#I'm just so full of RAGE
persianlimeboi · 11 months
Completely cutting off power & a phone connection so that the Palestinians can't report what's happening to them?!
And you still wanna claim Israel is the victim? If you support that colonial piece of invading shit don't talk to me, go & think about your absolute lack of human empathy you prick
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royalarchivist · 11 months
A 100% accurate representation* of what would've happened if Cellbit had recruited the rest of the Favela 5 to help him infiltrate the Federation to save Felps.
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(Inspired by this post)
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple and how “ability users” (opposite to “normal people”) learning to accept themselves through the acceptance of their own abilities is a queer metaphor of acceptance of own's sexual orientation and gender: an essay by me
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#About: Dead Apple. Watched this a while ago with a friend and it was a lot of fun!!!#If you're reading this: thank you so much for hanging out with me I had such a good time (ㅅ´ ˘ )♡#Next to general considerations: wow they were right that Bungou Stray Dogs movie sure can Bungou Stray Dogs#It's always nice to see the detailed animation and elaborate backgrounds of movies. The animation quality compared to the manga is–#definitely noticeable and it's nice to see. That said... I still like the season 2 art style more? And I'm speaking strictly of art style.#The s2 one looks more soft and smooth while the da one is so much more rough.#The plot is... Very bsd-esque I don't think there's anything to add.#In my opinion Kyouka's arc is the one that turned out best tbh. I really like her narrative development and personal growth in this movie.#I like the complexity of her state of mind. how full of contradiction she is. I especially appreciate the recurring small changes of–#expression that indicate how she thinks differently from Atsushi even if she doesn't voice them. The fight between her cynicism and her–#kind nature. It's all very interesting.#Atsushi's development is interesting too. Although all the open questions about his ability we still have kind of leave me frustrated#I don't feel very strongly about Akutagawa in this movie? I mean‚ he's there. The ss/kk scenes are always great and in character and a joy–#to witness no matter what they do. He just doesn't shine particularly? Or at least personally I dont find the “proving my strength against–#myself” narrative arc to be particularly interesting. Imo it was a lot better flashed out in the da stage play! With the complexity that–#the dialogues with Chuuya added to the character. Dazai attacking him. And especially Aktgw understanding that Rashomon wasn't testing Aktg#but rather only expressing that unstoppable rage that is also Aktgw's own. About that I checked out the play and I really liked it!!#I only watched highlights (aka: ss/kk and chuu/aku scenes) but there's some stuff I really like. I like the conflict between Aktgw and–#Chuuya and how Chuuya messes up with Aktgw at first maliciously and then amiably. It's interesting how Atsushi himself observes that Kyouka#and Akutagawa get along. And especially the sskk almost-handholding and Atsushi saying Akutagawa has a nice profile were cute akjdhbsawhjb#Next. Da really is shipping paradise (╥﹏╥) Sorry but... It is. oda/zai. daz/atsu. ss/kk. s/kk. fuku/mori. chuu/aku. It really has everythin#and the moments are so good!!!! What else. Wish we'd see more of Tsujimura. And Christie. And women in general tbh.#Also‚‚‚‚‚ Atsushi's tiger form in this movie is ATROCIOUS. I've said it before but it's crazy how a franchises that relies so heavily on–#fanservice came up with something this hideous. Man the movie overall was pretty but Atsushi sure wasn't. Firmly stand by the belief–#that only Akutagawa would find that form attractive.#Oh last note. honestly if we're ready to accept a movie where an antidote has effect AFTER the person has effectively died then we really–#can't complain about any kind of insanity the manga brings up#random rambles
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ruvviks · 4 months
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Rafael is driven by his independence and his anger, fighting for what he believes in and deems right to free his people and return peace to Medici. But his tendency to push people away blurs the lines between selflessness and self-destruction, and his desperation for control greatly overshadows the true lack thereof— and it has turned his spark into an all-consuming forest fire, with no way to douse the flames. And everything burned, as promised. OC WEB WEAVE SERIES: RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ.
