#I’m watching BigBs secret life :3
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Zombiebird nation how are we feeling
#zombiebird#traffic shipping#trafficshipping#zombiecleo#jimmy solidarity#puts them in my pocket#I need them to team up at some point#I’m watching BigBs secret life :3#secret life
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Okay, sorry if this is formatted wrong new to posting but I am humbly requesting the wide world of tumblrs help on a little personal project of making tarot cards based off of the Life Series, I have a list but I am worried it might a little repetitive/there might just be some better options that I would love to get reccomend so here we go
0-The Fool-Solidarity (Falling, probably)
1-The Magician-Scar (Limited life win/trader scar)
2-The High Priestess-Geminitay (Leading the Boogy army in SL)
3-The Empress-Zombiecleo (wildlife, with the Revived Mumbo and Skizz)
5-The Heirophant-Impulse and Bdubs in double life being wholesome
6-The Lovers-Smallishbeans and LDshadowlady Secret life (failed slumber party maybie?)
7-The Chariot-Rendog(at the battle of dog warts)
8-Strength-Etho-Protecting someone somewhere (probably SL) (wow I have a lot of SL ones crap)
9-the Hermit-BigB-The Cobblerooms or whatever it’s called
10-Wheel of Fortune-Mumbo LastL bogey kill with end crystal
11-Justice-Secret Keeper
12-Hanged Man- Skizz (final limited life death+sacrifice)
13-Death-Skynet (+the bad boys)
14-Temperance this is the one I’m the most confused on- Magic mountain or Traitor Scars?
15-The Devil- InTheLittleWood Betrayer win
16-The Tower-Spiders Nest (Wild Life)
17-The Stars-Smajor win
18-the Moon-Scarlet Pearl (and Tilly!)
19-The Sun-Grian win
20-Judgement-Tango (watching the Heart foundation Burn or the Ranch burn)
21-The World-The Watchers
God I hope this reaches people, if anyone has any any ideas at all please comment or reblog or whatever you do on tumblr
P.s. if this has already been done….. oops
#life series#wildlife#tarot cards#grian#bigbgames#ethoslab#geminitay#goodtimeswithscar#impulsesv#inthelittlewood#ldshadowlady#mumbo jumbo#pearlescentmoon#rendog#skizzleman#smallishbeans#jimmy solidarity#tangotek#zombiecleo
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My personal Life Series rankings (excluding RL)
Big Disclaimer: This is personal opinions. If you disagree, that’s fine, but also, I cannot be wrong because these are my opinions. You cannot be wrong because those are your opinions. None of this is hate to anyone it’s literally just what I enjoyed watching the most. There are some negative opinions expressed in this post. If that will upset you, DO NOT READ IT!
Smaller Disclaimer: I am a Pearl main viewer. The only season where Pearl wasn’t my main pov is the one she wasn’t in. I have only seen Pearl’s pov and the winner in completion for any season, as well as sporadic episodes from others. Therefore, I am also biased by how fun the season was as a Pearl viewer.
1.) Double Life- To absolutely no one’s surprise, a Pearl main’s favorite season is Double Life. The drama, the angst, the finale where she went fully batshit and just started killing. Also she won, which, ya know, makes me happy. And I really liked the gimmick of soulmates! I think it forced people to be strategic about whether or not it was worth it to actually fight as a pair, or whether it was better to have one person stay safe to heal while the other fought. I also liked that it kind of gave people default alliances, though of course that didn’t work out in the Divorce Quartet’s case until Martyn and Cleo made up near the end. The whole soulmates idea kind of forced some amount of player interaction and roleplay, which are my favorite parts of the series, even for those that don’t really do it as much.
2.) Limited Life- I have made the fact that the Nosey Neighbors are my favorite alliance ever no secret. And I think having both the ability to die a bunch of times, the gaining time for killing, and the boogeyman back created the opportunity for players to get creative with kills, to sneak around to conserve time, to go on actual rampages, and to have drama filled sacrifices. All of these are my favorite aspects of the series. I think when a gimmick is good is when it facilitates player interaction and kills rather than interrupts or overtakes them. There’s also Martyn’s win, which was just perfect. He took the fact that Scott and Impulse wanted a pure PvP moment, almost like Third Life, and instead tricked them into putting their guard down. Was it the most honorable win? No. But I’m never particularly fussed about honor or “cheating” when I’m here to watch a Minecraft death game between friends. He did the sickest thing he could, which is just outsmart them.
3.) Last Life- Oh beloved Scottage Duo. This is actually probably the prime example of what I mean when I say I like gimmicks that facilitate player interaction. Willingly giving over lives and the boogeyman curse were some of the biggest makers and breakers of alliances. This was also before I feel like alliances had to be really set in stone. People went back and forth constantly. Take Cleo, for example, who switched teams after BigB boogey killed her, and then kinda went rogue from GGG, and then switched back last second when she went red. The roleplay was great, the kills were dramatic and cool. I only really have it lower than LimL because of my bias for Nosey Neighbors lol.
4.) Third Life- A good old death game, plain and simple, and I like it that way! Good kills, good traps, and pure player interaction in a fight for survival. Bdubs’ finale is an actual fever dream nightmare. And of course the infamous cactus ring punching battle to the death. No notes. It’s really only this low because I am a Pearl viewer mainly and she wasn’t in this season.
5.) Secret Life- Pearl’s pov of this season was deeply involved, largely because the Mounders’ base was kind of central on the map. This meant I probably got the best idea of what was happening on the server of any of her seasons. I also watched at least a little of every pov this season, because I was curious about why people were acting the way they were so I wanted to see their tasks. The best task in my opinion was the zombie task, because it was something that got the whole server involved. I wanted to watch every pov to see when people were realizing what was happening, and I was genuinely excited by the interactions it created. I thought a lot of the tasks were great, in fact, but there were a couple that just… couldn’t work. And with so many people trying to get so many things done at once, there were definitely times where genuine interactions took a back seat to frantically trying to get someone to say or do something specific to get a task done, then bolting away to get a success.
