#but honestly thats just a bigb thing
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When the insomnia hits hard, my rambling hits harder.
Things that have happened to BigB or he has done on secret life that make me wondering what it up: a list
1. The red secret. Now for the people who have not watched BigBs videos his secret is red. Compared to all the rest that are white. And even beyond that the name of his secret book has red letters. Its definitely very intentional. Because theres no reason for it to be red. Scars hard one wasn’t red, only BigBs.
2. The lies. BigB has lied a fairly decent amount and not the ‘Im just protecting myself lies’, but lies about a lot if things. Its very evident in the first one, with the whole conversation with Grian. Especially since theres no reason he shouldve lied!! He turned in his task, he could’ve just said his task was to dig a hole, nobody would’ve been like ‘thats a weird task’ because its the first session. I mean even grian barely knows how the tasks work. He left it all up for everyone else to decide scars fate. Nobody would’ve batted an eye.
3. His tasks in general. Now while something as small as the task ‘dont say any mobs name for 30 minutes’ seems mundane and basic. The whole point of the series is to push everyone together, while at the same time keeping them all apart. Almost every single task involves to some degree interacting with other players. But both of BigBs were very solidarity, he didn’t need anyone else’s input in order to complete it. Theres maybe 2 tasks? (don’t quote that number) That aren’t BigBs that don’t require other players. And don’t get me started on the wording of the 3x3 hole one- its so long and complicated and so oddly specific. I could dedicate a whole point to that task alone. But back to the point, his tasks are just so out of character if you compare them to everyone else’s.
BigBs character i feel is gonna be so crucial to the future of secret life. I’m excited for future sessions, and so so curious to figure out how BigB ties into everything. I have my own ideas (hes gonna go a bit crazy/manic when red) but thats for another day. So many characters are so so interesting and im just really excited.
#secret life#the brainrot is real#bigbst4tz2#im losing my mind#i know i didn’t mention his base#but honestly thats just a bigb thing#not a lore thing#why is he so criptic#hehehe#im so excited#grian#goodtimeswithscar
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Wait it IS every wildcard? But just in sequence? Banana again. And finally the 3 grinches are clearly aligned. THE SNAILS!!! Is it every other wildcard card? Or only the useful ones? Ah back to his failed machine gun cross bow strategy. Randomized wild cards? ETHO GOT THE MACE ONE AGAIN LOOOOL. He simply cannot escape being breeze-coded. BigB is now the most important ally to have. Bdubs can’t beat the BigB allegations TRIVIABOT IS BACK!!! WITH CURRENT SESSION QUESTIONS! Omg. Time to see our players make an absolute fool of themselves again. Despairing over wasting time mining for diamonds last session LOL. Robot Tango again!!! Also this would help the shapeshifters maintain their disguise. THE TRIVIABOT JUST DIED IN FRONT OF THEM OH MY GOD!?!? His Minecraft body language is so communicative. Etho: “Honestly Tango: probably for the best, with the way things have been going”
Wait so the wild cards keep randomizing? And so the super powers with it??? This is going to be so chaotic. Also where’s Mumbo? Not Etho mistaking Ren for Martyn and giving him stuff LOL. Etho: “Somebody needs to blow up Joel’s car again” ETHO LOOOOOL THATS SO BRUTAL.
In which Etho’s Canadianness saves him from Scar's rollercoaster. And of course he forgot about his zombie powers. I’m sure his zombies has some words about that. Should have saved his enchanted leftover armor for his zombies lol. Etho: “You guys gotta hurry though cuz- *Skizz immediately dies in front of them*”
Whose snail is that? Do zombies get zombie snails too? Nooo the zombies…..
I bet BigB’s about to attempt to mace Etho as he answers the TriviaBot. Omg snails + triviabot is such a deadly combo. BIGB NOOOO NOT TO A SNAIL!!! BigB literally just died and Etho accidentally called Bdubs BigB.
Mount Gem is blowing and it’s all Etho’s fault. She’s no longer overlooking patheticness.
Look at Etho really committing to the innocent pathetic tuff guy bit.
