down his face as he adjusted the awkward bulge in his pants. He stood, gathering his things as he huffed to himself.
“I’m in deep aren’t I?” he said out loud, ignoring the look his slimy potion’s teacher gave him. Without another word, he left continuing on his path to his next dreadful class of the day.
“She probably thought you were joking.” Harry said, causing Ron to give him a glare. Even though there was a big possibility that Harry was right, he didn’t want to believe him. He thought his attempt was a good one! He was direct about what he meant, right?
“He’s got a point. You guys usually joke around and mess with each other a lot. She probably thought you were cracking a joke. Have you tried just telling her how you feel?” Luna asked as if the answer was obvious. Ron felt his brow twitch as he sighed, sinking down in his seat more as he threw his head back.
“What can be more obvious than saying you smell someone in your Amortentia? Do you guys even think?” He questioned.
“Do you? Cause if you did then you’d know that was a poor attempt.” Hermione chimed. Although at first he was sure his attempt was good, that it was obvious, suddenly he was beginning to have second thoughts. Was he clear enough? Sure, you could say one thing but he’d be the first to admit his actions didn’t match. He huffed, looking at his friends, desperation hidden in his eyes.
“Well, what should I say then?” 
“Say something truthful! Let your heart speak for what your actions couldn’t.” Ginny chimed, causing them all to give her a strange look. She crossed her arms, looking away with red cheeks. “What? I think I’d know what chicks like, I do shag em afterall.”
“So tell us, what does your heart say Ron?” Luna asked, he sighed as he racked his brain. He liked her a lot. How could he not? (Y/n) was beautiful, a gift from the heavens above. The softness of her skin, the roundness of her tummy, and those beautiful luscious thighs. He was surprised no one else had made a move on her yet. She was kind too, always willing to help her fellow (y/h/h) in need.
A lovesick dopey look took over his face. “I...I’d say…” he let out a dreamy noise as hearts took over his eyes, “I never believed there was a heaven till I found you. Never believed angels walked among us at Hogwarts, that I think she’s amazing and I-”
“Okay ew that’s enough. I’m gonna be sick. Save it for her.” his sister said, grimacing as she stood up. “And with that note, I’m gone. Why not tell  her at the Gryfindor party tonight? I’m sure she’ll be there!” Ron gulped nervously. That soon? Surely a few hours wasn’t enough time to prepare! Maybe he’d try in a few months…
However as he looked across the hall, seeing some twit practically eye fucking her, it was settled. Tonight he would tell her and if not, he’d at least make some progress.
Ron let out a shaky deep breath, wiping his sweaty hands along the front of his jeans. Whether it was the sweltering heat of all the warm bodies, the shots he had taken, or the thought of what he had set out to do tonight he didn’t know, but either way he was burning like a phoenix. His eyes trailed the room nervously, looking for (Y/n). How was he sure she’d be here anyways? She wasn’t a frequent attender to parties, only showing up to them sporadically. However at the sound of a familiar laugh-snort combo, he had all he needed. 
In his buzzed(and slightly drunken) haze, he followed the sound blindly, face heating up at the girl's appearance. She wore a blush colored bodycon dress that clung to the folds and curves of her body nicely.. Her hair was styled differently than usual, but suited her perfectly nonetheless. Most things did. And when she saw him? Her face broke out in a bright smile as she hiccuped, handing her half empty cup to one of her friends. She stumbled her way over to him. He steadied her by placing his hand on her waist, looking down at her.
“Ronnn! Omg Ronnie, what’re you doing here?” she hiccuped again, giggling as she stared up at him. He smiled back at her softly, stroking along the softness of her waist.
“ I could ask you the same thing, love, you’re not much of a drinker usually.” he placed a hand on her cheek, thankful for the liquid courage flowing through his system. “You alright? Come on, let’s sit you down. You don’t seem to be too steady.” he said, guidning her towards the couch. When they got there, he expected her to sit next to him but was in shock as she parked herself in his lap. She wrapped an arm around his neck, smiling down at him drunkenly. He handed her a glass of water, the same one he had been handed earlier when he was getting a bit out of hand. She thanked him, sipping on it at a slow pace. 
After a few minutes, the hiccuping and giggles had died down from her, leaving her to form goosebumps at their current position. She was fully seated on the boy’s lap and he had his arms wrapped around her, rubbing his fingers along her soft pudgy sides. She bit her lip as she looked off to the side, before bringing her eyes back to his.
“Uh, Ron,” she started, looking down as she picked at the skin around her nail beds. Letting out a deep sigh, she continued, “Can I ask you something?” her heart began to race rapidly as she looked at him, watching as he nodded before offering her a soft smile.
“Course. What’s up?” How should she phrase it? Should she be simple? Should she-
“Would you fuck me if I was skinny?” she blurted out, eyes widening. Although she had wanted to ask him something about if he was attracted to her, she hadn’t intended on being so...bold. She was known for speaking her mind but not in situations like this! In a state of panic, she went to stand up but was pulled down by a strong pair of arms, pulling her close to an even stronger, toned chest. He chuckled in her ears, hair tickling the edge of her neck.