And then there was the incredibly weak mechanic of gifting hearts. Some players started skipping doing it entirely, and I don’t even blame them. With no regen in a death game, gifting one heart didn’t really matter. It was much more rewarding to get hearts either from completing a task or, when that failed, by killing people. We still got a couple great sacrifice moments for extra hearts, which I’m always a fan of, but that was from the kill mechanic. The gifting didn’t really seem to end up mattering except when it came to reaffirming who was in what alliance at the beginning of episodes. Overall, a great season, but maybe a little over bloated.
6.) Wild Life-And on the topic of over bloated gimmicks. I will start by saying that I know the main audience of the series is probably like 12 and this kind of season probably appeals to them. I know that I, a 21 year old man, am not the target audience for this kind of season. I know that, but that doesn’t mean I can’t express an opinion on it. I probably don’t have any criticism about this series that most people haven’t already heard. I’m certain that Grian and the people he hired worked incredibly hard on this season, and the effort really shows. The models for the snails and the trivia bot were really cute, I think it was really fun to outsource quiz questions to fan creators, and the superhero mechanics were really well done. But that doesn’t mean I personally enjoyed this season as much as I enjoyed the others.
Player interaction, resource gathering, PvP kills, and trapping took a back seat to each episodes gimmick. My absolutely least favorite was the snails. Of the 120 something possible deaths, I think something like 30 were just the snails. In fact, that particular gimmick was so all encompassing that there was basically no meaningful interaction between players at all in that session, since basically every conversation boiled down to “man the snails sure suck anyways I should start running now because of the snail” and all of them seemed pretty sick of it by the end which is why they cut the session short. The fact that a few people actually managed to get base building done that episode was miraculous. I know it’s funny that that happened, and that maybe I shouldn’t be taking it this seriously, but it still contributes to why I didn’t vibe with this season. Not to mention, the growth mechanic was consistently super glitchy and a little hard to watch especially when people were trying to get up anything, and the mob spawn mechanic meant constant lag spikes that also made it hard to watch.
And then in this last episode, I’m sorry, but while it was deffo the finale I expected for this season that was already super chaotic, it was absolutely my least favorite finale of any series. I don’t think anything exemplifies it more than the fact that multiple final kills were due to mobs, including snail kills, in a session where almost everyone was on red and could have been killing each other. But they couldn’t focus on actually fighting half the time because they were shrinking and the trivia bots were there and oh there’s a vex and the snails are back and we have super powers. I couldn’t even tell what killed most people in their povs because yeah that explosion might have been a tnt trap, or maybe there’s a ghast somewhere or a creeper or someone is invisible and snuck up on them. Chaos is great in certain quantities but the whole finale was at an 11, and for me it wasn’t in a fun way. The only reprieve was the final fight, which was absolutely a fun watch because it was just actual PvP. Joel showed off some sick skills and won in a way I found very satisfying.
#life series#third life smp#last life smp#double life smp#limited life smp#secret life smp#wild life smp
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WATCHER LORE HEADCANON! okay, so here is my head canon for watcher lore, so the watcher logo itself is a portal but the corners are put to the side, i think it’s the symbol showing that when the two pieces were connected and it was a portal. It was the council, protecting evo. The council was made up of the watchers, the listeners, and chosen watchers (selected ones like grian) the dots that are now disconnected are grian, on the bottom, now being a powerful being that has watcher powers, but has the mind of a listener. then the top left dot was the listeners, trying to protect anybody who is being thwatted by the watchers. now in the middle are just the 2 watchers, controlling it all. Since evo was built with everybody, called the council, and now that it was just the watchers, they needed to make something so they could continue to restore their energy. How do they restore their energy? by emotions (canon!) Evo was their perfect way to gain power, they would mess with the players, gaining their negative emotions from what the watchers have done to them, and the evolution beyond. But now that evo has been torn apart, since the listeners and the chosen watchers have left the council. They needed to make something new, so they created the *life series*. It was a less efficient way to gain emotions, because they couldn’t mess with most of the players, since their power could only go so far, only to the people who were put into the evo world, the portals connected them to help the watchers be able to obtain emotions from them in any other universe the watchers were participating in. But then, there are 3 other people, excluding martyn and grian who they have been messing with for a while or is a watcher. They could obtain energy from 3 more people, Bigb, Pearl, and Jimmy. Pearl and jimmy have been going more to the listeners side, since the listeners are managing to pull them to the “good side”. But for Bigb it’s a different story. Bigb is turning into a watcher beneath our very eyes, a certain watcher, capable of going through bigbs mind, (which is impressive) is slowly turning bigb into a watcher… How?
Let’s go to double life, bigb went to pearls tower and left a sign, a sign saying “Watch your back.” A watcher was leading Bigb to say that, slowly crumbling bigb into more and more of a god, a watcher god. Then let’s go to secret life. He has fully became the watcher entity, having his cobble rooms. I believe that each door is a different portal, to a different dimension, a different evolution. Just like evo. He even has some of different seasons, there is one of a double life season. He goes in there, into the past, and sees old bigb, and makes sure bigb places that sign, he was slowly turning himself into a watcher. The thing is, is that only watchers can see these portals in these rooms, who else is a watcher? Grian. You see, when other members enter these rooms, nothing happens, even if they are secretly listeners. You know how at the start of the season, Grian tried to enter these rooms, bigb was gaslighting grian to make sure he doesn’t enter, and why you may ask? It’s because Grian is a watcher, and if he saw what bigb was doing, he might do something against the watchers, trying to stop the watchers from taking anymore people, and bigb is now on the watchers side, or so we think for now. He is trying to stop grian, Bigb wants to do this. Bigb is a watcher.
that’s my head canon! a lot of it doesn’t make sense canontically, even fanonitally, but it makes sense i’m my mind, so ima role with it, this took SOOOO long so please like it y’all😭 okay bye bye! <3 /p
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Alright I’ve had a good night to sleep on Wild Life and I’m ready to cook up my headcanons on Life lore.
