#I'm sensitive :(
leeeeeeeeech · 1 year
Love Bug
"Come on, you know you love it." Beetlejuice sent a kiss your way, completely oblivious to the seething rage you were barely holding back. Normally pranks didn't bug you this much, but after an almost 15 hour work day, you were beyond overstimulated, and at your wit's end. The kitchen was completely trashed. The fridge's door was hanging by its hinges, and most of the food was in gooped up heaps on the floor. Pots and pans lay like fallen soldiers on the linoleum.
A sigh escaped you as you went to the cleaning closet. You figured it was better to just clean up the mess then go to bed. You didn't want your anger to get the better of you, no matter how much Beetlejuice probably deserved to be blown up at.
"Babes?" Beetlejuice followed you, floating just a little behind, and kept his distance from the closet because of obvious reasons.
"Not now Lawrence!" You snapped, grabbing the mop and some gloves. He flinched at your tone. He knew he fucked up, but this solidified just how colossally.
"Alright Y/n, I'll admit that I got a little carried away," He rolled his eyes before snapping his fingers, and the mess cleaned itself up in a whirlwind of green smoke. " There! All fixed!" He gestured to the kitchen as it sparkled in cleanliness. You set the mop and gloves aside and crossed your arms.
"It's not fixed until you apologize, Beej." You spoke softer now, though still irritated. He seemed to mull it over for a couple seconds then shrug his shoulders.
"Well alright, I guess I owe you." He feigned an apologetic face, all while waggling his eyebrows at you. Before you could begin to question what that meant, his lips crashed into yours.
"Mmh!" His lips were freezing cold, and you could feel his moldy stubble scratch your face uncomfortably. Yet, you found yourself kissing back. The shock factor was over as quickly as it started.
He leaned in further, smushing you against the nearest wall. His hand trailed itself up your side and quickly squeezed your hip before resting on the back of your neck. You groaned and reached out your hands to ruffle Beetlejuice's hair in return. You could feel your lungs about to burst from lack of oxygen. You whapped Beetlejuice on the shoulder a couple times.
He pulled back, looking at you with an expression you've never seen on him before. Even though he didn't breathe (As far as you knew) he was mirroring your panting, his pupils were blown, and his hair was bright with pink highlights as he stared just past your shoulder at the wall. The pink had tiny whisps of yellow within them that became more and more apparent the longer you stared. Even though you weren't sure what the colors meant, you knew you should say something to break the tension.
"Apology accepted."
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saatmans · 6 months
What must it be like to know that your dream has come true? That you are part of something loved by many people? What is it about your voice and your ability to play an instrument that makes crowds come to see you?
What must it be like to know that people have tattooed your "face"? That you have created something that makes a difference?
I will never forget the day I discovered Sleep Token and it was something that hit my soul.
I wish with all my heart and soul that they last many, many years, they are already eternal legends, it's great to live this in life together.
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softgothbabe · 27 days
I hate being a sensitive bitch. These are tears of ANGER, motherfucker
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thelilbirdie · 8 months
I'm not ready for the end of the show, I mean I'm happy because everything happened, but I'm sad bc my Tuesday night are not going to be "Tuesday of PJO".
And we are not going to have PJO for like another two years or something, I DON'T KNOW HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE
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standgrand · 19 days
I'm seeing so much lando hate on my social medias, it makes me so sad, they're saying the worst things, like how talentless he is and that ots him that has a rocketship, I'm just so sad reading stuffs like that. He's so not deserving of all that like, who are you ? Could you do it ? No so STOP IT
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lavenderkomorebi · 2 months
Fma spoilers ahead!
So, I decided to rewatch fma because I missed it and I thought "it's okay about the sad parts, I can just skip them".
I watches the first episode. I only had to see Hughes' face to start crying a little T_T
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metafucked · 1 year
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Isogender Is not trans in denial!! Someone may be an identity that still aligns heavily with their agab! So they don't feel like part of the trans community! But they don't have to identify as cis because their identity isn't fully the same as their agab.
My sister is enby. They are afab and use they/she pronouns. As you can tell, they are still heavily fem-aligned. They feel that them being enby doesn't take away their identity as an afab but also doesn't make them a woman. They don't use this label but that's an example of why someone might.
There are lots of labels for systems who have strange experiences with being trans! This is a label some of our transfem alters are interested in. We are afab and masc-transitioning enby. So our body will not be cis to them ever either. But they were still formed in an afab body so using trans doesn't feel quite right to them. Boom! (used for reference: instagram account nocontext_inclus and lgbt-pride.fandom.com ).
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I believe this flag was coined by @beyond-mogai-pride-flags and from top to bottom, the colours represent; masc, fem, mix of both, and the gradient represents a strong-to-weak attachment to gender, from top to bottom. (Source: lgbtqia.wiki and mogai.miraheze.org ).
