#I’ve been informed
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rodentjazz · 1 year ago
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Hear me out
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soupfather · 1 year ago
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Erm, what the flip guys
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vee-thebee · 15 days ago
close enough welcome back sergei ushenka
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jellyskink · 4 months ago
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Stanford Pines has somehow gotten weirder.
@whenalltheeyesopen asked if Ford gives dead animals to people he likes. I loved the idea, so he does now! Yusuf hates Ford more with every visit. Irene finds him weirdly endearing, if occasionally off-putting.
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vampcaprisun · 22 days ago
what do y’all think illario’s hobbies are? what is he interested in? what does he do in his spare time? what does he know a lot about the nobody would expect? what did he love as a kid that he hasn’t thought about in years but could jump back into in a heartbeat if given the chance? what are his wyverns and cooking and knitting and romance novels?
who would he be if you took him away from his family and his job and the politics of it all? i don’t think he even knows the answer to that, but there still has to be an answer!
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tinytimism · 7 months ago
gatsby is just as unattainable to nick as daisy is to gatsby. nick has explored gatsby’s body and learned all his secrets more times than they are stars in the sky but only in his mind.
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kleawilson · 9 days ago
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This is just for haha’s ( ´∀`)
Tell me in the comments what you think Spidey’s zodiac sign is lmao I know the bare minimum and had to dig to find out the webslingers bday, but I wanna hear everyone’s opinion ✨
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abbysfrenchbraid · 4 months ago
did everyone see that the cog that fell out of viktor‘s hand was just like the one jayce flicked to him when they first cracked the hexcode. just making sure everyone knows
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right-there-ride-on · 14 days ago
Gyro’s Just as Bad: A Gyjo Essay
its generally understood that gyjo is important to each other, but since sbr is from Johnny’s pov we get his thoughts on the ‘why’ more than gyro’s. Johnny’s side of things also tends to get more emphasis in fanon, which I just wanted to try and illustrate the development of their relationship from Gyro’s pov since I think that’s the part of gyjo that seems the most underexplored.
First thing to note, and something that’s pretty funny, is that Gyro is an asshole to everyone at the start of the race. Through the first stage hes basically this ‘lone rider’ character. Before the race starts, Gyro helps Johnny out by helping him get on the horse, but during the race itself he’s pretty brutal to his competitors. It’s Johnny who chooses to chase him, which Gyro didn’t ask for. But by the end of the stage Johnny’s proved his grit and Gyro allows him to accompany him. It’s cute how quickly he takes Johnny under his wing, especially since he’s still so hostile to everyone else.
Gyro presents himself as this very confident figure, and carries them through the attacks of Mrs. Robinson, Strohiem, and Oyecomova. The Boom-Boom family was more of a team effort between Gyro, Johnny and Tim, and they mostly won thanks to Tusk awakening. It isn’t until Pork Pie Hat Kid attacks and Gyro gets taken out of commission that Johnny is forced to be the one doing the quick thinking and rescuing. I think both Johnny being the one to rescue him and his newfound determination to collect the corpse tickles Gyro, similar to how he was interested in Johnny at the starting line because of Johnny’s stubbornness with Slow Dancer.
I think a big part of the reason Gyro is initially attracted to Johnny is because Johnny has the fortitude to go after what he really wants; unlike Gyro, who, as revealed in True Man’s World, remains to some extent paralyzed by his family’s traditions. So far the only thing Gyro has ever done to differentiate himself from his given role as executioner and eldest son is join the race, supposedly for Marco. Yet as demonstrated with his continued correspondence with Naples and their delivery of the Zombie Horse thread, Gyro did not cut himself off from his country and family entirely. He doesn’t know how to exist without it. Johnny meanwhile is fiercely independent; by contrast Gyro is still dependent on his tradition, country and family to guide his decisions. That’s why I think Marco was only an excuse / smaller factor in Gyro’s choice to join the race than what was initially presented. Gyro left to join the race because he’d never had a chance to develop himself as a person outside of his role as eldest son and executioner. That’s why his question about Marco’s death is about ‘consent’. Marco was supposed to be Gyro’s first solo execution. Marco was imprisoned as a traitor to the crown and by law would need to die. As a prisoner he has no consent to give, and Gyro knows that. The consent Gyro needs is his own. Gyro needs to understand, for himself, who he is and what his actual values are before he ‘consents’ to being the executioner.
