#I’m so obsessed with them actually
somedecrepitcryptid · 1 month
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Rockstar Mac AU 👀👀
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casually-eat-my-soul · 3 months
Stiles coming to the realization that he’s in love with Derek and just resigning himself to it. He knows that this love is different than the way he loved Lydia. It’s deeper and built on devotion and protection. But he’s still not enough,
Derek who is good and persistent, could never love stiles. Stiles knows he loves with people who are always just out of reach for him. He knew this when he fell in love with Lydia in the third grade. He felt it when told his mother that he loved her for the last time. He came to terms with it when he begged his dad to stop drinking, to rest, to eat better. And he resigned himself to it as he watches Derek hale smile. He is in love and knows that Derek will never love him back.
He just can’t imagine a world were Derek hale loves him back in the same way. So Stiles will love him, quietly but fiercely. Derek will never have to worry about anything with Stiles by his side. And Stiles will remain by his side for as long as he can. And maybe one day he’ll be able to watch Derek fall in love with someone else without it feeling like he’s dying but deep down he’s know that will never happen.
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cunninghamchrissie · 7 days
do you ever just stop to think that “chrissy, this is for you” is a literal line from the show???? it’s not smth we came up w it’s literally canon????
eddie literally dedicated his best and biggest performance to chrissy????? to avenge her in the only way he could???
i’m gonna be sick he loved her so much 😭😭😭
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solar-eclipsed · 2 months
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*wakes up* . Whuh. Huh. What the. Who is that. What is this. Where did all these drawings come from. Is that Deku. WHO DID THIS.
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kimaisalloren · 3 months
Stop comparing Vincent and Bok Su!!! They are NOT alike. Bok Su is a fucking loser and grimy and needs to brush her hair and she’s a vengeful piece of shit who flunked out of college!!!! If anything she’s more like rody and don’t come for me because Rody is a fuckimg creep and loser and I mean this affectionately but he was borderline obsessive over Manon and even though she explicitly broke up with him he is NOT babygirl he’s a creepy loser and “oh it was self defense from Vincent” uh take that up in court because self defense has to be reasonably justified and proportional to the violence threatened but still less than what should cause death. He stabbed Vincent MULTIPLE times and then BURNED HIM ALIVE like that’s violent and vengeful. Vincent is impulsive and obsessive. Noting the oil doesn’t equate to premeditation (though could be argued in a court of law) like Bok Su who very much planned out Myeong-hoon’s murder and the framing of Da-Jeong BUT it is still a crime of passion or SECOND DEGREE MURDER and ARSON stop the himbofication of rody!!! Rody is intelligent gifted kid with burnout, dropped out, and obsessive over one woman and even though she VERY CLEARLY broke up with him he still called her his gf and called her obsessively. Rody and bok su are FAR more alike than Vincent and Bok Su and I will die on this hill.
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Edit: my friends take
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sukibea · 3 months
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Went to paint a mug today :3 I’m rlly excited to see the fired version of this!
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agnes-draws · 7 months
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the two idiots from the silly demons show i’m obsessed with
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myokk · 2 months
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1930s AU continued💓💓
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gdn019283 · 24 days
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Have we taken into consideration that perhaps, the reason Merlin does not die, it’s because the Gods don’t want him to? They’ve been playing with him this entire time, and The Cailleach made it clear that even if Merlin wants to die, he can’t, and he cannot change the course of his life. Merlin does not say, “yes” willingly, but rather tests to see if the goddess in front of him knows about his destiny, and her answer proves him right. It’s not because she sees Lancelot going into the veil. It’s because she knows deep down Merlin cannot do anything now. Merlin is more powerful than Gods, and to prevent him to come to this knowledge, they constantly stop him from achieving his destiny.
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galaxostars · 29 days
“where else did he want to run to when he was scared besides right here?”
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extract from a scene in Hide Your Fires by @starsworth
I am still in pieces since that hug ✌🏻
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lepidjester · 11 months
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i wasn’t super sold on royalteeth/kingleader/kingmaster until i discovered my partner kins kinger and i kin caine. therefore, i had to draw them being dumb gay old men
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they r holding handz <3
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sockdooe · 28 days
I don’t know if maybe it’s just me, but is anyone else seeing a rise of people claiming that they could do a better rewrite of Voltron and then immediately say they’d make K/L cannon or Adash/ canon?