Despite the name that was a relatively tame first episode; everyone’s spread out in a usual fashion, claiming high ground, resources and allies.
The opening teams this time are such a treat; you’ve got Jimmy, Scar and Lizzie. Treebark. Obsession Duo. GrumboMan. BET. BigB off by himself (whyyy)
Aaaaand there’s the Gs (now upgraded to 4G with impulse being Grownman or Guy). What kind of destiny is so intractable, so unyielding, that after 4 seasons of death, betrayal and pain these 3 cannot deviate from their orbits around each other?
It's almost strange to see, especially after the healing that was Secret Life. Why the regression, why the diving back into what seems like an unhealthy relationship?
It's only after watching Scar, that I realised. Pearl semi-won Secret Life. She may not have carried one of her chosen Mounders to victory, but her personal arc of healing was completed by relinquishing the bloodlust and desire to win, her half hearted ally Scar earned his victory, she made new friends and had a mostly good time being in the thick of things. I'd like to think Scar came out of his victory the most sane of all the winners, so far he seems a little on edge, but he seems much sharper in his survival skills (aside from the falling please never change Scar <3) planning defenses and gathering allies etc. Interestingly he put Pearl on 100/100 relationship immediately, despite having never interacted (?) with her at all this first episode except sharing the first deaths.
Anyway back to Pearl, what's her headspace going into a new life series, having mostly achieved her goal of getting a friend across the finish line?
Primarily I see her as cautious, with her familiarity of the twists and turns of the seasons changing, she wants to know what ground she's treading first. Circumstance or destiny has brought old faces to her side, ghosts made manifest. So she tests. She tests if they remember, as she does. No better than known quantities, as a control for what may have changed. Clearly they do. They remember it all. The gaslighting, the gatekeeping. Just not the girlbossing. I think Pearl has made her peace with that. That part of her is a rotting corpse chained to her soul. That part of her died when he killed them.
And then there's Impulse. The one who seems on the cusp of remembering, of being drawn into the nexus of unbreakable fate. He has always been a contender, an aspirant to the pantheon. He positions himself as the useful one, at the very least a player in the games. So far he's contributed a lot of time to the team, digging obsidian, herding cows, figuring out the wildcard. But is he really stuck in? Between the moon and stars which side will he lean if perchance....one were to bolt?
Because this is not a stable configuration; for the first time in 5 seasons, Pearl has not outright said: I want my team my partner my universe assigned person and I to win. In fact when Cleo brought up loyalty, of all the people she who could best have a claim to it, Pearl outright shoots down the idea that day one alliances last despite having never being the one to break them up and having always wanted them to hold. I think victory means little to Pearl now, she has won, she has lost, her team has won, her team has lost. So what drives Pearl, in a world of chaos and uncertainty? I don't really know but if I had to guess?
She has never been a conformist, and she only cleaved to people's flawed expectations as a subversion. Pearl has been on a malicious compliance arc lately on hermitcraft and I am having some tasty hopes that will continue (copium intensifies). Grouping up with an old team? That sounds like great groundwork for expectation subversion if you think she's going to be like previous season, loyal and almost self-sacrificial. Why would she, to a group that treats her like trash?
Very much enjoyed the opening episodes this week, they are such fertile soil for headcanons and interpretations. Looking forward to the weekly twists and turns with all the cast and crew.
I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from a book "The galaxy will know, before long, one way or the other, that defiance yet exists in this crooked house of lies" ~The Path of Heaven, Chris Wraight
#pearlescentmoon#wild life spoilers#deep in the rabbit hole of silly block people#hi i live here now#everyone im referring to is c! to be clear#meaning their character#<- always good to clarify this bit
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Life series alliances and enemies I want to see!
(BIG DISCLAIMER: All of the people in the life series are friends and will choose what happens in an improvised series, me wanting two people to be rivals like Renchanting vs The sand hippies doesn’t mean I want them to hate each other in real life, this is a for fun post as season 6 is coming very soon)
Grian and BigB: They have gotten close a few times but never a long series alliance. I really love their friendship and I want to see them team together more than one episode.
Mumbo and Scar: I loved how they were in early episodes of secret life, a long series alliance would be so cool, especially if Mumbo last longer.
Scott and Tango: We’ve only seen bits and pieces of these two but I think it would be interesting. Some people have been rude about these two teaming so there’s a bit of spite in there too. I just think it would be cool to see.
Cleo and Jimmy: Even less interactions. Why these two? I don’t know, I think they would make a great alliance. Probably best work with a third person so I shall suggest Pearl or Bdubs here.
Ren and Scott: I am not over third and last life with these two. I don’t want them as enemies or fighting to the death, I want to see Ren and Scott be allies. Be bros. I want to see theatre kid Ren with Scott okay?
Lizzie and Etho: Sorry Joel, your wife is teaming with your ex-soulmate.
Joel and Pearl: Please please please please please- I just think they would be neat :3
Scott and Joel: While I really want Joel to take Scott’s final life, I would 100% down with these two teaming. What a great alliance it would be to be with the guy you tried to kill multiple times! In other words, I think it would be funny for me. That’s the most important thing.
Any combination of Skizz, Mumbo and Lizzie: Our guys that weren’t in double life, I need these three to interact more okay?
Martyn and Grian: I know someone asked Martyn to make a one side homoerotic relationship with Grian next season but I would be so down for a team up. Yeah yeah they were in Southlands together but I want just them as a duo.