Wait who has the teleport? Was it Joel or Grian? And I think the other one is shapeshifter. THAT WAS SO CHAOTIC HE JUST KILLED IMPULSE OUT OF THE SERIES OMG. “Why is it not working?” BECAUSE IT’S A BAD STRATEGY AND YOU CANT AIM??? ALSO YOUR TARGET CAN TELEPORT LOL???? What a hilarious chaotic scrum. They truly can’t touch a warper. He’s just leading them around in circles. Grian’s screech as he got warped in was so good. Did the super speed just benched because it was too op??
lol what was that 1x1 pvp. ETHO GOT SCOTT OUT. OF ALL PEOPLE TO DO SO. THE TIMING. Finally the crossbow was useful. Even when Gem loses she stays winning.
Yep not answering trivia bot, lighting up the area, and staying aware and away from the snail was the smart gamer move.
I can’t believe of all people it’s the Tuff Guys who made it intact to the final 8. And Tango has answered every single trivia question wrong and got robo’ed AGAIN. How nice for everyone to congregate near the middle at the Tuff Guys base. Why is Etho standing underneath and around the RAILTRACKS. If Joel TNT minecarts you all, it’s so deserved. Repelling a trident with a windcharge is cool. HE BLEW HIMSELF UP AGAIN LOL. Only 1 successful trap in all the series. Hoisted by his own breezy petard. Pathetic Tuff Guy to the end.
I got spoiled a bit but I’m so glad that I predicted correctly. They went strip mining in the finale…. Ah all the wild cards are not as extreme. "CHILD LIFE" JOEL?!?! The anxiety cheetah allegations are back. He’s such a sucker for pathetic men / his wife and just giving them whatever they ask for and not being hostile to them. He’s speedbridging again. Of course he tries to use his op invis ability and immediately gets exposed because of a dog. Lizzie tries to blow him up via zombie Martyn and he’s like oooooh iron!
Joel: “Pretty sure it’s Jimmy he’s got mascot energy” What does that even mean??
That Ghast screeches were unholy. Not Gem helping Lizzie, and Joel immediately leaving the Gem-Pearl drama Etho nearly got Joel as well… and how does Joel just fall for his excuses and lies every single time. And Joel keeps rescuing his wife and Jimmy from dangerous mobs.
Of course Joel dies to Scott but at least Etho got Scott back. Even if it’s by accident. And of course Joel takes it as an alliance at face value. Etho got karma’ed by his snail AND HE GOT IMPULSE WITH THE INVIS SNAIL AS WELL!! The snails are on the family’s side. Joel stays winning. Lizzie and Jimmy going out together. Rip Joel.
Ah Etho thought it was a genuine attempt but they were just messing with him. And I’m sure there’s going to be so much angst about Lizzie going after Joel and he punching her into her creeper death. What a circus of them trying to get Joel. And Grian accidentally saved him with the warp. Then he sets up a creeper trap and accidentally nearly kills Gem LOL. And he’s so focused on trying to make a trap that Scott gets him. “no-YES!” And Joel accidentally triggering all the trapped chests that Gem set again (just like Secret Life finale)
Of course Joel goes to see if his first trap that he spent so much time and effort on would have worked. And of course it didn’t. Even when he wins he stays losing.
How fast they stop cheering.
Grian absolutely ripping Tuff Guys to shreds. And he’s just noping away from Ren’s angst but also contributing to it with the unnecessary elaboration. Look at him and Etho continuing their playful tone banter.
Grian, looking at Pearl and Impulse: “How have we all had the same idea?”
“You got Dumb and Dumber!” Guess Grian’s still mad at Mumbo and banned him LOL.
The snails!! Giving everyone heart attacks and killing everyone in a rampage. No wonder he was so anxious about not knowing where his snail was. Grian and Scar helping each other out A LOT.
Grian: “It was always going to be like this Jim.” Eret vibes. That was SO BRUTAL. But that’s the commitment Grian has. Hell hath no fury like a widow scorned. And it’s basically the same line he used on Mumbo too.
He finally did save Joel with a warp, even putting himself on the line! Pulled through from the last episode. It’s so tragic that Grian and Joel didn’t think to warp someone to their snail.
Grian ABSOLUTELY NOPING out of the death tower that claimed so many of his allies.
How has he missed every single shot??? He’s literally in the best position too. Grian dying by falling off a cliff where he and Scar based next to a tower ala 3rd Life!!! It’s always a finale cliff.
Seeing behind the scenes snippets is so cool! And the snails!!!
LOL. Something about counting sheep to fall asleep...
