afyrian · 14 hours ago
(for your followers event im going to have as much fun as possible requesting)
of course………:…..:……no surprise here…..::..::::::…..with iwa <3333
(i hope this is fun to write i wanted it to be a FUN request !!)
congratulations on 600 followers!!!!!!!!!!!! you genuinely deserve it and more. you’re so talented and cool and i’m so proud of you <333
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irresistible iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader (fluff) m.list | wc: 1k | prompts: brother's best friend + band au
    "okay, no, i am not dating hajime," you hold your drumsticks, tapping the palm of your hand with the tips, "i don't get why you keep harping on this."
  "you're the one calling him hajime, even i don't call his ass hajime and i've known him way longer than you have," oikawa stands in front of your drum set, hands stuffed into his pockets, having the same conversation that he's had with you for the past few weeks.
  you take the drumsticks and set them down onto your seat. for weeks you've been telling oikawa that you in no way have had a romantic relationship with your bandmate. in no way have you found yourself at his place for more than a few nights. and in no way shape or form have you held his face in your hands as you feel his lips against your's... no way.
  "because we're close.. that's all. now, if you don't mind, i'm going to go back to my room and prep for tonight. you should probably drink some tea, your voice sounds a little gravelly," you joke, tapping oikawa's shoulder as you walk past him, listening to him ask one of the crew members of his voice is as gravelly as you say. 
  the hallway from the stage to the rooms is long. lights shine down from annoyingly white bulbs, illuminating posters on each sides of the walkway. bands new and old are featured, name plates below each one. at the very end before your room is a nameplate featuring your band name, a frame resting against the carpet flooring. the poster isn't there yet, waiting for this momentous evening. 
  opening the changing room's door, the light is already on, iwaizumi resting on your couch. a backwards baseball cap is resting over his face, arms crossed over his chest. shutting the door quietly, you slowly make your way to the couch, kneeling down beside the couch. reaching your hand up, your hand moves like molasses up to his cap, lifting it and setting it down on the ground.
  leaning up, you kiss his temple, smiling into his skin as his hand reaches up and grabs your forearm. "hello?" his voice is deep, scratchy from the deep sleep he had found himself in. 
  "hi, hajime.. you fell asleep in my room, you know oikawa would freak if he saw you in here," you lean back, running your thumb along his hairline, feeling the textural difference between his skin and hair. 
  iwaizumi's eyes open, meeting yours. his features are soft, a gentle smile forcing its way to his lips. iwaizumi runs his hand up and down your arm, chills running up and your back as he does so. "so let him freak out, i just want to relax with you before the biggest show of our career," he scoots over, creating space between him and the back of the couch, "so let's just relax for a moment..."
  "you're lucky i find you irresistible," you roll your eyes, stepping over him and laying on his arm, his fingers playing with the hem of your sleeve.
  his chin rests against the top of your head. your hands grab a hold of his free one, finger running along the creases in his palm, feeling the callouses on the tips of his fingers. a part of you can feel yourself drifting into a moment of relief. and you know that you have the concert that night, but you just want to lay there and feel his chest moving up and down slowly. 
  you want to say something more, remind him that oikawa could come in at any second, that he would pester you until the day you died. however, saying something to move iwaizumi away from you was far from anything you wanted leaving your lips. “i know we have to play tonight, but i’d much rather just stay here with you,” he whispers, shifting his head to kiss the top of yours.
  “i wholeheartedly agree,” you whisper back, taking in the scent of his cologne, “maybe after this we can celebrate together, buy some dessert or something, hangout at my place.”
  iwaizumi nods into your touch, staying quiet and only giving you his physical response as an answer. for a moment, the world is at peace. and for that very slim moment, you forget about oikawa, you forget about any of your struggles, of this relationship that you’ve kept secret for far too long. and the only thing ruining it is the sound of oikawa barreling down the hallway, pounding his feet and shouting ‘it’s showtime’!
  in a moment of urgency and confusion, you push iwaizumi away from you. he quickly falls to the ground and lands on his stomach, hands bracing the fall. it wasn’t far, and you could see that nothing happened, but his expression as he looked back at you was pure disbelief. “what the hell?” his eyebrows furrowing, only softening as he hears the door open with oikawa right behind.
