#tr badboyhalo
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milenalovememe · 2 months ago
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*insert typical Landduo interaction here*
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starscollide0 · 3 months ago
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geckocs · 2 months ago
Bad talks a big talk on the realm about seeing his friends as food, but when he was ACTUALLY trapped on an island with Foolish…
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One of them was eating people and it wasn’t bad…
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seatail-mc · 24 days ago
the difference between tr!Tina and tr!Pili talking about landduo lore is so funny to me
like, from what I gather on tumblr, Pili keeps trying to get Bad to talk about what he is / here he comes from, to figure out what his deal is
and then here comes Tina, straight out the gate calling Bad "your deathliness" and referring to Bad and Foolish as "immortal" and "gods"
just now Tina told Pili he should ask Bad to the ball, quote:
Tina: "It's a match made in hell!"
Pili: "Are you saying you think I'm from hell?"
Tina: "No! But Bad is, isn't he? So it makes sense!"
Pili: "Is he?"
Tina: "Yeah, I assumed so! Maybe that's a bad assumption to make..."
like, Tina just knows what's going on already and doesn't even try to hide it lmao
I havent seen a lot of Pili or Bad streams recently, so im just going off of what I read on here, but I thought it was funny
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backfromtwitterforw · 2 months ago
Well... Wanting to kiss your friend out of adrenaline rush if only they were with you rings a bell bbh? /j
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mushyroomyducks · 3 months ago
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Realm bbh :D
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zepay · 3 months ago
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extremely high quality meme
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switchhalo98 · 2 months ago
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spoiledlbleach · 3 months ago
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The Blackstone Bishop Badboyhalo The Realm SMP
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gradientx-mc · 19 days ago
Bad explains how to CORRECTLY feed the turtles
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deathoftheriver · 2 months ago
[For archive this theory post on Tumblr as well]
Ok let's theorize (overcook) here and figure out the guard thing. It's super obvious this is all talking about the euphrates angel incident. How do we get that you ask?
Small recaps of euphrates incident from the book of revelations:-
4 angels are described as having been prepared for a specific hour, day, month, and year to bring devastation. Unlike other angels in biblical texts, these four are described as being “bound,” implying they are fallen or restrained for a divine purpose. Upon their release, they lead an army of 200 million horsemen, bringing widespread destruction. The army is said to kill a third of humanity, signifying a massive and catastrophic event. Again back to Bad's depiction of everything you can tell the whole "need to" matching with the divine purpose said above (those 4 angels were bound for a very very specific period and cause).
Now let's talk about what could this guard thing be. Angels were "bound" there so surely there must be a "guard" keeping them from escaping so who could it possibly be is the question?
There are two theories I have here.
1st theory- seeing this whole thing was a god's will there could be a God's own divine control keeping them in check, keeping them "restrained" until their release (this point is backed up by the biblical text in itself, I can explain that in depth but that would be very nerdge)
2nd theory (the more interesting one) is that it was Angelic Watchers who were loyal angels assigned to watch over the bound angels to ensure they remained in place until the prophesied time. Watchers are a type of biblical angel. There are mentions of there being both good and bad watchers. If you somehow need more proof to believe Watcher angels being this "guard" TrBad talks about then here you go- The term "watcher" (Aramaic: ‘iyr) refers to angelic beings tasked with observing and executing God's judgments.
In Daniel 4, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a great tree being cut down, and in the dream, he sees a "watcher," a holy one, descending from heaven to announce the decree of God's judgment.
Some scholars suggest that, like in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, watchers could have been overseeing the four bound angels, ensuring they stayed restrained until the appointed time of their release in Revelation. They act as messengers and enforcers of divine will, possibly overseeing events and ensuring that God's plans are carried out precisely. (Again there are more points like the bounding the Satan one that back this up even more).
Knowing all this you see how Bad's wording start to make so much sense. "They were kind Guards but not exactly that", they (like Bad) had a purpose and were assigned to do something and knew what they were tasked with just like he was being the angel bound under there (you see what I mean). Bad was bound under the euphrates with when the time comes to destroy half of humanity and those watchers/guards to oversee those 4 angles and make sure they don't escape (one of them being Bad) and when he did escape he had to kill them cause "they were in the way of his purpose.
The Euphrates angels were likely under divine surveillance, possibly by angelic watchers and the first thing Bad did after escaping when the time came was kill that guard. Ofcourse he was bound there for centuries so he must talk and was familiar with this "guard" very well (He says "we were definitely close", "we were pretty pretty close", "we had known each other for so long" cause why wouldn't you be close with the guard when you were literally there bound for centuries waiting for the right time to set free).
Now let's talk about one other thing Bad mentions is the appearance of these "guards" who Bad describes as indescribable beauty and funnily enough the non fallen watchers are found to have been awe inspiring, extraordinary beauty and radiant in appearance....coincidence, idk :D
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milenalovememe · 2 months ago
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starscollide0 · 3 months ago
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cutie pie owo
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geckocs · 2 months ago
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Shh… he’s sleeping…
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seatail-mc · 1 month ago
Foolish: "I'm starting to think you side with Red a lot"
BBH: "That's not true!"
Foolish: "I'm starting to think you have no allegiances to yellow"
BBH: "What?! I have-- wait... why would you think I have allegiances to yellow?"
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backfromtwitterforw · 1 month ago
The question of "is tr!bad manipulating tr!ros" is very interesting because it can be summed up in what do you call "manipulation".
E.g are your friends manipulating you when they try to prevent you from going back with your ex? Or when they encourage you to pursue a goal they think would benefit you? And is that manipulation if they try to show you why something you did is bad in their eyes? Or if they push you in what they think is the right way for you? Where do you draw the line between advice and manipulation?
On one side, tr!Bad did encourage tr!Ros to kill and/or let the violent part of herself out more. And yes, he emphasised her insecurities, trying to make her think about how The Kingdom has been treating her. That can legitimately be seen as tr!Bad trying to manipulate tr!Ros.
On the other side, even without tr!Bad's intervention, she would've still have a violent side in her (as everyone does I believe). She did feel underappreciated and believe herself less worthy than other Kingdom's member. Her insecurities and her will to change things were really her own from the start.
!Bad lived for so long and had his heart broken so many times that he reached the conclusion that he should now do his own thing, rely on himslef only and keep everyone at arm's reach. When facing an unhappy tr!Ros who only see value through other's eyes, he jumps to the conclusion that what she needs is what worked for him: find self value and self happiness regardless of what others want. So that is what he tells her when she came to him for advice, to get motivation from herself. And all tr!Bad said was "what do YOU want".
Ofc, tr!Bad has his own agenda that we don't know much of yet, but after tr!Ros vague answer that she wants to protect the Kingdom and make everyone happy, tr!Bad just encourage her in that way.
And then, you have tr!Aimsey and Kingdom's members. They see tr!Ros who appeared calm getting more and more into combat training, trap building and revenge scheme. They don't understand why she still crave validation when they do their best to make her feel appreciated and that she belongs. So they try to make her realise that the path she's taking isn't what they consider the right one, that the feeling she has may be just that, a feeling with no evidence to support it.
So, who is manipulating tr!Ros here? Is tr!Bad the villain for validating her feelings and pushing her to be more self centered? Is tr!Aimsey and the Kindgom's members bad for trying to talk her out of a way they think dangerous?
My answer would be that none of them are actively manipulative. Each have their own view on life, friendship, loyalty and happiness. Each genuinely give the best advice they can with the biaised view they have. And it's up to tr!Ros to decide who she wants to listen to.
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