richard kadrey, aloha from hell // by eyedeeuhs // firestarter; torre florim // by gundula blumi // savannah brown, from 'closer baby closer' // leach; bones uk // ocean vuong, from 'to my father / to my future son' // by ysociety // maybe, i; des rocs // victoria chang, to love anyone // 'smoke and fire 1' by jennifer walton // burn; vorsa // vita sackville-west, from 'solitude' // by spelio // arsonist's lullabye; hozier // shira erlichman, from 'how to become a forest fire'
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alsojnpie · 8 months
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love. valentimes even. i didn't make anything new but here's a collection :)
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rocketbirdie · 5 days
#hey y'all mind if i [HORRIFIC GUTTERAL SNARLING NOISES] real quick about something utterly inconsequential#ok! so:#listen i know this is gonna be a VERY controversial opinion but. generally i think macOS is a good operating system#and that apple's proprietary software is high quality and intuitive to use. never had any issues with 99.9% of my experiences.#that being said#FUCK imovie. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK were they fucking thinking with imovie.#every time i open this application it makes me want to gouge my eyes out and scream and rip something in half like a whiny toddler.#there are so many extremely simple problems with ZERO FUCKING SOLUTION WHATSOEVER#it's straight up impossible to use. every tiny thing you want to do you have to search it up in their horribly organized guidebook#and then the guidebook is outdated and useless which means you have to google search whatever it is you're trying to do#and the results are full of people with the same fucking problem with NO answers.#i just spent the past hour trying to figure out how to add a single PLAIN TEXT BOX to a video. that's how unusably bad imovie is.#and then there's people in the forums who are like. 'why would you want to add text lol videos are for watching not for reading. idiot'#SUBTITLES MOTHERFUCKER?????????????????? EVER CONSIDERED THAT??? NO OF COURSE YOU HAVEN'T. DIP SHITT#[FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH RAGE]#i've never had worse displeasure working with any other program in my entire life. godawful. why is it like this. FUCK#*DEEP BREATH*#ok i'm fine i just had to scream into the void for a moment lmao#you know how it is~👉👈🥺#back to your regularly scheduled blond man mockery
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spittingspite · 2 months
It's always "character who will do anything to protect their loved one, even commit horrific acts of violence, learn kindness and mercy at the request of their loved one" and never "merciful character who hates violence and fighting makes an exception because they love someone so much they will disregard their own morals and values to commit horrific acts of violence if that's what it takes to keep their loved one safe"
#'he wouldn't do that because he canonically hates violence-' well maybe he SHOULD do that. as a treat.#i simply think that if we can write about characters becoming nicer we should also write about characters becoming meaner#more corruption arcs they're good for the soul#even better if these are simultaneous within the relationship#one of them learns mercy. kindness. other ways to settle conflict solely because their love hates violence and they don't wanna disappoint#the other learns violence. they don't like it normally. but they love their partner so much they'll do anything for them. anything.#one gets better the other gets worse#just once i want the kind sweet pacifist to go batshit. to see rage in their eyes as they promise to destroy whoever harmed their loved one#and make them feel every painful second of that destruction#and this isn't like them. they know it isn't like them. but their partner is more important#(and maybe this never would've happened if they didn't convince their partner to be more merciful in the first place)#i don't even need them to go full villain arc i'm fine with them still hating violence and choosing mercy most of the time#it's just for one person that they decide there are no limits to what they would do to keep them safe#threaten anyone else and you'll be met with mercy and compassion#but bring harm to That One Person? hellfire upon your head would be kinder#'is this about a specific ship-' PERHAPS..... BUT THAT'S IRRELEVANT AND WILL GO WITH ME TO THE GRAVE#doesn't matter anyway bc I'm right and I should say it#it applies to all ships that follow this dynamic hope this helps#oh look she speaks
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swarnpert · 2 years
if i go to pride this year and i see people selling fucking harry potter merch i'm gonna flip my fucking lid
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thevioletcaptain · 2 years
"The writers wrote this DeanCas scene / this queer Dean moment and then still called us delusional."
No, they didn't. But I'm sure as fuck calling you delusional right now for repeating this completely fabricated bullshit for the past decade without once stopping to wonder "but wait, which writer said that and when?"
Because if any of you had ever bothered to do that you'd realize that not a single one of the 52 credited writers of spn has EVER said anything remotely close to this.
Several writers have, in fact, said the opposite--and feel free to do your own homework on that, because the receipts are out there, and maybe if you dig them up yourselves you might actually pay attention--but people have been projecting and playing fandom telephone for so long that baseless bronly quotes have been falsely attributed to the people who were actively and deliberately writing this stuff into the bones of the show for years, and who eventually made it as canon as they possibly could within the confines of the network's grip on a dinosaur Bush-era TV show.