  “did you hear me? it’s showtime! wait- iwa what are you doing in here?” your older brother questions, hands on his hips.
  iwaizumi looks between you and your brother, pondering for a moment if it would just be easier to tell him about your relationship. “i thought i dropped my in-ear under the couch when i came to tell y/n about the start time,” he jumps up from his spot, wiping his hands together to get the dust off. 
  “but it’s in your ear…” 
  “yeah, i realized that as soon as i fell to the ground,” iwaizumi shoves his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on the heels of his feet, “so, let’s get a move on.”
  “yeah, oikawa, let’s get a move on,” you get up from the couch, raising your eyebrows while giving him a suspiciously innocent smile. 
  oikawa narrows his eyes at the two of you, backing up into the hallway before pounding on matsukawa’s dressing room door. looking back at iwaizumi, you can see a scowl on his face. reminiscent of all the times the two of you found yourselves keeping oikawa from the truth. pursing his lips, “wow, you’re so lucky i find you irresistible.”
a/n: THANK YOU EGGY <33 i couldn’t have gotten this far without your love and support so i’ll always appreciate it!! AND i did have fun gen. taglist (open): @eggyrocks @causenessus @applepi25 @softpia @bakery-anon
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conversationsofyou · 2 days ago
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To the community that I've been a part of for a decade ♡
These are some excerpts from a couple of pieces I wrote for someone I lost
I don't know where to start
Always writing in the dark
Haven't written a poem in years
Blurred vision from all these tears
It's been one week since I found out you were gone
Almost two since you traveled on
You were in my dream last night
You were good
Still here
Woke up realized the worst fear
Our hearts are broken
Taken too soon
Grief crashes like waves
Anger from this tragedy
We are all tested in this life
Faith challenged constantly
It was a gift to know you
It was an honor to call you a friend and Brother
I know you're watching over
I won't say goodbye
Take a breath
Exhale up to the sky
I thought I would write you this text real quick
Pretend to hit send
I want to go back to the future and find your heart to fix
Press rewind and find our best friend
Fast forward through the sadness
Raise the volume on the laughter from the happiness
Tell you the whole story from beginning to end
Tell me one day this will all make sense
Why I still can't refer to you in the past tense
This void never waivers
You taught me to let go of anger
Remember when is important
This life changed afterglow
There are just a few more things I need you to know
We reminisce when our time was just for fun
Those moments flash
Project onto life's reel so fast
Still can hear your laugh
But now it's through the cosmos
Jealous of the man on the moon
Now he gets to share all the jokes with you
The stars hold the truth
Your humor and wit
They keep the moon lit
Will never be eclipsed
Now you know the secrets of the sun
Your story had just begun
Your work here was yet to be done
Your energy compiled of the wind and sunsets
Thinking of you has become a reflex
We fight to laugh and love
You're the warmth sent from above
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
We miss you
We remember you
We honor you
We celebrate you
We love you
In our hearts forever
One love
Feel free to share
@kingsofeverything @crinkle-eyed-boo @nyxdaughterofkhaos @harryshandbag @fallinglikethis @femstyles @twopoppies @beelou @alarrylarrie @andyouknowitis @roseandbee @rhea-the-eradicator @capricouis @delicatepointofview @louisgirlire @lookslikefairytale @louehandharold @loumyboobear @smileyisawesomeable @tornbetweenfandoms @the-lalbum
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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Actually, the bars aren't so bad anymore.