Classic Gem. It would be so cool if Gem did actually take out Lizzie because that’s Joel’s only weakness.
Gem coldly rejecting any attempts to beg with “well you killed me and also weren’t good friends”
Was the bee someone? Gem pulled out her sword at it and it immediately u-turned.
She’s not even using her speed just walking away from Pearl’s mace attempts. Scott watching in exasperation. “We can’t talk until I’m on red? You better work a little harder then.” The return of toxic yuri and pathetic Pearl. She likes red bloodthirsty pathetic Pearl the best?!?! What is wrong with the both of them. What does Gem even WANT?!?!? Being red together? Killing each other for real? Or wanting Pearl constantly obsessing over her, chasing after her death but also her affection? I’m sinking my teeth into this insane dynamic.
She really just snatched up those items from right on front of her snail! I was tense!!! TWICE!!!
She’s so proud of Etho for finally killing her. I’m surprised she didn’t engage with Pearl now that she’s on red. “I'm going to make it my life’s mission to kill Impulse” and then Impulse dies to the invis snail. Even when she loses she stays winning. She didn’t even put in the part where Etho got instant karma’d by his snail too.
I love her captions so much.
Gem yelling at incompetent players has to be a compilation somewhere. Her not feeling the need to get involved with the chaos because they will all self-destruct is very watcher lore of her.
Gem encouraging Pearl’s wet cat-ness continues!!!! We are so fed!!!!
She’s trying to be insane with Pearl but Joel keeps accidentally interrupting their moment LOL. The enthusiastic tone shift, the deliberate matchy clothing…
Oof the one time she answered the TriviaBot wrong (to be fair she might have misclicked or been punched or just under too much time pressure) The sped up time killing her AGAIN. Oof. But at least no one got her; the wild card did!!! And she had to really hammer in the point about roleplay to settle the drama lol. She played so well!!! Shame we didn’t see more insane dynamics; I was really excited for the angsty 1v1 with either Pearl or Joel. And Joel won!!!
Of course Scott can twin into Pearl and Pearl got Gem's powers. The perfect selection for lore and soulmate / toxic yuri angst.
Ah man they missed an opportunity to trap the blocks around the creaking heart so that it instantly sets off a tnt minecart. A swarm of angry bees is mean LOL!!!
She has fond memories of murder camel!!! Of course it’s Scott as her murder buddy.
Gem cut out SO MUCH pathetic mace Pearl content LOL. Cleo Impulse and Pearl vs Gem and she still barely landed like 2 hits. Gem’s POV didn’t hear the part where Pearl said GEM said that they couldn’t talk until she was on red. The unreliable narrator is SO GOOD!! Pearl panting like an excited dog on her last wind charge targeting Joel!!!! Gem cut out the part where she implies that Pearl doesn’t actually want to kill her because she warned her about her snail. And when Gem compliments her she starts backing off because she’s suspicious. The excited dog panting AGAIN when Gem basically stood still until the last moment??? Gem: “Right under you...” This dynamic is EVERYTHING!!
The cry of rage when Impulse died.
The pathetic wet cat allegations cannot be beat. Especially when she accidentally hotgal’ed BigB instead of Joel. The sad resignation in her voice about being pathetic. Omg I just realized the Hotguy Comic Zine roleswap AU basically got canonized.
The universe is homophobic and refused to let their yuri be reconciled, tearing them apart at Pearl’s expense at every opportunity. Excellent timing from terrible trapper warper!Joel. Gem says she can’t control him literally at the same place where they bullied MurderBot!Pearl and said the same thing of “yeah he’s just harmless like that.”
She water bucketed Gem after Scott lava’d her! Didn’t capitalize on the weakness for the kill!! Her TriviaBot question was literally about Gem giving flowers to another person!!! She pearled away!!!! And she’s sad about Gem dying!!!!! IM SCREAMING
Pearl, desolate: “I’m so lost… I didn’t get to have the murder camel with Gem. Impulse died!! What do I do?” *sad music* THE TRAGEDY!!! The return of lonely Pearl!!!! “My heart has never been so broken before in the Life Series..”
Cleo and Pearl are Ren’s swords instead!!!!! Dogwarts symbolism increases. She got poisoned arrowed and fall damage from an ender pearl into the bamboo, by Grian??? Oof.