I swear this take was exhausting to see continually crop up when the show was still airing, and I've gotta say it's even more exhausting now because THE WRITERS UNEQUIVOCALLY WROTE IT INTO THE TEXT OF THE SHOW. AND THEY STILL HAVE NOT ONCE SAID THAT WE WERE DELUSIONAL FOR SEEING WHAT THEY PUT THERE.
For crying out loud the core emotional arc of the final goddamn season was Dean and Castiel's relationship.
Castiel flat out confessed his romantic love for Dean in a scene that was written first thing in the season, that was built toward with deliberate intent for multiple years. Through that confession the show retroactively confirmed that all of the subtext and parallels and on and on that meta writers had been pointing out for years was in fact exactly what we thought it was.
So unless you think that somehow we managed to be spot-on correct about everything on Cas' side but forgot how to interpret layers of text on Dean's side, you should be able to understand that we were given two equations and one answer.
1 + 1 = 2 is what they gave us for Castiel.
1 + 1 = ? is what they gave us for Dean.
If you think they did it by accident you're kidding yourself. If you think they left Dean's answer as a question mark for some malicious reason you're kidding yourself. If you think that "the writers" think we're deluded for reading into all the layers the deliberately included in the story then you're kidding yourself.
Quit uncritically spreading anti trash around like it's truth.
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fortunatefires · 1 year
I can already tell I'm going to love the poppy war. A underdog main character driven by fear, spite and unadulterated rage? Count me the fuck in.
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la-pheacienne · 8 months
...He was more right than he knew. When the battle was done, there were changes made. "Aerys thought no harm could come to him if he kept me near," he told his father's corpse. "Isn't that amusing?" Lord Tywin seemed to think so; his smile was wider than before. He seems to enjoy being dead. It was queer, but he felt no grief. Where are my tears? Where is my rage? Jaime Lannister had never lacked for rage. "Father," he told the corpse, "it was you who told me that tears were a mark of weakness in a man, so you cannot expect that I should cry for you."
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taleweaver-ramblings · 6 months
If I ever get my hands on a time machine, the first thing I am going to do is find whichever individuals are responsible for the misconceptions that you have to be a journalist to be a good writer and that every writer likes journalism. And then I am going to shake those people so hard they each break at least one tooth. And I am not going to apologize for it.
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Hiiiii could I ask a fic of a ghost face fic with the eternals I loved Scream and I would die to read Thena and Gil in a situation or a storyline like that!🥹😍🖤🖤🖤
(Happy birthday my dear, sweet @dalhia28! You have been such a supporter of mine from the beginning and I am always happy to see you around)
"Sersi," Thena hissed at her, gripping the Elemental Eternal's shoulders as she cried, "there's no time for that."
"Thena," Sersi sniffled, reeling from the idea that not only was their reunion with their family a stage for Ikaris' betrayal of them, but now he was picking them off one by one. "I-I can't-"
"You can," Thena said more resolutely than she could really feel at this time. But they didn't have the luxury of time--not to grieve for Ajak, or Sprite, or Kingo. "We have to."
Thena pulled Sersi to her feet. The statue of Arishem was too open an area. Ikaris could be silently floating around anywhere in the labyrinthine ship. They were at a disadvantage being split up from one another.
She had to find Gilgamesh.
They were all scattered around the ship while they were conceiving their plan. Thinking about it now, perhaps that too was part of Ikaris' plan. Maybe all this time he had been watching them like a predator, thinking to himself how weak his family was and how easy it would be to hunt them just like Deviants.
Thena kept Sersi close to her, her shield in front of them and her blade in her hand. It would be held aloft, ready to be swung. But Sersi was clinging to her hand like a trembling child.
She couldn't be angry with her--the poor thing had watched the man she loved - her ex-husband - shoot down their own right in front of them. He had told them himself of the murder of their leader and 'mother' by his own hand.
No one would blame Sersi for her tears.
Thena stopped, pressing Sersi's back to the wall with her. The corridors of the Domo were narrow, barely wide enough for two people.
Ikaris passed by.
He never was the best hunter of them. His vision was good, but he was too arrogant to make full use of his hearing, the way they were all able to feel the air bend around them.
Thena squeezed her eyes shut as the air compression and sound of Ikaris firing his lasers sounded one hallway away. The wall he was aiming at clearly relented against the force. Sersi flinched.
"Come on out," his accent drawled as he floated through the new door he had made for himself. He was moving away from them, but it was undeniable that the echo of his sinister tone felt right on top of them. "I'll make it quick, love. For old time's sake."
