sage-lights · 7 months ago
the struggle of writing fics and hating them the entire way through and trying to still complete them 🤕
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wonryllis · 5 months ago
for people who struggle with parents checking your phone, these are some tips you can use for your tumblr blog to keep it hidden!
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001. use the web instead of installing the apps on your phone!
for tumblr always log in through the web whenever you wanna post or be active, in that way parents won't be able to locate tumblr and you can delete the traces from your web history.
for pinterest, make an account and again always log in through the web, make some boards where you save pins you want to use on your blog and download them onto your phone storage only when you have to use them and then immediately delete them after that.
002. for editing apps, download when you want to edit something and then after editing and saving the edits and using them on the blog immediately delete the apps, and the edits from your phone storage.
003. for storing drafts, you may use tumblr directly but sometimes the app glitches and deletes it or does not save the progress so an alternative for that could be specific notes storage app with login and backup options.
i will suggest miuu notes(for android), it has an option to log in with email id, keep your drafts backed up(have to tap the button manually) and easily access them in any phone once backed up with the specific email id, the app also has a pin lock which you have to enter everytime you open it. so you have the option to back up the drafts up to date and delete the app whenever necessary and then reinstall it and get back the drafts.
i will not really encourage using google docs since it'll be easily accessible to parents during phone checks.
004. for email if your parents are on the really strict side i would suggest making a new gmail for all these accounts.
for example, my main gmail is (fullname) which my parents are aware of, and the gmail i use for my tumblr and pinterest is (someothername) so for all these apps use the "someothername" mail id so then it'll not be so easy for them to find out (unless they look through the list of google accounts being used on your phone)
DISCLAIMER ! these are some tips i have good faith in, but i cannot guarantee you'll never be caught if you do this because some parents are so strict that they do find ways to know everything.
i personally do not have such parents, and i also use their email id for some of my apps too(they never check/have never checked my phone). for my blr & pin i just use a different gmail id cause i'm scared of getting it mixed up with my main because it is used a lot with my uni and everything.
so all this is not entirely from personal experience it's just something i believe could work. don't just trust me blindly, and i beg of you not to use these methods to gain access to content that is not for your age (ahem ahem pre teens) thank you and i hope it helps those who genuinely need it!!
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years ago
Hey chell, does your daughter know about your writing? Maybe not in the way she knows what you write but that you write at all? Have you ever written anything for her or got inspiration from her? I can imagine trying to hide your screen so she doesn't see it XD
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Hi Nicole!
Hmm i dont think she knows that i'm writing but she has this toy laptop n when she types she laughs n say "like mama" 😅 so i guess she kinda know what it means but not really. Onetime i almost lost a whole fic because my laptop was on n my google doc was open n she sneak n climb up my chair n type on my google doc n almost randomly delete the fic. Good thing i caught it, if i missed it, it would hv been a disaster because i remember i already wrote a lot on that fic 🤣 i got a mini heart attack at that time. Lol
Yes, most fic i write that has kids in it i imagine her. In fact ur latest request that i wrote, i actually use her name.haha. n if u remember my ballet au that yn is a single mom n her daughter name EL? It was inspired by her, n in the fic she said she is mama's favorite little human, thats how i always call her everyday 😅 i think i made the kids on my fic calls mama, because thats how she calls me.😁
Haha yeah sometimes i try cover my screen or my laptop but mostly because i dont want her to type any on the keyboard or see the background screen saver n it was her first halloween when she was 6 months n also my wedding picture, everytime she sees it she always demands like the sassy princess she is, to see more pictures. 😅
Thank u for asking, i was so happy when i saw that u sent me an ask with a sweet question too. I love it!
Hope everything goes alright with u, n talk soon!
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princessofgayskull · 4 years ago
ik this isn't she-ra related but ur main blogs asks aren't open 😳😳 n e wey, thoughts on folklore?? i wanna hear ur favorite songs, favorite lines, any parts that gave u chills, all the good stuff
Someone asking me about Taylor Swift? Someone asking my thoughts about Taylor Swift?! Someone actually wanting to hear what I have to say about Taylor Swift? I feel like Entrapta back in season one when she was asked about her theories about Etheria and was she excited to show everyone her model.