Tango got beep booped!! Running joyfully towards "free food" (cows) and immediately bravely fleeing with extra flee when they converted into hostile mobs. “That’s not free food!”
He’s really going through all the previous sessions again. Stealing bots in the EXACT same place. eSCARgone LOL. Doesn’t even know what his superpower is as he holds his refilling windcharges, with the full durability mace in the hotbar. Unparalleled powers of observation indeed.
How did the most tenuously held together team make it all the way to the final 8? And of course classic Tango got beep booped AGAIN. He has NOT answered a single one right.
Tango AGAIN WITH WINDCHARGE ON THE TOWER!!! ON HIS TEAMMATE NO LESS!!! AND THEN HE BLEW HIMSELF UP WITH A CREEPER AND JOEL’S JOKE ARROW SHOT KILLED HIM LOOOOOL. Dying as he lived: accidentally killing someone he wasn't supposed while making Tango noises. On brand hilariously lame final death. Legend!!
Bdubs unashamedly stealing everything just to please Etho LOL. Cannot beat the BigB allegations with the creaking superpower.
Bdubs, after getting a question wrong and taking it out on Pearl: “MAYBE YOU’D WATCH MY EPISODE AND GIVE ME SOME VIEWS AND AD REVENUE!!”
Bdubs being calmed by Gem’s chill farming in the middle of the finale LOL. It’s all about the building and relaxation vibes with him.
Love how the terminology went from robot to beep boop!! And Bdubs is yelling at Etho about his encroaching snail but all he hears is beep boop. There's got to be an airpods meme in there. And then he tries to kill Etho even before he got him mixed up with BigB. It's honestly such a miracle that these 3 made it to the final 8, as the last intact team even. WHAT IS THIS DEAD WIFE FLUFFY WHOLESOME BACKSTORY TEAM SOLIDARITY AGAINST ALL ODDS AND EXPECTATIONS FLASHBACK????? Bdubs ABSOLUTELY just baiting his audience LOL??? And then somehow Etho understanding Bdubs’ beep boop arrow communication????
Gem and Joel had NO IDEA Bdubs was trying to kill them the entire time LOL That was a smooth escape from Pearl and Ren’s TNT cobwebs
The earlier reference to Bdubs’ boogey kill on Tango from Last Life from Etho and then dying by Tango’s windcharge here!!!! Bdubs: “That’s poetic irony” INDEED
Of course the Tuff guys died as they lived: bumbling around, taking each other and themselves out of the series.
THE SHADE!!! OF COURSE IT'S CLEO WHO GOT THIS QUESTION LOL!!! Her final superpower of summoning ALL the zombies!!! On brand!!! Seeing the horde of zombies in their amazing skins just swarming Gem was AMAZING. She's getting karma'd from this series and Secret Life. She didn't turn to fight off Joel, but remained attacking Grian to protect Ren all the way to the end. Truly loyal!!!!
Of course Scott got the other shapeshifting one. Maybe it is allocated by red and yellow. Also it’s hilarious seeing little Scott riding giant Scott. Well he did get Joel before he died to Etho!
Impulse was actually in such a good position to set a trap for Gem and Joel but the INVIS SNAIL!!! His luck failed against Gem and Joel's.
BigB was the first to die to his snail, it was his first death, and it's fitting that it was his final death too. Also the swarm of angry bees was hilarious. His commitment to the weird gaslighting vibe is incredible.
Her Lichjesty Lizzie being the most competent by immediately setting traps, fixing the redstone of Scar’s rollercoaster, testing it twice (got the dog!), saving Scar from his snail, and being very efficient with her zombies. She spun and launched her bot LOL!!!
Lizzie: “I need you to bam me in the bunker.” Grian: “Sosorrywhat” *Jimmy and Grian pause and look at each other in shock* Jimmy: “Don’t tell Joel.” Efficient but why would she say it like that. That was a really awkward scene.
And immediately figured out how to use her dna copying superpower. Wait it wasn’t Tango who got the first mace kill? Mumbo then?
Lizzie: “Well I guess the Bamboozlers became the Bamlosers. First team eliminated. Leave a like to pay your respects.” SHE’S SO FUNNY OMG?!?!?! They all died at basically the same time! LIZZIE AS A ROBOT ZOMBIE TRYING TO KILL JOEL LOOOOOL
Of course Jimmy gets the bright idea to lead his ravager to Joel’s base and act pathetic to get rescued. And then get freaked out by NOT his snail.