“Shit princess, I mean...I’d fuck you right now.” his grip on her sides tightened, trailing one hand on her thigh. Out of all the things she could’ve said, this was the last one Ron expected. (Y/n), his snarky potions partner, in his lap in that god forsaken dress asking if he’d fuck her. He felt his own heart begin to race. Did she mean to say it? Well, did she mean to say it to him? Or did she just want his opinion for someone else?
“O-oh.” she stuttered out. (Y/n) pulled back some, turning her head to look at him, finding that his eyes instantly were drawn to hers. 
“Do you mean that?” they both asked. Ron’s cheeks turned red as (Y/n) felt her own face grow warm. Both of them let out breaths they didn’t even know they were holding, laughing with one another.
“I meant it but, did you?” she asked, breath hitching of the closeness of their faces to one another. She could smell the fire whiskey mixed with hints of cannabis and weed mixing with it making her absolutely intoxicated. He nodded, pressing his forehead against hers.
“‘Course I did, love. You don’t have to be skinny for me to do anything with you, let alone fuck you. Because trust me,” he trailed a hand along her upper thigh, sliding it between the soft expanse of them. “It’d be my pleasure to fuck a woman with a body like yours. A woman so soft, so tender, bet that cunt of yours is tight and dripping. Isn’t it?” the girl squeaked, clenching her thighs around his hand. He leaned down, pecking her lips softly before pulling away, (Y/n) whimpering  in a desperate attempt to let him know she wanted more..
“And if I were to grant you that pleasure right now?” she purred, placing a soft hand on his cheek which he gladly leaned into, a dark chuckle leaving his lips.
“I’d be the luckiest man alive.”
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Can I please have headcannons for being asked out by Thatch, Marco and Ace please? <3
Thatch day request #2!!! This man is so happy to get your attention!💖 Reader is gender neutral!
Babes Below~!
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Thatch has this confidence about him that let’s you know he is packing and isn’t lying. He just radiates this type of aura that attracts you to him, rather than him to you.
He’s also super approachable due to his happy personality, which could help with some who have anxiety about things, he’s not there to judge you, he’s just there for a good time.
You two start out as friends, due to his personality, it was just easy to befriend him! Though it was safe to say on both ends there was much more going on.
He would be upfront about it, ask you straight out. “Hey, is there more to this, because I feel it.” and leave it in your field. If you say no, he will respect your decision and continue the friendship, he doesn’t mind it. If you say yes, he will suggest you two go on a date. 
The date is relatively chill, he doesn’t try to throw on any moves or make you uncomfortable, he wants you to keep the same relationship you had before, just with some extra touches. Is completely fine if you make the first move!
Marco the Phoenix
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He radiates a laid back confidence, the type that tells you it doesn’t matter what you say, he’s still going to be chill about it. That alone draws you in to see what you can do to get that cool façade to drop.
However, from all the teasing and playful pranks, you found yourself falling for the calm headed doctor. You also couldn’t tell if the man felt the same about you, always giving you the same stupid grin.
Eventually you found yourself mad, you didn’t want to continue this relationship(?) if there was only one sided feelings, it wasn’t fair to you. So you began to ignore the man every chance you got. 
Marco catches on quickly that you are upset, he will wait a bit, but finally come over, asking what was wrong, the stupid smile plastered on his face, never leaving. 
This only ends with you confessing angerly at the man, telling him how dare he play with your heart. He will of course act innocent and smile more. “If you liked me, you should have just said so, yoi~”
Portgas D. Ace
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Is a nervous mess! At least when it comes to you, that is! 
You and everyone else around him knew he had a crush on you, he just didn’t have the courage to ask you out. So one of the crewmembers decided he needed a little push!
You knew the crewmember next to you didn’t like you, that their flirtations weren’t truly targeted to get you into them, rather it was meant to get the fiery man to get jealous. And boy, did it work!
The freckled man made an quick right turn towards your direction as you and the other person talked. Sitting between you two, he gave the other member a glare, while the other only looked on innocently. “What’s wrong Ace? Did I upset you?” 
“You know I like y/n! Stop flirting with them!”
“You like me, Ace? I had nooo idea.”
Is a red mess for the rest of the evening, but will quietly ask to go on a date with you, which you happily accept since he’s such a cute boy!!
Tag List: @angeltani @admiral-hiba @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @simping-master-69 @lukasismissing @xxtoothachexx @fire-fist-ann @sanjithesimp @1-800-cherri @secretsnailor @rivvd-art @kodi-bear and anyone else who wants to join in!
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milaswriting · 3 years
"well, their reaction would be much more angsty" Ooooh 👀👀 ??? And what would be the RO's reactions in that particular scenario
In relation to this -> love potion ask (in case people haven’t seen it).