I don’t know about anyone else but I genuinely don’t think making ships canon would make the show better.
In fact I think It’d make it worse.
And considering shiro isn’t even mentioned in these and if he is it’s just to be Keith dad…. Is telling.
#listen do what you want but I’m really tired of people genuinely thinking they can do better and then forget the main story of Voltron#I’m being so dead serious#Voltron was never supposed to be about ships or which ones would be canon#it’s about 5 teens/young adult forced into space to be the ‘hero’ against a empire that’s been around for more than their entire life times#and the fact this shit keeps populating the shiro tag is what pisses me off more#I feel like I’m the only one in this fandom that enjoys ships for what they are: FUN#I have tons of ships!!! I don’t want any of them to be cannon!!! even if I love them so much!!!! why? because ships don’t need to be canon!!#you can just simply enjoy having your headcanons and making art/writing and have it be fun!!!!#nothing has to be canon#I don’t know why especially this fandom is so obsessed with it but it’s driving me CRAZY#and what makes it worse is that every time they talk about making K/L cannon is that ‘it deserves to be’#NO IT DOESNT#IT REALLY DOESNT#VOLTRON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ROMATIC RELATİONSHİPS#UNPOPULAR OPINION BUT IT REALLY DOESNT#you want to do a re-write do it! but dont do it just because you want to make a ship CANON#because that’s not re-writing it’s just fan fiction#you are just writing a fanfic#I want to re-write Voltron too but I actually want the show to improve and be BETTER AND LOVE ITS CHARACTERS#I WANT THEM TO BE BUIKT UO THE WAY THEY SHOUKDVE BEEN#ships don’t belong in canon#sure is it maybe nice when it happens cool but let it happen without dismissing the other characters#not because fans wanted it#also stop fucking populating the shiro tag lest I come at you with a lead pipe#Voltron#voltron legendary defender#vld
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aaandbackstabbed · 5 months
Scrooge: I’m not that in love with Goldie
Huey: you are doodling your wedding invitations
Scrooge: no, this is our joint tomb stone.
Huey: …my bad
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herebecritters · 8 months
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Far far away in a magical land there’s a beautiful sparkly fairy princess who lives in a magnolia tree ~
Screwy belongs to @ickyguts
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wreckedandpolemic · 5 months
pls post the stuff abt their kids omg
lalalala i didn’t tear up at Any point during the writing of this (she lied)
so your eldest, alanis, is matty’s little mini-me. from the minute she’s born, you can tell; she has a full head of dark, thick hair that you know will sprout into his pretty ringlets, his brown eyes blink up at you from her sweet little face, and you can even see his nose scrunched up in her tiny little features. you’ve never felt more in love than with her tiny little body against your chest, tears in matty’s eyes as he holds you both. “oh, my god,” he breathes. “i’m a dad. hello, little one. i love you so much. god, i didn’t know i could love someone this much. she’s so tiny!” he coos, staring down at her adoringly.
“she looks like you,” you murmur, stroking over the bridge of her nose, her little face smaller than your palm.
tears are spilling down matty’s cheeks, his smile brilliant. “you think so?” he chuckles wetly. “god, hope that’s the only thing she gets from me. listen to me, baba,” he says seriously, addressing her like she can understand him, her eyes wide with fascination. “don’t be like me. be like your mum, yeah? ‘cause she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” your heart melts, and despite the lingering pain and slight delirium, you’ve never been happier.
as alanis gets a little older, though, it’s obvious she’s ignoring his warning, matty’s personality as obvious in her as his hair. she’s a little diva (“confident!” matty chimes in.), bossy and a know-it-all (“self-assured and clever! aren’t you, little lani-girl? my clever girl, don’t listen to mummy.”), but underneath she really is the sweetest little thing. matty’s absolutely enamoured with her, spoils her rotten, unable to say no to her big brown eyes. you can’t complain too much, though — you know from experience how difficult those eyes are to refuse <3
she’s nearly three when you tell her you’re pregnant again, slightly worried about her reaction because she’s so used to being your spoilt little baby. but her little face just lights up, toddling towards you on her chubby, unsteady legs and pressing her hands against your belly. “hi, baby!” she says excitedly. “baby soon, mummy?”