In the Third Stage, Gyro admits to himself that “maybe the corpse hunt will help me grow a little.” Like I said, I think that to an extent Marco’s unjust execution was not necessarily the entire reason Gyro came to the race. Gyro may not have recognized it himself, but what he’s looking for is an opportunity to define himself outside of what he knows. Marco isnt what he’s thinking about when he loses the Third Stage; Gyro is thinking about how much he himself is pissed off by the loss. Unconsciously, Gyro recognizes that he’s not just racing for Marco, but to prove something to himself. Moreover, easily winning would prove that he’s fine as he is, and he can back to Naples, ignorant but having in a sense ‘gotten it out of his system’. But losing forces him to reflect, not just on the loss, but on what he’s racing for. That’s why Johnny’s advice is for him ‘to hunger’. Because Gyro still doesn’t really understand his own motivations for racing.
That’s why Ringo’s words about his being a conformist in True Man’s World bother him so badly. Because Gyro knows that, up until that point, he has been a conformist. He still relies on Naples for guidance and Gregorio’s teachings still echo in his head. But his friendship with Johnny is what allows him to break the first of the family traditions he’d so strictly adhered to, and give in to ‘sentimentality’. This is the first ‘new’ value he explicitly chooses to define himself by, and the first part of himself he discovers outside of his ‘conformity’. Gyro risks a lot by going back to confront Ringo. He’s challenging not just Ringo, but himself. Only a ‘true man’, or someone fighting for ‘something’ that they desire for themselves, would have the ‘dark determination’ necessary to beat Ringo. And Gyro finds it. Ringo welcomes him to the true man’s world because he recognizes that Gyro has found something to fight for.
In Catch the Rainbow, Gyro takes Johnny’s advice from the Third Stage and creates another value to define himself by - a hunger to win, for himself. That’s why he tells Diego to gtfo of the way; Gyro’s chasing himself on the Golden Path. Supposedly it’s a path for him alone. Ironically, it’s Johnny who interrupts Gyro and Diego’s battle on the Golden Path. Textually, Johnny realizes Diego is cheating but Gyro is so desperate to win that he doesn’t realize it. Metaphorically, Johnny interrupts to demonstrate that Gyro isn’t done growing yet, and is not yet ready to truly walk the ‘golden path’ of the True Man’s World. He doesn’t yet have the self-definition or subsequent selfish hunger necessary to do it. Only together are Gyro and Johnny able to defeat Diego and continue their pursuit of self-improvement (the corpse parts). However, afterwards Gyro lashes out at Johnny for interrupting, further demonstrating that in many areas he is still immature, childishly taking his feelings out on Johnny instead of waiting for an explanation of why Johnny interfered, and not really listening when he does.
In A Silent Way, Johnny is again what enables Gyro to find his second area of self-definition: mentorship. It’s heavily implied that Gyro is the first one to break Zeppeli tradition and teach the Golden Ratio to someone outside the family; however, he won’t teach Johnny any other way but the Zeppeli family way (‘I can’t do it’ four times), demonstrating his continued struggle between tradition and independence.
Sugar Mountain is iconic, but just as a refresh: at the end of the arc Gyro sees again how much Johnny is willing to give up for him. I think that this shapes his approach to Johnny afterwards; he’s much softer, and more protective. Because of Johnny’s actions in Sugar Mountain, he’s realized that finding his ‘golden path’ isn’t something he can do alone; and that he really does need Johnny as much as Johnny needs him. As noted before, Johnny gave up everything for Gyro. This is the impetus for Gyro to really embrace his role as friend and mentor, no longer afraid that his newly discovered ‘sentimentality’ is a weakness, but embracing Johnny as a trusted companion and deciding that he doesn’t need to be a ‘lone rider’ to win and find the independence and self-definition he’d been looking for. Johnny, not the race, is what pushes Gyro into reflection, soul-searching, and adaptation, embracing the world as it comes instead of adhering to everything he’s been taught.