Well, I don’t feel any different…
Athalia/Asher: A cracks a few knuckles and mutters, “No, no, please just… no.” after letting out an exasperated sigh. They’re definitely annoyed at themself… how could they have been so stupid to drink a love potion? Tries to take the logical approach, ignores their feelings, ignores the hammering heart in their chest whenever they’re close to the MC and just hope the love potion fades… until they remember that the potion has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Blaire/Blaze: I imagine that B would think about the love potion whilst they’re just chilling out or something, then realise they’re not acting any different and just go, “ohhh…” B, at this point, has already had the thoughts that maybe they think of the MC as more than a friend — a love potion didn’t need to confirm that. This would just cause B a lot of overthinking, about themself, about their insecurities, about the MC and what a supernatural x human relationship would mean for them both.
Kiana/Kaidan: Thinks, ‘fuck, fuck, fuck…’ Immediately goes to P and says, “Hypothetically speaking, if someone consumed a love potion and didn’t feel any different, what does it mean?” P smirks, arches an eyebrow and says, “It means that you’re considerably fond of the person you… like.” K has a full battle with these confirmed feelings, but of course they’re still in denial and try to brush them off — and anyway, the potion had no effect because they only think the MC is good looking… right?
Phoebe/Phoenix: Yeah, P’s going to know all about a love potion. It’s not too much of a shock because they’re very in touch with their emotions but it’s still a, ‘right, so… this situation is new…’ P would definitely channel these heightened emotions into something else, reading, drawing, painting — just anything where they’re not directly in front of the MC to embarrass themself. I’m sure they’d read up on love potions too to try and prepare themself for anything that’s about to come.
Thank you for your ask.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
hey! I'm relatively new here :3 just wanted to say that I just got back into the kotlc fandom and I'm obsessed with the wings au- it's one of the first not-xreader fanfics I've genuinely enjoyed and gotten so invested in. I love the qpr-ish relationships between the characters and the way you wrote them all! the wing designs are just- *chef's kiss* and the story line behind it too- I could go on all day about it. You've honestly inspired me to try writing my own aus! I was wondering if I could post fanart of the designs? I'd be sure to credit+tag you ofc
You're such an amazing writer!
Oh my gosh this ask is so sweet I legitimately read it and straight up stopped what I was doing for a solid 20 seconds to smile at my phone. I'm sitting here like !!!!! and covering my face
Also welcome to/back to the fandom! It's fairly small overall and relatively stagnant at the moment (the two year gap between books has really changed things), but there's a solid handful of us who are here and refuse to let go :)
I'm absolutely thrilled that you love the dynamics between the characters because I think that was one of the things I was the most...not nervous, but unsure about? Not that I didn't want to do it, because I very much did, but it's generally a different dynamic than a lot of the other fics in the fandom. All the ship fics are wonderful, I was just very aware that I was intentionally flat out ignoring all romance in a fandom that loves it. I wanted to go for a "they're all a family and it's like they've always been a family and they trust each other and are there for each other without hesitation or awkwardness" kinda thing. I have one note from my original layout that just says "(domestic)" when talking about all of them.
The wing designs!! I love them all so much and it was so fun to try and figure out what to do for each of them. I was trying to do wings that were a little more obvious for the characters and wouldn't require anyone to really search up anything to figure out why they had them, more follow a mental association. Like with Linh's dragonfly wings, dragonfly you think water and Linh is a water person! The added detail of her wings specifically relating to dragons was a bonus play on words there, but do you get what i mean about the association? That's what I was going for.
The story line! It has developed so much since I first wrote it there are things happening that I never planned for and things that I meant to do that got completely ignored, but I love where the au has ended up and where it's going. It is still heading towards its original ending, but it's gotten there a different way and with different dynamics and important characters. Like Phoenix (the girl) originally was just a throwaway character from the first chapter that got the kotlcrew out of a sticky situation and made them face some things as they did so, but then someone asked about her and I went...wait a minute you're right why is she there? And now she's got a lot of relevance to like. Literally everything happening.
It's so cool that it's inspired you--if you ever do write/draw/make your own aus I'd love to see them! And if you ever have any questions on how I've made mine I love to talk about everything always, so you'll probably get a lot more information than you could ever want
As for fanart, of course!! I love seeing fanart of the au it always such a delight. Please do tag me, that way I can see it!! It's so cool to see how people interpret the words I've put down because I almost never have a concrete image in my head. I'm just going for vibes and then those vibes become different things to different people and it's so fun to see.
Thank you so so much for all the compliments this ask seriously made my day, I absolutely love hearing peoples' thoughts on the wings au. I was actually just writing for it before I answered this, so have a little teaser quote!!
“Here, this is a good example,” came Biana’s voice behind her, and she whirled back around, watching those flecks of light condense and merge and assemble themselves into the shape of her friend, her sister.
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