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whyeverr · 2 years
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Setting my complaints aside for a moment to look at the positives... 
The things infants do get to do in the basegame are very cute. Baths, rocking together in the rocking chair, trying new foods in the (actually functional?) high chair, and of course bedtime. The caregiver animations are seriously so sweet. 🥺 
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lost-my-sanity1 · 11 months
not to be that person but I miss ohmnanon so fucking much. just saw a gif of bbs and I want to curl up and cry for hours
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drugsforaddicts · 1 year
You know I had this crazy thought, while staring blankly at the wall, that what if I tried to translate A sem ti povedal into finnish but make it extra hard for myself by trying to match the rhythm so you could actually sing it.
So I did it. Idk if it's any good (probably not) but it was a fun challenge and apparently I love hurting challenging myself.
Kerroinko sulle koskaan Kerroinko sulle koskaan Kerroinko sulle koskaan
Kerroinko sulle koskaan, kuin ihanalta tuoksut Kuinka hehkut, kun ennen yötä kerrot mulle et tekisit kaiken sen, etten sua unohtais ja huomenna taas viereltäsi heräisin
Kuiskaa, paljon mua tahdot Pure, ennen kuin sen päätät kunnes pakahtuu sydän kunnes yö ohi on
Kerroinko sulle koskaan, leikit kohtalolla hengität mut sisään ja rauhoitat mun sielun
Kun teet kaiken sen, etten sua unohtais tiedän, et huomen taas viereltäsi heräisin
Kuiskaa, paljon mua tahdot Pure, ennen kuin sen päätät Kunnes pakahtuu sydän
(Kuiskaa, paljon mua tahdot) Kuiskaa, paljon mua tahdot (Pure) Pure, ennen kuin sen päätät (Kunnes pakahtuu sydän) Kunnes pakahtuu sydän Kerroinko sulle koskaan (Kerroinko sulle koskaan) Kerroinko sulle koskaan (Kerroinko sulle koskaan)
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angieloveshua · 1 year
Maybe it was the effect of the anaesthesia, but Lin Jingheng felt that he had many things he wanted to say and many questions he wanted to ask. He wanted to ask him, “When you grew up on Cayley, when you were little, did you have a good life? Did Duyanying ever mention anything about the IU or Lu Xin to you?” “You’re not like Duyanying at all, how did you grow up? And this odd ambition of opening a school, how did you come up with it? Was it the influence of your mother?” “Why don’t the DNA of your brain and your body match? What happened those first five years when you and your mother arrived in the Eighth?” “What kind of things do you normally like? What do you dislike?” “Do you have any wishes? Do you have anything...anything that you especially wanted, that that old Persian cat was too stingy about, and didn’t give you?” “Don’t cry, please don’t cry...do you still want a Xinghai Academy? How about I help you build one, in the future?”
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twisting-echo · 1 year
I was blocked by Lily Orchard for calling her rude and standing up for myself
I didn't even know who Lily Orchard was until 8 p.m. yesterday. It was my sister and a friend who told me that she is kind of famous for being toxic. and then we looked through the Tumblr hashtag and found out more less-than-ideal things about her.
I was casually looking for some Belle and Sulley Disney Mirrorverse content, and I saw a post about someone asking how long before someone starts to ship Belle and Sulley. So I decided to playfully reblog the post, and boy do I wish that I hadn't.
I just dropped two of my dumb ship edits in the reblog, and I wrote "Belley is my OTP!!!" with a triumph emoji indicating my derpy pride in it.
She reblogged me and said, "Congratulations, that is the worst ship name EVER. Bluebelle was RIGHT THERE."
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She didn't have to go out of her way to reblog what I reblogged just to insult me, bully me, talk down to me, and treat me like I'm stupid over a ship name. She didn't have to make me feel stupid, but she did anyway.
So, I did something that I normally don't do, which is stick up for myself. and it earned me a block. She didn't apologize for being so rude; she didn't even want to acknowledge what I had said, so she blocked me like I was nothing.
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If someone told me that they felt that I was being rude to them, I would immediately apologize because I actually care about how I treat and talk to people. And if someone pointed out that they already did something that I accused them of not doing, I would act like an adult and politely eat my words.
I'm so sorry about this vent, you guys. Maybe I'm a little too overly sensitive and let things bother me. 
Here is the post. 👇
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fleetwoodmoth · 9 months
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Breaking art block with... my first ever comic
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invoidvisitor · 10 months
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Showing people literally anything I make scares me so bad
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rockyhirschershow · 11 months
you're in her bed but im crying on the bus home because i saw you guys talking to each other and wish i was less unloveable
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lulukeskywalker · 1 year
My grandfather sent me a video of my third birthday (!! now almost thirty years ago), with little me surrounded by loved ones (some of them gone now), hugged and kissed, and I'm crying like a baby now 🥺😭
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