you laugh, picking her up and smothering her in kisses as matty tells her, “babies, sweetheart.”
alanis gasps, her eyes going comically wide as she goggles at you. “how many, mummy? four? seven?”
you shake your head, your own eyes widening. “no, baby. just two, promise.”
and, true enough, six months later, you bring vera and fiona home. alanis is obsessed with them, obsessed with being a big sister. she’s gentler with them than you’ve ever seen her, fascinated as they learn to grip onto her fingers. one night, you go to put her to bed and find her in the twins’ room, singing nursery rhymes and lullabies over their cribs. you sprint for matty, tugging him by the arm to show him, tears brimming in both your and his eyes.
“she’s so precious,” matty whispers, your head resting against his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you.
“she’s just like you. aren’t you, baby?” you add when she looks up and sees you both watching her. “you’re dada’s little mini-me, right?”
alanis nods wildly, running as fast as her little legs will carry her into matty’s arms, giggling wildly as he spins her around. “my little girl,” he grins. “not so little anymore, are you? before i know it, you’ll be sixteen and kissing boys. or girls.”
she wrinkles her little nose, the expression so reminiscent of your husband that you can’t stifle your laugh. “kissing for mummy and dada. not for lani. yucky.” she says firmly.
matty nods proudly. “that’s right, sweetheart. yucky. no kissing ‘til you’re twenty-five. no, thirty.”
you scoff. “we were married before i was twenty-five, matthew.”
“god, i don’t know how your dad didn’t fu- flipping kill me. i get it, now,” he says, balancing alanis on his hip. “i need her to stay my little girl forever. okay, lani? gotta be dada’s sweet little baby girl forever,” he tells her seriously as she reaches up to tug on his curls. “you want a bedtime story?” he asks, and she agrees enthusiastically, matty singing to her under his breath as he carries her to her room. you watch them go, in their own little world, your chest swelling with love.
watching their little personalities develop as they grow up is the absolute highlight of your life. alanis gets more like matty every passing day, all unruly curls and biting wit. even when she grows into a moody teenager, the two of them stay heartwarmingly close, matching curly heads bent together, always whispering and giggling. vera starts out life as the easiest of your three girls, calm and easily entertained, rarely crying, and largely stays that way. in your house of dramatists and divas, you sometimes worry that she’s so laid-back that she’ll just disappear. but she has a built-in best friend in boisterous little fiona, always dragging her out from under a pile of books on some adventure or another.
matty’s never so happy as when he’s with his girls. he’ll never think twice about calling off or leaving work early if you need or even just want him to, always at your side. knowing your girls won’t grow up how you did, emotionally walled off in a house that wasn’t a home, warms your heart. your home is soundtracked by laughter, squabbling, the crackle of a vinyl player or the chimes of a piano.
you don’t realise how different their childhoods are to yours until alanis comes home, aged thirteen, and bemoans some embarrassing situation involving the girl she likes, dramatically throwing her head into your lap and her feet into matty’s. you didn’t come out to your parents until you were in college, and you’d never have gone to them with boy problems. so you cuddle your girl close, kiss her curly little head, offer her ice cream and a movie to feel better.
vera pokes her head around the door just as elle is starting to study for the lsats, tucking herself in between you and alanis and letting you squeeze her into your arms. when fiona joins you fifteen minutes later, matty declares you’re having a movie night and bedtime is cancelled, darting off to bring you all popcorn.
three hours later, your girls have fallen asleep in a pile on the sofa between you and your husband, and the pair of you are fighting off the sandman yourselves. you tuck them carefully into bed, their peaceful faces twitching into tiny smiles when you kiss their foreheads gently and creep into your own bed. eyes closing with matty’s arms around you, your last waking thoughts are of the perfect family you’ve built. this, you think, is home. this is love.
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boobilby · 1 month
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The second drawings quite old but I still adore it
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