Can’t actually believe Scar finished his rollercoaster, rode it and Grian made it happen. How interesting that they both independently came up with series-long minecart rides of death. Of course his rollercoaster of death never worked.
Not Scar being mad that Grian is stealing his hotguy brand and tridenting him. And Etho being too Canadian and Scar feeling bad about killing him so many times, thus saving him from the rollercoaster.
Honestly where did eSCARgo even come from? LORE?!?!?!? Of course he died immediately after being resurrected.
Martyn as a zombie is so good. The voice, the wit, the goonishness. Bdubs awkwardly watching the divorce of Zombie Martyn and Mutant Martren. That cobwebs on Bdubs and Joel was pretty cool.
The angsty robot voice going "Ow." "I did a bucket thing." and "At least I got a couple of swipes in." is utterly HILARIOUS. And he finished 3rd, just as he wanted in the beginning!
Skizz..... He was literally about to follow Scar to his death.
“The ending is yours… Make it WILD”. Can't wait for the fandom to lore this up. Especially with the red “yours”.
This series truly has been about chaotic dramatic ironic comedic timing. Bringing up past drama, thus causing even more divorces. Absolutely no notes; it's perfection. And the FANTASTIC production work by the dev team! Funniest Life series yet!! After listening to the Wild Life Recap on the Imp & Skizz Podcast: I truly can't believe that Martyn got the listener superpower by RANDOM. And that it wasn't sorted by red / yellow / green as well. It was also a surprise that the order of the finale overlapping wild cards wasn't random. It WASN'T a surprise that they all actually randomly put on their zombie skins to red herring us. But most of all, frankly I'm amazed at how fast the dev team got everything done on such tight deadline, with such polished work! Presentation truly is everything.
#Etho#Joel#grian#gem#pearl#bdubs#tango#lizzie#jimmy#bigb#gtws#rendog#smajor#life series#wild life#enpr-ss
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okay so in response to a comment by @waterfall8484 put into a separate post bc i have Thoughts
Hang on, trying again... The teammate/soul mate thing sounds like a really fun idea! Depending on driver vibes you could have non-teammate alliances like with Cleo and Scott, lone wolf drivers like Pearl... oooh, what would a 5am Oscar be like?? There was also the secret thing going on between Grian and BigB, and you have reluctant team/soul mates like Grian with Scar.
oh there will be a Lot of non-teammate alliances in this hypothetical double life. i have so many thoughts actually on how some of the teams would work. if i get any of the dynamics wrong do know that i have not watched double life since it first aired
ferrari [55&16] - i think they'd be similar to a joel and etho dynamic (tho i think they'd have the same kind of history as desert duo). one is obsessed with the other, they both are Not Normal about each other, they both would absolutely try to kill each other. the base is made of wood (the car is shit) but hey at least it looks pretty and is honestly pretty practical (they get a few wins in that thing). they die together in lava (taken by circumstances out of their control)
haas [27&20] - very similar to impulse and bdubs. insane about eachother. would murder everyone else whilst living the suburban family life
mclaren [4&81] - THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY SCOTT AND PEARL CODED...oscar going lone wolf YES
okay so for this one im thinking moreso for like. rancher duo as a basis for how they would work and imo this works for two diff teams. mercedes [44&63] OR williams [2&23] (yes logan. hold on a moment). they wanna just. raise livestock together and live peacefully on their side of the hill but no. they are doomed by the narrative. one is doomed to die first (and thus take the other with them) and the other is doomed to die a meaningless death. i feel like it could work with either merc or williams
now some non-team dynamics... ehehe
33&16 - i had to. I HAD TO. they absolutely meet with each other in secret and help each other more than their teammates. they think it's a secret but everyone knows
yknow how scott was always reaching out to jimmy. do you think george and alex did that to each other.