Ren and Martyn: “hey didn’t they already team?” Yes and? I have been waiting for so long for these two to talk again and Ren might not be in this season again. I don’t have any evidence to say he won’t but I’m not getting my hopes up again.
Lizzie and Pearl: We got a taste of these two in secret life and I think they would have a solid alliance. Plus red life with these two? Two wet cats with a taste for blood? Sign me the fuck up.
Pearl and Gem: “uwu wouldn’t it be so cool if they were together and pearl helped gem win?” Fuck no. I want blood. I want them at each other’s throat. I want Pearl to actively take Gem’s final life. You had murder camel, let me see these two fight to the death okay? Fuck an alliance I want murder and death.
Martyn and Tango: Watchful eyes would see that over the seasons Martyn and Tango have a sort of rivalry or at the very least Tango is bullied/teased by Martyn. Rarely have they been on the same page. Therefore, I want them to be official enemies.
Tango and Skizz: I don’t want them to be actual rivals, it just would be nice for Skizz and Tango to branch out from each other as they have teamed in every season besides third and double life. Being rivals is a treat.
Impulse and Skizz: Same as above but more because they are best friends, I would love to see them tease each other lol.
Pearl and BigB: I don’t think this would happen but it would be something new. Especially how Pearl wanted BigB to win limited life when they were the nosey neighbours.
Scott and Joel: Pretty please take Scott’s final life I love the guy but I need Joel to do it please please please-
Ren and Martyn: Yes I want them to be alliances again but enemies? Oh? Oh ho? We had a taste of this with last life’s final four battle royal and Martyn confirming that he was always going to betray Ren. I need to see that.
Bdubs and Etho: Purely for the angst <3
Mumbo and Grian: I love these two so much but proper rivals would go so hard. Bonus if Scar is teamed with one of them lmao.
Impulse and Bdubs: It won’t be brought up but I think the clock grudge lasting all the way to season 6 would be funny as hell.
Bdubs and Joel: Short.
Cleo and literally anyone: She is very scary as an enemy not in a “Cleo would beat your ass” she couldn’t, but in a “they will hurt you with words”
Anyway who do you want as allies or enemies in season 6?
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My favorite bits/lines from every Secret Life session after watching all POVs
Session 1
tango trying to ask multiple questions at a time to get scar talking for a little while and scar outright telling him to shut up so he can infodump
joel’s response to lizzie, his ACTUAL WIFE, saying "I love you": "oh thank you"
joel: "hey bdubs your house is upside down" bdubs: "YES I KNOW IT'S UPSIDE DOWN- i'm sorry. i'm sorry"
bdubs not-so-subtly begging mumbo not to build a house inspired by his and mumbo straight up going going "uh huh" before suggesting a house inspired by bdubs's
cleo catching etho with the bed shrine
mumbo: "it could be like the alps, but bad. like, much worse."
martyn: "we can do a bit of, uh, tankin' and spankin'" gem: "……bit of what?"
skizz: "all of us are pretty old, maybe our island's called heart problems"
tango: "well, i'll be honest, skizz… everybody's teamed up, so… you're all that's left, we're gonna have to shack up" skizz: "well! it’s like a giant hug!"
Session 2
everyone going "OOOOHHhhhhhhhhhh…….." after skizz's creeper got put in a boat
mumbo: "I'm happy to be in whatever group you guys- oh hey bdubs"
bdubs: "I DON'T NEED NO MOM, I'M A GROWN MAN!" cleo: "really? how do you explain the everything?"
cleo (to bdubs): "you're just a horse girl at heart, aren’t you?"
skizz going "BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP" at the same time as tango chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"
scar: "was this your idea, pearl?" pearl: "no" scar: "this is amazing, only you would have come up with something like this"
martyn: "that's right, I'm a yellow life, and I've come to KILL you" bigb: "….wow, dude"
grian: "I've had the weirdest interactions whenever I see you" bigb: "y'know, I hope they get weirder"
everyone singing happy birthday off-key and out of sync
mumbo: "is there anything that I can help with? I come with no resources and very little talent"
bdubs: "I know how to crit punch, so it's gonna hurt you more than it hurts me!" gem: "..I also know how to crit punch" bdubs: "oh"
scar: "can I give you a ride, bdubs, wherever you're going?" bdubs: "freaking no, not on that thing! you kidding me?" scar: "aw. well I was just offering!" bdubs: "…all right, fine."
Session 3
*joel and lizzie arguing* grian: "aren't you guys married"
grian saying "I don't like what this has become" then immediately joining in the chanting when it’s joel's turn to fail
grian: "I love you, etho" etho: "……thank you?"
mumbo: "right, show me the gear knob on that camel" grian: "I’d rather not"
cleo: "yes, tango, the thing that I know about you is you don't know how minecraft works"
cleo's constant ethubs jokes
etho waterboarding everyone
scar: "losers will be beaten with my beatin' stick"
joel: "you are a FAILURE!!" martyn: "wow that was whole chest" joel: "sorry I’ve had a really rough episode"
bigb accidentally picking up torchy and tango being DEVASTATED
cleo: "why are we coming out this way?" bigb: "so no one can hear!" cleo: "well impulse is right there" impulse: "who?"