Think you can fix him? Read about his care instructions over at Tiger Tiger)
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theminecraftbee · 2 years ago
you know sometimes one of the things the fandom does that i like the least is joke about how certain ccs are "lorephobic" because it basically always ignores the lore they actually are really and visibly doing. like, sure, they may not be doing the lore YOU'RE looking at, but, one, lore doesn't just mean "big overarching server storyline" it can also mean solo stuff. it can also mean 'builds that have story built into them'. it can also mean 'fun little storyline between like two guys'. it can also mean character continuity. it can mean many things. two, "this guy doesn't do lore" is NOT the same thing as "this guy doesn't do the specific lore i personally like and want to see them doing" and i don't always think you guys know the difference. all of this, of course, is to say: hey guys did you know zedaph can canonically time travel,
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saphkick · 9 months ago
when the urge to create and make something beautiful hits you all at once and your eyes get all watery your body feels fuzzy and you feel human again>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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mewmewchann · 2 months ago
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so I voice the red riding hood girl in Desperate Heart 2
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shikai-the-storyteller · 5 months ago
TBH the best case scenarios in my mind for Fit's lore ending on Thursday are either:
Madagio has mercy. They know what it's like to lose everyone they love, and seeing what's happening on Quesadilla Island is just a reminder of everything they loved and lost. Madagio releases Fit, and he reunites with Pac e Mike and Richarlyson, and they're all able to leave Quesadilla Island.
Madagio and Fit destroy the Federation together. Fit goes full 2B2T mode and there's nothing left of the Federation once they're finished. Madagio and Fit finally have their revenge. (And then maybe Fit can reunite with Pac + all his loved ones and they escape the Island, or reclaim the island for their own since the Federation no longer has any power over them).
Bonus: A very unlikely but "Wouldn't it be fun?" scenario would be Pac and Mike flying down on a fully-grown dragon Richas and rescuing Fit from Vacuus Island and they fly away and live happily ever after.
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marciliedonato · 5 months ago
bro this has got to be the NASTIEST meal they've put together so far what the fuck is this 😭😭💀
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yohankang · 26 days ago
when you realize you've taken on too much and you have to endure it for the next few months
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fridayyy-13th · 2 months ago
i am feeling So Many Things at the moment but mostly i just feel like a disaster
#friday chats#tw vent#it's like.#new school - far from family - already behind - new crush - really tired - fucking focus would you?! - new show - undone chores#on and on and on#a big ball of highs and lows that - instead of mellowing out into a net positive or negative -#- just make me feel like i'm being pulled in two opposite directions#why can't i just have the good and not the bad#i really wanted to take a gap year to decompress from All Of High School but my parents refused#kind of wish i took it regardless. just ''whoops - missed the application deadline! i'll get it in next year'' and faced their ire#but then i wouldn't have met my new friend at freshman camp#we both were individually interested in the queer orgs on campus and could have still met that way#but idk. it wouldn't have been the same#mostly i'm just worried i'm not cut out for living on my own. being an adult with a job. doing college at all.#not because people who have to rely on others/don't have a job/drop out are supposedly failures#but bc i don't have anybody i could safely fall back on AND live a life that is entirely my own if i don't make it#all i've got is my family. who will judge me for failing and force me to stay in the closet.#and frankly i don't want to live like that#so i have to keep going#but also part of me's like. ''you're ready to throw in the towel only a week in?? for fuck's sake friday come on''#it was just so much. i don't know. i just want to rest. i've been stressed for so long#i want a life where my needs are met and i feel safe and loved. that's all#but NOO i have to get a DEGREE to get a JOB so i can even begin to THINK of something like that#my family always jokes about how one day when i'm successful as an author i'll be super rich and have a private jet or whatever#and yeah that just speaks to how poorly they know me but more importantly IF i make it that big i just want to settle somewhere nice#somewhere cozy. maybe start a garden. get a cat. hold a loved one close at night. that's it really#and it sure would be nice if i could have that without having to bend over backwards getting a degree and a 9-to-5 or w/e#but i can't. so throwing myself at the wall that is my shit executive function it is.