What a wretched man he was. The Soldier Eternal no longer, nor even an Eternal brother, now he was just Arishem's little murderer.
Thena brought Sersi with her by the hand, although she was highly aware of the sounds Sersi made when she moved. Her clothes made sound, her shoes did (Thena was still barefoot), she wore a pendant that dangled loosely around her.
She still had to find Gilgamesh.
He was somewhere deeper in the ship, healing from the fight in the Amazon. She had to get to him before Ikaris did. If he was able to be woken from his healing, perhaps he could even help them try to move the rest of them to the healing bay. At the very least, their bodies.
Thena paused at every corner, listening for every wisp of air, every moan of the Domo's metal body, every possible sign of movement. She nodded to Sersi.
Sersi's tears were dried, which was already admirable. Sersi was always the one with the most human heart, but it couldn't be said that she was weak in any way. If anything, how human she could be at times was something that made her stronger than most, Thena would say.
Thena nodded her head, telling Sersi to find refuge in Phastos' lab, just outside the healing bay with his equipment. She might find refuge in the greentank, which could offer organic material for her to connect to (it might calm her to be around material she couldn't transmute).
The healing pods were humming, one in particular engaged and glowing gently. Thena dispelled her Cosmic Energy into the air, walking over to it.
Her sweet Gilgamesh.
He had nearly given his life to save her in the rain forest. She would have done the same for him, of course, but it didn't make watching it any easier. And here they thought their worries were over after killing that monstrosity.
The monstrosity they had thought killed Ajak.
Thena knelt down to the pod, tilting her head at the image of him. His face was so still. The lights blaring on his face in the echochamber gave distinct lines and bends to his face. She raised her hand slowly, her fingers nearly trembling at the tips.
Her hand went right through him.
Of course. Of course he hadn't been able to kill them all going so undetected. Not even Ikaris could be in two places at once. They had seen him shoot Kingo, and then found Sprite's body, seeing the blood. But seeing meant little when it came to the Illusionist Eternal.
"Easy, Thena," Ikaris muttered, his arms locked around her head and his elbow driven into her. "You know very well not even your thick skull can withstand me at point blank range."
Gilgamesh knew it too, revealed from under Sprite's shroud with a knife to his throat. They were each other's insurance policy--Gil and Thena would never do anything to endanger one another.
Ikaris had always been behind Thena, his eyes focused on her. Sprite had rushed right to the healing bay and woken Gilgamesh with the knife ready, telling him that if he made one wrong move, they would toss Thena's body at his feet.
The perfect hostages.
"Gil," Thena managed to squeak out as Ikaris held her head. If she were human her neck would have already snapped. She could feel the heat building in his eyes against her hair.
"Please," Gil whimpered. He was softer than she was--he had no problem begging and pleading with their assailants for her life. "Let her go. I'll help you."
"Shut up," Sprite's once light and lyrical voice barked at him. "We don't need your help--we don't need anyone!"
Oh, Sprite, of course. Kingo had been right, in his oddly perceptive way of seeing the world through his own lens. Sprite, the unseen and even worse the unacknowledged.
"Tell us where the point of emergence is," Ikaris directed Thena, his eyes both on the back of her head and on Gil and Sprite by the door. "I don't care who. You tell us, we'll spare the other one."
"Don't move!"
Thena's ear was ringing after Ikaris shouting in it. But Ikaris' lasers were far too deadly, and even with too many targets to look at, it would take a fraction of a second for him to kill all of them.
"Not a muscle," Ikaris glared at Sersi, completing the triangle between Ikaris holding Thena and Sprite blocking off Gilgamesh. She held her hands out, having skidded to a halt at the sight of that familiar and menacing glow. "Or I'll fire straight through both of 'em in one shot."
He could, and they all knew he was capable of it.
Thena's mind raced. They were limited on options. Ikaris wanted the point of emergence, and killing them was merely...a series of steps for him. She could tell him, doom humanity, and for all she knew, still not see Gilgamesh's life spared. The same could be said if he bent first.
"Please," Sersi whispered. Her tears returned. "Please don't do this."
She looked at Ikaris, who had far too many balls in the air. His stance kept shifting as he held Thena's head tight. His eyes cooled slightly, "just tell us, Sersi. Just...you could come with us."
Sersi shook her head faintly, baffled and probably disgusted that he would ask that.
"No, she can't!"
Thena moved her eyes from Gil's teary ones to Sprite's suddenly enraged expression. This could work.