torchy out for blood the entire time
Session 4
cleo accidentally hitting etho with her sword and etho's immediate response: "I'LL DO THE DISHES I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT"
cleo: "hey grian" grian: "🎶hellooo theeeere🎶" cleo: "hello, are you singing?" grian: "🎶absolutely not, I would never sing🎶"
mumbo: "what's your favorite welsh town" grian: "……….🎶let me googleee🎶"
grian: "I don't know what to do with myself now, cleo, what do we do?" cleo: "I don't know, I think we should burn things down"
grian: "ignore the stairs, they wouldn’t burn"
scar: "you guys are still here? I went and stole a bunch of stuff and you guys are still yapping over here"
jimmy: "I'll go in BigB's hole" scott: "you're gonna do WHAT????" cleo: "I always knew there was something about you two"
scar singing back at grian with no hesitation
grian and scar spotting martyn hiding behind the tree
jimmy: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" scott: "hi, I’m just making the path connect-" jimmy: "STOP CRYIN' AND TELL US WHAT YOU'RE DOIN'" scott: "I'm making the path connect like lizzie did"
joel: "anyway, just came over here to ruin your day"
bdubs: "okay, you count us in" bigb: "okay. seven"
mumbo: "what do I win?" bdubs: "uhh- you win.. eight baked potatoes!" mumbo: "YEEEEESSS!!!!!"
bdubs: "you can't hit me! I can say and do whatever I want! okay, going to the house real quick though, to lock myself in"
people gaslighting jimmy and martyn (mostly jimmy) into thinking there’s a zombie/skeleton horse spawner somewhere
bdubs: "hey, hey! I consider you a friend! apparently it’s not reciprocated." gem: "it’s not. what do you want?"
jimmy: "martyn I think he can see you-" *beat* martyn: "WELL HE DIDN’T UNTIL YOU SAID THAT YOU IDIOT"
martyn: "oh yeah, wait! why are you wearin’ that?" scar: *incoherent cop sounds* (/ref)
jimmy: "he'll come back like nothing's happened now" mumbo: "hey guys 😀"
skizz: "here's the thing, I'm not too bossy, I- Boppers, go home for a second, I gotta talk to these guys"
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I’m back! More fragments, let’s go. This time we have Gem and Pearl! Both absolutely slayed this season.
She’s only been in one season but I think got farther than most people who join later on. (With the acception of pearl of course.)
Her only fragment is on her eye from when she opened the end portal, and it seemed pretty important as her skin changes to highlight it.
You might’ve noticed that she only has three, this is also because she joined later on— as well as winning a series. (Just a recap for people who haven’t watched all the series.)
Last life - This fragment is on her mouth. I did this for the bit that her Scott and Cleo had in which they called eachother gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss. Sense Pearl was gaslight, that’s why I put it there.
Double life - this is the one that she won, so it’s not visible? Or is it? Or does it heal last life’s? Look I’m a little confused but shhhh— if double life had a mark it could go on the hand. For petting Tilly of corse <3
Limited life- the eye. This is for the “always watching” motif She and bigb had at the end of every episode. Plus she’s a nosy neighbor so she’s watching everyone.
Secret life- the chest / heart. I think the heart break of watching her entire team die slowly, and having none of them win was pretty hard for her. Her entire goal throughout the season was to get one of them to win and she failed. I think she was really close to her mourners so — yay.
#life series#secret life smp#traffic series#traffic smp#trafficblr#mcyt#mcyt fanart#mcytblr#eaefragments
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I woke up today and wanted to make a List about the life series so here it is. warning: it gets /neg for wild life but I don't mean any harm I PROMISE
without further ado... here are my favorite moments from the life series <3
Third Life
Bdubs organizing group punishment w the arrows and fire
Etho trying to destroy the crastle w bombs just bc he could
Cleo stealing Pizza
Grian devoting his life to Scar
Scar falling into the ravine and dying oh my god
The desert battle w the underground bunker rigged to explode???
Bdubs betraying Impulse for a clock
Last life
Bdubs and Etho forever and always I think they may have actually ruined my life I remember going to tumblr immediately after watching last life thinking there HAS to be a fandom,, PLEASE… I NEED fanfiction of these two but back then fandom was super undeveloped and people were still very weird about “rps” and my first tag search didn’t turn up anything so I left… so sad
etho and bdubs threatening to kill each other and then never actually doing it is basically endless foreplay......
Scar’s whole shtick. The magical mountain, the crystals, when he went red and started speaking in that booming voice
When BigB KILLED cleo and then she spawned in her bed and Etho was there invisible stealing from her and he was like “… I’m so sorry.” Oh my god
Bdubs dying and Etho being like that hurts me a lot actually and Cleo there with him empathizing bc Bdubs was ALSO her teammate in a past life. And she loved him too!!!!!!!!!!!
When Etho starts losing it he’s panicking he’s turning against former allies. And cleo climbs the ladder and says “it’s just me” and he. Relaxes. Wow the Cletho.
Double life
Some people don’t like double life which I don’t get bc it was literally perfect. Like a married at first sight reality romance show set in the middle of summer. And bdubs playing into it with the love island intro music.
The ranchers! and maybe the most iconic moment of tango rage ever recorded
The cleo-martyn-scott-pearl mess and the amazing storylines that emerged from it
Desert duo brought together AGAIN by fate like I have never really shipped desert duo but there was that moment at the end of episode 1 where grian drops the stalactite on scar and then hauls him off with his fishing rod so exhausted but FOND in a way that really made me open my eyes and be like… ohhh okayyyy
Bdubs and impulse being the perfect couple meanwhile bdubs seething inside bc etho’s not his and etho seething inside bc bdubs isn’t his and the weird tension when impulse and etho went to the deep dark together it makes me CHOKE laughing and when etho asked “impulse treating you okay, bdubs” I really. Can’t. Dominant and support.
The red velvet keep battle was so insanely dramatic w scar water bucket clutching and jimmy-tango dying wahhhh
When cleo and Scott were spying on the reds and etho said something like “don’t mess w cleo” and cleo turns to Scott and silently loses it bc wtf why is etho so scared of her
Limited Life
The clockers gave me everything I wanted and more like yes please let’s put all my favorite ccs together on one team and give them a bizarre family dynamic. The first ep where bdubs says “make me a pickaxe cleo! Fasterrr.” That audio plays in my head on repeat. The FAMILY DINNER. Etho taking his sons out to play catch w a TNT minecart. Everyone was improvving their hearts out like it really was something to behold.
