chelleztjs18 Β· 1 year ago
Hey chell it's crab day and I know you've been going through a lot recently so I hope this brings some cheer to your day πŸ’œ
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Hi Nicole! Thank you so much for this ask and for the crab gift!
I appreciate it! Now I have a crab wandering around my screen. lol. I'll name him Winston! haha. It made me smile. Once again, thank u darling!
I hope u had a good day today?
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chelleztjs18 Β· 1 year ago
Just saw your post chell, and here is something to tell you, I went to mcm london expo and spent waaaayyyy too much money but I had so much fun and the items I got were so frickin cool. I'll make a post about what I got later but one of the items I got was salt water taffy!! I've always wanted to try it and there was a booth that was selling them and so I bought one of each they had :D I've had one and it's very interesting texture. The flavour was cereal. I spent 100 on one booth but I got 2 necklaces that were 35 each so?? But I'm also going tomorrow which i haven't done in years so, yeah :D
Hii nicole!
Wow thank u for sharing me this. Sounds like u hv a great time! Im glad .
Salt water taffy, funny story, my daughter just tried banana salt water taffy two days ago..probably the same day u did. Haha. She liked it. I never try it. Im not really a candy person.
Ouh hows the necklace? Im curious to see. Did u post it yet or send it to my private message..
Im happy u had fun nicole! Glad to see u in my inbox. I hope everythint doing alright with u.
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chelleztjs18 Β· 2 years ago
Hi chell, happy birthday!!! I hope you had a great day today
candles β€” one impossible birthday wish comes true. what is your wish?
cake β€” is there a special food or dessert you have on your birthday? if so, what is it?
noisemaker β€” do you like throwing parties? if so, what would your dream birthday party look like?
smiles β€” tell us about a happy birthday memory.
silly hats β€” what’s something that’s made you happy today?
sparkler β€” talk about your plans for today.
Hello Nicole! How r u? Thank you for the birthday wishes. Sorry for the late reply.
Having a beautiful daughter. :D
hmm. I grow up always having noodle on my birthday because my mom always told me that it's a "symbol" for long life. So until now, i always eat noodle. buuutt, i just realized until you asked me this question that i always eat steak and drink some cocktails on my birthday as i got
hmm if I throw a party, i wanna be a fun loud wild one with good food and booze. lol. or maybe some weed lol. but sometimes i want a calm fancy party as well with good calm music.
hmm best birthday memory was my first birthday after I have my daughter. it feels weird but so nice to have her on my birthday. n when i say weird, i didnt mean a bad weird. it's more of a feeling that oh i can't believe im a mom now n have a daughter. lol.
silly hats
what made me happy on my birthday day? hmm i have family came over n we all drank and smoke weed n just eat good food. lol n i found out that one of my favorite steak place near my house now also serves good creole cajun food which are one of my favorite food,
we didnt do much, except had a great time at dinner. :D
Thank you for asking this. Again, sorry for the late reply.
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chelleztjs18 Β· 2 years ago
Hey chell, does your daughter know about your writing? Maybe not in the way she knows what you write but that you write at all? Have you ever written anything for her or got inspiration from her? I can imagine trying to hide your screen so she doesn't see it XD
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Hi Nicole!
Hmm i dont think she knows that i'm writing but she has this toy laptop n when she types she laughs n say "like mama" πŸ˜… so i guess she kinda know what it means but not really. Onetime i almost lost a whole fic because my laptop was on n my google doc was open n she sneak n climb up my chair n type on my google doc n almost randomly delete the fic. Good thing i caught it, if i missed it, it would hv been a disaster because i remember i already wrote a lot on that fic 🀣 i got a mini heart attack at that time. Lol
Yes, most fic i write that has kids in it i imagine her. In fact ur latest request that i wrote, i actually use her name.haha. n if u remember my ballet au that yn is a single mom n her daughter name EL? It was inspired by her, n in the fic she said she is mama's favorite little human, thats how i always call her everyday πŸ˜… i think i made the kids on my fic calls mama, because thats how she calls me.😁
Haha yeah sometimes i try cover my screen or my laptop but mostly because i dont want her to type any on the keyboard or see the background screen saver n it was her first halloween when she was 6 months n also my wedding picture, everytime she sees it she always demands like the sassy princess she is, to see more pictures. πŸ˜…
Thank u for asking, i was so happy when i saw that u sent me an ask with a sweet question too. I love it!
Hope everything goes alright with u, n talk soon!
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