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sage-lights · 7 months ago
the struggle of writing fics and hating them the entire way through and trying to still complete them 🤕
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brittlebutch · 7 months ago
voice training to match the dog bark in the background of la lettre
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Uni lecture is making me think about my future for a minute and auuuggghhhh the agonies
#personal#taking a brief break from it bc the feeling hasnt quite overwhelmed me yet but i dont think I'm going to be okay by the end of it!#its asking me to consider what my strengths are. what kind of role I'd like to have in the industry when i graduate#these are questions that i SHOULD certainly have answers to but they kind of just make me not wanna be alive yk? bc i have no answers#I'm not really good at much. like the things I'm best at I'm still completely unexceptional#what are my strengths? don't have any. next question#what job do i want to have in the industry? well that requires an answer to the first question doesn't it#not to mention it requires me to think about graduating and having a job and I've simply never imagined myself getting that far#and i can only give this so much of my attention span bc I'm also thinking about how hard i failed my modules from last semester#my best grade this year has been a c#one of them is a marginal fail meaning i do the reassessment this year (i think)#the other is a hard f. what does that mean? do i resit the entire course next year? maybe#and i can't look it up just yet bc i need to make it through the lecture bc I'm really far behind this other module already#and it's only week 3 and i have a presentation tomorrow#and if i stop watching it im not convinced I'll bring myself to start watching again!#so instead i was just sitting here trying not to get overwhelmed by all of the things i should be thinking about!!!#that's why I'm making the post tbh. just to organise my thoughts and get it out of my system and give myself time to breathe#and my phone keeps buzzing while i type and if it does that one more time i will launch us both out of the window I'm so fucking done#semester has barely begun and im so fucking overwhelmed already#I've joked about being the token nt mutual before but honestly the past few years I've just been getting gradually more convinced I'm not#this can't be how everyone else is experiencing life. surely#like dude I'm so out of fucking touch w the concept of being a human#so in summary: augh the agonies
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saviorkink · 8 months ago
#so its been 3 months exactly since me & my ex like... said farewell#very dramatically#i just found out he blocked me on tiktok. 2 months ago i would've been devastated but now i just feel kinda bummed out#like is this really how 4 years of best friendship & 1 year of dating fuckery ends? damn lol it wasn't even all that#but mostly i just think its extremely pathetic & childish and LOSERRRR BEHAVIORRRR . for a 100k tiktok acc#to block a 150 follower account that doesnt even follow him + doesnt interact#like ok you said you weren't in love with me?? yet you feel the need to block me 3 months after the fact#im minding my business unless he breaks first (which has been the case a few times)#its still hard to get over him but he's making it easier every day!#just yesterday i was on the train On my way! to a concert & i remembered the afternoon before my harry concert in june last night#the mutual interest if you will had been re-established like a week prior & i texted him if he wanted to hang out and he said yes (ofc)#and the tension.......... GOD I MISS THATHSFDJKFS#walking around decathlon flirting oh it was SO STUPIDDD. THE GIGGLES. personally i've never really experienced that on that level before bc#like it's the best friends to lovers thing its the fact that we both felt the energy shift very clearly and were leaning into it#but not actually doing anything about it yet#just making stupid jokes flirting giggling but acting like actually nothing is going on#when i damn well know that if any of my friends saw us that afternoon they would've side eyed us SOOOOO HAARDDDDD#not to wax poetic over the guy who fucked me over so many times but. the electric energy .....#i'm probably not going to feel That ever again#whatever! whatever#txt
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jorvikzelda · 2 years ago
cleaned my ENTIRE apartment today due to a situation I expected to arise. did the situation arise? no...
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xxxemilyg1996 · 10 months ago
Had a little bit of a menty b and cried for 4 hours and now my head hurts. But I feel better at least sorta kinda maybe
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