Before I dive in, I want to apologize that it took me so long to get this to ask. I’ve been swamped trying to keep up with summer classes and I wrote several versions of this post only to have tumblr delete it and make me start over before I had the bright idea to write it on a google doc first so I didn’t lose all my work and that is the draft you are reading now! But, for authenticity reasons, after I saw this ask I scrambled to write what I could remember from my first album listen that took place at exactly 11pm (after I watched and cried to the cardigan video, of course). Here there are in note form:
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I cannot believe that in the darkest timeline that Taylor Alison Swift dropped a surprise album with sixteen songs in an entirely different genre (the heart attack I had when I learned folklore was a genre shift; I cannot believe I doubted the song writing legend herself). The album has been out for a week and I kid you not the only reason I know I didn’t make it up or dream it is because this album is far more beautiful than I could’ve ever come up with. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve listened to it. Everything about the album- the lyrics, the topics, the genre, the production- speaks my language fluently. Even during the first listen I felt that I had somehow known these songs my whole life despite their raw newness. 
This might read weird, but I think one of my favorite aspects about the album is how voyeuristic it feels to listen to. I don't mean sexually, but rather the way it feels like I don't have full permission to be looking at the lives of the people she is singing about. It's as if Taylor said, "I know you want to peek behind the curtain and see all my flaws" so she dives into these characters who are very flawed people and is so raw and honest as she takes their place saying almost "I will treat them like you treat me." 
Yet at the same time, it's her most grounded album. There's something so shiny about pop music (I'm not knocking it, I love pop music, life's too short not to) but this is as if Taylor's pop mentality was left out in the rain and rusted. There's something so real and familiar about it. Like you can reach out and hold it in your hand.
It's venturing too far into the forest and stepping into another dimension and living in it for sixteen songs. A dimension of mysticism, nihilism, magic, and mistakes.
Here is my track-by-track list of favorite things/ chill moments/ awestruck moments.
the 1- WHAT AN ALBUM OPENER. This song rips my heart out and stomps on it. "You know the greatest loves of all time are over now" Why does lyric make me wanna break down and have the most cathartic cry? The defeated acceptance of it all is gut wrenching. "In my defense I have none" Taylor's turn it phrase on this album is brilliant and I aspire to this level of word cleverness.
cardigan- the slow buildup of this song pure magic. If you don't scream "Cause I knew everything when I was young!" at the top of your lungs when listening to this song, are you really a cardigan stan?
the last great american dynasty- F. Scott Fitzgerald who? No, I only know Miss Taylor Swift. Seriously, this song isn't even four minutes long and it's better than any novel written about the American dream. Also, "and then it was bought by me" Taylor you cannot just drop that bombshell on me without letting me get emotionally prepared.
exile ft. bon iver- a song crafted in heaven. Somehow it makes me both depressed and provides me serotonin. I can't get enough of the lyric "I'm not your problem anymore/ so who am I offending?" FUCK THAT'S GOOD. THE SONG IS SO GOOD. SMASH THAT REPEAT BUTTON. I could drown in this song.
my tears ricochet- by far my favorite on the album, and my favorite number five track. I don’t think there’s another Taylor Swift I relate to as much as this one. This hits a very, very close to a personal place for me. Right at the center of an open wound. And god, the build up. It just makes the emotional experience that more poignant. “And I can anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home.” I got chills the first time I listened to that lyric, and it brings tears to my eyes. Needless to say, I’ve had some good cries to this song.
mirrorball- this track is about as cutting as they come. The Imposter Syndrome anthem. It’s the “everything that comes from me has to be perfect, to make up for the fact that it’s from me” song. It’s the sense that nothing you do is worth doing if there’s no audience, yet the audience is the biggest threat. “I’ve never been a natural, I’ll do is try, try, try.” Yeah. There’s a reason this is the TS album I relate to the most. 
seven- I keep saying these songs are so beautiful, but god, this one. Her vocals, the lyrics; in my opinion, a defining moment on the album. The driving home of the point that stories are important because we tell them. It’s a story plagued by a narrator who’s too young to understand and can only put the pieces together as she’s looking back. “And I’ve been meaning to tell you/ I think your house is haunted/ your dad is always mad and that must be why.” I almost can’t handle that. The loss of childhood innocence and the longing for it in just three minutes and twenty eight seconds.
august- “REMEMBER WHEN I PULLED UP AND SAID GET IN THE CAR AND THEN CANCELED MY PLANS JUST IN CASE YOU CALL/ BACK WHEN I WAS LIVING FOR THE HOPE OF IT ALL, FOR THE HOPE OF IT ALL/ MEET ME BEHIND THE MALL!” currently trying to learn this on guitar, which is fun because I’m not much of a singer. Also, I think that Betty and this girl should ditch James and date each other, if you’re of the interpretation that James is a cishet guy.