"You said it was just gonna be us!" the small Eternal spat, although rather than point at Ikaris in her rage her hand twitched, jabbing Gil in the neck just a little harder.
Thena flinched but Ikaris' grip held strong as well.
"Sprite," he growled at her.
"No! No, you said Sersi wasn't coming with us!" Sprite continued in her accusations. She glared at her sister, "you're ruining this!"
Sprite was just as old as the rest of them, and yet she really could embody that youth that kept her mind tireless and which Ajak had adored so.
"Sprite!" Ikaris repeated. Things were unravelling, "keep it together!"
"No, you said-!" Sprite whirled around at her partner in crime--the love she had who convinced her to turn on their family. She pointed the knife at him.
Thena let her knees go, dropping from Ikari's hold rather than wrestling free. She slipped away. Gil launched forward knocking Sprite's hand out of his way.
Ikaris fired but Gil called his exoskeleton over him, the same way Thena could hold a shield. He landed a punch to his face, shattering bone the way a bullet would.
"Sersi!" Thena called out, but Sprite was already lunging at her.
Sersi moved instinctively. Her body was designed to recognise the makeup of any material it touched--to react and reformat it. Her hand came up to block the knife, but all it did was fade to water and splash onto the floor around them and into their clothes.
"You bitch!" Sprite raged at her. She'd had enough.
Sersi pressed her palm to Sprite's soaked shirt. She could turn steel to water, why not water back into steel?
Sprite's body jerked as the water collected and, while not much, reformed a blade within her skin. She choked on the air in her throat, "S-Ser..."
The Alchemist scrambled back from what she had done. She looked from the bloodied body of their sister to Ikaris, whose head was half caved in from taking a direct hit from the Strongest Eternal. She looked away.
Thena and Sersi helped each other stand. Gilgamesh came over, bending over their smaller frames and placing his hands gently on their shoulders. The night was over.
"I-I can't-" Sersi shook her head, looking at the body of Sprite splayed on the floor, eerily similar to the staging of earlier. "I didn't-"
"No one did," Thena finished for her, pulling her sister's head closer to her. No one saw their betrayal coming, and no one wanted things to turn out like this, either. No one thought they could kill their own family.
Sprite sprang up.
Gilgamesh pulled them back, Sersi held her hands up and Thena materialised her shield. It happened in two seconds. But a glow of gold flew through the air, clean through the smallest Eternal's body from behind.
Kingo gripped the door frame, his shooting hand dropping heavily as his side continued to bleed from Ikaris' earlier inflicted wound. He looked at what remained of his family, "rough night, huh?"
#Thenamesh AU#I hope you like it my darling I have done my best!#tw graphic violence#more graphic than usual anyway so just in case#at first I thought about a modern au#but then I thought what if...canon...but horror?#in the art of eternals there's a bit where they say that the scene in the rainforest has some very horror coded tones to it#which I love for us#so I thought why not go with it#also I just saw it's your birthday so this works out#Ikaris being ghostface because he's so bitter and full of rage#he doesn't have any problem killing his family#for the mission and all that#Sprite of course is happy to go with him#I thought about it being Kingo because that would be more like the original movie but y'know#also Thena should be barefoot and I really think she wasn't for filming reasons or whatever#but it makes sense with her vibe and her wardrobe and her character#so as far as I'm concerned she's barefoot whenever possible#I wanted to keep that element of horror#that moment when you realise it's not just one hunter but two#I liked the idea of Sprite using her illusions more practically#a shot of Thena's face and there's nothing behind her#but you could slowly swing around and then from behind you see Ikaris looming over her and Sprite's illusion between them#I wanted to keep the stabbing from the movie and Sersi turning it to water#the little tidbit about her being more relaxed around materials she can't transmute#being a little foreshadowing to how she reacts reflexively#and Sprite would have known that if she weren't totally off the deep end#sorry Druig I gave your 'rock' moment to Kingo#what a night indeed
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clownprince · 1 year
"you can't just ignore massive narratively consequential chunks of a characters' story that you don't like or disagree with" actually i can. and i do. and it's very easy ^_^
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curieincali · 3 months
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I always wanted to learn to knit so I made this "Learning Scarf" to get the hang of the different types of stitches - cable-knit, rib, double stockinette, garter lace, increasing & decreasing... the result is something that cannot really be used for anything :P
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feuhrer · 2 months
the perfect man is real and i'm gonna start fucking crying about him
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