When bdubs and etho built the road together and had a serious conversation about Building.
When cleo insinuated that Etho was washed up
If you’re going to be an absent father, at least be absent!!!!
I really only liked the clockers from limited life now that I think about it but I liked them SO much that it made the entire series for me
Secret life
CLETHO!!!!!!!! “Don’t take cleo away from me” “I’m not a protector cleo” followed by him protecting cleo like a mf…..
Be nice to bdubs day more like be still my heart day. When they’re in the middle of praising each other/being grossed out by praising each other etho stops and laughs FULL body and says “I like this. This is fun” EWWWW…. IT IS SO GROSS
Did that make you jump?
It was kind of fun the first time they brought up the warden
Bdubs getting a fun arc where he kills the dragon!
Wild life
Bdubs and etho again!
Other than that…
I have tried to watch later eps but I just find it exhausting
And then this crazyyy thing happens! And the entire episode is them dealing with this crazy thing! Not compelling to watch for over 5 minutes
At least in secret like the crazy thing was something the ccs themselves were doing i.e. bringing up the warden, killing each other, w/e. This time it’s just inexorable cosmic forces acting on them which are impossible to manage, stop, reason with, or in other words develop a plot line around
Sorry wild life. I am going go try and give you a full watch over my Christmas vacation but idk if I will be successful
#txt#i love making messy lists it really soothes me#also i had to repost this bc the formatting was fucked so if you saw the previous post no you didn't
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Ok ok time to talk about my tma secret life au (I’ve been working on this with Shrub ( @moonyforests ) so some of the ideas are theirs)
Also tma spoilers (a lil for the start of season 5) ahead so beware
The idea behind this is that the secret life server is a domain in the eyepocalypse (we’re thinking probably a web one because of their tasks but maybe spiral idk)
The secret keeper is watching in place of the giant eye(s) in the sky so the people in the server are less suspicious of what’s going on
The tasks all correspond to an entity (or multiple, or partially one and a lot of another, Robert Smirke was wrong guys the entities overlap so much). For example let’s take Gem’s session one task ‘convince someone to take a leap of faith and make sure they take no damage’. This is so so so Vast I literally cannot iterate enough how Vast this is. We also have BigB’s session one task, ‘Dig a big hole. All the way down. At least 3x3. Make it your base if you want’. Ignoring the weirdness of the phrasing for a second (I’ll return your attention to BigB later in this very long post), this is quite obviously Buried. However some tasks such as Grian’s ‘make 3 bad jokes and get NO laughs’ doesn’t particularly seem to be any of them. We can assign it one at a stretch (perhaps lonely) but it isn’t obvious.
This domain is slightly odd since we have several avatars in it (who the domain doesn’t belong to). We can probably say that the secret keeper is the avatar of this domain, since it’s responsible for the tasks, but who knows?
Let’s talk about BigB. If you’ve seen some of my previous posts you probably know I’m already headcanoning him as the distortion. It just makes so much sense. The gaslighting, the weird corri-door and just everything he’s doing is very very distortion. I see him very much as an equivalent to Michael in this (and Grian as Helen to an extent). I’m putting Grian as the distortion as well because the events are just too perfect.
1. Grian goes into BigB’s underground hotel/corridors/confusing place
2. Grian goes and moves people’s doors under their noses, drawing the line from Lizzie ‘I know this doesn’t make sense to you, but this door was not here a second ago’
3. Grian goes and builds the most Spiral-esque staircase EVER
As I said, the events are just too perfect
But yes these are the ideas I (and Shrub) have so far! Feel free to add anything if you think of stuff (it would be awesome if someone who knows some of the other guys better than me headcanons what they are/do in this au)
I’m currently drawing more art of distortion!BigB and Grian so expect that in a bit!
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Life series hybrid headcanons I really like that aren’t the main headcanon for each charachter
Mainly a zombie, but I really adore mouse Cleo. It’s kinda random and obscure but I was just throwing things at the wall with random hybrids ages ago for those hybrid swap posts and came up with mouse Cleo and now she’s one of my fave hcs ever.
Mainly a vex, but I see him as a moobloom. The flowers are related to each season, Third Life being lilacs, Last Life being poppies, Double Life is cornflowers, limited life I’m not sure on, Secret Life is sunflowers, real life he’s a mooshroom, and Wild Life it’s bamboo.
This one’s hard because the main one is definitely moth, but wolf is too popular to put as my “uncommon headcanon” so imma go with cat. Cat pearl is really funny to me, especially in the context of Double Life. Kitty in charge of a pack of wolves, peak humour.
Another tricky one but this time because there’s no real commonly agreed on headcanon for him from what I’ve seen. Everyone really makes him a human or some random hybrid. Personally I usually see him as a phantom hybrid (I could ramble about phantom Martyn for ages <3 I love him <33) but also cat Martyn is super fun, especially in Secret Life. He also just has wet cat vibes.
I see arctic fox Etho or eldritch being Etho the most, but personally I see him as a snow lynx. I just think it fits him and it looks good with his white hair. Also snow lynx in a white castle in Third Life then the snow fort in Last Life? It fits so good imo.
Canary Jimmy is obvious the most common one, and I totally understand why, but with the canary curse being gone it’s opened my eyes to breeze Jimmy. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I thought about hybrids for him, and I think it’s such a cool concept. It also matches with Tango in Double Life, blaze and breeze, I love it. Begging y’all to see my vision here.