this is me trying- So I know that this is a song about a woman struggling with an alcohol addiction, but I really relate to this song because it just feels so much like my struggle with mental illnesses and the way my potential died so quickly because of that struggle. “I was so ahead of the curve/ the curve became a sphere/ fell behind all my classmates/ and I ended up here.” yep. that’s about it.
illicit affairs- again, the build up. “Don’t call me kid! Don’t call me baby! Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me!” Gotta scream that everytime. Also are we going to talk about the lines “Take the words for what they are/ a dwindling mercurial high/ a drug that only worked/ the first few hundred times” ? because I cannot stop thinking about it, or any of the lyrics for that matter.
invisible string-Joe Alwyn, do you know one of the most beautiful songs in history was written about you? I love the instrumental on this one. Also, it’s just flat out brilliant. “Bad was the blood of the song in the cab on your first trip to L.A” Holy shit.  Also, “cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the boys who broke my heart/ now I send their babies presents.” You know what that is? Growth.
mad woman-while my tears ricochet takes the spot as my favorite, this is the Taylor Swift song I claim above all others. “Every time you call me crazy, I get more crazy/ what about that?” This song is at the intersection, however coincidental, of my identity as a mentally ill woman. It’s also extreme vindication the way she calls out women acting as double agents of the patriarchy. A scathing criticism of patriarchal socialization and the way women are punished for reacting to anything. 
epiphany- listen to this song after watching the news. lay down. assume fetal position. try not to cry. fail and sob. wash, rinse, repeat.
betty- the old taylor can’t come to the phone right now cause she’s chewing out james for cheating on betty. *wink* However, she will write a folksy banger that’s very old taylor where James takes accountability for their mistake. I love the wlw interpretations of the love triangle songs, and I also can totally see James as a he/him lesbian. 
peace-the disembodied feel of this song is so unique to Taylor’s sound but I totally dig it! This is the album of a woman in her thirties, and I hope it paves the way to more women being able to stay within the industry getting older. There’s a maturity here that is the result of having created so many albums and having found her voice.
hoax- Time to go scream off the edge of a cliff in solidarity. An open closer that rivals the defeatism of the opener, a slow descent into madness that has followed a trauma. “You know it still hurts from scars from when they pulled me apart/ but what you did was just as dark/ darling, this was just hard/ as when they pulled me apart.” Literally no words. I’m always left speechless. 
If you’ve ever thought “I like Taylor but I don’t like her music because she did country and now does pop” this is the album you need to take a chance on. I can only dream of one day possessing Taylor’s ability to tell stories and this album will stick with you in all the best ways. The reason Taylor Swift can genre jump the way she does so seamlessly is because of her unrivaled strength as a songwriter. Stream folklore on spotify!!!!!!!!!
This is probably much more than you asked for, but I hope it satisfies! Thank you for letting me gush about Taylor and this album!!!!!! Sorry it took me so freaking long! If you have thoughts, I would LOVE to hear them!
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moonduskt · 4 years ago
This year, in 2020, amongst my other goals, I made it as a personal resolution to read twelve books. There are two main reasons for this: first, I want to make reading books my hobby again. For sure, when I was just a kid, pre-high school me, I was an avid reader. I could read everything so long as it was not a non-fiction book. But as the years passed right by me, I began to lose passion to read any book, physical book that I needed to flip page by page and spent hours sitting down. When I came to my senses, I found myself unable to read a simple novel in one sitting or pulling an all-nighter like I used to. It took me weeks or months to finish a novel. That is why I want to make it my hobby again, not necessarily I have to finish a book in one day or something, so long as I read books again, that is okay with me.
Second, and maybe some people wouldn’t agree with this reason--I already had my junior shaded me in his blog after I told him why I want to start reading again. I want to read because I want to know a lot of things. I want to gain knowledge, I want to educate myself on the matter that I am taking interest in yet never took participation to find out about it. I am realizing that there are so many things outside there that I don’t know and in my negligence, I can’t answer every question anyone asks me. This second reason made me decide to start reading non-fiction books.
Still, not motivational books. I still hate those. Next.
So, I have a goal to read twelve books this year. Any books so long as I am interested in it. It’s the first year I’m doing this, so I don’t really put a high stake on myself, and I did it with a light heart. I think the pandemic sorta kinda helped me in this too, since all my plans halted for a few months and I did nothing at my home other than sleeping and eating.