pierre and yuki are absolutely teaming
i can see lewis and fernando in like. a reluctant allyship sort of position? dont ask how they get there i just. see it
all for now i think...yeah this is about it for now. there is honestly so much material to work with. if/when i write the fic for this im gonna upload the chapters every tuesday bc thats when they used to upload each pov
#viv.txt#formula double life#formula life#f1#f1 au#mind you. this au is going to be very charles centric because he is my main guy#im not caught up yet with wild life. BUT. with the themings of what ive seen so far that might be the one where charles wins#or alternatively i make him win straight up in third life with that final duel in the cactus ring#WAIT THE CACTUS RING COULD BE BROCEDES#odfhisuy im having so many thoughts
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I'm so glad others brought up Bigb being part of the polycule. I had the thought when it was brought up that Mumbo didn't love Bigb he loved Grian and Scar. But I forgot to drop the idea And someone else brought it up bless you So imagine, DL starts. Grian and Scar find out they are soulmates, and Scar notices how he looks at Bigb. Scar liked Bigb, ever since he stole his cookie in 3rd Life. He was a nice guy, easy on the eyes. And he just always had such a nice personality too But feeling Grian's feelings toward Bigb. Scar starts getting Very interested in Bigb too. Feelings start coming quick for Scar, and Bigb is very nice to the Jellie pandas too. And that really helps his feelings So, Grian and Scar hatch the secret soulmate thing together. Grian would get close to Bigb, but he also talks up Scar too. Sure they are "secret" soulmates but only really secret from Ren if we are being honest here Bigb flusters knowing that both Grian and Scar have a thing for him. Grian was one thing but Scar? Bigb realizes he has feelings for Grian first. But he finds his feelings for Scar when he's hanging out with him and the Jellie pandas, helping feed them. Scar gives him a hug smile that makes his heart just flutter. And then Scar laughs, this loud joyous happy laugh when one the Jellie pandas bump inot him knocking him into Bigb who catches him. And that laugh just does something to him, he feels so warm and happy, realizing he'd love to hear that laugh more He falls and he falls so hard for Grian and Scar. Seeing them both in a new light he didn't ever expect. And if he smiles everytime he thinks of them. Well thats his business I feel like if they are dating Cub and Mumbo too. They wait until the series is over and has Bigb over so they can all talk and make sure they are okay with Scar and Grian dating Bigb. Which goes over well and all things are talked out. Mumbo knows Bigb so he knows how he is. Cub I feel like is more the type to vet Bigb cause he doesn't want his partners hurt But he learns quickly that Bigb is not the type that would purposely hurt anyone and agrees. Even if Mumbo and Cub don't date him they just earned another friend, a good friend at that And honestly if people don't want Ren left behind, we've had Scarian and Ren before so honestly they have more than enough love to them to give so yknow just grow the polycule -@spacecatdet
At this point it is just polyhermits with other mc ppl /pos
No but like this is perfect. They both begin "courting" BigB during DL and by the end of it they successfully got him into their relationship and back home to Cub and Mumbo to talk further <3
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well first of all, thank you so much! i'm really glad, because thats exactly what i strive to achieve :D
and also thank you for letting me talk about these things because i loooooove rambling
here's the list (the last life members were added manually so sorry if they look a bit odd) ->
all of these rankings are subject to change, but this is where i'm at right now!
the second tier might seem like a bit of an odd distinction from the first, and it is, because it describes a kind of abstract 'vibe' i get from them that i'm not sure how to communicate to other people :p
here's some more in-depth thoughts about a handful of these:
under the cut because it got looooooooongggg
these are in reference to how i see their 'base state', basically just how they are most consistently. beef is human even though he became alien-ish in season 8, whereas cub changes visually because i think he just does that regardless of season or lore. (can't pin him down! one episode he is a normal man and the next theres something Different)
i also am not taking into account the empires server, because unlike hermitcraft or the life series, those guys are specifically designated as characters in a story-- so it doesnt have bearing on that 'base state'
i've tossed around hybrid ideas for false before (eagle is popular in fanon i think, but i also thought it would be cool if she were a bat [mcc9 is close to my heart]) but i think she works best to me as a human
i debated where the last 4 people in the 'normal human' tier should go tbh. impulse and skizz read as normal guys to me but i also haven't completely settled on that with them. bigb is like. the sweetest person ever which made me thing hrmmm maybe he's *inhumanly* nice but no i think its important he's human because inhuman kindness is actually extremely human and beautiful. and jimmy..... jimmy.... let me make another bullet point for him
if anything jimmy would go in the second tier. i know the canary curse thing is popular fanon and i think that's fun but honestly, in a similar way to bigb, i think thats just the way humans can be sometimes (obviously, since jimmy is actually a real human) and im so attached to the concept of people being 'supernatural' in extremely natural ways. i always find a way to bring in my philosophies when i talk about this stuff........ anyways . what i mean with jimmy is that you might think he is cursed and doomed but actually its just a bad string of events and he will thrive despite them
etho...................................................... my etho thoughts are so lengthy idk if i can put them all here
honestly keralis could be anything. i think keralis is hilarious because no one really agrees on how to draw him, and it's highly dependent on any one artist's style. because his skin is cartoonish and irl he's just an adult man with a big grey beard and i feel like even his voice is a wildcard. i can't pin keralis. i never could
joel. joel. i am a joel fan 5ever. i dont have much else to say about him...... other than i think we as a people should start giving him more facial hair. i'm doing my part. are you?