Gyro defeats his narrative foil in Wekapipo. Wekapipo has abandoned his homeland entirely, and been abandoned by it. He hopes to find a new beginning in America. He too is looking to define himself anew. However, Gyro, now having reconciled what he’s been taught with what he’s learning with Johnny, is able to pull off a miracle. He doesn’t need to be someone new entirely or abandon who he was; he just needed to understand himself. Note that this is also the arc where he finds the golden rectangle in Johnny’s eyes - literally melding where he came from (Golden Ratio, Zeppeli traditions) with what he’s chasing now (self-improvement, alongside Johnny). That’s why Gyro’s allowed to win this stage, and he and Johnny get their one-two finish. Gyro earned his victory against Wekapipo and he earned first place in the stage, he and Johnny finding the best path forward (the golden path) by combining Tusk and a Steel Ball to create their own. Furthermore, Gyro reconnects Wekapipo with Naples by revealing his sister is still alive; thus Wekapipo too is allowed to live and try to reconcile where he came from with where he’s going, starting the journey Gyro now realizes he’s been on.
Frankly I’m tired so I’m not going to get into D4C arc but by the time sbr reaches its climax most of the heavy relationship work for gyjo is done anyway. I hope anyone who questions Gyro’s side of things finds this essay helpful!
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the-lion-guard-88 · 19 days ago
⚠️Attention SMG4 Fans! Especially Mr. Puzzles fans⚠️
I just wanted to let you guys know about a specific person on YouTube by the name of “NesrinBulut-zm2gc”
This guy has repeatedly went onto my posts and talked about their hate for the PUZZLEVISION saga. While there’s nothing wrong with that, this guy has repeatedly harassed me and my fans for simply liking Mr. Puzzles as a character. An example of this is them saying us Mr. Puzzles fans deserve to be in jail for liking him as a character
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This guy also goes as far as saying Mr. Puzzles is like D1ddy. Comparing Mr. Puzzles to a certified p3d0 is so fricken nasty
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I’m almost 100% sure I saw them comment on @blue-doofus’ YouTube video of “Just A Man”, but when I looked back, it was removed
Here’s a big one
So this guy has been repeatedly going to other peoples’ pages saying this whole “Do I think the PUZZLEVISION series is overrated? Yes” paragraph, but the thing is…
He did this under @hplonesomeart’s comment and I didn’t notice it until I was looking at previous comments. Thankfully HP and another person told him about his actions and I made a reply to him because I was genuinely pissed off and am still not in a mentally stable state
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I will share more info if anything happens, please stay safe from this guy if he starts to harass you for liking Mr. Puzzles or spams on your page
As a Mr. Puzzles fan, I will say that you don’t deserve to be in jail for liking a character. I’m honestly ashamed that I need to say this because it’s common knowledge that nobody deserves to be in jail for liking a FICTIONAL CHARACTER
So yeah, please be aware of him. Stay hydrated! 💚🖤❤️
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sparebutton · 10 months ago
Frozen references found in the Frozen Kingdom in Fantasy Springs Tokyo (part 1)
(I found these all from various posts on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you ask for a specific picture source I will try to find it again for you)
1. Olaf’s letter from At Home with Olaf
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2. Toy Olaf Anna made from Olaf’s Frozen Adventure
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3. The snow toys Elsa made in the beginning of Frozen 2
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4. The suit and dress from Some Things Never Change in Frozen 2
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5. The Chess Board Olaf knocks over in Frozen 1
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southernsolarpunk · 4 months ago
“Yet, even amidst the hatred and carnage, life is still worth living. It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist.”
Hayao Miyazaki
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gayvampyr · 4 days ago
wouldn’t it be cool if more posts had image descriptions
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mochiwrites · 9 months ago
happy cactus ring day
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zombvibes · 1 year ago
I’m not sure if I shared this link on here but, I recommend reading through the articles on this site!
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leclerrari · 1 year ago
if i were scuderia ferrari i would simply love back the boy who’s been bleeding my colours since he saw a race car for the first time but maybe that’s just me
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