By December, I read twenty-two books! HELL YEAH!
Almost half of them were Rick Riordan Presents’ books, and I read two of Angela Davis’ books as the chosen non-fiction books. The rest of them were novels. Maybe I should put them all on the list in here, but I’m too lazy to do it so yeaah…
Choosing my favorite book amongst so many is hard. There were so many good books I’ve read this year! They were all memorable too. Between Akwaeke Emezi’s “Pet” or Sylvia Plath’s “Bell Jar”, or even Carloz Hernandez’ “Sal & Gabi” series! I love them all, so, so, so much.
My least favorite book, surprisingly, is easy to pick. It is one of Rick Riordan Presents’ book, “Race to the Sun” by Rebecca Roanhorse. The book is not bad at all, it is good! It’s just, there are some things that made me push it back a little bit. The main thing that I wish from this book was that Rebecca Roanhorse could've expanded the universe a little bit more.
There were some unfinished books that I put on hold, and I hope I can finish them all in 2021, since it feels like a pity not to finish them. There are “The Song of Achilles” that I’m almost half of the book in, just like “Little Women” and “The Death of Vivek Oji”. There is one book in Bahasa Indonesia that I have yet to finish since 2019, “Bilangan Fu.” So many unfinished titles… I need to work harder in finishing those.
I am excited to read new books to come too. I’m still planning to read twelve books in 2021, there’s no change in the targeted numbers of books I must read. To make a habit I need to start small, and I’d rather see books I’m reading exceed the target rather than less, so I’ll think I’ll be alright again next year.
Dear God, I hope I can reach twenty-two books again in 2021. I am planning to read “Moby Dick” and “One Hundred Years of Solitude” next year, and those two books are so thick. Plus, I want to read more non-fiction books too.
I don’t have specific titles to read on non-fiction books, I just know that I want to read more about gender and sexuality. Those two topics are the one I’m currently very curious about, and I feel like it’s so important for me now. Well, I actually do pocketing two or three books on my phone to read, but let’s see if I can finish them all in one year. I wish I could find exciting non-fiction books around those themes, too.
About this blog? Pheww…
The first time I decided to make this blog about book and music reviews, I got big plans and hopes for this. As I always did for all of my blogs. I was so excited, and I churned two and a half book reviews in the span of weeks. (Two posted reviews and the half I deleted when I am writing this).
But then I got overwhelmed by my own ideas and imagination about this blog. I felt tired even before I did anything for this blog. Everytime I open my google docs I feel like quitting. Thus, I stopped and bid my time.
Then, real life smacked me just like that on my face. I neglected my undergraduate thesis and my friends (and still neglecting them all ‘till this day), and it is very hard to get back on track. I missed so much deadline I put on myself and I have been trying to reach them all for now. Forget about writing reviews, I can’t even write just a sentence for my thesis.
The last reason. I realized that I’m a one stupid motherfucker out there ever was. Just as I sat down one day, on a nice evening… October air? Yeah, any evening. I stared at the monitor of my laptop and thought: “Well, I can’t actually write a review!” I’m not a professional nor knowledgeable two judge other people’s hard work and delve deep into their work. I'm not technically smart enough to write a review too, since I don’t really know how to write one, what structures do I need to write one? The other thing I’m worried about is my purpose in writing a book review. Why do I want to write one? What will I gain by writing one? I still think about it a lot, and I feel like changing a thing or two if I still want to write a book review that I actually enjoy.
So, what is my plan for this blog, now that it’s gonna be 2021 in a few days?
First thing first, I’m not gonna put any targeted date of posting, nor will I review every book that I read. I will just write about the book I am most excited about without any set date. I think I can’t put too much pressure on myself like that now.
Second, I am not gonna write a review. Or, I’m not gonna call it a review, I’m not gonna stress myself with one. I’ll just call it a book I very like to talk about. I don’t need to fill my head with so many things draped all over me at once, I’ll just talk about the books I like just like how I talk about food I always think about when I’m craving for a warm meal.
Without further ado, I hope 2021 is a kind year for the bibliophile all around the world.