Fairy Lizzie is the common one, and tbh it’s mine too, but my uncommon hc for her is cat! (Wow there’s a lot of cats on this list it’s almost like they’re my fave animal-). She’s skittish, cute, awkward at times, but can be incredibly deadly when she feels like it and locks in. Also empires season 2 reference ;3
This is same as Martyn, there’s no popularly agreed headcanon for him, but I guess I’ll use creaking since it got super popular from Wild Life, but I’ve not seen it much outside of Wild Life. My rare headcanon for him is curly haired mouse! I don’t have a lot of reasoning for this one I just think it’s cute.
Everyone’s seen blaze Tango, it’s the universal headcanon by everyone, but holy shit bee Tango is so fun. That one post about it has blown my mind, he’s so cool. Angry lil bee. I love him.
Scotts a tricky one (again) cause like the others there’s no super common one, but I see him with pointed ears a LOT so I guess elf is the main one. My rare hc for him is unicorn, which is so insane to me that that’s rare. It’s so obvious?? It’s so perfect???? Why do people not see the vision…
Vampire Mumbo is obviously the most popular one and again it’s my normal hc for him but bat Mumbo is my guilty pleasure. Not vampire bat, just bat. He’s got lil bat wings and lil fangs, he has those claw hook things on his inner wrists. He’s just a lil guy. I love him <3
I don’t watch Skizz much but from fanart I’ve seen him as an angel the most. I really like angel Skizz and it’s probs my main hc for him, but butterfly Skizz <3 he’s so silly. Huge buff scarred man screaming LETS DANCE at you and then he’s got huge butterfly wings. What a guy!
Obviously moss/glare is the common one, and mine too, but holy shit sniffer Bdubs. Please. Looks super similar in design but I think him impulsively finding flowers and plants for Impulse and Etho and Cleo and such is super funny.
These nexts ones were REALLY hard, I struggled to think of something for these ones cause I see them so strongly as the popular ones.
He doesn’t necessarily have an agree upon one other than bug but I can’t use ogre as the rare one cause I feel like that’s also super popular. I don’t really like tiger Joel all that much personally so that can’t be my rare one so idk 😭. Fairy I guess, matching with fairy Lizzie. Also it’s funny that he’s this scary evil guy, and then he’s sparkly and has fairy wings.
Deer and fox are the popular ones and honestly it’s perfect I wouldn’t change a thing. There’s nothing here that can be improved upon, it’s perfect.
Grian is so avian I can’t think of anything else, he’s just a fuckass bird. What do you want from me /lh! Also Watcher obv.
Okay what do you want from me here. He’s a dog, he’s a wolf, he’s renDOG. What am I supposed to do here. Anything else doesn’t fit 😭😭!! I couldn’t come up with something for him. He’s just a dog.
Same as Ren, he’s IMPulse what do ya want me to do LMAO. I did see cow Impulse once and I think that’s really cool so I guess that’s my rare one for him ;3
#life series#trafficblr#third life#last life#double life#limited life#secret life#real life#wild life#I’m not tagging everyone#fuck you#mcyt#mcytblr
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When the insomnia hits hard, my rambling hits harder.
Things that have happened to BigB or he has done on secret life that make me wondering what it up: a list
1. The red secret. Now for the people who have not watched BigBs videos his secret is red. Compared to all the rest that are white. And even beyond that the name of his secret book has red letters. Its definitely very intentional. Because theres no reason for it to be red. Scars hard one wasn’t red, only BigBs.
2. The lies. BigB has lied a fairly decent amount and not the ‘Im just protecting myself lies’, but lies about a lot if things. Its very evident in the first one, with the whole conversation with Grian. Especially since theres no reason he shouldve lied!! He turned in his task, he could’ve just said his task was to dig a hole, nobody would’ve been like ‘thats a weird task’ because its the first session. I mean even grian barely knows how the tasks work. He left it all up for everyone else to decide scars fate. Nobody would’ve batted an eye.
3. His tasks in general. Now while something as small as the task ‘dont say any mobs name for 30 minutes’ seems mundane and basic. The whole point of the series is to push everyone together, while at the same time keeping them all apart. Almost every single task involves to some degree interacting with other players. But both of BigBs were very solidarity, he didn’t need anyone else’s input in order to complete it. Theres maybe 2 tasks? (don’t quote that number) That aren’t BigBs that don’t require other players. And don’t get me started on the wording of the 3x3 hole one- its so long and complicated and so oddly specific. I could dedicate a whole point to that task alone. But back to the point, his tasks are just so out of character if you compare them to everyone else’s.
BigBs character i feel is gonna be so crucial to the future of secret life. I’m excited for future sessions, and so so curious to figure out how BigB ties into everything. I have my own ideas (hes gonna go a bit crazy/manic when red) but thats for another day. So many characters are so so interesting and im just really excited.
#secret life#the brainrot is real#bigbst4tz2#im losing my mind#i know i didn’t mention his base#but honestly thats just a bigb thing#not a lore thing#why is he so criptic#hehehe#im so excited#grian#goodtimeswithscar
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A lil info about my “Secret Life ep _ being unhinged” videos
I am intentionally avoiding some of the most memes upon moments because tumblr has a ~3 minute video limit (at least for me) and I want to show off some clips that get less attention
There is no rhyme or reason to when these videos are posted, it’s just whenever I finish them and tumblr feels like being functional
I am but one man, I cannot watch every pov and even if I get close I am not able to reasonably collect clips from every cc. I started collecting clips as I watch the episodes around session four, but for episodes prior I am collecting clips as I go back through and watch povs I’m excited about but hadn’t gotten to earlier. Regardless, the povs featured in each compilation will fluctuate a little bit, but some (namely Skizz, Cleo, and Bigb) will nearly always be present
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*Double Life spoilers*
Okay so, I just finished watching the Double Life series (from Grian’s POV,) and I binged what was essentially the entire thing in one sitting because I took a break from watching Grian cause I was busy watching Better Call Saul and couldn’t handle too much excitement coming from multiple directions
And Jesus. Christ. I seriously gotta just dump all my emotions somewhere, cause I have no one I talk to who shares my interests so why not here? I don’t even normally do this lol, I usually just post my art with a small rant and that’s that. Doesn’t even matter if no one looks at this, I just need to vent somewhere and it’s 3 AM omg
How is it that there were so many parallels and foreshadowing in an unscripted series from one person’s POV alone??? Like that’s actually insane.