everyone in the 3rd tier from the top except stress is like. they are completely visually human but they're not *actually* human and i, me, mason, haven't decided on what exactly makes them inhuman. its just their aura
whereas stress (the exception) is completely visually human but she has a bunch of weird beady eyes under her hair swoop (you can kind of see them in my hermitaday stress). hence, stress monster. but she's not a 'monster' in terms of personality. she's full of joy.
cub and pearl are similar in terms of i think they change appearance sometimes. cub moreso than pearl. i think it just kind of.... happens.... with cub. he's like innately tied to supernatural happenings (not just through convex) so he's just kinda visually unpredictable. personality wise he is always the same, though. wheras pearl is like some sort of celestial body who you would genuinely believe is human until like a full moon or something where she can't keep the appearance up. that's my pearl lore. she's very grounded and human in terms of personality though
scar. scar? idk. similar to cub except he changes appearance for like. 'roles'. i dont even Know with scar. he's like mostly human but sometimes he got elf ears. what's up with that guy. idk that's scar.
the only one in the 'nonhuman/hybrid' tier that i dont have a set 'species' for is tango. he could be like an elemental or something.....? or he's just a weird humanoid. ? shrugs. cave beast this season.
all the others there are p obvious though. cleo zombie gem deer ren dog jevin slime (i dont actually watch jevin that much but he was an obvious pick for this category soooo)
doc gets his own tier because he has so much going on. not a fiber of his body is human. god bless
i think? thats all
if i made any typing errors in that just ignore it pls... if it bothers me too much i'll edit the post to fix it once i get the energy to read back over these . passes out
saw your ask for the canon/fanon/your design challenge, have you done skizz?
tempting because i love drawing skizz but honestly my design for him isn’t all that different from canon or even fanon

i know the fanon right now is that he’s an angel/part angel but recently i’m not the biggest participator in hybrid designs :p
(i answered this ask and then proceeded to use this ask as an excuse to ramble about some of my design process….)
i do think its really cute though, especially when paired with demon impulse, because their personalities don’t perfectly match what would be expected from angels and demons typically.
skizz is wayyy more chaotic and impulse is betrayed more times than he betrays other people, just as examples, yet i still find the designs fun as a duo!
(begs the question though — angel and demon from what? the christian heaven and hell? the minecraft heaven and hell? is this a watcher lore thing that i don’t know about because i don’t keep up with the watcher lore? probably none of those actually, it doesnt really need explained [like how theres no explanation really needed for how cleo’s a sentient zombie, its all for fun])
i don’t really do hybrid designs as much as fanon does because my goal with designing them is to capture their vibe, or how i perceive their personality. like a person who’s watched a lot of hermitcraft but has never seen hermitcraft fanart could look at my drawing and say “i’m almost certain that’s bdubs”. and doing hybrids doesnt always fit in to that for me! you’ve probably noticed i’ve gone super back and forth on my zed design, particularly whether he should have long or short hair and whether he should be a sheep hybrid or not. i’m partial to the ‘not’ but i havent really decided yet— we’ll see!
though if a person’s mc skin is already a hybrid or if that just fits well with their energy (ren the canonical dog ; gem just reads as a deer/similar to me) i do draw them as that! i just don’t always hop on fanon hybrids, like grian is never an avian or any other hybrid in my recent drawings, and etho has become more and more human as well, etc.
i should make a chart or something of how i choose these things. like a tierlist— human to nonhuman. would anyone want that. would anyone be interested. leave a comment below if you are intwrested and dont forget to subscribe and smash that. fucking like button 🫡
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