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simp4ace · 3 years ago
i mean, i have the heart to turn down the requests and go "hey, so i'll stop doing requests, all the ones i had previously will be deleted. shít my bad, sorry to disappoint? i just don't find the will in me to write them out-" 💀 ok maybe not like that but still, i have the post for it in my DRAFTS CUS I CAN'T FIND THE WILL TO ACTUALLY GO THROUGH WITH IT LMAO 😭😭 i can't with myself.
oh and that's true, as long as you have fun. if it stops being fun just try to sort out why and if you want it to be fun again then do what you gotta do, unlike me, who went on an unannounced hiatus lmao I love running from my problems 🤩 at some point I might end up sky walking (ajajja)
LMFAOOOOOOOOO😭😭😭😭 DJHVFBDFJH OK BUT I WISH I CAN RUN AWAY FROM MY PROBLEM TOO (please take me with you😢) I can't with all the headache and deadline atm jdvhfvfd, but I still have to finish it before Christmas...only 2 wips left. pray for me🧎‍♀️
And bro bro bro, hear me out. Writer block is not the worst, but rewrite everything 🙃🙃🙃 like when I re-read my work I always have the urge to do it all again😭😭😭 And it just kills me ngl...I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL STILL LEAD ME THROUGH ALL THIS BUT OH WELL💔💔💔
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also, I like to draw or eat til bloated whenever I'm stressed out lol. It helps >:((((
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jdaigleprocess-blog · 6 years ago
Group Brainstorming and Debriefing
For our brainstorming session, we followed a very similar approach as to what we did in the class brainstorming activity. We revisited our list of 1 how might we questions, and as a group highlighted which of these we found most interesting or fruitful. From there, we each committed to remotely brainstorming for 15 minutes on each of the highlighted ideation prompts, and then another 15 minutes reflecting and giving feedback on the results once they were all in. We used google docs and slack as our main communication and brainstorming platforms- where we could begin live editing on the google doc while multiple of us were on the same document. We were able to hash out our thoughts after both in the google doc and through slack, where we shared our main concerns, or judgements, about the brainstorming results. Next, we went back in and reorganized our thoughts into a more categorical visual display. I found this ideation exercise exciting to come up with as many ideas as possible, and also a bit challenging. I found myself trying to go over the time limit or still pondering questions after I had already moved on. One thing that was kinda funny and weird during my reflection stage of this step, was that I said outloud in my apartment ‘why are phones more dangerous with data security than my google home ? Is it proximity?’ To which my google home responds ‘yes’ from the corner of my room. Perhaps she was brainstorming with me!
In reflecting on the exercise a day or two after completion, I am kind of caught up in the idea that some of the solutions posed strayed away from the ideation prompt. I found myself in this problem a few times, where I would come up with as many possible distribution ideas but then none of those would actually relate to Internet of Things. One take away is how vital it is to keep the prompt in front of us at all times during this process, so as to be constantly reminded. My favorite idea out of these so far is the mobile app that’s a personal assistant/ teacher to IoT and data security. Another is finding a way to parcel data created from IoT devices (let’s say google home alarm sleep schedule, or stating that you have run out of milk, to then have those voice commands integrated with mobile apps to automatically send milk your way, to analyze your sleep cycle in the health app, etc.) In essence, this idea is to integrate voice recognition, on demand delivery and convenience services, and smart phone interfaces to make our smart devices incredible more smart.
Below you can find a transcript of our ideation brainstorming session:
IoT Core definition:
as we ideate to have a macro view of topic we chose considering privacy/security issues
An IoT device is distinguished by being identified as a "Physical Object" ( not a person ) embedded with "Network Connectivity" (sensors, electronics) that enables "Data Exchange" (collection of information, data transfer & storage). Categories for the devices can include Consumer, Commercial, Industrial and Infrastructure and they are developed to make access to information ( via a wearable or Smart Home device) more convenient and readily accessible.
How might individuals gain access to their data:
Color maps *
Different type of data visualizations **
Based on pop culture
Based on your Soc
2 step verification
Maybe have to go to the town center every city has one to become a smart city **
Thumb print scanner
Based on your dna (insert a drop of blood) **
Housed in your amazon account
Data must be able to be digestible by smartphones
Government provided smartphones
Data libraries
Phone app that comes with smart phones with data access - *** Jenean
Self scanners at grocery stores *
Making everything open-source
everytime a piece of data is produced, it is uploaded onto a public server
Treat data like puzzle pieces
reimagine data as a collective unit rather than individually focused
World atlas or like database of every individual’s data… registered into database with a device’s first use of internet.. Collective storing after
Legal protection.. Companies must distribute to each customer unless opted out *
Regulation of data access
Unlocking said data through fingerprints or eyescans
Everyone should be able to request to download their data
Cameras on devices
Notifications if you are sharing an alarming amount of data *
Piggybacking… notifications for each time data is shared with another company/user
A service that can delete your data across multiple devices
An app that helps you manage how and where you share your data **
Access to the data
We were looking at it from 2 different ways to have companies/governments to allow access to the data that they were using in their companies.  And then on the other side of the spectrum
Looking into opting out of information but in a layer by layer that type of situation
Making it as digestible as possible. Imagine if privacy policies, or credit card statements, or mortgages where in a digestible format.