Like Grian dropping that stalagmite on Scar in episode 1 to show him they were soulmates? Then he proceeds to accidentally, indirectly kill his secret soulmate using a perfectly timed stalagmite???? Which that was such a cool kill btw like wow my heart could barely handle it
Then Grian telling Scar off for going into the Deep Dark saying it was “off limits” to him. And Grian proceeds to get himself, and by default Scar, killed in the Deep Dark????? Like the irony.
Not to mention the fact that the reason why Grian was killed was because he couldn’t get away in time thanks to those horrid two block high stairs. Like the same kind of stairs he originally made leading to the Deep Dark and defended saying he didn’t have the time to waste the session making the staircase better, so that whole death’s a double whammy
And I also read in a comment—although I didn’t watch Ren, BigB or Pearl’s POVs—that Pearl warned Ren and BigB about not walking into people’s bases and then they proceeded to get killed by the stalagmite in their own base.
And I’m sure I probably missed some stuff but my mind was just so all over the place that I probably forgot it or couldn’t connect dots—mostly due to the insanity that was episode 5—but I really just had to spill my thoughts somewhere.
Also Scar’s water bucket clutch was literally such a cool moment, him and Grian are definitely an S-tier duo.
God and then there’s the whole thing with how every Third Life season Grian’s destined to lose the one he loves and cares about (especially to his own hands) and Jimmy’s destined to be the first to lose his final life, canary in a coal mine and all that
This whole thing really makes me wanna do some art on it, even though I’m lazy lmao
I lowkey wanna learn how to animate and gain the energy to do so just so I can be able animate some of those moments from Double Life, and maybe the third life series as a whole. At the very least I’ve gotta gain the motivation to do some fanart of it all
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta catch up on Hermitcraft content now. Thank god I did Double Life first, cause I’ve really gotta calm down lol
#double life spoilers#double life grian#double life#third life season 3#grian#goodtimeswithscar#hermitcraft#mcyt#mcytblr
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3rd life hunger games au!
It's the 175th Hunger games everybody, and boy does the capitol have a surprise for you. In honour of it being the 7th Quarter Quell, we have decided to choose 14 tributes from any district! They've been decided beforehand and announced individually at each district.
We also have some other fun additions to the game, but that's a secret for later. Let's just say that it took 3 attempts to absolutely kill this fantastic idea! Now onto the part i'm sure you're all waiting for... the Tributes!
In District 1, after the annual volunteer selection process, Skizzle has made it out on top. In a district known for producing strong tributes, he's sure to be one to watch.
In District 2, we have 2 tributes, both first picked - sadly no volunteers here everybody. Ren Dog and Martyn Littlewood look like a formidable duo with lady luck on their side.
In District 3, another pair! Impulse and Tango might be leading their district to their first victory in 20 years. With technical skills in their belts, who know what they'll do.
District 4 has Etho Slab - a lone contender, but don't let that make you underestimate him. A strong young man with an intelligent mind to match. He's one to watch for sure - an easy bet for you gamblers out there!
District 5 with a duo - BdoubleO and Jo- oh wait- we have a surprise volunteer. Cleo has volunteered to join the games in place of her friend. How sweet! Well that sure has added another layer of excitement to the games.
In District 6 we have another lone tribute! BigB is already acting like a victor, calmly accepting his place in the games - that's what we love to see in the capitol!
District 7's tribute Scar is already shaping up to be a real contender this games. Already playing the crowd, he's sure to be a fan favourite.
We had quite an unprecedented time in District 8. With technically 1 volunteer, but both names picked competing in the games, Scott and Jimmy have had a stroke of luck - it's not everyday you volunteer only to have your name read out next!
District 10 had Joel chosen as their representative this games. Maybe he'll finally be the one to break their unlucky streak of having some of the first tributes to die?
Finally the last tribute is District 11's Grian! Whilst he may seem.. unthreatening at the moment, we have had some victors over the years come from no where to completely dominate the games! You'll have to tune in to see how it goes.
Sadly, no tributes were chosen from districts 9 and 12, but they will have their chance for glory next year! Don't forget to tune in everyday to watch the event - I can already tell this one won't be one to forget..
#Hunger Games Au#Third Life#skizzleman#rendog#inthelittlewood#impulsesv#tangotek#ethoslab#zombiecleo#bdoubleo100#bigb#goodtimewithscar#scott smajor#solidaritygaming#smallishbeans#grian#i have memorised their district order with the amount of times i've had to write it out#this is my first time writing anything#so be kind :(#i have a whole au planned out#well more similarly to it being sketched out#but this took like 1/2 and hour bc i'm using mobile#also sorry but i can't figure out how to add a read more#so have fun scrolling past this every time#this is directed directly at myself#i might upload my reasoning for putting them in each district t#this wasn't just random placements#i put too much research into this for it to be random#i also have more flower husbands angst#don't worry i won't run out unlike how i just ran out of tags - godaamit
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i’m watching ren’s episode 3 of double life (told you i’m behind) and genuinely this is so funny cause when i watched pearl’s i was like “oh nooo bigb ditched ren for grian” but no the conversation they had about bigb’s secret admirer was like. relatively chill and not “i’m leaving you” and then ren got dramatic and lore-y about pearl. who isn’t even the actual secret admirer. it’s so fucking funny.
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