Pushing for an informed opinion
*Ooh guys just thought of an interesting example….  my current renters insurance is an app that is named maya and she tells me all the legal stuff of my policy in a texting format and i respond like ‘ tell me more’ and she explains in greater detail - Jaime *
Very Interesting ~Jenean    
^^Love this, I could’ve definitely used Maya during my move out process lol (Johnnie)
Control our tracking settings on our devices
In private browsing/incognito
Restrict purchasing of user data
Notify users of their data being sold
Data exchange database
Increased encryption standards
Distributed file systems
Use Data receipts (public key cryptography)
Automatically delete data
Reapproaching cloud storage
Removing data collection
Scheduled data releases
Api integration
Application interfacing with what you say
Parce all the data into segments for Specific uses (connecting voice commands with mobile apps, order triggers, safety resources, scheduling and productivity apps) and distribute the segments separately like Blockchain… no one resource has access to entirety
Treat data like iTunes library/ App Store
scheduled data clearings
Data expiration and permanent deletions across all that have access
Lack of interface on IoT device could lead to something being hacked and you don’t know*
Distributing data through new or different media than the standard
Creating new file types that are locked to specific devices
DNA based
Physical record of data
Combining encryption with messaging platforms
Various servers for specific users and have them be checked out
Updated hardware to turn commercial grade into consumer grade
Intranets of various types of data
Using computer vision to move away from source code
Getting rid of the code
How can we have these devices be digital but not survive on code (to avoid hacking)
Each device creating its own coding language so no other computer could read it
Have the device man all the data usage
Jumbling up code after each data production
Provide examples of how companies are using their data to sell them different products
Requiring hover messages over everything that you click that states this gives companies this information about you
Showing the implications of actions like (this page would like to track your location), or saying that if you allow uber to track you when you are not on the app then they will use this to raise rates on your area
Letting users know when different data streams are commingled into information that is being used
How to implement web trackers into your handheld devices(there are different chrome extensions that show what type of cookies are tracking you and what type of data they are transmitting. Why isn’t something like that for mobile)
Push notifications on distribution
Incorporating transparency of data distribution in voice/messaging
Amber alert like messages when a breach occurs
Visualization of where data is housed, where its been sent/who has access (pie chart like slice)
Eguides about data sharing
Data encryption education
A website teaching users about what type of data companies are collecting and teaching how to opt out
Data-use fireside talks sponsored by companies big in data analytics
Hack-Athons put on by common mobile app companies
Infographic videos walking through use of specific data
Taking data use like a narrative journey… comic book stories of the journey, magic school bus
*why were phone books ok but sharing your other info scares people*
Sending transactional emails with each distribution
Transparent reporting of breaches
Phones carry more personal data than any other device
Once we download an apd we should have to double opt in to sharing data. Meaning once they ask uber wants to share your location  and then they ask are you sure uber can now do XYZ click confirm to share this data
How do we fight robo callers/ robo texters
It is soo easy to click on a phishing link on your phone versus any other IOT device
We need to be able to protect ourselves from public wifi problems
Can almost always locate a person by their cell phone
Browsers are set to normal browsing… private mode not always accessible
Phones are a main device for communication
If not on wifi, they are consistently connected to cellular network..exposure
Because of phone logs
Most mobile apps are connected to internet/ cellular connection
You have to give your phone number away for so many signups
Same with email, which many have connected to their phone
Frequent reminders that an app is using specific information… you have been sharing your location with ____ for 2 weeks. Would you like to continue sharing your location?
How might the government regulate the collection of data from IOT technology?
How might we use blockchain  for better data privacy
How might Smart cities utilize bluetooth/wifi/QR/etc. to collect data more securely
How might the government become more strategic in their leadership on how to use IoT
funding to modernize IT infrastructure to enable IoT projects
How might we leverage the advance of sensor technology make data more safe
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